EMDAT and Trends in Natural Disasters
EMDAT and Trends in Natural Disasters
EMDAT and Trends in Natural EMDAT and Trends in Natural Disasters Debarati Guha‐Sapir Debarati Guha Sapir CRED, Louvain School of Medicine Br ssels Brussels Venice, 2011 ARE DISASTERS INCREASING ? Is it a real increase ? Natural disasters 1900‐ Natural disasters 1900 1900‐2007 EM‐DAT created (1988) CRED created and OFDA began compiling (1973) began compiling (1973) OFDA created (1964) S Source: EM‐DAT, OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database – EM DAT OFDA/CRED I i l Di D b CRED Université Catholique de Louvain Brussels Belgium CRED – U i i é C h li d L i B l B l i Debby G. Sapir CRED Trends in disasters d i di 500 450 400 Number of disaste rs 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Earthquake, Volcano, Mass movement dry Source: EM‐ Source: EM‐DAT DAT ‐‐ The OFDA/CRED International The OFDA/CRED International Disaster Disaster Database Climate‐related SO ARE DISASTERS INCREASING ? YES BUT YES BUT…….. Yes but….deaths are decreasing Yes but….deaths are decreasing Yes but but… geographic impacts are different Occurrence of disasters Victims/100 000 pop. Y b Yes but….. economic impacts are different i i diff Damage costs (3-year moving average) 140000 Katrina Damage costss (in $US Millio D on) 120000 100000 80000 Kobe Low income Middl I Middle Income 60000 40000 20000 0 High Income % SHARE OF CLIMATE‐RELATED % SHARE OF CLIMATE RELATED DISASTERS OF TOTAL DISASTERS OF TOTAL 2007 2008 2009 EVENTS 93 7 93.7 90 5 90.5 91 4 91.4 AFFECTED 99 4 99.4 77 9 77.9 94 3 94.3 ECONOMIC LOSS 78.4 54.9 84.1 Climate‐related disasters 2000‐2009 Climate‐related disasters 2000‐2009*:: what and where ? REGION TYPE 4% 5% 4% 6% 16% Drought Extreme temp. 17% Africa 30% Americas Flood Asia Mass move. wet 24% Storm Wildfire 6% Europe Oceania 49% 39% *January-November January November Debarati Guha-Sapir TOP 10 COUNTRIES MOST HIT BY NATURAL DISASTERS BY NATURAL DISASTERS China P Rep United States Indonesia, Philippines India Afghanistan Vietnam Australia Burundi, Australia, Burundi Pakistan Ethiopia, Mexico, Romania Germany Bangladesh, Canada, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Russia, Somalia 35 26 20 17 13 10 8 7 6 5 1. We need to identify proximal determinants of extreme climate determinants of extreme climate events. They will be actionable by poorer countries countries and will produce shorter and will produce shorter term results Floods in Purulia, W Bengal 2008 Determinants of increase in acute climate events POPULATION INCREASE (shanty towns in embankments - Rio) WEAK INFRASTRUCTURES (floods and droughts) Climate disasters increasing g Affected population l increasing DEFORESTATION (Haiti) URBANIZATION (drainage & concretization - Rio) Debarati Guha-Sapir DO TRENDS IN CLIMATE DISASTERS AND VICTIMS FOLLOW POPULATION GROWTH? (1900 POPULATION GROWTH? (1900‐‐2009) WORLD SOUTH‐‐EAST ASIA SOUTH Population Population Vi ti Victims Victims Events Events Central America Northern Africa Population Population Victims Victims Events Events * Includes: flood, wet mass movements, storms, extreme temperature, drought and wild fires CRED, D.Guha‐‐Sapir, Geneva, Janu CRED, D.Guha 2. More 2. More field field evidence on on extreme extreme climate events and and their their impact on populations EE.g. Effects E.g. Eff t on Effects on disease di disease transmission and malnutrition Figure 2. Mortality by age and gender (Tamil Nadu, India) (T il N d I di ) Source: Guha‐‐Sapir D., Parry L., Degomme O., Joshi P.C., Saulina Arnold J.P. (2006) Risks factors for mortality and injury : Source: Guha Post‐‐tsunami epidemiological findings from Tamil Nadu, CRED Working Paper, Brussels. Post Leptospirosis in Jakarta floods, 2008 p p , SEVERE FLOODS AND DISEASES FECAL‐ORAL Diarrhea Cholera, Rotavirus Escherichia Coli Salmonella Shi ll Shigella Campylobacter Non diarrheal diseases Non diarrheal diseases Typhoid/Paratyphoid fever Hepatitis A/E VECTOR BORNE M l i Malaria, Dengue/DHF West Nile Fever West Nile Fever Chikungunya RODENT‐BORNE Hantavirus,, Leptospirosis THANK YOU THANK YOU STRATOSPHERIC PROBLEMS NEED GRASSROOTS SOLUTIONS GRASSROOTS SOLUTIONS Effective adaptation requires better scientific evidence on how acute climate events concretely affect human li t t t l ff t h populations p p