- Town of Chili
- Town of Chili
Town of Chili N E W S L E T T E R Fall 2015 Inside •The Erie Canal and Chili’s Cobblestones •Recreation Programs •Senior Programs • Community Spotlight Town Supervisor David Dunning Town Board Jordon Brown Tracy DiFlorio Michael Slattery Mary Sperr Town of Chili Chili Town Hall 3333 Chili Avenue Rochester, NY 14624 www.townofchili.org 585-889-3550 From the A Supervisor s fall approaches, so does budget season. By the time you read this I will have submitted my 2016 tentative budget for the Town Board to review and consider. With a less than 1% tax cap this year comes additional challenges, my 2016 proposed budget meets those challenges, thanks to the help and support of the town department heads. Since the adoption of the tax cap I have maintained that we will comply and we will maintain the services that our residents have come to appreciate. Most recently the State added an additional challenge by enacting a tax freeze, requiring efficiency plans from local governments, however this was not a new challenge for us. This new mandate is actually two fold, first we must comply with the tax cap and second we must submit an efficiency plan that provides for efficiencies that equal at least 1% each year for the next 3 years. Since taking office in 2008, I challenged the staff here to find better more efficient ways to do business, without sacrificing the quality of services we provide. I have partnered with our neighboring towns to share services creating cost saving partnerships and will continue to seek new opportunities. Today I am pleased to report that the Town of Chili has submitted an efficiency plan that exceeds the States requirement for each and every year of the tax freeze. Stable property taxes, efficient operations and superior services have been and will remain at the forefront of this administrations goals and objectives. Looking at things around town, Chili Center has been the hub of activity this summer. Chili Paul Plaza is under new management and showing signs that some much needed improvements are in sight. The new building going up next to the diner will be the new home of Mavis Tire. I have to say the planning board did a real nice job on this one. What a nice looking building this will be and fitting for a new look center. Also McDonalds is getting a much needed makeover. The new modern building will be up and running again soon, again improving the look of Chili Center. Dunkin Donuts is going strong in North Chili and construction on the new apartment complex at Union Square is progressing nicely. Our Chili Center Master Plan continues to discuss opportunities and welcomes your input. Please take a minute or two and visit the Town web site. www.townofchili.org , click the link for the survey and let us know what your thinking. As always it is and has been an honor and privilege to serve as your Supervisor, should you have any questions or concerns about anything going on around town, please stop in, email or call me. 889-6111, ddunning@townofchili.org. Looking Back at Chili’s Past The Erie Canal and Chili’s Cobblestones by Bonnie Moore T hat tiny waterway ribbon that stretches purposely across the breadth of New York State became the Erie Canal. The brainchild of DeWitt Clinton in 1812 would make an economic impact on the little villages and larger towns all along its historic 363 mile journey. At first DeWitt Clinton was derided for his idea of connecting New York City with Buffalo and the Great Lakes. Some called it “Clinton’s Ditch”. But the governor saw great merit in the canal and appointed Clinton as the planner and chief architect of the project. The state financed the deal for 7 million dollars. The canal began in earnest in 1816 from Rome, New York. It was dug 28 feet at the bottom and 42 at the top. Boats that were 80 feet long by 15 feet wide could carry its load of goods up and down the new corridor of transportation. Originally, the cost was $22 a ton but was reduced to $4 within the first decade, a boon to the blossoming commerce. It was completed in 1825. It would be altered and renovated many times after that. Other small canals would feed off the Erie Canal and be labeled the Barge Canal System. On October of 1825, DeWitt Clinton, who was at this time the governor, boarded the boat The Seneca Chief in Buffalo for the maiden voyage to New York City. Roaring crowds and booming cannons greeted him and other officials. It was an event heralded around the world. Chili would benefit from the canal too. By this time, Chili was becoming known for the quality 2 • Town of Chili Newsletter of its grain, especially its wheat. It won prizes at the World’s Fair and came to the attention of the royal houses in England. The canal expedited the process of delivering Chili’goods to a broader market. What, you might ask, does this have to do with cobblestones? Well, if it hadn’t been for those workmen digging their way through our area, we might not have the beautiful cobblestone houses that dot the landscape of Chili and upstate communities. We can only imagine the drudgery day by day that the workmen endured. Sore backs, sore arms, aching feet, sweating in the summer, shivering in late autumn, and the shovel as the constant extension of the body. But they were grateful for the job. Perhaps they were only vaguely aware of the importance of their work. Somewhere along the way as the canal neared our territory they began to notice the piles and piles of small rounded stones forming pyramids on farmers’ fields. They must have surmised that farmers were struggling to till their land and those pesky little stones were a hindrance, Farmhands and farmers children worked at removing this nuisance by piling them at any convenient spot on the land. What the canal workers did not know was why these stones were deposited here. We now know that they were the result of many milenniums of constant wave action from Lake Ontario. The glacier finally receded and disappeared but not before the stones were rounded and polished. Some of the canal workers, especially those wondering about a livelihood after this job was finished, came to the conclusion that those interesting and plentiful stones could be useful. Could they be applied to the framework of a house the same as bricks? Bricks had to be formed, molded and dried, whereas, here was so much ready made material. The genius of this idea sprang up fullblown right after the Erie Canal was opened in 1825 and continued until the Civil War. These self-made masons in this new task began to sort the sizes abd colors. Some were gray, some were tan and some had a pinkish hue. The mystery of how they made their own mortar remained with each builder. Tedious work it was, slowly laying course after course. Some courses were laid flat, end to end; some were upright; and some were laid in a herringbone pattern. The artistry, style and beauty soon became quite evident. 90 percent of all the cobblestone buildings can be found within a 60 mile radius of Rochester, New York. Chili presently has 7 cobblestone houses and a cobblestone schoolhouse which will be open to the public this summer on Sunday afternoons. A book on Chili’s cobblestone homes, written by the Chili Historic Preservation Board, can be purchased at the Chili Library. www.townofchili.org Town News Town Clerk’s Office Virginia L. Ignatowski Town Clerk Receiver of Taxes (585) 889-6127 (Clerk) (585) 889-6129 (Taxes) School Taxes School tax bills will be mailed out at the end of August. If you are not in a bank escrow account, and do not receive your bill by the end of the first week of September, please call our tax office at 889-6129 so that we may send a duplicate to you. School taxes are a bit more complicated than Town/County taxes and have a much shorter window in which to pay. If you are paying the bill in full, you have until October 1 to pay without interest, and until October 31 to pay with 2% interest added. You should make your check payable to Virginia Ignatowski – Tax Receiver and either mail, or bring it to the Chili Town Hall, 3333 Chili Ave. After Oct. 31, payments are made to the Monroe County Treasurer and are to be mailed or brought to the County office at 39 W. Main St. If you are going to pay in installments, the first payment is made to Virginia Ignatowski – Tax Receiver and is due by September 15 without interest, or by September 20, with 1% interest. This should be delivered to the Chili Town Hall. All of the other payments are then made to the Monroe County Treasurer and should be delivered to the County. If you are not sure of what you should do, or where you should go, the full instructions can be www.townofchili.org found on the back of the bill, or call our office for assistance. We only accept cash or checks for tax payments. If you wish to pay by credit card, you can do so through www.monroecounty.gov, with an additional 3% charge. As a reminder, we do have a night deposit box to enable payment drop-off after hours and on weekends. ALERT!! CHANGE IN RECEIPTING PROCESS!! Due to rising costs we will no longer automatically mail a receipt for all received tax payments. The law states that we must mail receipts to property owners with accounts held in escrow, and that will continue, but do not need to mail a receipt UNLESS IT IS REQUESTED for accounts not held in escrow. Many have noticed the small box on the bill that you should check off to request a receipt and have done so, but many have not checked that box, either because they did not notice it, or they did not desire a mailed receipt. We have erred on the side of “didn’t notice it” in the past and still had a receipt mailed if the box was not checked. THIS WILL NO LONGER BE THE CASE. A receipt will only be mailed if this box is checked off or the account is held in escrow. All payment information is available online!! We ask that you consider assisting in our efforts to control costs by NOT checking the box and, instead, obtain your payment information online through the Monroe County website at www.monroecounty.gov. • A box on the upper right hand side of the county’s home page is titled “Top On-line Services”. Click on the first bullet “View / Pay Taxes Online”. •This opens the Real Property Portal. Read the agreement and click “I Agree”. •On the next screen click the calculator above the “View/Pay Taxes Online”. • On the next screen enter your address or the parcel ID number, and then click the magnifying glass above “Search for Property”. • Your property information should then appear. At the very top left of the screen that opens you will see “School Statement”, “Combined Town and County Tax Statement”, “Duplicate School Statement” and “Duplicate Combined Statement”. The first two are the original bills and the next two are the receipts for the most recent billing cycles. The payment information is at the bottom of the receipt. It will show the dates and amounts that have been received to date and an outstanding amount due if there is one. Of course we understand that not everyone has a computer or the capability to retrieve their information online. If requested, we will still mail the receipt to you. Just be sure to indicate this desire by checking the box on the bill and mailing the entire bill to us with your payment. We appreciate your assistance and patience with these modifications. As always, if you are unsure about what to do, we encourage you to call us at 889-6129. made and they do not contain a post office postmark date. Subsequently, even though you may request that a check be mailed on or before a due date, if it does not actually arrive by the due date, it is considered late. If you wish to pay via this method, it is recommended that you do so with enough advance time to ensure that we receive it by the due date. Check your bank accounts If you mail payment to us, please check your bank account after a couple of weeks to ensure that it was cashed. We have had several instances of checks never arriving, and presumably, were lost in the mail. Homeowners were then surprised to find that they were now late / delinquent in their tax payments and owed interest and penalty fees. Also, if you are in an escrow account, you should receive a receipt by the end of October. If not, please contact us. Banks can, and do, make mistakes. Both of these situations don’t occur often, but when it does, it is far better to catch it early in the process. On-line banking payments not recommended On-line bank payments are highly discouraged and are done at your own risk. This is stated on the back of the bill. While this type of banking is an option many employ to pay their household bills, it is not recommended for time sensitive payments. Banks can take several days to send the check after the on-line request is Town of Chili Newsletter • 3 Town News Town Clerk’s Office Virginia L. Ignatowski Town Clerk Receiver of Taxes (585) 889-6127 (Clerk) (585) 889-6129 (Taxes) Hunting Licenses The new season for hunting licenses has begun. Updated software was rolled out by the DEC earlier this year. The changes made huge improvements in the screens used to capture sales information and streamlined many processes. This should reduce the time it takes to complete a sale. We appreciate the patience from patrons last year when we were hampered with the very cumbersome software that was implemented in 2014. outdoor. • Hunter education certificates and sporting licenses from all other states and countries are honored. •Hunters wishing to bow hunt must take an additional bow hunter education course. • Anyone 12 years of age or older must obtain a license to hunt. •Hunters under the age of 16 must apply for a license in person, bring their birth certificate, and be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Residency Hunting License General Information Requirements: •For a resident license, a per•A hunter education course is required for anyone who cannot show proof that they have ever possessed a hunting license. For information on hunter education courses, call 1-888-HUNT ED 2, or visit http://www.dec.ny.gov/ son must live in New York State for more than thirty days prior to the date of application. •Land ownership does not make you a resident. Your residency must be your fixed, perma- nent, and principal home. •If under 18, the residence of your parents or legal guardian is your residence. What if I Lose My License? •To replace a lost license, you may contact any license issuing agent; a $5.00 fee for each license will be charged. •To replace a lost tag, go to any license issuing agent. This includes a lost big game carcass tag set. •Lost turkey permits are also replaced by any license issuing agent. For more information about the various conservation licenses available, please visit http:// www.dec.ny.gov/. Town of Chili Building Department Edward Shero Building & Plumbing Inspector 4 • Town of Chili Newsletter A s summer winds down, and our spring/summer projects are nearing completion, it is important to arrange for final inspections to close out any open building permits on your property so a Certificate of Compliance can be issued. This is especially important for swimming pools, as we need to test the alarms before they are removed and the pool covered for the fall/winter season. Whether your project was done by a contractor or done by yourselves as property owner, all permits have a closeout process in the Town of Chili. If you have not received a Certificate of Compliance or arranged for a final inspection on your project, chances are your permit is still open. Please note that Building Permits for additions, decks, sheds, etc. are good for 18 months from issue date. Building Permits issued for swimming pools are good for 3 months from issue date. Building Permits are subject to renewal fees if work is not completed in this time frame. No structure/pool is to be used until a Certificate of Compliance is issued. If your project has been completed according to the approved permit plans and you would like to arrange for a final inspection, please call the Building Department at 889-6143. We do require 24-hours notice for all inspections. If you’re not sure where in the inspection process your permit is, please give us a call and we’d be happy to check the status and help you close out any open items before the fall/winter weather sets in. We encourage everyone to contact the Building Department at 889-6143 if you have any questions about open permits on your property. www.townofchili.org Town News Highway Department News David P. Lindsay P.E., Commissioner of Public Works/ Superintendent of Highways (585) 889-2630 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day will be held for all residents of Monroe County, but specifically for the southwest region including the Towns of Gates, Chili, Wheatland, Riga, and Villages of Churchville and Scottsville. The collection, which is being provided by Monroe County, will take place at the Town of Chili Highway Department, located at 200 Beaver Road, on Saturday, September 12, 2015. All drop-offs are by appointment only, between 7:45a.m. to 12 noon. To make an appointment, contact the Town of Chili Highway Department at 889-2630 (option #2) or visit the Online Scheduler at http://www.monroecounty. gov/hhw. Wood Chips and Leaf Mulch Wood chips and leaf mulch are available for re-use. Stockpiles are located behind the former Highway Garage in the lower parking area, past the tennis courts. www.townofchili.org Fall Leaf Collection The Town of Chili’s leaf collection service runs from mid October through mid December. Residents should rake leaves close to, but not on the roadway surface. Do not include rocks, sticks or other debris in the leaf pile. Refrain from parking vehicles in front of leaves during leaf collection periods, as this makes it difficult to maneuver the equipment. Residents are asked to be patient as leaf collection can be slow due to the inclement weather, volume, or when the leaves actually come down. Christmas Tree Collection Mailboxes The Highway Department asks that residents keep their mailboxes in good condition throughout the year. Mailboxes that are neglected will surely be affected by our plows due to the heavy snow from our wing plows. Our drivers take extra measures to avoid mailboxes, but sometimes weather conditions restrict the driver’s ability to avoid them. If your mailbox is damaged during snow removal, a post/stake and a standard size metal mailbox are the only replacements, regardless of what you had previously installed. The highway crew will repair any mailbox they damage, to serviceable condition, not necessarily a new mailbox. The Town of Chili offers free Christmas tree disposal and will be collected on the same schedule as the Debris Pick-up Program. If you prefer, you can drop off your Christmas tree at the former Highway Department, in the back parking lot, by the tennis courts. Just follow the signs. Town of Chili Newsletter • 5 Town News Highway Department News David P. Lindsay P.E., Commissioner of Public Works/ Superintendent of Highways (585) 889-2630 Debris Pick-Up Program - Town Pick-up Schedule In general, the Town picks up brush and tree limbs on the schedule below. However, during times of increased service demand such as spring pickup season or after a severe storm, there will be delays which will impact the pickup schedule. For the latest information on the status of the pickup schedule, please contact the dispatch line at (585) 889-2630, prompt #2. First & Third Full Week- (Starting on a Monday) North & West Chili- north from Chili Avenue and west from Chili-Coldwater Road. Second & Fourth Full Week- East from Chili-Coldwater Road and south from Chili Avenue. •Brush and tree limbs must be cut and stacked neatly with the cut ends facing the road. Please stack brush, logs, and shrubs separately. Limbs should be left as long as possible. Logs must be cut as short as possible. All material, except log pieces, will be chipped. Material not chipped will be collected by another vehicle, possibly the next day. Chips are available for reuse at the Highway garage storage area and by delivery to the home upon request. Leaf mulch is also available for reuse. •Green waste, vines, weeds, sticks, and shrubs shall be piled separately for packer pickup. PLEASE DO NOT BAG. WE WILL NOT PICK UP BAGS AND WE DO NOT PICK UP GRASS CLIPPINGS. Backyard composting is suggested. • Metal items and white goods, EXCLUDING dehumidifiers, air conditioners, refrigerators, and freezers (unless Freon has been removed & Red Tagged). Please call your private hauler for details regarding those items. •Rocks, concrete, brick, and dirt. Must be piled separately and not in pieces larger than 12”. PLEASE DO NOT BAG. • Junk cars. By appointment, and proof of ownership is required. ******PLEASE HAVE ALL DEBRIS READY FOR PICK-UP ON THE SUNDAY EVENING PRECEEDING YOUR WEEK OF SERVICE. All inquiries should be directed to the Department of Public Works Office at 889-2630, Monday- Friday between 7:00a.m. and 3:30p.m. NOTE: May through September, hours are Monday- Thursday 6:00 a.m. to 3:30p.m., Friday 6:00a.m. -10:00 a.m. • No Tires - must be off rims to be collected by your private hauler • Do not place items in concrete gutters, ditches, or on top of storm drains • Pile materials separately from items to be collected by your private hauler • No contractor-generated tree debris • Unreasonably large amounts of debris shall not be placed at the curbside without prior approval of the DPW. Please contact 889-6156 for help in this matter. • No construction debris or building materials • No furniture, TVs, fuel tanks • Residents having items which are considered hazardous waste material should call Monroe County Hazardous Waste at 753-7600 for information on disposal. 6 • Town of Chili Newsletter www.townofchili.org Town News Assessor’s T Office Jennie L. Miller, Assessor (585) 889-6132 For more information, please visit our website: he Assessment Department is responsible for assessing all town property and administering property tax exemptions. Assessment rolls are open for public inspection during weekday office hours or available any time online at the Town website: www. townofchili.org All exemptions must be applied for and filed with the Asses- sor’s office on or before taxable status date in order to affect the applicable year’s taxes. Exemptions are administered in accordance with NYS Real Property Tax Laws. If you move to a new primary residence, it is your obligation to notify the Assessor, and make new application at the new address for any exemptions you may be eligible for with that local Assessor. Renewal applications for existing exemptions are mailed in October 2015 for the upcoming 2016 assessment roll; these applications must be completed with applicable supporting documentation and filed in the Assessor’s Office no later than taxable status date. www.townofchili.org Working for You The next taxable status date is: March 1, 2016 New property owner’s that apply (or have applied) in 2015 for a NEW or FIRST-TIME Basic STAR exemption for their September 2016 school bill will receive notification from New York State Department of Taxation & Finance (NYS DTF) to register. It is very important to note that the STAR Registration process, DOES NOT take the place of submitting an application for the STAR exemption to your local Assessor – the registration process is in addition to the application process. For additional information please visit NYS DTF online: http://www.tax.ny.gov/pit/property/ Additional partial tax relief may be available for eligible applicants: STAR – BASIC (RP-425) Owner-occupied, Primary Residence; $30,000 School Tax Exemption owners total income must be less than (Assessed Value) $500,000 Primary Residence of homeowners 65 or $65,300 School Tax Exemption STAR - ENHANCED Must be 65 yrs old by older with Total Household Income less (Assessed Value) 12/31/2016 (RP-425) than $84,550 for 2014 SENIOR CITIZEN (AGED) (RP-467) Primary Residence of homeowners 65 or older with Total Household Income less than $37,400 (T/C, GCSD, WCSD & CCSD); $28,400 (CMSD) 5% TO 50% of Assessed Value (based upon income) for Town, County and School Dist. (if no school aged children in home, except CCSD) ALTERNATIVE VETERAN (RP-458-a) Available to Veterans who served during a recognized period of war and honorably discharged. The dates are derived from Federal and State Law School – currently only the Cal-Mum School Dist 15% War Vet of Assessed Value, (Max. $36,000 Twn/Cnty) 25% for Combat Vets (Max. $60,000 Twn/Cnty) School - As Adopted by School District ALT. VETERAN DISABILITY (RP-458-a-Dis) May be granted based on a service-con- 50% of VA Combined Disability nected disability rating from VA Rating or Max Ex $120,000 (Whichever is less) COLD WAR VETERAN (RP-458-b) Available to Veterans who served (Sept. 2, 10% Cold War Vet (Max. Ex 10% 1945 to Dec. 26, 1991) on active duty and or $8,000 – County Only) were honorably discharged or released (10-Year Term Limit) COLD WAR VETERAN DISABILITY (RP-458-b-Dis) May be granted based on a service-con- 50% of VA Combined Disabilnected disability rating from VA ity Rating or Max Ex $40,000 (Whichever is less) PERSON’S WITH DISABILITY & LIMITED INCOME (RP-459-c) Available for Primary Residence with Total 5% to 50% of Assessed Value Household Income less than $37,400 (T/C, (based on income) Twn/Cnty and GCSD, WCSD & CCSD); $28,400 (CMSD) School (if no school aged children in home, except CCSD) ** Requirements may vary with local options on assessment and income limits. Applications and Renewal forms may be obtained in our office or online at the Town website: www.townofchili.org Any questions? Please feel free to call our office at (585) 889-6132 or stop in for assistance. www.townofchili.org Town of Chili Newsletter • 7 Town News Dog Control Office Licensing The town of Chili, in accordance with New York State Law, requires that all dogs 4 months of age and older be licensed. Dog owners who have a dog without a license could be issued an appearance ticket and be fined up to $250. To avoid any possibility of this happening, a dog license can be obtained at the Town Clerk’s Office, located in the Town Hall at 3333 Chili Ave. Want to Contact Us? The Dog Control Office is part of the Code Enforcement Department. We are located at 3333 Chili Avenue, Rochester, New York 14624. The Dog Control Officer is Kristin Yachett and she can be reached at (585) 8896175 between 9:00am and 5:00pm Monday through Friday. After hours please leave a message or if it’s urgent you can call 911 and they will contact the on-duty officer. Kris’ email address is; kyachett@townofchili.org. In order to obtain a license, the following two items will be needed: • Proof of a rabies vaccination. •Proof of spay and neutering from your veterinarian or animal care provider. The cost of a dog license is $10 for neutered and spayed dogs and $20 for non-neutered and non-spayed dogs. If you are 65 or older, the cost is $5.50 and $15.50, respectively. TOWN OF CHILI BRICK WALK Established in 2003, “the walk” is comprised of red clay bricks to commemorate your loved one for an: (anniversary, birthday, holiday, graduation, memorial, or just because). Located at the Town of Chili, Town Hall, 3333 Chili Avenue, Rochester, NY 14624. The cost of a single brick is $75.00 and a double brick is $150.00. Each brick will be engraved with the donor’s choice of names. There will be a maximum 26 spaces each (2 lines for a single brick) and 52 spaces each (4 lines for a double brick). Bricks take approximately 2 weeks to engrave and install; (installation April – October only). Please fill out the information below with a check payable to: Town of Chili ________ Number of Single Bricks (at $75.00 each). Name(s) to be engraved on each brick (maximum 2 lines or 26 spaces each). Brick #1____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Brick #2 ____________________________________________________________________________ ________ Number of Double Bricks (at $150.00 each). Name(s) to be engraved on each brick (maximum 4 lines or 52 spaces each). Brick #1 ____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Brick #2____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 8 • Town of Chili Newsletter www.townofchili.org Town News Dog Control Office If for some reason you think your pet has ingested something they shouldn’t have and are unable to contact your veterinarian, the Animal Emergency Service of rochester, located at 825 white spruce boulevard, is ready to take your calls concerning any animal mishaps or questions you may have. They can be reached 24 hours a day at 585-424-1277. Winter Health and Holiday Safety Tips for Your Dog Leash Law All dog owners must have their dog on a leash when they are walking them off their property, on Town sidewalks, roads, open areas or Parks. The dog must be equipped with a collar or harness that is attached to a leash. Both collar/harness and leash must be of sufficient strength to restrain the dog, and the leash shall be held by a person who has the ability to control and restrain the dog by means of the collar/ harness and the leash. Please be courteous of your neighbors while walking your dog. If your dog decides to do his ‘business’ on someone else’s property, please remove the waste and dispose of it properly. www.townofchili.org Bitter cold, numbing wetness, biting winds and salt can cause discomfort for our dogs. To keep your canine companion healthy and safe this winter here are a few guidelines: • Wind chill causes colder conditions than your thermometer reads. Dogs shouldn’t be left outside for extended periods of time. Even a half hour in frigid conditions can cause problems. •Always make sure your dog has access to an appropriate shelter. Dogs also need relief from drafty floors and tile. Provide them with a blanket or pillow. • Groom your dog on a regular basis. Shorthaired dogs get cold more easily. A coat or sweater will help keep them warm on frigid days. • Trim excess hair from footpads and toes on long-haired dogs to make it easier to remove ice and snow from their paws. •Towel or blow-dry their coat. If your dog gets wet during inclement weather, be sure to dry its fur to shorten any exposure to hypothermia. • Never leave a dog alone in a vehicle during frigid temperatures. Leaving the car running while you are away from the car may seem like a good way to keep your dog warm, but exhaust fumes from the vehicle’s engine can sometimes enter the interior of the car and cause your dog to be exposed to carbon monoxide poisoning, which can be lethal. • Antifreeze is poisonous to your dog if ingested. Antifreeze that leaks onto driveways and roadways smells and tastes good to dogs. Please keep your dog clear of these areas. •Always wipe your dog’s feet after a walk to remove excess salt from their pads. If their pads become dry and cracked, a little petroleum jelly may be useful in moistening them. • Like humans, sometimes our pets don’t feel well. Before giving your dog an over-thecounter medication, be sure to consult your veterinarian first. • Christmas plants such as holly, poinsettia and mistletoe are poisonous to your dog. •Tinsel also poses a danger. Tinsel can obstruct your dog’s intestines and cut off blood circulation. •Placing lights on the lower branches of a Christmas tree should be avoided or minimized. The lights can become hot and burn your dog’s mouth. •Avoid using glass ornaments. As your dog gets curious and playful, these ornaments can break, causing harm to their foot pads as well as their mouth if picked up. •Keep all candy and treats out of your dog’s reach. Chocolate, alcohol, and marshmallows are harmful to your dog and can be toxic. Town of Chili Newsletter • 9 Chili Recreation Chili Recreation Michael Curley Parks & Recreation Director Dear Chili Residents: I want to thank everyone who took part in one of the many Chili Recreation programs and events this summer. Whether it was the 26th Annual Chil-E Fest, the FREE Outdoor Movie Series, the Farmers Market, a summer camp or any of the other great offerings…THANK YOU! Now with the summer sun fading and “back to school” on the minds on many people, Chili Recreation is planning for a great Fall and Winter season. Check out all the programs and special events inside this edition of the newsletter, you are sure to find something fun. I want to take this opportunity to introduce Chili Recreation’s newest team members. Eric Janovsky, Recreation Assistant, joined Chili Recreation right before the busy summer months and jumped right Michael Curley Chili Recreation Info Chili Community Center and Recreation Office 4400 Buffalo Road North Chili, NY 14514 Phone: 585-889-4680 recreation@townofchili.org Community Center Hours Monday-Thurs 9 am–8 pm Friday 9 am–5 pm Saturday 9 am–2 pm Mission Statement The mission of the Chili Recreation Department is to provide wholesome leisure opportunities and recreational facilities to the residents of Chili regardless of age or ability. Through a commitment of professional excellence, we strive to offer quality programming and facilities to enhance the quality of life for residents of the community. Adam Washbon Ashley Vent in working the SAFE Afterschool program and the Summer Day Camp at Paul Road School. Eric comes from a camp and afterschool program setting and brings with him experience and fresh new ideas. The other new member of Chili Recreation is not a person. During the ground breaking of our new spray ground we discovered a mysterious egg. The summer sun led to the egg hatching and to our surprise it was a Tyrannosaurus Rex that the staff has adopted and named Chili REX. Welcome to both Eric and REX. As always, if you have any questions or suggestions for new programs, please give me a call or e-mail me at mcurley@townofchili.org. Sincerely, Michael Curley, Parks and Recreation Director Jesse Marano Recreation Staff Michael Curley, Director Adam Washbon, Recreation Supervisor Ashley Vent, Recreation Leader Jesse Marano, Recreation Assistant Eric Janovsky Recreation Assistant Chili Rex Recreation Ambassador Chili Recreation and its Staff are members of: National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA) New York State Recreation and Park Society (NYSRPS) Genesee Valley Recreation and Park Society (GVRPS) United States Tennis Association (USTA) 10 • Town of Chili Newsletter Like us on Facebook Eric Janovsky Chili Rex Recreation Office Hours Monday-Friday 9:00 am-5:00 pm Recreation Committee James Crelly, Chair Katie Akin Mary Fisher Lynn Fulmore James McLean Guy Puglia Margaret Sheppard Karen Trott Anna Valeria-Iseman How are we doing? Let us know! Here at Chili Recreation we strive to provide the best customer service and ensure that your experience with our programs and activities exceeds your expectations. Let us know how we are doing by sending an e-mail to recreation@townofchili.org or by calling us at 585-889-4680. www.townofchili.org Chili Recreation Preschool Programs COMMUNITY CENTER PLAYGROUP Come to the Chili Community Center and join other families on the playground. When the weather turns cooler, Chili Recreation opens the gym at the Community Center for you and your toddler. There will be balls, mats, and other equipment to use and all of this is free! Who: Up to age 5 (with adult) When: Mondays (ongoing) Time: 9:30-10:30 am Where: Chili Community Center Cost:FREE PINT SIZE SCIENCE Do you have a preschooler who loves to explore his or her world? Are you looking for something unique and educational to do during the day with your child? Join “Pint Size Science” this fall and you both will be mesmerized with hands on science activities. Your child will listen to a story each week and explore the science of color and the magic of magnets. You will enjoy building a volcano with your child and seeing their eyes light up as it erupts. You will also make raisins dance, make a gooey concoction and much more. Who: Ages 3-5 (with adult) When: Thursdays, September 24 October 15 Time: 1:30-2:30 pm Where: Chili Community Center Instructor: Mrs. Karie Kilner Cost: $30/resident or $35/non-resident Min: 6 Max: 12 Register Online AND PAY USING A Credit Card at www.townofchili.org www.townofchili.org BEGINNER TAP, BALLET & TUMBLING Students will be introduced to basic dance techniques in tap and ballet. Children will enjoy learning to dance in a fun, creative and SAFE environment. Ballet slippers and tap shoes are recommended. Who: Ages 3-5 When: Tuesdays, September 29 December 15 (12 weeks) Time: 4:15-5:00 pm Where: Chili Community Center Instructor: American Dance Academy Staff Cost: $110/resident or $115/non-resident MELODY KIDS Wouldn’t your child or children enjoy singing, dancing and creating to fun songs? This class is created for young children and parents to learn musical skills which are taught to music. Your instructor for this fun class is Miss Brenda of Melody Kids. Brenda has a MA degree in Education and many years of experience teaching young children, as well as many years of studying cello and voice. Who: 6 months to 4 years (with adult) When: Wednesdays Session 1: September 23-October 21 Session 2: November 4-December 9 (no class 11/25) Time: 10:00-10:45 am Where: Chili Community Center Instructor: Brenda Lincoln Cost: $30/resident or $35/non-resident Min: 4 Max: 10 TINY TOT TIME Tiny Tot Time is a monthly program just for preschoolers! Join us for specialized classes incorporating arts and crafts, sports and education. All programs will be designed for children ages 3-5 and require an actively participating adult. Be sure to dress according to each class’s theme! Who: Ages 3-5 (with adult) When: Second Thursday of each month Time: 11:00 am-12:00 pm Where: Chili Community Center Cost: $5 per class (no charge for adult) Min: 4 Max: 10 September 10 - Lots of Legos October 8 - Tricks and Treats Halloween Bash November 12 - Superhero Safari & Princess Party December 10 - Christmas Magic Celebration Pee Wee Sports PEE WEE SOCCER LEAGUE This program will introduce your child to the game of soccer using age-appropriate activities and games. The main emphasis will be fun and requires a “feet on” approach by all parents. Volunteer coaches are needed. Space is limited, so register early. Who: Ages 3 and 4 When: Saturdays, September 19-October 24 Time: 10:00-11:00 am Where: Davis Park Cost: $40/resident or $45/non-resident PEE WEE SPORTS SAMPLER This introductory program is designed to introduce youth to the basics of three fun sports along with the motor skills necessary to play. Each week Coach Adam, Coach Jesse & Coach Eric will teach your pee wee players a different sport in the hopes that one or many pique their interest. The three sports covered will be Flag Football, Basketball, and Floor Hockey. These games will be introduced through fun activities, parental involvement and age-appropriate equipment. This program focuses on the fun of the games without the threat of competition or fear of failure and will lead into our full four week programs for each of these sports. Who: Ages 3-5 (with participating adult) When:Mondays, September 21-October 5 Time: 6:00-7:00 pm Where: Chestnut Ridge Elementary School Cost: $15/resident or $20/non-resident Like us on Facebook Town of Chili Newsletter • 11 Chili Recreation PEE WEE FLAG FOOTBALL This introductory program is designed to teach youth the basics of flag football along with the motor skills necessary to play Each week Coach Adam, Coach Jesse & Coach Eric will teach kids the game of football through fun activities, parental involvement and ageappropriate equipment. This program focuses on the fun of the game without the threat of competition or fear of failure. Participants get a t-shirt. Who: Ages 3-5 (with participating adult) When:Mondays, October 19-November 9 Time: 6:00-7:00 pm Where: Chestnut Ridge Elementary School Cost: $30/resident or $35/non-resident PEE WEE BASKETBALL This introductory program is designed to teach youth the basics of basketball along with the motor skills necessary to play. Each week Coach Adam, Coach Jesse & Coach Eric will teach kids the game of basketball through fun activities, parental involvement and ageappropriate equipment. This program focuses on the fun of the game without the threat of competition or fear of failure. Participants get a t-shirt. Who: Ages 3-5 (with participating adult) When:Mondays, November 23-December 7 Time: 6:00-7:00 pm Where: Chestnut Ridge Elementary School Cost: $30/resident or $35/non-resident Youth Programs KID’S CLUB Get your friends together for a night out just for KIDS at the Chili Community Center! Kid’s Club is the place to be for kids grades K-9 to play the night away. After a pizza dinner, we will split up into groups and enjoy activities including sports, games, crafts, popcorn and more. This program gives parents the chance to enjoy a special night while their children are having a fun time in a safe environment with their friends all at a low price. Registration for each Kid’s Club closes the Wednesday before. Please register early so program is not cancelled. Who: Grades K-9 When: December 12 Time: 6:00-9:00 pm Where: Chili Community Center Cost: $10 per child/per night Recess Camps GENERAL INFORMATION Join Chili Recreation Staff and stay busy during school breaks! Each day will have a special theme, field trip or visitor, as well as games, sports, creativity and more. Please send your child with a bagged lunch and two snacks unless otherwise noted. We encourage you to sign up as soon as possible as space is limited. Below we have listed the tentative schedule of highlighted events for each camp. Who: Grades K-9 (divided into age appropriate groups) Time: 8:00 am-6:00 pm Chili Paul Plaza Parking Lot Where all vendors 3240 Chili Avenue, Rochester MAKE IT, BAKE IT, or GROW IT! FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9: AUTUMN ADVENTURE Crisp air and vibrant colors let us know that Autumn is here and our adventures with Chili Recreation Recess Days are too. We will start our first Recess Camp with a trip to Stokoe Farms for a day filled with hayrides, pumpkin picking, and over 35 other activities available to us. This is a great chance for some good, old-fashioned family fun on the Stokoe Farm. Bus leaves at 9:30 AM. Where: TBD, check online Cost: $30/resident per day or $35/non-resident per day MONDAY, OCTOBER 12: JURASSIC CAMP The Dinosaur craze is back, but was it ever really extinct? Chili Rec will fashion a time machine to send us back to the roaring times where larger than life creatures roamed the world. Campers will have the opportunity to be engaged in prehistoric activities throughout the day. Prepare for Chili Rex to make a camp visit. Where: Chili Community Center Cost: $30/resident per day or $35/non-resident per day WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11: GOLD RUSH! Howdy Y’all! Round up your friends and join Chili Recreation as we transform the ghost town Community Center into a gold miner’s paradise. The Country theme will shape our activities and cuisine. Wanted outlaws beware! We’ve got new sheriffs in town. Keep in mind not everything that shines is gunna be gold partner! Where: Chili Community Center Cost: $30/resident per day or $35/non-resident per day The Town of Chili is pleased to announce the eighth annual FARMERS MARKET in the center of Chili. Farmers, crafters, and other vendors will be on hand each week selling their produce and wares. Local non-profits will also set up booths to promote their organizations. If you would like more information, please contact Chili Recreation at 889-4680. • Many local farmers and crafters selling a variety of products. • Specialty item vendors such as cooking spices and rubs, baked goods, soaps and candles. • GREAT Community Event where you can see friends and family! Saturdays through October 31 • 8:00 am-1:00 pm 12 • Town of Chili Newsletter www.townofchili.org Chili Recreation MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16: NERF WARS Ready, aim, fire... You’ve been targeted to have a great time with Chili Recreation! Bring your Nerf toy and imagination to camp as we sharpen your skills into a special agent. Campers will be provided with goggles and briefed on safety specs for this mission. Be prepared to train but inside and out! Camo is encouraged. Troops, label all ammo and toys before reporting for duty. Where: Chili Community Center Cost: $30/resident per day or $35/non-resident per day SAFE (Supervised Afterschool Fun and Exercise) Program For those working parents who are looking for a quality afterschool program that is affordable, Chili Recreation is now offering SAFE! This afterschool program provides a quality, fun and safe recreational environment and has two locations Chili Community Center (Churchville Chili students) and Paul Road Elementary School (Gates Chili students). Activities include arts and crafts, free play, and organized group games in the gym or outside. A daily snack is provided. The program will remain open for schoolscheduled half days, but will close for full-day holidays and breaks. DECEMBER BREAK: FROZEN FAREWELL PAUL ROAD SCHOOL SITE (GATES CHILI STUDENTS) Chili Recreation will show kids how to have fun during the winter months as we engage them with activities to help shake their winter blues and say farewell to 2015. With enough snow we will hit the slopes for a day of sledding and snowman building. Activities and crafts will turn the Community Center into a winter wonderland. Special snacks this week will help campers warm up and get into the holiday spirit. When: December 28, 29, 30 Where: Chili Community Center Cost: $100/resident or $115/non-resident or $40/resident per day or $45/non-resident per day CHILI COMMUNITY CENTER SITE (CHURCHVILLE CHILI STUDENTS) Who: Grades K-5 Where: Paul Road Elementary School When: Monday-Friday, monthly registration Time: School dismissal until 6 pm Transportation:School District will bus Brasser students to program Staffing: Chili Recreation trained staff (ratio of 12 students to 1 staff) Maximum: 50 students Cost: $140/student/month Who: Grades K-8 Where: Chili Community Center (4400 Buffalo Road) When: Monday-Friday, monthly registration Time: School dismissal until 6 pm Transportation:School District will bus students to Community Center Staffing: Chili Recreation trained staff (ratio of 12 students to 1 staff) Maximum: 40 students Cost: $140/student/month SAFE Program Before Care Gates Chili Students Only Chili Recreation is now offering before school care for Gates Chili students. The program is for students attending Paul Road School and Brasser. Brasser students will be bussed from Paul Road before the start of the school day. This program will also remain open for school-scheduled half days, but will close for full-day holidays and breaks. Who: Grades K-5 Where: Paul Road Elementary School When: Monday-Friday, monthly registration Time: 7:30 until school begins Transportation:School District will bus Brasser students to school Staffing: Chili Recreation trained staff (ratio of 12 students to 1 staff) Maximum: 50 students Cost: $95/student/month www.townofchili.org Town of Chili Newsletter • 13 Chili Recreation Enrichment Programs SPOOKY SCIENCE Pumpkins, Goblins, and Ghosts, Oh My! Come explore Halloween science as we do some “creepy” experiments involving worms, eyeballs, and ghostly messages! You’ll have a blast making bubbling potions, glowing goo and spooky sounds. Join us in the lab this fall for a ghoulish good time! Who: Grades 3-6 When: Fridays, October 23 & 30 Time: 6:00-8:00 pm Where: Chili Community Center Instructor: Mrs. Kilner Cost: $40/resident or $45/non-resident Min: 5 Max: 12 BABYSITTER’S TRAINING COURSE Taught through classroom discussion, instructor lecture and supplemented by an interactive video presentation; this 5 hour class for boys & girls ages 11 and older and teaches participants the roles and responsibilities of a babysitter and includes skills in: accident prevention, first aid and abdominal thrusts for choking victims. Each student will receive a workbook and a certification card upon completion. Students are asked to bring a self-addressed, stamped envelope to class along with a bagged lunch. Who: Ages 11 and older When: Saturday, November 14 Time: 9:00 am-2:30 pm Where: Chili Community Center Instructor: EPIC Trainings Cost: $50/resident or $55/non-resident Min: 5 FIRST AID FOR KIDS Taught by EMT’s and Paramedics, this course teaches 8-14 year old participants the skills and techniques necessary to respond to a variety of first aid related emergencies including: bleeding control, choking, burns, care for sprains, strains and breaks and treatment for heat & cold emergencies. Also addressed are several common medical emergencies found in many schools today such as: food allergies, diabetes, seizures and asthma. This course meets requirements for several boy/girl scout badges. Who: Ages 8-14 When: Thursday, November 12 Time: 6:30-8:00 pm Where: Chili Community Center Instructor: EPIC Trainings Cost: $20/resident or $25/non-resident Min: 5 Paracord Bracelet NEW! Workshop Functional and fashionable! Come learn how to use paracord to make Survival bracelets, key chains, necklaces, belts and more. In this workshop you will learn the 3 basic types of braids you can use to make various crafts for years to come. Each participant will get a bracelet kit which includes the paracord and clasp. Who: Ages 8 and up When: Session 1: Saturday, October 10 Session 2: Saturday, November 14 Time: 9:00 am-12:00 pm Where: Chili Community Center Instructor: Treeline Outdoor Sports Cost: $25/resident or $30/non-resident Register Online AND PAY USING A Physical Activity Programs KARATE These Karate classes are designed for students of all abilities, from beginner to advanced black belts. Instructor Dave Mason teaches a diverse curriculum which offers belt rankings in Tsunami-Ryu Karate-Do. Registrations accepted at all times and fee will be prorated! Who: Ages 5 & up Sessions: Monthly When: Tues. & Thurs. 6:00-7:00 pm & Sat. 9:00-10:30 am Where: Chili Community Center Instructor: Dave Mason, 10 Degree Black Belt Cost: $55 resident/month or $60 non-resident/month Dance Classes with American Dance Academy BEGINNER TAP, BALLET & TUMBLING Students will be introduced to basic dance techniques in tap and ballet. Children will enjoy learning to dance in a fun, creative and SAFE environment. Ballet slippers and tap shoes are recommended. Who: Ages 3-5 When: Tuesdays, September 29 December 15 (12 weeks) Time: 4:15-5:00 pm Where: Chili Community Center Instructor: American Dance Academy Staff Cost: $110/resident or $115/non-resident Credit Card at www.townofchili.org 14 • Town of Chili Newsletter www.townofchili.org Chili Recreation TAP, BALLET & TUMBLING TAP, BALLET & JAZZ (LEVEL 3) For those students ready to take the next step and learn new dance techniques in tap and ballet. Children will enjoy learning to dance in a fun, creative and SAFE environment. Ballet slippers and tap shoes are recommended. Who: Ages 5-7 When: Tuesdays, September 29 December 15 (12 weeks) Time: 5:00-5:45 pm Where: Chili Community Center Instructor: American Dance Academy Staff Cost: $110/resident or $115/non-resident Students with 3+ years previous dance experience or permission from the instructor will further develop their technique in tap and ballet and jazz dance. Tap and ballet shoes needed. Who: Ages 8-13 When: Tuesdays, September 29 December 15 (12 weeks) Time: 7:00-8:00 pm Where: Chili Community Center Instructor: American Dance Academy Staff Cost: $145/resident or $150/non-resident HIP HOP Sports Programs For those students who want to learn the latest dance moves, this class is for you. Students will learn the moves of their favorite popstars, other hip-hop moves, as well as a dance routine. This is a high energy, exciting class! Who: Ages 7 and up When: Tuesdays, September 29 December 15 (12 weeks) Time: 6:30-7:00 pm Where: Chili Community Center Instructor: American Dance Academy Staff Cost: $80/resident or $85/non-resident TAP, BALLET & JAZZ (LEVEL 2) Students with previous dance experience or permission from the instructor will further develop their technique in tap and ballet. Jazz dance will begin at this level in lieu of tumbling. Tap and ballet shoes needed. Who: Ages 7-10 When: Tuesdays, September 29 December 15 (12 weeks) Time: 5:45-6:30 pm Where: Chili Community Center Instructor: American Dance Academy Staff Cost: $110/resident or $115/non-resident Like us on Facebook www.townofchili.org BOYS FLAG FOOTBALL You asked and we delivered. New this season, we will play 9 weeks! Also new this season, we will dive right into the excitement, taking our traditional first week skills evaluation and transforming it to the Skills Competition we previously held the final week. Just more reasons to join us on the gridiron for our safe alternative to tackle football. Our league gives kids the opportunity to play football in a fun, action-packed league and learn the basic fundamentals of the game. Coaches will play quarterback so all players will be playmakers. Keep in mind late registration will likely result in placement on the waiting list. Volunteer coaches need. Mouth guards are required. Our season ends on a Friday night with a game under the lights at Merante Field. Teen Flag Football on page 17. Who: Boys Grades 1-2 Grades 3-4 Grades 5-6 When: Saturdays, August 29-October 23 Time: 9:00-10:15 am Where: Davis Park (Chestnut Ridge Road entrance) Cost: $50/resident or $55/non-resident NEW! GIRLS FLAG FOOTBALL Game on girls! It’s time for a league all to yourself that gives you the opportunity to play football in a fun, action-packed league and learn the basic fundamentals of the game. Coaches will play quarterback so all players will be playmakers. We need your help! If we don’t get enough girls to have a stand alone league, girls can join the boys league. Volunteer coaches needed. Mouth guards are required. Our season ends on a Friday night with a game under the lights at Merante Field. Teen Flag Football on page 17. Who: Girls Grades 1-2 Grades 3-4 Grades 5-6 Grades 7-9 When: Saturdays, August 29-October 23 Time: 10:15-11:30 am Where: Davis Park (Chestnut Ridge Road entrance) Cost: $50/resident or $55/non-resident BOYS YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUE (GRADES 1-6) Chili Recreation has is kicking it up a notch! Our Coaches attended conferences on youth basketball and are bringing their findings to our community. Join Coach Adam for a 10 week league where we introduce fundamentals and discover the flow of the game. New this year we are introducing an active 3 on 3 format for the first 3 weeks. After Thanksgiving break we will introduce the 5 on 5 format and more traditional rules. Each team will need a volunteer coach. Please register early, team size and divisions are dependent on registration numbers. Who: Grades 1-2 Grades 3-4 Grades 5-6 When: Saturdays, November 7 January 30 (10 weeks - no games on 11/28, 12/26, 1/2) Time: Week 1- Skills Evaluation Grades 1-2 – 8:30-9:30 am Grades 3-4 – 9:45-10:45 am Grades 5-6 – 11:00 am-12:00 pm (*Team Schedules TBD based on enrollment) Where: Paul Road School Gym Cost: $60/resident or $65/non-resident Town of Chili Newsletter • 15 Chili Recreation GIRLS YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUE (GRADES 1-6) This league is just for girls and their basketball skills development. Join Coach Adam for a 10 week league where we introduce fundamentals and discover the flow of the game. New this year we are introducing an active 3 on 3 format for the first 3 weeks. After Thanksgiving break we will introduce the 5 on 5 format and more traditional rules. Each team will need a volunteer coach. Please register early, team size and divisions are dependent on registration numbers. Who: Grades 1-2 Grades 3-4 Grades 5-6 When: Saturdays, November 7 January 30 (10 weeks - no games on 11/28, 12/26, 1/2) Time: Week 1- Skills Evaluation Grades 1-2 – 8:30-9:30 am Grades 3-4 – 9:45-10:45 am Grades 5-6 – 11:00 am-12:00 pm (*Team Schedules TBD based on enrollment) Where: Paul Road School Gym Cost: $60/resident or $65/non-resident KINDERGARTEN BASKETBALL LEAGUE Join Coach Adam and Coach Eric for a six week league just for Kindergarteners! The Paul Road School gym is transformed into a mini arena where we introduce elements of basketball but put a primary focus on fun. Players will be using age-appropriate equipment to give kids the opportunity to play basketball without the fear of failure in a non-competitive league. Volunteer coaches are needed. Recreation skill will implement skills and guide practice with the support of coaches. Who: Kindergartners (Coed Division) When: Fridays, November 6 December 18 (no games on 11/27) Time: 6:00-8:00 pm (1 hour games, times will vary) Where: Paul Road School Gym Cost: $40/resident or $45/non-resident 16 • Town of Chili Newsletter GAGA NIGHT This crowd favorite has been showcased at Chili Recreation family events and camps and now has its own special night! This fast-paced safe alternative to dodgeball is great for all ages and abilities. Come spend an entire night playing your favorite game as we host hours of open matches. If you have never played come see what you’re missing out on. The game is quick and easy to learn. Parents, we want to see if you have what it takes to hang with the kids so feel free join in the fun! We will have pizza and refreshments available for purchase. Registration is required, no walk-ins. Who: All ages When: October 16 and January 8 Time: 6:00-8:30 pm Where: Chili Community Center Cost: FREE, food available for additional fee Like us on Facebook Teen & Adult Programs Physical Activity Programs DANCING WITH THE GIRLS This class is for those who have always dreamed of becoming a Rockette or being involved in a Broadway show. If you enjoy moving to all types of music including Latin, disco, country, hop-hop and oldies, this class is for you! No experience is necessary and two “left feet” are always acceptable. Participants should wear comfortable clothing and sneakers. Who: Adults When: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays Fall Session: September 28-December 17 (no class 9/7 or 11/26) Winter Session: January 4-March 24 Time: 6:15-7:15 pm (Mon/Thurs) 5:45-6:45 pm (Wed) Where: Chili Community Center Instructor: Pat Dykstra, Certified Fitness Professional Cost: $50/one day a week, $90/two days a week, $105/three days a week www.townofchili.org Chili Recreation KARATE These Karate classes are designed for students of all abilities, from beginner to advanced black belts. Instructor Dave Mason teaches a diverse curriculum which offers belt rankings in Tsunami-Ryu Karate-Do. Registrations accepted at all times and fee will be prorated! Who: Adults Sessions: Monthly When: Tues. & Thurs. 7:00-9:00 pm & Sat. 9:00-10:30 am Where: Chili Community Center Instructor: Dave Mason, 10 Degree Black Belt Cost: $55 resident/month or $60 non-resident/month TAI CHI FOR BEGINNERS Tai Chi is a “soft” martial arts program that incorporates a system of moving meditation. The emphasis of Tai Chi is on stress relief and releasing unnecessary tension. In this class for beginners, you will learn the Tai Chi warm up, breathing techniques, and 12-postureform. This activity has many health benefits for people, including those with Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, joint problems, MS, high blood pressure and more. Who: Adults When: Thursdays, September 17 November 5 Time: 6:30-7:30 pm Where: Chili Community Center Cost: $45/resident or $50/non-resident Instructor: Andrea King, Sifu at Northeastern Martial Arts Institute Min: 5 Max: 15 INTERMEDIATE TAI CHI NEW! This intermediate class is for students who attended the beginner Tai Chi class, and/or need a refresher for their existing skill set. In this class we will fine tune or finish the 12-posture form and our warmup Qi-Gong exercises. We will also work on the awareness and deepening of our breathing and relaxation of our body while in motion. Who: Adults who have completed Beginner Tai Chi When: Thursdays, January 21-March 10 Time: 6:30-7:30 pm Where: Chili Community Center Cost: $45/resident or $50/non-resident Instructor: Andrea King, Sifu at Northeastern Martial Arts Institute Min: 5 Max: 15 CROSSFIT BEGINNER BOOTCAMP Get fit, burn fat, and get motivated in a fun atmosphere. This class is for those who are new to high intensity workouts and want to jump start their fitness. In this class, you will learn the basic CrossFit movements and be led through a warm-up, workout and cooldown. All workouts can be performed by ANY skill level. The fee includes three 1 hour classes per week, any day you choose. If a class has already begun, we will pro-rate the remaining classes. Who: Ages 15 and up Where: CrossFit Ambition, 3240 Chili Ave in the Chili-Paul Plaza When: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday (attend any 3 classes per week) Time: Tues. & Thurs. 8:00 am-9:00 am or 7:00 pm-8:00 pm, Sat. & Sun. 8:00 am-9:00 am Session 1: September 8 - October 3 Session 2: October 6 – October 31 Session 3: November 3 – November 28 Session 4: December 1 - December 26 Session 5: December 29-January 23 Instructor: Kris Caswell Fee: $75/resident or $80/non-resident Sports Programs TEEN FLAG FOOTBALL LEAGUE - The league NEW NS! IV D ISIO continues to expand to give high school students recreation opportunities. Help spread the word so we can keep having a platform for your young adults. New this season, we will play 9 weeks! Also new this season, we will dive right into the excitement, taking our traditional first week skills evaluation and transforming it to the Skills Competition we previously held the final week. Just more reasons to join us on the gridiron for our safe alternative to tackle football. Our league gives kids the opportunity to play football in a fun, action-packed league and learn the basic fundamentals of the game. Coaches will play quarterback so all players will be playmakers. Keep in mind late registration will likely result in placement on the waiting list. Volunteer coaches need. Mouth guards are required. Our season ends on a Friday night with a game under the lights at Merante Field. Who: Grades 7-8 Grades 9-10 When: Saturdays, August 29-October 23 Time: 9:00-10:15 am Where: Davis Park (Chestnut Ridge Road entrance) Cost: $50/resident or $55/non-resident Register Online AND PAY USING A Credit Card at www.townofchili.org www.townofchili.org Town of Chili Newsletter • 17 Chili Recreation TEEN BASKETBALL LEAGUE Looking for a place to play basketball on those snowy winter Fridays? Chili Recreation is offering a five week basketball program that continues to give junior high and high school students recreation opportunities. The program is an open gym format basketball league on Friday nights for students in grades 7 thru 9. This is a high energy league where we emphasize sportsmanship and a great time. If any parent is willing to volunteer as a coach or referee, please make a note on the registration form. PLEASE REGISTER EARLY so the program does not get cancelled. Who: Grades 7-9 (Girls) Grades 7-9 (Boys) When: Fridays, January 9-February 6 Time: 6:15-7:15 pm 7:30-8:30 pm Where: Paul Road School Gym Cost: $25/resident or $30/non-resident BOB ROSS OIL PAINTING CLASS Have you ever wanted to paint like the worldfamous Bob Ross but you feel that you do not have the artistic ability? Well, now you do! This class requires no previous art expe rience, and all students will take their com pleted artwork home with them the day of the class. Bob Ross Certified Instructor CC Walker will provide all the materials and the instruc tion to create your own masterpiece. Come in painting clothes and get ready to impress your family and friends with the end result! Please bring baby wipes and art smock. Who: Age 18 and up Session 1: Tuesday, September 29 Session 2: Wednesday, October 21 Session 3: Tuesday, November 17 Session 4: Wednesday, December 9 Time: 6:30-9:00 pm Where: Chili Community Center Cost: $60 per session/resident or $65 per session/non-resident Instructor: CC Walker, Certified Bob Ross Instructor Looking for a dog obedience class? Family & Special Events GRANDPARENTS’ DAY - BREAKFAST FOR DINNER NEW Save the date and join as we TIME! celebrate Grandparent’s Day! This event is a great way for grandparents and their grandchildren to share this special day together. This is sure to be a special time for both. Breakfast for dinner will be accompanied with a craft and everyone’s favorite activity; BINGO! Be sure to register early, space will be limited. Who: Grandparents & Grandchildren When: Friday, September 11 Time: 6:30-8:00pm Where: Chili Senior Center Cost: $5 per person FALL FUN DAY Join Chili Recreation on September 26 for the annual Fall Fun Day in Davis Park. This fun filled community event is FREE and includes inflatable activities, wagon and pony rides, games, face painting, and vendors. All of this is FREE and guaranteed to be FUN! Food will be available for purchase. A special thank you to MVP Healthcare for their sponsorship of this event. When: Saturday, September 26 Time: 11:30 am-2:30 pm Where: Davis Park (Chestnut Ridge side) COMMUNITY HALLOWEEN PARTY Chili Recreation is stirring up a witch’s brew, the only ingredient we’re missing is you! Float or fly to the Chili Senior Center as we begin our Halloween celebration with kid’s games and activities, where everyone can play and win. The grand finale of our event will be a Costume Parade to the Chili Farmers Market where you will show off your imagination and creativity with your costume. Prizes will be awarded to the top costumes, and all little monsters will take home some treats from our Farmers Market Vendors. Play games and activities at the Chili Senior Center until 12:00 pm, and then show off your costume and collect candy at the Farmers Market. Who:Families When: Saturday, October 31 Time: 10:30 am-12:30 pm Where: Chili Senior Center and Farmers Market Cost:Free PUMPKIN CARVING AND PAINTING CONTEST Does your family love to carve or paint pumpkins every fall? If so, Chili Recreation wants to see. Send us a picture of your scary, spooky, happy, funny, and/or silly pumpkins between the dates of October 1-31. Judging will be done in early November and winners will be announced and contacted shortly thereafter. Please include names of the pumpkin carvers or painters and contact information with your submissions. There will be categories for both carved and painted pumpkins. Winners will receive a prize and their photos will be used in department promotional material. Be creative and have fun! FACEBOOK JUDGING: Submitted photos will be posted on our Facebook page for a public vote. As we’re making our final decision, we’ll take into consideration the most popular pumpkin in the Facebook vote. Who: Chili Residents When: October 1-October 31 E-Mail:recreation@townofchili.org View At: www.facebook.com/ chilirecreation Cost:Free Chili Rec has those. www.townofchili.org 18 • Town of Chili Newsletter www.townofchili.org Chili Recreation NEW! FOOTGOLF Something new for all of you soccer fans! We are taking 2 sports and putting them together for your enjoyment. Footgolf is the newest craze sweeping the country and Chili Recreation is bringing it to the community with a little creativity. The game is played the same way as golf, except players use a soccer ball instead of a golf ball, and the ball is kicked rather than hit with a golf club. Golf etiquette and rules will apply, no cleats please. Widener Park is home to one of the area’s premier Disc Golf Courses but for our event we will transform it to the ultimate Footgolf course. Watch out for all the bunkers, trees, hills and water hazards that make up Widener Park. Food will be available for purchase at the turn. Please register online to secure a spot in the shotgun start. Who: All Ages When: Saturday, October 10 Time 12:00-2:30 Shotgun Start Where: Widener Park Cost: $2 per person EVENING FOR THE GIRLS No boys allowed! This is the ultimate pajama party! Get excited for a night of fun, entertainment and laughter in celebration of mothers and daughters. Chili Recreation has planned an old-fashioned pajama party filled with girly goodies including manicures, trivia, snacks, and more! Come dressed in your more comfortable pajamas and get ready for a great time. Make sure you register early and tell your friends, space is limited. Who: Girls ages 4-14 (with participating female adult) When: Friday, November 20 Time: 6:30-8:30 pm Where: Chili Senior Center Cost:$5/person Register Online Credit Card AND PAY USING A BREAKFAST WITH SANTA NEW Chili Recreation has once again TIME! arranged for Santa Claus to make a special stop in Chili to visit all the good girls and boys. Enjoy a breakfast and entertainment followed by time to sit with Santa Claus to take photos! When: Saturday, December 5 Time: 9:00 am-11:00 pm Seating starts at 9:00 am Breakfast served at 9:30 am Where: Chili Senior Center Cost:$6/person COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING Bundle up as we bring the holiday cheer to Chili. Seasonal songs will set the mood as we start our celebration by welcoming Santa and special guest to light the Town Complex. Following the tree lighting, stick around for the Winter Carnival! The night will be filled with festive fun outside the Chili Senior Center, including carols, children activities led by Recreation Staff and horse-drawn wagon rides. Food will be available for purchase. See special info on joining the Parade of Lights. When: Friday, December 4 Time: 6:30-8:30 pm Where: Senior Center (3235 Chili Avenue) Cost:Free* *Please consider adding to the donation drive to collect items for the Veterans Hospital. Look for a list of needed items in the event flyers and newspaper ads a few weeks before the event. Christmas Parade of Lights Join Chili Recreation for the 2nd Annual Christmas Parade of Lights as we brighten the night and bring in the holiday season. The Parade of Lights serves as the kickoff to the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony on December 4. Residents, businesses, and local organizations are invited to participate by decorating their vehicles, campers, boats, and floats and parading down Chili Avenue. Help make the 2015 parade bigger and brighter by joining in the festive fun! If you are interested in participating, call Chili Recreation at 889-4680 or e-mail us at recreation@townofchili.org by November 1. When: Friday, December 4 Time: 6:00 pm Where: Chili Avenue parade route ending at Chili Senior Center. Parade route TBD Cost:Free VALENTINE’S DANCE Chili Recreation is pleased to announce a very special evenings for the girls of Chili. Chili Recreation will hold its Annual Valentine’s Dance for those adult males who would love to treat their special girl to evening of fun and memories in the Community Center. There will be dancing, refreshments, and goody bags for all the girls who attend. Who: Girls 12 and under (with adult) When: Saturday, February 5 Time: 6:30-8:30 pm Where: Chili Community Center Cost: $20/resident family or $30/non-resident family Registration begins on January 1 online at www.townofchili.org and at the Recreation Office. This event will sell out so register early. at www.townofchili.org www.townofchili.org Town of Chili Newsletter • 19 Chili Recreation 26th Annual Chil-E Fest, Thank You! The 26th Annual Chil-E Fest, once again held on July 4th, saw great weather, great crowds and many smiling faces. This popular community event included the 9th annual car show, a variety of music on two stages, community groups, food vendors, and the best fireworks in Monroe County! On behalf of the Town of Chili, Chili Recreation would like to thank the following sponsors whose financial support of this event helped make it the success that it was. 20 • Town of Chili Newsletter www.townofchili.org Registration Form Chili Community Center 4400 Buffalo Road, North Chili, NY Use Our Online Registration! Town of Chili N E W S L E T T E R Chili Recreation uses an online registration system that allows for users to register their entire family for multiple programs and make payment with the click of a mouse or the touch of a Smartphone. Fall 2015 Inside • The Erie Canal and Chili’s Cobblestones • Recreation Programs • Senior Programs • Community Spotlight Go to www.townofchili.org and set up a Family user account to make registrations and payments easy and fast. Town Supervisor David Dunning This system also allows Chili Recreation to send out e-mails with program information regarding current and upcoming programs so you never miss out! Town Board Jordon Brown Tracy DiFlorio Michael Slattery Mary Sperr Town of Chili Chili Town Hall 3333 Chili Avenue Rochester, NY 14624 www.townofchili.org 585-889-3550 From the A Supervisor s fall approaches, so does budget season. By the time you read this I will have submitted my 2016 tentative budget for the Town Board to review and consider. With a less than 1% tax cap this year comes additional challenges, my 2016 proposed budget meets those challenges, thanks to the help and support of the town department heads. Since the adoption of the tax cap I have maintained that we will comply and we will maintain the services that our residents have come to appreciate. Most recently the State added an additional challenge by enacting a tax freeze, requiring efficiency plans from local governments, however this was not a new challenge for us. This new mandate is actually two fold, first we must comply with the tax cap and second we must submit an efficiency plan that provides for efficiencies that equal at least 1% each year for the next 3 years. Since taking office in 2008, I challenged the staff here to find better more efficient ways to do business, without sacrificing the quality of services we provide. I have partnered with our neighboring towns to share services creating cost saving partnerships and will continue to seek new opportunities. Today I am pleased to report that the Town of Chili has submitted an efficiency plan that exceeds the States requirement for each and every year of the tax freeze. Stable property taxes, efficient operations and superior services have been and will remain at the forefront of this administrations goals and objectives. Looking at things around town, Chili Center has been the hub of activity this summer. Chili Paul Plaza is under new management and showing signs that some much needed improvements are in sight. The new building going up next to the diner will be the new home of Mavis Tire. I have to say the planning board did a real nice job on this one. What a nice looking building this will be and fitting for a new look center. Also McDonalds is getting a much needed makeover. The new modern building will be up and running again soon, again improving the look of Chili Center. Dunkin Donuts is going strong in North Chili and construction on the new apartment complex at Union Square is progressing nicely. Our Chili Center Master Plan continues to discuss opportunities and welcomes your input. Please take a minute or two and visit the Town web site. www.townofchili.org , click the link for the survey and let us know what your thinking. As always it is and has been an honor and privilege to serve as your Supervisor, should you have any questions or concerns about anything going on around town, please stop in, email or call me. 889-6111, ddunning@townofchili.org. For mail-in registrations please return this form along with a check payable to: Town of Chili Household Information (Must be completed by parent/guardian/self) Primary Account Holder M or F Street Address Primary Phone City Zip Code Email Participant Name M F Date of Birth Volunteer Coach: q Yes q No Special Requests (Coach, Teammate, etc.): Grade Shirt Size: Program Name Fee Total: $ q Cash q Check #___________ For office use only. All requests will be considered by Chili Recreation, however they are not guaranteed. Release Waiver (Must be signed) I hereby waive, release and discharge the Town of Chili, the Chili Recreation Department, all officers, agents and employees, from all liability and damages that may occur from taking part in the activity indicated in this agreement. I further agree for my child and/or myself, in the event of injury while participating in said activities, to indemnify and hold harmless the organization, all employees, to include all contracted individuals, and its participants. I further understand that health insurance is not provided, and I must supply health coverage for my child or self. I give my permission for treatment by a medical professional to be administered in the event of an emergency. I also understand that photos may be taken of all participants including myself and/or child. I acknowledge and agree that Chili Recreation or its designee may use the likeness of program participants on websites, brochures, and other marketing collateral at no cost. Participant Signature______________________________________________________________________ Dated________________________ (Must be signed by parent/guardian if participant is a minor) www.townofchili.org Town of Chili Newsletter • 21 Chili Parks Party Games Package Rental Bring the fun to your party with our new Party Games Package that is available to rent. The package includes basketballs, soccer balls, kickballs, a volleyball, Baggo, Ladder Golf, and KanJam. The package can be rented in addition to a Union Station Lodge Rental or on its own for the weekend. We only have two party packages available so make sure to reserve one for your party as soon as possible. Rental equipment is subject to damage and replacement costs if anything is broken or lost. Cost: $20/weekend $50 refundable security deposit required. Call 8894680 for rental information. Explore Chili Parks Union Station Lodge Rental fees are $150 for residents of Chili, and $200 for non-residents. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed in the park or in the lodge. Call 889-4680 for further information and available dates. Park Spotlight Widener Park This 28-acre recreational area is located at 400 Chili-Scottsville Road. The property is home to an 18 hole disc-golf course, a picnic pavilion available for rent, beautiful landscapes and a trail perfect for exploring the park. *Foot Golf Event October 10 Details on page 19. Ballantyne Park This is a two acre park located on Ballantyne Road, next to the Arc of Monroe County. Park amenities include a playing field and playground. Chili Community Center The Community Center is located at 4400 Buffalo Road in North Chili and is home to various recreational programs, special events and meetings. The building consists of meeting rooms, a program room, as well as a gymnasium. These facilities are available for public, non-profit groups to use. Along with the Center, the property has a baseball field, basketball court, and playground. Chili Nature Trail The Nature Trail is located off Chili Avenue, behind the Chili Heights Apartment complex. This 36-acre park is made up of various trails, an open field, scenic pond and two overlook areas. 22 • Town of Chili Newsletter Davis Park Davis Park is a 52-acre park with two separate entrances. The park can be accessed from either Chestnut Ridge Road or Paul Road. Davis Park is home to six baseball fields, five soccer fields, two open air pavilions which are available for rent, restrooms, tennis courts, and two playground areas. Hubbard Park This seven acre park is located in North Chili on Union Street near Parkway Drive. Hubbard Park consists of a baseball field, tennis courts, a basketball court, and a playground. Memorial Park Located at 3235 Chili Avenue, this 11.6 acre park is home to many playing fields, a basketball court, tennis courts, and a playground. Memorial Park playing fields include six baseball fields, two of which have lights. Merante Field, which is a premier soccer/football field with lights, is also located at Memorial Park. Union Station Park The Town of Chili is proud to offer our lodge at Union Station Park which is available to rent for family and community events. Access to the park and lodge is off Union Street in North Chili at the end of Rock Island Road. This enclosed lodge offers accommodations for up to 80 people, indoor restroom facilities, kitchenette, and a full paved parking lot. Recreation facilities surrounding this lodge include playground equipment, a nature trail, access to Black Creek, 2 athletic fields, a basketball court and a paved trail perfect for walking and biking. *Lodge reservations are only accepted online and can be made one year in advance. If you do not have access to register online call Chili Recreation for assistance at 8894680. Yolanda Park Yolanda Park, a 3.7 acre park, is located on Yolanda Drive and consists of a soccer field and playground equipment. www.townofchili.org Senior Center wait and wait for summer and the Senior Wewarm weather, and before you realize it, the seasons are evolving again... The Center cooler weather is a great time for some out- Mary Anne Sears Director Programs for the Aging door activities or even some of our regular indoor ones! Put on your hiking shoes, grab a sweater and come and play with us! Check out some of the great programs that we have to offer at the Center. If you have never been here, how about stopping in, meeting us and Mary Anne Sears Senior Center Info Michael Ferugia sign up for a free lunch! It’s amazing how many people still don’t know that we are here! We are an active group of young seniors that know how to have fun! We are not your typical “Senior Citizens”! Come and see for yourself! Sincerely, Mary Anne Sears, Director Programs for the Aging Gwen Machulskis Pam Holihan Chili Senior Center Senior Center Hours Senior Center Staff 3235 Chili Avenue Rochester, NY 14624 Phone 585-889-6185 Monday-Friday 9:00 am-4:00 pm Mary Anne Sears, Director Michael Ferugia, Clerk Assistant Gwen Machulskis, Clerk Assistant Pam Holihan, Clerk Assistant Mission T Statement he Chili Senior Center supports adults in their effort to remain healthy, active and independent members of the community by providing socially, intellectually, and physically enriching activities for senior adults age 55 and over. The Chili Senior Center also serves the senior community by acting as a resource for senior related issues. Elder Source Services: We have a representative from Lifespan here at the Center once a month, generally on a Monday from 10:00 am-12:00 pm. If you need help with a medical, financial, or legal issue and don’t know where to turn, stop in. Are you concerned about a family member, a health or housing issue, please come and talk with our representative. Appointments are not required. Please call the Senior Center to verify dates. www.townofchili.org Town of Chili Newsletter • 23 Senior Center Meals on Wheels Books to People Program The Monroe County Office for the Aging contracts with Visiting Nurse Service of Rochester and Monroe County, Inc. (585-787-8313) to assist with better health through nutrition. Often mealtime becomes a real challenge for individuals who are recuperating from an illness or who are too ill or frail to prepare a meal. “Meals on Wheels” is a service that provides valuable nutrition needed. To be eligible for this service a person must be: • 60 years of age; • homebound; •Living alone or with someone who is unable to prepare nutritious meals and/or is absent during the day. Visiting Nurse Service has numerous meal programs. The meals funded by the Office for the Aging have a suggested donation of $3.00 per meal. Are you, or someone you love, unable to come to the library in person due to health reasons? If so, the Chili Public Library’s Books to People Program is for you. This program is made possible by the Friends of Chili Public Library and is available to residents of Chili who are restricted from driving for health reasons. “Books to People” provides free delivery of library materials to your home on a regular basis. A librarian will select materials for you based on the interests you indicate on your application. A volunteer member of the Friends will make deliveries to your home and pick up materials for return to the library. To register for this program, please fill out the application which can be obtained at the library or on the library’s website www.chililibrary.org under Friends/Services. If you have any questions, please contact the librarian at the Information Desk or Friend’s Board Liaison Marcia Johnson at 889-2200. AARP Smart Driver Courses: The Chili Senior Center offers AARP Smart Driver courses, for our Chili residents. If space allows, we will accept non residents, two weeks prior to the class starting date. Classes are held on Tuesday and Friday mornings from 9:00 am-12:00 pm. You must attend both sessions. The fee for this class is $20 if you are a member of AARP. If you are not a member, the cost is $25 per person. Please bring your membership card to the first class. You must sign up in advance. The fall dates for 2015 are: Tuesday, September 15th and Friday, September 18th , Tuesday, October 20th and Friday, October 23rd, Tuesday, November 17th and Friday, November 20th . There is not a class in December. Chili Loan Closet Do you need to borrow some medical equipment? Feel free to contact the Loan Closet. They will do their best to help you out. To contact the Loan Closet for medical needs, or to make a donation please call (585) 594-0839. If you are struggling with transportation issues and need some direction, please consider calling TRAC. This program offers an easy, safe and quick answer, to some of your transportation needs. This program is sponsored by Eldersource and partially funded by the New Freedom Funds and United Way of Rochester. Call 325-2800 for more information. STAR Program (Support to Aged Residents) Is a unique program in Monroe County. It is the only program that offers individualized services to frail, elderly persons over 60 years of age, either by a donation-based or small fee for service program. We need your help! Volunteers are needed to do simple things that many of our elderly neighbors cannot do for themselves. It just takes an hour or two of your time each month to brighten a life. For more information call please call 262-7057. Services: Essential transportation: grocery westside express The Towns of Chili and Gates are happy to announce that the “Westside Express” is up and running! The mission of this transportation service is to provide safe, efficient and accessible transportation for our residents. Our goal is to address the complex and multifaceted mobility needs of the elderly in our area, with the purpose of improving their quality of life by providing non-emergency vehicular transportation. If you would like more information on this program, please call us and we will send you a brochure. The direct number for Westside Express is 889-6104. Leave a message and one of our awesome volunteers will get back to you. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! PLEASE STOP IN AND SEE US! If you think you might be interested in driving or dispatching, or like more information, please stop in at the Senior Center. Even if you only have 4 hours of time a month, that would be awesome! Be crazy. Be stupid. Be silly. Be weird. Be Whatever. Because life is too short to be anything but happy. 24 • Town of Chili Newsletter Trac shopping, banking, medical transportation, prescription pick-up. Occasional needs: friendly visiting, telephone reassurance, yard work and chores. Food Cupboards: There are many sources of food in the Chili area for your needs. If you are running a bit low and need some assistance, please feel free to contact one. These locations are: Pearce Food Cupboard at 594-9488, Grace Covenant Food Pantry at 889-2130. There is no reason that anyone should go hungry. All calls are confidential. Community Resources Handy Phone Numbers Chili Senior Center................ 889-6185 Chili Public Library................ 889-2200 Chili Town Hall....................... 889-3550 Highway Department............ 889-2630 Assessment Office................ 889-6132 Lifespan................................. 244-8400 Elder Source.......................... 325-2800 Meals on Wheels...................787-8397 Chili Lions Loan Closet......... 594-0839 Roberts Dining Room........... 594-6380 Pearce Food Cupboard......... 594-9488 Grace Covenant Pantry........ 889-2130 WestSide Express..................889-6104 www.townofchili.org Senior Center Monroe County Office for the Aging Programs Lunch Club 60 Program The Lunch Club 60 Program is a congregate meal program for people aged 60 and older. It is administered by the Monroe County Office for the Aging. It was created in 1972 as part of the Older Americans Act, and is designed to help the older person enjoy better health through improved nutrition. The suggested meal contribution for Lunch Club 60 is $3.00 per person. Meal selections change often. If you are under the age of 60, lunch cost is $6.00 per person. Lunch Club 60 programs are located throughout Monroe County and each program is unique. Most locations offer activities and events based on the interests of the people who attend. The Chili Senior Center offers lunches on Mondays and Thursdays. If you have never been here, we would like to invite you as our guest, so you can see what it is all about. If you are interested, please call the Center at 889-6185 and we would be happy to review this with you. Disclaimer: No person shall be denied benefits or subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal Assistance on grounds of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, disability, or marital status. MONROE COUNTY DENTAL PROGRAM Monroe County Executive Maggie Brooks has partnered with Health Economics Group, Inc. (HEG) to provide residents with a new voluntary County Dental Network Card Program. At a cost of 10 cents per day for an individual, or a dollar per week for a family, the program will make going to the dentist more affordable and easier for seniors and families throughout the county. Call the Senior Center or stop in for more information. MONROE COUNTY’S NY CONNECTS Monroe County’s “New York Connects” is your answer to LongTerm Care Services. NY Connects provides comprehensive and unbiased information and assistance for all long-term care services regardless of age. This information includes screening for social and medical needs, financial status, and available service options regardless of payer source, comprehensive needs assessment, service/ care coordination and public education. This is a service that is free for all to use. Call 325-2800 for more information. PRESCRIPTION DISCOUNT PLAN Save Money On Costly Prescription Drugs! Monroe County Executive Maggie Brooks launched the new Monroe County Prescription Discount Program, a County-sponsored initiative that helps local residents save money on the cost of prescription drugs. This program is sponsored by Pro-Act Pharmacy Services. For more information, please call 1-877-776-2285. LIFESPAN Phone: 585-244-8400 Caseworkers and trained volunteers provide a voluntary money management services to people that may need guidance. Individuals requesting assistance receive a variety of services including needs assessment, financial planning, and assistance in obtaining benefits, credit counseling, and bill paying. LEGAL SERVICES Monroe County Legal Assistance Corporation Phone: 585 325-2520 Assistance and/or advocacy is provided to older Monroe County residents in regard to legal issues including Social Security, SSI, Medicaid and other public benefits, landlordtenant problems, simple wills, utility problems, and power of attorney. Funding This program is funded by participants’ contributions, U.S. Administration on Aging, N.Y. State Office for the Aging, N.Y. State Department of Health, and Monroe County Dept. of HS/Office for the Aging. BREAKFAST CLUB 60 Start your day with a balanced, nutritious, affordable hot breakfast, shared with great friends! The Chili Senior Center now offers breakfast each Wednesday. We ask that you sign up in advance, but walk-ins are always welcome! Suggested contribution is $3.00 per person. Great meal selections! Serving hours are from 8:30-10:00 am. www.townofchili.org Weekly Recreation Programs Mondays: Decorative Painting, “Silver Chords”, Senior Chorus, Lunch Club 60, Double Bingo. Tuesdays: Bridge, Stretch and Strengthen, compliments of “Agape” Physical Therapy, Table Tennis Wednesdays: Chili Woodcarvers, Euchre, and the Chain Gang (crochet and knitting group). Thursdays: W-IN, (Weight Loss Support group) Lunch Club 60, Bingo, and Stretch and Strengthen. Fridays: Special events and programs, Movies, Table Tennis. *In addition to these regular activities, we offer a wide variety of activities, based on the season and special events that may be taking place in the community. We encourage you to stop in the Center often and check out our ever changing programs! Town of Chili Newsletter • 25 Senior Center Program Registration Reminders •You must be a registered member of the Chili Senior Center with a completed registration card on file to sign up for programs. •Each person must individually fill out an Event Forms COMPLETELY Including: Full Name, Address, Phone Number Make sure Resident or Non-Resident is circled. Complete event name, date, cost and signature. Separate forms must be filled out for each program as well as for the different months, a program takes place in. •If there is a fee for a program, cash (correct change PLEASE – we do not have change) or checks (made out to “Town of Chili” NOT the Senior Center) are accepted as payment for programs. We must have payment in full BEFORE you will be registered. Monroe County Office for the Aging Events Monroe County Bingo Join the Chili Seniors as we once again host BINGO for many of the seniors in Monroe County! This event sells out each year and is awesome. After BINGO, we will enjoy a picnic lunch, provided by ABVI, right at the Center. Tickets are limited in number, so be sure to sign up early. When: Friday, October 30th Time: Reception starts at 9:15 am ~ BINGO promptly starts at 9:45 am Where Chili Senior Center Cost: $8.00 per person includes BINGO board, prize money and picnic lunch. Must sign up and pay in advance. “The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not.” ~ Mark Twain Blood Pressure Check It’s important to have your blood pressure checked on a regular basis. Blood pressure checks will be available to you on the first Thursday of the month, from 10:30 am -12:00 noon. No appointment is needed. Please note: this does not take the place of regular check ups by your doctor. When: Thursdays, September 3, October 1, November 5 and December 3 Time: 10:30-12:00 noon Where: Chili Senior Center Excellus Health Care A health care representative will be available again at the Center in January. Check your local newspaper for locations of open enrollment meetings that will be held through out Monroe County during the open enrollment period. Doctor, doctor, why are some jokes painfully funny? ...It must be the punch lines. 26 • Town of Chili Newsletter Chili Senior Center Clothing Drive Time to clean out the closets, go through your drawers and donate clothes that may no longer fit the way you would like them to! We are looking for men’s, women’s, children’s, infants, grandma and grandpa’s clothes and more !We will accept sheets, towels, linens, shoes, purses, and backpacks! Please be sure that the items are in good shape, clean, and not in need of repair. Clothes are then sorted and given to several organizations that are less fortunate. We especially need warmer clothes for the upcoming seasons. We will be accepting donations until the end of October. Please do not leave these items outside of the center. Our hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call. We thank you in advance for your generosity. www.townofchili.org Senior Center Motor Coach Trips Buffalo and More! Tuesday September 22nd Depart at 8:30 am and return approximate at 6:00 pm Enjoy a visit to the Made in America Store, guided tour of the Darwin Martin House, designed by Architect Frank Lloyd Wright, luncheon buffet at Chef’s Restaurant, admission and tour of the Herschel Carousel Museum in North Tonawanda and shopping time at Kelly’s Country Store on Grand Island. Cost: $73.00 per person DAY TRIP PARTICIPATION Chili residents will be given the first opportunity to register for Motor Coach and local trips offered through the Center. As space allows, trips will then be open to non residents. Higher program fees may be applicable. Please take a few minutes and review our upcoming trips. Please note: individuals requiring assistance must sign up with a companion. Mackinac Island, Michigan Contact Center for Availability! Including Frankenmuth, Michigan and Thunder Bay Resort Sunday, September 6 – Thursday, September 10, 2015 Sign up now! Includes 4 overnight stays at first class hotels, four breakfast buffets and one boxed luncheon. Grand Buffet at the world famous Grand Hotel, three dinners including one unique dinner at Thunder Bay Resort, Ferry from Mackinaw City, MI to Mackinac Island and return to St. Ignace, horse drawn sightseeing carriage tour on Mackinac Island, driving tour of Frankenmuth and shopping time at Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland., visit to The Cross in the Woods, site of the world’s largest crucifix, admission to the Call of the Wild Wildlife Museum, narrated Elk Viewing, Carriage Ride at Thunder Bay Resort. Cost: Twin Rate $850/person, Single Rate $970/person. Oktoberfest Cruise, Watkins Glen, NY, Tuesday, October 6th Depart at 8:30 am, return around 6:30 pm The day includes a 2 hour Seneca Lake luncheon cruise aboard the Seneca Legacy with lively traditional Oktoberfest entertainment. Stop in at the Center for more information and to sign up. Cost: $95.00 per person The day includes admission to Cortland’s Country Music Park and Hall of Fame for an afternoon of favorite Christmas songs, performed by Donna and the Country Mystics. Enjoy over 2 miles of illuminated Christmas lights and displays on the shores of Onondaga Lake. One entrée for all: Turkey dinner with all the fixings, beverage and dessert. Cost: $80 per person For more information contact: Chili Senior Center 889-6185 Arrangements made by Koning DayTours, Inc. 349 West Commercial Street, Suite 1500, East Rochester, NY 585-385-0670 The Seniors are going to Ireland And that’s no Blarney! March 2016!! We still have a few spots left! Stop at the Senior Center for more information! Based on availability! •Sightseeing highlights include: •Ring of Kerry •City Tour of Dublin •Orientation of Waterford, Limerick and Galway, King Johns Castle, St. Mary’s Cathedral •Visit the famine ship in New Ross, Kiss the Blarney Stone, Cliffs of Moher and Bunratty Folk Park Costa Rica ECO ADVENTURE November 5-12, 2016 7 nights/8 days Limited number of seats available! Sightseeing Highlights •Visit Tortuguero National Park, Sarapiqui and Monteverde Clud Forest Reserve with its canopy skywalk •View Arenal Volcano •Amazing wildlife with over 2.500 plant species, 100 species of mammals, and 400 bird species. www.townofchili.org Country Mystic’s Christmas Show, Cortland, NY Wednesday, December 9th Depart at 9:00 am, returns approximate 8:30 pm •And so much more, including zip lining! • Includes 7 full breakfasts, 3 lunches and 5 dinners. • Watch for informational meeting to be scheduled!! Town of Chili Newsletter • 27 Senior Center Educational Presentations Unity Health Presents “Stroke Education” Dr Chris Burke, Stroke Medical Director, will be here at the Center to share his wealth of knowledge and expertise with us. This is an excellent presentation that I strongly encourage you to attend. It may save your life. Some of the topics we will discuss are: •Define stroke •Understanding the impact of stroke •List common risk factors for stroke •Recognize the major signs of stroke •Know what to do if you suspect a stroke •Know ways to prevent a stroke •Note: there will be a drawing and a special treat for all that attend. When: Friday, September 18th Time: 1:00 pm Where: Chili Senior Center Cost: Free, please sign up at the desk. Medicare Update for 2016 The Medicare Open Enrollment period for 2016 is October 15 through December 7, 2015. This presentation by a Lifespan HIICAP Counselor will include updates to Medicare benefit and coverage for 2016, including Medicare Parts A, B and D as well as Medicare Advantage plans. The speaker will also distribute Lifespan’s Medicare Advantage comparison chart for 2016 When: Tuesday, November 10th Time: 10:00 am Where: Chili Senior Center Cost: Please sign up at the desk if you will be attending. The Importance of Walking: My grandpa started walking five miles a day when he was 60. Now he’s 97 years old & we don’t know where he is. 28 • Town of Chili Newsletter “Easy Way to Shave Off Calories” Almost everyone wants to lose weight but no one wants it to be too difficult to fit into their current lifestyle. Learn easy tips that fit your eating habits, how making a few little changes in your eating habits could equal painless weight loss, how losing just a few pounds can add up to big health benefits, and how everyday activities can be “pumped up” to help you lose calories. You will leave with tips that are simple and easy to follow. When: Tuesday, November 17th Time: 11:30 am Where: Chili Senior Center Cost: Free, please sign up at desk HEALING POWER OF MEDITATION Meditation is not just about being quiet nor is it about the absence of challenges; it is about being the witness or observer of one’s life experiences. Through meditation one is able to promote deep relaxation, relieve stress and bring their self back to a calmer, less stressful place. A 5 week class will be offered starting in October, watch for details! Join us for this presentation and experience what it can do for you. When: Friday, September 4th Time: 10:00 am Cost: Free, please sign up the desk. Children seldom misquote you. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn’t have said. A Matter of Balance: This program emphasizes practical strategies to manage falls. You will learn to: • view falls as controllable • set goals for increasing activity • make changes to reduce fall risks at home • exercise to increase strength and balance Who should attend? • anyone concerned about falls • anyone interested in improving balance, flexibility and strength • anyone who has fallen in the past • anyone who has restricted activities because of falling concerns Chili Senior Center 3235 Chili Ave Rochester, NY 14624 Thursdays, 1pm - 3pm September 10–October 29, 2015 Classes are held once a week for 8 weeks for 2 hours each. This session is free for participants! Snacks and workbooks are provided. For more information please call The Senior Center 889-6185 FLU SHOTS Once again, the University of Rochester will be providing 2015/2016 seasonal influenza vaccinations for our seniors. The clinic will be held at the Chili Senior Center. Please sign up at the desk if you plan on receiving a shot. All ages are welcome. When: Wednesday, September 9th Time: 9:00 am-1:00 pm Cost: Bring your insurance card and/ or Medicare card. If you do not have insurance, the cost is $30 by cash or check. www.townofchili.org Senior Center CORNER Veterans Einstein Comes Alive! Albert Einstein is everyone’s favorite scientist! Instantly recognizable with his shaggy hair and mustache, his science and his humanity touched all the important events of the 20th Century. He was a kind man; he never allowed his acclaim to stop him from working with people, especially children. With all the changes in the world, it makes one wonder, “What would Einstein say about all this?” “Einstein’s Dilemma?” Come to the Center and go back in history.... When: Tuesday, September 29th Time: 10:00 am Where: Chili Senior Center Cost: Free, please sign up at the desk. “The History of Zweigles” In 1880, C. Wilhelm and Josephine Zweigle opened the doors of their butcher shop at the corner of Joseph Avenue and Kelly Street in Rochester, NY. Soon thereafter, the small store became known for producing great tasting “Old World” German products including Frankfurts, Wieners, Sausages, Bloodwurst, Weiswurst, Liver Sausage and more. As a family operation, C. Wilhelm and Josephine’s children were active members of the business, becoming involved early in their childhood by helping clean up around the shop and running deliveries to the saloons and neighborhood markets that placed daily orders. As the business expanded, commitment to quality established by the founders was passed on from one generation to the next. This is an awesome story that I am sure many of you remember! Be sure to mark it on calendar! There may even be samples!! When: Friday October 16th Time: 11:00 am Where: Chili Senior Center Cost: $2.00 per person, please sign up and pay in advance at the desk! www.townofchili.org VETERANS CELEBRATION Once again the Chili Senior Center will be celebrating and honoring our Veterans. Mark your calendar for Saturday, November 7th! Watch your mailbox for your invitation!! SOLDIERS WISH LIST We are collecting items to send to our men and women who are serving overseas. Please stop in at the Center to see how you can help. Monetary donations to cover and defray the cost of shipping items overseas are also welcome! SWEETS FOR OUR SOLIDERS! TRICK OR TREATS! Please consider bringing your leftover wrapped candy to the Center to send to our men and women overseas. If you don’t have any left, how about buying some? Bring all candy to the Center no later than Saturday, November 7th. “STUFF THE STOCKING” Our stocking program for the soldiers will be done a bit differently this year! We want to make it as easy as possible for you to take part! We will have a list available at the Senior Center of suggested items that our soldiers need. After you purchase one or two items, bring them to the Center and put them in our “Giant” stocking! The items will be picked up on a regular basis, sorted accordingly and sent to our men and women overseas! Thank you for your generosity! TREES FOR TROOPS Send a Christmas tree to our Soldiers! Once again, the Chili Senior Center will be working with Stokoe Farms to help get some trees overseas. Please pick up information at the Center. The Senior Center will be closed on the following dates: Monday, September 7th Labor Day Monday, October 12th Columbus Day Tuesday, November 3rd Election Day Wednesday, November 11th Veterans Day Thursday and Friday November 26th and 27th Thanksgiving Monday, December 21st -Monday, January 4th 2016 Town of Chili Newsletter • 29 Senior Center Yummy foods and Fixings! FAREWELL SUMMER PICNIC Summer is winding down, but our appetites are not! You asked for the steak roast again, your wish is my command. Enjoy a NY Strip Steak, macaroni salad, fresh fruit, dessert and beverage! Sign up early! When: Wednesday, September 2nd Time: 11:30 am Where: Sunnyside Lodge, Black Creek Park Cost: $8.00 for Chili residents, and $10.00 for non-residents. JAMMING WITH MELANIE AND MORE! Get out your aprons and your rolling pins! We’ll start the day early with making not only jam, but pies as well!! We are tentatively planning on making grape pies, based on availability! Class size will be limited. When: Tuesday, September 22nd Time: 8:30 am Where: Chili Senior Center Cost: $10.00 per person, includes all CLAMBAKE “ BEEF STEW” COOK-OFF Its that time of year again, to dig in and enjoy a good old fashioned clambake! Sink your taste buds into 2 doz. steamed clams, baked chicken, red salt potatoes, corn on the cob, salads, dinner rolls, beverage and dessert. When: Friday, October 9th Time: 11:30 am Where: Chili Senior Center Cost: $15 for Chili residents and $16 for non-residents. Extra clams are $4.00 per dozen and must be ordered in advance. The Chili Cook off competition was very close, declaring our Michael as the winner! Its time for a rematch! Supervisor Dunning will once again be challenging Michael. Bring your hearty appetite for a piping hot bowl or two of stew and some warm biscuits! You be the judge! Don’t worry; their jobs are not at stake! When: Friday, November 13th Time: 11:30 am Where: Chili Senior Center Cost: $5.00 per person Must sign up and pay in advance. OCTOBERFEST (PREPARED BY DAVID DUNNING) LUNCH CLUB 60 HOLIDAY PARTY Enjoy fresh grilled Bratwurst, sauerkraut, German potato salad, dessert and beverage, and music! When: Tuesday, October 13th Time: 11:30 am Where: Chili Senior Center Cost: $8.00 per person Please sign up and pay in advance. Mark your calendar for Thursday, December 17th! It’s our Christmas party! Menu will be available soon! Start thinking of a White Elephant gift you can bring it, for our Chinese auction. HARVEST LUNCHEON AT THE LEGACY PARKLANDS Enjoy a delicious meal prepared by Chef Matt in a very elegant dining room! The menu will be: Pumpkin and Pear Bisque, cranberry and pecan stuffed pork loin with apple cider glaze, maple whipped yams, corn soufflé! Dessert will be apple crisp with vanilla ice cream, coffee or tea! Limited sign up! This will be a sell out luncheon! There will be entertainment for your listening pleasure. When: Tuesday, October 27th Time: 11:30 am Where: Legacy Parklands! Cost: $8.00 per person. Must sign up and pay in advance. Step 1: Go to the Pet Shop Step 2: Buy Bird Seed Step 3: Ask cashier how long it will take for birds to grow Step 4: Watch reaction! 30 • Town of Chili Newsletter www.townofchili.org Senior Center Music for your Outdoor Enjoyment! Fun and Marcy Downey “Hits and Bits Adventure! of the Sullivan Show” Includes music by: Liza Minelli’s Cabaret; Sophie Tucker’s Red Hot Mama; & Sammy Davis Jr’s Mr. Bo Jangles; plus hits from frequent guests Rosemary Clooney, Connie Francis, Wayne Newton, Judy Garland, Barbra Streisand, & others, including a “duet” by Sonny & Cher (hint: they’re both Marcy!). Then get ready to laugh your head off as Marcy recreates the comedy of Phyllis Diller, Minnie Pearl, and even a cameo appearance by “Miss Piggy.” It’s going to be “A really big shooow!” Friday, Sept. 4th 1:00 pm Cost: $3.00/person~ includes refreshments! Please sign up and pay in advance. Traveling Cabaret Show Join us for fun, laughter & listen to this popular Broadway, movie & pop musical revue! Celebrating 25 years of entertainment! A great way to enjoy a Sunday afternoon! Sunday, September 27th at 2:00 pm Cost: $3.00/person~ includes refreshments! Please purchase tickets in advance. Just for Fun! Enjoy some down home music and good times! These musicians bring their style and fun wherever they go! Sit back and relax or sing along! Wednesday, September 30th 1:00-3:00 pm Free Event, all are welcome! Please sign up at the desk! Brockport Community Band! Christmas Concert When: Tuesday, December 15th Time: 7:00 pm Free! Christmas Concert! When: Friday, December 18th Time: 10:30 am Cost: $2.00 per person, includes refreshments! Please sign up and pay in advance! Christmas Brass! When: Saturday, December 19th Time: 12:30 pm Cost: Free, please sign up at the desk if attending. www.townofchili.org Fall Hiking Schedule If you like to explore and spend time in nature, consider signing up for some of our hikes! We have a great group of hikers and we love to have fun! Hikes begin on Wednesday September 2 and will end on October 7th with a picnic! Schedule will be available at the Center! Stokoe Farm Fun! Dig out the overalls and enjoy day of laughter, fresh air and exercise! Take a wagon ride, choose your pumpkin, get lost in the corn maize, ride the slide! Wednesday, October 21st ~ depart the Center at 9:30 am, return around 2:00 pm. More information will be available at the Center Mystery Trips! You may sign up for ONE only! Chili Residents have priority! Friday, September 18th ~ depart at 10:45, and we will return by 2:00 pm. Not much walking! $3.00 per person, includes lunch! Wednesday, September 23rd ~ depart at 10:45, and we will return around 3:30 pm Some walking! $18 per person, includes lunch! Wednesday, October 14th ~ depart at 10:00 am, and we will return by 2:00 pm Little walking, $2.00 per person, plus lunch money ($4.00-$5.00) Vicki Lawrence & Mama! Tuesday, October 20th Comedienne Vicki Lawrence is one of the most beloved television personalities of her generation. This very funny show is a mixture of stand-up comedy, music and observations about real life. Join us as we head to Kodak Theater on the Ridge! Tickets are $35 per person and limited availability Chili Residents have priority! Watch for more details! Quilts and Travel Memories Designing quilts from travel memories using their travel memories in journals, scrapbooks, photo albums, and sometimes even quilts. Peggy has traveled to England, Greece and Italy extensively. She will share how she recorded her travel memories by incorporating colors and classical motifs that she found in architecture, mosaics, paintings, marble floors and more. Mark your calendar and come and enjoy this wonderful presentation. When: Thursday, November 24th Time: 10:30 am Cost: Free, please sign up at the desk if you are coming. I joined a health club last year, spent about 400 bucks. I haven’t lost a pound. Apparently you have to go there. Town of Chili Newsletter • 31 Chili Public Library Chili Mission Statement The Chili Public Library is the center of Public lifelong learning for our community, and a Library welcoming responsive place people come to for the discovery of new ideas, the joy of Info Library Address 3333 Chili Avenue Rochester, NY 14624 Phone: 585-889-2200 Online www.chililibrary.org Hours Mon-Thurs Friday Saturday Sunday 9 am-9 pm 9 am-5 pm 9 am-5 pm* 1 pm-4 pm** The library is closed the first Friday of every month from 9 am-11 am for staff development meetings. *The library is open on Saturdays from Sept.-May. **The library is open on Sundays from October-April. reading and the power of information. From the Director Jeff Baker - Director, Chili Public Library CPL-on-the-Go! CPL-on-the-Go! is a new service that brings the library to various locations within the Town of Chili in order to inform the public about the services, materials and programs provided by the Chili Public Library. The service also promotes literacy by giving away new books to children and teens, along with donated books to adults. By using the service people can also register for new library cards and soon they will be able to check out books and DVDs library staff brings to these locations. This new service is supported from proceeds raised by last year’s Gates-Chili Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament and Dinner Auction. Do you have an idea where CPL on the Go! should pop up? If you do, contact the library (https://goo.gl/Jvcyd0). And when you see our pop-up library please stop by and say hello! Friends of the Chili Public Library Become a Friend of Chili Public Library today! Mission Statement The Friends of the Chili Public Library is a non-profit group which promotes and supports the library by providing supplemental financial assistance for the purpose of purchasing special materials and equipment and sponsoring programs for the cultural and educational life of the community. The Friends of the Chili Public Library Board Chili Public Library Director Jeff Baker Chili Public Library Board Jill Wynn, President Susan Ackerman Lorraine Ahearn Judith Kharbas James Lechner Andrew Lucyszyn Karen Reifenstein 32 • Town of Chili Newsletter FRIENDS OF THE CHILI LIBRARY MEMBERSHIP FORM Annual Membership Dues q New q Renewal Date______________________ q Pal $5 q Friend $10 q Good Friend $25 Name:__________________________________________ Mailing Address:__________________________________ q Best Friend $50 q Library Lover for Life $200 _______________________________________________ Any Contribution Welcome $________________________ City:____________________________________________ Total Amount Enclosed $___________________________ Please make checks payable to Friends of the Chili Public Library. Return to Treasurer, Friends of the Chili Public Library, 3333 Chili Ave., Rochester, NY 14624. All contributions are tax deductible. State:__________________________ Zip:______________ Phone:__________________________________________ Email:__________________________________________ Interested in volunteering? q Book Sales q Call as needed All of the library’s programs are supported by the Friends of the Chili Public Library. Become a member today! http://www.chililibrary.org/chili-friends.html. www.townofchili.org Chili Public Library Library Programs You may register for programs right on our website at www.chililibrary.org or call the library at 889-2200. Chili Public Library welcomes people of all abilities to participate in our programs. Please let us know if you will need any special accommodations. We strive to make your library visit an enjoyable one! Children’s Programs BABIES & BOOKS AMERICAN GIRL® CLUB For babies and toddlers up to age 24 months with an adult. Join us for stories, songs, and fingerplays followed by an open play session. No registration required. Meets Tuesdays at 10:30 am: September 15, 22, 29 October 6, 13, 20, 27 November 3, 10, 17 For children ages 5-12 with an adult. Join us for a book discussion, crafts and more all about the American Girls®! Stop by the Checkout Desk to pick up this month’s book. No registration required. Meets the first Monday of the month at 4 pm: (No meeting in September – Labor Day) October 5 November 2 December 7 PRESCHOOL PALS For children ages 3-5 with an adult. Join us for stories, songs and a simple craft. Registration is required and begins August 24. Please choose one class time when registering. Tuesdays at 10 am: September 22, 29 October 6, 13, 20, 27 November 3, 10, 17 Wednesdays at 10 am or 1:30 pm: September 22, 29 October 6, 13, 20, 27 November 3, 10, 17 SIMPLY STORIES TODDLER TIME For children ages 2-3 with an adult. Join us for stories, songs, and fingerplays at the library! No registration required. Meets Mondays at 10 am: September 21, 28 October 5, 19, 26 November 2, 9, 16 www.townofchili.org For children of all ages with an adult. Join us for a special storytime full of stories, songs, and fun! No registration required. Meets Thursdays at 10 am: September 24 October 8, 15, 22, 29 November 5, 12, 19 PAJAMA STORYTIME For children of all ages with an adult. Join us for an evening storytime in your pajamas and with your favorite stuffed friend! No registration required. Meets Thursdays at 7 pm: October 8, 15, 22, 29 November 5, 12, 19 TAIL WAGGIN’ TUTORS For children ages 12 and under with an adult. Come and read to a therapy dog--they make wonderful listeners! This is a great opportunity for children who are learning to read and emerging readers. No registration required. Meets the following Mondays at 4 pm: September 14 October 19 November 9 December 14 LEGO® CLUB For children ages 12 and under with an adult. Come to the library and have fun building with LEGO® bricks and making new friends. Each month we will provide the bricks and a new cool theme for building your creation. No registration required. Meets the first Tuesday of the month at 4 pm: September 1 October 6 November 3 December 1 HIS & HERSTORY BOOK CLUB For children in grades 3-5. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live long ago? Do you like to read about girls and boys from different places and different times? We’ll travel through his and herstory, discussing books and learning how people lived in times gone by. Stop by the Children’s Desk to pick up this month’s book. No registration required. Meets the third Wednesday of the month at 4 pm: September 16 October 21 November 18 December 16 Town of Chili Newsletter • 33 Chili Public Library CHESS CLUB For ages 18 and under. No registration required. Meets the first and third Mondays of the month at 6 pm: September 21 October 5 & 19 November 2 & 16 December 7 & 21 ZING GO THE STRINGS! Thursday, September 3 at 10:30 am, for children ages 3-5 with an adult. Join the Hochstein School of Music & Dance as they introduce children to the sounds and sensations of string instruments with a mini concert followed by a hands-on instrument petting zoo. Our teachers will also introduce the Suzuki method for studying string instruments. Registration is required and begins August 17. TINY TALENTS WITH ROCHESTER CONSERVATORY OF DANCE Thursday, September 10 at 10 am, for children ages 2-5 with an adult. Alana Batrowny of the Rochester Conservatory of Dance will be at the library to share the basics of dance and movement with our youngest dancers. Watch your little ones light up as they dance around the room! Registration is required and begins August 24. LIFE-SIZE SCRABBLE® FOR FAMILIES Wednesday, September 16 from 4-6 pm. Bring your whole family to our floor-sized Scrabble® board and enjoy a life-sized game! Registration is required and begins August 31. SESAME STREET LET’S GET READY Thursday, September 17 at 10 am, for children ages 3-6 with an adult. This program uses games and various activities to teach young children and their families how to prepare for emergencies and stay safe. We’ll cover the essentials for buckling up in a vehicle and crossing the street, along with community members who are there to help, like police officers and firefighters. Registration is required and begins August 24. 34 • Town of Chili Newsletter SESAME STREET FIRE SAFEFY PROGRAM NUTCRACKER READING WITH THE ROCHESTER CITY BALLET Friday, October 9 at 10 am, for children ages 3-6 with an adult. This program teaches preschoolers the essentials of fire safety, including fire prevention, and what can be done in the event of a fire. These skills help instill life-long fire safety habits and awareness. It is a great way to keep safe! Registration is required and begins September 28. Wednesday, November 11 at 2 pm, for children ages 12 and under with an adult. Join Clara and a friend from Rochester City Ballet’s The Nutcracker as they read the magical story. This interactive event will allow children to learn basic ballet terminology and dance with the characters! Dancers will also be available for pictures and autographs. Registration is required and begins October 26. FAMILY FORTS AFTER HOURS Friday, October 16 at 4:30 pm, for children ages 12 and under with an adult. Calling all fort builders – bring your favorite blankets, pillows and a flashlight to the library to create a cozy place to cuddle up and read with your family! We’ll enjoy stories, snacks and building in this fun after-hours program. Registration is required and begins September 28. TRICK OR TREAT AT THE LIBRARY Saturday, October 24 at 10 am, for children ages 10 and under with an adult. Bring your littlest ghouls and goblins dressed in costume to our annual Halloween Party. Listen to stories, make a craft, and enjoy trick or treating around the library. Registration is required and begins October 5. SCRUBBY BEAR Thursday, December 3 at 10 am, for children ages 3-6 with an adult. Learn about what germs are and how they spread, and why hand washing is so important, in this program presented by the American Red Cross. Registration is required and begins November 16. HOLIDAY STORYTIME WITH MRS. A & MISS JILL Monday, December 7 and Thursday, December 17 at 10 am, for children ages 8 and under with an adult. Join us for special storytimes celebrating the holiday season, including songs and a craft. No registration required. MAKE IT & TAKE IT – HOLIDAY EDITION Sunday, December 20 at 2 pm, for children ages 12 and under with an adult. Make a holiday-themed craft to take home with you or to give to someone special. Registration is required and begins December 7. NOON YEAR’S EVE Wednesday, December 31 at 11 am, for children ages 12 and under with an adult. Come to the library for family-friendly festivities and a Noon Year’s Eve countdown to ring in the New Year! Registration is required and begins December 14. www.townofchili.org Chili Public Library Teen Programs MONDAY MINECRAFT MADNESS QUIDDITCH WITH THE U OF R THESTRALS Saturday, September 12 from 3-5 pm, for ages 12-18. Come out and hear more about the popular Wizarding sport of Quidditch that is being played the Muggle way on college campuses worldwide! Members of the U of R Thestrals will be here to share information about the sport, how to get involved, and stories of their Quidditch World Cup experiences. If the weather is good, we will go outside for the second hour and play a quick Quidditch match! Registration is required and begins August 18. DINNER “WITH” KATNISS Wednesday, November 11 from 6-9 pm, for ages 12-18. Eat pizza to fight off hunger. Watch part one of a certain movie to prepare yourself for part two coming to theaters on November 20. Registration is required and begins October 11. Held the second Monday of the month at 6 pm, for all ages. Bring in your tablet and your Minecraft knowledge. Some computers will be available. Registration is not required. SUPERWHOLOCK WEEK JUNIOR FRIENDS Monday, December 28 from 2-3:30 pm, for ages 12-18. Are you a member of the Superwholock fandom—or just a fan of one or two of the three shows involved? Come out and join us as we celebrate the TV fandoms with themed snacks, games, and activities. Registration is required and begins November 30. Held the fourth Tuesday of the month at 6 pm, for ages 12-18. Share your library passions with other teens. Join us for volunteering opportunities and help write our monthly newsletter. No registration required. ANIME GROUP Held the fourth Saturday of the month at 12:30 pm, for ages 12-18. Share your passion for all things manga and anime. Help add to our collection and enjoy some lunch at the same time! Registration is required so that we know how much food is needed, and begins the month before each meeting. (December 28 - 31): TV FANDOMS: SUPERWHOLOCK SUPERWHOLOCK: BINGE WATCH PART 1 Tuesday, December 29 from 10 am-2 pm, for ages 12 and up. Come out and watch four hours of episodes about everyone’s favorite time-traveling alien in his four most recent incarnations. No registration required. SUPERWHOLOCK: SONIC SCREWDRIVER WORKSHOP Tuesday, December 29 from 2-3 pm, for ages 12-18. Join us as we create our own sonic screwdrivers. Registration is required and begins November 30. SUPERWHOLOCK: BINGE WATCH PART 2 Tuesday, December 29 from 3-7 pm, for ages 12 and up. Come out and watch four hours of episodes about the popular eccentric consulting detective. No registration required. SUPERWHOLOCK: CASE STUDY Tuesday, December 29 from 7-8 pm, for ages 12-18. Join us as we become consulting detectives to solve a case. The game is on. Registration is required and begins November 30. SUPERWHOLOCK: AFTER HOURS Wednesday, December 30 from 8-10 pm, for ages 12-18. Come out and run through the library to find and destroy all the supernatural obstacles. Registration is required and begins November 30. www.townofchili.org Town of Chili Newsletter • 35 Chili Public Library Adult Programs **All adult programs are for persons age 18 and older unless otherwise specified.** MYSTERY LOVES COMPANY LIFE-SIZE SCRABBLE® A daytime mystery book discussion that meets the third Friday of the month at 2 pm. No registration required. September 18 – The Accident by Chris Pavone October 16 - The Art Forger by B. A. Shapiro November 20 - True Evil by Greg Iles December 18 - Duck the Halls by Donna Andrews Wednesday, September 16 at 7 pm, for adults only. Back by popular demand! Come out and join us as we play on a giant floor-sized Scrabble® board! Registration is required and begins August 31. ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE: NEIGHBOR NEXT DOOR CAREGIVER EDUCATION SERIES 15 MINUTE BASIC TECH TUTORS The library has a way of offering Internet, email and OverDrive classes to the public. Contact the library’s Information Desk to fill out a form with your specific needs regarding basic Internet, setting up an email account, using OverDrive to download books, or using social media websites, along with your available times and we will arrange an appointment to help you attain your goal. ADULT BOOK DISCUSSION Held the first Tuesday of the month at 7 pm. No registration required. September 1 – Captive Queen by Alison Weir October 6 – The Shack by Paul Young November 3 - TBD December 1 - TBD Each session meets from 7–8:30 pm. Registration for each session begins September 7. September 23 – How to Talk with Your Doctor October 28 – Healthy Habits November 18 – Caregiving at the Holidays December 16 – Home Safety ANCESTRY.COM TRAINING Library staff will teach a basic class on researching your family tree using Ancestry.com. Ancestry.com is a genealogy database to which the Chili Public Library now subscribes. Space is limited. Ancestry.com may be used in the library at any time whether or not you take the training class. Registration begins September 7 for these sessions which will be held at 10 am on the following Wednesdays: September 23 October 7 October 21 November 18 AUTUMN IN CHAUTAUQUA: A TRAVELOGUE WITH CHRISTY SIMONS Wednesday, September 9 at 7 pm. Join us for some armchair traveling as we travel to Chautauqua to see all that this wonderful town has to offer in the crisp autumn months. Registration is required and begins August 24. 36 • Town of Chili Newsletter PASSPORT PROGRAM Monday, October 5 from 5:30-7:30 pm. Registration begins September 14. Please contact the library by phone or in person to register. There is no online registration for this program. Members of the County Clerk’s staff will be present and readily available to provide a range of passport services, including expedited applications as well as passport photos. For further information on the official documents required for registration as well as any other questions, please visit the official Monroe County Clerk’s website at: www. monroecounty.gov/clerk-passports.php. ZENDOODLING WITH CLAIRE TALBOT Wednesday, October 7 at 6:30 pm. Want to draw, but think you have no talent? Zendoodle is for you! If you can write your name then you can create beautiful drawings, and it’s a wonderful stress reliever! Registration is required and begins September 21. SINGING IN THE RAIN: WEATHERING THE STORM OF DEMENTIA Wednesday, October 14 at 6:30 pm. Vicky Ruppert and Ann Henderberg give talks about dementia, the difference between that and Alzheimer’s, and give tips for caregivers from what they have learned in traveling the journey. They will talk with you about how they came to write their book, “Singing in the Rain: Weathering the Storm of Dementia with Humor, Love, & Patience”. They will also read some humorous and enlightening excerpts from the book. Their book is a compilation of the e-mails they wrote to each other as they acted as each other’s main emotional support during the last three years of their husbands’ lives. Registration is required and begins September 28. www.townofchili.org Chili Public Library PROTECTING YOURSELF AGAINST FRAUD AND IDENTITY THEFT WITH SUMMIT FEDERAL CREDIT UNION THE SONS OF OLD MONROE: THE 140TH N.Y. VOLUNTEER INFANTRY IN THE CIVIL WAR Wednesday, November 4 at 7 pm. Learn how to battle this widespread problem that is almost certain to affect you or someone you know. The Summit has outlined the keys to avoiding fraud and identity theft while providing valuable information that can be put into practice today. Registration is required and begins October 19. Wednesday, November 18 at 7 pm. The 140th New York was a typical Union regiment in many ways, but its story also has several notable elements. Formed in mid-1862 of men from all across Monroe County, the motivations of its recruits, a mix of immigrants and native-born Americans, were more complex than those who joined in the first rush of volunteers. Schooled by its West Point-educated colonel, Rochesterian Patrick O’Rorke, the 140th rose to a level of drill and discipline that few volunteer units would attain and played a pivotal role in the Union victory at Gettysburg. Program presenter Brian Bennett has been researching the 140th N.Y. for close to 30 years. He is the author of three books related to the regiment. Registration is required and begins November 2 AARP SMART DRIVER PROGRAM HOOP DANCE FOR ADULTS WITH ROCCITY HOOP DANCE Wednesday, October 21 at 7 pm. DanceFit is a choreographed fitness hoop class that inspires students to dance in their hoops with simple, accessible movements and techniques which provide a great cardio workout to hoopers of all levels. Think you can’t hoop? Come join Keith Moore, CEO of Cerceau™ Hoop Fitness who has a 100% success rate with his hoop students and hoop your way to health and happiness! Hoops will be provided. Registration is required and begins October 5. Saturdays, November 14 and 21 from 9:30 am-12:30 pm. Participants must attend both sessions. You must have a valid NYS driver’s license. Fee is $20 for AARP members and $25 for nonmembers and must be paid by check made out to AARP at the first session. Please bring your valid NYS driver’s license and your AARP membership card if you are a member. Registration is required and begins October 26. ORPHAN TRAIN MOVEMENT WITH MICHAEL KEENE Wednesday, December 2 at 7 pm. From the author of Mad-House; Folklore and Legends of Rochester; and Murder, Mayhem and Madness comes Abandoned: The Untold Story of Orphan Asylums. Within the pages of Abandoned, author Michael Keene delves into the “age of orphan asylums” in midnineteenth century New York. Abandoned presents eye-opening, true-to-life tales of the Five Points area of New York City and the desperation of a million Irish immigrants who hoped to find better conditions in New York. Within a few years, the area was home to 30,000 orphaned and homeless children. As a result of this crisis, the age of orphan asylums began, culminating in the Orphan Train Movement where everyday heroes endeavored to rescue and liberate these children who were lost to the streets or in the hands of uncaring institutions. Registration is required and begins November 16. *To get email updates about programs and events, sign up at our website: www.chililibrary.org.* www.townofchili.org Town of Chili Newsletter • 37 Chili Public Library Save the date! Mark your calendars for the Friends of Chili Public Library Semi Annual Book Sale! Friends Preview Sale Wednesday, September 30, 2015 (Memberships are available at the door for as little as $5) Open to the public: Thursday, October 1 through Sunday, October 4 Hours will be posted as we get closer to the dates! 38 • Town of Chili Newsletter www.townofchili.org Community Spotlight Mike DaVia is proud to be a Chili Fire Department Firefighter and also works currently for the Town of Chili Highway Department. Mike is a self-taught artist in acrylic, sketch and watercolor and has been painting/drawing most his life. In 2015 commissioned by the Chili Fire Department DaVia set out to design and paint a mural for their training facility. It is hand painted on 8 moisture resistant fiberglass panels then protected with an exterior clear coat as well as a layer of permanent graffiti protectant. The mural was then mounted on pressure treated lumber and plywood and secured to one of the training buildings, located at Co. 1, 3231 Chili Avenue, Rochester, NY 14624. The firefighters depicted in the mural; are past members who have answered their last call and have passed on, but not before inspiring and helping to get our fire department and its’ members where it is today. Mike’s talent goes beyond his service to our community, and we want to thank him for his dedication and the use of his talent to honor those who too served us well. Thank You Mike!! Thumbs Up! Thumbs up to Peter J. Morris, Ogden, NY: Retired from the Gates/Chili School District as the Director of Transportation & Facilities in 1994 with over 31 years of service; Peter was responsible for the safety of children getting to and from school and for maintenance. Peter’s passion is for old antique tractors and currently owns P&A Old Tractor, LLC. Peter has for the past four years on a weekly basis volunteered to cut the grass around our “Welcome to Chili” signs on 490; using his own tractor. The Town of Chili would like to sincerely “Thank” Peter for his outstanding service, commitment and dedication to our town. Thumbs up to Richard J. Schickler, Scottsville, NY: R.J. Schickler owns and operates R.J. Schickler Landscaping and Nursery in Scottsville, NY and serves as a member of the Town of Chili Conservation Board. Richard has donated and planted all the flowers around the “Welcome to Chili” signs on 490 since they were installed. The Town of Chili would like to sincerely “Thank” Richard for his outstanding service, commitment and dedication to our town. www.townofchili.org Town of Chili Newsletter • 39 Post master: dated material please expedite. PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID MESSENGER POST NEWSPAPERS 14692 Chili Town Hall 3333 Chili Avenue Rochester, NY 14624 Tear off & save! MON TUES WED THURS FRIDAY SATURDAY September 11 Grandparents’ Day Event September 26 Fall Fun Day October 16 Gaga Night October 10 Foot Golf October 12 Recess Camp DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER september SUN Next Issue October 31 Community Halloween Party November 11 Recess Camp November 20 Evening for the Girls December 4 Christmas Parade of Lights Community Tree Lighting December 5 Breakfast with Santa December 12 Kid’s Club Arriving in your mailbox in early January 2016