Annual Report - MSD Washington Township | Indianapolis
Annual Report - MSD Washington Township | Indianapolis
2012 - 2013 Annual Report . . . a private commitment to public education. Board of Directors 2013-2014 Timothy D. George President Kristin J. Cudahy President-Elect Dena Rae Hancock V.P. Development Thomas A. Oestreich V.P. Grants Rebecca B. Volk V.P. Communication Cathi T. Wineland Secretary Michael P. Manion Treasurer Kathryn M. Null Ass’t. Treasurer C. Perry Griffith, Jr. Past President Elizabeth B. Biederstedt Daniel L. Boots Elizabeth S. Calkins Stephen N. Combs Pamela A. Cooper Pamela G. Freese Deirdre George Davis Brian L. Henry Tracey Horth Krueger Pamela J. Klein James B. Lootens Leisa J. Merrell Susan R. Ross Robert E. Saint James A. Schellinger Donna Schmahl Randall T. Stephens Lee A. Vriesman Suzanne M. Zybert Dr. Alan Dinner EX-OFFICIO Wanda Spann Roddy School Board Anne B. Hair Leigh D. Lazaron Ryan Malone Parent Council Catherine G. Mossler Tony Ritchey NCHS Alumni Association Jennifer M. Sanner Honorary Nikki C. Woodson, Ph.D Superintendent Virginia S. Hacker Sr. Executive Director Emily W. Kaiser Associate Director Kathleen R. Levine Executive Assistant Past Presidents of WTSF 1986-1987. . . . . . . . . . Jerry Moss 1987-1988. . . . . . . . . . Art Angotti 1988-1989. . . . . . . . . Randy Seger 1989-1990. . . . . . . . . . Jane Stone 1990-1991. . . . . . . Bruce Hazelett 1991-1992. . . . . . . . . David Allen 1992-1993. . . . . . . . . . Bob Everitt 1993-1994. . . . . . . . Jamie Schulte 1994-1995. . . . . . . . Jamie Schulte 1995-1996. . . . . . . . . . Anne Riley 1996-1997. . . . . . . . . . Mike Wells 1997-1998. . . . . . . . . Dick Kraege 1998-1999. . . . . . . . Linda Cantor 1999-2000. . . . . . . . . Carol Burns 2000-2001. . . . . Sarah McNaught 2001-2002. . . . . . . . . . Jim Leland 2002-2003. . . **Jim Kleinschmidt 2003-2004. . . . . . . . Steve Sanner 2004-2005. . . . . . . . Sara Lootens 2005-2006. . . . . . . . . . Steve Pratt 2006-2007. . . . . . Dave Sternberg 2007-2008. . . . . . . Katy McMurray 2008-2009. . . . . . . Dwayne Isaacs 2009-2010. . . . . Carrie Cagnassola 2010-2011. . . . . . . . . Robert Scott 2011-2012. . . . . . . . . Kris Cudahy 2012-2013. . . . . . . . Perry Griffith **Deceased From the 2012-2013 President Greetings, It is with deep appreciation that I would like to thank all of you who supported the Washington Township Schools Foundation this year. For those who have supported us in the past, thank you as well. The good work the WTSF does with your valuable gifts is far reaching. Please know the committed and capable members of the Foundation’s Board of Directors are very careful stewards of the gifts we receive. At each board meeting I was continually amazed and thankful for so many wonderful people focused on the task Incoming president Tim George, sr. executive director of supporting our schools. Ginny Hacker, outgoing president Perry Griffith, and Change happens in all organizations and executive director Jennifer Sanner this year the Foundation was no exception. Our Executive Director Jennifer Sanner, after many years of dedicated service, left the Foundation to pursue other interests. For those of you who know Jennifer you know she was tireless in her job and representing the Foundation in the community. To recognize her service and value the Board created a new position as an Honorary Member. As we say goodbye to Jennifer, we say hello to Emily Kaiser our new Associate Director, and Kathy Levine, our new Executive Assistant. Emily has a background in corporate design, teaching and fundraising. Her Husband, Matt, is principal of Eastwood Middle School. They have two kids in MSDWT schools. Kathy is the recently retired Principal of Fox Hill Elementary School. She and her husband, Sandy, have four NCHS grads. We have made great strides with the IB Campaign. Our goal is $1,000,000. We have just a little bit more to go to achieve our goal. I am so grateful to all of you who have supported this extremely important initiative. If you haven’t yet and would like to hear more about it, please call Ginny Hacker or me and we would be delighted to visit with you. The future of the Foundation is secure with Ginny Hacker at the helm and President-elect Tim George in place. It has been my pleasure to serve with the staff, our foundation board members, the MSDWT administration and School Board members. Perry Griffith Claire NC ‘12 | Board President 2012-2013 President’s Award 2013 As the recipient of the highest award given by Foundation President Perry Griffith, Kris Cudahy is a more than worthy recipient. Having served 3 years on the executive committee as president elect, president and immediate past president, Kris also found time to serve as entertainment coordinator for the BASH and frequent office help. “This award is given annually to a member of the Board of Directors for wise counsel and dedicated service to advance the mission of the Foundation.” 1 How We Raise Dollars With thousands of contributions through the Annual Fund, Designated Gifts, Scholarships, Memorial and Honor donations, Buy-a-Brick, Thank-a-Teacher, the BASH and the Great North Run, we have funded nearly $4 million in grants, designated gifts, scholarships and program support since 1985. Donations for each category can be made online at ANNUAL FUND This unrestricted way of giving to the Foundation serves as the largest revenue stream for funding grants and programs. Donor names who have given to the Annual Fund are bolded in the list of Foundation Contributors. DESIGNATED GIFTS Often a donor will recognize a need in a school and contribute directly to that program or classroom need. Gifts from this year are listed elsewhere in this book. ENDOWED FUNDS Visionary donors often give to a school PTO endowment that supports “direct need to students.” Other endowed funds include: the North Central Counterpoints, Band, Orchestra and Men’s Soccer, NC Athletic Booster Club. MEMORIAL AND HONOR GIFTS The Foundation offers this opportunity to remember and celebrate special people. BUY-A-BRICK Inscribed bricks are located at the entrance to the North Central High School football stadium. It has grown to be an archival history of Washington Township. Each new inscription and donor is listed elsewhere in this book. THANK-A-TEACHER Thank-a-Teacher recognizes and expresses gratitude to outstanding teachers and staff members in Washington Township. Donations have honored many deserving teachers, coaches, aides, administrators, secretaries and bus drivers. 2 Special Events The Foundation sponsors two fundraising events to encourage support of Washington Township Schools. The events are open to everyone and help build stronger relationships within our community. Our gratitude goes to the many sponsors and volunteers who support, plan and help stage these events. FALL BASH ENERGIZING EDUCATION Thanks to City Securities, Central Security & Communications Systems, Skillman Corporation, and Warnecke Investments, hundreds of Washington Township loyal people enjoyed a great evening of dinner, entertainment and auction fundraising at Montage in November of 2013. Our guest speakers at the pre-party event were two project directors, Cheryl Jacklin and Peggy Schuh sharing their successful grant, “Master Teachers as Coaches.” The very successful event was chaired by Pam Klein and Auction Tri-Chairs, Leigh Lazaron, Kim Laurin, Betsy Beiderstedt, along with an able committee of Becky Volk, Pam Cooper, Kris Cudahy, Liz Calkins, Karri Alberti, Lisa Butler, Marcia Ford, Amy Isaacs, Kathy Null,Lorrie Pavlack, Melissa Saint, Deirdre George Davis, Leisa Merrell, Kathy Null, Cathi Wineland, Donna Schmahl, Kris Cudahy, Pam Freese, Susan Haskell,Janice Johnson, Anita Victorian Long, Roxy Sullivan, Cynthia Weiner, and Matt Whitt. THE GREAT NORTH RUN Held March 9, 2013, a gorgeous day greeted a record number of runners and walkers at North Central High School. Celebrating 10 years, we welcomed past chairmen to be the honorary starters of the 1K, 5K, and 10K walk-run event that registered 1600 people. Thanks to our major sponsors, City Securities, Central Security & Communications Systems, Skillman Corporation, and Warnecke Investments, cash prizes were awarded to the top 3 male and female finishers overall, with trophies to each of the 3 boys and girls in ages 13-18. Ribbons were given to the younger set. Chaired by Stacy Lozer and Fitness Fair Chair Suzanne Zybert, their small group pulled off a big event! Partnering with the MSDWT Wellness Committee, the Fitness Fair (becoming known as the “after party”) included demonstrations, nutritious food samples, NC Spirit Shop and representatives from the North Central High School Alumni Association. 3 What We Do Focus Areas of the Foundation CLASSROOM AND DISTRICT PROGRAM GRANTS Over $160,000 in gifts were directed grants to enhance creative and innovative programs in the 2012-2013 school year. Grants are submitted in September and January and thoroughly reviewed by a committee of the Board of Directors. Applications are available online at and are accepted from teachers, administrators, parents, and students with a faculty sponsor. Every one of the 11,000 students in Washington Township has been touched by a grant. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR FACULTY Up to 35% of the grant budget provides valuable extra training for departments, teams, grade levels or other groups. Your gifts support continuing education for faculty and make a dramatic impact on the quality of education offered in Washington Township. Currently, the K-12 International Baccalaureate Initiative is making transformational and systemic changes that enhance the teaching and learning for all Washington Township students. rs as Coaches Master Teache Having hosted the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program for more than 20 years, the District proudly announced the authorization all of its elementary schools as IB World Schools. The middle school (Middle Years Program) and freshman and sophomore students at NC are candidates for IB authorization. Washington Township is the first K-12 district-wide IB program effort in the State of Indiana. The IB K-12 Initiative is such a significant step out of the mainstream of educational planning that the Foundation committed $400,000 of support for faculty professional development over an eight year period through 2016. ADVANCED PLACEMENT AND INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE TESTING Since 2000, the Foundation has committed to subsidize AP and IB testing fees, enabling many more students to take the exams than would otherwise have been possible. The Advanced Placement (AP) program offers externally assessed college level curriculum for North Central students through 28 courses. Since 2009, the WTSF commitment has been $10,000 each year and a College Credit Endowment was created by some visionary donors to support this funding. 4 PANTHERQUEST PantherQuest (PQ) is a series of four, one-day orientation camps for incoming North Central High School students. Led by dynamic students and faculty members, the freshmen learn about their new building, their school culture and traditions, important issues facing high school students, and how to have fun in their new environment. Funding an annual $10,000, the WTSF considers PQ a focus area of interest and has provided the opportunity for the students and faculty members to annually attend a Leadership Training at Camp Tecumseh. ADVANCEMENT VIA INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION – AVID AVID targets so-called average students in middle and high school who neither are making any waves, nor reaching their potential. At six through grade twelve, the AVID program has very exciting success stories. AVID has been a focus area since 2005. NORTH CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Recognizing the competition for quality students who live both in and out of district, North Central PTO hosts this annual afternoon event on the first Sunday in November inviting the public to “take a closer look.” Underwritten by WTSF, invitations are sent to all incoming 8th graders and parents to attend this showcase of curricular and extra-curricular offerings. Personal tours, 30 informational tables, choir performances, and many department chairs and coaches are included to present the many opportunities available at one of the top high schools in the State. END OF YEAR FACULTY RECOGNITION Support for faculty recognition is made possible by the Thank-a-Teacher program. DONORSCHOOSE.ORG The WTSF $15,000 challenge was leveraged by donor dollars from all over the USA to fund projects in WT classrooms. When contributions from anonymous donors (from all over the country) half-fund a project, the other 50% is matched by WTSF grant dollars through Double Your Impact. We think of it as free money for our classrooms. The Night Cros sing donorscho 5 Where It Went... ‘12 - ‘13 ‘11 - ‘12 ‘10 - ‘11 ‘09 - ‘10 ‘08 - ‘09 ‘07 - ‘08 ‘06 - ‘07 ‘05 - ‘06 ‘04 - ‘05 ‘03 - ‘04 ‘02 - ‘03 ‘01 - ‘02 ‘00 - ‘01 ‘99 - ‘00 ‘98 - ‘99 ‘96 ‘97 - ‘98 ‘95 ‘94 ‘93 ‘92 ‘91 ‘90 ‘89 ‘88 ‘87 Foundation Giving by Year The Foundation awarded $5,940 in its first round of 1986 grants. International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme implemented at North Central High School. 6 Total 1986 - Fiscal Year Ending 2013 Hilltop & J.Everett Light $96,771 Allisonville Elementary $84,425 Crooked Creek Elementary $148,509 Fox Hill Elementary $138,096 Greenbriar Elementary $95,436 John Strange Elementary $87,474 Nora Elementary $124,837 Spring Mill Elementary $89,854 Eastwood Middle School $106,100 Northview Middle School $86,423 Westlane Middle School $130,244 North Central High School $399,576 CEC / District * $560,128 Grants $2,147,878 Professional Development $696,194 Other Totals Designated Gifts $709,689 Scholarships/Endowed Disbursements $29,820 Challenge Grants $80,000 Celebration Dinner $14,881 IB / AP Support $60,000 District Promotion $122,200 Pantherquest $60,000 NC Open House $9,000 Program Support: $266,081 TOTAL $1,085,590 Grand Total since 1985 TOTAL $2,844,072 *includes closed schools The Foundation awarded $8,744 in grants. Thank-a-Teacher 1987 was created to honor teachers and staff members. Class of 2000 entered kindergarten. 7 International Baccalaureate Campaign Listed below are gifts made on pledges to the International Baccalaureate Initiative. On track to be the first public school district in the State of Indiana to implement inquiry-based teaching in K-12 classrooms, these visionary donors recognize the value in setting Washington Township Schools apart from all the rest. Anonymous Subha Balagopal Tom & Adel Barry Erica Beard Kimbra Becker Dave & Bobbie Blachly Dan & Valerie Boots Eric Boschmann & Jennifer Miller Brightpoint Charitable Fund Angela Britain-Smith Rob Caito & Dena Rae Hancock Lou & Linda Cantor The Lotus Fund The Lotus II Fund Dwight & Ann Chernish Amy Clark Cassandra Coles Steve & Sarah Combs Terry & Kristin Cudahy Alan & Anne Dinner Rick Doss & Maureen Marshall-Doss Tony & Jennifer Dzwonar Joe & Marcia Erne Sheila Ewing Rick & Karol Farrell Wade & Kaki Garard Jarrod Gatlin Tim & Amy George Jeremy Gondol Griffith Family Foundation Bill & Ginny Hacker Jay & Lisa Hill Lynn Hower Scott & Cheryl Jacklin Bob & Judith James Matt & Emily Kaiser Don & Grace Kite Dick & Anne Kraege Jere & Tracey Krueger Dick & Lucinda Lautz Sandy & Kathy Levine Joe Licata Jim & Sara Lootens Mike & Sarah Manion Steve Mannheimer & Wendy Sommers Mac & Sarah McNaught Tina Merriweather Jim & Ginny Mervilde Mike Miedema Ryan & Natasha Mikus Jon & Tamara Milleman Soumi Mukhopadhyay John & Kathy Null Jared & Kimberly Piper Steve & Jane Pratt Jim & Leigh Purcell Tom & Marsha Reynolds John & Susan Risk George Roddy & Wanda Spann Roddy John & Susie Ross Bob & Melissa Saint Jeff & Donna Schmahl Frederick & Kathryn Shorter Allyson Smith Phil & Katy Smith SPM Foundation William & Laurie Turner Amber Walters Rob & Cathi Wineland Nikki Woodson Shawn Wright-Browner Daryle & Suzanne Zybert The Foundation awarded nearly $20,000 in grants. French 1988 and Spanish were expanded to 7th grades. Inaugural tennis fundraising event was held. 8 SCHOLARSHIPS H. Dean Evans Scholarship - $1000 Dayna Palma (NC ‘13) Ivy Tech Dr. Harry Feldman Environmental Scholarship $2,000 Caroline Skulski (NC ‘13) Notre Dame University Leatherman Family Scholarship $1000 Anna Kelly (NC ‘13) Indiana University North Central Mens Soccer Scholarship $500 Michael Gallulo(NC ‘13) Indiana University David Wintermeyer (NC ‘13) Stanford University Finance Center Federal Credit Union $1,000 Asia Smith (NC’13) Purdue University Christy and Karin Agness Award $1,000 Women’s Tennis Team Most Valuable Player to Marie Schloneger (NC ’13) n Great North Ru 2013 NC Point, Shoo t, Sing The Foundation awarded nearly $16,000 in grants. Parents 1989 as First Teachers program was created at John Strange Elementary School. 9 Sponsors We’d Like to Thank... Contributions from these organizations support our special events. Thanks to all of them for their generous donations. Graduate Sponsor Brightpoint City Securities CSO Architects, Inc. Skillman Corporation Warnecke Investment Group Junior Sponsor Bose McKinney and Evans Denison Parking, Inc. Finance Center Federal Credit Union Indiana University Health Ingersoll-Rand Key Bank Old National Insurance Teachers Credit Union TF Publishing (The Time Factory) Senior Sponsor Central Security & Communications Ramsey & North Mechanical Services, Inc. The National Bank of Indianapolis Sophomore Sponsor Hillyard Indiana Katz, Sapper & Miller KSM Consulting, LLC Northwestern Mutual Republic Services, Inc. Spear Corporation United HealthCare Services, Inc. Woodley Farra Manion Portfolio Management, Inc. Freshman Sponsor Bazbeaux Ellison Electric, Inc. HP Products Corp. The Foundation awarded $14,500 in grants. Limited Choice 1990 program was implemented. Dr. Eugene White was named principal of North Central High School. 10 Designated Gifts The Foundation offers many ways for generous donors to support projects of interest to them. The following donors have made visionary commitments that will have a lasting impact on students and teachers throughout Washington Township. For information on the projects or how to donate, please call the Foundation Office at 845-9400. Mitch & Sandy Roob Elizabeth Ruben Carl & Dorothy Rubis Paul & Carrie Schuler Bob & Denise Silbert Adra Wheeler Sam Rhinesmith NC Band Endowment $12,138 Chairs ders & Auction Happy BASH Bid Betsy Biederstedt d an n uri La Kim North Central College Credit Endowment $5,600 Anonymous Gordon & Celia Bruder Ted & Pam Cummins Lee & Beverly Learman John & Susan Risk Jeff & Cassandra Short Susan Symmes Wichser Chris, Carrie & Alexis Wood Paul & Liz Calkins Jim & Sara Lootens Lois Stewart Richard Dennis NC Orchestra Endowment $875 Kent & Barbara Alder Erv & Priscilla Boschmann Laura Derrickson Greg & Theresa Duwe Matt & Elizabeth Garvey Steve & Elaine Kleifgen Onita Mayfield Earl & Carol MIller Nancy Quest John & Susan Risk NC PantherQue st The Foundation awarded $15,500 in grants. NC Hall of Fame 1991 was started and North Central was named “Best High School in Indiana” by Redbook Magazine. 11 Designated Gifts (continued) North Central Men’s Soccer Scholarship Fund $5,850 Scott & Jessica Campbell Bret & Becky Heerema David & Susan Howard Eric & Holly Lee Virgil & Kitzi Love Lorraine Mills North Central Soccer Club Mitchell & Rebecca Pfeiffer North Central Alumni Association Endowment $10,000 NCHS Alumni Association North Central Cross Country Course $12,885 Nick Applegate Dave, Sharon, Andrew & Jonathan Baldwin Van & Joan Bareither Christopher Boggs Gordon & Celia Bruder Laurel Crutchfield William & Nancy Dynes Tony & Jennifer Dzwonar William Farkas The Fox Family Girls 2012 NCXC Team Mark Grosskopf Bill & Phyllis Groth David & Laura Guntz Braden Hayes Jeff Hunter & Anne Weinheimer Mike Kuebler W. R. Long Thomas Mote Multiple NCHS Men’s Cross Country Team Andrew Pike Robert Pruitt Mark & Becky Ristow Satterly Family Greg Schahet Gregory Schlegel Jeff & Donna Schmahl Chris & Jane Seigel James S. Skinner Larry Cripe & Mimi Jacobs Frederick & Helen Stehman Randall & Tanya Stephens Lois Stewart Ted Stimson Rick Weinheimer Ethan M Wellin John & Susan Whitaker Steve & Judi Willem Dick & Kim Young NCHS Athletic Department Championship Banners $1,000 Kent and Carolyn Agness New Teacher Luncheon $1000 The Skillman Corporation Challenge Day for Eastwood, Northview and Westlane Middle Schools $9,800 Bose, McKinney & Evans LLP Earl Harris Trust Herff Jones Teacher’s Credit Union Foundation awarded $21,000 in grants. Fox Hill 1992 The Elementary School opened on the west side of the District. 12 NCHS Counterpoints Endowment $3,270 Jill Archibald Merri Cascio The Dietrick Family Tony & Jennifer Dzwonar Rob Friedman & Mindy Hutchinson Greg & Rosemary Jordan Kevin Krulewitch & Rosanne Ammirati The MacDougall Family David & Betty Jane Mills Nancy Ann Morris K. Ann Mortier Pamela Riggins John & Susan Risk Hemant & Christine Sabharwal Brent, Debbie JB, Scott & Annie Smith Gifts to Crooked Creek in Honor of Sally Thruston Lee Beasley Richard & Nadine Bonds Bonnie Crowson Susie Davie Mamie Davis Joan Detmer Nettie Dixon Cloice & Betty Dotson Phyllis Dowe Collette Duvalle Amanda Gordon Elizabeth Grady Luther Hall Alicia Harrison Marguerite Hart Barbara Hill Flossie Holloway Leslie & Cornelia House Jana Irish Edna Luney Shirley Lynch William & Geraldine Malone John & Chong Mason Juanita Mitchell Stacey Moore Muriithi Murage Wambui Gathirua Mwangi J. Mwihaki Njau & Kariuki Murage John Penix Ethel Lee Penquite George Roddy & Wanda Spann Roddy William Shively Nancy Strange Bill Gulde, Needy AP Students $1,000 Dick Curtis Grant at FH for “A Balanced Classroom” $883 Julie A. Sambol Memorial Fund Learning Under the Sun $2,250 Jonte & Star Taylor LTEC Conference Sponsorship $1,000 Herff Jones / Nystrom NC Women’s Tennis Uniforms $2,500 Mary L. Furscott Charitable Foundation NCHS Alumni Association Endowment $2,500 NCHS Class of 1970 Foundation awarded $22,500 in grants. The first Faculty 1993 The and Staff Night Live fundraiser was held. 13 Designated Gifts (continued) NCHS Boys & Girls Basketball Teams $7,500 Teacher’s Credit Union Scholarship $2,000 NCHS Girls Basketball $1,000 The following designated gifts were $500 or less: Scott A. Jones Foundation, Inc. Amber Harris Northview Middle School Power Hour $15,000 Lotus II Fund Sputh Scholarship Fund $7,250 Captain Carl Sputh Captain Ryan Sputh NCHS Wi-Fi on Busses $5,600 Carol Paik Scott A. Jones Foundation, Inc. William & Karen Shirrell Summer in the City $8,000 Teacher’s Credit Union Allisonville Elementary School Scott Larrimer & Erin Day Greenbriar PTO Edward Curtis & Regan Zwald North Central Dance Department John & Val Wareham North Central PTO Endowment Cummings Family North Central Publications Caitlin Carroll & Ellen Pactor Northview Orchestra Program Barbara Stillwell & Ramon Duncan Student Programs Business Services Westlane PTO Endowment Ed & Karen Harper Hoover Family Foundation Lilly Endowment, Inc. Will Lawrance Legacy Art Fund $19,200 Care For Kids Foundation, Inc. WTSF Endowment $1,250 David Weir Jeen Jager & Michelle Shwery NC Living Histor y The Foundation awarded nearly $21,500 in grants. HOOPS 1994 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament kicked off. Dr. White was named Superintendent of MSDWT. 14 Thank-a-Teacher This recognition expresses gratitude to and recognition of outstanding teachers, coaches, administrators, secretaries and bus drivers. Donate online at or donation cards are available at the H. Dean Evans Community & Education Center at 8550 Woodfield Crossing Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46240. Cristina Abbott Jennifer Abell Amia Adams Lisa Alexander Anne Anderson Kathy Arduini Steve Auslander Mrs. Baksa Janice Baldwin Sally Ball Mr. Barker (Wiehe student teacher) Scott Bauserman Erica Beard Shelley Boeglin Bob Boekankamp Mary Beth Borkowski Stephanie Bower Janet Bracher Evans Branigan Heather Branigan Nick Brewer Rachel Briscoe William Broderick Kathy Brown Stephanie Bui Bus #31 Driver Bus #47 Driver Bus #48 Driver Patty Camp Sherri Campbell Mrs. Campbell LeRoy Castle Marie Chorpenning CC CC AV WL WL JS AV WL WL SM NC WL AV NC WL NC AV NO NC WL WL CEC NC JS CC NC CC WL CEC WL CC NC NC Joseph Cohen Ken Cox Callie Crawford Crooked Creek Cafeteria Staff Crooked Creek Office Staff Bridget Davenport Leslie Decker Brett England Karol Farrell Melissa Fitch Michelle Fleming Hilllary Freeman Ms. Fuller Jana Galicia Karen Gartner Tim Gee Megan Gentry Craig Ghormley Susan Gilchrist Joe Giordano Andrea Gollnick Adam Goodman Fletcher Graham Rick Granlund Sally Gray Karen Gropp Ginny Hacker Caitlin Harcharik Tammy Hardy Susan Haskell Jill Hatcher Health Center NC WL SM CC CC WL NC NC CEC FH NC WL AV FH WL WL SM NC AV NC WL WL SM NC JS FH CEC WL FH FH SM NC The Foundation awarded nearly $27,500 in grants. First-ever 1995 five-year strategic District plan was adopted. CE Quandt was named principal of North Central High School. 15 Thank-a-Teacher (continued) Steve Herman Debby Hillburn Shannon Hodgens Andy Hodson Emily Hodson Chris Holmes Becky Hoog NC NC WL NC AV WL JS Board Games Joanne Hughes Patricia Hunter Amy Hwang Tony Jacklin Karin Jacob John Strange Front Desk Staff Sharon Johnston Leanne Kabrich Jackie Kaiser Nathan Keith Pamela Kendrick Barbi Kern Chris Knestrick Tim Kuskye Clover Lacy Louisa LaGrotto Roya Laghaie NC GB WL NC AV JS CC NC CC WL FH NC FH CC JS WL CEC Linda Lawrence WL Kristina Leonardo SM Julie Lowe SM Lisa Luedeman NO Mona Mallin SM Kim Matsuoka JS Carol Mattson Bus Holly May WL Julie McCabe CEC Phil McIntyre NC Bob McLeaish CC Kristi Meinert NC Kellee Merritt JS Mike Miedema NC Doc Miller NC Rebecca Miller FH Rusty Miller WL Ashley Monroe WL Cindy Moore SM Bobby Moss Bus #73 Erin Murphy JS Tomoe Nakamura NC Corinne Neff WL Nora Grade 1 teachers NO Nora Grade 3 teachers NO Melissa Nye JS Monica Ouedraogo WL Erica Oliver JS Matt Panzer NC Kathy Parrish AV Anat Pinsky FH Kimberly Piper CC Bill Pitcock WL Mike Pomerenke AV Jasmin Porter JS Edi Powell HT Eric Pugh JS Amy Resler AV Linda Robb NC Kathleen Robbins GB Kim Rogers WL The Foundation awarded $38,000 in grants. 1996 A $500,000 Challenge Grant was offered by Lilly Endowment. The renovation and rededication of North Central and the J. Everett Light 16 Career Center was completed. The Foundation Plaza was dedicated and the Foundation hired Ginny Hacker as Executive Director. Jeff Rohrick Natalie Rowe Jill Russell Mr. Ruter Jennifer Sanner Laura Sellars Dixie Shrock Megan Shuck Beth Simpson Jocelyn Sisson Allyson Smith Victoria Smith Mrs. Srour Rich Stolt Nita Stout Rick Stover Ms. Sue (Bus #118 driver) Kelly Sweeney James Tallman NC SM SM WL CEC WL GB CC WL NC CEC CC FH AV NC NC JS CC NC Mrs. Taylor Sharon Thiems Kristen Vannatta Jerry Vaughn Chris Vermillion Ed Vischak Steve Walker Patsy Watkins Sonya Weber Pamela Weiger Pat Wiehe Courtney Williams Paula Williams Nikki Woodson Crystal Wright Ling Yang Tim Yarling CC WL CC JS NC WL AV SM JS AV NC NC CEC CEC JS WL NC The Foundation awarded $29,000 in grants. The Endowment 1997 Campaign was kicked off with a $500,000 goal. The Promise of Education Scholarship raffle and Tee Up FORE Kids began. Allisonville Elementary was named a National Blue Ribbon School. Astronaut David Wolfe (NC ’74) visited his alma mater. Nate Jones was named a Milken Educator Award. 17 Buy-A-Brick Inscribed bricks are placed in the Foundation Plaza located outside the North Central High School football stadium. It has become an archival history of Washington Township with many memories preserved. The newest bricks listed here are located by quadrant. LIVE LAUGH LOVE KENT BARB HAYLEY AND SAM ALDER Kent & Barb Alder - 42 JAN LINGEMAN BABCOCK CLASS OF 1969 Jan Lingeman Babcock - 42 DR. SHEILA EWING DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM-GRANTS AND ASSESSMENTS 1992 - 2013 Board of Education - 42 CONNER BROOKS CLASS OF 2012 David & Susan Brooks - 43 THE GILCHRISTS SUSAN & PAUL ASHLEY ROSS KYLE Becky Coffey - 43 THE DINNER FAMILY ALAN ANNE JOSHUA CHELSEA Alan & Anne Dinner - 43 BARRY MITCHELL EASTWOOD TEACHER 21 YEARS Eastwood Middle School - 44 CARLA SHADIOW EASTWOOD TEACHER 41 YEARS Eastwood Middle School - 45 LUCY SKELTON EASTWOOD TEACHER 39 YEARS Eastwood Middle School - 45 TIM STONE EASTWOOD TEACHER 33 YEARS Eastwood Middle School - 45 RICK WEBB EASTWOOD TEACHER 27 YEARS Eastwood Middle School - 45 IN MEMORY OF H. DEAN EVANS Vera Evans - 51 IN MEMORY OF H. DEAN EVANS Vera Evans - 59 BRUCE BOLING EASTWOOD TEACHER 37 YEARS Eastwood Middle School - 44 JERALD E GREENWOOD APRIL 2, 1953 DUST IN THE WIND Jerald Greenwood - 51 MAUREEN GARDNER EASTWOOD TEACHER 20 YEARS Eastwood Middle School - 44 LOIS BRUMMER HANDY 1965 HONORS MILT & JO BRUMMER Lois Elaine Brummer Handy - 51 The Foundation awarded $31,630 in grants. The Endowment 1998 Campaign exceeded the goal and raised $687,000 to create a $1.5 million endowment. The first Celebration Dinner was held for faculty 18 and staff. The Washington Township website was launched at www. BRIAN / SHEILA HENRY 1990 Brian & Sheila Henry - 52 GLENDA RITZ WTEA PRESIDENT 1987 - 2012 Barb King - 52 JESSE LOUDEN CLASS OF 2012 Denise Louden - 52 RACHEL LOUDEN CLASS OF 2005 Denise Louden - 52 KEMP R. HARSHMAN 1967 HALL OF FAME NCHS Alumni Assn. - HF DENISE K. LARUE 1976 HALL OF FAME NCHS Alumni Assn. - HF DERRICK B. MAYES 1992 HALL OF FAME NCHS Alumni Assn. - HF BILL MESSER OUR SUPERHERO ARTIST, TEACHER AND FRIEND 1951 - 2013 NCHS Special Education - 53 MARILYN BEELER SPECIAL EDUCATION 1980 - 2013 North Central PTO - 54 SUE BLOSS WORLD LANGUAGE 1997 - 2013 North Central PTO - 54 ZACHARY W. BROWN CLASS OF 2013 GIVEN BY NCHS PTO North Central PTO - 54 JERRY FUELLING SCIENCE 1989 - 2013 North Central PTO - 54 CAMERON J. GORE CLASS OF 2012 GIVEN BY NCHS PTO North Central PTO - 55 DAN HOWELL VISUAL ARTS 1974 - 2013 North Central PTO - 55 ED JONES MATHEMATICS 1988 - 2013 North Central PTO - 55 KATHLEEN LATTIMER WORLD LANGUAGE 1975 - 2013 North Central PTO - 55 SUE POULOS SPECIAL EDUCATION 1970 - 2013 North Central PTO - 56 RICK STOVER MATHEMATICS 1981 - 2013 North Central PTO - 56 PAT WIEHE PERFORMING ARTS 1975 - 2013 North Central PTO - 56 DOUG WILSON SCIENCE 1983 - 2013 North Central PTO - 56 The Foundation awarded nearly $60,000 in grants. The 1999 Committee for District Improvement was organized. A Policy on Character and Values was adopted by the Board of Education. 19 Buy-A-Brick (continued) ED COLEMAN THANKS FOR YOUR DEDICATION! BEST WISHES FROM NC PTO AND WTSF North Central PTO and WTSF - 57 CHARLIE ORZESKE ‘13 LARRY ORZESKE ‘08 MAGGIEE ORZESKE ‘06 Don & Julia Orzeske - 57 CLAIRE REIFEIS 2016 Rick & Jenny Reifeis - 57 IN MEMORY OF 1980 RODNEY FRENZEL LOVE YOUR NC CLASS NC Class of 1980 - 51 IN MEMORY OF 1980 JON HEFFERNAN LOVE YOUR NC CLASS NC Class of 1980 - 51 IN MEMORY OF 1980 ARLETTA JEFFERSON LOVE YOUR NC CLASS NC Class of 1980 - 51 JANE Y SUH CLASS OF 1988 Jane Y (Suh) Stoltzfus - 58 IN MEMORY OF 1980 BRIAN JONES FRENZEL LOVE YOUR NC CLASS NC Class of 1980 - 51 FROM A LUNCH LINE TO A LIFETIME . . . - K & D STRICKLAND David & Kate Strickland - 58 IN MEMORY OF 1980 KEVIN KILLION LOVE YOUR NC CLASS NC Class of 1980 - 51 IN MEMORY OF DR. SHEILA EWING 2013 SUPERINTENDENT’S CABINET Superintendent’s Cabinet - 59 IN MEMORY OF 1980 TODD KLEMME LOVE YOUR NC CLASS NC Class of 1980 - 51 CHRIS, CARRIE, & ALEXIS WOOD FRESHMAN YEAR Chris & Carrie Wood - 59 IN MEMORY OF 1980 MICHAEL MANLEY LOVE YOUR NC CLASS NC Class of 1980 - 51 COACH JONES #1 J KRESS John Kress - 48 KEMP R. HARSHMAN 1967 HALL OF FAME NCHS Alumni Association - 29 J PORTER THANKS JAMES John Kress - 48 M BEELER I DID IT JJ John Kress - 48 Thank you to the NC BRIDGE students for help inserting new bricks. DERRICK B. MAYES 1992 HALL OF FAME NCHS Alumni Association - 29 DENISE K. LARUE 1976 HALL OF FAME NCHS Alumni Association - 29 The Foundation awarded $85,600 in grants. The Class of 2000 2000 graduated. The North Central college counselor position was created. Bart Peterson (N ’76) was sworn in as Mayor of Indianapolis. Administrative offices relocated in to the Community & Education Center. 20 Those We Honor... Honor gifts are a special way to remember an important person in your family, workplace or community. Gifts may be made online at In Honor of Hayley Alder Kent & Barbara Alder In Honor of Jill Archibald Justin Davis Edward & Laurie Freeman Elisabeth Kline In Honor of Andrew Baldwin (NC ‘03) Dave & Sharon Baldwin In Honor of Jonathan Baldwin (NC ‘07) Dave & Sharon Baldwin In Honor of Beth Curtis Debra Jacobs In Honor of Denny Dodson Mike Kuebler In Honor of Rick Granlund Ed & Jane Edson In Honor of Matthew & Evan Jose David & Mimi Jose In Honor of Lisa Learman’s Graduation Lee & Beverly Learman In Honor of Jerry Little Eric & Holly Lee In Honor of Jill Maniakas Annette Donegan In Honor of Laura Mathews Brent & Linda Hartman In Honor of Michael Maurer’s 70th Birthday Stacy Maurer In Honor of Mr. McCleary (AV) David & Mickie Gurvis In Honor of Claire Griffith Griffith Family Foundation In Honor of Ginny Hacker John & Penelope Radd In Honor of Tammy Hardy Dick & Lucinda Lautz In Honor of Mr. Holmes Ed & Karen Harper In Honor of Mrs. Johnston (AV) David & Mickie Gurvis Steve & Jennif er Sanner at he “Honorary Me r mber” announ cement The Foundation awarded $127,800 in grants. Dr. White was 2001 named Superintendent of the Year. John Strange Elementary School was named a National Blue Ribbon School. Lilly Endowment awarded the District a $3.9 million literacy grant. Alicia Harris from GB was named a Milken Educator. 21 Those We Honor... (continued) In Honor of AJ Morris Nancy Ann Morris In Honor of Graham & Logan Mortier K. Ann Mortier In Honor of Colleen (Groth) Murphy Bill & Phyllis Groth In Honor of MSDWT Teachers & Staff Tony & Jennifer Dzwonar In Honor of North Central High School’s Outstanding Band Program! Lee & Beverly Learman In Honor of Mary Kay Overbeck Sam & Margaret Hazlett In Honor of Marsha Reynolds Brent & Linda Hartman In Honor of Phil Smith Rob & Denise Louden Jean Miller Christine Stoner In Honor of The Stehman Daughters Frederick & Helen Stehman In Honor of Randy & Tanya Stephens Mark & Becky Ristow In Honor of Rick Stover Nick Applegate Dave, Sharon, Andrew & Jonathan Baldwin Andrew Pike Jeff & Donna Schmahl In Honor of Jennifer Streit Phoenix Brands In Honor of Mike & Betsy Terry David & Betty Jane Mills In Honor of Sam Rhinesmith Anonymous In Honor of Coach Chuck Riley Thomas Mote In Honor of Jennifer Sanner Susie Bremen nt visit IUPUI y & Bridge Stude Sharon McCarth mp Ca ot Bo NC College The Foundation awarded $146,620 in grants. The Foundation 2002 celebrated 15 school years of awarding grants. Wyandotte School reopened as an early childhood development center. 22 In Honor of Sally Thruston Lee Beasley Richard & Nadine Bonds Susie Davie Mamie Davis Joan Detmer Nettie Dixon Cloice & Betty Dotson Phyllis Dowe Collette Duvalle Amanda Gordon Elizabeth Grady Luther Hall Alicia Harrison Marguerite Hart Barbara Hill Flossie Holloway Leslie & Cornelia House Jana Irish Edna Luney Gwendolyn Luney Shirley Lynch William & Geraldine Malone John & Chong Mason Juanita Mitchell Stacey Moore Muriithi Murage Wambui Gathirua Mwangi J. Mwihaki Njau & Kariuki Murage John Penix Ethel Lee Penquite George Roddy & Wanda Spann Roddy William Shively Nancy Strange In Honor of Becky Volk Bill & Lynn Boatman In Honor of Scott Wente Pamela Riggins In Honor of Pat Wiehe Jill Archibald Merri Cascio The Dietrick Family Tony & Jennifer Dzwonar The Hershenson Family Rob Friedman & Mindy Hutchinson Greg & Rosemary Jordan The MacDougall Family Nancy Ann Morris Hemant & Christine Sabharwal Brent, Debbie JB, Scott & Annie Smith Dr. Woodson joi ns past GNR Ch Carrie Cagnas sola, Leigh Purce airs Janet Clark, ll and Steve Sa nner 2003 The Foundation awarded $194,210 in grants, designated gifts and other programs. Jeff Smulyan (NC ’65) committed $100,000 (largest one-time gift) to the convergence of North Central’s and JEL Career Center’s radio/television and journalism departments. Newsweek Magazine ranked NC in the top 2% of high schools in America. The Education Referendum passed by an overwhelming 84%. 23 Those We Remember… Memorial gifts are a special way to remember an important person who has passed away. Often families designate WTSF to be the charity to which gifts are directed. A special grateful note about Jeanne McFall who passed away last spring. Three generations of McFalls have passed through Washington Township Schools and Jean, who lived directly across from Spring Mill School, directed that WTSF be the charity benefactor which resulted in the most memorial gifts generated in the history of the Foundation. In Memory of Polly Auer Jerry & Sally Gray In Memory of Steve Bridgford Rick Weinheimer In Memory of Beth Curtis Dick Curtis In Memory of Murray & Paula Davidson Lou & Linda Cantor In Memory of Paula Davidson Charles & Sharon Barnett Paul & Rosalie Greenberger Dennis & Cassie (Newcomb) Hicks Gary & Ceil Rothbart In Memory of Dick Dennis Erv & Priscilla Boschmann Carl & Dorothy Rubis In Memory of H. Dean Evans Vera Evans In Memory of David Ewing Keith & Annemarie Fessler Nora Elementary Title I Literacy & Math Specialists In Memory of Dr. Sheila Ewing Marti Daily Jan Guffin Debra Jacobs Sherry Watkins Nikki Woodson In Memory of Ellie Gramer The Long Family Julia Ann McKim Linda McMinn Marilyn Schankerman In Memory of Heanne Hallam North Central High School In Memory of Sheldon Hodes North Central High School In Memory of Peter Hunter Tom & Marsha Reynolds In Memory of Joyce Isaacs The Partners of Bingham, Greenebaum Doll Tim & Julie Lowe In Memory of Tom Levy Jerry & Sally Gray In Memory of Sheila Lindsey North Central High School The Foundation reached the Million Dollar Milestone of 2004 grant giving since 1985, including $119,000 for Professional Development. A $10,000 grant to Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) helped average students succeed in rigorous middle 24 In Memory of Roger McClellan Steve & Joyce Click North Central High School In Memory of Jeanne McFall Christine Anderson Jeff & Kathy Andress Linda Appel Truman & Becky Arnold Dale & Susan Barrett Rex & Cindy Barrett Suzy Bartley Daniel & Catharine Birkhauser Paul & Ann Bolin Mrs. Charles H. Bookwalter, II Joe Borinstein C. Harvey Bradley Tom & Sandy Brinkman Mr. & Mrs. Roger Broderick Jack & Marcia Brown Mike & Margot Burks Cathy Cameron Dan Cantor Mr. & Mrs. Tom Carpenter James & Claire Clark Murray & Janet Clark Kevin Conley John & Lisa Cremer Cathy Culley Kendall Daniels Cecilia Davis Dennis Dawes Nancy, Ted & Julia, and Douglas Dunn Connie Earle Bo & Nancy Elder Joannie Elder Stephen Enkema Enkema Family David & Marcia Evans Sean & Michelle Fahey Thomas & Kathy Fairchild Patricia Feldmann Larry & Cece Fine Harold & Jane Garrison Carol Gartland Jeanne McFall Bob & Melody Grand Tom & Mary Grein Gerd Griffith Perry & Michelle Griffith, Jr Jane Gunsenhouser The Frank J. Habig Jr. Family George & Barbara Hamilton Alex & Mary Hawkins Mary Hawkins Hendricks Regional Health (Board of Trustees & Medical Staff) Lou Hensley & Jaime Reagan Tom & Janie Herman John E. Hollett, III Deb Hudson Needham & Mary Lou Hurst Jack & Patsy Kennedy Gary & Terri Klotz Liz Krimendahl and high school courses. MSDWT was one of only two Indiana Townships to meet Federal standards for No Child Left Behind. Mitch Daniels (NC ’67) was elected Governor of Indiana. 25 Those We Remember... (continued) Jeanne McFall (continued) Martha Krimendahl Kyle & Sally Lanham George & Susanne Lemcke Fred Lesh Doug Light Keith Light Guy & Theresa Loudermilk Tom & Sally Lugar Thomas & Flo Mary Mantel Stacy Maurer Fred & Gail McCashland Toby & Carolyn McClamroch Joan McCreary Mac & Sarah McNaught Barbara Menzie Randy & Lori Merritt John & Rose Molloy PT & Suzy Moore Dallas Moorhead Marilyn Osborn Stephen Perkins Steven Pettinga Vicky Rayle John & Patty Reel James Revel Bruce & Cheryl Roberts Joan Rocap Irwin & Jill Rose Steve & Jennifer Sanner Rick & April Sasso Doris Schaefer Bernadine Schwing Senior Home Companions Vicki Shelton Christopher & Terri Shrader Helaine Simon & Anne Simon Ellman Brent, Debbie, JB, Scott & Annie Smith Donna Spietz Mary Lou Stark Joseph & Loran Steinmetz Mike & Betsy Terry Jim & Mary Teter Jane Thompson Steve & Marianne Townley Fred & Nancy Tucker John & Carolyn Tucker Wendy Van Gemeren Mike & Suzanne Voelz Brad & Terri Warnecke Mike & Annie Wells Gene & Eileen White Wendy White Lucy Wick Fred & Elizabeth Wiese Kay Manion Wightman Brian & Elizabeth Wilder John & Barbara Wynne In Memory of Bill Messer North Central High School In Memory of Theodore Pauly North Central High School In Memory of Larry Ramey North Central High School In Memory of Wilbur Richards Kathy White In Memory of Wilma Robinson Sandy & Kathy Levine The Foundation awarded a record $241,752 in grants and 2005 designated gifts to the students and faculty. Superintendent Dr. Eugene White bids his farewell and Dr. Stephen Tegarden (NC ’60) 26 became the Interim Superintendent of MSDWT. Jessica Heidelberg from HC received the Milken Educator Award. In Memory of Celia Rodriguez North Central High School In Memory of Frances B. Rose Edra Staffieri Kathy White In Memory of Allan Segal North Central High School In Memory of Martha M. Skinner James S. Skinner In Memory of Frances Smith Joe & Marcia Erne In Memory of Robert Smith North Central High School In Memory of Dr. E. George Staffieri Edra Staffieri In Memory of Francis P. Staffieri Edra Staffieri In Memory of Ruth Stillwell Edra Staffieri In Memory of Bernard D. Vogel Jeff Shelley In Memory of William Ward In Memory of Guy Washington Helene Achgill Susie Bremen Sandy & Kathy Levine North Central High School Kathryn Rott Roberta Rott Robert & Doris Webster Zachary White In Memory of Al Weinheimer Ann Wilhoite Brilley Larry & Louise Haskett Edra Staffieri In Memory of Naverne Wille Rick Weinheimer In Memory of Latrice Williams North Central High School In Memory of Philip Wilson North Central High School Robert & Doris Webster In Memory of Norman D. Young Dan & Valerie Boots Jeff Hunter Gregory Schlegel Chris & Jane Seigel Lois Stewart Anne Weinheimer Ethan M. Wellin North Central High School The Foundation awarded $269,693 in grants and 2006 designated gifts. Dr. James Mervilde assumed his duties as Superintendent. The Foundation welcomed Jennifer Sanner as Development and Administrative Assistant. Louisa LaGrotto at WL was named Indiana Teacher of the Year. 27 Superintendent’s Circle of Giving This list is published in grateful acknowledgement of those who supported the Foundation with gifts during the fiscal year July 1, 2102 through June 31, 2013. Bold entries indicate membership in the Superintendent’s Circle with an unrestricted gift to the Annual Fund. If we have inadvertently omitted your name, please call the Foundation Office at 845-9400. Masters Members Donations of more than $10,000 Tony & Jennifer Dzwonar Griffith Family Foundation Lotus Fund Lotus II Fund NCHS Alumni Assn. CORPORATE Care For Kids Foundation, Inc. Scott A. Jones Foundation Inc. Graduate Members Donations of $5,000 - $9,999 Rob Caito & Dena Rae Hancock Paul & Liz Calkins Terry & Kristin Cudahy Alan & Anne Dinner The Fox Family Lee & Beverly Learman Jim & Sara Lootens North Central Soccer Club Opus Foundation Jim & Leigh Purcell Jeff & Cassandra Short Captains Carl & Ryan Sputh combined gifts CORPORATE Brightpoint Charitable Fund City Securities CSO Architects Inc. Lilly Endowment, Inc. Teachers Credit Union The Skillman Corp. Warnecke Investment Group Senior Members Donations of $2,500 - $4,999 Tom & Pam Cooper Tim & Amy George Earl Harris Charitable Trust NCHS Class of 1970 Dwayne & Amy Isaacs Dick & Lucinda Lautz Louis & Leigh Lazaron Jim & Glenn Livers Mike & Sarah Manion Mary L. Furscott Charitable Foundation Charles Rubright Jeff & Donna Schmahl SPM Foundation CORPORATE Bose, McKinney & Evans LLP City Security & Communications Herff Jones Ingersoll Rand Ramsey & North Mechanical Services, Inc. The National Bank of Indianapolis The Foundation awarded $257,807 in grants and designated 2007 gifts. The District celebrated the 50th anniversary of Washington Township Schools with a 600 attending a WTSF evening celebration at the Indiana Roof. 28 Junior Members Donations of $1,000 - $2,499 Kent & Carolyn Agness Kent & Barbara Alder David & Mary Allen Anonymous Tom & Adel Barry Dave & Bobbie Blachly Bill & Lynn Boatman Amanda Brackett Mark Burton Greg & Carrie Cagnassola Dwight & Ann Chernish Steve & Sarah Combs Dick Curtis Rick Doss & Maureen Marshall-Doss Vera Evans Rick & Karol Farrell Wade & Kaki Garard Gerd Griffith Perry & Michelle Griffith, Jr Bill & Ginny Hacker Amber Harris Brian & Sheila Henry Hoover Family Foundation Scott & Cheryl Jacklin Jim & Christy Jacobi Jeen Jager & Michelle Shewery Bob & Judith James Don & Grace Kite Bill & Leslie Kleschick Sam & Kim Laurin Linda Lawrence Joe Licata Keith & Missy Logie Steve Mannheimer & Wendy Sommers Mac & Sarah McNaught Jim & Ginny Mervilde Don & Julia Orzeske Andrew Pike Ralph & Hope Power Steve & Jane Pratt Tom & Marsha Reynolds John & Susan Risk John & Susie Ross Andrew & Joanna Russell Hemant & Christine Sabharwal Bob & Melissa Saint Jim & Laura Schellinger Phil & Katy Smith Randall & Tanya Stephens Jonte & Star Taylor Jerimi & Kristin Ullom Brad & Terri Warnecke Mike & Annie Wells Chris, Carrie & Alexis Wood Nikki Woodson Ace & Beth Yakey Daryle & Suzanne Zybert CORPORATE Achieve 3000, Inc. Denison Parking, Inc. Financial Center Federal Credit Union Hillyard, Inc. Herff Jones/Nystrom Indiana University Health Key Bank Northwestern Mutual Foundation Old National Insurance Phoenix Brands The Time Factory/TF Publishing 2008 The Foundation awarded more than $250,000 in grants and designated gifts. MSDWT approved a comprehensive strategic plan that included closing Harcourt Elementary and Wyandotte Schools. Joe Erne retired after 40 years. North Central was again named in the top 2% of American high schools by Newsweek Magazine. Maribeth Smith from HC was named runner-up Indiana Teacher of the Year. 29 Superintendent’s Circle (continued) Sophomore Members Donations of $500 - $999 Mary Banner James Bell Randy & Betsy Biederstedt Dan & Valerie Boots Scott & Lana Boswell Bryant & Heather Branigan Karole Butz Casey & Christie Call Ryan & Kelli Jane Cronk Andy Deemer Joannie Elder Joe & Marcia Erne Sheila Ewing Norm and Adrienne Fogle Kari Fritz Greg & Jane Geller Tim & Cheryl Harden Jay & Lisa Hill Julie A. Sambol Memorial Fund Matt & Emily Kaiser Mary Anne King Marc & Pam Klein Jere & Tracey Krueger Kevin Krulewitch & Rosanne Ammirati Larry & Beth Lammers Gerry & Michelle Lanosga Scott Larimer & Erin Day Jim & Diane Leland The MacDougall Family Andy & Cid McNeilly Marie McNelis Tom & Leisa Merrell Frank Messina & Robin Reagan Jon & Tamara Milleman Terry & Lew Mumford Jim & Susan Naus NCHS Men’s Cross Country Team Jason & Megan Noel John & Kathy Null Tom & Allison Oestreich Jared & Kimberly Piper William & Heather Pitcock Richard Pomerantz, Sharon Karp Rick & Jenny Reifeis Mike & Mary Rice George Roddy & Wanda Spann Roddy Steve & Jennifer Sanner Robert & Spencer Scott Rick & Carla Shadiow William & Karen Shirrell Micheal & Julie Smith Jack & Kimberly Swarbrick William & Laurie Turner Anna Washington David Weir Tom Whittaker & Ann Zerr Rob & Cathi Wineland Steve Wintermeyer & Ginat Mirowski Mike Yonts & Cheri Harris CORPORATE Education Networks of America Hallmark Corporate Foundation Katz, Sapper & Miller KSM Consulting, LLC Republic Services, Inc. Spear Corporation United HealthCare Services, Inc. Woodley Farra Manion Portfolio Management, Inc. The Foundation awarded nearly $250,000 in grants and 2009 designated gifts. MSDWT launched a K-12 International Baccalaureate professional development initiative to be the first district in Indiana to train all faculty in inquiry-based methodology. WTSF pledged 30 Freshman Members Donations of $250 - $499 John & Karri Alberti Jamie Alexander Bob & Kris Altice Tony & Tiffany Armstrong Nathan & Mary Beth Baker Subha Balagopal Dave & Sharon Baldwin Sally Ball Cathy Barnes Michael & Zula Barnett John Bartenbach Scott Bauserman Tim Blom Mike & Katie Boland Joshua Bolles Charlie & Julie Bookwalter Mrs. Charles H. Bookwalter, II Susie Bremen Sean & Missy Bright Angela Britain-Smith Desiree Brooks Kathy Brown Randy & Valerie Brown Gordon & Celia Bruder Jim & Jennifer Buddenbaum Tim & Carol Burns Mauri & Lisa Butler Brian & Ali Camp Mike & Patty Camp Steve & Cathy Chase Marie Chorpenning Murray & Janet Clark Steve & Joyce Click Brian & Paula Clouse Carlos Coelho Ed Coleman & Lisa Freiman Cassandra Coles Java & Veda Collins Eric & Nicole Albers Cooper Ken Cox Mike & Pat Cracraft Larry Cripe & Mimi Jacobs Cummings Family Edward Curtis & Regan Zwald Gershom & Deirdre Davis Leslie Decker Molly DeVoe Patrick & Korin Devor Kimberly Dickerson Nelson Dowell Gary & Lisa Dum Nancy, Ted & Julia, and Douglas Dunn Eastwood Middle School Stephanie Edwards Bo & Nancy Elder Bill & Kathryn Farrington Keith & Annemarie Fessler Jeff & Marcia Ford Mike & Pam Freese Alan & Andie Friedman Sarah Fronczek Jim & Sylvia Funk Donna Furrow Sabra Gage Mike Gause Charlie Geier Carl Gibson Girls 2012 NCXC Team Gregory & Mary Lou Gramelspacher Carla Gregory Cynthia Grillo Ann Grimes Bill & Phyllis Groth Bill Gulde Larry & LeAnn Haggard $250,000 over the next five yeas toward that goal. North Central again was named in the top 2% of American high schools by Newsweek Magazine for the 7th year in a row. Ed Coleman from NC was tapped for the Milken Educator Award. 31 Superintendent’s Circle (continued) Anne Hair John & Carroll Hannon Jeff & Mindy Henry Jonathan & Jody Hess Carol Hines Andy & Emily Hodson Larry & Gina Howald Lynn Hower Bernadine Schwing, Kendall Daniels, Cathy Cameron, Cecilia Davis, Mary Hawkins, Deb Hudson, Jane Thompson, Wendy White, Wendy Van Gemeren, Vicky Rayle Maravene Inman Bob & Amy Johnson Paul & Amy Johnson Ray & Sarah Johnson Chuck Jones Amy Judge-Prein Susan Kantz Nathan Keith Drew & Janet Kightlinger Ayanna King Barry & Jane Kroot Bradford Lancaster Victor & Trae Landfair Tom & Nancy Lange Ted Logan & Ellen Rosenthal Paul & Kathy Loggan Bob & Nancy Lonsinger Mary Fran Lotfalian Rob & Denise Louden Donald & Tommi Main Jeff Mason Jim, Linda & Allison McQuiston Tina Merriweather Andy & Leslie Middleton Barbara Miedema Mike Miedema Ryan & Natasha Mikus (John) Stuart Mill North Central High School Bryan & Susan O’Reilly Jan Ottolini Linka Pace Marla Palacios Keana Parquet John & Becky Peterson & Family Bill & Janet Pfadt Mike & Kristen Poindexter Mike & Kim Pomerenke David & Edi Powell Mark & Becky Ristow Jeff & Sandi Roberts Matt & Marci Robinson Traci Rodgers Mitch & Sandy Roob Carla Sanford Randy & Beth Seger Jason & Liz Sewell Danielle Shockey Al & Bennie Silver Bradley & Vicky Smith Kandy Smitha Mike & Karen Smollen Sue Spomer Chris Sprinkle Edra Staffieri Lois Stewart Barbara Stilwell & Ramon Dunkin Scott & Haylee Teeple Jenny Thomas Jennifer Tiplick Kenneth & Jo Ann Todd Chris Vermilion Ed Vischak Karon Wallace Adam & Holly Walsh Amber Walters John & Val Wareham Ramsay & Angela West The Foundation awarded more than $250,000 in grants 2010 and designated gifts. Once again, North Central was listed in the top 2% of American high schools by Newsweek Magazine. The K-12 International Baccalaureate Initiative progressed in training 400 32 John & Susan Whitaker Tom Whittaker & Ann Zerr Paula Williams Doug Wilson Alice Winslow Susan Symmes Wichser Barry & Margaret Wood Shawn Wright-Browner Chuck & Pat Wyman CORPORATE Bazbeaux Ellison Electric, Inc. HP Products Corp. Honor Roll Donations of $100 - $249 Stan & Jennifer Abell Helene Achgill Adam Ahlfeld Greg & Sally Akers Michael Akers Mike Akin & Kathy Simons Doug & Michele Anderson Sandstrom/Ardery Family Paul & Kathy Arduini Truman & Becky Arnold Jim & Kathy Arruda Steve Auslander Vicki Ayres-Benson Abby Badger Janice Baker The Baker Family Peter & Gayle Baker Janice Baldwin Richard & Joan Baltz Jeff & Susan Barnes Joe & Cathy Barnes Charles & Sharon Barnett Dale & Susan Barrett Rex & Cindy Barrett Amanda Barth George & Megan Bawcum Mark & Ann Bear Erica Beard Melissa Behny Suzanne Bellamy George & Tari Beltzhoover Melisa Benefiel Michael Benson Alan & Janine Bercovitz David & Karen Berman Jonathan & Judy Birge Trice Black Bill & Sue Bloss Shelley Boeglin Bob Boekankamp Mike & Kate Boland Migdelia Bolin Paul & Ann Bolin Joe Borinstein Mary Beth Borkowski Erv & Priscilla Boschmann Eric Boschmann & Jennifer Miller C. Harvey Bradley Ann Wilhoite Brilley Kirk & Rachel Briscoe Mr. & Mrs. Roger Broderick Jim & Brittney Brown John & Carol Brown Randall Brown Saundra Brown Daniel Brunette Jasmin Burch Pete & Claire Campassi Howard & Karen Campbell Lou & Linda Cantor Jim & Alicia Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Tom Carpenter Stacy Cartmel teachers on volunteer time in inquiry-based methodology. Washington Township voters proved their support of public education by passing the Referendum with a 72% majority. Keana Parquet from CC was named a Milken Educator. 33 Foundation Donors (continued) Lindsey Cash Tony & Lezlie Ceglio Andrew Chambers Greg & Amy Chappell Bill & Karen Christensen Elizabeth Christy Amy Clark Cory & Rachel Clark James & Claire Clark Adam Clutinger Becky Coffey Jim Connor C. Russell & Mary Lou Cox Megan Crain Ted & Pam Cummins Ellie Cutter Deborah Darring Jim Davis & Jody Vance Davis Melissa De Groff Anne Deckard Todd & Melissa DeGroff Michael Todd Deley Shawn & Carol Dellinger Laura Derrickson The Dietrick Family Stephanie Dillard Thomas Dinwiddie William & Nancy Dynes Connie Earle Angela Eberhart John & Cindy Egloff Janet Eichenberger Myron El Sally Ernstberger Thomas & Kathy Fairchild William Farkas Bruce & Linda Flanagan Michelle Fleming Christine Floyd Don & Linda Foley Latisha Frazier Volk, member Becky cy Lozer, Board bert Zy e GNR Chair Sta nn za Su air Fitness Fair ch Cortnei Freeman Sarah Freeman Nia Stewart Suzette Friar Howard & Suzanne Friedman Rob Friedman & Mindy Hutchinson Gary & Maureen Gardner Jarrod Gatlin Grant Gaunt Tom Gayda Craig Ghormley Kelli Glassley Melissa Goetz Mark & Judy Goldberg Jeremy Gondol Will & Alicia Gooden Adam Goodman Ron Goodman & Debbie Donelson David & Julie Goodrich Heather Goodrich Andrea Grandpre Jerry & Sally Gray Julie Grissom John & Ann Guggenheim The Frank J. Habig, Jr. Family Susie Hale All elementary schools became International Baccalaureate 2011 (IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) Candidate Schools. Superintendent Dr. James Mervilde retired with a legacy of a District commitment to IB. Dr Nikki V. Woodson was named the new superintendent 34 Becky Hall Marilyn Hancock-Beeler Duke & Tammy Hardy Harp Family Mike & Susan Haskell Mike, Susan & Matthew Haskell Mark Haste Caroline Hayes Sam & Margaret Hazlett Lou Hensley & Jaime Reagan Steve Herr Board of Education Donald & Mary Beth Hinkle Craig & Sarah Hittle Fredrick & Janet Hohlt John E. Hollett, III Chris Holmes Janet Holzer Tim & Diane Hon Elisabeth Honn Hoegberg Becky Hoog John & Patty Hunter Jeff Hunter & Anne Weinheimer Coriinne Imboden Tom & Martha Imperiale Holly Jarrett Eric Johnson Marc & Janice Johnson Lindsey Johnston Kristy Jones David & Mimi Jose Daland & Lisa Juberg Matt & Claudia Judge Jackie Kaiser Barry & May Katz Martin Kelty Marvin & Marie Kemple Pamela Kendrick Mark Kirchgassner Stacie Kleeman Kurt & Cindy Klem Joe & Emily Kniesly Dick & Anne Kraege Kevin & Kendall Kreinhagen Jill Kropa Mike Kuebler Liane Kuyoth Louisa LaGrotto Michael Lamirand Jeff & Diana Larson Davia Laswell Kathleen Lattimer Lucinda Lautz Eric & Holly Lee Quinton & Karla Lee George & Susanne Lemcke Sandy & Kathy Levine Yolanda Lopez-Robles Elizabeth Love Gwendolyn Luney Marcia Mahony Jill Maniakas Andrew & Joy Manna Chelsea Markley William & Donna Marsh Rhonda Martin John & Chong Mason Michael & Kris Matel Holly May Jim & Sharon McCarthy Fred & Carrie McFall David McGinness Phil McIntyre Julie McKenna Title I Literacy & Math Specialists Jan McNulty Kathy McPeek Kathryn Memmer Barbara Menzie Jeff Miller Jill Metzger Miller Kevin Miller with the future implementation of IB. The Foundation awarded a record amount of $320,189 in grants program support and designated gifts to the students and teachers in Washington Township classrooms. 35 Foundation Donors (continued) Mark “Doc” Miller David & Betty Jane Mills Barry Mitchell Jenafer Mobley Jeremy Moore Sandra Moran Nancy Ann Morris Jeff & Lisa Mortier K. Ann Mortier Jack & Susan Mossler Thomas Mote Kristy Munday Ellen Murphy Jamie Myers Margaret Nation Andrew Neddo Leon & Ruthann Neddo Corinne Neff Mary Ann Neighbors Clayton & Deborah Nicholas David & Kristen Nicoson Joseph & Jill Ofengender Monica Ouedraogo Gary Oxenrider The Pactor Family Carol Paik Jayson & Kendra Parker Lara Pastore Blaine & Stacey Paul Eric & Lorrie Pavlack Denise Pearson Stephen Perkins Steve Perkins Jeff & Myra Perrin Corey Pettigrew Jenny Pfeiffer Julia Phoebus Anat Pinsky John & Cheryl Plunkett Vince Pollard Sue Poulos Susan Powlen Tom & Suzy Primavera Kara Pulley Bruce Quilling & Jennifer Hubartt John & Penelope Radd Steve & Pam Rappaport Audra Rasmussen Tom & Bobbie Recktenwall Michelle Reel Jennifer Repp Brian & Amy Resler Adam & Tenley Rhoades Tim & Linda Robb David Robertson Doug & Cece Rogers Scott & Ellen Rogers Irwin & Jill Rose Kathryn Rott Roberta Rott Ryland Rucker NCHS Special Education Nicci Saari Patricia Sanders Enders Sandstrom & Nina Ardery Rick & April Sasso Satterly Family Greg Schahet Gary & Beth Schiffli Nancy Schmitt Dick & Jamie Schulte Jim & Sandy Schwarz Tara Seeley Laura Sellars Senior Home Companions Carolyn Sharp Jeff & Jeannine Shelton Joseph & Clara Shelton Nicole Shook Frederick & Kathryn Shorter Tom & Dixie Shrock The 50th anniversary sculpture is dedicated. All elementary 2012 schools become International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP) Candidate Schools. WTSF launches a $1,000,000 fundraising campaign to support full implementation of IB. Big 36 Bob & Denise Silbert Greg & Renny Silver Lou Silverman Beverly Sinclair Mike & Jennifer Skulski Allyson Smith Brent, Debbie JB, Scott & Annie Smith Brian & Carla Smith Greg & Mabel Smith Melissa Smith Terri Smith Jim Smith & Nora Doherty Richard & Gretchen Spaulding Donna Spietz Frederick & Helen Stehman Kurt & Becky Stevens Robert & M. Carolyn Stewart Ted Stimson GRN Race Finish er Richard Stolt Jennifer Story-Venturi Nita Stout Joe & Angi Stueve Chris & Roxy Sullivan David & Ann Surina Greg Swallow & Nami Swallow-Novak Russell & Julie Swisher Sean Taylor Mary Ann Tellas Scott & Sharon Thiems Adam & Anne Thies Adam & Tamoura Thomas Diane Thompson Tim & Eileen Toepp Lee Toussant Steve & Marianne Townley, Doug Light and Keith Light Camille Trolson Megan Troxel Nikki Tsangaris Jacquelyn Tschudy Fred & Nancy Tucker William Tyler Shyla Van Cleave Laura VanderHaeghen Julie Vanover Cristina Vasquez Amber Vickery Mary K. Vitolins Eric & Becky Volk David & Mary Jo Wagner Sharri Wagner Steve Walker Doug & Lisa Walter Robert & Doris Webster Bart & Cathy Weidman Terry & Pam Weiger Bob & Sue Welch Joe Weller Dave Wheeler Zachary White Lucy Wick Dick & Pat Wiehe Fred & Elizabeth Wiese Kay Manion Wightman Mark & Annette Wilcher Dana & Arlene Wilcox changes occurred within the State for school hours and faculty evaluation. Nearly $303,000 was awarded by WTSF in grants, program support, and designated gifts to the students and teachers in WT classrooms. 37 Foundation Donors (continued) Brian & Elizabeth Wilder Larry Willan Karen Williams Yvonne Williams Marlin & Laura Wilson Lisa Woods Allison Wright Crystal Wright John & Barbara Wynne Rich & Sue Wynne Bobby & Barbara Yeary Bart & Dorinda York Stacey Young Mellinda Zore CORPORATE The Partners of Bingham, Greenebaum Doll Friends of the Foundation Donations of up to $99 Maribeth Abels Cali Ahern Mark & Anne Alderfer Christine Anderson Jeff & Kathy Andress Linda Appel FAFSA Night at NCHS Nick Applegate Jill Archibald J. David & Brenda Arnold Jeffrey Arnold Beth Baldwin Dave, Sharon, Andrew & Jonathan Baldwin Van & Joan Bareither Suzy Bartley P. O’Brien & Dee Bassett Marilyn Baumgardt Andy Erdenebileg Lee Beasley Kimbra Becker Megan Behny Ashley Bell Moussa Bevvry Daniel & Catharine Birkhauser Christopher Boggs Richard & Nadine Bonds Tom & Sandy Brinkman The Broemel Family David & Susan Brooks Samantha Brooks Jack & Marcia Brown Frank & Ellie Burdick Mike & Margot Burks Jessica Burt Jonique Burton Jenny Calin Jennifer Camire Ginny Campbell Scott & Jessica Campbell Dan Cantor Kim Carlson Merindy Carpenter Katharine Carr Caitlin Carroll Merri Cascio The Childers-Arnold Family Kristal Clark Big changes occurred within the State for school hours and 2013 faculty evaluation. A record amount of nearly $400,000 was awarded by WTSF in grants, program support, and designated gifts to 38 Matthew Cohn Douglas & Carol Collins Kevin Conley Peggy Conoway Owen Kraft & Yvonne Yip John & Lisa Cremer Bonnie Crowson Laurel Crutchfield Vanessa Cruz Annie Cudahy Cathy Culley Marti Daily Brenda Dalton Bridget Davenport Susie Davie Justin Davis Mamie Davis Dennis Dawes Glenna De Brota John & Donna Dearth Joan Detmer Ramadhani Dhaudi Habib & Malang Diatta Emily Dickerson Christel Didat Clay & Julie Dilts Nettie Dixon Mr. & Mrs. Donald Annette Donegan Cloice & Betty Dotson Phyllis Dowe Linda Dugger Jack & Kathy Durkin Collette Duvalle Greg & Theresa Duwe Ed & Jane Edson Stephen Enkema Enkema Family David & Marcia Evans Sean & Michelle Fahey Vaughn & Gretchen Faul John Feeney Jessica Feeser Patricia Feldmann Kathleen Ferguson Larry & Cece Fine Claire Finney Tiffany Flores Don & Pam Fogle Marionne Fort Gina Fox Andrea Francis Adrienne Frank Kenneth & Samantha Franklin Mona Free Edward & Laurie Freeman Michael & Trish Gage Paul & Jean Galanti Nancy & Jessica Garcia Harold & Jane Garrison Carol Gartland Karen Gartner Karen Simons Gartner Matt & Elizabeth Garvey William Geller & Stephanie Montague Megan Gentry Joe Giordano Lynda Goeke Julia Goodman Amanda Gordon Emily Gore Elizabeth Grady Bob & Melody Grand Rick Granlund Paul & Rosalie Greenberger Sheila Greenwald Jerald Greenwood Tom & Mary Grein Denise Grimes Brian & Karen Gropp Mark Grosskopf the students and teachers in WT classrooms. We bid farewell to Jennifer Sanner and welcomed Emily Kaiser (Associate Director) and Kathy Levine (Executive Assistant). 39 Foundation Donors (continued) Jan Guffin Jane Gunsenhouser David & Laura Guntz David & Mickie Gurvis Cara Hachmeister Laura Haines Lori Hall Luther Hall George & Barbara Hamilton George Hanley Ed & Karen Harper Alicia Harrison Marguerite Hart Brent & Linda Hartman Larry & Louise Haskett Robin Haskins Danielle Hassan Alex & Mary Hawkins Braden Hayes Brian Hayes Bret & Becky Heerema Hendricks Regional Health (Board of Trustees &$Medical5Staff ) DeAnn Henry Rebecca Henry Tom & Janie Herman Bryan Hernandez Munoz The Hershenson Family Dennis & Cassie (Newcomb) Hicks Barbara Hill Gary & Stacy Hillock Leo Hodes Kathrynn Hodson Business Services Scott Hohl Flossie Holloway Melissa Homan Phil Hon Leslie & Cornelia House David & Susan Howard Edward & Melissa Hruskocy Joanne Hughes David & Kimberly Huizinga David & Ranae Humpal Kay Humphrey Julie Hunt 40 Willard Hunt Business Services Marcy Hurley Needham & Mary Lou Hurst Jana Irish Debra Jacobs David & Ainsley James Gary Jenkins & Ginny Rabbitt Jenkins Bob, Amy, Grace & Josie Johnson Greg & Rosemary Jordan Stephane & Tamara Jousset Dawn June Lu Ka Sat Ka Joyce Karrmann Rianne Keedy Kristine Kelly Jack & Patsy Kennedy Alan & Jackie Kent Barb King Jon & Brittany Kirschner Rebecca Klee Steve & Elaine Kleifgen Elisabeth Kline Gary & Terri Klotz Mike & Angela Kneebone Chris Knestrick Dessie Koch Kyle Kopke Scott & Amy Kosnoff Annie Kosobud Leslie Kotyuk Owen Kraft & Yvonne Yip Liz Krimendahl Martha Krimendahl The Kroupa-Haberski’s John Krull & Jenny LaBalme David & Susan Land Sylvia Lane Kyle & Sally Lanham Jack & Karen Kay Leonard Fred Lesh Jennifer Lindell The Long Family W. R. Long Peter & Jessica Loomis Riley Lopez-Shue Guy & Theresa Loudermilk Virgil & Kitzi Love Tim & Julie Lowe Tom & Sally Lugar Edna Luney Robin Lybolt & Debra Wagner Shirley Lynch William & Geraldine Malone Business Services Thomas & Flo Mary Mantel Caroline Marandino Nicole Marlar Taylor Lindsey Mastain Reagen Mathew Kim Matsuoka Stacy Maurer William & Mary Ann Maxwell Onita Mayfield Daniel & Jessica Mayorga Fred & Gail McCashland Toby & Carolyn McClamroch Joan McCreary and Mike & Suzanne Voelz Dan McGill The McKay Family Julia Ann McKim Robert & Linda McLeaish Katy McLiver Linda McMinn Gordon & Kellee Merritt Randy & Lori Merritt Jim & Ginny Mervide Earl & Carol MIller Jean Miller Rebecca Miller Lorraine Mills Doug Mitchell Juanita Mitchell Dennis Mock John & Rose Molloy Stephanie Momcilovic Ashley Monroe Angela Moore PT & Suzy Moore Stacey Moore Dallas Moorhead ul uage of the So NC Hidden Lang Walt Morris Soumi Mukhopadhyay Muriithi Murage Wambui Gathirua Mwangi Evan Nance Mary Negbenebor Larry & Julie Neuman Megan Nichols J. Mwihaki Njau & Kariuki Murage Nora Elementary John & Nancy Null Elisabeth Ohly-Davis Lori O’Leary Lindsay O’Neill Marilyn Osborn Kelly Ouattara Ellen Pactor Business Services Chad & Jennifer Patsel John Penix Ethel Lee Penquite Meg Perryman Daniela Petrusca Steven Pettinga Mitchell & Rebecca Pfeiffer Virginia Phillips Kathryn Porter Elisa Powell Scott & Lynn Presley Scott, Lynn, Emma, Hank & Will Presley Toby Presnal 41 Foundation Donors (continued) Jennifer Price Business Services Robert Pruitt Nancy Quest Dan & Sabrina Quigley David Raes DeeAnn Ramey Dan Reagan & Catherine Little Erin Recktenwall Susan Reed John & Patty Reel Chris & Mary Beth Reffett Maureen Grant Reichardt Jill Reid James Revel Christina Rhodes Michelle Riggers Pamela Riggins Dan & Lisa Riley James Rischar Kathy Robbins Bruce & Cheryl Roberts Joan Rocap Kim & Denise Rogers Gary & Ceil Rothbart Natalie Rowe Elizabeth Ruben Carl & Dorothy Rubis Amy Ruschak Tim & Diana Ruschhaupt Jill Russell Andy & Kathy Sagarsee Greg & Laura Scarpone Doris Schaefer Susan Schaeffer Marilyn Schankerman Gregory Schlegel Lynn Schopp Peggy Schuh Paul & Carrie Schuler Mary Patricia Searight Chris & Jane Seigel Sara Senese Sew Fine Alterations Jeff Shelley Keith Shelton 42 Vicki Shelton Suzanne Shikany William Shively Tristan Shore Christopher & Terri Shrader Megan Shuck Sara Silver-Lee Helaine Simon & Anne Simon Ellman Byron Simpson Brad & Stephanie Skillman Caitlin Skinner James S. Skinner Andrea Smith Dawn Smith LaTanya Smith Maribeth Smith Basil Smotherman Philip Snow Sodbuster Kim Solano Business Services Mary Lou Stark NC Discoverin g the Past with National Histor Pat Staubach Brandon & Diane Steffey Larry Cripe & Mimi Jacobs Terri Steinken Joseph & Loran Steinmetz Tim Stone Christine Stoner April Stout y Day Nancy Strange Dave & Jennifer Streit Tony & Gail Strong Sara Sturm Esha Suleiman Kathryn Sullivan Amy Sutton Linda Swift Jennifer Switalski Mary Switalski M. Beth Symons Gay Talbert Mohammed Talib Kara Tamulonis Catherine Taylor William & Janet Taylor Mike & Betsy Terry Jim & Mary Teter Jennifer Thompson Andrea Thorne Rebecca Thrasher Rungnaphaporv Traynor Hwa Tsu John & Carolyn Tucker James Tutin Business Services United Way of Central Indiana, Inc. Paula Van Ness Kristen Vannatta Jerry Verbrugge Elise Vestal Alan Vickrey Paige Vinson Doug Vinton LaDonna Waggoner Kurt & Kathy Wagner R. Scott & Mary Walker Megan Walsh Jill Ware Sherry Watkins Scott Webber Sonya Weber Rick Weinheimer Ethan M Wellin Charles & Beth Wellman Kurt Weston Adra Wheeler Gene & Eileen White Kathy White Kevin & Elizabeth Whiteacre Rick & Jill Whitten Elaine Wiggins Jay & Lisa Hill Bert & Caryl Wilhoite Steve & Judi Willem Jennifer Williams Joli Williams LaShanna Williams Rod Williamson John & Paula Willliams John & Juli Wright Ping Yang Timothy Yarling Susan Yerkes-Bender Roger & Cynthia Yosha-Snyder Dick & Kim Young Kate Young Amy Zehr Pamela Zwickel 43 We Appreciate… Our thanks to these Washington Township supporters for their matching gift programs that enhance the gifts from our donors: Eli Lilly & Company Foundation JP Morgan Chase Foundation KSM Business Services Our thanks to these contributors for their generous in-kind support of the BASH Auction valued at $72,792! 500 Festival 600 The Salon 8fifteen 96th Street Steakbugers AAA - Hoosier Motor Club Active Indy Tours Actors Theatre of Indiana Air Tan Allisonville Elementary School Amy & Bob Johnson, Jay Bilas/ESPN Amy & Dwayne Isaacs Andrea’s Garden Center Angela Stuart Wilhelm Angie’s List Anne Hair & Northview Science Department Arni’s Art By Joani Arthur Black Arthur Jordan Branch YMCA AYBS Barnes & Noble Barry Company Barto’s Catering and Concessions Bash Committee Bazbeaux Pizza Beef & Boards Bell’s School Services, Inc. Bender & Rocap Educational Services 44 Lilly Endowment, Inc. The GE Foundation Benihana Bier Brewery Big League Barber Big League Barber Bill & Leslie Kleschick Binkley’s Kitchen and Bar Boatman Geller Booth Dermatology Bose McKinney & Evans Brenner Luggage Brewstone Restaurant & Taproom BRICS Broad Ripple Brewpub Caito/ Hancock/ Hiltunen Family Canvas On Demand Carey Indiana Carey Indiana Cater Me Café CEC Chef JJ’s Backyard Chicago Cubs Chick-fil-A Chris and Carrie Wood Churchill Downs Cincinnati Reds Clowes Memorial Hall Conner Prairie Interactive History Park Cooper’s Hawk Winery & Restaurant Counterpoints Crooked Creek Elementary School CVS Pharmacy (86th & Ditch) Cynthia’s Hallmark Cynthia’s Hallmark Cynthia’s Hallmark Daddy Jack’s Dan Brunette Dave & Buster’s Dawn Cerasale Design Studio Vriesman Detour American Grille Dick’s Sporting Goods DL Lowry Hairspa Boutique Dudley Duncan Appliance Eastwood Middle School Eiteljorg Museum Elements Therapeutic Massage Estate Landscape Management Inc. Estelle Nelson Designs Everybody Loves Clean Fetch Dog Resort FIBERxperts, Inc. FirstWatch Fitness by Design Fitness for Life Flat12 Bierwerks Brewery Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar Fogo de Chao Restaurants Fox Hill Elementary School Friday’s Friends of the Foundation G. Thrapp Jewelers G.T. South’s Rib House GiGi’s Cupcakes Good Earth Natural Food Company Goodman’s Shoes Grace Kite Granite City Greenbriar Elementary School Grueninger Travel Group/ Ambassadair Half Baked Pottery & Gifts Half Price Books Historic Canterbury Hotel Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari Hollyhock Hill Restaurant Hope & Ralph Power Howald Heating and Air Indiana Fever Indiana Pacers Indiana State Fair Indiana University School of Medicine Indianapolis Indians Indianapolis Marriott Downtown Indianapolis Motor Speedway Indianapolis Racquet Club Indianapolis School of Ballet Indianapolis Zoo Indy Cigar Bar Indy Cutters Lawn Care Inc. Indy Racing Experience IRT/Indiana Repertry Theater Irvington Historical Society J Razzo’s Italian Restaurant J.E.L.C.C. Jacquie’s Café & Gourmet Catering James Still Piano Service Jamie Ann Designs JCC Indianapolis Jeff and Kathy Andress Jeff Rothenberg Jiffy Lube Jim & Sara Lootens John Strange Elementary School Kathy and John Null Kendra Parker Kenra Professional, LLC Kings Island 45 We Appreciate... (continued) Laser Flash Learning Under the Sun Lee Vriesman Leisa Merrell Leslie Middleton Lisa Butler Lori Juerling Louis Profetta, M.D. MacKenzie River Pizza Marc Klein Marigold Clothing Marilene Isaacs’ Center of Peace Mass. Ave. Toys McAllister’s Deli McMurray Fine Art McNamara Florist Melissa Schulz Meridian Restaurant & Bar Merle Norman Metamorphosis Mike’s Express Carwash Missy & Keith Logie Moon Dog Tavern Myra Risley Perrin NC Publications NC Spirit Shop NK Hurst Company, Inc Noodles & Co. Nora Elementary School Nora Plaza Barber Shop Nordstrom North Central High School Northview Middle School Oakleys Bistro Oasis Nail Spa Ocean Prime Olive Garden Oriental Trading Company Orvis Ossip Optometry Panera Bread Panyard Bros. Inc. Papa Murphy’s Take n’ Bake Pizza Paradise Bakery 46 Pearl Bistro Pei Wei Perfect Wedding Flowers, LLC Periwinkle Paper and Home Perry and Michelle Griffith Photos by Emily Plum Creek Golf Club Pop Weaver Popcorn Posh Petals and Jos. A. Bank Posh Petals and Susan Reed Custom Sewing & Alterations Puccini’s Raleigh Limited Menswear Republic National Distributing Company of Indiana Rick’s Boatyard Café Ripple Bagel & Deli Robert Goodman Jewelers Roxy Sullivan Rusty Bucket Tavern Ruth’s Chris Steak House Ruth’s Keystone Café Sam’s Club Sandy Roob Scotty’s Brewhouse Shaggy Chic Shedd Aquarium Sheryl Hays Shortee’s Golf Silpada Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park SkyDive Indianapolis Some Guys Pizza Spencer Fields Tennis Spring Mill Elementary School Stacy & Jeff Lozer Starbucks (74th & Keystone) Starbuck’s (86th & Ditch) Starbucks (96th & Meridian) Starbucks (North Willow) Steve and Jennifer Sanner Steve Mannheimer Steve Wintermeyer & Ginat Mirowski Sullivan Commercial Supply Sullivan Hardware & Garden Sullivan’s Steakhouse Sun King Brewing Company Susan & Greg Harvesty and Leigh & Jim Purcell Sycamore School/North Central Families T3 by Kendra Parker Teavana TF Publishing Thai Taste The Broad Ripple Animal Clinic The Bungalow The Center for the Performing Arts The Cheesecake Factory The Cheesecake Factory The Container Store The Illinois St. Food Emporium The Riviera Club Theresa’s Tidbits Tom & Pam Cooper Tom Laird Custom Woodworking TootsUncommon Tuxedo Brothers Vera Bradley Walt Disney World Washington Twp. Schools Community Tennis Program WB Pizza Westlane Middle School Winspire, Inc WTHR-TV Channel 13 WTS Foundation Board Members Wyant Photography Yogaworx/Barbara Kennedy Special Thanks to the Print Shop at J. Everett Light Career Center for meeting our printing needs throughout the year 47 Financial Summary FYE Revenues, June 30, 2013 Investment $79,470 12% Great North Run $15,749 3% Other $21,706 3% Annual Fund $150,578 24% Event Sponsors $57,099 9% Designated Gifts $245,651 38% Fall Bash $71,123 11% FYE Expenses, June 30, 2013 Administrative $142,787 22% Fundraising $79,071 12% Grants & Programs $427,789 66% The summary is pending review by Johnson/Allman & Company. Balanced financial sheets are available at and full financial statements are available on request in the Foundation Office. 48 The Legacy Society T o those of us who can read and understand the meaning of words, life has become inextricably enriched because our elders, our parents, siblings, relatives, teachers and everyday acquaintances who have helped us along the way. For most, it involved the opportunity to thrive in an educated society centered in large part around the schools we have attended. We benefited because others shared their knowledge and talents with us. We ARE grateful. There is a time when it becomes our turn, our opportunity, to pass-it-on in any way we can. Especially meaningful are the very places from which we benefited as we, our friends, neighbors and children have grown in knowledge over the years. At the center of this learning are the family and the school. Washington Township has been exemplary in establishing the Washington Township Schools Foundation which provides enrichment opportunities to our educators and their students. Having watched firsthand, as a former teacher in Washington Township, and as the wife of a longtime educator at North Central High School, the outstanding opportunities provided through the works of WTSF, I was able to join forces with the NCHS Orchestra Parents in establishing the Richard F. Dennis Memorial Endowment, enabling an ever-increasing number of our talented young music students to receive financial assistance in order to improve their musical skills through private tutoring. But that was MY passion . . . shared, of course, by many who were touched by Mr. Dennis’ great gift of music, and who responded generously, helping to grow the Dennis Memorial Endowment. What is YOUR passion? There are so many ways to add to the enrichment of our community through your gift of time, talent and, of course, treasure! The Washington Township Schools Foundation offers a wonderful and meaningful avenue for you to return the favor in whatever way and to whatever extent you wish. Make the connection and see what your help can do to enrich the next generation. Carol L. Dennis Director of Orchestras 2007-1983 Northview Middle School These visionary individuals have made planned gifts to the Foundation in the form of a bequest in their wills or a provision in a trust, life insurance policy or retirement plan. Please consider a Legacy gift to support public education in Washington Township. Contact Ginny Hacker, Sr. Executive Director at 317-205-3332, ext. 77260 for more information. Anonymous (2) ChloeAnn Adams Rob Caito & Dena Rae Hancock Dennis & Joan Dann Carol L. Dennis Joe & Marcia Erne David & Julie Goodrich David & Caron Green Bill & Ginny Hacker Linda Lawrence John & Barb McDougall Sherm & Katy McMurray Sarah W. Mcnaught Dave & Ann Sternberg Tatti Tehan Kathy White