Science Grade 7 - Micro-Life Re ll List
Science Grade 7 - Micro-Life Re ll List
Science Grade 7 - Micro-Life Refill List To place order fill out this form and fax to 631.737.1286, or email it to Bill To: Ship To: School: Address: City: State: Telephone #: Purchase Order #: Name: School: Address: City: State: Payment: PO KIT QTY Consumable Visa Zip: Zip: Ship Immediately Check Credit Card Mastercard Ship to Arrive Credit Card Number: Expiration Date: CCV Code: Discover Description Ref Cat. No. Refill Qty Refill Price Micro-Life Drawer 1 24 Trays, SEPUP, Lab-Aids "Signature" item CT-001 1 $6.95 1 SALI MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) SALI-MSDS 1 $0.00 1 Pk/10 $19.95 1 $1.95 Drawer 2 8 Chemplates® 800 1 Cup, measuring, 1/2-cup size MC-003 16 Cups, graduated, 30 ml TW-GCX16 1 Pk/16 $5.95 32 Cups, plastic, 9 oz TW-9CX16 1 Pk/16 $7.95 40 Droppers, plastic SP-DX16E 1 Pk/16 $4.25 8 Funnels, SEPUP, Lab-Aids "Signature" item FU-001 1 $2.95 24 Spatulas, measuring/mixing SP-MSX24E 1 Pk/24 $5.95 8 Trays, SEPUP, Lab-Aids "Signature" item CT-001 1 $6.95 SA-1B19E 1 $6.95 SA-1B19-B 1 $12.95 Drawer 3 8 ✘ "Disease Indicator" solution, drop control, 30 ml BEST VALUE ✘ "Disease Indicator" solution, 240 ml 2 ✘ "Ed" solution, drop control, 30 ml SA-1B08E 1 $6.95 2 ✘ "Heather" solution, drop control, 30 ml SA-1B10E 1 $6.95 2 ✘ "Laura" solution, drop control, 30 ml SA-1B11E 1 $6.95 2 ✘ "Miriam" solution, drop control, 30 ml SA-1B05E 1 $6.95 Turn over for Drawer 3 (Cont.), 4, 5, 6 and 7 LAB-AIDS® 17 Colt Court, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 800.381.8003 631.737.1286 (Date) LabAidsInc @LabAids Order Qty Extended Price KIT QTY Consumable Science Grade 7 - Micro-Life Refill List Description Refill Qty Refill Price SA-1B09E 1 $6.95 Ref Cat. No. Micro-LifeSoil Scientifically Studying Drawer 3 (Cont.) 2 ✘ "Mr. Klasky" solution, drop control, 30 ml 2 ✘ "Mr. Milligan" solution, drop control, 30 ml SA-1B12E 1 $6.95 2 ✘ "Ms. Shah" solution, drop control, 30 ml SA-1B07E 1 $6.95 2 ✘ "Tran" solution, drop control, 30 ml SA-1B06E 1 $6.95 GS-007 1 Pk/100 $2.95 200 ✘ Coverslips, glass 1 ✘ Gloves, rubber, dishwashing, latex, pair GL-005 1 $2.95 1 ✘ Hay Infusion, pkg SA-1P76E 1 $9.95 SA-1P151 1 $3.50 SS-1B17E 1 $3.25 SS-1B17-B 1 $6.95 SS-1P24E 1 Pk/16 $12.95 $4.95 1 Pk/30 $4.65 16 8 Interview Cards, sets of 8 ✘ Methyl Cellulose solution, drop control, 15 BEST VALUE Methyl Cellulose solution, 120 ml 16 ✘ Microscope slide, single depression 10 60 ✘ pH Microscope color charts slides 1 C1-PHX10 GS-004 1 Pk/10 Place Cards, 1 set 1 ✘ Sodium Carbonate solution, 2%, dispensing btl, 60 ml 100 ✘ Swabs, sterile SA-1P71E 1 $4.95 SA-1B43E 1 $6.95 C1-SIX20 1 Pk/20 $4.25 Drawer 4 1 ✘ Beans, pkg SA-1P29E 1 $5.95 8 ✘ Bromthymol Blue (BTB) indicator solution, drop control, 30 ml WH-1-9EA 1 $3.95 WH-1-9-B 1 $12.95 Bromthymol Blue (BTB) indicator solution, 240 ml BEST VALUE 1 ✘ Carbon pieces, vial SA-1B35E 1 $3.95 2 ✘ Charcoal, activated, 15 g SA-1B28E 1 $6.95 1 ✘ Cornstarch, 300 g SA-1B38E 1 $5.95 8 Droppers, plastic SP-DX16E 1 Pk/16 $4.25 IF-FX160E 1 Pk/160 $13.95 SA-1B03E 1 $4.95 SA-1B03-B 1 $6.95 160 8 ✘ Filter paper circles, 7cm ✘ Food Coloring solution, blue, drop control, 15 ml BEST VALUE Food Coloring solution, blue, 120 ml 8 Gas Delivery tubes SA-1P41E 1 Pk/8 $4.95 See next page for Drawer 4 (Cont.), 5, 6, and 7 LAB-AIDS® 17 Colt Court, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 800.381.8003 631.737.1286 LabAidsInc @LabAids Order Qty Extended Price KIT QTY Consumable Science Grade 7 - Micro-Life Refill List Ref Cat. No. Refill Qty Refill Price ✘ Lugol’s (iodine) solution, 20 ml CH-LSPKG 1 Pk/2 $13.95 ✘ Lugol's solution, 160 ml CH-LSPKG 1 $14.95 Magnifiers, 4X MA-001 1 $1.95 Rice, pkg SA-1P30E 1 $4.95 Rubber bands SA-1P26E 1 Pk/90 $3.95 Sandwich bags, thin SA-1P49E 1 Pk/150 $7.95 Spoons, plastic, large TW-SPX16 1 Pk/16 $4.95 Sugar packets SP-SUX40 1 Pk/40 $3.50 16 Vial caps for 3 dram vials SA-1P32E 1 Pk/16 $5.95 16 Vials, small (3 dram) SA-1P31E 1 Pk/16 $7.95 Description Micro-LifeSoil Scientifically Studying Drawer 4 (Cont.) 8 8 2 ✘ 90 150 ✘ 8 40 ✘ Drawer 5 10 8 8 ✘ pH color charts C1-PHX10 "Donated Blood Type A" solution, drop control, 30 ml BEST VALUE ✘ "Donated Blood Type A" solution, 240 ml ✘ "Donated Blood Type B" solution, drop control, 30 ml BEST VALUE ✘ "Donated Blood Type B" solution, 240 ml 8 ✘ "Donated Blood Type O" solution, drop control, 30 ml BEST VALUE ✘ "Donated Blood Type O" solution, 240 ml 8 ✘ "Fong's Blood Serum" (Type B) solution, drop control, 30 ml ✘ 8 "Fong's Blood Serum" (Type B) solution, 240 ml ✘ "Jordan's Blood Serum" (Type AB) solution, drop control, 30 ml ✘ "Jordan's Blood Serum" (Type AB) solution, 240 ml 8 BEST VALUE BEST VALUE ✘ "Sasha's Blood Serum" (Type A) solution, drop control, 30 ml ✘ "Sasha's Blood Serum" (Type A) solution, 240 ml 8 BEST VALUE Classification cards, sets of 6 1 ✘ Corn Syrup solution, white, 480 ml 1 ✘ Ethyl Alcohol (ethanol), 70%, 480 ml 1 Pk/10 $4.95 SA-1B14E 1 $6.95 SA-1B14-B 1 $12.95 SA-1B15E 1 $6.95 SA-1B15-B 1 $12.95 SA-1B16E 1 $6.95 SA-1B16-B 1 $12.95 SA-1B18E 1 $6.95 SA-1B18-B 1 $12.95 SA-1B13E 1 $6.95 SA-1B13-B 1 $12.95 SA-1B17E 1 $6.95 SA-1B17-B 1 $12.95 SA-1P152 1 $3.50 SA-1B27E 1 $17.95 SS-1B14E 1 $9.95 Turn over for Drawer 5 (Cont.), 6 and 7 LAB-AIDS® 17 Colt Court, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 800.381.8003 631.737.1286 LabAidsInc @LabAids Order Qty Extended Price KIT QTY Consumable Science Grade 7 - Micro-Life Refill List Description Ref Cat. No. Refill Qty Refill Price Order Qty Micro-LifeSoil Scientifically Studying Drawer 5 (Cont.) 8 Micro-life cards, sets of 9 SA-1P153 1 $3.95 4 Slide Set, includes 4 Bacteria and 2 Human Blood slides SA-1P104 1 $55.20 SA-1B26E 1 $17.95 C1-1-37E 1 $7.95 C1-PD20 1 Pk/20 $6.95 1 ✘ Vinegar, 480 ml Drawer 6 6 ✘ Agar, 125 ml 160 Petri dishes, sterile, plastic, 60mm Drawer 7 16 Dice, numbered DI-001A 1 $1.25 16 Disks, plastic, sets of 50 (20 black, 15 orange, 15 blue) SA-1P20E 1 $6.45 Game Piece Sets (1 each of 4 colors) SS-1P94 1 $3.95 SA-1B41E 1 $7.95 8 1 ✘ Glogerm powder™ 8 Hut, House, Lab and Weird Events game card sets, Lab-Aids "Signature" item SA-1006 1 $9.95 8 Maracondo Fever game boards, Lab-Aids "Signature" item SA-1005 1 $12.95 2 Ultraviolet (UV) lights SA-1P56E 1 $26.20 Sub Total Our Guarantee Our guarantee is simple! You must be satisfied with every product you purchase from LAB-AIDS Inc. If you are not 100% satisfied, let us know within 30 days and we will issue a replacement, refund, exchange or credit. Please review the terms and conditions at Tax 12% Shipping & Handling Total LAB-AIDS® 17 Colt Court, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 800.381.8003 631.737.1286 LabAidsInc @LabAids Extended Price Science Grade 7 - Our Genes, Our Selves Refill List To place order fill out this form and fax to 631.737.1286, or email it to Bill To: Ship To: School: Address: City: State: Telephone #: Purchase Order #: Name: School: Address: City: State: Payment: Consumable Zip: Ship Immediately PO Visa KIT QTY Zip: Check Credit Card Mastercard Ship to Arrive Credit Card Number: Expiration Date: CCV Code: Discover Description Ref Cat. No. Refill Qty Refill Price Our Genes, Our Selves Drawer 1 160 Control paper SA-1P84E 1 Pk/160 $8.95 16 Cups, plastic, 9 oz TW-9CX16 1 Pk/16 $7.95 8 Droppers, plastic SP-DX16E 1 Pk/16 $4.25 Germinating paper circles SA-1P82E 1 Pk/120 $19.50 120 ✘ ✘ 1 ✘ Nicotiana seeds (900 seeds) SA-1B42E 1 $19.95 40 Petri dishes, plastic, clear RPDC-003 1 $1.25 SA-1P83E 1 Pk/160 $9.95 160 ✘ PTC paper 1 SALI MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) SALI-MSDS 1 $0.00 1 Videotape, Marfan Foundation: “How Do Your Genes Fit?” SA-1DVD1 1 $24.50 Drawer 2 1 Disks, plastic, pack of 12 blue and 12 orange SA-1P79E 1 $5.20 8 Disks, plastic, pack of 30 blue and 20 orange SA-1P80E 1 $6.25 40 Petri dishes, plastic, black RPDB-003 1 $2.50 SA-1P04E 1 Pk/16 $5.90 Balls, foam, 1-1⁄2 inch BA-005J 1 $0.95 100 Brass fasteners, round head SA-1P40E 1 Pk/100 $8.95 50 Paper clips, yellow SA-1P39E 1 Pk/50 $4.20 Drawer 3 16 ✘ "Balls, foam, 1 inch 56 ✘ Turn over for Drawer 3 (Cont.) LAB-AIDS® 17 Colt Court, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 800.381.8003 631.737.1286 (Date) LabAidsInc @LabAids Order Qty Extended Price KIT QTY Consumable Science Grade 7 - Our Genes, Our Selves Refill List Description Ref Cat. No. Refill Qty Refill Price Order Qty Our Genes, Our Selves Studying Soil Scientifically Drawer 3 (Cont.) 16 ✘ Pipe cleaners, blue SA-1P33E 1 Pk/16 $5.95 16 ✘ Pipe cleaners, orange SA-1P34E 1 Pk/16 $5.95 60 ✘ Straws, blue SA-1P36E 1 Pk/60 $7.95 50 ✘ Straws, green SA-1P37E 1 Pk/50 $7.25 40 ✘ Straws, red SA-1P38E 1 Pk/40 $6.95 Thumbtacks, blue SA-1P35E 1 Pk/40 $4.25 Toothpick, wooden TP-006 1 Pk/250 $2.75 40 100 ✘ Sub Total Our Guarantee Our guarantee is simple! You must be satisfied with every product you purchase from LAB-AIDS Inc. If you are not 100% satisfied, let us know within 30 days and we will issue a replacement, refund, exchange or credit. Please review the terms and conditions at Tax 12% Shipping & Handling Total LAB-AIDS® 17 Colt Court, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 800.381.8003 631.737.1286 LabAidsInc @LabAids Extended Price Science Grade 7 - Studying Materials Scientifically Refill List To place order fill out this form and fax to 631.737.1286, or email it to Bill To: Ship To: School: Address: City: State: Telephone #: Purchase Order #: Name: School: Address: City: State: Payment: Consumable Zip: Ship Immediately PO Visa KIT QTY Zip: Check Credit Card Mastercard Ship to Arrive Credit Card Number: Expiration Date: CCV Code: Discover Description Ref Cat. No. Refill Qty Refill Price Studying Materials Scientifically Master Drawer 24 Cups, plastic, 9 oz TW-9CX16 1 Pk/16 $7.95 1 IAPS MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) IAPS-MSDS 1 $0.00 Trays, SEPUP, Lab-Aids "Signature" item CT-001 1 $6.95 1 Pk/8 $8.95 16 Drawer 1 2 Copper Wire, 12" SS-1P17E 10 Cylinders, aluminum, 1.905cm X 0.5" dia AL-002E 1 $1.95 10 Cylinder, zinc, 0.789cm x 0.5" dia ZI-002A 1 $1.95 16 Droppers, plastic SP-DX16E 1 Pk/16 $4.25 1 DVD, Issues and Physical Science (Hazardous Materials / Waste Disposal) IAPS-1DVD1 1 $12.95 80 Filter paper circles, 6cm IAPS-P15 1 Pk/80 $9.95 16 Forceps, plastic TW-001 1 $3.50 60 HDPE Tube, red, 7/16" long IAPS-P14 1 Pk/60 $5.95 1 ✘ Iron (III) Nitrate solution (supplied as crystals), 40,000 ppm, 240 ml HM-2B01E 1 $12.95 2 ✘ Mineral Oil, 480 ml HM-2B02E 1 $12.95 8 Nematode funnel, Lab-Aids "Signature" item NE-002B 1 $3.95 8 Nematode wire screen WI-001 1 $1.95 20 Pipet, dropper, 3 ml graduated SS-1P16E 1 Pk/20 $6.95 Turn over for Drawer 1 (Cont.), 2, and 3 LAB-AIDS® 17 Colt Court, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 800.381.8003 631.737.1286 (Date) LabAidsInc @LabAids Order Qty Extended Price KIT QTY Consumable Science Grade 7 - Studying Materials Scientifically Refill List Description Ref Cat. No. Refill Qty Refill Price Materials Scientifically Studying Soil Scientifically Drawer 1 (Cont.) 2 Jars, empty, 240 ml IAPS-B19 1 $3.95 60 Squares, HDPE, black IAPS-P13 1 Pk/60 $4.95 16 Steel wool pieces WD-2P08 1 Pk/4 $4.95 80 Washers, aluminum TW-1-14W 1 Pk/80 $5.95 Drawer 2 16 Base for 50 ml graduated cylinder RTU-002 1 $1.95 8 Chemical Data Card sets (set of 12) IAPS-P06 1 $10.95 IAPS-B01 1 $4.95 TUBE008 1 $2.95 HM-2B08E 1 $6.95 SS-1B26-B 1 $16.95 2 ✘ Cobalt chloride paper strips, vial/100 16 ✘ 8 ✘ Ethanol, dispensing, 60 ml Cylinder, graduated 50 ml BEST VALUE Ethanol, 480 ml 10 8 pH color charts C1-PHX10 C1-PHX10 1 Pk/10 $4.951 Pk/10 ✘ Potassium Thiocyanate solution, 0.1M, drop control, 30 ml HM-1-2EA ✘ Potassium Thiocyanate solution, 0.1M, 240 ml 2 BEST VALUE ✘ Universal Indicator paper, vial/100 $4.95 1 $4.95 HM-1-2-B 1 $12.95 UN002 1 $4.95 16 Vial caps for 3 dram vials SA-1P32E 1 Pk/16 $5.95 16 Vials, small (3 dram) SA-1P31E 1 Pk/16 $7.95 8 "Water", empty, drop control, 30 ml WH-1-4EA 1 $2.95 8 Wire Harness and Bulb Assemblies TW-EHX1 1 $5.45 EHR-2B01E 1 $4.95 EHR-2B01-B 1 $12.95 Drawer 3 8 ✘ Copper Chloride solution, 100,000 ppm, drop control, 30 ml ✘ Copper Chloride solution, 100,000 ppm, 240 ml BEST VALUE 8 Bars, aluminum, 0.5" x 0.5" x 5.0CM AL-006B 1 $2.75 8 Bar, steel, 0.5" x 0.5" x 5.0CM ST-020B 1 $4.95 1 Clay, modeling, set CL-013 1 $10.95 8 Cubes, aluminum, 1" AL-006A 1 $3.50 8 Cube, steel, 1" ST-020A 1 $3.95 See next page for Drawer 3 (Cont.) LAB-AIDS® 17 Colt Court, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 800.381.8003 631.737.1286 LabAidsInc @LabAids Order Qty Extended Price KIT QTY Consumable Science Grade 7 - Studying Materials Scientifically Refill List Description Ref Cat. No. Refill Qty Refill Price Order Qty Energy Soil Scientifically Studying Drawer 3 (Cont.) 120 Cup lids, plastic, for 3.25 oz cups IAPS-P52 1 Pk/50 $6.95 10 Cup lids, plastic, for 9 oz cups FA-CLX16 1 Pk/16 $8.95 Cups, plastic, clear, 3.25 oz IAPS-P51 1 Pk/50 $8.50 8 Cylinders, aluminum, 5cm x 13mm diameter AL-002A 1 $1.95 8 Cylinders, steel, 5cm x 13mm diameter ST-010A 1 $1.95 Rulers, metric, plastic, 15cm RU-003B 1 $0.95 120 16 Sub Total Our Guarantee Our guarantee is simple! You must be satisfied with every product you purchase from LAB-AIDS Inc. If you are not 100% satisfied, let us know within 30 days and we will issue a replacement, refund, exchange or credit. Please review the terms and conditions at Tax 12% Shipping & Handling Total LAB-AIDS® 17 Colt Court, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 800.381.8003 631.737.1286 LabAidsInc @LabAids Extended Price Science Grade 7 - The Chemistry of Materials Refill List To place order fill out this form and fax to 631.737.1286, or email it to Bill To: Ship To: School: Address: City: State: Telephone #: Purchase Order #: Name: School: Address: City: State: Payment: Consumable Zip: Ship Immediately PO Visa KIT QTY Zip: Check Credit Card Mastercard Ship to Arrive Credit Card Number: Expiration Date: CCV Code: Discover Description Refill Qty Refill Price PL-1-6EA 1 $6.95 Ref Cat. No. The Chemistry of Materials Drawer 1 1 ✘ Acetone, 180 ml 1 Block, 3/16" x 4" x 4", ceramic tile CT-004A 1 $1.95 8 Blocks, 3/16" x 1" x 1", ceramic tile CT-004 1 $0.60 8 Blocks, 3/16" x 1" x 1", wood WS-001B 1 $0.95 1 Carbon rod, 3/16" x 6" CR-001A 1 $0.95 12 Carbon rods, 3/16"x1.5" IAPS-P16 1 Pk/12 $7.95 8 Element Card set (set of 13) IAPS-P07 1 $6.95 8 Element Family Card sets (set of 4) IAPS-P08 1 $6.95 1 Glass rod, 5MM x 6" GR-005 1 $1.95 12 Glass rods, 5MMx1.5" IAPS-P17 1 Pk/12 $7.95 Granite pieces GR001 1 $0.95 IAPS Molecular model set IAPS-P22 1 $24.95 8 Limestone pieces LI005 1 $0.95 8 Material Data Card set (set of 21) IAPS-P09 1 $6.95 8 Glass scratch plates, 1 x2" SC-004 1 $2.95 8 16 1 ✘ Square set, high-density polyethylene (HDPE), 40 red & 10 black IAPS-P28 1 $5.95 1 ✘ Square set, polypropylene (PP), 40 blue & 10 clear IAPS-P29 1 $5.95 1 ✘ Square set, polystyrene (PS), 40 yellow & 10 white IAPS-P30 1 $5.95 Turn over for Drawer 1 (Cont.), 2, 3, and 4 LAB-AIDS® 17 Colt Court, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 800.381.8003 631.737.1286 (Date) LabAidsInc @LabAids Order Qty Extended Price KIT QTY Consumable Science Grade 7 - The Chemistry of Materials Refill List Description Ref Cat. No. Refill Qty Refill Price The Chemistry of Materials Studying Soil Scientifically Drawer 1 (Cont.) 1 ✘ Square set, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), 40 green & 10 orange IAPS-P31 1 $5.95 1 ✘ Strip, 1/2"x6", Aluminum AL013A 1 $1.25 8 ✘ 1 Pk/8 $4.95 1 ✘ Strip, 1/2"x6", Copper CO012A 1 $1.95 8 ✘ Strips, 1/2"x1.5", Copper C1-MSCX8 1 Pk/8 $4.95 1 ✘ Strip, 1/2"x6", Formica PS-010A 1 $1.95 8 ✘ Strips, 1/2"x1.5", Formica C1-MSMX8 1 ✘ Strip, 1/2"x6", Iron ST008A 8 ✘ Strips, 1/2"x1.5", Iron 1 8 Strips, 1/2"x1.5", Aluminum C1-MSAX8 1 Pk/8 $4.95 1 $0.95 C1-MSIX8 1 Pk/8 $4.95 ✘ Strip, 1/2"x6", Polystyrene PS-005A 1 $0.95 ✘ Strips, 1/2"x1.5", Polystyrene C1-MSPX8 1 Pk/8 $4.95 WS-001A 1 Pk/10 $4.95 1 $0.95 10 1 ✘ pH Strip, color 1/2"x6", charts Wood 1 ✘ Strip set, high-density polyethylene (HDPE), 50 red & 20 black IAPS-P24 1 $8.95 1 ✘ Strip set, polypropylene (PP), 50 blue & 20 clear IAPS-P25 1 $8.95 1 ✘ Strip set, polystyrene (PS), 50 yellow & 20 white IAPS-P26 1 $8.95 1 ✘ Strip set, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), 50 green & 20 orange IAPS-P27 1 $8.95 TW-EHX1 1 $5.45 8 C1-PHX10 Wire harness and bulb assemblies Drawer 2 8 "Water", empty, drop control, 30 ml btl WH-1-4EA 1 $2.95 8 Bottles, wide mouth, empty, 60 ml BTL021 1 $1.95 Cups, graduated, 30 ml TW-GCX16 1 Pk/16 $5.95 HM-2B07E 1 $4.95 HM-2B07-B 1 $9.95 WD-2B01E 1 $15.95 IAPS-B20 1 $4.95 IAPS-B20-B 1 $8.95 1 Pk/100 $1.95 32 8 ✘ Ethanol (Denatured), drop control, 30 ml BEST VALUE ✘ Ethanol (Denatured), 240 ml 3 ✘ Etching solution, 240 ml 8 ✘ Hydrochloric Acid solution, 1.0M, drop control, 15 ml ✘ Hydrochloric Acid solution, 1.0M, drop control, 120 ml 500 BEST VALUE ✘ Paper clips CL-002 See next page for Drawer 2 (Cont.), 3 and 4 LAB-AIDS® 17 Colt Court, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 800.381.8003 631.737.1286 LabAidsInc @LabAids Order Qty Extended Price KIT QTY Consumable Science Grade 7 - The Chemistry of Materials Refill List Refill Qty Refill Price PLPCX100 1 Pk/100 $5.70 PL-1-5EA 1 $6.95 PL-1-5-B 1 $13.95 ✘ Salt packets SP-SX40 1 Pk/40 $3.50 ✘ Sodium Borate solution, 4%, 30 ml PL-1-3EA 1 $4.95 PL-1-3-B 1 $12.95 Description Ref Cat. No. The Chemistry of Materials Studying Soil Scientifically Drawer 2 (Cont.) 100 8 Paper clips, colored ✘ Polyvinyl Alcohol solution, 4%, 180 ml BEST VALUE ✘ Polyvinyl Alcohol solution, 4%, 960 ml 40 8 BEST VALUE ✘ Sodium Borate solution, 4%, 240 ml 16 Spoons, plastic, large TW-SPX16 1 Pk/16 $4.95 32 Vials, small, clear plastic (3 dram) SA-1P31E 1 Pk/16 $7.95 32 Vial caps for 3 dram vials SA-1P32E 1 Pk/16 $5.95 WD-2B02E 1 $2.95 1 Pk/10 $4.95 TW-1-2EA 1 $4.95 C1-1-29E 1 $12.95 CI-001 1 $1.95 WD-2B03E 1 $4.95 WD-2B03-B 1 $12.95 Drawer 3 8 "Used Copper Chloride", empty, 30 ml btl 10 8 ✘ pH color charts Ammonia solution, 5%, drop control, 30 mlC1-PHX10 Ammonia solution, 5%, 240 ml 64 ✘ Circuit Boards, copper coated, 2"x1" 8 ✘ Copper Chloride solution, 100,000 ppm, drop control, 30 ml Copper Chloride solution, 100,000 ppm, 240 ml 16 BEST VALUE Droppers, plastic SP-DX16E 1 Pk/16 $4.25 5 Etching Trays, plastic, Lab-Aids "Signature" item RWDETCH 1 $5.95 16 Forceps, plastic TW-001 1 $3.50 16 Cylinders, graduated, plastic, 10 ml GC-003A 1 $4.95 16 Mixing/Measuring spatulas TL-MSX16E 1 Pk/16 $4.95 8 ✘ Pens, permanent marking, black 1 $2.95 WD-2P08 1 Pk/4 $4.95 WH-GBX2 1 Pk/2 $2.50 WD-2P02E 1 $14.95 16 PE-009 Steel wool pieces Drawer 4 5 1 ✘ Bags, resealable, 9x12" Copper Chloride paper, 50,000 ppm, pkg Turn over for Drawer 4 (Cont.) LAB-AIDS® 17 Colt Court, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 800.381.8003 631.737.1286 LabAidsInc @LabAids Order Qty Extended Price KIT QTY Consumable Science Grade 7 - The Chemistry of Materials Refill List Description Ref Cat. No. Refill Qty Refill Price IAPS-1DVD1 1 $12.95 1 Pk/300 $19.95 Order Qty The Chemistry of Materials Studying Soil Scientifically Drawer 4 (Cont.) DVD, Issues and Physical Science (Hazardous Materials / Waste Disposal) 1 200 ✘ Filter paper circles, 7cm C1-FX300 16 Funnels, SEPUP, Lab-Aids "Signature" item FU-001 1 $2.95 32 Reaction bottles IAPS-B03 1 $2.95 Sodium Carbonate solution, 0.8M, drop control, 30 ml TW-1-11E 1 $3.95 TW-1-11-B 1 $12.95 IAPS-B02 1 $6.95 IAPS-B02-B 1 $17.95 8 ✘ BEST VALUE ✘ Sodium Carbonate solution, 0.8M, 240 ml 8 ✘ Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate, 0.8M, drop control, 60 ml ✘ Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate, 0.8M, 480 ml BEST VALUE 240 ✘ Washers, aluminum HM-2P01E 1 Pk/240 $7.95 80 ✘ Washers, iron metal TW-1-15E 1 Pk/80 $5.95 80 ✘ Washers, zinc WD-2P06E 1/Pk 80 $5.95 Sub Total Our Guarantee Our guarantee is simple! You must be satisfied with every product you purchase from LAB-AIDS Inc. If you are not 100% satisfied, let us know within 30 days and we will issue a replacement, refund, exchange or credit. Please review the terms and conditions at Tax 12% Shipping & Handling Total LAB-AIDS® 17 Colt Court, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 800.381.8003 631.737.1286 LabAidsInc @LabAids Extended Price Science Grade 7 - Weather and Atmosphere Refill List To place order fill out this form and fax to 631.737.1286, or email it to Bill To: Ship To: School: Address: City: State: Telephone #: Purchase Order #: Name: School: Address: City: State: Payment: PO KIT QTY Consumable Visa Zip: Zip: Ship Immediately Check Credit Card Mastercard Ship to Arrive Credit Card Number: Expiration Date: CCV Code: Discover Description Ref Cat. No. Refill Qty Refill Price Weather and Atmosphere Drawer 1 16 Atmosphere card sets (set of 8) IAES-P057 1 $8.95 16 Heating earth surfaces covers TR-011 1 $2.95 16 Heating earth surfaces tray, Lab-Aids "Signature" item IAES-V011 1 $8.95 1 IAES MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) IAES-MSDS 1 $0.00 1 Satellite Image: Clouds over North America transparency IAES-P064 1 $2.95 16 Thermometers, plastic back, -10 to 70°C TH-010A 1 $2.95 32 Tube with white bottom and hole, 1 1/4" X 4 3/4" TUBE0033 1 $1.95 16 Water Cycle card sets (set of 6) IAES-P056 1 $8.95 WH-1-4EA 1 $2.95 ✘ Bromthymol Blue (BTB) indicator solution, drop control, 15 ml FA-1-18E 1 $4.95 ✘ Bromthymol Blue (BTB) indicator solution, drop control, 120 ml FA-1-18-B 1 $12.95 ✘ Calcium Chloride, 10 g IAES-B007 1 $3.95 HC-2B04-B 1 $7.95 CL-013 1 $10.95 SS-1B26E 1 $4.95 SS-1B26-B 1 $16.95 1 Pk/250 $8.95 Drawer 2 8 "Water", empty, drop control, 30 ml btl 8 8 BEST VALUE Calcium Chloride, 10 g 1 ✘ Clay, modeling, set 8 ✘ Denatured Ethanol, drop controlled, 60 ml BEST VALUE ✘ Denatured Ethanol, 480 ml 250 ✘ Index cards, 4x6" I AES-P060 Turn over for Drawer 2 (Cont.), 3, and 4 LAB-AIDS® 17 Colt Court, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 800.381.8003 631.737.1286 (Date) LabAidsInc @LabAids Order Qty Extended Price KIT QTY Consumable Science Grade 7 - Weather and Atmosphere Refill List Ref Cat. No. Refill Qty Refill Price SHC-2B12E 1 $4.95 Mineral Oil, 480 ml HM-2B02E 1 $12.95 Paper clips CL-002 1 $1.95 SP-2B04E 1 $3.95 SP-2B04-B 1 $5.25 Description Weather and Studying Soil Atmosphere Scientifically Drawer 2 (Cont.) 8 ✘ Mineral Oil, drop control, 60 ml 100 8 ✘ Sodium Chloride, 10 g BEST VALUE Sodium Chloride, 80 g 100 ✘ Sticks, popsicle IAES-P062 1 Pk/100 $5.25 200 ✘ Straws, plastic, unwrapped IAES-P063 1 Pk/200 $5.25 80 ✘ Thumbtacks, blue IAES-P059 1 Pk/80 $3.50 100 ✘ Tongue depressors IAES-P061 1Pk/100 $7.95 ✘ Wooden sticks w/pointed end IAES-P065 1 Pk/80 $6.95 1 Pk/10 $4.95 1 Pk/50 IAES-P067 $7.95 80 Drawer 3 10 80 ✘ pH color charts Cups, plastic, translucent, 3.25 oz C1-PHX10 104 ✘ Cups, plastic, 9 oz TW-9CX16 1 Pk/16 $7.95 250 ✘ Cups, tasting, paper 3/4 oz CH-TCX70 1 Pk/70 $7.95 200 ✘ IAES-P069 1 Pk/100 $7.95 Cups, tasting, paper 4 oz 1 ✘ Gravel, 500 cc WH-1-10E 1 $12.95 1 ✘ Sand, fine, 950 cc C1-1-20E 1 $8.95 Drawer 4 8 Color pencil sets, 8-colors PE-012 1 $7.95 8 Compasses CO-011A 1 $3.95 16 Cups, graduated, 30 ml TW-GCX16 1 Pk/16 $5.95 16 Dice, numbered DI-001A 1 $1.25 16 Mixing/Measuring spatulas TL-MSX16E 1 Pk/16 $4.95 16 Rulers, metric, plastic, 15cm RU-003B 1 $0.95 16 Spoons, plastic, large TW-SPX16 1 Pk/16 $4.95 See next page for Drawer 4 (Cont.) LAB-AIDS® 17 Colt Court, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 800.381.8003 631.737.1286 LabAidsInc @LabAids Order Qty Extended Price KIT QTY Consumable Science Grade 7 - Weather and Atmosphere Refill List Description Ref Cat. No. Refill Qty Refill Price Order Qty Weather and Studying Soil Atmosphere Scientifically Drawer 4 (Cont.) 16 Syringes, 20 cc SY-004 1 $2.95 16 Trays, SEPUP, Lab-Aids "Signature" item SCT-001 1 $6.95 Sub Total Our Guarantee Our guarantee is simple! You must be satisfied with every product you purchase from LAB-AIDS Inc. If you are not 100% satisfied, let us know within 30 days and we will issue a replacement, refund, exchange or credit. Please review the terms and conditions at Tax 12% Shipping & Handling Total LAB-AIDS® 17 Colt Court, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 800.381.8003 631.737.1286 LabAidsInc @LabAids Extended Price Science Grade 7 - MI 7th Grade Supplement Additional Focus Lessons Refill List To place order fill out this form and fax to 631.737.1286, or email it to Bill To: Ship To: School: Address: City: State: Telephone #: Purchase Order #: Name: School: Address: City: State: Payment: PO KIT QTY Consumable Visa Zip: Zip: Ship Immediately Check Credit Card Mastercard Ship to Arrive Credit Card Number: Expiration Date: CCV Code: Discover Description Ref Cat. No. Refill Qty Refill Price MI 7th Grade Supplement - Additional Focus Lessons 8 Basin with lines and holes, plastic BA-021A 1 $8.00 Fat Testing Paper charts MI7-L01 1 Pk/40 $4.25 6A-7EA 1 $3.95 40 ✘ 8 ✘ Glucose solution, drop control, 30 ml 1 Map of Major US Rivers (#437) Transparency 437-TRA1 1 $6.25 1 Map of the Mississippi Sub-Basins (#437) Transparency 437-TRA3 1 $6.25 1 Sample Map of the Water Flow within the Model (#437) Transparency 437-TRA2 1 $6.25 8 ✘ Starch Suspension, drop control, 30 ml 6A-8EA 1 $3.95 3 ✘ "Unknown" solution, drop control, 30 ml 63-2EAMI 1 $3.25 8 ✘ Vegetable Oil, drop control, 30 ml 6A-9EA 1 $3.95 Colored pencils, red/blue PE-006 1 $1.65 16 100 ✘ Coverslips, glass GS-007 1 ✘ Food Coloring solution, blue, drop control, 15 ml SA-1B03E 36 ✘ Germinating papers, half 1 ✘ 8 $2.95 $4.95 MI7-P01 1 Pk/36 $5.80 Grass Seed, vial 63-1EA 1 $3.25 Landform (437) V-437TRAY 1 $5.95 SS-1B22E 2 $14.50 ✘ Lugol's solution, 20 ml 30 ✘ 100 1 Pk/100 1 8 Microscope slides GS-004 1 Pk/30 $4.65 Molecular model piece with 2-pegs, red IAPS-RTC2 1 Pk/100 $14.65 Turn over for additional items LAB-AIDS® 17 Colt Court, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 800.381.8003 631.737.1286 (Date) LabAidsInc @LabAids Order Qty Extended Price KIT QTY Consumable Science Grade 7 - MI 7th Grade Supplement Additional Focus Lessons Refill List Description Refill Qty Refill Price *PDC-001 1 $0.45 62-3EA 1 $3.95 Ref Cat. No. Order Qty MI 7th Grade Studying Soil Supplement Scientifically- Additional Focus Lessons 9 Petri dishes, 2-section, plastic, clear 1 ✘ Petrolatum, vial 8 Pipet, dropper, 3 ml graduated DR-004A 1 $0.45 30 Razor blades 66-RBX15 1 Pk/15 $5.50 8 Spring, mini, metal SP-008 1 $1.95 8 String, Elastic for basin ST-022 1 $0.75 22-TSX60 1 Pk/60 $24.95 300 ✘ Test Strips 30 Toothpicks, green, plastic 62-GTX30 1 Pk/30 $1.95 8 Wavemaker paddles, Lab-Aids "Signature" item IAES-V008 1 $4.95 Sub Total Our Guarantee Our guarantee is simple! You must be satisfied with every product you purchase from LAB-AIDS Inc. If you are not 100% satisfied, let us know within 30 days and we will issue a replacement, refund, exchange or credit. Please review the terms and conditions at Tax 12% Shipping & Handling Total LAB-AIDS® 17 Colt Court, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 800.381.8003 631.737.1286 LabAidsInc @LabAids Extended Price