December - British Car Club of Greater Cincinnati


December - British Car Club of Greater Cincinnati
The Exhaust
The Official Newsletter of the
British Car Club of Greater Cincinnati
December 2006
State of the BCCGC - 2006
The British Car Club of Greater Cincinnati is in excellent shape. We have a good core of active
members who are willing and able to help run the club and perform its necessary functions. We
are financially sound due to the funds raised from the July car show. Our meetings generally have
a respectable attendance and our activities are of a variety which appeals to a decent number of
Robert and Louise held the Christmas light drive to the Krohn Conservatory and Eden Park last
December. In March Bernie piloted the lead car on a drive to Domiracer, Zakira's Garage and on
to The Pub at Rookwood Mews. In April Sandy navigated us up to Lacomedia and back down to
the Brazenhead Pub in West Chester. In May I hosted two dinner drives. One was to Brazenhead
and the other to The Pub in Crestview Hills. In June Sandy navigated our way through Northern
Kentucky and to the GTO show at Jeff Wyler then to the Cold Spring Roadhouse. In July Bill and
Linda took us to Superformance, Vinoklet Winery, Jungle Jim's, and then to Applebees. In
September Gordon and Roxanne M. hosted a dinner drive to Vinoklet and Doug and Lisa S. took
us on an impromptu drive. In October Robert and Louise set up a visit to German's Farm
Sunflower Festival. Also in October Ron and Lisa B. took us on a magical trip to the ShandonOkeana Railroad, on a British tractor trailer ride around the colorful Lucky Charm Farm, and then
to Les Flick's to eat. Randy and Austin led us on this drive around Butler County. I helped
throughout the year with some arrangements, pre-drive announcements, and follow up reports to
try to create some continued interest.
The regular meetings held at Just One More are fairly well attended. Sherrie and her helpers do a
nice job for all of us. We held four special meetings in 2006. In June at Sharon Woods our large
gathering was hosted by Gary and Roxanne. They had cooking help from Alan and Diana. In
August we visited Rick's woodworking shop and found some old cars hidden away. The metts at
the September cookout were scrumptious. We were hosted by Geoff and Julie at their
landscaping business in Hamilton. In October we were treated to the varied automotive collection
at the building owned by Jim M. and his partners in Walnut Hills. Gary and Roxanne T. helped by
arranging for food and drinks in August and October.
The July car show in Fairfield would not have been possible without the leadership of Dave and
Geoff. They convinced the committee from both the BCCGC and Ohio Valley Austin- Healey Club
to venture out there. It took the sincere efforts of well more than fifty members and volunteers. It
was a financial success for both clubs and provided funds for the One Way Farm Children's
Home and donated plasma units for the Hoxworth Blood Center. All our officers were on the
committee or participated in some way.
As you can see, I am referring to everyone on a first name basis. I want to encourage you to
come out to our club's events and get up close and personal. If you aren't very good with names,
like most of us, I would ask that you wear your name badges. If you have not received yours yet,
you should make a note on your 2007 dues renewal form. Then Bill will get a list to Jim K. so he
can have them engraved for you and your spouse. At the September cookout I even hand printed
temporary ones for everybody's benefit and it seemed to help start conversations. But, if you
have an old one from another organization don't be afraid to dust it off and wear it. Maybe we can
all get better acquainted. We will try to find a way to deliver new BCCGC badges and list your
favorite car below your name.
I would like to thank my officers who served me in 2006. Larry was readily available to step in and
run the meetings and he did an excellent job of organizing the May Scottish weekend show.
William took good notes and even stepped up and sent out the special meeting notices one
month when we needed them. Robert and Louise assumed the activity position and when they
realized the limitations created by dance studio, bag piping, shop owning, baby raising, and other
job conflicts, they went ahead and asked for assistance. George does a tremendous job with the
web site and makes the newsletter and other information available online. Please use the
electronic version and you can print any important pages you need. I encourage you to reduce
the work loads of Lisa and Ron B. and help save our club money by checking the electronic
version box on the BCCGC application for 2007. Ron and Lisa work their tails off to get the
Exhaust compiled every month and produce a very fine newsletter. I submitted "marque of the
month" articles A-J and they faithfully included them. Byron volunteers to print the hard copies for
us and is now taking the activity director job. Bill pays all debts quickly, maintains the membership
list, sells split-the-pot at meetings, and does the books for the July show. Sandy collects photos,
puts the albums together, and is my very understanding wife. Bob is always trying to keep our
interest peaked by his tech sessions and demonstrations.
Speaking of Bob Santoro, I am proud to announce that he has been elected as president for
2007. He is an enthusiastic and knowledgeable car guy. He has been president before and I am
sure he will again do an excellent job for us. Bob has been our one and only technical director
since the inception of the position a few years ago. He is also chairman for the July 15, 2007
British Car Day. Therefore, please give him all the support necessary. I hope everyone will be
willing to lend a hand when asked. Congratulations to him and to all who took the time to vote at
the November meeting. Thank you to everyone for allowing me to serve you.
Dale Ballinger
2006 Christmas Party Announcement
Please RSVP with Gary and Roxanne Taylor for the Saturday, December 16 Christmas
party at Just One More in Mount Healthy. Call 513.232.1390 and let us know if you and
your spouse or guest are planning on attending. We need to give a count to Sherrie to
allow her to plan our meal. Our club will pick up the tab for the food and music this
year. Free drinks included will be iced tea, sodas, and coffee. A full service cash bar is
also provided for you. Sherrie Adams owns Just One More and she and her elves will
prepare a nice party for us. We have appetizers at 6:00 PM followed by the dinner at
7:00. Then at 8:00 we start the party. There will be a same-sex $10 gift exchange again
this year. Please bring your wrapped gift marked male or female and you will receive
another one when Santa calls your name or number. If you are lucky enough to get a gift
from the naughty elf, then you may end up singing
"Rudolph the red nose rain deer" with a flashing light on the front of your face.
You really should circle this date on your calendar.
⇒ Coming January 26,27,28………2007
⇒ Cincinnati Convention Center
⇒ Friday 3:00 – 10:30 p.m., Saturday 11:00 a.m. – 10:30 p.m.,
Sunday 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
⇒ There will be a display of eight British cars. Six of the eight are
Club members. Please try to attend, you will enjoy the wide variety
of cars on display along with world famous celebrities!!!
⇒ General admission $12.00, Children (6-12) $5.00, Children (5 &
under) Free!!, Discount tickets are available in advance at Koi Auto
Parts Stores- Adults $9.00 and Children $3.00
Jim Steputis won a “Top Forty” Award out of 250 entries at
the Mt. Healthy Car Show on September 16, 2006!!!!
A Rolls Royce parked next to him also won an award. Randy
Bales and Don Fales attended the show. Several club
members stopped by and chatted. Two British car awards out
of 250 entries…..pretty cool!
Fritz Heberling’s MGA Coupe…….
Gone but not forgotten…..
British Car Club
of Cincinnati
Meeting Notes for November 8, 2006
The General Membership Meeting for November 2006 was held Just One More
on November 8, 2006. There were 28 attendees present.
President Dale Ballinger called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.
The following officer reports were received:
President: Dale offered thanks for Just One More for hosting the
meeting, and to the 2006 club officers for their work.
Vice President: Bob Santoro was voted as President for 2007. VP made a
motion to have club elections be held every other year rather than
every year.
Secretary: No report.
Treasurer: Bill Rump gave the treasurer's report for the previous
Newsletter: No report.
Sunflower Festival was held at Gorman Farm.
Pictures from the Fall Color Drive are available on the website.
For 2007, emphasis will be placed on attending existing Cruise
Ins, which will be listed on the club website.
Website: No Report.
Technical Advisor:
A tech session on the proper way to store a car for the winter
will be held after the meeting.
Historian: No report.
Old Business:
Elections for 2007 club officers
The only office with more than one nomination was
The first batch of 2006 T-shirts were available for
purchase at the meeting for $10 per shirt.
Produced by Steve Petrosky.
A bid was submitted by Steve Petrosky to produce club hats
(Embroidered). A motion was made to order a batch of hats
and was seconded.
Re-registration for club membership is due.
Club grill badges are available for $6.
New Business:
Christmas Party
A suggestion was made to use T-shirts for the gift
Date for party is December 16th. Previous meeting notes had
the wrong date listed.
By new Ohio law, smoking in Just One More is now
prohibited. An outside area for smoking will be designated.
Club re-registration dues will be accepted at the party.
2007 Cincinnati Car Show
Organizational meeting will be held at Just One More on
Wednesday, November 15. Dinner will be provided.
The show flyer and registration forms have been redone and will
be posted on the website.
Entered cars will now be registered to the year of manufacture.
Changes to how the Prestige class will be enforced have been
Still looking for show sponsors and/or door prize donations.
Bids for reusable banners
Signs By Tomorrow
Kevin Moe, 942-5494,
Bid pending
Fast Signs
Chris & Jim Brown
63“ wide, Red/White/Blue/Black
4’ x 4’: $100
1’ x 4’: $31.25
Maxx Graphics
Chris Marx, 859-991-1946
4’ x 4’ banner
Cloth: $81.60
Vinyl: $70.40
$9 per foot
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.