Spring 2013 - Vinalhaven Land Trust


Spring 2013 - Vinalhaven Land Trust
Vinalhaven Land Trust
C o n s e rv i n g
N at u r e
V i n a l h av e n
N e w s l e t t e r
Spring 2013 • Vol. 26, No. I
VLT Gratefully Accepts Gift of Land
Carl Swanson believed that thoughtfully planned con-
eastern shore of Old Harbor Pond (almost 2,000 feet)
to conserved parcels are just a few of the variables we
servation could be good for the town of Vinalhaven,
and abuts VLT’s Isle Au Haut Mountain Preserve and
take into account.
and so he bequeathed a 91 acre parcel at the head of
Maine Coast Heritage Trust’s Basin Preserve. Like the
Upon hearing of this exceptional gift, the land trust
Old Harbor Pond to Vinalhaven Land Trust (VLT) upon
last piece of a puzzle, this parcel completes protection
board expressed their gratitude for Carl Swanson’s
his death in December of 2011. Many will remember
along the entire east side of the Basin, from the tip of
consideration, vision, and generosity. In years to come,
Carl singing in the church choir and community cho-
Old Harbor Pond in the south, to the most northern
we trust islanders enjoying this peaceful spot will echo
rus, or starring as a seagull in our local musical, Ferry
cove near Wharff Quarry Road. Carl must have been
that sentiment.
Tales. Friends recall his great sense of humor; Carl was
very aware of its strategic location and outstanding
master of the one-liner.
conservation value.
The parcel Carl entrusted to VLT extends from Pump-
In times past, the parcel’s proximity to town afforded
kin Ridge in town deep into the woods on the east
access to a deep swimming hole on Old Harbor Pond.
side of the Basin. It includes about half of the north-
The old diving board welded to the granite outcrop-
-Elizabeth Swain, Chair of Easements and Acquisitions, with thanks to Lucy McCarthy and Pam Alley for
their memories of Carl and the old diving board.
ping attests to the enjoyment of previous generations. Looking at the perfectly situated diving rock and
rusted fixtures, one can almost see the revelers in their
long cotton swimming attire and hear the laughter of a
VLT Membership
Renewal Time!
weekend afternoon spent cavorting in the pond.
During the quarrying heyday, there were numerous small “motions” on the property where paving
Renewing your VLT membership is
a rite of spring.
blocks—pavers—were cut. Larger granite blocks bear
testimony to the industriousness of a previous owner.
Some may remember when ice blocks were cut from
Jim Mack’s Pond, immediately abutting the property,
and sledded across Old Harbor Pond.
The land consists of mature mixed forest with some
striking specimen trees, including a red spruce that
could be the largest on the island. With a generally flat
terrain and access from the town or Basin side, the opportunities for easy walking trails are obvious.
When the land trust takes on a new parcel, there
are many factors to consider. Our policies require an
ecological assessment to ensure we don’t overlook
any species of special significance. No decisions are
made as to how the property will be used until we
have a management plan, which often takes a year or
This red spruce might be one of the largest on
the island. Photo by Kerry Hardy.
two. Factors such as consideration of neighbors, public access, special features of interest and connectivity
In case you have misplaced our
recently mailed reminder, there’s an
easy way to renew by using the
coupon on the back of this newsletter. You can also donate on the
“Join Us” link on our website:
Be sure to include your e-mail
address to sign up for first notice of
news and events.
We hope you will also consider
adding a contribution to support
VLT’s dynamic conservation work.
Thank you!
Progress of the Capital Campaign
The Capital Campaign Committee is pleased to report
that VLT’s 25
Anniversary Campaign made great
Read more in this newsletter about their recent activities; it’s amazing what they accomplish.
progress over the winter. As of the end of April, VLT
Huge thanks are due to the early supporters who
has reached 80% of our ambitious goal to fund the
have gotten us this far along. In addition, we thank our
purchase of the Tip Toe Mountain property and to
conservation partner, Maine Coast Heritage Trust, for
fund perpetual stewardship of all our preserves and
extending to VLT a $100,000 matching grant through
the Pew Charitable Trusts’ Northeast Land Trust Con-
And spring has brought an exciting new challenge
sortium. For every $2 raised towards the purchase
grant! A generous anonymous donor has not only
of the Tip Toe parcel, we will receive an additional
made a wonderful gift outright, but, additionally, he
$1 from this match. This has been a great incentive to
has made a commitment to match up to $40,000 of
donors most interested in ensuring that the 40 acres
gifts from new donors made for the acquisition of Tip
around Big Tip Toe will be held as a preserve open to
Toe. In other words, every gift from a new donor will
the public.
double in value for VLT. We are hugely grateful for this
thoughtful and inspiring support!
As we go forward this summer with the final phase
of the campaign, be on the alert for notices of the many
The other goal of VLT’s campaign is equally exciting:
walks and other events centered on Tip Toe and our
to build up our stewardship fund. This fund is dedi-
stewardship of all our preserves. We invite your par-
cated to providing the resources to keep our trails in
ticipation and support. For more information, please
top condition and for monitoring our easements to the
call or stop by the office, or visit us online at www.vin-
high standards mandated by our award of Land Trust
Alliance certification. Kerry Hardy, our stewardship coordinator, has been busy with his team of volunteers.
-Didi Stockly, co-chair of Capital Campaign Committee
Enshrouded in fog, this lovely cove exemplifies the shorefront near Tip Toe Mountain.
VLT’s 25th Anniversary Campaign is raising
money to purchase this property. Read more
to see how you can help. Photo by Kerry
Somebody Who Works for Nothing?
VLT volunteer Ed Hirst has been busy cutting
a new trail for us on a piece of land owned by
Charlie and Caroline Pardoe, on which VLT
now holds an easement. The trail, which goes
roughly half a mile from Round Pond to Vinal
Cove, will be open to the public beginning this
summer. Photo by Kerry Hardy.
Special delivery: Foy Brown and his faithful
friend Panda recently delivered our new kiosk
to the ocean end of Perry Creek, where it will
invite boaters to come ashore and explore.
It’s certainly true that conserving land and pro-
and Rick Morgan, who helped us maintain
tecting it is not an undertaking that can be ac-
trails by pruning, removing widowmakers and
complished without money. This is why we ask
deadfalls, re-grading poorly drained sections,
for your financial support above and beyond
and pushing back the usual summer waves of
your dues, remind you if you forget, and ask
hay-scented and bracken ferns. With almost
again in the fall.
fifteen miles of trails to maintain, it would be
Being good Yankees here at VLT, we’re al-
nearly impossible for us to keep ahead of na-
ways looking for ways to spend less money and
ture’s luxuriance through the summer other-
do more with what we have. One of our favor-
ite ways to do this is by asking our members
In fact, if there’s a trail at one of our pre-
and friends to volunteer on a list of projects
serves that really makes your heart sing, why
ranging from trail building to stamp licking.
not consider becoming a trail adopter?
Volunteers make a huge difference in stretch-
The dictionary defines a volunteer as “some-
ing our dollars and making them reach farther.
body who works for nothing”— a bad defini-
Work that volunteers do is work that our staff
tion for Vinalhaven Land Trust volunteers. As
(who also volunteer for many hours beyond
a volunteer, you are not somebody who works
their paid ones) does not have to do. for nothing; you are one among many, working
Can you help stretch our dollars? There are
together to protect and care for the land we all
all kinds of ways: in the woods, on the trail,
love. Please consider joining this body of some-
on the water, in the office. Many hours, or just
bodies who work for the land.
a few. In the busy summer or the quiet winter.
Physical work, mental work, or mindless work.
-Pat Lundholm, Chair of Communications
In 2012, for instance, we got a huge boost
Committee and Kerry Hardy, VLT Stewardship
from volunteers like Pam Johnson, Ed Hirst,
Honoring Their Memories
Vinalhaven Land Trust is deeply touched and honored
included his hope for improvement in cooperation
ashore and, after a picnic lunch in front of the house,
when someone chooses to make a donation to us in
and care for each other, in national and local commu-
they all agreed it would be wonderful to have a sum-
memory of a loved one. We asked some of these do-
nities. This was not just an ideal; Ed saw human wel-
mer vacation spot like this one. My parents forgot about
nors to share with us all a bit of information about
fare as dependent on our care for Planet Earth: broad,
the idea, but Alec White didn’t. Sometime that fall, he
these people and why they loved Vinalhaven:
long term care; but also immediate and local. For him,
called my father and said, ‘I’m going to buy Leadbetter
Franci Vinal Farnsworth writes of her father: “My
the island of Vinalhaven was his and our unique little
Island, but only if you buy some part of it and build a
mother, Barbara Vinal Gent, fell in love with Vinal-
corner of our earth. For almost 50 summers, Ed grew to
house which is out of sight of the big house. That way,
haven from the time my dad, Calvin Vinal, first brought
learn and appreciate more and more his place and the
one of us could be on the island with our family and
her home. She steeped herself in its history and in my
whole island. He wanted others to see the treasure we
the other could be back working in New York.’ Dick
dad’s genealogy. After Cal died, she nurtured the Vi-
have been given as a benefit for the good of the whole
and Jo mulled it over and decided it was a good idea. A
nal roots for my brother and me. She has supported
community. ‘Plan for and use it well,’ he said.“
house was built right on the Narrows with a wonderful
VLT from its beginning in 1986 in memory of Cal, and
Dick Kimball, Jr. shares these stories of his parents,
view towards the Camden Hills. To this day, there are
in honor of all his family (past, present and future). The
Dick and Jo Kimball: “In the summer of 1936, my par-
still descendants of Whites, Kimballs, and Janeways on
special places that VLT has helped preserve for future
ents were cruising with some friends, Alec and Posy
Leadbetter Island: children, grandchildren, and great
generations are all places she was introduced to by Cal
White and Eddie and Elinor Janeway, along the coast of
grandchildren. We all love it and think about it all year
and learned to love with him.”
Maine. Their route took them through Leadbetter Nar-
long. We consider ourselves very lucky.”
Thanks to Lydia Sparrow for sharing Edwin C. (“Ed”)
rows, where they saw the big white clapboard house
Hoyt’s love of Vinalhaven: “Ed Hoyt’s global concern
with the green shutters, a barn, a boat house— and
was shown by his interest in the United Nations and
a ‘For Sale’ sign. It was all too inviting, so they went
Letter from the Executive Director
“...and then I loved thee and showed thee all the qualities of the isle.”
Dear island friends,
light and southerly, and close your eyes and
time for two years now, after visiting on and
It’s traditional, in the spring, to look for-
breathe deeply, there is a perfume in the air
off for years, and I’ve been surprised at how
ward to summer, and in the fall, to look back
that, I promise you, you’ll never get a whiff of
often people ask me, “You mean you stay here
on it, but I wonder if we can appreciate the
in the Pennsylvania farmland or the Texas hill
all winter?” All I can think to say is, “Where
true nature of island life if we never talk about
country. Enchanting as those places are— as
else would I go?”
the winter.
are many of the places we go when we’re not
And now for spring! Daffodils soon!
Meet you by the Basin?
Winter in Vinalhaven has a quality that has
here— each has a different essence. Vinalhav-
nothing to do with the exuberance of the holi-
en has her own, and she saves it for those who
days or the tooth-chattering huddle of the dark
open themselves to it and wait.
times; a quality that flows beneath the grim
There are other glimpses: the whisper of
hanging-on-for-spring and must have flowed
running water deep under the unbroken crust;
there since before the first Smiths and Vinals
the intense blue-green that only shows beneath
ever thought of settling here, since before the
the white caps when the sun
swordfish hunters first launched their frail craft
is just rising behind you and
from the shores of The Reach 5,000 years ago
the wind is howling out of
in search of glory.
the northwest and the far-
Like all of Mother Nature’s secrets, it comes
in, not only at the eyes, but also at the nose;
ther shore is dusted with
new snow.
not only through the ears, but also through
In Shakespeare’s Tem-
the skin. You can’t go get it: you have to let
pest, Caliban makes Prospe-
it come to you. It is the reality we swim in,
ro the gift of insight into the
and like the fish in the Chinese parable, we are
essence of his island. That
mostly unaware of the water.
awareness is the most pre-
But if you go out to Seal Bay or Perry’s
Creek on a winter’s day when the wind is
cious thing in his life.
I’ve been living here full
Photo: Kerry Hardy
All events are free and open to the public and are
held rain or shine! Unless noted, all walks originate at Skoog Park, which is located off of Sands
Road, about 500 yards west of the ferry terminal.
Check out www.vinalhavenlandtrust.org for
more info, events, and updates.
19th, 8 AM: Warbler walk with John Drury
29th, 9:30 AM: Winter moth update with state
forest entomologist, Charlene Donahue. (Rain
date June 5th)
6th, 9:30 AM: Coastal Survey Markers, with Patrick
8th, 9:30 AM: “Meet your local farmer” farm tour
to Hall Farm, in partnership with the ARC and
10th, 9:30 AM: Easy wildflower walk with Beth
Gilford. This walk will be geared for those with
limited mobility
11th and 25th, 8 AM: Bird walks with Kirk Gentalen, in partnership with MCHT. Bring binoculars, if you have them
15th, 9:30 AM: “Meet your local farmer” farm tour
to Sparkplug Farm, in partnership with the ARC
and MFT
16th, 9:30 AM: Vinalhaven’s watershed and water
17th, 9:30 AM: Alternative energy tour, with Rick
Morgan. Meet in the town parking lot, opposite
the post office
18th, 7 AM: Advanced bird walk with Kirk Genatalen, in partnership with MCHT. Bring binoculars, if you have them
20th, 9:30 AM; June Carver Roberts Memorial
wildflower walk, with Beth Gilford
22nd: 9:30 AM: “Meet your local farmer” farm
tour to Long Cove Farm, in partnership with the
23rd, 7 PM: “Night at the Movies: Sustainable
Communities-Island Fishermen’s Voices” at the
Washington School
24th, 3 PM: Tour of the Vinalhaven Fishermen’s
Co-op, with Steve Rosen. Meet at the parking lot
next to the co-op’s gas station
26th, 4 PM: Annual meeting. A brief business
meeting followed by our speaker, Jay Espy of the
Elmina B. Seawell Foundation and former president of MCHT. Join us afterwards for delicious refreshments, and a chance to meet and visit with
the staff, board, and other VLT members
27th, 9:30 AM: “Writers on the Land, Writing by
the Sea” workshop, with Penelope Robinson
29th, 9:30 AM: “Meet your local farmer” farm tour
to Clayter Hill Farm in partnership with the ARC
and MFT
30th, 7 PM: Circumambulation lll, with Phil Crossman, at Smith Hokanson Memorial Hall, Vinalhaven School
1st, 15th, and 29th, 7 AM: Advanced bird walks
with Kirk Gentalen, in partnership with MCHT.
Bring binoculars, if you have them
3rd, 9:30 AM, Nature walk with Janet Gohres
5th, 12th, and 19th, 9:30 AM: “Meet your local
famer” farm tours in partnership with the ARC
and MFT
6th, 7 PM: “The Great Stone Walls of Vinalhaven:
What They Are and Where they Are”, with Sylvia
Reiss, at the Washington School
7th, 7 PM: Author Peter Brace, “Islands of Natural
Wonder: Nantucket and Vinalhaven,” in partner-
ship with FOPL, to take place at the Library
8th and 22nd, 8 AM: Bird walks with Kirk Gentalen, in partnership with MCHT. Bring binoculars, if you have them
10th, 9:30 AM: Mushroom foraging with Kerry
13th, 7 PM: Talk: “A History of Bald Eagle Research
in Maine” with Chris Desorbo at the Washington
14th, 9:30 AM: Walk: “The Natural History of
Maine’s Bald Eagle”with Chris Desorbo
17th, 9:30 AM: Granite walk with George Kendrick
20th, 7 PM: “The Mysterious Mr. Herrmann, an
Island Legacy” with Army Armstrong and Cece
Girz, at Smith Hokanson Memorial Hall, Vinalhaven School
21st, 9:30 AM: Herrmann Estate exploration and
walk with Army Armstrong, Cece Girz, Charlotte
Goodhue, and Dana and Noel Webster
24th, 9 AM: Burnt Island hike, in partnership with
NHCP. Meet at the public landing at the north end
of the island.
26th, 9 AM: Tide pool walk for young children
(and the young at heart), with Amy Palmer. Meet
at Lane’s Island.
Key for partners:
ARC: Arts and Recreation Center
FOPL: Friends of the Public Library
MFT; Maine Farmland Trust
MCHT: Maine Coast Heritage Trust
NHCP: North Haven Conservation Partners
Photos Wanted
Do you have a great photo of a VLT preserve or activity? We’re always looking
for photos to use in the newsletter, on our
website, or in other land trust outreach.
We especially like photos with people and
children enjoying the beauty of the places
VLT has helped protect. Please send your
images to info@vinalhavenlandtrust.org.
We will, of course, give you full credit
should we use your photo. Thanks!
Vital Signs Club
Activities and Outcomes
Vinalhaven’s Amy Palmer, middle grades science teacher and VLT’s advisor to the afterschool Vital
Signs Club, was featured at the March 22 conference of the Maine Environmental Education Association. Amy showcased the work of 7th grade club members Deja Doughty, Jordan Radley, Elijah BineauAmes, Andrew Moody, and Gabe Day, as they have assisted the town in tackling the Winter Moths
(Operophtera brumata) that have invaded the island.
What, exactly, did the club do to help? They...
• researched the life cycle of this invasive pest
• helped band trees to snag females before they could lay eggs
• tracked and documented the presence of adult moths on banded trees
• posted their observations to the Gulf of Maine Research Institute website called “Vital Signs”
• created Google maps of the island to show the range of the moth infestation
• yet to come: taking down tree bands, a presentation to the town, and a service project to help
eradicate an invasive species
What’s in it for the kids?
• they’re solving real-world problems
• they’re collecting scientific data and sharing it with scientists
• they get feedback from scientists on their observations
• they’re becoming local experts on this invasive species
• they learn to use technology tools to gather and share data
• they experience first hand that practicing science can be tedious, frustrating, exciting, and fun!
• they become stewards of Vinalhaven’s precious resources.
We’re all very proud of their work and thank Amy for all her “vital” efforts!
-Munch Grogan, co-chair of Environmental Education Committee and Amy Palmer, Environmental
When a flightless female Winter Moth climbs a
banded tree, heading for the top to lay her eggs,
she is trapped in the sticky barrier. Members of
the VLT sponsored Vital Signs Club monitored
the bands last fall, tracking the locations and
numbers of adult moths. Photo by Amy Palmer.
Don’t Miss It!
Vinalhaven Land Trust’s Annual Meeting is scheduled for July 26th at 4:00. It
will be held under the tent at Skoog Park.
Don’t miss this opportunity to hear guest
speaker Jay Espy, past president of Maine
Coast Heritage Trust and current executive director of the Elmina B. Sewall Foundation of Freeport, Maine. As always,
wine, beer and delicious finger food coupled with the chance to mingle with other
VLT members, board and staff promise to
make this a delightful afternoon. We hope
A student applies a sticky barrier to a tree banded to monitor the population and spread of
Winter Moths on Vinalhaven. This invasive species targets the island’s hardwood trees. Photo
by Amy Palmer.
you will join us.
Vi n a l hav e n L a n d Tru st Do n o rs in 2012
In Memory Of
Mildred Young Brewster and Maynard
Emily S. Byrd
Emily S. Byrd & William L., Alice, and
Leverett Saltonstall
George Flynn (3)
Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Gates
Barbara & George Grogan
Margo Hinman
‘Bim’ Holt (L. Emmett, 3rd)
Pam Hopewell
Edwin C. Hoyt
Dick & Jo Kimball
Steve Marcoux
Matthew Simmons
Nancy M. Swain
Frederick Reed
Calvin Vinal and his family
In Honor Of
Heather Blake
David Spruance Bogart
Sheldon Gordon
Linda P. Labaree
Susie Lawrence
Matthew Simmons
Didi and Holmes Stockly
Carol Thompson’s birthday
Matching Gifts
Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Program
Pew Charitable Trusts’ Matching Gifts
The Frances W. Emerson Foundation
The John and Mary Benard Jacobs
The J. M. Kaplan Fund
Theodore Johanson & Patricia Lundholm Fund of the Maine Community
Stockly Fund of the Maine Community
Morgan Stanley
The Samuel P. Pardoe Foundation
The Puffin Foundation
Caroline & Stephen Sontheimer Fund of
the Greater New Orleans Foundation
The Ralph B. & Margaret C. Williams
Fund at the Boston Foundation
Individuals and Corporations
Cynthia & Joseph Abidin
Ilana & Norman Adler
William Alcorn
Ruth Alden
Pam & Steve Alley
David & Holly Ambler
Patricia & Thomas Ambler
Addison Ames , Jr.
Anonymous (14)
Angela & Jason Arey
Don & Sue Armstrong
Jay Arnold
Jennifer Badot
Christine Bailey
Carol Baker
Doug & Sarah Banker
Steven Barefield
Sam Baron
Anne Barrett
Dory Bayer
Gay Ben Tré and Family
John & Patricia Bergin
Kathleen Bird
Chandler Blackington
Jane Blair
Heather Blake
Thomas Blake
Laura Blankertz
Bill, Louisa & Victoria Boatwright
Bethany & David Bogart
Jessica Bayer & Jack Bonner lV
James & Meredith Boone
Rhoda Boughton
Gabrielle Boxer
Candace Boyden
Mary Brock
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brodt
Hooper Brooks
Janice & Thom Brown
Bruce & Joan Burnham
Debra & William Burton
Judy & Skip Butler
Ames Byrd
Cathy & Leverett Byrd
Harry & Nancy Byrd
Richard Byrd lll
Eleanor L. & Levin Campbell
Levin Campbell , Jr.
Lois & Robert Candage
Alexandra & Arthur Carpenter
Nans Case
Margaret Casey
Maria & Stephen Cashin
Mary Cattan
Patience & Thomas Chamberlin
Ellen & Michael Chandler
Diana Cherbuliez
Susan & Theodore Cherbuliez
Morris Cheston
Nevins Bartolomeo & Rachel Church
Craig & Sarah Churchill
Cecily Clark
Nicole Cherbuliez & Seth Clayter
Jennifer Clements
Dan Cherneff & Priscilla Cobb
Dianne & John Cochran
Bruce & Tina Cohen
Douglas & Lois Coleman
Patricia Colhoun
Ferdinand & Susanna ColloredoMansfeld
Chesca & Rudi Colloredo-Mansfeld
Colleen & Jim Conlan
John & Lisa Conner
Elizabeth & Michael Cooney
Fred Coughlan
Brenton & Gillian Creelman
Mory & Sarah Creighton lll
Peter Creighton
Janet Crossman
Poppy Connor-Crouch & John Crouch
Ann Bardeen & Micky Culver
Penelope Curtis
Dierdre & Mark D’Aquila
Kristine Davidson
Bonnie & Eric Davis
Ethelyn Day
Judy Blevins & Howard Day
Lois & Walt Day
Edwin & Emily Dean
Leo & Penny Demers
Jennifer & Kevin Desmond
Diversified Communications
Joseph & Mara Donadio
Susan Dempster & Gerald Doughty
Germaine Drake
Mary Drury
Jane Duell
Delphine & Frank Eberhart
Nathaniel Eberhart
Virginia Edelen
Frederica & Michael Eder
Kathleen Egan
Meredith Elcome
Harry & Judith Ellenzweig
Carl & Margaret Engelhart
Doug Durant & Anne Engelhart
Elin Elisofin & Bart English
Bill Allen & Alice Evarts
Helen & William Evarts
Holly Evarts
Grant Ditzler & Frances Evens
Patricia & Robert Evers
Joseph & Margaret Ewing
William Falcheck Jr.
Priscilla Fales
Eleanor Bartolomeo & Young C. Fan
Franci Vinal & Frank Farnsworth
Mr. & Ms. Daniel Ferguson
Richard & Virginia Fitts
Roberta FitzGerald
Joanne Flagg
Margaret Bruce & Max Fletcher
Elaine Flore
Charlie & Sarah Forbes
George Fosque
Deborah & John French
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fried
Marnie & Peter Frost
Cynthia Cave & Chuck Gadzik
Sean & Stacy Gambrel
Christopher & Helen Gates
Diana & Ebenezer Gay
Ebenezer & Winnifred Gay
Harvey & Pamela Geiger
Fred & Constance Gemmer
Mr. & Mrs. David Gengler
Barbara Gent
Bonnie Germain
Eleanor Gibney
Elaine & John Alden & Beth Gilford
Elmer Armstrong & Cecilia Girz
Anne & Thomas Godfrey
Jessie Godfrey
Tom Gardner & Marian Godfrey
Andrew Cohen & Mary Gooderham
Charlotte Goodhue
Judith & Sheldon Gordon
Peter Bodnar & Lida Gordon
Carolyn Graham
Anita & Henry Gratwick
Joel & Rebecca Gratwick
Elizabeth & Michael Gray
Patricia Dunn & Douglas Green
Joel Greenberg
Jackson Gregory
Helen & Philip Greven
Donna Cordner & Brent Groce
Lucy Groening
Marian Grogan
David & Sara Hadden
Janet Gohres & Robert Hahl
John Haible
Paul Haible
Thomas Haible
William Haible
Martha Hallett
Elinor & Roger Hallowell
Betsy & Perry Hamilton
Tunie Hamlen
Dennis & Kate Hannan
Diana & Robert Harding
Margaret Hardy
Yasuko Hatano-Collier
Molly Perkins Hauck
Allan & Jeannie Hayes
David & Marianne Healey
Roy Heisler
Suzanne Heller
Stratton French & Julie Henderson
Ben & Vannesa Henneke
Alison & Horace Hildreth
Grace Hinrichs
Elizabeth Hodges- Andrews
Ellen & Mark Hoffman
Harry & Nancy Holcomb
Elizabeth Holt
Gwen & L. Emmett Holt lV
Betsy & Bruce Hopkins
Brett Cook & Richard Howard
Christopher Howard
Cynthia & Mark Howard
Edward & Sarnia Hoyt
Mr. & Ms. Will Hoyt
Wendy Hubbard
Sherry Huber
Hope, Mike & Bay Hudner
Lawrence & Rose Hughes
Elva & Horace Hunt
David & Sarah Hyde
Mariann & Michael Imber
Benjamin & Cathy Iselin
Lea Iselin
William Iselin
Island Closet
Scott Fisher & Mizuko Ito
L. Jean Emery & Stephen Ives
Margaret C. Ives
Robert Cornell & Catherine Ives-Cornell
Alexandra & Nathaniel James
Betsy & Harold Janeway
Dorothy Janzen
Sara Gordon & Scott Janzen
Beverly & William Jaques
Martin Berman & Mary Ann Jasienowski
Nina Jennings
Richard Cranford & Laura JennngsCranford
Ed Hirst & Pam Johnson
Elizabeth & Stephen Jones
John & Martha Jones
Suzette & Thomas Jones
J. W. Kaempfer
Jean Kellogg
Kenneth Kemp
Cay & George Kendrick
Gail Eierweiss & Jeff Kilbreth
Geoffey Kimball
Hopeton & Richard Kimball
Joseph Adams & Barbara Kinder
We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this list. If we have inadvertently omitted or misspelled your name, please accept our deepest apologies.
Vin a l hav e n L a n d Tru st Do n o rs in 2012
Bruce & Jane King
Chris & Kathy Knight
Christian & Gwendolyn Koelbl
Bettina Krampetz
Bruce & Eleanor Krause
Stephen Blatt & Lynn Krauss
Jane Bryden & Christopher Krueger
Clyde & Lucy Kuemmerle
Josef & Susan L’Africain
Joe Deely & Maile L’Herrou-Ridenour
Ben & Linda Labaree
Priscilla Carothers & Jonathan Labaree
Sylvia Lacey
Hilda Dogan & Michael LaFarque
Michael Jacobson & Anne Lampert
Emily Lane
Daniel Godfrey & Crystal LaPoint
Jeannette & William Lasansky
David & Susan Lawrence
John & Tara Lawrence
Amanda & Howard Layne
Anna Marie & Walden Lazaro
Chong & Jaqueline Lee
DiAnn & Timothy Lee
Christopher Janeway & Catherine Leiser
Norbert & Sally Leser
Emily Lewis
George Lewis
Lisa Lewis
Lynn Lewis
Jan Lichtenwalter
Jon Linn
Donna & Richard Littlefield
Taina Litwak
Ginny & Jim Logan
Norbert & Roger Longman
Frederick & Penelope Lord
George & Sarah Loring
June MacDonald
Howard Ben Tré & Wendy MacGaw
John Macomber
Jennifer & Sean Mahoney
Fidele & William Malloy
Andre Bishop & Peter Manning
Joseph Marcus
Donald & Julie Marcuse
Aya Mares
Elizabeth Mares
Barbara Leonard & Daniel Marra
Hugh & Susan Martin
Angela & Mel Marvin
Linnell Mather
Marianna Mather
Chip Harkness & Christa Mattson
Horace & Marjorie Maxcy
Sam Mazen
Linda & Robert McAulay
Greta & Mark McCarthy
John Drury & Lucy McCarthy
Babette Fahey & Patrick McCormick
Bette & Edward McCormick
Nancy Campbell & Peter McGlammery
Larry Mcintosh
Rick Bates & Robin McIntosh
Margaret McLaren
Jane Kitchel & Peter McLaughlin
John & Mary Ann McLeod
Donald & Valerie McQuillan
Elsa & Thomas Menaker
Stevie Kaimmer & Mike Mesko
Middlewoods of Farmington
Frank & Mary Ellen Minichiello
Alexandra Moffat
Lisa Lewis & Banner Moffat
Francois Deschamps & Judith Mohns
Betty & Ted Moody
Priscilla Moody
Mary Ellen Kelly & Steven Morgan
Daveda & Ed Movitz
Beth & Neil Mufson
David Fogg & Thea Nelson
Bill & Helene Newbold
Maxine Hunter & David Newbold
Grosvenor & Wendy Newcomb
Pat Nick
Susan Niederhoffer
Helen Norris
Lizzie Olesker
Carol & David Olson
Stephen & Thayer Olson
Mary Heller Osgood & Chris Osgood
Kristina Osgood
Caroline & Charles Pardoe
David Parsons
Herbert Parsons
Jill & Pankaj Patel
James Kulp & Cathy Pawelczyk
Josie Iselin & Ken Pearce
Emma Peifer
Melissa & Steve Pennell
John & Lydia Perkins
David & Julie Perry
Susan Petersmeyer
Gheretein & Jeffrey Peterson
Wayne Cooper & Carol Petillo
Astrid & Wyman Philbrook
Carl & Lillias Pinson
Deborah Pixley
Judy & Bill Poole
Katherine Hooper & Arthur Porter
Lee & Nick Potter
Tom Kearney & Rebecca Pschirrer
Peter Drury & Margaret Qualey
Deb Manegold & Dwight Quayle
Richard & Virginia Quick
Geoffrey Gratwick & Lucy Quimby
James & Sharon Radford
The late Barbara Dyer & Susan Radley
James & Lisa Rafferty
Aviva Rahmani
Judson & Susan Raven
Heather & Norman Reidy
Ken & Sylvia Reiss
Daniel Boxer & Anne Renarde
Jay Rhoads, Jr.
Kelly & Peter Richards
Avrum Belzer & Martha Richardson
Virginia Callan & Cort Richardson
Pat L’Herrou & David Ridenour
F. Richard Pappas & Adrienne Rivers
Donald Roberts
Richard Morgan & Arlene Rodenbeck
Larry & Mary Rogers
Martha & Paul Rogers lll
John Baker lll & Arlene Roman
Alex, Gabe & Jason Day & Sheri RomerDay
Christine & Paul Rosell
Alice Bissell & Stephen Rosen
Judi Belman & Ron Rosenbaum
Marjorie Rosenberg
Cathy & Ron Rosenstock
Mary Ellen Ross
Ruth Ripnitz & the late Max Ross
Alexander Colhoun & Selina Rossiter
Wanatha Garner & Hugh Roth
Joan & Tom Rouilllard
Mark & Wendy Rovelli
Elaine & Richard Ruback
Sam Ruback
Bonnie Rukin
Christina & James Runcie
Anne Russell
David F. & Susan Russell
Holly & William Russell Jr.
Robert McQuilkin Jr. & Willy Russell Jr.
Shoji & Tsuneko Sadao
Julia & Paul Sampson
Katie & Matt Sawatzky
Victoria Brett & Geoff Schaefer
Daryl Delaney & Bruce Scherer
Carrie & Christopher Scholz
Josephine Schuman
Cam Lewis & Gretchen Scott
Jean Scudder
George Jolly & Caroline Seligman
M/V Sequel
Virginia Calega & Mark Sereni
Lois Shapland
Raymond Mclaughlin & Jane Sheahan
Patricia & W. Stevens Sheppard
David & Mary Jane Shiverick
Lilea & Richard Simis
Ellen Simmons
Anne Raven & Rock Singewald
David Drinkwater & Jacqueline
Bruce Hendrickson & Stephanie Smith
Clawson Smith
Daniel Abbasi & Deborah Smith
David & Janna Smith
Dawson Smith
Karen Kuskin-Smith & C. James Smith
Steve Brock & Jennifer Smith-Brock
Peter Belknap & Jennifer Snodgrass
Benjamin W. Labaree & Alison Snow
Ricki Soaring Dove
Jennifer Kramer & David Sobel
Judith Soleil
David Seligman & Kate Sontag
Mary Soyer
Lydia Sparrow & Richard Sparrow
Bettye Bradley & David Stansbury
Roger Bradford & Martha Stanton
Matthew & Sophie Starr
Martin Stein
Anne Stillwaggon
Elise Stockly
Mr. & Ms. Ayres Stockly
Fiona Stockwell
Cristina Squeff & Mitchell Stokes
Nick Lobkowicz & Marjorie Stratton
Gloria Strazar
Linda Peterson & Fred Strebeigh
Ellen Stutman
Charles Sullivan
Charles & Claudia Sullivan
Bland Maloney & Edward Swain
Chris Ayres & Elizabeth Swain
Carl & Theresa Swidorski
Karen Szczesiul
Barry Robinson & Susan Talhouk
Dorothy & Paul Tasillo
Arnet Taylor
Cherry Taylor
Jane & Spencer Tenhagen
James & Maude Terry
Lisa Cherbuliez & John Terry
Alison Thibault
Jamie & Yvonne Thomas
Carol & Skip Thompson
Michael Curtis & Margaret Thompson
Shannon Thompson
Miles Holsband & Christina Thurston
Ed & Margaret Tillinghast
Patricia & Stanley Timson
Katharine Baker & Peter Titelman
Jane & Virginia Todd
Mark & Mary Lou Tolette
Ruth Sayward & Gerhardt Torborg
Abigail Trafford
Patience & Patrick Trainor
Melissa Brown & Jim Truncer
Benjamin & Mariana Tupper
Andrew & Katherine Updegrove
Joseph & Mary Lou Upton
Amy MacDonald & Thomas Urquhart
Nadja & Nick van Praag
Nancy Versaci
Jacquelyn & Mark Villinski
Vinalhaven Flea Market
Bob & Madeline Vreeland
George & Mallory Waldman
Thomas S. Walker
Alicia & Robert Watts
Barbara Keen & Constance Webster
Marthena Webster
Charles H. Weeber III
Lorraine Ferguson & Adam Weinberg
Tom Godfrey, Jr. & Anne Weir
David & Sandra Weiss
Barbara Weitz
The late Charles Weitz
Fraffie Welch
Susan Loring Wells & Marty Wells
Cristy West
Charles H. Pardoe & Mariette Westermann
Ann Helwege & Tim White
Kathy & Ken White
Barbara Deuell & Peter Whitman
Daniel Ames & Linda Whittington
Louella Wiken
Peter Willauer
Ben & Betsy Williams , Jr.
Jeanne Segal & Dick Williams
Lloyd Van Lumen & Margaret Wilson
Beth Newbold & Pat Winkler
Frank Marchell & Cindy Wojcicki
Kim & Tim Woodhouse
Barbara Wright
Eleanor & Timothy Wright
Gordon Wright
Joan Wright
Susan Lee & John Wright
David & Sally Wylie
Christine & Leonard Yannielli
Dick & Holly Young
Laura Hamilton & Bruce Young
Judith Zinsser
Joshua Stein & Laura Zucker
We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this list. If we have inadvertently omitted or misspelled your name, please accept our deepest apologies.
Board of Directors
Pamela (Pam) Alley
James (Jim) Boone
Richard (Dick) Byrd
Robert (Bob) Candage
Margaret (Peggy) Ewing
Karen Gates
Marion (Munch) Grogan
Bruce Hopkins
Edward (Ed) Hoyt, Treasurer
Karol (KK) Kucinski
Jonathan Labaree, Vice President
Susan (Susie) Lawrence, President
Carolyn (Curly) Lieber
Patricia (Pat) Lundholm
Stephen (Steve) Rosen
Elizabeth Swain
Patience Trainor
Marthena (Thena) Webster, Secretary
Tuck Godfrey, Executive Director
Kerry Hardy, Stewardship Coordinator
Linnell Mather, Comptroller
Sheri Romer-Day, Office Assistant
Support Vinalhaven Land Trust
Please join us in protecting Vinalhaven’s natural beauty. To become a member, complete
this coupon and return it to the address below or drop by our office in the cottage at
Skoog Park. Annual dues (for each calendar year) are $10 per person.
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All donations, including dues, are tax deductible and wil ensure that you receive VLT’s newsletter and notice of special events. Contributions at all levels are greatly appreciated.
Questions? Please call us at (207) 863-2543. Thank you! www.vinalhavenlandtrust.org
Please mail to: Vinalhaven Land Trust • PO Box 268 • Vinalhaven, Maine • 04863
Vinalhaven Land Trust promotes the conservation of our island’s significant plant and
wildlife habitat, our water resources, and scenic or historic spaces in order to preserve
the traditional character of the community for generations to come.
Printed on recycled paper
Vinalhaven Land Trust
12 Skoog Park Road
PO Box 268
Vinalhaven, ME 04863
Conserving the Nature of Vinalhaven
Photo by Kerry Hardy.