September, 2011 Colloquium\n, pl: an academic meeting at which information is given on a topic or related topics with questions answered related to them. Dear Carmel Catholic Families, FROM THE PRESIDENT COLLOQUIUM I am pleased to be able to offer you this first edition of the reconstituted Colloquium. After feedback and analysis we have decided that a paper copy of this communication serves the community more effectively than an e-copy. We will publish this newsletter seven times over the course of the year. “Who knew 50 could look this good?” is our “unofficial” tagline for the celebration of our golden anniversary. I think it is quite fitting because Carmel Catholic looks stunning in every respect as she moves into the next decades of life. The vibrancy of a new year is contagious among the faculty, students, parents, administration and staff. We have had a positive, smooth start to the year. On Sunday, August 21st we began our year-long celebration with an outdoor liturgy honoring our founding communities, the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Order of Carmelites. A chartered bus from Dubuque arrived carrying the Sisters who reside in and around Mount Carmel. Those who minister in the Chicagoland area joined them in the student lounge for refreshments prior to mass. The Carmelites followed shortly thereafter which completed our VIP guest list. An additional 1100+ people filled the home stands and chairs which were set-up in Baker Stadium. The student soloists and choir were accompanied by professional musicians and singers to round out the musical selections for the event. Against the blue sky flew a plane pulling a banner which read “Happy 50th Birthday Carmel Catholic High School.” Guest homilist, Sister Mary Ann Zollmann, BVM (President of the Congregation) offered this reflection: Community at Carmel is grounded in God. Certitude that divine life breathes in everyone and everything is the primary source of our communion; sharing a common life in God; we are one family. Even as specific events like Kairos retreats, liturgies and sacramental rituals bring the presence of God to heightened awareness, the sense of being in sacred space infuses the whole Carmel environment. It finds expression in a spontaneous greeting, in unrequested kindness, in attentive mutual conversation, in selfless celebrations of another’s success, and in generous compassion at times of tragedy. To be at Carmel is to learn by heart that there is no separation between what is holy and our everyday life; wherever we are and whatever we are doing, there is God. May each of us live out this spirit so beautifully expressed as we begin another year together! Sincerely, Judith Mucheck, Ph.D. President From the Principal’s Desk… Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century “The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn…and change.” This wisdom comes from Carl Rogers, a noted psychologist. His insights are especially applicable to education in the 21st Century, a time marked by accelerated growth of information and the impact of globalization. The teacher-centered classroom, simple coverage of material, and memorization of facts are ineffective. Authentic learning, defined by in-depth study, and critical thinking skill development in an atmosphere of collaboration and inquiry based education, lays the foundation for an academic program that empowers students’ with the ability to recognize relevant patterns and apply that knowledge to anything that comes their way. As an academic institution, Carmel Catholic is committed to meeting the challenge of empowering our students with 21st Century learning skills. In response to this demand, we have identified Understanding by Design (UbD) as the framework around which to build our curriculum, a framework to educate students for the demands of the world today. UbD is built on “big ideas” and “essential questions” that must be realized by each student in the process of “learning how to learn.” Visitors to our building will notice these understandings and questions visible in each classroom, as well as the UbD unit designs for each course posted to faculty Edline pages. Our curriculum is developed with the end results in mind – what students should know, be able to do and understand. The curriculum is supported by the redesigned use of assessments: formative, summative and common as well as the movement toward student-centered learning. Formative assessments allow teachers to monitor student progress and adjust instruction as needed. You might call it “measurement along the way.” Summative assessment allows measurement of standards achieved through the traditional use of testing. The common assessment, which is both the standardized tests given each year as well as the internal tests which are designed by teachers who share common courses and used to measure all students enrolled in the same course. These common instruments provides data across the student body as well as some insurance that the student academic experience will be consistent, no matter which teacher is teaching the class. In addition, our students are challenged to take control of their learning through activities that require them to construct meaning through experience-based study. They are called on to shape new learning built on a foundation of their culture, experience and previous knowledge. Students learn best when in-depth inquiry and independent application experiences replace simple coverage. We are building active learners with the ability to take what they have learned and transfer it across disciplinary and cultural boundaries in order to generate innovative solutions. This project based learning is often supported by collaborative group work and expanded boundaries of learning. This is one reason why technology integration throughout the curriculum is a priority. Expanding access to technology through the one-to-one laptop program, currently in the planning process, will allow us to move beyond the classroom walls like never before. At Carmel, we understand and accept the responsibility of preparing our students to be life-long learners in this fast paced, ever changing world. r Septembe 2 Mark Your Calendars! September October 18 Grandparents’ Day, 10 a.m., Aud/ Café 3-8 Homecoming Spirit Week 19 Faculty In-Service; No Classes, Offices open 8-3 p.m. 3 Powder Puff Program, 2:30 p.m. 24 The Tasting, 7 p.m., CCHS 6 Homecoming Pep Rally/Coronation, 1:50 p.m., Aux. Gym 29 Freshman Induction Liturgy, 7 p.m., Auditorium 6 Battle of the Bands, 7 p.m., Auditorium 7 Homecoming Football Game and End Zone Tent Party, Baker Stadium 8 Homecoming Dance, 7:30 p.m., Salvi Arena Advancement News We welcome the start of our academic year, 2011-2012! It is my hope that the past two months have given us time to replenish our energy, refresh our minds, and rejuvenate our spirits as we begin another year filled with excitement, hope and optimism. The start of school is always an invigorating time for most of us, as once more we see Carmel come to life with our students, whose faces, voices, and presence we have missed and whom we are happy to have back in our watch and care for the next ten months. We welcome the Class of 2015 who in some wonderful way is starting their high school experience during a milestone year for Carmel Catholic - our 50th birthday! We are also very pleased to welcome the new members of our faculty, who bring their wealth of experience, expertise, energy and initiative to the collective and strong force of educators, administrators and staff that make up the Carmel family. The Office of Institutional Advancement (OIA) spent the summer planning and preparing to gear up for another extremely busy year. In August this year, we hosted five ZIP code parties. We were thrilled to have more than 150 freshmen parents join us, as we welcomed them to the Carmel family. We are grateful for our host families including: Beth and Mike Brennan, Margaret and Bryan Cloe, Annette and John Nikolich, and Ron and Janis Paulson. We were happy to see the proud faces of parents during our Welcome coffee drive-through as they dropped off their children on the first day of school. We were also overjoyed to have 1,200 members of our Carmel community join us for our school’s Opening Liturgy on August 21. It was heartwarming to be with so many Carmel families and friends, and members of our founding religious orders, the BVMs and the Carmelites grace our very first event to commemorate our 50th anniversary. To date, we have hosted five of the nine class reunions scheduled for this year (2006, 1976, 1991, 1966, 1981). It is always a joy to see alums having a good time, reconnecting and re-living their fun memories of high school. Coffee Drive-Thru The past two months have allowed me the time to reflect on what we have accomplished and to think forward to meeting new challenges and opportunities. Earlier this month, I had the privilege of participating in a leadership workshop for Carmel’s administrators and department chairs which I found very timely and most uplifting; as together we affirmed our roles as servant leaders and our commitment to Carmel’s core values and mission. Carmel has an extraordinary faculty, administration and staff, who give their absolute best to ensure that students receive excellent education and faith formation. It is both a humbling and rewarding experience to serve alongside like-minded individuals whose passion and dedication to provide transformative education for our students. Thanks to our very generous Carmel community of current and past parents, alums, grandparents, staff and friends, we are able to provide our young Corsairs with endless possibilities and opportunities for growth and development. There are many reasons to be grateful and to celebrate as we begin another school year. Great and exciting times are ahead of us. Please mark your calendars for our upcoming events and social activities in the next few months. Please call the OIA for additional information about these events at (847) 388-3390 or email We would be grateful if you can join us. September 24 – Travel back to The Tasting, Carmel Catholic High School, Mundelein, IL October 7 - Homecoming Tent Party, Carmel Catholic High School, Mundelein, IL November 5 – President’s Dinner, Sanfilippo Estate, Barrington, IL With deep respect and gratitude, Claress S. L. Pettengill Director of Institutional Advancement Street Scenes Celebrates Carmel’s 50 Years! WE NEED YOU! Street Scenes, Carmel’s most important fundraiser, will take place for the 38th consecutive year in February 2012. Dr. Mucheck and her baristas pour coffee for the parents on the first day of school. There are some critical positions which need to be filled. It’s a FUN event and it’s easy to fit in and get involved! If you are willing to help out and need more information, please make an appointment to see Dr. Mucheck as soon as possible. Contact 847-388-3340 or email Thank you for your consideration. Full service! 3 Golf Classic 2011 It was the best we have had in years! What exactly? The weather, the location, the participants, and the golf. The Annual Carmel Catholic Golf Classic was held at Stonewall Orchard Golf Course in Grayslake on June 13, 2011. The event raised more than $35,000 for the tuition programs. Parents, alum, and friends of Carmel enjoyed a round of golf, meals, and a silent auction while supporting CCHS. First place Golf Tournament Champions: Ray Wienke, Peter Speranza, Tom Kloss and Ed Tentes Members of the White family at the Alum Pro Hole: Garrett ’07, Joe ’75, Liz ’77, and William ’10 Carmel Alum Working In Congressman Dold’s Office Mr. Greg Hirsch, Board of Directors Chair visits with Carmel Alum, Nick Vallorano ‘08 during a trip to Capital Hill in June. Nick was working for Congressman Dold and spent the afternoon taking Hirsch and two Colonels on a tour of the Capital building. “It was great to have a Carmel connection out here, and Nick was fantastic and represented Carmel well.” 4 Carmel Catholic High School Welcomes the Class of 2015 On August 18, 2011 Carmel Catholic High School officially welcomed the Class of 2015. Approximately 340 new faces walked through the many entrances of the high school, anxiously awaiting the start of their Carmel Catholic experience. Students from over 65 different grade schools were beginning their academic journey together. Although this was the first time this class came together in a formal academic setting, these students were already familiar with one another, with over 98% of the incoming Freshmen Class participating in the Freshmen Experience. The Freshmen Experience is a one-day retreat that serves as a social catalyst, where the freshmen come together to participate in team-building and icebreaking activities. Some activities are active and others are thought provoking, and participation in these activities allows students the opportunity to branch out and meet other students in their class. The Freshmen Experience is geared toward fostering new friendships within the freshmen class while strengthening existing ones. For the second consecutive year, the Freshmen Experience took place on the campus of Carmel Catholic and was very successful. Hosting the Freshmen Experience on campus gives our Freshmen Class a unique opportunity to have an organized event on campus prior to the start of the school year allowing students to become more familiar with one another while acclimating to the larger campus. On August 18, 2011, I expected the halls to be alive with more excitement than anxiety, and they were. These students reaffirmed my belief that we are very fortunate to have them join the Carmel Catholic family! Their energetic and accepting nature has been on display from day one and these qualities are certainly hallmarks of this class. I am very proud to welcome the Class of 2015! Brian Stith, Director of Admissions Street Scenes Ad Drive Underway Notification Concerning Asbestos Content and Management Plan for Carmel Catholic High School The Street Scenes Ad Drive began Friday, August 26th and extends through Friday, September 30th. Carmel Catholic’s operating budget relies upon these funds to meet normal operating expenses during the year. This is one way we are able to keep our tuition lower than other Catholic high schools in the Archdiocese. To the end, each student is expected to bring in a mandatory amount of $150, and if not, $150 will be billed to students’ tuition accounts during the fall semester. Selling ads for the Ad Book or selling tickets to Street Scenes can satisfy the amount due. Thank you very much for all you do to encourage your student to do his/her part for this important fundraiser. In 1986, Congress passed the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). That law requires all schools, kindergarten through twelfth grade, to be inspected to identify any asbestos-containing building materials. The law further requires the development of a Management Plan, based upon the findings of the inspection, which outlines our intent in controlling the potential for exposure to asbestos fibers in our school. We are in need of volunteers, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for the Street Scenes Ad Drive Collection days; September 20, 23, 28 and 30. Please call Mrs. Collette at 847-388-3377 if you can provide assistance any or all of these days. Every three years the asbestos in this school is required to be re-inspected. The re-inspection report notes any changes in the condition of the asbestos since the previous report. The last three-year inspection was conducted at this school in December of 2008 and has been added to the management plan. This past summer, asbestos ceiling tiles and pipe insulation were removed from the 700 hallway. A copy of the three-year inspection report and the management plan is on file at Carmel Catholic High School in the Academic Office for your review if you so desire. In the past, asbestos was used extensively in building materials because of its insulating and fire retarding capabilities. Virtually any building built before the late 1970’s contains at least some asbestos in pipe insulation and structural fireproofing. We, too, have buildings that contain asbestos materials. The primary concern arises when these materials begin to deteriorate or become damaged. The inspection of this school is complete and some asbestos-containing materials were identified in the building. The materials are distributed in various locations and include pipe insulations and mechanical areas not readily accessible to building occupants or students. The Inspection Report and Management Plan outlines in detail the methods we will use to maintain the materials in a safe manner. Carmel has had, or is in the process of having, people properly trained to successfully administer this program. 5 Department of Student Services - A Resource for Students Ministry Opportunities Student Services is dedicated to helping our students be Carmel Strong this year! As we celebrate our school’s 50th birthday, we welcome our new freshmen and focus on helping them transition into their new school. We are proud of our school’s freshmen orientation process, and stress with parents the importance of making connections early with school personnel. We encourage our parents to get to know their school counselor. Students are assigned counselors based on the alphabet (first letter of their last name). Counselors see students regarding academic, social, and general concerns that arise during their daily activities. All students meet with their counselors a minimum of two times a year. During these meetings counselors review their four year plans, grade point averages, and discuss career goals. As students approach their junior and senior years, counselors assist students in matching colleges with their career goals. Carrie Egan, our College and Career Coordinator, hosted senior application meetings on August 25, August 28 and September 12, 2011. Seniors who struggle with completing their applications (or who may not understand how to get started) may attend one of the last two senior application completion night in our computer lab (Room 505). The Computer Application Nights are September 22 (3-5p.m. and October 17 (3-5 p.m.). In addition, individual counselors will be meeting with their senior students the first month of school to answer any questions about the application process, to read college essays, and to help students with their college applications. Students- First Semester Ministry Contracts (available on Edline) are due Monday September 26…looking for places to serve at? The following sites are in need of help from Carmel Catholic students: • • • • • • • Elizabeth Carlson, our Social Services Director, will be providing group sessions for transfer students to help them with adjusting to their new school. She will assist in suggesting clubs or other activities for them to join to get them connected to our school. Mrs. Carlson is also busy planning for our Red Ribbon Week and organizing Sigma Alpha Delta. • • • • • • Student Services invites you and your students to get involved and to connect with our school community. We believe that together we will be Carmel Strong! Homecoming Dance – Saturday, October 8th The Homecoming dance will be held on Saturday, October 8th from 7:3010:30 p.m. in the Salvi Arena. Tickets will be on sale at the bookstore from Monday, September 26th through Friday, October 7th. Ticket prices are $25 per couple/$12.50 single tickets purchased in advance at the bookstore or $30 per couple/$15 single at the door. Only seniors have the choice of attending as singles or couples. Students from the freshmen, sophomore, or junior classes are expected to attend as couples given the formal nature of the Homecoming Dance. Female students wear either long or short party dresses and male students wear either a suit, sports coat or dress slacks with tie. Please check with Dean Cathy Smolka prior to purchase of dresses, if you are in doubt as to the appropriateness of the dress (no bare midriffs, high slits, etc.) Pricing sheets and ordering information for photography purchase available at the bookstore. Additional questions should be e-mailed to the senior class moderator, Ms. Rebecca Monterastelli at Please see the Ministry page on Edline or Ms. Cappelle in the Campus Ministry office for more information. Parents – Do you work or volunteer at a non-profit organization that could benefit from student volunteers? Please contact Kambra Cappelle at or 847-566-3000 ext. 438 to submit information to let students know about your ministry opportunity. Regularly check the Ministry page on Edline to stay updated on the latest Ministry Program news. Seniors To Order Caps and Gowns and Announcements Information on ordering caps and gowns, announcements, and other items associated with graduation will be distributed in homeroom mid-October. All seniors must order a cap and gown with correct sizing. The rental cost for caps and gowns has already been included in the graduation fee. Todd Crandall, the representative from Jostens, will be at Carmel on Thursday, October 13th and Friday, October 14th during the lunch periods to take cap and gown orders and payments for announcements and other items. Please e-mail the senior class moderator, Ms. Rebecca Monterastelli at with questions. 6 Great Lakes Adaptive Sports Association Lake County PADS Lake County PADS Emergency Shelters Libertyville Sports Complex Mundelein Fine Arts Festival Odyssey Hospice St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church Jubilee Garden St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church Religious Education St. Francis de Sales Emmaus House St. Gilbert Athletic Program St. Matthew Lutheran Church Super Sibs of Chicagoland Warren Special Recreation Association Fine Arts Recap and Highlights Band camp, which was held over eight days this summer, welcomed in 28 freshmen for a total of 93 band students. Band camp consisted of learning the music, five marching routines with 12 to 15 pictures each and marching techniques. Camp has a tradition of starting with a new member or Freshman Day. Carmel Catholic Announces the 2011-2012 Student Council “The orientation for new band members was well received; it was fun and exciting work for the new students. During that day and continuing throughout the camp, the existing band members were supportive and always positive. The freshmen were welcomed with open arms and appreciated getting to know upperclassmen in addition to other freshmen before school started,” stated DiAnn Behrens, parent of freshman Jennifer Behrens. Carmel Catholic High School conducted student elections for the school’s Executive Board and Class Boards under the direction of Ms. Kambra Cappelle and Sr. Kathleen Sinclair, BVM. During football season, the pre-game program will consist of musical selections of “Big Noise from Winnetka” and Toni Basil’s “Mickey”, while the initial halftime show will be a collection from The Blues Brothers. The second half time show will be Icons of Rock and Roll: Elvis, Beatles and Michael Jackson. The stand music theme for this year is music through the decades of Carmel’s 50 years of excellence. Following an afternoon practice on August 16, parents and siblings were able to see all of the band’s hard work in a short demonstration. This was followed by the annual band picnic. The first performance of the season was September 2, with subsequent home performances on September 16, October 7 (Homecoming), and October 14. In addition, the band will be travelling to Dubuque, IA on September 24 to perform during a game against Wayzata, MN. The band also has a tradition of performing at every playoff in support of Carmel’s football team. Band will also maintain its tradition of performing pre-game with the poms and cheerleaders. Please make an effort to see one of the band’s performances this year. Those elected to the Executive and Class Boards will be responsible for a number of community service activities including: Fall Food Drive, Fall and Spring Blood Drive, Clothing Drive, Operation Rice Bowl and the Glass Slipper Project. In addition, the Boards will organize student dances and assist with the Annual Walk-A-Thon. The candidates participated in a formal election process which included producing their own campaign promotional materials. Approximately 40 members of the Tri-M Music Society embarked on a special visit and tour of the Place De La Musique on the grounds of the Sanfilippo Estate in Barrington, IL on September 1. The Estate features the largest selection of restored automatic musical instruments in the world, a multitude of antiques, and the world’s largest restored theater pipe organ. “What a wonderful opportunity this was for our Carmel Catholic music students,” beamed Mr. Kent Parry, Choral Director at CCHS. CCHS’ Fall play, under the direction of Mrs. Denise Sebastiano, will be ‘The Story of Hansel and Gretel,’ the charming musical adaptation. This will be a great family show complete with comedy, colorful costumes and pure enjoyment. The dates and times of the performance will be: November 11 at 7:00 p.m., November 12 at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., and November 13 at 2:00 p.m. Join Hansel and Gretel as they venture into the woods and meet up with a variety of characters and delicious adventures! SAVE THE DATES: Battle of the Bands - October 6, Cabaret Concert - October 23, Christmas Concert - December 8. Art Student’s Photo Wins First Place Congratulations to Abby Nierman who won First Place in the Illinois Art Education Association Student Art Show. Abby’s photo depicts a stopped Metra Train. She is currently enrolled in Art 3 and plans to major in photography in college. Abby will receive her award at the Student Show Reception, to be held this year at Illinois State University in Normal, Illinois, during the Illinois Art Education Association Annual State Conference. The reception is Saturday, November 12, 2011. Carmel Student Earns Full Athletic Scholarship Congratulations to 2011 Senior Karrah Toby who received a full athletic scholarship to Ashford University in Iowa. Karrah will be playing volleyball for the AU Saints. Karrah was a three-time letter winner at Carmel Catholic High School and served as team captain for the Corsairs this past season as a senior. During her sophomore, junior and senior seasons at Carmel Catholic, Toby garnered Honorable Mention All-East Suburban Catholic Conference accolades for her efforts. Toby was also tabbed to the Daily Herald ‘Watch List’ three times during her career and was an All-Lake Forest Tournament medalist in 2010. Congratulations to the following students: Executive Board President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Katie Skorcz Kelley Dodge Lauren Jones Kelly McInerney Seamus Quilty Speaker of the Senate: Assistant Speaker: Secretary of the Senate: Mitch Trychta Kathleen Queenan Gavin Tudor Speaker of the House: Assistant Speaker: Secretary of the House: Steven Fisher Anna Avampato Madeline Felipez Sophomore Board President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Melissa Quaiyoom Elaine Foley Jessica Heinz Christian Santana Ammar Ujjainwala Junior Board President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: Thompson Secretary: Treasurer: Senior Board President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Holly Sprow Olivia Bounadere Caroline Lexi Miles Melanie Noonan Michael Reed Nikki Murgas Nathan Holaday Graham Misak Freshman class elections to be held week of September 19th. 7 Upcoming Carmel Catholic High School 50th Anniversary Events A Brief History Carmel Catholic is jointly sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (BVM) and the Order of Carmelites (O.Carm.). In 1960, the Archdiocese of Chicago requested that these two religious communities build a co-institutional Catholic high school in Lake County. In September 1962, Carmel High School for Boys opened its doors to a freshmen class of 175 students. In September 1963, Carmel High School for Girls admitted students. In August 1988, the two schools merged and a separate corporation was established for the newly co-educational school. The school occupies a fifty-acre campus with extensive educational and athletic facilities. The school’s newest addition is a state-of-the-art Science Wing—one of the largest expansion and renovation projects in Carmel’s history. The wing includes ten classroom laboratories as 90 percent of Carmel students take science classes all four years and 25 percent of Carmel Catholic High School graduates pursue careers in the fields of Science and Engineering. In order to heighten awareness of the school’s Catholic roots, Carmel High School was renamed Carmel Catholic High School in 2005. Today, our school operates at capacity with nearly 1400 students. We have 75 classroom teachers and over 73% have advanced degrees. Our ACT scores are among the highest in Lake County with a composite of 25.5 that is significantly higher than the state average. We consistently have a 100% graduation rate and a 100% college acceptance rate. In 2009, the Carlos J. Serna Learning Resource Center was established to serve students who are admitted to Carmel Catholic with learning exceptionalities and to strengthen our commitment to a quality education for all students. The Serna Center accommodates students in grade 9 through 12 who have an active Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Accommodation Plan. The Board of Directors and school administration are committed to keeping Carmel Catholic at the forefront of Catholic secondary education. At the heart of Carmel Catholic is a deep and abiding commitment to community service and a deep respect for all people. Commemorative Legacy Book A 100-page commemorative 50th Anniversary publication is currently in production. The book provides an overview of Carmel’s rich history spanning five decades. Copies of the book will be available for purchase in November, 2011. 8 Friday, October 7, 2011 7 p.m. Baker Stadium Homecoming Game Saturday, November 5, 2011 5:30 p.m. Sanfilippo Estate in Barrington President’s Dinner Sponsored by the Carmel Catholic Board of Directors to benefit Carmel Catholic’s Tuition Assistance Endowment. Invitations will be mailed. Friday, February 24, 2012 7 p.m. Carmel Auditorium Estemmed Speaker Dan Mulhall Join us for an enlightening presentation and conversation about adolescent catechesis and faith development. Mr. Mulhall is the former Assistant Secretary for Catechesis and Inculturation, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Department of Education. He was also the 2008 Winner of the Emmaus Award for Excellence in Catechesis, National Catholic Education Association, and the current Director of Consultant Services for RCL Benziger. This event is co-sponsored by the Archdiocese of Chicago. Sunday, March 18, 2012 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Carmel Campus Build Your Own Retreat Experience Carmel Catholic’s retreat experiences are often referred to as “life changing.” Here is an opportunity for the Carmel Community to choose one of three retreat sessions for your own spiritual renewal! Specifically designed for adults. Close with Sunday Mass. Saturday, April 14, 2012 6:30 p.m. Location to be announced at a later date We Are Carmel! 50th Anniversary Celebration Alums, current and past parents and friends of Carmel are invited for an evening celebration of dinner, music, auctions…and a special surprise show! This will be THE must attend social event. The celebration is designed to give the entire Carmel community the opportunity to show their support and love for Carmel Catholic High School. Sunday, April 29, 2012 8:30 a.m. Carmel Campus 5K Community Run/Walk Run or walk a trail, push a stroller, or walk your dog! Carmel’s 50th Anniversary Run/Walk is slated to be a true community builder. Plan to be a part of the festivities! Event proceeds to benefit the BVM and Carmelite retirement fund and the CCHS Tuition Assistance Endowment. Everyone is Welcome! Sunday, November 11, 2012 3 p.m. Holy Name Cathedral Closing Liturgy at Holy Name Cathedral Drive or take a chartered bus from CCHS to celebrate the close of the anniversary year at Chicago’s historic home of the Church! Carmel Catholic High School Semester Two Honor Roll 2010-2011 School Year AP Superior Honors (GPA of 4.25 or above) Seniors Jessica Bond Margaret Burke Daniel Carvill Ellen DiVenere Christopher Georgen Elena Gonzalez Julia Hart Christopher Heinlen Kelly Knight Rachael McGillivray Brittney Mertins Jasmine Minor Junsoo Park Allison Patnoe Ryan Ruddell Tony Russo Joshua Sagartz Daniel Simpson Sierra Slade Lauren Stark Kathleen Szotek John Thumel Helen Wagner Adam Warkenthien Christina Fleres Ryan Geusz Patrick Hannon Thomas Hauff Michael Logue Grant Matelski Sarah Matthews Nicholas Metzger Brian Miller Brandon Motzel Nicole Murgas Nicole Nerup John Nikitas Lauren Nonnenmacher Cindy Nunez Katherine Oosterbaan Seamus Quilty Alexa Rollins Nicole Roy Brendan Schedler Kathleen Skorcz Katherine Speth Cameron Wieczorek Christina Clement Emily DeCicco Krista Gauger Laura Hefner Sarah Heimberger Nicholas Heinlen Bryan Hunt Peter Kolb Mary Elizabeth Koptik Brienne Lubor Alexis Miles Caitlin Murphy Michael Norek Margaret Ramont Michelle Ross Daniel Santos Michael Scheer, Jr. Martin Schwartz Holly Sprow John Sullivan Caroline Thompson Dana Wegge Lynn Zemaitis Michael Hendricks Timothy Karich Kathryn Kehoe Leah Lach Anne Lentino Sophie Lombardo Dillon Novak Elizabeth Rengers Yujin Shin Sanjana Singh Megan Sullivan Timothy Vanco Ashley Eccles Shane Einloth Corinne Fox Laura Hojnacki Katelynn Johnson Jacqueline Jung Sophia Kannenberg Jacob Klahs Shannon Kouba Zihui Li Lisa McCarthy Chloe Morris Nicole Murnik Emily Nierman Jordan Nuzzo Hillary O’Toole Matthew Porter Christina Puzzolo William Riedl Margaret Scheer Jeffrey Schroeder Beth Scudder Brian Serio Megan Swindell Brian Waldron David Wilson Mary Zizzo Hannah Zupec James Fagan Madeline Felipez Mason Fiascone Allison Gauthier Patrick Gray Brigitte Hartnett Michelle Hill Natalia Jelen Lauren Jones Brian Kadowaki Margaret Karich Sonya Lara Matthew Maher Alex Marsalek Marybeth Martin Sarah McHugh Kelly McInerney Graham Misak Emily O’Connor Ryan Packer Megan Reily John Samuelian, Jr. Charles Santoro Matthew Schultz Mary Schuster William Topel Luke Urbanik Michael Varney Sean Walsh Juniors Elizabeth Bergen Geoffrey Butler Alexander Case Henry Dominicis Elizabeth Edwardson Steven Fisher Sophomores Nolan Bedward Olivia Bounadere Mary Brinkman Claire Bufalino Margaret Carvill Arielle Casaclang Freshmen Olivia DeKeyser Michael Georgen Theresa Gray High Honors (GPA 4.0 to 4.25) Seniors Kyle Belting Lindsey Bezouska Elizabeth Bierman Carly Buschman Stephanie Caghan Emily Carton Wesley Chiasson Daniella Clement Juniors Brittany Blum Anna Brandmeier Tayler Covers Emily Davenport Philip Davies Kelley Dodge Kelly Edwards David Esterquest 9 Sophomores Sebastian Allen Cristian Avalos Paul Cho Luciano ConsdorfMozzone Matthew Crisp Caitlyn Cuba Anne DiVenere Jacklyn Durnil Stephen Feely Natalie Geoffroy Kyle Henn Alyssa Karim Mariana Kolomayets Colleen Loverde Erin Miller Erin Noll Lillian Noonan Ryan O’Toole Nara Park Corey Pitzo Danielle Pullano Matthew Schafer Erika Schoenfeld Emily Smith Clarine Stephens Kara Todoric Alex Warkenthien Mitchell Wimmer Rachael Wulf Zachary Gleason Rebecca Hickey Joseph Kenar Caleb Klahs Inessa Kolomayets Isabella Kwiecinski Joseph Lacher Jamie Alyssa Reyes Joseph Salvi Megan Thompson Jacqueline Timmins Brooke White William Winegard Caroline Federer Ryan Fraher Meghan Hartnett Jacob Haugen David Heath James Heid Rebecca Henn Eric Hessing James Hessing Jacqueline Hoeft Dylan Hughes Bradley Kamins Andrew Kampe Quinn Keller James Kelly Grace Kim Michael Kolb Eric Kosik Jonathan Lythcke Alexander Majewski David Markiewicz Natalie Masini Erica Massarelli William Mathe Ryan McArthur Monica McClure Allison Michel Adam Michniak Jacob Miles Patrick Mulroy Gregory O’Block Aaron Ogunro Evan Palmer Michael Patrone Emelia Patterson Leo Petrucci Erin Quinn Tylee Resetich MacKenzie Rinella Ryan Roessler Kyle Ryan Nicholas Sacca Nicolas Sacramento Mary Salvi Jessica Scarpelli Ashley Serrano Karen Silvasy Richard Sledz Thomas Snyder April Sorby Paige Stickle Andrew Stolzer Kathleen Sullivan Tyler Sullivan Ryan Urbanski Leah Varner Katherine Wiacek Shawn Wolf-Lewis Lukas Zizzo Jenelle DeWald Nicole Doetsch Alex Dunlap Danielle Easter Elizabeth Edwards Katelyn Edwards Lauren Engel Theodore Eppel Blair Feldman Alexander Garabedian Patrick Gerli Nicole Granato Chrishelda Green Stephanie Hartnett Megan Hebb Brian Hefferan Ian Heinrich Maxwell Heinrich Eleanor Henning Connor Higgins Todd Holup Christian Horcher Megan Hunzeker Joseph Imburgia Paul Jedrzejewski Caitlin Jung Kadre Kappes Jennifer Kargol Katherine Kephart Peter Kimball Kelly Klein Damyan Kolomayets Alexander Kramer Crescenza Lappo John Laughlin Megan Linson Michael LoMastro Brigitte Lyman Kaitlyn Lynch Morgan Mason Carlos Medina Matthew Michalak Abigail Monsalud Shannon Moree Jacqueline Moriarty Megan Mowery Mary Alise Murawski Peter Murphy Mitchell Nelson Ronald Paulson Elise Payette Victoria Prybell Kathleen Queenan Colin Quinn Michael Reed Lauren Rejman Anthony Rengers Nicole Reynolds Matthew Riedl Kimberly Risos Marissa Ritter Hayden Roos Mackenzie Rutledge Nathan Rydel Joseph Salvi Amanda Seidl Melody Shearron Emily Sheridan Emily Solan Stephen Sullivan Thomas Tomsovic Shane Toub Jessica Trunzo Mitchel Trychta Kathryn Vallorano Taylor Welborn Jonathan Wloch Maria Yakovleva Brendan Zawaski Tina Zenzola Freshmen Sarah Applebey Michael Barr Derek Clement Kathryn Edwards Honors (GPA 3.5 to 3.99) Seniors Matthew Abel Emily Andras Nicole Bakirtjy Edwin Banderowicz Mary Beth Berg Karrah Bernat Mario Bucci Morgan Buschman Mary Cipolla Matthew Cullen Kevin Deasey Jessica Dennis Michele DiNella Amy Drangines Nicole Drechsel Juniors Nikko Alba Justin Andreasik Gwyneth Armour Anna Avampato Brian Badyna Jessica Bautista Heather Bear Devin Becker Colleen Black James Blaida Antonio Bosco Laura Brandmeier Brian Brennan Gabriel Brouillette Megan Burns Megan Butz Elizabeth Campbell Sarah Campbell Hayley Carlson Madelyn Collins 10 Sophomores Peter Alnajjar Emily Anderson Mark Atkins Mystica Barrera Caitlin Barry Lauren Beres Brett Blum Matthew Boston Martin Buckley, Jr. Christopher Calvert Matthew Campbell Nicholas Caracciolo Adriana Castanos Zeus-Deo Ceniza Kathryn Clements Nellie Cocks Desmond Cooney Joel Dodich Kasey Duffy Lauren Feely Gabrielle Fiandaca Dominic Fusco Andrew Gauger Peyton Gibson Raymond Godlewski Elyse Gomez Leslie Gomez Taylor Gries Jacob Gromala Tanya Gupta Connor Gustafson Christopher Gutkowski Andrew Harwardt Mary Housner Clare Howard Rita Hull Andrew Izban Gretchen Jaraczewski Alexander Jarencio Alexia Kaminski Allison Kane Elizabeth Kelly Crystal Knauf Julia Koukol Graham Kowalke Kimberly Krause Kathryn Larson Lindsay Laske Connor Lynde Nathan Maciag Eleonora Markosyan Paige Massarelli Hayley May Ryan McCarthy Hannah McClellan Nicholas McGuire Cristian Migliarese Brett Milazzo Kelly Moon Anna Morley Joseph Morris Brigit Murphy Samuel Nguyen Landen Nickel Reed Nikolich Noah Nlandu Melanie Noonan Lillian O’Connell Claire Ogrinc Madeline Olson Jamie Pabst Seoyeon Park Mary Paterkiewicz Craig Paulson Kara Podgorski Brianne Pomierski Blaze Pullman Ellen Repeta Emily Rhine Chase Rieger Kathryn Riley Anna Santowski Isabella Schneider Jacob Schneider Emma Schuckenbrock Alexandra Senycia Elizabeth Short Mollie Shutter Marisa Smith Taylor Smith Michael Speranza Molly Stickle Matthew Szotek Kathryn Voight Adam Wojciechowski Maura Zawaski Kathleen Felicelli Christopher Fernandez Brandon Fleres Elaine Foley Lauren Fournier Rebecca Galuska Paige Gauthier Tara Grandolfo Elizabeth Gutierrez Megan Healy Jessica Heinz Emily Helle William Higgins Adam Jenke Theodore Johnson Kotryna Jukneviciute Sadie Jung Jacob Kane Michelle Kannenberg Lauren Kenny William Kirby Cassidy Kloss Thomas Kobitter Kelly Kolpack Nathan Lowe Gabriel Matelski John Nonnenmacher Ian O’Connor Theaphania Patterson Cecelia Payette Hannah Pelfresne Jerry Pitts Abigail Poplawski Lukas Porter Alyssa Rao Anica Rebollar Martha Reilly Emily Ritter Steven Russell Natalie Santoro Thomas Seabright Ariel Serrano Kyra Strutzel Blake Sullivan Alexandra Svoboda Brittany Tarpey William Thompson Veronica Tutaj Ammar Ujjainwala Andrew Warzecha Cassandra Wilson Andrew Wloch Kelly Zeller Freshmen Amy Abel Abigail Andrejek Collin Barber Sarah Bergen Kaitlin Buckley Sarah Burke Sophia Butz Nicole Caratas Jihyun Choi Adam Cloe Ronald Cox John Daniels Madison Dollenmaier Bradley Egan Prefer Electronic Version? 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