Director`s Ramblings Too


Director`s Ramblings Too
Volume 159
Sponsored by
Mobile Bay Harley-Davidson
Inside this
Director’s Ramblings Too
Activities Director 2
Well I told you the weather
was going to break, and the
riding season would be in
high gear.
Looking Back
Safety Officer
wants YOU to
Meeting Minutes
Around the Shop
G-Dawg’s Cruise
Our Chapter's twenty-fifth Anniversary party was a blast. Thanks to all of the
past directors, special guests and members for making it a most memorable
Coast to Coast
To change gears and try to be serious for just a second. The officers' elections will be coming up this fall. It's not to early to be thinking about next
years officers. If you have the desire to get more involved....we want to hear
from you. Let it be known...grab me...say hey I would like to be an officer in
Upcoming Events
Billy is still lost...but the
sudo has more friends....the
culprit is still hiding, and I
made Nana Thornburgh a
liar one more year... since
our last printing.
Director Tracy Cook
Forget I ever said anything
about a picture being proof.
I am going to say from now
on... don't believe any picture....and don't stare at
some of them too
may go blind!
So...don't forget to stick out that hand to traffic and to a fellow member.
∗ Alabama H.O.G. Rally
Ride Safe!
∗ Ms. Hogzilla Pagent
∗ Million Mile Monday
∗ Barber’s Motor Sports
Editors note to officers:
Pictures are smaller when articles are longer☺
Page 2
Activities Director
Hi everyone,
First off, thanks to everyone who gave their time to help make our anniversary celebration a success. Everyone had a good time and things ran
smoothly thanks to our volunteers!
Also, thanks to those who came out and helped with the demo rides. Although I was unable to make it, I heard it went well!
As you all know, the Alabama State HOG Rally is just around the corner. We
still have lots of room for volunteers. If you have already signed up, a million thanks! If not, please think about taking a little time to help make our
part in this event successful. We still need help in the following areas:
Registration: 3 pm - 6 pm (most will have already registered by now but
would like someone in the booth just in case)
Information Kiosk: 12 pm - 3 pm
Games/Activities: 1 pm - 4 pm (there are currently only 2 people
signed up. Could use 3 or 4 more)
Prize Table: 1 pm - 4 pm
Cleanup: ongoing
If you can help, please e-mail Charles Santora at and
he'll be happy to put you on the list!
Historian– Looking Back
Slice of History
By Paul Douglas Chapter Historian
The Mobile H.O.G. Chapters 25 TH anniversary party is now a part of our
chapter’s history. It was a good day for riding, music, food and companionship. I counted 69 bikes going out on the ride that morning. If you attended I
hope you enjoyed yourself if not I’m sure we plan on having some more fun
at the Alabama State HOG Rally which will be May 13, 14 and 15 which by
my calendar is just around the corner. If you can’t make that one just keep
checking the web site for an event you can make. I was on the ride to Big
Daddy’s after the last meeting and it was a blast. Great riding weather is here
so gas up and saddle up! I also want to point out that the membership both
old and new needs to start thinking about the officers they want to lead the
chapter into 2011 as it will be here before you know it. I have enjoyed myself
tremendously participating in the various functions and I know you would too.
As with anything in life you‘ll get more out of it the more you put into it. So
walk up to somebody at a meeting or function and introduce yourself. If it’s
me I won’t bite I just look like that all the time. Remember you can talk
about history, you can read about history and you can make history. There’s
nothing better than doing it while riding a Harley-Davidson motorcycle surrounded by friends in the HOG chapter. Don’t forget to stay hydrated! Remember until next time ride safe and ride a lot.
Volume 159
Page 3
Listen UP! Safety Officer wants YOU to Know ...
Riding in the rain is an aspect of motorcycling we don't like to think much
about, but inevitably we must all deal with it. Whether that becomes an ordeal or just another part of the fun will be determined by positive attitude
and preparation more than skill and experience.
Let me preface this with a general, generic disclaimer: In technical terms,
biking is not for babies. If you ride outside you will get wet sooner or later,
and probably cold, and maybe a little grumpy. But it doesn't have to ruin
your good time. With the right gear, proper technique and a happy attitude,
even a rainy day can be a good day.
Howard “TK” Hall
Safety Director
Some motorcyclists like the idea of biking more than actual biking, which includes accepting, nay, passionately embracing the elements. At the first sign of inclement weather, the former breed of biker will
keep his prized possession neatly tucked in the garage like last year's Christmas ornaments, covered and
locked and cozy in the warm, boring darkness.
The latter road warrior doesn't give a rat's behind, rolls his bike out, shakes a leathered fist at the sky
and yells, "Is that all you got!?" Well, at least in his mind anyway. This, of course, does not mean crazy
old-school biker guy is going to ride stupid.
He will have some quality rain gear stashed in his saddlebag or bungied to the rear seat, a helmet with a
visor that has been pre-treated with Rain X or some other such super-slick, rain shaking invisible coating.
Not sure why no one has invented a helmet wiper gizmo that you can suction-cup to your lid or head to
keep your visor or goggles clear. It's helpful if you actually spend a few bucks on the rain gear, which
can also be used for insulation under your leathers if things get unexpectedly cold. In you're caught in a
deluge without some you can always fall back on this traditional method of staying sort of dry, the garbage bag. If you can't buy or beg a shop, gas station or restaurant for one, you can always liberate a
Hefty bag from a trashcan. Not so bad once you get past the banana peels and baby poop.
Rip or cut a hole in the bottom and wear it like a poncho. This works surprisingly well, if not for surprisingly long. Once the sun pops out you can tear it off like Hercules, or an old stripper, depending how
much of a weirdo you are.
When it's wet and you've got to stop, grabbing a fat handful of front brake will send you crashing into the
ground faster than you can figure what the hell just happened. Light, even pressure works best, with a
little more rear brake than front. The key here is not to lock up a wheel, especially the front wheel. This
is also true for riding in dirt or gravel. If you hit a patch of wet leaves or ice and traction is lost, steer
through while staying off the brakes altogether. Braking over non-tractable materials like frozen rain will
send you skidding and fishtailing into the kind of wild ride none of us enjoy, usually.
It is really more uncomfortable than dangerous to ride in the rain. Just slow down, give yourself a bit
more cushion between vehicles, take turns a little easier, use your common sense for God’s sake, ride
with a little extra courtesy for others, and wear the right stuff. Proper rain gear, helmet with face shield,
waterproof gloves (rubber kitchen gloves work in a pinch), and waterproof boots (or ones that have been
treated with weather proofing goop).
If prepared and not scared, pouring rain need not ruin our ride. Challenging the elements fires our
instincts, focuses our awareness, and makes us feel more like an animal. Be that beast on a bike
and survive these wild streets
Editors note to officers: T.K. only thinks he survived
my picture publishing in this article...turn the page!
Page 4
It’s that time of year again for our 3rd Annual Ms. Hogzilla Womanless Beauty
Pageant!!! This a fund raiser for Camp Grace aka Camp Smile that the LOH do
every year to raise money in order to send challenged children to summer camp.
Last year we raised $3500.00 and the LOH delivered them a check and was
treated to dinner and entertainment by the children at the camp.
It was a great SUCCESS and were looking forward to exceeding that this year!!!
I encourage all you HOG men to get DOLLED up and put on your best dress and
strut your stuff !!! There are applications at both dealerships and you can also
contact me at
Teresa Skipper
Ladies of Harley
For those of you that have not attended a Ms Hogzilla Pageant, I encourage
you to come and join us all. If you have never laughed so much in your life,
you will definitely do that on June 19th. Just ask anyone that has participated
or been in the audience watching.
So come on everyone!! Bring your “dollars” and GIVE GIVE GIVE and help us
send some children to camp.
I encourage all our ladies to join the LOH. We do great things for
Charity and also do things just for fun. You don’t even have to own
your own bike. You
must be an active
member of Harley
Owners Group® to be
affiliated with Ladies
of Harley. Although
LOH is a free membership to active H.O.G.®
members, Ladies of Harley affiliation is not automatic. If
you wish to join, contact the national Harley Owners
Group® office or go to You will receive a
patch and pin distinguishing your involvement.
If you have not signed up yet, please do so. If you have any
questions please don’t hesitate to call me or email me. You can find
me on the contact list on the HOG website.
Much Thanks to our LOH for all you help and support.
Teresa Skipper
LOH Officer
Volume 159
Page 5
Page 6
Sign behind Tom reads:
If we don’t meet your Quality Standards
Quick ,,,name another dealer/sponsor that is as involved
with their chapter on a real basis? Second thought, take
your will need it. Take 3798054 seconds or so.
** Officers:**
If you haven’t received your 2010
H.O.G. Officers pin and patch, please
see Tom.
Road Captains List- Head Road Captain George Heubach
G-Dog is on the HUNT! He wants to know;
Can you handle it?
Do you have what it takes?
Wanna be a part of “Road Captains Gone Wild”?
If you are interested, just ask any Road Captain or call me.
The Road Captains are the heart of our club. It is a fun and rewarding experience. You get to meet
everybody. We’ll have you up to speed in no time with our new “Mentor R. C. Program”
Ride SAFE and Have FUN!
First Name Last Name
Volume 159
Page 7
2009 Chapter Officers
Tracy Cook
Safety Officer
Howard (T.K.) Hall
Web Master
George Heubach
Assistant Director
Mike Kosek
Activities Director
Lorri Murphy
Newsletter Editor
Lawson Hill
Recording Secretary
Pam Ross
Dean Rick
Membership Secretary
Ellen Cook
LOH Officer
Teresa Skipper
Ed Burrow
Joyce Heubach
Head Road Captain
George Heubach
Paul Douglas
Utilize, Support and Know YOUR Chapter Officers
All Local H.O.G. Chapters world-wide
are about the members, the riding experience and the camaraderie gained from it.
You are encouraged to get to know
the officers of the chapter. They
serve the chapter as a means of
leadership. Knowledge is gained
from their experience and fueled by
the member’s enthusiasm.
We ask you for your support in
many ways.
First, give us feedback. Let us know
what you would like to see or do
with regard to the chapter.
Second, send us via e-mail or call us
with information you find that may
be of common interest to most
And finally, utilize the officers to
make this YOUR chapter. They can
speak from experience and provide
most anyone some input.
One thing about
them …. They
are not afraid to
So make them!
Page 8
March 2010 Meeting Minutes
March 20,, 2010
HOG Meeting MBHD
Recording Secretary
Pam Ross
Pledge of Allegiance to our flag was lead by Mike Brossard for our Special monthly meeting at Mobile
Bay Harley Davidson. This was a Special meeting due to it being our 25th Anniversary for our Chapter!
Motor clothes and Parts showed us some good stuff as usual.
Tracy introduced our Past Directors who were in attendance! WOW!
Ken Rush spoke about when he was Director every member was an officer!
They were very excited to see how we have grown and how their beginnings have continued. All past
directors in attendance were presented with our 25th Anniversary patch as a “Thank You”.
Diane Schmitt spoke about our HOG cruise coming April 29 - May 2 . Still time to get your ticket.
Lori Murphy, Activities Director, says she needs volunteers for today’s activities as well as Alabama
State Rally coming in May 13, 14, & 15, 2010
Ellen Cook-membership secretary, reminded us about keeping our emails current.
We sold 25th Anniversary patches for the event and that is why my minutes are not
detailed this month. We had lots to do and lots of fun was had by all.
The ride after the meeting was a little over 25 miles to commemorate the event. They had about
70 bikes but not sure of how many people. It was a great site to see! If you missed this event
you miss a great time with food and fun by all!
Editor’s Note to Officers
Pictures are smaller when articles are longer.
Selling patches may be your excuse, but an excuse
to use this picture is mine!
We love you Pam! Awesome patch!
Volume 159
Page 9
April 2010 Meeting Minutes
April 17, 2010
HOG Meeting ESHD
Pledge of Allegiance to our flag was lead by Mike Kosek.
Robby T., General Manager from Eastern Shore talked about the Ladies Garage party. How everybody
had a good time. And that if anybody needs a bike picked up the ladies know how to do it.
Dalane from Eastern Shore Motor Clothes showed some new Men and Ladies jackets Also Ladies jeans
and tank top.
Tom Schmidt, our dealer talked about the Officer pins he gave out at the last meeting. If you were an
officer and didn’t get yours he has them.
Diane Schmidt spoke about the HOG Cruise that is April 29th to May 3rd.
Diane Ragazzo talked about new members that paid at the shop need to see her to get their HOG card.
And that HOGzilla is June 19th . And that it takes a real Man to be in it.
Lawson Hill-Editor said the news letter comes out soon. Also St Jude ride to Lulu’s is April 24th .
Ride after today's meeting is to Big Daddy’s.
New members were introduced. And last call to buy raffle tickets.
Chuck Brevik spoke of our Alabama State Rally May 13-15. That Charles and Mary Santora need volunteers for the rally. Jim Sherota is doing the games. One game is called Corn hole. Other games were
talked about too. There will be a Bike show. And a HOG town meeting by Benny form Harley. The ABC
touring banner will be at the Battleship. They will have snacks and a 50/50 drawing at the dealership.
Talked about last rally they had a poker walk that everybody liked.
Dean Rick-Chaplain welcomed new members. And reported that Donnie’s Mother needs our prayers. Also
Stephanie needs our prayers. Ray had knee surgery. Jaun is getting better but needs our prayers Jean
LaFontaine‘s wife had surgery. CV Young needs our prayers he was in the hospital for a week but is back
George, Webmaster & Head Road Captain talked about the St. Augustine ride. Told new members the
pass word for the web site. Also talked about rides coming up. And that there will be a Swap meet At
Eastern Shore on May10th.
Lori Murphy, Activities Director talked about needing volunteers for Alabama State HOG Rally.
Paul Douglas, Historian Thanked everybody who volunteered and came out to our 25th Anniversary Party
No chapter meeting for May due to the Alabama State HOG rally.
Lew talked about a ride he is doing to California (Pony Express Trail). It will be for 16 days.
Winners: Larry Migues won a shirt and a Cruise Rocker
Tim Ferrell won a shirt
Pete Staggs won a shirt
Donnie won a shirt
Mary Santora won the $143.00 in the 50/50
Page 10
Around the Shop– Mobile Bay Harley-Davidson
Thanks to everyone who came out to the Kruise for St. Jude. The weather wasn’t so great, but Josh
Thompson put on a heck of a show, and the Lulu’s staff was fantastic as usual. If you didn’t come out to
the Kruise for St. Jude, but bought a ticket or a t-shirt, thank you for your support. Due to matching
funds from some generous folks, the grand total for this year is $10,000.
If you missed the Demo Event, you still have a chance to demo the bike of your dreams during the Super
Ride promotion. Just go to and tell us what time and what bike. After your
ride, fill out a short survey and you’ll get a number to enter online at Harley
is giving away one $500 gift certificate per day, and the grand prize is a trip to Milwaukee and a customized 2010 bike. Offer ends June 30, 2010.
ESH-D is holding a motorcycle parts swap meet. It will be Saturday, June 12th, from
8 a.m.-5 p.m. There’s a $10 per vendor donation; call Robby T. at 251.626.8050 for more info. Food
and drink will be available on site.
See you at the shop!
Page 11
Page 12
Membership Secretary News
Now that riding weather is here, now is also a good time to check your membership. You should have a
plastic credit card-type card that is your National membership card from HOG. This must be current in
order to maintain your local membership. The local card is a white card, and you will be asked to present this card at various functions including chapter rides. Each year you must fill out an enrollment/
release form. When you show up for a ride and show your card, the road captain knows that we have
the release form on file. If you are not current, you will be asked to fill out a release form for each ride.
So make it easier on the paper pushers and keep your membership current.
You MUST be a National H.O.G. member in order to be a local Chapter member. Our dealers give a
year’s free full membership to H.O.G for new owners and a free local membership to anyone purchasing
a new or used Harley-Davidson® motorcycle. It is up to the individual to bring their certificate for membership to a meeting and fill out the required application/release form. After the initial year, the renewal
process is up to you. If your National membership expires, so does your local so pay attention when you
are sent notice of your expiration date.
If your wife, best girl or significant other would like to become a member to H.O.G, we’d love to have
everyone become a member. If you would like to be a part of a GREAT group of people and like riding a
Harley Davidson motorcycle, I’d like to encourage you to go to or call 1-800-CLUB-HOG,
become her sponsor and add her as an associate membership then sign her up as a local member. She
can also become a member of Ladies of Harley (LOH). This is free but is not automatic with membership. She does not have to own a motorcycle or ride one herself. I’d like to encourage all new riders to
consider the Riders’ Edge course offered at Eastern Shore Harley Davidson. Call Maile at MBHD and she
can give you the details and sign you up.
What is the cost? National H.O.G. membership is $45.00 for one year. An associate membership is
available for a spouse or significant other for $25.00 per year. Each member, full or associate, will receive their own membership number from National H.O.G. along with a package of information, pins and
patches. Please provide our local chapter with your National membership number at the time that you
enroll, or if you are a new National member, as soon as you receive your number from National. Local
chapter dues are $15.00 per year. You will be issued a membership card for the chapter that has your
expiration date on it. You may be asked to present this card at meetings and at chapter events.
Other benefits of an associate membership: Another benefit of an associate membership is when you
register for a State H.O.G rally you are able to register as a member and NOT as a guest of your man.
The cost of rally registration is the same but you get the t-shirt and pin that comes with registration. If
you are only a guest, you have to pay for the shirt and pin. With that said, we have the state rally just
around the bend this month. Be sure and join H.O.G. now to take advantage of registering as a member
and not a guest. Mark your calendar now to attend. Pre-Registration has ended but you can still register
on site at the rally.
I promise that you will meet a lot of good people and make some life long friends.
Until next time, ride safe
Editors note: THIS is how you write a
newsletter article!☺
Also photographer should reference
“Proper Riding Technique” September
2009, November 2009, March 2010
Last Name
First Name
George F (Rick)
Rebecca Ellen
Antonio R, Jr.
James (Jim)
Edward J.
Robert R
Jerry M
Volume 159
Page 14
Web Master, Head Road Captain, Complaint Dept. Mgr.
Suggestions for the Bacon-N-Sun Cruise
by G’Dawg
Never try to speak to your porter in their native language!
Never buy a round of tequila shots for six or more around
the pool and then remind each of them, "it's your turn!"
Don't drink the shower water!
Don't fall overboard!
No, you can't bring your scoot!
Don't stow away more alcohol than you intend to drink on
the trip!
While at the destination, don't let the locals talk you into
an alley!
If you don't want your picture taken in a compromising
condition, don't go!
Don't overdose on the ice cream that flows non stop!
If you buy a Harley shirt in Mexico, but it wasn't from a
Harley shop, you didn't get a Harley shirt. (It will likely
shrink and fade)
You will NOT need cash on the ship and Carlo's and
Charlie's takes Visa!
If your locking your chit up in the safe, fumble and put in
the wrong password, then can't retrieve your chit, you may
be a drunken redneck!
Don't run around the pool, crunked up on tequila uttering,
"Sebekie, get your a$$ over here, we all need another
shot!" (Not that I would know!) ;-)
Don't climb up on the bow and scream, "I'm the king of the world!" It's so
Bring your bathing suits, whether you think you need it or not!
A speedo is a mistake, I admit it.
Editors note: THIS is how you write a
newsletter article and DON’T even know
you did!☺
Ya’ll do it..I publish it!
Coast to Coast Ride April 1-4, 2010
Mobile, AL to St. Augustine, FL
Day 1
We departed Mobile Thursday morning riding into a beautiful sunrise over the bay to meet our biker buddies for a
long weekend ride to St. Augustine, FL. We assembled at the Eastern Shore Cracker Barrel to discuss the rules,
route and meet our riding partners. There are ten bikes, twelve riders with a good mix of riding experience. For
some, it’s their first overnighter. Most are veteran road trippers. Everyone seemed to get along well. After a good
breakfast and a thoroughly confusing waitress, we began our first leg on our way to Apalachicola, FL. The entire trip
was planned for all back roads except the ride home on Sunday, which would be all interstate.
First stop is Holt, FL on Hwy 90 to stretch our legs. While waiting for a few smokers to finish up, what appeared to
be a middle aged woman just a little on the tired side wearing a pair of loose (too loose) shorts that almost made it
it to the bottom of her hiny walks into the store. From behind, I hear what sounds like a big ol’ hog rootin’ around in
the mud noise- thought I was at the Robertsdale livestock barn on auction night. It was only CB callin’ the hogs. It
sounded so real. I hope that woman didn’t hear him. Between CB and Buddy (aka Rodney Dangerfield reborn) with
his one liner jokes, we all left that place in stitches.
Next stop is Panama City for gas and lunch. Joyce, being the practical gal she is, suggests something quick and easy
for lunch. Well, after a little more discussion, George convinces the group- he’s very persuasive- we all need to go
to Hooters on the beach for lunch. So after what seemed like most of the afternoon, we finally are back on the road
to Apalachicola (George don’t get to pick the lunch stops no more). We take Hwy 98 through P.C. and Tyndall AFB,
through Mexico Beach and Port St. Joe and take state road 30A along the beach and through a couple of state
parks. The weather is just beautiful, the roads are great, it’s a glorious day.
We arrive in Apalachicola early afternoon at the rustic Gibson Inn, the main hotel in town. This place is over 100
years old and appears to have been pieced together in several wings to form a maze of rooms with three different
levels. There is no check in counter, just a nice lady sitting at a desk who is happy to see us. The bar in the next
room looks like something out of the old west. Surrounding the building on 2 levels is a wrap-around porch where
the guests congregate for an evening of conversation and relaxation. We finally all get checked in and, after getting
the bikes situated around the front of the hotel- a couple of guests were nice enough to move their cars so we could
park them all together- we head off to Boss Oysters for dinner, a nice walk just a few blocks away. With 12 hungry
people standing there ready to eat, it took less than a minute to find us the perfect table in a room we nearly had to
ourselves. The table itself was cool- a sheet of glass laid over a big box filled with sand and shells and large enough
to accommodate us all. We had a really nice waiter. Really sweet- and big. He was big enough that no one needed
to know just how sweet he was. The food was great, though. Everyone seemed very pleased with their selections. Dinner was a little late so we decided to try to find a little entertainment before bedtime but it appears they
shut this town down at 9pm, so we made it back to the hotel and pretty much crashed. Day 1 total miles- 250
Day 2
We’re up at 6 this morning, it’s going to be a long day in the saddle. The fog is pea soup thick. As we make our way
around the town square, all the breakfast recommendations are closed. Guess it’s not quite tourist season. We finally find Caroline’s River Dining open and order up a really nice breakfast. The poor waitress was working hard to
keep up and took good care of us. Just like a script in a movie, as we were mounting up to depart, the fog suddenly
started lifting and the sun began shining through. We fired up the Harleys and nearly all the remaining guests in the
hotel came out onto the porch and balconies to wave us farewell. What a great exit that was! I had to be sure not
to miss a gear for that one.
We continued along Hwy 98 all the way around the panhandle bend through Carrabelle, St. Marks and onto Perry,
FL, where we picked up Hwy 27 south towards Ocala. That stretch between Apalachicola and Perry was some of the
most beautiful highway ever ridden. If you haven’t seen it, you must put it on your ride list. After a couple of rest/
gas stops we made our way to Ocala. The roads were all good, another nice weather day, pretty uneventful. This
was to be a long ride day, so not much messin’ around, we needed to stay on schedule. We arrived at the Hwy 441
Ocala H-D dealership in early afternoon. It’s a nice facility, looks like it’s been there awhile and been expanded several times. They had a great selection of bikes. We rested, did some shopping and were soon back on the road. We
made our way around to Hwy 40 to cross the Florida peninsula to Daytona and Rossmeyer’s H-D. The highway was
great, the traffic not too bad, we pulled into Rossmeyer’s dealership in Ormond Beach just north of Daytona around
4pm. There’s only one word to describe this place- WOW! Two full floors of some of the most unique, Harleys
you’ve ever seen. After all, it is proclaimed to be the largest H-D dealership in the world. They even had a separate
building for apparel. There were lots of accessories, clothing, leather, too much to see in less than 2 hours. The entire exit off the freeway was all about bikes. They even had a huge Petersen’s bike accessory warehouse a block
away. If you haven’t seen it, this would be another stop to add to your ride list.
After a great BBQ dinner at the Pig Stand- adjacent to Rossmeyer’s, we were back on the highway to work our way
up scenic A1A toward St. Augustine. Off Old Dixie Hwy approaching A1A, we found a 5 mile stretch of road that I
Page 16
More Coast to Coast
can only describe as some of the most beautiful country I’ve ever seen. The palm trees and foliage were so thick in
places, it seemed like you were riding in a tunnel. A strip of bayou was carved right beside the road and followed
every twist and turn. It eventually dead ended right onto the Atlantic coast highway A1A. The scenery was breathtaking! We stopped for a photo opportunity at the Atlantic Ocean and slowly made our way up the coast toward St.
Augustine. As we passed through Flagler Beach, the traffic started to really build. Lots of tourists were getting gridlocked out looking for a place to eat. It’s around 7 pm and we needed to pick up the pace to make it to the hotel
before dark, so at Palm Coast we headed back to I-95 and run the last 40 miles at freeway speeds. Not too fast
though, the Florida State Troopers were out in force that night.
We finally arrived at the hotel in St. Augustine at 8 pm. The hotels seem nice and we all get checked in. Well, after
a whole day in the saddle poor George’s back is really bothering him by now. He quickly dons his best Speedo and
heads for the hot tub he eyed in the pool area as we pulled in. Of course, all the kids cleared the pool area at the
site of George in the Speedo. We all gathered around the pool to relax and watch George soak. As it turns out, this
will be our communal meeting spot for the duration of our stay in St. Augustine. It was a long day but a great ride
and another beautiful weather day. Day 2 total miles- 350
Day 3
It’s Saturday and we’re finally in St. Augustine, ready to do the tourist thing. We start the morning out with a big
IHOP breakfast. Got some nice shots of Jimmy, another of our riders, posing with the Easter Bunny. We make our
way to the St. Augustine H-D shop out by the Interstate. It’s another older but nice Harley dealership. Their HOG
group was meeting there for a lunch ride, a really friendly bunch of folks. They were interested, as well, to hear
about our trip. The dealership was running a pretty good sale on apparel so we loaded up on St. Augustine Tshirts. From there we made our way to Old Town, the original restored village of St. Augustine. The place was
packed with tourists. We kept riding around, looking for a good place to park together and finally found a nice parking attendant who was willing to park us under the roof of a drive-through bank that happened to be closed for a
really good price. Don’t think it was his bank but the price as I said was really good. At this point we broke up into
several small groups with everyone doing something a little different. There truly was a lot to see, you couldn’t see
it all in one day.
Early afternoon we all hooked back up to go see the lighthouse and the St. Augustine Atlantic beach. The lighthouse
was interesting. They did a great job restoring and telling the story of its history. It’s a long way to the top though,
over 200 steps and 150 feet high up a spiral metal staircase. The view is spectacular! Speaking of views, there
were over 1000 pics taken on this trip by the folks with cameras and most of them are posted on Facebook under
George’s page. We made it back to the hotel early evening and back to the pool for more soaking. We ordered
some pizza and were making ourselves at home out by the pool when the ol’ gal in the Caddy pulls in. She lights
into the desk clerk about that “biker gang” taking over the pool area. “Call the cops and throw ‘em out.” The clerk is
pretty cool about it though and finally calms the old gal down. Later that evening, the clerk comes out to check on
us and begins to work on her truck that has been giving her problems. She’s a sweet girl, maybe a little orthodontically challenged, and as she’s really getting into this tune-up, starts stretching over the front grille of this truck. Although the lunar calendar indicated it was supposed to be a new moon phase, there surely was a full moon shining
that night. It was also a sad time for us, for we knew the fun was over and we were heading home the next
day. Another beautiful weather day in paradise, though. Day 3 total miles- 90
Day 4
Well, it’s time to hit the highway home. Everyone is up and in the saddle by 7am local time because we know it’s
going to be a long day. It’s Easter morning and we must have been good bikers because the Easter Bunny came and
left us all something. Once again, the fog is thick and wet. We head up Hwy 1 toward
I-295. There we stop and pick up Buddy (aka Rodney D.) who has been visiting with one of his buds in Jacksonville. He lays a few more jokes on us and we’re back on the highway, laughin’ our way back home. Not a whole lot
to say about the trip back- it’s interstate all the way except to say after the fog finally burns off, it’s another beautiful
day, the roads are good, the traffic is fairly light and all the bikes are running great. We got the gas/rest stops
spread out about every 70 miles. We made one last stop to say our goodbyes and have an ice cream cone at the
Dairy Queen on scenic 98 overlooking Pensacola Bay. We pulled into Mobile around 3:30 that afternoon with most
everyone breaking up to go their separate ways as we neared the tunnels. What a trip- probably the best one I‘ve
ever been on. It’s not often to hear of one going as well as this one did. We had a great time.
Day 4 total miles- 460
Bill Gibson
Road Captain
Total trip miles- 1150