November 2013 - Great Bend USD 428
November 2013 - Great Bend USD 428
Relay Staff Newsletter from the Office of Public Information FOR LIFE — JUNE 10 Volume 23 Issue 3 November 2013 LET THE CHALLENGE BEGIN Ed Foundation event needs your support Tickets still available for Nov. 26 dinner Tickets are now on sale for the 24th annual USD 428 Education Foundation dinner that will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 26 at the Great Bend Convention Center. The USD 428 Education Foundation is issuing a challenge to each school in the district to fill an eighttop table for this year’s fund raiser. Tickets are available at the District Education Center for $50 each (the same price as in 1989). “We’re shaking things up a bit this year and moving back toward our roots,” said Jennifer Schartz, USD 428 public information director. In the early years, the fund raiser was a gourmet dinner, but for the past few years it has been more casual and has included live and silent auctions. “We’ve taken the best of both ideas and I think we have come up with something pretty special,” Schartz said. “It will be a fine-dining experience with china, real linens and fresh flowers and a very nice catered buffet.” The theme for the evening is Boots, Bling and Beer and will allow for women to dress in upscale country bling if they like, while the men can just dress in jeans and boots. The evening will feature a beer tasting during the 6:30 p.m. social. Six different micro-brewed beers from Gella’s in Hays will be available for sampling. Flavors include Pumpkin Ale, American Wheat, Oatmeal Stout, IPA, Pale Ale and Brown Ale. Wine will also be available. The Education Foundation opted to seek sponsors for Tricia Reiser, USD 428 Education Foundation president, poses with a two-piece wooden beverage cooler that was built by the Great Bend High School Manufacturing class taught by Travis Straub. The cooler will be offered by silent auction at the foundation's fund-raising dinner on Nov. 26. Continued on Page 2 Pursuing Excellence November 2013 Relay Page 2 Nancy Schuetz and Zusseth Pinello, sponsors of the Great Bend High School El Sol Mexican Dancers, present girls wearing new costumes acquired through a 2013-14 Education Foundation minigrant. It was the first update in nearly 20 years. Minigrants help supplement school funding Continued from Page 1 the evening to help with fund raiser rather than have an auction. Those businesses stepping up to the plate include Great Bend Regional Hospital, Stueder Contractors, Venture Corporation and Wheatland Electric Co-op. Haney Liquor will provide keg beer and wine. During the past 24 years, the fund raiser has provided more than $250,000 in minigrants to teachers so they can provide educational opportunities outside the normal funding stream for their students. “If you have ever received a minigrant or plan to apply for one in the future, please consider supporting this fund raiser,” said Superintendent Tom Vernon. Four members of the USD 428 Education Foundation meet to discuss this year’s dinner fund raiser. They are from left, Kim Mitchell, MelEesa Stueder, Kevin Mauler and Bob Hiss. This year’s Boots, Bling and Beer event will be on Tuesday, Nov. 26. Members of the foundation include Tricia Reiser, president; Kevin Mauler, MelEesa Stueder, Molly Hildebrand, Annalee Crotinger, Kim Mitchell and Bob Hiss. Tickets may also be purchased from any foundation member. “It would be nice to see a Pursuing Excellence table of educators from each school supporting this worthwhile fund raiser,” Vernon said. Let the challenge begin! November 2013 Relay Page 3 Members of the Great Bend High School Lady Panther volleyball team pose with some of the Park School students who received mini volleyballs during a drawing. Team serves up inspiration for kids learning volleyball It was point, game, match for Park School students recently when a unit in physical education class culminated in a field trip and the opportunity to meet members of a real winning volleyball team. Park School PE Teacher Tom Grieb taught a volleyball unit for the past couple of weeks and in the class students learned to pass, set, serve and play “Champions of the Court.” To take the experience to the next level, he consulted with his fellow teacher, Kelsey Perry, who is also the Great Bend High School volleyball coach. Perry helped arrange for the students from Park School to take field trip to watch the Lady Panther volleyball team demonstrate their advanced skills and techniques. To top off the experience, students’ names were drawn to win a mini volleyball donated by Venture Corporation. “It was a very fun afternoon for the Park students as well as the volleyball team,” Perry said. The GBHS volleyball team makes a tunnel for all students to go through as they leave the gym. Pursuing Excellence November 2013 Relay Page 4 DAY It was back to school for teachers on Oct. 21 as USD 428 hosted Curriculum Day. The special day-long inservice allowed educators to expand their personal depth of knowledge on the subject of depth of knowledge and also explore the 16 Habits of Mind as suggested by Arthur L. Costa, Ed.D. and Bena Kallick, Ph.D. Pictured at top left, high school and middle school English teachers work on a writing program; center left, teachers enjoy a break at the high school; bottom left, Riley School teachers personalize aprons to hold random sticks, cheer sticks, timers and other things for use during lessons; above, Tim Friess, high school principal, addresses a request from former student, Allison Ohnmacht, during a break. Pursuing Excellence Relay November 2013 Page 5 USD 428 Education Foundation hf fW GEK Xwâvtà|ÉÇ YÉâÇwtà|ÉÇ cÜxáxÇàá & beer TÇÇâtÄ W|ÇÇxÜ tÇw Tâvà|ÉÇ g|v~xà ÑÜ|vx 7HC Please support education Fund Raiser for Minigrants gâxáwtç? aÉäxÅuxÜ EI? ECDF ZÜxtà UxÇw VÉÇäxÇà|ÉÇ VxÇàxÜ IMFC ÑAÅA áÉv|tÄ {ÉâÜ yxtàâÜ|Çz DE Å|vÜÉuÜxãxw uxxÜ yÄtäÉÜá yÉÜ àtáà|Çz yÉÄÄÉãxw uç t uâyyxà w|ÇÇxÜ áxÜä|Çz fÑ|Çtv{ tÇw XâÜÉÑxtÇ ZÜxxÇá ftÄtw [tÇw@VtÜäxw UtÜÉÇ Éy Uxxy UtvÉÇ jÜtÑÑxw cxà|àx cÉÜ~ _É|Ç fâÇyÄÉãxÜ fàtàx V{xxáç gã|vx Ut~xw cÉàtàÉxá Call UÄxÇw Jennifer Schartz, UÜÉvvÉÄ| VtÄ|yÉÜÇ|t YtÜÅ@fàçÄx VÉÜÇ 793-1500, ã|à{ UâààxÜ jtàxÜ tÇw gxt for eÉÄÄá more information or to reserve your seat. exw ixÄäxà? V{ÉvÉÄtàx 9BÉÜ VtÜÜÉà Vt~x Tuesday, Nov. 26 Tickets are $50 fÑÉÇáÉÜxw |Ç ÑtÜà uç fàâxwxÜ VÉÇàÜtvàÉÜá? j{xtàÄtÇw XÄxvàÜ|v? ZÜxtà UxÇw exz|ÉÇtÄ [ÉáÑ|àtÄ tÇw fàÜtâu \ÇàxÜÇtà|ÉÇtÄ UÉÉàá tÇw UÄ|Çz WÜxáá TwÅ|Üxw çu àÜtÑ Ç| wxÜÉáÇÉÑf ÜÉàvtÜàÇradio! ÉV Üxwxâàf who’s on ?áthe Nov. 5 – Dan Heath, fall play ?v|ÜàvxÄX wÇtÄàtx{j Nov. 12 – Rollie Peter, FFA Nov. 19 – Barbara Watson, debate Ätà|ÑáÉ[ ÄtÇÉ|zxe wÇxU àtx Nov. 26 – Santa’s Workshop, Diann Henderson, Great Bend Recreation Commission ÄtÇÉ|àtÇÜxàÇ\ uâtÜàf wÇt Room 428 airs on KVGB 1590 every Tuesday at 11:35 a.m. Pursuing Excellence November 2013 Relay Page 6 Staff gets involved in homecoming Upper left, Eric Dowson, Park School teacher, runs to keep up with a float. Top, Travis Straub, woodworking teacher, drives the high school’s electric car. Above, Bryan Scott, Riley School teacher, pulls a float with a big green tractor. Left, Mark Dewald and Austin Russell, band instructors, prepare to start the pregame program. Pursuing Excellence Relay November 2013 Page 7 Staff boosts homecoming spirit ’Merica Monday Meredith Musil, Jessica Ferguson Paula Laudick, Kathy Goad, Rhonda Snyder, Pam Jenkinson Teresa Frieb, Dawn Galusha Tim Friess, Kerri Batman, Erin Bentley, Randy Wetzel Pursuing Excellence Kristen Baker, Kay Burns, Debbie Koelsch Relay November 2013 Page 8 GBHS Fall Homecoming Right, Daniel Schneider, Zac Bartel, Lisa Thompson, Jeremy Foster Above, Barbi Harris, Karen Clark Dressing alike adds to fun TWIN DAY (& Triplet Day & Quadruplet Day) Debbie Koelsch, Janette Bryant, Wendy Popp Mandy Charles, Emily Mulch Pursuing Excellence Novem ber 2013 Relay Page 9 graduations scheduled Park School students try on riot gear for size. Monday, November 18 Lincoln School 6 p.m. With Great Bend Police Officer Jefferson Davis Thursday, November 21 Jefferson School 1:30 p.m. With Great Bend Police Officer Jacob Harlow Friday, November 22 Eisenhower School 1:30 p.m. With Great Bend Police Officer Jefferson Davis Pursuing Excellence November 2013 Relay Page 10 ABOVE, Shannon Wedel, elementary art teacher, puts up a new display of student artwrork at the District Education Center. Left, Two attendees to the Education Foundation sponsored Great Bend Chamber of Commerce coffee on Sept. 26 enjoy the gallery. The art show draws many proud parents to the DEC. Pursuing Excellence November Birthdays November 2013 1 Cindy Prescott 2 Kelsey Scheuerman 3 Patti Blackwell 4 Carla Maneth Doris Flores Susan Courson Liliana Luna $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Tiffany Cargill 5 Sharon Ferguson 7 Carolyn Oetken 9 Sharon Jenkins Linda Martin Janet Degenhardt 10 Margaret Flint Health Insurance Information Cash Difference from Prior Year (113,088) October (49,256) November (120,640) December (27,823) January (43,537) February (6,471) March (72,310) April 88,066 May 157,845 June (23,961) July 15,223 August 21,266 September The Relay is a staff newsletter created for, by and about USD 428 employees under the direction of Jennifer Schartz, public information director. It is published in both hard-copy and electronic formats each month during the school year. Items for publication may be submitted by the 25th of each month to: Tony Crough 11 Loretta Gray Karen Smith Erin Bentley 13 Melody Johnston Barbara Harris Matt Mazouch 14 Kay Burns Rosalia Sandoval Tricia Reiser 15 Blythe Murphy 16 Monica Reza 17 Eric Dowson Lori McLeland Page 11 18 Marilyn Holinde 19 Dawn Galusha Dale Kuhlman 20 Traci Suppes Michelle Moore Maggie Miller 24 Ronda Baird 26 Nichole Jeffrey Sharon Jelinek Judy Sneath Amber Snook Alicia Huntington 27 21 Trina Rector 22 Edna Jones Ashley Riley Dennis Johnson 23 Brian Vesta Cheryl Muth 28 Monta Wolf Lisa Babcock 30 Nancy Baxter Peggy Haag Misty Jimison HEALTH CARE SERVICES RESERVE FUND RENEWAL OCTOBER 2012 CARRYOVER BALANCE: OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER PREMIUMS $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CLAIMS PAID 272,075 $ 273,633 $ 271,427 $ 265,047 $ 270,973 $ 270,613 $ 270,114 $ 270,121 $ 267,137 $ 264,062 $ 244,006 $ 303,363 $ 225,262 $ 190,208 $ 273,120 $ 220,060 $ 284,432 $ 275,101 $ 329,602 $ 214,704 $ 226,618 $ 435,038 $ 263,222 $ 283,940 $ DIFFERENCE $ 46,813 $ 83,425 $ (1,693) $ 44,987 $ (13,460) $ (4,488) $ (59,488) $ 55,417 $ 40,521 $ (170,976) $ (19,216) $ 19,422 $ CASH BALANCE 2,384,853 2,431,666 2,515,091 2,513,398 2,558,385 2,544,925 2,540,437 2,480,950 2,536,367 2,576,888 2,405,912 2,386,696 2,406,119 PRIOR YEAR’S (Renewal October 2011) WORKSHEET Premiums Claims Paid Difference CARRYOVER BALANCE: $ 270,361 $ 107,118 $ 163,242 OCTOBER $ 258,658 $ 239,064 $ 19,593 NOVEMBER $ 261,853 $ 192,162 $ 69,691 DECEMBER $ 266,625 $ 314,456 $ (47,830) JANUARY $ 249,155 $ 246,901 $ 2,254 FEBRUARY $ 262,653 $ 304,208 $ (41,555) MARCH $ 254,926 $ 248,574 $ 6,352 APRIL $ 261,226 $ 366,186 $ (104,959) MAY $ 256,100 $ 285,358 $ (29,257) JUNE $ 237,650 $ 226,820 $ 10,830 JULY $ 250,075 $ 308,474 $ (58,399) AUGUST $ 278,474 $ 265,095 $ 13,379 SEPTEMBER Pursuing Excellence $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Cash Balance 2,381,512 2,544,754 2,564,348 2,634,038 2,586,208 2,588,463 2,546,908 2,553,260 2,448,300 2,419,043 2,429,873 2,371,474 2,384,853 November 2013 Relay Page 12 Ed Foundation SAYS The USD 428 Education Foundation sponsored the Great Bend Chamber of Commerce coffee on Sept. 26. The non-profit fund-raising group used the event to kick off the ticket sales for its annual dinner. Above, MelEesa Stueder, committee member, visits with Jan Westfall. Right, Andrea Bauer, gets ready to hand out tickets for the drawing while Superintendent Tom Vernon watches. Below, school board members Cheryl Rugan and Kevin Mauler visit with Tom Vernon. Below right, community members enjoy coffee and coffee cake. Pursuing Excellence November 2013 Relay Page 13 Little people tackle really big problem Riley School recently observed Bullying Awareness Week with a poster contest for students. Michelle Daniel, family support worker, said that 16 awesome posters were selected for special recognition. She said the theme for the contest was “Laughter Hurts.” Winning posters were hung in the school’s entryway. Kimberly Pilo Nevaeh Estes and Eli Contreras Marlen Gonzales Hector Dominguez Edgar Ruiz Lopez Brianna Ordonez Michelle Daniel, Riley School family support worker, congratulates Joanna Diaz. Pursuing Excellence November 2013 Personnel Agenda Page 14 Q&A Cody David Lanterman Dave and Misty Lanterman, Park School thirdgrade teacher, announce the birth of their son, Cody David Lanterman. He was born on Oct. 7, weighed 8 lbs., 2 oz. and measured 20 1/2 in. long. ••• Olivia Blackwell Olivia Blackwell, Great Bend High School sophomore and daughter of Mark and Patti Blackwell, CPTA, has joined the cast of The Prairie Nutcracker Ballet. This is the second time she has been in the ballet and can be seen in four different Cathie McManaman, Jan Flint, Dena Hiss, Walt Crist and Graham Hiss parts. The show will be held at the Fox Theater in Hutchinson Dec. 13-15. Tickets for the play can be purchased at www.prairie ••• Cathie McManaman, transportation secretary, is the middle generation in her family. She not only is a grandmother, she still has a living grandfather. The group recently posed for a five-generation picture. They included her grandfather Walt Crist, who is 94, her mother, Jan Flint, her daughter, Dena Hiss, and her grandson, Graham Hiss. ••• Jeremy Rusco, son of Clark and Donna Rusco, Jefferson School fifth-grade teacher, was recently honored as a 2013 Outstanding Recent Graduate by Emporia State University. Jeremy Ryan Axman, technology coordinator, was recently asked by a teacher how to extend the bulb life of his projector without having to turn the projector on and off all day. It seems that the cool down and warm up of the projector takes a long time. Axman said the answer is to use the “Pic Mute” or “AV Mute” button on the projector remote. When you press this button it turns off the bulb, but leaves the projector on allowing you to start the projector quickly again. Try it and see if it works for you. It will extend the life of the projector bulbs and save electricity along the way. questions? Jeremy Rusco was a 2006 ESU graduate with a degree in business administration. He received this honor, in part, for starting Dynamic Discs, a premier disc-golf retailer. He started the business in 2005 as an eBay company that now has retail storefronts in Emporia, Kansas City and Lewisville, Texas. Disc golf is one of the fastest-growing sports in the United States. Pursuing Excellence Please submit questions of a general nature to Jennifer Schartz, Relay editor, at Selected questions will be answered in future newsletters. USD 428 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or disability. November 2013 Relay Yes, We Can* Please recycle your aluminum cans every first Friday at Jefferson School. Proceeds go to the Jefferson Jets Cure for Life team to aid in cancer research. *Beat Cancer! Pursuing Excellence Page 15 November 2013 Relay School board inspects gym during walkthrough A board of education walkthrough of the nearly completed gym at Great Bend Middle School during a special meeting on Oct. 23 resulted in a few more items on the to-do list by construction crews. BOE members indicated concerns about concrete and drainage issues and a wheel-chair ramp that is not ADA compliant. Steve Rotramel, project supervisor, assured them that all of the necessary work will be done to their satisfaction before the project is completed. He said he is hopeful that the building will be done by the end of November, but new items on the list may move that date back. At top, the outside of the new gym is nearly complete; center, Dwight Young and David Meter look at the sub-floor before the wooden gym floor is layed; right, board members look at a ramp on the south side that does not meet ADA requirements and will be replaced. Pursuing Excellence Page 16 November 2013 Relay B LUE P RINT P PR RAC ACT TIIC CE E Pursuing Excellence Page 17 Students of Jake Hofflinger, Great Bend High School technologies teacher, show projects in various stages of completion during a unit on Production Blueprint Reading. Students made World Fair Pavilions after researching a country of their choice and selecting an architectural style to best represent that country. Then they created a plan view and elevations of each building and built a foam model using the plan view. The buildings are all built to the scale 1/4 inch = 2 feet. Each building has a specific function and square footage and foot traffic circulation was figured into the design. Pictured at left are Alan Bobbit, Keaton Reneau, Conrad Montoya and Dominique Rideaux; below are Ivan Gonzalaz, Storm McNett and Tyler Robb. November 2013 Relay Building leadership INSPIRED BY leadership building Great Bend High and Middle School building leadership teams convened last week for a follow-up training session to learn more professional learning communities from Dr. Kelly Gillespie, Southwest Plains Regional Service Center director. Pictured include at top left, Janette Bryant and Gillespie; top right, Tim Friess, Chris Battin and Gillespie; and here, Jessica Ferguson, Janette Bryant, Julie Buzard and Kayci Scott. Pursuing Excellence Page 18