11.10.11 - Gonzaga University


11.10.11 - Gonzaga University
thE mAgAZinE of gonZAgA UnivERSity | wintER 2012
Honor Roll 2010-2011
Gonzaga honors benefactors, alumni,
parents and friends who have supported
the University in the past year.
Page 20
Endowment Report
Page 62
Arriving on Wall Street
The dream, the New York Trek and the reality,
according to Richard Shinder (’89).
Page 8
People for Others
So many alumni, so many ways to make a better world:
plant smiles on new parents, make sure brawny men come
home safe, build an economy – and more.
Page 12
A note from President Thayne McCulloh
St. Al’s Centennial
Page 7
Mystery Zags
In Memoriam
Page 68
WINTER 2012 volume 2, no. 2
director of publications
Dale Goodwin (M.A.T. ‘86)
Creative director
pat sk attum
staff photographer
Rajah Bose
senior Designer
Tracy martin
WEB designers
Matt Gollnick
linda lillard
contributing editors and writers
Lauren Campbell (’13), E.J. Iannelli,
Juli Bergstrom Wasson
contributing Designers, illustrators,
Dale Hamilton, Arank a Israni, Danik a
Pariseau, Zuzana Podolsk a, Laura
Elizabeth Pohl (Courtesy of Bread for
the World).
Rol Herriges (’57)
gonzaga magazine is published
quarterly by
Gonzaga University’s Marketing &
Communications Department. Send your
alumni news, change of address and updated
contact information to gonzaga@gonzaga.edu,
or to Gonzaga Magazine, 502 E. Boone Ave.,
Spokane, WA 99258-0070. Or call 509.313.6398.
The opinions expressed on these pages do not
always represent views of the administration
or Gonzaga’s official policy.
Send address changes to Gonzaga Magazine,
502 E. Boone Ave., Spokane, WA 99258-0098.
cover: “Reaching out to others”
By Rajah Bose
A note from President Thayne McCulloh
pRESidEnt thAynE
mccUlloh, Right,
kEvin dAniElS (’79),
And onE of foUR
AlUmni mERit
AwARd REcipiEntS,
At thE AnnUAl
dAmA cEREmony
on oct. 20. (SEE
p. 7 foR moRE
The fall is filled with opportunities to offer thanks, and at
Gonzaga, the latter months of the calendar year especially.
We are thankful first and foremost for our students, both
returning and new: For our newest students, the novelty
of being at GU has begun to fade as they face the realities
of post-midterm work. We are thankful as well for our
faculty and staff: These men and women accompany our
students on their journey of challenge and discovery. And
we are grateful for the families of our students, whose
support and encouragement sustain them through the
short days and cold nights of winter.
Most of all, we are grateful to you – those who support
Gonzaga throughout the year in so many ways. This
annual edition of Gonzaga Magazine is dedicated to you,
and in a particular way those who support us through
their benefaction. As important, and valuable, as the work
of the University is, it would be impossible without your
gifts and your support.
These are challenging times for our country. The effects of
the recession are evident to all of us. At Gonzaga, we are
working hard to continuously improve the quality of the
educational experience while simultaneously evaluating
ways of becoming more efficient in our operations and
less wasteful in our practices. Our efforts in both regards
have borne fruit, as our faculty continue to attract highly
competitive federal and foundation grants to support
student research, and our conservation efforts over the
past year have reduced our consumption of necessary
utilities such as natural gas.
Despite the economic difficulties we all are confronted
with, I am grateful for the chance to serve as president of
Gonzaga during this particular time in our history. We
continue to attract extraordinarily talented students whose
enthusiasm for discovery and zeal for life is palpable in
every dimension of the GU experience. As we approach
the celebration of our 125th anniversary in September
2012, I am filled with excitement about the moment we
find ourselves in, for Gonzaga is a university on the move.
The story of Gonzaga University is, first and foremost, a
story about people – people who made, and continue to
make, a difference. From the beginning, the Jesuits sought
to educate young people who would be able to go forth and
discover God’s grandeur and glory in their work and in
their relationships. As we reflect on the past and present,
we see this thread, one that runs through the experience
of every Gonzaga era – and know that with your continued
love and support, our future is bright indeed. May Christ’s
peace be with you and yours, always.
WINTER 2012 | gONZaga MagaZINe
letterS hOMe
The view from Hopkins House
by Lauren Campbell
and eavesdropped on the conversation
behind me: “They asked me to be in
the Honors Program,” a swaggering
18-year-old said, trying to impress his
new friends, “But no way I was going to.
That’s for nerds, and I’m totally not into
that.” He was right. It is for nerds, and I
wouldn’t have it any other way.
It takes a special kind of nerd to thrive
in the Honors Program. We’re the kind
of nerds who bake an apple pie for our
philosophy professor entirely out of
“reorganized” COG ingredients. We
march into a classroom, rearrange the
desks and start tossing a stuffed moose –
our unofficial mascot – across the room
as a sort of “talking stick” to facilitate
discussion. And after our colloquium
ends at 9 p.m., we head to Hopkins to
keep on discussing what was brought
up in class for another two hours.
Our classes together have a special
spark that I don’t feel in my other
courses. In our first two years, my
class, the 23 of us, has taken eleven
classes together. We’ve read the same
books, had the same discussions,
written the same papers, taken the
same tests. Sitting in English class,
we can discuss how the horrendous
consequences of the solitary ambition
seen in “Frankenstein” repudiates the
philosophies of existentialists Nietzche
and Kierkegaard, not to mention the
similar attitudes Socrates and the
monster have toward exile, or how the
monster’s drive to kill and lack of guilt
seems similar to the attitude of Lantier
in “La Bête Humaine.”
on thE noRth SidE of thE
lAwn bEtwEEn wElch
And dESmEt, SAndwichEd
bEtwEEn thE two ccASl
bUildingS, thERE iS A hoUSE
thAt SEEmS to bE inviSiblE
to thE RESt of cAmpUS.
Like all of the repurposed houses
that line the edge of campus, its only
identifying marker is a blue sign in the
lawn. This one says “Hopkins House:
Honors Program.”
The first weekend of my freshman
year, I sat in line for a GUTS show
gONZaga MagaZINe | WINTER 2012
This shared intellectual background
means that every lecture is woven
together with earlier semesters in a way
that doesn’t happen elsewhere. Every
class is interesting on its own, but the
best moments involve that spark of
recognition of the religious symbolism
and ancient philosophical ideas playing
out in a French novel, and knowing
that the whole class understands
the reference and can help to dissect
exactly what it means, using a frame of
reference that I share.
The Honors Program had made my
Gonzaga experience a bit of an anomaly.
The 22 classmates I met the day before
classes started freshman year are the
same 22 people I’ll be sitting next to
at graduation. I’ve taken every single
core class with them, and arranged my
schedule to take a lot of my other classes
with them, too. They’re my housemates,
my intramural teammates and my best
friends. You get to know people pretty
well when you spend that much time
with them.
I expected college to be like high school,
where all of my friends were a lot like
me: a type-A, liberal, non-religious,
homework-on-a-Friday-night business
major with a penchant for journalism.
I certainly didn’t expect to be friends
with a devout Catholic boy who can
bake a batch of cookies like nobody’s
business, or a girl majoring in computer
science who enjoys nothing more than
a good rap song, or a guy whose love of
Ke$ha is outshone only by his obsession
with mountain biking. Corny as it is,
these people, whom I didn’t expect to
have anything in common with, have
changed me. They’re the ones I’ll sit
with vehemently disagreeing about the
existence of God and the benefits of the
Obama tax plan, then bring home with
me for Thanksgiving break.
Gonzaga is beloved for its feeling of
community, tradition and spirit. The
Honors Program, for me, has embodied
that. There are professors teaching
here who, as students, started Honors
traditions that we still carry on. The
moose mascot shows up on all of our
shirts and I can’t travel anywhere
without buying something mooserelated to bring back. The 80 people
in the program are my family. I applied
to Honors for the resumé booster, but I
realized pretty quickly that the selling
point isn’t the word on my diploma. It’s
the time I spend in the old house that
has become my home.
Lauren Campbell of Shoreline, Wash.,
is a junior majoring in marketing and
international studies. She is a Gonzaga
Bulletin editor, plays mellophone in Pep
Band and admits to an unhealthy love of
we welCOMe yOur letterS!
Send your thoughts to editor@
gonzaga.edu or to editor marny
lombard, gonzaga University,
502 E. boone Ave., Spokane wA
Set aside the holiday hubbub for a bit. it will all be there. right now, we invite you to remember the
intensity of final exam week. half exhausted, half giddy, you grip your pen as your heart thuds.
You pray for an essay that allows you to shine. Surely, your life is in the balance…
Minus all the angst, we invite you to write this essay for Father Kuder’s christian leadership class.
iF chriSTianS KnoW Who TheY are bY WaTchinG chriST, WhaT eVenT in JeSuS’ liFe haS MoST
inFluenceD Your leaDerShip ThinKinG anD WhY?
MaXiMuM 500 WorDS.
pleaSe SubMiT Your eSSaY To eDiTor@GonZaGa.eDu bY Jan. 5. We’ll aSK FaTher KuDer To
SelecT hiS FaVoriTe eSSaY, Which We eXpecT To publiSh in The neXT iSSue.
Father CASE,
vice president
for mission
The Jesuit mission. The Catholic
intellectual tradition and its central role
within the Catholic university. Living in
community. Reconciliation of relations.
Respect for all God’s creation.
These Catholic precepts and ideas run
broad and deep in the life of Father
Frank Case, S.J., Gonzaga’s new vice
president for mission. Father Case comes
to Gonzaga after two years at Seattle
University. Previously, he lived in Rome
where he spent 18 years serving Father
General Peter-Hans Kolvenbach. The
positions Father Case held, regional
assistant for the United States and
secretary general of the Society, are
among the highest in the Society of Jesus.
A Seattle boy, born and bred, Father Case
has referred to his somewhat unusual
trajectory as an instance of “God writing
straight with crooked lines.”
Father Case remains animated, he says,
by a love for and excitement about the
Jesuit mission of forming students into
men and women for others. Much of
Father Case’s role at Gonzaga lies in
educating and supporting the lay faculty
and staff in their understanding of
Gonzaga’s mission as a Catholic, Jesuit,
humanistic university. One of his first acts
in the Office of Mission has been to create
a Mission Advisory Council, through which
faculty and staff can help to guide his
“We are past the time when we Jesuits
expect our lay colleagues to collaborate
with us. That began in the ’70s and ’80s.
Since General Congregation 34 in 1995 the
reality is that we Jesuits collaborate with
our lay colleagues, to help them realize
and live their own vocations.”
This summer, Father Case celebrated his
55th year in the Society of Jesus.
a New BIBle
basEd oN
quIll pENs
thE fiRSt volUmE of
thE SAint John’S biblE iS on
diSplAy on cAmpUS.
gonZAgA hopES to AcQUiRE
a fine-art reproduction of the new
handwritten and illuminated Saint John’s
Bible – the first such Bible created in
500 years, since the origins of the printing
The Benedictine monks of Saint John’s
University of Minnesota commissioned
this Bible. They turned to Donald
Jackson, official calligrapher to the queen
of England, and his team of artists and
scholars to create the seven volumes.
Work on the Saint John’s Bible began 13
years ago; the final volume was completed
in May. Pages of the handmade original are
of calfskin vellum, while scribes used
hand-cut goose quills and lamp-black ink
from 19th century Chinese ink sticks.
Alumnus Jim Triggs (’81) is director of
the Saint John’s Bible Heritage Program,
which has overseen reproduction of 360
Heritage Editions of the Bible. Triggs says
his biggest, and most welcome, surprise
has been the reaction of those viewing the
Bible for the first time.
“The Saint John’s Bible is one of those
‘you have to see it to believe it’ encounters
in life,” Triggs said. “The real impact is
seeing the illuminated manuscript, the
calligraphy and the imagery – live and
in living color. Some of the pages have
brought tears to people’s eyes. Others,
including some of the creative corrections,
make people laugh. The Bible offers all
sorts of emotions and they are all on
The illuminations go beyond traditional
biblical depictions, coming alive with
images of modernity. Strands of DNA
figure into the “Genealogy of Christ”;
depictions of the Twin Towers accompany
“Luke’s Parables,” while satellite images of
Ganges River Delta and Hubble telescope
images are used in “Creation.”
Triggs has said that one of the delights of
the Bible is its ability to compel its readers
to slow down and to appreciate the handdone work.
One of Triggs’s favorite illuminations is
“Wisdom Woman” by Donald Jackson,
part of the Wisdom Books volume. “The
illumination is based on a photo of an
older Middle Eastern woman that Donald
saved for many years,” Triggs said. “While
our culture says beauty is a 20-yearold, this illumination says real beauty is
wisdom, and wisdom is earned with age,
experience and life. It is a stunning, multilayered illumination featuring gold, silver
and platinum.”
Pentateuch, the first volume of the Saint
John’s Bible, is currently on display in
Gonzaga’s University Chapel.
WINTER 2012 | gONZaga MagaZINe
IteC 211 algOrIthMIC art: 3 cREditS
timE/plAcE: 10:00-10:50 Am, mwf tilfoRd 405, inStRUctoR: Rob bRyAnt, bRyAnt@gonZAgA.EdU
COurSe CatalOg: AlgoRithmic ARt SitS At thE
intERSEction of mAthEmAticS, pRogRAmming,
AlgoRithmS And ARt. the primary goal is to teach
computational thinking to liberal arts students. Student
motivation is achieved by presenting programming and math
concepts in the context of the visual arts. the assignments
use the programming environment called processing which
was developed specifically for visual artists.
in contemporary terms, an algorithm is an equation – a basic
building block of computer programming. why do liberal arts
students need to know about algorithms and computational
“if you want to be an educated person in the 21st century, you
had better know about technology,” bryant says. “Almost all
of today’s disciplines – and jobs – rely on a computational
component, and i’m not talking word processing. i’m talking
about finding ways to crunch data in almost any field, because
either there’s too much data to manipulate via human power,
or it’s too tedious.”
Jeannette wing, a former assistant director at the national
Science foundation, wrote a seminal essay in 2006 arguing
the myriad ways in which understanding of computer
programming benefits and is essential for critical thinking.
A 25-year gonzaga veteran, bryant is a regional leader in
a national movement that believes higher education must
teach computational thinking to students beyond the field
of computer science. the benefits will include broad gains
in critical thinking, along with graduates who are better
prepared for employment – and possibly a trickle of new
majors in computer science and computer engineering, fields
that hunger for more talent nationwide.
new this fall, Algorithmic Art was assigned to 25 incoming
freshmen. it is from a new program called itEc, for
information technology.
“the hardest part of the class, at least for me,” says freshman
Sarah hartwig, “is training myself to think like the computer.
however it’s still one of my favorite classes. i love thinking
of new ideas and images that i can make with the skills i’m
bryant also taught digital technology & Society and fluency
in information this fall. he hopes to build itEc into a minor.
“today’s students arrive at gonzaga thinking they know
everything about computers,” he says. “what they actually are
good at is consuming technology. but they’re not necessarily
good at understanding how they can control computers by
doing some simple programming.”
Father Michael Maher, S.J.,
inaugurated Jesuit Heritage
Week, Sept. 26-30, to mark the
anniversary of the founding of
the Society of Jesus on Sept.
27, 1540. The event featured
lectures on the Ratio Studiorum
and other fundamental
documents of the Society of
Jesus. Topics for Jesuit Heritage
Week 2012 are chosen already,
Fr. Maher says.
Professor Todd Finkle led 20
students to Omaha, Neb., for
a day spent with billionaire
Warren Buffett, chairman and
CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.
On Nov. 10, students visited two
Berkshire Hathaway subsidiaries
in Omaha, Neb., joined in a
two-hour Q-and-A and had
lunch with the so-called Oracle
of Omaha.
Jennifer Shepherd, professor
of chemistry and biochemistry,
received a $241,355 grant
from the National Institutes
of Health to continue research
that could lead to development
of new anti-parasitic drugs.
Shepherd works with students
in her research. As well, a
$500,000 USAID grant will
allow construction of an
building at the Catholic
University of the Sudan in
the capitol city, Juba. Civil
engineering seniors from ’0809 and ’09-10 developed the
project’s design plans.
Gonzaga’s security department
monitors more than 400 security
cameras which view bike racks,
building entrances, streets
and other public points on
Law Professor Linda Rusch
has begun a one-year term as
chair of the American Bar
Association Section of Business
Law, which will conclude in
August 2012.
Linda Rusch
Gonzaga students gave time
and shovel power to plant
hundreds of Ponderosa pines
on Oct. 22. Reforest Spokane
Day, a Lands Council event,
aimed to plant 10,000 saplings
in and around Spokane. In the
wake of the death of Wangari
Maathai, planned Presidential
Speaker Series guest, the event
grew to include the planting of a
tree in the honor of the African
environmental leader.
zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags
zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags zigzags
2011 DAMA recipients include
Kevin Daniels (’79), whose
passion is to create a renaissance
for historic buildings and urban,
sustainable living in Seattle; Phil
McCarthey (’74), for whom
Florence became a driving life
force; Tom McCarthey (’73),
who shares with his brother a
passion for the arts and sports
– both played a defining role in
creating the McCarthey Athletic
Center – and Carla Nuxoll
(’72), a Mead High School
teacher and national educational
leader who interprets her award
as “an acknowledgment of the
educator’s essential service to
St. al’S CeNteNNIal
oct. 9, 2011
the St. Aloysius parish is celebrating 100
years of the life of St. Aloysius church in
ways large and small, from a meticulous
repainting of St. Al’s interior, to a time
capsule containing a chocolate truffle
among its treasures.
See the slide show at gonzaga.edu/st.al’s.
GoNZaGa’s aNNual NEW YoRk TREk, hEld Each sEpTEmbER, alloWs
fINaNcE sTudENTs To EXploRE caREER oppoRTuNITIEs, NETWoRk aNd
dIsplaY ThEIR pRofEssIoNal “boNa fIdEs” To pRospEcTIvE EmploYERs.
RIchaRd shINdER, a paRTNER aT pERElla WEINbERG paRTNERs, has
paRTIcIpaTEd IN all fIvE NY TREks.
When I graduated from Gonzaga in 1989,
the notion of finding an entry-level position
at a New York-based investment banking
or asset management firm – a job on
“Wall street,” in other words – would have
been the stuff of fantasy. Gonzaga was
not yet a national basketball power, nor
did it figure in the popular consciousness
in any meaningful way. I made my way to
New York in 1993 by way of an m.b.a. from
the Wharton school of the university of
pennsylvania, and quickly discovered that
my Gonzaga gear prompted questions
such as “are you from d.c.?” (the location
of a regionally-known Gonzaga high
school). Given those years in the figurative
wilderness, which were brought to an end
by the success of Gu men’s basketball
(thank you, casey et al), I was thrilled to
support Gonzaga’s extension of the Trek to
New York in 2007. knowing how challenging
my own path to Wall street had been, I
was supportive of any “leg up” that I and
other New York-based alumni could give to
younger Gu graduates and alums as they
follow their dreams – roughly 2,500 miles
due east of spokane.
What I had no way of knowing in 2007 – the
year of the inaugural NY Trek – was that
the somewhat generic challenges facing
Gu grads in obtaining a financial services
job in a highly competitive job market
(facing off against the Ivy league and other
traditional “feeder” schools for Wall street)
would be radically altered by the financial
crisis that crested in the fall of 2008 and
continues to reverberate through our world
today. Thinking back over the fi ve New York
Treks, including the most recent one this
september, I can see how the narrative
arc of my own recent career experiences
(and my employers during the “Trek era”)
revealed some of the fundamental changes
gONZaga MagaZINe | WINTER 2012
in our national economy, financial markets
and society generally.
In 2007, I had taken a position with
avenue capital, a hedge fund specializing
in corporate credit, high yield and
“distressed” investing. I left behind a
14-year career as an investment banker
focused primarily on advising financially
distressed and bankrupt companies.
Working in this new capacity gave me an
appreciation for the perspective of this first
crop of Trek students, for whom all my talk
of credit default swaps, relative value and
capital structure arbitrage likely sounded
more than a little mysterious. I was then
myself in the process of peeling away some
of the mystery of these esoteric financial
products and concepts.
While the high yield markets had started
to “close down” in july 2007 (meaning it
was becoming increasingly difficult for
companies to finance themselves), in
september the standard & poor and dow
jones equity indices would make alltime highs. prospects for employment
opportunities on Wall street opening up
to Gu grads seemed promising – provided
Gonzaga continued to facilitate students’
exploration of such opportunities. The
quality of the Trek students and the broader
market environment convinced me that our
“beta test” had been worthwhile.
The 2008 Trek would prove a different
circumstance altogether. The financial
crisis was unfolding in real time as the
group of Trek students made their way to
New York. lehman brothers had failed,
a prospect that seemed inconceivable
only weeks before. by this time, I had left
avenue for a similar position with Goldman
sachs. I found the investing philosophy and
team approach at Goldman familiar and
conducive to the sort of investing I was
wall Street
[ ThE dREam, The neW YorK TreK & ThE REalITY ]
WINTER 2012 | gONZaga MagaZINe
focused on (credit-intensive, high risk and
illiquid investments).
carSon boWlin (’11) works
as an analyst with morgan
stanley smith barney. his role
in the capital markets division
requires broad knowledge of
global markets and products,
ranging from high-yield debt, to
structured securities, to precious
metals trading. nY TreK 2010:
“at deutsche bank, Gonzaga
alumnus and Trustee kevin
mcquilkin had us meet with his
first and second year analysts.
The caliber of these individuals
and the impressive backgrounds
they possessed set a high bar and
showed me what it would take
to compete.” WhaT STuDenTS
neeD To hear: “You must ‘own’
the next chapter of your life.
Regardless of the trying economic
times, there are incredible
opportunities to be had. Reject
complacency and set your goals.
This process must be well on its
way by your junior year.”
gONZaga MagaZINe | WINTER 2012
In some respects the 2008 Trek is both the
most and least memorable for me. I recall
walking into a sunlit conference room just
off the Goldman sachs trading floor with
terror in the pit of my stomach to meet a
bright-eyed group of underclassmen and
women. That day may not have been the
absolute nadir of the financial crisis, but
it was close. concerns about the global
financial system shutting down were at
their height. In the preceding days, an eerie
calm had fallen over the financial district
in lower manhattan as the assumptions
and trust upon which functioning financial
markets rely – counterparties performing
on contracts, banks lending to one another
at the interbank offered rate, and rational
responses to offered incentives – were being
tested. I recall asking a junior colleague to
describe the tasks and responsibilities of
younger team members in our group, while
I left the room at one point to attend to a
financing-related matter. upon returning to
the conference room, I could see that the
students were simultaneously fascinated
and confused by the obvious stress that I
was under, and I recall making a few feeble
attempts at gallows humor while the markets
continued to plunge, including encouraging
them to consider a career on Wall street “if
we are all still here.”
fortunately, by fall 2009 stability had
returned to the markets, and the economy
had begun to show signs of improvement.
I had recently joined a startup advisory
boutique, perella Weinberg, and was busy
with several companies navigating the tail
end of the “Great Recession.” Ironically, as
a senior at Gonzaga, I had applied to several
top business schools with an essay noting my
admiration for joe perella, who was at that
time in the process of leaving first boston
to start his first entrepreneurial venture,
Wasserstein perella (which he sold 10
years later for $1.4 billion to dresdner bank
of Germany).
With the benefit of student feedback and
some repeat attendees (the Trek has come
to take sophomores, juniors and seniors,
with a focus on juniors), the quality of the
2009 students and their level of preparation
was impressive. our first student to land a
job in investment banking in New York was
part of this group. The 2010 Trek continued
this trend. The combination of a seemingly
more stable economic and capital markets
environment, along with Gu’s commitment to
the New York Trek and “real world” examples
of students finding positions in New York,
validated the original notion that the New York
Trek would prove a worthwhile investment
of university and alumni resources.
positive momentum notwithstanding, the
2011 New York Trek has found both the
Trek and the broader economic and societal
context at a crossroads. The successes
noted above stand in contrast to an abortive
economic recovery and a redefining of the
notion of modern financial capitalism. at
the same time, the economic primacy of the
West is being challenged as never before.
National economic questions abound:
the long-term impact of hollowing out a
modern economy’s industrial base, the
related loss of export competitiveness, the
consequences of chronic underinvestment
in national infrastructure (both physical
and social, particularly primary education),
and the implications of uncontrolled
entitlement spending (transfer payments,
social insurance and health care). all of this
transpires in a threatening global economic
environment and with the federal government
already having fired many of its bullets from
a depleted arsenal in ill-conceived, shortterm attempts to “jump start” an enfeebled
economic recovery. Today’s NY Trek students
confront an economy failing to create jobs, a
public sector struggling with the legacy costs
of decades of unwise economic decisions, and
a financial sector with uncertain prospects.
however, talented people find opportunities
in any environment, and the accepted wisdom
of one moment can find itself in the ash heap
shortly thereafter. business Week magazine
famously declared “The death of Equities”
in 1979, three years before the stock market
bottomed and subsequently commenced a
25-year rally during which the value of the
dow jones Industrial average increased
over 17-fold. serious industry participants
have asked whether Wall street needs to be
reconceived or pared back to its narrower
historical role of assisting the industrial
economy with corporate finance.
moreover, while 1989 seems to me like just
a moment ago, I also recognize that it is the
province of the well-seasoned to look through
the prism of their own experiences and fight
the last war – sometimes with a “beggar
thy neighbor” sensibility. a reordering of
the global financial architecture need not
only (or even) limit domestic (or Western)
opportunities in financial services, but may
very well open new vistas to the globally
minded. and I have great confidence that the
holistic liberal arts education and belief in
life-long learning inculcated in Gu graduates
will serve them well, just as it has served
me. It may be that one of this year’s Gu Trek
participants will help one day to lead the u.s.
financial sector toward a new relevance,
making the industry’s dizzying heights
reached in the mid-2000s appear quaint and
the 2008 financial crisis a distant memory.
phil choWaniec (’10) is
an analyst in the mergers
and acquisitions group at
oppenheimer & co. in New
York. WhaT STuDenTS neeD
To hear: “concentrate on your
network and keep your mind
open to as many opportunities
as possible. despite economic
challenges, at least in my field, all
banks still need new grads to fill
the analyst ranks – it is just that
much more competitive to get
in.” JiMMY barber (’11) is an
investment associate at putnam
Investments. nY TreK 2010:
“my most memorable experience
from the NY Trek was visiting the
New York stock Exchange. The
group was able to walk around
on the floor of the exchange and
talk to various traders. To stand
in what is literally the center of
the financial universe was an
experience I will never forget.”
for more, go to gonzaga.edu/magazine.
WINTER 2012 | gONZaga MagaZINe
People for
IllusTRaTIoNs bY dalE hamIlToN
oN a mooNlEss NIGhT, hoW do You dEcIdE WhIch sTaRs To couNT fIRsT? lIkEWIsE, so
maNY GoNZaGa alumNI lIvE ouT ThE jEsuIT mIssIoN IN REmaRkablE WaYs. hoW To pIck
amoNG ThEm? EvENTuallY, WE sImplY chosE oNE, ThEN aNoThER aNd aNoThER.
jok NhIal (’09) This resilient young
man has come a long way. A long way from the farm on
which he was born and raised in a tiny village in South
Sudan. A long way from the “atrocity after atrocity” he
experienced as a child in that war-ravaged region.
“I was separated from my family at the age of six. The
government troops and their proxy militias killed anyone
they could find. Everyone had to run for their lives. I took
my own way and joined thousands of other children running
for safety. I didn’t know where we were going, but I kept
walking. It was the beginning of a long journey” – one that
would bring him ultimately to Tacoma, Wash., in 2001 as
part of a resettlement initiative that granted asylum to about
3,500 (of a total 27,000) Lost Boys and Girls of Sudan.
Despite these hardships, Jok arrived at Gonzaga three years
later. He graduated in 2008 with a double major in political
science and sociology.
Today Jok lives in Federal Way, just 12 miles from where
he first was resettled. But it is under completely different
circumstances. There he heads the Liliir Education Project,
a charitable organization that he founded to enhance literacy
and education in South Sudan.
“We subsist entirely on donations,” he says. “We have started
funding scholarships for two students who will start college
this year. Upon completion, they are required to go back to
their village to teach for at least one year.”
One personal experience reminds him of the importance of
his work. He recalls going to school under a tamarind tree
with a makeshift blackboard nailed to the trunk. One day,
he and his young classmates were caught in a downpour in
the middle of class. Sodden and cold, he swore off returning
to school.
“I want to help build classrooms for children in remote rural
villages who are still being taught outside,” he says. “When
I am carrying out my work, I think of educating the next
generations to build up a strong nation. Education can help
people make an informed decision to elect public officials
who will serve their interests and deliver services – all with
transparency so that there is accountability.”
Fortunately for Jok and those whose lives he is now working
hard to improve, his mother made sure he knew that, no
matter how rain-soaked he got, quitting school was never
an option.
– E.J. Iannelli
The project undertakes grassroots action to address
educational inequality in South Sudan. Liliir is laying the
groundwork for a primary and secondary school. Much of
Jok’s time is spent seeking sponsors and participating in
fundraising events.
To G E T h E R
jok NhIal Is a ‘losT boY’ of sudaN Who
has fouNd hIs puRposE.
a R E
WINTER 2012 | gONZaga MagaZINe
kRIsTEN dEasY (’07)
In a
dim back room of a Berlin restaurant, Kristen Deasy
listened to a group of young Iranians. They huddled
close, and their conversation was whispered, but
with her limited Farsi and careful attention to their
facial expressions, Deasy understood the general
discussion. They were planning political protests.
The year was 2009.
Based in the Czech Republic, Deasy is a junior
correspondent with Radio Free Europe/Radio
Liberty. She went on to interview and write about
these young protesters.
“I treasure that experience as a first brush with the
kind of dissent that has since taken the entire region
by storm,” she said. Her work for Radio Free Europe
ranges from news briefs to features and multimedia
projects, to a mock news feed she initiated called The
Month in Facebook. Deasy writes about complex
international issues, but must confine herself to
simple and easy-to-translate English. Her stories are
aired in Farsi, Uzbek, Arabic and more. Radio Free
Europe broadcasts 28 languages into 21 countries.
How does a Gonzaga journalism grad end up
broadcasting radio programming that sometimes
subverts the political propaganda of a handful of
Middle Eastern governments? A cocktail party,
of course.
“The then-director of the Collegiate Network
informed me at a cocktail party that the organization
had secured a one-year fellowship in Prague at Radio
Free Europe,” she said. They wanted to send someone
they knew, preferably someone who wasn’t fresh out
of college.
“And – key point – someone willing to pack up and
start a life as an expat in a strange country,” she
added. “Turns out I was that person.” Deasy has been
in Prague for three years now, listening and watching
as revolutions change the face of the Middle Eastern
political system and helping to encourage activism
through the free flow of information so vital to any
democratic society.
“I am continually inspired by the bravery of today’s
young revolutionaries,” she said, “and when I read
about young people taking to the streets in Libya,
Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, and Syria, I find myself
returning, in a way, to that secret room hidden in the
back of a Berlin restaurant.”
– Lauren Campbell (’13)
gONZaga MagaZINe | WINTER 2012
kRIsTIN dEasY challENGEs pRopaGaNda
IN hER RolE aT RadIo fREE EuRopE.
kenny Farrow (’96)
“During my studies, I had the wonderful opportunity
to live in Japan for a summer as a visiting researcher at
the University of Tokyo and I traveled to Turkey to study
structural damage from the 1999 earthquakes,” he says.
He spent time in Copenhagen learning about probabilistic
design. And with recent projects in the North Sea and
Malaysia, his career can take him far from home. But his
work revolves around a common theme: safe offshore
drilling. Few events highlighted the importance of that
more than the explosion of BP’s Deepwater Horizon rig
in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010. Within hours of the
accident, Farrow and his colleagues received calls asking
for assistance on this unprecedented problem.
“We worked all hours, some people through the night
without much sleep, to find solutions as quickly as
possible,” says Farrow.
That emergency qualifies as one of his higher-stress work
situations; but Farrow finds more eco-friendly ways to get
an adrenalin rush. Endurance bike racing is his game.
“I’ve done races like Primal Quest, a 10-day expedition
race, similar to Eco-Challenge; Leadville 100, a 100-mile
mountain bike race in Leadville, Colo.; and Ironman,” he
says. Pushing himself to perform to the last mile in these
grueling races is reflected in his engineering philosophy.
“I try to translate these achievements into my work life,” he
says. “Improper engineering design can lead to catastrophic
failures and cost the lives and livelihoods of many people,
so I step back and remind myself of the implications of not
doing my due diligence on even the smallest projects.”
– E.J. Iannelli
Courtesy of Kenny Farrow
Zuzana Podolska
As an
engineer for Stress Engineering Services, Kenny Farrow
expects the unexpected. The nature of his work is found
right in the firm’s name. Stress Engineering handles
the design and analysis of structures that are subject to
powerful forces of nature like earthquakes and ocean
currents. A Gonzaga civil engineering major, Farrow
started with the Texas-based company in 2004, three years
after finishing his doctorate in structural engineering at
Notre Dame on a National Science Foundation fellowship.
Ivone Guillen (’09)
As a child in Yakima, Wash., Ivone Guillen
grew up in an immigrant family. Her mother
raised five children alone. No one in her family
had graduated from college. Watching her
mother struggle, Guillen knew that she wanted
something different. She fulfilled her dreams and
her mother’s when she graduated from Gonzaga
in May 2009 with a double major in Latin
American studies and Spanish.
Laura Elizabeth Pohl (Courtesy of Bread for the World)
Intent on helping others fulfill that same dream,
Guillen went to work with Bread for the World,
a Washington, D.C., Christian nonprofit that
focuses on the reasons immigrants, especially
undocumented immigrants, leave their home
countries to come to the United States. “People
do not leave their countries out of pleasure but
rather out of need,” Guillen said. “Immigrants
migrate because they live in hunger and poverty
in their own countries and their families’
livelihoods are at risk.”
Guillen recalls sharing lunch with a colleague one
afternoon shortly after starting her job. As they
looked out toward the Capitol, she realized that
facts and figures don’t make change. People and
their stories do. Hunger and poverty become real
when it isn’t a faceless mass of people suffering,
but one person who is doing everything he can to
feed his children. Change is made when people
begin to feel empathy.
Guillen focuses on writing of the challenges
that daunt immigrants after they arrive. “Too
few people realize that upon entering the U.S.,
immigrants still face many obstacles that make
their lives difficult,” she said. She hopes her work
will bring into clarity the reality of immigrants’
challenges in a way that readers will relate to
and act upon. At Bread for the World, Guillen
said, “I can share my personal perspective and
understanding about working with the Latino
immigrant community on an issue that I am
passionate about.”
– Lauren Campbell (’13)
johN baRNhaRdT (’90)
Good communication is central to John Barnhardt,
both in his vocation and his avocation.
He’s helping spearhead an $88 million project to bring
broadband and cell service to 65 villages in his native
Alaska for General Communications, Inc., the largest
phone and broadband provider in Alaska. His focus
is specialized telecommunications for health care and
education, particularly in rural settings. This project
will bring over 9,000 families better health care, more
choices in schooling through distance education, and
the ability to participate in the modern digital economy.
The drive to support others through communication
doesn’t stop there.
As first-time parents, Barnhart and his wife, Liz, with
then two-month-old Evan, joined a peer support group
through the Program for Early Parent Support. Weekly
meetings with other PEPS parents whose babies were
exactly Evan’s age became “a trusted and consistent
forum,” Barnhardt said. “It was incredibly helpful for
us both personally and in relation to the other parents.
We’re not crazy. This is hard – the schedule, the
sleeping, everything.”
Today, Barnhardt leads the board of directors of Seattle’s
PEPS, which typically forms new groups before birth.
Eight to 12 families begin meeting when the babies
are very young, sometimes only a couple of weeks old.
Many groups create close friendships that provide peer
support and companionship for a lifetime.
“It’s kind of a full circle for me,” Barnhardt says. He
always has oriented himself toward helping others.
After graduating from Gonzaga in 1990 with majors
in math and computer science, he served two years
in the Peace Corps. Along the way, he learned how
non-profits work. Today, he sees his work for PEPS,
using best practices to keep the organization sound
and strong, as a way to help thousands of families
in the Seattle area. His fellow board members are
important, too.
“It’s often people’s first experience on a non-profit
board,” he said. “We try to make it an engaging and
constructive experience – a good learning experience
– so that someday they are able to move on to another
non-profit and be an effective board member.”
– Marny Lombard
johN baRNhaRdT’s voIcE quIckENs
WITh EXcITEmENT WhEN hE Talks abouT
chaNGEs IN EducaTIoN aNd mEdIcal
caRE comING To alaskaN vIllaGEs.
WINTER 2012 | gONZaga MagaZINe
NIck sENGER (’88)
First in his
family to attend college, Nick Senger has built his profession
around Catholic education. He is a celebrated teacher at All
Saints Catholic School in Spokane, the author of a respected
book on reading skills and editor of a blog on Catholic
K-12 education.
Born in Long Beach, Calif., “I didn’t originally plan to go to
Gonzaga,” says Senger. “But when my guidance counselor
asked me where I would go if money was no object, I named
the most prestigious school I knew of. Several months later
my parents were driving me to Gonzaga, a place I had never
even visited before.”
There he graduated with a bachelor’s in history, went on
to earn a master’s in teaching and met Brenda, now his
wife of 21 years. And there Senger discovered how much
he loved acquiring knowledge and sharing it with others.
“At Gonzaga I learned how to think, how to study, how to
communicate and how to respond to God’s call,” he says.
For the past two decades, he has taught at All Saints, in
2001 winning the National Catholic Education Association’s
award for Distinguished Teacher of the Year, Region XII.
He attributes the praise he has received to the special
relationships he forges with his students.
“One year, just after “Toy Story” came out, I was teaching a
grammar lesson on gerunds, infinitives and participles. At
the end of the class, as the students stood up to leave, a
girl named Meghan pointed to the door and shouted, ‘To
infinitives... and beyond!’ That is exactly where I want my
students to go – to infinitives and beyond.”
In 2008, Nick founded the online Catholic School Chronicle.
“I noticed there were no blogs or websites specifically
devoted to Catholic education,” he says, “and I thought
I could help fill that void.” He has also self-published a
book on developing reading skills. His stake in Catholic
education as a whole is rooted in the concern he has for
each individual student long after they have left All Saints.
“Each day I pray for the All Saints alumni, especially those
who have passed through my classroom. I wonder what
they must be doing – continuing their education, getting
married, raising families, looking for work, struggling with
loneliness or addiction, caring for sick relatives, perhaps
even teaching their own students. I place their needs before
God and ask that their day be blessed in a special way that
brings them closer to Him.”
– E.J. Iannelli
gONZaga MagaZINe | WINTER 2012
fINd “hoW YouTubE caN INcREasE sTudENTs’
aWaRENEss of God” aNd moRE aT NIck sENGER’s
bloG, “caTholIc school chRoNIclEs.”
ElaINE cullEN (’72)
English major – who came back to Gonzaga to earn her
M.B.A. in ’92 and her Ph.D. in leadership studies in
2004 – calls herself a “professional story listener.” The
stories Elaine Cullen collects belong to the men who
work in dangerous occupations – underground mining,
commercial fishing and most recently oil and gas fields.
In August, the American Society of Safety Engineers’
WISE group named Cullen one of 100 women who have
made a difference in safety and health over the past 100
years. The purpose for the stories she gathers? To keep
young, green hands – miners, fishermen and drillers –
safe as they work. Cullen says, “I went into this thinking
that miners were, you know, knuckledraggers. But they’re
not. They’re smart people, practical people.”
As a sophomore at Gonzaga, Cullen had a work-study job
at the federal Bureau of Mines in Spokane, keypunching
for a computer program that analyzed mine data. The
year was 1970.
After graduation, she went to work for the Bureau fulltime, focusing on mining safety, which meant sometimes
working underground. Cullen had to overcome cultural
biases against women. She understands miners’ initial
skepticism. “I don’t look like them, I don’t sound like
them.” But she discovered a profound truth: that the
men who work underground together engage in a rich
storytelling culture. Their stories include myths and
mores, heroes and villains. “And they listen to each other.
They teach each other with their stories. They don’t need
to listen to me; I am a translator for them.”
Capturing the stories of veteran miners has proved a
boon to the industry. In 2001, Cullen set out to create a
training piece for mine rescue teams. She decided to set
the piece around the catastrophic 1972 Sunshine Mine
fire and 27 of its survivors. The first man she interviewed
broke down in tears, as did many others she interviewed
thereafter. The documentary, “You Are My Sunshine,”
helped to change mining regulations and practices
nationwide. It also won a Telly Award.
Today Cullen travels internationally finding ways
to capture stories that will help men in dangerous
occupations. She tells of a conversation with a mining
safety director. “He asked if I could send him five more
copies of the new training DVDs I’d completed. I said ‘I
just sent you a bunch of them. What happened to those?’
He said ‘Well, the guys keep breaking into the supply
cabinets and taking them home.’ I said, ‘Do you usually
have this problem with your safety videos?’ He said, ‘No.’
coURtESy of ElAinE cUllEn
The Bureau of Mines closed in 1995, but Cullen went
on working for its successor, the National Institute
of Occupational Safety and Health. Eventually she was
able to hire her own crew – often Gonzaga alumni. “I
had the extreme good sense to hire young, smart people,”
she said.
“And I thought YES – we are making a difference.”
– Marny Lombard
for more, go to gonzaga.edu/magazine.
WINTER 2012 | gONZaga MagaZINe
mAJoR bEnEfActoRS lifEtimE contRibUtoRS
2010 – 2011
MajOr BeNeFaCtOrS
Gonzaga University proudly recognizes
and honors these major contributors
whose outstanding generosity and
spirit of lifetime giving demonstrate
a commitment to ensuring the fi nest
level of higher education available.
† = Deceased
$5,000,000 aNd aBOve
Duet Technologies
Independent Colleges of Washington
Jesuit Community of Gonzaga
Jim and Joann Jundt
Phil and Sandy McCarthey
Tom and Mary McCarthey
Fritz and Jeanie Wolff
$2,000,000 - $4,999,999
Alphonse and Geraldine Arnold
Dauna Leigh Bauer Foundation
Comstock Foundation
M. O. Flannery Estate
Charles Gillingham†
Don and Carol† Herak
The Hogan Family Foundation, Inc.
Bob and Alice Jepson
Johnson Scholarship Foundation
Duff and Dorothy† Kennedy
Charlotte Y. Martin †
Charlotte Y. Martin Foundation
Bob and Claire McDonald
M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust
Oracle Corporation
Carl R. Pohlad †
The Carl and Eloise Pohlad
Family Foundation
J. Merton† and Jessie Rosauer
Sterling Software
Tom and Camilla Tilford
$1,000,000 - $1,999,999
Louis† and Kathryn Barbieri
Tim and Mary Barnard
The Boeing Company
Cadre Technologies, Inc.
Henry J. Casey†
Marguerite M. Casey†
Dr. Patrick J. Cavanaugh†
we thank you for sharing your gifts made between June 1, 2010, and
may 31, 2011. your steadfast investment in gonzaga’s students creates
the environment in which their transformation occurs. At gonzaga,
young women and men gain a desire for truth, a mature concern for
others and a thirst for justice. they sow inspiration – just as you have.
gONZaga MagaZINe | fall 2010
Chester and Catherine J. Chastek†
Harriet Cheney Cowles
Walter and Donna Conn
Fred and Barbara Curley†
Don and Va Lena (Scarpelli) Curran
Bernard and Marsha Daines
Sperry H. Goodman†
John Hemmingson
Sarah Hemmingson
Johnston-Hanson Foundation
Kreielsheimer Foundation
Harry† and Colleen Magnuson
Tom Martin† and Noreen Hobbs
Jack and Mary McCann
Jane McCarthey Family
McCarthey Family Foundation
Joseph L. McCarthy†
Microsoft Corporation
Lyle W. and Cherie Moore†
Angelo and Phyllis Mozilo
The Phyllis and Angelo Mozilo
Family Foundation
Charlie and Doris O’Connor
Mary Stuart Rogers Foundation
Elizabeth D. Rudolf
John and Nancy Rudolf
Rudolf Family Foundation
Dave and Sandy Sabey
Sodexho Marriott Services
Walter A. and Hazel Toly†
United Way of King County
Washington Trust Bank
Betty S. Wheeler
$500,000 - $999,999
Allegro Investments, LLC
Avista Corporation
Fred E. Bigelow†
Horace and Christine Bozarth†
Fred and Leslie Brown
Zeke and Meghan Brown
Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Foundation
Gerard Centioli
Ben B. Cheney Foundation
Bill and Virginia† Clemens
John and Nancy Clute
Harry L. (Bing) Crosby†
Leon (Bob) and Petronella Davis
Bud W. Driessel Estate
Anna Fahey†
Garco Construction
Gonzaga University Law Adjunct
Mr.† and Mrs. Charles Hennessey, Jr.
Herak Foundation
Hewlett-Packard Company
Mrs. Dan Hogan, Jr.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Intel Corporation
W. M. Keck Foundation
Joseph R. Keys†
Patrick J. and Stephanie Kilkenny
KnowledgeWare, Inc.
The Kresge Foundation
Henry Luce Foundation
John and Donna Luger
Paul and Lita (Barnett) Luvera
Bob and Yvonne Lyons†
Esther A. McCoy Estate
Dr. Earl Miller Estate
Gene and Marti Monaco
The Odell Fund
Robert and Carol (Smail) Palencar
Michael A. Patterson
Terry and Pat Payne
Mark and Cindy Pigott
Robert and Ann Powers†
Ed and Yvonne† Ralph
Hubie Randall
Rational Software Corporation
Norm and Rita Roberts
Mark and Katherine Ryland
Sabey Corporation
Dr. Scholl Foundation
The Steele-Reese Foundation
John Stone
Suzi Stone
Frank X. Suttey Estate
John and Betty Tubbs†
Union Pacific Railroad
Elizabeth Van Sistine Estate
Carrie Welch Trust Estate
Helen Welty†
E. L. Wiegand Foundation
$250,000 - $499,999
Theodore B. Albi†
John and Jewel Andrew
John† and Anne Aram
Bank of America Corporation
Bank of America Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Norman Bolker
Joseph and Peggy Brennan†
Burlington Northern Santa Fe
John E. Cannon, Sr.†
Dr. Robert J. and Thelma Rose Casey
Centioli Family, LLC
Comshare, Inc.
George Corkery†
Costco Wholesale
Daniels Fund
Henry L. Day†
Joe† and Edna Deichl
Joseph P. and Helen K. Delay
Luino and Margaret Dell’Osso, Jr.
Lawrence E. Duffy Estate
Ernst & Young Foundation
Fidelity Investments Charitable
Gift Fund
Fluke Corporation
Orlanta Franck†
Maurice Gales
George and Marianne Grant†
Jerry and Helen Greenan
Jo and Patsy Hall†
Carl M. Hansen Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanson
Ellen Healy†
William Randolph Hearst
Lorelei and Phil Herres
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Hooker Creek Ranch
Greg and Teresa Hubert
IBM Corporation
Inland Northwest Community
Euretta James Estate
George F. Jewett Foundation
Johnston Foundation
The Johnston-Fix Foundation
Herbert B. Jones Foundation
Dr. Charles† and Margaret K. Larson
Harry† and Harriet Leppek
Wil and Pat Loeken
H.F. Magnuson Family
Foundation, Inc.
Jennifer Vertetis McCann
Jack D. Miklos†
Josh Burrows
Stewart and Molly Butler
William and Judy Carlin
B. J. Carney Company
Robert M. Carroll†
Moss Adams LLP
Aloysius and Jody Mullally
Dan Murphy Foundation
John† and Margie Murphy
Don and Jeanette Nelles
Next IT Corporation
Oregon Province Society of Jesus
Guy and Madeline Ossello
Bill and Carol Quigg
Jim and Beverly Rogers
Frances Salla Estate
The Schwab Fund for Charitable
Mike and Mary (Owens) Shanahan
Stephen† and Mary Shinn
Frost & Margaret Snyder Foundation
Mary E. Stuart†
Citigroup Global Impact Funding
Trust, Inc.
Beverly Clegg†
Gertrude K. Sully Estate
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Sunbelt Communications Company
Mike and Mary Jo (McKinnon) Tucci
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
Union Pacific Foundation
The Vogelheim Family
Anna Mae Waldron Estate
Tim and Jackie Welsh
Pat and Carol West
Geraldine Wynkoop†
Rebecca Cates
Holly Louise Caudill†
Mr. and Mrs. Gill Centioli†
Harry E. Chisholm†
Craig and Georganna Clifford
Club USA
Coeur d’Alene Mines Corporation
Coleman Foundation
Daryl and Michele Connell
CPM Development Corporation
Gerri and Bob Craves
DAA Northwest
Kevin and Mary Jean Daniels
Bill† and Tasia Davenport
E.B. ‘Pete’ and Daisy DeFeyter†
Bob and Evelyn Dieringer†
Harlan and Maxine Douglass
97 percent of
current Gonzaga
students receive
financial aid.
$100,000 - $249,999
Dr.† and Mrs. John B. Adams
Alcoa Foundation
Altera Corporation
Dr. Mansoor Al-Turki
The Anderson Foundation
Arrowhead General Insurance
Agency, Inc.
Athletic Round Table, Inc.
Avista Foundation
Daniel E. Bandmann†
Don Barbieri
Heather Barbieri
Dr. Clarence Barnes
Charles A. and Dolores A. Barry†
Dr. Anne Baruch†
Battelle Memorial Institute
Gerald Berger
Tony and Mary Lou Bonanzino
Erma A. Bonge Estate
Frank and Sharon Bouten
Helen Brach Foundation
Paul W. and Colleen Brajcich
Aileen Connolly Bratton
Chris and Mary Ann Bulger
Bill and Gloria Burch
Bob† and Stevie (Cada) Burke
Edward L. Burke†
Ted Druffel†
Walter Duncan†
William Eddleman†
Emerson Quiet Kool Corporation
Farmers Insurance Group
Francis A. Feider†
Bob and Katie Ferguson
Brooks† and Lucy Fields
Dr. Howard and Maxine Floan†
John and Lyla Fluke†
Foster Foundation
Joe and Joan Gagliardi
Mary Jewett Gaiser†
Bart and Hilke Gallant
William Gaylor Estate
Bud† and Judy Gilmartin
Global Credit Union
Gonzaga University Alumni
Gonzaga University Faculty
Goodale & Barbieri
Burgess Gordon†
Margaret S. Gose†
Josef and Stephany Gray
Robert and Denise Greco
Greg Green
Shannon Green
Herschel and Betty† Gustafson
Larry L. Guthrie
Don and Sherie Hackney
Robert and Roberta Halliday
Daniel P. Harbaugh
George Hardgrove Foundation
Hecla Mining Company
Jim and Michelle Hereford
John and Deborah Holleran
Stan and Shirley Hooper
Horrigan Foundation
Greg and Susan Huckabee
Bill† and Susana Huston
Incremental Systems Corporation
Interleaf, Inc.
Doyle and Kathy (Graham)† Jacklin
Duane and Susan Jacklin
Jacklin Investments, L.P.
Jack and Kitty Jacobs
Jerome and Vicki Jager
Don and Marilyn Jans
Helen John Foundation
Frank and Maureen Johnson
Ina Johnston†
George and Shari Kain
Kaiser Aluminum Fabricated
Don and Mary Kayser
KC Auto Paint and Supplies, Inc.
William V. Kelley†
Dorothy C. Kelly
John and Pat Kelly
The Kern Family Foundation, Inc.
Klaue Family Foundation
Roy and Violet† Knott
KPFF Consulting Engineers
KPMG Foundation
Stanton and Jeanie Kramer
Gregory Kunz
Dwayne and Rosemary (Dempsey)
John and Carrie Lapke
Dr. Anna M. Ledgerwood
Bernie and Mafalda Levernier
David M. Lincoln
Pauline M. Love and Michael Love
Mike and Reneé Lucarelli
Joseph M. Lynch
Elizabeth A. Lynn Foundation
John and Phyllis MacKenzie
Macon Foundation
Thomas and Jean Malott†
John E. Manders Foundation
Douglas and Kathrine Mantyla
Esther Mark†
Maryknoll Korea Region
John† and Alice-Marie Maughan
Bob and Sandy McConkey
Helen McDonald†
Frank A. McMahon†
Dr. and Mrs. Jacob W. Meighan
Larry Miller
John and Lori Moloney, Jr.
Mike and Mary Moloney
Moloney + O’Neill
Scott and Lizbeth (Tomich) Morris
Moss Adams Foundation
John and Melinda Moynier
Dan and Joyce Murphy
Joseph† and Muriel Murphy
Mike and Muffy Murphy
Tim and Denny† Murphy
Timothy Murphy
Tom and Joyce Murphy
Mike Myers and Carole Rolando
John C. Nevin Trust
John and Frances Nitkey
Wes and Mary Lee (Toepel) Nuxoll
William and Monica O’Connell†
Bill and Betty† Ogle
Olivetti North America, Inc.
Richard and Margaret O’Neill†
R. E. ‘Eddie’ Page†
Ruth Patchen Estate
Ruth H. Pearson
Ethel Peasley†
Joseph† and Alice Peirone
Dr. and Mrs. Otto J. Penna†
Thomas and Cece Perko
Stephen N. Pope Estate
Jim and Gwen Powers
Ed and Helen Prevol†
Dr. Carlos and Chris Prietto
Jim and Marilyn Prince
Qwest Foundation
Rauenhorst Family Foundation
Mark and Barbara Ray
Red Lion Hotels
Jeff and Margaret Reed
Phil and Bev Reinig
Ed and Bunny (Suva) Renouard
Research Corporation for Science
Catherine Rhodes Estate
Doug and Kathleen Rivard
Bill Roach†
Donald Rockstrom
Lucille Rooney Estate
Kerm† and Fran Rudolf
James M. and Lillian Ryan†
Safeco Insurance Companies
Michael and Carol Schimmels
Steve and Tresa Schmautz
Jerry and Sue Schwalbach
The Seattle Foundation
Seattle University
S.E.R.E. Solutions, Inc.
Joseph M. Shabaz Estate
David and Linda Shea
Penn and Nancy Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith, Sr.†
Doug and Karen Sonneborn
SprayCool, Inc.
Mary Constance Stanton Estate
Charles H. and Diane Steilen
Bartholomew† and Sarah Stevens
Jim and Liz Stewart
Charles H. Stolz†
Irene Strachen Charitable Trust
the following estate gifts were gratefully received
june 1, 2010 - May 31, 2011.
kathleen A. Adkison
charles (’32) and dolores barry
Joseph (’55) and peggy brennan
beverly clegg
patricia J. malone (’52)
helen mcdonald
lyle w. and cherie moore
Alan p. o’kelly
the o’neill family trust, in memory of
margaret c. and clement J. o’neill iii
catherine Rhodes
fred Shelton (’53)
Anna mae waldron
For a complete listing of Gonzaga’s Heritage Society members visit:
Stuart Foundation
Jonas and Cheryl Stutzman
Dick and Barbara Taylor
Teagle Foundation
Tektronix, Inc.
Telect, Inc.
John Thomas
Julie Thomas
Charles A. and Helen Tilford†
Terry and T.J. Tombari
Dorothea B. Townsend†
Mike and Mimi Tucci
Vanguard Charitable Endowment
Verizon Foundation
Sam and Emily Volpentest†
The Andy Warhol Foundation
for the Visual Arts, Inc.
Washington State Mentors
The Welch Foundation, Inc.
Peter and Carol Welk
Norman and Denise Wells, Jr.
Dennis and Jackie Wheeler
Patrick Wilson Estate
David Wollersheim
Jim and Joyce† Workland
Peggy and John Worthing
Thomas Wynecoop†
Mr. John T. Yeats
Zak Designs
Irv and Angela Zakheim
StUdEntS comE to gU
fRom moRE thAn 45
$50,000 - $99,999
Accenture Foundation, Inc.
Acme Materials & Construction
Lawrence D. Acre Estate
Carol Albright†
George I. Alden Trust
American Express Foundation
Tom Anderl
Edith L. Anderson Estate
Henry R. and Lucy Anderson†
Dr. Kenneth Anderson and
Ms. Susan Hart-Anderson
Steven and Kelly Andrade
Ted and Elisabeth Angell
Gene and Carol Annis
Patricia Anselmi
Stephen and Sheryl Anthony
ARCO Foundation
Associated General Contractors
of America
Joey and Norma August†
Gilbert W. Baker†
Barrier West, Inc.
The Baruch Foundation
Basic Resources, Inc.
John and Ann Beutler
Black Rock Realty, Marshall
Chesrown and Roger Nelson
James P. and Catherine Boyer
Dr. and Mrs. James Brasch
Bobby and Cathleen Brett
Mike and Marj Brewer
Charles Brink
The Brink Foundation
James F. and Helen Brown
Hervy and Florence Brulotte†
Loren and Janell Burke
gONZaga MagaZINe | WINTER 2012
Joe and Mary Ann (Schultheis)
Bruce and Judy Butler
Ron and Terri Caferro
Dennis and Peggy (Morton) Calfee
Catholic Communication Campaign
CBS Reporting, Inc.
Century 21 - Beutler & Associates
Cerium Networks - Roger
Challenger Pipe & Steel, LLC
Chevron U.S.A., Inc.
David and Jill (Legel) Christiansen
Norton Clapp†
Harriet Clarke†
John† and Mary S. Close
Coca-Cola Foundation
Harold W. Coffin†
Coffman Engineers
Marvel Collins Estate
Comcast Spotlight
Thomas and Katherine F.
(Huhtanen) Connors
Reanette Cook Estate
Jim and Terry Coombes
Coopers & Lybrand
Alberta Corkery†
Albert and June Corrado†
Emmett J. Corrigan†
Michael and Rebecca Costello
Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Coughlin†
and Family
Marie Crabtree†
Pat and Jean Craigen†
Gary and Alea Culpepper
Cypress Advantage
Harry† and Dorothy Dano
Dick† and Vickie Davis
Robert J. and Raeceil A. Day
Walter and Denise Day
Armand and Joy DeFelice
Delay, Curran, Thompson &
Pontarolo, PS
The Luino and Margaret Dell’Osso
Family Foundation
Alan S. Dernbach and Rose Higgins
Victor† and Diana DiPietro
Billy and Joan Dinsdale
William and Kathleen (McFarland)
Philip† and Mary Dolan
Patrick† and Leonore Doody
Camille & Henry Dreyfus
Kevin and Jackie Driscoll
Tom and Karen Driscoll
Isabel d’Urbal†
John P. Egger
Empire Health Services
Engineered Control Systems
Environmental West
Exploration, Inc.
Jim and Billie Etter
Evans, Craven & Lackie, P.S.
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Ewell
Expeditors International of
Washington, Inc.
FAB Ventures, LLC
George and Janet Fague
Roger A. Felice
John and Dee Fery
James T Finlen, Jr.
Marion Finucane†
Bill Laughlin
Lewis and Sarah Lee
Frank and Ethel Lenzie†
Jack and Betty† Leonard
First Interstate Bank
James and Frances Flanagan†
Neal† and Helen Fosseen
Rick and Joan Fox
Barbara and Jay Fritz Foundation
Jim and Margel Gallagher
Clark H. Gemmill
John and Sherry Gilbert
Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. William
Kenneth and Beryl Goodchild
Ed and Candy (Jones) Gormley
James W. Grant†
Levernier-Shea Construction
Keene and Barbara Little
George and Nancy Lobisser
Lena Longo
Lydig Construction Company
Kevin and Christine Malone
Rocco and Barbara Martino
The Rocco and Barbara Martino
Richard and Cheri Mast
Bob and Barb Materne
Virginia Maughan Estate
Mary M. Mauro†
Greater Gonzaga Guild
Mark and Mary Griffin
Bill† and Norma Grismer
Dorothy E. Guild†
Edmund F. Maxwell Foundation
Robert and Shannon McCambridge
Florence McCormack†
Robert McCormick†
James and Louisa Guise
Michael and Samantha Guthrie
Edmund, Blanche, and Flora Hamel
Dave and Susan Hamer
Harry J. Hanley†
Pamela S. McKinzie-Lewis
Roy and Patricia McLaren
Debbie and Kevin McQuilkin
Rev. Thomas J. Meersman Trust
Merck Company Foundation
Merrill Lynch
Jo Merwin
John and Guelda Messina
Bill and JoAnn Mick
William Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Monks
Tatsuo Moriyasu†
Bill Murphy†
George D. and Debbie Hansen
Robert and Donna† Hanson
Harold and Mary Anne† Hartinger
Stephen Haskell
James Hasson
Doug and Tracy Hauff
Dr. Terry L. Haws†
Jack and Lisa Heath
John† and Mary Heath, Jr.
John Heily
Tom and Mary Herche
Hildebrand-Pease Estates
Household International
Edward and Marie Hughes†
Randy and Julie Hurst
Dr. and Mrs. William P. Ilgen
Inland Orthopaedics of Spokane, PS
J. Jamaw L.P.
Lon and Becky Jasper
Mike and Linda Jensen
Michael and Lynn Joseph
Joseph Family Foundation
The Joyce Foundation
Bob and Ginny Kane
Melvin Kays
Dan and Margaret† Keefe
Carolyn S. Kelly
Key Tronic Corporation
James and Mary Anne (Metcalfe)
King Beverage, Inc.
Dr. Ferdinand and Dorothy
Arlene E. LaMasters Estate
Annemarie Lambert†
The Land Company, LLC
Dwayne Lane’s Chrysler Plymouth
Milton J. Langlois
Michael P. and Jadine A. Murphy
Della Murray†
Smithmoore Myers and Sandy
National Asphalt Paving Association
NetManage, Inc.
Katherine Neupert
Margaret M. Nigro†
Nike, Inc.
Northern Quest Casino
Northwest Area Foundation
Robert W. and Maureen A. O’Brien
James F. and Sharon O’Connell
Pete and Wilma Olsen Foundation
Coletta O’Meara†
Dean Lewis H. Orland
Jack and Kathy Ossello
Pacific Security
John and Janis Parente
Paul and Mary Jane (Hidaka)
Joel and Karen Pearl
Pearson Packaging Systems
PEMCO Foundation, Inc.
Arnold and Sarah Peterson
Jim and Rosemary Peterson
David and Dorothy Pierce Trust
Thank you for your generous gifts
made between June 1, 2010, and
May 31, 2011.
Bonita and Andrew† Polich
Mike and Betty (Onley) Pontarolo
David and Teri Pool
Charles H. and Nancy Porter
Procter & Gamble Fund
The Prudential Foundation
Ron and Georgia Lee Puryear
Qwest Communications
The Hon. and Mrs. Philip M. Raekes
Don F. and Darlene Raftis
Chris and Dianna Randall
Les and Clara Randall†
Paul and Barbara Redmond
Laurent Regimbal†
Mike and Judy (Yeend) Reilly
Renee R. Reuther
Clare (Kolloch) Rice†
Dennis T. and Kathryn (Cullen)
Richardson, Sr.
The Hon. and Mrs. J. Justin Ripley
Gordon and Doris June† Ripple
Robbins Company
Richard and Deborah (Gaebe)
John and Mary Roche
James and Jean Roeber
David and Maureen Rorick†
Ron and Shelley Rosenberger
Richard and Garldine Rudisile
James and Marilyn Sachtjen
Lance and Melissa Sadler
Ron and Mary† (Meighan) Sagerson
Sahlin Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Lester R. Sauvage
Dick and Karen Sayre
SBC Foundation
Irene Schumaker Estate
Virginia Schurra
Mary Schweitzer
Jim and Novia Seabeck†
Seabury and Smith Marsh
Bill and Hilda Shanks
Thomas N. Sharp
Jay and Jan Shaw
Katherine Shaw†
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Dick and Thalia Shorett
Chuck† and Rojean Siljeg
Edward T. Simkins†
Gene and Merrilu (Silva) Sloboda
Jim† and Margaret Solan
Spokane Food Services, Inc.
Spokane Machinery Company
Spokane Produce
Al and Lois Stadtmueller
Pete and Denise Stanton
Philip† and Margretta Stanton
Steffens Foundation
Sterling Savings Bank
Stevens, Clay, and Manix P.S.
Ivan and Marlene Stewart
George Struble Estate
Patrick and Diane Sullivan
Swig Foundation
The Swinging Doors
Teck Cominco American, Inc.
George and Gina Thompson
Terry and Molly Thompson
Thatcher and Jill (Bethel) Thompson
Alice Tietgen†
John and Ann (Bramstedt) Timm
Toillion Pediatric Dentistry
Ernest and Greta Toll†
James and Sheryl Tomlinson
Robert and Corrine Tomlinson
David and Joan Traylor
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Triesch†
Timothy and Barbara Tucci
Tucci & Sons, Inc.
Jeff Turner and Susan Rauenhorst
Dick and Patricia Twiss
The United Way of the Bay Area
The Unova Foundation
Albert Unrecht†
Edward R. Van Vliet
Paul and Mary Vogelheim
Bob and Diane Waitt
Nicholas and Karen (Lindsay)
Washington Mutual Foundation
Washington Mutual Savings Bank
Washington Trust Bank Financial
Charlie and Kathy Watson
Steve and Dawn Watts
Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo Foundation
Kenneth Wenham
Mildred Weston†
Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc.
Myrtle Woldson
Wollenberg Foundation
Women Helping Women Fund
Bill and Liz (Curry) Wrigglesworth
Lee and Barbara Wright
John and Jane Zanol
George and Mary Zeller†
Major Benefactors
Annual Contributors
The benefactors listed below represent
a distinguished group of individuals
who made a gift of $1,500 or more to
the 2011 Annual Campaign ( June 1,
2010 - May 31, 2011) making them
part of Gonzaga’s Leadership Circle.
When members of the Leadership
Circle join together in support of
Gonzaga, their gifts help to achieve
larger goals — preparing men and
women who will embrace a global
responsibility to ensure justice,
protect the dignity of every individual,
and serve the greater good.
†= Deceased
President’s Executive
$500,000 and Above
Phil and Sandy McCarthey
McCarthey Family Foundation
Lyle W. and Cherie Moore
Family Trust
$250,000 - $499,000
Joseph and Peggy Brennan Estate
John Hemmingson
Sarah Hemmingson
The Hogan Family Foundation, Inc.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Angelo and Phyllis Mozilo
The Phyllis and Angelo Mozilo
Family Foundation
Sodexo Services
Anna Mae Waldron Estate
$100,000 - $249,999
Zeke and Meghan Brown
Walter and Donna Conn
Johnson Scholarship Foundation
The Kern Family Foundation, Inc.
Patrick J. and Stephanie Kilkenny
Macon Foundation
Colleen Magnuson
H.F. Magnuson Family
Foundation, Inc.
Charlotte Y. Martin Foundation
Bob and Claire McDonald
Gene and Marti Monaco
Mark and Cindy Pigott
Catherine Rhodes Estate
Mary Stuart Rogers Foundation
Chancellor’s Associates
$50,000 - $99,999
Avista Foundation
The Baruch Foundation
Dauna Leigh Bauer Foundation
Don and Va Lena (Scarpelli) Curran
Fidelity Investments Charitable
Gift Fund
Garco Construction
Independent Colleges of Washington
J. Jamaw L.P.
M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust
Joel and Karen Pearl
Jim and Gwen Powers
Dr. Carlos and Chris Prietto
Ed and Yvonne† Ralph
The Schwab Fund for
Charitable Giving
Seattle University
S.E.R.E. Solutions, Inc.
Fred Shelton Trust
Teagle Foundation
Washington Trust Bank
Fritz and Jeanie Wolff
Mary and Steve Shinn
Charitable Foundation
Robert and Corrine Tomlinson
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
Vanguard Charitable Endowment
Dennis and Jackie Wheeler
Zak Designs
Irv and Angela Zakheim
Dussault Society
$10,000 - $24,999
St. Aloysius Society
$25,000 - $49,999
Aaron Altender
Steven and Kelly Andrade
Anonymous in memory of
Archie P. Sherar
Jason and Kristen (Beaulaurier) Bay
Gerald Berger
Josh Burrows
Rebecca Cates
Challenger Pipe & Steel, LLC
Ben B. Cheney Foundation
John R. Clark† and The Hon.
Ellen K. Clark
Club USA
Coeur d’Alene Mines Corporation
James and Norah (Flannery)
Costco Wholesale
CRUX subsurface, inc.
DAA Northwest
Victor† and Diana DiPietro
Fluke Corporation
Maurice Gales
Bart and Hilke Gallant
Ed and Candy (Jones) Gormley
Mark A. and Ruth S. Gresbrink
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanson
Donald H. Herak
Jim and Michelle Hereford
Horrigan Farms, Inc.
Randy and Julie Hurst
INCO Properties, Inc.
Inland Northwest Community
Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Don and Marilyn Jans
Bob and Alice Jepson
Herbert B. Jones Foundation
Johnston-Hanson Foundation
John and Carrie Lapke
Daniel and Lisa Lee
John and Donna Luger
Paul and Lita (Barnett) Luvera
David and Christina Lynch
Noreen Hobbs Martin
Helen McDonald Estate
Bill and JoAnn Mick
Dan Murphy Foundation
Mike Myers and Carole Rolando
The New York Mets Foundation, Inc.
The Odell Fund
Joel Pearl & Associates, LLC
Raikes Foundation
The Ed and Bunny Renouard
Charitable Fund
Aluminum Products, Inc.
Tom Anderl
The Anderson Foundation
Hilario and Karen Arguinchona
Avista Corporation
Tim and Mary Barnard
John and Ann Beutler
The Boeing Company
Chadwick O. Bogar
Tony and Mary Lou Bonanzino
James P. and Catherine Boyer
Helen Brach Foundation
Paul W. and Colleen Brajcich
Mark D. Bray on Behalf of the Lydig
Construction Inc. Charitable Fund
Fred and Leslie Brown
J. Michael and Jane Buchanan
Greg and Michelle Bui
Stewart and Molly Butler
Stephen and Shelby Butterfield
John and Priscilla Cadwell
Ron and Terri Caferro
Dennis and Peggy (Morton) Calfee
Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Foundation
Gerard Centioli
Centioli Family, LLC
Century 21 - Beutler & Associates
Cerium Networks - Roger
Comcast Spotlight
Daryl and Michele Connell
Jim and Terry Coombes
Corkery & Jones Benefits, Inc.
Michael and Rebecca Costello
Mike and Stacy Covey
Covey Family Trust
Gerri and Bob Craves
Dr. W. Dale and Terri Crum
Dr. and Mrs. Michael H.
Cycrest Systems, Inc.
Buck and Diane Dear
Luino and Margaret Dell’Osso, Jr.
Larry and Kathy Dilley
Daniel and Marilyn DiMicco
DiPietro Family Foundation
Fred H. and Mary S. Dore
Charitable Foundation
Great care was taken to ensure
the accuracy of this listing. We
would appreciate you alerting
us to any errors or omissions.
Please contact Laura Gatewood,
director of stewardship, at 509.313.6381, 800.463.6925 or gatewood@gonzaga.edu.
Nathan and Lauren (Lewis) Doudney
Harlan and Maxine Douglass
Bud W. Driessel Estate
Employees Community Fund of
The Boeing Company
Jim and Billie Etter
Jonathan Ferraiuolo
Blaine G. and Pamela French
Clark H. Gemmill
John and Sherry Gilbert
Greg Green
Shannon Green
James and Louisa Guise
Larry L. Guthrie
Patrick and Marilyn Hanley
Carl M. Hansen Foundation
Robert Hanson
Daniel P. Harbaugh
James Hasson
Allan and Stephanie Heller
Herak Foundation
Tom and Mary Herche
Kevin and Meg Hickey
Mark and Marsha Hierbaum
John and Deborah Holleran
Stan and Shirley Hooper
The Johnston-Fix Foundation
KC Auto Paint and Supplies, Inc.
Klaue Family Foundation
KPMG Foundation
Bill and Jane (Dore) Kuper
Lewis and Sarah Lee
LeMaster & Daniels, PLLC
Harriet Leppek
Liberty Lake Peppertree, LLC
David M. Lincoln
Mike and Reneé Lucarelli
Greg Mahugh
Patricia J. Malone Estate
Bob and Barb Materne
Bob and Sandy McConkey
Microsoft Corporation
Mary Jo Moore
Patrick S. Morris†
Moss Adams Foundation
John and Melinda Moynier
Mike and Muffy Murphy
Timothy P. Murphy Fund
Elaine (Morris) Myers
Don and Jeanette Nelles
Joseph and Carolyn Nelson
Alan P. O’Kelly Estate
The O’Neill Family Trust,
in memory of Margaret C. and
Clement J. O’Neill III
Oral Surgery Plus, PS
Guy J. and Madeline A. Ossello
Charitable Giving Account
Terry and Pat Payne
Thomas and Cece Perko
Corey Buchanan Pigeon
The Hubert F. Randall Charitable
Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund
Red Lion Hotels
Paul and Barbara Redmond
Jeff and Margaret Reed
Wendell and Norma Reed
Norma and Wendell Reed
Phil and Bev Reinig
Research Corporation for Science
Renee R. Reuther
The Hon. and Mrs. J. Justin Ripley
Norm and Rita Roberts
Ron and Shelley Rosenberger
Richard and Garldine Rudisile
John and Nancy Rudolf
Dave and Sandy Sabey
Ron Sagerson
Salem Foundation
Eric Sandberg
Ward and Jacqueline Sandberg
John and Rita Santillanes
Santillanes & Sellers, LLC
Michael and Carol Schimmels
Steve and Tresa Schmautz
Schutjer Bogar LLC
David and Leslie Seidner
Bill and Catherine Shiel
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Skinner
Frost & Margaret Snyder Foundation
Doug and Karen Sonneborn
Spokane Produce
Jonathan and Michele Staben
Pete and Denise Stanton
Jim and Liz Stewart
John Stone
Patrick and Diane Sullivan
The Swinging Doors
Dick and Barbara Taylor
Telect, Inc.
Phebe Thompson
Tom and Camilla Tilford
Terry and T.J. Tombari
Unitronics, Inc.
The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
Washington State Mentors
Charlie and Kathy Watson Family
Fund at the Inland Northwest
Community Foundation
Steve and Dawn Watts
Western States Asphalt, Inc.
Howard W. and Nancy A. Wildin
Myrtle Woldson
David Wollersheim
Jim Workland
Gonzaga Investors
$5,000 - $9,999
Kathleen A. Adkison Estate
Dr. Kenneth Anderson and
Ms. Susan Hart-Anderson
Stephen and Sheryl Anthony
Bank of America Foundation
Dr. Clarence Barnes
Fred E. and Paula Bevegni
Frank and Sharon Bouten
BP Amoco Foundation
Bobby and Cathleen Brett
BrettHand, Inc.
Mike and Marj Brewer
Patricia A. Brown Trust
Loren and Janell Burke
Joe and Mary Ann (Schultheis)
CAD of Spokane, Inc.
Mark and Kathy (Evoy) Casey
CBS Reporting, Inc.
Alfred and Susan Clark
Beverly Clegg Estate
John Condon and Kaye Condon
Consumer Auto Liquidators
David and Melody Coombs
F. Daniel and Susan (Pomerleau)
Gary and Alea Culpepper
Dr. Barbara Daniels
Kevin and Mary Jean Daniels
The Luino and Margaret Dell’Osso
Family Foundation
Alan S. Dernbach and Rose Higgins
Armond and Kitty D’Inverno
John and Margie Donoghue
Nancy C. Driscoll Fund at
Inland Northwest Community
EFI Consulting, Inc.
John P. Egger
Walter and Kathy Egger
Ernst & Young Foundation
Frank and Patricia A. Etter
Richard and Marjorie Ettinger
Evans, Craven & Lackie, PS
Evergreen Community Development
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Ewell
Expeditors International of
Washington, Inc.
ExxonMobil Foundation
George and Janet Fague
Justice Mary E. Fairhurst
Jack L. Fallis, Jr.
Dr. Robert Farner
Bob and Katie Ferguson
I.S. & Emily C. Fetterman
James J. and Sharon (McMaster)
John Ford
Joe and Joan Gagliardi
Daniel J. Galligan
Dave and Mary Gantt
Willy and Michelle Geary
Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. William
Global Credit Union
Josef and Stephany Gray
Robert and Denise Greco
Mark and Mary Griffin
The Hon. and Mrs. Richard P. Guy
Thomas and Thomasin Hammer
The George P. Hardgrove Foundation
Michael T. Hayes
John† and Mary Heath, Jr.
Joan L. Henning
Herak Enterprises, Incorporated
Kevin and Jill (Rankin) Heringer
Lorelei and Phil Herres
Gregg J. and Maureen (Cooney)
Dr. and Mrs. Kenji Higuchi
Greg and Susan Huckabee
Bill† and Susana Huston
Dr. and Mrs. William P. Ilgen
Inland Orthopaedics of Spokane, PS
Mike and Lisa (Millison) Janicki
Helen John Foundation
Dennis and Katharine Jorgensen
Bob and Ginny Kane
Kevin Kenneally
King Beverage, Inc.
Kiwanis Club of Northeast Spokane
Community Fund
KPFF Consulting Engineers
Thomas and Melody† Lavagetto
George and Kelly Lawrence
Dr. Anna M. Ledgerwood
Klaus and Rita Liebelt
Wil and Pat Loeken
Michael and Dana (Sells) Love
Kevin and Christine Malone
Rocco and Barbara Martino
The Rocco and Barbara Martino
Alexander and Nancy McVie
Dr. and Mrs. Jacob W. Meighan
Metropolitan Life Foundation
Mary Milla
Moloney + O’Neill
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Monks
Morgan Stanley
Scott and Lizbeth (Tomich) Morris
Dan and Joyce Murphy
Charlie and Doris O’Connor
The Oregon Community Foundation
William F. and Teresa† O’Rourke
Patton Boggs Foundation
Pearson Packaging Systems
PEMCO Foundation, Inc.
Arnold and Sarah Peterson
Brad and Tonyia Pinney
Jim and Marilyn Prince
Bill and Carol Quigg
Rainbow Racing System Inc.
Maria Ravarino
Raytheon Company
Scott and Mary Richards
Irene Ringwood
Helen B. Ripple
Doug and Kathleen Rivard
Rick Robinson
Richard and Deborah (Gaebe)
R.N. Roccanova, D.D.S., P.L.L.C.
Paul Roth
Kermit M. and Frances C. Rudolf
Fund at the Inland Northwest
Community Foundation
Runners Soul
James and Marilyn Sachtjen
Lance and Melissa Sadler
School Employees Credit Union
of Washington
Peter G. Schultz Fund
Mary Schweitzer
The Seattle Foundation
Tommy and Jenny Servine
Katherine E. Shaw†
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Dr. John and Mrs. Donna† Smead
Skip Smyser
Max and Ellen Spalding
St. Joseph’s Ambulance Service, Inc.
Steve and Genene Staats
Steffens Foundation
Stevens, Clay, and Manix P.S.
Suzi Stone
Robert M. and Cecilia A. Stuckart
Fund of The Oregon Community
Graham and Julie Tash
Thomas Hammer Coffee
Thatcher and Jill (Bethel) Thompson
John and Ann (Bramstedt) Timm
Toillion Pediatric Dentistry
James and Debbie Topliff
Mike and Mary Jo (McKinnon) Tucci
Mike and Mimi Tucci
The USA Hockey Foundation
Edward R. Van Vliet
Dick and Laurel Vester
Vester Eye Clinic
Sam R. and Mary M. Volpentest
Nicholas and Karen (Lindsay)
The Florence Wasmer Fund for
Children and Families at the
Inland Northwest Community
Wells Fargo Foundation
Jason W. and Heather M. (Kampp)
Peggy and John Worthing
1887 Associates
$2,500 - $4,999
Academy of Inquiry-Based Learning
Jay and Amanda Affleck
A.M. Landshaper, Inc.
Greg Anacker and Lora Bennett
Archdiocese of Seattle
Phillip Armstrong
ASC Machine Tools, Inc.
Association of Corporate Counsel
Washington State Chapter
AT&T Foundation
The Ayco Charitable Foundation
Baker Construction &
Development, Inc.
Bank of America
Banner Bank
Kathryn K. Barbieri
Tom and Eileen Barbieri
Barbieri Charitable Foundation
Barbieri Family Foundation, Inc.
James and Barbara Barry
Charles A. and Dolores A. Barry
Richard and Stephanie (Farrell)
Bechtolt, Jr.
The Berwick Degel Family
Laurie A. Bigej
Thank you for your generous gifts
made between June 1, 2010, and
May 31, 2011.
Randall and Stephanie Binversie
Tom Black
John and Kristi Blake
Kevin Blanchat
John S. and Linda (Hensle)
Bowers, Jr.
Dean and Mary T. (Thiebes) Brett
Mark and Brigid Britton
Gerda Brown
Tim and Margaret Bruya
BSC Engineered Systems
Chris and Mary Ann Bulger
Bill and Gloria Burch
Bruce and Judy Butler
Waseem and Maureen Butte
Byrd Real Estate Group, LLC
Joe and Sharon Cade
Jim Cameron
Martha Cameron
Cameron Reilly, LLC
Chris E. and Janet Camp
Andrew Cates
Timothy Choiniere†
David and Jill (Legel) Christiansen
David and Denise Christy
Kelly and Sharon Cline
Collegiate Network
Jim and Harvelyn (Cornwell)
Jeff M. and Mary D. (Coil) Cooper
Cornerstone Property Advisors, LLC
Stan and Leslie Covey
CPM Development Corporation
Jeff D. Cronk
Brian and Laurie Cunningham
Cypress Advantage
Jacqueline S. Dallum
Paul and Kelley Damon
Robert J. and Raeceil A. Day
Henry L. Day Estate
Richard DeBlieck
Brad and Pam (McNally) DeCounter
James A. Degel and Jeanne E.
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Dehmer
James and Gayle (Neumann) Dever
Angel M. and Kathleen A. (Bonck)
Theophilus M. Dolle
Joseph M. and Mary (Kinzer)
Alan and Karen Douglas
Tom and Karen Driscoll
Robert and Mary Dunn
Education Advancement Foundation
Engineered Control Systems
Robert Evans and Lisa Fitzpatrick
Dennis M. Fazzari
Roger A. Felice
Felice Law Offices
John and Dee Fery
Brian and Carol Finegan
Emmett Forman
Neal R. and Sharon (Martin) Fosseen
Fosseen Foundation
Frito-Lay, Inc.
Garland Vision Source, Inc.
Gary E. Geiss
Jim and Dodie Gerding
Mario and Donna Giordano
Dick and Kathleen Glassburn
John Goldman and Roslyn Bakst
Gonzaga University Faculty
Gonzaga University Law Adjunct
Gary and Nancy Gossett
Budd and Kathy Gould
Sean and Debra Grady
Dale R. and Joan C. (Forsberg) Grant
Jerry and Helen Greenan
Guardian Life Insurance Co.
Michael and Gail (Reid) Gurian
Michael and Samantha Guthrie
Don and Sherie Hackney
Dave and Kelly Hamad
George D. and Debbie Hansen
William and Karen Harrison
Harry Hartinger
Ron Hawkins
Jack and Lisa Heath
Dale and Mary Hoisington
Megan L. Isenhower
Lon and Becky Jasper
JBCM Foundation
Frank and Maureen Johnson
Judicial Mediation Group
K - L Manufacturing Company, Inc.
Melvin Kays
Don and Mary Kayser
Dan Keefe
Ken Kiehn
Dale L. Kingman
David P. Kopp
Shelly Kuney
Max J. Kuney Company
William A. Lampe
Jim LaPointe
Arthur Leahy
Patrick Lettenmaier
The Hon. Jerome and Mary Jo
Bill and Jane Lewis
Noreen (Geiss) Littman
Robert and Rebecca Loback
Pauline M. Love and Michael Love
Tony and Kelly (Judge) Lucarelli
David and Cyndi Lucke
Maureen A. Lyden
John and Phyllis MacKenzie
Mackin & Little, Inc.
Michael Mainer
Dr. Michael Mallea and Dr. Maureen
Kim Lynch
Dick and Jan† Manning
Carroll and Patricia Martell
Richard and Cheri Mast
Jack and Mary McCann
Greg and Dina McCormack
Julie A. (Lopach) and Thayne M.
David and Barbara McGann
Morgan and Judith (Ziegler) McGrath
Ray and Staci McGriff
Tom and Cheré (Byrd) McKeirnan
Debbie and Kevin McQuilkin
Jo Merwin
Ronald and Debby Miciak
Ed Miller
Dr. Jason Moffitt
John Moffitt
Moffitt Children’s Dentistry
John and Lori Moloney, Jr.
Jim and Jean Moore
Morris & Morris, P.S.
Chuck and Linda Murphy
Tom and Joyce Murphy
The Thomas R. and Joyce M. Murphy
Family Foundation
MW Consulting Engineers
Dan Nagy
Thomas F. and Liesl (Handwerker)
Cajer and Jamie Neely
Anthony J. Nelson
Nordstrom, Inc.
Northwest Orthopaedic
Specialists, PS
Northwestern Mutual Insurance Co.
Scott O’Brien
Pat and Joan O’Connor
Chris Olson and Denise Vill-Olson
Donald and Joan Olson
Frank and Barb O’Neill
OppenheimerFunds Legacy Program
John Orr
Jerry and Becky Oswald
Pacwest Home Corp
William A. and Dara K. Paine
Pape Material Handling, Inc.
Dave and Theresa (Craven) Parks
Marty Parola
Dr. Donald R. Paugh and
Ms. Diedre L. Olin
Pepsico Foundation
Performance Contracting Inc
Christopher J. and Julie A. Perry
Steven F. and Patricia A. (Cloonan)
Gonzaga’s Jesuit
heritage places a
priority on arts,
cultural activities
and cultural
Jim and Rosemary Peterson
Mike and Betty (Onley) Pontarolo
Gary L. Powdrill
Jim and Klaire L. (Fulton) Powers
The Prudential Foundation
John and Gail Quigg
Cornel and Karen (Massonne) Raab
The Hon. and Mrs. Philip M. Raekes
Chris and Dianna Randall
James and Maggie Randall
Paul and Julie (Bourne) Rehberger
D. Michael and Petrea Reilly
Mike and Judy (Yeend) Reilly
Ronald A. and JoAnn L. (Salina)
Mary Lou Robinson
James and Jean Roeber
Milton and Ingrid Rose
Lowell and Kathleen Ruen
Max and Ruth L. (Fisher) Rumelhart
Dale Sebo
Bill and Hilda Shanks
Burton Sheppard and Kathleen
Magnuson Sheppard
Alexander J. and Maureen J.
(Gordon) Shogan, Jr.
Margaret (O’Brien) Shute and
Rodger P. Shute
Penn and Nancy Siegel
Silicon Valley Community
Chuck† and Rojean Siljeg
Bill Simer and Renee Rolando
Darrell and Patricia Siria
Gregory and Susan Smith
Spokane Hardware Supply, Inc.
Christopher and Amy Spring
Al and Lois Stadtmueller
Dr. and Mrs. John Staeheli
Greg and Karen Stanley
State Farm Companies Foundation
Richard and Madeleine Strahl
Daniel and Gina Stubbs
Eric and Deborah Stucky
Jonas and Cheryl Stutzman
Suntoya Corporation
Emily Talley
Juan and Becky Tenorio
Jeff and Margaret (Weinand) Thomas
Thrifty Car Rental
Dr. Diane (Ballard) Timberlake and
Todd Timberlake
Timmco Insurance Company
John Tonani
Travis Pattern & Foundry, Inc.
The UPS Foundation
Dr. James Valentine, Jr.
Russ and Carole VanderWilde
Bruce and Pam Walker
Rusty Warwick
Tom and Melissa Watson
Weiand & Weiand DDS, PS
Wendy’s Hamburgers BAR NZ, Inc.
Kevin P. and Jennifer L. (Prince)
Pat and Carol West
Russell White and Judith QualyWhite
Robert and Barbara (McNulty) Wiest
Bill and Liz (Curry) Wrigglesworth
Chris and Lisa Wrolstad
President’s Council
$1,500 - $2,499
Academy of Little Bears, Inc.
John and Katherine Akstin
Tom and Raelene Albinson
Alliance Title & Escrow Corporation
Dan and Anne Alsaker
American Academy of Matrimonial
American Pacific Construction, Inc.
Matt and Eleanor Andersen
Anderson Bros CPA’s, PA
Gene and Carol Annis
The Apartment Broker
Arby’s Roast Beef
Norman Archibald Charitable
Paul Ash
Bill and Carol (Shea) Barber
David M. and Leah Barbieri
Don Barbieri
Heather Barbieri
Stephen Barbieri
Barnard Construction Company, Inc.
Bob and Shonna Bartlett
Edward J. Barulich
Michael J. and Kimberly A.
(Dickson) Bayley
Jim and Lynelle (Wahl) Beaulaurier
Ernie Becker
David and Ann (Barbieri) Bell
Eric Bellmann
Ted and Jeanne Bennett
Dan and Charlotte Berryman
Thomas and Elaine Bigley
Eddy and TerryKay Birrer
Blades Hair Design
Gary N. and Susan (Quigley) Bloom
Jack and Sue Boland
Monte Bolinger and Diane Dwyer
Frank and Isle Bourbeau
Dan Brajcich, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James Brasch
Darryl Dwight Brayton
Jim M. and Pauline Bresnahan
Benjamin and Kathleen Brown
Ross and Beverley L. (Oke) Brown
Shan and Kim Brus
Tim and Kathy Burns
Brian and Corinne (Coombs) Burton
Michael J. and Marguerite A. (Kuder)
Randy Cameron
The Capital Group Companies
Charitable Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. John S. Caputo
Kay C. Carnes
Brian Carney
Wade Carpenter
Dr. Mike Casey
Gino Cerchiai and Shawn Brennan
Corey T. Christensen
Craig and Scotta Christlieb
Jay R. Clark, DDS
Byde Clawson and Patricia Conolly
Ryan and Beth Clements
Click Management, Inc.
Craig and Georganna Clifford
Evelyn Cochran
Craig Collins and Lynne Hermle
Jeffry and Susan Colliton
Richard and Janette Compton
Jeffrey D. Condill
John and Wanda Condon
Robert J. and Linda Connor
Robert and Beryl Coomes
Rita M. Cooney
Robert Cooper
Corner Booth Productions
Jack Couch
Donn and Tania Cox
Michael and Vicki Craigen
Rick and Janna Cresswell
Joseph Crimmins
Jack and Rebecca Curry
Custom Body Company
Michelle (Halliday) Czech
Vickie Davis
William and Sharon Davis
Ed Dawson and Marcia Meade
Dominic S.N. and Denise DeCaro
Deer Park Tire, Inc.
Armand and Joy DeFelice
Wade and Stacie DeGeest
Jennifer Deger
Leo and Ingrid DeGreef
David and Debra DeHaan
Mike and Alison Delay
Dr. and Mrs. John Demakas
Dermatology Specialists of Spokane
Patrick and Carol Dever
Dale B. and Christy E. (Smith)
de Viveiros
Doug Dietrich
Michael J. Dinnen
Ralph Dixon
William and Melissa Dixon
William and Kathleen (McFarland)
Timothy and Katherine Donaldson
Dorian Studios, Inc.
Terry and Denise Doyle
Lynne Drake and Dale Schwab
Thomas A. and Heidi M.
(Wohlschlegel) Drynan
DuPree Building Specialties
John J. and Allison Durkin
Rich Dworkis and Heidi Cook
EaglePointe Construction &
Management, Inc.
Environmental West
Exploration, Inc.
Bill Etter
Ewing Anderson, P.S.
Sonja Nordbye Fair
Mark Fenter
Ferguson Enterprises, Inc.
Fifth & Browne Pharmacy
Jeremy Figy
Nancy L. Fike
Todd Finkle and Patti Livingstone
James T Finlen, Jr.
Dale and Bonnie Fischer
Rick Flamm and Vesna Somers
Zeke and Angela Fogal
Michael and Mary (Grush) Fox
Bob Frank
Eric C. Franks and Molly A. Murphy
Roger Fruci and Sharon (Vinson)
Ernest and Carol Fullmer, Jr.
Dale and Lisa Garrett
Gates Foundation
Paul and Georgia Gauron
Gary Gayton
General Nutrition Center
Denny and Carla M. (Novak) Gish
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Bill and Connie Glynn
Tom and Lillian Gould
Peter and Cheryl Grabicki
Greater Gonzaga Guild
Thomas Halvorson
Dave and Susan Hamer
Richard W. Hardan
Rex and Ann (Haslinger) Harder
Dennis P. and Stacy Harrington
Stacy L. (England) Harrington
Paul Hartman and Catherine
Jeffrey and Diana Hartnett
Bradford and Patricia Hastings
Jason and Amy (Jensen) Hawthorne
John and Chris Hayduk
Jud and Beverly Heathcote
Henningsen Cold Storage Co.
Eugene and Barbara Henry
Dick and Anita Herdener
John and Judith Heusner
Kent and Virginia Hickman
Joanne Hidaka and Ben Niedermeyer
Rob and Barbara Higgins
Kirk and Sallie Hill
Steve Hindley
Hoffman Contractors
Alan and Eileen Hogan
Cornelius Hogan
Mike and Annemarie Hogan
Charles and Grace Hoppel
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Hueber
Paul Hughes
J. Steven and Jane Hunter
Gary and Susan Hustad
Thomas Illich
Integrated Personnel, Inc.
Irish Nine, LLC
Scott and Jeannie Isaak
James and Sandy Ivers
Jack and Dan Enterprises, Inc.
Jacklin Land Company, LLLP
Darrell L. and Ruth Jackson
Steven Jager and Jodi Swanson
Jager Law Office PLLC
Mike and Linda Jensen
Dr. Spencer S. and Jane E. (Holm)
Spencer S. Jilek, D.D.S.
William and Jennifer Johnson
Robert M. Johnston
Daniel L. Jones
Dr. Jeffrey P. Jones
JP Morgan Chase Bank
Jerold Juliano
Robert Kaatz
George and Shari Kain
Kassi Kain
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kalez
Margel Foote Kaufman
Carol Durkin Kearns
Carolyn S. Kelly
Milburn and Bethine Kenworthy
Charles and Linda Keturakat
Betty L. Kiemle
Kermit and Patty Kilcup
Eric and Donna Kincanon
James and Mary Anne (Metcalfe)
Kevin and Mary Jo King
Kevin Adams King, DDS
Patrick and Maureen Kirby
Gary Kirchner
Richard S. and Kathleen M.
David and Doreen Kishel
James and Vicki Knapp
Lawry and Wendy (Brown) Knopp
Rick Koch
Richard and Stacy Kuhling
Laguna Hills Estates, LLC
Keith and Linda LaHonta
Milton J. Langlois
Law Offices of Dawson & Meade
Daniel Leifer
Dan and Theresa Lennon
Michael and Debra Leslie
Liberty Mutual Group Inc.
Bill and Suzanne Lindberg
Matthew and Karen Little
William and Mary Little Foundation
Stanford Lum
Robert Lundin and Rosemary Renaut
Joseph M. Lynch
William A. Maddigan
George and Barb Maffeo
Marine View Beverage - Sumner
Robert and Shannon McCambridge
Michael and Donna McDonnell
Daniel J. and Nancy (Wells) McGee
Jim McGee
John and Maureen McKinnon
Pamela S. McKinzie-Lewis
James A. and Dana M. (Reding)
Stephen and Pamela Meyer
Rich and Patricia Miailovich
Todd Miller and Yvonne Tackoor
William Miller
Curt and Janna Mitchke
Arnie and Kathryn Mondloch
Moss Adams LLP
Patricia A. Nash
Christopher J. and Gina Nettleton
Nevada Community Foundation
Tom and Teresa Newbury
Richard J. Niederegger
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Nisley
The Norcliffe Foundation
Northwest Industrial Services
James F. and Sharon O’Connell
Daniel J. and Sharon Olson
Tom O’Neil
Jack and Kathy Ossello
Loren and Joanne (Slavin) O’Toole
Paine Hamblen LLP
George Paras
Paras Construction, Inc.
Anthony and Mariann Parasida
Scott Parrish and Loni Austin
Paul and Mary Jane (Hidaka)
Dr. and Mrs. Frank L. Pavel, Jr.
James and Pat Peaper
James and Anne Pearson
Ruth H. Pearson
Paul W. and Wendi Pennington
Wade and Beth Perrow
Cathy and Clarence Perry
Kurt A. Phillips and Yvette O’Meally
Pip Printing
Bill and Michelle Pohlad
Mitchell J. and Cathy A. Pomeroy
Bill and Debbie Poppy
Joe and Megan Poss
Richard and Diane Powers, Jr.
John Preston
Principal Financial Group
Procter & Gamble Fund
Professional Services Co.
James Psomas
Ron and Georgia Lee Puryear
Puryear Group, Inc.
John R. Quinlan
Michael and Victoria Quinn
Tim and Wanda Quinn
Michael Reilly
George and Lisa Renner
Anne Rettig
Elizabeth and Clyde Ries
Patrick J. and Laura (Martin) Riley
Jim and Gloria Ringwood, Sr.
Steven and Lori Robinson
The Hon. and Mrs. Michael P. Roewe
Mark and Diane Roff
R.C. and Connie Roland
Gary and Christine Rood
Great care was taken to ensure
the accuracy of this listing. We
would appreciate you alerting
us to any errors or omissions.
Please contact Laura Gatewood,
director of stewardship, at 509.313.6381, 800.463.6925 or gatewood@gonzaga.edu.
Dave Rorick
Jessie Rosauer
Stan and Monica Ross
Mike and Linda Roth
Ned and Nancy Rumpeltes
Mary Catherine Ryan
LeeAnn Saccomanno
Ryan Saccomanno
Eric and Jennifer Sachtjen
Safeco Insurance Company
of Spokane
Robert and Carla Sanders
James A. and Geraldine (Kiep)
Antoine and Heather Sarkis
Glenn and Corinne Sather
Lori Sayman
Dick and Karen Sayre
John and Diane Scelfo
Mark and Molly Schemmel
The Hon. and Mrs. Richard J.
John and Penny Schultz
Otto and Diana Schumacher
Rick Seefried
Bob and Liz (Davis) Sestero, Sr.
Robert Sestero
Michael D. and Sheila J. (Whetstone)
Jay and Jan Shaw
David and Linda Shea
Garry and Mary Shea
Mike Shea
Patricia Shepherd-Barnes
Mike and Mary Shields
Ted R. Siekerman
Dick and Connie Silk
Silk and Associates
Russell and Nancy Slaughter
Gene and Merrilu (Silva) Sloboda
Harry and Lydia Smith
Samuel and Julie Smith
Steve and Reesie Smith
Trish and Bill Smith Charitable Fund
at Schwab Charitable Fund
Scott Snider
Jim Snow
Ron and Pam Soliday
Mark and Valerie Sonderen
Sonderen Packaging Co.
David and Dori Sonntag
Karl and Carol (Brolin) Speltz
Thomas and Ann Spratt
Albert A. Stadtmueller & Co., PS
Jeffrey and Veronica Steffan
Charles H. and Diane Steilen
Stokes Lawrence, P.S.
Mark and Patricia Stoltz
Paul and Shirley Storwick
Brady L. Strahl
Owen and Diane Strecker
Dirk A. and Melinda D. Stricker
Dr. D. Michael and Mrs. Geraldine A.
(O’Melveny) Strong
Joseph M. and Parker F. Sullivan
Jon Sunderland
Tim Swartout
Frank and Tessa Swoboda
Beth Terrell and Mike Daudt
Jeff and Regina Thomas
Rick and Diane Thomas
Michael and Shari Thompson
Mrs. George E. Tiesse
Timco Holdings, LLC
Donald and Nancy Timm
Timm Farms, Inc.
James and Tenley Tobin
Jerry and Cathy Tombari
Frank and Kathleen (Zenner)
Tom and Colleen Tracy
Joseph C. Tremblay
Bill and Barbara Trudeau
Timothy and Barbara Tucci
Jeff Turner and Susan Rauenhorst
JS Turner Family Foundation
Rich and Barb Umbdenstock
United Data Security, Inc.
United Way of Benton & Franklin
United Way of Central New Mexico
United Way of Spokane County
Prof. James M. Vache
Jerry and Georgi Valley
Jerry and Donna Vermillion
Tamerton R. Vernon-Granados
Paul and Deanna (Doree) Verret
Evan and Joann Waite
Kurt and Tami Walsdorf
James and Kathleen Walsh
Joseph G. Ward
Scott Warnica
Washington Outpatient Rehab
Washington State Bar Association
Curtis G. and Colleen Wasson
Molly J. (Wicks) and James E.
Gary Weber
Martin G. and Jane Weber
Richard D. Weigand, D.D.S., P.S.
Rich and Diane Wells
Stan and Gina Welsh
Wendle Motors
Wheatland Bank
Widmer Brothers Brewing
Cary M. Williams
James and Bev Williams
Paul and Audrey Williams
Vickie J. Williams
David and Linda Wilson
The Hon. Donna L. (Kamps) Wilson
Maureen (Reidy) Witt
Katharine Witter Brindley and
Ralph Brindley
Thomas and Sharon Wobker
Workland Witherspoon, PLLC
Stephen and Elizabeth Zimmer
Thank you for your generous gifts
made between June 1, 2010, and
May 31, 2011.
Heritage Society Members
The Heritage Society was founded in
1980 to recognize a legacy of giving
at Gonzaga and honor alumni and
friends who have made a commitment
to the University through an estate gift.
Estate gifts to Gonzaga are made in
many forms, including bequests, gifts of
retirement plan assets or life insurance,
or charitable gift annuities, remainder
unitrusts or lead trusts.
The individuals listed below and others,
who wish to remain anonymous,
comprise this group of benefactors.
†= Deceased
Scott A. Ables
Dr.† and Mrs. John B. Adams
Gary M. Alworth
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Anderson
Valerie Anderson
John and Jewel Andrew
John† and Anne C. Aram
Joe and Jammie Arbanas
Cindy Runger Balas and Charles Balas
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Bangert
Frank and Dorothy Barich
Esther Louise Barton
David and Heidi Bateman
John A. and Nancy A. (Scott) Battilega
John Beck
Jamie M. Berube
Joe and Sharon Betzendorfer
Michael J. and Sandra L. Beus
Christopher Blackburn
Anthony Boccaccio
Chadwick O. Bogar
Frank and Sharon Bouten
Mark and Theresa (Timms) Boyer
Douglas J. Brajcich
Helen A. Brajcich
Mr. and Mrs. James Bresnahan
Judith Brings
Roger G. Brown
Alfred Bucheli
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Bulger
Josh Burrows
Bruce and Judy Butler
Joe and Sharon Cade
Ron and Theresa Caferro
Don Carlson
Mark and Kathy (Evoy) Casey
Dr. Robert J. and Thelma Rose Casey
Stephen and Elaine Cavit
Jason and Tania Chaffee
Susan† and W.W. “Chuck” Charlton
Patrick Chastek
Scott and Patricia J. (Tiesse) Church
Robert and Ramona Clavel
Dr. John P.† and Flo Ann Connors
Laura D. Cooper
Norman G.† and Amarant M.
(Kanzler) Cormier
Gerri and Bob Craves
James and Carol Crowe
James and Eloise Cummins
J. Donald and Va Lena Curran
Kevin and Mary Daniels
Mr.† and Mrs. William A. Davenport
Vern G. Davidson
Scott and Jami Davis
Joseph W. Day
Robert J. and Raeceil A. Day
Joe† and Edna Deichl
Dr. and Mrs. John Demakas
Jayne (Stanich) Dempsey
John and Mary Dentone
Dale B. and Christy E. (Smith)
de Viveiros
David Schweitzer and Dennis DeVoto
Timothy G. Dieringer
James and Joan DiJulio
William R. and Kathleen A.
(McFarland) Dobner
June Donaldson
Robert J. Downey
Dr. John Driscoll†
Nancy C. Driscoll
Dr. Thomas and Karen Driscoll
Thomas A. Drynan
James P. and Ahnna Dudley, Jr.
John E. Dunn
Michael Durand
Genevieve Edmonds
John P. Egger
Dr. Richard E. Ellis, JD
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Erickson
Gregory and Dana Erigero
John and Dianne Evans
Bob and Bobbie Evanson
Anthony and Ann Ewell
Kay Nozaki and Thomas G. Ewing
Sonja Nordbye Fair
William W.† and Marcella Farrington
Jim Finlen, Jr.
E.J. “Gerry” FitzGerald
Denny and Lynn† Flaherty
Nick Fluge and Elizabeth Logsdon
Craig Gage
Maurice Gales
Blaine and Susan Garvin
Gary Geiss
Archie and Mary George
Rex R.† and Joan Gerlach
Lt. Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. William R.
Patricia A. Gillis
Hal and Alice† Gilmore
Maurice Glassy
Gary Glenn
Beverly (Haines) Goddard
Michele Graham
Marv and Anne Grassl
Patrick J. Gravine
George and Florence Grismer
Nazli Guner
Herschel and Betty† Gustafson
The Hon. and Mrs. Richard P. Guy
Susanne (Kraft) Hall
Dave and Susan Hamer
Frederick and Diane (Kelly) Hamm
R. Bruce Hankins
Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Hanlen
Cecil† and Molly Hannan
John C. Hanrahan
Robert and Donna† Hanson
Daniel P. Harbaugh
Suzanne M. Harris
Shane and Morgan Hatcher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hauth
G. Donald Hawker and Nga T. Hawker
Frank J. Hawley
Charles† and Barbara Hennessey, Jr.
Horton† and Mazie Herman
Howard and Darlene Herman
Phil and Lorelei Herres
Mark and Marsha Hierbaum
Tony and Cindy Higley
Peter Hill
Edith A. Holmen
Melanie A. Homan
Stan and Shirley Hooper
Gary and Barbara Hordemann
John and Ellen Hough
Lt. Col. Gregory M. Huckabee
E. J. Hunt
Megan L. Isenhower
Doyle and Kathy (Graham)† Jacklin
Don and Marilyn Jans
Donald H. Jans
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jepson, Jr.
Shirley J. Johnson
Dr. Robert L. Kalez, M.D.
Melvin Kays
Gary Keister
Dorothy C. Kelly
John and Pat Kelly
Kevin Kenneally
Dr. Arthur E. Kennedy
Duff and Dorothy† Kennedy
Dale L. Kingman
Roy and Violet† Knott
Rick Koch
Dr. John† and Gayle (Keenan) Kohls
Dr. Larry E. Krueger, J.D.
Doug and Ruth Lancaster
Dr. H. John Lane
Mary Lou Lane
Michael Patrick Lang
Milton J. Langlois
Margaret K. Larson
Alexander M. Laughlin
Dr. Lawrence R. Lawton
Dr. and Mrs.† Jack Lee
Jack and Betty† Leonard
Dr. Robert Lewis and Marcia
McGreevy Lewis
Jim and Jan Linardos
Noreen Littman
Wil and Pat Loeken
Gary P. Long and Rudolph Saavedra
Pauline M. (Herzig) Love
Houston Putnam Lowry
Mike and Reneé Lucarelli
Paul Lukinich
Barbara J. Lund
Pat and Christina Lynch
James and Jane MacDonald
Cheryl L. Mack
Dan and Jan Madden
Hon. John J. Madden
Mr.† and Mrs. Harry Magnuson
Beverly Mahrt
Laurence and Delta Maillet
Dick and Janet Manning
Greg Marshall
Lawrence M. Massey
Stan and Linda Massey
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Matule
Mary Ann and Ed May
Veronica and Dave Mayo
Christina McCale and Garry R. Osborn
Jack and Mary McCann
Pat and Kathy McCarthy
Robert and Claire McDonald
Marge McFaul
Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. McGough
Mary McGrath
Morgan T. and Judith A. (Ziegler)
David P. McKibbin
Ann T. McMahon
Edward McReynolds
Dick and Mary Lou McWilliams
Donald L. Merrick
Jo L. Merwin
Linda L. Merwin
Fred Mollerus
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Monks
John and Melinda Moynier
Shirley A. (Pemerl) Mulcahy
Tom P. Mulcahy
Joseph† and Muriel Murphy
Ray and Shirley (Duffner) Murphy
Smitty and Sandy Myers
Myron A. Nachbar II
Don and Jeanette Nelles
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Nelsen
Patrick and Everilda Nolan
Holly J. Norton
Karen Norum
John C. O’Brien, Jr.
Robert W. and Maureen A. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. James F. O’Connell
Bill Ogle
Mark and Cathy Ohlstrom
Dennis and Sara O’Loughlin
Donald and Joan Olson
Cynthia and Dr. Eric Orr
Guy and Madeline Ossello
Fred S. Owen and Joanne Pottier
A.T. “Mike” Paioni
J. Scott Patnode
Dr. Donald R. Paugh and Ms. Diedre
L. Olin
Gregory R. Peterson
Anthony Plager
Joe and Megan Poss
Laurie A. Powers and Breean L. Beggs
Mark and Kim Powers
Sue-Lynn Price-Voigt
Julie Prince
Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Raftis
Ed and Yvonne† Ralph
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Randall
Paul and Barbara Redmond
D. Michael Reilly and Petrea Reilly
Ross (‘79) and Judy Rettenmier
Cynthia Reyes Methvin
Doug and Kathleen Rivard
Bill Roberts
Jim and Jean Roeber
Douglas W. Rohner
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rosicky
Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Rosler
Herman J. Rossi III
John and Nancy Rudolf
Kerm† and Fran Rudolf
Barry W. Santana, Ph.D.
Richard L. Sayre / Karen L. Sayre
Steven Schenk and Gretchen Berning
Reed Schifferman
Virginia Schurra
Dr. and Mrs. Lester J. Schwaegler
Pequitte Schwerin
Patricia (Ardner) Scullary
Mary Owens Shanahan
Stephen and Martha Shepard
William and Catherine Shiel, Jr.
Stephen† and Mary Shinn
Chuck† and Rojean Siljeg
Phillip P. Skok, Sr.
Mark and Valerie Sonderen
Margot J. Stanfield
Jerry A. and Patricia Stebbins
Veronica and Jeff Steffan
Charles H. and Diane Steilen
Bart† and Sarah Stevens
Ivan and Marlene Stewart
Daniel Stoner and Anne Santee-Stoner
Brady Lee Strahl
Patrick and Diane Sullivan
Dr. Robert W. Sullivan
Robert† and Joan Taber
Dr. and Mrs. Howard E. Tennant
George E.† and Margaret B. Tiesse
Tom and Camilla Tilford
Rev. Eugene A. Tracy
Jim and Peg Troske
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Tucci
Michael F. and Mimi Tucci
Robert P. Turnley
Dick and Patricia Twiss
David and Karen Van Loan
Steven† and Laurette C. Van Voorhis
Jerry and Donna Vermillion
Sue Volpe
William J. and Kathleen K. Wagner
Robert J. Waldron, Jr.
Robert C. Wallace
Martin and Jane Weber
Jerry D. Wells
Tim and Jackie Welsh
Kevin P. and Jennifer L. (Prince) West
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. West
James and Eleanor Weston
Elisha Williams
The Hon.† and Mrs. John F. Wilson
Ryan Rodney Wilson
James and Jackie Wolff
David Wollersheim
Richard and Cathy Worner
Bruce and Jackie Worobec
William J. and Elizabeth A. (Curry)
Wrigglesworth, Jr.
Lee and Barbara Wright
John T. Yeats
Dominic J. and Lisa Zamora
Anne and Dan Zielsdorf
Stephen and Elizabeth Zimmer
or more of generosity
The following individuals have given to Gonzaga for
50 or more years:
Class of 1942
Joseph C. Tremblay, 51
Thomas P. Lacy, 52
Class of 1949
Bill Ogle, 50
Phillip Skok, Sr., 52
Class of 1950
Ray Allen, 55
John Dougherty, 50
Bill Eng, 50
Pete Suden, 52
Class of 1951
Richard Ebel, 51
Richard Hire, 51
Class of 1952
Shirley Keller, 52
Vaughn Keller†, 52
Class of 1955
Helen (Shepard) Greenan, 51
T. Jerry Greenan, 51
Mike Nestor, 53
Sally (Kirkpatrick) Neumann, 52
Class of 1956
Mary Jo (Pilat) Anderson, 55
George Fish, 50
Class of 1957
Donald Olson, 50
Joseph J. Schauble, 52
Class of 1958
Colleen (Kane) Meighan, 50
Jacob W. Meighan, 50
Class of 1959
Leo Finnegan, 51
Carolyn (Magee) Schauble, 52
“The GU community is just that,
a community. School isn’t just
buildings and strangers; it’s home
and family.” – Angela Weiss (’12) Civil
Engineering, Eagle River, Alaska
The numbers denote individual years
of giving.
Class of 1926
Mrs. Thomas A. Jovick, 41
Class of 1931
Mrs. Charles P. Larson, 48
Class of 1932
Mrs. Charles A. Barry†, 32
Dr. Francis G. Burke, 30
Class of 1933
Anonymous in memory of
Archie P. Sherar
Class of 1936
Smithmoore P. Myers, 38
Mrs. Steven Van Voorhis, 20
Class of 1937
Mrs. Louis L. Barbieri, 41
Bill Roberts, 47
Class of 1938
Mrs. Chet Chastek, 27
George Welch, Jr., 17
Class of 1939
Eric Anderson, 35
Mrs. Gordon E. Merwin, 47
Class of 1940
Mrs. Donald R. Force, 15
Dr. Bert P. Jacobson, 33
William S. (Bill) Royce, 46
Ralph Schlosser, 38
Tom Zoeller, 36
Class of 1941
Dorothy Dano, 24
Mrs. John F. Riordan, 25
Dr. Francis L. Van Veen, 33
Class of 1942
Mrs. John P. Connors, 36
Mrs. Sam Grashio, 39
Dr. Clayton K. Gross, 14
Dr. William J. Hanley, 36
Dennis P. Hayes, 23
Joseph C. Tremblay, 51
Class of 1943
Jack Costello, 17
Joe Deichl†, 39
Dr. Russell P. Esposito, 48
Willis McKeon, 18
Ed McWilliams, 30
John Nitkey, 41
Mrs. Thomas C. Sifferman, 45
Dr. George M. Witter, 29
Class of 1944
Mrs. R. David Brown, 11
Paul Sauber, 38
Robert Spurck, 20
Class of 1945
Albert Keno, 25
Class of 1946
Robert Hattrup, 9
Donald H. Herak, 48
Jack Kronenberg†, 27
Marilyn E. Kronenberg, 27
Frank Pavel, 30
Dr. R. Mark Vetto, 9
Edward Barulich, 23
Dr. Bernard John Drury, 14
Arthur A. Dugoni, 41
Jack Hafner, 13
Thomas P. Lacy, 52
Byron P. Meyers, 12
Mike O’Neil, 24
Frank Pavel, 30
Jerry Re, 2
Class of 1947
Harry Calbom, Jr., 18
Arthur A. Dugoni, 41
Mrs. William P. Eldenburg, 11
Class of 1948
Thomas P. Lacy, 52
Byron P. Meyers, 12
Ed Ralph, 49
Mrs. Edmund J. Ripple, 6
Darrell Smith, 39
Class of 1949
J. Bartholet, 41
Ed Braune, 12
Al Budig, 23
Dr. Coral W. Cotterell, 26
Helen K. Feldhausen, 37
Robert Flagan, 47
Clare Kiefer, 20
Deral Kurz, 19
Patrick Lettenmaier, 10
Mrs. Gerald R. McFaul, 47
Ted McFaul, 6
Allen McKimmey, 29
Thomas Moore, 49
Mrs. Daniel R. Murphy, 31
Charlie O’Connor, 43
Bill Ogle, 50
William F. O’Rourke, 14
Jake Quinn, 35
Mark A. Schuerman, 37
Phillip Skok, Sr., 52
Mrs. George E. Tiesse, 35
Richard Unger, 33
Class of 1950
Ray Allen, 55
Robert E. Brady, 31
Dr. John F. Comfort, 47
Jack Curran, 42
Phil Dellwo, 23
John Dougherty, 50
Bill Eng, 50
The Hon. Richard J. Ennis, 18
Rich Evans, 24
James Felice, 15
Dr. John F. Gatton, 44
Dr. Ed Gray, 48
Stan Hattrup, 26
Dorothy (Eggert) Heinecke, 44
Mrs. Daniel P. Hogan, Jr., 28
Dr. Thomas H. Jones, 45
Earl Keaton, 26
Richard Kirkendall, 39
Martin Kofmehl, Jr., 4
Dale E. Krumm, 18
LaRue L. (Lawrence) Krumm†, 18
Lawrence Leaf, 16
John Magee, 22
Arthur Marsh, 26
Louis Mastriani, 13
Frank McCauley, 27
George Migaki, 30
Mrs. William H. Mitchell, 22
Pat Morris†, 38
Mrs. Frank J. Morton, 37
Leon Olney, 32
John R. O’Neil, 10
Jim Parker, 38
Bill Preusse†, 30
Marie Preusse, 30
Bill Schauble, 25
Lewis Sciarillo, 35
Pete Suden, 52
Howard Swenson, 23
Ivan Thomas, 8
Edward Walsh, 23
John Warn, 25
Jim Weber, 41
Lee Wright, 19
Approximately 2,400
Gonzaga Alumni
Mentoring Program
(GAMP) mentors are
throughout the
country in every
career field.
Class of 1951
Joseph Beckner, 39
Robert Blair, 7
John Bryson, 33
William E. Burch, 40
Donald L. Clarno, 25
Robert Comfort, 32
Dr. Bernard M. Coolbaugh, 14
Mrs. Joseph M. Cooney, 37
Robert Doerr, 32
Richard J. Dolack, 22
Leo Driscoll, 25
Richard Ebel, 51
Mrs. Eugene R. Erigero, 49
The Hon. Robert L. Fraser, 5
Lt. Col. (Ret.) William
Gillingham, 48
Mrs. Frank C. Harkins, 22
Harry Hartinger, 46
Reno Hatcher, 7
Bill Hennessey, 34
Richard Hire, 51
Dick Hoskins, 23
Dolly M. Ito, 31
Frank Hayes Johnson, 31
Wilbur Johnson, 18
Norman Kilgore, 29
Paul Klasen, Jr., 32
John Kriete, 17
Meredith E. Madden, 19
Mrs. Albert B. Mann, 36
James R. McCaughey, 41
Michael McDonnell, 23
Haruo H. Nagaoka†, 10
Setsuko Nagaoka, 10
Mrs. James W. Nickolaus, 31
Roy Okada, 46
Austin O’Regan, 20
Gladys (Cerenzia) Peretti, 45
Phil Reinig, 35
Fran Rudolf, 45
Thomas Savage, 12
Donald Schmitt, 35
John Seymour, 48
Victor and Georgeanne Shuey, 5
John Tracy, 38
Herbert Waggoner, 21
Mrs. Robert C. Weber, 48
Mrs. Dick Wright, 25
Mr. John T. Yeats, 45
Class of 1952
Guido Andreano, 31
Joan K. (Rowley) Bennett, 38
Richard C. Bennett, 38
Michael J. Brewer, 42
Barbara (Brown) Brundage, 21
Dr. Stuart A. Davis, 15
Dr. James P. Diestel, Jr., 23
Martin Dolan, 21
Frank J. Dorsey, 20
Beverley J. Ericson, 22
Donald Ericson†, 22
Margaret Feist, 42
Herman J. Geiger, 47
Phyllis (Fischbach) Geiger, 47
Bill Greiwe, 34
Jim Hutton, 30
William Judge, 23
Shirley Keller, 52
Vaughn Keller†, 52
James Klise, 29
Richard C. Knop, 37
Charles Lauerman, 2
Mrs. John E. Long, 25
Patricia J. Malone†, 29
Warren Olson, 11
Thomas O’Neil, 37
Robert Pasby, 14
David Peterson, 3
Ernest Richlie, 14
Donald Rielly, 48
Donna (McMillan) Schuerman, 11
John Mang Chung Tsoi, 17
Anthony Vetre, 13
James L. Worley, 44
Lorenz F. Wustner, 9
Class of 1953
Urban C. Bartholet, 16
Sodelbia (Heade) Busch, 41
Dr. Anthony F. Cafaro, 10
J. Gerard Cain, 31
Dr. Victor V. Carnell, 32
Donald Connell, 16
Michael J. Cronin, 43
Frank J. Dever, 14
Stew Eggers, 20
Mrs. Raymond J. Enneking, 32
Don Etten, 38
Jim Finlen, Jr., 32
Kenneth J. Galbraith, 9
Ed Gordon, 32
June R. (Roslund) Gravengaard, 34
Ronald Hanson, 18
Cornelius Hogan, 7
Bill Jacobs, 49
Joan M. (Treibel) Kilian, 43
Robert P. Lawrence, 22
J. Donald Lemieux†, 13
Wil Loeken, 45
William Maloney, Jr., 5
Jim McGoffin, 41
Don Meehan, 32
Raymond W. Murphy, 46
Barbara A. (Redmond) Olson, 33
Loren O’Toole, 17
Harve Phipps, Jr., 34
The Hon. Richard L. Pitt, 31
John Rand, 49
Paul Riedl, 22
Dr. James V. Rocca, 21
Carol Peters Rooney, 15
Jim Rooney, 48
Max Rumelhart, 30
Ruth L. (Fisher) Rumelhart, 30
Thomas T. Sawai, 25
Mrs. William J. Schertler, 11
Elaine A. (Wightman) Schoen, 32
Fred Shelton†, 36
Gordon Simanton, 31
Thomas L. State, 43
Mike Tsoi, 24
Class of 1954
Elinor Alfano, 13
Richard Bauer, 38
Cletus Beckman, 25
Marilyn Jans Before, 36
George Chalich, 24
Lewis Davis, Jr., 35
Robert L. Ferguson, 32
Rosemary E. Dell Foley, 2
Mrs. Charles R. French, 13
Maurice Gales, 47
David Gelb, 24
John Goodrich, 36
The Hon. William J. Grant, 21
Lester Guske, 23
Dr. Robert L. Kalez, 38
Thank you for your generous gifts
made between June 1, 2010, and
May 31, 2011.
James Kelly, 6
John Kelly, 37
Margaret L. (Seubert) Lemieux, 13
Max Leone, 38
Donald L. Lewis, 30
Robert J. McKanna, 36
John M. Michels, 37
Fred Mollerus, 33
Glen Morris, 27
Wesley A. Nuxoll, 42
Mrs. Frederick J. Owens, 18
Albert F. Porta, 8
Patrick Riley, 49
Lester Schwaegler, Jr., 46
Irvin Smith, 21
Patricia L. (Prague) Thomas, 25
Mrs. John B. Troup, 26
Tom Troy, 41
Harold Van Riper, 11
Elvin Vandeberg, 47
Jerry Wells, 22
Class of 1955
Dr. Arthur L. Barry, 11
Mrs. Joseph E. Brennan†, 32
Dr. F. Michael Busch, 36
Lawrence Buse, 36
Carl Canfield, 14
William Cleaver, Sr., 12
Darwin Delducco†, 48
Herta Delducco, 48
Mrs. Edgar G. Eichhorn, 15
Milton Fujita, 11
Charles Goligoski, 10
Helen (Shepard) Greenan, 51
T. Jerry Greenan, 51
Dave Hamer, 44
Mrs. E. Jack Keeley, Jr., 37
Bill Kerley, 15
Ray Lawrence, 42
Mildred W. (Wood) Lutge, 32
Dr. Charles B. McGough, 21
Joseph McNabb, 13
Joseph G. Monks, 45
John Morford, 12
Gerald Mullins, 7
Joyce M. (Boniface) Murphy, 28
Harold Myers, 16
Mike Nestor, 53
Sally (Kirkpatrick) Neumann, 52
Robert R. O’Connor, 8
Joanne E. (Slavin) O’Toole, 16
Jill H. (Garland) Pendarvis, 20
Helen B. Ripple, 8
Rev. Rock Sassano, 6
Leslie Joe Smith
Virginia Swanson, 14
Mrs. Raymond R. Tanksley, Jr., 26
Dr. Frank Vedelago, 26
Bill Via, 32
Joseph Whelan, 31
Dr. Willard J. Wyman, 49
Jack Zinkgraf, 20
Class of 1956
Mary Jo (Pilat) Anderson, 55
Bill Barber, 27
Carol (Shea) Barber, 27
Mary C. (Albo) Bishop, 35
William D. Botch, 12
Beverley L. (Oke) Brown, 11
Jim Cave, 24
Dick Chastek, 31
Richard Cheek, 13
Richard G. Cochran, 7
Richard L. Compton, 37
Lawrence Connors, 29
John Croteau, 12
Ed Dawson, 23
Armand DeFelice, 32
Gayle (Neumann) Dever, 43
Dennis Doppler, 2
Emil Feczko, 26
George Fish, 50
Eric Forner, 26
Dr. R. Thomas Gardner, 21
Robert Graham, 17
Robert Hall, 12
Betty J. Harrington, 39
Robert F. Hauth, 37
Don Jans, 48
Bill Jobb, 23
Bethine J. (Hess) Kenworthy, 47
Jack Kirwan, 4
Dr. H. John Lane, 39
Patricia (Pierce) Lawrence, 22
Paul Le Blanc, 34
Leila (Roche) Lewis, 6
James McCuaig, 3
Shirley A. (Duffner) Murphy, 46
Thomas R. Murphy, 28
The Hon. Richard J. Richard, Sr., 16
Harold Ripple, 18
Laurelyn (Schimmels) Rothrock, 23
Edward Sand, 4
Pat Schindele, 32
Tom Scott, Sr., 15
Pat Shryne, 21
Rev. Charles D. Skok, 16
Dr. Ronald P. Smith, 28
Mildred (Grow) Sprague, 23
John Sullivan, 11
James Super, 27
The Hon. Phil Thompson, 30
Jerry Vermillion, 27
Loren N. Vorlicky, 31
Pete Walker, 40
Marty Weber, 49
Richard J. Weber, 24
Geraldine Weller, 44
Gonzaga offers
six undergraduate
degrees in
53 majors,
20 master’s degrees,
one juris doctorate
and one Ph.D.
Class of 1957
Pat (Lyons) Ahern, 14
Barbara Anderson, 6
David Ayarra, 7
William Barker, 12
Ernie Becker, 44
Gerald Berger, 4
Bonnie J. (Koltenbronn)
Bosworth, 33
Frank Bourbeau, 33
Pat (Ellis) Busse, 22
Robert Busse, 22
Jack Butorac, 31
Ann (Ackerman) Cannan, 17
Patrick Casey, 12
Robert Clavel, 28
Robert A. Coomes, 16
Michael Davis, 30
Michael A. Donlan, 47
John Donoghue, 22
The Hon. Robert J. Doran, 46
Mrs. John J. Graham, 32
Joe Grismer, 26
Bill Hanlon, 4
G. Donald Hawker, 18
Roger Helms, 22
Dr. John P. Henry, Jr., 23
Rol Herriges, 26
Cornelia Heston, 2
Mrs. John W. Hill, 22
Dr. Thomas Little, 24
Joe Lynch, 34
George N. McCabe, 30
Donald L. Merrick, 28
Tom Mulcahy, 26
Donald Olson, 50
The Hon. Justin Quackenbush, 27
The Hon. J. Justin Ripley, 20
John Robertson, 20
Richard Rudisile, 17
Joseph Rutten, 36
Joseph J. Schauble, 52
Gerald Shaw, 45
Theodore Shepard, 13
Geneva Sisk, 19
Robert A. Sisk, Jr.†, 19
Al Stadtmueller, 39
Jackie R. Stone, 22
Robert Tinnon, 9
David F. Tri, 34
Phyllis M. (Champoux) Tri, 34
Robert K. Waitt, 47
Conrad Walla†, 22
Dr. Robert G. Weigand, 31
Class of 1958
Bob Anselmo, 31
Bill Arkoosh, 21
Gerald Bauman, 22
Gale Benoit, 13
Joseph Betzendorfer, Jr., 23
Frank Bouten, 33
Sherrel Bradford-Roshdy, 22
Dr. William R. Brown, Jr., 7
Gordon Brunette, 32
Beverly (Rogers) Butorac, 31
Patricia L. Canty, 10
Katherine M. (Piedmont) Carr, 24
Sheila Caskey Holder, 21
Lila (Chun) Chrystal, 23
Maurice Clark, 36
Carroll R. (Mingo) Cleaver, 12
John H. Courtney, 21
Va Lena (Scarpelli) Curran, 42
COL Bruce H. Davis, 13
Patricia L. (Alexander) Davis, 5
Patricia (Skahan) Donlan, 47
Robert Earnest, 24
Gary Ebel, 21
Betty A. (Reder) Ellis, 36
Cathy (Costello) Elting, 26
Jim Elting, 26
Jacklin A. (Walter) Frangi, 16
Josef E. Gray, 32
John H. Hanson, 45
F. Curtis Hilton, 35
Mrs. Eugene J. Hogan, 11
George A. Kain, 37
Peter King, 21
E. June (Evans) Kruse, 32
Lyle Dean Lueck, 9
Marianne T. (Mesenko) Malen, 28
Richard McInelly, 16
Paul McNabb, 29
Dick McWilliams, 45
Colleen (Kane) Meighan, 50
Jacob W. Meighan, 50
Joe Monaco, 26
Marilyn J. (Macnab) Murphy, 35
Elaine (Morris) Myers, 23
Patricia A. Nash, 3
Gary L. Petesch, 9
Dr. Angelo Pizelo, 15
Jim Quinn, 25
Charles Redmon, 7
Jim Ringwood, 44
Roger J. Roman, 47
F. Wallace Rothrock, 23
Edith J. (Rosman) Rustemeyer, 10
Albert Schauble, Sr., 38
Dr. William M. Shanks, 38
Karl W. Speltz, 35
Jerry A. Stebbins, 11
Ivan Stepan, 20
Robert F. Thaden, 32
Patrick Thiel, 25
Joe Thomas, 35
Al Tipton
David Van Loan, 34
Ernie Vollmer, 49
Bill Wagner, 39
Dave Walsh, 33
Clara A. (Shaw) Weil, 24
Bill Weldele, 19
Janet P. (Puccinelli) Wollersheim, 21
Class of 1959
Gene Annis, 37
Patricia A. Bell, 22
William D. Bell, 24
John Bilbao, 2
John Byrne, 13
Delpha J. (Stevens) Camp, 34
Patrick R. Cockrill, 23
Terry Cossette, 17
David G. Culver, 28
Thomas A. Driscoll, 38
Ann C. (Capaccio) Duby, 22
Jim Etter, 36
Bob Fairbank, 35
Brian Finegan, 32
Leo Finnegan, 51
Denis Frie, 9
Duke Gaffney, 20
Joseph P. Gagliardi, 47
Bob Gariepy, 15
Jim Garvey, 42
Lt. Col. Robert H. Grassi, 18
George Grismer, 25
The Hon. Richard P. Guy, 27
Robert Hanson, 33
Dr. John E. Hench, 37
Charles Hoppel, 17
Terry Inman, 37
Lavonda K. (Bodeau) Ircink, 29
Paul L. Ircink, 29
Melvin Kays, 22
Bernard C. Koontz, 34
Maxine M. Kremensky, 6
Tom Kubota, 49
Mary Lou Lane, 43
Pauline M. (Herzig) Love, 28
Paul N. Luvera, 49
Jeremiah McCormick, 5
Al Mousseau, 32
Donald P. Nelles, 43
James Nordale†, 21
John O’Clair, 7
Elizabeth L. (Traversi) Olszowy, 14
Jerald J. Paukert, 26
Bob Pedersen, 28
Denny Petek, 12
Charles Peterson, 6
John Powers, 25
Delos Putz, 38
Emmett Quinn, 41
The Hon. Philip M. Raekes, 41
Paul Redmond, 29
Bernadette (Suva) Renouard, 41
Edward J. Renouard, 41
Edward A. Ring, 40
Norman L. Roberts, 32
Dr. Victor C. Robisch, 29
Joan Eraerts Rolling, 23
Sharon K. (Rusing) Roman, 47
Dr. Richard S. Rosler, 44
Mrs. Laurence B. Ryan, 3
Carolyn (Magee) Schauble, 52
Bob Scholie, 12
Donald K. Sharpes, 5
Mrs. Harry H. Sladich, 46
Carol (Brolin) Speltz, 35
Elizabeth (Hurley) Standiford, 35
Patrick Sullivan, 21
Tim Thornton, 35
Bill Warren, 13
Bill Weller, 16
Jacqueline M. (Emmons)
Williams, 32
David Wollersheim, 8
James Yeager, 25
Class of 1960
Mary Lee Abba-Gaston, 28
LTC Robert B. Austenfeld, 39
Bill Boyd, 43
Bill Broenkow, 29
Gerald E. Bynum, 8
Judith M. (Petek) Camp, 30
Don Curran, 42
Jayne (Stanich) Dempsey, 8
Charles V. D’Hondt, 34
Read E. English, 6
Sylvia Friede, 44
Joan (Hively) Gagliardi, 47
George Gerard, 12
Mrs. Charles E. Guetle, 3
Jerry Haupt, 32
Alex Herzog, 47
Gary Hordemann, 28
Kay Ann (Rutter) Keltos, 20
Mike Kobluk, 29
Milton J. Langlois, 16
Barbara (Weldele) LaPietra, 19
Floyd Lee, 21
Peter F. Malen, Sr.†, 28
Mignon Manelli, 26
J. Richard Manning, 26
Lynn (Willis) McAleer, 21
Joan (Enders) Morgenstern, 46
Linnet (Ries) Murray, 27
Jeanette (Jenny) Nelles, 43
Pat Nolan, 34
Margaret K. (Keyes) Nugent, 5
Guy Ossello, 49
Pat (Martin) Paulson, 14
Dale Percy, 21
Jim Peterson, 24
Marvin Peterson, 12
Michael L. Peterson, 32
Sally (Grant) Peterson, 12
Donna C. Quesnell
John Quinlan, 47
Eleanor (Polutnik) Raschkow, 29
Harold Rebenitsch, 38
S. F. Rief, 34
Dorita Roberts, 11
Edward Rosicky, 32
Joan S. (Sylte) Schween, 10
Morie Shacker, 8
Steve Shepard, 27
Chuck Siljeg†, 49
Ed Smith, 7
Cara M. (McCann) Snyder, 8
Bob Stach, 38
Fred Staples†, 7
Robert Stupfel, 30
Norb Trauba, 13
Glen Uhlenkott, 26
Barbara (Ross) Vermillion, 32
Richard J. Vielbig, 18
Kay D. (Jans) Walker, 17
Mildred (Costa) Waters, 4
Victor R. Weil, 24
Class of 1961 – 50th Reunion
Donald Anderson, Jr., 29
Larry Atwell, 22
Thomas Baker, Jr., 8
Robert P. Bourbeau, 16
Robert Boyd, 8
Elizabeth A. (Botch) Buchanan, 17
Mrs. Franklin D. Burgess, 23
‘Salie (Boughton) Cockrill, 23
James B. Comerford, 27
Ed Costello, 11
Ruth R. (Burke) Cox, 30
Roger Coyle, 28
James DeGon, 10
William H. Destefano, 10
Michael Farley, 23
Carol (Rogers) Ferguson, 9
Arny Forner, 27
Edward Gotzy, 16
Karen (Krohn) Gotzy, 16
Thomas Grant, 17
Lionel C. Greenwood, 17
Constance M. (Oldershaw)
Guthrie, 10
Ray Haeg, 13
Frederick Halverson, 23
Pat A. (Girouard) Halverson†, 32
Robert M. Halverson, 32
Ray Kelleher, 49
Richard Keller, 29
John Krall, 16
David Kuttner, 2
David Lamey, 24
Gary Lawrence, 15
Carolyn Gale Louthian, 37
Dorothy Wichmann Maas, 35
Dr. William P. Mahrt, 16
Nick W. McDonough, 11
Richard McGinn, 3
Lawrence McNerthney, 34
Sharlene (Sharpe) Miller, 29
Jerome Olson, 35
Terry Peterson, 13
Col. Leland E. Prentice, 32
James H. Prince, 34
Marilyn C. (Zenner) Prince, 34
Mike Pugh, 10
Mike Ramos, 20
Elaine (Maccaferri) Reese, 28
Kathleen (Acher) Riel, 27
Ronald A. Roberts, 28
Dave Rorick, 13
Andy M. Rustemeyer, 10
James Schmit, 10
Michael Seubert, 40
B. M. (Arbuckle) Severtsen, 15
Michael D. Shaler, 22
Mary Jo (Peterkin) Shaw, 20
Jack Sheehan, 24
Ted Sivalon, 46
Nina Rose Snyder, 2
Pat Tierney, 29
Joyce M. (Duarte) Trask, 28
Michael A. Tucci, 38
Diane M. Vanderzanden, 27
Class of 1963
Robert Vanderzanden, 5
Dennis Vermillion, 32
Class of 1962
Peter G. Banulis, 44
Andrea Beauchane, 25
William Bond, 29
Henry Buescher, 23
Ronald N. Caferro, 27
Thomas Chapman, 25
Denny Codd, 29
Jeffry D. Colliton, 24
Norah (Flannery) Comerford, 27
Tom Correll, 42
Margaret (Thompson) Deason, 7
Charles Esposito, 24
Susan C. (Nugent) Feldmann, 8
Edward M. Fessler, 25
Mary Finke, 31
Gary Gayton, 11
Gary Geiss, 32
Mrs. J. Frank Gorman, 12
Michael Gross, 7
R. Bruce Hankins, 29
David L. Hattrick, 10
Lawrence Hawkins, 5
Howard Herman, 25
Helen (Pritchard) Joers, 12
George Kleeman, 40
Mike Klein, 43
George Kurka, 28
M. Diane (Johansing) Litchfield, 37
Noreen A. (Geiss) Littman, 24
Sally (Zongker) Mackey, 23
Larry Maillet, 30
Gerald A. Manfred, 5
Robert Maruca, 24
Thomas McAndrews, 22
Juliet (Raney) McCarthy, 20
Richard M. McLane, 31
Jeanne Murra McMillan, 10
John Moynier, 23
Mrs. Duane D. Myers, 29
Gary Myers, 29
Bill Myrhang, 39
Dr. Albert H. Nephew, 27
Daniel Nordmark, 25
C. J. Occhipinti, 11
Francene J. (Siers) Onzay, 10
Donald Parrish, 5
Ann M. (Allen) Porter, 41
H. Eugene Quinn, 41
Kathleen L. Mauk Reid, 15
Ronald E. Riel, 27
JoAnn L. (Salina) Roberts, 28
Paula M. (Mc Ardle) Rolleri, 8
John Schultz, 30
Jerry Simurdak, 19
Mary Jo (McKinnon) Tucci, 37
Monda Van Hollebeke, 17
Mary (Collins) Volpentest, 18
Sam R. Volpentest, 18
Richard K. Yorioka, 25
Stephen Zimmer, 4
Ray Zugel, 28
Forrest Amsden, 31
Daniel S. Avey, 12
John R. Black, 10
Don Bodeau, 40
Floyd Bolich, 9
Laurence Broderick, 18
Molly E. (Condon) Butler, 35
Joe Connors, 17
John Cooney, 30
Peggy Dempsey, 40
Bob Di Julio, 6
William R. Dobner, 30
James Ellison, 16
Ben Engle, 25
Sonja Nordbye Fair, 26
James Fischer, 8
Neal R. Fosseen, Jr., 3
Catherine A. Geraghty, 31
Jack Hamlin, 28
John Heffernan, 4
Lorelei (Munroe) Herres, 34
Phillip B. Herres, 34
Neil Hoitink, 24
Diane (Dinneen) Horn, 7
Mike Horwitz, 6
William R. Hottell, 28
Dr. L. Michael Howell, 34
John Humbert, 14
Robert Johnston, 12
Margel Foote Kaufman, 30
Midge (McGreevy) Kuster, 33
Sandra L. (Perkins) Labadie, 11
Dr. Anna M. Ledgerwood, 31
Dr. Joseph D. Lynch, 32
Mrs. John P. Madden, 34
Elaine M. (Mrachek) Masso, 30
Terrence Matz, 29
Julia (Lane) McCahill, 24
Dennis McCanna, 15
Col. Frank E. McCormick, 19
Jack McElroy, 37
Margaret (Doherty) McFarland, 3
Don McNall, 12
Walt Merrick, 13
Christine (Bardwell) Miller, 11
G. Carter Miller, 3
G. Joseph Miller, 11
Donald Nadvornick, 24
Elaine (Schaffers) Perko, 26
James D. Perko, 26
James E. Piazzola, 5
Gail (Fox) Pitchford, 37
Larry Plews, 26
Celeste (Leino) Quinlivan, 15
John T. Quinlivan, 17
Margaret S. Reagan, 40
Theresa M. Reisenauer, 4
John Rickman, 21
Sr. Kathleen Ross, S.N.J.M., 4
The Hon. Richard Schroeder, 42
Mary Anne (LeMay) Shine, 29
D. Michael Strong, 37
Dr. Tony M. Sutey, 20
Richard R. Tausch, 21
John H. Thomson, 17
Ray Vollert, 9
The Hon. Jerry Votendahl, 13
Bette (Cappuccio) Weber, 24
Jim Wickwire, 22
Col. Wendelin Winslow, 6
Edward Wolf, Jr., 25
Bette Jo (Goicoechea) Wunderle, 3
Anne M. (Rettinger) Zielsdorf, 17
Class of 1964
Dr. Joseph A. Anselmo, 27
Janice (Anderson) Ashleman, 14
The Hon. Paul A. Bastine, 26
Richard H. Beck, 20
Mary Jean (Witmeyer) Carmany, 33
Larry Chatterton, 14
Dr. Joseph D. Codd, 39
Cathy (Miller) Colver, 7
Katherine (Huhtanen) Connors, 37
Rita M. Cooney, 18
Gary C. Cooper, 13
Tom Davis, 30
Dolores M. (Clarke) Desserault, 18
Ken Desserault, 21
Virginia (MacIntyre) Dubuque, 10
Ronald Dupas, 39
William Edison, 17
Rick Egge, 22
Joan (Manning) Ensign, 28
Mary W. (Endom) Farinholt, 15
Victoria Flower, 20
William P. Foran, 21
Sharon (Martin) Fosseen, 3
Dr. Clarence Freeman, Jr., 19
Craig Gage, 26
Bill Gilchrist, 7
The Hon. H. John Hall, 18
Linda (Laskey) Hansen, 18
Thomas P. Hansen, 32
Michael F. Harrington, 17
Suzi (Harootunian) Havey, 23
Thomas J. Havey, 23
William Haynes, 21
Mike Howson, 31
Thomas C. Hufty, 22
Patrick Hurley, 13
John Keith, 33
Dianne M. (Wald) Klein, 43
Douglas Krier, 39
Ronald Lentes, 5
James T. Linardos, 12
Ronald Little, 27
George F. Luger, 2
Patricia Martin, 25
Peter McGann, M.D., 16
Karen (Edgett) Montecucco, 25
Max Montecucco, 25
Gary Myrene, 31
Joseph Nappi, Jr., 29
Odette Noble, 18
Jeanne M. (Ford) Nowlin, 6
Dr. James P. O’Connell, 16
James Old, 21
Vaughn B. Overlie, 12
Yvonne (Cloutier) Parenteau, 9
Murray Paterson, 5
Jim Peaper, 29
Jerry Pederson, 20
Dr. Dennis E. Penna, 25
Mike Power, 30
Margaret A. Prietto, 29
John A. Rea, 16
Scott Rice, 5
Rosemary (Menzia) Rief, 34
Herman Rossi III, 35
Jim Scarborough, 19
Sharon M. (May) Scarborough, 19
Ron Schmidt, 28
Bill Schuler, 10
Sheila J. (Whetstone) Shaler, 22
Donald Sharp, S.J., 12
Kathleen A. Skeman, 22
Merrilu (Silva) Sloboda, 45
Margan H. (Haley) Smith, 38
Maurice M. Smith, Jr., 38
John Sooy, 25
Fred J. Stanaway, 7
Thomas Stewart, 6
Patricia (Kane) Sullivan, 11
Arthur Taylor, 2
Geri (Lucchesini) Thibodeau, 19
John R. Thiel, 24
Patricia (Galitza) Thiel, 24
Jeffrey Thimsen, 8
Rosemary (Dellwo) Toft, 44
Barbara J. (Schneider) Vadset, 28
Ms. Karen L. Volpatti, 9
Dick Waitt, 29
Mary Kay Walsh, 6
Marianne Broz Wassel, 19
Mary K. (Erickson) Whelan, 5
Lucy (Hould) White, 25
Marvin B. Williams, 8
Jim Workland, 25
Class of 1965
Norman R. Agostino, 44
Patrick Barry, 14
George Binczewski, 32
Helen M. (Downey) Boedecker, 26
Donald Boughton
Chris Canwell, 22
Stephen T. Cavit, 41
John Chilgren, 15
Jim Day, 30
Marilyn A. (Mischel) Elmquist, 18
K. Nozaki Ewing, 41
Vince P. Fennimore, 11
Janet (Gray) Flores, 21
Donald Foran, 13
Peter M. Gerber, 12
Mike Glatt, 32
Joanne (Herron) Hansen, 16
Beverly E. (Oswood) Harrington, 17
Mrs. Robert M. Hasibar, 25
Mary Jayne Hellebust, 20
Warren M. F. Ho, 25
Leila N. (Broz) Hufty, 22
Patricia A. (Anderson) Hurt, 20
Roger Johnson, 18
Gloria J. (Rodgers) Karlak, 9
John E. Keegan, 34
Aslam Khan, 33
Gale E. (Svoboda) Kolbet, 23
George Kopczynski, 3
Cheryl L. Mack, 29
Patricia M. (Walton) MacNichols, 11
Richard Mah, Jr., 12
Linda J. Mariani, 2
Yvonne (Koreis) Mark, 14
Noreen Hobbs Martin, 10
Grant McLaughlin, 19
Terry Meehan, 30
Elizabeth H. (Herres) Miller, 3
Don Milligan, 10
Thomas Monforton, 3
Maryann (Luger) Montandon, 31
Jim Muggli, 29
Carol A. Oberle, 10
Jim O’Connell, 36
Mark O’Donnell, 25
John O’Hara, Jr., 23
Susan (DeDonato) O’Hara, 22
Nick D. Papageorgiou, 24
Dr. Andrew C. Peterson, 34
Bill Poppy, 16
Robert Powers, Jr., 8
Mike Preston, 35
Michael J. Reilly, 35
Gary Riley, 5
Rosellen Ring-Easton, 28
Lt. Col. Robert D. Rivers, 38
Dennis Roberts, 27
Janice Roberts Sussman, 28
Kevin Roddy, 13
Robin Rosauer, 33
Ron Sagerson, 9
Cathi (Shaw) Schafer, 31
Donald R. Schafer, 31
Roy L. Schiele, 32
Ted Schnug, 23
Lynn Seelye, 13
Mike Shanks, 27
David R. Shea, 39
David Shikany, 27
Eugene D. Sloboda, 45
David Sonnichsen, 26
Geraldine A. (O’Melveny) Strong, 37
Jeffrey Sullivan, 11
Kenneth Sullivan, 5
Carl Svoboda, 41
Linda (Jasper) Tausch, 21
Michael G. Taylor, 34
Anita (Sebesta) Tschirgi, 20
Edward Wolf, 24
Linda Yorba-Desch, 31
Class of 1966
Elena J. (Cinelli) Agostino, 44
Virginia E. (Lux) Alexander, 22
Eileen M. (Murphy) Anderson, 19
Ann Ardner, 16
Marianne (Petrini) Bales, 34
Rod Barnett, 17
Janet E. (Harris) Bastine, 26
Joseph P. Bauer, Jr., 11
Marilyn A. (Miller) Benson, 41
Paula G. (Gallagher) Blanchat, 22
Barbara J. (Fagan) Blizzard, 38
Mary J. (Van Loan) Boden, 19
Mary P. (Nickelsen) Borghorst, 21
Robert Borghorst† , 21
Elizabeth Anne Brewer, 31
Janet (Gubanc) Buck, 27
John Buckley, 5
Christopher Bulger, 40
Stephanie A. (Cada) Burke, 41
Elaine (Duffy) Cavit, 41
Laurie (Samuel) Connolly, 21
Jerry Coughlan, 27
Gary M. Cuillier, 11
John R. Curry, Jr., 22
William Dahl, 17
Bill D’Amour, 7
Joseph M. Dargan, 2
Bryce Dille, 7
Kathleen A. (McFarland) Dobner, 30
Susan (Paivine) Douglas, 18
Steve Druffel, 32
Marianne (Wesely) Duffy, 28
Mike Duffy, 6
Sharon K. (Perkins) Fennimore, 11
Ann (Moyer) Fessler, 25
Denny Flaherty, 19
Charles C. Flower, 20
Clark Gemmill, 28
Patricia (Hites) Gilbert, 13
Connie J. Gonyou, 38
Edward J. Gottfried, 30
LeeAnn (Hudspeth) Gottfried, 30
Mrs. Al Gracio, 4
Larry L. Guthrie, 10
Margaret A. (Jansen) Hall, 18
Mary M. (MacFarlane) HammondTooke, 3
Molly (Roberts) Hannan, 29
Bonny B. (Bryant) Hannigan, 35
Michele (Leitch) Harlow, 12
Caroline (Schibig) Hathaway, 26
Gene Henry, 38
Lloyd Herman, 6
Michael B. Herzog, 35
Doyle Jacklin, 8
Bill Johnson, 12
Ultan Johnson, 5
Don Jonas, 8
Robert Kai, 22
The Hon. Thomas E. Kelly, 20
Ronald Kofmehl, 25
Bill Kranz, 32
Larry E. Krueger, 14
Virginia (Rees) Low, 12
Kathleen (Kelly) Luger, 2
Dr. Gerald B. MacDonald, 18
Linda MacDonald, 18
The Hon. Eugene A. Marano, 6
Joseph F. Mark, 14
Janine M. (Daly) Martin, 16
Patricia R. Maruca, 31
Dr. James J. McCarthy, Jr., 28
Mike J. McChesney, 27
Larry J. McDonough, 7
Dennis McEwen, 26
Mary Alice McGinn, 26
Rosemary (Shaw) McInerney, 6
Ann T. (Marsh) McMahon, 31
John S. McMahon, Jr., 13
Vicki B. (Beck) Murphy, 34
Mary F. (Kane) Nappi, 29
Richard J. Niederegger, 22
Richard Nisley, 16
Thomas Old, 14
Kenneth Perko, 29
Neil Pettigrew†, 14
Alberta J. (Jovick) Pilliod, 26
Carlos A. Prietto, 14
Richard Pyne, 6
Dennis Rooney, 33
Susan Sander, 35
Christine S. (Callihan) Schnug, 23
Rita (Gard) Seedorf, 27
Patrick K. Shine, 29
John Stone, 23
Robert Strange, 4
Mary (Cater) Sullivan, 5
Teresa (Hart) Taylor, 34
The Hon. Joseph A. Thibodeau, 19
Mrs. Richard J. Thomas, 6
Pete Thompson, 26
Tom Tilford, 33
Eugene Tonry, 15
Jerry Valley, 25
Christine Vaughan, 4
Kathleen (Duffy) Ward, 8
Mary F. (Uhlenkott) Weeks, 9
Gary Westerman, 6
With 21 retreats,
Gonzaga’s University
Ministry office
offers one of the
most extensive
retreat programs
in the nation.
Class of 1967
Gary M. Alworth, 30
Commissioner Wm. Fred Aronow, 4
Rosemary (Gecsey) Bauer, 11
Crane Bergdahl, 13
Eleanor R. (Britschgi) Bernstein, 20
Dr. Stephen L. Brenneke, 17
JoAnn M. (Turner) Brown, 11
Larry Brown, Jr., 29
Natasha P. (Petersen) Brunson, 24
Michael Brustkern, 10
Marguerite (Kuder) Busch, 16
Michael J. Busch, 16
Patrick Cerutti, 14
Timothy Choiniere†, 5
Patricia Chong, 13
Larry Christiansen, 17
James Crum, 12
Angel M. Diez, 34
Patricia (Gilmore) Dito, 23
Peter M. Dito, 23
Susan (Kesling) Dougherty, 21
Sally Ann (Winslow) Eaves, 24
Jon D. Evavold, 32
Mary (O’Donnell) Freund, 35
Gary Gainer, 13
Robert N. Greco, 39
Barbara Gregory, 3
Dave Halter, 32
James Harris, 21
Lynn (Joyner) Harris, 21
Katharine D. (Carney)
Hendrickson, 23
Nick J. Herak, 6
Dennis Hierath, 25
The Hon. Tany Hong, 32
David J. Hughes, 31
Dennis Jorgensen, 19
Jerold Juliano, 6
Dan Keefe, 22
Gloria M. Kittel, 31
Kjell Knudsen, 18
Oliver M. LaJoie, 12
Thomas LaLone, 11
Earl Lane, 24
Thomas Lavagetto, 23
Jorge Lawton, 6
John Leaming, 16
Cherryl Leeson, 15
Karen G. (Ford) Liere, 8
William Maes, 20
Karen E. (Pattison) Mathis, 28
Robert M. Mathis, 28
Dennis O. Mayer, 43
John McCabe, 23
Terry McLaughlin, 16
Emil Mihelich, 12
Robert Milliken, 11
Dr. Gary D. Morrison, 10
Michael Nelson, 16
Marlene (Wassmuth) Nickolson, 22
Tom Nollette, Sr., 42
Dr. Michael T. Petersen, 29
Archie Prieto, 32
John Rantschler, 3
John L. Reichmann, 32
Judy A. (Yeend) Reilly, 35
Susan L. (Bruce) Robison, 9
Mary Jo Rudolf
Barry W. Santana, Ph.D., 2
Sue Ann (Pechtl) Schiele, 32
Elizabeth (Davis) Sestero, 28
Susan V. (Danz) Sheedy, 24
Thomas Sheedy II, 24
James C. Singer, 12
Paul B. Smith, 12
Joseph P. Spielbauer, 31
Randall L. St. Mary, 3
Jed Steele, 3
Kathleen (Bazz) Tangaro, 26
Sonny Tangaro, 26
Michael E. Thuot, 30
Virginia Trethewey, 29
Dennis Tulang, 16
Bob Waldron, 28
Ken Wall, 27
Kathy A. (Plachta) Wehrly, 33
Donald Westerman, 12
Mary W. (Wyman) Wolf, 24
Larry Zimmerman
Class of 1968
Joe Albo, 15
Phyllis J. Bongers, 15
Inga M. (Anderson) Boyles, 8
Dan Brajcich, Jr., 31
Mary T. (Thiebes) Brett, 16
Judith Marietta (Graham) Brings
Gerald Broderhausen, 19
Mary Ann (Schultheis) Busch, 34
Bruce Butler, 37
Judith Acher Butler, 37
Dennis Calfee, 16
Lance Campbell, 20
Michael Carraher, 5
Michael Casey, 37
Dee Ann (Leoni) Cerutti, 14
Brian Corcoran, 10
Nancy L. (Zodrow) Cressey, 31
Paul E. Dahlberg, 26
Christy E. (Smith) de Viveiros, 43
Dale de Viveiros, 43
John Demakas, 28
Kathy Diez, 34
Nancy C. (Armstrong) Dunne, 26
William Dunnigan, 23
Annette I. (McGinn) Erickson, 35
John Fattorini, Jr., 3
Robert Feulner, 21
Colleen (Eugene) Flynn, 41
Kathleen A. Franz, 35
William M. Fraser, 25
Paul Fruci, Sr., 4
Catherine (Warinner) Gerber, 12
Paul Greif, 8
Gregory Greyerbiehl, 11
Michael K. Halley, 5
Deonna G. (Yandle) Hayes, 3
Spencer J. Heinz, 25
Richard A. Hill, 18
Dr. Karen Krebs Ireland, 38
Patricia J. (Oaklund) Jacobs, 30
Rick Jaggars, 27
Al Jeremiah, Jr., 15
James Kester, 20
Margaret A. (McGarry) Kester, 20
Jerome Kineen, 3
James B. King, 30
Daniel Kinney, Jr., 14
Dennis La Porte, 13
H. Terry Lackie, 23
Patrick Laskey, 22
Tom Lengowski, 24
The Hon. John J. Madden, 33
Bill Majerus, 26
Susan A. (Adamson) Manfred, 5
Carroll Martell, 13
Mike Masterson, 31
Merridy (Schreck) McChesney, 27
Nancy D. McDonald, 41
Mary Whittier Moffitt, 29
Gene Monaco, 7
Lenna (Chester) Mulka, 20
Kris (Laubacher) Murphy, 33
Linda C. Oaksford-Lorenz, 32
Margie Francisco Opitz, 25
Jack Ossello, 37
Kathleen D. (McLaughlin)
Ossello, 37
The Hon. Mike Padden, 9
Andrea (Losh) Papageorgiou, 24
Scott Patnode, 35
Gregory R. Peterson, 10
Carla M. Phillips, 30
Robert D. Rangitsch, 33
Kathleen M. (Murphy)
Rasmussen, 30
Dr. Patrick J. Reagan, 29
Richard W. Sanger, 15
Paul W. Schafer, 31
Susan K. (Phillips) Schimandle, 21
Mike Schumacher, 22
Maureen Sheridan, 31
Mike Shields, 33
Jo M. (Maierle) Smallwood, 17
Bill Snyder, 7
Josephine Soublet, 35
Mary F. (Antunes) Sparkman, 13
Robert C. Sparkman, 13
Linda (Roccanova) St. Mary, 3
Richard J. Standiford, 35
Kenneth H. Stavenjord, 2
Carol (DeGeorge) Sterling, 22
Bill Swanson, 9
Judy K. (Winchel) Sweeney, 34
Dr. Thomas G. Tachovsky, 21
Bill Talkington, 20
James Thielman, 16
Chuck Thomas, 13
Mary Jane (Bilsborrow)
Thompson, 26
Ron Tierney, 18
John M. Ward, 8
Richard Wieber, 9
Elizabeth A. (Welch) Wilson, 19
Class of 1969
Dave Anderson, 22
Patricia (Owens) Anderson, 5
Phillip Anderson, 17
Thomas K. Baffney, 33
Catherine A. Bain, 16
Richard Baldasty, 33
Hollis Barnett, 20
Patricia J. (Anderson) Barnett, 20
Frank Bartoletta, 16
Robert A. Becker, 32
Paul E. Benoit, 10
Eddy Birrer, 29
James Robert Bitter, 21
Steve Blaser, 6
Jim Buck, 34
Michael J. Buck, 27
Chuck Burgess, 19
Michael Burgess, 12
William B. Burke, 11
Joe Busch, 34
Jay Caferro, 28
Terrance Callan, 30
Robert J. Carbaugh, 18
Christian R. Casper, 30
Wayne Chabre, 12
Jim Clark, 38
Sheryl K. (McRae) Cooney, 9
Thomas Cooney, Jr., 9
Kenneth Corman, 10
Janis (Macready) Dahlberg, 26
Douglas Denton, 4
Merrily (Roberts) Denton, 4
Anne F. Edwards, 18
Walter Egger, 14
Susan England, 3
Sally (McCarthy) Epler, 30
Dr. Anthony J. Ewell, 20
Shirley Ewing, 29
Francine C. (Tomoso) Fernandez, 22
Patricia S. (Stafinbil) Gardner, 2
Paula J. (Forgy) Gessler, 25
Timothy D. Gierke, 17
Pat Gilmore, 23
Judy M. (Thyfault) Grunow, 30
Donald Hackney, 34
Bernie Halloran, 35
Patricia (Fouts) Harkins, 23
Timothy J. Harkins, 23
Brian Harrison, 4
Jeanne P. Harvey, 22
Albert Hayek, 16
Wendy (Bays) Heinz, 25
Bill Hensleigh, 24
Lisa (Derosier) HensleighBuchmann, 9
Joseph H. Hermosillo, 11
Ann Hillman, 16
James L. Hollingsworth, 17
Susan (Hupf) Holt, 25
Gerald R. Hover, 31
Carmela (Granier) Hughes, 31
Doug C. Johnston, 23
Dennis A. Kamimura, 40
Tom Kelly, 28
Sheila Kern, 7
Robert M. Koenig, 20
Susan M. (Devlin) Koenig, 20
Sheila A. LaForest, 7
Robert A. Lockrem, 17
Judith (Imhoff) Long, 22
James L. Maher, 16
Kathleen (Rogge) Maher, 16
Cheryl A. (Goold) Mandaquit, 15
Michael D. McCormack, 30
James McGourin, 6
James S. McLean, 29
Marilyn (Potter) McWilliams, 16
Leo Mellon, 39
John Messina, 27
Donald J. Migliuri†, 26
Karen Migliuri, 26
Mary E. (Kore) Mohr, 28
Patrick Morin, 11
Dan W. Murphy, 23
Dr. Van B. Nakagawara, 33
J. Patrick Naughton, Ed.D., 41
Jerry Neal, 9
Carolyn A. Nesbitt, 6
Patrick O’Boyle, 32
Mary Ellen (Stroebe) O’Donnell, 31
Austin Pagnotta, 8
Charles Parnell, 20
James Patterson, 24
Mary Jane (Hidaka) Patterson, 27
Michael A. Patterson, 31
Paul J. Patterson, 27
Mike Pontarolo, 32
Brita (Wood) Posedel, 25
Jay Posedel, 25
Gary Powdrill, 10
Jack Regan, 20
Mrs. Diehl Rettig, 20
Karen (Sudol) Rittenberg, 8
Susan M. Roberts, 20
Charles Schafer, 26
Dick Schomburg, 26
Mike Shea, 16
Steve Shepard, 40
Mary E. (Taylor) Shinn, 23
Margaret M. (O’Brien) Shute, 35
Mary Kathryn (Kronenberg)
Simmons, 35
Linda C. (Chesurin) Sliepen, 5
Robert Smee, 8
Patricia (Eakin) Smith, 39
Joseph Staebell, 10
John F. Sullivan, 19
Rebecca E. Sullivan, 30
Terry Thompson, 13
Gene Unger, 19
Polly H. (Hudspeth) Venard, 12
Adrian Voermans, 9
Joseph G. Ward, 6
Stanley Welsh, 32
Nancy (Keplinger) West, 13
Bill Wilson, 14
Tom Woodley, 37
Arnold Young, 9
Stanley Young, 6
Class of 1970
Patrick R. Acres, 3
Pamela Acuff, 15
Paul Albright, 32
William R. Becker, 24
Leo Berry, Jr., 36
Greg Boehmer, 4
Marcia L. (Bloom) Bourget, 24
Elizabeth Ann (Fessler) Braet, 28
William J. Braet, 29
Pauline (Martin) Bresnahan, 31
Diane (Van Driesche) Burke, 14
Francis P. Burke, 14
Claudia (Freer) Cahill, 32
Daniel M. Cahill, 32
Peggy (Morton) Calfee, 16
Michael Cannon, 27
Susan (Amato) Castagna, 38
Mark Castner, 30
Mary B. (Brennan) Cliby, 19
Margaret A. Coffey, 25
Linda E. (Chandler) Collins, 31
Timothy M. Collins, 31
Tom Conchuratt, 18
Robert Connor, 8
Paula J. Cowley, 27
William L. Cowley, 27
Joseph Day, 3
Richard E. Dolezal, 28
Patrick Dooney, 33
Paul F.X. Dunigan, 30
Terrence Dunne, 14
Robert J. Erickson, 34
Lawrence Evers, 12
Signe M. Feeney, 26
Roger A. Felice, 23
Toni (Morrow) Ferguson, 23
Antoinette Francisco, 18
Patricia (Milligan) Fraser, 25
Faye F. Fuchs, 35
Marcia Limper Fulham, 24
Roger Gence, 18
The Hon. Thomas P. Larkin, 32
Vincent A. Laubach, 25
Roberta (Scott) League, 22
Margaret E. (Moran) Mallory
John C. Mantello, 16
Victoria (Rangan) Mantello, 16
Francisco Paco Maribona, 11
Robert Materne, Jr., 12
Kathleen M. (Foley) McCarthy, 31
James K. McDirmid, 9
Dr. John Paul McGahan, 19
Dick McIntyre, 35
Kathleen (Koreis) McLean, 29
Alan McNeil, 29
Dorothy J. (Schaffers) Mellon, 39
Frank Monasterio, 15
Michael L. Mooney, 20
William E. Morgan, 24
David Muggli, 26
Duane Mullen, 18
Russell Niles, 32
Sharon Olive, 12
Joseph W. Olson, Ph.D., 6
The Hon. Richard A. Strophy, 20
Carl Sturm, 10
Mary Ellen (Prentice) Sullivan, 19
Liz (Feuersinger) Templeton, 20
Theresa (Auer) Tesarik, 40
John E. Uffelman, 32
Michael J. Vanairsdale, 20
Fred VanValkenburg, 4
Christopher Venne, 13
Roy H. Warnick, 13
Francis and Margaret Webb, 12
Elizabeth (Royce) Whitney, 11
Georgia R. Wilkinson, 39
Brian Williams, 3
Sandra (Lum) Young, 6
Class of 1971 – 40th Reunion
Mrs. Chris Alstad, 10
Katherine J. (Bauer) Alzheimer, 22
Peter J. Anderson, 5
Bill Barkas, 39
William Bingham, 2
Steve Bombino, 23
Pete Breiten, 37
Over 100 clubs
and student
organizations –
including academic,
religious, cultural,
and service-oriented
Suzanne P. (Prendergast) Gierke, 17
Catharine M. (Marble) Glennon, 22
Candy (Jones) Gormley, 28
Edward J. Gormley, 28
Diane (Kelly) Hamm, 33
Dr. Marlene (Nachbar) Hapai, 26
Dan Harbaugh, 33
James P. Hodgson, 25
Patricia G. (Graham)
Hollingsworth, 17
Susan R. (DeGagne) Huss, 21
Ann A. (Arthur) Johnston, 23
Kelly (Florence) Jones, 19
Jean A. (Friedhoff) Kelly, 10
Kevin Kelly, 10
Alan Kempen, 16
Cheryl (DeMers) Kingen, 20
Ann L. Kuder, 24
Patricia A. (Collins) La Voie, 28
Alan Lamia, 20
Ken Pierson, 9
Bob Plachta, 36
Kathleen J. (Bochsler) Polzin, 20
Elizabeth (Onley) Pontarolo, 32
Pamela S. (Wheatley) Proud, 20
Christine M. (Breitenbach)
Quevedo, 38
Ermel Quevedo, 38
Sally (Bulger) Quirk, 37
Timothy W. Quirk, 37
David Rahmer, 27
Charles P. Rupert, 15
Mary Scarpelli, 39
Robert L. Sexton, 20
Alexander J. Shogan, Jr., 28
Patricia M. (Taylor) Smith, 19
Patricia R. Sorenson, 22
Mary M. (Shikany) Stachofsky, 24
Maureen A. Standifer, 9
Wendell Staszkow, 23
Jim M. Bresnahan, 31
Kirk Bromiley, 20
Marilyn (Healey) Bromiley, 20
Thomas Budewitz, 12
Donald Burke, 22
Patrick Burke, 31
John F. Bury, 22
Francis J. Callan, 16
Suzanne M. (Lux) Callan, 16
Noel M. Cave, 7
Mary T. Clark-Kaiser, 20
Harold Cochran, 33
Edward Coker, Jr., 12
Tom Combs, 11
Robert A. Comfort, 25
Paul Contois, Jr., 10
MaryKaye (Hurley) Dahmen, 26
Luz Graciela (Martinez) Dano, 2
Marlene K. (Bauer) De Voto, 28
Janet L. (Brown) Dolan, 11
Joseph Dolan, 2
Stephen P. Dolan, 11
Christine A. (Kelly) Donaldson, 18
John P. Egger, 32
Richard E. Fagnant, 23
Susan M. Fandel, 13
Howard Fischer, 24
Margaret E. (Davenport) Fischer, 24
Thomas Garrett, 15
Archie George, 24
Michele Graham, 32
Suzanne M. Harris, 26
Tom Hattrup, 35
Mark Hennessy, 37
James B. Herbolich, 7
Marjorie C. (Henry) Hodgson, 25
Janice C. Huttula, 30
Lt. Col. James A. Ingrassia, 15
Jeffrey Jones, 20
Kevin D. Keenan, 34
Michael J. Killeen, 29
Larry Kimmel, 32
Dale Kingman, 23
Michele Kingman, 5
Ann L. Koegen, 17
Roy J. Koegen, 17
Dan Kuhlmann, 24
Kathleen Lackie, 23
L. Royce Larsen, 22
Linda J. (Anderson) Le Blanc, 34
Tim Maciel, 7
Marilyn Maxwell, 7
Michael T. McDonald, 26
Douglas Medley, 23
Shawn Mosey, 19
George R. Nethercutt, Jr., 9
Ingrid M. (Bruton) Niles, 32
William O’Brien III, 15
Wayne M. Oien, 4
Steve Palmer, 22
Janis (Schmidt) Parente, 30
John J. Parente, 30
Anna Becker Peterson, 3
Judith B. (McMahon) Phillips, 2
Mark Powers, 26
John Provinsal, 10
Norma (Norton) Provinsal, 10
William D. Quigg, 32
Lola Christine Ramos, 16
Mary Sue Redle, 31
Mrs. Douglas L. Rehaume, 23
James Reisenauer, 30
Patricia C. Repikoff, D. Min., 7
Irene M. Reynolds, 11
Philip Rodriguez, 2
Ronald Roth, 34
Ken Sammons, 28
Dave Savage, 9
Denise L. (Leppek) Schafer, 31
Michael Speer, 29
Therese E. Staeheli, 4
Michael E. Stevenson, 9
Shanna E. (Schuetz) Stevenson, 9
Joseph F. Stickney, 4
James H. Stokoe, 5
Lawrence J. Stuckart, 28
Mary Anne (Brown) Stuckart, 28
Susanne Suksdorf, 22
Padraic J. Sweeny, 23
James Taylor, 17
Douglas R. Tesarik, 40
Sister Elaine A. Thaden, 2
Patrick Thompson, 6
Frank Tomsick, 25
Kathleen J. (Zenner) Tomsick, 25
Kevin Twohig, 22
Patty (Buck) Uffelman, 32
Deborah K. M. (Sadaoka)
Vanairsdale, 11
Lundy Wantland, 22
Margaret (Sudmeier) Webb, 12
Barbara J. (McNulty) Wiest, 33
John Wilcynski, 14
Cathy (Harrison) Worner, 28
Class of 1972
Pep Albi, Jr., 33
Greg Arpin, 26
Louisa M. (Morrison) Baer, 2
Lawrence J. Bennett, 28
Gary Bloom, 28
Jan Bowden, 4
Jeff E. Bowden, 4
Ellen (Corriea) Buller, 33
James H. Buller, 33
Mark Casey, 35
Catherine A. (Busch) Comfort, 25
Elaine T. (Padgham) Cullen, 20
John Culver, M.D., 3
Cathy (Huntington) Danz, 23
Ed Danz, Jr., 23
Bob Davis, 25
J. Shirley (Draska) Davis, 39
Randy De Voto, 28
Alan S. Dernbach, 26
Jeff D. Dorrington, 25
Joseph E. Dziados, 36
L. Kevin Evoy, 28
Mary (Richardson) Evoy, 28
John Faure, 10
Dennis Fazzari, 29
Joan B. (Bowen) Forni, 18
Maryann Gaug, 36
Alan K. Gibbs, 21
Mariann L. (Makinster) Gibbs, 21
Ronald Grant, 10
Brian Green, 18
Mark S. Gryziec, 26
Nancy A. (Wagner) Gryziec, 26
Nancy (Clarke) Hall, 23
Dr. Don J. Harboway
Linda P. (Pixley) Hardman, 29
Kathleen R. Harkins, 30
Vernon W. Harkins, 30
Patricia Hastings-Stone, 12
Michael T. Hayes, 28
Jerry Hertel II, 25
Steve Hertz, 27
Victoria K. (Swain) Hertz, 27
Dennis P. Hession, 27
Jane M. (McFaul) Hession, 27
Dale O. Hoisington, 30
Gail Holden, 21
Gregory M. Huckabee, 26
William G. Jones, 17
Kevin Kenneally, 33
Walt Krueger, 21
Guy La Voie, 28
William N. Lampson, 28
Greg Lipsker, 9
Michelle Lua, 26
Dana Chris Madsen, 12
Stephanie A. Majoy, 21
John Makens, 33
George A. Marlton, 4
Kathleen McChesney, 6
Jean M. (Clarke) McDonald, 26
Tom F. McInerney, 6
John H. McLane, 35
Michael S. McNeilly, 10
Denise (Green) Medley, 23
Thomas A. Miller, 14
James W. Moore, 15
Tom Murphy, 6
Rick Nicksic, 5
Mary Carol Niland, 34
Rita Nolan, 15
John C. O’Brien, Jr., 24
Allison Patrick, Jr., 34
Celeste C. Pentila, 15
Regina (Maag) Pontarolo, 18
Steve Pontarolo, 18
Jimmy Primm, 25
Mary (Hauck) Rasmussen, 2
John Raymond, 10
Robin A. Rego, 19
Margaret E. Reh, 28
Mark Rehberger, 22
Rosemary S. (Smid) Reinhart, 13
Richard N. Roccanova, 25
Colleen (Wilson) Roe, 18
Linell A. (Gort) Rooney, 23
Mark F. Rotar, 25
Martin L. Salina, 16
Rosemary D. (Wilking)
Samuelson, 29
D. Kathleen (Gallagher) Savord, 10
Margaret (Kosse) Schwede, 25
Darrell Scott, 8
Elizabeth Scott, 8
Patricia A. (Daly) Scott, 28
Janice E. (Wolf) Short, 7
Sharon G. (Giles) Siegel, 28
Elisabeth (Herzog) Sloan, 6
Carol Somerville, 28
Steve Staats, 8
Spike Standifer, 9
Tom Stetzner, 12
James Stewart, 8
Diane (Rees) Stokke, 7
Mary Jo (Greany) Stokoe, 5
John R. Straughan, 6
Dave Tebow, 16
Anne (Davidson) Tilley, 29
John C. Timm, 25
Joanne Turner, 34
Tim Turner, 34
Larry Vance, Jr., 26
Tamara L. (Love) Verby, 4
Robert Wafstat, 13
Bruce Willoughby, 13
Richard A. Worner, 28
Sue Y. Yorioka, 25
Class of 1973
Bob Agostinelli, 19
Michael P. Aleman, 3
Edward Andrus, 3
Jayne Miller Auld, 16
Teresa C. (Corn) Ballard, 7
Tim Barnard, 27
Sally (Solan) Barnes, 16
Jim M. Beaulaurier, 16
Lynelle K. (Wahl) Beaulaurier, 16
Barbara (Rugloski) Berry, 35
Alan Biancalana, 9
Gerry Bischoff, 19
Susan M. (Quigley) Bloom, 25
Dennis Bogdan, 32
Rebecca A. (Hughes) Bowles, 7
Gary D. Brajcich, 33
Christine J. (Hansen) Bryant, 19
Earl Burt, 19
Rosemary J. (Walsh) Bury, 22
Wade Carpenter, 19
Kathy (Evoy) Casey, 35
Tom Cave, 23
David Ceballos, 18
Bill Choma, Jr., 26
Elizabeth R. (Ross) Cole, 21
The Hon. Kenneth Cowsert, 7
Susan (Pheifer) Curalli, 16
Dan Curry, 14
Michael B. Davidson-Maynard, 9
Phyllis A. (Abbott) Dorrington, 25
Richard E. Driscoll, 6
Marcia Stimatz Elchesen, 24
Debbie N. (Niehus) Fagnant, 23
Mike Fitzsimmons, 3
Mike Flynn, 25
Thomas J. Flynn, 19
Michael A. Frost, 12
Blaise M. Gartland
Rodger Gazelle, 23
Tom Gilson, 24
Carla M. (Novak) Gish, 32
Anne (Gaskell) Grassl, 34
Marv Grassl, 34
Joyce M. (Wassmuth) Griffey, 22
Katharine Gustafson, 10
Dr. James D. Haigh, 28
Mrs. Marci Harrington, 18
James Hasson, 9
Paula Hawks-DeLuca, 30
Doug Heiskell, 13
James J. Helbling, 16
Donna T. (Agnew) Henderson, 21
Vince Herberholt, 36
Gregg J. Hersholt, 11
Bill Hewes, 22
Joanne Hidaka, 28
Thomas Hillier II, 12
Mark R. Iraola, 20
Ann T. (McCarthy) Jones, 17
Edward Joy, 27
Robert Keefe, 19
Bob Kelley, 17
Veronica S. (Rzonca) Kelley, 17
William Kenny, 8
Michael Kiely, 20
Mary Anne (Metcalfe) King, 30
Gary P. Kirchner, 23
Ticia R. Kohls, 10
Kristine A. Krebs-Gill, 34
Abigail Langford, 4
Marilyn (Godwin-Austin) Larkin, 32
Mary Ann (Mitchell) Larrea, 20
Steve Leveroni, 17
William Lindberg, Jr., 28
Paula R. (Rotar) Lynch, 15
Stan Mackin, 5
Dan Mallea, 31
Glenn Malubay, 28
Terry Martin, 12
Julie McEnroe, 22
Mary McGrath, 22
Michael McGuigan, 2
Marc McLafferty, 20
James P. McNally, Jr., 16
Larry Meyers, 33
Elizabeth Mitchell, 9
Pat Moore, 26
Linda Mullen, 18
Chuck Murphy, 27
The Hon. James M. Murphy, 15
Sharon M. (Vinson) Murphy, 19
Andrew H. Ng, 6
Donna M. (Figueira) Ng, 6
James R. Nickolaus, 6
Greg O’Keefe, 27
The Hon. Patrick O’Malley, 4
Anne Bader O’Neil, 21
Barry O’Neil, 12
William A. Paine III, 17
William J. Paver, 19
Patricia S. (Bushue) Pebles, 22
Patricia A. (Cloonan) Petersen, 25
Steve Petersen, 25
Tony Philippsen, 12
David S. Radcliffe, 20
Wendell Reddinger, 25
Mike Reding, 13
Fred Reinel, 19
Patrick T. Roach, 19
Deborah L. (Gaebe) Roccanova, 25
John Rooney, 23
Sherrie (Cubba) Sadanaga, 23
Judy Scully, 15
Cary Seidel, 3
John Sherrick, 22
Darrell Siria, 10
Barbara L. (Metz) Sluder, 27
Alice L. Smethurst, 31
Larry Stokke, 7
Robert Thompson, Jr., 16
Ann (Bramstedt) Timm, 25
Jane (McNulty) Towle, 9
Jeff Voelker, 6
The Hon. Richard Bell White, 17
Joyce Ann (Fuchs) Yates, 32
Randall W. Yates, 32
Class of 1974
Steven Adelstein, 25
Alberta J. (Vierra) Balangatan, 10
Lowell C. Barber, 2
Sandra (Ireland) Bellizzi, 15
Kevin A. Blanchat, 14
Mary Margaret (McLafferty)
Brajcich, 33
Myron Brixner, 5
Richard A. Bush, 14
Charles Carroll, 25
King Cole, 21
Harvelyn (Cornwell) Cooney, 15
James Cooney, 15
Debbie Coscorrosa, 17
Nick L. Curalli, 16
Sharon S. (Stephens) Davidson, 26
Edward H. Davis, 10
P.J. De Benedetti, 21
Carol S. (Stewart) De La Mater, 24
Michael Depner, 18
Diane M. (Kakuschka) Diamond, 32
William J. Diamond, 32
Michael Dodds, 20
Terence Doherty, 8
Karen M. (Pedersen) Driscoll, 38
Mary (Joerg) Duffy, 21
Ann (Shelledy) Eckardt, 26
Robert M. Edwards, 11
Hugh Evans, 19
John Evans, 19
James Feldman, 17
Stephen M. Fielding, 11
Helen (Monahan) Fitzsimmons, 3
Peggy Fox, 31
Nancy J. (Solberg) Giese, 6
Dwight C. Gill, 34
Jim Giudici, 32
Ann E. (McLaughlin) Gore, 23
Charles V. Harrington, 18
Gail Heck-Sweeney, 5
Joseph Hollander, 26
Kyra Maria (Clefton) Humphrey, 16
Daniel E. Huntington, 19
Mary A. (Quigley) Huntington, 19
Thomas Illich, 23
Michael Jones, 23
Peter Karademos, 3
Carol Durkin Kearns, 11
Carolyn S. Kelly, 22
Larry Kezele, 25
Patricia (O’Connell) Killen, 3
Ellen (Pearson) Klohe, 9
Cathy (Parker) Krieger, 27
Toni Valentine Kuder, 26
The Hon. Frank L. Kurtz, 10
A. Bud Langan, 7
Mary Ann Laubacher, 7
Harry Leiferman, 20
Linda (Perez) Lewis, 6
Edward C. Logue, 27
J. Michael Lovejoy, 21
Kathleen (Moriarty) Lovejoy, 21
David R. Lucke, 20
Phil McCarthey, 17
Kathleen (Schofield) Messina, 27
Peter M. Messina, 27
Gregory Miller, 9
Mark Milversted, 22
John Monahan, 24
James Murch, 13
Timothy Murphy, 11
Rick Naccarato, 14
Susan M. (Cunningham) Nadon, 23
Joseph P. Nelson, 8
Leonard J. Nelson III, 17
James J. O’Connell, 35
Kieran (Murphy) Ohman, 5
Harold Osterman, 9
Rhonda G. (Gardner) Paver, 19
Teri Perez, 6
Kent Power, Jr., 12
Richard Powers, Jr., 18
Lynden Rasmussen, 8
Steven F. Riordan, 16
The Hon. Michael Roewe, 21
Charles T. Sadanaga, 23
Meredith Sayre, 3
Robert D. Schroeder, 28
Geralyn M. (Yett) Schrom, 27
Fred Schuchart, 11
Diane (Glavich) Slaten, 25
Judith (Green) Smith, 26
Robert C. Smith, 26
Gary S. Sogn, 14
Jim Solan, 28
Mark Sonderen, 34
Valerie Sonderen, 34
Ann C. (Curtis) Strong, 21
Jonas Stutzman, 24
Michael Thorp, 13
John Tonani, 12
Dick J. Triesch, 13
Robert Tull, 15
Rick Turnbull, 7
Richard Ulring, 27
Dr. James Valentine, Jr., 8
Steven Waite, 6
George Waldref, 5
Curtis G. Wasson, 29
Michael Weaver, 31
James J. Welsford, 10
Thomas West, 13
Frankie L. (Gage) White, 15
James A. Wolfrom, 4
Class of 1975
John Aiello, 9
Dennis W. Anderson, 9
John G. Barisone, 23
Ken Baynes, 15
Charles Bean, 16
Fred E. Bevegni, 19
Drew Bodker, 21
Nancy G. (Kelley) Bracken, 15
Philip S. Brooke III, 16
Garry Bunke, 3
Francis A. Burke, 9
John R. Burke, 12
Michael J. Burke, 10
Patricia A. (Greany) Burke, 12
William Burke, 8
Joe Carter, Jr., 18
Cynthia (Burr) Christopher, 24
Thomas Cochran, 19
William Coester, 30
Dr. James S. Corum, 24
James Craven, 18
Pam (McNally) DeCounter, 25
James A. Degel, 22
Lita T. del Rosario-Swanson, 20
Tim Dieringer, 17
Arthur T. Dossey, 7
Mark Erickson, 20
Lawrence Finneran, 21
Sharon A. Fischer, 25
Bart Gallant, 41
Norbert Ganska, Jr., 10
Patricia C. Geaudreau
John P. Giesa, 2
Patricia A. Gillis, 17
Richard C. Hanlen, 17
William Harrington III, 18
Christine M. (Mahoney) Helton, 22
James L. Helton, 22
David Herman, 5
Maureen (Cooney) Hersholt, 11
Gerald Horne, 16
Carl E. Hueber, 23
Donald Jansen, 21
James Jigliotti, 9
Phyllis A. Kappus, 6
Ed Kauzlarich, 21
Susan E. (Marchi) Kellogg, 28
Gary G. Kelly, 14
Jim Kiley, Jr., 19
Shari M. (McGreevey) Kiley, 19
David D. Kilpatrick, 15
Timothy Knowling, 5
Sheila Lang, 15
Larry Larson, 21
Paul Larson, 18
Sherie T. Leadon, 21
David E. Lentes, 17
Connie (Ruddell) Lipsker, 9
Stephen Llewellyn, 17
Tim J. Mackin, 20
Timothy Mahoney, 26
Michael Malone, 34
Edward McReynolds, 29
Paul Murphy, 19
James Nagahiro, 7
Gary O. Nickolaus, 7
Kathleen (Allen) O’Connor, 33
Thomas M. O’Connor, 33
Amy Jo Para, 31
Donna (Johnson) Pedersen, 20
Valerie (Miranda) Peralto, 18
Susan P. Peters, 5
James Pidduck, Jr., 2
Jim Porter, 16
Jeff Reed, 20
Mrs. Richard C. Robinson, 12
Bobbie (Bodensteiner) Salina, 15
Mrs. Norman G. Sauer, 23
Diane Schaub, 7
Theresa Schrempp, 18
Paul Sherfey, 22
Scott Simpson, 11
Theresa A. Skok, 15
The Hon. Berkeley Smith, 28
Edward P. Smith, Jr., 14
Linda (Apple) Solan, 28
Sutton Stephens, 22
Betsy Stimatz, 7
Steven Swartley, 22
Dr. Karen M. Taylor, 29
James Tobin, 14
Stephen W. Trefts, 21
Carl N. Warring, 14
Robert P. Wiest, 33
The Hon. Donna L. (Kamps)
Wilson, 36
Warren Wong, 24
Linda (Lane) Wrenn, 11
Elizabeth Ann (Curry)
Wrigglesworth, 34
William J. Wrigglesworth, Jr., 34
Class of 1976
Matt Andersen, 20
Patrick M. Andreotti, 24
Susan A. (Atchison) Barisone, 23
Jeanne Barnum, 20
Thomas T. Bassett, 22
David C. Bayley, 31
Stephen Bobolia, 22
Gary A. Bracht, 10
Debra M. (Anderson) Burke, 10
Joseph F. Cade, 35
Sharon M. (McDonald) Cade, 35
The Hon. Norman Callan, 12
Molly Jo Campbell, 7
John C. Campion, 17
David Carter, 22
Gerard Centioli, 32
David P. Christiansen, 27
Mitchel Cohen, 6
Robert Cooney, 19
Tom G. Cordell, 13
Daniel Corkery, 17
Craig A. Crotteau, 21
Joseph A. Deckhut, Esq., 17
Benilda V. Delgado, 14
Greg Devlin, 17
Gary Dmoch, 7
Helen Donigan, 9
Kathleen E. Dooney Foster, 22
Mrs. Robert S. Douthitt, 2
Terry Doyle, 13
Allison (Chow) Durkin, 28
John J. Durkin, 28
John Dwyer, Jr., 17
Curtis Erickson, 7
Terri (Gililland) Erickson, 7
James Farber, 23
Paul A. Fergen, 5
Mary C. (Grush) Fox, 8
Michael C. Fox, 8
Susan (Williams) Garvin, 37
Mark J. Gonia, 25
The Hon. John M. Gray, 6
David Gundlach, 19
Stephen Hall, 13
Deborah G. (Schmeets) Hanlen, 17
Jeffrey Hartnett, 30
Geraldine N. Hasegawa, 17
Gary Hebl, 30
Douglas Hein†, 5
Kathie Hein, 5
Tony Higley, 31
Deborah L. (Liddie) Holleran, 30
John W. Holleran, 30
Allen Hunter, 24
The Hon. James P. Hutton, 11
James Iles, 23
David James, 4
Lee Ann (Nickola) Kelly, 14
Robert Knight, 3
Mary (Brajcich) Kunkel, 19
Stephen Kwock, 7
Norman Lau, 7
COL Thomas M. Leslie, 13
Peter Lineberger, 5
Marc Lipsker, 18
Stephen Lock, 20
Tom Lucas, 24
The Hon. John P. Luster, 3
Donald Lyons, 22
George L. Maffeo, 16
George Mastrodonato, 25
Greg McCormack, 25
Thomas McKale, 8
James McKeon, 9
Christopher Mecca, 21
Thomas Moser, 4
Janet M. Mueller, 23
Mary Murray, 13
Virginia (Baptiste) Murray, 13
The Hon. Arthur Newton, 3
Michael Nienstedt, 18
Stephen Olson, 4
Stephen Patterson, 33
Dr. Frank L. Pavel, Jr., 9
The Hon. Andrew Pearlstein, 12
Joseph M. Pellicciotti, 30
Mary M. (Olson) Peterson, 23
Kerry Pickett, 10
Virginia Pickett, 9
Carol (Newell) Pidduck, 2
Steven J. Price, 9
Julie (Bourne) Rehberger, 19
Dr. John W. Robinson, 17
Susan M. Roe, 22
Lowell V. Ruen, 29
Carmen J. SantaMaria, 16
Barbara Savage, 18
Dennis Sheehan, 19
Ron Shepherd, 11
Bill Simonson, 19
Teresa (Brown) Simonson, 19
Shephard Smith, 23
C. Elizabeth (Murray) Squires, 11
Dr. John W. Staeheli, 33
Paul Stantus, 28
The Hon. Gregory D. Sypolt, 12
Neal Takase, 2
Juan Tenorio, 14
Peter Turner, 4
Robert A. Turner, 27
Cheryl Marie Vivian, 21
Larry Weiser, 21
Vera (Hoene) Werner, 15
Class of 1977
Edward Anson, 11
Elizabeth (Connor) Arrigotti, 23
Brant J. Baker, 3
Kenneth Baker, 2
Tara (Mitchell) Barth, 18
Jodee Bass, 16
Richard Bass, 16
Michael Bauer, 23
Jacke Blair, 16
Allen Brecke, 20
Carl Butkus, 22
Daniel Byrne, 18
Mark Callen, 7
Patricia M. Cavanaugh, 9
Calvin E. Claughton, 8
John Condon, 8
William J. Connor, 11
Judith A. Corbin, 31
George A. Critchlow, 15
John Cronin, 9
G. Croswhite, 13
Grace Elaine Crunican, 27
Christopher Damore, 29
Suzanne (English) Damore, 14
Dr. Barbara Daniels, 33
Debbie J. Davis, 7
Donald R. Davis, 10
Julio Delgado, 14
Kenneth Devones, Jr., 22
Ralph Dixon, 12
John Donnelly, 11
Thomas Doran, 14
Sherri (Yaeger) Dow, 31
Mary (Custer) Downs, 32
Corinne Dullanty, 3
Christine A. Dunlop, 23
Thomas G. Dunlop, 23
Lawrence Duyck, 21
Elizabeth Eagle-Teros, 6
Dr. Michael G. Eggert, 10
William Eling, 5
John Erickson, 26
Michael W. Fahlgren, 11
Neal Fouts, 17
Joseph Gavinski, 4
Eugene D. George, 31
Kathleen (Roth) George, 31
Colleen M. (Reilly) Gonia, 25
James M. Grady, 12
James Graue, 4
Tim Gray, 23
Hedley W. Greene, 9
Lindon A. Greene, 19
Nancy C. (Carter) Grucky, 20
Edward A. Halloway, 13
Maureen (O’Connell) Halloway, 13
Kathi L. Hand, 24
Wayne Hardesty, 28
Stephen Haskell, 15
Molly K. Hastings, 3
William Hastings, 3
Art Hayashi, 18
Ken Herold, 17
Theresa M. (Freeburg) Hollis, 23
Spencer S. Jilek, 18
Catherine A. Johnston, 17
Bob Kane, Jr., 28
Steven Kaufman, 21
Mary Susan (Heringer) King, 29
Richard Kuhling, 16
Renee Lamb, 12
J. Michael Liebert, 17
Nancy L. (Maland) Lindgren, 11
Dr. Patricia M. Locke, 25
Mary Rose Loeken, 30
Mark Loomis, 21
Lita B. (Barnett) Luvera, 49
John Lynch, 15
Maureen Lynch, 2
The Hon. Barbara A. Madsen, 8
Pamela K. Madson, 9
Wesley S. Manaday, 23
Philip A. Meyers, 5
Robert Micheletti, 22
Robert D. Miller, Jr., 15
Dr. Christopher A. Moreno, 21
Edward Paul Morse, 4
Daniel Mueller, 5
Carlos Najera, 2
Gary Norton, 24
Max E. Patterson, 20
Tula M. (Wonnacott) Patterson, 20
Ken Pedersen, 20
Gary Penar, 10
Thomas Pfalzer, 23
Michael Quinn, 34
Joseph Reha, O.S.F., 6
Paul Rehberger, 19
Jeffrey Reynolds, 9
Tom Reynolds, 13
Jeanette M. Ricci, 10
The Hon. Gerald Roach, 8
Susan Adams Roberts, 9
Stewart Roll, 21
Robert M. Rooney, 21
Deirdre Sales, 19
Reed Schifferman, 27
Sharon L. (Abernathy) Scott, 12
Skip Smyser, 17
Jacqueline (Warren) Specht, 3
James Spurgetis, 13
Richard Staub, 12
Chuck Steilen, 41
Nicholas Streit, 17
Elizabeth A. Strickland, 15
Patrick Sweeney, 7
Leon Swerin, 14
James P. Thomas, 7
Ty Thorpe, 24
Charles E. Thurig, 2
Jeffrey L. Tolman, 11
Robert Tucker, 2
Joyce Turner, 27
Paul Vogelheim, 21
Renee (Swan) Waite, 6
Terry (Nathaniel) Webb, 14
Clifford Webster, 14
Mary Westbrook, 23
Bob Westmoreland, 12
Lucinda Whaley, 20
Maureen Whelan, 5
Maureen (Reidy) Witt, 24
Class of 1978
Harold Adams, 3
William Alderfer, 9
Sharon Lee McCarthy Allen, 19
Dianne A. Allert, 7
Gary Amendola, 12
Lawrence Anderson, 14
Phillip Armstrong, 5
John Aspebakken, 25
Jeffrey L. Barth, 18
Robert Batty, 18
Rowena L. Batungbacal, 28
Anthony Bawyn, 32
Richard Becker, 4
Virginia A. (Cochran) Bell, 27
Steve Burgess, 8
Susan (Hasson) Centorino, 8
Pete Craven, 21
Tim Cronin, 22
Mary (Moffitt) Crotteau, 21
Mary Ann (Belus) Cummins, 16
Robert Dutton, 9
David Erickson, 7
Bill Etter, 20
Thomas C. Feige, 24
Sue S. Flammia, 27
Victor Forni, 13
Sharon Francisco, 9
Marian L. Fuchs, 10
Kathleen Gale, 9
Michael N. Gendelman†, 21
Allen Gillette, 30
Laura M. (Morgan) Gingrich, 19
Kellie S. (Presta) Gough, 3
Geoffrey Grote, 6
Lien Huong Ha, 9
Sherie (Henderson) Hackney, 34
Gregory F. Hamad, 8
Randy Harris, 18
Collette M. (Rouleau) Heffner, 22
Tim G. Hennessy, 18
Stephen K. Hicken, 6
Jennifer (Meyers) Higgins, 19
James Horne, 18
The Hon. Dale Isley, 22
Jerome P. Jacobs, 24
Wayne Jenner, 22
Jahn L. Johnson, 3
COL Sherri W. Johnson, 2
Joseph Kaplan, 16
Thomas Keating, 12
Robert Kingsley, 5
Charles J. Kinnunen, 13
Rick Koch, 21
Gregory R. Komp, 13
Linda (Johnson) Komp, 13
Stephen M. Kraft, 15
Brenda Lee Levesque, 8
Howard Levine, 21
Thomas Lies, 13
Kathleen (Moran) Lipsker, 18
Gerald Lui-Kwan, 7
Kevin Malone, 20
Dr. Sabrina M. Mandich, 23
Charles Marr, 11
Patricia Anne (Naigle) Martin, 29
Shannon M. Marting, 27
Martin J. Marx, 8
Dana Brace Maryott, 2
Tami McDuffie, 5
Joseph F. McKinnon, 7
Dan McLafferty, 17
Jeanne Medeiros-Williams, 22
Thomas Michels, 16
James H. Miller III, 8
Larry Mitchell, 12
Kalani Consulting, Inc.
Duane MK Nathaniel, 10
The Hon. Jack Nevin, 12
Kiet Nguyen, 5
Jill A. Nickerson, 17
Robert O’Connell, 17
Edward Orizotti, 3
Patricia (Smith) Orizotti, 18
Kirby Pain
Charles Plovanich, 21
William Pohlad, 24
Charles N. Pray, 19
Ron Prindle, 7
John M. Redenbaugh, 25
Donald Reed, 8
Diane S. (Schaeffer) Reeves, 31
Jo Reid, 28
Warren Rheaume, 13
Randy Roach, 11
Steven D. Robinson, 17
Mrs. Robert E. Rutherford, 28
Scott Sage, 30
Cosie (Aiona) Sasaki, 2
Curtis Sasaki, 9
Edmund Sheehy, Jr., 25
Major Henry J. Stein III, 11
Mary E. (Mengert) Sullivan, 28
Dr. Kevin D. Sweeny, 25
Mary (Geraghty) Talevich, 12
Maria C. (Wolf) Terry, 22
Michael D. Tewksbury, 27
Michele A. Tiesse-Gilb, 27
Dr. Nancy C. Unger, 32
Mathias R. Velasco, 5
Charlie Vogelheim, 33
Christine (Kelley) Vogelheim, 33
Nancy Wainwright, 10
Gregory J. Wall, 14
Marty Wilcox, 14
James Woods, 16
Celeste E. Yen, 19
Robert Young, 18
Class of 1979
Sanya Ala, 2
Mary C. (Lobdell) Andersen, 5
Matt Anderton, 26
Michael Andrade, 15
William D. Arnold, 21
George Arrigotti, 23
Sheila L. (Cornish) Bell, 12
Col. Thomas D. Bertrand, 2
Sandra (May) Bieber, 16
Paul W. Brajcich, 26
Michael Branstetter, 21
Dr. Patrick B. Brown, 19
Josh Burrows, 15
BG Joseph Caravalho, Jr., M.D., 23
Marilyn T. (Scanlan) Chastain, 21
The Hon. Harold Clarke III, 14
Richard P. Collins, 5
David Coughlan, 5
Cynthia (McNulty) Coughlin, 6
Kelly Coughlin, 6
Jim Cunneely, 17
Pat Dalton, 21
Kevin Daniels, 31
Glenn Davis, 11
Kurt Dehmer, 24
Daniel Dieckgraeff, 26
Ted Dolle, 28
Abraham B. Dorsman III, 30
Kathleen (Renner) Douglas, 5
Mary K. (Judge) Emmick, 24
Andrew Erstad, 5
Robert Evans, 7
Scott Ewing, 27
Justice Mary Fairhurst, 20
Richard C. Flamm, 19
Maggie (Becker) Foran, 13
Brigid (Curtin) Frein, 12
Robert J. Frein, 12
Kathleen Garvin, 18
Chris Gavin, 26
Kathy M. Georgetti, 28
Steven E. Ginsberg, 2
James R. Guise, 6
Phillip Hanford, Jr., 24
Christoper Hanington
Ann Harder, 13
Tim Harrington, 24
Bridget (McInerney) Harris, 18
Mary Rose (Wasson) Hawkins, 14
Mary Kay (Quinn) Hayes, 10
Rose (Winkler) Herold, 17
Mary M. (Mallahan) Hicken, 6
Ellen (Holm) Higgins, 8
Stephen J. Higgins, Jr., 8
Michael Ho, 6
Frank R. Hoover, 10
Melvin Howry, 11
The Hon. Cynthia Imbrogno, 19
Micki (Grady) Jacobs, 21
Mike Jankovich, 12
Ruth L. Jarvis, 6
Michael M. Joy, 15
Christine Kaufman, 21
Robert Kayser, 6
Brad Kelsch, 2
Bruce Kittredge, 12
Catherine (Ferguson) Kolinski, 16
Greg Kopra, 18
Robert Kornfeld, 7
Charles Krahenbuhl, 22
Teresa Langfitt, 23
Kenneth Lebrato, 18
Carol (Stone) Lokey, 12
Jennifer (Rudy) Lytle, 16
Dr. Teresa Ann Mayberg, 8
Brian McDonnell, 22
Daniel McNeal II, 18
Julia (Verhey) McNeal, 18
Robert Milhem, 11
Wendy (Oligschlaeger) Miller, 16
Rebecca (Garrett) Moak, 26
John Moloney, Jr., 19
James Moody, 8
Janis (Jacobs) Nantz, 26
Robert Nelson, 3
Bob Newstrom, 12
Larry Nickell†, 21
Maureen E. Niland-Stokes, 13
Colleen (Byrne) O’Brien, 4
John S. O’Keeffe, 27
Kathleen M. (Noonan) O’Keeffe, 27
Mike Ormsby, 29
Dr. Donald R. Paugh, 19
Denise (Erdahl) Ploof, 20
Edward H. Ploof, 20
Jim Powers, 13
Susan A. (Garber) Pray, 19
Chris Randall, 8
Ross Rettenmier, 17
Bill Rieger, 24
John Riley III, 9
Steven Robinson, 6
James Rode, 11
Julie Ann Rowland, 18
Sharon A. (Fitzgerald) Sanchez, 14
Teresa (Crabtree) Sarro, 26
John Craig Savage, 18
Spokane is home
to approximately
8,000 alumni.
Richard L. Sayre, 28
Dr. Rebecca Seaman, 6
Walter Seaman, 6
John Sheaffer, Jr., 14
Gayla L. (Riggs) Shoemake, PhD, 3
Richard Skalstad, 4
Dr. Lawrence J. Sladich, 24
Lowry Snow, 9
Dr. Christopher C. Staeheli, 14
Doug Strickling, 24
Robert Swann, 16
Ann (Whelan) Thompson, 8
Roy Thompson, 7
Leon Titus III, 18
Kaihehau K. Uahinui, 9
Matt Vickery, 10
Paul Vogel, Jr., 9
Ross Wabeke, 10
Jeff Wagner, 15
Margaret M. (O’Meara) Wagner, 15
Dale Walls, 24
Mark Weller
Ethel A. White, 5
Patricia Zobel, 3
Class of 1980
Anne Marie (Kleinheinz)
Andersen, 16
Raemarie C. Arrigotti, 21
James Bamberger II, 10
Ferd Baricevic, Jr., 14
Richard Bartheld, 17
J. Peter Baumgarten, 20
Richard Bechtolt, Jr., 11
Stephanie M. (Farrell) Bechtolt, 11
Mark S. Beggs, 22
Susan Sockwell Bendlin, 20
Bruce Blohowiak, 2
Dr. James Brasch, 22
Damian Brayko, 10
Yvonne L. (Tremblay) Brayko, 10
Jeffrey Chester, 18
Cynthia E. (Richardson)
Coleman, 21
Margo (Shrack) Combs, 26
Michael L. Crofts, 13
Joseph J. Davey III, 25
Mary Ann (Grijalva) DeCosta, 8
Pamela J. DeRusha, 23
Eileen L. (Leonard) Diekemper, 16
Teresa Louise Donovan, 18
Marron A. Dooney, 10
Bradley Duda, 18
James E. Elder, 21
Brian L. Ernst, 11
Loren Etengoff, 4
Gary Farrell, 23
Robert Ferek, 19
Paul D. Ferguson, 5
Dean R. Fink, 10
Dr. Jodi Wardian Funk-Miley, 7
Monica (Harrison) Galeucia, 18
Candace (Subby) Gonzales, 4
Patrick Gravine, 6
Martin Gronberg, 23
Michael Gurian, 6
Rex Harder, 13
Katie (Sutton) Hennessy, 18
Alfred Heydrich, 15
Christy Higgins, 11
The Hon. Kimberly K. Hornak, 4
Paul Horsmann, 8
Jeanne M. (McLeod) Hoversten, 20
Mary Catherine Hughes, 14
Jon Huizinga, 4
Gary Hustad, 19
Bill Hyslop, 22
Steven J. Jager, 26
Bruce Jones, 7
Tamara (Thornton) Jones, 20
Warren Jones, 11
David Charles Kaudy
Leif J. Kehrwald, 16
Rene (Mehlhaff) Kehrwald, 16
LtCol Patrick A. Kelleher, USMC, 19
Stanley Kempner, Jr., 12
Steve King, 21
Neil Korbas, 13
Kelly Kunsch, 21
Charles W. Langfitt, 23
The Hon. Vincent LeBlon, 13
Linda Leonard, 8
Scott Leong, 9
Julie M. Lewicki, 4
Dave Lincoln, 30
Stuart Lowe, 9
Patrick Lynch, 19
Michael McCanna, 3
Joan McCarron, 13
Jerome F. McDermott, Jr., 21
Kevin B. McGoffin, 13
Judith (Ziegler) McGrath, 11
Morgan T. McGrath, 11
Timothy McGreevey, 28
Kathleen Knapp McKnight, 11
Tim McNeese, 11
Marcia M. Meade, 23
Robert Merriman, 20
Margaret Meyers, 2
John Moffitt, 18
Robert Morgan, Jr., 9
Lizbeth (Tomich) Morris, 23
Scott Morris, 23
Marjorie Morris-Ferek, 19
Steve Nantz, 26
Sarah E. (Fields) Nessan, 15
Tom Newbury, 13
Anne Noris, 13
Tamera (Grady) O’Hara, 6
Mark A. Ohlstrom, 29
John Olk, 7
Lauri L. (Stark) Overman-Sarff, 20
Jean Parietti, 19
Cheryl A. (Harris) Parrish, 20
Edward Parry, Jr., 20
Elizabeth A. (McCleave) Patterson, 8
Mary P. (Kraus) Pragovich, 23
Karen Raab, 11
Maria A. Ravarino, 12
Greg Razo, 12
Judith A. Reha, 3
Steven Reich, 20
Cindy M. Reopelle, 21
Thomas E. Richardson, 14
Walter Rulffes, 7
Linda Louise Savio, 3
Ivan A. Schertzer, 19
Charles Schumacher, 20
Theresa (Bushnell) Sekac, 7
Elise C. (Benoit) Shearer, 13
Kay A. Smith
Russ Smoldon, 13
Roberta J. (Schneider) Sobotka, 19
Cam Sylvester, 6
Steve Taborek, 17
Susan J. Tewksbury, 27
Robert R. Thomas, MPAS, PA-C, 18
Kyra Marie (Knight) Thompson, 26
Thomas A. Thompson, 9
Joanne S. (Swiecki) Tickner, 13
Cathy Torlai, 9
Patrick A. Trudell, 15
Sharon M. (Edwards) Urtaza, 3
Bruce Vadla, 6
Kelly Varnes, 24
Gregory M. Wagner, 4
Bob Walker, 7
Bobby Wallace, 19
Michael Welch, 5
James V. Woodard, 12
Edward Wren, 11
John Zinkgraf, 8
Class of 1981 – 30th Reunion
Ken Anderson, 23
Walter Ayers, 16
Barbara J. Balen, 5
Karen Bard, 9
Marian Beaumier, 5
Robert Berlin, 17
George Bianchi, 4
Erin B. (Coughlin) Boyle, 13
Drew Brooks, 10
Julie J. (Schmitz) Bunsness, 22
John Callahan, 25
Richard Campbell, Jr.
Mary (Bollier) Carp, 3
Robin Charters, 14
Pete Chase, 7
Charlene A. Curtiss
Robert Curzan, 20
Edward Dawson, 9
Donna M. De Lay, 14
Bob Dellwo, 20
Samuel Di Re, 17
Joan E. Dolezal, 15
Mary W. Dolliver, 5
David E. Dorn, 16
Timothy M. Dougherty, 23
Marie F. Doyle, 27
Linda A. Duda-Heydrich, 15
Robert Dunn, 5
Joseph Dziwura, 23
Barbara Williams Eckert, 25
Pat Egger, 13
James Fausone, 21
Antonia Fazio
Marie N. (Dieringer)
Fessenbecker, 18
Anne (Riordan) Flaherty, 14
Corinne Jones Flocken, 6
Sharon M. (McMaster) Flynn, 19
Kathleen Ann Foltz
Chris Francovich, 3
Doreen (Konen) Gavin, 26
Bryan Geissler, 8
Janice A. Grant, 10
Thomas Griffin, 19
Jean A. Hall, 19
Larnell Hamer
Gene E. Hamilton, 11
Joseph Harkrader, 24
Todd Harnetiaux, 9
Mark F. Harrington, 7
Vance A. Hilderman, 6
Ed Hilfer, 30
Jack Jacobs, 26
Mike Janicki, 23
Teresa (Healy) Janssen, 22
James C. Jewell, 7
Karen M. (Helfrich) Jewell, 7
Tim Johnson, 13
Anna Maria (Suveg) Kestell, 3
Marianne C. (Casey) King, 21
Michael Anthony Kirk, 2
Thomas Krentel, 14
Clayton N. Kubota, 9
Gary Kunihiro, 18
Terry Leaf, 8
Dale A. Lenseigne, 20
Stanford Lum, 28
Gordon MacDonald, 7
Paul Mack, 7
Teresa McCallion, 8
Shannon K. (Kelly)
McCambridge, 26
Brian McDevitt, 25
Maureen McGuire, 5
Thomas W. McLane, 4
Stephen McLean, 22
Mike Moloney, 16
Terence J. Moloney, 16
Chris Montgomery, 20
Daniel C. Murphy, 10
Doug Nessan, 15
Suzanne Nevers, 2
Lynn Oligschlaeger, 12
students learn
the art of dance
in after-school
programs taught
by GU students.
Mark Parkins, 6
Frank Pastizzo, 22
Mark Pavlik, 14
Gair Petrie, 12
Linda Petrie, 12
Mary E. Pope-Handy, 19
Kevin Potter, 28
Mick Quinlivan, 23
Henry Quintero, 12
Mike Reilly, 23
Martin O. Riley, Jr., 7
Marianne Sasso, 5
Elizabeth Schaefer, 15
Robert H. Schapler, 3
George Schroeder, 14
Joseph P. Sheppard, 15
Thomas Smith, 19
Vesna Tereza Somers, 19
Gerald R. Stahl, 30
Jeffrey R. Steffan, 28
Vickie Stilley-Cowan, 3
John Strohmaier, 10
Joseph M. Sullivan, 22
Parker (Emmons) Sullivan, 22
Brian A. Thompson, 30
Timothy C. Thompson, 9
Dr. Diane (Ballard) Timberlake, 26
Jerry Tombari, 22
James Topliff, 14
Anne Tracy, 16
Tom Tracy, 19
David Ullman, 8
James R. Walsh, 9
Mark Weisbart, 5
Robert S. Weisbeck, 15
Dr. Richard G. Witter, 26
Cheryl (Nokes) Wolfe, 23
Edward Wolfe, 23
John M. Zanol, 21
Class of 1982
Heidi (Hanson) Austin, 8
Joann Auvil, 19
Mike Becky, 26
Rick G. Betts, 8
Douglas Boe, 26
Jane Boyd-McCracken, 23
Holly Brajcich, 22
Gabriella Brooke, 19
Fred Brown, 12
Edward Bryant, Jr., 11
Dorothea M. Burke, 14
Sandra Bush, 7
Harry Calhoun, 6
Vickie M. (Callahan) Callson, 25
Theresa M. Campbell, 13
Daryl Carbonari, 3
Timothy Cassidy, 12
Margaret May (Gallal) Cate, 13
Rebecca A. Cates, 29
The Hon. Ellen (Kalama) K.
Clark, 23
Gregory M. Colford
W. Jeff Corrick, 3
Darcy M. (Hoffman) Crum, 15
The Hon. Christopher Culp, 9
Gene Cunneely, 33
Daniel Destito, 10
Kevin Driscoll, 18
Robert Dung, 16
Mark Edwards, 11
The Hon. Tari Eitzen, 20
Roberta (Stuckart) Elder, 21
Donald I. Fowlkes, 14
Dewitt Francis, Jr., 2
John Francis
Stephen French, 15
Toni L. Galli-Sterling, 7
Dan Gillis, 9
Paul D. Greeley, 24
Rick Hallett, 19
Muriel (Agnelli) Hamon, 4
Teri S. (Shira) Hanby, 23
James Hoogestraat, 3
Lisa (Millison) Janicki, 23
Steven Johnson
Valerie D. Jolicoeur, 16
Steve Jolley, 12
Stephen Lamberson, 15
Namhan Le, 17
Steve Lentini, 24
The Hon. Jerome Leveque, 29
Mary Jo Leveque, 29
Pat Lynch, 20
Joan M. (Rogers) MacDonald, 7
Mary Jill Magri, 23
John M. McBee, 12
Maureen McCarthey, 11
Kathleen L. (Gerentser)
McFadden, 12
George McInnis, 15
Sandra McKee, 12
Daniel Mengert, 9
Ray Michaelson, 2
Randolph Mitchell, 20
Barbara Morrison, 11
Kathleen (Greenan) Murphy, 22
Mary Anne (Swoyer) Murphy, 23
Barry P.K. Nathaniel, 17
Brian C. O’Brien, 9
Mark Paris, 26
Dr. Cassandra Pietrok, 20
Pamela (Pacheco) Piro, 20
Thomas C. Quinn, 6
James Randall, 8
John E. Sage, 21
Douglas R. Sanders, 26
James A. Sangiacomo, 21
Jonathan R. Schwarz, 2
Loretta M. Sevier, 10
Michael Shiffer, 5
The Hon. Donna Shipps, 11
Dr. John G. Shudy, Jr., 18
Nora R. (Stack) Simmons, 13
Kristine A. Snow, 5
Margaret (Arnold) Spiegelberg, 7
Laura Spradley, 23
David Stoick
Stephen Strnad, 5
Bernard Sturgulewski, 16
Daniel J. Sullivan, 10
Kirsten (Van Dyke) Taylor, 23
Michael Taylor, 2
Shavaun M. Wadsworth, 28
The Hon. Peter G. Wales, 6
Kathleen (Patterson) Webber, 7
Class of 1983
Louis Anselmo, 9
Pamela Jane (Hooper) Anselmo, 16
Dr. John Belknap, 10
Cindy (Esser) Bennett, 4
John Thomas Bergin, 3
Jeff R. Brown, 8
Janell S. Burke, 22
Peg R. Callaway, 9
David Carter, 2
Marcella (Mahre) Charters, 2
William Charters, 2
Grace (Ivers) Cier, 26
Mark Cowan, 17
William Culbertson, 19
Michael Day, 9
Gordon Decker, 3
Francis Donnelly, 7
Sheila Donovan, 7
Scott Dorn, 20
Peter Drakos, 12
Christine A. (Bratton) Elias, 3
Karen M. (Sly) Flynn, 25
Bill Frenger, 18
Dale L. Garrett, 15
Timothy Golob, 11
Renee (Gallagher) Grandinetti, 24
Daniel Thomas Green, 8
Anna M. Greene, 9
Daniel R. Harris
Robert J. Hensle, 18
Jill (Rankin) Heringer, 6
Kevin G. Heringer, 6
Patrick Herriman, 11
Elizabeth L. Hively, 18
Shirley Holcomb, 7
Thomas Huston, 9
Cynthia (Batungbacal) Jank, 5
Brian K. Johnson
Paul Johnson, 7
Robert C. Keasal, 20
William M. Kegley, 15
Katie (Murray) Kleeman, 21
Maryann (Taylor) Klustner, 13
Wendy (Brown) Knopp, 12
Thomas Lampson, 9
John Lapke, 25
Charles J. Lloyd, 24
Anthony J. Lucarelli, 24
Barbara P. Lynch, 22
Suzanne (Manning) Lynch, 19
Atsumi (Tsukimori) McCauley, 10
The Hon. Daniel J. McGee, 9
Nancy (Wells) McGee, 9
Margaret Ann (Fairhurst)
McLane, 35
Kevin D. McQuilkin, 25
Julie A. Mills Mibach, 16
David Michaud, 5
Roberta Miner
The Hon. Maryann Moreno, 9
Joan C. Morningstar, 23
Jed Morris, 5
Matthew Murphy, 22
Mark Musgrove, 10
Maureen Neeley, 20
Mary Beth S. Nethercutt, 9
Lisa J. (Hotchkiss) Nevitt, 9
Jerry Niland, 7
Sylvia K. Page, 27
Jacqueline K. (Purcell) Pearson, 6
Eileen Brewer Perkins, 7
Carey L. Polich, 10
Molly A. (Lynch) Preston, 14
Timothy A. Reid, 13
Brian Rekofke, 13
Kerry Cussen Retzlaff, 16
Thomas O. Rice, 14
Carole Rolando, 15
Mike Roth, 25
Janine A. Sarti, 5
Helen A. (Aspebakken) Scherer, 28
Roger Schlaefer, 4
Julia Zodrow Seipp, 3
Lindalou (Cady) Shea, 39
Karen Sonneborn, 19
David Sproule
Scott Storey, 4
Paul Storwick, 11
Brian Super, 26
John Trucco, Jr., 17
John M. Welsh, 6
Michelle M. (Durkin) Wetzel, 6
Raye H. Winters, 3
Dion Yahoudy, 11
Michael P. Yeend, 20
Class of 1984
Paul Abbott, 10
Raelene (Caferro) Albinson, 25
Cheryl I. Aleman, 3
Hollis J. Anderson-Haldi, 3
The Hon. John Antosz, 14
Thomas J. Barbano, Jr., 20
Laynette A. Baron, 16
Terry Beaty, 7
Dorothy (Mickschl) Belknap, 12
Mark Benscheidt, 11
Joseph Berg, 7
Kenneth Bieber, 16
Charlotte M. (McDonnell) Bosold, 7
John S. Bowers, Jr., 23
Kathleen Brunner, 16
William Burns, 16
Paul Byorth, 15
Virginia A. (Morris) Calloway, 2
Tom Carter, 2
Kevin Casey, 14
Karen Lee (Zanck) Chuday, 6
David Clement, 6
Diana Walkup Conley
Ralph Coston, 4
Ruthie H. Dearing, 6
Dorothy Detlor, 7
Karen Darl (Felch) Dorsh, 11
Jack Driscoll, Jr., 12
Kathy Duarte, 23
Michael Easter, 12
Leonart E. Elias, 3
Stephen Farnell, 12
Brent Fery, 21
Steve Finley, 11
Eileen M. Flaherty, 17
Calvin Ford, 3
Courtney C. (Corrigan) Galgani, 17
Lisa (Desimone) Garrett, 15
Mary F. (O’Neill) Goodwin, 27
Delaine H. (Hess) Gruber, 9
Gail A. (Reid) Gurian, 6
Michael B. Harrington, 9
Matthew Hegewald, M.D., 16
Thomas Hemesath, 8
Douglas Henderson
Peter Herman, 7
Sean Hogan, 14
Ann (Ikehara) Holzgang, 10
Monty Hoppel, 25
Regina (Multari) Johnson, 4
Matthew Jolibois, 5
Lynn M. Jones, 7
Jeanne Marie Keefe
Tami (Votendahl) Kelly, 8
Amrit K. (Whitlock) Khalsa, 18
Steven Kihara
Maura Anne Kincare, 2
Lori A. (Abraham) Lane, 20
Cecelia (Sabala) Larson, 21
Timothy J. Lynes, 23
Paul Martin, 6
Leonard McDonnell, 11
Michael G. McDonnell, 26
Tracey McFadden, 12
Bryce McPhee, 10
Michael Merritt, 14
Elizabeth A. (Kellard) Miller, 12
Sarah S. (Simpson) Moloney, 21
Thomas B. Moloney, 21
Arnie Mondloch, 23
Pierce Murphy, 23
Kathleen A. (Juenemann) Neer, 4
Kathleen M. (Wilson) Nitta, 2
Jennifer O’Loughlin, 5
Walter Osellame
Layne D. Owens, 21
Imelda M. Patterson, 29
Mark Perry, 17
Gregory Potter, 13
John T. Powers, Jr., 7
Laurie A. Powers, 15
Anthony Puig, 10
Karen Radella, 18
Carolyn (Kerns) Ranieri
Susan Rauenhorst Turner, 21
Ted Rehwald, 10
Clarissa R. (Altiveros) Reid, 10
Richard W. Rice, 8
Irene Ringwood, 20
Christine M. Robisch, 13
Dorothy G. Rollins, 8
Teresa Ann Sherman, 8
Stephen Signer, 13
Kathleen A. Skillings-Stewart, 19
Teri L. Stroschein, 25
Paul Szerszen, 16
John Tessner, 7
Laura (Stepovich) Tramonte, 19
Bill Trudeau, 16
Michele A. (Calley) Vallor, 16
Rudy Vigilia, 7
Mark Walatka, 24
Marcia Walker, 6
Kurt Walsdorf, 13
Gary R. Weber, 21
Steven Wittau, 25
Katharine M. Witter Brindley, 23
Justin Ying, 18
Class of 1985
Thomas Albinson, 25
Laurel A. Andrechak, 8
Raymond Banasik, 12
Brad Bargen, 5
Kent Berreth, 3
Beverly A. Blott, 12
Elizabeth C. (Osborn) Boileau, 14
Steven B. Boyd, 19
Frank Braun, 5
Mary E. (Maronick) Braunberger, 14
Keith Brown
Robin E. Bruce, 16
Mary-Margaret (Dalton)
Burgdorff, 15
Keith Champeau, 24
Kelly Cline, 10
Beth S. (Jensen) Cocchiarella, 17
David Cochran, 16
Phillip John Collaer, 10
Patricia M. (Hoban) Collins, 20
Jean M. Conger, 6
Michael F. Cooney, 16
Jac Cooper, 16
Michael S. Crews, 11
Mary (Collins) Cronin, 4
Richard Cunningham, 4
John Currie III, 20
James K. D’Aboy, 4
Mike De Benedetti, 21
Maureen A. Dever-Weisbeck, 15
James Diehl, 12
Joseph M. Doohan, 39
Michael Dunn, 14
Salvatore Faggiano, 8
Doris A. Ferguson, 11
Johnathan A. Ferguson, 11
Ann (Ouillette) Fitzmaurice, 12
Mary K. (LaBrie) Frederick, 16
Chris Gill, 5
Anne E. (Younie) Gillin
Brian G. Gosline, 26
Dale R. Grant, 11
Tim Greenan, 8
Scott Griff, 11
Mary B. Gunson, 13
Michael Hahn, 3
Charles V. Hall, 7
Dave Hamad, 20
Patricia (DuBois) Harris, 23
Carol K. Haugen, 6
Dale Heberling, 25
Deborah T. Henthorn, 3
Stacy (Sprout) Herriman, 11
Shirley Holloway, 7
Darrell Jackson, 12
Tracey J. (Walsh) Junkermier, 22
Sean Kelly, 7
Patrick Kerley, 11
Kathleen C. Greene Kilcullen, 13
Mike Kubani, 8
Mike Kuester, 9
Beth A. Kunz, 16
William R. Kuper, 22
Alexander M. Laughlin, 16
William Lawlor, 5
Deven R. LeTendre, 4
Mark Lorenz, 9
Glen MacPhee, 6
Charles E. Maduell, 8
Teresa R. Martinson, 4
Joanne D. McCandless, 17
Kevin McConnell, 2
Colleen M. McQuaid, 14
David Medeiros, 4
Jill K. (Johnson) Miller, 18
Jamie (Hertz) Miron, 10
Theresa (O’Toole) Mitchell, 20
Rande Muffick, 3
Daniel R. Murphy, 18
Jean M. (Guerrero) Nelson, 8
Lisa M. Niedermeyer, 10
Jon Nuxoll, 22
James Okins, 3
Jeffrey R. O’Neil, 4
Patrick O’Toole, 12
Patricia Parker, 20
Molly (Scott) Pellessier-Leithold, 10
Larry Perkins, 7
John Quesnel, 18
Jerome Rejman, 2
Todd Ringwood, 10
David Rodriguez, 13
Milton Rowland, 9
Karen L. Sayre, 28
Mary Kay Schaefers, 23
Don Schoening, 5
Michael Sclafani, 20
Robert Scripko, 2
Richard M. Seabrook, 2
Susan Eliz (Bailey) Seabrook, 2
Robert Seghetti, 8
Reza Shadmehr, 10
Tanaya L. (Turner) Shadmehr, 10
Susan (Ward) Shoemaker, 22
Maureen E. (Gordon) Shogan, 27
Arleen (Parker) Shrader, 10
Leslie K. Magryta Smith, 2
Lori Kay St. Marie, 11
Dina (Schiedinger) Stafford, 9
Craig P. Stephens, 6
Carolyn Z. (Ziel) Sullivan, 8
John Sullivan, 8
Theresa L. (Lampkin) Tamura, 20
Andrea F. (Butaud) Taylor, 3
Ronald Thomas, 12
John Tombari, 16
Michael F. Tucci, 23
Donald Verfurth, 7
Steve Visintainer, 5
Dave A. Wall, 22
Ann M. (Herriman) Waltier, 22
Anthony Waltier, 22
Andrea L. Watson, M.D., 2
Robert Webster, 10
Charles West
Kevin P. West, 24
Jason M. Whalen, 16
Jennifer E. Wilson Witt, 10
Roger Witt, 14
Justin T. K. Wong, 2
Bruce W. Worobec, 17
Robin (O’Neill) Wright
Scott Wuesthoff, 2
Mary (Price) Yeager, 5
Great care was taken to ensure
the accuracy of this listing. We
would appreciate you alerting
us to any errors or omissions.
Please contact Laura Gatewood,
director of stewardship, at 509.313.6381, 800.463.6925 or gatewood@gonzaga.edu.
Class of 1986 – 25th Reunion
Laura E. (Eggleston) Ackerman, 12
Mark F. Ackerman, 12
Lisa A. Alfieri, 5
Catherine A. (Seubert) Bailey, 2
William A. Bailey, 2
Michael Barnett, 11
Graydon A. Baucom, 2
LTC Bill Bialozor, 7
Cynthia B. Bocoboc, 15
Linda (Hensle) Bowers, 23
Anne E. Brand, 2
Darryl Dwight Brayton, 3
Joseph C. Britton, 11
Andrew Cabaccang, 10
Jami Loreen Carlacio, 9
Gino S. Cerchiai, 15
Jill (Legel) Christiansen, 13
David Cocco, 2
Jeff Condill, 7
Judith H. Cooke, 7
Kelly Ann (O’Brien) Corah, 7
Robert R. Cossey, 12
James F. Curry, 2
Paul Delay, 17
Craig A. Dickson, 7
Robert Downey, 24
Monica J. (Kahrs) Dunlop, 4
Kim T. (Taylor) Dunn, 8
Jeffrey Elekes, 15
Gregory J. Erigero, 19
Donald Fairburn, Jr., 5
Shawn L. Finnegan, 7
William J. Geary, 16
Dale E. Goodwin, 27
Susan M. (Elia) Gosline, 26
Joan C. (Forsberg) Grant, 11
Mark Griffin, 22
David Gumaer, 2
Joseph H. Harrington, 15
Peggy E. Haun-McEwen, 13
Jody L. Henderson, 6
Kevin Henderson, 6
Rick Hendrickson, 6
Catherine A. (Cara) Hendry, 4
Michael Hendry, 4
C. Hogeboom III, 10
Maryanne Sangiacomo Iacomini, 8
Gregory Ircink, 10
Marci D. (Hull) Jaman, 24
Meg (Reilly) Judge, 15
Fred Karau, 19
Roxy Kasman, 19
Michael Kawamura, 6
Margaret M. Kearney, 13
Desiree (LaMear) Kellogg, 7
Paul Kelly, 9
Terinda Kay Kerley, 11
Brian K. Kuhta, 20
Valerie A. (Stroschein) Kuntz, 21
Monica (Rosman) LaFever, 10
Douglas Lancaster, 15
Mary E. Landers, 20
Keith Larkin, 10
Caterina E. M. Lasome, 3
Mary T. (Wright) Lee, 10
Jeannine C. (Walker) Lester, 7
Adele Marie Lewis
Jay Lindh, 2
Virginia Lee (Burns) Linwick, 9
Mary (Hildahl) Llewellyn, 17
Kelly (Judge) Lucarelli, 24
Mike Lucarelli, 17
Charles Maple, 23
Elizabeth (Walker) Martinez, 8
Marshall Mattingly, 18
Mary (Bucholz) McDougal, 19
Alice J. McNutt Miller, 7
Jeralyn (Lewis) Mire, 25
Robert O. Modarelli III, 3
Valerie K. Morgan-Krick, 6
Brian Morin, 7
Carol A. (Grell) Morris, 18
Michael Muirhead, 22
Patrick Mulligan, 13
James Nelson
Darryl K. Nitta, 2
Joe Onley, 7
Thomas R. Osborn, 4
Mary K. O’Toole-Kristensen, 11
Kevin Padon, 15
James Pearson, 19
John Plock, 17
Edward Ratcliffe, 19
Steve Rice, 12
Mary K. (Snelson) Richards, 18
Scott A. Richards, 18
Catherine M. (Maronick) Roe, 7
Fr. Richard A. Root, 6
Christopher Roth, 18
Anthony Rund, 11
Michael Russell, 9
Cheryl M. Sackrider, 8
Jeff Schmitz, 15
Natalie (Carlise) Sharpes, 15
Gerard J. Silvernale, 3
Gregory R. Smith, 8
Steve Smith, 15
Steven Soos, 16
Gail Johns (Ray) Springer, 3
Martin Stacey, 19
Dan Suttner, 3
Theresa Taaffe, 21
Michael Thompson, 18
Mary Anne (Massart) Throlson, 2
Timothy Tucci, 11
Michele (Zrodlo) Velasco, 5
Dorothy (Cates) Wagsholm, 24
Cherie A. (Riel) Wall, 22
Ronald Warnecke, 2
Joseph P. Wilson, 2
Ray Wimberley, 6
Christopher Wrolstad, 18
Lisa Marie (Verstraete) Wrolstad, 18
Class of 1987
James F. Andrew, 2
Jill (Wing) Armijo, 7
Reed Armijo, 7
William C. Arnold, 3
Heidi (Havens) Bateman, 3
Todd D. Bayne, 13
Only gifts made by December 31 can help reduce the amount
of tax you owe next April. To make your year-end gift count:
• Ensure that your gift is dated and postmarked no later than
Dec. 31, 2011. The date you mail your donation is generally
recognized as the gift date for tax purposes.
• Give online at gonzaga.edu/makeagift no later than
11:59 p.m. (PST) on Dec. 31, 2011.
If you have questions about making a gift for 2011, please call
800.463.6925. Thank you for your generosity, and we wish you a
blessed holiday season.
Robert W. Bowers, 15
Sharon M. (Feldman) Bradley, 13
Darice R. Brayton, 16
Mary Sara (Pfeifer) Casey, 14
Theresa M. (Schneider) Clark, 20
Rebecca M. Coufal, 5
Claire D. (Vargo) Dempsey, 14
John F. Dempsey, 14
Timothy Donaldson, 13
Dan Dovey, 13
Alice (Weber) Elekes, 15
Patricia A. Etter, 7
Jeffrey Evans, 10
Julie L. (Bobbett) Evans, 10
Brian T. Gabert, 4
Kathleen M. (O’Connor) Gallant, 22
Pierre T. Gallant, 22
Kathryn L. Gerla, 7
Mary Lou Gesuale, 3
Joan (Hughes) Gianotti, 16
John Z. Gibson, 8
Joseph H. Grable, 11
Paula L. Haberman, 16
Margaret K. (Kane) Harrington, 15
Stephen Hensen, 11
Jean Herzog, 35
Loretta M. Holthaus, 22
Joel Huppin, 6
William Isgrigg, 7
Donald James, 3
Donald H. Jans, 15
Marc J. Johnston, 8
Richard R. Jordal, 2
Terrance Judge, 15
Charlotte E. (Doogan) Kair, 20
Pamela L. (Frederickson)
Kaperick, 9
Dean Karcz, 20
Karalee L. (Dewey) Keefer, 12
Lawrence D. Keefer, 12
Brenda M. Kehoe, 5
Kathleen A. Kelly, 10
Christine M. Kline, 3
Jacki (Caferro) Konesky, 18
Mary L. Kuney, 6
Jane M. (Dore) Kuper, 22
Debby J. Kurbitz, 5
Mark L. Lally, 23
Ellen (Kremer) Lenhart, 16
Lynn (Mounsey) Longmeier, 2
Michael B. Love, 19
Dorothy A. Maronick Sarna, 5
Trudy T. McCoy, 5
Laura L. McGrory, 13
Kevin S. Miller, 5
Catherine E. (Rosa) Mirkin, 24
Ann (Garvin) Modarelli, 3
Donald Morgan
Marianne (Mooney) Moriarty, 9
S. Ann (Tillery) Murphy, 18
Helene A. (Jacoby) Myers, 17
Kathleen O’Brien, 7
Mrs. Siobhan M. O’Malley, 6
Margaret Cunningham Orse, 13
Marty O’Toole, 21
Cece (Byorth) Padon, 13
Benjamin J. Page, 20
John Paskiuski
Kasturi G. Patel, 3
Debra Peterson, 19
Kurt A. Phillips, 15
Jamieson N. Poe, 13
Bonnie S. Powers, 7
M. Elizabeth Price, 2
Robyn L. Pugsley, 2
Craig Ramella, 22
Timothy Ramsey, 13
Michael Reitcheck, 11
Renee R. Reuther, 15
Jody (Hall) Richards, 6
Joy E. Richards, 15
Pamela H. (Hazelton) Rohr, 3
Lisa A. (Allen) Rowan, 20
Michael S. Rowan, 20
Andrea (Anton) Schneider, 9
Annette M. (Smith) Seelig
Patricia Corr Seidensticker, 12
Jeri Self-Merritt, 22
Mike Sharpes, 15
Leanne E. (Gonzales) Sipes, 14
Nancy Slattery, 8
Christopher Spring, 20
The Hon. Debra L. Stephens, 19
Michele E. Storms, 12
Erik D. Sulonen, 3
Jonathan Swatzell, Jr., 3
Paul Tran, 5
Michael J. Walters, 7
Susan (Damiano) Warnecke, 2
Tom Watts, 5
Joseph G. Weber, 12
Jennifer L. (Prince) West, 24
Allison E. (McKay) Williams, 4
Melinda R. Williams, 10
Mike Wnek, 3
Levi Wylie, 4
Jeffrey Zabinski, 4
Class of 1988
Gregory Ahmann, 4
Aline C. Barrett, 5
Michael Beegle, 12
Rachel A. (Heisler) Beers, 4
Ken Bell-Garrison, 8
Russell Bevan, 2
Margaret (Bucholz) Birmingham, 6
David G. Blohn, 23
Susan M. (Kocvara) Blohn, 23
Ann T. (McCartin) Bowers, 15
Constance Jean (Peterson) Brady, 8
Toby Brewer, 23
Michelle P. (Pusateri) Britton, 11
Randy L. Bronson, 6
Heidi M. (Robbins) Brown, 8
Steven Brown, 7
Greg M. Bui, 4
Craig Charbonneau, 20
Anthony Clark, 2
Keith Cleek, 5
Fr. Darrin D. Connall, 11
The Hon. Patricia Connolly
Walker, 3
Mary Corboy, 15
Mike Delay, 11
Carol M. Dever, 5
Michaele E. Dietzel, 14
Michelle D. Dimond-Szambelan, 19
Karen E. (Parker) Dobson, 4
Jeff Doering, 10
Dale A. Elmenhurst, 19
Bob Finn, 12
Karen (Sprute) Francovich
Christopher Garza, 10
Jill D. Gibbon-Kiley, 17
Stephen Girardot, 3
Karen E. Harwood, 23
Jack Heath III, 17
Margaret (Peters) Hughes, 3
Natalie J. Hunter, 21
James J. Huss, 21
Mark R. Iverson, 14
Paul G. Kaperick, 9
Joshua John Kelly, 5
Seong-Hoon Kim, 7
Connie L. (Sczenski) Kliewer
Scott Kuhta, 4
Margaret Mary LaBelle-Imhoff, 10
Christy M. Larsen, 5
Carrine M. (VanDyke) Leahy, 20
Joel G. Lee, 10
Alisa M. (Mediati) Lydon, 10
Matthew Lydon, 10
Jacqueline Martinez, 6
Shane McClary, 9
John E. Neirinckx II, 9
Cindy L. Nottingham, 3
Andrell M. (Ryder) Panconi, 10
John Polito, 8
Kim Powers, 2
Mark Prothero, 4
Michelle K. (Daniels) Reitcheck, 11
Danny S. Roe, 3
Nancy J. (MacDonald) Sanford, 18
Mike K. Sipes, 15
Gregory Skabelund, 2
Adrienne E. Smith, 8
Joan Grey Smith, 10
Lura M. Smith, 16
Robert J. Sterling
Teresa J. (Smatlan) Stoddard, 9
Raymond N. Suganuma, 4
Margaret M. (Weinand) Thomas, 13
Regina Thomas, 12
Timothy D. Trageser, 7
The Hon. Philip Van de Veer, 17
Damon Vickers, 9
Michael Walker, 6
Martin Wyckoff, 5
Christopher Young, 15
Michael Zdancewicz, 3
Class of 1989
John M. Altman, 10
Carol A. (Korby) Anderson, 9
Thomas J. Barreras, 4
Kimberly A. (Dickson) Bayley, 14
Michael J. Bayley, 14
Robert J. Beuhl, 2
Mark Bieter, 9
Brenda Bodeau, 16
Mark Britton, 11
Christopher P. Brown, 9
Kate A. (Johns) Brown, 9
Christina M. (Lundgren) Burnaby, 4
Linda M. Bushinski, 3
Keith Carpenter, 7
Kimberly (Benson) Christiansen, 18
Vernice V.H. Cohen, 4
Walter Conn, 13
Kathleen S. Crowner, 6
Christine L. Culp, 4
Shannon M. (Kuster) Davis, 12
Jennifer Deger, 19
Kimberly A. DesRoches, 8
Gregory Detuerk, 10
Tracy L. (Sloboda) Detuerk, 9
Mike Earnest, 20
Forrest G. Ehlinger, 10
Molly C. (Malone) Ehlinger, 10
Jeanne M. Freeman-Malubay, 11
Kristi (Kaip) Fuller, 22
Chad G. Goelzer, 21
Colleen Goodwin, 11
Karen F. (Bona) Grable, 11
David A. Jacobs, 5
Anna J. Jesse, 3
Mildred L. Johnson, 5
Kathleen Jouett
Frances Kapp, 2
Leslie E. Kemper, 10
Jay E. Knapp, 17
Susana M. (Barber) Knapp, 17
Sarah M. (Thomas) Koehler, 15
William Koehler, Jr., 14
Kjersten E. (Daniels) Kuhta, 4
Cory Leveque-Adams, 18
Steven E. Lewis, 6
Suzanne M. (Jergens) Lewis, 6
Amy (Benson) Lofquist, 13
Jean M. Lowry-Goderre, 18
Paul Lukinich, 4
Donald Lyon, 5
Bruce G. MacIntyre, 16
Melinda (Morin) Marsh, 5
Gina M. (Hanson) Martin, 13
Thayne M. McCulloh, 17
The Hon. Joe McDermott, 12
Christine K. (Dukart) McDirmid, 9
Dana M. (Reding) McPhee, 8
James McPhee, 8
Stephen K. Meyer, 12
Andrew Miller, 6
Rebecca I. (Abbate) Morrisroe, 10
Kent Mumma, 4
Molly Campbell Nave, 8
Christopher J. Nettleton, 11
Kevin T. O’Connell, 2
Mary L. (Price) Pauly, 11
Peter Pauly, 11
Sheryl Phillabaum, 13
Sarah Herres (Miller) Powers, 13
Kirsten H. (Larsen) Prud’homme, 15
Lloyd Reitz, 11
Mary Beth Rennick
David C. Richardson, 11
Debbie Rufener, 20
Peter M. Ruffatto, 16
Shannon (Casey) Scacciotti, 15
Julie (Wildhaber) Schwiesow, 3
Jil C. (Fraley) Scollard, 3
Cheri Sharp, 4
Michele M. Shaw
Richard J. Shinder, 20
Anthony Shouse, 8
Jeri Simmons, 9
Tracey Singer, 15
Gary Smith, 3
Mark Sole, 18
Marlis Petersen Spawn, 9
Margot J. Stanfield, 26
Theresa M. (Obradovich)
Stankovik, 12
Meghan L. (Gould) Sterling
Thomas Thoen
Eric M. Thompson, 9
Sean M. Thompson, 14
Robert Turner, 6
Paul A. Verret, 12
Lewis Walde, 22
Gail K. Wallace, 2
David Walters, 22
Katherine (Beaton) Walters, 22
Therese A. Watson, 5
Donna M. Williams, 15
Terry Williams, 2
Jessie (McManigal) Wuerst, 7
Caroline Wyatt, 7
Class of 1990
Steven Albert, 18
Teresa A. (Beasley) Andersen, 10
Stephen C. Arredondo, 7
Jon Edwin Atwood, 2
Perri Ann Babalis, 15
Anthony Bamonte, 2
Amy (Achtenberg) Basche, 5
John Benson, 9
Laurie A. Bigej, 8
Karen A. Calder, 15
John Caley, Jr., 6
Francis J. Christoff, 7
Janet T. (Goldsmith) Cleary, 6
Kevin J. Cleary, 6
Mary E. Connolly, 5
Jeff M. Copper, 9
Mary D. (Coil) Cooper, 9
Mark Cornwall, 2
Bradley P. Cossette, 7
Donn K. Cox, 9
Sandra T. Cozza-McKee
Patricia K. Davis, 10
Erin L. (Uyechi) Denham, 11
Mark W. Doran, 11
L. Michael Douglas, 8
Ellen M. (Stazel) Doupe-Moras, 4
William B. Drury, 5
Heidi M. (Wohlschlegel) Drynan, 12
Thomas A. Drynan, 14
Clinton A. Dubois, 10
Elizabeth (Smith) Dubois, 10
Dirk Edmiston, 3
Kathryn M. (Wellman)
Elmenhurst, 19
Elizabeth M. Essex, 12
Dr. Don Fekete, 12
Kelley M. Flatters, 10
Thomas R. Fuchs, 15
Keith A. Fuller, 22
Wendy M. (Newcomb-Hague)
Gabriel, 2
Jerald S. Gerard, 3
Elizabeth Ann Gill, 3
Keith Glanzer, 12
Elizabeth Graham, 9
Julie (Raekes) Grewe, M.D., 11
Earl D. Hall, 7
Mary Hamilton, 9
Eric Hanson, 6
Stephanie Harper
Heidi (Jeckle) Harrington, 9
Keith A. Hoffman, 8
John C. Hoover, 7
Mrinalini Ingram, 5
Brian J. James, 7
Jill E. (McKenna) James, 7
Tina U. Johnson, 21
Michael T. Jonas, 7
Teresa A. (Davidson) Josten, 16
Kevin Joyce, 6
Pola A. Kelley, 4
Carol L. Kerley, 11
William J. Kochevar, 14
Matthew Komar, 9
Angela (Laca) Krauss, 5
Daniel W. Latvala, 9
Daniel B. Lewis, 2
R. Patrick Lockard, 3
J. Gregory Lockwood, 3
Craig W. Looney, 5
Kathleen (Lowry) Lundy, 20
Dia J. (Hadley) Maurer, 12
Glorilyn M. (Kimokeo) Maw, 19
Scott H. Maw, 19
Emily J. (Hall) May, 12
Heidi J. (Baum) McAllister, 10
Mark W. McAllister, 10
W. Osler McCarthy, 3
Ray E. McGriff, Jr., 15
Scott S. McKay, 13
Richard M. Miailovich, Jr., 15
Alice (McDevitt) Millward, 11
Curt Mitchke, 12
Kristine M. (Holwegner) Mitchke, 7
Chris Montano, 2
Susan Montgomery, 20
Michael J. Mulick, 13
Matthew P. O’Donnell, 20
Betty M. Olk, 5
Mark E. Perrier, 2
Corey D. Peterson, 13
Rebecca L. (Hirschel) Prahl, 6
John T. Prud’homme, Jr., 15
Rebecca Ray, 7
Steven Reitcheck, 5
Christina M. Rosman, 3
Kevin M. Roy, 5
Lance R. Sadler, 6
Holly D. (Porath) Sanders, 17
Catherine A. (O’Toole) Shedd, 8
Robert S. Spencer, 5
Amy Still, 17
Jack Stone, 14
Michael D. Stone, 9
Timothy E. Szambelan, 19
Beth E. Terrell, 12
Michelle N. (Winning) Thoeny
Colleen S. (McCambridge)
Thompson, 9
Teresa J. Tombari, 12
Timannie J. (Ames) Volland, 7
John and Bernadette Wagner, 2
Dr. Thomas G. Walsh, 15
David J. Wilson, 7
Michael Winger, 16
Class of 1991 – 20th Reunion
Gary W. Allen, 7
Shelley L. Allen
Barbie M. (Ward) Bailey, 9
Joanne M. (Daly) Barber, 6
Richard P. Barber, 6
Eileen Bell-Garrison, 8
David P. Berry, 11
Kim Bishop, 2
Toni K. Blackwell, 3
Carol Bonino, 22
Beverley Botter, 10
Andrea Bouchard, 3
Lisa Bradley, 7
Kevin A. Briscoe, 6
Scott Brockway, 4
Elizabeth N. Bruskotter, 9
Mark A. Bruskotter, 10
T. Bennett Burkemper, Jr., 14
Ina J. Bush, 10
Heather K. (Jewett) Chen, 4
Dennis E. Crumb, 4
Kathrine G. Currie
Michelle (Halliday) Czech, 11
Sean T. Davis, 7
William E. DeForeest, 12
Jill M. Duffy, 13
The Hon. Lynda C. Eaton, 2
Joyce Esposito, 31
Doris M. Fankhauser, 4
Norman Fiacchi, Jr., 6
Patricia (Bucholz) Fiacchi, 6
Lee C. Firth, 2
Robert R. Fischer, 9
Eric W. Fox
Ruth J. (Holland) Fullwiler, 3
Vickie L. (Koontz) Futterer, 2
Janet J. Gores, 10
Joseph Gregorwich, 7
Mark A. Gresbrink, 3
Paul M. Gritz, 4
Thomas B. Hammer, 7
Kirk Hansen, 13
Sandy J. Hanson, 5
Michael C. Hirst, 11
Karen (McLandress) Hollon, 6
James E. Hydzik, 5
Joann B. Iverson, 4
Christine A. (Toohey) Jarrett, 4
Bill Jeckle
Christine Johnson, 4
Colleen A. Johnson, 5
John Johnson, 6
Judy K. Kagele-Williams, 3
Christine M. Kelly, 2
Sean Kelly, 3
Elizabeth R. (Butler) Kennar, 5
Donald B. Kennedy, 10
Joyce W. Kubalsky, 5
Stanley Lakin, 2
Steven M. Lapke, 14
Laurie B. Latta, 3
Jacqueline M. (Altman) Latvala, 9
Richard League, 22
Lynne M. LeBret, 15
Greg Marshall, 19
John McDowell, 9
Sylvia C. McGovern, 6
Sharon Annette McGrane, 3
Julie (Woodard) McKenna, 6
Cheryl K. Mockel, 2
Patricia B. Morgan, 8
Molly Murphy, 10
Penelope Smith Nerup, 3
Ellen A. (Morin) Nessen, 11
Lisa Nicholls, 16
James X. O’Brien, 4
Neil J. O’Keefe, 7
Jean M. O’Keeffe, 4
Trudy (Williams) Orth
Robert Parnell III, 10
Sabrina T. (Finer) Parnell, 10
Mark K. Perko, 7
Kay L. (Koppleman) Peterson, 5
Stephen M. Pinza, 5
Klaire L. (Fulton) Powers, 10
Kelly M. Price, 9
Susan Lee Robert, 2
Irving Mark Rosenberg, 7
Sherry D. Rux, 11
Augusto T. Sablan, Jr., 4
Lori M. (Cruz) Sablan, 4
Robin A. (Lang) Schnuit, 14
Mary Shanks, 5
Carol (Korb) Sheridan, 6
Christopher Standiford, 20
Nate Steilen, 13
Michele (Kegel) Stewart, 7
Mark T. Strahl, 6
Daniel Summerfeldt, 10
Rich D. Thoeny, 3
Anne E. (Livingston) Thomas, 17
Thatcher Thompson, 19
Rhett M. Tipton, D.M.D., 6
Paul N. Tranel, 5
Deanna (Cheney) Troxel, 9
Greta Utigard, 3
Kristin L. Walker, 19
Pamela (Peters) Warren
Christine M. (Hohman) Weaver, 11
Jolanta A. Weber, 15
Ted Wellman, 5
Grace Beauchane Whiteaker, 8
Sara Williams, 14
Donald S. Worley, 8
A. Kristine Young, 5
ClaSS OF 1992
Stacey (Scissons) Adams, 8
Paige Adcock, 2
Fran Maronick Albrecht, 9
Karen Lee Allwine, 11
John W. Anderson, 10
Sidney Armstrong, 2
Diane Baye
Lester Beattie, 2
Gregory Bever, 7
Jan Bissett, 6
Christopher M. Blackburn, 3
Kell E. Bodholt, 2
Seanna M. (Crowley) Bodholt, 3
Lee A. Brand, 12
Paul M. Branham
Christine M. (Hagerty) Brickner, 7
Ann Brown, 19
Pattie (Bettin) Buller, 15
Barry K. Buth, 3
Tana P. Carosella, 6
Michelle Carr, 2
Cristine M. Cashatt, 10
Debra J. Clemens, 2
Christine Coers-Mitchell, 3
Paul B. Cooley, 4
Siobhan M. Daly, 10
Erin Willis De Klotz, 13
Stephen J. De Klotz, 13
Bruce Dudley
Nicole Edmunds, 2
Paul V. Essex, 13
Jean Lucille Fields, 2
Leo Filon III
Camille S. (Johnston) Fitzpatrick, 10
James E. Fitzpatrick, 7
Meagan Flynn, 14
David Fonda, 6
Lori A. Frank, 4
Eric C. Frimodt, 11
Mary Ann Fritchie, 8
Cindy A. Frost
Colleen A. (Thompson) Fuchs, 9
Gabriel Gagner, 2
Cynthia D. Gallegos, 6
Charles A. Gay, 6
Valerie J. George, 10
Elizabeth (Leendertsen)
Giedraitis, 12
James E. Giedraitis, 10
Patricia Grable
Gordon R. Grassi, 2
Tiffany M. Greco, 13
Megan A. (Doohan) Guinn, 7
Beatrice Harris, Ph.D., 11
Shane M. Hatcher, 7
Patricia (Hunter) Hennessey, 12
James L. Hill, 3
Teresa Ann Hill, 3
Janet Hiller, 5
Wm. Scott Hislop, 14
Kevin Holland, 12
David Huard, 12
Michael E. Johnson, 5
Sabrina K. Jones-Schroeder, 16
Kimberly S. (Drivdahl) Jordan, 16
Judith G. Juguilon-Andrew, 2
Lara R. (Mihelich) Kammereck, 8
Paul S. Kennar, 5
Daniel L. Keppler, 14
Jennifer Kerley, 7
Betty L. Kiemle, 20
Michele Ann R. (Reed) King, 17
Rebecca Klimper, 3
Kathleen M. Kragelund, 7
Deborah Lahue, 7
Carol M. (Solberg) LaMotte, 13
Matthew F. LaMotte, 9
Charlotte Lamp, 8
Cynthia J. (Popiel) Leaver, 10
Jason Lee, 17
Roseann M. Lemberger, 16
Tresa (Bos) LeVasseur, 10
Tim Lovlyn, 6
Debora S. Marino, 16
Marilyn J. (Rossi) Mathis, 9
Jack W. McBride, 6
Julie A. (Lopach) McCulloh, 15
Ms. Nancy A. McKay, 18
Nicole S. (Annis) McKay, 13
Cheryl L. McKee, 2
Cheré (Byrd) McKeirnan, 12
Helen M. McMahon, 8
Catherine Melgard, 5
Gloria Middaugh, 7
Johnston Mitchell, 3
Patricia A. (Rosson) Moore, 9
gONZaga MagaZINe | WINTER 2012
Jeff A. Moss, 2
Stephen Nicol, 3
Susan L. Norwood, 20
William D. Nuchols
Scott M. O’Halloran, 6
Darrell Overbay, 11
Shannon R. (Brod) Overbay, 11
Rebecca L. Page, 3
Sarah R. Parshall, 4
Susan M. Paul
Holger Peller, 9
Paul W. Pennington, 4
Jeffrey R. Peters, 4
Claire A. Quiel
Timothy Quinn, 13
Jane (Alexander) Ratzer, 12
Robert C. Rich, 11
Dennis T. Richardson, Jr., 5
Michael Rodeen, 15
Thomas M. Ross, 8
Amy Jo (Knapp) Rosson, 20
Robert S. Rosson, 20
Joely K. (Jepson) Round, 20
Ray J. Round, 20
Heidi Ruckwardt, 14
Glenn Russell, 16
Marilyn J. Sanders
Donald Widman, 2
Dan Wilson, 12
Ann (Chenovick) Winger, 16
Donald J. Worthy, 15
ClaSS OF 1993
William C. Abt, 10
Brian J. Adams, 12
Lori J. Arpin, 26
Amy M. (Higgins) Arsenault, 3
Sean D. Bailey, 8
TerryKay Birrer, 15
Jane Gawelski Bitz
Brad Boedecker, 19
Jason B. Brickner, 7
Joanne C. (Baker) Burkett, 7
James Cappello, 7
Colin A. Caryl, 17
Patrick J. Casey II, 2
Ruth Clark, 4
David Crouse, 11
Amra L. (High) Custer, 9
Christopher James Custer, 10
Stacy P. Cyr-Maddigan, 7
Jason S. Denney, 4
William J. Dixon, 9
Ronald Evan Doty, 7
Dennis P. Dougherty, 8
Lisa M. Hordemann, 6
Nicole R. Huguenin, 8
Becky Jasper, 5
Jennifer A. (Jaggars) Johnson, 4
Carole Ann Keane, 5
David J. Keller, 10
Lurene Cachola Kelly, 8
Erick Kilgren, 3
Patrick Kirby, 11
Eric Kuester, 5
William C. Lapke, 6
Catherine R. (Gonser) Lighty
Patrick Long, 2
Terri L. Luce, 8
Maureen A. Lyden, 14
Gregory Maddigan, 7
Gary T. Magonigle, 3
Robert Tim Main
Lauren C. Maloney
Karen I. (Elder) Mefford, 10
Neil Mefford, 10
Eugene J. Miller, 6
Andrea J. Mize, 9
Emily N. Noland
Gwen Nyberg, 9
Sherry L. Oberst, 2
Shannon R. O’Dell, 11
“cURA pERSonAliS,”
oR cARE foR thE
individUAl, iS
gonZAgA UnivERSity’S
gUiding thEmE.
Carol A. Schindele, 5
Tyler Schumacher, 13
Diana Sergi Khoury, 10
Kathy Simmons, 16
Donna M. (DaSilva) Singer, 15
Julie A. (Haigh) Standiford, 20
Timothy M. Sullivan, Jr., 2
Luying Tan, 5
Carla Rae Teegarden, 9
Dennis P. Thompson, 3
James Thompson, 9
Jill L. (Bethel) Thompson, 12
Peter H. Tran, 17
William Troxel, 8
Richard P. Tschirgi, 3
Rodney K. Van Alyne, 4
Donald A. Verzani, 13
Patricia L. (Franz) Verzani, 13
Anne Marie Vogel, 5
Susan Werner, 2
Wendy S. (Campbell) Dougherty, 8
Kimberly A. (Larson) Droppo, 9
Daniel Duffin, 16
Joseph R. Ehrbar
Tammy A. Erickson, 15
Brent Farka, 3
Barbara K. (Moran) Flocke, 5
Stacey L. (Stonum) Fott, 6
Blaine G. French, 8
Gregory Gores, 8
Anna E. Goss, 7
Maria Griffin, 11
Ann M. (Martin) Grimm, 10
Karrin M. Grutz, 17
William J. Halstead, 3
COL Eric O. Hanson, 2
Susan A. Hart-Anderson, 23
Tracey E. Hawk
Ann N. (Clark) Heringer, 11
Michele E. (Gedrose) Hodges, 12
Kristin M. Omberg, 10
Elizabeth A. (Evans) O’Reilly, 9
David Osenga, 5
Geraldine J. Paradee, 12
Victoria Pearson, 3
Colleen A. Peloquin, 4
Bradley D. Pinney, 8
Jonathan E. Preston, 2
Sherri L. Proctor, 2
Wanda Gay Quinn, 11
Dac K. Randall, 17
Philip Ratzer, 12
Amy K. (Mires) Rebholtz, 2
John C. Richardson, 5
Julie F. (Picatti) Richardson, 5
Ilona Ringler, 5
Betsy (Roletto) Rivera, 3
Frederick B. Rivera, 3
J-Clay Roscoe, 2
Eric J. Roth, 7
Craig W. Rowitz
Michael Scheel, 8
Daniel Skites, 3
David R. Slocum
Joanne Smatlan, 6
Kelley (Cunningham) Spink, 13
Nicole A. Stewart, 16
Joseph M. Stimatz, 16
Andrea Thabet
David R. Thompson, 2
Dorothy D. Trimble, 3
Robert Trivitt, 8
Deanna Verret, 2
Jeffrey D. Walker, 4
Tracy E. Weaver, 6
Karen L. Wierenga, 3
Jonathan L. Wilson, 6
Jeff Witruk, 5
Class of 1994
James Albus, 4
Amy K. Bahrman, 8
Rich Beaven, 3
William Before, 3
Christy L. (Holmdahl) Boesel, 11
Alice M. Boyle Shepard, 10
Clark Brekke, 6
Jeffrey A. Brown, 8
Loriann C. (Zent) Brown, 12
Mary H. Cameron
Jason Cutts, 12
Marnie Devlin
Michael J. Doherty, 10
Michael P. Dowling
Jasha G. Droppo III, 9
Tina Durrant, 3
Kristi M. Elgas, 2
Brent Fales, 4
Marci J. (Anthony) Fankhauser, 6
Patricia A. Flynn, 3
Elizabeth A. (Wood) Fortunato, 11
Ben Francis, 9
Aida M. Fraser-Hammer, 13
Graham Gamache, 6
Shannon R. (Brantingham) Garlitz, 6
Andrea M. Gass, 3
Sharon R. (Ladenburg) Gelbrich, 14
Travis R. Gelbrich, 14
JoAnn Gibbs, 6
Patrick K. Glynn, 12
Geoffrey E. Goss, 10
Daniel E. Greenan, 7
Thomasin Hammer, 7
Scott Allen Harmer, 4
Carol Hartman, 8
Debbie A. (Grey) Hatcher, 3
Mike Hogan, 13
Gregg Hohman, 6
Megan L. Isenhower, 17
Marie Ivy, 3
Suzanne E. (Black) Johnson, 5
Timothy Kelley, 3
Theresa M. Kochevar, 14
Cheri A. (Brockbank) Krebs, 13
Kristin Kukar, 8
Paul Kuntz, 9
Madeleine (Brady) Lapke, 6
Heather M. (Balakier) Larson, 8
Robert D. Larson, 8
Brian P. Lawlor, 5
Mollie Lesh, 5
Lynn M. (Arfman) Liedle, 10
Stacy E. Liedle, 10
Brandi (Platt) Lisle, 4
Lori A. Long, 5
Samantha E. Lowderback, 5
Koleen M. (Kapptie) Lumpkin, 9
Angela G. (Hendricks) Martin, 5
David K. Martin, 2
Molly Ann McQueen, 15
Anne T. Medhus, 4
Lawrence S. Merrifield, Jr., 6
Lisa Lynn Meyer
Heather L. (James) Miciak, 10
Ryan J. Miciak, 8
William Moe, 11
Judith Ann Moore, 8
Bridget Morig, 4
Adam C. Munson, 12
Alexis A. Nelson, 2
Ron K. Nichols, 8
The Hon. Marie Palachuk, 6
Margaret L. (Dillenburg) Pieper, 6
Tracy Pierce, 10
Ryan J. Posey
Christopher Pouley, 6
Julie N. (Nordeck) Randall, 17
Heather B. (Hosford) Rees, 15
Jason W. Rees, 15
Kelly Rae Richards, 7
Peter M. Rosman, 8
Melissa M. Sadler, 6
Wayne Schoonmaker, 15
Kathleen Schroeder-Litvinenko, 6
Scott Sevigny, 13
Yong Son
Erika E. Soublet, 11
Scott Spink, 13
Thomas M. Sterling, 3
Carolyn P. Stone, 13
Jennifer A. (Frei) Sund, 10
Frank D. Swoboda, 8
Susan Taylor
Marie E. Toft, 10
Matt I. Tourtlotte
Darla B. Truitt, 7
Scott H. Waid, 3
Amy (Botsford) Walker, 18
Edward J. Walker
Kristen J. (Petro) Wall, 13
Martin J. Wall, 12
Todd Weaver, 11
Scott Wilburn, 2
Barbara A. Wodynski, 14
Heather M. (Kampp) Wolff, 9
Jason Wolff, 10
Jianmin Zhao
Class of 1995
Mary F. (Peterson) Actor, 13
Douglas Ashbaugh, 9
Heather L. Awbery, 3
Robert Baker, 7
William K. Barquin, 13
Judith A. Beck, 12
William R. Bieler, 10
Chadwick Bogar, 9
Hedwig-Elisa Braunwarth
Shelley Jo Brooks, 10
Margaret Bruya, 3
Jennifer L. Burdett, 13
Sara L. Burns
Kendra L. (Mayo) Cameron, 6
Michael D. Cameron, 5
Debra J. Canaday, 9
Heather J. Carlisle, 5
Edward R. Cattey, 8
Renee Chernecki, 2
Sarah L. Christensen, 3
Eric Cline, 6
Britt-Marie (Bunch) DeForeest, 13
Sarah (Logan) Denney, 6
Beth A. (Rehaume) Dolezal, 3
Joseph A. Dube
Pamela J. (Wilson) Ehrbar
Padraic Damien Essex, 9
Jason A. Evers, 9
Salliejo (Poss) Evers, 10
Darrell Fitzgerald, 4
Eric C. Franks, 9
Elizabeth M. (Avila) Gaddis, 5
Paul J. Gannon, 3
Linda Rae Gardner, 3
Gregory M. Gath, 13
Stephen T. Graham, 3
Doug Gray
Michelle (Busch) Green, 10
Philip Green, 10
Colin J. Hawkes, 11
Renee M. (Kelln) Hawkes, 11
Kari-Mae R. Hickman Miles, 4
Sean Huberty, 9
Joel Jasperson, 9
Ning Jin, 6
Kassi Kain, 14
Brian Kealoha, 10
Kate E. (Doherty) Knop, 6
J. Jesse Kohler, 8
Brian Ladenburg, 12
Connie Lemke-Kopp, 2
William Lewis, 7
Stacie M. Lewton-Rice, 13
Colleen Little, 8
Peggy Sue (Lorang) Loroz, 13
Ray Lucero, 8
Elizabeth (Barnum) McIntyre, 7
Kathryn Rae McKinley, 13
Thomas McLaughlin, 12
Rita G. (Reed) Michalak, 10
Denise M. (dePinna) Mullins, 13
James Newman, 15
Tracie R. (Traxinger) Oergel, 11
Andrew Orchard, 3
Cora Parker, 3
Marlis Pebles, 10
Shawn Peroff, 10
Jeremy V. Poxleitner, 11
Jennifer K. (Sprute) Proctor, 12
Julie E. (Ward) Ragsdale, 9
Ricardo Raygoza, 11
Jason Reding, 2
William Richardson, 12
Mary K. Rieckers
Paul A. Rieckers
D.P. Rivard, 2
Mary L. (Wilkins) Roberts, 12
Jeremy Robinson, 8
Jason Rubright, 8
Valerie M. (Borton) Rubright, 8
Howard A. Ruddell, 9
Eric Ryan, 14
Roberta Salas, 15
Andrea R. (Stoneberg) Schenk, 13
Marc Scoville, 9
Heather C. (Roehl) Serres, 12
Melinda M. Shortell, 2
Erik E. Simshauser, 7
Brian Smith, 2
Shane Devey Smith, 7
Alice A. Stevens, 7
Jody M. Tschritter, 10
Mistee R. Verhulp, 4
April Victor
Ellen G. Weiser, 21
Kelly Whalen, 3
Bryan P. Whitaker, 8
Rachel Zamora, 2
Class of 1996
John Allison, 7
Fabio Apolito, 8
Mary K. (Kenny) Balen, 7
Melinda K. Baran, 6
Bridget E. Beatty, 4
Monica P. Becket, 11
Charles Bolen, 3
Kimberly (Tufts) Bolen, 3
Elisabeth R. Bollinger, 8
Matthew E. Bollinger, 3
Steven R. Borchers, 10
Harlan Boyd
Mary J. Bozman, 12
Maureen A. Branstetter, 8
Al Brogan, 3
Elizabeth Brookhouser
Robert Burnett, 10
Brian C. Burton, 16
Laura S. Calderon, 14
Kathryn M. Canfield-Davis, 10
Joann G. Caputo, 7
Donald Chareunsy
Margaret Clemons, 2
Casey E. Cleveland, 2
Zachery D. Collins, 8
Brandy (Anderson) Conner, 8
Heiko P. Coppola
Michael Costello, 14
Daniel E. Cronen, 7
Rachel Cummins, 8
Jennifer A. Curran, 13
Joneil M. Custodio, 5
Kristin Davis, 13
Jon Deffenbacher, 6
Kelli Dilks, 5
Elizabeth C. Dorsey-Bollinger, 3
Colleen (Meyer) Downey, 12
Mary S. Duff, 3
Daniel Edwards, 5
Kathy Edwards, 7
Joseph Eichenseher, 5
Timothy Fearnside, 6
Gregory F. Feleppa
Susan Frost
Nicole M. (Kavon) Frye, 9
Roger J. Gunderson, 3
Leonard Hagen
Brandon Hansen, 2
Trevor Harang, 6
Gretchen Herbison, 8
Michelle M. Hereford, 3
Rose Higgins, 26
Sheri (Loranger) Houck, 12
Sally M. (Dickson) Hull, 3
Patrick M. Irwin, 2
Kevin D. Jablonski, 6
Greg C. Johnson, 3
Brian T. Jones, 9
Daniel L. Jones, 10
Joel Judy, 11
Mary (McDonald) Kerfoot, 3
Thomas P. Kerfoot, 4
Cheryl Kintner, 2
Joseph F. Laubach, 14
Deborah Lillquist, 2
Brian M. Loos, 6
Thomas K. Lopach, 6
Sherri A. (O’Neil) Lynch, 13
Kathleen Magonigle, 3
Carolyn M. (Chey) Manhart, 6
Chaela (McKelvey) Manning, 7
Heidi Masterson, 2
Marie Meserve, 3
Kevin W. Mickey, 4
Christopher M. Miller, 12
Tracy (Ralphs) Mintz, 6
Kristen Montieth, 3
Dean T. Moorehouse, 11
Rod R. Mourant, 6
Sara (Shanks) Munro, 4
Kevin J. Murphy, 13
Jonathan Neill, 5
Kayce Neumann, 7
David Novick, 5
Chad T. Orebaugh, 4
Tyler J. Oxley, 4
Marty Parola, 10
Frederick Petersen, 5
Susan Pitchford, 4
Daniel E. Price, 9
Matthew G. Prindiville, 5
Megan A. (Gallagher) Prindiville, 5
Richard J. Rehberger, 4
Holly Rockwell-Irwin, 2
Janet K. (Schiele) Roscoe, 2
Karen (Long) Round, 9
Patrick A. Round, 11
Thank you for your generous gifts
made between June 1, 2010, and
May 31, 2011.
Barbra (Anderson) Ryan, 9
Kevin J. Schultz, 12
Richard-Allen Shaw, 7
Matthew Short, 5
Pamela S. Skites, 3
Scott A. Snider, 9
David Sonntag, 13
Casey Sparber, 6
Delitha Z. Spear, 6
Cara M. (Clark) Spink, 9
Tomson Spink, 9
Judi Sposito, 10
Jonathan M. Staben, 3
Mary Ellen (McGuire) Stephens, 9
Robert J. Stephens, 10
John Stine
Scott Stoneback, 3
Kate Szurek, 5
Mary Tatko, 13
Pamela Taylor, 4
James G. Theus, 2
Timothy C. Thomas, 3
Patrick Van Inwegen, 15
Victoria Van Inwegen, 15
Daniel Vimont, 9
Mandee E. (Madsen) Vimont, 6
Michael Warner, 12
Gina M. Warren-Corcoran, 11
Deborah Weber, 13
Daniel Wilson, 2
Christopher Wood, 4
Todd E. Wood, 9
Justin Wylie, 11
Randall J. Wyrobek, 13
Dannielle S. (Haraldson) Zehner, 6
Class of 1997
Christopher Aleshire, 14
Rachelle E. (Knowles) Anderson, 3
Andrea Archer, 2
Robert W. Balen, 7
Christopher J. Barnett, 8
Sandra A. Boyd, 6
Chase W. Breckner, 15
Kristen M. Brown Smalley, 2
Sheila Brunton, 8
Juliana T. (Kendall) Burnett, 10
Jeffrey S. Busch, 7
Gina M. Clementi
Nathaniel Clinton, 13
Joel R. Comfort, 7
Marisa M. Connell, 13
Margo Corrado
Kimberly (Brockbank) Cronen, 12
Reagan P. Cunningham, 11
Linda L. Curtis, 9
Kathryn M. (Miller) Daggett
Drew Dannels, 13
Thomas A. De Boer, 6
Camille M. (Turner) De Marco, 7
Nicole A. Dyer Foncello, 4
Liberty Ebright, 7
Mary Ely, 6
Erin M. (Meeks) Erickson, 3
George Erickson, 8
Jacqueline M. (Flynn) Fearnside, 6
John M. Finn, 7
Sascha T. (Elloy) Flanigan, 8
Shaun P. Flanigan, 8
Paula R. Foster, 2
Deborah J. Freeman, 4
Andreana (Iccabazzi) Gamache, 4
Carly Gannon, 4
Wade Gelhausen, 6
Jan (Heberly) Gerl, 3
Joel Graff, 11
Leah M. Graff, 11
Nicole (Styles) Grier, 3
Katherine J. Grobe, 10
Catherine E. HannityCunningham, 13
Timothy Hays, 5
Allan C. Heller, 11
Carmen D. Henderson, 2
Sean M. Hopkins, 4
Linda Hunt, 3
Sara (Rohrback) Hunt, 7
Marianne Z. Iksic, 4
John E. Johnston, 12
Joshua A. Kaiel, 5
Rebekah J. Kaufman, 10
Doreen (Locher) Keller, 9
Karen R. Kowalski-Bianco, 7
Micah J. Lang, 2
Heather N. (Peterson) Langley, 4
Ellen Lorenz, 2
David Lott, 8
Sharon E. (Grandy) Loudon
Dana (Sells) Love, 10
Julia Mangan, 3
Douglas Manning, 10
Rebecca A. (Tysel) Marsh, 3
Christopher McCarthy, 11
Jane M. McCarville, 7
Timothy Morin, 13
Kara M. Moss, 14
Amy Nakashima, 2
Troy Y. Nelson
John M. Nemeth, 12
Jeff Olson, 2
Kenneth J. Perry, 5
Joe Poss, 14
Matthew A. Pyhala, 3
David T. Quigg, 7
Alana M. (Jelacie) Rehberger, 9
John S. Richards, 5
Carol Lynn (Wolfe) Rison, 12
Marnie (Gerding) Rorholm, 10
Celeste J. Sessions, 3
Marc Shea, 7
Dori Sonntag, 13
Angela Splater, 15
Gordon R. Stoa, 8
Anna Symkowick-Rose, 8
Heather A. Tomsick, 8
Dr. Peter Tormey, 17
Mark Van Loan, 6
Carie Schwede Weeks, 10
Patrice M. Wheeler, 3
Roman M. Whittaker
D.J. Wilson, 8
Ryan R. Wilson, 10
Rebecca J. Wolfe, 2
Melody L. Wollan
Robin Wood, 6
Jane Wright, 2
Vincent C. Yarnot, 5
24 faiths are
represented on
Class of 1998
Pualani S. Akaka
Brian E. Alegria, 8
Stephanie M. Andersen, 5
Theresa M. (Feulner) Anderson, 6
Thor W. Anderson, 5
Karyn M. Bennett, 4
Benjamin D. Bianco, 7
Anne J. (Cannon) Boroff, 7
Shannon B. Boroff, 6
Paul G. Boyd, 4
Roxane Broadhead
Ann (Epler) Bryant, 11
Lisa M. Burke
Garrett T. Call, 13
Matthew P. Call, 9
Melissa K. Chilson, 11
Jonathan P. Clement, 4
Mary Anne Corman, 10
Derek D. Crick, 4
Patrick J. Cronin, 2
Debbie (Cofield) Curless
David K. Daggett
Bryan James Davey, 2
Sara M. (Sutherland) Dean, 4
Heidi K. Deffenbacher, 9
Monica (Aguiar) Denison, 9
Louise Ann Desgrosellier, 10
Sonja S. Devaney, 13
Leona R. (Cammon) Doege, 7
Christopher J. Dorrington, 6
Thomas D. Duvall, 2
Annie M. (Stoeger) Edwards, 6
Christopher A. Edwards, 6
Katrina Freeburg, 10
Elena T. Gimenez, 10
Erin M. (Wong) Green, 13
Christopher Grothkopp, 4
Carl R. Hansen, 6
Tricia K. Hart, 2
Morgan J. (Hostetter) Hatcher, 7
Laurie M. Hatten-Boyd
Stephanie Ruth Haug
Angela Hayes, 6
Chih-Neng Hu, 3
Kenneth J. Hydzik, 8
Melanie A. Jackson
Michael E. Johnston, 5
Cheryl Jordan-Aguilera, 13
Amy M. Jordens, 13
Megan I. Keaty, 2
Erin E. (Weeks) Kerr, 9
Mona Kines
Anita Kotik, 12
Jill A. (Espy) Krueger, 9
Stipan Kutlesa, 4
Matthew W. Langley, 3
Douglas J. Larson, 6
Justin V. Laubach, 3
Ruth Lauersen, 3
C. Russell Lewis, 4
Jean Elaine (Moretz) Lilja, 5
Steven P. Lodzinski, 10
William B. Marshall
Matthew B. Martin, 8
Traci A. (Thiemann) Martin, 8
Matthew V. McCarty, 7
Timothy J. McGuire, 5
Pamela S. McKinzie-Lewis, 8
Byron L. McLean, 4
Lynette (Escallier) McManus, 9
Matthew Mellon, 4
Gregory S. Miller, 7
Robert B. Milligan, 2
Erin K. Murray, 12
Karin Olsen, 9
Theresa Petersen, 3
Shawna D. (Guthrie) Peterson, 5
Dan T. Phelan, 11
Karen M. Phillips
Emily A. Posedel, 9
Molly M. (Gryziec) Reding, 7
Michelle M. Roberts
Lindsey D. Robertson, 3
Christine Scagliotti, 8
Jamie L. Schaefer, 4
Kathleen Schatz, 2
Paula M. Schmitz, 13
Marjorie Ann Sebesta, 6
Daniel A. Sjolund, 8
Julia M. (Reitcheck) Smock, 7
Mark T. Steeves, 4
Tatjana Stojak, 2
Jon C. Sullivan, 6
Matthew K. Tasto, 6
Jeremy L. Thomas, 12
Laura L. (Norris) Toeckes, 10
Eileen M. Twomey, 10
Jaime D. Vache, 3
Hilary I. Van Hole
Mark R. Vatuone, 7
Ryan E. Verhulp, 4
Lisa (Barsanti) Wade, 9
Austin P. Walsh, 8
David Watt, 8
Jamie (Platt) Watt, 5
Nancy K. Wilimek, 14
Brigette (Livaudais) Yates, 7
Jeremy P. Yates, 7
Class of 1999
Kristy L. Alldredge-Bartlett, 12
Derek Ames, 10
Susan K. (Timm) Ames, 11
Kainoa Arsensdorf, 3
Chi L. Ashbaugh, 6
Donna (Elliott) Bach, 12
Brian Batchelder
Steven M. Bennett, 8
Elizabeth I. (Hicks) Boileau, 10
Katy J. Bruya, 13
William A. Buckholdt III, 3
Madelyn S. Bumanglag, 3
Michele D. (Tran) Burke, 4
Richard T. Carpenter, 4
Anna M. (Vahlsing) Casey, 6
Brian M. Casey, 6
Carol A. Caspillo, 2
Courtney A. Coe, 6
Lewis D. Cooney, 6
Jason J. D’Ambrosio, 6
Annette Davis, 20
Michael J. Dolmage, 7
Melissa J. Eberle, 2
Siobhan (Bell) Ecker, 4
Brenden M. Feist, 5
Sandra Forsman, 5
Christopher D. Frye, 10
Mike Gamache, 6
Scott D. Gambill, 6
Angela (Fish) Geiss, 5
Eric A. Gerst, 5
James S. Gibson, 12
Kirby Green, 3
Michael R. Green, 7
Riley W. Hale, 2
Stacy L. Harrington, 2
Amy N. (Jensen) Hawthorne, 6
Jason R. Hawthorne, 6
Lynda C. Hayashi, 2
Leslie Heffernan
Jennifer Henderson, 8
Christopher W. Herzog, 4
Mercedes M. (Barsotti) Hjorth, 5
Peter J. Hjorth, 6
Lynn P. Hogan, 7
Beth Hoss, 11
Nicole L. (Huie) Hydzik, 5
Brent J. Hyer
Michelle Leann (Lammers) Hyer
William Johnson, 10
Danielle R. (Dey) Johnston, 12
Patrick Klein, 2
Lynsee (Hudson) Lang, 2
Jim LaPointe, 7
Gemi L. Larsen, 2
Michelle L. (Roy) Leff, 7
Stephanie C. (Blum) Magill, 3
Lisa J. Mason, 8
Kim L. (Knight) Mathis, 11
Kristin J. Maurseth, 3
Robin A. McDannald, 6
Marites (Fiesta) McKee, 12
Jerod T. Murata, 3
Mary C. Murphy, 9
Mary F. Nau
Liesl Nebel, 3
Thomas F. Nebel, 5
Vicki L. Olson, 6
Benjamin T. Peterson, 5
Marie (Bowker) Phillips, 7
Juli M. Pierce, 9
Corey Buchanan Pigeon, 8
2011 Young Alumni
President’s Council
Gonzaga’s distinguished leadership
giving society for graduates of the
last ten years.
Spence and Jennie (Nash) Abel
Denise B. Abrahamson
Veronica Ahern
Paul Ash
Addalee J. Baker
Connor Barry
Ross G. Beaulaurier
Karl N. Berg
Julie M. Berry
Michael E. Bestrom
Douglas G. Bielemeier
Ryan S. Borman
Marshall Bratton
Kimberly A. Brown
Miles H. Bullock
David Colman
Zachary M. Crum
Holly E. Dembinski
Daniel John DeRusso
Jennifer Dickhaus
Lauren Dolezal
Jean F. Pounder
Sarah H. (Gregg) Powell, 10
Thomas W. Price, 8
Kim Rabe, 5
Abraham J. Ritter, 7
Bruce C. Rosenoff, 6
Alicia J. Ruckwardt, 4
Meghan E. Ryall, 9
Eric James Sachtjen, 8
Rochelle Schultz, 12
Stephanie Serventi, 13
Shauna A. Spellman, 2
Shannon B. (Stanford) Strahl, 8
Veronica Sutton, 6
Shawn P. Taylor, 5
Kyndrin M. (Rowse) Tenny, 4
Don Thomas, 11
Mike Tombari
Peter O. Tuenge, 11
Lillian Y. Wadahara, 2
Paul M. Williams, 4
Angela K. (Daniel) Wood, 5
Amy N. (Welsch) Young, 13
Shelly J. Zehnder, 3
Class of 2000
Michael D. Aguilera, 9
Kevin T. Andres, 12
Kristofer Angle, 6
Nathan and Lauren (Lewis)
Emily K. Duyck
Samuel Eaton
Brian D. Eike
Christian J. Ellis
Sharon C. Eng
Julia C. Esser
Danny P. Evans
Zachery Fay
Sean M. Finerty
Jill M. Fitzgerald
Justin V. Fletcher
Peter R. Fonfara
Brian P. Franceschi
Griffin G. Freels
Andre Vincent Gallant
Daniel J. Galligan
Nicholas T. Gardner
Jamie M. Geis
Anna Gerding
Matthew S. Glaze
Amy C. Gomez
Kevin Andrew Grainey
Shaun Greer
Matthew R. Grosodonia
William J. Haas
Jeff Haguewood
Bridget A. Harris
Kyle and Sarah (Nielsen) Haverly
Robert Hayes
Donald L. Henricksen
Jedediah W. Barden, 5
Jim Barry, 9
Courtney Beaudoin
Ryan M. Beaudoin, 2
Julia E. Bergner, 5
Matthew M. Blasdel, 9
Timothy F. Bow, 6
Laura Boysen-Aragon, 11
Nicolette Breazeal, 2
Elizabeth (Papiez) Broenneke, 2
Lon Brown, 10
Paula J. (Fortier) Campion, 12
Ryan S. Chaquette, 3
Corey T. Christensen, 5
Brent T. Church, 8
James L. Collier, 3
Joshua R. Comfort, 7
Kirsten J. (Otness) Conrad, 7
Dominic DeCaro, 9
Susan (Behnke) Dunfield, 9
Todd Dunfield, 9
Georgia Gauron, 9
Barbara Giem, 18
Alison L. Gregoire, 2
Brendan J. Haddock, 7
Bradley J. Haines, 4
Stanley Hatch
Charles O. Hayes
Joshua J. and Michelle M. Herrin
Samuel Hess
Nathaniel L. Higgins
David Hinshaw
David Holt and Anne Suminski Holt
Katherine M. Hopkins
Ms. Katjarina Horwitz
Jamie L. Hudson
Bradley and Kyra Hughes
Christopher M. Hughes
Spencer W. Hutchins
Michael and Heather (Hertz)
Robert Janicki
Patrick and Marie (Gibbons)
Kelly Ketchum
Jeffrey Kiely
Ashley K. Kober
Jason D. Koch
Andrew and Allison Koehnke
Christopher V. Kramer
Michael A. Lavrisha
Sydney Lederhouse
Elizabeth E. Livingston
Raymond S. Loyola
Gregory J. Malman
Dana E. Mannino
Maile J. Marshall
Amanda N. Martin
Brendan McCarthy
Brian Patrick McCarthy
Casey McCoy
Scott McCoy
Jenna L. McKenzie
Casey and Sara (Larson) McNellis
Joshua Monroe
Alexander W. Moore
Jessica C. Moore
Jennifer J. (Bredeson) Motes
Stephanie Murphy
Bradley J. Neumayer
Bailee H. Neyland
Charles F. O’Brien
Scott O’Brien
Amanda Oeser
Sarah D. Olson
Michael Ortman
Peter F. Oven
Jennifer Overturf
Jason Pankow and Shaundar
Elaine Parry
Kristen Paul
Christopher Pay
Joel and Karen Pearl
Matthew Pollard
Joe and Megan Poss
Michael Rafferty
Christina M. Ragni
Krista K. Rammelsberg
Kaitlin R. Reingold
Keith C. Riddle
Jeffrey Rigby
Christopher J. Roof
Paul W. Schafer
Thomas Shrum
Rozalyn R. Sippel
Christine C. Slomski
Robert W. Smee III
Michael D. Smoot
Ryan M. Stanbery
Brandon Stanley
Kassi M. Stengel
Brady L. Strahl
Jeremy R. Stumetz
Maxwell Harrison Sumner
Garrett D. Swanburg
Timothy Szarnicki
Mason A. C. Talkington
Wesley Paul Taylor
Jessica A. Thalman
Joshua D. Truax
Markus K. Weickenmeier
Charles and Carlene (Bobbe) Wells
Matthew Wernette
Megan L. (Schaffner) Westbrook
Christopher and Michelle (Nilsen)
Casey Michelle Whitener
Lindsay L. Williamson
Jamie Wopschall
Darrin E. Wright
Daniel T. Yee
Evan and Molly (Cooper) Young
Robin Lynn Haynes, 7
Timothy W. Henderson, 4
Michael F. Higgins, 6
Kristyn M. Ho, 10
Pamela S. Howland, 6
Camisha M. (Pauli) Hughbanks, 10
Jill E. (Vimont) James, 6
Lisa A. (Wasinger) Johnson, 11
Susan C. Keister, 2
Kelly D. Kolb, 4
Matthew L. Kopp, 6
Philip A. Kornachuk, 10
Molly (Vehorn) Kranc, 2
MAJ Ryan T. Kranc, 2
Kristine D. Holmberg Lennemann, 3
Leanne R. Lindsay
Rachel M. Lopez, 8
Barbara M. Loste, 7
Hoang-Yen T. Luu
Jamie L. Madden
Davene McCoy, 4
Elizabeth R. McGowan, 2
Ryan P. McGuire, 4
Melissa Migliuri, 6
Thomas P. Moran, 6
Joel A. Morgan, 7
Lindsey R. Morse, 6
Sean M. Mulholland, 7
Teresa (Specht) Mulholland, 7
Susan L. Munk, 4
Nancy Nadolski, 3
Michael B. Nilson, 4
Dawn M. Ogrodny, 2
Rian Oliver, 9
Wes D. Oliver, 9
Alvin N. Parker
Eric M. Pedersen, 3
Warren D. Polensky, 2
Herbert C. Portillo, 5
Benjamin Powell, 7
Erin C. (Fitzpatrick) Price, 4
Marcus M. Riccelli, 6
Chris Richard, 11
Jill E. (Phillips) Richard, 11
Kim Rogers, 3
Kirsten L. (Horrobin) Ruchaber, 4
Sondra K. Ruckwardt, 11
Emily R. (Hubbert) Schlettert, 11
Richard R. Sheppard, 5
Kiera M. Silva, 2
Elizabeth A. Sjolund, 4
Matthew J. Small
Steven E. Smith, Jr, 7
Lisa M. Smythe-Rodino
Anthony R. Splater, 9
Stacey A. St. Marie, 10
Holly M. (Kraemer) Stewart, 10
Catherine A. Taylor, 8
Samuel M. Tenny, 4
Theodore D. Teske, 4
Gaetano J. Testini, 8
Brett T. Van Anne
Thomas C. Varljen, 4
Katheryn J. (Fanning) Walker, 3
Molly J. Weaver, 4
Steven P. Wee, 8
Teri J. Wiese, 3
Paul D. Williams, 3
Zhixiong Zhong
Class of 2001 – 10th Reunion
Sulochana (Hatcher) Abeid, 5
Eddie Ambriz, 6
Meghan S. Anderson, 8
Maire K. Arkoosh
Jacob-Lee W. Baker, 8
Kellie (Leaf) Barden, 5
Emily A. Bassier, 2
Jennifer F. Beatty
Jessica A. (Waltz) Bird, 3
Stacy A. Bjordahl, 7
Eileen A. Bow, 6
Casey J. Brischle, 5
Paul Brown, 7
John G. Bunch
David E. Campion, 5
Meredith E. Clawson
Dominick Curalli, 2
Claudia J. Davis, 11
Sandra L. Dehle, 9
Victoria K. DeSilva, 2
Fianna M. Dickson, 8
Cynthia DiMicco, 2
Sarah S. (Ust) Dix, 4
Amanda E. (Gerding) Doyle, 2
Michael J. Doyle
Clifford P. Duke, 2
Damian P. FitzRoy, 8
Sheri K. Fitzthum, 3
Catherine Frankel, 4
Benjamin T. Freeburg, 7
Mckenzie S. Freer, 4
Jessica R. Fuentes, 2
Daniel J. Galligan, 11
Shannon Leigh Green, 9
Jim R. Harris, 8
Marisa L. Hastie, 6
Valerie P. Heerema, 2
Chelsea A. Herron, 4
Jared W. Hertz, 10
Kara M. (Svennungsen) Hertz, 7
Aaron D. Hill, 8
Nathan Jeffries, 7
Janet C. Jensik
Cynthia A. John, 9
Alicia (Gilb) Johnson, 5
Mark E. Johnson, 7
Nicholas R. Knapton, 10
Lisa S. Korchinski
Tana D. Kornachuk, 7
Michael Kovis, 3
Travis S. Lamb, 9
Karen LaPointe, 15
Jeffrey Lliteras, 5
Andrew Lockwood, 7
Kathryn (Harris) Lockwood, 7
Victoria (Olson) Lord, 10
Megan M. Marshall, 2
Emily E. Martin, 2
Kyle McCoy, 3
Casey J. McNellis, 8
Gary R. McSwain, 3
Tim J. Melia, 2
Tena J. Merkel Baker, 8
Edward E. Mitchell, 3
Darlene R. Mitchell-Cowdery, 9
Amy E. Moran, 3
Jon Morris, 5
Megan K. Murphy, 4
Rhiannon L. (Fabian) Nilson, 4
Scott O’Brien, 8
Christopher O’Neil, 7
Michael M. Paine, 4
Jason S. Pankow, 5
Melody Peters, 10
Scott R. Peters, 2
Jeremy M. Peterson, 3
Sherri L. Peterson, 4
Jennifer R. Porto, 7
Amy S. (Crismon) Rainis, 6
Monique Guadalupe Rizer, 3
Abraham L. Rocha, 4
Angela Schenck Ruff, 7
Mac Ryerse, 8
Brian J. Saeman, 5
Melissa Sanders, 4
Barrett Jonas Scudder, 8
Brett C. Shepard, 2
Jonathan Skirko, M.D., 4
Joseph P. Smith, 6
Robert L. Sokol, 3
Elizabeth M. Sorokac, 2
Kellie A. (Berube) Spratlen, 6
Jennifer Stomberg, 2
Rachel A. Svenson, 5
Lyssa L. Thaden, 4
Meliah A. Thomas, 2
Michelle M. (Smith) Thomsen, 4
Vicki M. (Ibasco) Tiffany, 4
James R. Tinker, 4
David N. Trickey
Veronica L. Valdez, 9
Geana M. Van Dessel, 3
Andrea (Soth) Vandehey, 6
Tyson C. von Guenthner, 6
Ryan G. Wade, 10
Theresa M. Wessels, 4
Holly M. Winter Duke, 2
Frances J. Wong, 4
Judy S. Wood, 8
Class of 2002
Mellad Abeid, 5
Catherine G. Ansiaux-Osburn, 5
Shonna Bartlett, 6
Jason Bay, 3
Tony Bonanzino, 16
Jennifer (Belyeu) Brayko, 6
Edward J. Bruya, 6
Nicholas Byrd
Nancy M. Chase, 4
Christine (Taylor) Coduti, 4
Joseph I. Collier, 3
Domenic Comita
Paul Condrat
Kate Lesley Cushman, 3
Andrea D. (Macklin) Davey, 2
S. Gail (McCann) Dede, 4
Kathleen Dolezal, 3
Maureen A. Duclos, 3
Ezra A. Eckhardt
Johnathan J. Evans, 4
Stephanie Kathleen Glassburn, 4
Anne Elizabeth Gregory, 2
Katrina M. Gunderson, 4
Erin M. Hamor, 5
Megan (Sandberg) Hazel, 3
Nick Hazel, 5
Ryan Hendricks, 5
Jose M. Hernandez, 2
Siri A. (Fischer) Herzog, 4
Wesley A. Higo, 2
Justin M. Horgan, 4
Daniel L. Hulsizer, 3
Adam Innes, 3
Sean D. Jackson, 2
Ryan G. Jacobson, 6
Michael J. Kapaun, 3
Elizabeth R. Keaney, 7
James D. King, 3
Jessica A. King, 6
Patricia O. Krafft
Megan A. Long
Hilary A. Lott, 2
John L. Lufkin
Nicole H. Lustig, 6
Matthew J. Malinowski, 8
William M. Mast, 5
Brian McConnell, 3
Brady C. McDonald, 6
Barbara McGann, 9
Ashley C. Mooney, 2
Tyley R. Nelson, 2
Sean B. O’Connor, 4
Joel M. Pearl
Krissy (Wood) Peck, 6
Brian D. Pelatt, 4
Kristine (Engel) Pelatt, 3
Gail A. Peterson, 3
Christene Olive Poeller, 2
Shelley R. Poss
Mario E. Puccinelli, 5
Mark A. Puetz, 3
Jennifer Pursley, 9
Lois Quinn, 11
Joshua A. Rataezyk
Samuel J. Reed, 5
Nicholas Richard, 3
Cerra V. Sand, 5
Megan Satchell, 5
Mark S. Schwarz, 2
Philip Peter Schweiger, 2
Julia (Ruiz) Selfridge, 6
Kathryne M. Shearer, 3
Katherine Sherrick, 22
Ann C. (Carlson) Smith, 5
Christy Smith, 3
Jared D. Smith
Lesli Swanson, 6
Brent J. Thibault, 3
Linda J. Thompson
Jodi D. Thorp, 2
Joseph B. Tichy, 5
Brian J. Timm, 3
Neil Tocher, 7
Nora Totonchy Sheils, 2
Barbara (Nuess) Twohig, 9
Mary E. Vancura, 5
Rita A. Waldref, 5
William D. Weeks, 2
Daniel dH. Wessman, 4
Missy (Carstens) Wessman, 6
Anne M. Wheeldon, 3
Janet K. Whitney, 4
Benjamin M. Williamson, 2
Paul Wolfe, 6
Stanford Wyatt III, 4
Class of 2003
Martin A. Anderson, 2
Rebecca Rochelle Araujo
Anderson, 2
Shannon Badgett, 4
Ludmilla M. Badicke
Linda L. Balon-Smith
Garrett Barker, 6
Mark A. Beattie, 3
Adam M. Besagno, 4
Michael A. Bjordahl, 11
Theda I. Bordner
Sean P. Boutz, 7
Matthew R. Brayko, 5
Mark Bridenstine, 4
Christine M. (Hertz) Brischle, 5
Dana S. Broderson, 4
Ginger C. Carpenter, 3
Katherine Ann Cashman, 7
Robert W. Chandler, 2
Sarah Berl Clifford, 2
Jacinta Elena (Caballero) Connall, 9
Andrew M. Coughlin, 4
Vicki Craigen, 8
Roger J. Cramer, 9
Abigail R. Cullen
Timothy G. Curtis, 7
Christina M. (Rooney) Deasy, 6
Scott C. DeSomber
Erin C. Doherty, 2
Gregory Francis Dorrington, 7
Jessica Beran Dorrington, 7
Sarah Elizabeth Eichhorn
Ryan Oliver Erickson, 6
Michael D. Eriksen
Becky (Milligan) Evans, 4
Danny P. Evans, 5
Phillip J. Fassieux, 3
Kate Fatta, 4
David M. Fineran, 6
Elizabeth B. Fineran, 5
Jennifer M. Forsman, 3
David R. Foster, 4
Jennifer (Byrd) Gallagher, 7
Julianne R. Gehlen, 6
Thomas Gleason, 6
Heather Gores, 7
Lauren M. Grant, 5
Adam Y. Grisanti, 4
Susan Hales, 9
Joshua J. Herrin, 8
Samuel Hess, 6
Matthew Hoag, 2
Jennifer A. Holstein, 5
Anne M. Suminski Holt, 5
David A. Holt, 6
Nathaniel Hopper, 6
Kristan M. Horgan, 4
Bradley J. Hughes, 8
Heather N. Jackson, 4
Michael J. Jackson, 4
David M. Johnson, 5
LaVonne L. Johnson, 3
Rachel M. Jorgensen
Tana Marie (Small) Joslin, 8
Mikaela C. (Plattes) Keck, 3
Erin Kelly, 3
Stuart J. Kerber, 5
Sarah M. Lenneman, 6
Raymond Loyola, 8
Lisa A. Malpass Childress, 4
Amie M. Manos, 2
Gina Marchini, 7
Brooke A. Marshall, 3
Michael P. McCarthy, 6
Megan Marie McDermott, 4
Sara E. McNellis, 4
Kammi L. Mencke Smith, 7
Keith A. Michels, 6
Lamont A. Miles, 2
Theresa Miller, 9
Courtney E. (Coughlin) Misterek, 6
Genevieve (Mann) Morris, 3
Crystal L. Musselman
Marvin Nelson, 10
Kara Nicholson, 2
Audrey N. Nutt, 4
Charles F. O’Brien, 9
Kelly M. O’Gara, 2
Michael S. Omodt, 2
Grady O’Neill
Joe J. Osborne
Gina Paolucci, 8
Jason R. Pellegrini, 3
Ann Marie Tripp Pendleton, 2
Matthew R. Pendleton
Eileen C. Peth, 6
Jinny M. Piskel, 4
Megan Jagelski Poss, 6
Sandra S. Puckett, 2
Connor W. Quinn, 4
Candy L. Reich, 2
Arthur L. Rizer III
David Robinson, 5
Larissa Robinson, 6
Kurt Rowland, 7
Michael J. Scarpelli, 7
Christopher P. Schlueter, 5
Dr. Brian Shute, 2
Andie (Hanson) Slonecker, 6
Stacey (Taam) Spohr, 4
Peter M. Sterk, 4
Bell (Ballou) Stoltz, 3
Mark D. Stoltz, 6
Brady L. Strahl, 9
Nathaniel I. Sukolsky, 2
Brooke E. Sullivan, 5
Matthew J. Sullivan, 4
40 percent of
students study
abroad at some
point during their
career. Gonzagain-Florence is
the most popular
study abroad
Jason N. Taam
Jennifer (Steichen) Tapia, 8
Matthew Teske, 6
Brian J. Thompson, 7
Michael B. Tilford, 8
Bernice I. (Stime) Tobeck, 3
Pam J. Travis, 3
David M. Wakeman, 4
James M. Wallrabenstein, 2
Carlene E. (Bobbe) Wells, 8
Charles S. Wells, 5
Megan L. Westbrook, 8
Kenon Willis, 5
Erin (Barrett) Yount, 5
Jennifer L. Zelko-Schlueter, 6
Molly Helen Ziegler, 6
Class of 2004
Kelly Axt, 4
Limor Ben-Maier, 2
David M. Bingaman
Nanette K. Blackburn, 5
Colleen (Miller) Bolling
Megan M. Botulinski, 5
Marshall Bratton, 4
Keith W. Brewer, 5
Kim-Ann Briamonte
Janice Brodeur, 2
Jamie L. Buterbaugh
Danielle C. Cendejas, 4
James L. Cooney, 8
Valerie A. Dawidczik
Erin Dineen, 3
Leila R. Dompier, 2
Diane E. Eisenbacher, 3
Kimberly Erickson, 5
Peter R. Fonfara, 3
Anni L. Foster, 4
Jennifer M. Garnett, 5
Carlahn M. Gayda, 2
Nick P. Gerrone, 2
David W. Gilbert
Lindsay D. Gilbert, 5
Brenda L. Gilbertz, 2
Cara M. Gish, 4
Keith R. Granberry, 2
Jenn Gray, 6
Laura D. Hahn, 3
Tara M. (Boyer) Halko, 6
Benjamin R. Harmeling, 4
Dennis Harrington, 9
Barbara Haugen
Brett P. Hawkins, 3
Katherine A. Healy
Thomas M. Highfill, 4
Shannon S. Holland, 2
Michelle (Eppich) Hood, 2
Randall L. Johanson, 6
Deanna L. Johnson
Tracy J. Kelly, 2
Tracy Keniston, 5
Vickie M. Kennedy, 3
Jason M. Kettrick
Jeffrey Kiely, 7
Brian N. Klos, 7
Cathleen M. Knutson, 6
Brooke C. Kuhl, 5
Michael T. Lauber, 3
Rudolph Lauth, 4
Lois Locey, 4
Gregory L. Lubetkin
Kyle A. Malloy, 5
Gonzalo Martinez, 3
Kevin J. McKenna, 5
Angela McNutt, 6
Kevin C. Meihaus, 4
Daniel P. Morris, 2
Monica T. (Corrigan) Morris, 7
Edward F. Mosey, 2
Jennifer (Bredeson) Motes, 6
Christopher M. Niemi, 3
Theresa R. Nunez, 4
Joyce M. Nuxoll, 23
Maureen R. O’Hara, 4
Katharine A. O’Neill
Joseph Owens, 6
Christine M. Park, 4
Michael J. Pellicciotti, 7
Megan K. Pickens, 4
Blake M. Pickett
Kelli M. Piper, 5
Jason T. Piskel, 4
Justin M. Pritchard
Krista K. Rammelsberg, 6
Shelby M. (Ratto) Reed, 5
Jade Rex, 2
Leilena T. Reyes, 3
Mark Rosauer, 4
Shantay Sabin, 6
Nathan J. Schrandt, 4
Sarah J. (Taylor) Schwering, 3
Courtney Serpa, 8
Cindy L. Silva, 2
Blake Slonecker, 6
Shirley E. Smith, 2
Brandon Stanley, 7
John D. Stewart, Jr., 2
Paul C. Swalling
Tomasz C. Szelagowski, 7
Marlene Tocher, 2
T.C. Truesdell, 3
Jamie VanMeetren, 2
Mark Voorhees, 5
Michael Wall
Dayton A. Whitfield, 4
Karen J. Wilson, 4
Kelsey (Posedel) Wilson, 8
Jesamyn N. Wojtowick
Marielee R. Wolfe, 2
William A. Yount, 5
Scott B. Yuska, 2
Class of 2005
Valeri Adolph, 5
Nick Alexander
Joan Allbery, 26
Jennifer J. Alsbury
Rodney Armstrong, 3
Thomas Arnold, 14
Paul Ash, 2
Brock D. Athman, 3
Maria J. Barnes, 4
Tamara J. Bassham
Brian J. Bean
Rowena M. Beaudry, 4
Andrew Behrens, 2
Paul K. Belknap, 3
Matthew A. Bergman
David Berry, 3
Jessica L. Berry
Rachel C. Bittner, 2
Melanie R. Brennan, 3
Kimberly Brewer, 8
Andy Caley, 3
Brian D. Cestnik, 5
Georganna Clifford, 7
Kathryn B. Codd, 2
Jaime N. Crocker, 5
Michael R. Danitz
Shannon T. (Iaci) Danitz
Daniele K. Daugherty, 6
Christina Davis, 3
Ian F. Davis, 2
John B. DeBenedetti, 3
Steven W. Derrig, 5
Adrean Dills, 4
Robert Dumanowski, 2
John A. Edwards, 2
Stephen C. Engelhardt, 4
Katherine Englund, 2
Gregory M. Feeney, 4
Emily Feicht, 4
Heather Fitzgerald, 3
Benjamin Foley, 4
Michael S. Gallagher
Brandy (Edgell) Galloway, 2
Ezra T. Glanzer
Shelby (Morrison) Glenn, 4
Esther Green
Johnathon Gross, 2
Keri Gross
Jeremy J. Gugino, 3
Jacob Haag
Douglas J. Haffie, 3
Heidi Marie Hanson, 5
Ted A. Hastings, 2
Annie Hawkins
Brianna Hennessy, 5
Nathan W. Henry, 2
Brad E. Herr, 9
Robyn C. (Smith) Itule, 4
William Itule III, 6
Holly L. Johnston
Marc A. Johnston
Laura Jones, 6
Megan (Mittelstaedt) Kapaun, 4
Rob Kavon, 9
Zakary A. Kessler, 8
Virginia W. Kirk, 3
Louis E. Kleist
Andrew S. Koehnke, 2
Bea L. Koempel-Thomas, 6
Brendan B. Kolding, 5
Sarah LaRiviere Moran, 6
Dustin T. Lee
Christopher Leinweber, 7
Ryan Leong, 6
Dana Luizzo
Katie E. Malloy, 5
Angela N. Marshlain, 2
James G. McDougall
Heather A. McDowell, 3
Katharine L. McPherson, 2
Logan R. Merchant, 2
Robert Mix, 7
Gillian L. Murphy, 2
Mark D. Murphy
Crystal Nieves, 5
Patrick Nixon, 5
Kerrie Nollette, 4
Sean Nollette, 4
Seth A. Normington
Christopher J. Novick
Mara Oblak, 4
Brett A. O’Connor
Karen O’Hagan, 7
Jobin J. Panicker
Elaine Parry, 3
Ellen Peters, 7
Jess Peterson, 2
Jeffrey S. Pollock, 5
Matthew J. Poth, 4
Kimberly A. Propson, 2
Joel P. Reed, 3
Anthony J. Rehberger, 4
Saul H. Renderfrance, 3
Larry M. Renteria
Kevin Richardson
Jeffrey Rigby, 5
Dean M. Robbins, 4
Megan A. Sandbothe, 3
Paul W. Schafer, 5
Cynthia A. Schurter, 4
Jason Sherrell
Talina Skirko, 4
Michele Slider
Gail Stevenson, 7
Jennifer A. Stewart
Jillian Strait, 3
Matthew R. Sullivan, 2
Russell Sypowicz, 4
Rebecca M. Teichmann, 2
James F. Twining, 5
David Uhl, 9
Natalie (Quigg) Urruty, 2
Seth J. Urruty, 2
Christopher J. Useche
Laura (Hodel) Useche
Sarah Valenti, 2
Joann Waite, 5
Brian Wheeler, 5
Donald K. White, 2
Michael J. Wilson, 3
Nathan Wilson, 4
Betty Ann Xenis
Ivan A. Yanushev, 4
Evan Young, 2
Trevor A. Zandell, 5
Michael J. Zavaglia, 2
John G. Zodrow, 3
Class of 2006
April Anderson, 2
Samuel A. Atwood, 2
Connor Barry, 4
Karl N. Berg
Michael E. Bestrom, 4
Andrew S. Biviano, 2
Justin E. Bolster, 4
Zachary J. Boyer, 3
Dominic Bruno
Paul C. Buxton
Alberto P. Castro
Michael Cipriano
Charlie Cobb, 3
Amy S. Davis, 3
Claire M. Davis, 4
Jeanine Dellinger
Jennifer Dickhaus, 3
Jonathan I. Dingel
Heather L. Dobinson, 2
Nathan W. Doudney
Robert Duane, 2
Alison Eastwood, 5
Christina Estes-Werther, 6
Ricky J. Farstad, 5
Aaron M. Fielder, 2
Jill M. Fitzgerald, 2
Justin V. Fletcher, 2
Mark M. Fox, 3
Griffin G. Freels, 3
Kelly Frey, 5
Nancy Gallant, 4
Gerald D. Giger, 2
Michael Gunn, 3
Lori T. Hamilton
Bridget A. Harris
Jeremiah S. Heathman, 2
Margaret (Miller) Heller, 2
Katherine Herche, 4
Tori (Wolf) Highfill, 4
Dane W. Hofbauer, 3
Marla Honsky, 5
Ryan I. Inouye, 5
Andrea Jacobs
Devin C. Joslin
Scott M. Kerber, 3
Ross M. LaCombe, 3
Ryan M. Lambert, 2
Joseph A. Liebman, 2
Cheryl A. Loetscher
Larry M. Longhurst
Sydney Marino, 4
Robert W. Maron, 2
Maile J. Marshall
Brian Patrick McCarthy, 2
Joseph Daniel McCool
Patrick M. McGah, 5
Sean R. McKinley, 2
Ted S. Mclean
Nicholas J. McMordie
Patrick T. Mick, 2
Jeremy Misterek, 5
Trina D. Moore, 2
Jennifer M. Neill
Kristine K. Olmstead
Jennifer R. Opalinski, 2
Stephen Owens, 3
Keith Parkes, 4
Laura R. Pearson
Kendra S. Phillips, 2
Melissa Ann (Anthony) Quinn
Tracey Lynne Radabaugh
Jennifer (Kaszewicz) Rehberger, 4
Keith C. Riddle, 2
Paige Roberts, 5
Michael D. Rorholm, 4
Caitlin A. Ross, 4
John D. Rupp
Christopher M. Rutledge, 2
Emily Terese Schaffner, 5
Paris A. Seabrook
Joshua O. Sestak
Adam J. Shaughnessy
Robert W. Smee III
Kathleen Ann M. Stout
Diana (Berger) Strickland
Leslie J. Sulgrove
Loran Sullivan, 2
Beth L. Toal
Deborah Tully, 3
Amy Turnipseed, 5
Matthew E. Vache
Elizabeth (Katri) Vielbig
Daniel M. Wadkins, 2
Kyle Wagner, 2
Anna (Maloney) Wallace, 3
Anne J. Walter, 3
Keith Ward
Andrew C. Wilson
Deana M. Woodard
Simon P. Zachary
ClaSS OF 2007
Spencer T. Abel, 4
Bob Bartlett, 15
Felix A. Benavente, 4
Kenneth William Bitting, Jr, 2
Amy C. Biviano, 2
Terry V. Blauvelt, 3
Kathleen M. Blundell, 2
Bert Bondi
Kathryn E. Burns, 5
Nancy E. Campman, 2
Stacey N. Chatman, 9
Demetre J. Christofilis, 4
Jaclyn Clabby, 3
Patrice Clemons, 2
Amy Clerget, 3
Benjamin P. Compton
Chanel L. (Read) Day, 2
Michael Demmert, 3
Catherine Dieter, 3
Renae Dougal, 5
Kathryn Dutli
Christian J. Ellis, 2
Brandon D. Ely
David Farris
Kevin C. Fenner
Jacob Firman
Elizabeth L. Fitzgerald, 2
Britta L. Fuglevand
Andrew J. Gabel, 3
Brittany A. Gable
Nicholas T. Gardner, 2
Anna Gerding
Roland R. Haj
Edwin S. Hall
Conor C. Hammons
Austin K. Hargarten
Brendan P. Harkins, 2
Brandon T. Harmon
Daniel Hennessy, 5
David Hinshaw, 4
Charles Hough, 3
Chris Houglum, 3
Cathleen Ito, 3
Christina H. (Crittenden) James
Monica James, 5
Robert Janicki, 3
Richard W. Janssen, 4
Thomas Jarrard, 3
Julie Jones, 5
Teresa T. Keene, 2
Ellen M. Kirschbaum, 3
Steven A. Klukas, 3
Nicole Knott, 2
Stephanie A. Krauter
Matthew Kristek, 3
Frederick B. Kurtz, 2
Christen K. Lambert, 2
Sarah M. Lawson
Caitlin Elyse Lee
Markus W. Louvier, 4
Brendan Lyall, 2
Rebecca L. Madden, 4
Erin Mansfield, 3
Amanda N. Martin
Sabrina M. Mauritz
Nancy Mayalu, 3
Lacey McGarry, 2
Jessica Michaels, 4
Joshua Monroe, 2
Jessica C. Moore
Mary Jo Moore, 6
Clayton Mortensen, 3
Nicholas A. Murray, 2
Sean M. Neary, 4
David J. Nelson, 4
Amy Newell-Large
Thuy-Dzuong N. Nguyen, 2
Amanda A. Nielsen
Jill Okihara, 3
gONZaga MagaZINe | WINTER 2012
Blair Ostrem, 4
Jennifer Overturf, 2
Nicholas P. Paradis, 2
Kristen Paul, 3
Megan Purcell, 3
Aliya Jo Quidwai, 4
Matthew D. Rabinovitch, 3
Michael Rafferty, 7
Christina M. Ragni
Melissa Refuerzo, 5
Jill E. Reuter
Mohammed A. Rizvi, 3
Annika M. Scharosch, 2
Jerry Scharosch, 2
Kiira A. Schoessler
Howard R. Schussler, 3
Jason J. Scronic, 2
Jonathan B. Shaklee, 3
Ronald W. Shea
Sarah Shean
Thomas Shrum, 2
Nathan Smith, 2
Ryan M. Stanbery, 4
Brett W. Stetzner, 3
Traci L. Steves, 2
Danielle L. Storkson
D. Jacob Summers, 2
Michael G. Sweeney
Joshua D. Truax, 4
Joseph Vargo
Lisa Ann Vaughan
Tamerton R. Vernon-Granados
Darcy Wagner, 6
Diana (Scherer) Webster, 10
Matthew Wernette, 3
Christopher T. Wheatley, 3
Michelle (Nilsen) Wheatley, 2
Zach Wolfel
Jana Young, 2
Corey Zdanavage, 2
Melisa J. Ziegler, 3
Marissa Zuniga-Mota
ClaSS OF 2008
Jennie (Nash) Abel
Denise B. Abrahamson, 2
Marion Aebersold, 2
Amanda Louise Affleck, 5
Veronica Ahern, 2
Bethany Allen, 2
Anne N. Arbenz
Casey M. Arbenz, 2
Janis E. Archer
Heidi L. Arno
Veronica D. Atkinson, 3
Stephen G. Babel
Michaela Bader, 4
Meghan Barrett, 3
Ted I. Bennett, 3
Julie M. Berry
Douglas G. Bielemeier, 2
Miles H. Bullock
Ivy M. Cameron
Catherine M. Canterbury
Katherine A. Christofilis
Joan Conger
Stephanie J. Cotton, 3
Zachary M. Crum
Richard Cummins, 3
Catherine Daze, 2
Katrine E. de Raoulx
Daniel DeRusso
Lauren Dolezal, 3
Kent N. Doll, 2
Dustin Duvanich, 3
Emily K. Duyck
Samuel Eaton, 3
Brian D. Eike, 2
Sharon C. Eng, 2
Pamela J. Estill, 2
Thomas J. Farrell, 2
Claire S. Finley
Andre Vincent Gallant, 2
Dan Garrity, 7
Matthew S. Glaze
Erin Grether, 2
Matthew Grosodonia, 3
Alison M. Guzenski, 3
William J. Haas, 2
Sarah Hall, 3
Andrew Hamilton, 2
Sarah (Nielsen) Haverly
Conor Henderson, 4
Rachel M. Henderson, 2
Donald L. Henricksen
Wendy Henson
J. Blake Hilty
Melissa Hilty, 2
Robyn Holder, 4
Robert B. Holland
Katherine M. Hopkins, 2
Jennifer L. Hoversland, 2
Amy Hoyt
Christopher M. Hughes
Lori W. Hurl, 3
Spencer W. Hutchins, 3
Mary Ellen Jilek, 2
Marie (Gibbons) Johansing, 2
Paul Dhani Johnson
John C. Kafentzis, 3
Evan T. Kelley
Kelly Ketchum, 2
Russell Knight, 3
Timothy Knowles, 3
Ashley K. Kober
Jason Koch, 4
Sydney Lederhouse, 3
Darren J. Leitch, 3
Kyle Leliaert, 3
Andrew S. Lightfoot
Margaret K. Malek, 4
Dana E. Mannino, 3
Scott McCoy, 5
Jenna L. McKenzie, 3
Paul Miller, 2
Joseph F. Moore, 2
Briawna R. Mueller
Stephanie Murphy, 4
Bailee H. Neyland, 2
Jessica Nieuwmeyer
Warren J. North, 3
Sarah Olson, 2
Margaret O’Phelan, 3
Michael Ortman, 4
Peter F. Oven
Anna Owens, 3
Susan M. Paterson
Christopher Pay, 3
Emily Pfeifer, 4
Hoa T. Pham
Matt Pollard
Benjamin J. Ponce
Eilise M. Ponce
Emmilee (Peterson) Racek
Danielle Rankin
Chris Roof, 3
Megan L. Rosenberger
Murray O. Salisbury III, 2
Carrie A. Schofield
Monica Shanta, 2
Rebecca J. Sheppard, 2
Brandon J. Simons
Christine C. Slomski, 2
Shannon Smith, 2
Michael D. Smoot, 2
Kevin C. Spohr
Micah Starbuck
Connie Sturdavant, 2
Caitlin R. Sullivan
Timothy Szarnicki
Mason A. C. Talkington, 3
Emily K. Talley, 7
Wesley Paul Taylor
Brittany R. Thompson
Jamie M. Traeger, 2
Katharine Tylee, 3
Gabriel R. Villa
Brian M. Vogel, 2
Cory Von Seggern
Grace Linore Wallace
Shawn R. Wayt, 2
Markus Weickenmeier, 4
Deborah Lang Westwood, 8
Lindsay L. Williamson, 3
John H. Winter-Nolte
Katie Wood
Emily Rose J. Zshornack-Topacio, 3
Nicholas Zura, 2
ClaSS OF 2009
Sarah M. Alami
Kenneth Charles Anderson
Michael T. Anderson
Jeffrey C. Baumgartner
Christopher T. Bean
Ross G. Beaulaurier
Kaitlin M. Beller
Matt Bergstrom, 2
Elliott J. Black
Great care was taken to ensure
the accuracy of this listing. We
would appreciate you alerting
us to any errors or omissions.
Please contact Laura Gatewood,
director of stewardship, at
509.313.6381, 800.463.6925 or
Ryan S. Borman
Jefferson W. Boswell, 2
Patrick M. Bridge
Kevin Brockett, 2
James E. Bronder
Brynn Cleveland
Robert W. Coleman
David Colman, 3
Katie A. Colton
Brian Connolly
Kristen Cygrymus, 2
Bradford Dear, 2
Debra R. Decker, 2
Julie M. Depner
Dennis B. Dersch
Debra Emery, 3
Zachery Fay
Sara (Repola) Feldmann, 2
Clare P. Foley
Emily A. Fortunate
Brian P. Franceschi
Chauncy Freels, 2
Jamie M. Geis, 2
Amy C. Gomez
Shaun Greer
Jeff Haguewood, 2
Shelley (Flippen) Hall
James L. Hardee, Jr.
Maria Hassett
Laura A. Heinemann
James A. Hendricks
James Hennessy, 4
Nathaniel L. Higgins, 2
Katjarina Horwitz
Jamie L. Hudson
Stephanie A. Huling
Jackie M. Johnston
Kory Kelly, 2
Sheana M. (Laughlin) Kleist
Christopher V. Kramer
Christine T. Kuder
Troy A. Lafferty
Elizabeth E. Livingston
Christopher D. Maczuga
Gregory J. Malman
Brendan McCarthy, 3
Charles J. McClure
Caroline J. McCue
Jayme C. McDonald
Michael McDuffee, 2
Michelle N. McKay
Marcus T. Mitzel
Kyle Mockel
Alexander W. Moore, 2
Heather N. Nelson, 2
Bradley J. Neumayer
Amanda Oeser
Krista Osborne, 2
Brandon M. Owens
Caitlin A. Parker
Beverly V. Pascual
Jessie L. Pellant
Renee N. Peloquin
Sarah M. Price
Christopher T. Provencher
Nicholas L. Raines, 2
Theresa Randles
Shari Rasmussen, 21
Michael P. Rhodes, 2
Tiffany Rinaldi
Stephanie A. Rokich
Mollie D. Roy
Joshua M. Seaman
Kirsten Shangraw, 2
Lucas Sharma, 2
Rozalyn R. Sippel
Barbara R. Solbakken, 2
Ashley Ann Stetson
Stacey C. Stone
Patricia L. Strickland
Maxwell Sumner
Garrett D. Swanburg
Sandra K. Thomas, 2
Daniel J. Tobler
Martha K. Turner, 2
Brad J. Vandiver, 7
Alana C. Wallace
Stacey S. Ward
Casey Michelle Whitener
Kristin M. Widun
Andrew D. Wiley
Barbara J. Williams
Edward E. Wing
Melissa N. Winter
Thomas C. Woodcock
Jamie Wopschall, 3
Darrin E. Wright
Thomas A. Wright
Daniel T. Yee
Kevin A. Zeck
Jacklyn L. Zumek
Class of 2010
Addalee J. Baker
Richard J. Brewer
Kimberly A. Brown, 2
Stephanie Ann Brown, 7
Colleen Kathryn Dawson
Sheri Deist, 8
Holly E. Dembinski
Ayanna M. Eagan
Julia C. Esser
Sean M. Finerty
John Fredenburg
Kevin Andrew Grainey
Aimee Hansen
Robert Hayes
Andrew P. Hoyt
Beth M. Jarrett, 9
Lindsay M. Joy
Michael A. Lavrisha
Clelia M. Leopold, 2
Casey McCoy
Jennifer S. McPherson
LTC Anne McRory, 2
Kristin Messinger
Lauren E. Miller
John Norlin
Zachary Peach
Nathaniel B. Peterson
Paul H. Pham
Aimee R. Racine
Kaitlin R. Reingold, 2
Wade D. Steady, 2
Kassi M. Stengel
Jeremy R. Stumetz
Jessica A. Thalman, 2
Victoria Thomas
Nadia Warren
Matthew Michael Warter
Class of 2011
Margaret Cech
Colleen M. Connors, 2
Evan Farris
Elizabeth Hochstetler
Aiko C. Hollinger
Micah Howe
Hillary Joyce
Victor Evan Kaldenbach
Katy Kenealy
Kyle Joseph LaHonta
Alexander Levine
Kristen Little
Monica Nash
Anthony J. Nelson, 2
Neah Ortman
Allyson Powell
Christopher Riboli
William Roach
Amanda Ruen, 2
Caitlyn Salo
Ashley Sylvester
Kyle Terrell
Mclaughlin Thomas
Taylor Viydo
Blake Voorhees
Natalie A. Weryk
Matthew White
Hannah Witt
Class of 2012
Andrew Kasper Heid
Lindsay D. Hood
Kathryn Marie Schubert
Class of 2013
Andrew D. Matsumoto
Colin McQuilkin
Sarah Rhodes
Ashley Ruen
Duncan Sinclair
Class of 2014
Claire Anderson
Sierra F. Tietge
Natalie Winje
Lindsey Wopschall
Class of 2015
Kara Berlin
Other Alumni
Gonzaga is grateful
for your support.
Kathleen M. Albi, 7
Suzanne C. Andrews, 3
David Barbieri, 7
Stephen Barbieri, 7
Linda A. (Amato) Belanger, 3
Ann (Barbieri) Bell, 7
R. Scott Berry, 35
Dan Berryman, 5
Ross Brown, 11
Corinne (Coombs) Burton, 11
Gay (Koll) Butera, 2
Joshua Cox
Matthew J. Crevier
Ms. Maureen Cronan, 3
James Cunningham
Margaret Dejardin, 8
Armond D’Inverno, 5
Mary P. Dodge
Mrs. Ronald E. Donovan, 7
Mary (Kinzer) Doohan, 39
Maura A. Doohan, 2
Katie King Doree, 10
Nancy C. Driscoll, 2
Benjamin Estes, 8
Julie (Koontz) Farris, 3
Laura Cooper Fenimore, 7
Gina (Carbone) Fenton, 2
Gale Ferguson, 9
Katie Ferguson, 32
Jim Gallagher, 11
Maria (Laracca) Granata
James F. Gravengaard, 34
Michael Gray
Aimee Grmoljez, 3
Nancy Haynes, 4
Eric Heringer, 7
Mike Hughes
James Ivers, 8
Molly Johnston
Mary Nadine Kane, 3
Jerid L. Keefer, 8
Celeste (Mullen) Kuder, 4
Angela Lorraine Ladenburg, 2
Madeleine (McLean) Longano, 4
John Maurice, 29
Sarah McCarthey, 3
Andrew McReynolds
Brougham Morris, Jr., 6
Anne (Moles) Mulick, 2
Kevin R. Mullins, 5
Mary (Dean) Murphy, 7
John Orr, 7
Robert Ouellette
Theresa (Craven) Parks, 7
John Philp, 2
James H. Pissot, 3
Christopher C. Popper
Paul J. Quigley
Lisa Regimbal, 3
Richard Rosche, 2
Mary Ryerse, 7
Geraldine (Kiep) Sangiacomo, 21
John Scacciotti, 4
Paul R. Seebeck, 7
Joanne L. Shiosaki, 11
Rachel A. Stanley
Kate Stavers, 3
Cara Tangaro
Virgil Thompson, Jr., 6
Kelly Tormey, 12
Michelle (Bass) Tucci, 10
Mary Ann Vandinter, 2
Steven Venezia, 18
Karen (Lindsay) Warrick, 18
Lauren A. Wilder
Mark Harrison Worner, 2
Thank you for your generous gifts
made between June 1, 2010, and
May 31, 2011.
Parents are a tremendous support
to Gonzaga. This list encompasses
parents who have made a gift during
the fi scal year of June 1, 2010, through
May 31, 2011.
† = Deceased
Mary-Lee Abba-Gaston
Stephen and Shawn Abbott
Simon and Karen Abeid
Gary and Cristie Aboussie
Jerry and Michele Abrams
William and Marilyn Abt
Gary Ackerman
Monti and Maryanne Ackerman
David and Mary Acosta
Alan and Debra Adams
Juan R. Adams
Rebecca A. Adams
John Adamski and Amy BartoszAdamski
James S. and Sheila A. Adamson
Mike and Barbara Adamson
Kurt and Shari Adkins
Victor and Rosemary Adragna
Galutau and Ane Aga
Gary Agatep and Christine HennigAgatep
Ms. Michele Aguiar
Edward and Dawndra Ahart
Joseph and Diane Ahern
Dr. Richard E. Ahlquist, Jr.
Richard and Peggy Akerman
Bill Akers
John and Katherine Akstin
Sheila Alauddin
Luis and Adriana Alba
Wells and Jennifer Albade
Causna Albin
John and Sue Albrecht
Richard Albrecht
Leo and Shirley Alcantara
Jeff and Tina Aldridge
Steven and Patricia Alegria
Albert and Betty Alexander
Clarence Alexander and Virginia
(Lux) Alexander
Frank Alfano and Jane Cruz Alfano
Mark Alfino and Michele Pajer
Annette Alger
Thomas and Catherine Allan
John and Janet Allbaugh
Steve and Joan Allbery
Bryan and Alberta Allen
David and Nancy Allen
James and Bobbi Allen
Ray and Helen Allen
Gail and Karen Allwine
William and Connie Almeida
Mikhail and June Alnajjar
Richard and Jeanmarie Alo
Dr. and Mrs. William Alward
Raymond and Ovita Ambriz
John Ames and Janice Berns
Susan Ames
Kevin and Ann Amick
Alfred W. and Milagros U. Amos
Jeffrey and Kristie Amsberry
Ira and Susan Amstadter
Greg Anacker and Lora Bennett
Bernard and Jenice Anderson
Bob and Melinda Anderson
Dave and Deanna Anderson
John and Emie Anderson
Jon A. and Tiena M. Anderson
Dr. Kenneth Anderson and Ms.
Susan Hart-Anderson
Lucy L. Anderson
Marilyn M. Anderson
Mary Jo (Pilat) Anderson
Phil and Mary Anderson
Stan and Vicki Anderson
Steven Anderson and Mary Reyland
Tricia Anderson
Monica L. Anderson-Reed
Matt and Erin Anderton
Mark and Juliet Andino
Michael and Linda Andrade
Steven and Kelly Andrade
Patrick and Colleen Andreotti
Bruce and Mary Jo Andreu
Lawrence and Kay Andrews
Mary Andrews
Jeffrey and Michele Andrus
Richard and Marguerite Angelo
Tom and Geraldine Angelos
Gene and Carol Annis
Stephen and Sheryl Anthony
John and Betzi Antich
Theresa Arciniega
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Arensdorf
Hilario and Karen Arguinchona
Bill Arkoosh
Greg and Lori Arpin
Sean and Anna Arquette
Roger and Roberta Arre
George and Elizabeth (Connor)
Stan Arrigotti
Christian and Susan Arrington
Martin and Mary Artis
Michael and Danielle Asan
Robert and Sandra Asato
Thomas and Peggy Ask
Richard J. and Teresa M. Athman
Tommy and Nancy Atkins
Scott Atwood
Jan and Susan Austermiller
Kathy Austin-Robinson
Robert and Josephine Auvil, USAF
Debra Avella
James and Virginia Axtman
David and Brenda Babb
Doug Babbitt
Wyman and Donna Babby
Louis and Carla Babich
Thomas B. and Mary V. Baca
Brett and Stacy Bacchus
Gregory J. and Linda M. Bachand
Nicholas and Jan Bachhuber
Dario and Kay Baciocco
Thomas and Lora Baciocco
gONZaga MagaZINe | WINTER 2012
Stuart and Yvonne Bader
William and Catherine Bakamus
Raymond and Fran Baker
William and Regina Baker
Andrew Baldassarre
Richard J. and Trudy K. Baldasty
Dan and Lynn Bales
Douglas and Kathleen Ball
Clark and Kelly Ballantyne
Verne and Carmelita Ballard
Stephen and Cynthia Balloga
Edmund and Ruth Balsdon
Stephen E. and Margo Balzarini
James A. Bamberger
Paul and Heather Bantle
James and Pamela Barad
Rudy Baraga
Jose and Nancy Barajas
David and Margaret Baranski
William and Lilia Barber
Craig and Sandra Barberio
Don Barbieri
Heather Barbieri
Kathryn K. Barbieri
Rich and Kathy Barboza
Donald and Abigail Barden
Allen and Laura Barison
Don and Chia-Ling Barker
Matthew and Nancy Barmore
Tim and Mary Barnard
Dr. Clarence Barnes
Jeffrey and Susan Barnes
Mike and Sally (Solan) Barnes
Hollis H. and Patricia J. (Anderson)
Ray and Carol Barnhardt
Jeanne (Hewes) Barnum
Stephen and Mary Barnum
Bill Barr
William and Sherry Barrett
Timothy D. and Kris L. Barry
Geraldine Barsanti
Dick and Debbie Barsotti
Michael and Elisabeth Bart
Belle Bartels
Bob and Shonna Bartlett
TerriLee Bartlett
Frank Bartoletta
Richard and Jodee (Bishop) Bass
Francis and Elizabeth Bastasch
John and Fay Batchelder
David and Heidi (Havens) Bateman
Steven Bates and Victoria Lederman
William and Marilyn Bates
Victor and Ann Batinovich
Millard Battles
Joseph P. and Rosemary (Gecsey)
Jeffrey and Kerry Bauman
John and Gina Bauroth
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bauter
David and Nancy Bayley
David H. Bayne
Charles F. and Carol Bean
Roger and Leanora Beardsley
Samson Bears
Richard and Stephanie (Farrell)
Bechtolt, Jr.
Matthew and Amy Beck
Roberta Beck
Michael and Lenora Beckelhymer
David and Lisa Beckemeyer
Ernie Becker
Dennis Beecher
Michael and Loretta Beeuwsaert
Robert and Joan Behlman
Philip and Leslie Bejar
Timothy and Janet Belke
Bruce and Sheila L. (Cornish) Bell
Michael and Patricia Bell
Stephanie Bell
Ken Bell-Garrison and Eileen BellGarrison
Sandra (Ireland) Bellizzi
Gerald Belzer
David and Martha Benadom
Parker and Bonney Bence
Ronald and Mary Bender
Christopher and Julie Bene
Warren and Teresa Benner
James Bennett and Elaine TeagueBennett
Larry J. and Anna Bennett
Richard C. and Joan K. (Rowley)
Shawn Bennett and Julie GilesBennett
Warren and Cynthia Bennett
Paul and Joyce Benoit
Carl and Shelley Benson
Brian and Mary Berry
Gregory Berry and Susan Knowles
Leo P. and Lurie J. Berry
Dr. and Mrs. Henry A. Bersani, Jr.
Michael and Robin Besagno
Michael and Jeanne Ann Bestrom
James and Louise Betzler
Charles and Bonnie Beyer
Douglas and Deana Beyer
Jitender and Gurcharanjeet Bhangal
Philip and Brenda Bhaskar
Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Bianco
Jeffrey and Jakeen Bierman
Andrew and Karen Bigelow
Craig and Lisa Biggs
Thomas and Elaine Bigley
Henry Billingsley
Randall and Stephanie Binversie
Michael and Margaret (Bucholz)
Eddy and TerryKay Birrer
Eugene and Rebecca Bisbee
Jack (Del) and Patricia Bishop
Alvah Bittner and Catherine Lundy
Mike and Julia Bjordahl
James and Kristine Bjorklund
Jennifer Bjornstad
Peter and Prudie Black
Gary and Robin Blackbourn
Carol C. Blackledge
Michael and Elizabeth Bladow
Kevin Blanchat
Michael and Kathleen Blanchet
Ronald A. and Marilyn A. Benson
Brian and Lisa Bentcover
Susan Benyak
Thomas and Patricia Berg
Michael and Rosalie Bergam
Brent and Stephanie Berge
Charles and Kimberly Bergen
James and Darlene Bergeson
David and Diana Berggren
Kenneth and Paula Berkes
Thomas and Kelly Bermingham
Kent and Kirsty Berreth
Mary K. Blohn
Thomas Blomquist and Patricia
Gary N. and Susan (Quigley) Bloom
David and Pamela Bluhm
Mark and Karen Blumhardt
Verla Bly
Lynette Boatright
Thank you for your generous gifts
made between June 1, 2010, and
May 31, 2011.
Don Bodeau
Wayne and Helen (Downey)
Wayne and Carolyn Boese
Timothy and Linda Bogan
David and Linda Boggs
Anton and Meri Boisen
Jack and Sue Boland
Julie Boland
Warren Boldt and Patricia
Monte Bolinger and Diane Dwyer
John Bollier and Joan Engler
Gordon and Barbara Bollinger
Tony and Mary Lou Bonanzino
Phyllis J. Bongers
Daniel and Dorothy Bonnel
Casey Booey and Tami Linane-Booey
Jan and Sofia Booker
Carl and Joan Borash
John W. Borchard, Jr.
James S. and Frances R. Borquist
Richard and Margaret Bossi
Bruce and Carol Botsford
Julie Boulter
Jock and Teresa Bovington
Dane and Emilia Bowen
Jo Bowers
Eddie and Margaret Bowman
Lew and Stephanie Bowman
Jody Bown
Bill Boyd
Carolyn Boyd
Robert Boyd
James P. and Catherine Boyer
Charles and Roberta Boyle
John and Kimberlee Boyle
Terrence and Catherine Boyle
Scott and Mary Bozman
Charles and Sarah Boznak
Manuel and Tamatha Bracamonte
David and Katharine Bracilano
Kathleen Braden
Robert and Dixie Bradshaw
Mark and Nancy Brady
William J. and Elizabeth A. (Fessler)
David and Elizabeth Braich
Richard and Rebecca Braicks
Gary and Mary Margaret
(McLafferty) Brajcich
Holly Brajcich and Tom Krzyminski
Paul W. and Colleen Brajcich
Matthew and Terese Brandenberg
Clare Braukmann
Eugene A. Braun and Mary Gail
Danilo and Teresita Bravo
Steven Brawley
Damian J. and Yvonne L. (Tremblay)
Joseph and Mary Bredereck
Steven and Mary Bredeson
Paul and Cynthia Breeggemann
Donald and Margaret Brenes
Jim M. and Pauline Bresnahan
Dean and Mary T. (Thiebes) Brett
Mike and Marj Brewer
Tobia and Denise Brewer
Michael and Kristin Bridges
James and Barbara Brisbois
Dr. and Mrs. Joe Britton
Rod and Mary Jean Brod
J. Kirk and Marilyn Bromiley
Philip and Gabriella Brooke
Steven and Susan Brooks
Stephanie Brosio
Benjamin and Kathleen Brown
Daniel Brown and Susan Goerss
Daniel and Tracy Brown
David and Patty Brown
Dean Brown and Maureen Parton
Fred and Leslie Brown
Gary and Patricia Brown
Gerda Brown
Gregory and Lynn Brown
James F. and Helen Brown
Mark Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick B. Brown
Richard Brown
Robert and Pamela Brown
Rodney J. and Mary E. Brown
Steven and Heidi (Robbins) Brown
James and Theresa Browne
James Browne, Jr.
Peter and Barbara Browne
Harry and Lorraine Bruce
Joseph Bruce and Sylvia Manzanares
Roy N. Brunett
Gordon Brunette
Karen Bryan
Helen Bryant
Elizabeth A. (Botch) Buchanan
J. Michael and Jane Buchanan
Janet (Gubanc) Buck and Michael
J. Buck
Jim and Mary Buck
Gregory and Margaret Buckis
Donald and Lori Buckley
Tony and Lucy Budde
Kevin and Elizabeth Budig
Jerome and Bette Buechler
George M. and Rebecca L. Buergel
Douglas Bui
Greg and Michelle Bui
Paul and Cindy Buker
Chris and Mary Ann Bulger
David G. and Bridget Bulger
Donald and Darcy Bulkley
Paul and Pattie Buller
Bill and Gloria Burch
Mark Burdge and Nancy Bangs
Treava Burgess
John and Melanie Burk
Bob† and Stevie (Cada) Burke
Christopher and Susan Burke
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Burke
Loren and Janell Burke
Thomas and Marguerite Burke
Robert and Susan Burky
Benjamin and Susann Burnett
Marilynn Burningham
Patrick Burns
Scott and Kathleen Burns
Thomas and Gini Burns
Tim and Kathy Burns
John and Linda Burr
Mitchell and Jane Burright
Scott and Viviana Burrill
Brent and Susan Burrows
Earl and Donna Burt
Brian and Luanne Busch
Dr. F. Michael Busch
Gabriele Busch
Karen Busch
Michael J. and Marguerite A. (Kuder)
Richard Busch
Arnold Busek and Jill Jenkins
Michael and Holly Buser
David and Sandi (Enoki) Bush
Michael and Susan Bussell
Bruce and Judy Butler
John and Donna Butler
Stewart and Molly Butler
Jack D. and Beverly (Rogers) Butorac
Stephen and Shelby Butterfield
James and Leslie Byers
Daniel and Colleen Byrne
John and Connie Byrne
Rafael and Catherine Caballero
Robert P. Caballero
Michael and Deborah Cach
Gregory and Janet Cacharelis
John and Priscilla Cadwell
Jay and Jackie Caferro
Ron and Terri Caferro
Walter and Jennifer Cahill
Greg and Mary Sue Caillat
J. Gerard and Patricia Cain
Lorie Caldwell
Robert L. and Kathleen W. Caldwell
Scott and Heidi Caldwell
William and Patricia Caldwell
Robert and Judith Caletti
Mathew and Teresa Callahan
Francis J. and Suzanne (Lux) Callan
Thomas W. Callinan
Roger and Kathryn Calvary
David and Elaine Camara
Craig and Barbara Cameron
Mark and Sandra Cameron
Martha Cameron
Mark and Diane Camp
Robert M. and Katherine K.
Kenneth and Barbara Campbell
John and Pat Campion
Kathy Campobasso
William and Carolyn Candee
Peter and Ann Cangany
Timothy and Sally Cannon
Verl and Marilyn Canterbury
Paul and Michelle Capeloto
Dr. and Mrs. John S. Caputo
William Caras
Robert J. and Catherine J. Carbaugh
Patrick and Carol Carbone
Thomas and Joanne Card
Charles and Susan Carlise
Thomas and Mary Carlon
Gregg and Susan Carnell
Patrick and Nancy Carney
Benson and Deanna Carpenter
Jeffrey and Teresa Carpenter
Ernest and Kathleen Carrick
Pamela Carrico
Michael and Karen Carriker
Joe and Alice Carrillo
Leonel and Suzanne Carrillo
John and Maureen Carroll
Margaret A. Carroll
Rosario Carroll
Deborah Carter
Dr. and Mrs. Harris Carter
Jennifer K. Carter
William and Katherine Carter
Daniel B. and Michelle Cartmell
Brian and Janet Casciari
John and Debbie Case
Thomas and Marilyn Case
Kevin J. and Mary S. (Pfeifer) Casey
Mark and Kathy (Evoy) Casey
Dr. Mike Casey
Sandra Cashman
Christian and Judy Casper
David and Colette Cassinelli
Bart and Deborah Castellitto
Michael and Stephanie Castle
Anthony and Patricia Catalano
Joseph Catalano and Anita Hall
Richard and Chikako Cataldi
Paul and Theresa Cataldo
Paul F. Cataldo
George and Linda Cattey
Daniel and Joann Cendejas
Graziano Cerchiai
John and Angela Chadbourne
Elizabeth Chamberlain
Michael and Mary Chamberlain
Joseph and Susan Champagne
Dennis and Theresa Champoux
Levlyn U. Chandra
Randall and Jane Chapin
Richard and Nancy Chapman
Ronald and Linda Charlebois
Peter and Annemarie Charness
Robin Charters
William and Linda Charters
William and Marcella (Mahre)
Craig and Jeane Chase
Patrick and Nancy Chase
Jody Chastain and Heidi Hodge
Catherine J. Chastek†
Sylvester and Stacey Chatman
Bruce and Nancy Chatterley
Bruce T. and Diane M. Chattin
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Chee
Barbara J. Cheney
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Chenovick
Paul and Agatha Chey
David and Linda Chin
Terrence and Viola Ching
Dominique and Jacquelyn Chipot
Lorne J. Chittenden
George and Wendy Choi
Bill and Roberta Choma, Jr.
Bill Chow
Don and Laura Christensen
Miles Christensen and Elsa LopezChristensen
David and Jill (Legel) Christiansen
Paul and Janis Christianson
Donald and Lisa Chrzan
Mark and Carol Churchill
Michael and Karen Churney
James and Denise Ciciora
Lynn Clapper
Alexander and Lisa Clarizio
Alfred and Susan Clark
Christopher and Lorraine Clark
Harold and Stephanie Clark
Josephine Clark
Michael and Lisa Clark
Steven Clark
Byde Clawson and Patricia Conolly
Brian and Gayle Clayton
Alan and Linda Clelland
John and Carol Clemency
David and Kylie Clement
Kenneth and Lynn Clenin
Daniel and Wendy Clerget
Daniel Cleveland and Debra Unruh
Craig and Georganna Clifford
Lauren Cline
Michael and Teresa Cloughesy
David and Linda Cocco
Evelyn Cochran
Milton and Andrea Cockerham
William and Diane Codd
Michael and Sheila Coffey
Arthur and Claire Coffin
David and Janice Colclough
Kevin and J’leane Cole
Craig Collins and Lynne Hermle
Daniel and Roseanne Collins
Deanna Collins
Patricia and Keith Collins
Richard and Marilee Collins
Ronald and Linda Collins
James and Norah (Flannery)
Dr. John F. Comfort
Peter and Pamela Comfort
Robert and Jean Comfort
Robert A. and Cathy A. (Busch)
Comfort, Jr.
Tom Conchuratt
John Condon and Kaye Condon
Scott Conley and Jackie Beal-Conley
Walter and Donna Conn
Great care was taken to ensure
the accuracy of this listing. We
would appreciate you alerting
us to any errors or omissions.
Please contact Laura Gatewood,
director of stewardship, at 509.313.6381, 800.463.6925 or gatewood@gonzaga.edu.
Daryl and Michele Connell
Maddy Connolly
Ronald Connolly
Neil and Nancy Connors
Ernest U. and Marjolyn Conrad III
Pitr and Teresa Conroy
Paul and Margaret Constantino
Robert and Judith Contolini
Alejandro and Maria Contreras
Susan Conway Kean
Barbara A. Cook
Bryan and Anne Cook
Jim and Terry Coombes
Robert and Beryl Coomes
Jim and Harvelyn (Cornwell)
John and Roselie Cooney
Gary Cooper
Jac and Jacqueline Cooper
John and Barbara Cooper
Mark and Susan Cooper
Mike and Diane Cooper
Robert Cooper
Newton and Elizabeth Cope
Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Corbett
Larry and Judith Corbin
John and Vicki Corbisiero
Tom and Marcia Cordell
Diana Corey
Michael and Holly Corey
Anthony Corigliano
Mike and Lisa Corigliano
Frances and Joan Corr
Mrs. Therese Corr
Thomas and Colleen Corry
Robert and Ramona Corson
Ronald and Nancy Corter
Terry Cossette
John and Esther Cote
Dr. and Mrs. Coral W. Cotterell
Louis and Mary Cotterell
Jay and Camille Coughlin
Kelly T. and Cynthia (McNulty)
Manuel J. and Audrey N.
John and Therese J. Covert
Sue Cowley
Douglas E. and Donna C. Cox
John and Diana Cox
Linda Cox
Marcus and Mary Cox
Ruth R. (Burke) Cox
Stephen and Ellyn Coyne
Walter and Marla Craft
Michael and Vicki Craigen
Amy Cram
Douglas and Debora Creger
Virgil and Dorothy Criscola
Steven and Jane Cristallo
John and Diane Cronin
Michael and Mary Alice Cronin
Blair and Penne Crook
Greg Crosby
John and Helen Crowell
Brenda Crowley
Ted and Kathleen Crowley
Tom Crowley and Toni Boggan
Rick and Annette Cruea
James and Mary Crum
Marian Crumb
David E. and Susan G. Cullen
Elaine (Padgham) Cullen
Gary and Theresa Cullen
James and Shawn Cullen
Gary and Alea Culpepper
Charles and Elaine Culver
David and Kathleen Culver
John and Helen Cummings
Timothy and Michele Cundari
Gene and Alice Cunneely
Brian and Laurie Cunningham
Jack and Margaret Cunningham
Dr. and Mrs. Nick L. Curalli
Don and Va Lena (Scarpelli) Curran
Mrs. Francis J. Curry
Jack and Rebecca Curry
George and Marion Curtis
Jay and Karen Cutler
James and Diana Cutsforth
Dr. Bruce Cutter and Ms. Debra
Raymond and Caroline Cutuli
Robert and Susan Cutuli
Donald and Sharon Cyr
Robert and Julann D’Aboy
Joseph and Rita Dady
Stephen and Nancy Dahlberg
Thomas and Kathleen Dahlby
Jon-Oluf and Barbara Dahn
David and Maribeth Daines
Michael and Ruth Daley
Suzan Daltoso
Jerry and Mary Anne D’Ambrosio
William and Constance Damby
Ralph and June D’Amour
Francis and Vicki Danahey
Stephen and Karen Daniel
James and Michele Daniels
Kevin and Mary Jean Daniels
Ms. Mary L. Danielson
Dorothy Dano
Edward E. and Cathy (Huntington)
Joseph M. and Carolyn Dargan
Michael and Sherrie Daschbach
Michael and Judy Dasilva
William and Patricia Davidge
Loring and Lori Davies
Michael Davies and Louisa Randall
Richard and Jana Davies
Donald and Theodora Davis
John and Ruth Davis
Kevin and Illa Davis
Lee Davis
Mark W. and Sarah L. Davis
Robert and Terrie Davis
Stuart and Dorothy† Davis
Thomas and Jennifer Davis
James and Mary Davison
Douglas and Marion Dawirs
Ed Dawson and Marcia Meade
Kirk Dawson and Susan Shyne
Eugene Dawydiak and Dianne
Kevin and Joan Day
Robert Day and Joan Dickinson-Day
Ruben and Nancy Day
Buck and Diane Dear
Ruthie Dearing
P.J. De Benedetti and Camille
Terry and Rhonda DeBorde
Jon Debourg
Shawn and Kate Decker
Brad and Pam (McNally) DeCounter
Roy Deede
Armand and Joy DeFelice
James and Miyuki DeFranco
Jeffrey and Kimberly Degallier
James R. and Ann DeGon
Steven and Patricia Degracia, Jr.
Leo and Ingrid DeGreef
David and Debra DeHaan
Joe† and Edna Deichl
Brian and Linda Delahunty
Mark De La Mater and Carol
(Stewart) De La Mater
Mike and Louise Deland
Douglas and Marcia Delaurenti
Mathew Delenikos
Luino and Margaret Dell’Osso, Jr.
Jerald and Deborah Del Toro
Dr. and Mrs. John Demakas
Francis and Joanne Demarinis
Edward and Karen Demko
Jayne (Stanich) Dempsey
Michael and Traci Dempsey
Myles and Marilyn Dempsey
Curtis and Lucinda Denison
Deborah Denney
Daniel and Susan Denton
Douglas and Merrily (Roberts)
Mark and Maria Denzler
Cynthia Derning
John and Paula DeRusso
Paul and Kathleen DeSantis
Kevin and Pamela Desgrosillier
James Desmarais
Allan and Chelsa Despot
Ken and Dolores M. Desserault
Ross and Terry Dessert
Sonja S. Devaney
Robert and Joanne Devereux
John and Linda DeVitis
Dale B. and Christy E. (Smith) de
Randall and Marlene (Bauer) De Voto
Maury DeWald
Ronald and Penelope DeWilde
Edward and Paula Dey
James and Monica Diamond
Georgene C. Diana
Paul and Lorilee Diaz
Bernardo and Rosalinda Diaz del
David and Anne Dickman
Andrew and Kerstin Dickson
Dr. James P. Diestel, Jr.
John and Janet Dietrich
Marcia Dietz
Angel M. and Kathleen A. (Bonck)
Jim and Joan DiJulio
Jeff A. and Kelli Dilks
Michael and Julie Dillon
Daniel and Marilyn DiMicco
Phil and Gean Dindia
Wilhelm Dingler
Samuel and Concetta Di Re
Norma Diseth
Donald and Theresa Disque
Peter and Patricia (Gilmore) Dito
Mark and Sally Ditzler
Romeo and Annabelle Dizon
David and Valerie Dobbs
Beverly Dobler
William and Kathleen (McFarland)
Cyril and Eileen Dodge
Kent and Rebecca Dodge
Eberhard and Marita Doerr
William Doherty
Charles and Elizabeth Dohoney
Richard Dolinar
James and Kathleen Dolliver
Mary W. Dolliver
Michael and Deirdre Dolphin
Francisco and Teresa Dominguez
Mark and Margaret Donnelly
John and Margie Donoghue
JoAnn Donoho
Jacqueline Donovan
Mark and Mary Donovan
George and Khrys Dooley
Steve and Jennifer Doolittle
William and Judy Dooris
The Hon. Robert and Michelle† J.
Mary Dore†
Lance and Norma Dormann
Ernest and Mary Dorn
Jeff D. and Phyllis A. (Abbott)
Charles and Katherine Doty
David and Hannelore Doty
Douglas and Janet Doty
Alan and Karen Douglas
Tom and Michele Doupe
David Dowling
John K. and Alexis (Nelson)
Robert Downey
Mark and Carol Downing
Claudia C. Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Doyle
Thomas and Linda Doyle
Robert and Janet Draggoo
George and Theresa Drago
Lynne Drake and Dale Schwab
Rebecca Drake
Richard and Mary Dreifuerst
Nikolay and Zinaiada Dremlyuga
Michael and Karin Drew
Michael and Andrea Dripps
Kevin and Jackie Driscoll
Leo and Mary Driscoll
Richard E. Driscoll
Tom and Karen Driscoll
Robert and Helen Drislane
Michael and Saradel Drobka
Steven and Michele Droessler
James and Tamara Droppo
Steve and Sandi Druffel
William and Anne Drummey
James E. and Janet F. Duane
Ronald and Lynn Duarte
Peter and Carey Dube
Donald and Virginia (MacIntyre)
Thomas A. Duffin
John A. Duffy
Patrick and Gail Duffy
William and Susan Duffy
Ron Duggan
Corinne Dullanty
Carrie Dumar
Cynthia Dumas
Carolyn M. Dumling
Debra L. Dumontier
Bill and Pam Dunfield
Gary and Linda Dunford
Francis and Margaret Dung
Paul F. X. and Beth Dunigan, Jr.
Ms. Thon R. Dunlap
Joe and Ellie Dunn
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Dunn
Kelly and Michael Dunn
Patrick and Mary Dunn
Randolph and Jane Dunn
Nancy (Armstrong) Dunne
Connie Dunnington
Gregory and Catherine Dupont
Robert and Debra Durgan
John J. and Allison Durkin
Thomas and Carole Durkin
Catherine Dusterdick
Carolyn DuVall
Rich Dworkis and Heidi Cook
John and Charisse Dwyer, Jr.
Michael and Julie Dwyer
Joseph and Virginia Dyer
Lloyd Dykes and Jean O’Keeffe
Raymond and Belen Dziwura
Robert and Mary Eager
Robert Earnest
Stephen and Mary Eastwood
Robert Eaton
Cassie R. Eberhard
William and Tricia Ebert
Dennis Eckardt and Ann (Shelledy)
Lee and Janet Eckmann
Chris and Marla Economou
Christine Eddy
Thomas and Diana Edelman
Larry and Kimberly Edinger
James Edmunds and Robin Cheyney
Mike and Maryann Ehlebracht
Joseph and Barbara Eichhorn
Pascal Eischen and Sylvie Heilbronn
Adolf Eitner
James and Roberta (Stuckart) Elder
Gordon Elder-Groebe
Duane R. Eldred
Jeffrey and Alice (Weber) Elekes
Carol Elias
Leonart E. and Christine A. (Bratton)
Thomas Eling
James and Peggy Ellingson
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace E. Elliot
Barrie and Jean Elliott
Patrick and Kellie Elliott
James Ellison
David and Sheila Ellsworth
Dale and Kathryn (Wellman)
H. Terry and Rebecca Elwell
Edward G. and Lynette H. Elze
Linda S. Emerson
David and Mary K. (Judge) Emmick
John Engel and Susan Reis
David and Valerie Enger
Mr. J. D. Engerman and Dr. Julie
Alan and Terri Engler
Mark and Donna Englert
Brian and Maureen Englund
John and Karen Enloe
Heather A. Ennis
Mark and Barbie Ennis
Jerry and Sally Epler
Ralph Epling and Lisa Harstedt
Adolf and Vida Eppich
Douglas and Pamela Erickson
James Erickson
Martin and Annette (McGinn)
Lucille J. Erigero
Charles and Barbara Erle
Burton Ernst
Dennis Erwood
Matthew and Jeanine Eschelbach
Lou Espinosa
Charles Esposito
Joyce A. Esposito
Garry and Connie Esser
Paul V. and Elizabeth M. Essex
Don and Patty Etten
Thomas and Joanie Etter
Suzanne Eubank
Mark Evans and Lucy Hoyos
Peter Evans and Kathleen Orr
Robert Evans and Lisa Fitzpatrick
Jon D. and Carol Evavold
John and Nancy Everist
L. Kevin and Mary (Richardson)
Thomas and Elizabeth Fabatz
Rory J. Fagan
Richard E. and Debbie N. (Niehus)
George and Janet Fague
Norman and Karen Fain
Dennis and Mary Falcone
John and Thelma Fales
David and Jodi Faley
Al and Vicki Falkner
James and Lori Farley
Barbara Farmer
Bonnie Farmin
Robert and Dennise Farquhar
Niles and Pamela Farris
Robert and Simone Farris
Richard and Cecilia Farstad
Gasper Fatta
Joseph and Kimberly Fay
Geroge and Mary Ann Feczko
William and Bambi Feehan
Edward and Sylvia Feicht
Nikki Feister
Roger A. Felice
Ed and Denise Fell
Paul A. and Christine G. Fergen
Bob and Katie Ferguson
Gale and Carol Ferguson
Paul D. and Karrie K. Ferguson
Roy and Jackie Ferguson
Harindra and Rivini Fernando
Michael and Joanne Ferris
Steve Ferschweiler and Juanita
John and Dee Fery
Edward M. and Ann (Moyer) Fessler
Robert and Sue Feulner
James and Roanne Fiedler
William and Jennifer Field
Michael and Susanna Filley
Peggy Fina
Theodore and Deborah Fincher
Mark and Cindy Fineran
Kent and Angela Fink
Mary Finke
Bob and Heidi Finn
Leo and Rose Finnegan
Michael and Jane Finnegan
Shawn and Lori Finnerty
Michael and Linda Finney
Dale and Bonnie Fischer
Dean Fischer and Anne Lawson
Bill Fisch and Ann Brunett
Gordon and Victoria Fischer
Gregory and Francene Fisher
Margo J. Fisher
Scott and Karen Fisher
Christopher and Judith Fitzgerald
Mike and Linda Fitzgerald
Jack and Marie Fitzpatrick
Dr. and Mrs. Kieran Fitzpatrick
Per and Jane Fjortoft
Darrell and Carol Fladager
Eric and Susan Flagg
Loreen Flaherty
William Flaherty
Dr. Michael R. Flaningam
Marc Fleisher and Roberta Kelly
Vera L. Flesher
Pamela Fletcher
James Flexer
Timothy and Sheila Flock
Felino and Lucila Flores
Jamie and Tamra Floyd
Lonnie Flyckt
Colleen (Eugene) Flynn
Margaret Flynn
Timothy and Carolyn Flynn
David and Patricia Fogarty
Eugene Fogleson
Chad and Jodi Fogus
Arnold and Ronda Fohn
Michael and Maureen Fohn
Michael and Carol Folks
Terry Fong
Phillip and Marlys Forbes
John Ford
Ronald and Marilyn Foreman
Robert Forester
Edwin and Kathleen Forsman
Mick Forsman
Mario Forte and Kristine KeoughForte
Charles and Zoe Foster
Stephen Foster
Stergios and Margaret Fotopoulos
Robert and Theresa Foulon
Paul and Kristi Fracolli
Douglas and Joy Frahm
Thomas and Rebecca Frame
Conrad and Josette Francisco
Rosann Francisco
Mr. Frank Franciscovich and Dr.
Robin A. Franciscovich
David and Tamani Francke
Steven J. and Angela M. Francois
Alfred and Diane Frankel
Alfred and Susan Franzoia
The Hon. and Mrs. Robert L. Fraser
Larry and Jean Frazier
Bill and Karen Frederick
Bruce and Kate Frederick
Charles and Susan Freedgood
David and Jinx Freels
Theresa Freeman
Allen and Raina Frei
Daryl and Rana French
Stephen French and Kathy SwindellFrench
Mark and Colleen Freshley
Larry and Julie Frey
Thomas Friedman and Rosemary
Bryan and Carol Friend
Daniel and Linda Fries
Jamey and Heidi Friese
Terry and Marilyn G. Frost
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Fruci, Sr.
Marian and Mark Fuchs
Anthony and Elizabeth Fuentes
Kathleen Fugiel
Mark Fugiel
Ernest and Carol Fullmer, Jr.
Dennis and Lucinda Fulton
Rhett and Cindy Fulwider
Casey Funk
Robert† and Mary Funk
Richard and Cynthia Furse
Gerald and Marsha Futa
Bryan and Carol Gadeken
Duke Gaffney
Donato and Lolita Gagaoin
Joe and Joan Gagliardi
Michael and Patricia Gaines
Giulios and Mary Ann Galassi
Jeffrey and Susan Galbraith
Elizabeth A. Gale
Monica (Harrison) Galeucia
Dana Gallagher
Ellen and Jerry Gallagher
Gerald and Linda Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Gallagher
Vincent J. and Phyllis E. Gallant
Peter and Suzanne Galligan
Lanny and Teri Gallion
David and Sue Galvez
Gary and Patricia Gamache
Todd and Kai Gambee
Constantino and Vilma Gamolo
Robert and Catherine Gana
Richard and Michele Gandolfo
Salvador and Lucia Garay
Tim and Melinda Garberich
Andres and Maria Garcia
Ronald and Barbara Garcia
Donald and Nancy Gardner
Mark and Marita Gardner
Steven and Lucinda Gardner
Dr. and Mrs. Tom Gardner
William and Karen Gardner
Jeffrey and Beth Garibaldi
Dale and Lisa Garrett
Dan and Jennifer Garrity
Albert and Kirstin Garza
Felix and Tillie Garza
Joseph and Marilyn Gasnick
Karen Gatens
Louis J. Gavin
Thomas and Denise Gebes
Guy and Cherrie Geerdts
Joel and Denise Geeson
Chris Gehring
John and Mary Jo Geidl
Herman J. and Phyllis (Fischbach)
Clark H. Gemmill
Roger D. and Rosanne M. Gence
Harold and Barbara Genger
Eugene and Katheleen (Roth) George
Peter M. and Catherine (Warriner)
Jim and Dodie Gerding
Greg and Jeanette Gerlomes
Gregg and Karen Gerstenberger
Terry and Ruth Gesell
Richard and Julie Getty
Richard A. Giampietri
Jerome Gianotti
Tyler and Sharon Gibb
Anne Gibbs
Terry and Kim Gieber
George and Barbara Giem
Kathleen Gierzak
James and Sharon Gies
Bernard and Sherry Gieser
Blair and Ann Gifford
Daniel and Cynthia J. Gilbert
John and Sherry Gilbert
Jack and Lynn Giles
Kent and Donna Gillespie
David and Rebecca Gilman
Diane Gilman
James and Mary Frances Gilman
Susan Gilmartin
Gerald E. and Marietta L. Gilmore
Timothy and Susan Gilmore
Mario and Donna Giordano
Albert and Laura Giorgi
Thomas and Natalia Girlich
Denny and Carla M. (Novak) Gish
Robert and Ellen Gissel
Dick and Kathleen Glassburn
Anthony and Pearl Glaves
James and Joyce Glaze
Jeffrey and Miyako Gledhill
Gary and Janis Glenn
Mike and Catharine M. (Marble)
Robb and Anne Glenny
Bill and Connie Glynn
Oliver and Christina Goe
Joseph and Heidi Gogal
Richard and Annette Gogesch
Peter and Janet Goglia
Jeffrey and Leslie Golden
Mark and Patricia Golding
Steve and Debra Goldstein
Trudy Goller
Mark J. and Colleen M. (Reilly)
Tonia Gonsalves
Connie J. Gonyou
Francisco and Gina Gonzales
Frank and Regina Gonzales
Rafael and Janet Gonzalez
David and Barbara Gooch
Henry Goode
Steve and Timme Goodell
Mark and Cheryl Goodman
Colleen Goodwin and Darrell Haase
James and Karma Goodwin
Steven and Debra Gordon
Ann E. (McLaughlin) Gore
Roger and Janet Gores
Richard and Margo Gorini
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gorretta
Donald and Mary Ann Gorski
Charles Goss and Rachel Collins
Timothy and Mollie Gosselin
Terry and Ann Gottberg
Brian and Judith Gough
Budd and Kathy Gould
Herbert and Christine Gould
Tom and Lillian Gould
Thomas and Rebecca Goulet
Peter and Cheryl Grabicki
Joseph H. and Karen F. (Bona)
Gary and Suk Grablin
William and Brency Grabowski
James and Colette Grady
Sean and Debra Grady
Thomas and Marvella Grady
David Granatstein and Elizabeth
Philip and Gloria Granberry
Robert and Carol Granly
Gerald and Kimberley Grant
Thomas and Velita Grant
William and Margaret Grant
Marv and Anne (Gaskell) Grassl
Johanna Grasso
Ed and Jane Gray
Jerry and Margaret† Gray
Josef and Stephany Gray
Joseph and Christine Gray
Kay Gray
Philip and Karla Gray
Richard Gray and Susan KennedyGray
Tim Gray
Timothy and Mary Gray
Albert Greco
Robert and Denise Greco
Glenn A. and Sharon K. Gredvig
David and Cindy Green
Francis and Janet Green
Greg Green
Harry and Jann Green
Shannon Green
Jerry and Helen Greenan
Jack and Danne Greene
Lindon A. and Loretta Greene
Peter and Margaret Greene
Samuel and Denise Greer
George and Martha Gregg
Mary Jane Gregoire
Michael and Joanne Gregorich
Walter Gregorwich
Glenn and Jan Gregson
Vivian A. Gregson
Paul Greif
Donald and Jean Grell
Gregory and Joan Gress
Art and Norma Griff
Kevin and Joyce (Wassmuth) Griffey
Glen and Wendy Griffin
Mark and Mary Griffin
Susan Griffin
William and Mary Griffith
Rudy and Linda Grigsby
Gerald and Annette Grimm
Nick and Patricia Groleau
Michael and Joanna Grosodonia
Robert and Sharon Grover
Marie Grumich
Kimberly Grusenmeyer
Mark S. and Nancy A. (Wagner)
Frank and Kathryn Guarascio
Doyal Gudgel, Jr.
Colleen E. Gudreau
John and Pamela Gummel
Lester Guske
Larry L. Guthrie
Jay and Pearl Gutierrez
Steven and Karen Gutowski
Gaetano and Ellen Guttadauro
The Hon. and Mrs. Richard P. Guy
Gordon and Helen Guzenski
Steven and Aileen Haag
Michael and Kathryn Haas
Robert and Raquel Haas
Gary and Nadine Haberman
William and Diane Habjan
Shawn Hackett-Evans
Don and Sherie Hackney
William C. Hafeman
Patricia Haffey
Barbara A. Hagel
Howard and Gigi Hagen
David and Pamela Hagmeier
Jeffrey Hahn and Maureen O’Hern
Peter and Rebecca Hahn
David and Barbara Haid
James H. and Barbara A. Hairston
James and Terry Hake
James and Joyce Halcomb
Dolores P. Hale
Steven and Trudy Thompson Haley
David and Rebecca Hall
Douglas Hall
Joseph and Kelly Hall
William Hallerman and Linda
Louise Savio
Donald and Joyce Hallstone
Dave and Kelly Hamad
Dave and Susan Hamer
Larnell and Janice Hamer
Gene and Dana Hamilton
Jill Hammer
Scott and Terri Hamstra
Jim Handy and Mary E. Pope-Handy
James and Sandy Hank
Bruce and Connie Hankins
Patrick and Marilyn Hanley
Larry and Cynthia Hanna
Kevin and Pamila Hansen
Kevin and Teresa Hansen
Robert Hansen
Ronald and Anne Hansen
Steven and Jo Marie Hansen
Tom and Kristeen Hansen
John and Judie Hanson
Robert Hanson
Dennis and Kristine Hanzeli
William and Maribeth Hanzlik
Roy and Joy Hara
Margaret Hardebeck
Lance and Dana Hardesty
Richard and Pat Harding
Thomas and Jane Hardison
Mrs. Patty Harkins
Vernon and Kathleen (Ryan) Harkins
Charles and Margie Harmon
Karen Harmon
Rodney and Suzanne Harmon
Eileen Harrington
Michael F. and Beverly E. (Oswood)
Carrol and Nancy Harris
Gregory Harris and Judith HuettHarris
James and Lynn (Joyner) Harris
Michael and Caryn Harris
James and Jane Harrison
Richard and Linda Harrison
John and Catherine Hart
Harry Hartinger
Paul Hartman and Catherine
Stephen and Nancy Hartman
Julie Hartsell
Robert Harvey and Amy Shandell
Kevin and Ann Hassett
James and Jeanne Haster
Bradford and Patricia Hastings
Stanley and Bev Hatch
Reno and Kelsey Hatcher
Robert Hattrup
Peggy Haun-McEwen
Douglas and Susan Haut
Robert Hauth
Donald C. Haverkamp
Jeffrey Hawes and Lisa ReynvaanHawes
Jay and Shelly Hawkins
Jeffrey and Patricia Hawkins
Mary Rose (Wasson) Hawkins
Gary Hawkinson
Kelly Hawkinson
Dennis P. and Marguerite Hayes
Winslow and Rita Hayes
Nancy Haynes
Kevin and Debbie Healy
John† and Mary Heath, Jr.
Scott and Therese Heaton
Verne and Kimberly Hebert
Diane L. Hebl
Gary and Cathrine Heck
Stephen and Jyotsna Heckman
Judson and Kim Hedine
John Heffernan
Robert and Linda Heffernan
Wayne Heffner and Collette
(Rouleau) Heffner
Matthew and Shannon Hegewald
Jerry and Patricia Hein
Joel and Helen Hein
Donald and Jocelyn Helling
James L. and Christine M.
(Mahoney) Helton
Arthur and Pat Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Henderson
Thomas and Monica Henderson
Ronald and Sandra Hendrickson
Joseph Hengemuhle and Sheila
James R. and Kimberly A. Hennessey
Mark and Terri Hennessy
Tim and Katie (Sutton) Hennessy
Joan L. Henning
Steven and Kathie Henricksen
Thomas Henry and Gloria
Donald H. Herak
John and Norma Herbers
David and Kathleen Herbert
Tom and Mary Herche
Florian Herda
Kevin and Jill (Rankin) Heringer
Paula Herlache
Howard and Darlene Herman
Jose and Rosa Hernandez
Brad Herr and M. Lisa Bradley
Robert Herr
Peter and Elizabeth Herreid
Lorelei and Phil Herres
Rol Herriges
David and Michele Herrin
James and Melinda Herrity
David and Deborah Herron
Gregg J. and Maureen (Cooney)
Jerry and Eileen Hertel
Steve and Victoria K. (Swain) Hertz
Cathy Hess
Florence Hesse
Dennis P. and Jane M. (McFaul)
Mark Hewitt
Alfred Heydrich and Linda A. DudaHeydrich
James and Nannette Heye
Richard Heye and Susan Benz
Rita Heye
Joseph and Gail Hickert
Kevin and Meg Hickey
William and Darlene Hickman
Mark and Marsha Hierbaum
Bob Higgins
Ronald and Deborah Higgins
Stephen J. and Ellen (Holm) Higgins
John Hightower
Tony and Cindy Higley
Dr. and Mrs. Kenji Higuchi
Paul and Regina Hildebrandt
Mark and Coral Hilder
John R. Hilger
Eric and Debra Hiller
Mark and Louise Hilliard
Thomas Hillier II
Ann Hillman
Randall and Judith Hillner
Cecil and Ellen Hilt
William and Karen Himmelmann
John and Mary Jo Hinson
Richard and Julie Hippe
Kelly and Kimberly Hirning
Mike and Joni Hirst
Erwin Hirt
Virginia S. Hislop
John and Michele Hnatishin
Thomas Hoban
Kim and Carol Hochstetler
Cynthia Hodge
Jim and Marjorie (Henry) Hodgson
Nancy Hoeg
George C. and Debra L. Hofbauer
Ronald and Marilynn Hoff
James and Carol Hoffman
Jeffrey Hoffman
John and Martha Hoffman
Richard and Nancy Hoffman
Jonathan and Susan Hofland
Alan and Eileen Hogan
Mrs. Dan Hogan, Jr.
Eleanor Hogan
Kevin and Shirley Holcomb
Richard and Katherine Holihan
James and Sarah Holland, Jr.
John and Jackie Holland
Newell and Pat Holland
Kip and Jen Hollenbeck
John and Deborah Holleran
Judy Bee Holloway
Thomas and Darlene Holmes
Stan and Shirley Hooper
Gary and Barbara Hordemann
Thomas and Susan Horelick
Lisa Horjus
Lynn and Mary Horne
Scott Horngren and Yone McNally
John and Laura Hortsch
Phil and Leslie Hostak
William and Jean Hotchkiss
George and Kathleen Hotchko
Terry and Mary Housinger
Jeanne M. (McLeod) Hoversten
Bruce and Thu-ha Howard
Glen and Lisa Howard
John and Ann Howe
Mark and Shelley Howe
Dr. L. Michael Howell
Wayne and Perilee Howie
Dennis and Lisa Hruska
Sampson and Becky Hubbert
John and Mary Huberty
Thomas and Barbara Hudson
Jeffrey and Suzanne Hueners
Steven and Carol Huff
Margaret Huggins
Daniel and Mary Hughes
Edward L. and Roberta L. Hughes
James Hughes and Patricia
Stanley and Sheila Hughes
Bruce and Gina Hugo
Jon Huizinga and Anne Tracy
Tom and Lori Huling
Millard and Shaela Hull
Lori Hume
Alex Hummell
Bruce and Denise Humphrey
Thomas and Kathleen Hundhammer
Andrew and Sheelagh Hunter
John and Karen Hunter
J. Steven and Jane Hunter
William and Janet Hunter
Thomas and Merrilee Hurson
Daniel and Elizabeth Hussey
Bill† and Susana Huston
Dennis and Theresa Hutchins
Steven and Melinda Hutchinson
Jim and Mary Hutton
Richard and Nancy Hydzik
Scott and Diane Hyndman
The Hon. Cynthia Imbrogno
James and Patricia Infantine
Edward and Melissa Ing
Nancy L. Ingram
Craig and Teresa Innes
Allan Inouye
Paul L. and Lavonda K. (Bodeau)
John and Patricia Irwin
John and Pat Isaksen
Howard Ishizuka and Lily
William and Abby Itule
James and Debbra Jackson
Ronald Jackson
William and Lisa Jackson
Bill and Nell Jacobs
Harold Jacobson
Jon and Cory Jacobson
Thomas and Patti Jacobson
Janet Jacobson-Harris
Rick and Mary Jaggars
Dr. and Mrs. Gary A. Jagodzinski
John and Diane James
Michael and Juanita James
John and Katherine Janicki
Mike and Lisa (Millison) Janicki
Don and Marilyn Jans
David and Sherri Jarvey
Clifton and Julie Jarvis
Scott and Jutta Jarvis
Jeffrey and Carri Jaspersen
John and Elizabeth Jenkins
Kim Jensen
Lester Jensen
Matthew and Julie Jensen
Robyn Jensen
Steven and Danette Jensen
Bradley and Cindy Jenson
Daryl and Barbara Jenson
Bob and Alice Jepson
Dr. Spencer S. and Jane E. (Holm)
Bill Johnson
Brian and Deanne Johnson
Clint and Tami Johnson
Craig Johnson and Shawn
Eric and Susan Johnson
Frank and Maureen Johnson
Gary and Joanne Johnson
John and Christine Johnson
Lawrence Johnson and Kathleen
Ralph Johnson and Melissa Crowell
Robert and Jodee Johnson
Ronald and Diane Johnson
Russ Johnson and Mary KunzJohnson
Steven and Diana Johnson
Susan H. Johnson
Susan S. Johnson
William and Kathleen Johnson
David and Diana Johnston
Deborah Johnston
Jeffrey and Donna Johnston
Lawrence and Lynne Johnston
Marc and Sheila Johnston
Max and Rebecca Johnston
Noel and Shannon Jolivet
Mark and Claire Jonaitis
Don Jonas
Evan and Susanne Jones
Jon and Susan Jones
Peter and Kathleen Jones
Rick and Julie Jones
Rose S. Jones
Drs. Thomas and Louise Jones
William G. and Ann T. (McCarthy)
Deborah K. Jonker
Eric Jonson and Sharlene QualleyJonson
Donald and Kimberly Jordan
Nick and Karie Josten
Robert and Stacy Jovick
Wanda Jovick
Jeffrey and Karen Joy
Gerald and Cheryl Joyce
Robert and Anne Joyce
Stephen Joyce
Peter and Cyndie Lou Juarez
Dr. and Mrs. Terrance Judge
Terrance and Meg (Reilly) Judge
William Judge
Marshall and Rebecca Judy
Antanie and Maria Jumanca
Mary Jung-Stenwall
John and Pamela Junk
Brian and Nancy Kaemmer
Denise M. Kagie
Kenneth and Colleen Kaiel
George and Shari Kain
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kalez
Dennis and Diane Kamimura
Mark and Maureen Kane
Bert and Beverly Kaneshiro
Joyce Kania
George and Anna-Lisa Kanick
Dr. and Mrs. Kennard J. Kapstafer
Scott and Karen Karn
Robert and Rose Kaser
Paul J. and Lois M. Kashiwase
Roxanna J. Kasman
Joseph and Shari Kastenholz
Martin and Maria Katigbak
Brian and Marianne Katz
Christopher and Carol Kaufman
Victor and Diane Kautzman
Mary E. Kayl
Steven C. Kayl
Don and Mary Kayser
Dr. Thomas A. Kearney and
Ms. Sharon A. Fischer
Patrick and Maureen Keaty
Mike and Linda Kecskes
Dan Keefe
Richard and Barbara Keefe
Thomas and Barbara Keefer
Bob Keeler and Kraig Tevis-Keeler
Mrs. E. Jack Keeley, Jr.
Boyd Keenan
Kevin Keenan
Nancy Kekos
James and Catherine Kelleher
John and Terri Kelleher
Ray Kelleher
Thomas and Jill Kelleher
James and Lori Keller
Peter and Maureen Keller
William B. and Mary S. Keller
Bob Kelley
James and Elizabeth Kelley
Joseph W. Kelley
Terrell Kelley and Cynthia Blanchard
Tom and Mary Ann Kelley
Brent and Denise Kellogg
Richard and Susan Kellogg
Charline M. Kelly
Dennis and Donna Kelly
James and Aimee Kelly
John and Audrey Kelly
John and Pat Kelly
Joseph Kelly
Joseph and Mary Kelly
Richard Kelly
Stephen and Coleen Kelly
Thomas and Mary Kelly
Tom Kelly
Edgar and Goldie Keniston
James and Teresa Kenneally
John and Katherine Kennedy
Louise Kennedy
Richard and Christine Kennedy
Tim and Carol Kennedy
Hollis and Kathryn Kenner
Milburn and Bethine Kenworthy
Peter Kepfer and Helen Smith
Timothy and Mary Kerber
Bill and Carol Kerley
Adam Kerr
Alison Kerr
Russell and Young Kerr
Eugene and Ellen Kersh
Edward Kershaw
Patrick and Frances Kershisnik
Keith and Mary Kesselring
Anna (Suveg) Kestell
Gregory and Debra Ketchum
Charles and Linda Keturakat
Pratap and Elaine Khanwilkar
Jim and Elene Kiefus
John and Jacqueline Kiely
Earl and Elizabeth Kilian
Mike and Terri Killeen
Timothy and Ana Killeen
Kevin and Sarah Kilpatrick
Paul and Chris Kilzer
Lisa Kim
Larry and Kathleen Kimmel
Robert and Ellen Kinamon
James and Mary Anne (Metcalfe)
Theodore and Suzanne King
John Kingery
Dale L. Kingman
Michele Kingman
Daniel Kinney, Jr.
Gary Kirchner
James and Elizabeth Kirk
Kevin and Virginia Kirk
Thomas and Felicia Kirven
David and Doreen Kishel
William and Vicki Kissinger
Dennis Klebba and Cheryl Mayer
Gary and Katie (Murray) Kleeman
Norbert Kleiber
Edward and Virginia Klein
James Klein
Steven and M. Lynn Klein
Gary and Pamela Kleppinger
Russell and Cheryl Klette
Charles and Dana Klimas
Lester and Beverly Klopp
Sylvia Kloster
James and Vicki Knapp
Ronald and Pauline Knowles
Thomas and Nancy Knowlton
Stephen and Karen Knox
Steven and Mary Knox
James Knutson and Julie A. French
Mike and Clare Kobluk
Michael R. and Rebecca A. Kobos
Robert Kocarnik
Mitchell and Cathy Koch
Roy J. and Ann L. (Martinelli)
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Koelsch
Barbara Kolbet
Steven Kolmes and Linda FergussonKolmes
Thomas and Ellen Komadina
David and Sheryl Komar
The Hon. and Mrs. Jack Komar
Thomas and Kathleen Konis
Aiko Koochi
Eric Kornberg and Debra PerkoKornberg
David and Sharon Francisco
Evyann Kory
Joseph and Cynthia Kosciesza
Joseph and Eileen Kottenstette
Paul and Barlo Koutras
Jeffrey and Annette Kover
Robert and Doreen Kowal
James and Carol Kozen
Eugene and Vickie Kraemer
Charles R. and Carol Krahenbuhl
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Krebs
Wesley and Mary Krivonen
Mark and Terri Kroll
Bruce and Therese Kroon
Larry Krueger
Kenneth and Patricia Krupski
George and Cindy Kubac
Gary and Joyce Kubalsky
Phil and Toni (Valentine) Kuder
James Kuhlman and Paula HansenKuhlman
Linda Kuhn
Timothy and Dawn Kuhn
Robin and Adrienne Kulasingam
Larry and Barbara Kulesa
Gary Kunihiro
Dr. Daniel and Mrs. Mary (Brajcich)
Molly Calfee Kunkel
Joseph and Kala Kunthara
Keary and Karen Kunz
Mark Kuolt and Jeannine TorlaiKuolt
James J. Kuska
Midge McGreevy Kuster
Robert and Susan Kuzma
Margaret Mary LaBelle-Imhoff
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Edmond
Sarah Lacasse
Harry and Elizabeth Lachtman
H. Terry and Kathleen (Beck) Lackie
Alan and Sherri Lacour
Mark Lacy and Stacy Stevens-Lacy
Patricia LaGoy
Mark and Patricia La Haie
Keith and Linda LaHonta
Frances H. Lally
Thomas LaLone
Kathleen Lamanna
Kelvin and Susan Lamb
Reggie Lamb
Robert L. and Cynthia A. Lamb
David Lamey
Alexander and Susan LaMontagne
William and Patricia Lamphere
Bill Lampson
Thomas Lampson
Lester and Teresa Lamug
Warren and Tammy Lance
John A. and Sara S. Lane
Kenneth and Debbie Lane
Timothy and Betsy Lane
Bruce and Mary Langedyke
Charles and Teresa Langfitt
Thomas D. and Mary A. Langland
John and Pamela Langley
William and Patricia Langley
Robert and Toni Langsfeld
Gary and Jill Lantta
Francisco and Nimfa Lanuza
John and Carrie Lapke
Gary and Cora LaPlante
Robert and Karen LaPointe
Dennis La Porte
James Larkin
The Hon. and Mrs. Thomas Larkin
Anthony and Debby LaRocco
Alana and Lawrence LaRock
George and Philomena Larson
Lawrence and Mary Larson
Margaret K. Larson
Robert and Mary Helen Larson
Robin A. Larson
Stephen and Marcia Larson
Art and Betsy Lathrop
Warren and Jamie Latvala
Vincent A. and Kathleen L. Laubach
Dan and Debra Lauber
Robert and Diana Lauderbach
Robert and Marie Laule
Martin J. and Virginia L. Lauth
Mark and Sara Lauzen
Guy I. and Patricia A. (Collins)
La Voie
Frank and Maggie Lavrisha
George and Kelly Lawrence
Mark and Jacqueline Lawrence
Ray and Phyllis Lawrence
Robert P. and Patricia (Pierce)
Garry and Annette Lawrenz
Thomas and Jenny Lawry
Michael and Gail Lawson
Scott and Darlene Lawson
Joseph and Nancy Lazzara
Sherie Leadon and Michael Glazier
Terry and Jeanne M. Leaf
Richard and Roberta (Scott) League
Richard and Michelle Leahy
Timothy and Nancy Leahy
George and Lynne LeBret
Andrew and Aileen Lee
Daniel and Lisa Lee
Floyd Lee
Soo Hong and Ji Eun Lee
Vernon and Carie Lee
James A. and Mary Ann Legaz
Donald and Kelly Leif
Howard and Deanna Leinweber
Patricia A. Leistritz
William and Tara Leiweke
Robert and Elizabeth Leko
Mark and Melinda Leliaert
Joni Leman
Daniel Lemiere
Gerard and Carol Lemieux
J. Donald† and Margaret L. (Seubert)
Joseph and Marion Lenneman
David and Beth Leon
Jack and Helen Leonard
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Leonard
Rorie and Jan Leone
Don and Elaine Leong
Raymond and Linda Leopold
Steven and Karen Lepere
Harriet Leppek
COL and Mrs. Thomas M. Leslie
Mark Letourneau and Janet MayedaLetourneau
Glenn and Paula LeVan
The Hon. Jerome and Mary Jo
Fred Levine and Rosemary Wareham
Guy and Carolyn Levingston
Dr. Gerald H. Lewis, Jr.
Edward† and Joanne Lewis
Jon and Anne Lewis
James and Celeste Liberto
Trudy Patton-Bigham Lieb
Klaus and Rita Liebelt
Frederick and Lana Liebhaber
Eric and Christine Lieder
Richard and Susan Lightfoot
Stephen and Linda Lightfoot
John and Kristin Lillich
Limek and Margaret Lim
Jack and Yvonne Lindecker
Peter S. and Connie Lineberger
James and Grace Link
Kurt and Audrey Link
John and Cecilia Linsmeier
William and Mary Lint
Anthony and Theresa Lirette
James Litchfield and Diane
(Johansing) Litchfield
Colleen Little
John Little
Matthew and Karen Little
Keith and Donna Littlejohn
Allen and Peggy Litzenberger
Blaise and Elizabeth-Arlis Liu
Charles Lloyd and Mary E.
Wahl, M.D.
Robert and Rebecca Loback
Ann M. Lobosky
Alastair and Nancy Lockett
Thomas and Ann Lockhart
Carl and Debra Lockwood
David and Cecilia Lodzinski
Wil and Pat Loeken
Dr. and Mrs. Jose Loera
John and Donna Loftus
David and Katherine Lomartire
David and Susan Lombard
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Long
Ron and Judith (Imhoff) Long
Valerie Loo
Kevin and Meridith Loomis
Mike Lopach
Peter and Melissa Lopez
Carol Loran
James and Susan Lorang
Lloyd and Nhu Lorenz
Kenlynn Losk
Scott Losk
Chris and Jill Loutsis
John and Lori Loutsis
John Love
Kimberly Love
Michael and Dana (Sells) Love
Pauline M. Love
Dr. and Mrs. James Loveless
Virginia (Rees) Low
Danilo and Victoria Loyola
Terri L. (Bonallo) and Wyatt Luce
Robert and Maryanne Lucia
Eloy and Fayree Luna
Allen and Diane Lund
John and Mary Lund
Terry and Christel Lundeen
Robert Lundin and Rosemary Renaut
Randolph L. and Sally S. Lustig
Elmer and Virginia Luthman
Ken and Dorothy Luthy
Loren and Patricia Lyall
Michael D. Lydon
Frank and Janice Lynch
Jack and Paula (Rotar) Lynch
Patrick and Suzanne (Manning)
Robert and Barbara Lynch
Donald and Kathy Lyons
Eugene Lyons
Dr. Gerald B. MacDonald
James and Jane MacDonald
Brent and Rebecca Macey
John and Joelle Machia
Paul and Janice Machtolf
Thomas and Sylvina Machtolf
Donald and Marianne Mackay
John and Phyllis MacKenzie
Tim Mackin and The Hon. Tari
John and Kathleen MacMillan
Harold and Barbara Macomber
William A. Maddigan
George and Barb Maffeo
John and Rose Mary Magee
Patrick and Janine Maggart
Herbert and Mary Magleby
Colleen Magnuson
Rick and Carol Magnuson
James and Kathleen (Rogge) Maher
Nancy Mahoney and Gary Matthews
William E. Majerus
John Majhanovich
Thomas and Ellen Makowski
Ben and Crescencia Malate
Esteban and Becky Malaexechebarria
James and Marynel Malcom
Peter F.† and Marianne T. (Mesenko)
Dan and Kathy Mallea
Dr. Michael Mallea and Dr. Maureen
Kim Lynch
Gary O. and Camille R. Mallon
Dr. and Mrs. Charles M. Malloy
Kevin and Christine Malone
Richard and Joan Malone
Glenn M. Malubay and Jeanne M.
Helen Manaras
Martin Mandel and Duree Dunn
Corey and Tracy Mandell
Patricia J. Mandeville
John and Beverly Manfredonia
John and Carol Manix
Mark and Paula Mantei
John C. and Victoria (Rangan)
Maria Manzano
Jay and Margarita Marchus
Angela Marcotte
Arturo and Marchia Maria
John and Tami Marick
Joseph F. and Yvonne G. (Koreis)
Daniel and Barbara Marks
Oscar and Mariaelena Marmolejo
William and Ann Marquard
Gary Marsh and Ann Allison-Marsh
Dennis and Cindy Marshall
John and Dianne Marshall
Carroll and Patricia Martell
Dr. and Mrs. Avery Martin
Bruce and Kelly Martin
Charles and Deborah Martin
John and Lisa Martin
Mark and Maureen Martin
Nancy Martin
Patricia Anne (Naigle) Martin
Susan Martin
Terry and Frances Martin
Danilo and Maria Cecilia Martinez
Jaime and Maria Martinez
Timothy and Carmen Martini
Joe and Darlene Marushack
Martin J. Marx
Gregory and Donna Mashburn
Matthew and Carrie Mason
Vernon and Joanne Mason
Stanley and Linda Massey, Jr.
Stephen E. and Elizabeth A. Matern
Jacob and Sarah Mathew
Gary and Gwen Mathews
Richard and Virginia Mathews
Daniel and Mary Mathis
Robert M. and Karen E. (Pattison)
Mark and Carrie Matsko
Alan and Cynthia Matsumoto
Dr. Matthew Matthews
John and Katherine Mattingly
George Matto
James and Jacqueline Maunder
Carl and Beverly Maw
Randy and Debra Mawhirter
Clement and Tamara May
Daniel and Wendy May
Tom and Kim May
Janet Mayfield
Dave and Veronica Mayo
Kenneth E. and Lynda A. Mayo
Joseph and Elizabeth McAleer
Thomas and Mary McAndrews
Alexander and Maren McBarnet
Dr. and Mrs. John McBee
David and Cheryl McBride
Michael F. McBride
Edward and Cynthia McCahill
Kenneth and Carol McCall
Patrick and Lenell McCallum
Mac and Teri McCandless
Jack and Mary McCann
Phil and Sandy McCarthey
Edward F. and Patricia M. McCarthy
Kevin and Michelle McCarthy
Kevin and Nancy McCarthy
Frank McCauley
Frank and Atsumi (Tsukimori)
Timothy D. and Linda S. McCauley
Bruce and Janice McCaw
Daniel McClenahan and Diane
David and Christine McCloy
Fred and Lorraine McClure
Paul and Donna McClure
Mariwyn McComb
Bill and Lynn McConnell
Joseph and Judith McCormack
Mark and Stacy McCoy
Timothy and Jean McCoy
This year 156
student athletes
were named to
the West Coast
Honor Roll.
James and Susan McCracken
Diane R. McCue
Thane and Mary Ann McCulloh
Neil and Ann McCurdy
Mr. and Mrs. Jon McDaniel
Donald and Gloria McDermott
Jim McDermott
Brian and Mary Kay McDevitt
James K. and Christine (Dukart)
Dan and Carol McDonald
Dr. Michael T. and Jean M. (Clarke)
Randall and Linda McDonald
Brian McDonnell and Barbara
John and Joanne McDonnell
Nick W. McDonough
James and Denise McEnulty
Kevin and Susanne McEvoy
Terence and Lisa McEwen
Vincent and Miriam McFadden
Marge McFaul
Ted and Peacha McFaul
Willie and Hattie McFrazier
William J. and Ann T. McGah
Michael and Julie McGee
David McGill
Kevin and Mary McGoffin
Steve and Denise McGoldrick
Brian and Theresa McGovern
John and Susan McGrath
Thomas and Jan McGree
Ray E. McGriff
James and Caroline McGrillen
David and Cecilia McGuire
Dean McGuire
Michael and Jean McGuire
Thomas and Eileen McHill
Sally McInerney
Thomas J. and Diana M. McIntire
Rhoderick and Barbara McIntosh
Charles and Sheryl McKee
John and Marilyn McKenna
John and Melanie McKenna
Nancy McKenna
Myron McKenzie and Maria
Willis McKeon
James and Lucille McKevitt
Allen McKimmey
SMSGT Douglas J. and Mary J.
Leonard and Beverly McKinnon
Dan and Nancy McLafferty
Marcus L. and Darlene McLafferty
Joseph and Eileen McLaughlin
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas McLaughlin
Alex and Cindy McLean
Mary McLens
John and Barbara McLoughlin
John and Carol McMahon
John and Marsha McManus
William McMillen
William and Margaret McMordie
Gregory McMorrow and Jacquelyn
Gregg E. and Darlene J. McMurray
Paul and Barbara McNabb
Daniel C. and Julia (Verhey)
McNeal II
Prof. Alan and Suzie McNeil
Ulrich and Kimberly McNulty
Gail McNutt
Debbie and Kevin McQuilkin
Michael and Anita McRobert
Jeannine C. McShane
Alexander and Nancy McVie
Marilyn (Potter) McWilliams
Richard and Mary Lou McWilliams
Robert and Linda Meagher
Carl and Cynthia Mealy
James and Andrea Meckes
Bruce and Jennifer Medeiros
Ernest and Elizabeth Medeiros
Larry and Patricia Medin
Douglas I. and Denise (Green)
Bruce and Merry Medvec
Don Meehan
Allen and Kelleen Meeuwsen
Rajan and Kusum Mehndiratta
Timothy and Sharon Mehrtens
Dr. and Mrs. Jacob W. Meighan
Craig and Susan Melder
Leo D. and Dorothy J. (Schaffers)
Jay and Dolores Mendiola
Thomas and Catherine Mentele
Stephen and Fran Menzel
Walt Merrick
James and Peggy Merrill
Rick Merrill and Dodi Currie
James D. and Catherine R. Merselis
Edward and Mary Mertens
Don and Fern Meseberg
Martin and Helene Meskers
Sandra Meyer
Byron P. and Glena May Meyers
Philip and Teresa Meyers
Robert and Charlot Mezzera
Rich and Patricia Miailovich
William and Deborah Michael
David Michaud
Douglas and Victoria Micheau
John and Renee Michel
Robert and Karen Micheletti
John and Norma Michels
Ronald and Debby Miciak
Bill and JoAnn Mick
Donald† and Karen Migliuri
Robin and Shelby Milam
Edward Milkovich
Walter and Lois Millar
Dawn Miller
Donald Miller and Susan MitchellMiller
G. Carter and Elizabeth (Herres)
Gregory F. and Erin K. Miller
J. D. and Lori Miller
John H. Miller and Rebecca A.
John T. and Linda L. Miller
Lawrence and Mary Miller
Mary and Michael Miller
Richard A. and Susan Miller
Robert J. and Susan M. Miller
Todd Miller and Yvonne Tackoor
Todd O. and Wendy (Oligshlaeger)
Robert and Leslie Millick
Don Milligan
Donald and Shirley Mills
Marc Mills and Vicki Kerbaugh-Mills
Nikos and Rebecca Mills
Sam and Vickie Mills
Timothy J. and Mary S. Milnes
Brano and Zelika Milovanovic
Walter and Patricia Mings
Johnston Mitchell and Christine
Randolph and Theresa (O’Toole)
Ron and Shelia Mitchell
Lorna and Joe Mix
Miriam Miyake
Rebecca and Donald Moak
Randal and Catherine Mock
Raymond and Cheryl Mockel
Robert and Ann (Garvin)
Modarelli III
Gregory Moller
Jon and Janet Moller
Fred and Dot Mollerus
John and Lori Moloney, Jr.
Mal and Mary Monahan
Arnie and Kathryn Mondloch
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Monks
Michael Monnahan
Rodney and Elizabeth Monroe
Max P. and Karen (Edgett)
Ronald and Valerie Monterverde
Anne Montgomery
Wayne and Julie Montgomery
Steven and Barbara Mooers
William and Lilly Moon
Brian Moore and Barbara MooreWight
Clayton and Nancy Moore
Douglas and Julee Moore
James Moore
Judith and Robert Moore
Lorrie Moore
Margaret Moore
Mary Jo Moore
Thomas and Margaret Moore
Danny and Rita Moorhouse
James E. and Kathleen M. Moran
John and Janet Moran
John and Vickie Moran
John Moran, Jr.
Bruce Moravec
David and Laura Morgan
Euan and Ann Morgan
Harold and Sandra Morgan
Melvin and Deborah Morgan
Bradly P. and Diana L. Morisoli
Perry Morris and Gloria Ybarra
Scott and Lizbeth (Tomich) Morris
Thomas S. and Loreen H. Morris
Daniel Morrison and Carolyn
Glen and Stephanie Morrison
Ken and Jenni Morrison
Ronald and Barbara Morrison
Ronald and Colleen Morrison
Tim and Becky Morrison
Charles and Julie Morrow
Arleen Morton
Carl and Staci Moses
Susan Mosich
Steven and Gail Moss
William and Antonia Moxlow
Danny and Goldye Moyer
Angelo and Phyllis Mozilo
John and Margaret Mudd
Daniel and Kerry Mueller
Jerry and Laura Mueller
Richard Mueller
Michael and Mary Mulcrone
Duane and Linda Mullen
Richard Mullins and Barbara
Fletcher T. and Karen L. Mulvaney
Charles and Mary Mulvaney-Kemp
Kent and Gloria Mumma
Hans and Beth Mumper
Dennis and Loretta Munger
Thomas and Myriam Munson
Bill and Mary Murphy
Chuck and Linda Murphy
Craig and Anne Murphy
David and Ellen Murphy
Donald and Raeanna Murphy
Lawrance and Heleene Murphy
L. Pierce Murphy and Mary Anne
(Swoyer) Murphy
Marilyn J. (Macnab) Murphy
Matthew and Kathleen (Greenan)
Virginia L. Murphy
Donald and Virginia (Baptiste)
Gerard and Robin Murtha
James and Cynthia Musar
Jef Myers and Diana Hamilton
Scott Myers and Christine Koll
Steven and Patricia Myers
Timothy and Ellen Myhre
Thomas and Susan Nadeau
Jeffery Nakasone
Steve and Janis (Jacobs) Nantz
Anotonie and Maria Narciso
William J. and Donna V. Nash
Harry Nathaniel
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Pat Naughton
Matthew and Rhonda Nava
Francisco and Maria Navarro
Robert and Karen Naylor
Jane Naekel
Kay Neal
Dale A. and Kathleen A.
(Juenemann) Neer
Tracy and Barbara Neighbors
Joseph and Julia Neilson
Karen E. Nelsen
Brian and Laurie Nelson
Christian and Rosemary Nelson
James Nelson and Meredith
Joseph and Carolyn Nelson
Kenneth and Lyudmila Nelson
Maryann Nelson
Sten and Molly Nelson
Ward and Pamela Nelson
Dr. Albert H. Nephew
Gregory and Donna Nespor
Eric and Anne Ness
Budd† and Sally (Kirkpatrick)
William and Kathleen Neumayer
Jeffrey and Mary Neumeyer
John and Suzanne Nevers, Jr.
Mike and Linda Newberry
Tom and Teresa Newbury
Brook and Heidi Newell
Donald and Katherine Newman
Eric and Margaret Newman
Dale R. and Karen L. Newstrom
The Hon. Arthur Newton
Jan Newton
Henry and Presentacion Ngan
Harold Nguyen and Carol Vu
Qua and Zenaida Nguyen
Richard Nicacio
Hartwig and Evelyn Nichols
Robert and Mary Nichols
Drake and Rosanne Nicholson
Susan Y. Nickasch
Michael and Judi Nicolai
Richard J. Niederegger
Richard and Lesa Niehuser
Charles and Joan Niemeier
Joseph and Ellen Nieslanik
David and Chris Nieuwenhuis
Jose and Gladys Nieves
Jim and Margaret Niewiarowski
Rex and Ann Nikula
Joseph and Dorothy Nilles
Roger and Luanne Nilsen
Stephen and Mary Lou Nisewander
Sybil Nishime
John and Frances Nitkey
Darryl and Kathleen (Wilson) Nitta
Harold Nobunaga
James Noe
Tom L. Nollette, Sr.
James and Sheila Nordale†
Charles and Nancy Nordeck
Alan and Megan Nordin
Bill and Suzette Nordstrom
Keith and Barbara Nore
Michael and Jeanette Norte
Michael and Julia North
John and Kathy Norton
John and Margaret Norton
Ted and Jeannie Norton
Irene Norwood
Joseph and Nancy Novack
Carole Nowak
Frank and Cori Nunez
Wes and Mary Lee (Toepel) Nuxoll
Mary Oberhauser
James X. and Colleen (Byrne)
John C. O’Brien, Jr.
Kathleen O’Brien
Seamus and Hanh O’Brien
William J. O’Brien III
James F. and Sharon O’Connell
Margaret O’Connell
Thomas and Linda O’Connell
William and Brenda O’Connell
Charlie and Doris O’Connor
John and Maureen O’Connor
Thomas M. and Kathleen M. (Allen)
William and Mara O’Connor
David and Peggy Odegard
Mark P. O’Donnell
Jack and Margaret Oehlke
Craig and Julie Oeser
Douglas† and Seane Oglesbee
John J. and Susan (DeDonato)
O’Hara, Jr.
Mark A. and Catherine M. Ohlstrom
John and Kathleen O’Keeffe
Thomas and Donna Old
Andrew Oldham and Toni Cooper
Jaime M. and Consuelo R. O’Leary
Mieczyslaw and Jadwiga Oleksiak
Nolan Olhausen and Pamela Wisner
Don and Jean Oliver
Gordon and Patricia Oliver
Thomas and Jennifer O’Loughlin
William and Mary Olsen
Donald and Joan Olson
Emon and Vicki Olson
Dr. Ronald P. Omberg
Roger and Emily Omholt
Fred and Patricia Omodt
Betty Jean O’Neal
Jeffrey R. O’Neil
John and Ann O’Neil
Mike C. O’Neil
Frank and Barb O’Neill
Margaret C. O’Neill†
Kathryn Ooka
Barbara L. Opalinski
Donald Opila and Mary Masters
Margie Francisco Opitz
Tom and Teri Orella
Edward and Patricia (Smith) Orizotti
Michael J. and Johanna M. O’Rourke
Alan and Kimberly Orr
Carl and Cynthia Orr
Linda Orr
William and Marie Orrange
Todd and Deborah Orth
David Ortman and Ann Marchand
Thomas R. Osborn
John and Kathy Osborne
David and Carol Osenga
Guy and Madeline Ossello
Jack and Kathy Ossello
Vallina and Richard Ostrem
William and Margaret Ostrowski
Jim and Penelope Oswald
Daniel O’Toole
Loren and Joanne (Slavin) O’Toole
Michael and Doriann O’Toole
Mike and Dorinda Otto
James and Debbie Ouellette
Andrew and Martha Oven
William and JoAnn Overfield
Ashley and Pauline Owen
Raymond and Marlyce Owen
Sally Owen
Julie Owens
Peter and Peggy Owenson
David and Tedi Paasch
James W. and Anne M. Packard
Calin and Monique Pacurariu
James Padden
William A. and Dara K. Paine
Marie Palachuk
Mark Palmer and Dorothy TimianPalmer
Robert and Anne Palmer
Mark and Shelley Palmquist
Chris and Nancee Pangares
Gregory and Linda Paolino
Anthony and Patricia Paolucci
Amy Jo Para
Garry and Diana Paradis
Patrick Paradis
Anthony and Mariann Parasida
John and Janis Parente
Yvonne (Cloutier) Parenteau
Alan and Janice Paris
Mark and Kim Paris
Dan and Candi Pariseau
James H. and Mary E. Parker
Kathy Parker
Peter and Colleen Parker
Starr and Cynthia Parker
Dave and Theresa (Craven) Parks
Michael and Liza Parmely
David and Nancy Parque
Scott Parrish and Loni Austin
Dennis and Lisa Parsell
Ronald and Joann Parsons
W. Murray Paterson
Allison and Helen Patrick
David Patterson and Mary Palffy
Michael A. Patterson
Walter and Imelda Patterson
Bradley Pattison
Marilyn Pattison
Brian Patton
Gregory Patton and Tracy MoranPatton
Jody Patton
Dr. Donald R. Paugh and Ms. Diedre
L. Olin
Jerald and Jeanie Paukert
Roger and Kathy Paul
Stephen and Portia Pauli
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Pavel, Sr.
William J. and Rhonda (Gardner)
Nikola and Barbara Pavicic
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pavlik
Thomas and Deborah Pavlik
Howard and Judith Pay
Greg and Donna Payne
John K. Payne
Douglas and Karla Pearman
James and Anne Pearson
Ruth H. Pearson
Scott Pearson and Julie Shainock
Robert and Susan Peck
David and Joan Pecora
Steven Pedersen
Larry Pederson and Joyce Dickinson
Thomas and Lorelyn Pelatt
Daniel Pelfrey and Laura Root
Joseph M. and M. Beth Pellicciotti
Richard and Janice Peltzer
Michael and Kathleen Pendrak
Anthony Pepin and Marie
Leo and Arsenia Peralta
Luis Perez and Maria Barajas
Santos S. Perez
Jose A. and Terese K. (Pugh) Perez
Laurence and Eileen (Brewer)
Perkins, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Perko
Thomas and Cece Perko
Garry M. Perno
Robert and Stacy Peronto
Mark and Jacqueline Perrier
Jerry and Dianne Perrine
Wade and Beth Perrow
Cathy and Clarence Perry
Christopher J. and Julie A. Perry
Dale and Betty Perry
Richard and Cindy Perry
Ricardo and Alice Persegani
Casey and Michelle Persing
Jason and Anna Petersen
Dr. Andrew C. and Mary Ann
Bernard and Suzanne Peterson
Corey and Karin Peterson
Dale J. Peterson
David and Marilyn Peterson
Kertis and Kathleen Peterson
Kurt and Sheila Peterson
Michael and Suzanne Peterson
Roger and Karen Peterson
Terry and Sally (Grant) Peterson
Kent and Martha Petrie
Jon and Jane Pettibone
Neil Pettigrew†
Michael and Phyllis Peyerl
Bradford and Christina Pfeif
George and Lyn Pflaum
Randle and Roxanne Phelps
Bruce Phillips and Carol Hering
Dr. H. Marie (Bowker) Phillips
Jeremy and Lisa Phillips
Keith and Pamela Phillips
Matthew and Cynthia Phillips
Richard and Kathy Phillips
Sandra Phillips
Henry and Denise Piakowski
Mary Pickard
Allen A. and Dianne P. Pickens
John and Barbara Pickett
Douglas and Patricia Pierce
Edward and Michelle Pierson
Thomas Pierson and Didem Ulkekul
Mr. John Pietromonaco and Ms. Lilli
Arne and Molly Pihl
Roland and Eileen Pinza
Bob J. Plachta
Maynard and Yvonne Plahuta
Leonard Plank
Clifford and Jane Plath
Ewarad H. and Denise (Erdahl) Ploof
Lou Ann Poe
Richard and Barbara Poe
George and Teresa Pohley
Lee Poissant
Warren and Mary Polensky
John and Carmen Pollastro
Lisa Polley
Kathleen J. (Bochsler) Polzin
Mitchell J. and Cathy A. Pomeroy
Bill and Teresa Pon
Eric and Gabriela Poncedeleon
Mike and Betty (Onley) Pontarolo
Steve Pontarolo and Regina Maag
Lanora Pook
Bradley and Michele Pope
Rocco and Donna Popich
James R. and Julia A. Porter
Allan and Carrie Porterfield
Raul and Marianne Portillo
James J. and Brita (Wood) Posedel
Thomas and Rebecca Pouliot
Steven and Rene Power
Brett and Nina Powers
Daniel and Mila Powers
Timothy and Cindy Powers
John and Bonita R. Powers, Jr.
Jaime and Julia Prager
Charles N. and Susan A. (Garber)
John and Mary Praznik
John and Deborah Price
William and Linda Price
Dr. Carlos and Chris Prietto
Jeffrey and Christine Prime
Jim and Marilyn Prince
Russell V. and Gay A. Pritchard
Kenneth and Karen Provencher
Tracey Prpich
Charles and Pamela Pschirrer
Dr. James Ptaszynski and Dr. Robin
David and Regina Ptolemy
Joseph and Georgeanne Pucillo
Reese and LuAnne Puckett
David K. and Laurie S. Purcell
Gary and Susan Purdy
George Purdy and Rayma Haas
William and Kathleen Pyne
Mr. and Mrs. Ming L. Quan
Kent and Margaret Questad
Ermel and Christine M.
(Breitenbach) Quevedo
Yusuf and Kathleen Quidwai
Bill and Carol Quigg
John and Gail Quigg
Paul Quigley and Catherine LambQuigley
Larry and Jennifer Quilling
Brendan and Elizabeth Quinlan
Dennis and Rosemarie Quinlan
Georgia Quinn
H. Eugene Quinn
James and Barbara Quinn
John and Diana Quinn
Jake Quinn
Kenneth and Maria Quinn
Michael and Victoria Quinn
Paul and Lisa Quinn
Tim and Wanda Quinn
Timothy and Lois Quinn
John Raap
Rose Racicot
The Hon. and Mrs. Philip M. Raekes
Mary M. Raftery
William and Rochelle Railey
William and Mary Anne Rainey
James and Nancy Raleigh
Ed and Yvonne† Ralph
Michael and Diana Ramires
Gilbert and Teresa Ramirez
John and Virginia Rand
Clay Randall
Hubie Randall
Mark and Cindy Randleman
Guy and Kimberly Randles
Robert D. and Judy L. Rangitsch
Jerry and Nida Rania
Jeffrey and Patricia Rarick
Margaret Rassette
Scott and Diane Raszler
Paul and Catherine Ratliff
Marion and Maria Ratuiste
Thomas Rausch
Frank D.† and Mary Ravarino
Maria Ravarino
Anthony and Galyn Rawls
Douglas and Lizette Ray
Herbert and Janice Raymond
John and Shirley Read
Sam and Marianne Ream
Mark and Carla Rech
Jim and Barbara Reding
Mike Reding and Barbara Schmerber
Amberli and Shqiponj Redzepi
Alan and Dana Reed
Jeff and Margaret Reed
Kathryn E. Reed
Wendell and Norma Reed
Eldon and Kathryn Reese
Kevin and Julie Reese
Thomas and Nancy Reese
Brent and Krisite Reeves
Jay and Kristine Reeves
Mark and Nancy Rehberger
Paul and Julie (Bourne) Rehberger
Alan and Therese Rehn
Ted and Christine Rehwald
Timothy and Julie Reid
Victor and Barbara Reid
Margaret A. Reidy
Mike and Judy (Yeend) Reilly
Paul and Cheryl Reinsch
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Reisenauer
Claude Remy and Claire Spain-Remy
Craig and Gail Renius
David and Leslie Resnick
Ross and Judy Rettenmier
Kurt and Theresa Reuter
Doug and Lourdes Reymore
James and Rebecca Reynolds
John and Catherine Rheinberger
Robert and Gillian Rhodes
Rosemarie Rhodes
Mark and Kathleen Ricci
Michael and Debra Ricci
David and Eileen Rice
Kenneth and Jean Richard
Michael and Paula Richard
Timothy and Tonda Richards
Grant and Julia Richardson
Robert Richardson
Thomas and Josephine Richardson
Matthew and Mary Richie
Tom and Janet Richmond
Diane Rider
Terry and Mary Ridgeway
Cy and Rosemary (Menzia) Rief
John Riegel and Mary MoineauRiegel
Dr. Jurgen Rieger and Ms. Wanda
Ronald E. and Kathleen Riel
Elizabeth and Clyde Ries
Sam F. Rikalo
Gary and Kate Riley
Martin and Pamela Riley
Patrick J. and Laura (Martin) Riley
Tamara Riley
Jim and Gloria Ringwood, Sr.
Pat and Mary Jo Ringwood
Thomas and Sheila Ripper
Doug and Kathleen Rivard
The Hon. Gerald Roach and Maria
Patrick and Leeann Roach
John and Lois Robbins
George and Debra Roberge
Bill Roberts
Billy Roberts
Douglas and Marlene Roberts
John Roberts
Norm and Rita Roberts
Ronald A. and JoAnn L. (Salina)
Steven and Barbara Roberts
William and Gretchen Robertson
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Robinson
Robert and Carolyn Robinson
Steven and Lori Robinson
Walter E. and Deborah B. Robinson
Dr. and Mrs. Victor Robisch
Michael and Carolyn Rock
George and Susan Rockwell
Marilyn Rodriguez
Philip Rodriguez
Fernando Rodriguez Casillas and
Guadalupe Perez Guillen
Russell and Catherine Roe
James and Jean Roeber
Stephen and Virginia Roehl
Craig and Sue Roessler
The Hon. and Mrs. Michael P. Roewe
John and Judith Rogers
Robert Rogers and Laura Bibo
R.C. and Connie Roland
Paula M. (Mc Ardle) Rolleri
Timothy and Angela Romani
Russell and Estela Romjue
Mark and Leslie Romman
Gary and Christine Rood
John and Linell (Gort) Rooney
Kevin Rooney and Rachael Spencer
Gary Ropp
Jessie Rosauer
Jim and Lin Roscoe
Russell and Kathleen Rosen
Adam and Colleen Rosenblatt
Michael and Dolores Rosman
David and Patricia Ross
Franklin T. and Kathleen M. Ross
Stan and Monica Ross
Carl and Tina Rossi
Evelyn Rost
Mark and Kathleen Rotar
Mike and Linda Roth
Paul Roth
Stephen and Angela Roth
F. Wallace and Laurelyn K.
(Schimmels) Rothrock
Harold and Betty Rotter
Leif and Deborah Rovick
Barry and Linda Rowan
Christopher and Kaye Rowland
Kevin and Nancy Roy
William S. and Betty Mary Royce
Bill and Odette Rubright
Paul and Janet Ruckel
Herman and Hope Ruddell
Fran Rudolf
Steven and Margaret Rueckert
Lowell and Kathleen Ruen
Karl and Lorna Rufener
Michael Ruff
Kevin and Gail Rugee
Gordon and Katina Ruh
Olga Ruiz
Marie Ann Rumbaua
Ronald and Carol Ruminski
David and Rebecca Rumpza
Jon and Kathleen Runnalls
John Russell and Ann Kuder
Richard and Rose Russell
Thomas and Maryanne Russell
Dennis and Frances Russo
Michael A. and Mary D. Russo
David and Jan Rust
Andy M. and Edith J. (Rosman)
Steven and Kathleen Ruwe
Loren J. and Sherry D. Rux
Patrick and Elaine Ryall
John and Kathryn Ryan
Patrick and Denise Ryan
Thomas and Caroline Ryan
Stuart and Teresa Ryland
P. Terry Rypien
Barbara A. Sabean
Sara Sabow-Olyphant
Frederick and Margaret Sacha
James and Marilyn Sachtjen
Robert Sadler
Philip Safar
Domingo and Milagros Sagario
John and Cathy Sage
Robert† and Jean Sagerson
Margaret Sakata
Joseph Salay and Elizabeth Harding
Martin L. and Bobbie (Bodensteiner)
Timothy and Carol Salisbury
Kent Salo
Daniel and Renee Salvemini
Ricardo and Paloma Samaniego
Ken and Peggy Sammons
Mike and Sharon (Fitzgerald)
Ronald and Chris Sanchez
Susan Sander
Douglas R. Sanders
Robert and Carla Sanders
James A. and Geraldine (Kiep)
Danilo and Zenaida Santiago
Ken and Kathy Santschi
Robert and Helen Santucci
Atilla and Ruth A. Sarar
Maureen Sargent
Teresa R. (Crabtree) Sarro
Michael J. Satterlee
Dave Savage
Michael and Dorothy Savoca
Danny and Elaine Say
John and Shannon (Casey) Scacciotti
David Scafidi and Teri Kinnard
Terry and Deborah Scanlan
Michael and Judith Scara
Nicholas† and Mary Scarpelli
Mark and Helen Schaa
Theodore and Christine Schaefer
Ella Schaeffer
Charles Schafer
Donald R. and Cathi (Shaw) Schafer
Ken and Deanna Schalk
Thomas and Vicki Schaub
Albert J. and Betty Schauble
Bill and Colleen Schauble
Joseph and Carolyn (Magee)
Michael Scheel and Tonya Maier
Susan Schelling
Stephan Schepergerdes and Donna
Ted and Laurie Schepper
James Scherzinger and Claire Carder
George R. and Ginny V. Schiel
Roy L. and Sue Ann (Pechtl) Schiele
Denise Schill
Michael and Carol Schimmels
Allyn Schinski
Vincent and Jennifer Schlosser
Robert and Rosemary Schmid
Edith Schmidt
James Schmidt
Leonard and Lizabeth Schmidt
Daniel H. and Nancy A. Schmitt
Donald Schmitt
Dorothy E. Schmitz
Rose Schmitz
David and Marjorie Schmutz
Bruce Schneider
William and Diane Schneider
Glenn and Laura Schnell
Mark and Terry Schnitger
Ted and Chris Schnug
Theodore and Barbara Schober
Harold Schock
David and Anne Schoebel
Brigitte B. Schran-Brown
Ronald and Gail Schroder
Daniel and Jennifer Schroeder
Donald and Jean Schroeder
George and Joyce Schroeder
Michael P. and Geralyn M. Schrom
David F. Schuele
Robert and Doris† Schuetz
Bill and Connie Schuler
John and Penny Schultz
Peter and Jocelyn Schultz
Paul and Julie Schuman
Frederick and Annabell Schunter
Cindy Schut
Dr. and Mrs. Lester Schwaegler
Michael and Jerri Schwartzel
Steven and Johanna Schwartzkopf
Douglas and Janet Schwarz
Jonathan and Diane Schwarz
Michael and Diane Schwarz
Margaret Schwede
Peter and Martha Schweiger
John and Sheila Scola
Donald and Laurel Scott
Jim and Mary Anne Scott
Martin and Nancy Scott
Walter and Rebecca Seaman
Douglas and Kristen Seams
Blake and Julie Sedlacek
Robert and Annette (Smith) Seelig
Mauro and Gina Seghetti
Robert Seghetti
David and Leslie Seidner
Stephen and Patricia Sein
Peggy Self
William and Mary Sellers
Richard and Elizabeth Semke
Lawrence Senffner
Richard and Diane Senger
Jon and Maria Sessler
Michael and Joan Seubert
Carmen and Teresa Severino
B. M. (Arbuckle) Severtsen
Douglas and Maureen Sewright
Syed and Novera Shafaat
Gary and Debbie Shahbazian
Mark and Kathleen Shanahan
Robert E. and Patricia F. Shangraw
Bill and Hilda Shanks
Cameron and Terri Sharpe
Donald K. Sharpes
Jackman and Patricia Shattuck
Jonathan and Elizabeth Shaw
Katherine E. Shaw†
Ted and Mary Shaw
David and Linda Shea
Randall and Patti Shearer
Tom and Susan V. (Danz) Sheedy II
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Sheehy
Barnard and June Sheffield
Steve and Susanne Shepard
Theodore and Mary Shepard
Patricia Shepherd-Barnes
Burton Sheppard and Kathleen
Magnuson Sheppard
Joseph P. and Kim Sheppard
Daniel and Mary Sherman
John and Katherine Sherrick
Peter and Elisa Sherry
Mary Shetter
Theodore and Christine Shideler
Bill and Catherine Shiel
Michael and Susan Shiffer
Pat and Mary Anne (LeMay) Shine
Mary Shinn
Alexander J. and Maureen J.
(Gordon) Shogan, Jr.
Mark and Elisa Shotwell
Mark and Arleen (Parker) Shrader
Kenneth and Nora Shreve
Dave Shultz
David and Daina Shutte
Robert and Julie Ann Siderius
James and Kay Sieck
Penn and Nancy Siegel
John and Sandra Siemens
Michael and Jeri Simek
Darrell and Donna Simien
Keith and Kathy (Kronenberg)
Alexander Simpson
James N. and Carolyn M. Simpson
Mark and Stephanie Simpson
Troy Sims
Julie A. Simshauser
Edward and Dorothy Singer
Gary and Pam Skarr
Michelle L. Skeen
The Skeen Family
Lisa Skelton
James and Marlene Skillings
Donald Skinner
Samuel and Christine Skinner
Donna Skoog
Karen Skoog
Lawrence J. Sladich
Marguerite Sladich
Michael and Julia Slettvet
Gene and Merrilu (Silva) Sloboda
Myron Slobogean
Stephen and Sheila Slomski
Jeffrey and La Von Slough
Martin and Susan Smale
Roland Small
T. W. and Mary Small
Joseph and Joanne Smatlan
Robert and Joyce Smee
Andrew and Marianne Smernis
Paul and Nadia Smetana
Alice Smith
Bill and Patricia (Eakin) Smith
Bruce and Joan Smith
Gary L. and Patricia M. (Taylor)
Gregory and Susan Smith
Joan Grey Smith
Kevin and Kelly Smith
Kim and Robin Smith
Laura Smith
Lawrence and Barbara Smith
Lynn Smith
Matthew and Lisa Smith
Maurice M. and Margan H. (Haley)
Smith, Jr.
Paul B. Smith and Terry Lynn Minow
Philip Smith
Robert and Norma Smith
Dr. Ronald Smith
Samuel and Julie Smith
Shaun and Sandra Smith
Thomas and Robin Smith
Russ Smoldon
John Snyder and Michele MietusSnyder
Jeffrey and Luanne Sobieski
Harry and Joni Soekotjo
James T. and Linda (Apple) Solan
Ron and Pam Soliday
Carol Somerville
Donald and Susan Sommerfeld
Steven and Sally Sommers
Mark and Valerie Sonderen
Doug and Karen Sonneborn
John Sooy
Ruth A. Sorensen
Derek and Barbara Sorteberg
Morris Soublet and Josephine (Fifi)
Scott and Colleen Southwick
William and Clara Spaeth
Steven and Roxanne Spalding
Thomas and Lauren Spallino
Karl and Carol (Brolin) Speltz
Heath and Cynthia Spencer
Philip and Alice Spencer
Michael and Lorie Spiess
Tim and Molly Spilker
John and Barbara Spindler
Julie Spini
Richard and Ann Spink
Lynne Spitzer-Malone
Angela and Larry Splater
Thomas and Ann Spratt
Howard and Mary Spinger
Randall L. and Linda (Roccanova)
St. Mary
Steve and Genene Staats
Mary M. (Shikany) Stachofsky
Al and Lois Stadtmueller
Dr. and Mrs. John Staeheli
Daniel and Alyson Stage
Michael and Joan Stagnaro
Christopher and Elizabeth Stahl
Terry Stahlman
Susan Stanaway
David and Michelle Standerwick
Richard J. and Elizabeth (Hurley)
Margot J. Stanfield
Alan and Jane Stanford
Greg and Karen Stanley
Wendell and Robyn Staszkow
Tom L. and Patricia State
Jerry L. Staton
Leonard D. and Lenora I. Stecker
Ronald and Julie Steele
Debra Steffes
Charles H. and Diane Steilen
John and Kathleen Steinhaus
Scott and Jill Stensrud
Ivan and Arlene Stepan
John and Susan Stephenson
Dean E. and Judy H. Stepp
Tom Stetzner
Gordon C. and Linda H. Stevens
Rebecca Stevens
Theodore and Marilyn Stevens
John and LaVern Stevenson
Tom and Gail Stevenson
Ivan and Marlene Stewart
Jerry and Mary Stewart
Kathleen Stewart
Steven and Suzette Stewart
John and Laura Stoeser
Alan H. Stohle
James and Mary Jo (Greany) Stokoe
Mark and Patricia Stoltz
Jack and Sara Stone
John Stone
Mark and Lori Storud
Paul and Shirley Storwick
Zachary and Vasiliki Stoumbos
Allen and Janet Stover
Thomas P. Stoy
Richard and Madeleine Strahl
Mark and Shelia Strain
Timothy Strand and Eileen Collopy
Robert Strange
Richard and Diana Strasburg
Owen and Diane Strecker
Dirk A. and Melinda D. Stricker
John and Karen Strub
Eric and Mary Strutzel
Cecilia Stuckart
Lawrence J. and Mary Anne (Brown)
Eric and Deborah Stucky
Mark and Kathy Stumbaugh
Timothy and Beth Stumetz
James and Susan Stuppy
William and Carolyn Sturgeon
Carl Sturm
Garrett Sugai and Kitt Lee-Sugai
Osamu and Eileen Sugisaki
Daniel Sullivan
Gregory and Jennifer Sullivan
Jerome Sullivan and Linda St. Peter
Joseph M. and Parker F. Sullivan
Kenneth and Mary (Cater) Sullivan
Patrick and Diane Sullivan
James R. Summers
Frederick and Susan Sunderman
Mark and Patricia Susbauer
James and Lisa Sutterman
Daniel M. Suttner
Vincent and Brenda Sutton
William Sutton and Cindra Soares
Rodney G. Svee
Daniel R. and Pamela A. Swanburg
Jay and Renee Swanson
Joni Swanson
Michael J. and Barbara I. Swanson
Pat and Mary Swanson
Richard and Laurie Swanson
Virginia Swanson
Steven and Linda Swartley
Jonathan M. and June F. Swatzell
Kenneth and Sherry Sweeney
Thomas and Nancy Swenson
Paul Swinehart
James Swingley
John B. Szabo
Carl and Paula Tadaki
Carol Tadrowski
John and Sylvia Taflan
Wai Tong and Yim Sue Tai
Ross and Noella Takahashi
Michael and Palma Talamantes
Peter and Bliss Talbott
Timothy and Mary (Geraghty)
Bill Talkington
Colleen Talkington
Sonny and Kathleen Tangaro
Mrs. Kathleen Tanksley
David and Joan Tanonis
Roberta Tansey
Graham and Julie Tash
David and Heidi Tate
Kay F. Tate
Linus and Laura Tavares
David and Siobhan Taylor
Dick and Barbara Taylor
John and Suzanne Taylor
Martin S. Taylor
Michael and Diane Taylor
Michael G. and Teresa (Hart) Taylor
Paul and Sheree Taylor
Robert and Rozlyn Taylor
Derek and Christi Teachout
Alfred and Debbie Teal
Michael and Carla Teegarden
Kurt and Mary Teichmann
Steven Teitzel
Juan and Becky Tenorio
Deana L. Terrell
Gregory and Mary Terrell
David and Diane Terrien
Gayle Terry
Keith and Kimberley Terry
Migirdic and Talin Tersakyan
Lester and Renate Teschner
Robert J. and Lorraine F. Thalman
Blossom Tham
Elton and Janet Thayer
Dale and Joy Theisen
Edward and Lynn Thenell
Gregory and Alice Thibault
The Hon. and Mrs. Joseph A.
Craig and Tonia Thielman
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Thielman
Grace Thielman
Craig and Char Thomas
Ivan Thomas
Ronald and Melinda Thomas
Rosemary Thomas
Thomas and Ann Thomas
Arthur Thompson
Darryl and Bridget Thompson
J. Pat and Lori Thompson
Michael and Linda Thompson
Pete and Mary Jane (Bilsborrow)
The Hon. and Mrs. Phil Thompson
Terry and Molly Thompson
Timothy and Estella Thompson
Timothy and Mary Kay Thompson
Mark and Joanna Thomson
Einar and Melanie Thorarinsson
Ross and Antoinette Thorne
Nina and David Thornsburg
John and Nancy Thornton
Jerry Thorsness and Vilma Navales
Robert and Janice Throm
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thummel
Mary K. Tiernan
Margaret Tiesse
Joseph and Roberta Tietge
Leslie and Jane Tiffany
Tom and Camilla Tilford
Susan Tillery
Dr. Diane (Ballard) Timberlake and
Todd Timberlake
John and Ann (Bramstedt) Timm
Thomas and Elisabeth Tinor
Diep To
John and Janet Toenes
Rosemary (Dellwo) Toft
Curtis and Diane Togami
John Tokar and Bett Mickels
Mark Toledo
Steffan and Carol Tolles
Russell and Susan Tom
Lee and Merry Jean Tomasello
Anthony and Katherine Tomassi
Jerry and Cathy Tombari
Frank and Kathleen (Zenner)
Martha Tomson
Gerald and Mary Toohey
James and Kathleen Toomey
Katherine Torchia
Vincent and Darci Toscan
Alfred and Theresa Tostado
Joe and Mary Townley
Tom and Colleen Tracy
David and Sharon Trageser
Robert and Laura (Stepovich)
Pam J. Travis
Stephen and Lori Trecker
Susan P. Trent
Kenneth and Linda Trickey
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Tripp
Jeffrey and Christine Tritt
John and Andrea Tritt
Thomas and Kathleen Trotta
Jack Trotter and Genie Trotter
Will and Deanna (Cheney) Troxel
Bill and Barbara Trudeau
Patrick and Kristina Trudell
Denise Trujillo
Michael and Lora Trujillo
Joseph and Diana Tschimperle
Donald and Connie Tschritter
James and Maryilyn Tsolomitis
Mike and Mary Jo (McKinnon) Tucci
Eugeniu and Adriana Turlea
Robert and Joyce (Garnett) Turner
Thomas and Katherine Turner
Michael W. and Nancy L. Turnipseed
Paul and Rebecca Turpen
Susan Tuszynski
Jeffery and Victoria Tuttle
Michael and Maria Twomey
John E. and Patty B. (Hurd)
Bruce and Catherine Uhl
Thomas and Kaye Ukestad
Helen Ulloa
Richard and Mary Ulring
Rich and Barb Umbdenstock
Thomas D. and Catherine E.
James H Upchurch
Treva Upham
Daniel and Donna Upton
James and Therese Urbaniak
Angel and Alta Urcaregui
Prof. James M. Vache
Bruce Vadla and Karen Brett-Vadla
Antonio and Guadalupe Valdez
Adam and Andrea Valenzuela
Arnold and Jeri Vallejos
Carol Vallely
Jerry and Georgi Valley
Michael J. and Susan Vanairsdale
Rodney and Catherine Van Alyne
Kenneth and Mary Van Amringe
Sara A. Van Ausdal
John and Kathleen Vance
Larry and Marcia Vance
Randall and Lora Vance
William and Rita Van Cleve
Robert Van Cott
Pete and Betty Van Den Hoek
Pierre and Betsy Van Der Sluys
The Hon. Philip and Barbara
Van de Veer
Janet Van Der Vegt
James and Cheryl Van Lith
Joel and Michelle Van Lith
Thank you for your generous gifts
made between June 1, 2010, and
May 31, 2011.
Steven and Patricia Vanni
Floraine Van Orden
Raymond and Marianne Vansant
Steven and Karen Van Til
Robert and Christine Varnum
Thomas and Marla Vasilatos
Dr. Frank Vedelago
Mathias and Michele (Zrodlo)
Gab Velazquez and Xochitl Hurtado
Christopher Veley
Christopher Venne
Ray and Martha Verlinich
Xavier and Verna Verspieren
Jeff and Theresa Verwey
Anthony and Jeanne Via
Kevin and Sheri Vial
Peter and Mary Vial
Mark and Maureen Vierengel
Christina Vierra-McGill
John and Carol Viger
Elizabeth Villanueva
Mark and Rosanne Villareal
Tom and Jane Vimont
Brian and Shannon Vincent
William and Brenda Vinnicombe
Judson and Mary Virden
J. Malcolm Visbal
Louis and Anne P. Vito
Jason and Carol Viydo
Ted and Colleen Volberding
Mark and Mary Volcheff
Richard and Laury Volwiler
Thomas and Carolyn Von Muller
Dr. Loren N. and Mrs. Marie
Peter Voss and Ana Maria Maldondo
Jerry Votendahl
Victor V. Voves
Patricia Wadden
Melanie Wade
Carl and Sherry Wagner
Eileen Wagner
Jeff and Margaret M. (O’Meara)
John V. Wagner
Roy and Deanna Wagoner
Terrence Waitrovich and Mary
Bob and Diane Waitt
Karen Walatka
Karl and Elena Walder
William Waldo and Veronica
Philip and Kathleen Walgren
Bob and Marilyn Walker
Edward Walker and Stephanie Read
Gary and Janice Walker
Joseph M. and Patricia J. Walker
Lance and Beverly Walker
Louis E. and Kay D. (Jans) Walker
Richard and Michelle Wall
Darlene Waller
John and Suzanne Walsh
Mark and Rita Walsh
Myles Walsh
Jacob and Ruth Walter
Stephen and Laura Walter
Matthew and Denise Walther
Anthony and Ann (Herriman)
William and Kenna Walton
Michael Walz and Christy Lueck
Daniel and Tamara Wanamaker
Adele R. Ward
Harvey and Dotty Ward
Joseph G. Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Michael O. Ward
Richard Ward
James and Patti Wardensky
James and Wendy Warlaumont
Eric and Stephania Warren
Glen and Diane Warren
Lawrence and Velma Warren
Carl and Marimae Warring
Brian and Sharon Wartman
Wayne and Faith Washington
Curtis G. and Colleen Wasson
Charles Watkins
Denny and Jane Watkins
Evart and Aloha Watson
Tom and Melissa Watson
Michael Weaver
Everette and Terry (Nathaniel) Webb
Francis X. and Margaret (Sudmeier)
Brien and Gayle Weber
Catherine M. Weber
Gary Weber
Jim Weber
Larry Weber and Nanette Walden
Lori Weber
Lucille Weber
Martin G. and Jane Weber
Richard J. and Bette (Cappuccio)
Clifford and Karen Webster
Ellis and Gail Weeker
Seth and Michelle Weekes
Davis and Debora Weeks
Mary F. (Uhlenkott) Weeks
David Wege
Kathy A. (Plachta) Wehrly
Dr. Robert G. Weigand
Garry and Theresa Weil
Victor R. and Clara A. (Shaw) Weil
Gerry and Terri Weiler
Frank and Debbie Weiss
Jeffrey and Christine Welch
Mark and Colleen Wells
Thomas and Penny Wells
Lonald and Linda Welly
Richard Wemhoff and Frances
Scott and Kimberly Wendelin
John and Rene Wendt
Joseph and Ann Wenger
Bruce and Maryann Wenrick
Gary Wentz and Helen Kilzer
Mark and Vera Werner
Francis and Barbara Wernette
Jace and Jeanette Werre
Wladyslaw and Jozefa Weryk
Terence Wesley-Smith and Laura
Richard and Barbara Wessley
Pat and Carol West
Jerry Westby and Cheryl Victor
James Weston
Donald and Theresa Westwood
Glenn and Mary Wetzel
William A. and Patricia M. Whalen
Rodney and Cecelia Wheeler
Mary K. (Erickson) Whelan
Dean and Lise White
George and Brenda White
Lawrence and Donna White
The Hon. and Mrs. Richard White
Ronald and Jill White
Russell White and Judith QualyWhite
Marc and Sheila Whitehead
Paul and Elizabeth Whitehead
David and Kathryn Whitener
William and Barbara Whiton
Forrest Whitt
Janice K. Whitt
Richard and Marie Whittington
Eugene Whyte and Eileen Murphy
Daniel and Berit Wick
Dennis and Melissa Wick
Maureen Wicks
Steve and Nancy Wiebold
Robert and Barbara (McNulty) Wiest
Thomas E. Wilde
John Wildermuth and Loretta
Douglas R. and Linda R. Wiley
Lawrence and Susan Wilk
Olive Wilkins
James Wilkinson and Nancy
Doucette Wilkinson
Gary Willard
Margaret Willard
William Willard and Carol Wheeler
Craig and Mary Williams
Dwight and Toni Ann Williams
James and Bev Williams
Janell Williams
Linda J. Williams
Regina Williams
Richard and Carol Williams
Cynthia Williamson
Bruce and Carolyn Willoughby
Loretta F. Willoughby
Ronnie Wilmoth and Kathy Weeks
Robert and Elizabeth Wilmouth
Mike Wilskey and Mary Hoeflich
Dan and Sandi Wilson
David and Linda Wilson
Jeffrey and Donna Wilson
Paul and Pamela Wilson
Stephen Wilson
Steven and Laurel Wilson
Greg and Carol Winiger
Kurt and Jeanne Winje
Mary Winslow
William and Amparo Winter
John and Michelle Winter-Nolte
Ken and Roberta Wise
Only gifts made by December 31 can help reduce the amount
of tax you owe next April. To make your year-end gift count:
• Ensure that your gift is dated and postmarked no later than
Dec. 31, 2011. The date you mail your donation is generally
recognized as the gift date for tax purposes.
• Give online at gonzaga.edu/makeagift no later than
11:59 p.m. (PST) on Dec. 31, 2011.
• To transfer stock in the 2011 tax year, please call no later than
Dec. 16. Contact Annette Davis, assistant director of planned
giving, at 509.313.6141.
If you have questions about making a gift for 2011, please call
800.463.6925. Thank you for your generosity, and we wish you a
blessed holiday season.
Lawrence and Velvet Withers
Gray and Lynn Withey
Lon and Victoria Withrow
George and Margaret Witter
Maureen Wixsten
Thomas and Sharon Wobker
Timothy J. and Julie A. Wojtowick
Dr. and Mrs. David Wolf
Leo and Marian Wolfe
Eugene and Elizabeth Wolfel
Fritz and Jeanie Wolff
Thomas and Karen Wolff
James and Aline Wolfrom
William and Sandra Kay
Raymond and Ella Wong
Kangsan Woo and Cathy Chang
Amy Wood
Brian and Patricia Wood
Gerald and Kelly Wood
Anne K. Woodbury
Jeff and Nancy Woodworth
Carol L. Wopschall
Jim Workland
Donald Worley and Alice Aldous
Richard and Cathy (Harrison)
John Wortham and Cynthia Johnson
Peggy and John Worthing
Charlotte R. Worthy
Steven and Jane Wraith
Edward and Teresa Wren
Daniel Wright
Daniel and Nancy Wright
David and Margaret Wright
William and Pamela Wright
Stanley and Jennifer Wroblewski
Carol Wrolstad
Robert and Bette Jo (Goicoechea)
Leslie Wyant
Oswald and Jane Wyatt
Stanford and Shane Wyatt
Sally Wyffels
James and Dianne Wyllie
Steffen and Josephine Yamada
Joe and Dorothy Yamamoto
Joseph and Stephanie Yanni
Jane Yates
Randall W. and Joyce A. (Fuchs)
Mr. John T. Yeats
Mike and Judy Yeend
Mike and Susan Yelenich
Warren and Iris Yen
Robert and Titut Yokelson
Richard and Sue Yorioka
Kenneth and Jeanne Yorozu
Arnold Young
Jana Young
John and Donja Young
Ronald and Sheila Young
Leon Younger
Robert and Christine Yrani
Haseeb Yusef
Irv and Angela Zakheim
Korrina Zambrzuski
Theodore and Sharol Zambukos
John and Cynthia Zapotocky
Julie Zarn
David and Sherry Zembik
William and Edna Zemke
James and Mary Ziegler
Donald and Kathryn Zietz
Ronald and Lorna Ziller
James and Maura Zimmerschied
Jack and Margaret Zinkgraf
Mike and Susan Ziolko
Paul and Kathleen Zizza
Craig and Beth Zoellner
James and Ruth Zollner
Ron and Carol Zuckerman
Ramon and Jane Zugazaga
Joseph and Terri Zura
Great care was taken to ensure
the accuracy of this listing. We
would appreciate you alerting
us to any errors or omissions.
Please contact Laura Gatewood,
director of stewardship, at 509.313.6381, 800.463.6925 or gatewood@gonzaga.edu.
Finance – Endowments and Life income fund Balances
Permanent Endowments
General Support
Andrade Family Outdoor Orientation
$ 153,601 Athletic Academic Center Lou Barbieri Athletic Fred E. and Venora E. Bigelow $
Lawrence D. Acre 44,611 42,926
Alaska Regional 112,005 96,642
Alberta $ 171,812 $
26,740 0
160,121 136,896
1,157,424 991,964
Henry and Lucy Anderson 50,962 Christine Bozarth 1 84,963 73,309
Gayle Andrews 28,631 24,136
Business Faculty Enrichment 30,063 25,940
Anthony’s 171,862 131,589
Cardoner Retreat CCASL Mentoring Programs 56,624 48,857
Apregan Family 34,632 101,910 88,067
Tony Arguinchona Memorial 33,980 0
Arkison 23,769 20,758
Gerard V. and Debora Centioli Faculty Fellowship
for Excellence in Business Education 110,031 94,939
Geraldine F. Arnold 1 2,334,143 2,015,760
Suzanne Margaret Charlton Faculty Development 34,440 29,716
Athletic Director 22,137 15,851
Choir Tour 25,239 21,777
Paul A. Baldy Memorial 35,586 27,204
Class of 1999 Diversity 24,775 18,847
Robert B. Bargen, S.J. 97,289 83,014
109,503 94,483
Charles A. and Dolores A. Barry Memorial 255,597 217,538
George Corkery, Jr. Men’s Rowing 60,373 0
Kenneth Baugh 26,840 23,158
George Corkery, Jr. Women’s Rowing 60,373 0
Bayer Corporation 33,170 28,620
John H. Collins John W. Dunne, S.J. 44,771 38,630
1,767,630 1,518,189
Otto J. Eckel 86,036 1 Lt. Forrest P. Ewens Award 50,885 Arthur L. Dussault, S.J. Foundation 1 Gerald M. Berger (’57) 174,583 123,921
Fred and Paula Bevegni 34,430 31,233
Martin P. Blum 30,155 26,019
Bonanzino Family 27,413 23,326
Faculty Enrichment 71,028 61,240
Erma A. Bonge Gonzaga-in-Florence 94,697 99,990
Frank and Sharon Bouten Don and Carol Herak Engineering Faculty
Development 154,529 133,221
Conrad N. Hilton Community Service 230,955 199,277
29,044 47,663
123,055 101,520
27,539 23,761
228,363 197,041
Hogan Program Anna Marie Ledgerwood Rhoady and Jean Marie Lee Retreat Loeken Faculty/Staff Recognition Robert V. Lyons, Yvonne E. Lyons,
Eileen E. Lyons, and Robert V. Lyons, Jr., S.J.,
Jesuit Academic and Administrative Services Simon and Darcy Manning Florence Traveling E. Thomas Martin Gonzaga-in-Florence McCarthey Athletic Compensation 984,786 733,191
49,392 44,551
170,124 125,390
1,006,472 868,424
Eleanor Miller/Welch Foundation 77,642 66,993
Minneapolis 36,380 31,390
Mission 44,129 38,076
Ken Norrie Faculty Development 110,785 95,589
Colleen Randall Women’s Golf Enhancement 508,932 359,162
Leonard and Evelyn Riley Athletic Jake Schiffner Sodexo: Cataldo Operations 30,898 26,660
188,571 162,706
47,233 40,754
1,012,705 1,083,855
Dallas E. Stroschein Memorial 25,752 20,273
Jacob Triesch Athletic 77,211 66,621
Wasmer Music 27,141 23,418
2,327,291 2,006,573
Robert J. Spitzer, S.J., Leadership Anonymous/Other Helen Brach Foundation Daniel G. Brajcich 100,868 87,033
89,081 70,607
166,966 135,334
2,127,962 1,819,144
Jim Bresnahan 27,152 26,621
Brian Brett Memorial 72,122 58,043
Mike (’52) and Marj Brewer Family 68,490 53,024
Fred L. and Olivia C. Briggs 72,185 60,024
Herb, Margaret, Greg, and Evelyn (Edsall) Briggs 37,759 32,580
Mr. and Mrs. Hervy Brulotte 66,586 57,453
Carl A. and Carla M. Buck Memorial 34,651 29,898
110,642 95,467
Christopher and Mary Ann Bulger Family Paul Buller Bob and Stevie Burke 30,912 26,770
156,072 129,689
Mary Fahay Busch 80,494 69,454
Molly and Stewart Butler 81,771 61,996
Michael J. Byrne and Richard Spils Memorial 34,902 27,866
Joseph F. and Sharon M. Cade (’76) 70,442 59,664
Dennis A. and Peggy M. Calfee California Callahan-Zeller Foundation 92,811 57,396
352,140 303,840
86,903 74,223
John E. Cannon, Sr. 385,542 331,730
C. Pat Carroll, S.J. 165,504 128,007
Clifford A. Carroll, S.J. 205,147 177,009
Leslie M. Carroll 203,673 175,737
5,419,430 4,676,100
Marguerite M. and Henry J. Casey 1 Joseph M. Cataldo, S.J. 1 429,265 247,078
Alma and Gill A. Centioli 256,392 221,225
Law School Foundation
Henri P. Charvet, S.J. 36,039 31,096
John R. Clark Loan Repayment
Assistance Program Harry E. Chisholm 93,231 80,444
52,413 0
Class of ’79 50,063 43,055
Marvel Collins 60,655 49,784
Class of 1998 25,076 21,387
Beverly J. Clegg Memorial 214,076 0
880,918 760,091
Gonzaga Center for Law and Justice 64,692 52,218
480,612 401,052
Lesley Lee Memorial 27,732 23,141
William and
Virginia Clemens/Del Skillingstad, S.J. Linden Cup 80,735 67,370
Coca-Cola Foundation 60,356 51,941
Verne and Mary Oliver 38,779 33,189
S. Earl Cochran Memorial 26,023 21,001
Norman and Rita Roberts 442,507 290,466
Coffman Engineers 61,205 52,810
Carrie Welch 429,156 358,114
James E. Collins, Jr. 49,510 42,720
$ 13,477,189 $ 11,358,646
Law Foundation Scholar Total General Support Endowments
1 See also Quasi-Endowments
Fair Market Value as of May 31, 2011 and 2010 (funds over $20,000 listed by name)
Dr. James R. and Bridget Condon 49,221 42,369
Francis W. Conn, S.J., Memorial 559,533 447,986
1 See also Quasi-Endowments
1,060,898 915,385
Dorothy E. Guild 78,391 67,639
Daryl and Michele Connell 162,110 130,560
Roger K. Guise Memorial 80,659 60,501
Lawrence F. (’27, ’29) and Kathleen Connolly 117,414 101,310
Larry L. Guthrie in honor of Gertrude O. Guthrie 158,887 123,398
Teresita Coombes Trinity 95,108 72,175
Joseph T. and Patricia P. Hall 212,517 183,368
George and Pearl Corkery 382,677 330,189
27,319 23,572
381,179 306,143
20,419 13,600
Walter J. and Donna F. Conn Paul Corkery, S.J. and Francis Corkery, S.J. (’26) COSTCO Bartley and Catherine Costello Bob and Donna Hanson Family Erik W. Hanson Memorial 70,341 58,385
157,245 134,672
Fred L. and Elizabeth J. Hanson 419,323 361,808
Haws 115,900 100,004
William Randolph Hearst 454,319 392,004
Patrick J. Hefferman Family 139,015 0
Coughlin Family 137,319 118,370
Marie M. Crabtree 39,893 0
C. Pat and Jean Craigen 58,343 50,341
Carol L. Herak 190,258 Colonel John F. Crandall 21,884 18,882
Herres-Munroe 56,012 43,672
Bing Crosby Memorial 40,663 35,085
Hersholt Family 27,858 23,890
Mr. and Mrs. John Hildebrand James and Elizabeth Cummins 26,026 22,456
407,707 351,786
64,511 55,662
Charles Henry Davis 880,338 759,591
Conrad N. Hilton Dean’s Business Forum 309,654 231,104
Daniel P Hogan, Jr. Family 224,770 193,674
29,411 21,673
Hooker Creek Ranch 454,266 391,959
Richard DeBlieck Stan Hooper Family 89,803 68,393
116,882 100,851
DeFeyter Family 82,612 0
Dell ‘Osso Family 299,824 258,700
Judge Bert Horrigan Memorial Robert and Evelyn Dieringer 124,572 107,486
W. P. Ilgen 101,405 83,103
22,459 18,971
J “n” M 249,394 203,782
Richard W. Dillman Memorial William R. and Kathleen A. (McFarland) Dobner 38,416 31,749
Thomas Jefferson 144,309 Drs. Albert and Isaslawa Dresner 49,610 42,806
Dr. and Mrs. Edward S. Jennings Memorial 101,560 87,630
Theodore Dreyer Memorial 21,537 18,583
Roy J. Johnson Memorial 1,152,696 994,592
1,192,559 1,014,131
Eric A. Johnston 322,035 277,864
Lawrence E. Duffy 527,517 455,163
Ina H. Johnston 363,444 313,594
Walter W. Duncan Memorial 196,797 169,804
Kaiser Aluminum Fabricated Products 385,143 332,317
John (’26) and Isabel d’Urbal 93,208 80,423
Albert A. Kelly Memorial 131,563 108,861
1,584,128 1,366,849
460,494 397,333
Driessel Family Durkan Family 32,950 28,430
Duff and Dorothy Kennedy Memorial William Earl Edmonds 30,938 26,694
Joseph R. Keys John Wiltsie Epton, Jr. 88,655 76,495
Henry and Margaret Kinzer 25,901 22,348
Mary Olson Fairhurst Memorial 22,983 19,831
Violet and Roy Knott 74,183 64,008
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Konlock 29,814 25,725
Dr. Benjamin C. Koreski 59,569 51,399
I. S. and Emily C. Fetterman 30,320 22,906
W. Brooks and Martha Fields 525,227 453,119
Charles C. Finucane 82,871 71,504
Jacob J. and Anna Clara (Voggenthaler) Kuch 53,557 40,676
John and Mary Ann Firkins Memorial 37,811 30,392
Judge Albert I. Kulzer Memorial 50,512 43,584
Patrick J. Ford, S.J. 157,289 135,544
A.O. and Evelyn Foster 130,608 112,694
Milton F., Leona G. (Kuch) and
Milton J. Langlois (’60) Family 59,937 47,829
Richard and Orlanta Franck 465,342 401,516
Louie H. and Donna M. Lapke 195,504 145,378
Roger and Marian Fruci 29,875 25,778
Charles and Margaret Larson 528,146 455,705
Joe P. and Joan L. Gagliardi Family 29,431 24,205
Law School 105,522 91,049
118,988 90,239
Daniel and Lisa Sue Lee 27,665 23,174
336,625 Maurice Gales John A. Galligan and William F. Donnelly Garco Athletic Garco Civil Engineering 24,801 0
Padre Lehmann/Father Regimbal, S.J. 283,773 235,306
Tony Lehmann, S.J. 119,496 99,563
Tony J. Lehmann, S.J. 33,541 28,941
53,430 46,101
122,213 125,804
C. Maya Lit 78,273 66,008
Lena and Nancy Longo 54,234 46,796
149,794 129,248
144,784 124,925
General Memorial 49,640 42,832
Frank and Ethel Lenzie Dr. Terry Gieber
Bernard and Mafalda Levernier Gilbert Family 25,245 21,758
174,097 145,100
John and Alvin Gordon 20,996 15,099
Ed and Candy Gormley 50,366 0
Graduate School of Business 92,954 80,204
Robert J. Gillingham, S.J. Elizabeth A. Lynn M.W. Consulting Engineers 28,739 22,775
Matthew Madison 36,824 28,106
George and Marianne Grant Basketball 208,215 179,656
Harry F. and Colleen B. Magnuson Family 546,849 468,118
George and Marianne Grant Engineering 206,402 178,092
C. Dan Martin and C.Y. Martin 1 1,281,332 1,105,584
Josef and Stephany Gray 141,636 119,429
Charlotte Martin Foundation 1 3,594,478 3,536,473
Mark A. Gresbrink 45,705 0
123,702 106,735
George and Anita Grismer 77,977 67,028
Michael C. Mathis Memorial 26,962 23,264
GU Bay Area — Via and Bruno 25,228 17,192
Virginia Maughan 87,352 75,371
Mary and Ray “Doc” Mauro 65,881 56,845
125,088 107,931
J. Francis Gubbins, S.J. J. Francis Gubbins, S.J. Native American 1,005,464 866,452
45,416 39,187
Michael C. Mathis (’65) Philip G. McCarthey 1 See also Quasi-Endowments
Finance – Endowments and Life income fund Balances
Permanent Endowments
179,070 154,508
60,957 52,596
Helen C. McDonald 166,823 Ivah M. McDonnell Joseph L. McCarthy Lawrence H. and Florence (Olivet) McCormack Jimmy McGann Dr. James G. McGivern James Francis Cardinal McIntyre Denver and Mary McLeod Memorial 2011
Paul and Barbara Redmond 50,466 36,696
Regents Nucleus 65,190 56,248
Edward J. and Bunny (Suva) Renouard 46,750 35,586
122,379 105,593
Edward J. and Bunny (Suva) Renouard Engineering 46,750 35,586
23,496 0
1,343,820 1,157,236
470,543 383,455
Richardson Family 59,306 51,172
96,342 83,128
Aleck M. and Mary M. Ripple Memorial 79,152 63,903
199,580 172,205
Gilbert and Catherine Rhodes 218,919 0
Margaret S. Richards Memorial 267,017 230,393
John R. (Jack) and Rose C. Meersman 101,111 87,243
Norman and Dorita Roberts Family Alvera Brown Meighan 124,623 93,413
Roche Family 82,695 71,352
Eleanor J. Mele 25,922 22,367
Jim and Jean Roeber Family 63,768 51,842
Merwin 58,671 48,372
Mary Stuart Rogers Foundation Joseph C. Metcalfe Memorial 41,337 34,922
Roothaan John and Catherine Michels 83,469 72,021
David and Maureen Rorick Patrick T. Mick (’06) 78,119 44,030
Joseph Merton and Jessie Rosauer Family 21,591
28,162 24,299
299,365 256,441
Jack D. Miklos 796,187 686,982
Glo E. Ross 35,233 23,917
Don and Betty Miller Memorial 797,997 688,544
Rudisile Family 49,155 33,394
Lyle W. Moore 1,749,241 523,959
Kermit (’51) and Frances Rudolf Athletic 58,130 50,157
Taka Moriyasu 53,958 46,557
Kermit (’51) and Frances Rudolf Law 83,803 67,871
Tatsuo “Tex” Moriyasu Memorial 73,684 63,577
Donald R. and Kathleen P. Ryan Memorial 67,506 58,247
Sachtjen Family John and Melinda Moynier 109,878 85,492
Angelo R. Mozilo Family 312,627 269,747
51,351 44,307
Multi-Class Murphy Family: Thomas, Katherine,
Monica, and Bill (’32) 53,264 39,912
Madeleine St. Marie 125,827 108,569
Frances A. and Sam R. Salla Memorial 256,941 221,595
66,324 57,336
Timothy J. Sarbaugh 99,938 86,231
Patrick H. and Fran Murphy 137,144 Clarence and Della Murray 97,147 Elaine (Morris) Myers and Patrick Morris 29,741 11,326
William H. Schumaker 98,415 91,125
Jack G. and Katherine E. Neupert Memorial 61,163 52,774
Fr. Bruno Segatta 90,709 78,177
Megan M. (Taylor) Satchell (’02) and
Sarah J. (Taylor) Schwering (’04) 27,935 23,961
Mary L. Schons 36,195 30,358
Frank A. and Margaret M. Nigro Family 353,978 305,427
Joseph M. Shabaz 176,584 152,364
John W. and Francis (Fagan) Nitkey 128,525 110,897
R. Mike and Mary (Owens) Shanahan 201,805 181,005
67,544 56,761
135,412 116,839
Malcolm C. and Elizabeth M. Sharp, Sr.
and Malcolm C. Sharp, Jr. 1,112,651 960,040
Mary Katherine Shaw Memorial Timothy J. O’Leary, S.J. 45,281 38,838
Archie P. Sherar Memorial 29,449 0
Donald and Joan Olson 30,059 23,988
Shiel Family 26,947 22,324
Nursing Monica and William L. O’Connell, Jr. Memorial Charlie and Doris O’Connor 41,772 35,926
228,301 191,082
108 Club Montana 47,677 39,741
Ivan A. Shirk Richard J. O’Neill Family 73,355 63,293
Paul B. Shorett Memorial Michael J. Ornellas (’66) Memorial 36,307 31,327
Dr. Robert G. Skok 23,157 19,981
Ossello Family 71,147 42,381
Harry H. and Marguerite Sladich 42,194 34,391
60,613 53,158
124,030 107,018
27,795 23,983
Elmer E. Smith, Jr. 40,627 Robert (Eddie) Page 184,186 158,923
Robert A. and Celeste Smith 94,744 81,749
Robert and Carol Palencar 627,295 541,255
Frost and Margaret Snyder 439,627 359,080
Stanley J. Padden Pearson Family Dr. and Mrs. Otto J. Penna 97,056 82,856
130,515 112,613
Sodexo 100,824 86,995
Blanche H. Spitzer 142,257 119,152
Steele-Reese 314,589 271,440
Perko Family 26,864 19,767
Phoenix Regional 33,063 0
Megan Therese Piper (’92) Memorial 58,400 49,220
Donald L. and Lucy Ann Stoner Polich Family Stephen N. Pope Portland Steilen Family 70,421 62,951
395,127 327,004
72,386 62,458
Tacoma Regional 23,169 0
112,071 96,700
Elizabeth Fluor Taylor 24,720 0
73,713 63,603
Richard B. Taylor, II Family 139,255 118,957
Charles A. and Helen Tilford 431,943 372,698
Portland Regional 34,835 0
Richard E. Powers Memorial 23,490 20,268
John and Ann Timm 25,215 19,923
Richard and Helen Powers Family 195,596 119,850
Michael and Annie Tobin Family 50,748 46,359
Robert K. and Ann J. Powers 205,379 177,209
Toepel Family Memorial 40,508 34,952
Ernest H. and Greta M. Toll 107,740 92,962
1,083,984 935,305
Edward and Helen Prevol and
Arlene Prevol-Koeferl 76,226 65,771
Walter A. Toly Memorial Marty Pujolar 32,813 28,313
Erwin J. Toner, S.J. 113,896 97,995
Paul Ranieri 49,172 0
Townsend Memorial 269,329 232,388
Ravarino Mark and Barbara Ray 21,664 16,094
Peter M. Tripp Memorial 38,595 33,090
256,711 227,162
John Tubbs Memorial 1 276,296 238,400
1 See also Quasi-Endowments
25,264 203,753 GONZAGA MAGAZINE | WINTER 2012
Tucci Family Florence 156,191 124,539
Joseph P. Delay — Law Tucci Family/NAPA 478,430 412,809
Foley Library — General Susan M. Rauenhorst Turner 174,472 149,610
Parents’ Library — Periodicals 24,720 21,329
27,543 23,765
Steele-Reese Foundation — Humanities 485,463 418,877
John H. Taylor, S.J., Memorial — Classical
Languages and Patristics Richard E. Twohy, S.J. Union Pacific Foundation V-12 William L. Van Sistine 99,326 85,702
144,998 120,979
1,390,090 1,199,425
Anthony Via, S.J. 94,909 81,891
Anthony P. Via, S.J. 32,886 27,444
Vogelheim Family 236,589 204,094
Vomaske Family 337,240 0
Anthony T. Wadden/Michael B. Herzog 38,347 28,483
Wallace Foundation 40,292 34,766
Frank Walter (Two Honest Friars) Flaherty
and Weller 25,068 21,630
Robert Wark Prentice and Virginia Warner 55,842
Anonymous/Other 57,822 49,891
Law School Foundation
Harvey and Harriet Clarke — Law Ethics 2 Thomas and Helen Greenan — Law 93,016 77,618
Law Library 43,831 36,576
Law Review 21,747 17,423
Anonymous/Other 8,084 10,301
College of Arts and Sciences
Bernard J. Coughlin, S.J.,
Chair of Christian Philosophy
1,907,222 1,645,282
Milo P. and Maud O. Flannery,
Chair of Theology 1 1,693,923 1,452,791
Kreielsheimer Foundation,
Chair of Fine Arts 1,550,158 1,337,538
657,470 567,291
1,331,867 1,148,587
92,473 68,703
117,117 97,316
David Wollersheim 119,304 79,543
Anonymous/Other 1,306,558 1,061,596
Action for Diversity Awareness 40,727 33,100
Bronze Tile 50,327 42,044
Law School Foundation
Kenneth Butler Memorial 97,362
64,719 88,479
73,490 WINGS 112,839 Charles J. Walsh, S.J. Memorial — Law 66,599
26,202 Christopher M. West Memorial 66,090
77,186 Wellpinit and Nespelem Jeanne Wiest 97,797
76,596 102,544 Carrie Welch Helen and Joe Welty 116,438 148,309 123,758
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Chastek 1 94,430 78,798
Class Reunion — Law 40,920 34,146
John and Mary Jo Costello 48,404 40,391
Marcus Kelly Family 24,903 20,780
Timothy J. O’Leary, S.J.,
Chair of Chemistry 1 782,763 655,675
Robert K. and Ann J. Powers,
Chair of Humanities 1,361,704 1,174,933
Dr. Scholl Foundation,
Chair of Chemistry 1,542,982 1,331,346
John L. Aram,
Chair of Business Ethics 1 1,035,019 896,421
Dr. Erwin Graue,
Chair of Economics 1 1,433,039 1,228,782
School of Business
Nora Garvin Kommers 21,306 17,779
James R. Jundt,
Chair of Economics 1 1,498,121 1,292,639
Law Faculty Student 54,037 45,092
Pigott Professor in Entrepreneurship 1,694,142 1,485,348
William Lindberg 26,359 0
521,521 406,148
Kinsey M. Robinson,
Chair of Business Administration 1 1,544,397 1,325,164
27,943 23,142
125,264 0
1,745 0
2,040,230 1,702,490
885,471 500,912
1,554,955 1,272,331
254,999 197,745
Van F. Christoph, S.J., Memorial 170,058 160,805
William Lyle Davis, S.J., Memorial 124,290 107,242
Lita and Paul Luvera Lloyd Meeds Memorial Thomas More 362,604 283,741
Joseph C. and Muriel E. Murphy 180,129 151,018
Nuxoll Family Memorial 127,163 106,112
Lewis H. Orland 164,536 137,324
Barbara Helen Perrey Memorial 21,306 17,779
Drew Corley Pierson Memorial 28,854 24,077
Philip M. and Mary Raekes 140,745 113,911
Judge Willard J. Roe Memorial 372,378 310,734
Lee M. Solomon 102,639 85,648
Pat and Diane Sullivan 26,359 0
Sylvia Ann Thomas 32,287 26,942
293,294 244,742
Workland/Gose 170,573 142,336
Anonymous/Other 224,714 152,702
Carrie Welch art museum
Carol Albright 57,892 49,952
398,536 343,873
71,279 60,689
William N. Bischoff, S.J. — History 117,731 101,404
Frank B. Costello, S.J. — Political Science 53,567 45,694
Museum Exhibition Fredrick and Genevieve Schlatter Libraries
1 See also Quasi-Endowments
School of Law
J. Donald and Va Lena (Scarpelli) Curran,
Faculty Chair Anonymous/Other Law School Foundation
Frederick N. and Barbara T. Curley,
Chair of Commercial Law J. Donald and Va Lena (Scarpelli) Curran,
Faculty Chair John J. Hemmingson,
Chair of Civil Liberties Smithmoore P. Myers,
Dean’s Chair lectures
Law School Foundation
Richard and Lynn Guy Paul N. and Lita T. Barnett Luvera 48,063 35,707
Total Restricted Endowments
8,300,699 $ 81,420,267
Total Permanent Endowments
$111,777,888 $ 92,778,914
1 See also Quasi-Endowments
2 See Don and Va Lena Curran Endowed Faculty Chair
Finance – Endowments and Life income fund Balances
$ 5,686,532 $ 4,906,567
$ 606,925 $
74,543 64,319
Total Restricted Endowments
$ 18,924,967 $ 15,742,935
Total Quasi-Endowments
$ 27,839,090 $ 23,344,299
Patrick J. Cavanaugh Faculty Enrichment 134,490 116,043
Harry L. (Bing) Crosby 138,911 141,928
Arthur L. Dussault, S.J. Foundation 3 104,145 95,414
39,621 47,394
Frank McMahon 232,948 200,997
John W. Murphy 534,809 461,454
Anonymous/Other 124,950 107,812
Life Income funds
Dr. John B.† and Lorraine H. Adams William and Nancy Burnett 2011
$ 142,122 2010
950,130 815,113
Dr. Robert Joseph and Thelma Rose Bartoletti Casey 204,460 180,409
Alan and Ann Cawkwell Beverly J. Clegg† 3 53,745 0
Law School Foundation
Marie M. Crabtree† 3 0
Quasi Endowment Name Withheld by Request William A.† and Tasia Davenport 483,949 424,231
40,737 37,317
Joseph and Edna Deichl 380,774 344,823
Total General Support Endowments
1,310,793 1,000,076
$ 3,227,592 $ 2,694,797
Joseph and Peggy Brennan Marguerite M. and Henry J. Casey 3 Joseph M. Cataldo, S.J. $ 370,336 $
96,819 83,539
334,769 412,161
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Chastek 3 1,246,776 1,075,718
Comstock Foundation 3,724,596 3,213,730
Sperry H. Goodman 978,970 844,695
Fred L. and Elizabeth J. Hanson Athletic 154,479 133,291
49,281 42,522
Ed and Euretta James 312,966 270,040
Arlene E. and Arthur L. LaMasters 172,414 148,766
1,847,554 1,594,143
38,517 33,234
2,355,748 2,032,610
Roach Family 181,933 156,979
Mary F. Simkins 148,208 127,880
54,760 50,000
Kathyrn A. Jacklin Memorial C. Y. Martin Foundation 3 NCAA Athletic Academic Enhancement John Prange, S.J./Ignatian Leaders George Struble John and Betty Tubbs Memorial 3 Peter and Carol Welk 529,805 0
96,945 83,648
Edith L. Anderson 3
John L. Aram Horace C. Bozarth College Science Research 190,544 250,560 23,284 20,665
Name Withheld by Request Charles E.† and Barbara Hennessey, Jr. 111,993 100,131
480,079 447,056
Phillip and Lorelei Herres 164,010 145,656
Dorothy C. Kelly 208,843 187,043
John J. and Nancy L.† Lee John and Elizabeth† Leonard Jack and Mary McCann Joseph L. McCarthy Trust Robert and Claire McDonald Dr. Joseph and Clara Monks Joseph C.† and Muriel E. Murphy 35,449 31,537
22,281 20,105
1,051,231 984,515
946,689 844,873
3,526,857 3,057,813
78,048 63,508
90,856 82,788
William R. Ogle 264,978 233,064
Edward E. and Yvonne† Ralph 208,819 187,964
Name Withheld Upon Request 172,836 156,365
Lucille A. Rooney Trust 274,695 239,938
Virginia Schurra Stephen B.† and Mary E. Shinn 76,384 67,617
191,315 165,199
21,821 19,948
John and Betty Tubbs Trusts 5 Harry L. Williams Trust 30,289 27,808
Lee and Barbara Wright 36,948 33,392
995,816 859,230
John T. Yeats 86,342 78,745
181,136 156,292
Anonymous/Other 39,627 36,764
78,861 68,044
797,255 687,904
347,702 300,011
64,439 55,600
Law School Restricted 310,465 267,882
306,435 264,849
78,778 67,972
Timothy J. O’Leary, S.J.,
Chair of Chemistry 3 112,640 116,338
Coletta W. O’Meara 141,260 121,885
Gary Glenn 37,287 Mission Trust 3 See also Permanent Endowments
247,963 Maurice Gales 54,462 James R. Jundt,
Mosque Operations 67,535
Hildebrand-Pease Law Library Kellogg 21,816
75,637 Bartholomew M.† and Sarah Stevens 1,098,369
Don and Carol Herak Engineering Equipment Chair of Economics 3 23,947 Ivan and Marlene Stewart George† and Margaret Tiesse 725,295 154,442 Jesuit Mission Trust Marcella Farrington Jim and Maxine Finlen 164,409
1,273,075 Dr. Erwin Graue,
Chair of Economics 3 International Cultural Center 66
146,841 Tom and Camilla Tilford 4 GENERAL SUPPORT
Maud O. Flannery 3 2010
School of Business Educational Enrichment Alphonse A. and Geraldine F. Arnold
President’s Fund
Christine Bozarth 3 2011
Kinsey M. Robinson,
Chair of Business Administration 3 Alphonse A. and Geraldine F. Arnold
Distinguished Professorship
Alphonse A. and Geraldine F. Arnold
Scholarship 3 Total Life Income Funds
$ 10,838,885 $ 10,302,299
Total Endowments and Life Income
† Deceased
3 See also Permanent Endowments
4 Endowment Terminated
5 Term Endowment—See also Quasi-Endowment
$ 126,425,511
Family/Reunion Weekend 2011
Parents, alumni and students flooded onto campus
this October for Fall Family Weekend, Reunion,
Spurs and Setons, M.B.A. and M.Acc. reunions.
JOIN US NEXT YEAR to celebrate Gonzaga’s 125th
Anniversary and the School of Law’s Centennial.
All families and all alumni Classes are invited.
Make your plans now for Oct. 19-21, 2012. For more
information, see gonzaga.edu/125.
off campus
Alumni News Briefs
’01 Joe and ’02 Anne Smith welcomed the
birth of their second child, Emily Carmella,
on Feb. 12. Joe is associate vice president for
finance at Gonzaga, and Ann is a busy
stay-at-home mom.
’52 Andy Andreano has so
thoroughly dedicated himself as
a volunteer with the St. Vincent
de Paul’s community outreach
programs in Glendale, Ariz., that
the organization named an award
for him. The Andreano Award will
be given annually to a volunteer
who goes above and beyond to
help the community.
’77 Fr. Greg Boyle, Los Angeles,
was honored with the Award for
Distinguished Contributions to
Ignatian Mission and Ministries,
bestowed this spring by the
University of Scranton. He is
founder of Homeboy Industries,
a job-training nonprofit for
gang members. Fr. Boyle visited
Gonzaga in October to speak with
students. His book “Tattoos on
the Heart” was the summer read
for Gonzaga freshmen.
’78 Tim Hennessy is executive
director of CASA for Children,
a Portland, Ore., nonprofit
that advocates for abused and
neglected children.
’79 Brig. Gen. Joseph Caravalho,
ROTC graduate, became
commander of the Northern
Regional Medical Command on
July 29. The region reaches from
New England to South Carolina.
’85 Peter F. Malen, Jr. is a
member of the board of directors
of Workman Nydegger PC, an
intellectual property law firm
with offices in Salt Lake City and
Orange County, Calif.
’92 John Cummings and Tara
Thompson were wed at a pig roast
in Unionville, Mont., on June 25.
They honeymooned with John’s
children in Einbeck, Germany,
holding a second reception in the
Heldenburg Castle ruins. The
couple lives in Helena, Mont.
’92 Greg Bever [M.O.L.],
publisher of the Spokane Journal
of Business, was elected to
the Board of Trustees of AAA
Washington. He also serves on
the boards of Greater Spokane
Incorporated and the Community
Colleges of Spokane.
’96 Brian Loos, Longview, Wash.,
recently gave bone marrow in an
anonymous donor match through
the “Be the Match” registry.
He was a perfect match for a
15-year-old boy who suffers
from leukemia.
’98 Patsy Gayda [M.O.L.] is vice
president of branches at Spokane
Teachers Credit Union and serves
as a board member for Women
Helping Women.
’00 Jenae Ball [’05 J.D.],
specializes in general civil
litigation and employment/
labor law at Randall Danskin,
Attorneys of Spokane.
’03 Ryan Baker married
Michelle Hernandez Sept. 10
in Sacramento, Calif. Ryan and
Michelle live in San Ramon,
Calif. Ryan is director of wealth
management for Sagemark
Consulting. Michelle offers
in-home care for multiple-birth
’03 Matthew Nicks is the new
pastor for St. Genevieve’s Catholic
Church in Twisp and Sacred Heart
Church in Brewster. He began his
dual assignment in July. Father
Nicks studied in Rome at the
North American College; he was
ordained in 2008.
‘04 Stephanie Dickinson and
Chad Warneke were married
Sept. 25, 2010, at Resort at the
Mountain in Welches, Ore. The
couple lives in Portland, Ore.,
where Stephanie is clinical
manager at the Parry Center
for Children; Chad is marketing
manager for Oregonians Credit
Union. Their wedding party
included Erin Dineen, Brett
Hawkins and Matt Scheelar.
’04 Sarah (Taylor) Schwering…
[3] and Timothy Schwering
welcomed their son, John
Timothy, Dec. 8, 2010. Sarah
is a marketing consultant and
adjunct instructor of business
statistics at Gonzaga, and Tim is
an investigator with the Federal
Defenders of Eastern Washington
and Idaho in Spokane.
’06 Colin Terry…[2] and Meagan
Brncick wed on May 29 in the
San Juan Islands. Meagan is a
licensed marriage and family
therapist, while Colin works at
Colorado School of Mines. They
live in Denver, with their dog,
Jack Bauer.
’06 Marci Schreiber [M.O.L.] is
an interior designer with ALSC
Architects of Spokane. She is a
LEED-accredited professional and
earned her master’s degree in
interior design.
‘07 Trevor White…[1] and
‘08 Jennefer Terkelsen were
married Oct. 16, 2010, at
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux in
Scottsdale, Ariz. Joe Donnelly was
a groomsman. Trevor recently
graduated from California
Western School of Law and
entered the U.S. Marine Corps
J.A.G. in August. Jennefer works
at a San Diego-based securities
litigation firm as a recruiting
’09 Kim Miller has completed two
years as a JVC and is working as
program director for the Ignatian
Solidarity Network, a national
social justice organization that
connects members of Jesuit
universities, high schools and
parishes. Her new job takes her
to University Heights, Ohio.
’10 Kate Reingold spent last year
as a volunteer with the Jesuit
Volunteer Corps in Portland,
Maine. She remains with her JVC
placement, STRIVE, a nonprofit
that serves young adults with
developmental disabilities.
‘09 Leslie Otto…[4] has been
living in Burkina Faso, West
Africa, as a Peace Corps
volunteer. She has worked in “girl
empowerment and education”
community development and
outreach during her 27-month
’10 Carmen Mitchell…[5] and
Derek Clark (’09) married on
July 8 at the Madeline Parish
in Portland, Ore., with a bridal
party full of Bulldogs: Amanda
Arrigotti, Anna Friedhoff, Paul
Hosley, Elizabeth Steeves,
Michael Steeves and Courtney
Wick. The wedding was hosted
by Carmen’s parents, Johnston
Mitchell and Christine CoersMitchell (’92 J.D.). Carmen and
Derek live in Liberty Lake, Wash.,
where Carmen works as a legal
assistant and Derek works as an
gonZAgA UnivERSity ARchivES
This jesuit served Gonzaga for 43 years and held just about every position
imaginable, including the title “unofficial dean of women.” When women
began entering the university in the 1940s, female students felt they needed a
‘protector’ and elected this jesuit for the role.
The Yakima native not only was dedicated to Gonzaga but also to medicine,
serving on the board of the National league of Nursing and co-authoring
“better health care in the state of Washington.”
described by father coughlin, s.j., as “a very down-to-earth, practical, matterof-fact man,” this jesuit was also warm and welcoming, often writing personal
letters to parents detailing their sons’ and daughters’ Gonzaga adventures.
If you know who this mystery Zag is, please share your thoughts and a favorite
memory by e-mailing gonzaga@gonzaga.edu or writing to Editor, Gonzaga
Magazine, Gonzaga University, 502 E. Boone Ave., Spokane, WA 99258-0070.
SISter Margaret Mary CONway
mEmoRiES of thE myStERy ZAg fRom oUR lASt iSSUE
’71 Suzanne harris, Spokane:
i first met Sr. margaret mary
(maggie to many of her debaters
– though maybe not to her face)
as a student at marycliff high
School in Spokane where she was
our debate, drama and English
teacher. At gonzaga, her office,
third floor of the Admin building,
was ‘home’ to everyone involved
in speech and debate. we made
great and lasting friendships
there. She was an inspiration to
all her students.
’71 gary wardian, Austin,
texas: in 1970, the debate team
was a small squad working
out of one tiny room, barely
noticed in the university, entirely
extracurricular. yet there was
no limit to her confidence in our
abilities, which inspired us to
accomplishments regional and
national. there was a memorable
thanksgiving day team meal
consisting of a hot turkey open
face sandwich at a nearly empty
diner when traveling by car (no
airfares in the budget) all the
way to southern california for a
’71 Sheila lally Coe, winthrop,
wash.: not only did Sister
margaret mary bring her energy
and talent to gonzaga, but she
was an inspiration to me during
my high school days. because of
her marvelous teaching style, we
all graduated from marycliff high
School with strong speaking and
writing skills.
’72 ernest huber [’80 J.d.],
issaquah, wash.: that would be
Sister margaret mary conway,
gonzaga’s nationally celebrated
director of debate. i recall her
being genteel with an iron will.
She was great.
’77 rob tucker, des moines,
iowa: i won the Sister margaret
mary conway debate Scholarship
in 1973. many times margaret
mary conway (affectionately
referred to as the “nun”)
shepherded us through
tournaments. we ran our own
tournament one year (doing the
work by hand), working into the
wee hours, having all the pairings
(which team meets which team)
set for the next morning and
even posting them on the walls.
we came in the next morning
only to find that the janitors, in
their diligence, had come in and
torn them all down. Everything
had to be redone. in our effort to
expedite things, we did not keep
even a paper copy. the nun was
not delighted.
’80 greg hicks (’83 J.d.),
newport, wash.: Sister margaret
mary conway was such an
influential, caring teacher
and individual on the gonzaga
campus during the 1970s and
80s. i was proud to have been one
of her ‘men’ and was associated
with her debate program from
1976-80. this association formed
the foundation for who i am today.
debaters such as tom Robinson,
Sue gerber, John cronin, mike
gonZAgA’S fiRSt-EvER dEbAtE REUnion wAS hEld SEpt. 10. thE
highly SUccESSfUl EvEnt dREw AboUt 60 AttEndEES, inclUding
Al mckimmEy (’47), thE moSt SEnioR dEbAtER pRESEnt.
At Right, GONZAGA BULLETIN, octobER 19, 1973
gONZaga MagaZINe | WINTER 2012
ormsby and don hitzeman were
in the program with me and they
are some of the finest people i
have ever known. Sister always
seemed to know what her ‘men’
were up to. She once told me she
liked the ‘skirt’ (woman) i was
dating. great minds think alike
– the skirt is my wonderful wife
kathy lagana (’80); we have been
married for 29 years.
’83 Chuck lloyd, Apple valley,
minn.: i think i can call myself
Sister conway’s last recruit - she
retired as gU’s debate coach in
1979, shortly before i started at
gU that fall. in September of this
year, there was a debate alumni
reunion at gU. nearly every
story told by those of us from the
Sister conway era was about her.
gonzaga debaters recall Sister
conway with the same reverence
as UclA basketball players recall
John wooden. only i suspect we
have funnier memories of the
nun than they do of the wizard
of westwood.
IN mEmoRIam
gonZAgA ExtEndS itS condolEncES to thE
fAmiliES And fRiEndS.
raymond Myers (’49),
July 10, Spokane. he
earned a doctorate of
dental surgery from
marquette University
and practiced dentistry
in Spokane for 38 years.
Zane johnson (’51
J.d.), July 5, Auburn,
wash. he practiced
law and presided as
a judge in the district
and municipal court
george yoshida (’52),
June 22, Seattle. he
worked as an engineer
at boeing for more than
30 years. he was an avid
skier with the Rokka Ski
club and loved raising
vegetables in his garden.
joe Butzerin (’53), July
5, Seattle. he retired
from Seattle city light
in 1997 after 35 years.
Joe served two terms
as chairman of the 34th
district democrats
and was a delegate to
the 1980 democratic
national convention.
Paul russell (’53),
Aug. 8, Seattle. before
becoming an investment
adviser and loan officer,
he was gonzaga’s
alumni director. he also
was a founding member
of Assumption catholic
church and the catholic
foundation of Eastern
Chuck hennessey (’54),
July 30, Spokane.
he was a thirdgeneration funeral
director and embalmer.
his grandfather started
funeral homes in 1906.
chuck took over in the
mid-’80s and spent
many hours building
the business and taking
care of the needs of the
people of Spokane.
darwin delducco (’55),
June 1, olympia, wash.
he worked for the state
department of highways
bridge division until his
retirement and later
ran the family business,
olympia greenhouses.
for several years,
delcucco and his wife
donated use of their
land to gRub,a nonprofit organization.
john reed (’57), June
20, Sioux falls, S.d.
he was a professional
engineer with the
corporation and the
federal government
in california, and
then worked at the
Strategic Air command
headquarters in
and mining, serving
as board member for
several corporations.
Peter Malen (’60),
June 4, Aloha, ore.
his career focused on
administrative work
with Sisters of charity
of providence hospitals.
After retirement, he did
consulting and traveled
to the czech Republic.
Shirley Caldwell (’65),
June 9, Spokane. She
worked for more than
40 years as a social
worker, served on
numerous national
and state commissions
and was a staunch
advocate for abused
children. She was also
a past president of the
national Association of
black Social workers
and a 1993 recipient of
gonzaga’s distinguished
Alumni merit Award.
alfred watkins (’68),
Aug. 2, west linn, ore.
After graduating, he
became a navy pilot and
then worked in the food
industry for more than
35 years.
Clarence walla (’57),
July 29, fremont, calif.
choir director at christ
the king lutheran
church, he was active
in meals on wheels
and the cultural Arts
council of fremont.
harold winther (’71
J.d.), Jan. 11, oro valley,
Ariz. he was a lawyer,
handling arbitrations
and special cases even
after his retirement
in 2000.
thomas wynecoop
(’57, faculty), June 28,
Suncrest, wash. he was
an English professor
at gonzaga before
going into business
Mary Kelly McCue
(’72, ’80 J.d.), April
24, helena, mont. She
entered private practice,
practicing in the areas
of administrative law
and governmental
relations. in 2000,
she became executive
director of the montana
dental Association.
helen landsverk (’73
m.A., ’83 Ed.d.), April
18, Spokane. She was
a missionary in india
for 10 years and then
lead instructor at the
deaconess School of
nursing. She continued
her nursing career at
home health Services
until her retirement at
age 75.
Michael ghiglione (’74),
June 29, guam. he was
executive director of the
center for micronesian
Empowerment. he
led a life of service to
others, from helping
international students
succeed at gonzaga
and Alaska pacific
University to his work
assisting job seekers in
Japan and guam.
daniel Zender (’76 J.d.),
Aug. 8, bellingham. he
was active at the local,
state and federal level
working on endangered
species, habitat
conservation planning,
water quality and forest
Kelly ann Farrell (’79,
may 1, Sacramento,
calif. She graduated
from Santa clara
University. She worked
in a private law practice
and was the staff
counsel at the california
department of Alcohol
and drug programs.
larry Nickell (’79
J.d.), Aug. 12, Alameda,
calif. he worked for
six U.S. presidents
as an attorney for the
bureau of Alcohol,
tobacco, firearms
and Explosives. he
ultimately became the
associate chief counsel,
responsible for the legal
oversight of more than
a dozen western states
and territories.
gregory timm (’79),
July 7, colorado
Springs, colo. he
was active in the
home building and
business community
in colorado Springs.
diane woodman (’90)
July 3, valleyford,
wash. An elementary
school teacher and
librarian, she continued
to serve on the freeman
School board after her
Steven aubrey (’95
J.d.), dec. 31, 2010,
pocatello, idaho.
he practiced law in
wenatchee and Renton,
wash., and enjoyed
giving pro bono legal
advice. Steve’s love
of history led him to
become a professional
WINTER 2012 | gONZaga MagaZINe
ShAREd by pRESidEnt thAynE mccUlloh in hiS RolE AS diREctoR of thE JESUit woRk,
At thE mASS of thE holy SpiRit offEREd by vp foR miSSion fR. fRAnk cASE, S.J., SEptEmbER 14, 2011
gONZaga MagaZINe | WINTER 2012
in the earliest part of this week, the nation – and we here at gonzaga too – commemorated the 10th anniversary of some of
the greatest acts of terrorism ever to occur in our country’s history. in the days leading up to, and then on September 11 itself,
the media incessantly replayed the news video – much of it horrific – which was broadcast live that day in 2001. having vivid
memories i’ve carried with me since that tragic day, i was reluctant to re-live it; but i did watch a film which some of you may
also have seen – the creative work of two brothers – which documented the events of that day and its impact upon the men
of one particular manhattan firehouse: Engine 7, ladder 1. on Sept. 11, 2001, 343 firefighters died in new york city; but not a
single man from Engine 7, ladder 1 perished.
What is striking, 10 years later, is the profoundly
differing effects that the events of that day – all
experienced at the same time by this group of
men – had upon each of them as individuals
across the ensuing years. All were forever
changed. But some have been able to emerge
with a sense of having been miraculously saved
from death, and have gone on to celebrate life as
a grace daily received; while others were unable
to free themselves from the images of that day
and the overwhelming feelings of guilt that they
too did not die. As I sat watching this film, I
began to feel overwhelmed at my own sense of
helplessness; for we all know at a fundamental
level that anguish, despair, and a tormented
spirit are very common human conditions,
ones from which many find it difficult, if not
impossible, to escape.
Cross. Over the centuries, it has frequently
been stylized and represented as a thing of
artistic beauty, but to early Christians it was a
symbol of terror, of despair – a cruel reminder
of the frailty of human life and persecution at
the hands of the powerful.
This year, our Mass of the Holy Spirit is
celebrated on a special day in the liturgical
calendar, the Feast of the Exaltation of the
Holy Cross. The conjoining of these two events
provides us an opportunity to appreciate the
critical relationship between the very human
experience of suffering – here exemplified by
Christ’s suffering and death – and the power
of the Holy Spirit to inspire us to understand
God’s will for us, and to have the courage to live
our lives in the fullness of God’s grace.
Throughout the Gospels Jesus teaches His
apostles, and us, how truly difficult it is to
follow in His footsteps. The path to life with
God is filled with many obstacles, many
temptations, not least of which are those
created by our own humanity, our own narrowmindedness, our inability (or unwillingness) to
listen for God’s voice in our lives. Following in
Jesus’ footsteps is not easy. It is easy – in fact,
easiest – to become cynical, to detach, to grow
cold and hard-hearted.
In today’s passage from John’s Gospel, Jesus is
talking with Nicodemus, a Pharisee who sees
something important in Jesus’ teachings and
who is really trying to understand – with limited
success – what Jesus is saying. “No one,” Jesus
says, “has gone up to heaven, except the one
who has come down from heaven, the Son of
Man.” Jesus goes on to say, in abstract language,
‘the Son of Man must be raised up – must die
– so that those who believe in him will have
everlasting life.’ This promise of Jesus’ is an
unprecedented one: the promise of an eternal
life after death, an eternal life with God.
But before we do, we are called to be mindful of
our first reading today, which reminds us of our
purpose as a University, and celebrates a gift of
the Holy Spirit.
The most recognizable symbol of our
relationship with God, as Christians, is the
As humans living two thousand years after
Jesus, we are still confronted with daily
examples of terror, and injustice, and human
frailty. Our history and personal experiences
are filled with examples of cruelty and
persecution, sometimes public and sometimes
private, some well-documented, and others
shrouded in secrecy. The Cross as a symbol of
Jesus’ own suffering and sacrifice is mirrored in
the experiences of countless people who have
suffered, and suffer today, often directly due to
the actions, or neglect, of others.
Therefore I prayed, and prudence was given me; I
pleaded and the spirit of Wisdom came to me. For
in her is a spirit intelligent, holy, unique…
Today, our readings are calling us to be a people
of hope, a people of wisdom, and a people of
action. In the simplest of terms, John’s gospel
calls us to recognize that to live in communion
with Christ means believing in Him; and our
understanding of the Gospel compels us to
realize that “belief” here demands action; it is
not passive. Jesus is calling us into belief made
manifest in an active life, lived in His image.
Today we exalt the Cross because of the
salvation Jesus’ death gained for all of us. And
we remember that in John’s gospel, it is at Jesus’
very last moment on the Cross – what from
the perspective of most must be the moment
of greatest despair – that He breathed out His
Spirit and in turn shared it with all the world.
In John, it was from the Cross that the Lord’s
last breath became humanity’s first breath of
new life. And later in this same Gospel, locked
in the upstairs room, the risen Christ appeared
to the apostles, breathed upon them, and said,
“receive the Holy Spirit.”
In receiving the Holy Spirit, we in turn become
animated by the power of Christ’s eternal light,
the image of God’s goodness. In seeking and
receiving the Holy Spirit, it is us that God calls –
knowing that at times the work will be difficult,
and that in doing the work we may face many
obstacles and challenges. Through his life on
Earth, Jesus showed us the way, and now it is
our turn: to work hard through our academic
endeavors to seek the truth; to support one
another in our learning and in our relationships;
to comfort the afflicted, to console those who
mourn, to give voice to the voiceless, to bring
hope to those who are hopeless.
The purpose of our Mass today – a September
tradition stretching back for us to the very first
year of the founding of this University – is to
invoke an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon
each one of us, and upon the entire University
of which we are a part. For as a Jesuit, Catholic,
humanistic university, we seek not only to serve
humanity through learning and the pursuit
of truth; we actively seek to frame our work
in terms of Christ’s message and in so doing
to understand our endeavor as an encounter
with the living God. We ask God to send the
Holy Spirit to be with each one of us this day:
to animate, inspire, and to empower us to be
Christ’s light to the world. Amen.
At lEft, fAthER fRAnk cASE, S.J., vicE pRESidEnt foR miSSion, Right, blESSES pRESidEnt mccUlloh
WINTER 2012 | gONZaga MagaZINe
502 E. boonE AvE., SpokAnE, wA 99258-0098

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