Storytelling Program, 2011 - The Loretta Y. Jackson African
Storytelling Program, 2011 - The Loretta Y. Jackson African
Loretta Y. Jackson-African american historical society Presents: 2nd ANNUAL STORYTELLING & SOUL FOOD EVENING University of science & arts of Oklahoma In partnership with oklahoma tourism initiative, 17th & Alabama, chickasha, ok “Soulful Stories: The African American Story in Oklahoma” February 17, 2011 6:30 pm “We Stand Alone, Together!” Hosea F. Fletcher, Pres-1947 Dr. William Arthur J. Bullock Walter (Joe) Coffey, Pres1948 sponsors: First National Bank & Trust Co., Chickasha Bank & Trust Co., Mosley Insurance Co., Best Western Inn, Lifeline Home Health Care & Hospice, Grady Memoral Hospital, Grady County Democrat Party, Midfirst Bank program Song: “Lift Every Voice”, Negro National Anthem (Please Stand) Welcome...................................... Bruce Fisher Introductions........................................Cynthia Usher Chickasha Chamber of Commerce Community Sponsors Invocation.......................................Overseer Delbert Allen, Church of the Living God, P.G.&T., Chickasha ** soul food meal** The Story: “We Stand Alone, Together!” Written & directed by W. Jerome Stevenson Recognitions ............................... Cynthia W. Anderson * LYJ-AAHS Board Members & Volunteers * Business Sponsors of 1947 Remarks........Nicole D. Bailey, Exec Dir-Lawton Northside Chamber Bud Andrus, Pres.-Chickasha Chamber of Commerce Remarks, Introductions..........Sandy Pantlik, Dir. of OK Tourism * State advisory team * Oklahoma black caucus * Senators & representatives Closing Remarks..........................Loretta Y. Jackson, Founder & Pres., LYJ-AAHS chickasha’s negro chamber of commerce officers & members, 1947-1948 Cecil l. boyd, Sec., 1947; Finance Chair-1948 john burleson, 2nd Vice Pres.-1948 Joe Prince, Board of Directors Chair1948 Alexander Day, Board of Dir-1948 Cash A. Black, Prog Comm-1948 charlie hutcheson, Prog Comm-1948 robert e. brown, Contact Comm-1948 rev. r.s. corbin, Member lenora reed, Member rev. david daniel (d.d.) jones, Member R.G. Parrish, Member everett c. davis, sr., Member calvin baker, Member Maceo Lewis, Member Wiley odom, Member R.C. Alexander, Member Clarence blunt, Prog Comm.-1948 benyard (bennie) l. crowell, Member Bishop j.l. henderson, Member Robert McKinney, Member Type to enter text warren fisher, Member Willie T. baker, Member Hursel Morris, Member Johnnie Pearl (Jones) Coffey, Pres.-House Wives League Not Pictured: R.L. Smith, 1st Vice Pres. & Board of Directors-1948; Joseph (Joe) Hayden, Asst. Sec.-1948; Sam Taylor, Tres-1948; Dr. Charles T. Terry, Prog Comm & Board of Directors-1948; Fred Gant, Fin Comm-1948; Reed Daniels, Fin. Comm-1948; H.K. Briggs, Prog Comm Chair-1948; W.C. Cross, Contact Comm Chair-1948; James Boyd, Member; James Dana, Member; Dock Franklin, Member; Dewitt Hamilton, Member; Burnett Henderson, Member; Charlie Jones, Member; Frank Marshall, Member; Alvin Montgomery, Member; James C. Moore, Member; Junior Odem, Member; Jessie Purl, Member; Daniel Reed, Member; Dave Reed, Member; Frank Robers, Member; Rev. W. Sims, Member; Andrew Spenser, Member; Harold Stevenson, Member; Willie Thomas, Member; Earl Townsel, Member; Ollie Williams, Member program supporters: Hopkins Plumbing; DeHart Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Co.; Mr. Kenneth Johnson, Attorney; Park, Nelson, Caywood, Jones, Attorneys-at-Law; Cochran Abstract; Chickasha Industrial and Welding Supply, Inc.; Mr. & Mrs. Jessie Cobb of Cobb’s Carpet-Lawton; Clinic Pharmacy; Mr. Darryl Lightner; Mollett-Hunter Insurance Co.; The Chickasha Leader; Mr. Allen & Debra Blaylock; Dr. Mike & Barbara Thomas; Loretta Y. Jackson; Dr. Will & Cynthia W. Anderson Thank You! ******************************* Acknowledgements of Appreciation: Jean Bentley for unwavering support; Herman McKinney, photograph of Robert McKinney; Annette Dawkins for sharing valuable information about OK’s Black Chambers of Commerce; Exerpts and photos from Loretta Y. Jackson’s “Chickasha’s and Grady County’s African American Heritage and Culture”-2003 First Edition ©; Volunteers: Debra Blaylock, Gordona Snow, Marcy Langle, Ila Watson, Dr. Will Anderson In a June 19, 1947 letter to C. L. Boyd, Secretary of Negro Chamber of Commerce, from Paul Strader, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Sewer Committe and R.E. Rose, President of Chickasha Chamber of Commerce: “The sewer Committee of the Chickasha Chamber of Commerce wises to express its thanks to you and your people for the excellent cooperation shown in our recent sewer bond election. The City of Chickasha must grow as a unit. We are all citizens of our town and must share our burdens, responsibilities and duties.” Letter from Johnnie Pearl Coffey, President of the House Wives League and Hosea F. Fletcher, President of Negro Chamber of Commerce: “Dear Friends, Please accept this note of appreciation for your hardy cooperation in making the Reception for our Doctor and family, a mamoth success. You did a big job, and we want you to know it. Yours for a ‘Better Chickasha’” Loretta Y. Jackson-African American Historical Society (LYJ-AAHS) Executive Board: Loretta Y. Jackson, Founder Barbara Thomas Cynthia W. Anderson Bruce T. Fisher Allen Blaylock Cynthia Usher Dolores Willoughby-Smith LYJ-AAHS’s mission is to encourage the study and appreciation of African American heritage and cultural contributions through collection, preservation, artistic interpretation, and exhibition of artifacts. ************* LYJ-AAHS, P.O. Box 2044, Chickasha, Oklahoma (405) 224-5297
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