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specifications - Free Shop Manual
1981 SPECIFICATIONS • GENUINE CHEVROLET www.carburetor-manual.com Would you like some Free Manuals? http://carburetor-manual.com/free-shop-manual-club-t-13.html Also visit http://freeshopmanual.com for more Free Manuals Also Visit my website for 7 FREE Download Manuals starting with this one. "The ABC's of Carburetion" Click Here Now file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Tim/Desktop/carburetor-manual-welcome/index.htm[4/25/2009 11:42:20 AM] CORVETTE COLOR AND TRIM SELECTION PLEASE NOTE: The exterior and Interior Combinations shown In the chan.s below and designated as recommended ~R) represent the Ideal combinations. Those that liTe shown as accepll1ble (AI, ilIre anractlve, but less deslri1lble than the recommended combinatiOns WITH 084 CUSTOM TWO-TONE PAINT IAccont c..." ••" lie SpocifiedJ 1060 NON-RECOMMENDEO COLOR COMBINATION NOT PERMITTEDJ WITHOUT 084 CUSTOM TWO-TONE PAINT PLEASE NOTE: Orders for additional Interior Trim combinations may be submined, prO\/lded the dealer orders (060). as vtHlf'C8110n that the requested combination IS definitely desired 50 R 50 R R R 14 9 PIN STRIPING WITH 084 CUSTOM TWO-TONE PAINT I Color Cod. l U Exterior P'!Jlnt Color \ Beige. 'Metl 50 80 33 33 I_c,aretIr{( Sliver et Sillier Met 1. '" Lower 50 80 33 33 Stripe Accent Color lind Ordtring Code Ok Bronze ~Met) Ok Claret~ et) Ok Blue e~)tl Charcoal Met (Included) 74M 98M 38M 39M ,(ii Gold Red ~~~~ U,. UDper POWER TEAMS (Refer to next page for option availebility and application) ENGINE OPTION CONDITION AXLE RATiO 2..81 Z.72 I WITH NA5 STANDARD EMISSIONS MM. l81 MXt WfTH VF5 CALIFORNIA EMf SfONS LSt CORVETTE Page 2 MM. MXl I Std I Std Std I Std I - G92 1981 DEALER ORDER GUIDE tl Indicates Change REVISED: 6-15-81 CORVET,{E ALPHABETICAL OPTION INDEX (Not for ordering purposes) Option Number AU3 A42 B3W CC 1 C49 DG 7 060 084 FE7 F51 G92 K35 L81 MM4 MX 1 NA5 N90 QGQ QGR QXH UL5 UM4 UM5 UM6 UN5 Description DOOR LOCKS: Power SEAT POWER: Six-Way PRELIMINARY PRICE INFORMATION ROOF PANELS: Removable Glass DEFOGGER. REAR WINDOW: Electric MIRRORS: Sport, Electric Twin Remote NON-RECOMMENDED COLOR COMBINATION ·PAINT: Custom Two-Tone SUSPENSION EQUIPMENT: Suspension, Gymkhana SHOCK ABSORBERS: Heavy-Duty AXLE REAR: Performance Ratio SPEED CONTROL WITH RESUME SPEED: Automatic ENGINE: 5.7 liter 4 BBl V8 TRANSMISSION: 4-Speed Manual TRANSMISSION: Automatic EMISSION SYSTEM: Standard Emission Equipment WHEELS, ALUMINUM TIRES: P225!70 R-15 B/W (Radial) TIRES: P225!70 R-15 W/l (Radial) TIRES: P255/60 R-15 W/l (Radial) RADIO EQUIPMENT: Radio Delete RADIO EQUIPMENT: Electronically Tuned Stereo Radio with 8-Track RADIO EQUIPMENT: Electronically Tuned Stereo Radio with C.B. and 8-Track RADIO EQUIPMENT: Electronically Tuned Stereo Radio with Cassette Tape RADIO EQUIPMENT: Electronically Tuned Stereo Radio with C.B. and Cassette U58 U75 V54 YF5 Tape RADIO EQUIPMENT: AM/FM Stereo Radio RADIO EQUIPMENT: Power Antenna CARRIER: Roof Panel EMISSION SYSTEM: California Emission ZN 1 CHASSIS EQUIPMENT, TRAILERING Requirements REVISED: 6-15-81 1981 DEALER ORDER GUIDE I Indicates Change CORVETTE P~qe 1 CORVETTE ...'.11 WI•• LY STOPS/LATIIT UPDATI 'PlEASE REVIEW OPTION RESTRICTIONS BEFORE ORDERING MOOEL lYY87 .!!:!. .Q!!!!!!'i Corvene Coupe G92 EMISSION SYSTI!MS, MUST ORDER ONE Is.. r.....} _ V54 ZNl _ _ _ _NAI STANDARD EMISSION EQUIPMENT 815 815 818 _ _ _ _YFI CALIFORNIA EMISSION REQUIREMENTS ENGINES, MUST ORDER ONE 816 AVAILABLE WITH YFI CALIFORNIA EMISSION REQUIREMENTS _ _ _ _ L81 5.7 liter" BBl va IF TIRE ANDIOR TRANSMISSION IN e QUICK-SPEC IS NOT DESIRED YOU MUST ·PLUS· ANOTHER TIRE ANDIOR TRANSMISSION OPTION. 5 e 1 e B B x x x 1 C,g Trick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Speed Control with R,.u",e Speed (with MXl Tr.nl only i. Tir... P225!70 R·15 W/L x Nil K35 QGA x x x Nil x x x x x x MX 1 WhHII. Aluminum. N90 Mirrors. Electric Twin Remotl, Sport OG7 Powlr Antenna ............... Radio, Electronically Tuned St.reo w/e ....tt. Tape . . . . . . . . . U75 Roof Pane's. Removable Gla.. CC 1 x x Seat. Pow.r ............. TirOl. P255/80 R.15 W/L 04.42 OXH X X REVISED: 3-18-81 UM8 816 U75 818 818 615 eel A42 K35 FE7 UM4 Tran,million. Automatic UM6 UL5 UN5 .' QUICK-SPEC O,fooger, R.ar Window Electric . AU3 DG7 83W U5B UM4 UM5 AVAILABLE WITH NAI STANDARD EMISSION EQUIPMENT _ _ _ _ L81 5.7 lit., .. BIl va Door Lock., Power. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. AU3 Radio. Electronically Tuned Stereo w/8 e49 F51 r,.m. AXLE. REAR: Performance Ratio (SH Poftr Ch,rt) (Req. MX, r"n•• nd YF5 e,lif) CARRIER: Roof Panel CHASSIS EQUIPMENT. TRAILERING: IRlqs MX 1 Trlns} (Incls FE7 Susp ,nd HO Cooling) DEFOGGER. REAR WINDOW: Electric DOOR LOCKS. POWER MIRRORS: Sport. Electric Twin Remott PRELIMINARY PRICE INFORMATION RADIO EQUIPMENT: -AM/FM Steflo Radio -E1.ctronically Tuned Stereo Radio w/8-Track -Electronically Tuned Sttreo Radio w/C.B. and 8· Track -Electronically Tuned Sttrao Radio w/Cassette Tape -Radio Delete -Electronically Tuned Stereo Radio w/C.B. and Clilette Tape -Power Antenna (NIA ULS R.dio O.I.t, UAt5 or UN5 R,dio) • ROOF PANELS: R.movable GI." SEAT. POWER: Six-Way (Oriwr" sid, only) SPEED CONTROL WITH RESUME SPEEO: Automatic (Req, MX 7 Tr,n.) SUSPENSION EQUIPMENT: -Suspension. Gymkhana. Front and Rllr (Incl with IN 1 Ch,"i! Equip) -Shook Absorbers. H.avy·outy (NIA IN 1 Ch.ssis Equip or FE7 Susp) TIRES: (BIW: BI.ck""II. WIL: Whit. L.tt.red) StHI B.lted Radial Ply 6i5 QGO QGR 616 OXH -P225170 R·15 81W IB ..e} -P225170 R-15 W/L -P255/6o R-15 W/L TRANSMISSIONS: (SH Power T,.m! Ch.n) 6i5 MM4 MXl N90 -----4-Speed Manual -Automatic WHEELS. ALUMINUM 615 1981 DEALER ORDER GUIDE r Indicates Change CORVETTE Page 3 CORVETTE ENGINE SERIES NUMBER AND SUFFIX CHART (Cant.) V11 1111 ! Diop. Compo Rotlo 350 9.0:1 Cu. In., Engin. ! Turbo-Fire ; 350 V·8 Bor. Stroke I 4.0" I C.rburetor 4-88rrel 3·31/64" I I Transmission 4·Spd. 12.88 LowJ (M1SI , I '981 350-6 (LSI) M.T., Fed ........... ZOA 350-6 (LSI) A. T.. C.Uf........... ZOB 350-6 (L81) M. T.. Colif. ......... 350-6 IL81) A. T .. Fed. .. ........ ZOO zoe 1981 TRANSMISSION IDENTIRCATION CODE M18-4 SPD. MAN. MX3 - REAR 3 SPD. A.T. 8JO CC AX~E axle' .~. ~"~f.ctu~.d ~y Buick Ind Axle Olosmocl1 •. PonCiac and FIE~D IDENTIFICATION C~.v~Ql.t a~ff.l0 C~.v~ol.t w.~~." C".v~ol.t ~ •• ~ ~eK1"non D1villonal w."uf.ctu~.~ cOOe l.tt.~s _tIL oe ~.t.l ,temoee on tne •• 1. tuDe aOJlcent to tn. carrier for 'tela loenelfleltion IS •••• amg'el wetal Itemeee en ~19nt '~O"t lnOOlro Sloe letter, .~d numerals 1/.' "1;" 3- OutOolro of carrler or are locateo on • metal ta; .tt.c~.o to COver oolt ~.'.r."c. ,Moulo o. mac. to divlSlonal servtce manuals 'or locatlon on some moa.is IDENTIFICATION FIE~D MINIMA~ L NK REQUIREMENTS 1 ~OA IDENTO-P~ATE 211 J.f COOl r 0 W S~IP IDENT. 1080 OPTION) W - lORa WARNER E - lATON ~IMITED MANUFACTURER IDENTITY o- 0~D5 DAY 01' YEAR AX~I IUI~T D-DAY SHIFT N - NIaHT SHIFT MANUFACTURER IDENTITY I o II M - IUICK - O~DSIIOII~I - PONTIAC - PONTIAC/CANADA c - CHEVAO~ET alAR AND AX~E C - CHEVRO~ET .UFFA~D K - aM 01' CANADA ,ST. CATHERINES (MCKINNON) W - CHEVRO~ET WARREN MANUFACTUREAS IDENTIFICATION WILL APPEAR IN T~e OESCRIPTION COLUMN OF CATA~:~ CORVETTE REAR AXLE IDENTIFICATION (Cant.) P1.m P1.m Type V20 Type ••nttfioation Idmtifl_ton 1981 Positrllction (2.87 Ratio) w/A. T.......••...• . ........ OJ Positraction (2.72 Ratio) w/M.T ...... • .......•...... OK Eight Cylinder (Gas V -8) - all except 366 and 454 C.LD. V-8's stamped on pad immediately forward of right hand cylinder head. 366 and 454 C.I.D. V -8's stamped on pad at front top center of engine block immediately forward of the inlet manifold. . L:! , ¥~ ." ~ ENG. PRO ,,.. CODE NO. i ~\ , .' PORTION " OF VIN ENGINE ASSEMBLY 1981 PASSENGER CAR ENGINE PRODUCTION CODE EXPLANATION Chevrolet produced engines will be stamped with a source. production date and engine suffix. Other General Motors produced engines used in Chevrolet vehicles will use a label affixed to the engine assembly. A complete list of all alpha codes used. regardless of manufacturer. appear in chart form on page 7. (For specific locations see engine code locations below.) CHEVROLET ENGINE PRODUCTION CODE Example: V 12 10 DCB r Engine Source Month Produced Day Produced Engine Code K = GM of Canada F = Flint Motor T = Tonawanda V = Flint Engine M = GM of Mexico 12th Month December 10th Day Chevrolet 1.6L (98 CID) L-4 ENGINE CODE LOCATIONS L-4 1.6L (98 CID) (Chevette) The code is stamped on a pad on the right side of the engine below the number one cylinder parallel to the cylinder case deck. L-4 2.SL (151 CID) (Monza) The code is stamped on a boss. distributor side. rearward of the distributor. L-4 2.SL (151 CID) (Citation) The code is on a sticker placed on the timing gear cover and is also stamped on the block. water pump end. just below the cylinder head. This is a two letter alpha code indicating engine type. ENGINE JANUARY 1981 PAGE 3 V -6 2.SL (173 CID) (Citation) The code is stamped on a horizontal machined surface on the block just forward of the intake manifold. V-6 3.SL (231 CrD) (Front Mounted Distributor) Located on the front face of the left rocker cover on a paper label. V-6 3.SL (229 CrD) (Rear Mounted Distributor) Located on cylinder case pad immediately forward of the right cylinder head. V-S 5.7L (350 CID) (Diesel) The code is on a label located on rear face of left valve cover (see page ()() for example). V-S 4.4L (267 CID), 5.0L (305 CID), 5.7L (350 CID) Located on cylinder case pad immediately forward of the right cylinder head. NOTE: In addition. all passenger car engines (except 3.8L. 231 CID) will have a portion of the vehicle identification number stamped near the engine production code. usually near the right hand side of the cylinder case. This condensed identification number consists of the division number. model year. assembly plant designation. and vehicle build sequence number. Example: BR I ( I) PAGE 4 23456 T I __________ L Veh. Seq. No. Assm. PIt. - - - - - - - - - - - MdL Year Chevrolet Passenger (VIN Pos. 3) JANUARY 1981 ENGINE 1911 PASSENGER CAR VIN SYSTEM TlUl:lIII 1111 • _ _ ... IIlSTIAII' USn.1 3 MAKE ~ CARLINE'SERIES - a.-.rT ,• • · CIIM", I · Chtttttt Scooter L . ImDll, • . "lIflC' CIISSIC , ·."""'0 yll\110 Btrlll,.na S I . '''hb" · ".hb" CIlUte • · C.I.I'O/I "I. M . Cutlass 8fOlllft1m ('",'WI · Cullm Wi•• ; · Otll' II • • CuTl.m SUOf'!mt 8'OUllll m · DellI 88 Ro,.1t e'uI'" · Otll, as I . CIUDI OILt · ,"c,OI,n D · hi Au · lJIII,"I"" I · Ac'OI,n S · P,rlSIf""' •, I . PPIotnll LJ H \.oooaft'OooolMlc_' " COIott 1 0.. ',.. ~ID¥. SIIf(',' ..0 • · Sk,I". C · S.,II,k llm'T" D · S.,I.rll SDOI'I E · Cenh," WIID" • Reel' · CtnIUI, · Rtpl SIIOfI L · C,nluI, lll'l'ulPCI .lIttll l,m'ltd · L,5.ab re · LeS:ibft l,'Mtd · l,S,blf [st.. I, · [IKI', Eslat' · Eltell, Palk A",nl,l' · Eltelll L,mll,O · T • , 8rOIlC",m · flttl",ooa D· Ot~IIIt! . fleelWOOCl limo • L · Elcor,Co S · Snillt! .. .". •, ,_:. . ••, -- "".. •, ., '.,,- "" • ,•, ., -.....,.... ...." • ,-- .. .. .. ..- .. PLANT - - - f , • ,,- I.eoa~' 0.. ''''~'''' IIIeIt"'" II I . 1t""'1 t.IDIUM: ;II •,• ... ',1............ 10.. I · Cull,n SUIlIfIM , 91 lUlU,", ·98 Rfltnc, 8rolil". m · 91 Rtlfnc. II wlie" " Jr.•,. 11 CWlltZ 0.. ... -..:' . . .' · Photllil • ••, • ,• ~::c~'~~~:~~,m ~ , "",," · Custom • SIc"'. 0000 .... . II , •• c....ZO' ...I'.... s...-l 0. 1IItI:1IIIC' SIIIIo-' 0. "". Sou. C_20' . . . . .• IT · r"tOn(l I · f!letlirC ESI\III · FlletlllCi FOIm\ll. r"ttlml TriM Am •[ .·0'"'1' Jrnq. 8fov,n.1TI ei . Culiln BODY TYPE "•n " S -.U •, · Gr.1td 6·7 • . 8fOUI",m eon"",l" unO' "'OfIIt •, BrOllllllm I I · COfftne I . -Lelia'" . G,.fICI LeM..., I · Grind P," I · Grind P". II L · YUIIlI, · BoII... 11t • I,,~, .100<" • '0 • ~r , .~ " •' 'IIIIe .... ' .. l"" n .. ,c;., 0, '" oS ~ .,- r ,... .. c.:., , ~r a.-. ,., r " ' . ' _ "0 I ) Oft·..' ·C ....., I I \I ......... ()oot t • "'~"I "....., .- . '....... "'. .'".0.0.-. 0" (.to ()II l._~ Sc",_, hi .................................... dIIIIII' ........... ,... 1981 CORVETTE .;,. . 1981 Corvette Length: 185.3 inches Width: 69.0 Inches Height: 48.0 inches Curb Weight: 3,307 pounds Wheelbase: 98 inches Tire Size: P225nOR15 Track: 58.7 Inches front. 59.5 inches rea, ...... ..:..... " ~ ~ '.'1:;' ~. .. _.; Cnevrolet photo • 1981 CORVEI"I'E Production: 40,606 coupes 1981 NUMBERS Vehlcle:1G1AY8764B5400001 thru lG1AY8764B5431611 (5t LOUiS) lG1AY8764B5100001 thru lG1AY8764B5108995 (B-Green) • Ninth digit is a check code and varies. Suffix: ZOA: 350ci. 190h;;. 1""1t ZOB: 350ci. 190,,;,. a.. ~e ZOC: 350ci. 190hp. mt. ce ZOO: 350ci. 190hp. at Block: 14010207: All Head: 462624: All carburetor: Rochester a-jet #17u_ .,p. 3:,,- :. 190hp. mt 'J)hp. at. ce Rochester a-jet #1708.~ ',. 25i2 '10. at Rochester a-jet #17081228 .• SOc· Distributor: 1103443: All Alternator: 1101075.1101085.1103088. 110309. '(1;:"~3 Abbreviations: at=automatic transmission. ce=califorma ..mIssions. ci=cubic inch. hp=horsepower. mt=manual transmission. 1981 FACTS • The 1981 Corvette was the first model year to be built simultaneously in two locations. The first Corvette was completed althe new Bowling Green. Kentucky. assembly line on June 1. 1981. The last Corvette to be built at 51. Louis was completed on August 1. 198 I . • Although there were no engine options for 1981. the base 350ci. 190hp L81 engine was certified for sale in California. and was available in all states including California with both 4-speed manual and automatic transmissions. • Exterior styling carried over from 1980. but emblems did change slightly. • The tubular stainless steel exhaust manifolds. used for 1980 Corvettes sold in California with the LG4 305ci engine. were standard with the 1981 base engine. • Chevrolet's "computer command control" used on 1980 Corvettes sold in California became standard equipment on all 1981 Corvettes. The system automatically adjusted i9nition timing and air-fuel mixture. • Chevrolet introduced a fiberglass-reinforced monoleaf rear spring for 1981 Corvettes equipped with automatic transmissions and standard suspensions. The plastic spring weighed eight pounds compared to fortyfour pounds for the steel unit it replaced_ • The anti·theft alarm system was improved in 1981 by the addition of an ignition interrupt to prevent engine start. • All 1981 valve covers were magnesium for weight reduction. • For improved fuel economy, 1981 Corvettes with automatic transmissions had torque converter clutches for second and third gears. • A detail change to the 1981 Corvette interior was the color-keying of the headlamp and windshield wiper switch bezels to the interior color. In 1980. they were black regardless of interior color. • The 198 I Corvette was the last model to have a manual transmission available until well into the 1984 production year. • The 51. Louis Corvette assembly plant continued to use lacquer paints through the end of 1981 production in that faCility. Meanwhile in Bowling Green. a new paint process was developed which used enamel basecoats followed by clear topcoats. • A power driver seat became available in Corvettes for the first time in 1981 as RPO A42. It was not available for the passenger side. 76 1981 OPTIONS RPOI DESCRIPTION OTY RETAIL S lVV87 Base Corvette Spon Coupe ........................ 40,606 $16,258.52 AU3 Power Door Locks ...................................... 36,322 145.00 .0.42 Power Driver Seal.. ..................................... 29,200 183.00 Removable Glass Roof Panels ................... 29,095 414.00 CCl C49 Rear Window Defogger .............................. 36.893 119.00 DG7 Electnc Spon Mirrors .................................. 13.567 117.00 084 Two-Tone Paint ............................................ 5.352 399.00 FE7 Gymkhana Suspension ................................. 7,803 57.00 F51 Heavy Duty Shock Absorbers ....................... 1,128 37.00 G92 Performance Axle Ratio ................................ 2.400 20.00 K35 CrUise Control ............................................. 32.522 155.00 MM4 4-Speed Manual Transmission ..................... 5.757 0.00 Aluminum Wheels (4) ................................. 36,485 428.00 N90 QGR White Letter SBR Tires. P225170R15 ......... 21,939 72.00 aXH White Letter SBR Tires, P255/60R15 ......... 18,004 491.92 UL5 Radio Delete .................................................... 315 -118.00 UM4 AM-FM Radio, etr stereo with 8-track ........... 8,262 386.00 UM5 AM-FM Radio, etr stereo with 8-tracklCB ........ 792 712.00 UM6 AM-FM Radio, etr stereo with cassette ....... 22,892 423.00 UN5 AM-FM Radio, etr stereo with cassettelCB ... 2,349 750.00 U58 AM-FM Radio, stereo .................................... 5. I 45 95.00 U75 Power Antenna ........................................... 32,903 55.00 V54 Roof Panel Carrier ........................................ 3.303 135.00 YF5 California Emission Cenification ................... 4.951 46.00 ZNl Trailer Package ............................................... 916 110.00 • A 350ci, 190hp engine, 4-speed manual transmission or automatic transmission. T-tops. and leatherlvinyl or cloth/vinyl interior trim were included in the base price. • There were no optional Corvelle engines in 1981. • All optional radios except U58 were new style Delcos with electronic tuned receivers (etr). Available with 8-track, 8-track piUS citizens band. casselle. or casselle with citizens band. the radios featured digital station tuning readout and had built-in clocks. If a 1981 Corvette had one of these radios, the standard quanz instrument panel clock was replaced with an oil temperature gauge. 1981 COLORS CODE 06 10 13 19 24 28 52 59 75 79 84 33/38 33/39 50174 EXTERIOR OTY WHEELS INTERIORS Mahogany Metallic ..... I ,092 Silver Cm-Dr White .......................... 6,387 Silver Ch-Cm-Db-Dr-Mr-Sg Silver Metallic ............. 2,590 Silver Ch-Db-Mr-Sg Black .......................... 4,712 Silver Ch-Cm-Dr-Mr-Sg Bright Blue Metallic ............ 1 Silver Ch-Cm-Db-Sg Dark Blue Metallic ...... 2,522 Silver Cm-Db-Mr-Sg yellow ......................... 1,031 Silver Ch-Cm Beige .......................... 3,842 Silver Cm-Db-Dr-Mr Red ............................. 4,310 Silver Ch-Cm-Mr-Sg Maroon Metallic .......... 1,618 Silver Ch-Cm-Mr-Sg Ch-Cm-Mr-Sg Charcoal Metallic ........ 3,485 Silver SilverlDark Blue.. ........... Silver Db-Sg Silver/Charcoal.............. Silver Ch-Sg Beige/Dark Bronze ........ Silver Cm 80/98 Autumn Red/Dark Claret Silver Dr-Sg • Suggested interiors shown. Other combinations were possible. • Color quantities shown are for SI. LouiS production and should not be relied upon as exact because the total is 21 less than actual production. All two-tone combinations were painted at the new Bowling Green facility and precise paint quantity records are not currently available. • Interior Codes: 152-$g/L, 19C.Ch/C, 192.Ch/L, 29C.DblC, 292=DblL, 64C.CmlC, 642=CmlL, 67C.Dr/C, 672=Dr/L, 752=Mr/L. • Abbreviations: C.Cloth, Ch=Charcoal, Cm.Camel, Db-Dark Blue, Dr.Dark Red, L=Leather, Mr-Medium Red, Sg.Silver Gray. 77 1981 CORVETTE Corvette CoUp<! Model No. Corvette Coupe .......... ............ I YY87 I Index Corvette Value Features for 1981 .... .. .. .... 2-4 Corvette Coupe............................ .. ...... 5 Interior Features .......................... . .... . ... 6 Instrument Panel Features ................. .. .... 7 Color and Trim Combinations................... 7 Equipment Summary ............................ 8 Optional Equipment......... . ............. . .. .... 9 Power Teams ........................... .... .. ... ··· 10 Body Features .................... . ..... .... ....... II Dimensions/Specifications ........... .. .......... 12 Color & Trim Selections ................ .. ... 13-15 Also see Value Features and Option Features sections/or additional details. See Dealer Order Guide for latest available information. Curvette/l CORVETTE VALUE FEATURES FOR 1981 New Features for 1981 shown in Bold Face ENGINE/CHASSIS • 5.7 Liter .. -Bbl. V8 engine standard • Automatic transmission or four-speed fully synchronized manual transmission s{(lIIdard • High Energy Ignition system • New fiberglass-reinforced Monoleaf rear spring now standard with automatic transmission. This design eliminates interleaf friction to help reduce ride harshness. The steel multi-leaf spring is retained with manual transmission and optional Gymkhana suspension • Automatic transmission now has converter clutch feature in 2nd and 3rd gears • Advanced Computer Command Control emission system now standard • Lightweight magnesium valve rocker covers in black with bright ribbed surface now standard • New. chrome-plated air cleaner cover • New stainless-steel. free-flow exhaust manifolds weigh approximately 14 pounds less than the previous cast iron • New aiJxiliar~' electric fan cuts in if supplemental cooling is needed: allows a smaller fan with fewer, lower pitched blades for reduced fan drag and quieter operation • Sturdy frame structure with corrosion-resistant coating • Energy-absorbing honeycomb cushion front bumper system • Energy-absorbing rear bumper system with hydraulic cylinders • Four-wheel power disc brakes • Limited-slip differential • Fully independent four-wheel suspension system standard • Power steering slandard ;!;Corvette • Exhaust valve rotators • More reliable Delco Freedom It battery that never needs refilling standard. Sealed side terminals help prevent corrosion • Del~otron generator with built-in solid-state regulator • Hydraulic valve lifters standard • Large-diameter front stabilizer • P225i70R-15 steel-belted radial ply black wall tires stalldard • Wide 15" x 8" wheels s/andard • Long recommended service intervals las specified in Owner"s Manual) for oil change. oil filter. spark plugs. lubrication and automatic transmission fluid BODY/EXTERIOR • Improved standard anti-theft system. A starter-interrupt feature disables starting circuit if forced entr~' is made. This disablement occurs even if the ignition switch is bypassed. The system is armed b~' using the manual or power door control on driver's door while the door is open. (Driver's door key lock is used to disarm system) • Tinted glass Sflllldard • Dual remote control sport mirrors standard • Concealed dual-speed electric windshield wipe" with integral washers in wiper arms standard • Power-operated retractable headlamps with halogen hi-beam inner units standard • Corrosion-resistant steel-reinforced fiberglass body with panial steel underbody INTERIOR • Headlamp and windshield wiper switch bezels molded in interior color, instead of the previous black appearance • A quartz crystal-movement clock is now standard. This is a more durable and accurate timepiece than conventional mechanical-movement clocks. • New extended.range rear speakers are now included with all optional stereo radios. • Choice of cloth and vinvl or leather and vinyl seat trim' • Air conditioning srandard • Power windows standard • Tilt-Telescopic leatherwrapped steering wheel slalldard • Tachometer standard • AMIFM radio s1""d,,,.d I ma\ be deleted for credit) • Voltmeter. oil pressure. fuel and temperature gages standard • Trip odometer s[OI1£/ar£l • Console-mounted parking brake control standard • Automatic seat back latches • Roof courtesy light with timedelay and automatic door switches slllluiard • Rear luggage area "'ith concealing roller shade NEW OPTIONS • Electronically Tuned Stereo Radio with RPO L'M" 8-Track • Electronically Tuned Stereo Radio with Cassette Tape RPO UMfl • Electronically Tuned Stereo Radio/Citizens Band RPO UM~ with 8-Track • Electronically Tuned Stereo Radio with Citizens Band and Cassette Tape .............. RPO UN5 • Seat. Power Left Hand .............. RPO A42 • Speed Control. Automatic wlresume speed . RPO K3~ • Electric Twin Remote Spon Mirrors ... RPO DG7 Optional Electronically Tuned Stereo Radio \\ith H-Track Corvette Optional Aluminum Wheels Hidden Stowage Compartment and Battery Compartment Standard Genuine Leather-Wrapped Steering Wheel Standard Corvellel3 t\hmokaf Fibergla ... s Rear Spring \'.:irh Automatic Transmissilm Standard Optional Automatic SpcecJ "Resume Speed" Fcatur..: Optional ElcdriL' T\A. in Remme Spon Mirror Controls ClllHr,,1 New Anti·Theft Alann S .... stem \\ ,,, Startcr-lnlcITupl Feature ~f.)land{Jrd rh'H I)." '.,' . CORVETTE Coupe Black·finished windshield molding Concealed windshield wipers with integral washers in wiper anns Bright recessed outside door handles Bright key locks (LH controb thefl alarm) Power·operated retractable headlights Fastback roof design P225170R-15 steel·beited radial ply blackwall tires on IS~ )( 8~ wheels Body-color front bumper cover Black-finished rear window molding R"movabil, roof panels 30dv-colored '>pon mLrrors (LH remote control. RH manual) Crossed flag emblem on fuel tiller door Frllnl Il.'n.kr markl.'r JnJ ~"rn~'rln~ II'o:hL- Rear bumper "Corvette" nameplate Front fender air louver Bodv-color rear bumper cover with integral spoiler ~"" {,~,\ "'. ,, Standard Corvette Bright Trim Rings and Center Caps "'-~' Optional Aluminum Wheels (RPO N90) " INTERIOR FEATURES ("{In"ctIC Bucket Scal s Offl!red in Choice of Leather and Vinyll(lr Cloth and Vi nyl Trim Shllwn l ''iTERIOR FEATl'RES Bu . :kct ~ C':Jts with folding seat backs and inertia seat back locks Fpr\.. "ard tlat-folding passenger scat back Chllil.'C of Icather or cloth seat trim on seating: su rfal.' cs Singh.: ionr "cal hclr <;ystcrn with concc<1h:d re tractors ("o lllr -kc yeu door IrIm panels with padded armrests. vinyl upper trim. carpcred lower kl(:1.:. raJ". dual Sport mirror controls. and map sw rage pockets Vi"or illuminated RH instrument pand pad Molded hcadlining w ith s un visor pocket s eC OIer dt.mc light between ronf pane ls. courte sy lights under instrument panel nllITOf. Cn l n r - kc~cd Co lor-keyed roof panel lie-down straps and black stowage hags Co lo r· kc y.:d ~arpc!ting in pa. . s~ n ge r compartment and rear st owage area Co lor-keyed floor matS Luggage !:ompartment I.:oncealment shade L(Kki ng ..:;enrage compartment under rear floor A(oust ica l insulation package Tinted glas . . (all windows) Parking brake Icwr l:Ietween bucket seats S- Standard s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s Corvette's Unique Instrument Panel INSTRUMDiT PANEL FEATURES ,\~1 F~l s s radw I ma\ be d e lt:ted lor ned!!) Column-m{'un!eu k,er tnr lurn 'ulnal ,md headll!.!.ht beam -\,r ~nndlu,)nlno! -noo ..md he>lter cuntrol~ un s s cun~ole RP~1 electnlfll': ta.:hom':ler qvie \oltme ter, tempe rature, ull pres,ure and fuel 2ages ~~ mph "'pee dome ter "'Hh Irlp odometer Lo'" rue! mdll;alOr Headb~hl-~ln reminder bUl.leT -\lr~'r:Jl! C()n,nJe mtlunled ':\lnlr(lJ tPf l(lur-"pe ed or au\omal1C s tran~ml~SlOn Bright glo\e c'''mpartm ent door loc!.. 5 - SlanJ,lf(j Corvette Color and Trim Combinations I Cluth Bucket* Leather Buc!"':I·· CORVETTE --·Cloth '"'" ,." DARK BLL'E (.'l.1ETI CHARCOAL (,\lET) \lAROON I \tET1 RED SILVER WHITE YELLOW ;Jnd ~eat t'lack I CODE EXTERIOR COLOR BEIGE BL\CK ~eat cu~hlon SIL\"ER .. I I X X 1.1 10 X ~ealln~ \urlace~ WIth , I I''TERIOR COI.ORS C\\lEL RED I X ,, ,, , X 5~ Leather BLACK X ., ,, '" ~~ panel~ , , I \"In~ , .,, ,,, , , , ,, , .,, , I I I RL'ST , , ., x I [)K Bit I· ,, , , X X .\ I ~lde and hack panel ... See Dealer Order Guide for latest available information. , ,, EQUIPMENT SUMMARY Corvette Coupe EXTERIOR Front fender ....ent louvers Front cornering lights Dual remote outside sport mirrors Retractable headlights with painted bezels Body color front bumper cover with integral air dam Black windshield reveal molding Concealed windshield wipers with integral washers in wiper anns Black rocker panel molding Steel wheels with bright trim rings and center caps Removable roof panels Tinted glass Black rear window reveal molding Single outboard taillights Single inboard backup lights Fiberglass reinforced plastic body Body color rear bumper cover with integral spoiler INTERIOR Air conditioning Power windows Tilt-Telescopic steering wheel Convenience Group. Includes time-delay dome and courtesy lights. headlight warning buzzer. underhood light. low fuel warning light. color-keyed floor mats. inrenniaent windshield wipers and RH visor vanity mirror Bucket seats with folding seat backs and inertia seat back locks Forward flat-folding passenger seat back AM/FM radio with dual front speakers 85-mph speedometer with trip odometer 7.000-rpm electronic tachometer Voltmeter. temperature. fuel and oil pressure gages Quartz electric clock Cigarette lighter and ashtray Chrome glove compartment lock on instrument panel Steering wheel with leather-wrap rim and black spokes Oayinight rearview mirror Deep-twist floor and stowage area carpet Acoustical insulation package Luggage compartment concealment shade s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s POWER TEAMS/CHASSIS/MECHANICAL 5.7 Liter ",-Bbl. V8 Automatic or four-speed manual transmission Power steering Stainless steel headers (exhaust manifolds) Magnesium valve rocker covers and chrome air cleaner cover Hydraulic valve lifters High Energy Ignition system and a higher capacity Delco Freedom II baner:'" with side terminals Power disc brakes at all four wheels P225170R-15B steel-belted radial ply black wall tires and 15" x 8" wheels Inside hood release Flow-thm ventilation system Fully independent front and rear suspension Sturdy frame structure with corrosion-resistant coating S-Standard 8/Corvette See Dealer Order Guide for latest available information. s s s s s s s s s s s s s OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT RPO Carrier. Roof Panel Chassis Equipment - Trailering. Includes increased cooling and Gymkhana Suspension. Available only with ZNI AutomatIc Transmlssion Dero~ller. Electric'Rear Window Door Lock S.\'siem. Power Mirrors. EJectric Twin Remote Sport Radio Equipment: Includes JO" tb:ed height rear AM/FM Slueo Radio Electronicllll~' AL'J DGi '\!nna (except with CB or Power Antenna) Tuned Stereo Radio with 8· Track Tape player Electronicall~' L'~16 Tuned Stereo Radio with Cassette Tape player Eleetronically Tuned Stereo/Citizens Band with 8-Track Tape playrr Electronicall:!i Tuned Stereo Radio with Citizens Band and Cassette Tape Power Antenna. NA with AMfFM StereorCitlzens Band Radio Radio. Delete I for credi!: delete:. std, radio and ~peake rs I L'M5 1I75 L'L5 Sut. Power Left Hand Roof Panels. Remo\'able Glass. Twin removabk unlcd !"Ia~~ panel:. Speed Control. Automatic. Requlre~ AutomatlL' Transmi~~iun Suspension Equipment: Gymkhana. Includes rear stabilizer and bu~hing.~. hlgher·rate 'ipnng~ and speCial shock absorbers Induded With Z;..r I ,,:ha~"'I'" eqUipment Shock Absorbers. He8\'),'·OUI)'. ;.JA With Traderlng EqUipment or Gymkhana Tires: P225170R-IS Steel-Belted Radial PI~' While Lettered P255/60R·15 Steel·Belted Radial Ply White Lettered I CCI FE/' Suspen~i{ln Transmissions: Four·Speed Manual. Avai lable at no e:<tra charge Automatic. Available at no extra charge Trim. Interior: (See Culm and Trim Selections) Cloth Bucket Seal Interior. Available at no extra L'hargc Leather Bucket Seat Interior. Available at nn e'(.(ra .:harge Wheels. Aluminum I foun NA - F:il QGR QXH MXI NlJO Not Available See Dealer Order Guide for latest available information. Corvette!lJ POWER TEAMS Standard 5.7 Liter 4-Bbl. V8 Engine Engine RPO Power Displacement Engine No Rating:* (cllhic inches) Availability 180 350 Std. 2.72 2.87 350 Std. 2.72 2.87 ALL STATES EXCEPT CALIFORNIA {with Standard Emission S\,stem - RPO :VAS J 5.7 Luer4-Bbl. V8 (AI· L81 I I I CALIFORNIA ONLY (with California Emission Requirements - RPO YF5 J 57 Lit~r4-Bbl. V8 (AI L81 180 * 5 ,A ./::. net honeplIIl'er as msrallt'd. Std. - Standard. I I/) I :hailable In Transml . . sionsIRear Axle Ratlo~ Four-Speed Manual AUlOmalic RPOMM4 RPQ MXl Std. (I ( I placl:' o(standl1rd Four-Speed Manual Transmission £II no extra nm. (A I Produced by GM - Chevrolet Motor Division. See EPA section ror mileage estimates. IOICorveUe See Dealer Order Guide for latest available Information. BODY FEATURES Standard On 1981 Corvette Body Structure & Features • Sturdy frame structure with corrosion-resistant coating • Corrosion-resistant steel- reinforced fiberglass body • Energy-absorbing honeycomb cushion front bumper system • Energy-absorbing rear bumper system with twin hydraulic shock absorbers • Double-panel door and hood construction • Tinted glass • Anti-theft audio alarm system • Luggage area cover shade • Single lever roof panel locks • Concealed dual-speed electric windshield wipers • Power retractable headlamps with halogen hi-beam inboard units • Acrylic finish Chassis Features • Power steering helps make parking and maneuvering in city traffic easy • Power disc brakes at all four wheels • Automatic transmission or • Long recommended service intervals (as specified in Owner's Manual) for oil change. oil filter. spark plugs. chassis lubrication and automatic transmission fluid • New. longer-life Delco Freedom II battery never needs refilling. Sealed side terminals help prevent corrosion buildup • Front stabilizer bar • Limited slip rear axle • Recirculating ball steering gear with rear mounted linkage • Fully independent front and rear suspension • Temperature-controlled auxiliary engine radiator fan • Early Fuel Evaporation system to hasten engine warm-up • Tires incorporate tread wear indicator • Direct double-actin£ sealedunit hydraulic shock absorbers • P22SI70R-IS steel-belted radial ply black wall tires and IS" x 8" wheels Exterior Body Preparation and Paint Processes Four-speed fully synchronized manual transmission • Delc.otron generator with built-in solid-state regulator • High Energy Ignition system • Coolant recovery system • Exhaust valve rotators • Hydraulic valve lifters I. Dry sand exterior bodv surfaces. then vacuum t~ remove dust. 2. Clean all surfaces with solvent. 3. Apply red rubbing putty to fill surfaces. then vacuum to remove excess putty. 4. Spray prime all exterior surfaces. 5. Bake 4S minutes at 27S o F 6. Glaze where necessary with gray putty. 7. Water sand exterior and interior surfaces and dry. S. Glaze where necessary with gray putty. 9. Spray all exterior and interior surfaces with sealer and drv. 10. Spray acrylic finish ov~r exterior surfaces and air drv for 3 minutes minimum (first finish coat). 11. Bake 30 minutes at 1800 F 12. Cool to room temperature and fill any minor imperfections with resin. 13. Wet sand and fill remaining imperfections with gray putty where necessary. then vacuum body. 14. Spray dark gray primer on any surfaces oversanded. IS. Repeat operation # 10 (for second finish coat I. 16. Repeat operation # 10 (for third finish coat). 17. Bake 30 minutes at 180' F and cool to room temperature. IS. Mask off and spray specific areas with black finish. 19. Machine sand using mineral spirits liberally as lubricant. 20. Machine polish body to a high lustre. DIMENSIONS/ SPECIFICATIONS EXTERIOR IJI\IE'SIO'S 4X.tl Length hl\\.'ralll Width lon:ralll Hl.'ighl t hJlkJ 1 Front m:aJ Rear treall r'\linimum grnunJ \:karancc 1X5.J OX.7 Hl'uJ room Hip room Shoullkr rOllrn tTEL TAi'iK CAPACITY I gallon" Cl'RB WEIGHT (pounlbJ 12 Corvette -1-7.5 "-LO [HEVR[)LET Public Relations Department. Chevrolet Motor Dlvisio NEWS General Motors Corporation. 30007 Van D'-(ke Avenu ~arrert. Michigan 480~O • 13131574-884 EDITORS September 11, 1980 FORRElEASE _______________________________ #8744 Chevrolet's Corvette upholds its reputation for materials innovation in 1981 with introduction of the industry's first fiberglass reinforced plastic monoleaf rear spring. Other weight reduction features are also designed to improve Corvette fuel economy. The new spring is 33 pounds lighter than the steel multi-leaf spring it replaces. Appearing first on sane Corvettes with automatic transmissions, it will be extended to the remainder of Corvette production as supplies are available. Other 1981 Corvette weight reduction features include thinner side glass and lighter stainless steel exhaust manifolds. Corvette for '81 offers a single engine for all 50 states -- a 5.7-liter va (code LBl) with four-barrel quadrajet carburetion. The choice of manual or automatic transmission for all states provides California buyers with a manual unit selection for the first time in several years. The LBl engine sports new magnesium rocker covers, stainless steel exhaust manifolds and a distinctive air breather. An auxiliary electric fan allows use of a Smaller, quieter engine fan. Rear axle ratios are 2.72 with manual transmissions and 2.87 with automatics. -more- #8744 -2- Other fuel economy features involve the Computer Command Control (CCC) system, which provides more precise fuel metering plus electronic control of a torque converter clutch in both second and third speeds of the automatic transmission. Inside the '81 Corvette, a six-way power seat is available for the first time. An electronically-tuned receiver ~TR) radio is also available with AM-FM stereo tape or cassette and citizen's band features. Extended tone-range dual rear speakers are included with all stereo radios. A QUartz clock is standard and dual power sport mirrors are an interim production option. The standard anti-theft alarm system has been improved through the addition of a starter interrupt feature that prevents starting the engine after any forced entry -- even when the ignition switch has been bypassed. # Specifications Form Passenger Car 1981 METRIC (U.S. Customary) Car Line Manufacturer CORVETTE CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION Mailing Address Model Year CHEVROLET ENGINEERING CENTER 30003 VAN DYKE WARREN. MICHIGAN 48090 1981 Issued: SEPTEMBER 1980 Revised (e) TN- Iniormallon conl'lntel herein ,s ptePlrtc!, dlSlrlbul1'Cl by. and is SO...y ,,.. responatblhly of the automobile nqnUtaclu""O com~ny 10 whOM product. I' retaIn. Ount.ans concern,ng these SpeCII'Clllons should De directed to lhe m.nut.ctu.... w~ '1 -"Own .boote. ThiS SPilCilcat,on form.as ctevetoped by lutomotM_ ~.chlf""G compan ..lr. I,Indel I~ ."Sp'C" 01 lhe Motor Veh,cle M.nufactur.... "11OC~tlO" ot tn. United Sta'H. Inc. add,... MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car METRIC (U.S. Customary) Table of Contents 1 Car Models 2 Power Teams 3·7 7 8 9 Engine Exhaust System Fuel System Cooling System 10,11 Vehicle Emission Control 12·14 Electrical 15·17 18 Drive Units Tires and Wheels 18,19 .' Brakes 20 Steering 21 Suspension - 22 Body - 22 Frame 23 Convenience Equipment 24 Vehicle Mass (Weight) 25 Optional Equipment Mass (Weight) 26·30 Front and Rear Miscellaneous Information Car and Body Dimensions - including Fiducial Marks, Glass, Lamps and Headlamp Shape 31·35 36 Car and Body Dimension Key Sheets Index NOTE: 1. 2. 3. ... This form uses both SI metric units and U.S. Customary un'ts. The Metric unit of measurement is presented first. and the U.S. Customary unit follows in ~rentheses. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED: a. Specifications apply to standard models without optional eQuipment. Significant deviations are noled. b. Nominal design dimensions are used throughout these specifications. c. All linear dimensions are in millimeters (inches" and all ma.s (weight) Ipeelfications are in kilograms (pounds). The General Specifications herein are those in effect date of completion and are subject to change without notice by the manufacturer. A printed or computer tape supplement containing additional car and Body Dimensions andlor drawings (based in part on SAE Jll00a "Motor Vehicle Dimensions") may be available from the manufacturer. MVMA-C-81 a. · . MVMA Specifications Form CORVETTE -=-=_________ CarLIMI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10100,1 Passenger Car METRIC (U.s. Customary) v,., _'J,;9:IJB...',-__ llIu'" __9,,--8:::.0,,-_ Re.i.ed u.s. (0) _ _ _ __ Customary Units Only Car Modell MaCIel Oescr,ptlon clncluCle line Or,,*'"gs 01 V.nlclel .. , Desued) Uak •. Car Ii,... Seri••. Body Type (Mfgr'. Model Code) CORVETIE M)OEL NUMBER 2-Door Sport Coupe lYY87 No. of DnigNiteCI Se.'lng Polltlons eFront fFl••,) Ma. TrunkIC.,oo LOIDKilOGrams (PounQS) specific to NOTE: Any specifications on the following pages that are California requirements are indicated accordi n9l y. • car MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car .. LI •• _ _-=C:!!O!!RV~E~n'-!..!:E__-"....,....,._________ Model Ve.. 1 981 I •• ued _~9,---,,8-,,0 __ Rey,.ed (.) _ _ __ METRIC (U.s. Customary) Power Teams (Indicate .."heth" standard or optional) SAE Net bhp (brake horsepower) and net torQue corrected to 85· F and 28.38 in. HI a.molpneric pre.lure. ENGINE SERIES AVAILABILITY 0.101 liters c.rtI. Com.... RatiO (;,,3) V-8 5.7 350) L81) BASE - ALL STATES LIMITED SLIP AXLE RATIO SAE Het ., RPM 4 pIFFE~ c.NTI~ L. 8.2:1 kW T_ ",",PI N·", Pb. h.) blWla' a.._· 190 280 @ @ 4200 1600 STAN DARD AIR CONDITION ~NG B~ SE EC UIPMEN r TRANSMISSION D CStd. first) (lMute NC raliol MAN. 4-SPD - BASE (2.88 LOW) AUTO '3S0c'-AVAIL BASE OPT. 2.72:1 - 2.87:1 '1 7?·1 ? 87·1 49 Stat Onlv *Cal On1 QUIP~ ~NT. t . \ I' t ... . S - Sing.. ..vu ... ,...... D - Dual ........ , Car I.ln. _---'C"'O""R!!V.!:E..:,.TT.!..!E=--_____________ MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car 1gel Model Y. .r Issued __9:1.=.-aB1l0,-_ ReVIsed ('1 _ _ _ __ METRIC (U.S. Customary) 5.7 ltTER V-8 (350 cIC) EntiN D•• criptionICarb. Engine Coda 4-BBL CARBURETOR RPO L81 Engine - General 90° Type (inlinl, V and Angll, Flatl EnGine installation potltlon Cltan,.,.,.., longiludiftal) I Front I Roar NUmbefof IntO. points TWO ONE 8 lOLl :4.0 8.' 3.4 i73 35 1. :4.40 0 ST LLOY IRON !29. 19.03) .025 BELOW CAST ALLOY IRON 75.47 .021 4.60 73.27 No. of cylinder. IIor. $lrOk, ptaton Displacem,nt c~ (In3, 8or. Spacing (CIL to ClU Cylinder Bloek Mltlfll' Cylinder block cteck hliOhl Deck cl,.r,"CI (minimum) (above Of below block' Cylinaer H,." Ma'iril' Cylindlr He,d Volum. _ em J H.aes G""et Thickness tcomP""~) cm 3 H"d G •• ket VOluma Minimum Coma",ltlon Chamber Yolume - cm 3 Cyl, No. ,.,Itlm / L Bank CtronllO rear)-· JR. Bank 'V' FRONT LONGITUDINAL Lof;ation (Front. Mid, R••f) -:W -1 -4-f -B Finng Ord,r 1-R- Recommenoeo fuel (Leadea, unleaded) -?-~ -li-7_7 UNLEADED 87 Fuel antiknock Inde" ~ 2 264.8 ( 5841 Tolal dr.ased englM m"'lwt) dry • Engine - Pistons CAST ALLUMINUM ALLOY ".tenal o.scripllon and finish (Flat, dill'*2. dome. etc., I M•••. iii IweuiJht. oz., CLOSED SKIRT. SUMP HEAD 4 21 .311 825 .0235 - .0325) .018 - .043 .0007 .0017) Pi,ton Onty ca.aranee Tool'net (limil') Skin ;g7 - I Top /IIoHom 89.94 -90.3 89.94 -90.3 90.86 -91.2- NO.1 FIno Ring IiIroove diameter No.2 ring No. 3. fino -Dressed eng ina mAl. (we. ern t 1incluan tN fOilowin g : ~RUNT Uf FAN TI REAR - .55 .55 .59 FA~E OF I!LU~I(. - INCLUDES ENGINE MOUNTS AND ACCELERATOR COIHROLS . ,.keo". •• Rea, of engine - drive Vi. . from ali.,. takeoff end to determine Ie" .. rtgf'It 'ide of engl,... MVMA·c.a, 3. 3. 3. - Pag.3 -- -·'.WMA Specifications Form Passenger Car _---'C=::O:.:R:..:V.::ETT.:....:..:E=--_ _~=_--------ReviSed te) _ _ __ v.., 1981 Ilsued 9-80 Ca, Line Model METRIC (u.s. Customary) ) 5.7 LITER V-8 350 CID) 4-BBL. CARBURETOR RPO L81 Engine Description'Ca,.,. EnglneCOCIe Engine - Piston Rings No.1, oil or compo Function No.2. Oil or como. I\0Il10 lIoIIoml NO.3. Oil or compo Dncnillion - - UPPER ...,....'. _lino. LOWER elc. Com",..· Width Gap Dncription- material, coatl"G. Ole. 01' Widtl'l - G•• Eapa ...... Engine - l-uI'II"Kt.!)!)lUN COMPRESSION OIL RADIUS FACE. .0004' CHROME FL~REVERSE TWIST. TAPERED FACE. LUBRITED 1.969 - 1.981 (.0775 - .0780) UDDl!r - .25- .51 (.010-.020): Lower .33-.63 (.013-.025) STAINLESS STEEL - 50 .051 (.002-) MINIMUM CHROME 4.700-4.75 (.185-.187) .35-1.4U l.UI:l-.U!):lJ IN OIL RING ASSEMBLY Piston Pins CHROMIUM STEEL 1018 75.95-76.15 (2.990-3.010) 23.546-23.553 9270-.9273) " ••eria' Ungth r. Diarnel8t' Loc:ked in rod. in platon. 'Ioeting. etc. Typo SuahU'tG CIaar._ I I In,oct or pilton Ma'eria! In Platon 'n_ DifKI.on & amount offset in piston Engine - ".'eria' ---.0063-.0089C .00025 - -MAJOR THRUST SIDE - J .00035T 1.S2 (.0601 Connecting Rods ! 1037 OR 1038 STEEL 388 (] 3.69) 144.6 - f44.9(5-~69S - 5.70sT " ••1. 0 ,weigh!. OZ.) Length ccent.r to cent... , "a'.".' .. Type "'rina LOCKED IN ROD (h,erall length Clearance End Play (llml") PREMIUM ALUMINUM 20. ~4 (.7971 .033- .08' ( .0013-.003S) 1; _ .4 (.nns - .016 I \ i Page. MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car ~run. MoO,1 __C~O~R~V~E~TT~E~____~~~_________________ vear _1.L;9zs8l. 11_____ Issued 9· 80 Re.ised ,.) _ _ _ __ METRIC (U.S. Customary) 5.1 lIIER v-8 (350 CID) Engine DHcriptJonlCarta. 4-BBL. CARBURETOR RPO L81 EllgInoCMo Engine - Crankshaft "aterial VI..... 1on clampor typo End thrust takln by bearing (Ho.) erankshlft end play ".tarial & t)'pe CI••rlnce No. t ".In beanng No,2 Journal dia . .and belflng overall No." Iln01'" No. ! NO.3 Nnnlll AR CAST IRoN RUBBER I«>UNTED INERTIA 5 .051 - .-178 (.002 - .007T 'l-GII~_I;O~E~~; ~3.4-M400; 15 UPJ.>tK-I'IIOO; IS LOWER W/A.T.-M400. W/M.T.-Ml00 11-.020-.051(.0008-.00201: 12.3.4-.028-.058 .0011-.0023-r~(A) 62.202 X 20.37 2.4489 X .802 62.194 X 20.37 2.4486 X .802 62.194 X 20.37 2.4486 X .802 62.194 X 20.37 2.4486 X .802 62 189 X 38.94 2.4484 X 1.5331 ---- NO.8 No, 7 Oir. , amI. Cyl. off••t No. bollSlmlin "'0. cap Crankpin tournai diameter 2 !i:i.31 - 5:f.34 (2.099 -2.1001 engine - Camshaft IN BLOCK ABOVE CRANKSHAFT CAST ALLOY IRON Location ...t ..... 1 5 Number I;HAIN SINTERED IRON G•• ,. chain or belt Crankahaft gelr Of ,prockat materia' Camshaft gear or Type of Drift BABBITT ::'lttL ....I.rlal ".ttngl sprocket material No. 0' Timing ALUMINUM NYLON 46 link' chain .." CIIoln o. 15.A7 (.625\ 12.7 ( .500) WiClth PI.... (A) 15 - .043-.081 (.0017 - .0032) MVM ...·~' 'ao.5 MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car car Line _-,C~O::.;R:.:.V=.ETT.:...:..:E=--_ _--=,....,....____ _.198_1__ Mode' vaar 'ssued '._ 9-80 _ METRIC (U.S. Cu~tomary) 5.1 £ngin_ o.scriptionlCa,.. EnglMCocte Engine - 1 Valve System :iTANDARD Hydraulic lifler. eStd. apl.. HA, Valve rotltor. type ttnllke .•• hausU Push rDOs Cdll .. length. mala"lll Rock., ) v-a lITER (350 CID) 4-BBl CARBURETOR RPO l81 r,,,o 7.9 X 196.2 1.3125 X EXHAUST 7.7241 WELDED STEEL TUBING 1.50:1 CARBON ITRI OED Operating '-' Intake (indiCI" hOt e_neus! ZERO ZERO clear'nce or COld) Intak. Timing IbaHCl on top ot rlmp POInIS, O.... '·BTCI Clo,"C'ABCI Duration IClaO.1 Opens (-BBC' EXhaust Closes ,-ATe, Duration Idao.) Valva open overlap Ideg.) Ma'lnl' Overall 'anglh Actua' overall hINd dil. Angle at ...t , 'Ke (deg,1 Sell Insert materia. Stem diameter Stem to gUide cl_ranca L,!! 'It z.ro .a.h, Inllke Valve 38 92 310 88 52 320 90 ST, 'I CHRnME FLASH STEM SAE-1541-H. 1: .Qr:; .RRn' Q4n' 'R 46.45 NnNF R661_R.,,,Q (.'1411f_ ~417' .n,r:;_n6Q (nOln _ nnn' QQ, ( "Ionnl Valve cloHCIOuter Natmm 338 - 374 , 43.2 (76 - 84 @ 1.70) Ilb .• l in.' Spfmg press. & Valve openlength Nltmm lib. a' in.) 801 - 836 , 31.8 (180-188 @ 1.25) Valve closedNltmm Inner lib. at in.' spflng pfiSS. I. Valve open_ . length Nllmm lib. at in.: Actual over.1I .....eI Chao Angle 0' "a' I. flce (deg.1 Sel' inl'" material Stem d'imeter Stem 10 Quia. cle.rance Lift C., ,ero ...... , Outer Ipnng press I. length Inne, spnng pr"s. Ilength MVMA.~' SPRING DAMPER SPRING DAMPER ,,_ 'N Mlterill Overlillengtl'l Exhaust Va've I C;T~~I .III IIMTNT7m 1l~.IIn rllRnM~ " .. n (4 Q?nl "III 1 i1 en\ 41; '4e NnNr B,661_11 1;70 ( "I111n_ ':11117\ ,n"._ .m'Q I.nmn_ nn?7i In.4 (:.II,nn, ~! .IIC;1l VIIV( CloNCI Natmm lib. " in.) Vllve ooen Natmm lib. at in.1 827 - 863 iii 29.5 (186-194 iii 1.16) Va've cloNd Natmm fib. II In. 1 SPRING DAMPER VatweopenNa'mm fib. It InJ SPRING DAMPER C;T~M 338 - 374 , 43.2 (76 - 84 @ 1.70) ". Plio. 6 • I MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car Car Line MOdel Yea' CORVETIE 19S1 Issued -"'9_-"'S,,0'--__ Rey.sed 10' _ _ _ __ METRIC (U.S. Customary) 5.7 LITER V-S ..<.350 CID) 4-BBL. CARBURETOR RPO LSl Engine Description/Carb. Engine Code Engine - Lubrication System 1'1 1'1 Main beanngs Connecting rOds Type 0' LA:H lubficI- Pilton pint. lion flplas ... , Camsheft beaflngs pres.ure, TaDDetl nozzll) Timing 0'" Of Cft8ln IIt::Alty Cyhndet' .aU, Oil PI ESSURE OILED FItOM IRE 1FT RI'ARTNt:: iE. DUmp type ~51 Norma' oil p'..lurHPa(Pli, at engine rpm 311 CaPIClty 01 Cleasa. I I " filter·rehll·LIQI.) 3 . B (4 _0 1 ~..."..,.~==,,~...:....:,....:....:.-t-----------:~~~:-;-----------.Type Oil intl"I{'IOraHng, "'llonlry) STATT 'N4DV Oil tilt ... • y.tem (tull tlow. Plrt. other. FUt l FLOW Oil grlde recommended (SAE VISCOlity and tlmperatur. r.ngl) MINUS MINUS (0 MINUS 6.6°C(20°F)& ABOVE 17.7°C to +lS.SoC to 60°F) 6.6°C(20°F)& BELOW 20W-20, lOW-3D, 10W-40, 20W-40, 20W-SO lOW, SW-30, 10W-40, 10W-30 5W-20, 10W-30 SF Engine ..r.oICI reqmt. (SO. SE. ele.) Engine - Exhaust System Type (Single. lingle with ere•• oO"". DUAL dual. other) MufUer No. & Type (reverie flow. alfa,Ohl Ihru. aeparale , ...onatorl Resonator No. & type BranCh 0.0., wall thIck". •• bhaust Pipe Main 0.0 .. walllhlck".S! Mate"at Int.,· mediate Pioe 0.0. & wall thlckn... Tail 0.0. & wall thick"... Pipe Material MVMA·c.a1 Matenat TWO. REVERSE FLOW NONE 50.8 (2.0) 63.5 (2.50) STAINLESS STEEL 63.5 (2.50) ALUMINUM COATED STEEL 57.15 (2.25) ALUMINUM COATED STEEL Page 7 MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car _______________ t-) _ _ __ Issued 9-80 Car Line _.....:C:.:O:;.:R~V.:.En.:...:..:E=MoGel V.ar ] 98] Ae"l~ METRIC (U.s. Customary) V-8 (350 CID) 4-BBL. CARBURETOR RPO LB1 5.7 LITER Engf. . Description/C• .t>. Engi . . eo. Engine - Fuel System (See supplementa' page lor Dela.11 of Fue' Injection. SuperCharge, Turbocharger etc " used) 'nduchon type: Cart:M.trllor, 'wl ... "'iee.iOn system. etc. Relill caPlicity - L (U.s. oa'.., ~ T_ Fill.,. 10000tion Type (elec. or mec".' F... ........ Locations Prow,. rang. thc"ai, Ty.. Fuel FiI.... Location. Choke type 'n'ake manifold heal contrOl CexhauI' or wat." ~ tor Airel......' Standard Iypo Optional CARBURETOR 90.9 (24) APPROXIMATELY CENTER OF REAR DECK MECHANICAL LOWER RF OF ENGINE 52-62 (7.5-9.01 FINE MESH PLASTIC STRAINER IN GASOLINE TANK AND PA~,B FILlEB ,LEMEN! IN CARBURETOR INLET ,L,ClBIC EXHAUST RI'PllIrl'lIllLE PAPER & CHARCOAL ELEMENT SINGLE SNORKEl 700 Manua' Idle &Pd.-rpm Propane (Neu., neutra Automatic drive, (lpec. Of 500 Pro"ane (Nau.' klla AlF mi •. _...... I~~- Lv1"1 NV U," Carburetor Supplementary Information Engln. C.~"lorl 0'11'1. (j;~ Tran.minion 5.7 MANUAL (3S0) AUTOMATIC engine - "ake ROCHESTER Diesel Information Glowp.lug IT.... In;.ctor nozzt. fOPe"U'Q Pleasure-kPli. (PII) Pre-Chaimber design Fuel . .I Manutacluret' IT... IfItKhonpumr Sur:aplementary vacuum source (Iy.,.) PaoeS ,,-, 17081217 17081218 HO.UHd and Type '''''''11 One-4-BBL Barrel 1M•• PRI-35.1 (1 .38 SEC-S7.2 (2 .25 MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car Car Line _ _....... CO""R... V... ETT .......E"-_ _--::-:::=-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Modtl V•• r ] 98] Illued _..:9;..-..:8:..:0,-_ RevoSed (0) _ _ _ __ METRIC (U.S. Customary) 5.7 LITER V-8 (350 CID) Enoine D.,cription I earb. Engine COCI. Engine - 4-BBL. CARBURETOR RPOUl Cooling System Coolant reco....ry Ivatem C.'d .. opt .. none) Rad.ator cap ,eltef v., .... ",ISSur. Circul., tion thermol'at STANDARD 103.4 [15.0) CH(lKE kP. (Pli) Type Ichoke. bypa"1 St.rts to open a' ·C (-F) QOI\ " Qr;) r"./lr.AI Type (centrl'ugal. other) Water GPM 1000 pump rpm pump Number 01 pumps On .... (V_It. Olhen Be.nng Type BY'PISI rltClrculatlon type (inter ..•• '.) R.dl.tor core t,,~ ,cross-tlow) .,.rtte.l. ceUul.r. tube and fin. olh." Wit" he.ter - LeQ!.} (**) Cooling System Withe", ne.ter - LtQI.) c.paClty ((i! [)Opl. eQulpment·,peclfy L (QI.) ONE 1, V-BE T SEAL EO DOUBL ROW BALL INTERNAL CROSSflOW • TUBE & CENTER :2' .6 HEATER '41 lilT '?' _1\ YS YES Water ,Ickets lull length at cyl. (y.l. nol Water all around cylinder (yn. no) Humber and type (molded. ItrlliO"1) Lower Radiator nose ONE. MOLDED InluH d ..meter Number and type (moICieCi. Itralgnu Upper ONE, MOL OED Inllele diameter Number and type ImOlelea. "falght) By·pasl NONE Inllele diameter StanCillrd Width 668.0 (26,3 ...eU;lr'l1 429.7 (16.9 40.2 (1 .58 Thickness Width Radiator ICore) Height 41C Thickness 668.0 26.3 431.0 17.0 68.1 2.68 5. STAGGERED (*) 445 117.5) Width Heevy duty HeiGht Thickn. ., Number 01 blades' type • Flel/SOlid Fan (Sllndard) Dlamete, Ratio - ran to cranlllna't , . CLUTCH V-BELT - Fan cutout Iyoe Duve Type·Number of Fanl No. 01 blaGes and spaCing Fan topllona" NO Dllmeter RallO tan 10 crankshaft rev FAN Fan Cul-oul type Dnve T.,pe.Numbe'r 01 Fans (*) AUXILIARY ELECTRIC COOLING FAN STANDARD EQUIPMENT. (**) BASE TRANSMISSION (@) WITH AIR CONDITIONING. BASE EQUIPMENT. MVM ... ·e-e1 Page 8 - MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car car Line CQRVEm--- Model V•• r 1981 Issued _ _ 9.:fl() .... ReVIsed I., _____ _ METRIC (U.S. Customary) ) Enoin~ 5.7 LITER V-8 (350) 4-BBL CARBURETOR RPO L8l O.scription I Carbo Engin. Cod. Vehicle Emission Control Type (A., InJection .•ngln. modifications, other, AIR INJECTION W/COMPUTER COMMAND CONTROL T... DilPlacement _ cm 3 linJ, Dri.. ritio Driv.lype Relief ...Ive (type) FiIt.r (descnbe) Ai, d'luibution (Nld. manifold. etc., "or Injection System Point of .ntry IniKtion tutlll i.d. Check VII.,. type a.cktir. protection (1ype, Type (controlled flOW. o ..n orili", 01 ...., ExNiust EmiSSion ContrOl (,haual Go. Reclrcull' V.,.. I... Vol .. locoUon Conl,ol_gy sou,.. E,.ouSl aou«o V41'1IIIM CONTROLLED FLOW Mnl'llllAT 'D SHUT-OFF & METERING VALVE RI GH' REAR AT MAN 1FOLD Co RBURETOR VACUUM MANI FOLO EXHAUST CROSSOVER +-____________.!lN~O~N~E------------ Uon S.alom ~E';.:,ha;;;u::a;;.1cooI=;.;: ..:,.... :.:;.. :::.._ _ _ Orilie. no. Ind IIZO ONE Point 01 "bult injection (spacer. carburetor, INLET MANIFOLD manifold. olher, Ca.I'ya. Catalytic Converter System IT... Ivorume - L Subltrlt. type Container locallon IUK MVM"·C~" ,lnJ, HOT AIR PLATINUM 4.1 (250) OUAL BEO BI'NI'ATH II IODY. RfLOW PASSfNGfR SEAT HfRlIOSTATlCALL Y CONTROLLED AIR CLEANER 'NIl" VALYE REGULATES ANO MIXES HEATED IR II'N INCOMING COLD AIR TO gmllr~ Page '0 'MVMA'Speclfications Form Passenger Car car Line _=CO;::';-R_V_E_TT_E__---.,:-::-:-_________ MOdel Ye.r -!1z.9~B.!.1___ Issued --,9!.:-:..::B~O~__ R..... d (0) _ _ __ METRIC (U.S. Customary) 5.7 LITER V-8 (350) 4-BBL CARBURETOR RPO L81 Engine OeacriptioniCarD. Engine Code Vehicle Emission Control (Continued) I " Type (....ntll.t•• to Itmea., Induction lrall m , other, I r INDUCTION SYSTEM S.ondo'" Ophonel A.C. Make and model ~tlon Crankca.. EmlSllon Control Unit Energy IOUrcl (manltotd MANIFOLD VACUUM VARIABLE ORIFICE .'cuum, Clf1)uretor. other) COntrol Conttol met. . (YlnltHl orifice. fixed orifiCII, Dther"l COmplete Systam DIICharg•• (to inlak. menitold, other, INLET MANIFOLD CARBURETOR AIR INLET SCREEN APPROX. 10% OF REFILL CAPACITY Air inllt (breIU"" cap, other) Flame .~.tor (ac:rftn. Of,.,. Thermal •• paM_on volume _ drn3(113) Relief PreaUf' kPI CPSi, anc:llocation Fue' Tank Vacuum rlliat kPa (PSi, and location vapor.IiQuid INTEGRAL WITH FUEL TANK separator type CANISTER Vapew vented to (CrankeaH. cani,tar, 01...." £••porI1l. . Eminlon ContrOl eo",.. ator . CANISTER Vapor ""ted to (Crlnkcue. caniltlr, other) CANISTER Storage provlaion Ccr.nkc.... cani.tel'. otMr) v.por Stor.ge VOIUrM-dm3 (tt 3 ) or capacity (grama) Control waive '." MVM ... ·C-S' APPROX. 50 GRAMS STORAGE CAPACITY CONTROLLED BY ORIFICE \;AKIlUKtlul< .nI<UIILE BODY AND THROTTLE BLADE POSITION Page 11 MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car C.:;.O:. R. .;V_E.. ;TI.:;.E:. . . _____________ Car Line _ _ Model Year ] 98] Issued 9-80 ReVised (e, _ _ __ METRIC (U.S. Customary) ) 5.7 LITER v-a .P50 CID) EnVine D.scription I Carbo 4-BBL. CARBURETOR RPO Lal Engin. Cod' Electrical - Supply System Make and Model VOI,age RIg. &.Iltery v- & Tota' Platl. SAE Dellgn.llon No. .nd/or capac,ty DELCD •FREEDOM II' 12V 115 MINUTE RESERVE CAPACITY STORAGE COMPARTMENT REAR OF DRIVER Location n~lrn D~MV Uake GeMfator Of Moctel '1n11n1 Type and rating ,,~ AliernalOt OulPut I' engine kill (MUtt," A RatiO - Gen. 10 Cr/. rev. REMY M'ke M0CI81 MICRO CIRCIlIT UNIT' INTEGRAL WITH DISTRIBUTOR Regulator Type - Reou· VOila". la'ed CUrle"1 A Volt.ge Tlmperatur. 'HI loa." conChlions Electrical - ·C (·FI Ot.., Sllnlno M,ke- Malar Mode! Motor Pinion eng.ges trom (IranI. r.ln ] Eng.gement Type Dn.... ) Starting System DflCQ BEMY _ MIT· l' - AIT POSITIVE SHIFT SOLENOID REAR Y Pinion Number 01 teeth MVM"'-~1 FlyWhee' I 153 M.null uto I .. , "II Page 12 ·. MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car Car Line Mooel Ye.r CORVETTE 1981 IssueO _--=9_-.:8;,:0,--_ ReY'Sed 1'1 _ _ __ METRIC (U.S. Customary) 5.7 LITER V-8 (350 eID) Engine Description/Carb. 4-8BL CARBURETOR RPO L81 Engine Code Electrical - Ignition System - Distributor Manual 1103443 1103443 D,strlbutor Aut~lic Manual 6° BTC Automatic 6° BTC TiminG Distributor CENTRIFUGAL ADVANCE VACUUM ADVANCE Crankshaft 0e0'"1 a' E.ngiM RPM Ctanklhatt [)eg. a' tiP. (in. 01 Hg.) MQClel Inlann.chata Start " •• imum DOES NOT APPLY 1103443 - MVMA-ca, Page '3 Start "."Imum MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car Car Une CORVETIE Mode' VI.r 1981 Issued 9-80 Revised '0) _ _ __ METRIC (U.s. Customary) 5.7 LITER V-8 (350 CID) 4-BBL CARBURETOR RP 81 £,.In. Descriptlon/Carb. EntI'noCodo Electrical - Ignition System Conventlonal- Std .. Opt.. N.A. Ty.. Transistorized ~-- SI •.• Cpl.. N.A. II T1:11 O,h,r (specify) Make lO- Col' II IE"II'" """_-. c...-. IEngi,. tdlino - Ii. "ake ----Ar: rn", fun\ ;TRT8IJTOR 14 Thread (mm) Plug nI'l rn RI WTTII R4r:;TC; Model Il1>0111 --r r:",' Tightenino torQue-Nom (Ib, ft.) 1.143 (.0451 G•• Electrical - Suppression Locationa , type Electrlcel - InetNmente end Equipment S~ I"~T~y.. ~==~~=-~~ om.... IT.,. odome'er ..,•.. 00'·. N.•. , __+-______________C~I~R~C~UL~A~R~D~IA~L~W~IT~H~-~~O~I~N~T~ER~__________ STANDARD NA EGR maintenanee uM:hcator Cha... 'na,eo'" u.. u.. T.m ..... Indicator + _________==:--=::!-V~OL=-T~M~E~T~E~R~,...,..,=-_ _ _ _ _ __ I-:T,!:Y~"=---:-_ _ _ W.m,ng ...,e. GENERATOR vlARNING LAMP .. :::....______f-__________..5E""L-"ECl<..T1.!R~I!,!;C:....>!GA~UG2!E~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Warnln; device NA Ty.. ELECTRIC GAUGE j-:T~Y Oil ..... Indicalor I-:w-:::o~m::7'n::g-::_"""·eo---t------------...!:.!o~.!..'-',N"'A"""'="""---------- F~' j-:T~YPO~~~_ _ 'na,eOl.. Wind· .t"ald Wiper Wam'ng _'c. Typo "ondora -+_________~~E~LE~CT~R~I~C~GA~U~G~E~~_ _ _ _ _~ Type - optional NnNF T,.. - "ondard PIlSIIBUTTON _ MaNIIAI NONE NA Typo - ....'_, Fluid Iewe! indicator TnHom CURRENT DRAW (Al PER HORN Ot... lOW FIII'"I WARNING LAMP I'1I'r:TRTr:. TWO-C;PI',," TNTF"R~IITTENT SYSTEM STANDARD VIBRATOR TWn 4.5-6.5 @ 12.5 VOLTS TACHOMETER/ANTI-THEFT ALARMS; PARKING BRAKE WARNING LIGHT ~~~~~~~ ~e~~~:E W~RNING"L~~~!~~r:R~i~~~~TTi~~TEM WARNING "CHECK ENGINE" WARNING LAMP - IN CENTER CONSOLE (CALlF.) HALOGEN HIGH BEAM (INNER) HEADLAMPS STANDARD ~r un. __~C~O~RV~E~TT~E______~~~_________________ MOdel V•• r -..ll... 9~BCLl_____ I.sued _.:.9_-",B",0___ RevIsed (0) _ _ ___ MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car METRIC (u.s. Customary) 5.7 LITER V-B (350 CID) 4-BARREL CARBURETOR RPO t8l Enoln.O. .C:ripUon'Carta. Engine Code Drive Units - ".k." Type Clutch (Manual Transmission) CHEVROLET. SINGLE DRY DISC SEMI-CENTRIFUGAL • 1300 FINGER Ut!lJGN "LATt type ~."ur. pl.t. Iprin;1 [;J, Total sprinQ load - N Clb.) ONE TVPf A<;BfSTOS No. Of clutch driven diSCI Mater.al q Manufactu'.' Part Number Ri....tIlPt.t. Rivet lize Clutell IaLing Outside" In,ida chao Total aff . .,.._cmZ (in.2) Thickn... . . 1- Engagement Culhion Rel•••e .,..nng Type &. method of lubrication Torsional Metnod: .prlng., damping friction materia' 4 .1A7 Y "nA\ A 71; " I;,'A '!;',!; '" 1!;1; 1 In'l4 y !;.I;n\ !;<i<;" { :m .<iRI 'I,!;!; .14n\ FLAT SPRING STEEL BETWEEN FRICTION RINGS SINGLE ROW BALL. PACKED AND SEALED COIL SPRINGS Drive Units ..... Transmissions N.A. BASE N.A. N.A. OPTIONAL N.A. ".nual 3-&peed 15112., opt .. N.".} Manual" "peed (std.• OPt .• N,,,.) "anull S-,peed tstd .. Oe)1 .. N .....) Automalic (Std .. opt., N.A.) Automltic O"erCln"e'std., opt .. N.A.) Drive Units - Manual Transmission 4 2.88 1.9r 1.33 1.00 N...-oIloIwora_ . In first In_ In third T..".,.,10eion r.t..,. In tourth --. In fifth --- In_ In_ s.-c- -na. _Iygoua FLOOR MOUNTED IN CONSOLE Shift . . . tocIUon CoI>OCIIY - L(pl.) Type I'8COirmellCled I..uIIriconI SolE vi. SuInn* wtmer number Ext,.,.... COld -'IV MYM ... ·C·81 2.78 ALL FORWARD GEARS 1.6 13.41 GL-S GEAR LUBRICANT BOW OR 80W-90 80W OR 80W-90 BOW OR BOW-90 Pago15 MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car Car Lin. _---'C:.:O"'R;,:.V;::.ETI.:....:..:E=--_____________ 19S1 Issued _-"9_-",S,,,0__ Re.ised (., _ _ _ __ MoGel Y•• r METRIC (U.s. Customary) ) 5.7 LITER V-S (350 CID) 4-BBL CARBURETOR RPO LSl Engln. D••cripUon/Carb. Engine Cod. Drive Units - Automatic Transmission Trade name 3-SPEED AUTOMATIC TORQUE CONVERTED WITH PLANETARY GEARS '350c' FLOOR MOUNTED IN CONSOLE P-R-N-3-2-1 1.93 1.00 1.52 2.52 Type Cdliscribe) -... Location LlrlNo. Deaignltion A D Gear Alltal L. L. L. Max. ups"if! sPHCI- Clrlve range - kmltl (mph) M ••. klCkdow" speed-drive ranga-kmlh (mptt) Min. cwerdrive speed - ---3 kmlh (mph) Number of allmenta 2.0 LIQUID 29S (11.751 3.S IS.Ol Ma•. ratio al I'all TorQIoO Con_ Type of cOOling ,aJr. liquid) Nominal diameter cal)lCity - rafiu- L UU.) L.ut>ncont II Type recomrnendecl Spec.a, Iran,mll,ion f ••tu,., Drive Units - TORQUE CONVERTER CLUTCH, 2ND & 3RD GEAR LOCK-UP Axle or Front Wheel Drive Unit REAR Type (Iront, re.r) o.acnp1lon Llmilec:J Slip ditta"~ OVERHUNG PINION GEAR STANDARD - DISC CLUTCHES "tial, type JIj. I (1.50) Dri.,. Pinion Offse; Dllve ~unlon type TIlO NONE SHIM No. of diU"ant,a' pinions Pinion aclj",ltrnent 'Ihim, other) Pinion bearing adj. (,him, 0'...., Dr Driying wheel bearing type 1 eapacity - L ""., Type recommencled J.uDticant nu_ SAE ... coo"", GI - I~D 3 7 ;1 I U !RICANT lR SOW-go ~W lR SOW-90 BOW OR SOW-90 G ~QW Summel Wlnt., Exl,.,.... COld Axle or Transaxle Ratio Ind Tooth Comblnltlons _ _ T.,..- ........ "'io _ . ' Axl. Rlho or 0wetwI1i Ratto Ho, of Iee,n (: 1) 15 IRing QMI or 0Mr 4J Ring Gur O. O. Tmnsax .. MVMA·C·81 IT....... GMt Rallo IFinaI DrMo Ratio 2.72 lS 2.87 IPi""", 4!1 Z16 (8.50) MVMA Speclfications'Form Passenger Car car Line Model Year CORVETI,.!:E'--_ _=-=-=--_______ 1981 9- 80 ::..::..._ _ Revised te, _ _ _ __ Issl,,;e~ METRIC (U.S. Customary) ( 5.7 LITER V-8/4-BBL RPO L81 EnviMi DeacripUonlCllrtt. Engine Code Drive Units - Propeller Shaft - Conventional Drive Type CllrllOh, tube. tube-ln-tubl>, STRAIGHT TUBE intema'•• ternal aamper. etc.t Manual :kpeect trans.. Ou... diam. a: N.A. 63.5 (2.50 Manual •.apeecS 'fana. X X 714.5 28.13 X X 2.11 .083) X X 1.65 .065) length- • .... ••11 ttnck· Manual 5-IPMCI trans. N.A. Ovatdrive N.A. 63.5 (2.50 Aut?matic transmi'lion X X Type Iplaln, Inte,· mediate bearing NONE ant'·'nctlonl --- lubrication (fitllng prepack) Type SUP v... Number of , . .th MAN. TRANS. SplineO.D. Make and Mig. No. I Front I R••r Number u,eel \Jniverul jOints CROSS STRAP ANO BOLT ANTI-FRICTION PREPACK TORQUE CONTROL ARMS Rear aUaCh (u-bOlt. clamp, etc.) Type (plain, anti·frlction) Lubnc, (tltting. prepack) Drift taken tnrougn (torQue tube or anna. springS) TOfOue '''.n through ,torQue tube TORQUE CONTROL ARMS or arms. aprinDS) • Cent., to center of un""" toints. or to centerline of rut .Uactwnent. (- MVMA·C·81 - YOKE 32; AUTO. TRANS. - 27 MAN. TRANS. - 35.3 (1.39); AUTO. TRANS. - 29.7 (1.17) *1331 FRONT - #131 B REAR *1311 FRONT - #131 B REAR TWO Type (ball ancllrunnion, Croll) ".ring 713.0 28.07 Page 17 (Conventional Drive) .. MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car Car Line --,C~O~R,!V~E.l.TT.u.E_______________ M Ode) Ye.r 1981 ~=:;..:.. 9-80 ReYlsed _ _ _ I ssued _--"-="'-__ (e) _ _ _ ' __ _ METRIC (U.s. Customary) EnviM Description/CarD. En9iM Coal 2-DOOR FASTBACK COUPE Drive Units - TIres And Wheels (Standard) P225170R15 {BW.Wll STEEL BELTED RADIAL Sile. load range. ply TyPl' (bial. radial. etc., ... Infl.tion pressure a: Front-kP. (pSi) 240 (35) (colen tor ;: recommended ma•. vehicle RearokPa (PSI' IOld AlvJmlle 240 (35) 47 (7 iO) SHnRT SPOK SP 'OER, STEEL 1 X _12,7 (-n,50\ STUD 12n ,7 (4,75 \ 5 HI'Y NIITS 7116-20 llNF-2B 15x 5 \J~HI· P1C15/Rnn15 TTRF at 70 kmlh 1.5 mph) Type & mltl"I' ... Aim (Size & flange Iype) -' Whee' off••t i Type (bolt or Sluel) Circle d.ameter AII.ehmen! Number & alze Spa,. tlr' and wh . .1 (same Drive Units - Of other) Tires And Wheels (Optional) Size. load ,ange. Ofy Type (bla •. r.ctial. etc.' Wheel type & mlte'.I' Aim (sizi. flange type. and offset) P255/60R15 WL STEEL BEL TED RADiAL CAST ALUMINUM 15 X 8· -12.7 mm (-0. 50 , n ) . Size. load range. ply Type (bias, radial, .tc.) Wheel type I material Rim (Iize. flange type, ana aU.eu --- Size. load rang •. ply Type (bIas. 'adlal, etc.) Wheel type & mllerial Rim (size. flange type. and oftsel) Size. loaa range. ph' Type (bia •. radial. etc.' Wheel type & matena' Rim tSlze. lIange type: and offset) Spar. ti,e and wheel ell configuration i. diH.rent 'Mn road lir. or wheel, ~sc'ibe OPtional spare Brakes - .It. IndlOr wheal) Parking Type of control l..Oca1ion of contrOl 0,"" ••" on llsepa'ate from "Nice brake. Type (interna' or ••• arnal) Drum diame'.' Lining liz. (length. width x thickness) GRIP HANDLE CONTROL ON TUNNEL. BETWEEN SEATS REAR BRAKE DRUMS INBOARD OF DISC ROTORS ON AXLE SHAFTS INTERNAL 165 (6.50) 172.2 X 31.8 X 4.44 (6.78 X 1.25 X 0.175) ) MVM ... ·C-8' Page '8 • .MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car CORVETTE car Un. ____~~--------------__-------------------Model Year ___1=.,:9:..:8:.;1:'-_lssued __9",-""8,,,0,,-_ RevIsed (01 _ _ __ METRIC (u.s. Customary) lady Type AneIIOr Engine Displacement 2-DOOR FAST BACK COUPE Brakes -- Service Ro., Front Diac I ~;a, Type ~1On. .... 01. Vlng ,T Rear 5eI,-actjulting (ltd., opt.. N...., • ---. Front Drum "lkeType Cold.. Oot.. NAI _arlng._ PROPORTIONING STD. INTEGRAL N.A. 483.2 74.92 ) 556.6 86.30J 3214.0 498.30) 298 (11. 75 ~98 Cll.75 113.5 7.62 l' 3.5 7.62 31.8 1.25 11.8 1.25 CAS' TRON VENTED CAS' RON VENTED Power S,.ke (atd., opt.. N.A., IIoot.ter TyPli (remote, integrel. vee.. hyCI., etc., Anti·Skid device type (ltd.• opt. HAl Effective .r•• em" ('n.2)· Grosallnlng .raa-cm2 (In.i)·· Swapt area cm2 (In.Z)··· Outer wonting cSlamet... Inner ~ing diameter Rolor f I Diameter (nominal) A A "a•.,.. &: type (¥em.'.GUd) Drum F R F F Thick"... F A ------47./; ., .R7S· '" R Type and mate"at Wh. .lcy'· Front incset' bore Rea, ....IIII' CyUftder ..14.9 2B.6 29.0 3. Bor• ~~. Peaal .re rlhO Line pressure at 445 ... (100 lb.' pedal load_UPa (Pli) uning Front Clearance Pe,ShOO Bonded Of riveted, rtwetllMQ. Aiwet aim "anufactu,., Front Uni"" COdII Materia' •••• (Prim. or out-tlOatd Size f - or •...-rtt B'ake $hoe thickness (no lining) lining Bonded 01 riveted, ri....,MO. 137.2 137.2 X X 49.0 49.0 137.2 137.2 X 49.0 49.0 .. anutacturer Lining coo. w_, Ae.r , Ma.eria' •••• (Prim. or out-ooatd Size fSeconcJ or tftoOoard LJ75 1 .] 25' '1 .14) ;, : 1 SELF ADJUSTING SELF AOJUSTING RIVETED. 8 3.63 X 6.35 (.143 X .250) DELCO MORAINE R••r W_, . T • X Shoe thicknus (no lining) MOLDED ASBESTOS X 10.41 (5.40 X X 10.41 15.40 X 12.7 (.500) RIVETED.; 8 DELCO MORAINE 1.93 X .41 U) 1.93 X .4IU) fo'OLDED ASBESTOS X 10.41 15.40 X 1.93 X 10.4' (5.40 X 1.93 12. LL500) X X .410) .410) ·ucluctes nvet h06eI;, grooves, ch.mfe~, etc. ··Include. ri.,., hOI.. , grooves, chamt.~, etc. •• -Total swept arM for four twakn. (Drum brake: Widnl lining cont&G1 .leRn for each brake _ hi contact cm:umterenc:e.) (Disc brake: Squ.,. of Outer WOtking Di•. minus SQuare of Inner Working Di •. multiplillCl by PVZ for uctt Drake.) ••• -SiD tor ctrum Iarakea incl..,.. lenoth • width • thick,.... MVMA·C-81 PaO·18 --_ .. _----MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car ~run. __-.~CO~R~YuE~TT~E____~~_______________ Model Year __1~9~8~1,--_ Issued _9,,--,"8~0!!-__ Reviled I.) ______ _ METRIC (U.s. Customary) 2-000R FAST BACK COUPE Steering N.A. STD. TILT & TELESCOPIC Manua' (Ita .. opl.. N.AJ Pow.r (,td., 0"1.. HAl Type and Adjustable S'. .rlngwheel _enp.iOn (tilt Iwing, oll'lllr) IS,O .. OIl'.• N.A.) ST ........ N Wheet diame'er tron. W.lta_"O.A'.1 Curl> ta c..... (t. A.J Inside , ••, Wall 10 .all 0. & r.l Cyrb 10 curti (I. , rJ Out.ide Tumi"1l eliameter m (f... , 1'.6 r';";"--E;::::':=--::::::::::::":::~---+ 41 .~l l ' '\ r40.4 \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___________....I.J'--"L.il!tl.L...!u.. Type Manual ".ka Gu. IGe•• RaIiOi 10--011 No. wheel turns 'IIOP to ,top, LINKAGE. POWER PUMP ASSISTED SAGINAW S' 'ERING GEAR SI'MI;IBI f Rf'l:TRr:IJLATING BALL NUT 16. : 1 17.6:1 "aka Ty.. Go., RatiOi 10ver·1I Pump Orovan by • V' No. w,..llurnl (.top to 1100) , -. Type R.I T 58 PAIlAI , ., Location (front Of . . ., o' .._, •. o.n." REAR Orag links (lrans. or tongtU NONE TWO T,e rOds lone or twO) 7.683 .nelon•• ,on .. combo' (deg.l @ 5 Upper BALL STUD WITH NON-METALLIC BEARING SURFACE a..rino_ F=-------+---~~~~~~~~~~~~*'l,;...~;!;A*-~~~~~--(lypel -+__---'B""A""L""L.. :S""T'-"U""D.. . :W::..oI'-.!TH.!•!.....:N"-'O"'N'--'-"ME~T"'A"'_L...LI..,C'__"_B::E..::.R~I.!!N:.G-"S",-U.!!R!.!FA:!!C"'-E'--__ t-;L;::OW:-:.::-'_ _ _ _ _ Thrust STEERING KNUCKLE WITH SPHERICAL JOINT S'eer,ng .p,nOI. & lOin. type WON' -+________~~3~4~.9~1~-~34~.~9~2~(~1~.~3~74~3~-_1~.~3~74~8~:)~________ IL.n~... ~bo= ••~i"1l~______ Diameter r: 100.orbo••i"1l Spindl. Tn,••o .... _. ee.,,"1I'Ype 21.407 - 21.420 0.8428 - 0.8433) 27132 - 20 UNEF (MODIFIED) TAPERED ROLLER ealler IGeg.) Service --::--::--I------------------------------ Checking f.C;:;.:-'m-::"""",:.:(dog=::.);-,-=___ Toe-in 10utl'Oe I,ack·mm fin . ., casl.' Align at curb mIISI (wt.' Toe-in =.• ~'~IC ~C= •• ='--------------4-------------------------------------------------------Camber M.V. tn.pectlonF-T= ...: : . : ' : : n : . . . . . - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MVM ...·C-81 Page 20 MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car METRIC (u.s. Customary) ~rune __~C~O~R~V=ETT~E~____~~_________________ Modol V•• r ( 1981 Issued 9-80 Revised ,.} _ _ _ _ _ BOCSy Type And/Or E"tint Displacement 2-DOOR FAST BACK COUPE MANUAL TRANSMISSION AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Suspension - General Standard/Optional/Nit. Type (Iir. "yeS., .tc.' Manual/aulo. contrOlled PrOOltlion '01 brake Clip control R Proviaion for ICC. aquat control , Special pt'OYtI.onl tor car jacking S/IOck absorber .... front. RM REAR -3" FORWARD OF WHEEL OPENING, UNDER FRAME DIRECT DOUBLE ACTING, HYDRAUL DELCO 25.4 .0 Typo Make Piston dia. Other special f•• lum Suspension - Front Type and description Travel Full Jounce Full Rebound Type (coil, I•• t, o.h.r) Mltefl,l Spring Size tCOl1 dellgn he'Oh, &. 1.0.. ba' tengt" J: dia.' Spring rate - Rale a' whMl - X X 0.620) Nlmm 'lb.lln.) Type (IInk,linkl",. Stabllizet' 10.45 N/mm (lbJi"., LINK +-_______--,m.-........,..,.T":"-,..,....,..--.,.,.-..,..,,,..-_ ____ I-:":.;:.me='.. :;.::sl-:-_ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ __ Matenal • bar dllme'e, Suspension - Rear FULLY INDEPENDENT WITH FIXED DIFFERENTIAL, TRA~V~ LEAF SPRING. LATERAL STRUTS & 'U' JOINTED AXLE SHAFTS Onve ana toraue taken througn TORQUE CONTROL ARMS Full Jounce 101 .6 4.00) Travel Full Rebound 76.2 3.00) Type (cOil. '.af. other, I{)NOLEAF LEAF Matenal COMPOSITE FIBERGLASS CHROME CARBON STEEL "ol'+ • '+ A Dol.;) I 'ol'lo '+ A ;) I . " - I "ol. I Size (length. wlCfth. coU delign height &. 1.0.••, lengtl'l &. CIi&.) (48.6 X 2.50) (48.6 X 2.25 - 4.97) Spring SPrtng rat. - NImm (lbJin., 30.1 l 72) Rate at wheel N/mm (Iblin., 21.24 121) Mounting iMutation type ALUMINUM ;PAI'.R" oNE (1) of '.,vel EIGHT (8) (A) I "'.at IINa. Shackle (comp. Of ten •. , TENSION Type (link. Iinklesl, framell.l) LINK (RPO FE7 GYMKHAMA """PENSTnN nNIV) Stabilizer Materia' & bar diamet.r HI! STEEl - 11.18 (O.440l TraCk bar type NON I' (A) EIGHT (8) LEAF STEEL SPRING USED WITH RPO FE7 GYMKHANA SUSPENSION. Type and descrtption , MVM ... ·C-81 Page 21 MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car C., Line T _--:C""O"",RV:'E:.cT'-'-'=E'--_---::-::7"" _________ MOdo' Ve., ] 98] Issued 9-80 Revised (.) _ _ _ __ METRIC (U.S. Customary) 2-DOOR SPORT COUPE Body - Miscellaneous Information Type of 'inlsf'I (laCQuer. Inlmel. other) Hood hinge locallon (front. HOOD IS NOT COU HOOCI rll •••e control (int.rnal, ,.tlmal) V.hicle ldent. No. lOcation power) Au, Frant R ••, Seat cuahion tyQ8 Se.t Front 3Td Re., Seat bIIck type IS HELD OPEN WITH LINK INTE It LEFT HAND WINDSHIELD PILLAR ANrm~D NONE NONE BUCKET POLYURETHANE PADDING NONE NONE BUCKET POLYURETHANE PADDING NONE NONE Vent window controt methOd Front (crank. 'nClion pivot. FRONT f • •r) HOOd counterbalance (type) 3td Seat -- Method of holding lug"age eompan. he open IN WELL UNDER BODY AT REAR Polltlon Of spat. t.re "ora". Passive Restraint System Stanoardl Opllonal Inflatable Restraint System Type of charo,ng system Location (Itg. • hl., iMlru. panel. other) S,.ncsardl Optiona, h"'we Seat lIe'ts Po_I Manual 2or3 point - Knee barl laDbel\ Frame Type and Description (Separate frame. unitized tram •• partilUY"ioInitiUeJ 'rame' MVMA·C-a1 CROSSMEMBER FOR TRANS SUPPORT IS BOLTED IN. ALL WELDED •. FULL LENGTH. LADDER CONSTRUCTED. FRAME WITH (4) CROSSMEMBERS PIog.22 ... MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car c.r Line _ _~C~O,!!R!-VE TTL.J.J.E~_-;;-;;-;:;- _________ MOdel Year _...:1c.::9. ::;8..;,.1__ lssued .....:.9_-8::;0::.-__ Revised (0) _ _ __ METRIC (U.S. Customary) BodyTy~ 2-000R SPORT COUPE Convenience Equipment --,- STANOARD N.A. N.A. N.A • N.A. Side Window, Vent Windo.s eacklight or .ailoate Po.er Hat, (Ipeclfy type . . • eU •• lva.labllity, Reelining ftont . . II back (A-L 01' bOth' Aldlos (11)ItClty type.1 . .II as IVlilltlility) ~~~~ ~+EREO Wi~"~l¥:~K-T~rI'lA~/FM~STER~b\~ITH CASSETTE TAPE (al Rear ...t apeaklr INCLUDED WITH ALL RADIOS EXCEPT BASE. NA WITH BASE OPTIONAL - TRIBANP INCLUPEP WITH CB UNIT Powe' Intlnna Clock STANDARD - FOUR SEASON. MANUAL CONTROL N.A. OPTIONAL - AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION MODELS ONLY N.A. STANDARD (DELAY FEATURE STANDARD~ STANDARD N.A (ILLUMINATED Y OOME LAMP) STANDAR l~n (DELAY FEA· URE STANDARD) N.8. Air COnditioner (Specify typel Soeed war"lng device Speed control deyice Ignition lock 'Imp Dome limp Glove compartment 'Imp Lugoa,,_ compartment tamp UnderhOOQ 'amp Coone.y lamp Map 'amp Cornering lamp ~ R •• r Window defroster ...cUieSII., heated OPTIONAL ~. Rear winGow dIItogoer LC1Cl<c MOUNTED ON STEERING COL UMN· LOCKS STEERI NG WHFFI 8~P IG~IIIQ~. A~II-IHEEI 8LABM UNOEB HOOO SIGNALS AMPERING WITH DOORS HOOD AND LIFT OUT ROOF !;TARTTNG PANELS FEATURE Theft protection - type FNr.TNF FV FN TF Tr.NTTTnN C::WTTr~ TC:: RV_ laC::C::F.n UA"lIa, no onWFO !\OllIL J nrv ARMI'~ IIC:HJ~ DRI~EB'S L<':FT (a) MVM .... c:-a1 OOUB. SYSIEM OISABMEO nnn~ I nr~ ~IIH KEY I~ 11M BIGHI QB AM/FM STEREO CB RADIO WITH 8-TRACK TAPE PLAYER, AM/FM STEREO CB RADIO WITH CASSETTE TAPE PLAYER. Page 23 MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car Car Line Model Year CORVETTE 1981 Issued 9-80 METRIC (U.S. Customary) Vehicle Mass (Weight) , CURB MASS. kg. (Weight. lb.'· "ode' l~-UUUK Front :'I'UKI (;UUt'E 1YY87 Roar 123.] 777 Total -. PASS ,,",ASS DISTRIBUTION PISI. In Front R•• , Front 1500 . 3 28.0 I (1594 \ ( 1713 '33071 72.0 Pass In Re.r Front -- $MIPPING MASS. kg (We'QtH Ibl" Relr -- 144?0 ( 3179\ CURB WEIGHT - THE CALCULAT o WEIG T OF ~ VEHICL WITH TANDAR EOUIP ~ENT~ NLY AS DESIGNED WIT THEA DITIm AL LOAD OF OIL LUBE COOL NTS. NO FUEL ALL FILLED TD CAPAC TY. SHIPPING WEIGHT - SAME AS ASE CU RB WEH HT EXCE T 3 GA LONS 0 GASOL NE. I -Reterence - SAE J1100.. Motor Vetltc:le OlmenalOn&. CurD WeiOf'It Definition. ··ShiPPing M... (Weight) ,,'Inltton _ MVMA·c.a1 Page 24 . MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car CORVETTE Car I.rr'" Model Vear 1981 Issued 9·80 Revised (.) METRIC (U.S. Customary) Optional Equipment Differential Mass (Weight)" .-----------. ---. ------r---------.--------MASS . kq (Wrlqht. Ib ) Front ?_n [Glass Roof Panels Rcal 4_6 T'ClI .. 1 f_6 + 4.4[{+10.2,(+H .61 1.4 n_6 :_0 +1.0 (+1.41 W'l"-.!I.4L).J--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ [R"dio AM/FM c· ic with R Tr",.K T"o" P1av"r [R"dio AM/FM S' with Cassettp T"n" Player ic [Radio .AMLFM S iC" with Citizen's 8and and A. TrRri< Tan" P1 aVl!r 2.7 1.8 ~ .5 + 6.0 [(+4_01: (+10.01 0.6. 0_6 1.2 + 1.4[(+1.41 [1+ 2.Bl 0.4 0.2 0.6 + 0.8[(+0.4)[(+ 1.21 0_4 + 0.8 0.2 0.6 +0.4) 1+ 1.2J [Radin AM/FM S' mic 0.4 0.2 0.6 with Citi7en's Band and + 08[(+0.4) (+ 1.21 Ca~ette TaDI' P1av.'r r____________ ' - - - - - - - - - - - -·____ - - · .-fJdG..:aJajI&-J-'U!<L..J[.J..5!..u;J'--_-+ _ _+-_-+_+ _ /LIPo....... w.."-l:rAw.nl·t .... t ...all.I.Innlla>--_ _ _ _-j,- (). 4 2. () 1 .6 ·0.8 [(+4 41(+ .. 6) All Radios Except Cit;zen~s . Sand ~~~"L~SUS~;10~.F~'·r~onl~t'~~~R~P.~,~,r~t=12~.44.r.111!4~.4~~1~6.8t====================== ++"-5~Z .:=--=--..-_.=======-=_ f--1ll_-:--_---:::-=-------,:---_ _ _ +3; .8 I (+37 :0) ________ ~[c~allr~rii~e~·r~.-~Roo~fPuwan~e!·1~--~~~.~0~.8~~~4~.~0~~J~.~2.------------------.--- . • 1 8 +8 8) (+ 7.0) f------------+~~~~~~ru--------------- 1---------::-::---:--:-----+-=-:,--;:-+--=-=--::+----::;+-,;:-------------------.-- . [Wh""h Cast Aluminim ·10.8 ·10.8 .21.6 -23.8' ·23.31{·4 .61 />'.3=..".S.....,.,oee.... d ....A""uu""' toma "...1t...ji-><-.J c. T'-'--"-'-ranl~ls.---+.,-~llO~",:,2;1-;--=-=7~.2,_h_--::'-::17'"::4-.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .______ _ f ____________________~+~r2~:2~.4~~+~15~.~8+1~(+~,~e.2~~1~-----------___________________ .. 1---------------+----1---+--+-----------· ----------------- . 1 - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - ---- -- .-..----.----.-.. 1------------+---1----.... -----.----. ---.-- . - - - - ---. I--------------.--t----. - - - -- - --------- ---_.. - ---- - ----- 1----------------+-- - - 1--- --.-----------------.----- . _ - - . I------------------f-----·t----j--+-------------------------------- 1--------------- --- -----f--·-· - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - . - - - 1--------------+'---1---+--,,----- ------------ -----------• AlSO see Engme - General Section MVMA·C·81 'Ot dressed eng,ne m.ss (we'ghU Page 25 - MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car ----------------- Car Un" _ _CO_Rv_E~n..:..;E=--_--;;"'""i;;"-_ _ _ _ _ ___ MOdel Ye.r ] 96] 9-80 1_ AeviMd'o) _ _ _ __ METRIC (U.s. Customary) car and Body Dimensions See Key Sheet. I", delinllion. ) All CIi",-"lton. 10 OfOLlnCI .r. tOt comparaln,. purpoHl onty. Di~". iOft•• r. 10 be thOwn tor all ba.. bOdy moaell 01 . .t'" cat llna. SAE Ret. No. r,t.,. to IN Cleflnitton pubtithed in SAE RICO ",",_",Olld Practice. J"ooa "MOlor V-"Iela Oimen.ion.... unl••• OIMrwI.. 'IMCltiect. 2-DOOR SPORT COUPE Width Treed - Front Wl0t 1491 :58.7 T,.ed--" W1O:I WtCI:I l!i1 ] V.n4c .. wktIft - . _" a. SO ,.. - ' - ' Vehicle _idth - 'tOM CIOOt-. open VeNeta ",'dt~ -,.., csoora DC*' '5: .31 6 Wit w,ac W12t 59,S' 69 . 0 rM,s ] 36. --- ,) Length Wheelbase V,hie" ',nOli' Ovema"o - 'tOftt Owema"G - ,.., Upper ItrvctUf, I,natft Rear wheel CIL. "X" coordinate Cowl pOint "X" coordinate 2489 [98.0) 4707 185. I) 1077 42.4 1141 44.9 20ClO '1'12.3 1829 72.0 409 '16.1 LtOt L'03 L'''' L,05 LI23 L127 L,25 Height •• ""'-DlsII",,,II,," ~ •• •• P01.2,3 T~_ _ ... gIIt Cowt_to""""'" DIIdl poim to Cl'OUncI _ _ ,",",'0_ 1222 f 48 . 1 ) BClB f35.4) HtOt H". H'38 204 257 ]Cl6 H112 Bottom of CIODr c~ · tront to orcs. H'33 Aock. panel rear 10 oroul"ld Bottom of door c~ · ,.., to Orcs. H'11 H'3!I B.O' 10.1 7.7' --- Ground Clearance·· Front bumper to ground H,02 Rea, bum~r to ground H'''' ~"' to ground - 'tOftl a' curti ma. ~.I .) ,rouNI-"" ...... "' __ C" .GVW 8umper to a' curtt " ' " ' (WI.) 240 ( 9.4) 289 11 .4} 247 ( 9.7) H'03 319 (12.6) H_ H,a. 14 . T "'07 13 . 9° 12.5" l? Q\ ""'.. ,,' do_ ..... GVW Ramp breakower '",Ie • GVW ",., ....r .... d lrt... .,.t~IIO;round HI53 ~2: Min. "",nino ground clearance H,Y .9) 1a) 98 Loc:ehon of min. ",n. Ord. cleat. fa) CATAL T R All llnel' dUrwnalona a,. ,n tN,lIme'", Clncftn) and aU maa (..."u, .PlClfatl~. ar. In lulograme (pounGI). . . All ..-hide Ni,nt and ground cl . .,.ncn .... made Uling EPA IOadtd whicle _ight, ~ng aondition•• EPA LOAOED VEHICLE WEIGHT it ,hi b-. whid. weitht plUS III coolant and fluids neceaary for opem:ian paUl 1OC)K of tt. fuellC8PlCity, pl. the weigh' of aU options and accnsori.. which weigh th,.. pcMIftdII or ,...,... and whtc:h .,. IOld on a ..... 334& of the CIIf line, pi", two occupants. e. _ _ _ MVMA Specifications Fonn Passenger Car car u... ---:C~OR=V~En.:....:..:.E_ _--:::-;:-;:_ _ _ _ _ __ _, Y••r 1~S1 I••uac:l ....::..9-...:8::.:0'--__ Revised (.) _ _ __ METRIC (U.S. Customary) Car and Body Dimensions Sae Key Shuts for definition. IodyTJP8 \E\ 2-DOOR SPORT COUPE Front Compartment So AP front. "X" coo":lIna', 1135 · 919 · 934 J069 :42. 162 b.4 137 !:I.4 1207 47.'5 1267 i49.!1 St.. riner Wheel Artgll L31 HI1 H'15 L:IO H:IO L17 W3 WI H!!O HI. _kAnglO uo lS.Ou 33.0" L!!O H53 H7t LSI H31 NnT Effecti .. Mad room E"ectlW'l T ~nl Mad room Max. elf. leo room - accele,.,tor 10 RP-,...., •• _I front.,..... 0..10" """,ft' SMutder room Hip room •• Upper body openinG to ground · Rear Compartment So AP Point co,,",pli dlltance Effect,......eI room Effective T Point Mad room Min. effectl .. leg room sa RP - MCOnCl to Mel _,,,.,- I(neec.,a"ci Compartment room - Hlp room Upper boCty openIng to ground L" L3 W' WI H51 APPl~CABLE Luggage Compartment Uubillugoagi capacity - LCcu. ft.) •• Uftover MIIG'" Y1 238 L 8.4 CU. FT. 185 All linear dl"*,UonI are In mllllmet.... (lnchIIe). - EPA LOADED VEHICLE WEIGHT. LOADING CONDITIONS ALL INTERIOR DIMENSIONS ARE MEASURED WITH THE SEATING REFERENCE POINT (SgRPI FULL REAR AND OF REARMOST SEAT POSITION. - "VMA~l mm UPWARD MVMA Specifications Form Pas::lenger Car car u... _7C~O~Rv!.!E:.!n~E=--_-;;-...,.,.._ _ _ _ _ _ __ Model Vea' ---"lc=9~B~1_ _ 'IIUed .....:.9_-8:..0=--__ Re"led (O) _ _ __ METR!C (U.S. Customary) Car and Body Dimensions See Key Sheel. fo' deflnltionl IocIy Type 2-DOOR SPORT COUPE Station Wagon - Third Seat - Shoul_room WIll Hlp room Effect,.,. 1110 room Station Wagon Cafo;o lenvtt\ - Cargo 'ength NOT UI Effect'" hHd room Effect",. T Point head room .!!!!.!acing direction Hili MIl SOl t""'t cargo length - clOHCl - front Cargo length - erO,eeI CarOO length I' belt TrARI~ Cirgo Space ----~- AIIIII ",,"I CarGo 'enoth a' Delt - MConcI c.rgo wtdth wheelhOuM AI,r opening wNfth at '1Oor Opening width at belt LZOO LZOI L202 L203 L2IM L205 WZO' W203 W20C NOT APPLICABLE Max. ,Nt opening width aboofe belt W:!05 Cargo height H2O! Re" opening ~'Oht 14202 Tail gat. to ground Nigl'lt CCurbl H250 HII1 Front ••• 1 ~"ck to loed floor '*Oht ""'lit."> Cargo YO'ume ._x - Hidden carvo YOIume - ... (It:"> ~ Hatchback - VZ V. Cargo Space Front Mal baCk to toed floor .....fI\l HI" Cargo length I' front ...., hekHetght La Cargo length I' 'Ioor - front L20I earoo volume index - ~ (ft.,,) Hidden cargo volume - mol Cft.~ V3 V' NOT ~PPLlCA8LE A pfinlecJ or computer tape luPOIement cont..nlng eddltJonaJ car MIlS I:JOcfr' dlIMMIOnI . . . . . draMnga . . . . 6ft pert on SAl J110De ..Motor Vehid. Dtmen.IOfta'" ~y be .vail.... from the manuf8Cturw. All dilNMlona .,. In mlllimlt.,. (Incftn,). I MVMA.c.a, , .. MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car ~ruM~~~CO~R~V~E_TT~E~__~~~_______________ Mode, Ye.r _1.....9.., 8<.!1___ I..uod ---,9,---,,8;.;:0__ ReviSed (.) _ __ METRIC (U.s. Customary) Car and Body Dimensions See Key Sheels lor delinitlon" 2-Door Sport Coupe Vehicle Fiducial Marks ~Iduclal Malk DefIne Coordlnllil Lacllilon Hum.- X - Fiducial mark to vertical base grid line-front. measured horizontally from the base grid line to the front fiducial mark located on top of the front seat adjuster mounting bolt. 'ront y - Fiducial mark to centerline of car-front. width measurement made from centerline of car to fiducial mark located on top of the front seat adjuster mounting bolt. Z - Fiducial mark to hor'izontal base grid 1ine-front. measured vertically from base grid line to front fiducial mark located on top of the front seat adjuster mounting bolt. X - Fiducial mark to vertical base grid line-rear measured horizontally from base grid line to the rear fiducial mark located on rear underbody crossbar. -, y - Fiducial mark to centerline of car-rear. width measurement made . from centerline of car to fiducial mark located on the rear underbody crossbar • Z - Fiducial mark to horizontal base grid line-rear. measured vertically from base grid line to the rear fiducial mark located on rear underbody crossbar. FidUCial Me'" Number H'83 686 786 54 266 247 W22 01;:$ L55 H1e2 2240 32 52 H," 50: W2, Fronl L.. HB' H1e, •• -, •• HI2 27.0 30.9 2.1 10.5 9.7 ~ ~4. 1] 88.2' 12.6 20.8 19.8 Proc1'co, J'1I2o. A Motor V...... , _ , . . . , . . - Sop...."",. ,m, -Referenc. SAE _ All linear CfUne"alona are In mtHlmet.,. ClncNe~ - EPA LOADED VEHICLE WEIGHT. LOADING CONDITIONS MVMA.c.a, Pag.21 MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car __________________________ Is.ued _.z.9;:-S5j;O!.!-___ AevilelllO) _______ Clrun. __~C~O~R~V~E~l~lE~ Model Vor 15'Sl METRIC (U.S. Customary) Car and Body DImensIons See Key Sh.... for lIeflnlllon. eodyType 2-000R SPORT COUPE Glass aaCidight slope angl. Wlnd..,lekt .'ope angle Tumble· Home H121 70.0 H1ZZ 57.0° W1ZZ 7.4 Windshield gl... exllOMd aurtac. ar•• - cm2 (1n.2) Side gl ..... poMd eurface " 5119 (793.5) IZ 5166 (SOO.8) aurface a,.. - cm2 (In.2) &3 9195 (1425.3) Total gla.s •• poHCI lurface .,.. _ cm2 (;n.2) Sol 19480 (3019.6) .,•• -cm2 pn.2) S.ckUG'" gl.....poNd Windshield gl ••• type CURVED - LAMINATED PLATE - TINTED Side gl ... type CURVED - TEMPERED PLATE - TINTED a.ckltgftt Olau type CURVED - TEMPERED PLATE - TINTED Lamps and H.adlamp Shape • HIgl'lest . . 663 ( 26.1) ~ H_. 660 (26.0) - -- 636 (25.1 ) HMdlamp (H127\ HaiOht above ground to cant., of bulb 01 mark.r Till 636 (25.1) iH12Sl ~ -'- 443 (17.4) 481 (lS.9) - Out. . •• DII.ance 'rom ClLof car to rail centar of bulb Out_ F....,. Directional HeIIa'amp Shape ......u,.. ., at curb mal (wetgt\t'. " I f lingtl headlampa .,. UMG enter here ROUND a MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car METRIC (U.S. Customary) Exterior Car And Body Dimensions - Key Sheet Exterior Width , i Wla--i Exterior Lenetl; , :!~i ..,.. ACTUAL .IOIIT_Jt-101Y IUE GRID IF DUll ........... , UI f--------LlDI--------- .,., 1.".-1.1____ .112 L11Z, .,a u" II1D . ,,17' _ _ _ _ _-1 U I I - - - -....._ _ .,. ".i ___.. ~-------------"D-------------------~ Exterior Ground Clearance ... ._- L2IO .j..". ~ ... - -- , 1 1- i- - ~ tt="\, " l~}/ . -- .... La MVMA·c.al ... \ LI .l 1 T .... ~ UI1 .." Clreo Spice "\. 1 -- , ....UDlD U . UlLi I--_---l Station Waeon P.OII 31 Hatchback MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car METRIC (U.s. Customary) " Interior Car And Body Dimensions - Key Sheet Pront Com,..,..., ...t IODV &lASE GAtD ·X· ~N£ ._, 31 SEATING REFERENCE !'OINT ) w. 11 we.-+-j. !. MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car METRIC (U.S. Customary) Exterior Car And Body Dimensions Dimensions Definitions Key Sheet S •• ting Relerence Point L123 SEATING REFERENCE POINT means the manufac· turer's design reference POint which (a) EstabliShes the fearmOSI normal design driving or riding position of .ach designat&d seating position in a vehicle; (b) Has coordinates established relative to the d~sign vehicle structure; (C) Simulates the pOlition of the piwot center 01 the maximum dimenlion H111 H1~ VEHICLE WIDTH-FRONT OOORS OPEN. The H135 VEHICLE WIDTH - RE ... R DOORS OPEN. The dimen· H121 TUMBLE HOME. STRAIGHT SIDE GLASS. The angle H122 CURVED SIDE GLASS. The Ingle melsured from. glass at the Iront SgRP "X" plane. Lenoth Dlmen.lon. L30 FRONT OF DASH "X" COORDIN ...TE.... minus (-) H127 dimension indicates actual front of da.h is lorwara of t he zero "X" plane. L1CM L105 H128 gitudinally between front and rear wheol centerlines. In case of dual re.r axles. the dimension Ihall be to the midpoint of the centerline. of the r•• r wheelS. TIRE SIZE. As specified by the manuf.cturer. LENGTH. The DLO, . WINDSHIELD SLOPE ANGLE. The angle belween lhe vertical ,eferanee line and a chord of the WIndshield are running from the lower OLO 10 the upper OLO al the vehicle zero .. y" plane. In the caSe of wrap over glass. the angle to be measured will be formed by a Chord 18.0 In. (~57 mm) long. drawn hom the lower OLO to the intersecting pOint on the windshield. HEADLAMP TO GROUND-CURB WEIGHT. The T... ILLA.. P TO GROUND-CURB WEIGHT. The Ground Clearance Dimensions H102 FRONT BUMPER TO GROUND. The minimum dimen· dimension measured longitudinally between the toremost point maximum .ion measured vertica"r trom the 'owesl poml on Ihe front bumper to ground. including bumper guards. it standard equipment. and the ,earmoat point on the vehicle, including bumper, bumper guard•• two hook. andlor rub Itrip., if standard equipment. OVERHAND - FRONT. The dimen.ion me••ured Ion· gitudinally from the centerline of the front wheels to the foremost point on the vehicle including bumper. bumper guardS. two hook. andior rub I'rips. it stan· dard eQuipment. H103 FRONT BU ..PER TO GROUND-CURB WEIGHT. Measured in the same manne' as Hla.. H1~ REAR BUMPER TO GROUND. The min,mum dlmen· sion measured vertically hom the lowest pOint on the r•• r bumper to ground. including bumper guardS. if standard equipment. H105 OVERHAND-REAR. The dimension meesured c.-, BACKLIGHT SLOPE "'NGLE. The ang.e between lno dimension measured vertIcally trom the centerline ot the upper bulb to ground. longitudinally from the centerline of the rear wheels: or in the case of dual rear axles, the dimension shall be the midpoint of Ihe centerline, of tne re.r wh. .,s. to the r •• rmost point on the vehicle. including r •• r bumpers, bumper guardS, two hooks and rub "ripS. if Itandard equipment. ..V ...... BOTTOM OF DOOR CLOSED-REAR TO GROUND. dimensional measured vertically from the cente'llne 01 the lowest he.dlamp lens to ground. WHEELB ... SE (WB). The dimension me.sured Ion· VEHICLE BOTTOM OF DOOR OPEN - REAR TO GROUND The vertical reference line and the surface of backlight al vehicle zero "V" plane. For curve backlight. Ine angle Is to chord 01 baCklight arc from lower DLO '0 upper .ertica! to a chord extending from the upper OLO to the lower OLO at the outside surface of Ihe front door L102 L103 ROCKER P"'NEL-REAR TO GROUND. The d,men· lion me.sured vertically from the bottom of the roclter The dimension measured vertically from the bottom outside corner of the dOOr on the lock pillar Side. In makimum closed positiOn. to ground. measured trom a vertical to the outsidl lurface of the front door glass at the SgRP "X" plane. L 101 BOTTOM OF DOOR OPEN-FRONT TO GROUND dimension measured vertically from the bo!tom out· Iide corner of the door on Ihe lock pillar side. In max· imum hold·open pOSition. to ground. sion measured between the widest point on the rear doors in maximum hold-open position. For vehicles with a rear door on only one lide, this dimension is to the zero .. y" plane. W122 ROCKER P...NEL-FRONT TO GROUND. The dimen· lion measured vertically from the lorer,10st POlO' on the bottom of the rocker panels. eXCluding flanges. to or side Quaner panel at the front of the rear wheel opening. eXCluding flanges. to ground. BODY WIDTH AT SgRP- FRONT. The dimension dimension measured between the widest point on the front doors in maximum hold·open pOSition. W121 plane. DECK POINT TO GROUND. Mea.ured at zero .. y" plane. The dimension measured vertically from the bottom outSide corner of the door on the lock pillar Side. In maximum hold·open pOSition. to ground. measured laterally between thl widest points on the body at the SgRP. front. ekcluding door handles. ap· plied moldings. or appliQues. W120 H138 ground. measured between the widest point on the vehicle. excluding exterior mirrors, flexible mud flaps. marker lamps, but inCludinG bumpers. moldings, Sheet metal protrusions or dual wheels. if standard equipment. W',7 COWL POINT TO GROUND. Measu'ed at ze'o "Y" H132 wheels. the dimension will be measured to the cen· terline of tire and wheel assemblies. The H11. H112 tne tire centerlines at the ground. In ca •• of dual WIDTH. COWL POINT "X" COORDINATE. from the highest point on the vehicle bOdy to ground. Width Dlm...slons W101 TREAD - FRONT. The dimension me.lured betw..n the tire centerlines at ,h. ground. W102 TRE... D - REAR. The dimension me.sured between VEHICLE L125 Helollt Dlm....lon. H101 VEHICLE HEIGHT. The dimenSion measured vertically human torso and thigh; and (d) Is the reference point employed to position the two dimensional template, described in SAE Recommended Practice J826. "Manikins for Use in Defining VehiCle Seating AccommOd.tion.... November 1862. W103 L127 UPPER STRUCTURE LENGTH The dtmenSlon measured longItudInally from Ihe cowl pornt to the deck pOint. REAR WHEEL CENTERLINE "X" COORDINATE 0' ,n the case of dual rear allies. the coordinate shall be In the mIdpoint of the distance between the rear axle eenterlines. "106 P.oe 33 REAR BU"PER TO GROUND-CURB WEIGHT. Measured in the same manner as Hl04. ANGLE OF APPROACH. The angle measured be· tween a line rangent 10 the front hre stahc loaded radius are the initial point of structural Interference forward of the front tire to ground. The limiting struc· tural component shaU be designated. MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car METRIC (u.s. Customary) Interior Car And Body Dimensions Dimensions Definitions Hl07 H ..7 HI53 HI56 Key Sheet ANGLE OF DEPARTURE. The angle measured be· tween a line tangent to the rear tire sIalic loaded radius are the tnltlal point of structural inter'erence 'eaward of .ne 'ear hre to ground: The limiting COI""IPone"1 shall be designated. REAR BREAKOVER ANGLE. The angle measured be· tween two lines .angent to the Iront and r •• , hr. stltic loaded radius and Intersecting I' • point on the underside of tne .,.hiele which def,ne. the I.rgelt ramp over which the veniel. Cln roll. . REAR AXLE DIFFERENTIAL TO GROUND. The mini. mum dimenSion measured from the r.a, •• Ie diUe,. entlal to Ground. MINIMUM RUNNING GROUND CLEARANCE. The mInimum dimension measured from the sprung venicle to ground. Specify location. Front Com"ar1m.n' Dimensions PDl PASSENGER DISTRIBUTION - FRONT. L31 SgRP-FRONT ··X·· COORDINATED. H61 EFFECTIVE HEAD ROOM - FRONT. The dimension measured along a line 8 deg. felr Of verliCl1 from the SgRP - fronl 10 Ihe headline. plus •. 0 in. '102 mm). H75 EFFECTIVE T·POINT HEAD ROOM - FRONT. The minimum radius from the T·poinl 10 the headlining plus 30 in. (762 mm). L30I MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE LEG ROOM - ACCELERA· TOR. The dimension measured along a line from the ankle pivOI center 10 Ihe SORP-Iront plus 10.0 in. (~ mm) measured With tight fOOl on the undepreSSed ac· celerator Pedal. For vehicles with $gRP to h~1 (H30) greater than 18 in .. the acceler.tor pedal may be de· pressed as speCified by the manufacturer If the accel· erator is depressed. the manufacturer Shall place foot flal on pedal and nOle the depreSSion 01 the oedal. H30 SgRP - FRONT TO HEEL. The dimenSion measured vertically from the SgRP- front to Ihe Iccelerator heel POint. • L 17 DESIGN H·POINT - FRONT TRAVEL. The dimenSion measured hOJlzontally belw~n Ihe deSign H· ... olnthonl In Ihe foremost and rearmost seat Irace poSI· lions W3 SHOULDER ROOM - FRONT. The minimum dimen· Sion measured laterally bel ween the trimmed sur· far:es on Ihe ··X·· plane through the SgRP- tront wltt.ln the belt line and 10.0 In. 1254 mm) abOve the SgRP-fronl. WS HIP ROOM - FRONT The minimum dimenSIon measured laterally between the Irimmed surfaces on the "X·· plane through Ihe SgRP-fronl within 1.0 in. 12Smm) below and 3.0 (76 mm) above Ihe SgRP- tront and 3.0 (76 mm) fore and aft of the SgRP - front. HI50 UPPER BODY OPENING TO GROUND- FRONT. The dimenSion measured vertically from the trimmed body opening to the ground on the SgRP- fronl ··X·· plane. H1a STEERING WHEEL ANGLE. The angle measured tram a verltcal to Ihe surlace plane of the steering wheel. LoIO BACK ANGLE - FRONT. The angle measured be· tween a verueal line ""OUOh tne SgRP- tront and the torso line. tt the seatblck is adjustable. use the normal drtvlng and ndmg posilion specified by the mlnufacturer. II.a, Compartment Dimensions P02 PASSENGER DISTRIBUTION-SECOND. L50 SgRP COUPLE DISTANCE. The dimenSion measured norizontilly from the driver SgRP -Ironl to the SgRP - second. H63 EFFECTIVE HEAD ROOM - SECOND. The dimenSion measured Iiong a line 8 deo. re.r Of "rtical from the SgRP to Ihe headlining. plus •. 0 in. (102 mm). H76 EFFECTIVE T·POINT HEAD ROOM-SECOND. Measured in the same manner .1 H7S. L51 H31 Lola L3 W. W6 H" MINIMUM EFFECTIVE LEG ROO'J - SECOtm The dimenSIon measu''!:::l iIIl(\nc ill Ime hCITI the an",le Civet center to Ihe SgRP - secono plus 10.0 In 1254 mml SgRP- SECOND TO HEEL. The dimenSIon measured vertically from the SQRP- second to the Iwo dlmen· Slona. deVice heel POint on lhe depreSSed floor cover· ing. KNEE CLEARANCE-SECOND. The m.n.mum di. mension measured from the knee pivot to the back of front seatback minus 2.0 in. (51 mm). COMPARTMENT ROOM - SECOND. The dimeo",on measured horizontally from the back of front seat to the front of the second seal back at I height tangent to the top of the second seat CUShion. SHOULDER ROOM - SECOND. The minimum d.men. I,on measured Illerllly between tftmmed surfaces on the "X" plane through the SgRP- second within 10.0·16.0 in. (250·.06 mmlaboyelhe SgRP - .econd. HIP ROOM - SeCOND. Measured in the same man· ner as W5. UPPER BODY OPENING TO GROUND-SECOND. The dimenSion measured vertically from the trimmed body opening to the ground on the "X'· plane 13.0 in. (330 mm) forward of the SgRP - Second. Luggage Comportment DimenSions VI USABLE LUGGAGE CAPACITY - TOIOI at Yolume. at individual pieces of standard luggage set piuS H·boxes stowed in the luggage compartment in ac. cordance With the prOCedure described in paragraph 8.2 01 SAE·JI100o H195· lIFTOVER HEIGHT. The dimension measured verti· cally from the luggage compartment lower openln a. the zero .• y" pllne to ground. Station Wagon - Third S.a. Dimenlions PD3 PASSENGER DIRECTION _ THIRD W8S SHOULDER ROOM - THIRD. Measured in the same manner as WS. W86 HIP ROOM - THIRD. Measured in tne same manner as W5. L86 EFFECTIVE LEG ROOM - THIRD. The d.mens<on measured along a line from the ankle pivot cenler to the SgRP-third plus 10.0 in. (254 mml. H86 EFFECTIVE HEAD ROOM - THIRD. The d.mens<on. measured along a line 8 deg. trom the SgRP - third to the headlining re.r of v.rheal plus I constanl of •. 0 in. (102 mm). H89 EFFECTIVE T·POINT HEAD ROOM - THIRD. Me •• · ured 1ft the same manner as H7S. I'allon Wagon - Cargo SPice Dimenaion. L200 L201 L202 CARGO LENGTH - OPEN - FRONT. The m,nimum dimension me.sured logitudinally Irom the back of the Ironl sellback at the height of the undepressed 1I00f cov.ring to the ,.armost pOint on the unde· pressed floor covering on the open tailgate or cargo lurface if the re.r closure is a conventional door type tailgate, at the zero •. y'. plane. CARGO LENGTH - OPEN - SECOND. The dimen. sion measured logitudinaUy from the back of the second ••atback at the height of the undepressed lIoor cov.ring on the open tailgate or cargo floor sur· face if the relr closure is a conventionll door type t.ilgate. a. th. zero .. y'. plane. CARGO LENGTH-CLOSED-FRONT. The minimum dimension measured hOllzontally from the blck of the front seat at the height of the undepressed floor covefl"g to the '.Irmost point on the unde· pressed floor Covering on the closed tailgate or tail door tor station waoons. trucks and mpv·s al the zer, "y" plane. MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car METRIC (U.S. Customary) / Interior Car And Body Dimensions Dimensions Definitions L203 L205 W201 W203 W205 H201 H202 H250 Key Sheet CARGO LENGTH - CLOSED - SECOND The d,men' Sion measured hOrizontally from the back of tne second seat altne height of the undepr.ssed floor coye', ing to tne ,.armost pOint on Ihe undepressed floor covering on 'he elcseel tailgate or 'Indoor for a.alion waoons. Hucks and mpv's at tne zero .• y" plane. CARGO LENGTH AT BELT-FRONT. The minimum dimension measured horizontilly from tne back of the honl sea' back ., the s •• lback top to the foremost normal surface of tne Closed lailgat. or inside surface of Ine cab back panel a. the height of V2 STATION WAGON Measured In inches: WI. x H201 • L20", 1728 Me.sured in mm: WI. x H201 )I L 2f)I& • Ft. 3 • m 3 (cubiC meter) 109 V. HIDDEN C ... RGO VOLUME ..... specified by Ihe manu· facturer. the belt. on the zero "Y" plane. Hltcllblck - Clroo Spice Dimln.lon. CARGO LENGTH AT BELT -SECOND. Tho minimum dimension me.sured horizontally from the back of the second seatback .t the s.atback top to the tor. most normal surface of the closed tallga.e at the height of Ihe belt. on the zero "Y" plane. CARGO WIDTH-WHEELHOUSE. The minimum dimenSion me.roured laterally between Ihe trimmed wheelhousings al floor level. For any vehicll not trim· med. measure the sheet metal. REAR OPENING WIDTH ...T FLOOR. The minimum dimension measured laterally between thl limiting interferences of the ',af opening It lloor level. REAR OPENING WIDTH AT BELT. The m,nimum dimension measured laterally between the limiting interferences of the rear opening at belt height or top Of pick up box REAR OPENING WIDTH ABOVE BELT. The min;mum dimension measured Illerally between the limiting interferences of the rear oD8ning above the belt height. CARGO HEIGHT. The dimenSion measured vertically from the top of the undepressed floor covenno to the headlinlng.at the rear wheel "X" coordinated on the zero "Y" plane. REAR OPENING HEIGHT. The dimension measured vertically from the top of the undepressed floor covering to the upper lJimmed opening on the zero "Y" plane with rea' door fully open. TAILGATE TO GROUND ICURB WEIGHT!. The dimen· sion measured vertically from the top of the unde· pressed floor Covering on the lowered tailgate to ground on the zero "Y" plane. All hatchback cargo dimensions are to be taken with the Iron' .... In full down and rear poSition, and the relr seat fOlded down. The hatchback door is in the closed position. (For elec· trically adjusted seafl. He the manufacturer's specification!:» fOf Oolion ooH" Point). H197 FRONT SEATBACK TO LOAD HEIGHT. The dimen· aion measured yerticaUy from the hOrizontal tangent to the top of the ... tback to the undepressed tloor covering. L208 CARGO LENGTH AT FRONT SEATBACK HEIGHT. The minimum horizontal dimension from the "X" plane tangent to the r.armost surface of the driver's •• a1back to the inSide limiting interference of the hatchback door on the vehicle zero "Y" plane. L209 C... RGO LENGTH AT FLOOR - FRONT - HATCH· BACK. The minimum horizontal dimension measured at floor level from the r •• r of the Iront ••• tback to the normal limiting interterence of the hatchback door on the vehicle zero "Y" plane. MVMA·c..1 V3 HATCHBACK. Measured in inches: L208 + L209 x WI. x '"'197 2 1728 = Ft. 3 Measured in mm: L208 + L209 • W' • Ht97 _ _ _ _-'2'-::n_ _ _ _ _ = m3 (CubIC melerl t09 Paoe 35 MVMA Specifications Form Passenger Car METRIC (U.S. Customary) ft. Index ~. Alternator ..... • ...•... . ..•......•........ '2 Automatic Transmlsllon .......... • .........•.. . .•....... ,e AJus. Steeung ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . • . . • • . . • . . . . . . .. 20 A.le, Rear ......•....................••. • ..•.......... 2.'6 Aal. Shafts ......••.. , .• • .••••...... • ... , ......•....... , '7 Battery .............. ,.................................. '2 a.aringl, Engine .•.......•.••• :. . . • . • • . • • • . . • • • . . . . • •• ..1.7 Belts - Fan. Generator. W ••er Pump .•.••.•••• • ••.••••.•• , . • • Brakes - Parking, Service , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• COmber .•..••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•.....•..• 20 COma.................................................... 5 Capacitlll COOling Syaten'l ••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••• • Lamps and He,dllmp Shipe Legroom ................ . lengths - Car and BOdy .... . levelinG. lulgen'lon .. Utler•. valve ........ . ............. . . u.ov-C-...._ •............. ....... .. '1." 2 20 2 Power St.."na ..................... , .. . . fIOwerT.ams .............. , ....... . . • •. Propell., Shaft. Uni'Mf'Ul "Oi"ts ...... . . .. . PumPS - Od. Fuel ................... . 17 7.8 V W ................................. . 27 27 27 21 21 9" 2. '6 Radla'or - caP. HOMS ....... • • .. • .... . •.. Ratio. - All•............ • ...... • .. . ... Compr..s,on ........... . . , ...•... . . . . Bt. .flng ............... • .. • ......... T,.nSn'"s.ion ........... • ..•.. ....,Aal•.................. . ...• . ... ""aul.tOf - Generator ..... , . . , . .. , .•. . Rim........................ .. . . . . . Ring•. Pi.ton ............. , .. ADds - COnnectit'lI ... . :Ie Cartlturetor •...•.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..... 2. 11 caster ....•....•••••• , ••..••.••..••...••••.•. • ...•..... 20 ChOk•. Automatic ...........•..•.•..... . ...... . .......... • ClutCh - PedaIOparatad .....•......•••••.. • . . • ... . ...... 15 Coil, tgnilton ...................•.....•.... • ... , .. • ...... ,. Connecting Rods . . . . . . . • . • . . . . • • . . • • . • • • • . • . • • . . • • • . . . . .. • a.•• I . EQUipment . . . . . • . . . . . . • • . . . . . • • • • • . . • • • • . . .. 23 2.3 20 'S.16 2.16 12 22 21 10 '0 21 21 .2 20 .0 2' .. 7 23 9 &. 13 18 20 '6 2 . ............ . Shock AbsOf'berl, Front & Rea' Sp.ark Plugs .................... . Cooling SYlt.m ...................... , . .. . .. . ..... . ...... " 5 Soeeaon..'., ..... . 3 Sp.,ingl - Front & Rea, Susoenllon Stabilizer ($w.y Bar) - F,ont • q.a, Starting Syl,.m ......... . St. .,ing S"Pp'lSslon - Ignition. RadiO. S"spension - F,ont .. Rear .. e Di.sel Engine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .• . . . . .• . • .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Dimension Dehnitions KlY Sheet - btenOt . . . . . • . . . • . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . .. 31.33 Key Sheet - Inte,io, . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . • . . • . . . • . . . . .. 32.31. 35 Distributor - I~njtion ....... . . . . . . . .. . . •. . . . . . . . . . .. . ... '3 Electric.1 Sys~~m ................ . ................. '2. 13. 1. Em'Ulon Cont,ole ..... , . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . • • . . . . . .. 10. 1 t EnOl,... Bore. Stroke, Type .......•••••....... • ......•.•......... 3 Tajl Pipe ................ . Theft Protection .. Thermostat. Cooling Timing - Valve. Ignliion ....... . . . • . . Tif" .... ......... . .... . ..•.. Toein .. . .......... . . TOIQ.... Conwett.,. . ........ , . . . , .... . . . • ..• . . .. TOfQ'" - Eng."•............ Tran. .ale TranamlSllOf'l - Types ... T,ansmlilion - A"tornahc . T,anamlliion - M.n .... 1 Tran.m.uaon - RaIIDa T,.eeI ........ . ......... . Trunk Ca,go Load Trunk Luggage Capacity Turning Olame' ..... 2. 3 DiSPlacement .......................... •• ..... • , . . . . . .. 2 Firing O,der. Cylindet" NumDering ............. . ... ,....... 3 General Information. Power &. TorQ........................ 2. 3 Identification Number Location ....... , .... . .. . .......... 22 Lubrication ...••....•.•...•.....•...... • . . .•. , • •..•.... 1 Power T.ams . .- .....••.....•...........• • ..... • •....... 2 Exhaust Systlm .............•.• ,. . ... . . ..... . ... . ........ 1 EQ"lpmenl Availability .....•••.••.. • .. • .•.•...•.••....... 2. Fan. Cooling ........................•....•..••..•........ " FidUCial Marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21 Fitters - Enolne Oil. Fuel Sy..................... , .•....... 1. e F,a"" .....................•........•... •..•........... 22 Front SUSpension ••••••••.••••.•.••••••.•.•••••••.•••••. 21 Front Wheel Onve Unit ................................... 11 FueL F ....' Pump. Fuel System .................. . ...... 3. e, 11 F"ellnlechon ....... . ................. • ............• Geftlf.tor and Regulator .......... . . .. ....... . ........... 12 Gla.. ........................... • ... • ..•...•.. • ...... 30 '6 e. 2. 15. '6 2. 11.15.16 2. 15 'S. '6 26 e. , 27 20 UnitiZed construction UniverNI JOinfl. PrOO8Il ... Shaft 22 V..... - Intak." eaha"ll Vehicle Identification H.,mbe, .......... . VOltage Aeoutator .. 6 22 '2 17 9 W.'1f Pump ...... . Heactroom - Body ............... . ... . .. • .•.... • ..... 27.28 Car.nd Body .....•••.• , .••••••.•• ,........... 21 Weights. . ... . .. • .......... 20. Wf'tIeI Alignment ..... .. . . •.. . • .. . , ...•....... • ....... • ... , .. • ... , ....••.. ,. Whee-lbase ..•.•••••.....•.... . .. • . • . He><oepowe< - Btokl .•••••••••.•••.•....••• • •••...•••.... 2 lonit~ System ..................... . ................ 13.'. Inflallon - Tires .. , . . . . • . . . • . . . . • . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. " Instruments ...............•... . ....... • ... • ..•......... ,. Kingpin (Steering Axil) ...... • ....•.. • ..•.•. . ...•......... 20 MVMA·c·a1 IV Power. Eng ............ _..........•....... . .. &:eng' ••..•••.••..•......• • ••••.•••••••••.•• • .•••..••. :Ie H'lQIht ...•.•.•• , •••.•.•..•...••.. • •.•..• • .....••..... 21 G,ound CI.a,ance .............................. . ...... 21 Heights Horns I 20 22 3.0 3.0 Piaton Pins' Rings .••••••.••..•••.. • ..•..•. . . Pi,lana ................•....... . •. . ......... ~... ~r~k.............. . ............... . . . Width ....••••.••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••• • ••.•••••• 21 Compression RatiO .............•........• . . • ••.•••.•. '0 _ _ _ COPOClty .......•.....•. huenger Man Oiltnbuhon .....•... . .... . . . PuaM Restrain, Sy.''''' ........•............... Ca, and Body Dlrnenllona er""",,,"« ..................................... ......... Cylinders and Cyllndef HUCI .••••••• • • . • ••• • • ..• • . • •. • •.••• • '5 Muffler ...•..•...••.•.••.•...•. • .. • '5." Rea' A." .......................................... l' c., Models ......•••........•••••.•.••••..••• . ..••.•..... , Con.,.njen~ 27 27.28 "odilia ..........................•... MotOf. Slarting .....•.... , ......•... Fuel T.nk .•••••••••••.••• _•• _••••••••••••••••.•••••• , • • e. 3~ 7. '5. 'I. 17 ........................................... LuOricant. Englnl Crankcaaa .•••.•••.•••.•.•••••.•••••.•..•••... 7 Transmi.sion ....••.•..•••.•••••....••...••...... Front eornpartment .........•......•..•... . .. • .•... . . .. AII.r COmpartlftlnt ............•... • .. • .•....•......... luGgage Compartment .............. ,........... . ...... Station wagon - llura Seat ........ . ...... . ............ Station Wagon - Ca,go SP.~ ..... .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. _ . _ - Cargo _ _ ...••.•••...•.••... • ......... No. 21. :!8 26 2' 6 IS. 'i Uningl - ClutCh, er..... LulWicelion .....•.••........... • • .. • .. 1 W""tl , Tirea .............. , • .. • .... W .....I$ptndl• . . Widths - Car ana BoGv ...........•. Wincllh,ela ...... . ......... • ... Windshi.ld Wipar and W..,.., Page. .. , .....•.. • .... .8 20 26 30 '0
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