february2012 - West Middle School
february2012 - West Middle School
WEST MIDDLE SCHOOL WEST SIDE STORY A Message from Mr. Strohfus... Dear Parents and Guardians, February and March always bring much preparation and celebration to the school year. We spend a great deal of time preparing for the coming year and beginning to celebrate some of our seasonal milestones. During the week of March 5 – 9, we will be doing our school-wide administration of the TCAP test (formerly CSAP). We ask for full community support during that time to help ensure a positive and focused school atmosphere. These tests provide a great ―snapshot‖ of your child’s academic progress in relation to state standards and are used to advise programs and academic supports during the current school year. We also continue to monitor student progress for individual learners as we prepare our programming and staffing for the upcoming year. At West, we like to view the TCAP as a celebration of accomplishment. It’s a great opportunity for students to ―show what they know!‖ Students actively participate in charting their own academic growth now more than ever. Just as we celebrate students’ accomplishments, we also celebrate the talents of our tremendous teaching staff. This year West Middle School proudly recognizes Mr. Lindsay Russell, 8th grade Math teacher, as our Teacher of the Year. We celebrate Mr. Russell for his 22 years with Cherry Creek and 40 years of teaching altogether! The Cherry Creek Chapter of the Colorado Awards Organization will hold a teacher awards banquet to celebrate outstanding educators from across the district on May 15, 2012. Please join us in sharing our heartfelt appreciation and congratulations for Lindsay! We look forward to having you join us for parent conferences on February 29 and March 1. Teachers will be communicating with you in weeks to come to set up appointments. As always, we are thankful for the partnership we share with our parent community as we work to challenge and support our students. Please continue to stay in touch with your child’s teachers and counselors if you have academic questions or concerns. We will continue to evaluate student progress throughout the spring as we develop student schedules for the 2012-13 year. Parents, please remember that there are a variety of methods that you can use to see how your students are doing in school. First of all, we recommend that you frequently check PowerSchool as a tool to check grades and discuss upcoming work with your child. Of course, please feel free to contact your child’s teachers if you have and questions or concerns. You can do this via phone or email. Our counselors, administrators, and deans are also happy to help you as well. Please use your West Side Story as a resource to keep on top of school activities, PTCO events, and other important scheduling information. As we work to go green and reduce printing and mailing costs, please access your West Side Story and other school information via the WMS website at www.west.ccsd.k12.co.us or from the district website at www.ccsd.k12.co.us. February 2012 INS ID E TH IS I SSU E: Principal’s Message 1 TCAP 2 PTCO Page 3 Spelling Bee & STEM 3 Registrar’s Office 4 Nurse’s Notes 4 4Word Momentum 4 Upcoming Events-Feb. 5 Upcoming Events-Mar. 6 Important WMS #s 6 CCRW Writing Contest 7 Forensics 7 What is FLIP 7 Chili Cook Off 8 Washington DC Trip 9 EXPLORE Testing Results 10 Art Winners 11 Study Skills 12 Honor Roll—1st Qtr. 13 PIN 16 Warm Regards, West Middle School David Strohfus Principal West Middle School 5151 South Holly Street Greenwood Village, CO 80121 720-554-5100 Main # 720-554-5181 Fax Office Hours: 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Principal: David Strohfus Asst. Prin.: 8th-Kate Bergles 7th-Chellie McCourt COSA/6th: Ginny Niles Dean: Jeff Stephens PAGE 2 What is TCAP? TCAP (Transitional Colorado Assessment Program) is Colorado’s standards-based assessment. There are two purposes for the TCAP program at the middle school level: 1. To determine the level at which Colorado students meet the Colorado Content Standards in the content area assessed; Reading, Writing, Math, and Science (Science only at 8th grade). 2. To measure the progress of Colorado students over time. TCAP at West TCAP tests will be given the week of March 5th through March 8th. Only 8th grade will test on Monday, March 5th. (Science) All grade levels will test on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Students will have a lunch period and will attend their elective classes. The bell schedule will be slightly altered during TCAP to accommodate the testing schedule. th Lunches will be at the following times: 6 10:40-11:15 7th 12:30-1:05 8th 11:30-12:10 What can I do to help my child prepare? Feed them. Kids need fuel to operate! Please make sure your kids get a good breakfast on test days. Get at least 8 hours of sleep. Testing days can be long for middle school students. A good night’s sleep will help them stay energized throughout the day. Exercise. Physical activity increases stamina, boosts brain power, helps the body fight off illness, is a mood elevator, relieves stress, fosters creativity, and helps build self-esteem! Build confidence. Recognize your child for a job well done. Remind kids to try their best and that you are proud of them! Keep stress in check. Some stress is positive, but stress can also be overwhelming! Help your child learn about stress management techniques such as: Positive self-talk (―I know I can do this…‖) Time management (avoid being rushed in the morning) Taking slow deep breaths when anxious Talking about short and long term goals. Let your child know that education is important to you, and discuss how doing well on tests (such as these) will help them accomplish their long term goals. Other Reminders… NO CELL PHONES are allowed in the classrooms during the test. Please ask your child to leave them turned off in their lockers or at home during TCAP week. If a cell phone rings during a test, or if a cell phone is found to be on a student during a test, the test could be invalidated. Do your best to have your students to school on time during this week. Please do your best to have your student attend all classes during TCAP week. If they are ill, please keep them home! We will provide a time for make-ups the following week! Our gracious PTCO has provided snacks for all students on test days. Please pack a water bottle for your child so they may stay hydrated during the day. PAGE 3 PTCO Page The school year is halfway through and PTCO is having an exciting and productive year. Thanks for your ongoing parental support to ensure an exemplary experience for all students. Through our parents successful fundraising efforts to date we have been able to support technology, art, music, media center, science, social studies, language, and math. Our most exciting news is being able to provide funding for a new staff position at West that will support students in organizational skills and note/test taking skills that will be invaluable for success when they move on to the independence of high school. We are always in need of enthusiastic parent support and encourage you to continue this tradition of excellence. Our Family Giving Campaign is currently underway. It's simple, your direct tax deductible donation to PTCO allows grants to immediately and directly benefit your student. Nominating for 2012-13 PTCO Executive and General Board is currently underway. If you would like to volunteer, please contact us and we will find a position that best meets your time availability and skill. From chairing a committee to assisting chairs for individual tasks, there is truly something valuable for every parent to be able to contribute in a meaningful way. Finally, we would like to proudly announce West's Exemplary Volunteer of the Year: Anita Corwin. She will be honored by The Cherry Creek School District at a reception in April. It is always a difficult task to chose just one person when West has so many outstanding and selfless volunteers, but we are only allowed one honoree. Since Anita Corwin stepped foot at West, she has given her time and enthusiasm to chair three positions: Hospitality, Promotions, and Nominating. She is a wise and thoughtful voice on Executive Board. She has assisted at literally every West event, lending a hand with set up, clean up, and any task needed in between. Her signature phrase is "Whatever you need-I'm here to serve you." Every student at West has benefitted in some way by her inability to "just say no". Congratulations, Anita, as our CCSD Exemplary Volunteer of the Year, you are truly the spirit of such an award. Helen Kechriotis Nelson PTCO Co President Carey Radochonski PTCO CoPresident West Middle School Selects Contestants for the District-wide Spelling Bee Five students will represent West at the Scripps-sponsored District Spelling Bee on February 10th: Zach Corwin, Danny Gao, Shritha Gunturu, Morgan Jenney, and Manasa Ponnapalli. Wish them luck - they've already put in all the hard work! West STEM Lecture Series The spring offerings have been published and sign-up forms are available through your child's SSR teacher or Mrs. Thorp (Room C104). We have speakers coming from the fields of software, chemical and environmental engineering, pediatric medicine and pathology, and electricity generation. PAGE 4 From the Registrar’s Office... Non-Resident Applications The non-resident application process begins April 1, 2012. Be sure to check the district website (www.cherrycreekschools.org) for updates and more information as the window nears. Grades Mid-quarter 3 ends February 17, 2012. You are encouraged to log on to PowerSchool at any time throughout the school year to view your child’s current grades. If you have difficulty logging on to PowerSchool, please contact the Main Office at 720-554-5170. Nurse’s Notes Food for Thought Want your student to be more alert, focused, and ready to tackle the day’s challenges? Encourage them to eat breakfast. Not just on a test day, but every day of the year. It is well documented that breakfast eaters are healthier and more energetic throughout the day. Eating a good breakfast helps students achieve. National studies consistently confirm that breakfast helps kids, concentrate, think, behave, and learn. Eating breakfast: Improves children’s classroom performance, including better test scores and grades. Increases children’s ability to focus and concentrate on school work. Decreases behavior problems, tardiness, and visits to the school nurse. Increases attendance rates. Helps with weight management which can reduce the risk of obesity and health problems. Just as important, when students routinely start their day with breakfast, they learn habits that carry over to their adult years and serve them for a lifetime. Have You Moved? If you have recently moved, please contact our Registrar, Kathy Clark, at 720-554-5163, for the necessary documentation to update your address. If you have moved out of West Middle School’s attendance area and would like your child to continue as a West Middle School student, we will be happy to work with you to submit the appropriate application. Thank you for choosing West! 7th Grade Assembly 4Word Momentum The entire 7th grade class participated in 4Word Momentum Assemblies in January. The five hour workshop-based assembly allowed students to reflect on their actions and how those actions can impact others. They had an opportunity to get to know more of their peers and realized the more you know about someone the less likely you are going to treat them badly. Some of the activities provided discussions about how we often judge someone on one thing and then they learned strategies on how to avoid these quick judgments. The presenter wrapped up the day by giving students the opportunity to practice being kind to one another. He shared that just like anything else we need to practice to get better. The students were given ―forget me knots‖ (blue and yellow yarn) and were instructed to find those peers that they felt they needed to connect with and then share a statement with the person before tying the string to his/her wrist. The day was impactful and hopes are students will carry on with their kindness to everyone. Thank you PTCO for providing the funds to bring this program to our school! PAGE 5 Upcoming Events February 1 February 2 February 6 February 7 6:30 pm 3:00 pm ** 3:00 pm 8:30 am 3:00 pm ** 7:00 pm February 8 February 9 February 10 February 13 February 14 February 15 February 16 February 20 February 21 February 22 February 23 February 27 February 28 7:00 pm 3:00 pm ** 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 7:00 pm 3:00 pm 8:15 am 5:30 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 4:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm ** February 29 4:00 pm NO LATE BUSES! Parent Information Night (6th to 7th and 7th to 8th) Girls Ensemble, Jazz Band, Science Club, Wildcat Symphony 6th Grade Girls Basketball @ WMS 8th Grade Girls Basketball @ Horizon Boys Ensemble 8th Grade Band Practice @ CCHS Jazz Band, MathCounts, NJHS, Yearbook Club 6th Grade Girls Basketball @ WMS 8th Grade Band Area Festival @ CCHS NO LATE BUSES! CCSD District Accountability Meeting @ SARC Chess Club, Earth Club, Girls Ensemble, Jazz Band, Wildcat Symphony 6th Grade Girls Basketball @ Campus Staff vs 8th Grade Girls Basketball Game Boys Ensemble, Wrestling Begins STEM Lectures CCSD Board of Education Meeting @ Eastridge Elementary Art Club, Jazz Band, MathCounts NO LATE BUSES! WMS Accountability Meeting 1st Annual WMS Chili Cook Off Girls Ensemble, Jazz Band, Science Club, Wildcat Symphony No School—Presidents’ Day Non Contact Day—No Students NO LATE BUSES! Chess Club, Earth Club, Girls Ensemble, Jazz Band, NJHS District String-a-thon Festival @ WMS Boys Ensemble Art Club, Jazz Band, MathCounts Wrestling Match @ Falcon Creek NO LATE BUSES! Spring Conferences ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ PAGE 6 Upcoming Events MARCH March 1 March 2 March 5 March 6 March 7 March 8 March 12 March 13 All Day 8:00 am All Day All Day 3:00 pm 3:00 pm All Day 3:00 pm ** All Day All Day 3:00 pm ** 3:00 pm 7:00 pm 3:00 pm ** March 14 March 15 March 19 March 20 March 21 March 22 7:00 pm 9:00 am 3:00 pm ** 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 6:30 pm 3:00 pm March 23 March 26-30 Non-Contact Day—No Students Spring Conferences Non-Contact Day—No Students 8th Grade TCAP Testing Boys Ensemble STEM Lectures 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade TCAP Testing Jazz Band, MathCounts, NJHS Wrestling Match @ West (vs Laredo) 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade TCAP Testing NO LATE BUSES! 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade TCAP Testing Chess Club, Earth Club, Girls Ensemble, Jazz Band, Wildcat Symphony Wrestling Match @ Prairie Boys Ensemble CCSD Board of Education Meeting @ Heritage Art Club, Jazz Band, MathCounts, Student Council Wrestling Match @ Horizon NO LATE BUSES! CCSD District Accountability Meeting @ SARC 8th Grade Leadership Day with CMS @ CCHS Girls Ensemble, Jazz Band, Science Club, Wildcat Symphony Wrestling Match @ West (vs Campus) Boys Ensemble Jazz Band, MathCounts, NJHS Solo & Ensemble Concert NO LATE BUSES! Art Club, Chess Club, Earth Club, Girls Ensemble, Jazz Band, Wildcat Symphony NO LATE BUSES! Spring Break WMS Numbers Main # Main Office Fax 720-554-5100 720-554-5180 or 554-5170 720-554-5181 Attendance 720-554-5110 (speak slowly & spell names) Security Administration Counseling Clinic Bookkeeping Dean’s Office 720-554-5174 (to leave a message for your student) 720-554-5180 720-554-5156 720-554-5117 720-554-5138 720-554-5156 PAGE 7 Cherry Creek Republican Women’s Writing Contest What is FLIP? Congratulations to the five students in 7th grade for winning the Cherry Creek Republican Women's Writing Contest: FLIP is generously sponsored by the WMS PTCO and FLIP stands for Forward Leaps In Progress and is an excellent opportunity for your child to get assistance to be more successful at West Middle School. FLIP is not detention or study hall and, since it’s available during lunch, it will not interfere with your child’s regular school day. Emilyanne Bartlett Caroline McPhillips Madeline Harding Helayna Molke Gregory Ludwig A second congratulations goes to Helayna Molke for being the first place winner for the district! Well done, 7th Grade! Students may be referred to FLIP by teachers or parents, or they may request to come on their own. They can use FLIP time to catch up on missing assignments, get extra help on something they don’t understand, gain some organizational skills, or simply spend a little time getting positive support in a different environment. Middle school can be a difficult time academically and socially. When your child is in need of a little boost, they can come on in and FLIP things around. Contact me for more information! Aviva Pflock FLIP Program apflock2@cherrycreekschools.org FLIP! WMS has a new CSI Team! Wildlife Crime Solved by WMS’ very own CSI Team. Sixth graders, Team 6-2, was involved in a three week mini-unit on wildlife forensics. Students were trained as wildlife investigators and forensic scientists. During the first week, students practiced the forensic lab techniques on identifying different animal skulls, identifying fingerprints, identifying animal tracks and finally, identifying different hair samples. The second week, the interviewing process of ―People of Interest‖ (staff members) began. During the final week, students evaluated forensic evidence provided at different lab stations. Once all the pieces were put together, the crime was solved. Principal Dave Strohfus, aka Ryan Dixon, and our Office Manager Kelly Mullins, aka Eliza Lucero, were ―arrested‖ on Friday, January 20th on several felony counts! Congratulations to all the Wildlife Investigators of Team 6-2! Ryan Dixon, played by Mr. Strohfus, is ‖arrested‖ for animal poaching. Dixon’s Sister, Alicia Lucero, played by Mrs. Mullins is ―arrested‖ for an animal poaching conspiracy with brother, Ryan Dixon. PAGE 8 Do YOU have the best CHiLi in Colorado? WMS 1st Annual Chili Cook Off February 16th @ 5:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Admission is one pot of chili. Come join in on the fun!! Condiments, paper goods, and sides furnished by WMS. Grand Prize-$25, 2nd Prize-$15, and 3rd Prize-$10 for each catagory (Bragging Rights-Priceless!) Judging categories are traditional chili, chili verde, and vegetarian chili. RSVP your winning entry to Kate Bergles kbergles@cherrycreekschools.org or 720-554-5134. Let the Battle Begin!! PAGE 9 Attention 7th graders! DON’T MISS OUT ON NEXT YEARS TRIP TO WASHINGTON, D.C. West Middle School Trip Dates: October 27 - 30, 2012 Early Registration Deadline: January 31, 2012 How to Register: Mail in the bottom part of your registration letter. (See Mr. Vigil.) Call 1-800-688-8584. Register Online at www.worldstrides.org. You will need to reference our Trip ID# 74964 when registering. PAGE 10 Principal’s Parent Coffees Parents and community members are invited to share coffee and conversation with the Principal. Join us to ask questions and talk about what’s on your mind! Save These Dates For Upcoming Coffees: Tuesday, February 7th @ 9:00 Thursday, March 15th @ 9:00 Thursday, April 12th @ 9:00 Thursday, May 10th @ 9:00 EXPLORE Testing Results 25 Score Will Hallmark, Maya Cutforth, Summit Byrne, 24 Score Pictured from left to right, back row Brooke Iliana Eber, Kayla Schultz, and Mr. Strohfus) Landoch, Julia Grogan, Mr. Strohfus, Rohan Vaidya, Edwin Bosch, and Jeremy Schiff Seated Elizabeth Goodman, Lauren Decker, Dakota Wolner, and Caitlin Roark (Not pictured Josiah Aklilu, Lindsey Fullmer, Elizabeth Hoffmann, Jack McIntyre, and Manasa Ponnapalli) The EXPLORE test is a Pre-ACT assessment designed to provide 8th grade students with a benchmark of their academic progress as they move toward high school and college. The EXPLORE uses about 125 questions in four subject areas: English, Math, Reading and Science. Scores are compared to students in our school and to all other 8th graders across the nation. West Middle School is extremely proud to announce that 5 students scored statistically perfect (25) on the test!!! Additionally, a whopping 15 students scored a 24 on the EXPLORE. Congratulations to these outstanding kids!!!! CCSD Board Meetings Spring Conferences February 13th, 7:00 February 29th from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm and March 1st from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Your student’s teacher will be contacting you to set up your conference time. March 12th, 7:00 Eastridge Elementary 11777 E. Wesley Ave. Aurora, CO 80014 Heritage Elementary 6867 E. Heritage Pl. S. Centennial, CO 80111 April 16th, 7:00 Fox Hollow Elementary 6363 S. Waco St. Aurora, CO 80016 May 14th, 7:00 Challenge School 9659 E. Mississippi Ave. Denver, CO 80247 PAGE 11 Congratulations! The following WMS artists have received Silver and Gold Keys for the Scholastics Alliance for Young Artists and Writers 2012 Awards GOLD KEY Libby Geraghty Photograph ―Stuck in the Cracks‖ SILVER KEYS Autum King For her Ceramic Teapot ―La Bleu Parfait‖ Anisa Juson For her Drawing ―Phishh‖ ―La Bleu Parfait‖ The Alliance for Young Artists & Writers, a 501(C) (3) nonprofit organization, identifies teenagers with exceptional artistic and literary talent and brings their remarkable work to a national audience through The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. The Awards have an impressive legacy dating back to 1923 and a noteworthy roster of past winners including Andy Warhol, Sylvia Plath, Truman Capote, & Richard. Avalon Robert Redford and Joyce Carol Oates. ―Stuck in the Cracks‖ GOLD KEY AW ARD February 18, 1pm Jefferson High School Silver Key Awards & Honorable Mention Ceremonies & Reception: February 25 at RMCAD ―Phishh‖ PAGE 12 How to Help Your Child Learn Study Skills The New Year and new grading period is often an excellent time to examine your student’s study schedule and study skills. The difference between children who do poorly in school and those who do well often related do what their parents do at home to help. When parents take the time to help, it can influence school success as much or more than a child’s intellectual capacity or the quality of the school he or she attends. Good study skills will provide your child with a basic tool needed to succeed in school. So, what can you do to help? HELP WITH A STUDY SCHEDULE The time arranged for study should occur at the same time each day. Most children, like adults, are creatures of habit. When they get used to doing something at the same time each day, it becomes easier to remember and do rather than if it occurs at different times each day. Work with your child to set aside times of study when he or she is most alert. Involve your child in making the schedule. Children are more likely to accept a study schedule that they have been involved in setting up than one that has been imposed upon them. Help your child be realistic in the amount of time scheduled. HELP WITH STUDY GOALS Develop goals based on homework assignments. Three or four small goals that your child can attain one by one work better than one large goal. Check off each goal as it is completed. This helps provide the incentive to keep going. Promote studying for understanding. When children understand what they study, they remember it more easily than if they simply memorize it. Guide your child in these ways. Begin each study session with the assignments that are the most difficult to learn and understand. Use the ―survey-read-resurvey‖ procedure. Tell your child first to survey for the main ideas in the chapter. This can be done by reading the introduction and summary to the chapter and any study questions that might be listed at the beginning or end of the chapter. Once your child gains an understanding of the main ideas, he or she should carefully read the chapter. Finally, have your child look back through or resurvey the chapter and try to further understand and remember the main ideas and important details. Think about what is being studied and figure out a ―point of view.‖ For example, when studying weather, or more specifically rain, encourage your child to form an opinion about what causes rain. Once a point of view is determined, your child can then decide what information or evidence supports and does not support that point of view. Formulate questions. While it may seem timeconsuming and awkward at first, once your child learns how to make up and see answers to questions while studying, the task becomes more interesting, fun, and more understandable and meaningful. It is essential that he or she ask questions because this will promote an active, involved, and thinking approach to studying. Summarize. Outlining the textbook headings (and subheadings) listing the major points covered underneath each heading is one simple way to summarize. Note taking is another summarizing technique that has been found to be very helpful in fostering understanding and remembering. The benefits of note taking are that your child not only summarizes what is studied but also is involved in translating what is being studied into his or her own words. Underlining or highlighting important key ideas, facts, and details to be remembered also can be helpful. The process of putting things into categories can help your child recognize, understand, and remember essential information. Take a few minutes at regular intervals to reflect on what was just learned. If your child understands what was just studied, he or she will be able to visualize it and talk intelligently about it during reflection time. If not, encourage your child to reread or restudy the material. RECOGNIZE ACHIEVEMENTS A child who receives recognition for academic achievement is much more likely to want to excel in school. Thus, focus on what your child does right—that is, look for achievements. Remember that the major key to improving your child’s success if making him or her feel successful. (Abridged from Stainback’s “How to Help Your Child Succeed in School,” from NEA online..) PAGE 13 1st Quarter Honor Roll—6th Grade 6th Grade 4.0 Kira Acosta Andrea Arias Jaylynn Armijo Gabrielle Ashcraft Anita Ashoury Olivia Ayers Cole Barrett Lindsey Benkelman Isaac Bloom Jacob Bolin Maya Borenstein Chloe Brady Timothy Carlson Robert Chambers Srikar Chava Emma Chichester Madeline Choi Kevin Carlos Clark Zachary Colter George Conway Molly Cutter Jonah Darnel Victoria Delate Peter DeLine Anjali Devagupta Jack Dunbar Nicholas Eidler Emily Fairbairn Owen Van Falkenberg Gabriel Farrier Madison Friedman Joshua Fullmer Jill Girardeau Nicolas Gomez Guery Goo Sofia Gratton Emily Hallberg Camille Harmon Dallin Haws Mariela Hollines Camilla Holmsen Rachel Hutchinson Michael Jennings Gloria Jung Everett Kane Allyson Koutecky Min Lee Nicholas Locascio Markus Manly Eve March Joshua Martelon Sarah Mauger Brennen Meiworm Colette Mendel Nahom Mesfin Sarah Mitko Rachel Moes Paul Nicknish Gwyneth Ormes Quentin Parr Parker Perlmutter Grace Petroff Benjamin Pfefferle William Pinkelman Samantha Poole Claire Rainey Makayla Rapp Bailey Reifenberger Bennett Reilly Amira Reyad Nathan Ricca Kadeja Salem Sebastiana Saya Divi Schmidt Jeffrey Schmidt Amit Setty Richard Small Anna Stroeher George Sutherland Megan Tunnell Kailey Ulanski Jackson William Wang Haley Wartell Allen West Emily Wilkins Lowell Wilson Christian Winder Joshua Jeffrey Wojahn Stephen Wu Hye Jin Yang 6th Grade 3.5 & Above William Anderson Kamal Shreekar Anumandla Gabriel Austin Marqus Avalos Ansley Avis Cameron Barnard Timothy Bauer Brett Benedetti Nicole Benkelman Garrett Berkowitz Isabella Bertaud D Jackson Blatter Bryson Bosch Thomas Bowman Claire Eleanor Bremner Noah Brewer Ryan Bricmont Tyler Browning Cole Cantor Zhining Chen Rose Clark Kathryn Conrad Mitchell Cook Aubrey Couch Kailey D Ambrosia Madelyn Davis Christian Davis Carlos Emil De Vera Owen Degroot John Dischler Christopher Ditzenberger Sahiti Donthula Brennen Dorighi Cole Drew Ryan Duane Delaney Dyer Joseph Eigner Julian Fanos Sydney Felsen Taylor Geddes Hannah Gharrity Rachel Giffin David Goldstein Lateya Gonzales Hardesty Aaron Goodman Aditya Gopalan Olivia Grenardo Madison Grimm Graham Groth Gabriel Grunden Taylor Guerra Marissa Hadden Sydney Haith Michaela Handler Jack Hansen John Harge Colin Hayes Stone Heyman John Higgins Madison Holland Nicole Holt Kate Honeyfield Kyra Hughes Aidan Hutchings Francisca Jeffords Erin Johnson Annabelle Johnson Mitchell Johnson Elizabeth Allyn Kahalley Harley Kalter Eliza Keating James Keesling Lawrence Kindregan Eliza King Gabrielle Klotas Clarissa Koch Dana Koch Zachery Koutecky Kaitlyn Krajicek David Kuharski Nathan Kujawski Nabhur Lamsal Courtland Langley Bianca Laratta Jade Law Jacob Lawrence Anna Lawrence Nicole Lee Nathaniel Lei Drew Lei Alerta Nayeli Lopez Alcantar Holly Lundell Vincent Luther Zoe Mack Max Malden Stephen Maloney Julia March Alexander Markano Erin Markham Hector Martinez Grace Mc Ginnis Sean Mccotter Lyla Meadows Graham Miller Cristina Mole Ryan Moore Jovena Moreno Joseph Morris Anne Morrison Chadwick Mulligan Mark Nawrocki Hailey Neault Max Nelson Alyssa Novinger Samuel Osmon Anushka Pal Carl Palmer Elizabeth Panton Neha Patil Alexis Pena Anna Pentermann Cameron Pike Kaitlyn Pinkelman Jarred Pond Nore Rasheid Farran Reiland Laurel Revers Irma Rosales Taylor Roylance Ryan Russell Hector Sandoval Rachel Schiff Tyler Schoen Michael Schroer Jaylee Segrist Christopher Seifert Jena Sexton Joshua Shanks Kelsee Sharp Galya Sickles Natalie Smallcombe Paul Smith Olivia Stacks Lucas Stafford Clarissa Starbuck Trenton Steese Elliot Steinberg Anna Belle Szymanski Nicholas Teegarden Christopher Tekavec Jake Thomas Calvin Titsworth Anthony Trifiletti Alanna Turkington Ashton Turner Nidhi Vaidya Radost Vanovska Michael Varveris Anisurei Vazquez Joanna Vazquez Cardona Levi Von Feldt Emma Walilko Sean Walker Morgan Walls Audrey Frances Waltrip Abbey White Nicholas Whitham Mary Wilkerson Cole Wilson Jack Wilson Calahan Wilson Eric Winkler Jack Winsor Tessa Woodard Ashley Zdinak Jacob Zepeda PAGE 14 1st Quarter Honor Roll—7th Grade 7th Grade 4.0 Emily Abed Cody Allen Lincoln Ambrose Steve An Samantha Anwar Sophia Armatas Augustus Ballantine Quinn Baur Sara Behbakht Jeremy Bernstein Alec Bildstein Avery Blackmon Lena Bloszies Chesney Boal Chloe Brew Nicholas Brill Cooper Carrington Camden Castellano Allan Chen Grant Claymon Wayles Concklin Claire Cooper Colin Craighead Rachael Davidson Henry Davis Luccio Dellepiane Lian Doerr Claire Drury Allison Dwinnell Bradley Edholm Fese Elango Jeffrey Erickson Natalie Evans Hannah Fey Amalia Frommelt Elisabeth Geraghty Griffin Gharrity Justin Gill Bogeun Goo Olivia Guarino Shreyas Gupta Madeline Harding Kailee Henderson Ethan Hillis Caitlyn Holt Nicolas Houghton Spencer Howard Lars Hultgren Erin Hunley John Hyer Bailey Jacobson Carter Jaynes Julia Kallet Jordan Kallet Ross Kalter Brian Jin Kim Emma Knierim Katherine Kovarik Lucie Kuljis Abhijit Kurse Jessica Lancisi Dong Wook Lee Dalton Leyden Ashley Licht Joseph Lovelace Madison Martin Gabrielle Mason Margaux Mcfarland Valyria Mcfarland Catherine McKenna Lauren McMillen Caroline Mcphillips Aubrey Mereness Julia Merten Helayna Molke Samantha Most Jonathan Mueller Vlad Muresan Cole Nelson Trent Orndorff Portia Pettis Catherine Philpott Sarah Porter Kai Rackley Eliza Radochonski Alyssa Radtke Emma Rau Katherine Robinson Kayla Rondinelli Helen Roosevelt Georgia Russell Hunter Ryll Ashley Sayre Emily Schmahl Alexander Sironen Marissa Smith Mckay Smith Autumn Sue Stahnke Kayden Steeghs Jamie Stokes John Strain Supriya Sunil Blake Tangora Nicholas Tew Shannon Thomas Madison Thomas Zachary David Thomson Olivia Townsend Makala Tucker Hunter Tuite Abigail Weeks Garin Wilson Erin Windfeldt Margaux Woellner Jonathan Wu Haley Zerobnick 7th Grade 3.5 & Above Antonia Aguilar Rosenthal Joseph Arnold Liberty Atencio Stella Atkinson Matthew Bainbridge Jose Balbona Lindsay Barker Emilyanne Bartlett Hongorzul Batbayar Bryanna Benassi Alexa Blessinger Connor Brady Chazz Burney Andrew Carlson Josiah Chamblin-Torres Devon Chayet Derek Chen Yeji Chong Danielle Cuellar Purna Darjee Meghan Decker Kiana Dreblow Blake Drnec Joshua Drouillard Daniel Esayev Christine Felling Vanessa Gary Katherine Goodall Sean Greenwell Cedric Grunden Shritha Gunturu Daniel Hamson Conor Heathershaw Madison Helm Janelle Henningsen Jonathan Hertel Jordan Hess Jacqueline Hitt John Warren Hubbard Kevyn Huke Morgan Jenney Lindsay Kough Eumalina Krueck Adam Lambright Matthew Lefebre Matthew Lovelace Katherine Lupkes Anna Lynton Grace Malone Carmen Marfizo Zachariah Mccurdy Aileen Mendez Peter Mitchell Kyle Moran Paige Mosch Nadia Mowszowski Nicci Mowszowski Annemarie Muntean Sophia Otte Joseph Owsley Alexis Padgett Ashley Park Estefany Perez Naara Perez Tirado Devon Claire Peterson Katherine Plank Cole Quisenberry Reed Radochonski Gabrielle Reynard Royston Richards Carli Rodriguez Aiden Rodriguez Daniel Schlatter Dylan Schmitt Gentri Shopp Jack Sironen Elizabeth Steel Mara Steron Alexander Strepman Jackson Tidey William Tidey Andrew Melvin Tuitele Sara Turken Robin Tutchton Evan Tyler Lea Fang Vakilitabar Casey Villars Bevin Wallace William Wallis Blythe Waltman Lindsey Watson Mara Weber Anne Williams Sarah Winkler Charles Zoeller PAGE 15 1st Quarter Honor Roll—8th Grade 8th Grade 4.0 Rylie Ackley Annelise Adolph Josiah Aklilu Morgan Alexander Lauren Austin Chloe Beardsley Kristen Blume Blake Britten Summit Byrne Robert Calkins Addison Cantor Caroline Carman Lin Chen Amelia Colliver Caitlyn Costanzo Grace Cunningham Maya Olivia Cutforth Maria Dadiotis Maryanna DeLine Jyoti Devagupta Rachel Dipretoro Anna Dischler Nolan Donaldson Donovan Droege Iliana Eber Benjamin Eidler Kelsey Emery Yasmin Farsad Ethan Fleer Lindsey Fullmer Lindsay Gersoff Reilly Goerig Cameron Goodman Elizabeth Goodman Russell Shang Greyson Julia Grogan Lauren Hagen Nicole Hagen Thomas Haines Avery Hall William Hallmark Samantha Harding Elizabeth Hoffmann Claire Marie Honl Sarah Hutchinson Hannah Ibbotson Nicholas Johnson Abra Kagan Hannah Keller Paul Kim Eden Kim Regan Kinney Kaley Kris Min Lee Jinnie Lee Devin Lee Chang Lee Aubrey Lefebre Makenna Leyden Sofia Llanes Riley Malloy Alexandra Martin Lauren Mcgrath John Mcintire Rausny Merchant Shyla Moeller Mariel Molke James Murphy Austin Myers Ryan Oakes Austin Parsons Carrie Plank Manasa Ponnapalli Lily Rackley Luke Reckard Emma Reilly Parker Revers Mackenzie Reyes Caitlin Roark Jessica Rueger Gabriela Salinas Emma Sanning Jordan Sax Jonah Saya Jeremy Schiff Megan Schmidt Amanda Seale Cassandra Spath Tiara Stephan Holly Sutherland Nancy Tarr Victoria Teegarden Abby Thomas Anna Timbers Sophia Trifiletti Alyssa Tucker Matthew Valent Ryan Volkert Wendy Waltrip Jon Williamson Yapheth Wolday Dakota Wolner 8th Grade 3.5 & Above Henry Adams Arman Akbarzadeh Amber Anaya Olivia Angone Troy Arthur Scott Beck Mitchell Biggers Hannah Bolin Edwin Bosch Geoffrey Bremer Shelby Cohen Robert Congel Amelia Conti Austin Cooper Justin Coopersmith Dominique De Paz Juli Irene De Vera Lauren Decker Austin Donaldson Trevor Drouillard Meagan Rose Eberlin Samuel Evans Katherine Field Joshua Finesilver Matthew Finesilver Frank Gansukh Jordan Gawthrop Jesse Gendelman Alexander Grant Alexa Groesser Katherine Haar Rachael Hadden Colby Haines Darian Hallbauer Kathryn Hallberg Matthew Hawkins Emily Herbert Haley Honeck Zavier James Hose Daniel Huff Tamila Husnetdinova David Imola Euhyun Joh Ezekia Johnson Caroline Jordan Anisa Judson Kevin Keesling Autumn King Joseph Kinsky Vishnusai Kodicherla Gabriel Kortz Armon Laleh Xena Land Brooke Landoch Derek Lush Sawyer Mack Kimberlyn Magana Urtiz Trent Martin Ashton Martin Spencer Maw Haley Mordini Alana Moreen Cole Morgan Ella Morris Miranda Mostellar Katie Moulton Tyus Muklebust Carol Murray Christian Myers Leo Nakasone Ellie Nash Alexandria Nash Thai Nguyen Phoebe Nielsen Ji-Eun Park Hayden Parr Nicholas Perdue Chad Peterson Kaitlin Phillips Abby Pierce Brooke Pingree Nikolas Price Amanda Rigsby Margaret Rzepiennik Safa Salem Maia Samuel Kayla Schultz Sagun Sharma Nathan Shelton Annemieke Sickles Tova Slavkin Brianne Stiers Marc Storch Maxwell Stroeher Makayla Sullivan Lorenzo Thompson David Torres Sandoval Valerie Turgeon Nomin Uyanga Rohan Vaidya Madison Valent Annelise Wagner Theodore Walker Audrey Walker Frances Warden Alan Warden Jake Watkins Tristan Whitlock Abigail Wist Alexander Wyman Luca Zocchi PAGE 16 Parent Information Network Tuesday, February 7, 2012 9:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Little Girls Can Be Mean Dr. Michelle Anthony, expert in developmental psychology and author of ―Little Girls Can Be Mean‖, provides the tools to enable your child to become stronger, happier and better able to enjoy friendships. Whether your child is just starting grade school, or already on their way to high school, you’ll learn valuable information to help them navigate through social issues. This is an important topic for parents of both boys and girls! Dr. Anthony will discuss how adults can use a fourstep process to identify and deal with tough situations. She will provide empowering strategies for parents to communicate and connect with children to help them build self-esteem and resilience. To see a video clip of Michelle Anthony speaking on the Rachael Ray show go to: http://www.rachaelrayshow.com/show/segments/view/bullies-in-kindergarten/ http://www.rachaelrayshow.com/show/segments/view/bullies-in-kindergarten/ Plan ahead to take a little time out of your day or take a few hours off of work and come to connect with other parents, be informed by local and national speakers, and get empowered to take a proactive approach to parenting. All parents, school administrators and community members are welcome and encouraged to attend Parent Information Network (PIN) presentations. Presentations are free and are held the first Tuesday of each month at the Student Achievement Resource Center (SARC). 14188 Briarwood Avenue, Centennial, south of Arapahoe Rd., between Potomac and Jordan Roads Come at 9:00 a.m. for refreshments and networking For further information go to: www.PINccsd.org. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! March 6th Family Dynamics: When One Child Requires More Time & Energy April 3rd Creating a Peaceful Family Environment May 1st Annual PIN Brunch at Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church Keynote speaker: Michael Gurian-NY Times Bestselling author of ―The Minds of Boys‖ and ―The Wonder of Girls‖ Orchard Hills Marketplace Dear Parents of West Middle School Students, Most of you are aware that many of our students visit the Orchard Hills Marketplace in the afternoons, especially on Fridays. This has become a fun pastime for many of our students. Although there are many positive social skills and life lessons to be develop ed during after school socializing, there have been some negative issues as well. We wish to bring this information to parents, so they can better help their students navigate through these potential safety issues. This will serve them well now and into high school where there are even more unsupervised and unstructured opportunities for socializing. While student conduct in our local stores wouldn’t normally be considered a school issue, we do recognize the mutual benefit of working with parents and our community partners at the Marketplace to promote positive student behaviors. Just as your concerns for your child’s safety do not end when you drop them off at school, we also care about their wellbeing beyond school property. Specific issues involving students: Parents have commonly observed students pushing one another off of the sidewalks and into traffic. Students also have been s een running back and forth across Holly Street between cars and not using crosswalks and throwing objects to other students acros s lanes of traffic in a distracting game of catch. Police have reported the selling of drugs and other illegal activities occurring in the parks and open space around the Marketplace. It is not believed that West students are initiating these activities, but students are exposed to these situations in these areas. PAGE 17 and open space around the Marketplace. It is not believed that West students initiating these activities, but students are exposed to these situations in these areas. Our local businesses partners report a wide variety of unacceptable student behaviors: Playing ―hide and seek‖ and games of catch with food items at King Soopers Sitting in the grocery aisles so shoppers can’t get by Students are shoplifting by opening packages of food items and eating them as they roam the store at King Soopers and damaging other goods making them unsalable Students have been seen literally eating soup directly from the ladles in the deli area at King Soopers Students have been sighted urinating in public in the parks and on the patio areas Stores have ended product samples because of student abuse Loud and discourteous interactions at King Soopers and Panera including profanity and other abusive language Students running in and out of stores chasing one another. Students having ice fights with discarded soda glasses Pushing other students and carts into adult customers Making large messes and not picking up after themselves Shoplifting is reported at several businesses at the Marketplace Large groups of students are loitering until well after dark Steps being taken by the Marketplace to promote safety: Ongoing update meetings with West Principal, Dave Strohfus Hiring of off-duty police officers to promote positive and appropriate student behaviors- officers may issue tickets to students who demonstrate inappropriate behavior Steps being taken by West Middle School to support parents and students: Ongoing liaison communication between the Marketplace and West parents. West Staff, in partnership with PTCO, believe in the philosophy, ―It takes a village…‖ We ask that parents talk with their students about appropriate behaviors in a public setting. We believe that if parents are made aware of student behavior and students understand expectations, then parents will guide their students to use the Marketplace as a respectful after school social gath ering and not an extended hang out well into evening hours without adult supervision. Ongoing conversations about appropriate community behavior with student groups. Create a CARE lesson to be delivered during SSR to students to talk about their responsibilities when in settings outside of school. We’ll discuss the ―Code of Conduct‖ that Cherry Creek High School promotes with their students as they visit local businesses on their off periods. The CCHS Code of Conduct includes three guidelines: 1) Cleaning up after yourselves and disposing of your trash properly. 2) Talking to other customers and business people in an appropriate manner using appropriate la nguage. 3) Treating others in stores and around shopping areas with the same respect you would like them to give you. Through parent partnerships and information sharing, discussion at school with our students, and the positive influence of th e Marketplace and the Greenwood Village Police Department, we are hopeful that we will promote ―positive patronage‖ with our student body. Just as parents wouldn’t want for people to be forming negative opinions of their own children, we also don’t want that opini on formed about our students. We understand that most of you may not be aware of the extreme nature of the behaviors that many kids ar e demonstrating now. Please contact Mr. Strohfus directly if you have any questions at 720-554-5180. Thanks for your understanding and your continued support of West Middle School students! Dave Strohfus Principal West Middle School Helen Kechriotis Nelson Co-President-PTCO Carey Radochonski Co-President-PTCO