Hartman`s - International Lama Registry


Hartman`s - International Lama Registry
Permit No. 500
Kearney, NE
First Class
U.S. Postage
2007 male
MGF Chilean San Juan
MGF Dresden
We are
honored to be
a part of the
sale for Barb
and Brooke.
2009 male
MGF Air Supply
MGF Orianna
August 27 , 2011
MGF Leatherneck
Red Neck Woman
2009 male
Peruvian Silver Lining
MGF Dawn’s Early Light
2009 male
Peruvian Silver Lining
MGF Irish Blessing
2008 male
MGF Duque
MGF Swiss Almond
Peruvian Silver Lining
MGF Maid In Waiting
Thank You!
Fred & Lou
P.O. Box 488 • Kearney, Nebraska 68848
2009 male
Silver Lining
MGF Lindy Hop
alpaca sales
We wish them
the best of
luck in their
Host Motel: Midtown Western Inn • 1401 2nd Ave., Kearney, NE
308.237.3153 or 800.333.1401 *Ask for the Hartman Block of Rooms
2009 male
MGF Air Supply
MGF Iced Ebony
Sale Day Phone: 308.233.3749 or 308.233.3087 or 308.233.3088
2009 male
MGF Air Supply
MGF Birgitta
Summer Festival
Saturday 10:00 a.m. C.S.T.
Ag Pavillion, Buffalo County Fairgrounds
Kearney, Nebraska
alpaca sales
Fred Hartman • P.O. Box 488 • Kearney, NE 68848
Office: 308.237.4440 • Home: 308.237.4443 • Fax: 308.237.4441
Fred’s Cell: 308.233.2345 • Lou’s Cell: 308.233.2350
email: hartmanexotic@yahoo.com • www.hartmansales.com
J erry’s fascination with animals started at a very early age. There’s not a photo in his childhood and youth picture
albums that doesn’t include an animal of some sort. His
rattlesnake collection still remains in his dresser drawer….
and the 4H trophy from the County Fair… he parted with….a
few years ago!! I knew when we stopped at a tropical fish
store on our honeymoon….that he wasn’t the “norm.”
After graduating from Utah State with a Master’s Degree in
Animal Ecology…we moved to western Nebraska to wait for
a job to open up...and to be closer to family as we had a
new baby to share with them! It was after the move that
he talked his dad and brother into starting a game farm
Jerry with one of his
“pet” camels
with him. The plan became a reality and the dream began.
The year was 1973. With no money….but lots of ideas…we
began building the adventure that our life would become. We started out with
a variety of animals and birds…acquiring many through zoos….and then, in 1976,
we began buying llamas. By the time we had eleven…his dad thought that we
had enough...because whatever would we do with them!! Jerry told him that he
thought they might be “good” down the road!! Then in the early 80’s…a friend
from Catskill Game Farm stopped at our farm on the way to the west coast….and
told him about Dick and Kay Patterson’s llama herd. It was then that Jerry decided
to pay them a visit…and we started buying llamas from Pattersons….ten pairs at a
time! The Patterson llamas became our foundation herd. As llamas began to catch
on across the country and into Canada….prospective buyers filled our calendar with
farm visits. It was not unusual to have three different sets of people at our farm on
the same day…looking at llamas. We have had so many people stay at our house
over the last 30 plus years….that I can’t even remember some of them!! There were
no motels close….so the McRoberts Farm became the “Host Hotel.” And Jerry….
true to his fashion….was the perfect host!! So many good memories with so many
wonderful people in the llama world…filled our lives with much happiness. Our
llama friends became our best friends!! As many of you know….Jerry sold Fred Hartman his first llama as he stood outside
in the cold at the Denver National Western Stock Show …trying to get the general
public interested in llamas. It was this sale that prompted Fred to come to the farm
and buy six more llamas that he sold at the beginning of one of his cattle auctions. The llamas were such a hot item at that sale…that Fred began mulling over the idea
of having a llama sale….and thus the llama sales began. Those subsequent years
saw the llama industry grow and expand to new heights. During this period…MGF
had the top seller three years in a row at Hartman’s Sale. Jerry’s enthusiasm over llamas never waivered…and he was always looking for
the perfect male to incorporate into his breeding program. In October of 1992….
Jerry bought Macho’s Ace, a beautiful Macho Comacho son, from Dick Wickum. Jerry bred him to a large number of our females and felt that Macho’s Ace improved
every one of those females. He was our number one herdsire over the next several
years. In 1993 we bought RAR Richochet from Max and Carol Kronn and Range
Rover from Art and Lois Kennel. They were six months old…and we “grew them
up” until they were ready to breed. In the late 90’s…. the acquisition of Chileno
G Cerro Azul..an Argentine type male co-owned with Andy and Cheryl Tillman…
added the bone that he was searching for in a breeding male. He so loved the first
offspring from Azul…that he kept all of the Azul daughters in the herd. One of our
next breeders…MGF Bacchus Azul – co-owned with John and Deb McDougal - came
from this wonderful male. When Jerry saw the first Argentines that came into the
country…he thought they were amazing….and had to have them. A subsequent trip
to Chile with Paul Taylor in 2000…added some beautiful Argentines to our herd…
including Argentine Don Zunca and Argentine Machi…and the dream continued. In 2004…two Chilean imports…San Juan and Aviator…added new bloodlines and
beautiful suri fiber to our herd. Jack and Tracy Pearson co-own these two herdsires
with us to this day. In 2006 the addition of WSL Peruvian Silver Lining – coowned with Jan and Suzanna Lasee completed the program that he was striving
to develop….beautiful fibered animals with strong bone. There were many other
breeding males that played an important part in the development of our herd…but
these are some of the males that made an enormous impact over the years.
We watched the llama industry begin….saw it take off and soar to unbelievable
heights…and then watched as the industry grew and expanded…adding the show
ring to the delight of llama enthusiasts. We have always said that we would never
want to stop raising these beautiful animals…and, in my darkest moments this past
year, the birth of a new baby uplifted my whole day!!
My life with Jerry was such an amazing adventure. He was so passionate about
what he did…and so knowledgeable…loving every minute of his life. He truly
followed his dreams and lived them to the fullest. I will be forever thankful that our
paths crossed one Friday night…many years ago…and our life together began.
MGF Black Walnut
MGF Lady Baccarat
MGF Midsummer
Night’s Dream
200 Females
50 Males
to sell
~ Barb McRoberts
MGF All That Jazz
MGF Annika
MGF Bardot
MGF Jardin 11
MGF Li Ming
MGF May Ling
MGF Blue Skye
MGF Brioche
MGF Felise
MGF Indigo Girl
MGF Morning Mist
MGF Pralines
‘n Cream
MGF Lumiere
MGF Black Sesame
MGF Satin ‘n Smoke
MGF Dee Dee
After graduating with a Master’s Degree in Animal
Ecology from Utah State in the early 70’s, Barb and I
moved to the family farm in Gurley, Nebraska…which
was homesteaded in 1884 by my great-grandfather.
We started raising exotic birds and animals…and
bought our first llamas in 1976. We improved the herd
greatly when we bought 50 pairs from the Patterson’s
in the early 80’s. We have kept approximately 200
breeding females since the mid 80’s…..always trying to
breed what the market wanted.
Some of our early silky suri type males were
Richochet – sire of Renaissance – and Range Rover.
They produced many of the females who are still in our
breeding herd today.
In the late 90’s we became interested in both suris
and Argentines – and began acquiring some imported
males. The first was Chileno G Cerro Azul (co-owned
with Andy and Cheryl Tillman). Azul was an Argentine
type from Chile with great leg coverage and wonderful
fiber. Later…I went to South America with Paul Taylor
and picked Argentine Don Zunca and Argentine Paco
from the Argentine Temuco herd….along with several
females…including the incredible Machi! With our
interest in Argentines growing…we were able to
purchase shares in Argentine Kobra and Argentine
Pecos. As the suri llamas continued to capture our
attention…we searched long and hard for the two
Chilean suri imports that we purchased….Chilean San
Juan and Chilean Aviator (co-owned with Jack and
Tracy Pearson). The results of these purchases have
resulted in amazing offspring.
The main emphasis on our current breeding
program is combining the best of suri and Argentines
– resulting in a heavier boned suri with complete leg
coverage. Our philosophy in raising llamas has always
been…”survival of the fittest.” Our animals are raised
on large pastures – mothers are lean and good milkers
– and babies don’t get supplemented, transfused or
given any other extra care. So, in general our animals
will make good mothers and good milkers.
In addition to llamas….we raise the largest yak
herd in North America on our 6500 acre ranch. Yak
are extremely efficient – requiring about 1% of their
body weight per day for maintenance – and produce
excellent lean meat. We, also, have the largest
White Buffalo herd in the country – and are enjoying
raising the beautiful Transcaspian Urial Sheep from
Iran. We have produced the unique woolly miniature
donkey…which is growing in popularity…as well as a
fantastic cross bred herd of large donkeys – the result
of crossing the mammoth woolly French Poitou with
spotted standards.
Being an animal lover with a fascination of
genetics….raising llamas for 33 years and watching the
industry grow and change has kept my interest and
love of llamas at a peak. We look forward to many
more years of top production.
~ Jerry McRoberts