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TA NA GE R AV E VA IL AV E 5.6% CAP @ MARKET RENTS CON DOR AVE 2749 Tanager Avenue Commerce • California • 90040 For More Information, Please Contact PETER D. BACCI EDWARD LEE 323.767.2022 323.767.2102 License ID# 00946253 License ID# 01379696 Team Bacci - Lee & Associates® | Executive Vice President, Principal Senior Vice President 2749 Tanager Avenue, Commerce, CA 90040 TABLE OF CONTENTS SE C T ION I - E X E C U T IV E OV ER RVIEW Executive Summary Property Overview S E C T I ON N I I - P R OP P E R T Y D E S C R IP PTION Parcel Map Aerial View S E C T IO O N III I - FIN N A N C IAL AN N A LYS IS S Income & Expense S EC TIO O N IV - AR E A D E S C R I P T ION Locator Map Location Overview Lee & Associates® - Commercial Real Estate Services 2749 Tanager Avenue, Commerce, CA 90040 Se ection I EXECUTIVE OVERVIEW Lee & Associates® - Commercial Real Estate Services 2749 Tanager Avenue, Commerce, CA 90040 EXEECUTIVE SUMMARY THE PROPERTY: LIST PRICE: Industrial Building 2749 Tanager Avenue Commerce, California 90040 $5,125,000 ($117.58 PSF) CURRENT CURRENT T OCCUPANC CY: CURREN NT GROSS IN NCOME ME: CURREN NT EXPENS SES: CURRE ENT CAP RA ATE: AVERA AGE CAP RATE: 100% $232,560 $51,254 3.5% 4.7% RENTAL SCHEDULE/INCREASES YEAR 2: $19,380.00 YEAR 3: $19,767.60 YEAR 4: $20,360.62 YEAR AR 5: $20,767,84 AVERAGE RENT: $20,069.00/Mo. PRO FORMA PRO FORMA OC CCUP PANCY: PRO FORMA GR ROSS INCOM ME: EXPENSES: PRO FORMA CAP P RAT TE: 100% $339,955 $51,254 5.6% PROPERTY OVERVIEW YEAR CO OMPLETED: BUILDING G SIZE: LAND AREA A: PARKING: ZONING: DOCK HIGH: OFFICE SIZE: RESTROOMS: 1959 43,584 net rentable square feet 66,294 square feet 45 parking spaces CMM2 14 4,800 square feet 2 Lee & Associates® - Commercial Real Estate Services 2749 Tanager Avenue, Commerce, CA 90040 PROPERTY OVERVIEW 2749 Tanager Avenue is a 43,584 industrial building located in Commerce, CA. The subject property is a single-story building on 66,294SF of land. Easily access the property through Tanager Avenue & Condor Avenue. Subject property offers surface parking for tenants and visitors. The property offers immediate access to the Santa Ana (5) Freeway (Right off Garfield Avenue exit) within minutes of the subject property. Subject property is also ideally located in close proximity to Citadel Shopping Outlet and the Commerce Casino. PROPERTY ATTRIBUTES • Investment Opportunity • 4 Year Lease in Place • Outstanding Manufacturing or Distribution Facility • Well Distributed Power • Dock High Loading; One Ramp • Executive Offices • Excellent Commerce Location Lee & Associates® - Commercial Real Estate Services 2749 Tanager Avenue, Commerce, CA 90040 Se ection II PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Lee & Associates® - Commercial Real Estate Services 2749 Tanager Avenue, Commerce, CA 90040 PA ARC CEL MA AP Lee & Associates® - Commercial Real Estate Services 2749 Tanager Avenue, Commerce, CA 90040 TA NA GE R AV E VA IL AV E AERIAL VIEW CON DOR AVE Lee & Associates® - Commercial Real Estate Services 2749 Tanager Avenue, Commerce, CA 90040 Se ection III FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Lee & Associates® - Commercial Real Estate Services 2749 Tanager Avenue, Commerce, CA 90040 INCOME & EXPENSE VALUATION PRO FORMA VALUATION Prric ice: $5,125,000 Prric ice/SF F: $117.58 Square Fee et: Currren entt Cap p Ra Rate te: Av verage e Cap Ra Rate Over 4 Ye Years @ 20,069/Mo.: ANNUAL INCOME Base e Ren ent CA AM Reimbu ursement Efffecttive Grross Reve enue 43,584 SF 3.5% Pro o Fo F rma Cap Rate e: 5.6% 4.7% 2016 $19,380/Mo. $28,329.60/Mo. 0 0 $232,560 $339,955 $46,254 $46,254 $5,000 $5,000 $51,254 $51,254 $181,306 $288,701 3.5% 5.6% ($0.445 PSF) ($0.65 PSF) ANNUAL EXPENSES RE Taxxes e & Ass. rancce Insura Expe ens n es Total Ex UNLEVERAGED TOTALS Nett Op O erating Inco ome m Cap Rate Ca e Lee & Associates® - Commercial Real Estate Services 2749 Tanager Avenue, Commerce, CA 90040 Se ection IV AREA DESCRIPTION Lee & Associates® - Commercial Real Estate Services 2749 Tanager Avenue, Commerce, CA 90040 LOCA ATOR MAP 5 2749 tanager avenue 5 Lee & Associates® - Commercial Real Estate Services 2749 Tanager Avenue, Commerce, CA 90040 LOCATION OVERVIEW The City of Commerce is a city located in southeast Los Angeles County, California, United States. The population was 12,823 at the 2010 census, up from 12,568 at the 2000 census. It is bordered by Vernon on the west, Los Angeles on the northwest, East Los Angeles on the north, Montebello on the east, Downey and Bell Gardens on the south, and Maywood on the southwest. The Los Angeles River forms part of its southwestern boundary, and the Rio Hondo separates it from Downey. Commerce is served by the Long Beach and Santa Ana freeways, as well as the Metrolink commuter rail service at the Commerce station. LOCATION ATTRIBUTES • • • • Located Conveniently Near The Santa Ana (5) Freeway Located Near The Intersection Of Washington Blvd & Vail Avenue Eight Miles East Of Downtown Los Angeles Excellent Ingress And Egress Lee & Associates® - Commercial Real Estate Services 2749 Tanager Avenue C o m m e r c e • C a l i f o r n i a • 9 0 0 4 0 For More information Please Contact: PETER D. BACCI EDWARD LEE 323.767.2022 323.767.2102 Team Bacci - Lee & Associates® | Executive Vice President, Principal License ID# 00946253 Senior Vice President License ID# 01379696 LEE & ASSOCIATES® - COMMERCE INC. www.le e e-a a sso soc c i att es s .com 500 Citadel Drive, Suite 140 Commerce, California 90040 • 323.720.8484 • 323.720.8474 LIC. NO. 01125429
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