Wanamaker organist Peter Richard Conte will bring a thrill for the
Wanamaker organist Peter Richard Conte will bring a thrill for the
“For all the Saints” ALL SAINTS’ EPISCOPAL CHURCH • FORT WORTH, TEXAS September 18, 20122 fALL ORGAN RECITAL Wanamaker organist Peter Richard Conte will bring a thrill for the ears September 21 Peter Richard Conte, Grand Court Organist of the world-famous Wanamaker Organ at the Macy’s store at Center City in Philadelphia, will present an organ recital at All Saints’ Episcopal Church at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 21. The program is free and will be followed by a reception for all. Mr. Conte performs concerts twice daily, six days each week, on the Wanamaker Organ, the largest fully-functional musical instrument in the world. He has also recently been named Principal Organist of Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, PA, where he performs on the magnificent 10,000-pipe Aeolian organ. This recital is a departure from the typical organ recital. Known for his transcriptions and performance of major orchestral works, Mr. Conte will present an aurally thrilling program that opens with Leonard Bernstein’s “Overture to Candide” and closes with the stirring and expansive “Finlandia” by Jean Sibelius. In between, he will offer works by Alexandre Guilmant, Johann Sebastian Bach, Fritz Kreisler, Louis Vierne, Joseph Reinberger and Robert Elmore. Mr. Conte is highly regarded as a skillful performer and arranger of organ transcriptions. He has been featured several times on National Public Radio and on ABC television’s “Good Morning America” and “World News Tonight.” He has two radio shows: “The Wanamaker Organ Hour”, Do You Know Your Number? Peter Richard Conte which airs on the first Sunday of each month, at 5:00 p.m. (Eastern), and can be heard on WRTI.org; on each Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m., his Grand Court concert is streamed live on YesterdayUSA.com. He has performed with the Philadelphia Orchestra, Peter Nero and the Philly Pops, and with the Pacific, Delaware, Canton and Allentown Symphonies. In September 2008, Peter was soloist for an historic collaboration of the Philadelphia Orchestra and the Wanamaker Organ, performing Jongen’s Symphonie Concertante in the Wanamaker Grand Court. Mr. Conte also serves as Choirmaster and Organist of St. Clement’s Church, Philadelphia, where he directs a professional choir in music of the Anglo-Catholic tradition. He is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Organ at Rider University’s Westminster Choir College, Princeton, NJ, where he teaches Organ Improvisation. Learning which of the Nine Types of personalities you are can benefit you in every area of life. On page 3, find out how the “Know Your Number” Enneagram Workshop taught by Suzanne Stabile can help you discover more about yourself and others. INSIDE Rector’s Letter...................2 Adult Forum/Bible Study .....2 Class with the Stabiles..........3 Enneagram Workshop.......... 3 WAS Wine Tasting ............. 3 Pet Blessing ......................3 Rally Day Photos .............. 4 Welcome Home Photos........5 Monthly Outreach..............6 Thank You!...................... 6 CANA Parade....................6 Parish Calendar .................7 World Mission Golf ............8 All Saints’ Episcopal Church • Fort Worth, Texas Tel: 817-732-1424 Fax: 817-731-2417 The Reverend Christopher N. Jambor, Rector www.asecfw.org Email news items to Karla Uecker at karla@asecfw.org Adult Forum: Six-Week Series, “Walking On Water,” Begins Sept. 23 A LETTER FROM THE RECTOR Dear All Saints’ Parishioners, On Sunday, Sept. 23, Fr. Jambor will launch a six-week series called “Walking On Water.” What a wonderful sabbatical Pat and I had this summer! Thank you so much for letting us have this time away. In every sense, it was a trip of a lifetime! We travelled extensively (over 14 countries as I recall), did a lot of reading (over 60 books for me), walked a lot, ate even more, rested, reflected, and just recharged the batteries. This time away would not have been possible without the very talented people who worked extra hard while I was away. In particular, a great, big thanks goes to Dr. Trace Worrell, our Senior Warden, who held the executive reins so ably, and to Fr. David Madison who was the acting Priest-in-Charge. Many thanks go to Mthr. Melanie Barbarito who took on a whole lot of extra pastoral responsibility while I was away, and to the fine staff of our parish who, as always, worked tirelessly to make sure all went well at All Saints’. They are Lynne Waltman, Rick Grimes, Vickie Merrill, Lisa Nelms, Sanda Warren, Karla Uecker, Paul Aultman, Sean Meagher, and Dottie McBride. Lastly, thank you to the excellent Sabbatical Committee who helped plan and fund the time away through a grant from the Lilly Foundation, namely Kyle Mankin, Robin Sanders (who arranged all the travel needs and was available 24/7 if problems arose), Kent Henning, Stephanie Burk, Trace Worrell, Whit Smith, Lynne Waltman, and Vickie Merrill. I have given a brief presentation of our travels at the last Adult Forum on Sunday, Sep. 16, and you will hear in future sermons or classes more reflections on our time abroad. Also, we spent a couple of weeks in Galatia and the surrounding regions which I will rely on as we begin the Wednesday Bible study on the Epistle to the Galatians starting Oct. 3 (find more on that elsewhere on this page). I hope you can join us this fall as we examine this book of the Bible from a new perspective. We missed you very much and are so very glad to be back! — Fr. Jambor Soon, we’ll welcome back Fr. Shannon! Fr. Shannon continues to recover well from his surgery this summer, and according to his most recent report, he expects to return to his regular duties as an All Saints’ priest on Sunday, Sept. 30! 2 • September 18, 2012 • Pro Omnibus Sanctis There is an expression, “If you want to walk on water, you’ve got to get out of the boat.” In this six-week series, we will be moving from believing to action, from talking to walking, from faith to “walking on water.” “Walking on water” means — • Facing our fears and choosing not to let fear have the last word; • Discovering and embracing God’s call in our lives; • Experiencing the power of God to accomplish what we would not have been able to do on our own. St. Peter, when he saw Jesus walking on the water, said, “Lord, if it is you, tell me to come to you on the water.” Jesus said, “Come.” Letter To The Galatians Bible Study Eight Weeks beginning on Oct. 3 | Led by Fr. Jambor 10:45 a.m. & again at 6:30 p.m. Just returned from two weeks of study in the region of Galatia in Turkey, Fr. Jambor will weave those experiences into this study of Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians. (At right is one of his photos of an ancient church in this region.) In a letter that is called by many “the Magna Carta of Christian liberty,” Paul writes urgently to a church in crisis. Though the church in Galatia was beset on two sides, scholars agree that Paul’s principles as articulated in Galatians moved Christianity from a Jewish sect threatened by division to a religion that one day would span the globe. Two learning opportunities left with the Stabiles All Saints’ parishioners have enjoyed the teaching of Suzanne and Joe Stabile during September, as they have presented a series of classes each Wednesday. ‘Know Your Number’ Enneagram Workshop set for October 5-6 We still have two opportunities to learn from the Stabiles! The first is the final program in their Wednesday class. On Sept. 26 at 10:45 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., they will present “Belonging.” Suzanne Stabile will also be teaching a Know Your Number workshop at All Saints’ on Friday, Oct. 5 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Saturday, Oct. 6 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. There is no cost and lunch will be provided. However, we must have your reservation for the class to insure that the right amount of food is provided. To register, contact Sanda Warren at 817-732-1424 or email sanda@ asecfw.org. Sept. 26: Belonging “Know Your Number” is the first step in working with the Enneagram, a model of human personality. In this program, Suzanne introduces the Nine Types of personalities. Each personality type is reviewed in detail, including an evaluation of the strengths and weakness of the Types, and the likely interpersonal challenges that may be involved in an unhealthy expression of the Type. This workshop is intended for those who want to discover their number or are still unsure about their number. Suzanne and Joe Stabile The hunger to belong is at the heart of our nature; it is the natural balance of our lives. The sense of belonging keeps us in balance amid the inner and outer experiences of our lives. Truth, unity, goodness, justice, beauty and love are all statements of true belonging; they are also the secret intention and dream of human longing. Everything belongs! Women of All Saints’ WineTasting Event Set for Oct. 2 The Women of all Saints’ are kicking off their program year with a wine-tasting event entitled “Comparing Two Red Wines.” It will be held at the home of Gretchen and Whit Smith, 6924 Ridgewood Drive in Fort Worth, 76132 at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, October 2. The Enneagram is also a powerful tool for explaining why persons behave the way they do, and why motivation is largely determined by personality. The types, which include the Perfectionist, Giver, Performer, Romantic, Observer, Devil’s Advocate, Epicure, Boss, and Mediator, are each characterized by unique strengths and weaknesses. Suzanne’s workshops enable participants to understand themselves and others, emphasizing tools to enhance their personal, professional, and spiritual lives. Reservations for the event are required. Please call Sanda Warren at 817-732-1424 or email her at sanda@asecfw.org before September 28. Transportation will be provided from the church on request. A master teacher of the Enneagram, Suzanne draws upon her educational background at Southern Methodist University, as well as her life skills learned as a mother of four, a social worker and a minister’s spouse. Her refreshing teaching style is an unforgettable blend of humor, honesty and authenticity. She and her husband, Joseph, are the founders of Life in the Trinity Ministry and the Micah Center in Dallas, Texas. Come enjoy an evening of fellowship, wine instruction and sipping and fun with your fellow Saints! The wine-tastings tend to fill up rather quickly, so you’ll want to reserve your spot as soon as possible. Blessing of the Pets Bring your beloved animals to the Blessing of the Pets, set for Saturday, Oct. 6 from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., outside the Youth House. Our furry friends provide us with many blessings. On Oct. 6, it’s their turn! September 18, 2012 • Pro Omnibus Sanctis • 3 RALLY DAY Equipped for ministry Between the return of the rector and Rally Day, All Saints’ was a packed place on Sunday, Sept. 9. Parishioners brought the kids to register for Sunday School and to enjoy the waterslide. We were fed, thanks to the grilling expertise of the Men’s Fellowship, and we will be spiritually nourished as well, as we begin the variety of Bible studies, classes, ministries and guilds that are available this fall. If you didn’t make it to Rally Day, don’t worry. There’s a spot for you to get involved in a meaningful way at All Saints’. How has God equipped you for service? Wende Dwyer-Johnsen, left, talks to a parishioner about All Saints’ Monthly Outreach programs, which benefit a different community organization each month. Rally Day activities took place in DeWolfe Hall and outside under tents and shade trees. The weather was perfect for enjoying the waterslide or a grilled hamburger. Kyle Mankin staffs the Rite 13 sign-up table. Students in this age group will begin their Sunday School with a study of “The Hobbit” and Christian themes in the book, with the help of “Finding God in The Hobbit.” Rally Day Raffle Winners “We Can Do It,” proclaims the bicep of Christian Education director Lisa Nelms, who was dressed for Building God’s Kingdom. No, that’s not a tattoo. Parish children enjoyed the face-painting attraction outside on the lawn. 4 • Pro Omnibus Sanctis • September 18, 2012 Amy Lowell and Tiffany Vahrenkamp were the winners of the Evangelism and Engagement’s T-shirts printed with the “Top 10 Reasons To Be An Episcopalian.” Vicki Whistler was drawn as the winner of the pink “Get Equipped For Service” ladies’ tool kit. WELCOME-HOME RECEPTION We’re Glad You’re Back, Fr. Jambor and Pat! RALLY DAY ?? Dabney and Beth Shires. The homecoming of Fr. Jambor and Pat from sabbatical was celebrated with a Dessert Reception, held Sept. 7 at the home of Shannon and Trace Worrell. Below: Greg Westfall, Bill Pollard and Frank Hill. Above: Fr. Shannon sports a cap. Left: Cynthia Hill and Mollee Westfall at a table representing our Amazing Grace Children’s Home and School. Students attracted visitors to their table with treats. Susan Adcock and Shannon Worrell. Beautiful desserts made by volunteers from Parish Life, Women of All Saints’ and St. Anne’s Guild. CANA Labor Day Parade Thank You! Fr. Jambor and Pat’s Welcome Back Dessert Reception • Shannon and Trace Worrell, for hosting the event in their home • Ladies from the Parish Life Commission, WAS, and St. Anne’s for desserts • Parish Life Commission volunteers who helped with hosting the party: Jane Ferguson, Suzy Griffin, Cathy Garrett and Francie Easley • Shuttle Service organization: Jon Drago Lisa and Peter Alcorn wedding Neighborhood children and their pets take a break on the green lawn at All Saints’ after marching in the Crestline Area Neighborhood Association Labor Day Parade, which ends at the church. • Flowers: Team II members including Shannon Worrell, Barbara Van Gorder, Maurie Reynolds, Caren Rector, Eunice Rutledge, Martha Doby, Susie Silman, Becky Beasly, and Jo Gilbert • Wedding Lectors: Lynne Waltman and Dabney Shires Above: Ann Greenhill and friend wait for the parade to start. At left: A golf cart carrying five parishioners enters the parade route. SEPTEMBER OUTREACH The Humane Society This month’s Outreach benefits our furry friends at The Humane Society. They are in need of dry food for puppies, kittens, dogs and cats, plus tennis balls, plastic pet toys, pet treats, gently used towels, sheets, pillowcases, rugs and blankets. Please place your donations in the baskets at the back of the nave, or in DeWolfe Hall. For more information, contact Wende Dwyer-Johnsen at wendedwyer@gmail.com. You are invited to accompany Wende in delivering the items to the shelter on October 2 around 4:00 p.m. Anyone who would like to help with the delivery and find out more about the Humane Society is welcome. 6 • Pro Omnibus Sanctis • September 18, 2012 • Ushers: Richard Chowning and Christopher Robinson Rally Day • Men’s Fellowship – Lunch volunteers were Steve Fleming, Delaney Fleming, Andrew Craig, Legrand Knight, Andrew Gallina, Jeff Nichols, Rick Robinson, Hugh Lefler, John Kent, Ed Adcock, Mark Moore, Nick Moore, Whit Smith and Joe May • Parish Life – Lunch volunteers were Marla Westfall, Francie Easley, Suzie Griffin, Lynette Waites and Sanda Warren Find more photos of parish activities on our church Facebook page. Visit us at www. facebook.com/allsaintsepiscopalchurch. fortworth. Parish Calendar Sunday, September 23 Nursery 8:45 a.m. Adult Forum: Walking On Water w/Fr. Jambor 10:10 a.m. Adult Confirmation Class 4:45 p.m. Monday, September 24 Al-Anon 8:30 a.m. AA/Al-Anon 6:00 p.m. Job Seekers 6:00 p.m. Hand Bell Guild 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 25 Spirited Sisters Vestry 9:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, September 26 Brotherhood of St. Andrew 7:00 a.m. Class: Led by Stabiles 10:45 a.m. Dinner 6:00 p.m. Nursery 6:00 p.m. Study Hall 6:30 p.m. Children’s Choir 6:30 p.m. Class: Led by Stabiles 6:30 p.m. Episco-Pals 7:10 p.m. Thursday, September 27 AA/Al-Anon All Saints’ Choir Friday, September 28 Al-Anon Saturday, September 29 Altar Flower/Altar Guild Godly Play Training Prayer Shawl Meeting Wedding 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Sunday, September 30 Nursery 8:45 a.m. Adult Forum: Walking On Water w/Fr. Jambor 10:10 a.m. Adult Confirmation Class 4:45 p.m. Monday, October 1 Al-Anon AA/Al-Anon Job Seekers Hand Bell Guild Tuesday, October 2 Spirited Sisters ECWAS Stephen Minister Cont’d. Ed. WAS Wine Tasting 8:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 3 Brotherhood of St. Andrew 7:00 a.m. Bible Study: Galatians 10:45 a.m. Nursery 6:00 p.m. Dinner 6:00 p.m. Bible Study: Galatians 6:30 p.m. Children’s Choir 6:30 p.m. Study Hall 6:30 p.m. Episco-Pals 7:10 p.m. Thursday, October 4 AA/Al-Anon All Saints’ Choir Friday, October 5 Al-Anon Enneagram Workshop Pt. 1 Saturday, October 6 Altar Flower Guild/ Altar Guild Enneagram Workshop Pt. 2 Pet Blessings 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. SOLEMN EVENSONG Sunday, October 14 6:00 p.m. Following the 5:00 p.m. Eucharist All Saints’ Episcopal Worship Calendar Sunday Services 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:15 a.m. 5:00 p.m. The Holy Eucharist (Rite I) Choral Eucharist (Rite II) Choral Eucharist (Rite I) The Holy Eucharist (Rite I), with the Healing Service Daily Services 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. The Holy Eucharist (Saturday at 8:00 a.m.) Morning Prayer (Monday through Friday) The Holy Eucharist on Wednesdays with the Healing Service 4:45 p.m. Evening Prayer (Monday–Friday) Evensong Wednesday September 18, 2012 • Pro Omnibus Sanctis • 7
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