Ystradfellte part 3 PDF 2 M - Brecon Beacons National Park Authority
Ystradfellte part 3 PDF 2 M - Brecon Beacons National Park Authority
Ystradfellte Community Area PART THREE REPORT Consultation Comments Comprising: Pontneddfechan Ystradfellte Contents 1.0 Introduction 2.0 PONTNEDDFECHAN 3.0 2.1 PONTNEDDFECHAN Site-by-Site Key Stakeholder Responses & Development Potential Analysis 2.2 PONTNEDDFECHAN Proposed LDP allocation and Development Boundary YSTRADFELLTE 3.1 YSTRADFELLTE Site-by-Site Key Stakeholder Responses & Development Potential Analysis 3.2 YSTRADFELLTE Proposed LDP allocation and Development Boundary 1.0 Introduction The twin objectives of the LDP system are to ensure that the plan is built upon a sound and clear understanding of local issues and circumstance; and to build greater consensus and strengthen community and stakeholder involvement in plan preparation and outcomes. In keeping with these objectives the NPA has attempted to formulate the LDP from a position that is grounded in an understanding how our settlements function, or rather what a place is and what it means to the people who live and work there. This “functionality” has been considered both in environmental (the settlements place within the wider whole that is a protected landscape) and social terms (the need for a community to develop and grow through the building of more houses or places of employment). The first step in this assessment focused on environmental considerations. Settlements were surveyed to try to understand what land was available for development, and how this would impact on the character of the settlement within the landscape if development were to proceed. This first step in the process considered all land which had potential to accommodate growth and the findings are documented in “part two” reports. Land with potential to accommodate growth was determined as either land submitted to the Authority for consideration within the plan (known as Candidate Sites) or land which was immediately adjacent or within current UDP development boundaries or edges of settlements (known as Development Boundary Review “DBR” sites). All this land was subject to a standard assessment, land was deemed either suitable to take forward or not suitable, which enabled the Authority to develop a range of development options for each of our settlements. In order to ensure that the right option is taken forward into the LDP, these suitable sites have been subject to extensive consultation with a range of experts, key stakeholders and community groups. This consultation focused on the deliverability of the sites, ie what constraints are there on development, and how does the community feel about development on this site. This report details the sites which were considered suitable development options within the YSTRADFELLTE Community area of the National Park and the findings of the deliverability consultation, it then details recommendations for land allocations within the LDP. You will see that each site has been allocated a numerical score – this relates to the Site Selection Methodology the NPA is employing to aid consistent decision making. Full details of the Site Selection Methodology are available on the Park’s website. These scores relate to the physical deliverability of sites within the constraints of the Land use planning system. We also include community views on the development of sites and look at the preference given for options. All this information is then considered in the round to determine which sites will be suitable to take forward into the LDP to deliver required development in keeping with local needs and aspirations. 2.0 Pontneddfechan Summary of Development Options with Pontneddfechan Site Code Site Name DBR-PN-B DBR-PN-C DBR-PN-C Land adjacent to Waterfall Lodge North Land at Tara Country Club South Land at Tara Country Club Pontneddfecahn settlement summary map from Environmental Capaciy Study Accepted from Capacity Study Rejected from Capacity Study 2.1 Pontneddfechan Site-by-Site Key Stakeholder Responses & Development Potential Analysis DBR-PN-B Land adjacent to Waterfall Lodge Current Use of land Proposed Use of land Area Projected Capacity Consultee Environment Agency CCW BBNPA Ecologists Dwr Cymru Water Provision Dwr Cymru Sewerage Provision Agricultural Residential 0.2618 8 Score Comment -2 We have seen investment and improvements at the treatment works at Pontneddfechen, however there have been a couple of network issues, mainly siltation & capacity which cause a pollution hotspot at High street adjacent to the Neddfechan. +1 -2 For this village we would advise that we are able to accommodate the foul flows from the low capacity densities only. Further development allocations may be constrained by the performance of our assets for which there are no planned improvements. Foul & surface water flows should be on separate systems. Dwr Cymru Sewerage Treatment -2 Our Waste Water Treatment works for this area has limited capacity to accommodate all of the planned growth without further improvement. Our Capital Investment programme(for the period 2010-2015) is currently being assessed by our Regulator and approval is expected in December 2009. However, the investment does not include this Works and we would request that our organisations meet to discuss and agree to a phased and agree to a phased release of land in this area. Phasing towards the end of the LDP period. Archaeological Trust Cadw Highways -2 There is no obvious means of access to this site other than possibly across an existing private driveway. Such an arrangement could not be improved to meet acceptable standards required for the potential capacity of the site in terms of width and visibility both forward along the carriageway and from the access. Trunk Road Agency Environmental Health Land Drainage +1 -1 Rural Housing Enabler Waste Authority +1 Surface water from the dwellings & other impermeable areas of the site shall discharge to soakaway systems designed & constructed in accordance with BS EN 752-4 or BRE Digest 365 Soakaway design (or other best management practice-SUDS). It is presumed that Riparian rights & responsibilities exist in respect of the open or culverted watercourse & advise that the landowner will be responsible to maintain any section of the watercourse that passes or abuts their land. No buildings, structures, fences or planting shall take place within 5 metres of the top of the bank of any watercourse, or 3 metres either side of any culverted watercourse. The authority would encourage the adoption of surface water control techniques At this stage any sites identified for residential use will need to take account at some point of both the storage of household waste and the access of the relevant collection vehicles to service the houses. Contaminated Land +1 Candidate Site Consultation Responses: N/A Site Development Potential Analysis Score -5 Comment Environment agency highlight issues with pollution inherent within the settlement of Pontneddfechan which will be confounded by future development. DwrCymru highlight that sewerage treatment provision would only be able to accommodate development at lower densities than optimum for sustainability. It therefore follows that development during the LDP period with current phase of infrastructure provision might sterilise more sustainable levels of development possible in the future if infrastructure investment were to take place. A similar objection relating to density and capacity of the surrounding infrastructure to accommodate sustainable use of land in relation to this site has been received from the Highways Authority. Community Comment Pontneddfechan and Ystradfellte community council have been very vocal during all phases of pre-deposit consultation with relation to the problems of sewerage and water provision within the community area. No site specific responses were submitted to the Authority with regards to this site. General consultation responses made in early phases of plan preparation highlight the need to provide for local needs housing within the area on previously developed land. The loss of Greenfield sites was considered to be less preferable. Recommendation Given significant barriers to enabling the most efficient use of this site during the LDP period, it is recommended that this land is not taken any further forward in LDP production, and retains its current use during the LDP period, outside of development boundaries . This is to ensure that the land is not sterilised from accommodating future higher levels of development beyond the life-span of the LDP( should sewerage and water infrastructure provision be improved ) DBR-PN-C North Land at Tara Country Club Current Use of land Proposed Use of land Area Projected Capacity Consultee Environment Agency CCW BBNPA Ecologists Dwr Cymru Water Provision Previously Developed land Residential 0.585 18 Score Comment -2 We have seen investment and improvements at the treatment works at Pontneddfechen, however there have been a couple of network issues, mainly siltation & capacity which cause a pollution hotspot at High street adjacent to the Neddfechan. +1 -1 Dwr Cymru Sewerage Provision -2 Dwr Cymru Sewerage Treatment -2 The proposed development site is crossed by a public water main for which protection measures, either in the form of an easement and/or diversion may be required. For this village we would advise that we are able to accommodate the foul flows from the low capacity densities only. Further development allocations may be constrained by the performance of our assets for which there are no planned improvements. The proposed development site is crossed by a public sewer for which protection measures, either in the form of an easement and/or diversion may be requirement. Our Waste Water Treatment works for this area has limited capacity to accommodate all of the planned growth without further improvement. Our Capital Investment programme(for the period 2010-2015) is currently being assessed by our Regulator and approval is expected in December 2009. However, the investment does not include this Works and we would request that our organisations meet to discuss and agree to a phased and agree to a phased release of land in this area. Phasing towards the end of the LDP period. Archaeological Trust Cadw Highways -2 Trunk Road Agency Environmental Health Land Drainage +1 +1 Rural Housing Enabler Waste Authority +1 Contaminated Land +1 Although permission has already been granted for a small private development on this plot, the gradient of the land is too steep for an adoptable road which would be necessary for the scale of development suggested. Standard advice-Surface water from the dwellings & other impermeable areas of the site shall discharge to soakaway systems designed & constructed in accordance with BS EN 752-4 or BRE Digest 365 Soakaway design (or other best management practice-SUDS). The authority would encourage the adoption of surface water control techniques whereby attenuation to the 100yr standard is achieved whilst limiting continuation flow to the existing 1 in 1 year Greenfield run-off for the connected impermeable areas. At this stage any sites identified for residential use will need to take account at some point of both the storage of household waste and the access of the relevant collection vehicles to service the houses. Candidate Site Consultation Responses: None Site Development Potential Analysis Score -5 Comment Highways comments detail the difficulties with utilising this land sustainably given the gradient on site. Similarly Dwr Cymru have issue with accommodating the most preferable density of development within their existing capacity for sewerage treatment Community Comment No specific comments were made with regard to this site during consultation Recommendation Given Highways objections it is determined that this site is undeliverable as an allocation, area with current permission to remain within future boundary but not allocated, portion of site without permission should be excluded from future development boundaries, as area of open space for village DBR-PN-C South Land at Tara Country Club Current Use of land Proposed Use of land Area Projected Capacity Consultee Environment Agency CCW BBNPA Ecologists Dwr Cymru Water Provision Previously Developed land and curtilage Residential 0.9204 28 Score Comment -2 We have seen investment and improvements at the treatment works at Pontneddfechen, however there have been a couple of network issues, mainly siltation & capacity which cause a pollution hotspot at High street adjacent to the Neddfechan. +1 -1 Dwr Cymru Sewerage Provision -2 Dwr Cymru Sewerage Treatment -2 The proposed development site is crossed by a public water main for which protection measures, either in the form of an easement and/or diversion may be required. For this village we would advise that we are able to accommodate the foul flows from the low capacity densities only. Further development allocations may be constrained by the performance of our assets for which there are no planned improvements. The proposed development site is crossed by a public sewer for which protection measures, either in the form of an easement and/or diversion may be requirement. Our Waste Water Treatment works for this area has limited capacity to accommodate all of the planned growth without further improvement. Our Capital Investment programme (for the period 2010-2015) is currently being assessed by our Regulator and approval is expected in December 2009. However, the investment does not include this Works and we would request that our organisations meet to discuss and agree to a phased and agree to a phased release of land in this area. Phasing towards the end of the LDP period. Archaeological Trust Cadw Highways +1 Trunk Road Agency Environmental Health Land Drainage +1 +1 Rural Housing Enabler Waste Authority +1 Contaminated Land +1 Permissions have already been granted for residential development on this parcel of land. The existing access will be suitable for some expansion of the site but ground levels may inhibit the number of additional plots achievable. Standard advice-Surface water from the dwellings & other impermeable areas of the site shall discharge to soakaway systems designed & constructed in accordance with BS EN 752-4 or BRE Digest 365 Soakaway design (or other best management practice-SUDS). The authority would encourage the adoption of surface water control techniques whereby attenuation to the 100yr standard is achieved whilst limiting continuation flow to the existing 1 in 1 year Greenfield run-off for the connected impermeable areas. At this stage any sites identified for residential use will need to take account at some point of both the storage of household waste and the access of the relevant collection vehicles to service the houses. Candidate Site Consultation Responses: None Site Development Potential Analysis Score -1 Comment The predominant issue with this site is the ability to develop to the higher levels of density required during the LDP period. Sewerage Treatment and Capacity issues both highlight the problems with supporting infrastructure to currently support higher levels of development with current provision. Phased development and release of land have been proposed. Highways issues also highlight the ability of the site to accommodate optimum number of dwellings and enable safe access and adoptable highways standards to this development No site specific responses have been received in relation to this specific site, however previous consultation relating to community aspiriateions and need for growth have highlighted the need to utilise previously developed land within the village for future growth over Greenfield sites. This site forms part of the former Tara Country Club site and therefore is in keeping with community vision for development within their community. Community Comment Recommendation This is the most suitable site within Pontneddfechan for accommodating future growth in terms of scoring; it also has an extant permission, albeit for a lower number of dwellings. This permission is partially implemented. The site comprises areas of previously developed land and is therefore in keeping with community defined aspirations for growth, and National Policy statements regarding the most sustainable use of land. Officer recommendations are to allocate this land with medium level densities phased towards the end of the plan period (18 dwellings) so as to enable time frame within which necessary sewerage treatment infrastructure provision to be made and satisfy Highways comments regarding surface levels. 2.2 Proposed LDP allocation Position Within Settlement Hierarchy Pontneddfechan has been assessed to be a sustainable location for future development Pontneddfechan community have expressed a desire for future growth Assessment has determined that there is land available to meet development needs of the community Level 3 Settlement Delivering the strategy to provide general needs housing in the most sustainable locations. Sustainability Index Score Overall 19 Access to Local Housing Provision (over plan period) 18 phased towards end of the plan period Employment Provision Support existing Key Policy Areas for delivering Development within Hierarchy E F Site Code Site Name Proposed Use DBRLand at Tara General needs PN-C Country housing (south) Club allocation facilities 10 6 Transport 1 Other Issues 2 Number of units Policy Area Local Policy 18 F E Land to be made available for Development during the latter phase of LDP Period. Release of land prior to this period is negotiable dependent on the provision of Potable Water, Waste Water and Sewerage treatment to the satisfaction of both NPA and Statutory Undertaker. Such provision prior to phased release is likely to be at Developers expense Policy Area A B C D E F G H I J Access & Proximity to higher level facilities Area of biodiversity importance Area of water management sensitivity Area of potential land contamination Area of necessary highways improvements Area unsupported by water / waste water / sewerage treatment capcity Area of phased development Area of historic importance Exemplar sustainable design solutions necessary Development to support affordable housing only Development for local needs housing only 2.0 YSTRADFELLTE Blurb about settlement assessment - HF/SS Summary of Development Options with Ystradfellte Site Code Site Name CS82 Land at Tyle farm Plot 3 Ystradfellte settlement summary map from Environmental Capaciy Study Accepted from Capacity Study Rejected from Capacity Study 2.1 YSTRADFELLTE Site-by-Site Key Stakeholder Responses & Development Potential Analysis CS82 Land adjacent to Pendre Current Use of land Proposed Use of land Area Projected Capacity Consultee Environment Agency CCW BBNPA Ecologists Agricultural Residential 0.04726 1 Score Comment +1 -1 Dwr Cymru Water Provision -1 Dwr Cymru Sewerage Provision Dwr Cymru Sewerage Treatment Archaeological Trust -1 0 -1 Cadw Highways Trunk Road Agency +1 Improved grassland field with part hedge on eastern boundary. Retain and gap up hegdeline A water supply can be made available to service the proposed development site. Extensive off-site mains required at the developers expense to service the site Please be advised that there are no public sewers in this village/area The site lies within the historic core of the settlement & future development here will require appropriate evaluation & mitigation subject to meeting standard highway conditions for the access Environmental Health Land Drainage +1 +1 Affordable Housing Officer -1 Waste Authority +1 Contaminated Land +1 Standard advice-Surface water from the dwellings & other impermeable areas of the site shall discharge to soakaway systems designed & constructed in accordance with BS EN 752-4 or BRE Digest 365 Soakaway design (or other best management practice-SUDS) Only appropriate for open market infill. Possible exclusion to get as exception site. No specific need evidenced within village. At this stage any sites identified for residential use will need to take account at some point of both the storage of household waste and the access of the relevant collection vehicles to service the houses. Candidate Site Consultation Responses: None Site Development Potential Analysis Score 2 Comment No significant objections to development on this site, biodiversity mitigation regarding loss of hedge likely necessary, however costs associated with development will be incurred at developer expense regarding provision of water and sewerage treatment Community Comment No specific comment relating to this site, however community responses to earlier consultation suggest that the community would be keen to enable growth to support local needs. Recommendation No evidenced need for affordable housing, site too small to be suitable for future allocation, recommend that site be included within any necessary development boundary to enable small scale infilling within community. 2.2 Proposed LDP allocation Position Within Settlement Hierarchy Ystradfellte is not a sustainable location for future development There is a community defined aspiration for growth to meet local needs Assessment has found small scale infill plots only no land is suitable for general needs allocation Level 4 - Will not be able to deliver general needs growth within the parameters of acceptability set out in Environmental capacity study and sustainability. Most prudent use of any development land would be to provide for essential need. In this case single infill plot to be retained within level 4 Development Boundary. Sustainability Index Score Overall 15 Access to Local Housing Provision (over plan period) Employment Provision Key Policy Areas for delivering Development within Hierarchy Infill only Support existing J 5 facilities Policy Area A B C D E F G H I J Area of biodiversity importance Area of water management sensitivity Area of potential land contamination Area of necessary highways improvements Area unsupported by water / waste water / sewerage treatment capcity Area of phased development Area of historic importance Exemplar sustainable design solutions necessary Development to support affordable housing only Development for local needs housing only Access & Proximity to higher level facilities 6 Transport 2 Other Issues 2
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