June 2013 PDF - The Inner Voice Magazine
June 2013 PDF - The Inner Voice Magazine
THE INNER VOICE A Source of Light for Unfolding Consciousness June 2013 • Pass it on! • www.theinnervoicemagazine.com How the Healing Power in Nature Can Produce Instant, Surprising Miracles “Flower Fairy” by Artist Bettina Star-Rose Madini. Limited edition prints available p. 9 email@9thstwellness.com www.9thstwellness.com Car Pooling from the Fox Valley is Available. www.theinnervoicemagazine.com 2 June 2013 THE INNER VOICE ISSN #1073-1814 The Inner Voice: A Source of Light for Unfolding Consciousness is published by Nancy Freier; Website by Steve Freier. It is our sincere intention that this collective work of visionary writers, artists and contributors illumine the myriad healing and self-exploration possibilities that await your action. May we all be open and willing to apply the wisdom to heal ourselves of whatever limitation we may be experiencing, and choose the higher path in all situations. May the result of your journey with The Inner Voice leave you with a life that is content and filled with love, joy and purpose. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher who assumes no responsibility for readers’ actions. We will always direct you to go within and discern what your inner voice says is right for you. We welcome your responses, as well as your personal healing accounts, your Evidence of Angels experiences and other suggestions and ideas. ©2013 All rights reserved. Please share this entire e-zine with anyone you feel will enjoy it. Ask them to pass it on, too! If you wish to reproduce or publish an article, artwork, or other information provided by our writers, artists and contributors, please seek their permission directly, citing The Inner Voice as the source. Your integrity is greatly appreciated. Thank you! Table of Contents Inspirations for Healing Body, Mind, Spirit – and House! 2 Ad, 9th Street Wellness Center June Events 4 Angel Talk by Nancy Freier 6 The Unifying Force of Nature by Steve Freier 7 About the Cover 8 Luminous Infusions By Beverly Brunelle 8 Ad, Beverly Brunelle, Channel & Teacher 9 Ask A Good Question By Bettina Madini 10 Wise Woman Counsel By Kathleen Jacoby 11 Straight Talk from Dr. Roy Ostenson 12 The Power of Love to Heal by Meredith Young-Sowers 13 Feng Shui Outdoors: Pools & Fountains 14 How to Get Instant Healing by Dr. Susan Shumsky 15 From the Heart By Lynne Austin 16 AHZ-University Report By Richard Bennett 17 Evidence of Angels 18 Lemon Essential Oil - Ad, Ascending Light, Free Holistic Clinic Lightlines Publishing ©1992-2001; 2012-2013 Publisher & Editor-In-Chief Nancy Freier Website Design Virtual Tech Steve Freier Associate Editor Kathleen Jacoby The Inner Voice is a FREE e-publication available to everyone. Read it on our website, or subscribe by sending an e-mail to: TIVmail@aol.com Please pass it on! www.theinnervoicemagazine.com 3 Dear Readers, Need healing? We bring to your awareness many wonderful options from in-depth readings from the Angels; doTerra Essential Oils that if you have not yet heard of them, you need to! They are so remarkable, I started a column where I will feature an oil every month. (p.18). Also, I’m featuring the Unifying Force of Nature, p. 6; several miraculous and inspirational healing stories (p. 12, 14 and 15). Richard chimes in with his intuitive observations from the Land of Ahz; author Meredith Young-Sowers on the Power of Love to Heal and author Brian Weiss on how past lives offer healing. Wow, so honored to bring such great news to you! Please be inspired – and share this e-zine with the rest of the world! From my heart to yours, –Nancy Need A Light? Ask the Angels! Intuitive Readings that address life’s difficult Situations since 1986 • Angel Talk™ Readings • You Can Talk To Your Angels” Classes • Essential Oils & Flower Remedies • Nancy’s Angels™ Handmade dolls you can talk to! E-mail: NFreier@aol.com Join the conversation! www.angeltalkpublishing.wordpress.com Angel Talk ™ By Nancy Freier and Sreper (aka. Michael) Angel of the Great White Light www.angeltalkpublishing.wordpress.com Nature’s Gift: Essential Oils and Flower Essences Q. Sreper, please tell us about the inherent healing power in Nature, and how essential oils and flower essences help us to heal? A. Yes, we are pleased to answer this. In the beginning humans were created whole, perfect and complete. You knew who you were and aware of how to use your mind-power to create. Some of your spiritual historians would describe this as the period of Lemuria, or as some choose to call it, the Garden of Eden. Some of you might reach within your cellular memories and recall the time known as ‘the fall from Grace’ and how humans collectively co-created Earth, or the third dimensional physical plane. In your fall, you "fell asleep" to your Oneness with the Creator, and awoke to duality and separation; to a world of Light and Dark, to a world of cause and effect, of good and evil. The angels inhabiting the higher worlds realized the fall took place, and although they/we chose not to be a part of this state of duality, the angels became gatekeepers and vowed to hold the gate open for your return, whenever you chose to go home. Meanwhile, the angels working in cooperation with Nature, placed in Nature the answers and the remedies you would need to address your aches and pains. The angels vowed to keep these answers safe for you for whenever you would turn to them and ask. In the period known as Lemuria, all gardening, horticulture and botanical techniques were performed on the mental levels. As Lemurians, you had not yet forgotten your connection and co-creative power with Source. As the fall manifested, all physical matter lowered in vibration. Everything slowed down ... your physical bod- ies became denser, and as your thoughtforms became more solid, the more you forgot the fluidity and the power that your creative thoughts carried. The angelic realms anticipated this and made it their duty as your guardians, to safeguard the antidotes and promised to deliver them when you came looking for them. The Nature Spirits, as a division of the angelic realms, placed these antidotes in the trees and flowers and communicated through intuition, the information we needed. As time passed, you had mostly lost your ability to listen. The angelic realm, realizing you had fallen further into ‘forgetfulness’, manifested in form as Beings of Light (devas, elves, sprites, et al.) who would tend the Garden while you were away. “Be reminded,” said Sreper, “that although you left the Garden and have forgotten, we remember this information for you. We have kept watch over this post, and await your return.” Q. How does healing with the flower essences work? A. We say the purpose of using flower essences can be explained on many levels, but to simplify, we ask you to think of the essences as liquid consciousness, or as spiritual medicine. Flower essences inspire your freewill choice to help further the unfoldment of higher consciousness by bringing more light to the body. Each plant holds a certain life-force pattern of consciousness in the flower from which the essences are derived. When a person is feeling any emotional imbalance, a flower essence, or a combination of essences, holding within them a higher vibration, can be taken to restore balance and allow healing. The higher vibration essence of the flower often alwww.theinnervoicemagazine.com 4 lows the imbalance to just disappear. Flower essences adjust the flow of consciousness by influencing the subtle, etheric (nonphysical) bodies, which then affect the physical body. They are a vibrational remedy restoring balance wherever things are out of balance. The angels continued, “There is an answer in nature for every imbalance man has created. New ones are continually being developed because man continually creates. Nature instilled in plants a life-force that addresses any issue, on any level of mind, body, or spirit. As you awaken to your role in your own creative process, you can use the flower essences to restore health. Flower essences are a tool for enlightenment and offer a profound, complete healing because they work on the subtle levels where disease originates.” “Essential oils have been used throughout recorded history for a wide variety of wellness applications. The Egyptians were some of the first people to use aromatic essential oils extensively in medical practice, beauty treatment, food preparation, and in religious ceremony. “ –Unknown Q. How do essential oils work? A. We say that essential oils have within them the answers to the pains and illnesses that you experience on the physical level. The guardian angels, in cooperation with the Nature Spirits, have placed the elixirs in the plants. They have always been available to you and once were widely used. You are now awakening to these oils, and to the wisdom of how to extract, apply, ingest or breathe them to find relief to your physical aches, pains, and patterns of disease. Again, we say that we have never left our posts, as it were, and continually make available to you, the antidotes for your miscreations. While you are away from your true home, you are not without help. The essential oils and the flower essences found in Nature are your friends and healing allies – infused with patterns of Light, Intelligence and the highest vibrations to ease your body aches and emotional patterns, just as when you eat of the plant kingdom, your body is nourished and your cells are replenished. ∆ doTERRA oils ad “Gift of the Earth” Experience healing. Experience doTERRA Essential Oils. Wednesday, June 26th… 6-7pm doTERRA Essential Oils | Lifelong Vitality Pack Presented By Susan Paul Learn about Women's Health Issues, pain caused by inflammation, how Lifelong Vitality Pack can help you. LLV helps to raise and sustain your energy level. As we age, our body’s ability to effectively generate and use energy can decline, robbing us of youthful vitality. LLV is packed with worldclass ingredients and gives you long lasting energy, improves physical vigor and mental acuity. 7-7:30pm Essential Feng Shui® Tips Presented By Nancy Freier Learn some fun and easy-to-do Essential Feng Shui® tips to revitalize your living or work space and have more energy! 7:30-8:30pm Q&A session for doTERRA Consultants ! ! ! • Learn how to place orders, get around in the virtual office, find handouts, trainings, videos, etc.! • Learn how to earn FREE Products with the Loyalty Reward Program • Learn how to introduce and share the oils with others! Susan Paul Cell: 920-716-0616 Email: susan.paul77@gmail.com DoTERRA consultant www.mydoterra.com/SusanPaul Nancy Freier Phone: 920-727-0997 Email: NFreier@aol.com DoTERRA consultant and Essential Feng Shui® Consultant www.mydoterra.com/nancyfreier NEW LOCATION! – CALL FOR DIRECTIONS 920-716-0616 www.theinnervoicemagazine.com 5 By Steve Freier www.theunobstructeduniverse.com The Unifying Force of Nature I was born into a strict Lutheran conservative sect. Martin Luther was a rebel and so I guess it was appropriate that I would become one, too. At about the age of 15 while I was taking Catechism Classes I was told by the minister that we, as Evangelical Lutherans, needed to support the outreach to those “poor” African and South American native tribes that had never heard of Jesus Christ so that they might be saved. I cried that day. I cried because I felt that if that concept was true, then I had to feel sorry for all those poor souls we Lutherans might have missed – not only in my lifetime, but especially spanning all the centuries that had already passed. I asked myself, “How could we possibly accomplish such a goal, now or ever?” Then logic told me that this idea had to be false. How could a loving God possibly condemn to hell all the millions of souls in this world simply because they had not had the opportunity to hear the ‘Good News’ about Jesus, the Savior? How could we Lutherans – as well as other Christian sects – place our beliefs above those of these native peoples who had lived for centuries in isolation of the so-called civilized world? This idea also seemed to be a throwback to earlier times when brown skinned peoples were considered inferior and needed to be uplifted. This smacked of unadulterated racism, although I was not that clear about it back then. After pondering these questions for some time, I divorced myMartin Luther self from the Lutheran cult and went on my own merry way. I did what many young men did in the late 1960s; I went to San Francisco and hung out with the hippies. I grew my hair long – sort of like Jimmy Hendrix; I dropped acid, smoked dope and generally tried to have a good time. I questioned the beliefs of my parents, I protested the Vietnam War because I knew that war was wrong. I beat the draft, and I paid the price in lost job opportunities. For about five years I had no religious beliefs. Then one day while living in Chicago I was invited to a Unity Church. Unity was a turning point for me because they believed in a more open, liberal metaphysical system. I really liked the Unity minister there, as he would typically dress informally, wore sneakers, and hired many of the local Jazz musicians from Chicago’s nightclub district to play the music on Sundays – always able to come up with show tunes that had a spiritual message or twist. For many years this was my school. Unity had a fabulous metaphysical bookstore and I bought many books there, including those of the Science of Mind movement founded by Ernest Holmes. Sometime later I joined Science of Mind where I began taking classes in earnest with the idea of eventually becoming a licensed minister in the movement. I took classes for about 4 – 5 years until one day I got into a philosophical argument with the minister over whether, or not, plants had a consciousness. It was her belief that plants did not have a consciousness; only humans could, and, this was representative of the old-fashioned, hierarchical view that man was situated at the top of the hierarchy and everything else was his to dominate. Since I had been reading books by Michael Roads, an Australian who wrote books about his dialogues with Nature, such as Talking with Nature, and Journey into Nature, I was convinced that we must pay attention to Nature because in a way it is a part of our larger self. “Rivers and rocks and trees have always been talking to us, but we've forgotten how to listen.” –Michael Roads Since I had been reading books by Michael Roads, an Australian who wrote about his dialogues with Nature, (“Talking with Nature” and “Journey into Nature”), I was convinced that we must pay attention www.theinnervoicemagazine.com 6 to Nature because, in a way, it is a part of our larger self. “Rivers and rocks and trees have always been talking to us, but we've forgotten how to listen,” wrote Michael Roads. Why is it that we have so many wars, poverty and general disharmony? Since man had made such a mess of life on Planet Earth, I decided that I just could not agree that we were so much smarter than all the rest of life. The trouble with Man, I decided, was that he selves, guiding us toward our true identity, the divine reality within. The story of the garden is the celebration of this divine life in its myriad forms. May the joy we experience in participating in this celebration deepen our commitment to revealing the total beauty of ourselves and all life around us.” In my search for meaning I have found organized religion lacking and even misleading. Their purpose seemed to be to support the Military Industrial Agricultural Complex and to keep people trapped and powerless. I also found limitations in the more modern metaphysical religions such as Unity and Science of Mind. After reading Michael Roads, Findhorn, and other books that talked about the existence of Nature Spirits and the cooperative effort that Nature sought with humans, I realized that we were polluting the Earth in the name of our false sense of dominion we thought we had over the Earth Cabbages and the Original Caravan at Findhorn which was supposedly given to us by the Christian Sky God that held himself in a type of ego centered separaseemed to be unconcerned with its own creation. This, I concluded, was the root-cause of tion except for humans. all of our problems and perhaps even the reaI saw the hypocrisy of this and the son we are here in Earth bodies! Lucky for us, destruction...not only of Earth, but of ourthere is help available from the Other Side. selves in the process because I learned that Back in the early 1970s a small booklet we are all interconnected. The Earth, humans, was published describing the incredible happenings going on at a small trailer park in nature ... we are all interdependent on the Findhorn, Scotland. There was a small group ONE system we live within. We must learn to of people there who had formed an inten- work WITH nature and nurture our Earth and tional community and somehow were able to ourselves – overcoming the need to dominate grow very large organic vegetables on bad one another, or the planet, or any of the spesandy soil. Word got out that they were cies! We need to respect and care for – be somehow linked up with Devas, Nature Spir- caregivers instead of exploiters. People like Michael Roads and the Findits, Elves, Fairies and the like, and that this horn Community invite us to a more ancient was the secret of their abundant success. Here’s a brief quote from the front of their time when man was young and shared his book, The Findhorn Garden.. “One radiant world knowingly with these beings. This energy pervades and gives rise to all life. priceless gift of wonderment invites us to While it may speak to us through plants, na- become as little children, dancing in an elven ture spirits or the human beings with whom ring … and walking near the majesty of the we share life on this planet, all are reflections great god Pan. We are offered the renewal of of the deeper reality behind and within them. links only recently forgotten in the rush to Myth has become reality in the Findhorn gar- industrialize the Earth. Yet, at the same time, den, not to present us with a new form of Findhorn proclaims the image for humanity spiritualism, but to offer us a new vision of of a new maturity, the birth of the consciouslife, a vision of unity. Essentially, the devas ness of participatory divinity, of CO-creation and nature spirits are aspects of our own with God. ∆ About the Cover: Flower Fairy is a reminder of the Beauty and Healing Energy of Nature. The message is: “If you open your vision in your Heart and learn to ‘live from your Heart’ you can really see!” If you turn the painting around you see a flower; the other way you see a fairy. The message is: “Sometimes, we need to turn ‘upside down’ to really see.” This can reveal to us a new world. Nothing is really what we think it is! Flower Fairy is a fine art, limited edition giclee print of the original painting. Image size: 12” x 9.5”; print size: 14” x 11.5” The original was painted in acrylic on canvas. Each print is numbered and hand-signed by the artist. Giclee prints are fine art reproductions with a high color accuracy. https://www.etsy.com/listing/29 057991/flower-fairy-fine-art-prin t-giclee-of-my?ref=shop_home_ active Please visit: www.BettinaStar-Rose.com www.theinnervoicemagazine.com 7 Luminous Infusions By Beverly Brunelle Beverly offers Intuitive, Heart Centered Alchemy to create true change. Accelerate Shifts in Consciousness. Awaken Love, Well Being and Inspired Action. Private sessions in person and by phone/skype. Receive potent support facilitating illumination, transformation and daily miracles for living in evolution. Expand your possibilities. Jump into monthly group tele-sessions: 4 Thursdays, 9 am PAC, noon EST. E-mail for more details and to register. blossom@beverlybrunelle.com Living In Evolution I believe we are each in a continuous process of evolution and living in the unknown is a key factor facilitating our going transformation. Life is movement filled with fresh possibilities. Yet, we each tend to perceive relations through filters of recycling past emotional experiences, beliefs, and accumulated conditioning. Filters can direct us to righteously draw conclusions, creatively build resistance, and adamantly expect repeated behaviors that are unconsciously based on accumulated conditioning of our past. Filters can foster a false sense of authority, control, safety that come from limiting expectations. Bringing conscious awareness to all this can move us from the mental-emotional habits of limiting the future into the mental-emotional-spiritual spaciousness of living in active creative possibility, i.e. evolution. What transformation is presenting itself for you today? Moving awareness within, notice what habitual ways you tend to perceive yourself and others. Now, relax the mind’s hold on what you expect to be true, explore new possibilities, and give space for you, people and life to evolve and even to surprise you. I was in a hardware store looking for the smallest of items. I saw an assistant focused on the phone with another customer. I thought, “ When he is done, I can ask for Contact today to schedule your session! blossom@beverlybrunelle.com www.beverlybrunelle.com www.theinnervoicemagazine.com 8 help.” I continued to look for my desired item. Soon, I came across the assistant again. He was standing in front of a large display chart, finding what the customer on the phone wanted. When I looked at the chart, I saw a photo of exactly the right tiny item I was looking for. I laughed with life. The assistant had guided me to exactly what I wanted and not at all in ways I had expected. Expecting the unexpected can create a shift out of the loop of habitual ways of being. Our bodies and energy fields carry information and expectations from ancestral, societal, religious conditioning, and other unconscious influences that influence us. Awareness of these patterns creates an opportunity for evolution. I was visiting a friend. We seemed to be flowing in delightful conversation. After an hour, I noticed I began to feel uncomfortable during a long pause. I noticed a familiar thought pattern of assuming it must be time for me to leave. Before I spoke, I moved my attention to my breathing. This created some mental and emotional space to be in the unknown. I stayed with my breathing and in a few minutes a new flow opened up and we talked for another interesting hour. Then, I noticed a long pause and jumped to the same must go conclusion. Again, I turned my attention to my breathing. From the silence of the unknown a new opportunity arose for me to do an energy healing with my friend. After our delicious meditation we both agreed our evening felt enriching and complete. Living in evolution is doing what you do not usually do. It involves conscious intentions of relaxing expectations, listening to the moment and opening to the unknown. It is being curious, perceiving with refined awareness and receiving new possibilities for the movement of life, in yourself and others. Living in evolution invites you to be willing to see with fresh eyes, even if you have seen this person or situation thousands of times before. ∆ In Memory of Nancy Retzlaff • Milwaukee, WI One of the original Reiki Masters, Nancy took this healing art back to Japan, teaching it there, as well as in the Milwaukee area and all over the world. She was a Spiritual Mentor to many and a past contributor to “The Inner Voice.” I think that her peaceful passing is, perhaps, her final lesson for us. May God bless you. Rest in Peace. A Question That Can Change Everything By Bettina Star-Rose Madini WE have been guardians of bees for two summers now, and we are learning tremendously from these busy, powerful creatures! I am amazed how much my universe has opened ever since I have been so closely involved with their energy, vibrancy, abundance and life-force. This past winter has been a challenge for them here in the Midwest. A long, hard winter with much freezing moisture. We sent a strong, healthy, vibrant hive into winter, loaded with honey and pollen only to discover in April that we had had a mass die-off in early spring. Only a few bees had survived the disaster. I checked the hive several times and just couldn’t find a Queen, or brood, or larvae. The few workers went out and collected pollen and honey on warm days, but who would follow that generation once they reached the end of their 40-day life cycle? With no Queen around, a hive will dwindle and die out. On my last hive check on May 6, I had asked for a miracle. What would it take for a Queen bee to just be here? What else is possible here? I checked on them again a week later, just following the energy of “Oh, let's see what they are doing!” They were gathering pollen and honey and doing a good bee job! Then, as I went further through the small hive, I found brood and larvae! Wow, I thought, that's a sign of a Queen! As I turned the comb to see the other side of it, I spotted her. She was vibrant and strong! How does it get any better than that? What if, instead of giving up, we keep asking: “What else is possible?” This is a question that has the power to change everything. Are you willing to ask it? ∆ Bettina Star-Rose Madini is an artist and an Access Consciousness™ BARS Facilitator. Her paintings can be found in corporate and private collections in Europe, Australia and in the U.S. She offers painting retreats that combine guided journeys with the process of painting from within. Sunflower with Bee by Bettina Star-Rose. For prints, Prints and greeting cards of “Sunflower with Bee” visit: http://fineartamerica.com/featured/sunflow er-with-bee-bettina-star-rose.html For other art by Bettina, please visit: www.BettinaStar-Rose.com www.theinnervoicemagazine.com 9 Wise Woman Counsel By Kathleen Jacoby Author of Vision of the Grail: http://visionofthegrail.wordpress.com/ Seasons of the Soul http://kathleenjacoby.blogs.com/seasonsofthesoul/ Journey to Raw: http://2raw.wordpress.com Heal the Earth, Heal Ourselves I watched a documentary the other day about the reclamation of deserts. Years ago a photographer was sent to China to document a major program of re-greening a huge land mass that had become a desert due to overuse, clearing, and inappropriate grazing. Over a period of three years, he documented the evolution of the program, showing how after three years, the whole area that had been completely dead was now a thriving ecosystem. In the intervening years he has gone to other parts of the world where they are reproducing the same effort with similar effect. The message states clearly, we can reclaim the deserts through working WITH nature rather than against her. www.youtube .com/watch?v=YBLZmwlP a8A This documentary made such an impact that it caused me to think about how much we have put ourselves in an adversarial position with nature. We use pesticides, fertilizers, over-farm, clear forests to make way for crops, and a host of other unconscious methods that harm the earth rather than help it, and in so doing, we are also using the same unconscious methods with ourselves. We eat things that masquerade as food but are a conglomerate of chemicals and inferior food stuff that is filled with additives to appeal to our taste buds and create addiction. We also use drugs to combat every conceivable health issue with an eye to health care management, not healing. As a result, we have super bacteria that has morphed to adapt to the new chemical environment, and the more war we declare against it, the more we are playing a game of Russian Roulette. This is the same thing we have done with our soil. We have depleted it by using non-organic chemicals, we use pesticides to rid ourselves of bugs we don't understand, and weeds we perceive as being destructive to growing. The truth is that the bugs we deplore are scavengers of the weakened plants so that the strength of our vegetation is preserved through culling out the weakest genetic expressions. Same with weeds. They add nutrients to the soil and in some cases uptake nutrients that are overabundant to bring balance and stability, to keep the soil healthy and vitally alive. The extreme conditions facing earth are also facing us, and we need to find ways to counteract what has happened through unconscious acts of greed and a desire for convenience. The first thing we need to do is reclaim ourselves, and to nurture the earth, we must first be willing to nurture this person, and this body that we are. So many scripts have been handed out that keep us in small containers that choke off our God given gifts and abilities. So many ridiculous criteria for what is "in" and what and who is "out" keep us from seeing the beauty in diversity. We have been set against one another rather than appreciating our uniqueness. Each of us needs to turn within to find the indwelling truth that is beyond all the commercials, exploitation, and addictive elements that snare us in the illusion of isolation and divisiveness. There are wonderful ways of finding our true selves. The task ahead is to open the door to that part of ourselves that is glorious, wondrous, and full of enthusiasm. We each make a difference, and by attuning to the inner light, we can find our own special assignment. Methods for doing this include: Prayer, meditation, sacred music, gardening, walking in nature, turning off the news, releasing "bad" habits, eating consciously, discernment in friendships, being compassionate towards others and ourselves, feeling gratitude for what we DO have in our lives rather than dwelling on what we don't have, appreciating what our body does for us, developing a storehouse of love within that shines first to ourselves and then spills over for everyone else, being kind, generous, living a life of integrity even in small things, forgiving others for their imperfections, and forgiving ourselves for ours. When we establish a rapport with ourselves, we develop a healthy attitude towards everyone and everything else. We no longer are ‘less than’ or ‘more than.’ We are each beautiful expressions of the Creator. When we honor, rather than desecrate, we are filled with light. We become angels of our better nature and we contribute to a planet that is worth living on. It is all in our attitude, in our actions, and in the mindset that we fuel. An old Native American story talks about a grandfather and his grandson. The elder is teaching the young one of the ways of life. He explains to him that the mind is like a field in which two wolves are in constant battle for dominion. One is helpful and seeking our good, and the other is angry and wants to destroy us. The grandson, with wide eyes asks his grandfather, "But Grandfather, which wolf wins?" The grandfather pauses, looks at him deeply, and says, "The one you feed." As the grandfather reminds us, our minds are a breeding ground for good and ill...all depending on what we pay attention to, so as his message conveys, let us be conscious of what we feed because our future individually and collectively depends on it! www.theinnervoicemagazine.com 10 Straight Talk From Dr. Roy Ostenson Short, sweet, and to the point ideas for getting and staying healthy Dr. Roy Ostenson, B.S., D.C., C.C.S.T. Dr. Roy helps NE Wisconsin residents reach optimal wellness through Chiropractic and Clinical Nutrition. The pursuit for optimal wellness is an active process of making choices toward a more healthy existence. He strives for objectivity in nutritional healthcare and provides clear chiropractic options in structural healthcare to help clients reach their fullest potential in life. Dr. Roy hopes you will choose a chiropractor who is prepared to graciously serve and help you achieve your health goals. Dr. Roy Ostenson | Appleton Chiropractic | 920-731-0715 | www.fixmedoc.com Chiropractic Adjustments and Great Health THE major tools of a chiropractor are the adjustment, self-care recommendations, spinal rehabilitation, neurological retraining, Science Based Nutritional Testing, and other lifestyle changes or coaching programs. Over the decades, doctors of chiropractic have reported success in treating many people who have a variety of “conditions.” Adjustments of the vertebrae have an influence on neurologic function, lymphatic flow, blood flow and muscle problems like “fibromyalgia.” Research by Patricia C. Brennan, Ph.D., suggests that adjustments may also affect aspects of immune function. Her group showed that when the thoracic spine was adjusted, the respiratory burst cycle of white blood cells was enhanced. Adjusting is thought to stimulate immune function, in part by promoting the release of endorphins long associated with improving immunity. In 1987, Gottfried Gutmann, M.D., reported on the examination and treatment of more than 1,000 infants and small children using adjusting of the vertebrae. His findings reveal that many common ear, nose, throat and bronchial disorders of childhood respond more favorably to adjustment of the vertebrae than to drug therapy. He states, "If the indications are correctly observed, chiropractic can often bring amazingly successful results, because the therapy is a causal one." German physician K. Lewit, in a textbook of manual medicine, reported that 92 percent of youthful patients with chronic tonsillitis had blockage, or misalignment, of the first cervical vertebra and the base of the skull. According to Dr. Lewit, "After removal of the blockage [by adjustment of the vertebrae], recurrence is absent." Pediatrician U. Mohr has reported on cases of chronic tonsillitis in which tonsillectomy was planned. However, after treatment of the functional disturbances of the spine using adjustments, the problem resolved and no tonsillectomy was needed. Many chiropractic doctors also use acupressure, Active Release procedures, Science Based Nutrition and lifestyle coaching. They are one of the largest groups of health professionals in the U.S. who use clinical nutrition in their practice. Unlike medical education, chiropractic education stresses nutrition and lifestyle changes to improve overall health. It teaches that disease results when the body has lost its optimum health levels, and we know drugs and surgery are designed to treat diseases and trauma, not restore glowing health. Reports over the decades have shown the rates of tonsillitis and otitis media was much lower in the children of chiropractors compared with the children of pediatricians. This might be attributed in part to the fact that spinal manipulation was a part of the health care received by the chiropractic children. At the Department of Maternal and Child Health, Center for Clinical Studies at Northwestern College of Chiropractic, Carol J. Phillips, D.C., has reported on numerous cases of ear infections in children that have responded to spinal adjustments. In many cases, these children had received multiple doses of antibiotics followed by tubes, with little improvement. Dr. Phillips also reports that many cases of acute earaches respond quickly to adjusting. Adjusting is not the cure for all infectious diseases, however, there is an aspect of adjusting that appears to stimulate resistance to disease. Adjusting maximally corrects irritations or blockages that occur in the spine and nervous system. This form of treatment is worthy of consideration, especially when there is a history of birth trauma, or injury later in childhood. The same holds true for adults, in whom ear, nose, throat and sinus problems are commonly seen after injuries. ∆ Our primary work at Appleton Chiropractic is to find the cause of why people are suffering or getting conditions that are negatively having an impact on their lives and keeping them from living a healthy, vibrant and happy life. If you, your friends or other loved ones are suffering needlessly, they just might benefit from the unique approach that we have created in our office. APPLETON CHIROPRACTIC 2425 West Wisconsin Avenue Appleton, Wisconsin 54914 Phone: (920) 731-0715 Email: info@fixmedoc.com www.theinnervoicemagazine.com 11 The Power of Love to Heal By Dr. Meredith Young-Sowers, Author and Founder of The Stillpoint School of Integrative Life Healing www.stillpoint.org POWER is found through your awareness, acknowledgement, and translation of your creativity into the world arena. My five-year-old daughter, Melanie, had a fever of 105 and a deep, nasty cough. I called the pediatrician, and his receptionist managed to fit us in for an appointment later that morning. Since we wouldn’t be leaving for another hour, I tried to think what I could do to calm down and quiet my fears. With Melanie on the bed near me, I decided to meditate for a few moments. Sitting on the seedy brown shag rug, I looked around the bedroom of our rented cottage. The walls were gray, and plastic flowers were on a table in the corner. Not my taste, I thought, absently. We were moving to New Hampshire, and we had to sell our home to build a new one. The plan was to stay in the cottage for a few months while we made the transition to our new home. My stomach churned as I thought about taking Melanie to the doctor’s office again. Once before, we had to rush her to the hospital with a high fever. I remembered only too vividly the dash to the hospital, the screaming child, terrified as they packed her in ice to bring down the fever, and then the nightmare of her veins collapsing. I recalled the terror of feeling helpless as the medical team rushed to keep her alive. With great relief and God’s grace, we’d survived that ordeal, with all of us intact. I’d waited a long time to have a little girl of my own. Melanie was the daughter I’d longed to hold for so many years. After my son Mark was born and following two miscarriages, I was ready to consider adoption. I wasn’t concerned at all that this child wasn’t coming from my body; I felt she was coming from my heart. I knew I wanted a child from an Asian country, a little girl who wasn’t going to have much of a future if someone didn’t adopt her. We would adopt each other, I thought wistfully. I’d help her settle into her life in Amer- ica, and she’d help me feel complete as a mother. I realized that children are only on loan to us, and while I loved being a mother, I also needed to find my life work. I had no idea where my contribution lay. My lovely little Soon Young Lee, five months old, arrived on Thanksgiving Day at O’Hare Airport in Chicago. She had thick black hair that stood straight up, and beautiful dark, round eyes. She looked like a doll. She’d come all the way from Seoul, Korea. We’d named her Melanie Soon Young, since my own married name was Young. Melanie coughed, and I returned quickly from my reverie to the role of vigilant mother. I closed my eyes, steeling my nerves for whatever was to come. I prayed. Did God really hear my words? For a moment, I wondered if God would or could act to relieve the misery of one small child, with so many children in the world in worse situations. It seemed unlikely. Nevertheless, I asked God to help her. As I closed my eyes, I heard a soft and gentle voice speak to me. I heard this voice so clearly that I opened my eyes to see who was standing in the room. No one was there. I closed my eyes again and the voice said, “You can heal your daughter.” My eyes snapped open again. I looked over at Melanie, who was dozing fitfully. I looked out the window, but all was just as it had been before. I closed my eyes. The voice continued, “Love will heal your daughter; just try.” I was speechless. Preposterous, I said out loud! The voice continued with infinite compassion. In that moment I was starting to believe that the experience was real. Was this God? I asked myself. Who else could it be? Was it safe to listen to this voice? The voice said, “Pick up your daughter, hold her in your arms, and see her filled with love.” I couldn’t imagine that I wasn’t making this up. Still, I felt a glimmer of hope that this was a miracle. “This isn’t any miracle,” chimed my personality, “it’s your wishful thinking.” But something inside me said, maybe I should try it. But, try what? I didn’t know anything about healing. The voice repeated the same instructions. “Pick up your daughter and hold her. See her filled with love.” I gently picked Melanie up and sat down on the shag rug with her in my arms. She hung in my arms listlessly. I thought, I have no idea of the right way to do this. “How do you see someone filled with love?” I asked out loud. I could feel myself fighting a panic that I might miss an extraordinary opportunity to help Melanie because I didn’t know how to see her “filled with love.” I decided to try the best I could. I began by imagining love as a bright light, as if it were God’s love filling her body. I started at her head and let my eyes slowly move down her body, imagining this special healing light making her better. The phone in the kitchen rang so loudly I nearly jumped out of my skin. Placing her quiet little body carefully on the carpet, I went out to answer the call, thinking it might be the doctor. Coming back into the bedroom several moments later, I stopped abruptly in the doorway to see if my eyes were deceiving me. There was Melanie bouncing on the bed. She was smiling and laughing. “Come play with me, Mommy,” rang out her little voice. She wasn’t coughing, and when I put my hand on her forehead, it was cool. Where did the fever go? “This can’t be happening.” I said to no one in particular. How was this possible? Did I imagine the fever? Then, my eye caught my hastily scribbled message to the pediatrician. I hadn’t imagined that she was in trouble! How could this have happened? It wasn’t possible, but healing IS possible through the power of God’s Love. ∆ www.theinnervoicemagazine.com 12 Feng Shui: Pools and Fountains Offer Liquid Serenity By Terah Kathryn Collins foyer and a calming influence in WATER, one of the five key an infant’s room. Many people elements in Feng Shui design, is place a small table fountain on related to inspiration, relaxation, their desks to help alleviate stress, and the ability “to go with the or strategically locate an outdoor flow” in life. Simply put, water is fountain near a bedroom, home an antidote to stress. Whether you office, or dining room window to enjoy relaxing beside a pool or capture the melodious sound of listening to the soothing sounds of water. In all cases, choose founa fountain, the following Feng tains that flow toward the house, Shui design guidelines will help into the room, or 360 degrees you choose the perfect water feaaround to symbolize the good forture for your home. tune flowing into your life. Pools are the ‘King’ of water All fountains require regular features and tend to visually cleaning and maintenance. Use command the area where they’re Water Bowls: If you want a smaller waterfall feature for you swimming pool a water bowl distilled water in your interior located. Because they draw so might do well. These are small decorative water features that act as waterfalls as well as fountains to greatly lengthen the add an accent to the pool design. much attention and take up a lion’s time between cleanings, and be share of space, pools must be beautiful, or and other pool decor in earth tones, yel- sure that nearby furniture and fabrics are else! (As anyone knows who has seen a low, plaids or checks can also strengthen not being damaged by splashing water. pool in disrepair.) When a pool is kept the earth element in the pool area. Pools and fountains symbolize “the sparkling clean and surrounded by inviting For safety reasons, good lighting good life” and act as environmental jewfurniture, vibrant plants, and attractive around the pool is a necessity. The best elry. Just like the ring on your finger, they lighting, it can transform a back yard into kind of lighting suggests a nocturnal fairy- say a lot about your sense of style. a magical paradise. Consider adding a land, not an over-bright sports arena. Con- Whether splashy, traditional, or all natural, waterfall to your pool design and site it to sider how you can aesthetically illuminate the ideal water feature is one that captures flow toward your house, symbolizing the every inch of the pool area so that it’s as your imagination and inspires you to relax flow of good fortune into your home. much a paradise at night as it is during the and enjoy the moment. Feng Shui design observes that water, a day. ∆ pool in this case, is best balanced by colors Fountains are universally appealing, as Terah Kathryn Collins is the author of and things associated with the earth ele- they provide a pleasing place to rest the six books on Feng Shui. She has revolument. Cement, slate, brick, or tile in earthy eye … and the ear. A wide variety of inte- tionized this ancient art to how we build colors, and terra-cotta planters and flower- rior and exterior fountains are available in today in the West. She is the founder of the pots bring a reassuring sense of stability every style and price range. Indoors, foun- Western School of Feng Shui®, San Diego. around the pool. Towels, patio cushions, tains can add a welcoming touch to the www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com Nancy Freier Designs | Essential Feng Shui Intentional Interior Design to Change Your Environment & Change Your Life! Successfully Assisting You to: • Experience More Peace and Joy • Improve Health • Restore Harmony in Relationships • Increase Wealth and Prosperity Assoc. of Arts–Interior Design | Graduate of the Western School of Feng Shui® Nancy helps businesses and individuals maximize their potential. Personal appointments in NE Wisconsin and anywhere else through skype/phone/photos. Nancy-Freier-Essential-Feng-Shui • www.NancyFreier.com 920-727-0997 • NFreier@aol.com www.theinnervoicemagazine.com 13 How to Get Instant Healing By Susan Shumsky, D.D. IN a world of chaos and uncertainty, we can no longer depend on solid, steadfast institutions we previously counted on, even for our very survival. There is an increasing, sickening fear about the future, which is taxing our mental and physical health. As our lives and livelihood appear to be sliding into an abyss, there seems no way out of this madness. Is there a way to reverse the downward spiral of inner turmoil and frustration? Yes, you can. By using simple affirmation formulas, you can experience immediate healing, comfort, and solace. Affirmative Prayer is a non-denominational, universal, time-tested method of spiritual healing, proven by millions who have used it over the last 150 years to change their lives within minutes. To instantly transform your state of mind, or the surrounding mental atmosphere, just read the formula audibly and then let go and allow the magic to happen. You can now discover how the power of your spoken word, with intention, produces miraculous, instant results. Every affirmation works. It either produces an instant visible result, or else it creates an instant healing that moves you towards your desired goal. So keep affirming, and never, never, never give up. Here is an excerpt from my book Miracle Prayer, which describes Carolyn Hanson's extraordinary healing, in Fresno, California: "One day I was walking my dog Arthur, an afghan, with my bike. Instead of putting his lead on the bike, I put it on my left wrist. As we turned the first corner, Arthur made a beeline for a bush to pee on, and he cut in front of my bike. Not wanting to injure him, I slammed on my brakes and flew off my bike to the left. I thought my arm was broken. After several attempts to get up, I finally managed to get my dog home before going to the emergency clinic. "The doctor at the emergency clinic x-rayed the arm and said it was severely separated and would require surgery. He further stated: 'You won't be able to lie down to sleep for two weeks (I thought, 'cancel, cancel'). You will be in severe pain for a year ('cancel, cancel'), and that step on your shoulder will never go away ('cancel, cancel'). This is how I handle it, I get up in the morning, have a pain pill, a cigar, and a coke.' (Now I really thought, cancel, cancel.) His last statement made me realize this wasn't what I wanted to create, so I separated my reality from his. "My appointment with the orthopedic surgeon was in three days. Driving home, I reminded myself that the doctor told me the 'facts,' but it wasn't the 'truth'. I went into meditation and prayed for perfect healing. I saw my shoulder perfect. I repeated a prayer treatment morning and night. That night I taped my arm to my side and went to bed lying down. During the day when the pain was severe, I calmly said, 'Thank you God, that every cell in my body knows its perfection and now manifests that perfection.' The pain left. "When the surgeon looked at my x-rays three days later, he asked whether I had the right x-rays, because they did not match my shoulder. I thrust my seemingly separated arm into the air saying 'YES.' My doctor still calls it a miracle—I simply call it the Truth. "We are constantly creating our reality and have the power to change the effects by simply realizing they aren't the truth about us—just the facts." ∆ Learn 243 healing affirmations that will transform your life instantaneously in Dr. Shumsky's book: Instant Healing She is the author of other awardwinning, best-selling books. For more information please visit: www.divinerevelation.org Everyday Miracles By Rev. Linda Losey, RScP ALBERT Einstein is quoted as saying, “There are only two ways to live your life. One as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” How do you view your life? Your world? Your existence? Do you believe that miracles only happen for other people? That you must struggle to receive what you want in life or settle for less than you desire? During the past 17 years as a licensed Religious Science / Science of Mind practitioner, I have experienced many ‘miracles’ for clients, and for myself, that one might consider amazing. Even during my practitioner internship many years ago, it was truly joyful to observe the changes in peoples’ lives when they requested spiritual mind treatment for health conditions, personal finances, job issues and unhappy relationships. Over the years I have observed the powerful results of those treatments while working with clients. www.theinnervoicemagazine.com 14 Miracles from p. 14 Recently, I received a phone call from a person who was very concerned for a loved one who had been transferred to the Mayo Clinic and was in intensive care. The patient had a long history of health problems which were at a very critical point. I treated for the person who called me, and for the patient, who within a short time miraculously began to get better to the point of being discharged shortly thereafter. (Note: Shared with permission from the client.) With the awareness that with God anything is possible, and we understand that principle is not bound by precedent – as Thomas Troward declared – when we recognize that at any given time, any condition or situation can change, we can then begin to expect those everyday miracles to occur in our lives. Many years ago a friend gave me a bumper sticker that stated, “Let go and let God.” I add, “...take care of all the details.” When we focus on trusting the infinite wisdom of the universe to provide a solution to a seeming problem, we have the opportunity to connect with greater possibilities for our lives. Even when we tend to hold on to limiting beliefs, there is always a greater truth of unlimited possibilities for something better to manifest in our lives. You may call it a miracle, or simply know that anything and everything is possible, but what is more important is that you are worthy of greater good in your own life! ∆ Rev. Losey is the minister of the Green Bay Church of Religious Science. From the Heart by Lynne Carol Austin A Healing Surprise Lynne Carol Austin works as a healer and teacher at the Gayatri Center for Healing, Brookfield, WI. She is he author of “Edith Ann Marie The Sun is in My Heart.” Website: www.wisewindpress.com Blog: www.lynnecarolaustin.wordpress.com E-mail: lynneaustin1@msn.com MANY years ago, my client walked in the door for her appointment, and when I saw her, I knew the scheduled treatment was not going to happen. At the time I was doing the Rolf method of Structural Integration – a deep tissue work that changes ones posture, which then affords the body to live healthier. But it has always been my practice to pay minute attention to my clients and read them as soon I as see them. “What's going on?” I asked. “It feels like we are not doing session six today.” “Oh, thank you,” she replied. I had a doctor’s visit. I have a lump in my breast which showed up on the mammogram. He told me that he thinks I have cancer. He wants to do a biopsy next week.” I instructed her lay on my table, fully dressed. My bodywork education has many aspects to it. She needed a gentle approach that day and I was very capable of giving it to her. I use my intuition and ask for guidance for the aspect of care I was to perform, and I began. Our body is the register for our beliefs, our emotions and our life experience. I wanted to see what brought her physically to this point in her life. Sitting behind her, I laid my hands on her head, awaiting the information I would get from a higher power that I allow to speak through me. I understood that self love was not part of her repertoire. As I stayed with her head, my torso suddenly and quite forcefully flew backwards on my stool. I was momentarily shocked, and then realized an angelic being that I never worked with before was present in a big way! I was instructed to place my hand on the effected breast, and healing energy would pulse through to her. I explained to her what I was about to do, and carefully placed my hands. She stated she could feel the energy. While I stayed in that position, I asked her what kept her from loving herself, and she shared many things. She felt relief after the session, and said she would incorporate the suggestions we spoke about. I received an excited phone call from her after her doctor appointment. She told me they did another mammogram before the biopsy and couldn't find the mass. They performed two more mammograms and still couldn't find the mass. She attributed it to the work we did. I gave her credit for the ideals she integrated and the actions of self love she brought into her life. I was the vehicle of the energy, that is all I would take credit for. When I studied shamanism in the 90's, I was initiated into the Andean practice, and became a fourth level paco. Those of us initiated into the fourth level have abilities with healing, but we are not consistent with healing every time we try. That would be a fifth level person; one who could consistently heal, and we would compare those abilities with Christ. As far as I know, there are no fifth level pacos. The healing was not only powerful for my client, but for me as well. I have experience using energy, as I am a Reiki Master, but this energy was different. When I left my office after her appointment I was dazed. On the way home I stopped at a store, left my car keys on the floor of the store, and couldn't find them when I went out to my car. I went back in the store and found my keys right where I was getting something off the bottom shelf. I laughed at myself and took great care driving home! This energy has visited me two other times in my career, each time, knocking my socks off. Offering myself to allow healing to flow through me, using my hands, my heart and my words, is something I am honored to do. It is the life I asked for this go around. It is a privilege to serve in this way, and I see more healing happen on my table then I ever did as a nurse in a hospital. That statement is not from ego, it is just plain fact. There is more beyond our understanding and way we approach how we care for our bodies, and I love finding those pathways. ∆ www.theinnervoicemagazine.com 15 Ahz University Report No. 5 Dilemma or Devotion? By Richard Jerome Bennett AS I survey the regions of my mind and body today, I find more pockets of resistance and more reasons for inquiry. I have been on a ten plus year journey to achieve the goal of complete wellness, physically, spiritually and mentally. I take reality checks from time to time to keep myself 'real' and grounded. It is so easy to take all this spiritual language and watch it morph into some shiny clap-trap of formulas, secret mantras, and choices of oscillating orbits of worlds colliding for the benefit of ascension. So what does it all mean? Yeah, what does it all mean? Hummm... I'm not hearing anything. I guess we don't really know. Hummm… I'm waiting, and while I wait, I realize I don't really know. I feel like I'm fumbling around in the unknown, the radiant darkness, and that I'm floating down the rabbit hole toward an uncertain future, desiring to land in some kind of magical wonderland. And I push ‘pause’ to assess my situation. Spiritually, I couldn't be happier. I am light and witty and I assist in freeing people from their self-induced chains of limiting belief systems, and unproductive impressions. I can raise and expand energy at will and I experience joy almost all the time. Impossible you say, but that, is my experience. My mind is free and soars through data flow, from all possible worlds, unfettered and unimpressed by the glory of storyline and or scientific acumen. And as for my body, I was guided on how to raise it up from the dead, to a full functioning vibrating organism. Now here is the rub. I feel great, my body is full of energy, my stamina is wonderful and there are no apparent crises that I can detect. However, my tests from my latest medical review say that my blood pressure is too high, my liver is over working and my immune system doesn't look good. My question to myself is, if I am doing all my spiritual work and being of service as best I know how, I am living a good life, eating well and living consciously, and I feel great, why don't the Subscribe to The Inner Voice! It’s FREE! Send an e-mail to: TIVmail@aol.com numbers on my chart reflect how I feel and am experiencing life? I am trying to figure out what I may, or may not, be doing. Is this a dilemma? The dictionary says that a dilemma is the choice between equally undesirable alternatives. That definition seems a bit dark, since I had thought that it was a choice between two equally compelling possibilities – positive or negative. I am digesting this. Now, I wander to another part of the spectrum. Am I devoted enough? Do I approach everything on my plate with zeal and ardor? The definition of devotion is, to apply oneself completely, to have a strong attachment and affection, as to a person or cause. Well, I believe I am passionate, I am devoted to the Light and engender compassion. So what gives? I sigh and realize, there may be no answer to my situation. Why? Well, everything is working in good order, negative and positive. I have nothing to moan about. Today I arise to a crystal clear San Francisco dawn. The birds chirp and dip into the sunflower seeds that I put out for them. The sun glows with its magnificence and assists in displaying Nature's glory in all Her tints and hues. I take a deep breath of air allowing the prana to merge into my physical and spiritual being. I fill up with gratitude, knowing that a beloved will be in my arms in a few days. I am ecstatic because I know that I am loved and that I can really feel it deeply, as tears of joy well up in my eyes. Maybe that is enough. Perhaps I don't need to know more at this moment. Is it possible I am attached to a certain outcome, a particular story line? Maybe. So thank you for this moment. Thank you for allowing me this indulgence of words as I await more wisdom. Meanwhile, let us continue to celebrate this mystical and miraculous journey of life together. Om tat sat. ∆ THE INNER VOICE is offering unbelievable AD rates for the July issue. Full page already typeset: $20/issue 1/2 page already typeset: $15/issue 1/4 page already typeset: $10/issue Need typesetting? E-mail artwork and add $20. E-mail: TIVmail@aol.com for details. Deadline is June 20! www.theinnervoicemagazine.com 16 How past life visits can heal us Evidence of Angels By Brian L. Weiss, M.D. a psychiatrist who lives and practices in Miami., Florida. A graduate of Columbia University and Yale Medical School, he is the former Chairman of Psychiatry at the Mt. Sinai Medical Center in Miami. http://www.brianweiss.com ON a beautiful summer afternoon in New York in July 2010, my wife, Carole, and I were driving up the tree-lined Taconic Parkway toward the Omega Institute, a rustic retreat center where we teach an intensive course on past-life regressions. We love teaching this course. Incredible events happen every day, repeatedly. Participants not only remember past lives but have amazing spiritual or healing experiences, find soul mates, receive messages from departed loved ones, access profound wisdom and knowledge, or come across some other mystical and marvelous event. Often we do not know that a particularly powerful experience has just transpired in the workshop. The person may need time to process it, and we will only hear of it in a later e-mail or letter. A miracle happened for me on the day that a patient named Catherine walked into my office and introduced me to an entire spiritual universe that I had never believed to exist. My earlier books contain a very detailed account of her experiences, and they describe how her life was permanently altered for the better as a result of them. My own life was affected at least as much. Before uncovering her amazing past-life memories, I had been a left-brained, obsessive-compulsive academic. I had graduated magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, with a degree in chemistry from Columbia University. I earned my medical degree from the Yale University School of Medicine, where I was the chief resident in psychiatry. Completely skeptical of “unscientific” fields such as parapsychology and reincarnation, I was the chair person of a prestigious psychiatry department at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami, and I had written more than 40 scientific articles and book chapters in the fields of psychopharmacology, brain chemistry, and Alzheimer’s disease. Catherine turned my skepticism—and my life—upside down. Although it has been over thirty years since that day, I still remember the very first time that she crossed the invisible boundary of her current life and entered the realm of other lifetimes. She was in a deeply relaxed state, her eyelids lightly shut but her concentration intense. “There are big waves knocking down trees,” she whispered in a hoarse voice as she described an ancient scene. “There’s no place to run. It’s cold; the water is cold. I have to save my baby, but I cannot…just have to hold her tight. I drown; the water chokes me. I can’t breathe, can’t swallow…salty water. My baby is torn out of my arms.” “Her body had tensed; her breathing accelerated. Suddenly, her body and her breathing relaxed completely. “I see a cloud. My baby is with me, along with others from my village. I see my brother.” My skepticism needed more time to erode, but the process had begun. Catherine’s severe symptoms began to disappear as she remembered more scenes from this and other prior lifetimes. I knew that imagination could not dissolve such chronic symptoms; only actual memories could. Ever since Many Lives, Many Masters, my first book, was published in 1988, I have treated over 4,000 individual patients using past-life regression therapy and many, many more in large groups during my experiential workshops. The stories in my new book Miracles Happen will propel you on the very same path and lead you from doubt to discovery. Just open your own mind and let this miraculous journey begin. The author Paolo Coelho writes: “Life is the train, not the station.” On our soul’s journey home to a state of infinite love and wisdom, a journey filled with mystery and miracles, we rest, recuperate, and reflect at the stations, in between lifetimes, until it is time to board again: another train, another body. There is only one home and eventually we will all return there. It is a place of bliss. ∆ PHOTO SOURCE: Facebook. Angel cloud over the Great Smokey Mountains. By Mary Lelle www.marylelle.com “A man came forward. He had been losing his hair for years after recovering from severe illness. The trauma of the illness affected his nervous system and hair follicles. It also awakened an old energy of fear and brought that to the surface. His angels and I helped him release many of these energies. We brought healing to his scalp, nervous system, and entire body. They began to calm and the angels whispered to his hair, ‘Begin to grow!’” “Another woman came forward. She had been having trouble taking deep breaths for some time. The tissues in her lungs was tight and constricted preventing them from expanding fully in any direction. I made myself very small and stepped into her lung tissue. Each part of her lung was massaged and relaxed. I found energies of an old childhood grief she had experienced and lovingly helped it release. I saw her happy child self, a part the woman forgot was there, joyfully skip away. The woman was able to take her first deep breath in years.” Please share your “Evidence of Angels” stories with us! E-mail them to: TIVmail@aol.com www.theinnervoicemagazine.com 17 Essential Oil of the Month: Lemon When life gives you ‘Lemon Essential Oils’ make lemonade, or a natural disinfecting cleaner. SOURCE Unknown LEMON has antiseptic-like properties and contains compounds that have been shown to boost immune system function. This essential oil has a fresh, zesty aroma that uplifts and energizes the body and mind. Because of its versatility, lemon is definitely one of the most useful essential oils to keep with you at home, or on the go. Here are 11 ways you can use Lemon essential oil. (CAUTION: Citrus oils should NOT be applied to skin that will be exposed to direct sunlight or ultraviolet light within 72 hours.) 1. Lemonade. For homemade lemonade, in a blender mix 2 drops of lemon oil, 2 tablespoons honey and 2 cups of pure water. Adjust to suit your taste and enjoy! 2. Spot cleaner. Use 1 to 2 drops of lemon oil to remove gum, oil, grease spots or crayon marks from surfaces. 3. Varicose veins. PHOTO SOURCE Unknown Rub several drops of lemon oil on varicose veins to improve circulation and relieve pressure on the veins. 4. Air freshener. Put 6 drops of lemon oil and 6 drops of purification oil in a squirt bottle mixed with distilled water to use in the bathroom, or any room, as an air freshener. 5. Calluses, corns and warts. Rub a drop of lemon oil on a corn, callus or wart each day until it disappears. 6. Prolong life of fresh fruit. To clean and increase shelf life of fresh fruit, fill a bowl with cool water and add 2 to 3 drops of lemon oil. Drop cleaned fruit into water and stir, being sure to coat all surfaces of the fruit with lemon water. 7. Countertops. Add 2 to 3 drops of lemon oil to water and spray counter top surface to sterilize. 8. Dishcloths. Soak your dishcloth overnight in a bowl of water and a drop of lemon oil to disinfect and kill germs. 9. Public bathrooms. Rub a drop of lemon oil on your hands after using a public bathroom. 10. Mental clarity. Diffuse lemon in your work or study space to improve mental accuracy and concentration. 11. Acne. Put 3 drops of lemon oil on a cotton ball and apply to clean, dry affected areas. To order doTERRA Essential Oils, see Ad p. 5 www.ascendinglight.org www.theinnervoicemagazine.com 18