NOTICE OF HEARING In rePetition to Establish a Winter Normal
NOTICE OF HEARING In rePetition to Establish a Winter Normal
NOTICE OF HEARING In rePetition to Establish a Winter Normal Lake Level for Portage and Base Lakes, Washtenaw and Livingston Counties, Michigan Washtenaw Co unty Water Reso urces Commissioner Janis Bobrin as "Delegated Authority" under the Inland Lake Level Act, MCL 324.3070 I et seq., for Washtenaw and Livingston Counties for matters related to controlling lake levels on Base Lake (aka Base Line Lake) and Portage Lake, gives notice that she has filed an action in Washtenaw Circuit Court, In rePetition to Establish a Winter Normal Lake Level for Portage and Base Lakes, Washtenaw and Livingston Counties, Michigan, Washtenaw Circuit Court Case No. ll-1 075-CE, Hon. Melinda Morris, to establish the normal level of those lakes during the winter months. COPIES OF THE PETITION MAY BE OBTAIN ED BY contacting counsel for Commissioner Bobrin care of the following: R. Craig Hupp, Esq. Bodman PLC 6 1h Floor at Ford Field 190 I St. Antoine Street Detroit, Michigan 48226 313-259-7777 chupp@bodman law .com In considering whether to establish a winter lake level, the court must consider all of the following: past lake level records, including the ordinary high-water mark and seasonal fluctuations ; the location of septic tanks, drain fields, sea walls, docks, and other pertinent physical features ; government surveys and reports; the hydrology of the watershed; downstream flow requirements and impacts on downstream riparians; fisheries and wildlife habitat protection and enhancement; upstream drainage; rights of riparians; testimony and evidence offered by all interested persons; and other pertinent facts and circumstances. As part of the proceedings, the court shall determine boundaries of a special assessment district. Commissioner Bobrin is requesting that the Court establish the existing assessment district, the Portage and Baseline Lake Level Special Assessment District, as the special assessment district for the maintenance of the normal winter lake level. The Inland Lake Level Act provides that the court shall hold a hearing to obtain information relevant to establishing a winter lake level. All parties affected by such an order may appear and be heard at that hearing. The Court has set the hearing for January 13, 2012 at I :30 p.m. at the Washtenaw County Courthouse, I 0 I East Huron Street, Ann Arbor, MI. Any persons intending to appear and give testimony are requested by the Court provide written notice addressed to Hon. Melinda Morris at the Courthouse and toR. Craig Hupp, 14 days before the hearing. Dctroll_ 11 3 1436_1 COPY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHTENAW MEUNO,q MORR;S In rePetition to Establish a Winter Normal Lake Level for Portage and Base Lakes, W ashtenaw and Livingston Counties, Michigan BodmanPLC R. Craig Hupp (P36254) Attorneys for W ashtenaw and Livingston Counties 6th Floor at Ford Field 1901 St. Antoine Street Detroit, Michigan 48226 313-259-7777 I fax 313-393-7579 chupp@bodmanlaw .com Hon. ____~.-~~=CaseNo.: //~ !075-C& Curtis N. Hedger, Esq. (P41949) Washtenaw County Corporation Counsel Attorney for Washtenaw County 220NMain St POBox 8645 Aun Arbor, MI 48107 (734) 222-6745 I Fax: (734) 222-6758 ORDER SETTING HEARING DATE AND REQUIRING NOTICE At a session of said Court held in the Courthouse located in the City of Aun Arbor, County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan on: SEPM 2011 Dated I Circuit Court Judge Upon filing of a civil action under the Inland Lake Level Act, MCL, 324.30707, the Court shall set a date for a hearing at which testimony may be received with regard to the establishment of a normal winter lake level. The requirements for such notice are set by statute. MCL 30707(1) IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT: ~l!m'l. fmu~A lul!lLJ ~~\.Abwfi(A· ~ 1~0! ~ r~, ..~ ~ 1. A hearing on the Petition shall be held at 2. Legal counsel for Washtenaw and Livingston Counties shall give notice ofth hearing b publication in 1 or more newspapers of general circulation in each of the counties in which the lakes are located. The notice must be published at least once each week for 3 successive weeks before the hearing. Detroit_1097872_1 1 17 yc..- 3. 4. W ashtenaw County Water Resources Commissioner Jariis Bobrin shall cause the service of a copy of the published notice of hearing by first-class mail at least 3 weeks prior to the date set for the hearing to: (a) Each person whose name appears upon the latest township tax assessment roll as owning land within the Portage and Baseline Lake Level Special Assessment District (b) The governing body of each political subdivision in which the lake is located; (c) The governing body of any political subdivision to be assessed for part of the project cost; and (d) The Department of Environmental Quality. The Notice of Hearing in the form attached is hereby approved. 2 Detroit_l097872_l IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHTENAW . ' . MeHnH Morrie In re Petition to Establish a Winter Normal Lake Level for Portage and Base Lakes, Washtenaw and Livingston Counties, Michigan BodmanPLC R. Craig Hupp (P36254) Attorneys for Washtenaw and Livingston Counties 6th Floor at Ford Field 1901 St. Antoine Street Detroit, Michigan 48226 313-259-7777 I fax 313-393-7579 Ron.~·--~~~~~ Case No.: 1/-10'7 ':[CE. Curtis N. Hedger, Esq. (P41949) Washtenaw County Corporation Counsel Attorney for W ashtenaw County 220NMain St POBox 8645 Ann Arbor, MI 48107 (734) 222-6745 I Fax: (734) 222-6758 PETITION TO ESTABLISH LAKE LEVEL AT PORTAGE AND BASE LAKES There is no other pending or resolved civil action arising out of the transaction or alleged in this C~tplainj R!CEIW'D SEfJ 26 lUll Wa~hf~ r: -H"":c"''::,, '•""!r ty 1. Janis Bobrin, Washtenaw Water Resources Commissioner, files this petition pursuant to MCL 324.3070 1 et seq, the Inland Lake Level Act (''Part 307'') to establish a "normal" lake level (as that term is defined in Part 307) for Base (aka Base Line Lake) and Portage Lakes and their connecting waterways (collectively, the "Lakes") for the period of approximately mid November to mid April each year. 2. Venue for proceedings under Part 307 is properly laid in any county in which the lake is located. The Lakes are located in Washtenaw County as well as Livingston County. 3. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction pursuant to MCL 324.30704. 4. As provided by MCL 324.30702(2), the Washtenaw and Livingston County Board of Commissioners designated the Drain Commissioner ofWashtenaw County as the Detroit_l090680_3 "Delegated Authority'' for both counties under Part 307 for matters related to controlling lake levels on the Lakes. 5. Commissioner Bobrin is the duly elected W ashtenaw County Water Resources Commissioner. 6. Commissioner Bobrin exercises all of the power of the office of W ashtenaw County Drain Commissioner and has succeeded to the responsibilities as Delegated Authority with regard to the Lakes. 7. On June 6, 1956, this Court established the "normal" level of the Base Lake at 851.54 feet above mean sea level (NGVD/1929). In the Matter of the Petition of Board of Supervisors ofWashtenaw County, Michigan for a Determination of Normal Level of Water in Base Lake, also known as Base Line Lake, Washtenaw County, Michigan, Washtenaw Cir. Ct., Order No. S-891. Exhibit 1. 8. Pursuant to MCL 324.30711, a special assessment district was created, the Portage and Baseline Lake Level Special Assessment District, to provide funding for the capital and operating expenses required to maintain the normal lake level. 9. Tn 1966, in order to effectively maintain the normal level, the John Flook dam was constructed at the outlet of the Lakes. 10. Since that time, Commissioner Bobrin and her predecessors have operated the dam and adjusted its flow controls to maintain the normal lake level. 11. On information and belief, at some time in the 1 960s or 1 970s, in response to requests from riparian owners, the practice began of lowering the lake level by 15" to 18" each . year from late November to mid April, The belief was that a lower lake level would minimize ice-related damage to riparian owners' real and personal property. That practice still continues. 12. Commissioner Bobrin has determined that lowering the lake level in the winter should be established on a formal basis through the procedures under Part 307. 13. Part 307 provides that the circuit court in a proceeding brought under Part 307 can establish normal lake levels that vary seasonally. 14. Under Part 307, a circuit court proceeding may be commenced at the direction of the County Board of Commissioners, in this case the Boards of both W ashtenaw and Livingston Counties. 15. On April 20, 2011 the W ashtenaw County Board of Commissioners authorized Commissioner Bobrin, as Delegated Authority, to petition the W ashtenaw Circuit Court to establish a winter normal lake level pursuant to the procedures under Part 307. Exhibit 2. As part of its resolution, the Board resolved that all costs for activities associated with establishing and maintaining a winter lake level be assessed to the property owners 2 Detroit_l090680_3 within the Portage and Baseline Lake Level Special Assessment District in Washtenaw -and-Livingston Bounties, 16. 16. Likewise, on Aprill2, 2011 the Livingston County Board of Commissioners authorized Commissioner Bobrin, as Delegated Authority, to petition the Washtenaw Circuit Court to establish a winter normal lake level pursuant to the procedures under Part 307. Exhibit 3. As part of its resolution, the Board resolved that all costs for activities associated with establishing and maintaining a winter lake level be assessed to the property owners within the Portage and Baseline Lake Level Special Assessment District in Washtenaw and Livingston Counties. 17. Upon filing of a civil action under Part 307, the court shall set a date for a hearing. Section 30707. 18. A hearing pursuant to Section 30707 is not a full or formal trial and neither cross examination nor the Michigan Rules of Evidence apply. In the Matter ofVan Ettan Lake, 149 Mich App 517; 386 NW2d 572 (1986); In re Project Cost and Special Assessment Roll for Chappel Dam, 282 Mich App 142; 762 NW2d 192 (2009). 19. Legal counsel for W ashtenaw and Livingston Counties must give notice of the hearing by publication in 1 or more newspapers of general circulation in each of the counties in which the lakes are located. The notice must be published at least once each week for 3 successive weeks before the hearing. Section 30707(1) of Part 307. 20. Part 307 requires that Commissioner Bobrin also serve a copy of the published notice of hearing by first-class mail at least 3 weeks prior to the date set for the hearing to: (a) Each person whose name appears upon the latest township tax assessment roll as owning land within a tentative special assessment district; (b) The governing body of each political subdivision in which the lake is located; (c) The governing body of any political subdivision to be assessed for part of the project cost (there are none in this instance); and (d) The Department of Environmental Quality. 21. A proposed form of the public notice is attached as Exhibit 4. 22. Pursuant to MCL 324.3707(4), in a determination of the normal level of a lake, the court shall consider all of the following: (a) Past lake level records, including the ordinary high-water mark and seasonal fluctuations;- (b) The location of septic tanks, drain fields, sea walls, docks, and other pertinent physical features; 3 Detroit_l090680_3 (c) Government surveys and reports; (d) The hydrology of the watershed; (e) Downstream flow requirements and impacts on downstream riparians; (f) Fisheries and wildlife habitat protection and enhancement; (g) Upstream drainage; (h) Rights of riparians; (i) Testimony and evidence offered by all interested persons; and (j) Other pertinent facts and circumstances. 23. As part of the proceedings, the court shall determine boundaries of the special assessment district. 24. In this case, the existing assessment district is the appropriate special assessment district for the maintenance of the normal winter lake level. Its boundaries are shown in Exhibits SA (Washtenaw Co.) and SB (Livingston Co.). 25. The owners of the properties in the Portage and Baseline Lake Level Special Assessment District are set forth in Exhibit 6. RELIEF REOUESTED 1. Commissioner Bobrin requests that this Court set a hearing date in this matter within 90 days of the filing of this action. 2. Commissioner Bobrin requests that this Court approve the form of public notice set forth in Exhibit 4. 3. Commissioner Bobrin petitions this Court to determine that: (a) The level of the Lakes as measured at Flook Darn shall vary seasonally, with the normal "summer" level set at the existing level of 851.54 feet for most of the spring and fall seasons and all of the summer; (b) A new normal "winter" level shall be set at 850.29 feet to 850.04 feet (NGVD/1929) (15" to 18" below the "summer" level) as measured at Flook Darn; (c) The Delegated Authority be granted reasonable discretion in the timing and method of transitioning from "summer" to "winter" and "winter" to "summer" normal levels with consideration of the factors set forth in Part 307; 4 Detroit_l090680_3 (d) The boundaries of the Portage and Baseline Lake Special Assessment District-as shown-in-Exhibits 5-A-& B comprise the-special assessment district for the maintenance of the winter normal lake level. Respectfully submitted, BodmanPLC R~· Attorneys for Water Resources Commissioner Janis Bobrin, acting as Delegated Authority under the inland Lake Level Act 6th Floor at Ford Field 1901 St. Antoine Street Detroit, Michigan 48226 313-259-7777 I fax 313-393-7579 5 Detroit_I090680_3 ' '"~ S T A" T' Jl< 0 F l!ICHIG'''JiN- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FO:.:! THE COUNTY OF lJA.SHTENAli IN TBE ~~TTER OF THE PETITION OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF 1-TASHTENAW COUNTY, MICHIGAf-1, FOR A DETERH!NATION OF NORHAL LEVEL OF !lATER 0 R DE R IN BASE LAKE, also k:novrn as BASE LINE L.AR.""E, No. S-891 1·iASHTENAW CO UNTI; MICHIGAN. At a session of said Court, held in the Washtenaw County Building, City of Ann Arbor, County of' ifaSZieenalf and State of 11ichigan, this 6= day of June, A .. D., 1956. . Present: Honorable James R .. Breakey, Jr .. , Circuit Judge This cause having been brought on to be heard Petition of the Board of Supervisors of ~ashtenaw o~ the County, Michigan, under Act No. 194 of the Public Acts of 1-fichigan for the ;!rear 1939, and it appearing that Base Lake, also known as Base Line Lake, is an inland 1.ake located in iiashtenaw· and Livingston Counties, 14ichigan: and that the Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County having by resolution requested the Prosecuting Attorney of Washtenaw County to file the aforementioned petition, and notice of these proceedings having been given as required by statute, and it appearing from the testimony of certain officers of the Hichigan Conservatio::J. Department and from ,f· certain exhibits which were offered and recei" in evidence that the normal height z.nd le1tel o:f. :Base Lake, also kno;.;n as Base Line Lake is 851.54 feet above mean sea level, and· ___.tJ.L_,tJ~ ___owners of' abutting property on said 1ake being present at said hearing and offering no objection to the establishment of the normal height and 1.evel of Base Lake, also known as Base Line Lake, at 851.54 feet above mean sea level.; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED, that the normal height and level of the waters o£ Base Lake, also knofrn as Ease Line Lake, be and the same hereby is, established at 851.54 feet above mean sea level. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING LEGAL ACTION TO ESTABLISH A WINTER LAKE LEVEL FOR PORTAGE AND BASELINE LAKES WASHTENAW COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS APRIL 20, 2011 WHEREAS, the Washtenaw County Water Resources Commissioner (hereinafter the "Delegated Authority") has been charged with responsibility for operation and maintenance of the Portage Baseline Lake Dam on behalf of Washtenaw and Livingston Counties under Part 307 of the Michigan Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act,, 1994 P.A. 451, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Delegated Authority has annually authorized a 12 to 15 inch drawdown from the court-appointed level of 851.54 feet above mean sea level at the dam site in early November; and WHEREAS, the aforementioned drawdown is performed to prated the shoreline and properties around the lake from ice damage that would otherwise occur if the courtappointed level was maintained in the winter months; and WHEREAS, though not court ordered, the aforementioned drawdown has been a historical practice of the Delegated Authority for over four decades; and WHEREAS, the Delegated Authority now requests that the historical practice of winter drawdown be formalized by the establishment of a winter lake level by Washtenaw County Circuit Court; and WHEREAS, Washtenaw County Circuit Court set the currently established lake level, and retains continuing jurisdiction over the lake level pursuant to MCL 324.30707 (5); · and WHEREAS, Washtenaw County Corporate Counsel has reviewed this request, and has determined that it is advisable to petition the Court for establishment of a winter Jake level in accordance with MCL 324.30707 (5), if authorized by both Livingston and Washtenaw Counties. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes its Corporate Counsel to petition the Washtemaw County Circuit Court for establishment of a winter lake level in accordance with MCL . 324.30707 (5). .. -._. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the costs for said court proceedings and all subsequent activities associated establishing and maintaining a winter lake level are to be assessed to the property owners within the Portage and Baseline Lake ~~l(el · · (> , ' Special Assessment District in Washtenaw and Livingston Counties. _, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution becomes effective upon passage of a similar resolution by the Livingston County Board of Commissioners. COMMISSIONER Bergman Gunn Judge ·Peterson y X X X N A COMMISSIONER Ping Prater Rabbi X Sizemore CLERK/REGISTER'S CERTIFICATE- CERTIFIED COPY STATEOFMICIDGAN COUNTY OF W.ASHTENAW)s.s. y N A COM!vl!SSIONER Conan Smith Dan Smith Turner X X X X ROLL CALL VOTE: TOTALS y N 11 0 1. Lawrence Kestenbaum, Cle:rkJR.egister ofsaid County of\Vashtellllw and Clerk of Circuit Court fur said County. do hereby certify that tbe foregoing is a true and accu:ate ~y ofa resolution adopted by the Viashtenaw County Board ofCOillll1issioners at a session held at lhc County Administ:mtioo.Buildingin the City of Ann Arbor, }..tichigan, on Apn12()'ill., 2011. as it appear.~ of:record in my office. Ia Testimony Whereof, 1.bave h=unto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court at Ann Arbor, this21 51 dayafAprii.201L BY: Deputy Clerk ~~· \l,u,~ IRes. No. 11-0072 A X X X 0 NO.: RESOLUTION 2011-04-119 l>A'I'E: April12,20U ·biVINGSTON·COl:JN'PL RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A WINTER LAKE LEVEL FOR PORTAGE AND BASELINE LAKES- DRAIN COMMISSIONER- PUBLIC SAFETYII&D -FINANCE- FuLL BOARD WHEREAS, the Washtenaw County Water Resources Commissioner (hereinafter the "Delegated Authority") has been charged with responsibility for operation and maintenance of the Portage Baseline Lake Dam on behalf of Washtenaw and Livingston Counties; and WHEREAS, the Delegated Authority has annually authorized a 12- to 15-inch drawdown from the court-appointed level of 851.54 feet above mean sea level at the dam site in early November; and WHEREAS, the aforementioned drawdown is performed to protect the shoreline and properties around the lake from ice damage that would otherwise occur if the court-appointed level was maintained in the winter months; and . WHEREAS, though not court ordered, the aforementioned drawdown has been a historical practice of the Delegated Authority for several decades; and WHEREAS, upon review of its internal records, the Delegated Authority has requested that this historical practice be formally documented by the establishment of a winter lake level approved by Washtenaw County Circuit Court; and WHEREAS, Washtenaw County Circuit Court set the currently established lake level, and retains continuing jurisdiction over the Lake Level pursuant to MCL 324.30707 (5); and WHEREAS, Corporate Counsel for WCWRC has reviewed this request, and is willing to petition the court for establishment of a winter lake level in accordance with MCL 324.30707 (5), if authorized by Livingston and Washtenaw Counties. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Livingston County Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes Corporate Counsel for WCWRC to petition the Washtenaw County Circuit Court for establishment of a winter lake level following historical practices in accordance with MCL 324.30707 (5). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the costs for said court proceedings are to be assessed to the residents of the Portage and Baseline Lake Level Special Assessment District in accordance with the historical apportionment between counties, and said costs are authorized to be assessed in accordance with Board Resolution 2010-07-233, as approved on July 19,2010. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution becomes effective upon passage of a similar resolution by the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners. # # # MOVED: Commissioner Williams SECONDED: Commissioner Mantey 8-0-1 absent Roll call vote: Ayes: Williams, Griffith, LaBelle, Jones, CARRIED: Mantey, Domas, VanHouten; Drick; Nays: N~ne; Absent: Dolan IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHTENAW In rePetition to Establish a Winter Normal Lake Level for Portage and Base Lakes, Washtenaw and Livingston Counties, Michigan BodmanPLC R. Craig Hupp (P36254) Attorneys for Washtenaw and Livingston Counties 6'h Floor at Ford Field 1901 St. Antoine Street Detroit, Michigan 48226 313-259-7777/ fax 313-393~7579 Hon. _ _ _ _ _ __ CaseNo.: _ _ _ __ Curtis N. Hedger, Esq. (P41949) Washtenaw County Corporation Counsel Attorney for W ashtenaw County 220NMain St POBox 8645 Aun Arbor, M1 48107 (734) 222-67 45 I Fax' (734) 222-6758 ORDER SETTING HEARING DATE AND REQUIRING NOTICE At a session of said Court held in the Courthouse located in the City of Aun Arbor, County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan on: Dated PRESENT: THE HONORABLE-=---:--=--=-:---Circuit Court Judge Upon filing of a civil action under the Inland Lake Level Act, MCL, 324.30707, the Court shall set a date for a hearing at which testimony may be received with regard to the establishment of a normal winter lake level. The requirements for such notice are set by statute. MCL 30707(1) IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT: 1. A hearing on the Petition shall be held a t - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - 2. Legal counsel for Washtenaw and Livingston Counties shall give notice of the hearing by publication in 1 or more newspapers of general circulation in each of the counties in which the lakes are located. The notice must be published at least once each week for 3 successive weeks before the hearing. Detroit_1097872_1 3. 4. Washtenaw County Water Resources Commissioner Janis Bobrin shall cause the service ofa copfoflliepllblished notice ofheaiing by first-class niailafleast 3 weeks prior to the date set for the hearing to: (a) Each person whose name appears upon the latest township tax assessment roll as owning land within the Portage and Baseline Lake Level Special Assessment District (b) The governing body of each political subdivision in which the lake is located; (c) The governing body of any political subdivision to be assessed for part of the project cost; and (d) The Department of Environmental Quality. The Notice of Hearing in the form attached is hereby approved. CIRCUIT JUDGE 2 Detroit_l097872_1 NOTICE OF HEARING In rePetition to Establish a Winter Normal Lake Level for Portage and Base Lakes, Washtenaw and Livingston Counties, Michigan Washtenaw County Water Resources Commissioner Janis Bobrin as "Delegated Authority" under the Inland Lake Level Act, MC1324.30701 et seq., for Washtenaw and Livingston Counties for matters related to controlling lake levels on Base Lake (aka Base Line Lake) and Portage Lake, gives notice that she has filed an action in W ashtenaw Circuit Court, In rePetition to Establish a Winter Normal Lake Level for Portage and Base Lakes, Washtenaw and Livingston Counties, Michigan, Washtenaw Circuit Court Case No. . Hon..... , to determine the normal level of those lakes during the winter months. COPIES OF THE PETITION MAY BE OBTAINED BY contacting counsel for Commissioner Bobrin care of the following: R. Craig Hupp, Esq. BodmanPLC 6th Floor at Ford Field 1901 St. Antoine Street Detroit, Michigan 48226 313-259-7777 In considering whether to establish a winter lake level, the court must consider all of the following: past lake level records, including the ordinary high-water mark and seasonal fluctuations; the location of septic tanks, drain fields, sea walls, docks, and other pertinent physical features; government surveys and reports; the hydrology of the watershed; downstream flow requirements and impacts on downstream riparians; fisheries and wildlife habitat protection and enhancement; upstream drainage; rights of riparians; testimony and evidence offered by all interested persons; and other pertinent facts and circumstances. · As part of the proceedings, the court shall determine boundaries of a special assessment district. Commissioner Bobrin is requesting that the Court establish the existing assessment district, the Portage and Baseline Lake Level Special Assessment District, as the special assessment district for the maintenance of the normal winter lake level. The Inland Lake Level Act provides that the court shall hold a hearing to obtain information relevant to establishing a winter lake level. All parties affected by such an order may appear and be heard at that hearing. The Court has set the hearing for ....... 201 i at ...... AM/PM. The hearing will be held at [address] .... 3 Detroit_1097872_1 Any persons attending to appear and give testimony are requested to the Court provide wnftenriotice aadiessedto ............ , .... : days-beforetliehearing: 4 Detroit_1097872_1 ;_: [ Legend • Portage Dam e e ePortage Lake Level District Lakes ~ Parcels Subject to Assessment IIIII Livingston County .... 'Mk ..,, '"~ .... - "''k ! 1.1SAo Janis Bobrln Washteaaw County Water Resources Commissioner 705 N. Zeeb Rd. AnnA!bor, Ml48103 Ph: 73~22-6860 Fax:734-222-s803 Portage Baseline Lake Dam and Surrounding Area A Part of Washtenaw Counties 1:12,000 A part of Sections 25 and 36 of Putnam Township Printed July 25,2011 1 inch = BOO feet Portage and Baseline Lake Level Special Assessment District Washtenaw County Properties OWNER INFORMATION PROPERTY INFORMATION Owner Parcel Number Owner name C -03-05-200-003 ANGELOCCI MARK D TRUST C ·03-05-200-005 RANKIN MICHAEL A & JANET BENEDJTII Owner street Owner city state owner zip 9883 LEACH LANE DEXTER 48130 P.O. BOX 874 BOYNE CITY Pro,p IProp street Prop city state 9886 LEACH LN DEXTER Ml 48130 49712 9840 LEACH LN 48176-9460 9820 LEACH LN DEXTER Ml 48130 DEXTER 48130 48130 9814 LEACH LN DEXTER "48130 C -03-05-200-006 NIETHAMMER NANCY R REVOCABLE TRUST C -03-05-200-007 MARTIN JENIFER 9367 SUNSET LAKE DR SALINE 9811 LEACH LANE DEXTER C -03-05-200-008 BOHU5 CHRISTOPHER Ml Ml Ml Ml 4404 NORTH GREENVIEW CHICAGO C -03-05-200-009 VAN APPLEDORN SUZANNE REV TRUST IL 60640 9810 LEACH LN 2949 PARK RIDGE DEXTER C -03-05-200-010 MARSH JR GERALD J & VALERIE Y ANN ARBOR DEXTER 48103 48130 DEXTER 7501 BASE LAKE DR 7812 BAKER HEIGHTS CT DEXTER DEXTER 48130 7507 BASE LAKE OR 9380 ARBOR CT DEXTER C -03-05-200...()14 GENOVA H NICHOLAS PLYMOUTH 48170 9858 LEACH LN 1939 S INDUSTRIAL HWY DEXTER C -03-06-115-004 GENOVA H NICHOLAS & SHARON L ANN ARBOR 48104 9870 LEACH LN 1939 S INDUSTRIAL HWY DEXTER ANN ARBOR 48104 9869 LEACH LN DEXTER 48170 19855 LEACH LN 48176-9460 9821LEACH LN DEXTER DEXTER Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml 9792 LEACH LN 7812 BAKER HEIGHTS CT DEXTER CHICAGO IL 7812 BAKER HEIGHTS CT ANN ARBOR DEXTER 48176-9460 9819 LEACH LN 48130 9811LEACH LN 60640 9801 LEACH LN 48103 9791LEACH LN 7506 BASE LAKE DR DEXTER 1224 FERDON ANN ARBOR C -03-05-200..011 MARSH JR GERALD J & VALERIE Y C -03-05-200-013 WARD JAMES J & JANICE A C -03-06-115-005 WARD JAMES J & JANICE A 9380 ARBOR CT PLYMOUTH C -03-06-115-008 NIETHAMMER NANCY R REVOCABLE TRUST 9367 SUNSET LAKE DR SALINE C -03-06-115-009 NIETHAMMER NANCY R REVOCABLE TRUST C -03..06-115-010 MARTIN JENIFER 9367 SUNSET LAKE DR 9811LEACH LANE SALINE C -03-06-115-011 4404 NORTH GREENVIEW 2949 PARK RIDGE BOHUS CHRISTOPHER C -03-06-115-012 VAN APPLEDORN CARL Prop zip DR DR DEXTER DEXTER Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml DR DEXTER Ml 48130 DR DEXTER Ml 48130 DEXTER DEXTER DEXTER 48130 48130 48130 48130 48130 48130 48130 48130 48130 48130 48130 48130 48130 23127 S ROSEDALE CT STCLAIR SHORES Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml 17816 MISSION POINT NORTHVILLE Ml 3965 W. LOCH ALPINE DR ANN ARBOR Ml 48104 17510 BASE LAKE 48080-2616 7514 BASE LAKE 48167 7518 BASE LAKE 48103 7554 BASE LAKE C -03-06-115-028 CARR TIMOTHY L & CAROL A 7580 BASE LAKE DRIVE 7594 BASE LAKE DR DEXTER Ml 48130 7580 BASE LAKE DR Ml Ml 48130 C -03-06-115-029 FARJO LAITH A & JULIANA HAGELE C -03-06-115-030 BISHOP SUSAN R DEXTER DEXTER 48130 7594 BASE LAKE DR 1808 HERMITAGE RD ANN ARBOR Ml DEXTER Ml 48130 48104 7614 BASE LAKE DR 7604 BASE LAKE DR Ml Ml 48130 C -03-06-115-031 PAOLELLA NEIL & ANITA DEXTER DEXTER 48130 7624 BASE LAKE DR 7614 BASE LAKE DR DEXTER Ml DEXTER Ml 48130 48130 7624 BASE LAKE DR 7634 BASE LAKE DR DEXTER Ml DEXTER Ml 48130 48130 2254 RIVENOAK CT 7634 BASE LAKE DR Ml DEXTER Ml 48130 C -03...()6-115-034 WILLITS SHIRLEY M ANN ARBOR 48103 2145 PAULINE CT 7644 BASE LAKE DR DEXTER Ml ANNARBOR Ml 48130 C -03-06-115-036 GILLEN LARRY & PAMELA 9841 LEACH LANE 26051 HENDRIE BLVD 9841LEACH LN DEXTER DEXTER Ml Ml 48130 C -03-06-115-037 SCHOSTAK MARKS TRUST Ml 48103 48130 7654 BASE LAKE DR DEXTER C -03-06-115-038 SCHOSTAK MARKS & LILLIAN K TRUST HUNTINGTON WOODS Ml 48070 7526 BASE LAKE DR 26051 HENDRIE DEXTER Ml HUNTINGTON WOODS Ml 48130 48070 9883 LEACH LANE 7534 BASE LAKE DR DEXTER Ml DEXTER Ml 48130 48130 9883 LEACH LN DEXTER Ml C -03-06-115-013 MARSH JR GERALD J & VALERIE Y C -03-06-115-014 COOLEY ROBERT D & KATHLEEN L C -03-06-115-017 HILLER THOMAS E C-03-06-115-018 BEISSEL M CATHERINE C -03-06-115-019 WALSH MAX T & JEAN M C -03-06-115-024 VERTES JULIUS TRUST C -03-06-115-027 COLQUITI WAYNE N & MELINDA W C-03..06-115-032 BARNES DANIEL C -03-06-115-033 AQUINTO LORRAINE M TRUST C -03~06-115-039 ANGELOCCI MARK D TRUST DEXTER 48130 7500 BASE LAKE DR DEXTER 48130 7505 BASE LAKE DR DEXTER 48130 48130 48130 48130 48130 C -03-06-115-040 REHM JOHN & MARY 7670 BASE LAKE DR C -03-06-115-041 COOLEY ROBERT D & KATHLEEN L C -03-06-115-042 HILDEBRANDT MARK TRUSTEE DEXTER Ml 48130 7506 BASE LAKE DR 7670 BASE LAKE DR DEXTER Ml DEXTER Ml 48130 48130 48130 3886 W GARDEN CT 7506 BASE LAKE DR SALINE Ml DEXTER Ml 48130 48176 7680 BASE LAKE OR 7564 BASE LAKE DR DEXTER Ml DEXTER MJ 48130 48130 DEXTER Ml 48130 C -03-06-170-002 BETZ A LORRIS & ANN C C-03-06-170-003 DORRINGTON EDGAR L TRUST C -03-06-170-004 GOEBEL CLAUDIA 7688 BASE LAKE DR. DEXTER Ml 48130 7680 BASE LAKE DR 7688 BASE LAKE DR 41585 FALLBROOK COURT Ml DEXTER Ml 48167 48130 C-03-06-170-005 TRACHET WILLIAM & LYDIA NORTHVILLE 614 STRATFORD DR 7696 BASE LAKE DR Ml Ml 48130 C ..03-06-170-006 GALLAGHER PATRICK&: DIANE ANN ARBOR DEXTER 48104 43476 SCENIC LANE 7706 BASE LAKE DR Ml DEXTER Ml 48130 C -03-06-170-007 HUNTLEY CHRISTOPHER & TAKAKO C -03-06-170-008 HUNWICK MATIHEW NORTHVILLE 48167 7728 BASE LAKE DR 7718 BASE LAKE DR DEXTER Ml DEXTER Ml 48130 7736 BASE LAKE DR 7728 BASE LAKE DR DEXTER Ml DEXTER Ml 48130 48130 48130 1011 LINCOLN AVE 7736 BASE LAKE DR ANNARBOR M! DEXTER Ml 48130 48104 7746 BASE LAKE DR Ml Ml 48130 Ml 48130 C -03-06-170-009 BRINKERHOFF W F & SAMPLE KATHLEEN C -03-06-170-010· ARNOLD JACK A & JILLL 7756 BASE LAKE DR HOFF JULIAN & DIANE DEXTER Ml 48130 1936 BOULDER DR 7756 BASE LAKE DR DEXTER DEXTER ANNARBOR Ml 48104 7766 BASE LAKE DR DEXTER C -03-06-170-011 1123832_1 ~---~·-~-----·------·····"···---~• 4 . , -•.,. · - · - · · · - · · - - - - - - ····-'"···---·--·--r---·-·-~·----·-·---,-------··~--~--···-·---··'"""'",-----~--- 48130 Portage and Baseline Lake Level Special Assessment District Washtenaw County Properties C -03-06-170-012 C -03-06-170-013 C -03-06-170-014 C -03-06-170-015 C -03-06-170-016 C -03-06-170-017 C -03-06-170-018 C -03-06-170-019 C-03-06-170-020 C -03-06-170-021 C -03-06-170-022 C -03-06-170~023 C -03-06-170-024 C -03-06-170-025 C-03-06-170-026 C -03-06-170-027 C -03-06-170-028 C -03-06-170-029 C -03-06-170-030 C -03-06-190-002 C -03-06-190-003 C-03-06-200-001 C -03-06-200-002 C -03-06-200-003 C -03-06-200-004 C -03-06-200-005 C -03-06-200-013 C -03-06-200-014 C -03-06-200-015 C -03-06-200-016 C -03-06-200-017 C -03-06-200-018 C -03-06-200-019 C -03-06-200-020 C -03-06-200-021 C -03-06-230-001 C -03-06-230-002 C -03-06-230-003 C -03-06-230-004 C -03-06-230-005 C -03-06-230-006 C -03-06-230-007 C -03-06-230-008 C -03-06-231-001 C -03-06-231-002 C-03-06-231-003 C -03-06-232-001 C -03-06-232-006 C -03-06-232-007 C -03-06-232-008 C -03-06-233-001 1123832_1 BASELINE LAKE SOUTHSHORE OCTAVIAN PRUNDEANU & JANICE M ARPSMEDLAR ROBERT E LLOYD JOHN A SALLADE CHARLOTIE TRUST WRIGHT PETER & MARGERY TRUST JOFFE VICTOR & PENNY GALLAGHER MONICA F AND BASE LAKE HOMESTEAD PARTNERSHIP JACOBS STEVEN WET AL SASKI LUKE ADAMS NEILJ KEEN JAMES C & MARY P GALLAGHER DANIEL & KATHLEEN GREEN FRANCIS 0 EHRMANN LUELLA TRUSTEE SIMONDS DOROTHY J ARNET FREDERICK L II TRUST GLAPA LESLIE MARl PANZICA BASELINE LAKE SOUTHSHORE DORRINGTON EDGAR & MICHELLE TRUST WALTON WALTERJ BOGEN JOAN & BOUDIA MARILYN RENNElL ROBERT RENNEll ROBERT WALTON DELORES S TRUST HARGROVE SON IE TRUST GALLAGHER KEITH & PATRICIA GALLAGHER KEITH & PATRICIA GALLAGHER KEITH & PATRICIA GALLAGHER KEITH & PATRICIA DANIEL LARRY D & CHERYL LYNN DANIEL LARRY D & CHERYL LYNN DANIEL LARRY D & CHERYL LYNN DANIEL LARRY D & CHERYL LYNN KUEHNL DAVID P & ELAINE R TRUST GOOSMAN CHRISTOPHER L MORRISON DONALD TRUST FORO A MICHAEl & CYNTHIA LEA CUMMINS FRED A CARLSON JAMES & PRISCILLA MC GINITY LAURA GALLAGHER KEITH & PATRICIA NITCHIE JAMES E & KAREN L MCGINITY LAURA A COWAN KENNETH B & NANCY A BROOKSHIRE RANDALL ET AL REEVE RODERICK C CRAWFORD ROBERT J & CARMEN M PRICE JOHN C & KAREN M DEMSKY ALAN 1 1739 SEVERN 7778 BASE LAKE DR 2251 SPRINGPORT RD APT 164 5258 ECHO RD 2934 PHILADELPHIA 2219 OLD FALLS DR 2451 W DELHI 1739 SEVERN RD 1499 STARK STRASSE 1312 ARMSTRONG DR 27861 HOPKINS DR 8930 TRINKLE RD 7890 BASE LAKE DR 3350 ROBIN WOOD 7936 BASE LAKE DR 7960 BASE LAKE DRIVE 7974 BASE LAKE DRIVE 7994 BASE LAKE DR 8010 BASE LAKE DR 1739 SEVERN 7688 BASE LAKE DR. 9618 BASE LAKE RD 1620 OXFORD 9648 BASE LAKE RD 9648 BASE LAKE RD POBOX236 9682 BASE LAKE RD 9694 BASE LAKE RD 9694 BASE LAKE RD 9694 BASE LAKE RD 9694 BASE LAKE RD 9452 MCGREGOR RD 9452 MCGREGOR RD 9452 MCGREGOR RD 9452 MCGREGOR RD 9960 SUNRISE DR 9940 SUNRISE DRIVE 9920 SUNRISE DR 9900 SUNRISE DR 9880 SUNRISE DR 9870 SUNRISE DR 9885 SUNRISE DR 9694 BASE LAKE RD 9942 DAN ELL DR 9885 SUNRISE 9841 SUNRISE DR 9920 MCGREGOR RD 9843 DAN ElL 9883 DAN ELL DR 9925 DAN ELL DR 9690 HUNTLEY COVE GROSSE POINTE DEXTER JACKSON BLOOMFIELD HILLS ANNARBOR ANN ARBOR ANN ARBOR GROSSE POINTE WOODS ANN ARBOR CHELSEA NOVI DEXTER DEXTER ANN ARBOR DEXTER DEXTER DEXTER DEXTER DEXTER GROSSE POINTE DEXTER PINCKNEY GROSSE POINTE WDS PINCKNEY PINCKNEY HAMBURG PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY DEXTER PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml 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RD R/R/W 9460 MCGREGOR RD 9450 MC GREGOR RD 94S4 MCGREGOR RD 9452 MCGREGOR RD 9960 SUNRISE DR 9940 SUNRISE DR 9920 SUNRISE DR 9900 SUNRISE DR 9880 SUNRISE DR 9870 SUNRISE OR 9837 SUNRISE DR 9802 BASE LAKE RD 9942 DAN ELL DR 9885 SUNRISE DR 9841 SUNRISE DR 9920 MCGREGOR RD 9843 DAN ELL DR 9883 DANELL DR 9925 DAN ELL DR 9690 HUNTLEY CV DEXTER DEXTER DEXTER DEXTER DEXTER DEXTER DEXTER DEXTER DEXTER DEXTER DEXTER DEXTER DEXTER DEXTER DEXTER DEXTER DEXTER DEXTER DEXTER DEXTER DEXTER PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml MJ 48130 . 48130 48130 48130 48130 48130 48:130 48130 48130 48130 48:130 48130 48130 48:130 48130 48130 48130 48:130 48130 48130 48:130 48169 48169 48169 48:169 48169 48169 48169 48:169 48169 48169 48169 48:169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 Portage and Baseline Lake Level Special Assessment District Washtenaw County Properties C -03-06-233-002 BROOKSHIRE JEFFERY V & GRACE J C -03-06-233-003 GRIMES PIERRE & BEVERLY TRUST C -03-06-233-004 REAUME PAUL G & JULIE A 9680 HUNTLEY CV PINCKNEY PINCKNEY C -03-06-233-005 SIMMERING LINDA TRUST 9670 HUNTLEY CV 9660 HUNTLY CV 9650 HUNTLEY CV C -03-06-233-006 LANGE RALPH & SUZANNE C -03-06-233-007 CHASE CARL & PATTI C -03-06-233-008 KENNEDY JOHN C & MARY J 9640 HUNTLEY CV 9630 HUNTLEY CV 9620 HUNTLEY CV PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY C -03-06-233-009 C -03-06-233-010 LA RUE BRIAN R & KAREN J MOEHL RICHARD & MARGARET 9610 HUNTLEY CV 9600 HUNTLEY CV PINCKNEY PINCKNEY C -03-06-300-001 C -03-06-300-002 C -03-06-300-003 C -03-06-300-004 C -03-06-300-005 C -03-06-300-006 C -03-06-300-007 VARNEY STEVEN A QUINN MARSHALL TRUST NECKEL MICHAEL & ELIZABETH NECKEL MICHAEL & ELIZABETH KING WILLIAM & PATRICIA BROWN RICHARD 30 REALTY ENTERPRISES LLC 9404 MCGREGOR RD P 0 BOX 383 9408 MCGREGOR RD 9408 MCGREGOR RD 10035 MEADOW LANE 9340 MCGREGOR RD 21300 SPEARS PINCKNEY DEXTER PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY C -03-06-300-008 MILLIGAN THOMAS R C -03-06-300-009 RWS LLC 9300 MCGREGOR RD 9270 MCGREGOR PINCKNEY C -03-06-300-010 MCDONALD HAROLD M JR & JANET 3780 DELHI COURT D -04-01-106-004 ARNETT ADRIAN & LINDA D -04-01-106-005 ARNETT ADRIAN & LINDA 8660 SECOND STREET 8660 SECOND STREET D -04-01-106-006 ARNETT 8 ADRIAN & LINDA L D -04-01-106-007 MILLER GLORIA TRUST 8660 SECOND STREET 9925 ALGONQUIN 0-04-01-106-008 ARNETT ADRIAN & LINDA 0-04-01-106-011 HOSHALJENNIE 8660 SECOND STREET 9906 ALGONQUIN D -04-01-106-012 D -04-01-106-013 D -04-01-106-015 0-04-01-106-016 D -04-01-106-017 KING CHRISTOPHER & COCKE GREGORY VISEL GERALD & KAREN KING CHRISTOPHER & COCKE GREGORY MILLER GLORIA REV TRUST DROLETT JAMES & GAIL TRUST 48600 ELEVEN MILE RD 3500 PONTIAC TRAIL 48600 ELEVEN MILE RD 9925 ALGONQUIN 9933 ALGONQUIN D -04-01-106-018 D -04-01-106-019 D -04-01-106-020 D -04-01-107-001 0-04-01-107-007 D -04-01-107-008 POIRIER GREGORY & WRIGHT SUSAN SMITH BROOK MCCRAY & MARTHA E LAGLER MARY LOU & RUDD GREGORY C PRESTI USA MARIE COX MARY SUZANNE TRUST COX MARY SUZANNE TRUST 9949 ALGONQUIN 9957 ALGONQUIN RD 8688 SECOND ST 9847 PORTAGE LAKE AVE P.O. BOX 590 PO BOX 590 D -04-01-107-009 PENDLETON GEORGE DAVID REV TRUST D -04-01-107-010 DENTLER SCOTT & NORMA D -04-01-107-011 MARTIN WILLIAM C 21681 N CENTER ST 9727 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 115 DEPOT ST D -04-01-1.07-012 D -04-01-107-013 D -04-01-107-014 0-04-01-107-015 D -04-01-107-017 RUDNER STEPHEN & MARY LOU RUDNER STEPHEN & MARY LOU SIMI VERMEULEN AARON & SANDRA ANDERSSON MARY T VISEL GERALD & KAREN 9707 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9707 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9693 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9687 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 3500 PONTIAC TRAIL D -04-01-107-018 HARTMAN JAMES JR & KIMBERLY D -04-01-107-019 DICE ROBERT E 9823 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 571LAKELAND D -04-01-181-001 SMITH JAY & DENISE 41127 MARKS DR D -04-01-181-002 GODEK PAULE & NANCY LYNN D -04-01-181-003 WENDELKEN HAROLD & SCHUMANN WYNEFRE 9669 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 49382 PLUM TREE DR D -04-01-181-004 AITKEN SUSAN D -04-01-181-005 MOODY DAVID B & CAROLE B 9653 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9645 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 1123832_1 PINCKNEY ANN ARBOR PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY NOV I ANN ARBOR NOV I PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY NORTHVILLE PINCKNEY ANN ARBOR PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY ANN ARBOR PINCKNEY GROSSE POINTE NOVJ PINCKNEY PLYMOUTH PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml 48169 48169 48169-9473 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48130 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48,103 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48374 48105 48374 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48'169 48169 48169 48167 48169 48104 48169 48169 48169 48169 48105 48169 48230 48375 19680 HUNTLEY CV 9670 HUNTLEY CV 9660 HUNTLEY CV 9650 HUNTLEY CV 9640 HUNTLEY OJ 9630 HUNTLEY CV 9620 HUNTLEY CV 9610 HUNTLEY CV 9600 HUNTLEY CV 9404 MCGREGOR RD 9402 MCGREGOR RD 9406 MCGREGOR RD 9408 MCGREGOR RD 9350 MCGREGOR RD 9340 MCGREGOR RD 9310 MCGREGOR RD PINCKNEY Ml 48169 PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml 48169 48169 48169 PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml 48169 9270 MCGREGOR RO 9260 MCGREGOR RD SECOND ST PINCKNEY Ml · PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml 48169 48169 SECOND ST PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY MJ Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml Ml PINC~NEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml Ml ' 9751 PORTAGE LAKE AVE PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml 9735 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9727 PORTAGE LAKE AVE PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml 9715 PORTAGE LAKE 9707 PORTAGE LAKE 9699 PORTAGE LAKE 9693 PORTAGE LAKE 9687 PORTAGE LAKE 9905 SECOND ST PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml Ml PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml Ml Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml 9300 MCGREGOR RO PORTAGE LAKE AVE PORTAGE LAKE AVE 8660 SECOND ST 9906 ALGONQUIN ALGONQUIN 9905 ALGONQUIN 9919 ALGONQUIN 9925 ALGONQUIN 9933 ALGONQUIN 9949 ALGONQUIN 9957 ALGONQUIN 8688 SECOND ST 9847 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9803 PORTAGE LAKE AVE AVE AVE AVE AVE AVE 9823 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9837 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9677 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 48169 48170 9669 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9661 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 48169 48169 9653 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9645 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 48169 48169. 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 Portage and Baseline Lake Level Special Assessment District Washtenaw County Properties D -04-01-181-006 STRIPP SHERRYLL D TRUST D -04-01-181-007 DITMORE MELANIE S D -04-01-181-008 US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION D -04-01-181-009 HENES PAUL DEAN D -04-01-181-010 CHISA RONALD D -04-01-181-011 VALERIO DUANE M & MARGARET M TRUST D -04-01-182-001 MCLESKEY EDWARD D -04-01-182-002 CAMPBEll FLOYD & GERALDINE 9637 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9619 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 3476 STATE VIEW BLVD 9611 PORTAGE LK AVE 9607 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9601 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9585 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9577 PORTAGE LAKE AVE PINCKNEY PINCKNEY FORT MILL PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY D -04-01-182-003 HERRING DALE E 9569 PORTAGE LAKE AVE D -04-01-182-004 KRANING KENNETH H TRUST PINCKNEY 11945 ALGONQUIN DRIVE 9553 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9547 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9539 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9991 HARR RD 9521 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 1202 TRAVER 9505 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9497 HURON 9497 HURON 9505 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9983 WINSTON RD PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY GRASS LAKE PINCKNEY ANN ARBOR PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY ROCHESTER PINCKNEY ROCKWOOD PINCKNEY DEARBORN PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY ROCKWOOD PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY ROCHESTER PLYMOUTH PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY YPSILANTI ANN ARBOR ENGLEWOOD liNCOLN PARK ANN ARBOR D -04-01-182-005 BERTRAM MATIHEW A & AMY B A D -04-01-182-006 RADEMAKER DON & LORI 0-04-01-182-007 D -04-01-182-008 D -04-01-182-009 D -04-01-182-011 D -04-01-182-012 D -04-01-182-013 D -04-01-182-014 D -04-01-182-015 0-04-01-230-001 D -04-01-230-002 D -04-01-230-004 CARLEY EVELYN S & WILD EliZABETH J SHELTON ARTHUR M & CONNIE J Hill THOMAS & AliCE MIRROR SPORTSMEN'S CLUB ZEICHNER RICHARD J HISER MARK & liSA HISER MARK & liSA ZEICHNER RICHARD J DEHMLOW BRIAN & CHERYl MACVAY KERRY A REVOCABLE TRST PITRONE JOSEPH C TRUST D -04-01-230-005 EWING WARREN J 0 -04-01-230-007 0 -04-01-231-001 D -04-01-231-002 D -04-01-231-003 D -04-01-231-004 D -04-01-231-009 0 -04-01-231-010 PITRONE JOSEPH C TRUST HAAS RICHARD P DEHMLOW BRIAN P & CHERYll DEHMLOW BRIAN P & CHERYll ALLEN DEBRA GUIDOT & WILLIAM F EWING WARREN DICKINSON TODD F & SUSAN C D -04-01-231-011 BOWRING KATHRYN & REID PAUl TRUST 0 -04-01-231-012 PITRONE JOSEPH C TRUST D -04-01-231-013 MACVAY KERRY A REVOCABLE TRST D -04-01-300-005 WENDLAND FAMILY LIVING TRUST D -04-01-300-006 HANCI-IETI ROBERT & PATRICIA ET Al D -04-01,300-007 D -04-01-300-008 0-04-01-300-009 D -04-01"300-011 0-04-01-300-012 D -04-01-300-013 D -04-01-300-014 D -04-01-300-016 D -04-01-300-017 D -04-01-300-01B D -04-01-300-020 D -04-01-300-022 D -04-01-300-023 D -04-01-300-024 D -04-01-300-025 1123832_1 I-IANCHETI ROBERT & PATRICIA ET Al AMAT RONALDO & NANCI K SWINTON DAVID & SHARON KATANSKI DANIEL RAMOS El2AY WILLIAM RUSSEll DEAN BEAUDOIN JOHN R & PATRICIA A NICKEl PUAl E & EDITH READ SHERMAN & DEBRA OTIO RONICA l WEBER lORETIA D TRUST REBEL FAMILY TRUST SMITH WILLIAM F & MARY ALICE SMITH RUSSELL AND MARIE SMITH RUSSELL & MARIE 2721LAMBETH PARK 9970 WINSTON RD 22206 SILVER CREEK 9970 WINSTON RD 555 N. MILDRED 9983 WINSTON 9983 WINSTON 9986 WINSTON DR 22206 SILVER CREEK 1360 NITA 9948 WINSTON RD 9970 WINSTON RD 2721LAMBETH PARK 11865 TRAILWOOD RD 9240 DEXTER-PINCKNEY 9240 DEXTER-PINCKNEY 4389 EUCALYPTUS WAY 9212 DEXTER PINCKNEY RD 8143 STONEHAM 866 MT PLEASANT 2980 N BEACH RD UNIT C-3~2 2874 BAILEY 904 liNCOLN 9136 DEXTER PINCKNEY RD 0-875 JACKSON 3052 20TH ST 23305 LEIGH WOOD 2585 ARKONA RD 9080 DEXTER·PINCKNEY ROAD 9080 DEXTER-PINCKNEY RD PINCKNEY GRANDVILLE WYANDOTIE WOODHAVEN SALINE PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml 5C Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml IMI FL Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml 48169 48169 29715-7200 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 49240 48169 48105 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48306 48169 48173 48169 48128 48169 48169 48169 48173 9637 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9629 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9619 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9611 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9607 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9601 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9585 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9577 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9569 PORTAG,E LAKE AVE 9559 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9553 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9547 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9539 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9529 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9521 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9509 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9505 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9497 HURON HURON 9505 PORTAGE LAKE AVE SARAH-WINSTON WINSTON RD 9970 WINSTON RD WINSTON RD WINSTON RD 9996 WINSTON RD 9992 WINSTON RD WINSTON RD 9986 WINSTON RD 9964 WINSTON RD 48169 9960 WINSTON RO 48169 WINSTON RD 48169 9970 WINSTON RO 48306 9976 WINSTON RD 48170 9246 DEX-PINCKNEY 48169 9240 DEX-PINCKNEY 48169 9232 DEX-PINCKNEY 48169 9224 DEX-PINCKNEY 48169 9212 DEX-PINCKNEY 48197 !9202 DEX-PINCKNEY 48103 9194 DEX-PINCKNEY 34223-902419178 DEX-PINCKNEY 48146 9154 DEX-PINCKNEY 48104 9146 DEX·PlNCKNEY 48169 9136 DEX-PlNCKNEY 49418 48192 48183-2773 48176 48169 48169 19130 DEX-PINCKNEY 9118 DEX-PINCKNEY 9106 DEX-PlNCKNEY 9098 DEX-PINCKNEY 9090 DEX-PINCKNEY 9084 DEX.:PINCKNEY PINCKNEY: PINCKNEY PINCKNEY· PINCKNEY, Ml Ml Ml Ml PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY· PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml M! Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 4B169 48169 48169 48169 481.69 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 481.69 48169 481.69 481.69 48169 48169 48169 481.69 481.69 48169 481.69 4Bl.69 48169 48169 48169 48169 48:1.69 48169 48169 Portage and Baseline Lake level Special Assessment District Washtenaw County Properties D ~04~01~300-027 SMITH RUSSELL D D -04-01-300-031 SCHIRA STEPHEN & KATHLEEN D -04-01-300-032 SCHIRA STEPHEN J & KATHLEEN D -04-01-300-033 BENDER THOMAS D D -04-01~300-034 D -04-01-300-035 D -04-01-300-036 D -04-01-300-038 D -04-01-300-039 JOHNSON RUSSELL H & LORRAINE M TRUS DUPRIE BETIY M JOHNS FAMILY REV TRUST TEMPLE HEHBERT A DARR STEVENS D-04-01-300-041 D -04-01-300-042 D -04-01-300-045 D -04-01-300-046 D -04-01-300-047 D -04-01-300-048 HITI MATIHEW J & MELISS~J & MARY M O'BRIEN DAVID & BRADLEY THOMAS JR FIDELITY BANK EHMAN THOMAS F O'BRIEN DAVID ET AL HOFFA VERONICA D -04-01-300-050 BONE DAVID & DONNA D -04-01-300-051 TERHUNE THOMAS A & DONNAN D -04-01-385-001 RADCLIFFE I<EVIN & MICHELLE D -04-01-385-003 FARNICK MYRON & AGNUS D -04-01-385-004 D -04-01-385-007 D -04-01-38S-008 D -04-01-385-009 MESKO ROGER A & SUZANNE L TRUST MESKO ROGER A & SUZANNE L TRUST BACHMANN GEORGE A FARNICK MYRON D -04-01-385-010 D -04-01-385-011 D -04-01~385-012 D -04-01-385-013 CAFEGO MYRTLE & STEPHEN CAFEGO SEBASTIAN CHARLES T & CAROL J TRUST RADCLIFFE KEVIN & MICHELLE WALSH PROPERTIES LLC D -04-01~385-014 ZEMKE FREDERICK TRUST & ZEMKETHOMAS D -04-01-385-015 WALSH PROPERTIES LLC D -04-01-385-017 DRYER RICHARD & MARY DEE D -04-01-385-018 DRYER RICHARD D & MARY DEE D -04-01-385-019 THOMSON MALCOLM D & ALICE M D -04-01-385-020 MESKO ROGER A & SUZANNE L TRUST D -04-01-385-021 PUROL MARK F 9080 DEXTER PINCKNEY RD PINCKNEY 1812 N DREXEL 1812 N DREXEL DEARBORN DEARBORN 9044 DEXTER PINCKNEY RD 1721 ACKLEY 30838 BOCK 5700 W M 36 4750 WOODWORTH AVENUE 8986 DEXTER-PINCKNEY RD PINCKNEY WESTLAND GARDEN CITY PINCKNEY DEARBORN PINCKNEY 13017 WHITE OAKS DRIVE 200S CARHART 1360 PORTER ST 8940 PINCKNEY~DEXTER RD GAINES ANN ARBOR DEARBORN PINCKNEY 2005 CARHART 5235 W DODGE ANN ARBOR CLIO PO BOX 470 9072 DEXTER-PINCKNEY RD PINCKNEY PINCKNEY 8755 GROVE 52998 GRAND RIVER AVE PINCKNEY NEW HUDSON 8787 GROVE DR 8787 GROVE DR PINCKNEY PINCKNEY 8779 GROVE 52998 GRAND RIVER AVE 3103 WALNUT ST 45724 WHITE PINE DRIVE 8755 GROVE PINCKNEY NEW HUDSON 17816 MISSION POINTE 11597 TERRITORIAL DEARBORN NOVI PINCKNEY NORTHVILLE MUNITH 17816 MISSION POINTE 23845 FORDSON NORTHVILLE DEARBORN 23845 FORDSON DR 2S230TATE DEARBORN REDFORD PINCKNEY 8787 GROVE DRIVE 8705 GROVE PINCKNEY D -04-01-385-022 LINDERMAN EDWARD M 8797 GROVE RD 0 -04-01-405-001 BROWN CHRIS & NANCY 0-04-01-405-002 CASH DONNA K 9485 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9475 PORTAGE lAKE AVE PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY 9465 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9435 MCGREGOR ROAD 5202 STETSON PT 9479 HURON P.O. BOX 632 9465 HURON PINCKNEY PINCKNEY HOMOSASSA PINCKNEY LAKELAND PINCKNEY 635 WEMBLEY CT ANN ARBOR MERRITI ISlAND D -04-01-405-003 HARDEN KENNETH R & JENNIFER D -04-01-406-007 BELL THOMAS D & KELLY M D -04-01-406-010 LOCKE CLOHUS GILBERT & THERESA G D -04-01-406-011 LOPEZ KATHLEEN A D -04-01-406-012 WILDE LYNNETIE M D -04-01-406-013 LOCKMAN MAXINE ANN D -04-01-406-014 FREY ROLAND G & JOAN M TRUST D -04-01-406-015 SMITH ROGERS D -04-01-406-016 OBERTO LINDA DIANNE D -04-01-407-001 BERTRAM TERRENCE A D -04-01-407-002 KANE JOYCE E TRUST 1710 WESTPORT RD 9441 HURON ST D -04-01-407-003 BERNY$ CONRAD F & MARY C D -04-01-407-006 BOTA lOIS 9575 9555 9535 9415 SHELL BEACH SHELl BEACH ROAD SHELL BEACH RD CANAL D -04-01-407-007 STATON VICKIE L & WHITED M 1770 FARM BROOK DR PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY TROY Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml FL Ml Ml Ml Ml FL Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml 4~169 9080 DEX-PlNCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml 48128 48169 9056 DEX-PINCKNEY 9048 DEX-PINCKNEY 9044 DEX~PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml 48169 48169 48169 9038 DEX-PINCKNEY 9034 DEX-PINCKNEY DEX-PINCKNEY 8996 DEX~PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml Ml Ml PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml 8773 GROVE GROVE PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml Ml 8787 GROVE 8779 GROVE PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml 8773 GROVE 48124-4322 18767 GROVE 48374 8761 GROVE 48169 8755 GROVE 48167 8743 GROVE 492S9 8737 GROVE 48167 8731 GROVE PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml 48128 48169 48185 48135 48169 48126 48169 48436 48104 48.124 48169 48104 48420 48169 48169 48169 48165 48169 48169 48169 4816S 8986 DEX-PINCKNEY 8980 DEX-PINCKNEY 8970 DEX-PINCKNEY 8940 DEX-PINCKNEY 8960 DEX-PINCKNEY DEX-PINCKNEY 8974 DEX-PINCKNEY 9260 DEX-PINCKNEY 9072 DEX-PINCKNEY 8755 GROVE 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 <:l8169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48'124 8725 GROVE PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml , 48124 48239 48,169 8719 GROVE 8715 GROVE PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml 48169 8709 GROVE 870S GROVE PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml 48169 8797 GROVE PINCKNEY Ml 48169 48169 9485 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9475 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 48169 48169 34448 48169 48143 946S 9435 9487 9479 PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml Ml PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml Ml PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml 48169 48169 PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml Ml 48169 48169 48169 48103 32952 48169 48169 48169 PORTAGE LAKE AVE MCGREGOR RD HURON HURON 9473 HURON 9465 HURON 9453 HURON 9447 HURON 9441 HURON 9575 SHELL BEACH 95SS 48169 9535 48.169 9415 48098~2505 !9407 1123832_1 •-~•-•~ •••••·•••'··~---·. ·-·-•••--•~··~w-·-•·•~•••··~·•-•·~-----·-"·-·-•-• ••••·~•~••-•-•••--••--"·-- -·--•·~-·------~··--·-•---·--··---•-·-••--•·-,•--·•-•·-·--·--- SHELL BEACH SHELL BEACH CANAL CANAL 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 Portage and Baseline Lake Level Special Assessment District Washtenaw County Properties 0 -04-01-407-008 D -04-01-407-009 D -04-01-407-010 D -04-01-407-011 D -04-01-407-012 D -04-01-407-013 D -04-01-407-014 D -04-01-407-015 D -04-01-407-016 0-04-01-407-017 D -04-01-407-018 0-04-01-407-019 D -04-01-407-020 D -04-01-407-021 0-04-01-407-022 D -04-01-407-023 D -04-01-407-024 D -04-01-407-025 D -04-01-407-026 D -04-01-407-027 D -04-01-407-028 D -04-01-407-029 D -04-01-407-030 D -04-01-407-034 D -04-01-407-035 D -04-01-407-036 D -04-01-470-001 D -04-Ql-470-002 D -04-01-470-003 D -04-01-470-004 D -04-01-470-005 El-04-01-470-006 D -04-01-470-007 D -04-01-470-008 D -04-D1-470-D09 STATON VICKIE L & WHITED M LASKOSKY MATIHEW SMITH RUSSELL D & MARIE WOOD DONALD GRAMMATICO DANIEL TRUST LAKE LIVING LLC ESTES VIRGINIA & MCNAUGHT IAN PERLONGO MARY KERSHAW DAVID B & MARTHA 0 PATION JACK H SUGGITI ALLEN R & PATRICIAJ TRUST PARSONS DENISE PORTAGE lAKE COTIAGE TRUST WILSON ROBERT P & NANCY E RHADIGAN/PENCE FAMILY TRUST WEBER STEPHEN & ELIZABETH TRUST WEBEH STEPHEN & ELIZABETH TRUST KNIEPER EDWARD & VIVIAN HOLMES SANDRA N & GREGORY P CLARK RONALD & ELIZABETH BOLHUIS JAN & FLORENCE BLAKENEY RICHARD G CHRISTENSEN DOUGLAS & JEREV RIBA ARTHUR & MICHELLE O'BRIEN NEIL N & AMY CONWAY WIDMANN DAVID & SUSAN CROSS DAVID N & SALLY ANN DUNNED JOHN EGO DOUGlAS J MAGDA JOSEPH A KlAVES MARINA INC WEXLER JANE ANN TRUST KLAVE KERRY B KLAVE KERRY B DUNNETT GLORIA D -04-01-470-010 D -04-01-480-001 D -04-01-480-002 D -04-01-480-003 D -04-01-480-004 D -04-01-480-005 0 -04-01-480-006 0 -04-01-480-007 D -04-01-480-008 0 -04-01-480-009 D -04-01-480-010 D -04-01-480-011 D -04-01-480-012 D -04-01-480-013 D -04-01-480-014 0-04-01-480-015 WEBB CLAUDIA M & POIRIER MARY J KING WILLIAM & PATRICIA BROWN RICHARD 30 REALTY ENTERPRISES LCH ENTERPRISES LLC RWS LLC MCDONALD HAROLD & JANET FREEMAN REBECCA STIVERS GUY P & RUTH TRUST SHOCK MICHAEL P & JACKLYN J STIVERS NINA L NOWAK ROBERT DEBOER DAVID J & LISA P CROSS DAVID N & SALLY A PISH S WALTER & ELIZABETH F MURPHY CYNTHIA 1770 FARM BROOK DR 4065 BARTLETI FERRY COVE _ 9080 DEXTER-PINCKNEY RD PO BOX 376 231 FENNEL DUN CIRCLE 3317 HABITAT TRAIL 3575 EASTBOURNE 8483 WEST ANN ARBOR RD 2785 DANBURY 1202JAYAVENUE 1521 SAUNDERS CRESCENT 6118 SE OAKMONT PLACE 17637 ODYSSEY DR 15223 THORN RIDGE 11249 YOUNG 9271 MCGREGOR ROAD 9271 MCGREGOR ROAD 3205 HAYES CT 19400 N TERRITORIAL RD 9249 MCGREGOR RD 9241 MCGREGOR RD 1083 CHESTNUT LANE 9215 MCGREGOR RD 3790 FOX HUNT DR 9515 SHELL BEACH 930 E. WYE LANE 8841 MCGREGOR LANE 8831 MCGREGOR LANE 3128 SALEM DR 8811 MCGREGOR LANE 8789 MCGREGOR RD 8008 KINGSBORO CT 8825 MCGREGOR RD 8825 MCGREGOR RD 8831 MCGREGOR LANE 8835 MCGREGOR LANE 10035 MEADOW LANE P.O. BOX 292 21300 SPEARS ROAD 1248 LOUISE 9270 MCGREGOR RD 3780 DELHI COURT 9220 MCGREGOR RD 9200 MCGREGOR ROAD 9184 MCGREGOR 9172 MCGREGOR 8263 IRONWOOD 9136 MCGREGOR RD 8841 MCGREGOR 5516 DEXTER PINCKNEY RD 33309 NORFOLK TROY BUFORD PINCKNEY PINCKNEY CANDLER PINCKNEY TROY PLYMOUTH ANN ARBOR YPSILANTI ANN ARBOR STUART BELLEVILLE PLYMOUTH BRIGHTON PINCKNEY PINCKNEY ANN ARBOR CHELSEA PINCKNEY PINCKNEY SOUTH LYON PINCKNEY ANN ARBOR PINCKNEY MILWAUKEE PINCKNEY PINCKNEY ROCHESTER PINCKNEY PINCKNEY TEMPERANCE PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY ANN ARBOR PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY DEXTER LIVONIA Ml GA Ml Ml NC Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Fl Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml WI Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml 48098-2505 30519 48169 48169 28715 48169 48084 48170 48103 48198 48103 34997 48111 48170 48114 48169 48169 48108 48118 48169 48169 48178 48169 48105 48169 53217 48169 48169 48306 48169 48169 48182 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48103 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48130 48152 ]VACANT 9391 CANAL CANAL 9375 CANAL 9371 CANAL 9359 CANAL 9335 MCGREGOR RD 9327 MCGREGOR RD 9319 MCGREGOR RD 9311 MCGREGOR RD 9309 MCGREGOR RD 9301 MCGREGOR RD 9293 MCGREGOR RD 9285 MCGREGOR RD 9279 MCGREGOR RD 9271 MCGREGOR RD MCGREGOR RD 9263 MCGREGOR RD 9255 MCGREGOR RD 9249 MCGREGOR RD 9241 MCGREGOR RD 9235 MCGREGOR RD 9215 MCGREGOR RO 9423 CANAL 9515 SHELL BEACH 9495 SHELL BEACH 8841 MCGREGOR RO 8831 MCGREGOR RD 8821 MCGREGOR RD 8811 MCGREGOR RD 8789 MCGREGOR RO 8765 MCGREGOR RD MCGREGOR RD 8825 MCGREGOR RD MCGREGORRD 8835 MCGREGOR RO 9350 MCGREGOR RD MCGREGOR RO VACANT 9280 MCGREGOR RD 9270 MCGREGOR RD 9260 MCGREGOR RD 9220 MCGREGOR RO 9200 MCGREGOR RO 9184 MCGREGOR RD 9172 MCGREGOR RD 9160 MCGREGOR RD 9136 MCGREGOR RD 9122 MCGREGOR RD 9114 MCGREGOR RD 9108 MCGREGOR RD PINCKNEY . Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml 1123832_1 "" '•"--·~·--·-''"--··-·~-- ··-~--"------~-- .. -~···---·---· .. ·--· • ________ __, ______ , _______ , _______ , _____________________ t"--"-1 _______ ,, ________ ~-~-----· ---- 48169 48:1.69 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48170 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 Portage and Baseline lake level Special Assessment District Washtenaw County Properties D -04-01-481-001 LAUSTED BONNIE J 956 MOORE DR D -04-01-481-002 LAUSTED BONNIE CHELSEA D -04-01-481-003 LAUSTED BONNIE J 956 MOORE DR 956 MOORE DR D -04-01-481-004 LAUSTED BONNIE J CHELSEA CHELSEA 956 MOORE DR D -04-01-481-005 LAUSTED BONNIE J CHELSEA 956 MOORE DR D -04-01-481-006 ElY WilliAM C & MARION J TRUST CHELSEA 706 COllEGEWOOD D -04-01-481-007 KREMPEL BRUCE R & PATRICIA J YPSILANTI 9145 RUSSEll D -04-01-481-008 SCHWEISS DIANA K TRUST PINCKNEY 237 PINEVIEW CT 0 -04-01-481-009 MARLEY JAMES & JANET ANN ARBOR 720 BARCLAY D -04-01-481-010 CURRAN THOMAS M & CATHIE A ANN ARBOR 271 OLD CREEK D -04-01-481-011 DITTMAR RODNEY B & PAMELA S SALINE 9115 MCGREGOR D -04-01-481-012 HARDESTY C JAMES & RALPHA PINCKNEY D -04-01-482-001 KREMPEL BRUCE R & PATRICIA J D-04-01-482-002 ELYWC 9109 MCGREGOR RD 9145 RUSSELL PINCKNEY 706 COLLEGEWOOD D -04-01-482-003 KREMPEL BRUCE R & PATRICIA J YPSILANTI 9145 RUSSELL PINCKNEY D -04-01-482-004 SCHWEISS DIANA K TRUST Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml 237 PINEVIEW CT ANN ARBOR Ml 48104 RUSSEll 720 BARCLAY ANN ARBOR Ml PINCKNEY Ml 48169 48105 271 OlD CREEK 9137 RUSSELL SALINE PINCKNEY Ml Ml 48169 48176 271 OLD CREEK 9125 MCGREGOR RD SALINE Ml PINCKNEY Ml 48176 48169 271 OLD CREEK 9125 MCGREGOR RD SALINE PINCKNEY Ml Ml 48176 48169 9115 MCGREGOR 9125 MCGREGOR 'RD PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml 48169- 48169 9109 MCGREGOR RD HOWARD-MCGREGOR Ml PINCKNEY Ml 48169 D -04-01-483-001 WENDT PATRICK & MONA PINCKNEY 48169 9105 MCGREGOR RD MCGREGOR-ROBERT Ml Ml 48169 0 -04-01-483-002 KRACH KENT JEROME PINCKNEY PINCKNEY 48169 3029 BENJAMIN 9105 MCGREGOR RO PINCKNEY Ml Ml 48073 48169 D -04-01-483-003 KRACH KENT J ROYAL OAK 9085 MCGREGOR RD 9091 MCGREGOR RD Ml Ml 48169 D -04-01-483-006 FIZER DEANNA J PINCKNEY PINCKNEY 48169 9055 MCGREGOR RD 9085 MCGREGOR RD PINCKNEY Ml Ml 48169 D -04-01-483-007 MILROY GEORGES TRUST PINCKNEY 48169 1625 MOOREHEAD 9055 MCGREGOR RD 48103 48169 909 lOTH ST S, Unit 305 9045 MCGREGOR RD PINCKNEY Ml 48169 D -04-01-484-006 MARGOLIS BARRY M & ELAINE NAPLES Ml Fl Ml D -04-01-483-008 COATES tARRY & JENNIFER ANN ARBOR PINCKNEY 34102 9600 CHERRY HILL RD 9075 MCGREGOR RD Ml Ml 48198 48169 D -04-01-484-007 tANGBEHN SANDRA YPSILANTI PINCKNEY 14014 RED BARN CIRCLE 8881 MCGREGOR RD .CHELSEA Ml 48169 D -04-01-484-008 CANHAM DONALD N TRUST Ml PINCKNEY 48118 8871 MCGREGOR LN 8861 MCGREGOR LANE Ml Ml 48169 48169 0 -04-01-484-009 WENNERS MICHAEL E (ll) PINCKNEY PINCKNEY 8851 MCGREGOR LN 8861 MCGREGOR RD Ml Ml 48169 48169 D -04-01-484-010 CHISOLM MATTHEW & VOGEL AMY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY 8855 MCGREGOR RD 8851 MCGREGOR LN PINCKNEY Ml Ml 48169 D -04-01-485-001 COURSER WALLACE D & KIMBERLY A PINCKNEY 48169 8950 RIVERVIEW DR 8855 MCGREGOR RD Ml Ml 48169 48169 0-04-01-485-002 GUIDE BECK RONALD & CATHRINE {ll) D -04-01-485-005 LESAGE DUANE & CAROLE PINCKNEY PINCKNEY 8930 RIVERVIEW 8950 RIVERVIEW PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml 48169 48169 8930 RIVERVIEW PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml 48169 D -04-01-485-008 STAUCH ARTHUR & SUSAN 8892 RIVERVIEW 8912 RIVERVIEW 48169 8892 RIVERVIEW Ml PINCKNEY Ml 48169 48169 D -04-01-485-009 ElSASSER FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST PINCKNEY 8924 MCGREGOR RD 8912 RIVERVIEW Ml Ml 48169 48169 D -04-01-485-010 ELSASSER JEFFREY A & LAURA J D -04-01-486-001 KARNS TED PINCKNEY PINCKNEY 8876 MCCREGOR RD 8924 MCGREGOR RD PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml 48169 48169 9102 MCGREGOR ROAD 8876 MCGREGOR RD PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml 48169 48169 9088 MCGREGOR 9102 MCGREGOR RD PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml 48169 48169 9088 MCGREGOR RD PINCKNEY Ml 48169 0 -04-01-482-005 MARLEY JAMES JR & JANET D -04-01-482-006 CURRAN THOMAS M & CATHIE A D -04-01-482-007 CURRAN THOMAS M & CATHIE A D -04-01-482-008 CURRAN THOMAS M & CATHIE A D -04-01-482-009 DITTMAR RODNEY B & PAMELA S D -04-01-482-010 HARDESTY C JAMES & RALPHA D -04-01-486-002 VAN DYKE AURA A D -04-01-486-005 DESHANO LARRY R & SHERRILLL D -04-01-486-006 YORK MARK E D -04-02-101-001 WALLING EDWARDT & JANE M D -04-02-101-002 WALLING EDWARD T PINCKNEY RUSSELL PINCKNEY Ml 48169 RUSSELL PINCKNEY Ml 48169 RUSSELL PINCKNEY Ml 48118 RUSSEll 9175 MCGREGOR RD Ml , Ml 48169 48169 48118 48197 PINCKNEY PINCKNEY 9165 MCGREGOR RD PINCKNEY Ml 48169 48169 9145 RUSSELL PINCKNEY Ml 48169 48104 9141 RUSSELL PINCKNEY Ml 48169 48105 9137 RUSSELL PINCKNEY Ml 48169 48176 9125 MCGREGOR RD PINCKNEY Ml · 48169 48169 9115 MCGREGOR RD PINCKNEY Ml 48169 48;1.69 9109 MCGREGOR RD PINCKNEY Ml , 48169 48169 MCGREGOR RD PINCKNEY Ml 48169 48197 RUSSEll PINCKNEY Ml 48169 48169 RUSSEll PINCKNEY Ml 48169 48169 9082 MCGREGOR RD PINCKNEY Ml 48169 9072 MCGREGOR RD 9082 MCGREGOR RD PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml 48169 9980 FLORENCE 48169 PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml 48169 9072 MCGREGOR RD CLIFFORD 48169 PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml 48169 48169 CLIFFORD Ml PINCKNEY Ml 48169 9908 WINSTON RD PINCKNEY Ml 9912 WINSTON RD PINCKNEY Ml 48169 48169 9980 FLORENCE o·-04-02-101-005 MAKI PATRICIA 48118 48118 48118 940 RAYMOND D -04-02-101-006 BLAKENEY RICHARD & DONNA 1083 CHESTNUT LANE 0-04-02-101-013 DICKINSON TODD F & SUSAN C ANN ARBOR SOUTH LYON Ml 48103 48178 1360 NITA D -04-02-101-016 DICKINSON TODD F & SUSAN C PINCKNEY Ml 48169 1360 NITA WINSTON RD PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml 48169 48169 VACANT NOV I Ml PINCKNEY Ml 48170 48375 VACANT PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml 48171 48169 WINSTON RD PINCKNEY Ml 48169 D -04-02-101-018 TICE MATTHEW & KIMBERLY 47675 MOCKINGBIRD CT D -04-02-101-019 BOWRING KATHRYN & REID PAUL TRUST 9948 WINSTON RD 1123832_1 """""·--~---- .. -····-·- ·-------.~---- -··"'"--.. ~----·--···-··--·-~··-..···-·-···--·- . ·-------·•·-----~------ -·-·-·---·--~-·-.-.-.---r-"r·-·-~--r-------·----------"" Portage and Baseline lake level Special Assessment District Washtenaw County Properties D -04-02-101-020 D -04-02-101-021 D -04-02-101-022 D -04-02-152-011 D -04-02-152-012 D -04-02-152-013 D -04-02-152-014 D -04-02-153-005 D -04-02-153-006 D -04-02-153-007 D -04-02-175-001 D -04-02-175-002 D -04-02-175-003 D -04-02-175-006 D -04-D2-175-007 D -04-02-175-008 D -04-02-175-009 D -04-02-175-012 D -04-02-175-013 D -04-02-175-014 D -04-02-175-015 D -04-02-175-016 D -04-02-175-017 D -04-02-175-018 D -04-02-175-019 D -04-02-175-021 D -04-02-175-022 D -04-02-175-023 D -04-02-300-001 D -04-02-300-003 D -04-02-300-004 D -04-02-300-005 D -04-02-400-001 D -04-02-400-002 D -04-02-400-003 D -04-02-400-004 D -04-02-400-005 D -04-02-400-006 D -04-02-400-007 D -04-02-400-008 D -04-02-400-009 D -04-02-400-010 D -04-02-400-011 D -04-02-400-012 D -04-02-400-013 D -04-02-400-014 D -04-02-400-015 D -04-02-400-016 D -04-02-400-017 D -04-02-400-018 D -04-02-400-019 1123832_1 HAlE JOHN W II &JULIA MAlEY MICHAEl & LANTZ CHERI GEORGE MICHAEl & LAURIE VISEL SHIRLEY & REDIES BEATRICE MICHIGAN PREMIER PROPERTIES LLC ACEMARK HOlDINGS KERR SHEILA HANNA NEMER E HARTLEP JEFFREY & SHERI KEIL ERICH H/MARIANNE BOWRING KATHRYN & REID PAUl TRUST HOGIKYAN ROBERT V & CLAIRE E TICE MATIHEW & KIMBERLY CON lEN PATRICK A & JANE G ZAKEBSKI EDMUND ET Al BLAKENEY RICHARD & DONNA M MAKI PATRICIA POBTAGE VIEW BEACH ASSOC PORTAGE VIEW BEACH ASSOC HUDDlESTON RICHARD & JUU ANN ENGEl ROBERT l KEil ERICH & MARIANNE HARTLEP JEFFREY & SHERI HANNA NEMER E HALE JOHN W II SPROUT DOROTHY TRUST MARTIN JONATHON & KRIST! HUGHES COLLEEN l MORROW JOAN M HARPER HERBERT H & LAURA BORKOWSKI PHiliP & MARY HARPER HERBERT ET Al REICHERT RUDOlPH EJR TRUST MERCIER JAMES & ANGELA WYMAN ROBERT & DElORES WYMAN ROBERT E REICHERT RUDOlPH EJR TRUST REICHERT RUDOlPH EJR TRUST BRADSHAW ANTHONY BRADSHAW ANTHONY KLAVE KERRY B & NORMA B DENTlER KLAVE KERRY B & NORMA B DENTLER KLAVE KERRY B & NORMA 8 DENTlER NESTER ROBERT T KLAVE KERRY B & NORMA B DENTLER NESTER ROBERTT BURNS BARBARAJ Zlll CHARlES COTMAN ROBERT J & JOYCE COTMAN ROBERT J & JOYCE J COTMAN ROBERT J & JOYCE J PO BOX 563 9960 FlORENCE AVE. 9931 WINSTON DR 2001 WELCH COURT PO BOX 228 9897 FlEMING RD 9793 WILLIS 7214 DAN BROOKE WINSTON RD 9818 WINSTON 9948 WINSTON RD 1011 SPRUCE DRIVE 47675 MOCKINGBIRD CT 9922 WINSTON RD 9916 WINSTON DR 1083 CHESTNUT LANE 940 RAYMOND 9836 BEffi PLACE 9836 BEffi PLACE 8007 MAIN ST 9826 WINSTON 9818 WINSTON DRIVE 9808 WINSTON RD 7214 DAN BROOKE PO BOX 563 9864 WINSTON DR 9900 FlORENCE 9934 WINSTON RO 9300TOMA RD 725 W MIDDlE ST GA 14 5769 W LIBERTY RD 725 W MIDDlE ST GA 14 2116 WOODSIDE ROAD 9805 DEXTER PINCKNEY RD 9777 DEXTER-PINCKNEY RD 9777 DEXTER-PINCKNEY RD 2116 WOODSIDE ROAD 2116 WOODSIDE ROAD 9669 ROSS DR 9669 ROSS DR 9727 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9727 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9727 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9280 DEXTER TOWN HALL RD 9727 PORTAGE LAKE AVE 9280 DEXTER TOWN HAll RD 8181 PINCKNEY RD 2120 TUOMY RD 9401 LINCK 9401 LINCK 9401LINCK PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY ANN ARBOR PINCKNEY DEXTER PINCKNEY WEST BLOOMFIElD PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY ANN ARBOR NOV! PINCKNEY PINCKNEY SOUTH lYON ANN ARBOR PINCKNEY PINCKNEY DEXTER PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY WEST BlOOMFIELD PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY CHElSEA ANN ARBOR CHElSEA ANN ARBOR PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY ANN ARBOR ANN ARBOR PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY ANN ARBOR PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml 48169 48169 48169 48103 48169 48130 48169 48322 48169 48169 48169 48104 48375 48169 48169 48178 48103 48169 48169 48130 48169 48169 48169 48322 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48118 48103 48118 48104 48169 48169 48169 48104 48104 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48104 48169 48169 48169 WINSTON RD CLIFFORD 9931 WINSTON RD WllUS 9723 WILUS 9743 WilliS 9793 WllUS 9802 WINSTON RD WINSTON RD WINSTON RD 9948 WINSTON RD 9944 WINSTON RD 9940 WINSTON RD 9922 WINSTON RD 9916 WINSTON RD 9912 WINSTON RD 9908 WINSTON RD WINSTON RD WINSTON RD 9834 WINSTON RD 9826 WINSTON RD 9818 WINSTON RD 9808 WINSTON RD 9802 WINSTON RD 9790 WINSTON RD 9864 WINSTON RD VACANT 9934 WINSTON RD 9300 TOMA RD TOMARO TOMA RD TOMARO DEX-PINCKNEY 9805 DEX-PINCKNEY DEX-PINCKNEY 9777 DEX-PINCKNEY DEXMPINCKNEY DEX-PINCKNEY 9669 ROSS DR DEX-PINCKNEY DEX-PINCKNEY 9641 DEX-PINCKNEY 961S DEX-PINCKNEY 9609 DEX-PINCKNEY VACANT 9589 DEX-PINCKNEY 9407 LINCK DR DEX-PINCKNEY 9403 LINCK DR LINCK DR 9401 LINCK DR PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY· PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY, PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY· PINCKNEY PINCKNEY Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml rvil Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48170 48169 48:169 48169 48:169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48:170 48169 48169 48:l69 48:169 49:169 48:l69 Portage and Baseline lake level Special Assessment District Washtenaw County Properties D ~04~02~400-021 NESTER ROBERT T D ~04~02-400-022 NESTER ROBERT T D -04-02-400-023 D -04~02-400~024 D -04-02-400...(}25 D -04-02-400...(}26 D -04-02-400-030 D -04-02-400-031 D -04-02-400-032 D -04-02-400-035 D -04-02-400-036 WALTER TEHRY E & ELLEN M TRUST WIDENER TODD FUNK ERIC ANTHONY FMJ PROPERTIES GRAY TIMOTHY GRAY TIMOTHY MOSELEY RICHARD H TRUST WEBER KURT D WEBER KURT D -04-02-400-037 WIELENGA THOMAS J & KISS MARQUITA S D -04-02-401-002 VISELSHIRLEY & REDIES BEATRICE D -04-02-401-003 D -04-02-401-004 D -04-02-401-005 D -04-02-401-006 D -04-02-401-007 D -04-02~401-008 D -04-02-401-009 D -04-02-401-010 D -04-02-401-011 0 -04-02-401-012 D -04-02-401-013 D -04-02-401-014 0 -04-02-401-015 D -04-02-401-016 D -04-02-401-017 D -04-02-401-018 D -04-02-401-019 D ·04-02-402-003 D -04-02-402-006 D -04-02-402~007 D -04-02-402-008 D -04-02-402-009 D -04-02-402-010 0-04-02-402-011 D -04-02-402-012 0 -04-02-402-013 D -04-02-402-014 D -04-02-402-015 D -04-02-402-016 D -04-02-402-017 COX MARILYN FERRINGTON WILLIAM E RAUSER DN.JIEL & ELIZABETH FRASER DONALD & MARY ANN HOWLEY-YISEL MARY A TRUST LANGE PORTAGE LAKE FAMILY HOME LLC WEINMANN NANCY & KLEIN CHERI L BOLTACH SUZANNE TRUST HOLLENBECK LEO P & HEIDI R CROOKS DOROTHY l BENNETI JAY & SCARLETI FLETCHER LAMAR & DOROTHY ELM GROVE #1 ASSOC. STAUB BRYAN & TAMMY LEIGHTON ROBERT & JOYCE (LL) GIBB DONALD & ESTHER H BIESKE DONALD G & NANCY S GIBB DONALD & ESTHER H STAUB BRIAN & TAMMY BRANDT LAWRENCE FREDERICK JR MORGAN LENNIE JONES MARCUS & JANET KHAZAELI ATESSA BOLTACH SUZANNE TRUST LANGE PORTAGE LAKE FAMILY HOME LLC HOWLEY-VISEL MARY A TRUST FRASER DONALD & MARY ANN RAUSER DANIEL & ELIZABETH FERRINGTON WILLIAM E COX MARILYN D -04-02-402-018 VISEL SHIRLEY & REDIES BEATRICE D -04-02-402~022 LAUNSTEIN EDWARD & ROSEANNA 0 -04-02-402-024 VOGAN BRIAN D 0-04-02-402-025 D -04-02-403-002 D -04-02-403-003 D -04-02-403-004 D -04-02-403-006 PORTAGE POINT PROPERTIES LLC BIESKE DONALD G & NANCY S FINGERLE MARK M & MICHELLE BOWLES HAROLD J & JANET R EHNIS MICHAEL & HARRIETI TRUST 9280 DEXTER TOWN HALL RD 9280 DEXTER TOWN HALL RD 9451 DEXTER PINCKNEY RD 9441 DEX-PINCKNEY 9433 DEX-PINCKNEY 4721 RUNWAY BLVD. 9377 DEXTER-PINCKNEY RD 9377 DEXTER-PINCKNEY RD 9375 DEXTER PINCKNEY 9381 DEX~P!NCKNEY 9381 DEX-PINCKNEY 9371 DEX-PINCKNEY 2001 WELCH COURT 9774 WINSTON RD 9766 WINSTON RD 4321 CLIMBING WAY 48700 GEDDES RD 308 NANN ARBOR 3436 GREEN ACRES LANE 9767 DAISY LANE 9690 WINSTON RD 6979 PADDOCK LANE 2720 S TRENTON DR 9670 WINSTON RD 10467 MCGREGOR 9665 WINSTON DR 48832 STANTON CT. E. 9624 WINSTON DR 9620 WINSTON DRIVE 9586 WINSTON DR 9620 WINSTON DRIVE 48832 STANTON CT. E. 3707 RYAN DR 1339 BUCKBOARD CIRCLE 9655 WINSTON DR PO BOX 2388 9690WINSTON DR 3436 GREEN ACRES LANE 308 NANN ARBOR 48700 GEDDES RD 4321 CLIMBING WAY 9766 WINSTON RD 9774 WINSTON DRIVE 2001 WELCH COURT 9623 WINSTON DR 9730 DEX-PINCKNEY 11341 OUTER DR 9586 WINSTON DR 3134 FOXWAY 9574 WINSTON 1919 N PARKER RD PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY ANN ARBOR PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY ANN ARBOR PINCKNEY PINCKNEY ANN ARBOR CANTON SALINE PINCKNEY DEXTER PINCKNEY JACKSON TRENTON PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY CANTON PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY CANTON DEXTER SOUTH LYON PINCKNEY HOWELL PINCKNEY PINCKNEY SALINE CANTON ANN ARBOR PINCKNEY PINCKNEY ANN ARBOR PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY ANN ARBOR PINCKNEY DEXTER Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml 48169 48169 48'169 48169 48169 48108 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48103 48169 48169 48103 48188 48176 48169 48130 48169 49201 48183 48169 48169 48169 48188 48169 48169 48169 48169 48188 48130 48178 48169 48844 48169 48169 48176 48188 48103 48169 48169 48103 48169 48169 48169 48169 48105 48169 48130 VACANT All MARSH 9451 DEX-PINCKNEY 9441 DEX-PINCKNEY 9433 DEX"PINCKNEY 9411 DEX-PJNCKNEY 9379 DEX-PINCKNEY 9377 DEX-PINCKNEY 9375 DEX-PINCKNEY 9383 DEX-PINCKNEY 9381 DEX-PINCKNEY 9371 DEX-PJNCKNEY 9782 WINSTON RD 9774 WINSTON RD 9766 WINSTON RD 9758 WINSTON RD 9742 WINSTON RD 9732 WINSTON RD 9722 WINSTON RO 9698 WINSTON RD 9690 WINSTON RD 9686 WINSTON RD 9678 WINSTON RD 9670 WINSTON RO 9652 WINSTON RD VACANT 9634 WINSTON RD 9624 WINSTON RD 9620 WINSTON RD 9586 WINSTON RD 9620 WINSTON RD 9631 WINSTON RD 9639 WINSTON RD 9647 WINSTON RD 9655 WINSTON RD 9663 WINSTON RD WINSTON RD 9722 WINSTON RD WINSTON RD 9742 WINSTON RD 9758 WINSTON RD WINSTON RD WINSTON RD WINSTON RD 9623 WINSTON RD 9730 DEX-PINCKNEY 9682 DEX-PINCKNEY 9586 WINSTON RD 9580 WINSTON RD 9574 WINSTON RD 9568 WINSTON RD PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml ' PINCKNEY · Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml DEXTER Ml PINCKNEY Ml . PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml PINCKNEY Ml 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48170 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48130 48169 48169 48169 48169 1123832_1 "··-··..-"~-----~-·"·-··-~ .. ·- ·----·----------~ .... •------····--·---·~·--~·-----~----··----------·----·----;--;--·----r-------r -~-----------~---------- Portage and Baseline lake Level Special Assessment District Wiishtenaw County Properties D -04-02-403-011 BUCKERIDGE DAVID M & JACQUELINE J D -04-02-403-012 BEAUDOIN EMIL D -04-02-403-013 D -04-02-403-014 D -04-02-403-015 D -04-02-403-016 D -04-02-403-017 D -04-02-403-018 D -04-02-403-019 D -04-02-403-020 D -04-02-403-021 D -04-02-403.022 MIDWESTERN FINANCIAL AGENCY INC WILSON PATRICIA KAPP VICKY TRUST MELTON BONNIE J BURDETIE MARTHA WIACEK DAVID & SYLVIA KENNEDY THERESA R ROBERTS EDWARD C. OR ROBERTS EDWARD C. OR ROBERTS EDWARD C. OR D -04-02-403-023 0 -04-02-403-025 D -04-02-480-001 D -04-02-48.0-002 D -04-02-480-003 D -04-02-480-004 D -04-02-480-005 0 -04-02-480-006 D -04-02-480-007 D -04-02-480-008 D -04-02-480-009 D -04-02-480-010 0 -04-02-480-011 D -04-02-480-012 D -04-02-480-013 D -04-92-480-014 D -04-02-480-017 D -04-02-480-018 WIELENGA THOMAS J & KISS MARQUITA S LANE ROBERT W & KATHLEEN K SUITS JERALDINE TRUST SUITS JERALDINE TRUST SUITS JERALDINE TRUST TEICHER JULIE BETH KIND BETIY A DICKEN RHODA & GRANT QUASHNIE LOUIS & MARY ET AL DEVINE MICHAELJ KOEPKE JAMES & DORIS ROACH DOUGLAS.& DIANA BOONSTRA RICHARD A & JUDY E BOONSTRA RICHARD A & JUDY E MATHEWS JOHN & JACQUELINE MATHEWS JOHN F & JACQUELIN M DEZSI MARY T YOH DAVID A D -04-02-480-036 FELLENBERGER GWENDOLYN K 0 -04-05-200-003 RINGO JOHN & LORI D -04-11-100-001 BURROWS ROBERT W SR & WILMA M TRUST D -04-11-100-002 BURROWS ROBERT W SR & WILMA M TRUST D-04-11-100-004 WOJNO M&P &MOREHOUSE S&8 0 -04-11-100-00S 0-04-11-100-006 D -04-11-100-007 0-04-11-100-008 0-04-11-100-009 0 -04-11-100-010 D -04-11-100-011 0 -04-11-100-012 D -04-11-100-013 D -04-11-100-014 WOLBRINK BRYAN V & JEAN ORGINSKI MICHAEL T & KELLY S BEZZEG ROMA R TRUST BEZZEG ROMA R TRUST HALL PHILIP A & MARY T HALL PHILIP A & MARY T WIDNER EDWARD ROOF JAMES A ROOF JAMES A STAKOR BONNIE J D -04-11-100-01S WOJNO & BEZZEG & MOREHOUSE D -04-11-100-016 ALVAROE MARLENE D -04-11-100-017 D -04-11-100-019 D -04-11-100-021 D -04-11-100-029 1123832_1 SCHMIDT LARRY & ICKES SUZANNE M GAJEWSKI WILLIAM C & LINDA BURROWS ROBERT W JR & MARY R TRUST BURROWS ROBERT W JR & MARY R TRUST 784 WINCHESTER 2874 BAILEY 48SOO TWELVE MILE ROAD 9522 DEXTER-PINCKNEY LINCOLN PARK LINCOLN PARK WIXOM PINCKNEY 38373 EVONSHJRE FARMINGTON HillS 9470 DEXTER PINCKNEY RD 29998 MUNGER 9450 DEXTER-PINCKNEY RD 636 HOLLYWOOD 9416 DEXTER-PINCKNEY RD 9416 DEXTER-PINCKNEY RD 9416 DEXTER-PINCKNEY RD 9371 DEXTER-PINCKNEY RD 9558 WINSTON RD 1869 WEATHERHILL 1869 WEATHERHILL 1869 WEATHERHILL PINCKNEY LIVONIA PINCKNEY MONROE PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY DEXTER DEXTER DEXTER 6245 WELLESLEY DR. 32867 CHAPMAN CIRCLE 30840 RUNNING STREAM 43692 WESTMINSTER WAY 9438 HIDDEN LAKE CIRCLE 16726 WOODSIDE 29805 JOHN HAUK 11667 SYCAMORE 11667 SYCAMORE 6515 NAPIER 6S15 NAPIER RD 9288 DEXTER PINCKNEY 1261 S GROVE STREET 9294 DEX-PINCKNEY 12096 WEIMAN DRIVE 9760 STINCHFIELD WOODS RD 9760 STINCHFIELD RD WEST BLOOMFIELD WESTlAND FARMINGTON CANTON DEXTER LIVONIA GARDEN CITY PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH PINCKNEY YPSILANTI PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY 10144 STINCHFIELD WOODS RD P 0 BOX 556 10000 STINCHFIELD WOODS RD 9980 STINCHFIELD WDS RD 9980 STINCHFIELD WOODS RD 9920 STINCHFIELD WOODS RD 9920 STINCHFIELD WOODS RD 45801 DREXEL 8611 STINCHFIELD WDS RD 8611 STINCHFIELD WOODS RD 8655 STANETTE DR 10144 STINCHFIELD WOODS RD 9910 STINCHFIELD WOODS RD 9880 STINCHFIELD WDS RD 9820 STINCHFIELD WDS RD 9766 STINCHFIELD WOODS RD. 9766 STINCHFIELD WOODS RD PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY 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48169 48130 48130 48130 48322 4818S 48334 48187 48130 48154 48135 48170 48170 48170 48170 48169 48198 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48167 48168 48169 48170 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 48169 Portage and Baseline Lake Level Special Assessment District Washtenaw County Properties D -04-11-100-030 BURROWS ROBERT W SR & WILMA M TRUST D -04-11-100-034 GAJEWSKI LINDA L 9760 STINCHFIELD RD 9820 STINCHFIELD WOODS RD PINCKNEY PINCKNEY D -04-11-100-038 GAJEWSKI WILLIAM C D -04-11-100-039 GAJEWSKI LINDA L 9820 STINCHFIELD WOODS RD 9820 STINCHFIELD WOODS RD PINCKNEY PINCKNEY 0 -04-11-100-040 GAJEWSKI WILLIAM C & LINDA L 9820 9820 9820 9820 D -04-11-100-041 SUN KASTLE CUSTOM HOMES LLC D -04-11-100-042 GAJEWSKI WILLIAM C D -04-11-100-043 GAJEWSKI LINDA L D -04-11-100-044 GAJEWSKI WILLIAM C & LINDA L D -04-11-100-04§ D -04-11-100-046 D -04-11-100-047 D -04-11-100-048 GAJEWSKI GAJEWSKI GAJEWSKI GAJEWSKI LINDA L WILLIAM C WILLIAM C & LINDA L LINDA L D -04-11-100-049 SUN KASTLE CUSTOM HOMES LLC D -04-11-200-001 CLARK MICHAEL W D -04-11-200-002 CLARK MICHAEL W & LARRY A D -04-11-200-006 0 -04-11-200-008 D -04-11-200-009 D -04-11-200-010 WOJNO MARK A & PATRICIA L MOREHOUSE STEPHEN H & REBEC BELFORD KENNETH & TIFFANY MERCURE THOMAS & SHANNON D -04-11-200-011 MANNERS RICHARD W & MARION D -04-11-200-014 CALDER JAMES & JENNIFER TRUST D -04-11-200-020 STARR DAVIDS & SUSAN A D -04-11-200-021 DOYLE KENNETH & LAUREN M D -04-11~200-022 JACK ROBERT A & SPERA LAURA A D -04-11-200-023 TOIGO JOHN W & CONSTANCE KNOTI D -04-11-200-024 DOMBROWSKI SR EDMUND D -04-11-200-025 PICKARD JAMES D -04-12-100-023 HURON CLINTON METROPOLITAN D -04-12-200-001 PRZYSIECKI TIMOTHY T & RENEE G D -04-12-200-002 WOODS AT PORTAGE LAKE LLC D -04-12-200-003 MESKO ROGER A & SUZANNE L TRUST D -77-01-484-005 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY STINCHFIELD STINCHFIELD STINCHFIELD STINCHFIELD WOODS WOODS WOODS WOODS RD RD RD RD PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY 9820 STINCHFIELD 9820 STINCHFIELD 9820 STINCHFIELD 9820 STINCHFIELD 9820 STINCHFIELD 9820 STINCHFIELD WOODS WOODS WOODS WOODS WOODS WOODS RD RD RD RD RD RD PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY 8801 TOMA RD 8801 TOMARO 833-7 CJ LANDING PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY 10144 STINCHFIELD WDS RD 8181 CJ LANDING 10080 STINCHFIELD WOODS RD 10040 STINCHFIELD WOODS 10010 STINCHFIELD WOODS RD 8315 CJ LANDING PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY PINCKNEY 8283 CJ LANDING 82510 LANDING 8219 CJ LANDING 5202 STETSON PT. 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