Presented By: - Six Nations Polytechnic
Presented By: - Six Nations Polytechnic
2016 - 2017 COURSE CALENDAR Presented By: Six Nations Polytechnic New Programs Coming To The Brantford Campus, September 2016 A Community Rich in Culture, History and Art Six Nations of the Grand River is one of the fastest growing and largest First Nations communities in Canada, with a total population of 12,600 living in the territory. Six Nations Polytechnic is located 1.5 hours southwest of Toronto, 1.5 hours west of Niagara Falls, and is even closer to bustling cities like Hamilton. With the recent addition of the Brantford Campus, Polytechnic provides students with the perfect balance of rural and urban life. Centered around the Grand River, the Six Nations community is able to enjoy recreational water activities such as canoeing, fishing, paddle boarding, water skiing, and more. The river also serves as a beautiful scenic backdrop and attracts hundreds of visitors every year. The Chiefswood National Historic Site was home to famous poet, Pauline Johnson, and overlooks the Grand River. The homestead provides visitors with a unique opportunity to experience life in Six Nations during the mid-1800s as a place where cultures meet. Art and music are alive and well and can be found at the Woodland Cultural Centre (WCC). With annual programs like First Nations Art, which features artists from across Canada and the United States, and the Coffee House and Open Mic Night, the Woodland Cultural Centre is bustling with distinctly creative programs. Courtesy of WCC Six Nations is also home to the world famous Burger Barn restaurant, which was featured on the Food Network’s popular television show, You Gotta Eat Here. Make sure to go hungry and early as wait times for the Burger Barn can often be at least an hour. Six Nations also has an organic juice and salad bar, The Sweet Spot, which provides residents with healthy and nutritious options such as protein smoothies, freshly pressed juices, salads, wraps, and yummy desserts. You can rest assured that you will never go hungry in Six Nations with delicious staples like Village Café, Erlinds Restaurant, TNT, and Village Pizza nearby. Staying healthy and active is easy in Six Nations with local facilities such as the running and walking track, football and soccer fields, the Gaylord Powless Arena where residents often participate in free skates, and the Pro-Fit Health Club which provides state of the art equipment and training. There are also relaxing tai-chi and yoga classes offered throughout the year. Our Sustenance Farmers Market and Garden are also open seasonally from May until October, providing students and residents with fresh, locally grown produce. Table of Contents Hodinohs?:n[ Values of Ga`nig)hi:yo:/Kanikoriio .................................................................................................................. 1 Philosophy................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2 Vision and Mission ............................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Programs University: Native University Program – First Year .................................................................................... 3 Indigenous Visual Arts ................................................................................................................... 4 Ogwehoweh Language Programs ............................................................................................. 5 Peace Building, Cultural Fluency courses ............................................................................... 5 College: College Programs ............................................................................................................................ 6 Other: Additional Qualifications, Homework Support Program ................................................... 7 Professional Development: First Nation Education Leadership Institute ............................................................................ 8 Principal of First Nation Schools ................................................................................................. 8 Other Services: Contact North..................................................................................................................................... 6 Deyohahá:ge: - Indigenous Knowledge Centre..................................................................... 9 Six Nations Achievement Centre................................................................................................. 9 Application Process ........................................................................................................................ 10 Information Contact Information ........................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Student Services................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Frequently Asked Questions ....................................................................................................................................................13, 14 Student Funding Information ......................................................................................................................................................... 15 Six Nations Polytechnic Page 1 Six Nations Polytechnic Philosophy If a people do not keep pace with others perhaps it is because they hear a different drummer. Allow them to step in harmony to the music which they hear however measured or far away. Our cosmology places Native people in a balanced familial relationship with the universe and the earth. In our languages the earth is our Mother, the sun – our Eldest Brother, the moon – our Grandmother, the plants and animals – our brothers and sisters. From this view our people believe that all elements of the natural world are connected physically and spiritually and are to interrelate to each other to benefit the whole. The responsibility then falls on the people to peacefully maintain nature’s delicate balance to ensure that unborn generations can enjoy what we enjoy today. Six Nations Polytechnic accepts this responsibility and is devoted to facilitating the will and determination of our community to maintain an environmentally friendly world through education, training and research. Six Nations Polytechnic, a native focused institution of learning, has a moral responsibility to its people to take a lead role in the preservation of our environment. Through the Hodinohso:ni:/ Rotinonhshonni world view of our universe we will assist in the survival of life on this planet through research, study of alternative views, and dissemination of information. Six Nations Polytechnic will endeavour to keep up with the beat of the 21st century and at the same time offer the understanding inherent in our language and culture. In this way the people may receive an education that assists them to keep pace with both drums. Six Nations Polytechnic will take a lead role in bridging the chasm of understanding between the two cultures of our lives and create an atmosphere for healing our differences so that we can both look with optimism into the 21st century. Six Nations Polytechnic has the role and responsibility, as an institution of the people of Six Nations, to offer the opportunity to be educated to ensure languages and culture survive. It also has the responsibility to provide an education that enables our people to survive in both worlds. Six Nations Polytechnic is becoming the catalyst that offers the opportunity and place for our Native scholars and elders to share their knowledge with all our people and to offer the non-Native an opportunity to study a different world view. Created and written by Harvey Longboat Sr. Vision Achieve international distinction for excellence in Indigenous education, Indigenous language revitalization and continuance of Indigenous knowledge. Mission SNP’s unique mission is the preservation, application and creation of knowledge specific to Ogwehoweh languages and culture while respectfully interacting with and informing other knowledge systems. SNP’s “two-road” epistemology applies in teaching and research that serve the social, cultural and economic needs of our community and society. SNP is committed to the values of Ga`nig)hi:yo:/Kanikoriio (Respect and the Good Mind) for the benefit of all who share this land. Approved April 23, 2015 Six Nations Polytechnic Page 2 Native University Program (First Year University) Six Nations Polytechnic in cooperation with a consortium of six universities in the Six Nations area, facilitates a Program of Study* community based Native University Program - First Year. Note: Full time students must select a course load equivalent to a minimum of four credits. The consortium consists of: Course # Brock University McMaster University University of Guelph University of Waterloo University of Western Ontario Wilfrid Laurier University The program allows students the opportunity to achieve a total of five credits on a full-time or part-time basis while attending classes at Six Nations. Credits achieved with a minimum grade of 60% are transferable into Name Credits Term One (Fall) PS 101 Introduction to Psychology I 0.5 ENGL 109 0.5 Introduction to Academic Writing INDIG ST 1A03 Introduction to Indigenous Studies 0.5 SOC 1A06 Introduction to Sociology 1.0 ABST 1P01 Introduction to Mohawk Language 0.5 ABST 1P03 or Introduction to Cayuga Language 0.5 Term Two (Winter) PS 102 Introduction to Psychology II DRAMA 223 0.5 Communications & Public Speaking 0.5 INDIG ST 1AA3 Introduction to Contemporary Indigenous Studies 0.5 PSYC1010 Quantification in Psychology 0.5 SOC 1A06 Introduction to Sociology (con’t) 1.0 undergraduate degree programs offered at the consortium universities. Students who achieve an academic average of 60% in the four core courses will gain automatic admission into second year studies of a general Bachelor of Arts degree program in the consortium university of their HS 1001 Personal Determinants of Health 0.5 HS 1002 Social Determinants of Health 0.5 ABST 1P02 Mohawk Language II 0.5 or choice. ABST 1P04 Admission Requirements Optional (only offered if sufficient enrollment): Cayuga Language II 0.5 *subject to change Ontario Secondary School Diploma or equivalent with acceptable grade levels. Mature applicants considered on an individual basis. Page 3 Six Nations Polytechnic Start Date: September 2016 Indigenous Visual Arts The Indigenous Visual Arts degree program is offered in partnership with OCAD University. Credits earned at SNP will be eligible for credit transfer at OCAD University. Students who successfully complete their first year studies with an average of 70% at SNP can then proceed into 2nd year programming at OCAD University’s Toronto campus. Students also have the option to receive a Six Nations Polytechnic Certificate for year 1 studies. This program is designed for visual communicators who want to learn to express themselves creatively. The Indigenous Visual Arts Program combines contemporary and traditional Indigenous aesthetic and social studies with studio-based art education. The program prepares students to engage in complex and evolving global discourses around Indigenous history, art history and contemporary art practice across a range of expressions, materials and media. The Indigenous Visual Arts Program at Six Nations Polytechnic will be delivered in a classroom setting, in studios, as well as through online courses. Program of Study YEAR 1 Term One (Fall) Introduction to Academic Writing Introduction to Indigenous Studies Colour in Context (online) Introduction to Drawing Indigenous Materials and Methods Term Two (Winter) Indigenous Sculpture and Installation Aboriginal Art History (online) Introduction to Contemporary Indigenous Studies Pottery Photography Admission Requirements Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) Six Grade 12 U or M courses with a minimum overall academic average of 70% Grade 12 U English (ENG4U or EAE4U) with a minimum final grade of 70% Submission of a portfolio (maximum 10 pieces) and a creative profile Start Date: September 2016 Six Nations Polytechnic Page 4 Ogwehoweh Language Programs Ogwehoweh Language programs will be offered in Mohawk or Cayuga language. At time of print it was not confirmed exactly which type of program will be delivered. Please check our website at or follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date on program offerings. Tentative start date: September 2016 Peace Building course This course will provide the skill sets necessary to cultivate great leaders that have the capacity to build communities and a future that is based on the principles of peace, helping one another, strength and the Good Mind. Tentative start date: September 2016 Cultural Fluency course This course focuses on the deeper meanings and significant Hodinohso:ni philosophies and events in history. Tentative start date: September 2016 Page 5 Six Nations Polytechnic College Programs The following programs will be offered in partnership with Mohawk College. Please visit their website at for program details, admission requirements, program of study and career opportunities. Concurrent Disorders—January/February 2016 Personal Support Worker—Spring/Fall 2016 Practical Nursing with Aboriginal Communities—September 2016 Registered Practical Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RPN-BScN) - September 2016 Police Foundations with Aboriginal Communities—September 2016 For more information contact: Lacey Hill Aboriginal Recruitment and Access Coordinator Phone:(905) 517-0261 Email: Contact North Contact North, Ontario’s Distance Education & Training Network is a publicly funded organization dedicated to increasing access to post secondary education in small and rural communities in Eastern and Southwestern Ontario. Contact Tammy Beauvais at 905-768-0108, toll free at 1877-999-9149 or for more information visit their website at Six Nations Polytechnic Page 6 Additional Qualifications (AQ) courses Ongoing professional learning is an integral part of successfully completed, recorded on the teaching. The profession’s standards reflect the Certificate of Qualification and Registration. member’s expectation that all members will participate in ongoing Six Nations Polytechnic is pleased to support local learning. Adding to professional knowledge enhances teachers by offering the following approved AQ courses: teaching practice, which improves student learning. Teaching Mohawk The regulated system of Additional Basic Qualifications Teaching Cayuga (ABQs) and Additional Qualifications (AQs) is one form of Mathematics, Primary/Junior, Specialist Part 1-3 professional learning. ABQs/AQs are set out in legislation, accredited by the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT), offered by providers approved by the College and, when *More AQ courses are under development. Please check our website for dates and more details. Homework Support Program Homework Support offers Six Nations youth in grades 5- and Literacy will provide additional support for students 12 homework assistance in all subject areas in a relaxed, who are at risk and for those students who need a quiet, supportive learning environment. In previous years, the supportive environment grade levels were set at 6-12 but through contact with assignments. where they can complete parents and teachers we are finding that grade 5 students Program Dates: could benefit from homework support also. Students have Homework Support will be offered Monday to Thursday access to the internet/computers to complete assignments evenings at Six Nations Polytechnic from 6:00pm to and projects. Students are required to bring their 9:00pm. homework, books and any materials that will assist the There will be three fully qualified teacher/tutors available tutors in supporting their needs. The location is a quiet every evening for assistance. The computer lab is available place for all to work and study. We offer tutor support on certain nights for students to print their assignments. especially for Math and Science (Chemistry, Biology, One tutor will be designated and trained in: Calculus and Physics) courses in secondary school so that Secondary Math and Science curriculum expectations. these students have a dedicated tutor who works with the Elementary Math and Science curriculum expectations. curriculum expectations. Our goal is to support students in all areas of their academic achievements through continued homework support during the evenings as required. Our tutors work Elementary and Secondary Language Arts, Geography, History, Independent Research Projects and other subject areas. at the various elementary and secondary schools with our We will be offering monthly mini-workshops for students students and have an expertise in their subject area of on Time Management, Organizational Skills, Use of Agendas and Pre-planning for assignments. Once a month support. Through individual and/or group tutoring, students will for the first hour of the program, workshops will be receive assistance with all aspects of homework implemented for elementary and secondary students. assignments. Use of computer programs for Math, Science Page 7 Six Nations Polytechnic First Nation Education Leadership Institute (formerly Director of Education for First Nation Communities) First Nation Education Leadership Institute (formerly Director of Education for First Nation Communities) will be a professional development course that will be ongoing and offered yearly for one week during July. Leaders in education are challenged to enable principals, teachers and the community to engage in the teaching/ learning for their children in the First Nation Schools. The First Nation Education Leadership Institute will be offered every summer in support of this challenge. There will be a selection of topics offered ranging from the following: Issues and Best Practices Pedagogy/Philosophy of Learning Transformational Leadership Student Assessment Governance Legal, Policy and Local Structures Community Culture Finance/Budgeting Indigenous Leadership Theory Quality Assurance No Pre-requisites Who should attend? Directors of Education School board members Principals of First Nation schools Teachers of First Nation schools Tuition Fees $1,000.00 includes lunch Program Dates The First Nation Education Leadership Institute will be offered yearly. This summer the dates are July 11-15, 2016. To Apply Call or visit Six Nations Polytechnic at 519-445-0023 to request an Admissions Application Package. Principal of First Nation Schools The Principal of First Nation Schools is offered in partner- Tuition Fees Tuition fees will be $1,500.00 for the summer session (this ship with Seven Generations Education Institute. will include instruction and lunch only. Accommodations transportation will be the responsibility of the parThe framework for the Principal of First Nation Schools pro- and gram is modular based. Candidates will examine the areas ticipants). of study as they relate to current educational policies and practices for First Nation schools. Program Dates Principal of First Nations Schools program is offered in two parts: Admission Requirements Proof of Ontario Teaching Certificate or a bachelor degree Part I - July 4 to July 15, 2016. in education, with a minimum of two years of successful teaching in a First Nation community. To Apply Call or visit Six Nations Polytechnic at 519-445-0023 to re- Candidates not meeting the admissions requirements may audit if they have an equivalent Native Language Teaching certificate from a recognized course with a minimum of two years of successful teaching a First Nation community, and are employed as the Principal of a First Nation quest an Admissions Application Package. Submit completed Admissions Application Package along school. with: All high school, college and university transcripts Copy of Ontario Teaching Certificate Copy of photo identification Six Nations Polytechnic Page 8 Deyohahá:ge: - Indigenous Knowledge Centre Deyohahá:ge: means “Two Roads” and represents two and manuscripts, and gain advice on the underlying themes streams of knowledge that could serve the personal and and meanings of their chosen topic. academic growth for young scholars. In one stream are the great works of Western Philosophy and Practice. Within the other stream are the enduring values, philosophies and practices of the Indigenous Mind. Together, these two roads offer young scholars more avenues to pursue as they attempt to gap what exists in the academy and what exists in the Indigenous communities. Deyohahá:ge: has a small research library, a number of historic manuscripts, an audio-visual archive, a collection of videos and a large number of historic illustrations, photographs and digital resources. Since Deohaha:ge is a fairly new operation, everything has not been inventoried or is accessible on line, so contact Heather Bomberry, Deyohahá:ge: Administrative Assistant to discuss your Deyohahá:ge: offers the space, resources and assistance in research needs. If relevant material is available make an searching for more meaningful connections regarding the appointment to visit the Centre and examine the materials role that Indigenous Knowledge can play in a variety of on hand. academic disciplines. Researchers, students, teachers and community members can use the services of Deyohahá:ge: to help in their own research, identify best practices in fields of study, locate culturally-accurate resources for teaching and curriculum development, research historic documents Deyohahá:ge: operates under the guidance of the Indigenous Knowledge Guardians, respected community advisors. More information can be found on the SNP website. Six Nations Achievement Centre The Six Nations Achievement Centre is a communitybased agency (located within Six Nations Polytechnic) that has provided service to the community of Six Nations for over twenty years. The centre provides free instruction in basic math; English; computers and essential skills to adults who need to increase their academic skills for entry into higher level of education and/or to obtain employment. Mission Statement The mission of the Six Nations Achievement Centre is to provide, through a non-profit organization, free tutoring in Literacy Coalition. Brant Literacy Service Plan (LSP) Members include: Literacy Link South Central Mohawk College Literacy Council of Brant Community Living Brant CNIB Literacy Program Grand Erie Learning Alternatives Funding Funding provided by Ministry of Training, Colleges and Literacy and Basic Skills, in a culturally sensitive manner. What is offered? Academic related Assessments Six Week “Pre-GED” Connection Program One-to-one tutoring Essential Skills and Workforce Literacy Refresher Workshops Career and/or College Preparation sessions Page 9 Six Nations Polytechnic Online Learning Computer training for adults with no computer experience Crafting for Employment Workshops Networking The Six Nations Achievement Centre is a member of the Brant Literacy Service Planning and the Ontario Native Universities, and Literacy and Basic Skills Branch. Application Process To Apply 1. Pick up an admissions application package at Six Nations Polytechnic, 2160 Fourth Line, Ohsweken or print from our website 2. Submit completed package along with: All original high school, college and university transcripts A copy of status card Application fees Application Deadlines Applications will be accepted beginning: February 2016 Last day to apply for full-time studies (for equal consideration): August 15, 2016 Last day to apply for part-time studies: before the start of the first class Registration If you have received a letter of acceptance and have accepted an offer of admission, you may call the Student Success Officer during regular business hours to set a registration appointment. Registration will not begin until July 4, 2016. Program Dates Fall Semester - September - December 2016 Winter Semester - January - April 2017 Processing Fees 1. New Applicants—For all new applicants to Six Nations Polytechnic, there is a one-time processing fee of $30.00 for all programs. In addition there may be other processing fees such as Ontario Colleges fees (for college students only). 2. Ontario Colleges On-line Processing Fees *$95.00 - All students enrolling in a college program are required to apply online at This is a centralized, one-stop processing center for all Ontario colleges. Once students have been admitted to a college program at SNP, students are required to make application online —students must have a credit card or be able to use debit bank cards to pay these fees. This is a mandatory requirement. 3. McMaster University Continuing Education New Student Fees *$39.00—New Students applying to the Ogwehoweh Language Diploma program are required to pay an additional new student fee as well as the SNP processing fees. Call to book an appointment with the Student Success Officer if you need assistance. *subject to change Six Nations Polytechnic Page 10 Contact Information General 519-445-0023 Phone 519-445-4416 Fax Mailing Six Nations Polytechnic PO Box 700 Ohsweken, ON N0A 1M0 Location 2160 Fourth Line Ohsweken, Ontario Six Nations of the Grand River Board of Directors D. Kevin Martin, Chair Michelle Davis, Vice-Chair RaeAnne Hill-Beauchamp, Secretary/Treasurer Neah Anderson, Student Rep Dakota Brant Bonnie Freeman Ima Johnson, Cultural Advisor Janie Jamieson Lottie Keye Wray Maracle, SN Council Representative Marion Martin, GRPSEO Representative Ron McLester Suzie Miller Steve Montour Melba Thomas Administrative Staff Reception - 519-445-0023 Kenny McNaughton, Ext 0 President/CEO Executive Administrative Assistant Rebecca Jamieson, Ext 227 Patricia Greene, Ext 247 Director of Institutional Advancement Student Success Officer Linda Parker, Ext 243 Lee-ann Blackbird, Ext. 234 Program Manager/Registrar Records Management Officer Dawn Bomberry, Ext 221 Becky Jonathan, Ext 238 Finance Manager Development Officer Lisa Green, Ext 232 Valerie O’Brien, Ext 236 Facility Manager Development Officer Brad Thomas, Ext 241 Sara General, Ext 228 Maintenance/Rental Personnel Finance Admin Clerk Corey Green, Ext 241 Kayla Anderson, Ext 242 Deyohahá:ge: Indigenous Knowledge Centre Senior Projects Coordinator Rick Hill, Ext 240 Assistant Project Coordinator Tanis Hill, Ext 237 Administrative Assistant Heather Bomberry, Ext 244 Research Assistant Taylor Gibson, Ext 237 Six Nations Achievement Centre Coordinator Kim Murphy, Ext 230 Page 11 Six Nations Polytechnic Assistant Literacy Coordinator Angela Skye, Ext 231 Student Services mainstream university and college libraries. Academic Accommodations Academic accommodations are very limited for students. Make an appointment with the Student Success Officer to discuss options. Student Orientation The orientation will take place on Wednesday, August 31, 2016. Applications Students must attend orientation to pick up the student All prospective students are encouraged to apply and will be handbook, purchase textbooks (if available), take a tour of the considered on the basis of evidence of probable success in their building, pick up classroom schedules and student cards. Lunch chosen program. Applicants must be formally accepted before is provided. they can register in credit courses. Photocopy/Fax Bursaries and Scholarships Students may access pay per use photocopy service and fax The Student Success Officer is available to provide assistance with service at reception. bursary and scholarship applications. Registration To register for classes, information will be mailed with Offers of Class Start Dates Most classes will begin September 2016. Check final class schedules for other important dates and details. Note: Six Nations Polytechnic is closed on Monday, September 5, 2016 for Admission. Contact the Student Success Officer at 519-445- 0023, ext. 234 to arrange an appointment once you have accepted the offer. Labour Day. Student Cards Student cards will be available at orientation. In addition, Native Computer Access A computer lab is open to all current students. Call for availability or see hours of access posted on the computer lab door. Please University Program students will be issued McMaster University library cards in order to access their library service. use your own memory stick as computers are cleaned and refreshed from time to time to maintain speed. Printing is 10 cents Student Counselling Services per copy, print cards are available for purchase at reception. Career, academic and social counselling services are available to all students, full-time and part-time. Contact the Student Success Officer at 519-445-0023, ext. 234 to arrange an Culturally Enriched Programs Indigenous instructors provide knowledge and experience that appointment. reflect local contexts and Hodinohso:ni: (Iroquois) culture. The Indigenous Knowledge Centre also offers cultural resources and Student Centre information to enhance course content. The Student Centre is located on the lower level with a comfortable seating area, study carrels, computers and internet access. Handicap Accessible Six Nations Polytechnic is equipped with an elevator, designated parking and automated doors for handicap access. Textbook Sales Tax-free and competitively priced textbooks and courseware will be available for purchase at orientation and at the Finance Office. Library Resources Resources specific to Indigenous Studies are available for use inhouse only and not available for loans. The Nursing program NOTE: SNP accepts cash, debit and credit card payments, certified cheque or money order. resources are available and can be loaned for a two-week period. Students will be issued student cards to enable them to access Six Nations Polytechnic Page 12 Frequently Asked Questions What programs does Six Nations Polytechnic offer Is there an application deadline? Full-time post secondary program application deadline is August 15, 2016. and when are they available? Six Nations Polytechnic offers a wide range of full-time programs in partnership with various universities and colleges. This course calendar Applications received after this date will be treated on a first-come, firstserved basis if there is room in the program. reflects those opportunities. Some programs are being developed/ Part-time applications will be accepted before the first class. Please note negotiated for delivery through Six Nations Polytechnic. If you wish to be that not all programs allow part-time applicants. Contact Six Nations added to our waiting list for these programs coming soon, please call Six Polytechnic for specific information. Nations Polytechnic at 519-445-0023 and leave your contact information so we can keep you informed as details become available. How will I know Six Nations Polytechnic has Also note that full-time programs begin in September 2016 and some received my application? have continuous intake through out the year. Six Nations Polytechnic will send an Acknowledgement Letter via regular Please visit our website at for current information. mail to you after your application has been received. The What are the admission requirements? Acknowledgement Letter may include specific program information that you will need regarding special admission requirements and/or pre- Minimum admission requirements admission testing. All post secondary programs require an Ontario Secondary School Are accommodations provided for students with Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent as the minimum requirement. Mature students are considered on an individual basis but must still meet the required pre-requisite courses. Testing may be required. Read more under, “Can I apply as a Mature student?” Additional Requirements The basic academic requirements listed above pertain to most programs, however exceptions may apply. Some programs may also require: disabilities? Students with documented disabilities requiring academic accommodations must contact the Student Success Officer (SSO) to find out what SNP can offer, however there are very limited funds to provide such. See the SSO for more details or call 519-445-0023, ext. 234. Do I need to provide my transcript(s)? specific secondary school courses Yes. To ensure a speedy application process you must ensure all required pre-admission testing documents have been received by the Admissions Office within four weeks attendance at an information session submission of a portfolio transcripts are submitted. Photocopied, faxed or electronically transmitted completion of an essay or questionnaire copies are only accepted if coming directly from the issuing institute. additional assessment of equivalency to required subjects. Can I apply as a Mature Student? It is important to note that meeting admission requirements does not guarantee admission to Six Nations Polytechnic programs. You can find specific up-to-date admissions requirements as well as selection and of submitting your application, or no later than August 15, 2016 for post secondary programs. Six Nations Polytechnic requires that official Mature students are considered on an individual basis but must still meet the required pre-requisite courses. Testing may be required. ranking information posted on our program pages at College programs: A Mature Student, is someone who is age 19 or older without an Ontario How do I apply and is there an application fee? Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent, as of the first day of Admissions Application Packages may be picked up at Six Nations Polytechnic during regular business hours, Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm. Applications can also be printed from our website at classes. Mature Student applicants must meet all specific entrance requirements of the program to which they are applying. If you possess an OSSD, regardless of your age or number of years out of To apply, submit a completed Admissions Application Package along with high school, Mature Student status does not apply. your transcripts from high school, college and university and a non- University programs: refundable $30 application fee (if you have not paid this previously). The Ogwehoweh Language Diploma program has a non-refundable $69 application fee* ($30.00 SNP fee + $39.00 McMaster fee). A Mature Student, as defined in the Undergraduate Calendar of McMaster University, has not attended secondary school or college on a full-time basis for at least two years; and has not previously attended university. *subject to change Six Nations Polytechnic Page 13 Frequently Asked Questions (con’t) When will I know if I have been admitted? Applications with all supporting documents are screened and a letter of acceptance or denial is mailed after screening. You will have four weeks to accept our offer of admission. If the offer of admission has not been accepted by the deadline this will be considered a rejection of the offer of admission. What must I do if my tuition will be paid by a sponsor? If tuition fees will be paid by your sponsoring agency, please have your sponsoring agency submit your sponsorship letter faxed to 519-445-4416 or mailed to: Six Nations Polytechnic Offers of acceptance are conditional for applicants who may be in the PO Box 700 process of completing admission requirements. An offer of acceptance will be revoked if proof of successful completion of the required courses or any other admission requirements are not met. How do I accept my offer of admission? If you wish to accept the offer of admission, please sign and date your letter of acceptance and return the original to Six Nations Polytechnic. Please note that you will need a copy of your signed letter when applying for funding at such agencies as Grand River Post Secondary Education Office, New Credit First Nations Education, Southern First Nation Secretariat or for bursaries and scholarships. What if I have been denied admission? Candidates may be denied admission when the program and/or waiting Ohsweken, ON N0A 1M0 The letter of approval or confirmation of tuition sponsorship must be received no later than August 15, 2016 to be enrolled in classes for the upcoming term. How do I apply for OSAP? Online application procedures and deadlines for applications are available on the OSAP website at The online application will be available in the month of May. If you need access to a computer to apply, visit Six Nations Polytechnic’s computer lab. What if my program has a health requirement? list is filled, or when all of the admission requirements have not been Some programs require students to meet certain medical and health met. Applicants may request an admission review. A written request criteria such as a completed Communicable Disease Screening Form. must be received within fifteen days of the admission decision. You may Information will be available at the time of registration. Students must contact Dawn Bomberry, Program Manager/Registrar at 519-445-0023, submit completed forms by the deadline indicated and meet all medical ext.221 or criteria. These are necessary for clinical/field placements. Failure to meet How much is tuition? criteria could result expulsion from the program. 2016-2017 will be available after July 4 to pick up at Six Nations How do I find out about credit transfer (exemption) opportunities? Polytechnic or visit our website at Colleges in Ontario and Canada generally offer year for year credit When is my payment due? How can I pay my tuition? transfer from similar programs. To learn if you are eligible for Option 1: All fees for the current academic year are payable by August taken more than five years ago generally are not given credit for 15th. exemption. Option 2: Students deemed eligible for Ontario Student Assistance What is Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)? The cost of tuition varies between programs. Tuition fee schedule for Program (OSAP) funding may opt to pay $250.00 ($200.00 to be applied to the amount owing and $50.00 deferral fee). Payment is required at exemptions or able to transfer credits in any of our programs, please contact Six Nations Polytechnic at 519-445-0023. Please note courses time of registration. The balance of the fees deferred will be deducted Six Nations Polytechnic believes that many people acquire college-level from OSAP. Students are responsible for fees not paid from OSAP. learning and skills through various situations such as prior work experience, community work, non-credit courses, self-directed study, travel and military service. Candidates who can show that they have achieved the learning outcomes of a specific course may be granted credits based on an assessment of their prior learning. There is a fee for this that is set by the accrediting institute. Contact Six Nations Polytechnic at 519-445-0023 for information. Page 14 Six Nations Polytechnic Student Funding Information Post Secondary Funding Grand River Post Secondary Education Office Phone: 1-877-837-5180 or 519-445-2219. Apply online at Application deadlines are: May 1 - fall semester, October 1 - winter semester, February 1 - spring/summer semester. Southern First Nation Secretariat Phone: 1-800-668-2609 or 519-692-5868. Apply online at New Credit First Nation Education Department Phone: 905-768-7107. Application deadlines are: April 30 - September start, October 1 - January start, February 1 - Spring/Summer Intersession. Ontario Student Assistance Program Apply online at Call Six Nations Polytechnic for details. Bursaries and Scholarships Harvey Longboat Sr. Memorial Scholarship This scholarship is awarded in memory of Harvey Longboat Sr. During his term with the Six Nations Polytechnic Board of Governors, Harvey created the “Philosophy” by which Six Nations Polytechnic strives to function, in addition to inspiring and guiding the institute with his educational experience and knowledge of the culture. Six Nations Polytechnic’s Harvey Longboat Sr. Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a full-time student enrolled in the Native University Program who has achieved the highest overall average achieved during the academic year, earning a minimum of 4 credits. Marge & Reg Henry Cayuga Language Award This award is dedicated in memory of Marge and Reg Henry. They were highly respected for their knowledge in Longhouse traditions and languages. Marge and Reg, both fluent in the Cayuga language, worked diligently at promoting the preservation of the language and left the legacy of the Henry Orthography, a phonetic writing system used to write the Cayuga language. Watson Parojcic Financial Bursary Watson Parojcic Financial is well known to many of the First Nations to whom they provide services and are pleased to offer something back to the community for those organizations. This bursary is awarded to fulltime students of college programs offered at Six Nations Polytechnic who have demonstrated excellence in academics and have made a contribution to the Aboriginal community. Aboriginal Institutes Consortium – Student Scholarship Award Six Nations Polytechnic, on behalf of the Aboriginal Institutes Consortium chooses to honour a student in order to provide encouragement and assistance with their post-secondary education. Aboriginal Institutes Consortium – Instructor Award Six Nations Polytechnic, on behalf of the Aboriginal Institutes Consortium is pleased to acknowledge exemplary service by instructors through a high level of commitment to successful program delivery and student achievement. Six Nations Polytechnic’s Marge and Reg Henry Cayuga Language Award is The Linda I. Staats Tuition Bursary Program demonstrating a commitment to maintaining and preserving the The Linda I. Staats Tuition Bursary is open to Indigenous students aspiring Cayuga language. to attain a university degree by completing the first year of study through awarded to a full-time Six Nations Polytechnic student achieving the single The bursary is in honour of Linda’s commitment and dedication to Six Nations Polytechnic and Six Nations education in general. highest grade in a Cayuga language course of the Native University the Native University Program at Six Nations Polytechnic. Vina Loft Mohawk Language Award This award is dedicated in memory of Vina Loft. Vina was a fluent Mohawk speaker who worked at promoting the spoken language in many ways. Her first dedication to the retention of the language was to teach all of her own children to speak the language. The bursary recipient must be admitted to and registered to attend the Native University Program at Six Nations Polytechnic to exercise a total or partial tuition waiver for the academic year (September to April). The successful candidate will not be receiving funding from GRPSEO. Contact SNP for an application or for more information. Six Nations Polytechnic’s Vina Loft Mohawk Language Award is awarded to a full-time Six Nations Polytechnic student achieving the single highest grade in a Mohawk Language course of the Native University Program demonstrating a commitment to maintaining and preserving Mohawk language. Page 15 Six Nations Polytechnic All bursaries are awarded to students enrolled in Six Nations Polytechnic programs only. Decisions may be made based on academic achievement, commitment to learning and contribution to the Indigenous community. World IndIgenous PeoPles ConferenCe on eduCatIon SAVE THE DATE invites you to July 24 –29, 2017 toronto, ontarIo Inspiring, informative and provocative, WIPCE is the largest venue for Indigenous education in the world. Since its inception, this conference has featured highly regarded experts in Indigenous education. The 2017 conference in Toronto, Ontario promises to attract educators from all over the world to discuss contemporary movements in education that honour Indigenous worldviews. Presented By: Six Nations Polytechnic For More InForMatIon: Tap Resources, Executive Producer, 519 445 1794 PlEASE EmAil: to be placed on the email list for updates and check for coming details.
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