Nationol Workshop on REGI5TRATION FORM Technology (NWTA- ?:A1 5) Designation Aff il iotion / for Aged Orgonisqtion Supported bY Email ID Mobile Number Cochin Universify of Science ond Technology irrrrrrrr Corresponding Address Kochi - 682 a22 Prof. M. Junaid Bushiri rechnorosie s ror the Ased Kochi' Karaln' Indio Cochin University of Science and Technology' Emailr IiX-3'?iltll"o,,n, Mob: 9495348631 Lost dote for Registration: Morch 02' e015 Dote : 6th Msrch 2OI5 Venue: PhYsics Audirnrium, CUSAT tr,-Ir--r------'r-\ i Centre for enobling technology for the oged is o newly estsblishe d centre of cochin university of Science view to ond Technology. This centre is estsblished with a promote the development of technologies for aga olci people with octive porticipotion of scientists, enginaers' technologists snd medicsl proctitioners. Populorisotion of of enobling iechnology for oge old is olso onother objective t fnvited SPeakers t 'Polliotive ca?e needs ond role technology for older odults' I I i of a ' Dr. |fi. R.. RcjogoPal Choirmon, Pollium, Indio the centre. 'Nonotechnology to fight ogainst aga' Dr. Joyosree R. 5Prof. M. Junoid Bushiri Scientist Hon. Director Centre for enobling technology CUSAT, Cochin - 6&2 A?? Biophotonics ond Imoging Loborofory Sree6hitro Tirunol Institute for Medicol Sciences and Technology, Trivandrum for the oged D 'Devices Dr" Abdullq (CUSAT) Dr. Bobito Roslind Jose (CUSAI) Shri. Fnarddin Robe* John (CUSAI) ageing heort' Koilosncth (CUSAT) Dr. Prof. B. PradeeP (CUSAT) Dr. soju K. K. (cUsAT) Prof . GodfreY Sri. Sabir KVT (CUSAT) Dr. 6. Sor*hosld<rmc (CUSAT) Dr. Shohono T, K. (CUSAT) Dr" Iames Kurion (CUSAT) Prof . M. K. .foYoraj (CUSAT) Dr. P. 5, Sreejith (CUSAT) Sri. Thomos T. (CUSAT) Louis (CUSAT) for I lgtr. Muroleedhsron C- V. 5cientist'6' & Scientist-in-Chorge Devi ces Testing Loborof orY Sree Chitro Tirunol Institute for Medicol Sciences ond Technology, Trivondrum