RA ISIS SET - LoveROMs.com
RA ISIS SET - LoveROMs.com
Archaic Age Classical Age Heroic Age Mythic Age RA ISIS Focus: Camels Bonus: • Priests can empower • Chariots and camels more hitpoints and faster • Monuments cheaper and stronger SET Focus: Economy Bonus: • Monuments shield from god powers • +3 pop cap for Town Centers • Improvements cheaper Rain Skin of Rhino Prosperity Flood of the Nile God Power Myth Unit Improvement Vision Feral ANUBIS infantry/myth Plague of Serpents Anubite Feet of the Jackal Serpent Spear Necropolis Hieracosphinx PTAH technology Shifting Sands Wadjet Shaduf Scalloped Axe Electrum Bullets Leather Frame Shield Crocodopolis Sun-dired Mud Brick NEPHTHYS priests Ancestors Leviathan Funeral Rites City of the Dead Scorpion Man Spirit of Ma’at Funeral Rites City of the Dead SEKHMET archers/siege Citadel Scarab Bone Bow Slings of the Sun Stones of Red Linen Ram of the West Wind New Kingdom Funeral Barge HORUS infantry Tornado Avenger Axe of Vengeance Greatest of Fifty Spear on the Horizon Tusks of Apedemak Valley of the Kings THOTH buildings Meteor Phoenix Sea Turtle Book of Thoth Tusks of Apedemak BAST villagers Eclipse Sphinx Sacred Cats Adze of Wepwawet Criosphinx Hieracosphinx ANUBIS infantry/myth Plague of Serpents Anubite Feet of the Jackal Serpent Spear Necropolis PTAH technology Shifting Sands Wadjet Shaduf Scalloped Axe Electrum Bullets Leather Frame Shield BAST villagers Eclipse Sphinx Sacred Cats Adze of Wepwawet Criosphinx HATHOR buildings Locust Swarm Petsuchos Roc Medjay Crocodopolis Sun-dried Mud Brick HATHOR buildings Locust Swarm Petsuchos Roc Medjay SEKHMET archers/siege Citadel Scarab Bone Bow Slings of the Sun Stones of Red Linen Ram of the West Wind NEPHTHYS priests Ancestors Leviathan HORUS infantry Tornado Avenger Axe of Vengeance Greatest of Fifty Spear on the Horizon OSIRIS camels Son of Osiris Mummy Atef Crown Desert Wind OSIRIS camels Son of Osiris Mummy Atef Crown Desert Wind New Kingdom THOTH buildings Meteor Phoenix Sea Turtle Book of Thoth Funeral Barge Focus: Archers Bonus: • Priests can convert wild animals • Pharaoh can summon animals • Archers train faster • Migdol cheaper Scorpion Man Spirit of Ma’at Valley of the Kings Archaic Age Town Center Villager House Lumber Camp Mining Camp Granary Hand Axe Pickaxe Husbandry Pharaoh Farm Dock Wooden Wall Outpost Temple Monument Fishing Ship Hunting Dogs Priest Buildings Units Improvements Mercenary Bow Saw Shaft Mine Plow Classical Age Masons Kebenit Stone Wall Watch Tower Barracks Armory Transport Ship Signal Fires Spearman Copper Weapons Purse Seine Crenelations Axeman Copper Mail Slinger Copper Shields Enclosed Deck Medium Spearmen Medium Axemen Medium Slingers Heroic Age Mercenary Cavalry Carpenters Quarry Irrigation Ramming Galley Fortified Wall Guard Tower Levy Barracks Bronze Weapons Migdol Stronghold Market Siege Works Architects War Barge Carrier Pigeons Heavy Spearmen Bronze Mail Chariot Archers Camel Caravan Siege Tower Fortified Town Center Salt Amphora Boiling Oil Heavy Axemen Bronze Shields Camelry Ambassadors Draft Horses War Elephants Tax Collectors Archer Ship Cladding Heavy Slingers Heavy Chariots Heavy Camels Heavy Elephants Levy Migdol Mythic Age Flood Control Reinforced Ram Conscript Sailors Naval Oxybeles Citadel Wall Ballista Tower Conscript Barracks Champion Spearmen Champion Axemen Champion Slingers Iron Weapons Iron Mail Iron Shields Burning Pitch Champion Chariots Champion Camels Champion Elephants Coinage Catapult Lighthouse Engineers Wonder Conscript Migdol 0802 Part No. X08-99172 Archaic Age Classical Age Heroic Age Mythic Age ZEUS POSEIDON Focus: Infantry, Heroes Bonus: • Starts with Favor, gains Favor faster, and can reach 200 Favor limit • Hoplites move faster • Infantry do more damage to buildings ATHENA infantry defense Restoration Bolt Pegasus Olympic Parentage HADES Focus: Cavalry Bonus: • Militia appear at destroyed buildings • Using Market cheaper • Fishing Ship and caravan faster • Cavalry cheaper Focus: Archers, Buildings God Power Bonus: • Dead soldiers may generate shades • Buildings more hitpoints • Increased building and archer attack Lure Pegasus Lord of Horses Will of Kronos Minotaur Sarissa Aegis Shield Labyrinth of Minos ARES soldier attack Pestilence Cyclops Spear of Panic Sword of Dread Bow of Horror Centaur Sylvan Lore Spirited Charge Sentinel Improvement Pegasus ARES soldier attack Pestilence Cyclops Spear of Panic Sword of Dread Winged Messenger ATHENA infantry defense Restoration Minotaur Sarissa Aegis Shield Divine Blood APHRODITE villagers Curse APOLLO archers Underworld Passage Manticore Oracle Temple of Healing Sun Ray ARTEMIS archers Earthquake Chimera Shafts of Plague Flames of Typhon Trierarch HEPHAESTUS armory Plenty Colossus Hand of Talos Shoulder of Talos Forge of Olympus HERMES cavalry Ceasefire Centaur Sylvan Lore Spirited Charge Winged Messenger HERMES cavalry Ceasefire APOLLO archers Underworld Passage Manticore Oracle Temple of Healing Sun Ray APHRODITE villagers Curse DIONYSUS cavalry Bronze Hydra Scylla Bacchanalia Thracian Horses Anastrophe DIONYSUS cavalry Bronze Hydra Scylla Bacchanalia Thracian Horses HEPHAESTUS armory Plenty Colossus Hand of Talos Shoulder of Talos Forge of Olympus Weapon of the Titans ARTEMIS archers Earthquake Chimera Shafts of Plague Flames of Typhon Trierarch HERA buildings/MUs Lightning Storm Medusa Carcinos Athenian Wall Face of the Gorgon Monstrous Rage HEPHAESTUS armory Plenty Colossus Hand of Talos Shoulder of Talos Forge of Olympus Nemean Lion Roar of Orthus Golden Apples Myth Unit Anastrophe Weapon of the Titans Nemean Lion Roar of Orthus Golden Apples Vault of Erebus Bow of Horror Will of Kronos Labyrinth of Minos Divine Blood Weapon of the Titans Archaic Age Classical Age Heroic Age Storehouse Granary Dock Villager Hand Axe Husbandry Fishing Ship Archaic Hero Pickaxe Hunting Dogs Town Center Wooden Wall Temple Buildings Units Improvements Classical Hero Bow Saw Masons Shaft Mine Heroic Hero Carpenters Architects Quarry Plow Irrigation Fortified Town Center Farm Trireme Sentry Tower Military Academy Archery Range Stable Armory Transport Ship Watch Tower Hoplite Toxotes Hippikon Copper Weapons Purse Seine Signal Fires Medium Infantry Medium Archers Medium Cavalry Copper Mail Enclosed Deck Crenelations Pentekonter Stone Wall Fortified Wall Copper Shields Guard Tower Hypaspist Peltast Prodromos Bronze Weapons Market Fortress Juggernaut Carrier Pigeons Heavy Infantry Heavy Archers Heavy Cavalry Bronze Mail Donkey Caravan Petrobolos Salt Amphora Boiling Oil Levy Infantry Levy Archers Levy Cavalry Bronze Shields Ambassadors Draft Horses Archer Ship Cladding Mythic Hero Mythic Age House Flood Control Tax Collectors Naval Oxybeles Champion Infantry Champion Archers Champion Cavalry Iron Weapons Reinforced Ram Conscript Infantry Conscript Archers Conscript Cavalry Iron Mail Helepolis Iron Shields Engineers Conscript Sailors Coinage Fortress Unit Wonder Burning Pitch 0802 Part No. X08-99171 Archaic Age Classical Age Heroic Age Mythic Age THOR ODIN Focus: Hill Fort Bonus: • Human units regenerate • Respawning ravens to explore • Hill Fort units have more hitpoints • Villagers hunt faster Great Hunt Lone Wanderer FREYJA cavalry Forest Fire Valkyrie Aurora Borealis Thundering Hooves HEIMDALL buildings Undermine Einherjar Elhrimnir Kettle Safeguard Arctic Wind NJORD ships/hill fort Walking Woods Kraken Mountain Giant Long Serpent Ring-giver SKADI axemen Frost Frost Giant Rime Winter Harvest BALDR siege/cavalry Ragnarok Fire Giant Arctic Gale TYR infantry Fimbulwinter Fenris Wolf Brood Jormund Brood LOKI Focus: Longhouse Bonus: • Special Armory available in all ages • Dwarves gather food and wood faster (in addition to gold) • Dwarves cheaper Dwarven Mine Pig Sticker Mithril Breastplate FORSETI infantry Healing Spring Troll Hamarrtroll Hall of Thanes FREYJA cavalry Forest Fire Valkyrie Aurora Borealis Thundering Hooves BRAGI ulfsarks/MUs Flaming Weapons Battle Boar Call of Valhalla Swine Array Huntress’ Axe SKADI axemen Frost Frost Giant Rime Sons of Sleipnir Dwarven Auger BALDR siege / cavalry Ragnarok Fire Giant Berserkergang Bravery TYR infantry Fimbulwinter Fenris Wolf Brood Wrath of the Deep God Power Focus: Myth Units Bonus: • Heroes in combat summon myth units on their own • Myth units cost less favor • Ox Carts cheaper, faster, weaker Myth Unit Improvement Spy Eyes in the Forest FORSETI infantry Healing Spring Troll Hamarrtroll Hall of Thanes Mithril Breastplate HEIMDALL buildings Undermine Einherjar Elhrimnir Kettle Safeguard Arctic Wind Thurisaz Rune BRAGI ulfsarks/MUs Flaming Weapons Battle Boar Call of Valhalla Swine Array Thurisaz Rune Winter Harvest Huntress’ Axe NJORD ships/hill fort Walking Woods Kraken Mountain Giant Long Serpent Ring-giver Wrath of the Deep Arctic Gale Sons of Sleipnir Dwarven Auger HEL myth units Nidhogg Fire Giant Frost Giant Mountain Giant Rampage Granite Blood Jormund Brood Berserkergang Bravery TYR infantry Fimulwinter Fenris Wolf Brood Jormund Brood Berserkergang Bravery Archaic Age Ox Cart Gatherer Husbandry Ulfsark Hunting Dogs Ox Cart Hand Axe Dwarf Pickaxe Masons Plow Classical Age Town Center House Dock Wooden Wall Temple Fishing Ship Buildings Units Improvements Farm Sentry Tower Armory Transport Ship Signal Fires Copper Weapons Throwing Axeman Purse Seine Watch Tower Copper Mail Raiding Cavalry Enclosed Deck Crenelations Copper Shields Longhouse Longboat Bow Saw Ulfsark Shaft Mine Stone Wall Hersir (Hero) Medium Infantry Heroic Age Medium Calvary Architects Irrigation Heavy Infantry Drakkar Carrier Pigeons Bronze Weapons Market Hill Fort Fortified Town Center Carpenters Heavy Calvary Dragon Ship Boiling Oil Bronze Mail Ox Caravan Huskarl Quarry Levy Longhouse Salt Amphora Bronze Shields Ambassadors Jarl Tax Collectors Portable Ram Archer Ship Cladding Mythic Age Flood Control Draft Horses Heavy Cavalry Heavy Infantry Levy Hill Fort Champion Infantry Reinforced Ram Iron Weapons Champion Cavalry Naval Oxybeles Iron Mail Champion Infantry Conscript Longhouse Conscript Sailors Iron Shields Champion Cavalry Burning Pitch Engineers Coinage Ballista Wonder Conscript Hill Fort 0802 Part No. X08-99170