MCWD - Minnehaha Creek Watershed District


MCWD - Minnehaha Creek Watershed District
ong Lak
May 1, 2014
on with:
In associati
Ms. Becky Houdek
MCWD Planner
Minnehaha Creek Watershed District
15320 Minnetonka Blvd.
Minnetonka, MN 55345
May 1, 2014
Subject: Engineering and Consulting Services for the Long Lake Creek Corridor Improvement Project – Phase II
Dear Ms. Houdek and Members of the Selection Committee:
Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) has established a vision identifying opportunities to enhance the
quality of and restoring water resources within its jurisdiction. This philosophy is demonstrated in the desire to
restore a former wastewater lagoon and bring a natural geomorphology to Long Lake Creek adjacent to the lagoon.
SRF Consulting Group, Inc. (SRF) is pleased to submit our proposal to provide professional services for the District in
the design, plan preparation, and construction administration/observation for the restoration of these water bodies.
Long Lake Creek is a perennial stream flowing from the outlet of Long Lake to Tanager Lake. The outfall from Tanager
Lake ultimately drains to Lake Minnetonka, the premiere water resource in western Hennepin County. According
to historic topographic mapping, Long Lake Creek had a gently curving alignment and flowed through a wetland
complex in this area. The creek was then ditched and straightened between the BNSF Railway corridor and Orono
Orchard Road in the early decades of the 1900s. In the mid-1960s, the Long Lake Wastewater Treatment Facility was
constructed adjacent to the creek in this area. When the wastewater treatment facility was no longer needed after
1978, the facility was demolished in the late 1970s except for a 5-acre pond that had provided effluent polishing.
MCWD has identified an opportunity to remediate the site, restoring the wetland that had previously been converted
to the effluent-polishing pond and returning the creek to a more natural geomorphology.
As one of the Midwest’s leading engineering, planning and design firms, SRF has the broad technical and design
expertise with a dedicated staff to assist MCWD in achieving the goals set forward for this project. We take pride
in our ability to develop environmentally sensitive solutions for complex engineering and ecological challenges.
Innovation in the field of water resources requires a complex set of skills from a wide range of practitioners. We have
assembled a team that includes LimnoTech, an environmental science and engineering firm headquartered in Ann
Arbor, Michigan, with regional offices in Oakdale, MN, Washington D.C., and the Los Angeles, CA area. LimnoTech
is nationally recognized for their skills in water science, including contaminated site and sediment evaluation. In the
following proposal, you will find information on the engineers, scientists, landscape architects, and construction
support staff that will help you to successfully complete your vision for this project.
SRF recently had the opportunity to work with MCWD staff on the Steiger Lake wetland restoration, which was
constructed in 2013. Our team is familiar with the District’s practices and procedures. Principal David Filipiak,
PE, CFM, will lead the team. David’s many years of water resources experience have provided him a unique and
practical approach to problem solving based on solid technical skills. He manages the Water Resources group at SRF
and will provide oversight and quality control. Lisa Goddard, PE, LEED AP, will manage the project to ensure that
the needs of the District are met through all phases of the project. Lisa has worked with engineers, hydrologists,
scientists, and landscape architects over the years on a variety of projects including wetland restoration, wetland
mitigation, and creek daylighting projects. She will also lead the wetland restoration design. Walter Eshenaur,
PE, will lead the design of the creek remeander. Walter has designed creek stabilization and realignments to return
several metro-area creeks to a more natural meander pattern and alignment. Hans Holmberg is a senior environmental engineer and associate vice president at LimnoTech. Hans will provide oversight and quality control for the
review of sediment analysis and water quality modeling. Doug Bradley, a senior project scientist/certified fisheries
professional with LimnoTech, will provide guidance on the design of the wetland restoration and new creek channel
to optimize habitat for fisheries. He will also provide quality control review of the creek remeander design and
w ww. s r f c ons ul ti ng . c om
One Carlson Parkway North, Suite 150 | Minneapolis, MN 55447-4443 | 763.475.0010 Fax: 763.475.2429
An Equal Opportunity Employer
plans. Jeremy Walgrave, PE, CFM, LimnoTech, will lead the water quality modeling effort and review the available
sediment analysis. Bob Moore leads SRF’s construction support staff. Bob will review construction documents for
constructability and completeness.
In addition to the staff included in the proposal, our team will be able to draw upon the expertise of over 225 professionals in our Plymouth and Oakdale offices to provide input as necessary during the design and plan preparation.
These include engineers, scientists, landscape architects, public involvement staff, construction staff, and surveyors.
This abundance of expertise has proven invaluable for projects where specialized skill sets can help identify issues
that could affect the overall outcome of the project.
SRF also has extensive knowledge of this area. We recently completed the preliminary design of the CSAH 112
through Long Lake and Orono. This includes analysis of a new culvert crossing for Long Lake Creek.
We appreciate the opportunity to propose on this project and look forward to collaborating with the MCWD. Should
you have any questions about our submittal or require additional information, please contact us at 763-475-0010.
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Lisa Goddard, PE, LEED AP
David Filipiak, PE, CFM
Project ManagerProject Principal
SRF Consulting Group Inc.
For more than 50 years, SRF has helped strengthen
communities across the Midwest. As a full-service
consulting firm, SRF’s environmental and community
planners, landscape architects, water resources,
civil, structural, and construction engineers routinely
complete complex infrastructure projects. Our
reputation for excellence is based on developing
creative solutions for the most challenging projects and
our long-term client relationships reflect our ability to
provide quality and award-winning services.
SRF team members assigned to this project have completed
numerous projects of similar or greater complexity and
technical difficulty throughout the state of Minnesota.
Their familiarity and knowledge of the project area will be a
valuable asset on this project.
Water Resources Expertise
Helping clients protect their water resources is at the
heart of what we do. We create plans tailored to meet
local or regional needs.
From designing a stream crossing that prevents erosion
to incorporating stormwater management plan that
minimizes runoff, our team of water resource engineers,
biosystem engineers, environmental scientists, and
planners work to preserve, protect, and enhance
water quality through innovative and practical water
resource management strategies. By balancing function,
aesthetics, constructability, and maintenance, we protect
our valuable resources for future generations to enjoy.
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
SRF Team Expertise
Stormwater management
Best Management Practice design
Bioengineered erosion control planning
and design
Hydrologic and hydraulic modeling
Water quality modeling
Wetland restoration design
Wetland mitigation analysis and design
Storm sewer system and culvert design
Lift station design
Hydraulic structure and energy dissipater
Stream stabilization and restoration
Bridge hydraulics and risk assessments
Riverine hydraulic modeling
Floodplain evaluation and mapping
Local, state, and federal permitting
Site development design and plan review
Long Lake Creek Corridor
Improvement Project
P h a s e
LimnoTech Services:
Watershed Resource Management - Services
including watershed management, TMDLs, water
resource monitoring and modeling, drinking water
supply studies, surface water restoration, and
habitat assessment
Contaminated Site and Sediment Remediations
- Technical and regulatory services concerning
contamination and restoration of industrial facilities,
land, groundwater, and sediments
Permitting and Regulatory Experience - Technical
and regulatory services helping municipal and
industrial clients negotiate and comply with water
and waste permit requirements, while protecting
the environment
Ecosystem Assessment and Restoration Expertise in environmental impact assessments,
ecosystem modeling, and assessment of natural
resource damages
Water Sustainability Planning - Water footprinting,
green infrastructure strategies, urban river development, sustainable agriculture, industrial water
sustainability planning
Applied Research - Mathematical modeling, aquatic
ecological assessment and ecosystem restoration, and
contaminant exposure and effects
Science in the Field - Work plan development,
monitoring and sampling strategies, data acquisition and management, quality assurance, training
and oversight, laboratory assessment
LimnoTech is an environmental science and engineering firm
headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan, with regional offices
in Oakdale, MN, Washington D.C., and the Los Angeles, CA
area. LimnoTech has successfully undertaken environmental
projects of every size throughout the United States and internationally since its founding in 1975. Our clients include municipalities, regional governmental units, the federal government,
industry, other engineering firms, legal firms, and private
We offer our clients the latest water science and engineering
in numerous specific disciplines within the broader areas
of watershed and waterway management, contaminated
site and sediment evaluation and restoration, permitting and
regulatory assistance, water sustainability and stewardship,
ecosystem studies, and applied research.
Our staff offers a unique blend of diversity and depth, with
many of our professionals possessing expertise in multiple
areas. LimnoTech senior staff are internationally recognized
experts in the fields of environmental modeling, water quality
studies, watershed assessment and management, and water
sustainability and stewardship. Company-wide, more than
75% of our staff possess advanced degrees in their fields of
LimnoTech’s projects are characterized by the highest quality
engineering services, innovative problem-solving to meet
client needs, and focus on client service. This client-based
focus has resulted in a project mix dominated (85%) by repeat
work from satisfied clients. LimnoTech’s reputation for excellence, innovation, and service is firmly rooted in our philosophy
of quality through planning and prevention rather than through
correction. Relying on sound science and technical skill, we
help our clients make practical and cost-effective decisions to
resolve disputes, achieve regulatory compliance, and protect
and improve environmental quality.
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Long Lake Creek Corridor
Improvement Project
P h a s e
The SRF team includes a blend of water resource engineers, scientists, survey and construction personnel, recognized
for their innovation in bringing a project to fruition. These professionals have the diverse set of skills needed to complete
this project. Key individuals are highlighted below with full resumes in the appendix.
Minnehaha Creek Watershed
Michael Hayman
Project Manager
Project Principal
Lisa Goddard, PE, LEED AP
David Filipiak, PE, CFM
SRF Consulting Group
Hans Holmberg
- Sediment
Dean Dusheck
- Field Survey
Lisa Goddard
- Restoration
Matt Meyer
- Plant Community
Sean Jergens
- Plant Community
Walter Eshenaur
- Remeander
Design, XPSWMM
Douglas Bradley
- Fisheries
Jeremy Walgrave
- QC, Water
Quality Benefits
Walter Eshenaur
- In-creek Habitat
Sean Jergens
- Plant Community
Erin Hunker
- Plans,
Costing and
O&M Manual
Lisa Breu
- Design Engineer
SRF Consulting Group
& Observation
Matt Meyer
- Wetland
Delineation &
Bob Moore
Walter Eshenaur
- Creek & NPDES
Walter Eshenaur
Greg Eckblad
Lisa Goddard
Sean Jergens
Lisa Goddard
- QC
Lisa Goddard, PE, LEED AP - Senior
Associate: – Lisa will serve as project
manager, overseeing all aspects of the
project. She has 17 years of experience with
SRF in drainage design, permitting, hydrologic/hydraulic modeling, plan review,
environmental documentation, and design activities.
David Filipiak, PE, CFM - Principal: David
will serve as the project principal, providing
input into the design and overseeing the
financial aspects of the project. He leads the
water resource practice at SRF, providing
leadership and guidance with 29 years of
experience for all things water within SRF.
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Hans Holmberg LimnoTech - Associate
Vice President: Hans will handle all aspects
of the sediment analysis review and reuse of
the material, as well as the regulatory aspects
of the excavation and coordination with the
MPCA. Hans has 18 years of experience
helping clients with complex technical and regulatory challenges
related to environmental issues. His experience includes more
than 50 projects covering a range of environmental issues.
Walter Eshenaur, PE - Senior Associate:
Walter will serve as the lead design engineer
for the stream remeander, assisted by
Jeremy. His 27 years of expertise includes
existing stream assessments and analysis,
natural channel design, naturalized remeander
design of ditched drainage systems, and streambank stabilization.
Long Lake Creek Corridor
Improvement Project
P h a s e
Douglas Bradley LimnoTech - Senior
Project Scientist/Certified Fisheries Professional: Doug will provide guidance on the
design of the wetland restoration and new
creek channel to optimize habitat for fisheries.
Doug has more than 16 years of experience as
a biologist and aquatic resource specialist.
Erin Hunker, PE, CFM - Associate: Erin will
manage the production of construction plans
and specifications. She is an experienced
engineer who specializes in drainage and
water resources engineering and design. She
has excellent design, hydrologic and hydraulic
modeling, communication, and project management skills.
Matt Meyer - Senior Environmental
Scientist: Matt will perform the wetland
delineations, coordinate the TEP panel, and
prepare the various wetland permits. Matt
has nine years of experience in ecological
site assessments, botanical surveys,
vegetation community mapping, delineating wetlands,
creating wetland replacement plans.
Robert Moore - Principal: Bob will oversee
the construction administration, constructability, and staging of the project. Bob has 23
years of engineering and construction
experience, including 21 years of construction
management and inspection experience.
Dean Dusheck, LS - Survey: Dean will
oversee the field survey needs of the project.
Dean has more than 30 years of experience
as a professional land surveyor and supervises SRF’s survey operations. He is involved
in all SRF projects where design surveys and/
or land surveys are required.
Jeremy Walgrave, PE, CFM LimnoTech Senior Water Resources Engineer: Jeremy
will lead the water quality modeling effort,
provide quality control of the creek design,
and review the available sediment analysis.
Jeremy is experienced in hydraulic and hydrologic design of detention basins, stormwater conveyance
systems, hydraulics for streams and rivers, and regulatory
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Sean Jergens, ASLA, LEED AP - Associate:
Sean will provide design aspects of the
planting plans and oversee installation and
maintenance. Sean joined the Landscape
Architecture group at SRF in 2005 after
receiving his Masters degree in Landscape
Architecture from the University of Minnesota. Over the past
13 years, he has gained broad experience that includes natural
resources planning, ecological design, vegetation surveys,
and use of native vegetation plantings.
Gregory Eckblad - Construction Inspector:
Greg will assist Bob with the construction
oversight, constructability, and staging of the
project. Greg has 37 years of experience
construction inspection personnel.
Lisa Breu - Engineer: Lisa will assist with
the design, modeling, and plan production.
She has valuable experience in water
resources engineering including hydrologic
and hydraulic modeling, rural and urban
drainage design, stormwater management,
and stormwater reuse. She has worked on
the design of culverts, storm sewers, and stormwater best
management practices (BMPs).
K ey S taff
% T ime
L isa G oddard
D avid F ilipiak
H ans H olmberg
W alter E shenaur
D ouglas B radley
E rin H unker
M att M eyer
B ob M oore
D ean D usheck
J eremy W algrave
S ean J ergens
G reg E ckblad
L isa B reu
Long Lake Creek Corridor
Improvement Project
P h a s e
Goals for the project include:
Water quality improvement through the remediation/removal of the sediments from the WWTP
Ecological improvement that creates a variety of
habitat types not well represented in the area
Creation of additional floodplain storage
Our approach to meeting the goals of this project are simple:
• Collect the proper data
• Mix in the right expertise at the right time
• Identify and limit risks to meeting the goals through regular
conversations with the MCWD project manager
SRF will work as an extension of the MCWD staff, bringing
expertise and horsepower to successfully complete the project.
We will provide solutions to any unexpected issues encountered
in the data collection phase and will work to develop solutions
to unforeseen challenges throughout construction. Specific
elements of our approach are found in the following sections:
Expertise. The SRF team includes experts needed for this
project within both SRF and LimnoTech. Each will provide
elements of the design, with the other providing over the
shoulder reviews at key times in the design, including
an overall quality control review of the final products. This
collaborative effort is paramount to the success of the overall
design and final construction. This relationship is identified in
the organizational chart and assignments.
Coordination. Good communication is the key to successful
implementation. Our scope includes regular discussions
between project managers, as well as the meetings listed in
the RFP to make sure the project is headed in the right direction.
Schedule. A clear schedule and task assignments are critical
to begin excavation the fall of 2014. We will begin the data
collection task as soon as we receive an official notice to
proceed, which we anticipate to occur by May 30, 2014.
Key elements to meeting this goal include sewage lagoon
sediments, permitting concerns, and the potential for an EAW.
Data Collection. This includes reviewing the project
resources listed in the Request for Proposal (RFP) and
collecting topographic survey. The SRF team will compile
readily available and relevant data and information to support
the analysis of the sediment conditions in the former Long
Lake sewage lagoon and to support the decision-making
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
process for handling of the sediment. We will facilitate a
meeting in Task E and discussions with MPCA to review and
gain consensus on the results of the sediment data compilation, determine if additional sediment samples and analysis
are needed, and gain consensus on the ultimate disposal or
reuse recommendation for the sediment.
Analysis/Design. Design elements include the creek
remeander and wetland restoration. Within the wetland, the
creek will naturally tend to spread and flow without a single
defined channel. Our approach will be to provide a gently
sinuous flow path through the wetland and add bottom
undulations throughout in order to encourage vegetative
variety and fish habitat. Downstream, the creek is currently an
incised ditch that is disconnected from its floodplain. We will
first assess the creek to determine its current geomorphic
condition and compare that to its historic condition, if
historic maps and air photos are available. We will design
a meandering fluvial stream system that will not degrade
under current flows and hydrology. The creek will be reconnected to its floodplain with a riparian fringe that produces
a fully naturalized, stable morphology. Depending upon
elevations between the upstream wetland and downstream
culvert, riffles and pools may be added to adjust the grade. In
addition, fish and invertebrate habitat will be provided in the
form of intentionally created scour holes and refuges formed
with root wads or rock vanes.
The wetland restoration design will begin with the conceptual
drawing in the RFP and be refined based on field survey,
sediment remediation/removal needs, and input regarding
creation of fish habitat. As shown in the RFP, the wetland is
intended to include areas of shallow marsh, deep marsh, and
open water. In addition to designing a contour plan to provide
a natural wetland-type variation, the wetland vegetation plan
will be designed consistent with the varying water depths
and flow regimes caused by the realignment of the creek
through the wetland with the intent to provide a diverse
habitat that could provide spawning areas for game fish.
The restoration design will be influenced by elements that
would support beneficial uses for aquatic life, including water
depths, structure, and vegetation.
Another facet that may impact the overall design is the desire
to provide water quality improvements. The expected water
quality benefits of the restoration project will be quantified
using an appropriate tool for assessing the benefits of the
restoration based on a clear understanding of the project
objectives. At the kickoff meeting, the SRF team will discuss
the water quality tool options and decide on a methodology.
Based on past experience, the initial recommendation is that
Long Lake Creek Corridor
Improvement Project
P h a s e
either P8 or SWMM be used to quantify the water quality
benefits. LimnoTech has successfully implemented innovations to the EPA SWMM model for the specific purpose of
assessing water quality benefits of BMPs. The team will
quantify the expected increase in floodplain storage and
update the MCWD’s XP-SWMM model with the proposed
stage-storage elevation and diversions to evaluate the effect
on the water surface elevations and peak flows in the creek
during the 1-, 10-, and 100-year rainfall events (SCS Type II,
24-hour distribution). The two-year event will also be analyzed
to determine the bank-full depth and to guide the channel
cross-section design.
Construction Documents/Report. The Preliminary
Engineering and Design Report phase (Task B) will conclude
with the preparation of 60% plan sheets (as listed in the
RFP) and draft report for review by MCWD staff, Board,
and the regulatory agencies. Grading and special details
will be discussed with SRF’s construction staff to ensure
constructability. The report will document the preliminary
probable costs, all calculations and model results, and a draft
operation and maintenance plan for vegetation management
and other key aspects of the project. The Final Engineering
and Design Report and Construction Bid Documents will
progress directly from the 60% design, with refinements
to respond to comments. The schedule shown on page
9 reflects necessary steps to begin construction in early
December 2014. Essential to this process are timely reviews
and decision-making.
Permitting. To facilitate the permitting process, SRF will
coordinate with other agencies throughout the design, with
particular emphasis placed on the Preliminary Engineering
phase. Comments and concerns raised by the agencies will
be incorporated into the plans to the degree practicable. We
understand MCWD would like construction to begin in the
latter part of 2014, starting with dewatering and sediment
excavation. Our recent experience and correspondence
with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), shows
that typical permit review times are currently running 120 to
160 days. Therefore, our approach will be to engage USACE
early during the preliminary design and advance the design
as quickly as possible such that a permit package can be
submitted immediately following the District Board meeting
for the 60% design phase.
Construction Administration. Based on our previous
experience, we recommend that the contracts for
construction and for planting and seeding be separately
bid and administered. Onsite observation and regular field
meetings with the contractor are essential to creek realignments such as this.
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Our approach and associated budget follows the
scope in the RFP, with the following assumptions:
MCWD will provide electronic or paper copies of the
resources listed in item 5 of the RFP.
The number of sediment samples analyzed for the
MCES 2012 study will be sufficient to gain consensus
with the MPCA on the ultimate recommendation for
disposal or reuse of the sediment.
The District’s XP-SWMM model has sufficient detail
of the existing condition (storage for all detention
basins, creek cross section and profile, and conduit
information) to allow a comparison of existing to
proposed conditions. Minimal changes will be
necessary to model the proposed changes.
Only one alternative will be investigated for the
wetland and creek remeander design.
A monitoring plan will not be required by the US
Army Corps of Engineers.
MCWD will secure all permissions for property
access for wetland delineations.
Historic aerial photo analysis will not be required for
the wetland delineation.
One site visit for TEP meeting and review of delineated boundaries will occur.
Wetland delineation will be of proposed reconstruction areas as defined by Figure 2 of the RFP.
Post-project MNRAM will be based upon contour
and planting plans (not after plant establishment).
MNRAM assessment will only be completed for the
restoration of the former lagoon.
MCWD staff will perform plant warranty inspections.
Construction phasing is shown in the attached
Proposed Construction Phasing Plan. Actual
construction time is assumed to be a total of
three months.
Construction meetings will take place weekly
during the construction months and include a walkthrough of the site. Including the weekly meetings,
construction observation will be an average of
five hours per week. Staff rates assume the project
is completed per the schedule outlined in the RFP
and as reflected in the following section.
Long Lake Creek Corridor
Improvement Project
P h a s e
14Feb12 DRAFT
Phasing Plan
3. Option
1 [Online]
Phase I =
Phase II =
Phase III =
Phase I Remove soils, evacuate wetland, grade to final form, install vegetation.
Timeframe Late 2014 – Early 2015
Phase II A. Turn creek into wetland and utilize existing outlet structure of temporary discharge point.
B. Convert ditch to wetland and vegetate.
C. Construct remeander & riparian fringe. Timeframe October – November 2015
Phase III A. Reconstruct grade control riffle/pool and connect creek to new channel.
B. Remove existing outlet structure. Timeframe September – October 2016
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Page 5
Long Lake Creek Corridor
Improvement Project
P h a s e
Upon selection, we will work with MCWD staff to determine
which of the following optional tasks should be incorporated
into the project and to provide more detail for the work
expected. The SRF team has years of experience completing
projects which include the following tasks. Based on this
experience, we believe the fees associated with the tasks
to be as follows:
• Additional sediment sampling/analysis - $10,000 to
$12,000: This task would provide budget to address
sampling if after the meeting with the MPCA additional
sampling is needed to better define the alternative uses.
• Wetland monitoring plan - $2,200 to $28,000: This optional
task involves monitoring the establishment of the wetland
complex based on various regulations. There are two
potential levels of monitoring as noted below.
–– $2,200 to $2,600 assuming that MCWD staff will
conduct the 5-year monitoring, prepare the yearly
reports, and delineate the wetland at the completion
of fifth year.
–– $25,000.00 to $30,000.00 if SRF staff will also
conduct the 5-year monitoring, prepare the yearly
reports, and delineate the wetland at the completion
of fifth year.
• Prepare EAW - $22,000.00 to $28,000.00: A review of
the EQB manual suggests that the project may meet
the threshold for a mandatory EAW. Task B includes
initial coordination with State agencies to clarify if this
project meets the threshold. In addition, you could elect
to prepare a discretionary EAW if it appears that an EAW
could facilitate the permitting process. SRF staff has
expertise in the preparation of EAWs and can add this
work as an optional task at your request. A suggested
budget is indicated in the following section.
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Long Lake Creek Corridor
Improvement Project
P h a s e
The following schedule outlines our approach to completing the project in the timelines identified in the RFP. There are a number of key meetings and milestones to
meeting the overall schedule – each will be discussed at the kickoff meeting and the schedule modified as agreed to by both project managers.
A. Data Collection
- Topographic survey
- Sediment samples (if needed)
B. Preliminary Engineering and Design Report
- Submit 60% deliverables
- Client review and comments
C. Final Engineering and Design Report
- Submit 90% deliverables
- Client review and comments
D. Permitting
- Submit Section 404 and DNR Joint Permits
- Submit other permits
E. Design Meetings
- Kickoff
- Permit coordination
- 60% review
- MCWD Board (60% stage)
- Stakeholder meeting
F. Construction Bid Documents and Bidding
- Advertise for bids
- Bid opening
G. Construction Observation & Administration
- Preconstruction meeting
Long Lake Creek Corridor
Project P
MCWD Improvement
h a s e
Kimmes-Tobin Wetland Mitigation Site: Plant Community Succession
Scenarios & Monitoring Plan
Douglas County, Wisconsin
Clear Creek
8 7
Aquatic Bed
Deep Marsh
Scrub Shrub
Shallow Marsh
Mud Creek
Wet Meadow
The Kimmes - Tobin Wetland Mitigation Site, constructed in
1993, has provided 168 acres of wetland mitigation for the
Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT). The site
is situated on an elevated plateau between Mud Creek and
Clear Creek, both tributaries of the Nemadji River. Since
construction, excess surface hydrology and subsequent
wave action and muskrat activity at the Kimmes-Tobin Site
has resulted in berm deterioration and erosion.
SRF was retained by WisDOT to study viable methods to
strengthen berms that impound the 17-celled site. The Phase
I Study recommended a surface water drawdown of one to
two feet in several of the basins, berm repairs, and installation of several new water level control structures. These
modifications have the potential to promote plant community
succession; some wetlands may convert to other wetland
types, and some drier type wetlands (e.g., wet meadows)
may convert to uplands.
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Figure 4
SRF submitted a Technical Memorandum, which described
post-engineering scenarios of plant community succession
and summarized a plan to monitor these vegetation changes.
Plant community succession scenarios discussed included
Natural Passive Succession, Guided Succession (intensive
planting of native seed mixes, plugs, and whips), and Natural
Passive Succession with Limited Pilot Studies.
Sandra Pease | Wisconsin Department of Transportation
1701 North 4th Street
Superior, WI 54880-1068
715.395.3029 |
Long Lake Creek Corridor
Improvement Project
P h a s e
Neill Lake
Eden Prairie, Minnesota
Neill Lake, located in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, is a man-made
lake that was created in the early 1970’s from a wetland in
order to provide lakefront property for a number of homes
along the current shoreline. To create the lake, a berm was
constructed through the existing wetland that raised the
water levels six to eight feet, creating approximately 36.5
acres of open water.
Over the years since its construction, the berm has experienced some instabilities, has settled is several areas, and
has degraded to the point where it could potentially breach
in a flood event. A complicating factor was the presence of
muskrat burrows along the open water side of the berm that
served to weaken it further.
SRF Consulting Group was retained by the City of Eden
Prairie to conduct a geotechnical and stability analysis of the
berm for various water elevations and under various storm
events, and to complete a stabilization design. The design
included raising the berm and leveling it where necessary,
widening the top where necessary, adding two vehicle
turnarounds, specifying native vegetation, and providing a
trail where hikers could walk. In 2012, the berm stabilization
construction was completed. Berm vegetation monitoring
is currently being conducted by SRF staff to ensure that full
establishment is obtained.
Leslie Stovring | Environmental Coordinator
City of Eden Prairie
8080 Mitchell Road
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
952.949.8327 |
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Long Lake Creek Corridor
Improvement Project
P h a s e
I-494 Wetland Mitigation
Minnetrista, Minnesota
Reconstruction of the I-494 corridor was anticipated to result
in approximately 25 acres of wetland impact. In order to
replace this impact with the required new and public value
wetland mitigation credits, SRF assisted MnDOT in identifying and assessing a number of sites for wetland restoration, which resulted in the selection of a 110-acre parcel of
land in the township of Minnetrista.
Many years earlier, drain tile had been installed for agricultural
purposes which allowed much of the land to completely drain
and become infested with non-native vegetation (primarily
reed canary grass) with some areas of scrub trees. In order
to restore the site, SRF, together with MnDOT, the Hennepin
Conservation District and the four adjacent landowners,
coordinated discussions and decisions on technical issues,
vegetation design, conservation easements and engineering.
SRF evaluated existing conditions and conducted a site survey,
assessed the hydrologic conditions, designed a drainage
control structure, developed a grading plan, and designed
a native vegetation establishment and management plan
to restore the wetland to its previous undrained condition.
The project is anticipated to yield approximately 50 acres of
new wetland credit and 25 acres of public value credit. This
project was designed with the support and input of MnDOT
Metro Division staff.
Katherine Heinz | MnDOT
1500 W Co Rd B2
Roseville, MN 55113
651/234-7532 |
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Long Lake Creek Corridor
Improvement Project
P h a s e
Steiger Lake Wetland Restoration
Victoria, Minnesota
Steiger Lake, in northeastern Carver County, has historically
experienced good water quality, with in-lake nutrient concentrations below the thresholds for the 303d Impaired Waters
List. However, in 2008 the average concentration was 44
μg/L, which did not meet the goal set by the Minnehaha
Creek Watershed District (MCWD). MCWD took the step
to pro-actively protect the lake while its water quality was
still relatively good and retained SRF to perform a feasibility
study of options to provide treatment for two upstream
The study investigated the feasibility, size, and scope of a
wet detention pond or other best management practice
to provide treatment at the site of a drained wetland. The
water treatment goal was to remove at least half of the
total phosphorus load projected to be contributed by the
two sub-watersheds under the ultimate 2020 development
conditions. A variety of alternatives were investigated,
including a large wet detention basin covering the majority
of the site and three different wetland restoration options.
The study also looked at the potential to expand an existing
stormwater pond, located across TH 5 from the wetland, to
assist with phosphorus removal.
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
We used XP-SWMM and PondNet to evaluate the potential
of the various alternatives to obtain the desired phosphorus
reductions. Each scenario included probably costs, expected
pollutant removal efficiencies, and construction concerns.
Based on this study, MCWD chose to move forward with a
full restoration of the wetland and retained SRF to perform
the final design and prepare construction documents.
Construction was completed in 2013 with the plant establishment inspections continuing for the next three growing
Renae Clark | Project Manager
Minnehaha Creek Watershed District
15320 Minnetonka Boulevard
Minnetonka, MN 55345
952.471.0590 |
Long Lake Creek Corridor
Improvement Project
P h a s e
Hardwood Creek Restoration
Lino Lakes and Hugo, Minnesota
Hardwood Creek is a major stream system within the Rice
Creek Watershed District (RCWD) that includes a significant
portion of rural and agricultural areas in Washington and Anoka
Counties. The upper portion of the Hardwood Creek drainage
way is a broad, low-lying swale containing wetland communities of significant natural resource values. Downstream,
the soils get sandier and the topography slightly increases.
The lower section of the creek has been adversely impacted
by development in the upper reaches as well as by property
owners in the early part of the last century who straightened
or added ditches to increase arable land. Numerous reaches
of Hardwood Creek were identified to be in need of stabilization, re-meander, restoration, and/or management.
In order to improve the biological integrity of Lower Hardwood
Creek, the SRF team implemented two major restorations
to reduce sediment loading and improve dissolved oxygen.
They included a stream re-meander project along 1800 feet
of a previously ditched reach of the Creek and a floodplain
reconnection project along another 500-foot reach. These
restorations also included bioengineered solutions to stabilization such as root wads and live stakes along with strategically placed scour holes.
Matthew Kocian | Lake and Stream Specialist
Rice Creek Watershed District
4325 Pheasant Ridge Drive, Suite 611
Blaine, MN 55449
763.398.3070 |
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Long Lake Creek Corridor
Improvement Project
P h a s e
Purgatory Creek Bank Stabilization
Eden Prairie, Minnesota
Purgatory Creek is an urban stream that, over the years,
experienced a significant increase in flow and volume due to
increases in impervious surface within its watershed. As flow
rates and volumes increased, so did stream bank erosion.
In particular two reaches, totaling approximately 420 feet,
located just below Riverview Road in the Minnesota River
floodplain, experienced extensive erosion and streambank
deterioration. A small wetland located along the creek’s
overbank in Reach 1, fed by groundwater from a perched
pond, together with the embankment that separates the
pond from the Creek were being threatened. Reach 2 was
threatening to consume a large part of a property owner’s
land as it tried to create an oxbow.
Implemented by the City with 50 percent matching funding
from the Lower Minnesota River Watershed District
(LMRWD), this project began with determining the Creek’s
characteristics such as entrenchment ratio (6), width to depth
ratio (7), sinuosity (1.3) and slope (1.0%). Based on these
parameters, a Rosgen’s classification of E5 was determined.
Bankfull discharge based on the 1.5 year flow recurrence
was computed and then velocities and finally, streambank
shear stress values were calculated for this condition plus
several other flow regimes.
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
These values were compared to permissible values based
on geotechnical analysis of soils properties. Highest shear
stress zones were then identified and a bioengineered
solution selected. Based on the relatively high velocities and
shear stresses that would be experienced through these
two reaches, a vegetated geogrid system that involves the
construction geotextile wrapped “pillows” of soil and/or
suitable backfill, and a riprap toe was selected. Watershed
district and DNR permits were obtained, and final designs
were completed.
SRF also provided construction administration services.
Leslie Stovring | Environmental Coordinator
City of Eden Prairie
8080 Mitchell Road
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
952.949.8327 |
Long Lake Creek Corridor
Improvement Project
P h a s e
Alger Park Stream and Watershed Restoration Design | LimnoTech
DC Department of the Environment (DDOE)
Project Highlights / Benefits
• Performed geomorphic
channel assessments,
sampling, physical
habitat assessments,
and vegetation surveys
to understand stream
conditions and stressors.
• Used GIS analyses,
hydrologic and hydraulic
modeling, and the results
of field investigations to
design green infrastructure
practices and stream
restoration strategies.
LimnoTech is working with the District Department of the
Environment to assess, characterize, and develop restoration
design alternatives (30%) for a degraded stream and its
watershed in and around Alger Park, a small neighborhood
park in Washington, DC. Alger Park is a seven-acre park within
the Anacostia River watershed in the southeast quadrant of
the District. The park is steeply sloped and densely forested
and contains a small, unnamed perennial stream channel
over 1,600 feet in length. The stream is fed by groundwater
seeps and overland and piped stormwater discharges. The
upstream portion of the stream is characterized by steeply
eroding valley slopes and stream banks, severe channel
incision, and numerous headcuts. The downstream portion
is a depositional area for a significant volume of sediment
scoured from upstream reaches. A combination of excessive
unmanaged stormwater flows from outfalls and overland
flow pathways, along with steep topography, highly erodible
soils, and invasive vegetation, are contributing to the impairments observed in the stream and surrounding park.
The design of stormwater management retrofits was focused
on distributed green infrastructure practices within the transportation right-of-way, including permeable pavement applications and street-side bioretention. Outfalls to the stream
were retrofitted with drop structures to arrest high velocities
or with regenerative storm conveyance systems to attenuate
flows and achieve pollutant reduction benefits.
LimnoTech conducted extensive field investigations within Alger
Park. A simple hydrologic model (TR-55) and hydraulic model
(HEC-RAS) were developed to further understand existing and
future design conditions. LimnoTech synthesized the results of
these investigations and analyses and developed design alternatives for restoration of the stream and for more effective
stormwater management in the surrounding watershed.
LimnoTech developed a conceptual design report, 30%
CAD drawings for each of the design alternatives, and an
engineer’s cost estimate for each alternative. A rendering
was also created to help communicate design concepts with
the surrounding community.
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Within the stream itself, the restoration design focused on
creating a natural, stable, self-sustaining stream; preventing
further mass wasting and downstream sediment transport;
and improving instream and riparian habitat. In the steep upper
reaches of the stream, a natural step-pool channel design was
utilized to safely convey stream flow down the steep grade. In
the downstream depositional reach, the valley form was utilized
to create a braided wetland area. Bioengineering techniques
were utilized to stabilize and secure the eroding steep valley
sides. Two distinct design alternatives were developed for the
stream restoration focused on these general design approaches.
Long Lake Creek Corridor
Improvement Project
P h a s e
Water Quality Benefits of Stormwater Control Measures in the Lick
Run Watershed | LimnoTech
Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati (MSD)
Project Highlights / Benefits
• Green development
features will replace gray
infrastructure alternative
• Developed models to
estimate nutrient, solids,
and bacteria load reductions
for various stormwater
control facilities
• Stormwater control features
will provide pollutant load
reductions and hydrologic
The Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati (MSD)
is required, under a federal consent decree, to remove 85%
of the 14 billion gallons of combined sewage that overflows
into area rivers and streams. The consent decree includes
a default project that would require the construction of a
30-foot-diameter, 1.5-mile-long tunnel below Mill Creek.
MSD has developed a Sustainable Watershed Evaluation
Process to evaluate alternatives to the deep tunnel. The Lick
Run Project, MSD’s signature project to establish sustainable
solutions for sewer overflows, is an alternative to the deep
tunnel. It includes community redevelopment with green
infrastructure, stream daylighting, and stormwater control
In Phase 1, LimnoTech developed a screening-level modeling
tool to provide estimates of pollutant load reductions
associated with implementation of a stormwater control
program as part of the Lick Run Project. LimnoTech developed
a model using SUSTAIN and updated the existing SWMM
model to include processes for estimating nutrient, solids, and
bacteria loading to a variety of stormwater control facilities.
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
In Phase 2, LimnoTech evaluated a variety of stormwater
control measures and their placement within the watershed
to determine their potential water quality improvement
benefits of the measures. Through a process of modeling
and site evaluation, LimnoTech analyzed alternative stormwater control measures and identified a recommended set of
stormwater control measures for the Lick Run watershed to
provide substantial pollutant load reduction, as well as hydrologic benefit. LimnoTech developed conceptual designs for the
recommended stormwater control measures and provided
general consultation to MSD concerning integration of the
measures into the overall plan for Lick Run. It is estimated
that the recommended projects will reduce nutrient loads
from Lick Run to Mill Creek proportionate to the load reduction
targets established by the Mill Creek TMDL, and will provide
substantial reductions in bacteria and suspended solids as
Long Lake Creek Corridor
Improvement Project
P h a s e
Engineering Design and EAW for the Grassy Point Habitat
Restoration Project, St. Louis River Area of Concern | LimnoTech
Minnesota Land Trust
LimnoTech is undertaking an engineering design for site
restoration at Grassy Point, located in the St. Louis River
Area of Concern. The project includes field investigations to
define wastes present at the site and planning of restoration
elements including upstream wetlands, open-water habitat,
enhanced littoral zones, and island construction.
Grassy Point is a 130-acre site located within the St. Louis
River estuary, and is a priority restoration site within the St.
Louis River Area of Concern (AOC). Wood waste materials
from sawmill operations during the late 1800s through the
early 1900s have limited the biologic productivity, habitat
potential, and recreational use of this former sheltered
Under separate contract, LimnoTech developed a conceptual
design plan for site restoration in concert with local resource
managers. This vision is now moving forward, as LimnoTech
has contracted with Minnesota Land Trust to complete
an engineering design and environmental assessment
worksheet (EAW) for site restoration.
As part of engineering design development, LimnoTech conducted
field investigations to define the horizontal and vertical extent of
wood waste and other sediment types present at the site.
Primary construction elements of the plan consist of wood
waste removal and, where possible, reuse of the wood
waste in the construction of the restoration design elements.
The overall plan addresses applicable restoration objectives
and contributes to removal of BUIs (i.e., degraded fish and
wildlife populations, degradation of benthos; excessive
loading of nutrients and sediments, and loss of fish and
wildlife habitat) at Grassy Point, as well as within the AOC
to contribute to the overall delisting of BUIs within the AOC.
The major restoration elements for the site
• An upstream wetland complex with a sediment trap
• Improved open-water habitat;
• Estuary flats habitat;
• Enhanced littoral zones with emergent, floating,
and submergent vegetation; and
• Island construction and enhancement with trees
and shrub-carr vegetation.
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Long Lake Creek Corridor
Improvement Project
P h a s e
Springhouse Run Stream Restoration and Bioretention Retrofit Design
DC Department of Environment (DDoE)
Project Highlights / Benefits
• Collected and evaluated data
to support modeling
• Developed model of channel
hydraulics based on historic
rainfall data and specific bank
overtopping rain events
• Developed erosion and
sediment control plan for
bioretention retrofits benefits
LimnoTech is working with DDOE and the U.S. National
Arboretum (Arboretum) to develop stream restoration design
plans for Springhouse Run, an urbanized tributary of Hickey
Run within the Arboretum property in Washington, DC.
LimnoTech is developing 100% design drawings and specifications, securing the requisite permits, and producing the
construction bid packages. This project also includes developing full design plans and specifications for bioretention
retrofits in the parking lot of the Arboretum.
LimnoTech completed the conceptual 30% design phase,
which included engineering design drawings and a conceptual
design report. For this phase, existing stream and watershed
condition data were compiled and additional field data critical
for design were collected, including field evaluations of channel
substrate, bankfull channel geometry, and potential utility
and infrastructure conflicts. LimnoTech also compiled and
analyzed GIS survey data to establish existing condition crosssections and the longitudinal profile of the stream. From this
and other collected data, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling
of the watershed and the stream channel was performed to
better understand critical bankfull peak flow rates and flood
stages. Without reliable stream gauge data, LimnoTech staff
developed a model of channel hydraulics based on actual
historic rainfall data and anecdotal information on specific
bank overtopping rain events. This approach is more reliable
than traditional approaches using regional regressions. Natural
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
channel design methods were then employed to specify
critical design parameters and reference conditions. These
parameters were then used along with design calculations
to develop a stable, self-sustaining, context-sensitive stream
design. The design includes over 1,700 feet of channel restoration and floodplain reconnection and over 40,000 square
feet of riparian wetlands.
LimnoTech is currently completing the 60% design, which
includes more detailed plan drawings and design crosssections, structure details, an erosion and sediment control
plan, and a planting plan. Construction specifications and
revised cost estimates will also be prepared. The 60%
design will also include a more detailed hydrologic and
hydraulic study that evaluates flood stages, stream velocity,
shear stress, and stream power, and compares existing and
proposed flood conditions. The analysis will also evaluate
and compare existing and proposed sediment transport with
respect to both competency and capacity.
For the bioretention retrofits in the Arboretum parking lots,
LimnoTech developed 100% design drawings and details,
construction specifications, and an erosion and sediment
control plan for five bioretention retrofits. The bioretention
retrofits were sited in areas that take advantage of existing
drainage patterns and were sized to maximize stormwater
retention in the space available.
Long Lake Creek Corridor
Improvement Project
P h a s e
Project Budget Worksheet
We have included our project budget worksheet in separate, sealed envelope, per the RFP instructions.
Contact Information
Lisa Goddard, PE | Project Manager
Water Resources Group
763.249.6743 |
Conflicts of Interest
SRF has worked on projects with various cities within the District (including Wayzata, Minnetonka and Orono), Hennepin
County and MnDOT. We are not currently working on any projects within or adjacent to the identified study areas. We anticipate beginning design of the CSAH 112 Reconstruction for Hennepin County this summer, 2014. While not directly adjacent
to the corridor, we wanted to make the MCWD aware of this commitment.
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Long Lake Creek Corridor
Improvement Project
P h a s e
David Filipiak, PE, CFM
• Hydrologic Modeling and
David leads the water resource practice at SRF, providing leadership and
guidance with 29 years of experience for all things water within SRF.
The group focuses on developing environmentally friendly solutions for
complex engineering and ecological challenges. His expertise includes
stormwater management planning for site and highway projects,
hydrologic and hydraulic modeling of both urban and rural watersheds,
preliminary and final design for major storm sewer projects, regional
and site-specific Best Management Practice design, and major wetland
restoration projects. He excels at developing innovative stormwater
treatment solutions for both linear and site projects. All of these
projects involve complex permitting requirements, which are obtained
through early coordination with the regulatory agencies.
• Water Resources Planning
David have served on numerous research committees funded by the
Local Road Research Board (LRRB) and the Minnesota Pollution Control
Agency (MPCA) as well as other research projects on stormwater. He
currently on an advisory committee studying effective impervious area
with the University of Minnesota funded through the LRRB.
• Wetland Mitigation Site Evaluation/
Water Resources
• Hydraulic Engineering
• Drainage Design
• Water Quality Modeling and
B.C.E., University of Minnesota, 1983
Professional Engineer: Minnesota
Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM)
Professional Affiliations
Environmental Planning Projects
• Williston Bypass Water Resources, Williston, North Dakota
• Central Corridor Green Infrastructure Study, Saint Paul & Minneapolis,
• Evergreen Reuse Study, Roseville, MN
• Steiger Lake Wetland Restoration Feasibility Study and Construction
Plans and Administration, Victoria, Minnesota
• Bailey Woodlands Pond Maintenance/Ravine Stabilization Feasibility
Study and Construction Documents, Rochester, Minnesota
American Society of Civil Engineers
• Willow Hills Pond Renovation/Construction Plans, Rochester,
Association of State Floodplain
• Bamber Ridge Pond Renovation & Ravine Stabilization/Construction
Plans, Rochester, Minnesota
• Lake McCarrons Subwatershed BMP Clean Water Partnership
Project – Analysis Report, Reuse Study, Roseville, Minnesota
• Emergency Flooding Analysis – Minnehaha Creek Corridor Park
Properties, Minneapolis, Minnesota
• Stormwater Maintenance BMP Resource Guide, Local Road
Research Board Report
• Decision Tree for Stormwater BMP’s, Local Road Research Board
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Long Lake Creek Corridor
Improvement Project
P h a s e
L isa G oddard , PE, LEED AP
Senior Associate
• Stormwater Best Management
Practices (BMPs) Design
• Low-Impact Development (LID),
Green Infrastructure, and UltraUrban BMPs
• Drainage Design/Infrastructure
• Hydrologic/Hydraulic Modeling
• Preliminary Design
• Final Design
• Groundwater
Bachelor of Civil Engineering,
University of Minnesota
Professional Engineer: Minnesota
LEED Accredited Professional
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Design (SWPPP)
Professional Affiliations
American Society of Civil Engineers
Volunteer Affiliations
Lisa has 17 years of experience with SRF in drainage design, permitting,
hydrologic/hydraulic modeling, plan review, environmental documentation,
and design activities. She has worked on projects that have ranged from
preliminary design/master planning to final design and post-construction
assistance. She has been the Water Resources Project Manager for
several large-scale site projects and has expertise in stormwater planning
for complex linear projects, working as a project manager and engineer
for several Minnesota Department of Transportation, municipal and county
water resources projects.
Her projects have included extensive use of XP-SWMM, HydroCAD,
P8, and other modeling software. Lisa has designed several wetland
mitigation, wetland restoration, and creek day lighting projects, including
I-94 in Brooklyn Park, the Field Maintenance Shop for the Army National
Guard, Steiger Lake wetland, and Shingle Creek daylighting concepts in
Brooklyn Center. She is certified in the design of Stormwater Pollution
Prevention Plans (SWPPP) and is a LEED Accredited Professional. She
currently serves as an alternate commissioner for the Bassett Creek
Watershed Management Commission.
Select Wetland/Creek Design Experience
• Steiger Lake Wetland Restoration, Victoria, Minnesota. Project
• Minnesota Army National Guard Field Maintenance Shop, Arden Hills
Training Site, Minnesota. Water Resources Project Manager.
• I-94 Final Drainage Design, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota.
Select County
Municipal Experience
• CSAH 112 Preliminary Design, Long Lake and Orono, Minnesota.
Water Resources Project Manager.
• Central Corridor Stormwater and Green Infrastructure Plan,
Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Bassett Creek Watershed
Management Commission - Alternate
• Carver CSAH 11 Realignment Environmental Assessment (EA) and
Final Design, Chaska, Minnesota. Water Resources Project Manager.
Annual Water Resources Conference
Planning Committee
Select Project Experience
Continuing Education
Low-Impact Development (LID)
Stream Bank Restoration and Chloride
Effects on Water Resources
Design of Stormwater Pollution
Prevention Plans
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
in mcwd
• I-35W/TH 62 Crosstown Commons Reconstruction EA through
Preliminary and Final Design, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Water
Resources Project Manager.
• TH 5 Preliminary and Final Design, Waconia, Minnesota. Water
Resources Project Manager.
Long Lake Creek Corridor
Project P
MCWD Improvement
h a s e
H ans H olmberg | L imno T ech
Senior Environmental Engineer/ Associate Vice President
• Regulatory Compliance
• Water Resource/Water Quality
• NPDES Permitting, Watershed
Studies, Mixing Zone Studies,
TMDLs, UAAs, and RCRA and
CERCLA Investigations
• Hydrologic, Hydraulic/Hydrodynamic, Water Quality, and
Sediment Transport Processes
• POTWs, Stormwater, Industrial
Discharges, Agricultural Runoff,
and Groundwater-Surface Water
Hans has 18 years of experience serving clients facing complex technical
and regulatory challenges related to environmental issues. He works
closely with his clients to develop innovative, efficient, and cost-effective
solutions for a range of water resource-related problems. Hans focuses
on client service, technical expertise, and a cooperative approach to
stakeholder involvement and regulatory negotiations to successfully
resolve complex water resources issues. Hans emphasizes the need
to provide scientifically sound assessments that both the regulated
community and regulatory agencies can use to inform decisions.
Hans’ experience includes more than 50 projects covering a range
of environmental issues. Hans has managed state- and national-level
projects, addressing contaminated sediments, development of appropriate
water quality standards, Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs), nutrient
loadings, and urban wet weather impacts on water quality. Hans has also
supported U.S. EPA and state agencies in developing policy and technical
guidance, and implementing requirements of the Clean Water Act and
state regulations.
MS, Civil & Env. Eng., Univ. of
Wisconsin-Madison, 1993
Hans’ services include strategic planning for regulatory compliance,
technical support and guidance, project management, presentation of
findings, and negotiation with regulatory agencies. He has facilitated
numerous stakeholder efforts and has led studies which rely on developing
an understanding of approaches taken nationally and tailoring
BS, Mechanical Eng., Univ. of
Wisconsin-Madison, 1992
Project Experience
Professional Certifications
• St. Louis River Area of Concern Implementation Framework
Professional Engineer: Michigan &
• Minnesota Watershed Restoration and Protection Report
Board Certified Environmental
Engineer (Diplomate), American
Academy of Environmental Engineers
Career Highlights
• Strategic planning & implementation
of water quality studies at more than
30 sites.
• Successful negotiation of permit limits
for numerous dischargers across the
United States.
• TMDL for Medicine Lake, Minnesota
• Development of Protocols for Lake Nutrient TMDLs
• Lake St. Croix Implementation Plan
• Twin Cities Metro Chloride Project. Lake Pepin Water Quality
Modeling Project
• Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) Research Projects
on TMDLs and UAAs
• TMDL Development for Lac Courte Oreilles
• Management of national research
projects for the Water Environment
Research Foundation for TMDLs & UAAs.
• Contaminated Sediment Fate and Transport Modeling in the Fox River
and Green Bay, Wisconsin
• State-of-the-art data analysis &
mathematical modeling for the
assessment of water quality
processes, including eutrophication
and contaminated sediment transport.
• Development of Riverbank Restoration Guidance for the Mississippi
Watershed Management Organization
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
• Development of a “Model” Sediment TMDL
Long Lake Creek Corridor
Project P
MCWD Improvement
h a s e
W alter E shenaur , PE
Senior Associate
• Stream Realignment and Bank
• Stream Restoration and
• Wetland Restoration and Mitigation
• Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling
• Bioengineering/Best Management
• Floodplain, Floodway and Flood
Stage Analysis
• Hydraulic Structure Analysis and
• Water Quality Hydrologic and
Hydraulic Model Calibration
• Surface Water Runoff Quantity and
Quality Data Collection and Analysis
• Surface Water Management,
Catchment and Conveyance
• Hydrology and Flood Routing
• Stormwater Conveyance System
• Surface Water Treatment Systems
and Trains
• Groundwater Resource
M.S., Agricultural Engineering,
University of Minnesota
B.S., Agricultural Engineering,
University of Minnesota
Professional Engineer: Minnesota
#40929, North Dakota #8651
SWPPP Design
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Walter has 27 years of experience in water resources related
to stream restoration, channel stabilization, gully stabilization,
and natural resources. His expertise includes existing stream
assessments and analysis, natural channel design, naturalized
remeander design of ditched drainage systems, and streambank
stabilization. Walter is also experienced in wetland mitigation
design and wetland hydrology analysis. His technical skills include
stream assessments, hydrology, hydraulics, stream and river
modeling, and stabilized channel design. He also has experience
assessing, modeling and designing systems to improve surface
water quality, and applying innovative BMPs and bioengineered
solutions to the treatment and conveyance of storm water runoff.
Walter has in-depth knowledge and experience in permitting water
resources projects and wetland mitigation through watershed
districts and other Local Government Units such as Counties
and Municipalities, and through Federal agencies such as USACE
and USFWS. Walter is also a certified Technical Services Provider
(TSP) for the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). He
co-teaches an upper level course in Ecological Engineering Design
on the St. Paul campus of the University of Minnesota, Bioproducts
and Biosystems Department.
Select Experience
• Hardwood Creek Restoration and Naturalization Project,
Lino Lakes and Hugo, Minnesota: Rice Creek Watershed
District. Project Manager. Restoration of over 1,800 feet of ditched
creek into a meandering stream with fish and invertebrate habitat
and floodplain, and over 500 feet of floodplain reconnection using
naturalized channel design.
• Purgatory Creek Bank Stabilization Project, Eden Prairie,
Minnesota: Project Manager. Stabilization of over 400 ft of degraded
stream reaches using bioengineered naturalization methods.
• US2/US85 Bypass Wetland Mitigation Project, Williston,
North Dakota: Technical Advisor. Design of approximately 10 acres
of new wetland at two sites along Sand Creek and Camp Creek as
mitigation for impacts created by the new northwest bypass around
• Lake McCarrons Subwatershed BMP Clean Water Partnership
Project, Roseville, Minnesota: Capital Region Watershed District.
Project Manager. Subwatershed analysis and Best Management
Practice design to reduce runoff volume and phosphorus loading
to Lake McCarrons. Water reuse utilizing treated discharge from an
underground infiltration and storage BMP is also being explored.
Long Lake Creek Corridor
Project P
MCWD Improvement
h a s e
D ouglas B radley | L imno T ech
Senior Project Scientist/Certified Fisheries Professional
• Urban System Impact
Assessment, Planning and
• NPDES Permitting Support
• Fish and Aquatic Habitat Analysis
• Stream and Riparian Restoration
• Endangered Species Act
MS, Biology (Aquatic Ecology), Fort
Hays State Univ., KA
BS, Environmental Biology, Fort
Lewis College, CO
AFS Certified Fisheries Professional
AFS National, Water Quality Section
Michigan AFS Water Quality
Committee Chair
Specialized Training
• Basic Fish Population Modeling
• Electrofishing (2008, 2004, 1998)
• Applied Fluvial Geomorphology
• Fish Passageways and Bypass
Facilities-West Richland, WA
• Fish Passage on Midwestern
Streams: Evaluation of Stability
and Functionality of Dam
Removals, Constructed Fishways
and Culvert Crossings
• EPA Watershed-Based Planning
• AQUATOX Modeling
• NEPA Cumulative Effects
• US Forest Service NEPA and
NFMA Training
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Doug has more than 16 years of experience as a biologist and aquatic
resource specialist. He is a certified fishery professional with experience
leading and supporting a wide range of aquatic system evaluations. His
interests include urban system impacts and the application of automated
and remote monitoring technologies to assess and monitor conditions.
He is experienced at conducting analyses at varying scales, from sitespecific to watershed- and basin-level. His experience includes most
phases of fish, macroinvertebrate, and aquatic habitat planning and
sampling. He has also led and provided specialist support on aquatic
and wetland habitat restoration projects from project development to
construction, post-construction monitoring and public outreach.
Project Experience
• Development of a Habitat Evaluation and Improvement
Approach for Nonwadeable Waterways: Metropolitan Water
Resource District of Greater Chicago. Lead project scientist in
supporting the development of a habitat index unique to the Chicago
Area Waterway System (CAWS). This complex project involved the
building of biotic and habitat geodatabases for the District as well as
the review, compilation and analysis of long-term District data.
• Mores Creek Stream Fish Passage and Restoration, ID
City, ID: Fisheries Biologist. Provided fish passage and in-stream
structure restoration design guidance on the reconstruction
of a segment of a placer mine impacted headwater stream.
Provided flow-passage, channel configuration and relocation
recommendations to support the native and federally listed trout
species. Directed pool, in-stream cover and riparian vegetation
designs for thermal reductions and included floodplain wetland
plans in the concept and final designs.
• Concepcion Wetland Mitigation Plan, Caldwell, ID: Project
Manager and Scientist. Contracted and conducted the wetland
delineation, impact assessment and mitigation site design and
permitting for a gravel extraction operation located adjacent to the
Boise River, ID. Surveyed and delineated wetlands across the 120acre site and completed and submitted the delineation report to
the ACOE and received approval on the determinations. Following
ACOE determination approval, completed an approved mitigation
and monitoring report for the impacts associated with the land
development and mitigation applications.
• Silver Creek Aquatic Habitat Restoration Project, Boise
National Forest, ID: Lead Biologist. Designed and implemented
a channel reconstruction and stream habitat improvement project
within a destination recreation area in southern Idaho. The project
included extensive public and private collaboration and education.
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E rin H unker , PE, CFM
• Preliminary Design
• Final Design
• Hydraulic Analysis
• Construction Plans
Master of Science in Engineering
Professional Practice, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, 2009
Bachelor of Science in Biosystems/
Agricultural Engineering, University
of Minnesota, 2002
Professional Engineer: Minnesota
#45040 and North Dakota #PE-6657
Certified Floodplain Manager #32280
Professional Affiliation
Minnesota Association of Floodplain
Erin is a skilled engineer with 12 years of experience. She
specializes in drainage and water resources engineering and
design. She has excellent design, hydrologic and hydraulic
modeling, communication, and project management skills. She
is currently the Water Resources project manager for several
segments of the Williston Bypass for the North Dakota DOT.
She has prepared the construction plans, specifications, and
permit applications for civil works projects. Erin volunteers with
the Minnesota association of Floodplain Managers to coordinate
their annual conference. She is also certified in the design of
stormwater pollution prevention plans. In addition to various
Minnesota projects, Erin also completed hydraulic analysis of
natural, existing, and proposed conditions for eight bridges
as part of the MoDOT’s Safe and Sound Bridge Improvement
Project Experience
• Lake McCarrons Subwatershed Analysis: Assisted with the
report for the Capitol Region Watershed District. Developed P8
Model and concept design for an underground BMP system to
provide phosphorus removal for an urban watershed within the
watershed district.
• Williston Intersection (US 2 & 18th Street): Designed
and analyzed the stormwater management system for a new
underpass at the 18th Street and US 2 Intersection iand prepared
the drainage portions of the construction plans. Completed concept
design for several intersection layout alternatives, including a lift
station and a large gravity storm sewer system..
• Williston Bypass, Williston, North Dakota: Completed the final
design and construction plans for the stormwater management.
The design included an urban section with storm sewer design
and a rural section with several new and replacement culverts.
Project Experience (With Previous Employers)
While working for a consultant as a water resources engineer/
project manager, Erin worked on the following:
• Cayuga Bridge, St. Paul, Minnesota: Completed preliminary
and final design and hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of the
stormwater management system.
• Hastings Bridge Design-Build, Hastings, Minnesota:
Designed stormwater management system that incorporated wet
detention and infiltration/filtration best management practices.
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M att M eyer
Senior Environmental Scientist
• Wetland Delineation/Determinations
• Wetland Permitting/Mitigation
• Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Plans (SWPPP)
• Vegetation/Hydrology Monitoring
• Technical Evaluation Panel
• Construction Inspection
• Erosion Control
• Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
• Trimble GPS Data Collection
• Environmental Impacts Assessment
• Agency Coordination
• Environmental Documentation
• Environmental Site Assessment
• Noise Monitoring
• Public Involvement
Bachelor of Arts in Environmental
Studies, University of MinnesotaDuluth, 2005
Minnesota Wetland Delineators
Certification Program, #1234
SWPPP Design
SWPPP Construction Site
Professional Affiliation
Minnesota Wetland Professionals
Continuing Education
Wetland Training Institute: Basic
Wetland Delineation Certification
SRF Quality Management Training
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Matt has nine years of experience in environmental science. His
experience includes ecological site assessments, botanical surveys,
vegetation community mapping, delineating wetlands, creating
wetland replacement plans, and preparing local, state, and federal
environmental analysis documentation. Matt has permitted many
infrastructure projects and has in-depth knowledge and a close
working relationship with many local, state, and federal agencies.
Matt is a state-certified wetland delineator and is also certified in
SWPPP Construction Site Management and Design of Construction
SWPPP. He has inspected transportation and development projects
around the region.
Matt’s experience also includes serving as an intern research coordinator
for the Northeast Minnesota Sustainable Development Partnership. His
diverse educational background enables him to address environmental,
economic, and social factors for various projects.
Project Experience
• Kimmes-Tobin
Community Succession Scenarios & Monitoring
Douglas County, Wisconsin
• CSAH 112, Hennepin County Minnesota: Conducted wetland
delineations, historical photo reviews, and functional assessments
using MnRAM for the proposed reconstruction of CSAH 112 between
Wayzata Boulevard and CSAH 6.
• Big Marine Park Reserve, Washington County Minnesota:
Conducted wetland delineations, wetland monitoring, including
botanical surveys of the constructed upland/wetland areas associated
with the park reconstruction.
• Round Lake Wetland Mitigation Monitoring, City of Eden
Prairie, Minnesota (2008-2012): SRF designed a wetland
mitigation site, upland prairie buffer and storm pond as mitigation for
wetland impacts. Conducted yearly monitoring on the site including a
botanical survey, identification of infestations of invasive species, and
recommendations for control, delineation and annual documentation.
• Aquatore Park, City of Blaine, Minnesota (2013): Installed
monitoring wells, conducted weekly well readings, performed water
level analysis, and conducted a historical photo analysis to support the
delineated wetland boundary.
• CSAH 10, Maple Grove, Minnesota (2004-2010): Primary staff
for natural resource portions of the EA/EAW. Performed wetland
delineations/mapping. Developed mitigation strategy for wetland and
floodplain impacts along the corridor and secured construction permits
for wetland impacts.
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R obert M oore
Project Management
Contract Administration
Construction Inspection
Quality Management
Bachelor of Science in Construction
Management, Mankato State University, 1991
Bob has 23 years of engineering and construction experience,
including 21 years of construction management and inspection
experience. His recent work focuses on project management,
contract administration, inspection, materials certification and
design-build quality management. Bob has served as the project
manager on many projects and is highly experienced in contract
administration for federal, state, and locally funded projects. He
is experienced in inspecting grading, base, muck excavation, curb
and gutter, concrete and bituminous paving, utility installation,
bridge construction, pile driving, traffic control, landscaping, and
safety. Bob has also worked on the final design of County State Aid
Highway and Interstate projects, including developing profiles, contours, cross-sections, typical sections and quantity computations.
Project Experience
MnDOT Bituminous Street, Levels I and II
• Steiger Lake Wetland Restoration, Victoria, Minnesota
MnDOT Concrete Field, Levels I and II
MnDOT Grading and Base, Levels I and II
MnDOT Bridge Construction, Levels I and II
MnDOT Signals and Lighting, Levels I and II
MnDOT Concrete Plant Level I
MnDOT Erosion/Sediment Control Site
MnDOT Landscape Specialist
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Construction
Quality Management for Contractors
• Purgatory Creek Pedestrian Bridge, Eden Prairie, Minnesota
• MnDOT I-35W Bridge over the Mississippi River, Minneapolis,
• TH 95 Bridge over the Rum River, Cambridge, Minnesota
• TH 52 & 65th Street In-Construction, Rochester, Minnesota
• CSAH 14 Design-Build, Anoka County, Minnesota
Training Courses
• TH 252/I-94 Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation & Bus Shoulders,
Brooklyn Park, Minnesota
SRF Quality Management Training
• MnDOT TH 610 Design-Build, Maple Grove, Minnesota
MnDOT Traffic Control/Work Zone Safety
MnDOT Field Finals
MnDOT Federal Aid – Post-Letting
• Maryland Avenue Bridge over I-35E Design-Build, Saint Paul,
MnDOT Federal Aid – Project Final Training
• Sauk Rapids Regional Bridge (CSAH 1), Stearns County, Minnesota
Municipal Utilities Inspectors School
• TRACS (Materials Module) Support
MnDOT Consultant Construction Contract
MnDOT Federal Aid Construction and
Contract Administration
• CSAH 19 Trail, Medina and Loretto, Minnesota
• Schmidt Lake Road Bridge, Plymouth, Minnesota
Professional Affiliations
• Pedestrian Bridge over TH 169, Champlin, Minnesota
American Society of Civil Engineers
• Dunkirk Lane/I-94 Interchange, Maple Grove, Minnesota
Institute of Transportation Engineers
• Shepard Road (Phase II) Roadway, Saint Paul, Minnesota
MnDOT/AGC Joint Grading Committee
Minnesota Asphalt Paving Association (MAPA)
• TH 242 Reconstruction, Anoka County, Minnesota
Concrete Paving Association of MN (CPAM)
• CSAH 50 Reconstruction Lakeville, Minnesota
Design Build Institute of America (DBIA)
• TRACS (Materials Module) Support
• 55th Street Grade Separation, Minot, North Dakota
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
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D ean D usheck , LS
• Boundary and Legal Surveys
• Right of Way Maps
• Plats
Dean has more than 30 years of experience as a professional land
surveyor and supervises SRF’s survey operations. Respected as a
detail-oriented land surveyor and efficient supervisor, he is involved
in all SRF projects where design surveys and/or land surveys are
required. Dean’s involvement extends beyond surveys prepared
by SRF and includes quality control reviews of mapping and
survey-related data received from third parties. He has provided
land surveying services, including right of way research and legal
descriptions, for numerous SRF projects. Highlights include:
Design Survey & Construction Staking Experience
• Legal Descriptions
Neill Lake, Eden Prairie, Minnesota
• Topographic Surveys
Hardwood Creek Restoration, Lino Lakes and Hugo, Minnesota
• Survey Operations Management
Purgatory Creek Bank Stabilization, Eden Prairie, Minnesota
Topographic Survey Experience
Bachelor of Science in Civil
Engineering, Iowa State University,
Steiger Lake Wetland Restoration, Victoria Minnesota
CSAH 112, Hennepin County Minnesota
Land Surveyor: Minnesota #16679,
North Dakota #LS-5901 and Wisconsin
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Lock & Dam #3 Navigational
Improvements Design-Build
MnDOT TH 610 Design-Build
Tower Road Bridge, Fergus Falls, Minnesota
City of Minnetonka Street Reconstruction, Minnesota
Professional Affiliations
Minnesota Society of Professional
Minnesota Surveyors and Engineers
Continuing Education
SRF Quality Management Training
In-Construction Services Experience
CSAH 10 (Bass Lake Road), Maple Grove, Minnesota
CSAH 14 Design-Build, Anoka County, Minnesota
Duckwood Lane/I-35E Bridge, Eagan, Minnesota
Shady Oak Road, Minnetonka, Minnesota
Legal Surveys Experience
Superior Boulevard Reconstruction, Wayzata, Minnesota
CSAH 81 Reconstruction, Hennepin County, Minnesota
Lowry Avenue Bridge, Hennepin County, Minnesota
MCES Forcemain, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Right of Way Plats, Maps, & Legal Descriptions
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
Dunkirk Lane/I-94 Interchange Right of Way Plat, Maple Grove,
Lyman Boulevard (CSAH 18) Plat, Carver County, Minnesota
60th Avenue Northwest Official Map, Rochester, Minnesota
Long Lake Creek Corridor
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S ean J ergens , ASLA, LEED AP
• Native Planting Design
• Ecological Stormwater Management
• Stormwater Best Management
• Natural Areas Restoration
• Plant Identification
• Vegetation Survey
Sean joined the Landscape Architecture group at SRF in 2005 after
receiving his Masters degree in Landscape Architecture from the
University of Minnesota. Over the past 13 years, he has gained
broad experience that includes natural resources planning, ecological
design, vegetation surveys, and use of native vegetation plantings.
He has experience in the use of native plants in a variety of
applications, including shoreline stabilization, natural areas restoration,
and integration with storm water best management practices.
Select Project Experience
• Neill Lake, Eden Prairie, Minnesota
• Steiger Lake Wetland Restoration, Victoria Minnesota
• Hardwood Creek Restoration, Lino Lakes and Hugo,
• Purgatory Creek Bank Stabilization, Eden Prairie, Minnesota
• CSAH 112, Hennepin County Minnesota
Master of Landscape Architecture,
University of Minnesota, 2004
• Tettegouche State Park Visitor Center & Rest Area, Silver
Bay, Minnesota: Sean worked with DNR staff to design custom
native seed mixes to create habitat and reflect the plant diversity
of north shore plant communities in all seasons. The facility was
designed to drain into a system of biofiltration areas containing
native plants that will cleanse stormwater.
Bachelor of Environmental Design,
University of Minnesota, 2002
Landscape Architect: Minnesota
LEED Accredited Professional
Professional Affiliations
American Society of Landscape
Minnesota Native Plant Society
• Lake Vermilion State Park, Soudan, Minnesota: SRF is currently
working with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to
develop a new state park on the shores of Lake Vermilion. Sean
designed the landscape plan using vegetation native to the site.
• Baker Park Reserve Campground Stormwater Erosion &
Drainage Study, Medina, Minnesota: Sean was responsible
for the analysis of existing native forest communities around the
campground area. He designed erosion control and stormwater
improvements using native plant species and low impact strategies.
• Washington County Government Center, Stillwater,
Minnesota: SRF designed three new stormwater ponds and a
dry infiltration basin and restored the site using native seeding,
shrubs, and trees.
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J eremy W algrave , PE, CFM | L imno T ech
Senior Water Resources Engineer
• Hydraulic and Hydrologic Design
• Stream Restoration
• Stormwater Conveyance Systems
• Hydraulics for Streams and Rivers
• Regulatory Compliance
• Bioretention and Rain Gardens
BS, Civil Engineering, Emphasis on
Hydrology/Hydraulics, University of
Nebraska, 1999
Professional Certification
Professional Engineer in Minnesota,
Iowa, Missouri, Oklahoma, South
Dakota, and Texas
Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM)
Certified SWPPP Writer (MN)
Career Highlights
• Minnesota Association of
Floodplain Managers – Executive
Board Chair 2011-2012
• Minnesota Association of
Floodplain Managers – Conference
Committee Chair 2009-2010
• ASCE MN Chapter Young Engineer
of the Year Award 2011
Jeremy is experienced in hydraulic and hydrologic design of
detention basins, stormwater conveyance systems, hydraulics
for streams and rivers, and regulatory compliance. Jeremy’s
project experience includes preparation of detailed plans and
specifications, risk assessments, environmental assessments,
hydraulic letters, project representation, environmental permitting,
and project management. Computer software experience
includes AutoCAD, Eagle Point, GEOPAK, HEC-FFA, HEC-RAS,
HY8, HydroCAD, MicroStation, P8, WATBUD and XP-SWMM.
Project Experience
• Duluth Trout Streams – Duluth, MN: Project Manager for flood
damage assessment, cost estimating, design, and permitting.
Watershed and stream restoration plans are being developed to
restore six trout streams in the City of Duluth as a result of the
2012 floods. The streams include Mission Creek, Sargent Creek,
Stewart Creek, Keene Creek, Kingsbury Creek, and Merritt Creek.
The watersheds range from highly urbanized areas to relatively
undeveloped watersheds.
• Grassy Point Restoration – St. Louis River Estuary, Duluth, MN:
Project Manager for the development of an EAW and engineering
feasibility study for this Remediation to Restoration site. As part of
this project, several studies were carried out to understand rare
plant species, wetland impacts, sediment conditions, disposal
or reuse of dredged sediments, historical significance, and the
overall impact of the project. Agency coordination meetings were
held to understand agency concerns and permitting needs.
• Waller Creek – Austin, TX: Project engineer for an urban stream
restoration project. This highly impacted stream runs through one
of the most urbanized areas of Austin adjacent to the University of
Texas. The conceptual design revolves around a large tunnel that
conveys most of the stormwater flows. Water will be pumped to
the surface to provide a base flow in Waller Creek. Restoration
concepts will revolve around the base flows in the creek and
establishing an ecological benefit, while providing a connection to
the park and urban landscape that is an integral part of the stream.
• Pickle Pond Restoration Feasibility Study, Superior, WI:
Project Engineer for the development of restoration design
alternatives for Pickle Pond, a sheltered bay adjacent to Superior
Bay. This site has been identified as a possible remediation and
restoration site in the St. Louis River Area of Concern. To evaluate
the potential for restoration in Pickle Pond, LimnoTech conducted
a site-level assessment that included water quality and sediment
sampling, stormwater flow and surface water level monitoring as
well as a vegetation and benthic
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
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G regory E ckblad
Construction Inspector
Greg has 37 years of experience inspecting projects and supervising
construction inspection personnel. During his career, he has gained a
great deal of experience with municipal streets and utilities, municipal
county roads, site work, bicycle/pedestrian trails, traffic signals and
highway improvements.
• Construction Inspection
• Construction Administration
• Construction Staking
• Preliminary Surveying
• Construction Plan Preparation
Dunwoody Industrial Institute
North Hennepin Community College
MnDOT Certifications
Bituminous Street Level II
Concrete Field Level II
SWPPP: Site Management
Grading and Base Level II
Greg visits various projects that are under construction to oversee
inspection of work completed to date. A project visit includes
addressing construction concerns and questions, and making field
decisions dealing with changed conditions. Greg visualizes solutions
for construction problems and correcting issues in construction plans
before they are built. He will also instruct the inspection staff of
documentation and inspection procedures.
Project Experience
• Steiger Lake Wetland Restoration, Victoria Minnesota
• Dakota Rail Trail Extension and Bridges over TH 7 and CSAH 92,
Three Rivers Park District, St. Bonifacius, Minnesota
• Big Rivers Regional Pedestrian/Bicycle Trail & Bridge, Phases I and
II, Dakota County, Minnesota
• Excelsior Boulevard (CSAH 3) Reconstruction, Hennepin County,
• East Medicine Lake Regional Trail, Three Rivers Park District,
Plymouth, Minnesota
Signal and Lighting Level II
• Golden Valley Trail, Golden Valley, Minnesota
Bridge Construction Level II
• Cedar Lake Trail, Minneapolis, Minnesota
• MnDOT TH 252 Concrete Rehabilitation/Bus Shoulder Construction
Training Courses
• Tower Road Bridge & Street Project, In-Construction, Fergus Falls,
MnDOT Recertification Classes
Field Finals
Federal Aid – Post-Letting
Federal Aid – Project Final Training
MnDOT Contract Administration 101
MnDOT ADA Training
• 36th Avenue Pedestrian Bridge over TH 169, Three Rivers Park
District, Plymouth and New Hope, Minnesota
• CSAH 9 Pedestrian Bridge over I-494 and Landscape Project,
Plymouth, Minnesota
• Plymouth Creek Pond Pedestrian Bridge, Construction Services,
Plymouth, Minnesota
• Dupont Avenue Reconstruction, Brooklyn Center, Minnesota
• CSAH 30 Reconstruction Project, Maple Grove, Minnesota
• CSAH 19 Trail Projects, Hennepin County, Minnesota
• Bass Lake Road, Phase I (CSAH 10 and CSAH 101), Maple Grove,
• 29th Street Midtown Greenway Trail Phase I, Minneapolis, Minnesota
• MnDOT I-35W/St. Anthony Falls Bridge, Minneapolis, Minnesota
• I-35E Stormwater Tunnel Rehabilitation
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L isa B reu
Hydrologic & Hydraulic Modeling
Stormwater Best Management
Practice Design
Water Reuse Budgeting
Lisa has valuable experience in water resources engineering
including hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, rural and urban
drainage design, stormwater management, and stormwater
reuse. She has worked on the design of culverts, storm sewers,
and stormwater best management practices (BMPs). Lisa joined
SRF after receiving her bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering with
an Environmental Emphasis and minors in Sustainability Studies
and Ecological Engineering from the University of Minnesota in
2012. During her undergraduate studies, Lisa gained experience
in cost estimation, plan preparation, data collection and analysis,
and soils and materials testing.
Project Experience
• Steiger Lake Wetland Restoration, Victoria, Minnesota.
Bachelor of Civil Engineering,
Environmental Emphasis, University
of Minnesota, 2012
Robert Street Reconstruction, West Saint Paul, Minnesota
I-39 Drainage Design, Stevens Point, Wisconsin
Central Corridor Stormwater / Green Infrastructure Design
Development, St. Paul, Minnesota
Engineer in Training
Williston Truck Route, Williston, North Dakota
Professional Affiliations
CSAH 112 Preliminary Design, Hennepin County, Minnesota
46th Street Reconstruction Preliminary Design,
Minneapolis, Minnesota
CSAH 24 Channel Stability Analysis, Cannon Fall, Minnesota
Lake Elmo Park Nordic Center BMP Maintenance Plan,
Washington County, Minnesota
Lake Vermillion State Park Drainage Design, Soudan,
US 83 Northwest Bypass Drainage Design, Minot, North
Ridgedale Drive I-394 WB On-Ramp, Preliminary Drainage
Design, Minnetonka, Minnesota
American Society of Civil Engineers
Culvert Master
Volunteer Experience
Annual Future City Competition Team
SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
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Exhibit B - Scope of Work Budget Worksheet - Long Lake Creek Improvement Project-Phase II
Data Collection
Estimated Hours
$7,431 6/1/14 - 6/30/14
Preliminary Design Report
$34,037 6/15/14 - 8/1/14
Final Design Report
$12,312 6/1/14 - 8/31/14
Design Meetings
$7,630 6/1/14 - 8/31/14
Construction Bid Documents and Bidding
$8,859 9/1/14 - 10/1/14
Construction Observation and Oversight
$13,816 12/1/14 - 12/1/16
Contingency (10%)
Lisa Goddard
Hourly Rate
David Filipiak
Hans Holmberg
Walter Eshenaur
Douglas Bradley
Erin Hunker
Matt Meyer
Bob Moore
Dean Dusheck
Jeremy Walgrave
Sean Jergens
Greg Eckblad
Lisa Breu
duration of project
8/1/14 - 9/1/14
Time Allocation
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