Saint Ronan`s Sports Newsletter 2016 Easter Week 4


Saint Ronan`s Sports Newsletter 2016 Easter Week 4
Sport Saint Ronan’s
Saint Ronan’s Sports News - Easter Term 2016 Week 4
Rugby Report
Rugby Report
1st XV Rugby v Rose Hill
Saint Ronan’s lost 12-36
The First Fifteen played Rose Hill at home on a very wet afternoon. Rose Hill kicked off and Saint Ronan’s controlled the ball
well though 8 phases, with lovely passing and footwork taking
play into the Rose Hill half, where there was eventually a turnover. Thirty-eight seconds and two quick passes later, Saint
Ronan’s were under the posts, watching the Rose Hill conversion! Two more tries followed for Rose Hill. There was potential
for this to be a runaway score but Man of the Match, Archie R,
made some super tackles on the powerful Rose Hill runners. The
tide turned as others joined in to support Archie’s defensive
efforts and Saint Ronan’s controlled the ball beautifully for the
final 5 minutes of the first half, going into the break in the ascendancy. In the second half, Archie and Joe both scored wellworked team tries but we were by this stage too far to behind,
and the final score was a deserved 36-12 to Rose Hill. Well
done, team, for a strong, characterful fightback and some particularly impressive ball handling skills.
3rd VII Rugby v Rose Hill 2nds
With matches cancelled in previous weeks because of the
weather, this week we were going to play whatever the conditions! The weather Gods did not disappoint and in the aftermath of the American snow storm, the 3rds ran out onto a bitter, water-logged pitch, with driving rain. Our hosts opted for
a fast-moving tag style of game, totally different from the
ruck and drive games we had been training for. It was no surprise then that Rose Hill were 5 tries up at half time. This
proved to be a learning curve in defensive strategy and
straight-line attacking, and the now drenched and covered in
mud 3rds came back fighting, to keep the score level for the
second half. Special mention must go to James Mason for captaining the side and keeping morale up, and to Bertie Lambert
for putting in some good tackles and not being afraid to get
covered in mud for the team.
Colts A Rugby v Rose Hill
Saint Ronan’s lost 2-5
Saint Ronan’s hosted Rose Hill on a day better suited to playing ‘stuck in the mud’ as opposed to rugby! The guests made a
quick start and their speedy wings each scored good tries. The
handling skills of both sides was challenged in wet and muddy
conditions. You would have excused a game full of errors but
the accuracy and execution was in fact excellent. Gus C scored
two lovely tries, spotting a gap and showing great determination to cross the line. Rose Hill persisted with excellent rucking,
allowing them to keep the ball through multiple phases. Their
quick wings, presented with space were proving very effective.
As muddy jerseys and tired legs slowed the SRS defensive line,
the guests found more gaps and scored two late tries. Man of
the match: Gus C.
Colts B/C Rugby v Rose Hill
Saint Ronan’s won 10-7
On the kind of day for which old-fashioned rugby was invented – driving rain and umbrellas swept from the hand – the
U11s waded out onto Rosehill’s impressively playable pitch
and set about chalking up a fine win in their first game. Felix
N ran hard on the wings and seemed likely to score every time
he got the ball. Despite the conditions, handling was good
(even if the runners often chose to eschew open space in favour of heading down blind alleys). Tackling was somewhat on
the generous side, with the aim a little too high towards tummies and hips: boys, bend your knees and go for the legs!
James W stood out with some beautiful tackles straight from
the textbook – what is more satisfying than seeing the opposition splat down into the mud as his legs are pinned? Miles P
deserves special notice for marshalling, corralling, encouraging and generally running like a mad thing to be in the centre
of the action. SRS ran out with a very encouraging 10 tries to
7 win, well done.
U10A Rugby v Rose Hill
Saint Ronan's won 50-15
Both teams should be congratulated for their exciting rugby In
wet and muddy conditions, not ideal for running rugby. The
handling was excellent; the ball was moved along the line and
both sides tried to keep the ball alive by passing out of the
tackle. Humphrey B and Matthew M scored some great tries,
positioning themselves on the wide flanks (when they received
the ball from the excellent passes of Tom H and William D,
space was created for them to score in the corners). But Saint
Ronan's had to do their fair share of defending and Arthur B,
Archie T and Theo B certainly had plenty of tackles, which they
executed brilliantly. But credit to our hosts, who deservedly
scored the final try. Well done everyone.
U10B Rugby at Sutton Valence
This was a ‘Tri-Nations’ involving Saint Ronan’s, Ashford Prep
and Sutton Valence. We played two matches, losing one and
drawing the other. Our first match was against Sutton Valence. It was a close game, with Sutton Valence eventually
coming out on top by seven tries to five. Despite the weather
conditions, which were truly abysmal, our valiant team put
together some great tries. Joe ran around the opposition on
more than one occasion, and Archie led from the front, passing
the ball just before being tackled, allowing others to run for
the line. Our second match (against Ashford) was end-to-end
stuff with the final score line at four tries apiece. Once again,
the team managed to play some inventive and determined
rugby. If anything, the rain seemed to make the boys dig in
and really go for it! The man-of-the-match was Arthur for his
total commitment in tackling. He was the last line of defence
on several occasions, even running back to catch our opposi-
Check the Extranet for Team Sheets and for information about cancellations, etc.
Haw k h u rst, Ken t. T N18 5DJ. w w w .sain tron an k
Sport Saint Ronan’s
Rugby Report
tion’s attackers. All in all, this was the best performance of this
team so far this season. A great afternoon’s rugby!
U10 Cavaliers Rugby v Rose Hill
Saint Ronan’s lost
With the rain pouring down, the two U10 teams produced an
exciting game of rugby. Handling conditions were not good
but both teams passed the ball well, looking to keep it alive
and attack the space. Despite the muddy ground, the boys
showed some nifty footwork, beating defenders and thus
keeping the attacks moving forward. Rose Hill were perhaps a
little more organised in defence, which allowed them to turn
possession over at crucial times. Well played.
U9A Rugby v Holmewood House
Saint Ronan’s lost 4-8
In a highly entertaining game HH came out on top eight tries to
4. Their two physically stronger runners were the difference
between the two sides and SRS was not able to cope with their
pace. But credit must go to our boys: we played as a team by
passing the ball well down the line, from side to side, and this
was recognised by the parents and their coach. This led to
some excellent tries for Jack K (twice), Barnaby D and the impressive Angus M. Well tried everyone.
U9B Rugby v Holmewood House
Saint Ronan’s lost 10-15
The U9Bs played superbly against a worthy adversary and
the close defeat did not dampen their spirits. Angus H led the
side well and battled on, despite a minor injury. Jasper S,
Chester R and Alex B made some excellent tackles, maintaining our strong defensive line and keeping Holmewood back.
Jasper and Chester also made some excellent runs, breaking
through the opposing defence, with Jasper scoring both tries
for Saint Ronan’s. Men of the match: Chester R and Jasper S
U9C Rugby v Holmewood House
The U9Cs took on Holmewood House last Thursday. The opposition scored two rapid tries but our heads did not go
down. On the contrary: with Gethan and Charlie making
strong forward runs, and all the players supporting the ball
carrier, we began to get back on terms. Tackles started to be
made and slowly we got a foothold in the game. Then, at half
time, the opposition brought on an entirely fresh team! Despite
this, and with the help of some very generous refereeing from
our hosts, we struck back to score two tries. It was a lesson in
the importance of running straight, putting in a strong tackle
and supporting the man with the ball. Well done boys.
U8 Triangular Rugby with DCPS & Holmewood House
After the monsoon on the Wednesday, we had Caribbean
sunshine on the Thursday. This helped contribute to a wonderful
afternoon of rugby. All the boys displayed a really good
Ruby Report
understanding of the game, allowing them to get into good
attacking and defensive positions. All the Saint Ronan’s sides
played some exciting attacking rugby and they looked to
pass the ball down the line. Their handling, support play and
dodging skills allowed them to score some fine team tries.
Well done.
U8 3rd Rugby triangular with HH and DCPS 2nds
With the pitches drying out after the rain the day before, this
was one of the nicest days of the year so far. The boys
played really well, taking on board the training in the sports
hall, passing the ball wide in an arrow head formation in attack and spreading wide and flat when in defence. There was
some good forward running and some good chasing when the
opposition broke through our defensive line. I was very impressed by the stamina and sportsmanship we showed on the
pitch, as well as our conduct and behaviour off the pitch. Special mention must go to Bertie Ashdown for always being
ready, for never being afraid to run at the opposition and for
making numerous tackles.
Check the Extranet for Team Sheets and for information about cancellations, etc.
Haw k h u rst, Ken t. T N18 5DJ. w w w .sain tron an k
Sport Saint Ronan’s
Netball Report
U12B Netball v Benenden and MHS
Due to the extreme weather all the other girls' matches were
cancelled but our U12 B and C Netball teams were lucky
enough to travel to Benenden for a quickly-arranged indoor
triangular between MHS 3rds and 4ths, Benenden U12C and
U12D. Each match was just 7 minutes one way so it was vital to
start the game both focused and upbeat. The U12 Bs opened
the tournament with a fine win against Benenden U12 C (2-1).
We also secured a win against Benenden U12D 3-1. Unfortunately we weren't quite so successful against MHS, going down
1-3 against their 3rds and a very close 1-2 against MHS 4ths.
The girls played enthusiastically and well as a team, with
Catherine R coordinating things at C and as captain. Olive C
worked relentlessly, with good effect at GD, and it is great to
see Tilly R's confidence and performance improve so much at
GA. On the whole the girls' use of space showed real improvement but we will continue to work on using even greater
width of the court and trying to eliminate the occasional poor
pass, which is so easily intercepted by the opposition. Very
well done girls - excellent effort and good fun! Players of the
Match: Catherine R and Tilly R.
U12C Netball v Benenden and MHS
Like the B team, the Cs travelled to Benenden School for an
excellent afternoon of netball. I was really impressed with
their attitude, team spirit and performances. They played together as a team and kept trying hard, despite facing some
strong opposition. The first match against the Benenden D team
was a 1-0 victory, thoroughly deserved, with Saint Ronan’s
having most of the play and the defence having little to do.
The next two matches against the MHS 3rd & 4th teams was a
different affair, however. This time the defence had all the
work to do and, despite valiant efforts, there was no stopping
the MHS shooters, who were outstanding. Lost 0-5 and 0-4
respectively. The final match was an excellent draw against
the Benenden C team (2 all) and was a great way to finish the
afternoon. The girls should be commended on their willingness
to swap positions and to share matches and the captaincy role.
We will use next week to work on accuracy of passing and not
giving the ball away unnecessarily. Particular mention goes to
Grace K, Grace P, Emily Mac & Tabi T for being real team
players and not complaining about positions. Players of the
Match: Maisie K and Tabi T.
Hockey Report
U8/U9 Hockey
U8A Hockey v DCPS
Saint Ronan’s won 6-2
It being only their second competitive match, both schools decided that we would use the opportunity to coach the girls too,
particularly in relation to their positioning on the pitch. The
match was divided into 8 minute quarters and, with the first 3
resulting in draws 1-1,1-1, 0-0, it was left to the final quarter
for Saint Ronan’s to claim the victory with 4 excellent goals.
There was a definite improvement from the last match, with
Lizzie H doing a brilliant job out on the wing and resisting the
urge to be sucked into the middle. Millie DH did an outstanding job as Centre Back, stopping attack after attack. It was
decided that we wouldn’t blow for feet so that the game
would flow, but this is definitely an area we need to work on
as next year’s umpires won’t be so lenient. But, despite the
football, the girls really found their competitive edge towards
the end and this bodes well for the next match. We are still
tweaking the teams and trying girls in different positions as,
whilst their stick skills are improving rapidly, work is still needed on passing out wide and playing as a team rather than as
individuals. It was, however, a great improvement from last
week, so well done to the girls, a great win. Players of the
Match: Kitty F for her goals and great attitude, and Millie DH
is highly commended again as the score would have been very
different without her!
U8B Hockey v DCPS
Saint Ronan’s won 5-2
In bright sunshine the U8s played their second competitive
game. The 8 minute quarters tested both physical fitness and
the girls' concentration, and, with 8 players on each side in the
B's match, there was a lot to think about! In recent training we
have been working hard on resisting the temptation to swarm
around the ball and to spread out and use space on the pitch
more effectively. However, in the excitement of the match, this
got generally forgotten and play from both Saint Ronan’s and
DCPS was extremely crowded in the first quarter. Huge improvements on this were made during the match, which allowed individuals to display some promising technical skills
and more considerate team work. Special mention to Rachel B,
who was strong and consistent in defence, our goal-scorers
Anya R, Cordelia E and Ruby, and Honor L who held her position and space well. A promising introduction to match play,
with a win to Saint Ronan’s 5-2. Well done!
Check the Extranet for Team Sheets and for information about cancellations, etc.
Haw k h u rst, Ken t. T N18 5DJ. w w w .sain tron an k
Sport Saint Ronan’s
Cross-Country Report
Crawley and Nieto-Parr rise to the challenge at Parliament
Battling through the ankle-deep mud of Hampstead Heath on
Saturday, James Crawley and Carlos Nieto-Parr competed in
the South of England Cross Country Championships at Parliament Hill. The course is renowned as the toughest in the country
and the 267 competitors in the U13 Boys’ race faced a daunting 200m climb from the start line, followed by some demanding undulations and quagmires.
James was part of a gold-medal-winning Tonbridge AC team
and, in 17th place, was the third runner to score. Competing at
the bottom of the age-group, Carlos came 39th, the second
scorer from Hastings AC. An amazing effort from both boys –
well done!
Judo Report
Charlotte Parker, Lottie Codd and Bea Wyatt fought for St
Ronans at the IAPS National Girls Judo Congress on Saturday . In a field of over 100 girls Bea fought in the under 28kg
weight category, Lottie in the under 32kg and Charlotte in the
under 36kg.
The girls showed tremendous skill and resilience in their first
formal competition, fighting girls with more experience and
often higher belt rankings. With expert guidance from their
coach Sarah they certainly upset the field, winning some very
tough fights and gaining valuable experience from their losses. As a result each girl came fourth in their individual weight
category. A fantastic performance - well done girls!
Check the Extranet for Team Sheets and for information about cancellations, etc.
Haw k h u rst, Ken t. T N18 5DJ. w w w .sain tron an k