November/December 2015 - Washington Union School District
November/December 2015 - Washington Union School District
November/December Issue 3 Special Points of In this issue: Interest: October Highlights 1 High School Recommendations 1 Student Council 2 Upcoming Events 2 SHS Shadow Day 2 Art/Music Update 3 Parents’ Club 4 WUEF 5 The San Benancio Oak Leaf is published monthly. It is also available on our website at: http:// Please call the attendance line at 484-0972 when your student is absent. Thank you! The Oak Leaf San Benancio Middle School O C TO B E R H I G HL I G HT S The month of October was both busy and exciting! The Annual Harvest Time Carnival on the 10h was another amazing day. The weather cooperated, the kids had a great time, and the attendance was outstanding. Thank you to Ali Barrett and all of the committee chairs for a wonderful day. Thank you also to all of the parent and student volunteers who worked tirelessly to make the event a success. App for the district website. This free, downloadable app will give you access to many of the most important features on the website and allow you to access information right from your smartphone. The app is available in Google Play or in the App store; search for Washington USD or WUSD. Have you registered on the website this school year? If not, you are missing out on receiving alerts regarding newsletters, updates, special events, and emergency notifications. Instructions are available on the District homepage, Our annual High School Options Night will be Wednesday, November18, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room. Representatives from our area’s public and private high schools will present information about their programs to interested families. If you are undecided about where your child will attend high school, I hope you’ll take the opportunity to attend this informative event. Have a wonderful month and Happy Thanksgiving! Sincerely, Gina Uccelli If you haven’t done so already, you can download our Mobile H IG H S C HO O L R E C O M M E N DAT IO N S This is the time of year when many of you are considering private high schools for next year and we receive many requests for recommendations. In order for us to complete the recommendations, we have some guidelines available for students to follow in order to provide teachers and administrators with information that will assist us in completing the required paperwork. The information can be found on the District Schools homepage. If you have any questions or are having trouble finding it, please contact the school at 484-1172. Most of the recommendations aren’t due until January, so you still have plenty of time, but please don’t wait until the last minute to turn them in as they take time to complete. 1 UPCOMING EVENTS √ November 4: Collaboration Day: Dismissal at 1:05 √ November 13: End of Trimester 1 Ö November 11: Veteran’s Day—No School Ö November 18: Minimum Day: Dismissal at 12:45 STUDENT COUNCIL NEWS HAT DAY was our first day of school wide community service. All San Benancio students participated in this fundraiser. Sixth grade remained at SBMS writing letters to soldiers in Operation Yellow Ribbon, bagging beans for Costello’s Project, and making sandwiches and placemats for Dorothy’s Kitchen. Seventh and eighth grade painted all lunch benches at Washington Union and Toro Park Schools. Some 7th graders helped Toro Park students by reading one-onone. It was a huge community service project that shared our Character Counts Program values of citizenship, respect and caring. Total profit made from this community service/magazine drive fundraiser was $5,800. WUSD Board Meeting: 6:00 pm in the WUSD Board Room High School Options Night: 6:30 p.m., MPR √ November 20-27 Thanksgiving Break Shadow Days for 2015-2016 For: 8th grade students that are considering attending Salinas High School in the Fall. Our first school dance was last Friday. All 7th and 8th graders were invited to attend. Entrance was either $5.00 or 5 cans of food. About 80 students attended the dance and 90 cans of food were donated to Dorothy’s Kitchen. When: October 21, 2015 or January 13, 2016 Description of Day: Students should report to the main office at 8am. They will be escorted to the ASB office where they will have a 30 minute briefing with SHS staff regarding rules and expectations for the day and have the opportunity to meet with their mentor student. Your child will have an orientation and tour as well as go to several classes with their mentor student from ASB or Link Crew. Your child will need to be picked up in the ASB center at the end of our school day, 2:51 pm. How to register: Parents need to email their request for their child to participate to A waiver must be filled ****Reminder**** The Parents’ Club Speaker Series out and sent by mail, attached to the registration email, or brought to the main office a week prior to the Shadow Day date. Shadow Days have limited Presents space and registration will be first come first serve. For further information or questions, please use the email address above or call 796-7400. Congratulations to the 7th grade Girls Volleyball team! They defeated Carmel Middle School in 3 games to capture the MTJAL Championship!!! HIGH SCHOOL OPTIONS: WHAT’S AFTER 8TH GRADE? SAN BENANCIO MIDDLE SCHOOL Multipurpose Room WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2015 Way to Go OAKS!! 6:30 – 8:30 PM 2 Art News for November News From the Music Room We had a great start in October. The quality of the students’ artwork was incredible. The picture of the month docents had great discussions with their students. Thank you docents for all your hard work. I hope everyone had an enjoyable, memorable, and safe Halloween! The Winter Concert is scheduled for Tuesday, December 8th at 6:30 p.m. This concert will showcase the hard work and talents of our Concert Band, Jazz Ensemble, and Choir. Please mark this date on your calendar and come enjoy an evening of fine music presented by our middle school musicians. The Art Docent Board and I would like to thank the Parents Club and all the families that supported our Harvest hand painted pumpkin fundraiser. We made a record amount! All proceeds go directly to our art supplies for this year’s art docent lessons. Thank you again for your generosity! November is Drawing Month The Art Docent projects for November feature drawing for all grades. Drawing comes naturally to a child. Once children discover simple forms can symbolize objects, they begin to build a vocabulary in which shapes and lines are combined to stand for whatever they wish. Young children prefer to draw pictures using these preconceived symbols, rather than what they actually observe. Starting around fourth grade, the student’s observation of the world becomes more acute. At this point children want to draw realistically, and this is an excellent time to introduce the skill of contour drawing. Contour drawing involves perceiving the edges of shapes and drawing them from close observation with a continuous line. Students learn how to draw what they really see, and to draw only what they observe. The Jazz Ensemble will also perform on December 15th at 7:30 p.m. at Hartnell College. This holiday concert includes performances from our Jazz Ensemble and the Hartnell Community Jazz Ensemble. November/December begins our monthly sessions with the Monterey Jazz Festival Traveling Clinicians. These jazz masters come to our rehearsals, sit in with our young musicians, and inspire everyone with their tremendous knowledge, experience, and vast insights to the jazz style. This program is a great opportunity for our Jazz Ensemble to play with and learn from professional musicians. District Visual Art Standards call for every child to learn contour drawing and develop appropriate observational drawing skills by the time they reach sixth grade. The Art Docent Drawing, Painting, and Printmaking projects in grades five through eight give students a chance to practice their drawing skills and build upon the contour drawing techniques introduced in fourth grade. GRADE 6: Drawing Figures in Motion: Students learn a new drawing skill: gestured drawing with circular lines. Students take turns arranging wooden mannequins and make several quick drawings to show the body position and movement. Students then apply the technique by drawing athletes and dancers from photographs, capturing a true feeling action. Picture of the Month In November, Picture of the Month docents will be discussing 19th Century Art. During this time, Italian painters were engaged in the major artistic movements of the time. Neoclassicism dominated the early 1800s and gradually gave way to romanticism, realism and experiments with impressionism. For much of the 19th century, Italy was also embroiled in a political movement to regain local control from French and Austrian regimes and unite the peninsula into one nation. Italian painters reflected that political ideal -- and the nationalism that fueled it -- in their work. American art changed dramatically in the early 19th century. The formations of galleries and major art academies in major cities began to appear. European artworks on loan hung side by side with American ones compelled the American artists to show their best work – fully exploring landscapes, history, still life and narrative. 3 Congratulations to following SBMS Choir members who were accepted to the CMEA-CCS Middle School Honor Choir: Elizabeth Schwaiko, Kayla Harvell, Alexandra Molinari, Tristan Williams, and Kyndle Choate. There were several hundred boys and girls from all over the Central Coast that auditioned for honor choir. These students will represent our school at several rehearsals and a memorable concert on January 30th, 2016 at Peace United Church in Santa Cruz. Have a great November and a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday. PA R E N T S ’ C L U B U P DAT E Parent’ Club would like to thank ALL those involved with the Harvest carnival this year!! Not only does Parents’ Club thank you but our district, your teachers and your children thank you as well!!! There are so many people and businesses that extended their hands to make it a super day. Tanamura & Antle Dole Driscoll Mann Packing Marchini Farms Taylor Farms Hibino Farms Borchard Farms Home Depot Vision Soft Praxair JD Jose The Davis Family Acosta Builders Hayward Lumber Ross Roofing AND SO MANY MORE!!! We would like to also thank ALL of the amazing chair people, parent volunteers, high school volunteers, middle school volunteers, those who loaned items and of course all those who came out to enjoy the day!!!! And not to be forgotten, the WUSD teachers and staff who spent extra time and energy with us the day of the carnival!! · Class winner(s) of the Cake Contest was a tie with Mrs. McCall’s 1st grade and Mrs. Muller’s 3rd grade classes bringing in the most cakes! Parents’ Club will be treating both classes to a pizza party!! · Winner of the Cake Decorating contest was 5th grader Rachel Vita! She will receive a $25 gift card to Michael’s Craft Store! · Thank you to the room parents who helped with the Scarecrows, Mrs. Mccall’s “Jack Skellington” was our top seller!! If you are interested in hearing more about the success of the carnival please feel free to join us at our November 9th Parents’ Club meeting at San Benancio middle school in room 10 at 6:00pm. Parents’ Club has changed gears and started our preparations for the annual Holiday Gift Fair!! First, we need your Halloween candy!!!! The kids will be using many food and candy items for decorating the Gingerbread houses!!! The Halloween candy makes for some terrifically decorated houses. Each school site will have a box in the office where you can drop off your candy! Next, we need your crafts! Over the next break might be a fun time to get together with your family or friends and create some fun crafts to donate to shopping part of the Holiday Gift Fair. We ask that you submit 10 of the same hand crafted items in order to be entered into the contest of which craft sells out first!! If you only make a couple of items that is perfectly fine and we would love to have them at the fair as well. Please look for emails, eblasts, and flyers and on our Facebook page for more craft ideas and further details about the Holiday Gift Fair!! Remember the success of these great events depends on You and directly benefits our district and our Kids!! All the best, WUSD Parents’ Club 4 W U E F U P DAT E WUEF is pleased to announce that the WUEF Golf Tournament and Dinner raised a total of $17,000!!! The event was a huge success!!! The Board voted to bring back the Tournament next year and it will be held on September 30, 2016 at Corral de Tierra Country Club. Upcoming Events: See’s Candy Fundraiser…. A great way to start your Christmas shopping early and help us raise the money we need in order to maintain our music and art programs in the district. Important dates to remember: November 2nd – Candy sales begin November 16 – Due date for candy sales December 3rd – Pick up candy orders 32nd Annual Dinner Dance Fundraiser – Mark it on your calendar, the date has been set! February 20th, 2016… Corral de Tierra Country Club. Attend and Spend!!! Please feel free to contact me with any questions about our fundraisers or if you would like to volunteer! Like us on Facebook. Go to Washington Union Educational Foundation. We will keep you updated on Facebook! The WUEF Board Meeting will be held on November 17th @ 6:00p.m., Toro MPR room. Please feel free to attend. Sincerely, Lisa Milburn WUEF President 2015-16 5