JLHS District PDF


JLHS District PDF
57 N. White Rd., San José, CA, 95127
Contributions such as monetary donations, school supplies, gift certificates
and gift cards are greatly appreciated. To donate, please contact Kelly
Daugherty, Principal, at
408-347-4410 or at daughertyk@esuhsd.org
Welcome to James Lick High School’s 2016-2017 school year. Students graduating from James Lick will be successful
in college and in their careers, by gaining skills related to: agency, communication, collaboration, and growth
mindset. Students will also have the opportunity to experience a new curriculum, based on Common Core State
Standards, through a project based approach to teaching. Students will be engaged and encouraged to become
independent, thinking citizens of a new connected and rapidly changing world, and understand how to solve
problems over rote memorization.
James Lick High School (JLHS) cherishes the dedication of its parent/guardian volunteers and all adult
encouragement of students’ academic, social and extracurricular activities. Their continued support of the students,
staff and programs is what separates JLHS from all other schools.
Key Programs and Magnets
Bilingual Certification: James Lick has a strong
tradition of preparing for Silicon Valley Success in
multiple languages. Students who build upon their
existing fluency in Vietnamese and Spanish can earn
AP: JLHS offers 13 AP courses for the 10th-12th
grade students in areas including the Arts,
Mathematics, World Languages, English, Psychology,
Economics and the Sciences.
Partners with CAL-SOAP: Working with the California
Student Opportunity and Access Program (one of the
premier college readiness organizations), enables us
to support our students in college entrance and
financial aid.
Member of the New Tech Network:
JLHS is a member of an
internationally recognized
program designed to empower
students with the knowledge and
skills sought out by universities
and employers.
• Join an internationally recognized program in a
small school community committed to the
success of your student.
• Interdisciplinary, project-based classrooms
develop the knowledge and skills employers
and universities want most.
• Small class sizes, one-to-one laptops and
individualized attention are used to empower
your student with the focus and tools for Silicon
Valley success.
• College and career planning during high
school prepare your student to enter and
complete a 2 or 4-year college or university.