April - The Rover Car Club Of Otago
April - The Rover Car Club Of Otago
Rover Car Club Of Otago Tribune April 2014 2013 THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE ROVER CAR CLUB OF OTAGO Web Site: www.trccoo.freeservers.com Club Contacts 2014 / 2015 Club President Jeff Sparrow Ph (027) 279 5423 E-mail jeffrey.sparrow@gmail.com Secretary John Moore Ph (03) 473 7942 E-mail j_moore@clear.net.nz Treasurer Ber nie Halfor d Ph (03) 487 6870 E-mail bshalford@xtra.co.nz Newsletter Editor Norman Sparrow Ph (03) 487 6275 E-mail norspar@clear.net.nz Committee Bruce Millar (Southland Rep.) Joe Smith (South Otago Rep) Diana Kearns (Librarian) Life Members Norman Sparrow John Moore Honorary Member Lyn Brown The Otago Rover Tribune is published by the Rover Car Club of Otago. The views or opinions expressed by individuals are not necessarily those of the Club or Editor. Club Postal Address Post Box 2075 Dunedin 9044 Web: www.trccoo.freeservers.com From The Editor… From the Waikato Rover Car Club Magazine. Presidents Preamble From David Raven. During the month I had a meeting for work on the North Shore of Auckland, so took the opportunity to drop into Roverland, mainly to see what the spares situation is for the newer Rovers, especially the front wheel drive 200 – 800 range. The Rover Parts man I spoke with was very helpful as he had been dealing with Rovers for some years, but when I asked him about spares for newer models, his response was “bad, many parts are now no longer available and we’ve reached the stage where many parts are going to be a second hand lucky dip”. He commented that they had a 416 in the previous day that needed a new boot latch and that part wasn’t available. So I’ve decided to press my 827 Vitesse into use as my company car, I managed 530kms in it in a single day in leather clad and air conditioned V6 luxury. Might as well enjoy the car while I can, because it will only take the failure of one part that makes the car either stop, go or get through a WOF and the unavailability of a replacement part and the car effectively becomes a garden ornament. Strange thing is that the older P series cars which don’t have all the fancy electronics and sensors are easier to keep running. It does bring an important point to bear though, if I look for another 827 for spares, if its reached the point where it’s a spares car, then most of the parts that are worn on my car are going to equally knackered on another one, and conversely, if the parts are good, then the car will likely be too good to break for parts. On a lighter note, I’ve started to pre-load my credit card in preparation for taking the P5 down to Nelson for the National Rally. Around a 1,000 miles at 20mpg, shouldn’t be too bad……. Rover On! ROVER CAR CLUB OF OTAGO Minutes of club meeting held on April 1st 2014 at the Mosgiel RSA at 7pm. PRESENT Ross Allan, Terry Bough, Ian and Eleanore Clark, Bill and Gaynor Falconer, Bernie Halford, Diana Kearns, Alan Matchett, John Moore, Ray Pilley, Joe and Glenice Smith, Jeff Sparrow, Norman and Carleen Sparrow. APOLOGIES Veneta Allan, Stan and Marian Brandish, Jan Smith. A motion was put (Jeff), seconded (Ray); “That the minutes of the March meeting be accepted” - Carried. CORRESPONDENCE Newsletters from the Canterbury, RCC of Australia, and Manawatu clubs. E-mail from Chris Clark: He has had an inquiry from someone wanting to buy an SD1 Vitesse in top order. If anyone can help,contact Chris at the RCC Nelson. Also from Chris Clark: a reminder to return the trophies for the ARCC Rally. Bernie has received acknowledgement of the ($300) donation to the Rescue Helicopter. GENERAL Dicussion on the use of the club library collection. It was suggested that a full list of items should be published and posted on the Club website. Items would then be available on loan to financial club members. Also the possibility of a list (perhaps published annually), of privately owned material, that the owners are prepared to make available on loan to other RCCOO members. The formal part of the meeting closed at 7-45pm. IGNITION April 2014 We had the April club meal & meeting at the Mosgiel RSA with 10 attending the meal. Others joined later. See minutes further in mag. Normal discussions & preparations for ARCC rally in Blenheim at Easter. Interesting fault developed with the TomCat’s clock. It just stopped displaying, so I looked to find out if there was a blown fuse. Only to find all information on the cover in Japanese. Looking at the book (Honda Accord) I worked out what fuse it should be and removed & checked it. It was fine, but after refitting it all was again going so suspect it had been not fully in place. Need it to be right for the big West coast Rove to Easter Rally. That’s all for now, DRIVE SAFE OUT THERE Jeff Sparrow President EASTER EGG ANYONE! Rolls-Royce Phantom Jonckheere Coupe 7.7 Litres built in Belgium 1930’s. Brought for 1.5 million US$. Page 1 of 3. Rover Car Club of Otago. List of Rover Car Manuals in Library, as at 2010. P2. Parts list,TP139, ( PT No 4084), May 1955. P4. 80 & 100 Parts list (42710 ). 80 & 100 7 MKI 95 & 110 Parts list (4505). 60, 75, 80, 90, 95,100,105 & 110. Workshop manual (4503). 60, 70, 90, 105R & 105S. Parts list (4235). 75 Parts list 1950 – 53 (TP 125D) July 1953. 60, 75 &90Workshop manual Feb.1954 ( PT 166A0. 60, 75 & 90 Parts list 1954 1956 Sep.1956 (TP 164D – 4093). 60, 75 & 90Workshop manual Oct 1954 Suppt. No (TP166A) 60,75 & 90 (Also covering 105 Models) 1957 / 8 (TP 166/A) ,& TP 166/B. Cumulative amendment No 1, 1954 – 57 Rovers 60, 75, 90, 105R & 105S. Parts catalogue Aug 1957 Workshop manual supplement Rover 80 & 100 models used in conjunction with 1950 – 1959 Rover Carshop manual Mar.1960. Cumulative amendment No 1. 80, 100 Mark I95 & 110 Parts catalogue TP 328 March 1964. Motor manual Rover P4 from 1959, 80, 95, 100. ( British “Sunday Times” Handbook 1963). P5 1959 3 Litre Parts list (4232) 1st & 3rd editions. 3 Litre Parts list, parts catalogue (4258). 3 Litre Workshop manual supplement Mk III (4739), Sept 1965. 3 Litre Workshop manual , Mk I, IA, & II, (4661) Jan 1965. 3 Litre Parts list (4825), Mk I. II, III Saloon & Coupe. ( 608264 ) Dec.1972. Cumulative amendment No 2 3 Litre Saloon & Coupe (TP 338) Feb. 1965. “ “ No 3 3Litre parts catalogue (TP 225C0 July 1963. “ “ No 6 (2nd Edition) 3 litre Parts catalogue Nov.1961. Rover 3 Litre amendment No 4 MkIII models Apr.1966 (2 copies). Page 2 of 3. P5 cont. Rovers 3 litre Owners instruction manual (TP 230D) Feb. 1959. Rover 3 litre & 3-5 Litre Saloon & Coupe Parts catalogue P6 “ “ “ TC (4816)Buying a Used Car Guide SD1 1978 – 1986. “ “ “ 1973 (RTC 9021) Sept. 1973. “ “ “ 1974 ( RTC 9021A), Sept. 1974 ( 2 copies). 2200 Parts list 1975 ( RTC 9011A0. 2000 SC & TC Parts list (606128). “ Workshop manual (4697) Feb. 1965. 2000 & 2200 Repair Operations manual 1977. 2000 SC, TC & Automatic Drivers Handbook 1963. P6B. Rover 3500. 3500 Parts catalogue (4816) supplement. 3500 V8 Owners Workshop manual ( Haynes) 1976 – 1979 ( 1 copy). “ V8 Workshop manual ( Haynes) 1976 – 1985. 2300 & 2600 Workshop manual ( Haynes) 1977 -1979).( 1 copy). Rover Car Repair manual from 1977. Rover 2000 / 2300 Rover 2600 / 3500 ( 1 copy). 3500 & 3500S Workshop manual Vol 1 (607202). 3500 & 3500S Parts list 1974 (RTC 9022A). P6B Missing. 3500 Parts list supplement (605892) SD1. Buying a Used Car Guide SD1 1978 – 1986. Missing Parts list , Cumulative amendmentNo 4. Miscellaneous. P5 & P6 Price list 21st edition Aug.1967 & 1968. Assoc. of Rover Car Clubs yearbook 1987 ( 2 copies) and 1989. British Leyland Rover Cars and Range Rover Service Information Vol 1 No 3. Vol No 1 No 24. Page 3 of 3. Rover Car Club of Otago.List of Rover Car Manuals in Library, as at 2010. Missing. P6 & Landrover price list Dec. 1974. Landrover V8Workshop manual supplement (AKM 3022). Sales Brochures P5B 3-5 Litres Saloon & Coupe . P6 2000 / 800 Series. P5B. P5B 3-5 Litre Parts list supplement (605331). P6. Landrover. Series 2 & 2A Parts catalogue cumulative amendment No 1 June 1969. ( 2 copies). Cumulative amendment Series 2A parts catalogue. 2 Litre Diesel engine Workshop manual (4183) Dec.1957. General: Rover Co. Car Service Newsletters Nos 1 – 50 incl. Aug 1960 to July 1965. “ “ “ “ Nos 93 to 117 incl. Nov. 1958 to July 1960. “ “ “ “ Vol 1 Nos 1 – 24 Mar.1972 to Feb. 1974. Cars for Sale 1964 P4 110, showroom condition, 112,000 miles. Steel Blue. Blue leather, complete with tool kit and accessories. Contact Peter Gnys 03 216 3050 (Invercargill). 1964 P5 was going more than 20 years ago. Has been shed stored since. Auto, green. Offers. Contact Trevor Brown 03 318 1872 (Canterbury). P6 V8 auto. Dry stored for 20 years. Complete. Running, master cylinder seized. Offers around $1500. Contact 021 221 8746 or 03 215 9965 (Invercargill). Club Memorial Run, Sat, 31st May 2014 . Meeting time is 2.15pm at "Bowl Line Ten Pin Bowling" 34 Kaikorai Rd Dunedin. We have 3 lanes booked (max 6pp lane) for a 2.30pm game start time. The cost of playing is $11 each or $10 each if there is 15 or more players. Games take at least 1 hour, with drinks and food available for those that wish to buy it. Leaving here we will do a small navigator run around the city before arriving at "BERNIES" (1 Orr St) for a pot luck tea. ( Bring a plate and your own drink. ) The Walton Brown memorial Trophy will be presented during the evening. This memorial run is to focus on the people and not so much on the cars, so please feel free to come in whatever car you wish. Rover's would be good, but if it's rego's on hold for the winter, just come in what's going and enjoy the company of each other. Don't let the bowling put you off coming, its something more to strike off your bucket list. For those, that haven't been to "Bernies," this is a Man Cave on the side of our garage that house's quite a collection of Rover memorabilia, always something new being added so even for those that have been before, there's something new to look at. Last year we had people bring along a sample of their craft or hobby for others to view, this went well, so I invite you all to bring something along that you have completed over the last couple of years to put on show at "Bernies". I would like an indication for numbers attending this run as I will need to confirm player numbers at Bowl Line a few days before we arrive. Looking forward to your attendance. Bernie H, contact by Ph 03 4876 870 or e-mail bshalford@xtra.co.nz Cars wanted P5B wanted, contact Andrew on 021 881 104 or heythereandrew@gmail.com, Waikato. P6B Mark II (1972-76), automatic, any body colour considered except Mexico brown or Tobacco leaf; any interior other than black; must have power steering, & preferably a documented history of service. Either in near-concours order, or able to be economically restored to that level. No significant rust, please. Contact Peter Fama, pgfama@vodafone.co.nz or ph. (06) 877 9353 (before 9 pm). Hawkes Bay. Parts for Sale 1961 Rover 100 – suitable for parts or restoration. Barry Jones 09 435 3296, Whangarei. 1963 P4 manual. Being broken for parts. Contact Dave McCoy, 027 677 6194 or 03 218 3603 (Invercargill). P4, P5, P6 and Land Rover: Nelson Rover Club has a considerable supply of new old stock spare parts. Mainly mechanical parts. We hope to have a complete listing before Easter and those who are attending the National Rally may be able to collect and pay for what they want in Blenheim. Parts include brake calipers, axle half shafts, gasket sets, shock absorbers, gear boxes, P4 bumpers, P5 complete reconditioned motor. Contact Gavin Hill on gavin.hill@clear.net.nz. P4 Oil Filters – $15 each, contact Bay of Plenty Rover Club 07 577 9104. Replica Stickers – under bonnet labels printed to order on self adhesive vinyl. Also aluminum types. Any marquee, no set up fees. Contact Barry Clark artworx@clear.net.nz. SD1 Parts, Gareth Clark, 021 171 8698 see www.sd1travelledspares.info. 1997 Rover Cabriolet, wrecking. Contact Ray Hook 07 863 6613, Waihi. Parts Wanted 1924 Rover – SU sloping or sloper carb, reference rg4b. Contact Steve Manning manning@nettel.net.nz. 1970 2000TC: choke inner cable with good knob, 2x brass air filter bolts, 1 x de dion rubber dust excluder, front white park lense, interior roof light lense, rear door moulding 33” x ½” contact Dave Roberton at snipe1949@airnet.net.nz. Rover Car Club of Otago. Events 2014 April Tuesday the 1st of April. Monthly meeting, Mosgiel RSA. Sunday 14th to Friday 18th April Club West Coast Rove Wanaka to Blenheim. Friday 18th to Tuesday 22nd ARCC Easter Rally, Blenheim. Friday 18th to Monday 20th April Warbirds over Wanaka International Airshow, Wanaka. May Tuesday the 6th of May. Monthly meeting, Mosgiel RSA. Saturday 31st May Rover Car Club of Otago Memorial Run. All Comers Car & Bike Show, Phar Lap Raceway Market Green SH8 Timaru (Sun, 25 May 2014 - Sun, 25 May 2014) Start: May 10, End: May 11, 2014; DriveSouth Rally Otago. Navigation. International Rally June. Tuesday the 3rd of June. Monthly meeting, Mosgiel RSA. July Tuesday the 1st of July. Monthly meeting, Mosgiel RSA. August Tuesday 5th of August Monthly Meeting at the Mosgiel RSA. September Monthly meetings 1st Tuesday each month. Mosgiel RSA at 7.00pm. Meals (optional) Noggin & Natter !
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Web Site: www.trccoo.freeservers.com