Brochure 2.cdr - Recruitment Solutions from
Brochure 2.cdr - Recruitment Solutions from
CONTEC GLOBAL INTEGRATED SYSTEM-BASED SOLUTIONS AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES Established in 1984 and headquartered in London, the Contec Global Group has a presence in Europe, Asia and Africa. As a company established on the platform of e-Governance and smart technologies, Contec Global is amongst the most experienced independent technology and systems organisations operating in developing countries. Today, the Group is engaged globally in providing integrated system based solutions in the elds of secure technologies and mobile telephones and project management programmes in the elds of energy, infrastructure and hospitality. CONTEC GLOBAL SOME EXAMPLES OF CONTEC PROJECTS CERPAC – Combined Expatriate Residence Permit and Alien Card Scheme This programme was instituted in 1999 by Contec Global in Nigeria providing new and highly secure documents and cards for the identification of all foreign residents and expatriate workers. Nigeria Visa Project In 2012, Contec Global won the contract to upgrade and manage the entire foreign business and tourist visa system for the Nigerian government. By centralising the payment system and updating the software behind the application process, Contec will ensure that the visitor experience of the visa application process is radically improved and that the government will receive the correct revenue. Niger Passport Contec Global Niger commenced production of the epassport for the Niger government in 2006 and the project is on-going. It includes secure documents, technical material supplies and related services. The project involves production and supply of secure documents such as e-passport, e-visa and all other related documents. Malawi FISP recipient registration programme Contec Global is in talks with the government to implement a nationwide registration of recipients of the Farmer Input Subsidy Programme (FISP) Burundi Passport and National Datacentre In 2008, Contec Global signed a contract with the government of the Republic of Burundi for implementation of an ‘e-platform’ project including secure documentation, technical material supplies and related services. The project involves production and supply of secure documents such as e-passport, e-visa, e-driving licence and vehicle registration, expatriate permits, national ID cards, worker cards and all other related documents. South Sudan secure documents Contec Global completed a project in 2008 for the government of South Sudan involving the production of driving licences, vehicle registration, travel permits and police ID cards. Sierra Leone SIM card registration Contec Global Sierra Leone is in talks with the government to implement a compulsory SIM card registration system for all mobile telephone users in the country. The registration process will be biometrically-based and will provide a platform for further national ID card plans. Contec Global Ltd., 33 St. James's Square, London, SW1Y 4JS. United Kingdom CONTEC GLOBAL Telephone: +44 (0) 2030087724 SECURITY BIOMETRICS Providing biometrically based security documents and registration programmes to governments in developing countries on a public private partnership (PPP) basis. GAS AND RENEWABLE ENERGY Managing innovative projects in oil and gas in West Africa designed to harness existing internal resources within developing countries and reduce dependence on imported fuels. EDUCATIONAL Adapting our niche within the secure technology sector to deliver developed world educational content to students in developing countries. HOTEL & INDUSTRIAL Managing hotel development projects in India and Thailand, and producing bio-fertiliser, sustainable fuel and irrigation aids speci cally designed for agrarian economies. CONTEC TECHNOLOGIES- i2i Acting as a telecom systems integrator and addressing enterprises and consumers through innovative mobile apps, while at the same time providing exclusive distribution of entertainment content. CONSTRUCTION AND INFRASTRUCTURE Managing a number of construction and infrastructure projects in West Africa centred on the aviation, energy, medical and logistic sectors. a “A long history of providing the most up to date biometric and secure document solutions to governments across Africa" CONTEC GLOBAL SECURITY BIOMETRICS SERVICES BENEFITS TO GOVERNMENTS · No ini al investment required from government; Contec will selffinance most projects · Government gets access to the most up-to-date technology · The Contec team will train the local staff and transfer the technology to the government a er the end of the project · Our documents have proved to be substan al revenue generators for the governments for whom we work · Enhanced data management provides substan al security advantages HOW WE WORK The provision of biometric services to governments and government agencies sits at the core of the Group's ac vates. Typically, the Group operates as project manager integra ng a network of worldwide partnerships to deliver the par cular service to the government agency. Projects are taken from concept on through to implementa on with day to day organisa on and management. Most projects are self-financing with the ini al investment recouped through revenue sharing throughout the life of the project. Technology is made available to the local partners and every opportunity is made to encourage local employment op ons where possible. While some of the technology has been developed internally, most of the so ware and hardware for each of the projects is sourced from leading third party providers. A key element in the success of the Group in Africa has been its ability to combine state of the art security technology with a deep awareness of local cultural sensi vi es, developed as a result of its long history of opera ng in emerging and fron er markets. Services provided include civil roll systems (na onal iden ty cards, immigra on, travel documents, accredita on, access control at border points) and licensing an authen ca ng systems (vehicles and trucks, vehicle imports, land property, student and professional associa ons).