FOR SALE Resort Town Homes from the $90`s Golf Course Homes
FOR SALE Resort Town Homes from the $90`s Golf Course Homes
FOR SALE Resort Town Homes from the $90’s Golf Course Homes from the $150’s CALL TODAY! Contact us Today Located at the Regal Palms Resort & Spa Clubhouse Sales: (001) 863.424.6141 Ext. 6110 Email: Florida Property Guide Orlando Contact us Today Located at the Regal Palms Resort & Spa Clubhouse Sales: (001) 863.424.6141 Ext. 6110 Email: Welcome to Florida Florida is one of the world’s favorite holiday destinations, with over 60 million visitors a year. Orlando is Florida’s most popular vacation destination making it the ideal place to enjoy memorable holidays with friends and family. There are a multitude of theme parks, attractions, sporting and leisure activities, world class shopping malls, as well as an extensive choice of superb golf courses. In addition to the wonderfully warm and sunny climate, Florida has areas of breathtaking natural beauty and extensive wildlife. There are fabulous beaches on both the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, washed by warm blue waters and fringed with tropical palm trees, all within easy reach of Orlando. D9LOOD5HDOW\FOLHQWVEHQH¿WIURPRXUZLGHUDQJHRI new and resale property in some of Florida’s best locations. Climate Why F lorida Contact us Today Located at the Regal Palms Resort & Spa Clubhouse Sales: (001) 863.424.6141 Ext. 6110 Email: Florida boasts year-round sunny weather. The state as a whole enjoys temperatures above 20°C almost every day of the year. July and August are the warmest months at 31°C. October to March are cooler at 20°C. Gainesville ºC ºF 35 100 30 90 25 80 20 70 15 60 10 50 5 40 0 0 Jan Feb Ma r A pr Ma y Jun 6. 5 7. 5 8.5 10 9. 5 9 Jul Aug Sep Oct N ov Dec 8.5 8. 5 8 7. 5 7 6. 5 6. 5 5.8 5. 3 Average daily hours of sun in Florida 6. 5 7. 5 8.5 3. 8 6.3 20.7 22.2 25.7 19.1 Average monthly rainfall (cm) 10 good reasons to buy property in Florida from 4aVilla Realty 1. The United States has the world’s largest economy, a stable democracy and is the world’s leader in advanced technologies. 2. The state of Florida is the #1 choice for relocation, vacations, retirement, and second home purchase. 3. 7KH6XQVKLQH6WDWHEHQH¿WVIURPRYHUGD\VVXQVKLQHD\HDU 4. Florida represents an excellent investment opportunity with consistent capital growth through a strong economy with an industrial base as well as supporting one of the world’s leading tourist destinations. 5. Florida’s exceptional success as a year round tourist destination EHQH¿WVSURSHUW\RZQHUVE\SURYLGLQJDERYHDYHUDJHUHQWDOLQFRPHDQG occupancy levels. One of the world’s favorite holiday destinations, with excellent investment opportunities 6. 7KH86'UDWHRIH[FKDQJHLVSDUWLFXODUO\EHQH¿FLDOWRLQWHUQDWLRQDO investors who will discover they are able to purchase bigger and better homes than in other 1st world economies. 7. The Florida lifestyle boasts an exceptional standard and quality of life. 8. Homes in Florida are typically 50% larger than equivalent properties in other countries. 9. Florida has a well developed transport infrastructure making it accessible from anywhere in the world. Its network of modern Air & Sea ports, Road & Rail routes make it easy to reach and navigate. 10. Florida is culturally and historically rich as well as being blessed with some of the world’s most fascinating tropical wildlife. ZZZD9LOODFRPŇSee back page for contact details. ORLANDO Average max. daily temperature, Florida Average max. daily temperature , London Contact us Today Located at the Regal Palms Resort & Spa Clubhouse Sales: (001) 863.424.6141 Ext. 6110 Email: It’s smooth sailing with us in the best locations and here are just a few of the many reasons why you should choose 4aVilla Realty as your partner in the purchase of your new property. Market Leaders About Us Contact us Today Located at the Regal Palms Resort & Spa Clubhouse Sales: (001) 863.424.6141 Ext. 6110 Email: We offer the widest choice of property D9LOOD5HDOW\+HDGRI¿FHLVEDVHGLQ&HQWUDO)ORULGDXQOLNHPDQ\RYHUVHDV property consultants. When it comes to Florida there is no better choice. We are an independent brokerage offering both new and resale properties. You can be assured of un-biased advice throughout your purchase. Experience & Knowledge We will share with you our extensive knowledge and experience of local markets, national trends and international opportunities. Fully Trained & Licensed Florida law requires that Real Estate professionals be licensed and pursue continuous education in order to safeguard your rights as a buyer. All our consultants in Florida are fully licensed and will guide you every step of the way. Wide Variety of Choice We have a comprehensive portfolio of new and resale property in desirable locations around the world. Preferred Service Partner Network 4avilla Realty has over a long period of time developed relationships with effective and trustworthy ancillary service providers for all aspects of property purchase and ownership. Through this network 4aVilla Realty is able to provide a one stop solution for your property needs. These services include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Mortgage Companies Title Companies Property Insurance Providers Furniture Specialists Property Management Providers Property Appraisers Property Maintenance & Renovation services Vacation Rental Companies Worldwide Tour Operators Taxation Specialists Lawyers and Attorneys Local Banking Services Web Marketing and Booking Engine Providers CALL NOWDQG¿QGRXWZK\¶VRISHRSOHKDYH already made that call. ZZZD9LOODFRPŇSee back page for contact details. Whatever the lifestyle, investment, or holiday home you’re searching for there’s no safer choice than 4aVilla Realty. ORLANDO Independent Advice Contact us Today Located at the Regal Palms Resort & Spa Clubhouse Sales: (001) 863.424.6141 Ext. 6110 Email: Individually customized and tailored to suit your requirements At 4aVilla Realty, we believe that the best possible action you can take is to experience the area and the properties for yourself. Typical visits are four days DQGZHFDQXVXDOO\DUUDQJHIRU\RXWRÀ\IURPDFRQYHQLHQWO\ORFDODLUSRUW On your arrival, you will be met by a 4aVilla representative who will take you to your luxury accommodation and will be on hand to assist you throughout your stay. Prices for visiting will vary depending on where you live and the date of travel, but we include free accommodation providing the terms and conditions of WKHWULSµERRNLQJIRUP¶DUHDGKHUHGWR,I\RXERRN\RXUÀLJKWVLQGHSHQGHQWO\ accommodation can be provided, if required, at a discounted rate. The 4aVilla Difference Our viewing trips differ from other companies because your trip will be personalized. This means that you will not be part of a large group, but will instead meet with our experienced property consultants on a one-to-one basis. Wherever possible we will prepare a portfolio of property to suit your criteria prior to your departure. A typical viewing trip will include the following: 5HWXUQVFKHGXOHGÀLJKWV • 4 days/3 nights accommodation • Un-biased advice while viewing a wide choice of property matching your requirements • Individual viewing tour with a dedicated local property consultant (not in minibuses) ZZZD9LOODFRPŇSee back page for contact details. Viewing Trips Viewing Trips ORLANDO Contact us Today Located at the Regal Palms Resort & Spa Clubhouse Sales: (001) 863.424.6141 Ext. 6110 Email: Contact us Today Located at the Regal Palms Resort & Spa Clubhouse Sales: (001) 863.424.6141 Ext. 6110 Email: We’ve got it covered We take care of you and your investment 4aVilla Realty “Double Care” Program All members of our preferred partner network come highly recommended and are considered some of the best in the business for their area of expertise. Not only do all our preferred partners provide top level customer care, 4aVilla Realty will always be there for you even after closing. Property Management & Maintenance The function of a property management company is to care for your property while you are not there. For a small fee they will ensure your bills are paid on time as well as make sure your home is regularly inspected so that it remains in tip-top condition. A good management company will conduct a program of preventative maintenance as well as repairs. It is a requirement of our preferred partner program that management companies provide an on-line statement capability so you can see the status of your home 24/7. Hospitality & Rental Services Rental income can be an important source of revenue and 4aVilla Realty will advise you with respect to the type of property and location that will have the best potential for you. Our many years of experience put us in a strong position to guide you through this important decision making process. It’s important to remember that levels of occupancy and income may depend on community amenities rather WKDQWKHVSHFL¿FDWLRQRIDQLQGLYLGXDOKRPH Financial Services 2XUDVVRFLDWHGWHDPRISURIHVVLRQDO¿QDQFLDODGYLVRUVKDYHH[WHQVLYHH[SHULHQFHLQWKH)ORULGDSURSHUW\ LQGXVWU\$UPHGZLWKWKLVNQRZOHGJHWKH\FDQJXLGH\RXWKURXJKWKHPRVWVXLWDEOH¿QDQFLDODQGWD[ HI¿FLHQWZD\RIIXQGLQJ\RXUSXUFKDVH7KH\ZLOOH[SODLQWKDWWKHUHDUHQRVHWIRUPXODVDVDGYLFHLV JLYHQRQDQLQGLYLGXDOEDVLVDQGD¿QDQFLDOSODQZLOOEHWDLORUHGWRVXLW\RXUQHHGV Services Contact us Today Located at the Regal Palms Resort & Spa Clubhouse Sales: (001) 863.424.6141 Ext. 6110 Email: On-going Customer Care At 4aVilla Realty, we are focused on making a difference by adding value for our customers. This means our relationship with you doesn’t end when you are handed the keys to your new home; it’s usually the beginning. Once you have chosen your home you will be introduced to the builders/developers customer care departments where dedicated teams are on hand to liaise with you on all aspects of your purchase from contract to closing. When you have closed our preferred partner network providers will continue to provide a high level of professional customer care for as long as you own the home. Always remember, their business relies on your satisfaction. ZZZD9LOODFRPŇSee back page for contact details. Value added services. Going the extra mile to give you more. ORLANDO They work closely with a number of major reputable lending institutions and continually monitor the market for the most competitive rates. Contact us Today Located at the Regal Palms Resort & Spa Clubhouse Sales: (001) 863.424.6141 Ext. 6110 Email: Deciding what is best for you. Where do I go from here... For many years 4aVilla Realty has helped clients make informed decisions about the type of home and location that will best suite their aspirations. Our job is to work with you and understand your goals; our experience tells us we need to help you address the following questions: - Buying Process Contact us Today Located at the Regal Palms Resort & Spa Clubhouse Sales: (001) 863.424.6141 Ext. 6110 Email: :KHQEX\LQJDVHFRQGKRPHSXUHO\IRU\RXURZQXVH\RXZLOOQHHGWREHFRQ¿GHQW\RXKDYHVHOHFWHGWKH ULJKWORFDWLRQD9LOOD5HDOW\KDVH[WHQVLYHNQRZOHGJHRIWKHORFDOPDUNHWDQGFDQ¿QGWKHULJKWSURSHUW\DQG location that meets your needs. E.g. Do you want to be near Central Florida’s attractions or is a more rural setting to your liking? Am I buying property as an investment? When considering an investment purchase there are two elements that will produce a successful venture; capital appreciation and rental income. A successful short term investment method is to buy off-plan and SUR¿WIURPFDSLWDODSSUHFLDWLRQGXULQJFRQVWUXFWLRQ$ORQJHUWHUPPHWKRGLVWREX\DSURSHUW\ZLWKKLJK rental income potential to subsidize your capital investment. Do I want to rent the property and generate income? 0DQ\RZQHUVZKRFKRRVHWRUHQWWKHLUSURSHUWLHV¿QGWKH\DUHDEOHWRDIIRUGDPRUHVXEVWDQWLDODQG desirable property than they had thought possible. So, it is well worth considering whether you want to rent before you buy a home. Have I considered whether a new or resale home is right for me? New Homes 7KHPDMRUEHQH¿WWR\RXZKHQEX\LQJDQHZKRPHLV&+2,&(<RXDUHDFWLYHO\LQYROYHGLQWKH VHOHFWLRQRIÀRRUSODQSORWVL]HDQGSRVLWLRQSRROGHVLJQGpFRUDQGIXUQLVKLQJV<RXDOVR EHQH¿WIURPKDYLQJDZDUUDQW\IURPWKHEXLOGHU $VSURSHUW\PDUNHWVHYROYHEXLOGHUVDQGGHYHORSHUVVWULYHWREHWKHEHVWZKLFKKDVGLUHFWEHQH¿WV for the “new home” buyer. Many new communities today provide added value through extensive on-site amenities and services demanded by today’s savvy home buyers. Resale Homes 7KHEHQH¿WVDVVRFLDWHGZLWKDUHVDOHSXUFKDVHFDQEHDWWUDFWLYHLQWKDWQRWRQO\GR\RXKDYHWKH opportunity to negotiate price, your time to ownership is shorter (30 to 45 days), a non-construction environment and more choice with respect to location. Many of our clients enjoy the process of renovating an older home and a resale property can provide the opportunity for substantial added value. I’m really not sure about any of this? 7KHDQVZHUWRWKLVTXHVWLRQLVXVXDOO\WRYLVLWRXURI¿FHVWDONWRXVDQGH[SHULHQFHIRU\RXUVHOIWKHH[SHUWLVH we make available to you. Many potential buyers take advantage of our home visit service and subsidized inspection visits that bring to life the information you have gathered and take you one step closer to owning your new home. ZZZD9LOODFRPŇSee back page for contact details. ORLANDO Am I buying a vacation Home? Contact us Today Located at the Regal Palms Resort & Spa Clubhouse Sales: (001) 863.424.6141 Ext. 6110 Email: Watch your investment grow... Buying property off-plan has many advantages Buying a property off-plan means you are securing a future purchase at today’s price. At the time of completion there is the opportunity for the market value of your home to have risen. The earlier you decide to purchase in the development of a new community the higher your potential for capital gain. Buy for Investment Many people buying for investment choose an off-plan option in order to make a capital gain without the longer term commitment to ownership. This option allows investors to structure their investment portfolio effectively optimizing the use of current and future available funds. Buy Now, Pay Later Buying off-plan allows you to leverage your available funds effectively as purchases normally require a small deposit followed by an agreed payment schedule. This represents an opportunity to secure a high value asset with a low capital outlay. 6SHFL¿FDWLRQDQG'HVLJQ As with any new property buying a home off-plan gives you the freedom and choice to be LQYROYHGLQWKHVSHFL¿FDWLRQDQGGHVLJQ<RXFDQFKRRVHSORWVL]HÀRRUSODQRULHQWDWLRQ DQGLQWHUQDOIHDWXUHV¿[WXUHVDQG¿WWLQJV Peace of Mind Investing in property has a proven track record of producing high yields as opposed to more traditional options in the form of savings, stocks & bonds, etc. Owning a home in the U.S.A. is also a prudent alternative to more volatile international markets. Tips 7RPD[LPL]HSUR¿WVEX\LQWRGHYHORSPHQWVDWWKHSUHUHOHDVHVWDJHRUHDUO\SKDVHVRI construction. Don’t be afraid to negotiate your deposit and payment schedule. Always use a reputable local Real Estate Agent, such as 4aVilla Realty, because they will have forged strong relationships with the GHYHORSHUZKLFKZLOOEHQH¿W\RXDVDEX\HUZKHQLWFRPHVWR negotiating your contact. ZZZD9LOODFRPŇSee back page for contact details. Buying Off-Plan Value Added Opportunity ORLANDO Contact us Today Located at the Regal Palms Resort & Spa Clubhouse Sales: (001) 863.424.6141 Ext. 6110 Email: Contact us Today Located at the Regal Palms Resort & Spa Clubhouse Sales: (001) 863.424.6141 Ext. 6110 Email: A unique concept in the purchase of overseas property - Resort Lifestyle As part of our comprehensive international property portfolio, we specialize in marketing luxurious properties situated on award-winning resort developments in Central Florida that create unique holiday and recreation experiences for our home owners and their guests. When 4aVilla Realty customers buy a home linked to a resort, they have access to fabulous on-site facilities which will not only enhance their vacation experience but will add to the value of their home and provide healthy levels of rental income if required. Through our proven service provider network we are able to provide comprehensive rental and management programs to ensure that all properties are maintained in excellent condition. Services typically include pool cleaning, pest control, lawn care, general maintenance and house cleaning with owners receiving an itemized monthly income and expenditure statement. In our experience, a home constructed on a resort community is able to generate higher levels of rental income and occupancy than homes in traditional residential sub-divisions. Typical Resort facilities: This is because the resort can be marketed to international tour operators, travel agents and dot coms who demand fully integrated front desk operations, guest services, reservation call center and web based booking capabilities; traditionally the exclusive purview of hotels. • Daytime Casual Dining • Multi-million Dollar Clubhouse • Full Service Restaurant & Bar • Breakfast Buffet • Poolside BBQ • Swimming Pavilion • Lazy River & Water Slide • Tranquil Spa and Gymnasium • Mini Market • Children’s Play Areas • Internet and Business Center • On-site Check-in Facilities • Conference and Banqueting We are proud to bring you resorts that are consistently winning accolades from a variety RILQWHUQDWLRQDOSURSHUW\SURIHVVLRQDOVZKLFKUHÀHFWVWKHLUFRPPLWPHQWWRSURYLGLQJERWK quality and service to customers. Bentley International Property Awards The Bentley International Property Awards are an important independent benchmark for a wide range of activities and services connected to the property business including development, interior design, architecture, property advertising, marketing and real estate services. Awards are not just an opportunity to pat oneself on the back, but a serious way to demonstrate to owners and their guests those companies who are delivering outstanding service, quality products, true and accurate advice as well as value for money. ZZZD9LOODFRPŇSee back page for contact details. Resort Living Consistently winning and delivering ORLANDO Contact us Today Located at the Regal Palms Resort & Spa Clubhouse Sales: (001) 863.424.6141 Ext. 6110 Email: Contact us Today Located at the Regal Palms Resort & Spa Clubhouse Sales: (001) 863.424.6141 Ext. 6110 Email: Living and Working in America The E-2 Visa for Investors The E-2 Visa is available to non-U.S. Citizens from countries which have bilateral investment and commerce treaties with the United States. In order to qualify, individuals who wish to come to the U.S. to run a business are required to make an investment in that U.S. Company. For people wishing to live and work in America 4aVilla Realty FDQKHOS\RX¿QGDEXVLQHVVWKDWZLOOHQDEOH\RXWRTXDOLI\IRU this visa. There are a wide range of businesses available that include, real estate sales, property management & maintenance, retail, laundry, bars and restaurants, WUDQVSRUWDWLRQKHDOWKDQGEHDXW\¿WQHVVHWF Call 4aVilla today for more information on business opportunities abroad! *This brochure is for guidance only and must not be taken as formal legal advice. You must consult a specialist immigration attorney. The U.S. Immigration Service classes all non U.S. Citizens as Aliens, but don’t let the term put you off because the U.S. welcomes foreign investors. The most important element of obtaining an E-2 Visa is to consult with a specialist Immigration Attorney. 4aVllia Realty have helped many people realize their dream of living and working in $PHULFDDQGZLOOHQVXUHWKDW\RXUDSSOLFDWLRQLVPDQDJHGE\DQDSSURSULDWHO\TXDOL¿HG professional. Business Opportunities *XLGHOLQHVIRU(9LVDTXDOL¿FDWLRQ :KLOHLWLVDUHTXLUHPHQWRIWKH9LVDWKDW\RXLQYHVWPRQH\LQWKH86WKHUHLVQRVSHFL¿HG minimum amount as it will depend upon the type of business you are buying. In our experience this can be a low as $50,000 however, as with any business its value will be variable. 4aVilla Realty generally has businesses available from $50,000 to $500,000 and can always VRXUFHVSHFL¿FRSSRUWXQLWLHVWKDWZLOOPHHW\RXUDVSLUDWLRQV <RXULQYHVWPHQWPXVWEHVXI¿FLHQWWRRZQDWOHDVWRIDEXVLQHVVWKDWJHQHUDWHVDFWLYHLQFRPH as opposed to passive income (passive income would be something like rental income or interest). It is also a requirement that you intend to direct the operations of the enterprise in a capacity that is either executive, supervisory, or involves specialized skills. <RXZLOOEHUHTXLUHGWRGHPRQVWUDWHWKDW\RXKDYHVXI¿FLHQWPHDQVRIVXSSRUWRXWVLGHWKHUHYHQXH JHQHUDWHGE\WKHEXVLQHVVDQGLWZLOODOVREHRIEHQH¿WWR\RXUDSSOLFDWLRQLI\RXFDQGHPRQVWUDWH your investment will result in the creation of jobs within the United States. Visa Eligibility for a Spouse and Minor Children The spouse and unmarried minor children of an E-2 visa holder will also qualify for the E-2 visa. Duration and Extension The E-2 visa is issued for a two year period, and is renewable provided that the business is actively engaged in trade. ZZZD9LOODFRPŇSee back page for contact details. ORLANDO Contact us Today Located at the Regal Palms Resort & Spa Clubhouse Sales: (001) 863.424.6141 Ext. 6110 Email: Contact us Today Located at the Regal Palms Resort & Spa Clubhouse Sales: (001) 863.424.6141 Ext. 6110 Email: You’re just one click away from ¿QGLQJ\RXUGUHDPSODFH in the sun... Due to the nature of the property business, we are constantly updating our website to ensure that it has the latest information available. You have the capability to search our database quickly and easily either by price, location, property style or budget. Where to go…… Visit- www.4aVilla.comKHUH\RXZLOO¿QGWKHYHU\ODWHVWSURGXFWRIIHULQJVDQGXSWRGDWHQHZV and information. Remember, this property portfolio changes frequently so it’s worth keeping an eye RQWKHZHEVLWHUHJXODUO\XQWLO\RX¿QGZKDW\RXDUHORRNLQJIRU Found your dream home but want to know what to do next? Once you have selected your properties of interest, contact our experienced International Property &RQVXOWDQWVWR¿QGRXWPRUHDERXW6HHEDFNSDJHIRUFRQWDFWGHWDLOV • Subsidized viewing trips • Home Visits •2I¿FHDSSRLQWPHQWV • Reserving a home • Securing a mortgage • Rental Programs • All the things you did not think to ask! …….and everything else you need to know is just a phone call away. Q&A Contact us Today Located at the Regal Palms Resort & Spa Clubhouse Sales: (001) 863.424.6141 Ext. 6110 Email: A few things you need to know about buying a property in Florida Should I rent my property? Renting your property while you are not using it is a great way to generate income. It is important that you have a good management company that can offer guest check-in, housekeeping and reservation system to make renting a practical proposition. Should I buy a new or a resale property? It is important to remember that there are advantages to both and it will depend on your situation which is best suited to your needs. If you are not sure about this you need to talk to us because it may depend upon opportunities that are available at the time. What size and type of property do I want? The size and type of property for you will depend upon your intended use. 4aVilla Realty can advise you on the type and size of homes that are best suited to your objectives. We would advise you differently if you are looking for a quiet holiday home as opposed to an investment property. Will the property be freehold? It is generally advisable to purchase freehold property although many condominium developments in America are leasehold so the future value of the property will depend upon the term. Do I need a solicitor/attorney? The American system of property conveyance is different from other parts of the world in that the conveyance of property is conducted by an independent title company licensed in the state where your home is constructed. While you don’t have to appoint a solicitor, if you choose to, ensure they have a specialist in the American legal system to avoid unnecessary costs. ZZZD9LOODFRPŇSee back page for contact details. ORLANDO Your Questions Answered Contact us Today Located at the Regal Palms Resort & Spa Clubhouse Do I863.424.6141 need to open a bank account in America? Sales: (001) Ext. 6110 You do need to have a bank account in the United States not only to facilitate your Email: SXUFKDVHEXWDOVRWRH[SHGLWHDQ\PRUWJDJHTXDOL¿FDWLRQSURFHVVWKDWPD\EHQHFHVVDU\ This is a very straight forward process and your 4aVilla representative will be happy to help you. How do I organize a mortgage? Through our network of preferred service providers 4aVilla Realty will be able to introduce you to a mortgage broker. Mortgages can be easily arranged and your broker will advise you on the SURJUDPWKDWKDVWKHPRVWFRPSHWLWLYHUDWHVDQGZLOOVXLW\RXU¿QDQFLDOVWDWXVDQGREMHFWLYHV What happens once I’ve decided to buy? If you buy a new home, a small fee is required to reserve it at which time contracts will be drafted. When you return your contract you will be required to pay your deposit. The balance of the transaction will be due at closing. For resale purchases, a small holding deposit is required to reserve the property while contracts are drafted and the balance will be payable at closing (30 to 45 days App.). Are there any hidden costs? There are no hidden costs on property purchases in the United States and prior to closing you will receive a HUD statement itemizing the dispersal of funds and the closing costs. As a rule of thumb you should allow around 4% of the purchase price to cover items such as title insurance, mortgage set-up fees, legal costs and escrow requirements. Cash buyers should allow around 2.5%. What if I still can’t decide? To help you make up your mind, we offer low-cost personalized viewing trips. Our local staff will show you around a selection of property on a one-to-one basis and share with you their expert local knowledge. 4aVilla Realty will do all we can to help you come to a decision you are comfortable with. Give us a call as we are able to provide insightful information you may have, as yet, not thought about. 528 4 Clermont Magic Kingdom 72 Walt Disney Sea World Orlando To Orlando International Airport World Resort Animal Kingdom 429 Epcot Downtown Disney MGM Studios 68 417 67 Buena Ventura Lakes 65 Entrance to Disney Regal Palms Resort Highland’s Reserve 535 64B/64A 62 Regal Oaks O Disney Celebration Kissimmee 4 58 55 Oakmont Resort & Spa St. Cloud James Aguilar Vacation Home Specialist / Realtor 4 a Villa Realty LLC 2700 Sand Mine Road Davenport, FL 33897 001.863.424.6141 Office 001.863.978.1768 Fax