User Handbook
User Handbook
Central Clothing Distribution User Handbook Version 1.4 Prepared by KYLOC August 2006 PREFACE This User Handbook provides detailed information needed by Unit level personnel ordering military clothing and accessories from the ARNG Central Clothing Distribution Facility (CCDF). To maximize its usefulness to Unit Supply Sergeants, this handbook integrates “how to” information as well as providing regulatory and policy guidance. No two states will choose to have identical issue policies and regulatory guidance. To accommodate this fact, this handbook is provided to states in electronic format, with Appendix D reserved for insertion of individual state policy guidance. CCDF provides expedient and reliable service to soldiers. BDU Uniforms are supplied with name patches, organization patches, and US Army tapes attached; units will not incur charges for sewing of these items to uniforms. The Army Combat Uniform (ACU) is also available at CCDF. For each ACU order, units must purchase the following: nametapes, insignia rank, insignia shoulder sleeve, and US Flags. Units have two choices, routine and emergency, when considering delivery times of their orders. The delivery time for routine is 10 days and emergency is 3-6 days. The preferred method for placing orders is via the Internet, however orders may be placed via facsimile (fax) in emergency situations only. Stewardship is central in doing business with CCDF. To a large degree, business success is dependent on the supply sergeant’s stewardship. A supply sergeant’s order is not reviewed prior to be submitted to CCDF. If the unit has funds available and an order is placed, then the order at hand will be shipped with no review from CCDF. Scrutiny of the supply sergeant’s stewardship is an after-the-fact event. In addition, supply sergeants may use the clothing report engine to generate a large number of detail specific reports and forward any of these reports to their headquarters or maintain them locally for the annual on-site review as directed by the Command Supply Discipline Program (CSDP). This handbook will provide the Supply Sergeant with all of the information, forms, and tools needed to provide outstanding service to the unit’s soldiers. The three keys to success are as follows: i • Understand the mechanics of the program by reading these instructions. • Know and apply command policies concerning military clothing. • Exercise stewardship by providing the soldier with the uniforms he/she needs while at the same time thinking like a taxpayer. ii CONTENTS CONTENTS................................................................................................................................... iii 1.0 GENERAL...........................................................................................................................9 1.1 PURPOSE OF THE USER HANDBOOK ......................................................................9 1.2 BACKGROUND .............................................................................................................9 1.3 REFERENCE...................................................................................................................9 1.4 TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ...............................................................................10 1.5 REQUESTS FOR AND CHANGES TO THIS HANDBOOK.....................................12 1.6 POINTS OF CONTACT................................................................................................12 1.6.1 CENTRAL CLOTHING DISTRIBUTION FACILITY ...........................................12 1.6.2 STATE ADMINISTRATORS AND CONTACT INFORMATION ........................14 2.0 SYSTEM SUMMARY ......................................................................................................14 2.1 OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................14 2.2 SYSTEM ENVIRONMENT .........................................................................................14 3.0 ACCESS TO THE SYSTEM.............................................................................................16 3.1 REGISTRATION ..........................................................................................................16 3.2 CONFIRMATION OF REGISTRATION.....................................................................16 3.3 CHANGES TO DODAAC REGISTRATION DATA..................................................17 4.0 INTERNET ORDERING PROCESS ................................................................................18 4.1 INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................18 4.2 LOGGING IN ................................................................................................................18 4.3 ORDERING...................................................................................................................21 4.3.1 FOR AN INDIVIDUAL ............................................................................................21 4.3.2 BULK ORDERS........................................................................................................35 iii 4.3.3 ORDER FOLLOWUP ..................................................................................................38 4.4 ON-LINE DOCUMENT REGISTER............................................................................38 4.4.1 GENERAL.................................................................................................................38 4.4.2 PENDING REGISTER..............................................................................................39 4.4.3 SHIPPED REGISTER ...............................................................................................40 4.4.4 RECEIVED REGISTER............................................................................................41 4.4.5 TURN-IN REGISTER ...............................................................................................41 5.0 ALTERNATIVE ORDERING PROCESSES ...................................................................42 5.1 GENERAL.....................................................................................................................42 5.1.1 5.2 CATALOGS .............................................................................................................42 ORDERING BY FACSIMILE (FAX) ..........................................................................43 5.2.1 GENERAL.................................................................................................................43 5.2.2 ORDERING...............................................................................................................44 5.2.3 RESOLUTION OF ERRORS ON FAXED ORDERS..............................................49 5.3 ORDERING BY ELECTRONIC MAIL (E-MAIL)......................................................49 5.4 ORDERING BY TELEPHONE ....................................................................................50 5.5 ORDERING BY US MAIL ...........................................................................................50 5.6 SPECIAL ORDER CLOTHING ...................................................................................51 5.6.1 GENERAL.................................................................................................................51 5.6.2 INSTRUCTIONS.......................................................................................................51 5.6.3 RECORDING MEASUREMENTS AND OTHER DATA.......................................52 5.6.4 SUBMITTING THE ORDER....................................................................................52 6.0 CHECKING ORDER STATUS .......................................................................................53 6.1 GENERAL.....................................................................................................................53 6.2 ACCESSING ONLINE REPORTS...............................................................................57 iv 6.3 ONLINE REPORTS ......................................................................................................58 6.3.1 BULK ORDER REPORT......................................................................................60 6.3.2 EMERGENCY URGENCY REPORT ..................................................................61 6.3.3 SOLDIER DEMAND REPORT............................................................................62 6.3.4 SOLDIER ORDER HISTORY REPORT .............................................................63 6.3.5 STATE DEMAND REPORT ................................................................................64 6.3.6 UNIT DEMAND HISTORY REPORT………………………………………….65 6.3.7 UNIT ORDER HISTORY REPORT…………………………………………….66 6.3.8 UNIT HISTORY - DETAILED REPORT………………………………………67 6.4 7.0 MANIPULATING THE DATA….………………………………………….…….. BILLING……………………………………………………………………………..….. 7.1 GENERAL.....................................................................................................................69 7.2 AUTOMATED VALIDATION……………………………………………………… 7.2.1 BY E-MAIL .............................................................................................................70 7.2.2 BY SURFACE MAIL ..............................................................................................71 9.0 CLOTHING TURN-INS AND RECYCLING..................................................................73 9.1 9.2 CLOTHING TURN-IN PROCEDURES.......................................................................73 9.1.1 GENERAL................................................................................................................73 9.1.2 UNSERVICEABLE TURN-INS ..............................................................................73 9.1.3 SERVICEABLE TURN-INS....................................................................................74 9.1.4 DOCUMENTING TURN-INS .................................................................................75 CLOTHING RECYCLING ...............................................................................................78 APPENDIX A................................................................................................................................79 APPENDIX B .........................................................................................................................81 FACSIMILE AND MAILORDER……..…………………………………………………...81 v TAB A .................................................................................................................................82 CCDF FORM 3078 ................................................................................................................82 (NEW GARMENTS) ..............................................................................................................83 TAB B .....................................................................................................................................84 CCDF FORM 3078-2 ..............................................................................................................84 (RECYCLED GARMENTS) ..................................................................................................84 APPENDIX C ................................................................................................................................86 PROCESSING UNIFORM TURN-INS AND RECYCLING ......................................................86 TAB A .....................................................................................................................................87 PROCESS FLOW CHARTS.....................................................................................................7 TAB B ......................................................................................................................................98 DOCUMENTING FWT DETERMINATION FOR UNSERVICEABLE ITEMS .................98 TAB C ....................................................................................................................................101 DISPOSITION OF TURN-INS..............................................................................................101 TAB D ....................................................................................................................................103 CCDF TURN-IN PROCESS ..................................................................................................103 C.D.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................104 C.D.2 DOCUMENTING THE TURN-IN..............................................................................106 C.D.2.1 OVERVIEW............................................................................................................106 C.D.2.2 AUTOMATED TURN-IN PROCESS ....................................................................106 C.D.2.3 MANUAL TURN-IN PROCESS ............................................................................111 C.D.2.4 HISTORY AND RECEIPT GENERATION PROCESSES ...................................116 TAB E.....................................................................................................................................117 CCDF FORM 3161M.............................................................................................................117 SOLDIER’S SIGNATURE.....................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. vi TAB F .....................................................................................................................................122 MARKING ITEMS RETAINED BY SOLDIER...................................................................122 APPENDIX D..............................................................................................................................124 STATE POLICIES..................................................................................................................124 D.1 ISSUES TO NON-PRIOR SERVICE ENLISTEES .......................................................125 D.1 ISSUES TO NON-PRIOR SERVICE ENLISTEES .......................................................125 D.2 OBTAINING SPECIAL ORDER ITEMS ......................................................................125 D.3 OBTAINING ORDERING AUTHORITY INCREASE ................................................125 D.4 BULK ORDERING.........................................................................................................125 D.5 ALTERATIONS..............................................................................................................125 D.6 BILLING RECONCILATION........................................................................................125 D.7 CLOTHING TURN-INS .................................................................................................125 D.8 USE OF RECYCLED CLOTHING ................................................................................126 D.9 IN-STATE RECYCLING OF UNIFORMS....................................................................126 APPENDIX E ..............................................................................................................................127 ORDERING FROM................................................................................................................127 THE AAFES WEB SITE........................................................................................................127 E.1 INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................128 E.2 ACCESSING THE WEB SITE .......................................................................................128 E.3 SELECTING ITEMS ......................................................................................................128 APPENDIX F...............................................................................................................................131 ALTERING AND FITTING ARMY UNIFORMS…............................................................131 A HANDBOOK FOR TAILORS ...........................................................................................131 TAB A ....................................................................................................................................132 MALE UNIFORM .................................................................................................................131 vii TAB B ....................................................................................................................................139 FEMALE UNIFORM.............................................................................................................138 INDEX .........................................................................................................................................151 viii 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 PURPOSE OF THE USER HANDBOOK The purpose of this user handbook is to provide the Unit Supply Sergeant with detailed instructions on processes to be used in obtaining and accounting for military uniforms and accessories from Central Clothing Distribution Facility (CCDF). 1.2 BACKGROUND Establishment of CCDF was based upon results from a study. This study investigated Army National Guard procurement methodologies for enlisted military clothing. The purpose of the study was to seek out cost effective solutions in providing enlisted military clothing while meeting the following requirements. • Allow electronic submission of orders from the unit to the distribution facility. • Issue BDU uniforms with nametapes, US Army tapes, US flags, and unit patches affixed. 1.3 • Issue ACU uniforms with US Army tapes and nametapes. • Ship uniforms to units as soldier kits. • Ship routine orders to arrive at units within 10 business days of ordering. • Ship urgent orders to arrive at units within 3 business days of ordering. • Generate backorders based on an original document number. • Facilitate recycling of used, serviceable uniforms. REFERENCE Regulatory guidance for the ARNG clothing program is provided by Army Regulation (AR) 700-84, Issue and Sale of Personal Clothing, dated 28 February 1994. Using its authority as a Reinvention Center, the National Guard Bureau (NGB) secured a waiver of provisions of AR 9 700-84 governing how support is requested and received from a Clothing Issue Point (CIP) and a later waiver of provisions covering uniform exchange/replacement/turn-in processes. The revision of AR 700-84 now in process will be consistent with this Handbook. In the event that instructions in this handbook conflict with the guidance in AR 70084, the guidance in this handbook will be followed. 1.4 TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AAFES – Army and Air Force Exchange Service ACU – Army Combat Uniform AG – Army Green AGR – Active Guard/Reserve AO – Action Officer AR – Army Regulation ARNG – Army National Guard ARNGUS – Army National Guard of the United States BDU – Battle Dress Uniform CCA- Classification Code “A” CCB – Classification Code “B” CCD – Central Clothing Distribution CCDF – Central Clothing Distribution Facility CCDUH – Central Clothing Distribution User Handbook CIP – Clothing Issue Point CML – Commercial CSD – Command Supply Discipline CSDP – Command Supply Discipline Program DA – Department of Army DEERS – Defense Eligibility & Enrollment Reporting System DODAAC – Department of Defense Activity Address Code DOIM – Director of Information Management DSCP – Defense Supply Center- Philadelphia DSN – Defense Switched Network 10 DUI – Distinctive Unit Insignia EHWBDU – Enhanced Hot Weather Battle Dress Uniform EOF – Electronic Order Form FAX – Facsimile FEDLOG – Federal Logistics Data FSC – Federal Supply Class FY – Fiscal Year HWBDU – Hot Weather Battle Dress Uniform IAW – In Accordance With ID – Identification ING – Inactive National Guard LIRMan – List of Issues Report Manager LTL – Less-Than-Truckload MOA – Memorandum of Agreement NGB – National Guard Bureau NIIN – National Item Identification Number NLT – Not Later Than NSN – National Stock Number OA – Ordering Authority OIC – Officer in Charge OST – Order Ship Time PM – Program Manager POC – Point of Contact RDD – Required Delivery Date SSAN – Social Security Account Number TBD – To Be Determined TM – Technical Manual ULLS-G - Unit Level Logistics System – Ground Module ULLS-S4 – Unit Level Logistics System – S4 Module UPS – United Parcel Service USAR – United States Army Reserve 11 USPFO – United States Property and Fiscal Office(r) USPS – United States Postal Service 1.5 REQUESTS FOR AND CHANGES TO THIS HANDBOOK Suggestions for changes to this handbook may be submitted to Kentucky Logistic Operation Center (KYLOC) Please send a copy of your suggestion, with rationale, to your state’s Central Clothing Distribution (CCD) Administrator listed in paragraph 1.6. Suggestions need not be submitted on DA Form 2028. 1.6 points of contact 1.6.1 Central Clothing Distribution Facility Internet Web Site Addresses: or are the two Internet web addresses you may use in navigation to CCDF. If your computer is on the .mil network, you must use the web address. The .mil network architecture is not compatible with the .com web address and errors will result if you attempt to use the .com website from a computer on the .mil network. Prospective users must complete an Application for User Identification (ID), as prescribed by their state CCDF Administrator. Access to both .mil and .com web addresses are password protected and please remember that passwords are case sensitive. Informal questions and suggestions to CCDF may be posted on the Customer Talk website bulletin board. The bulletin board can be accessed at or by clicking the icon. No password is required for access to the bulletin board. Mailing Address: Bluegrass Station Attn: Chris Ripy, MIS Director KY LOC, Building 6 5751 Briar Hill Road Lexington, KY 40516-9721 Shipping address (via the US Postal Service) for returned military clothing: Bluegrass Station Attn: Danny Neikirk 12 KY LOC, Building 14 5751 Briar Hill Road Lexington, KY 40516-9721 Telephone: To place an order by voice or for any other necessary voice communication with the CCDF: Toll Free: (888) 255-1131 (This is NOT a fax number.) FAX: (For other than orders) DSN 745-3133; CML (859) 293-3133. FAX: (For orders only) DSN 745-3670 Toll Free (888) 356-2443; CML (859) 293-3670 E-mail: Points of Contact for Specific Questions: NAME / TITLE / SUBJECT Jasper Carpenter Director, KYLOC Program Administration PHONE E-MAIL DSN 745-3857/3471 CML (859) 293-3857/3471 E-mail: Heath Tucker Information Systems Supervisor Computer Support DSN 745-3868 CML (859) 293-3868 E-mail: Connie Spicer Customer Service Supervisor Unit Orders and Shipments to Units DSN 745-3988/3688 CML (859) 293-3988/3688 Email: 13 1.6.2 State (A list of State Administrators and contact information for each can be accessed from the CCDF Main Menu by clicking the STATE CONTACTS button.) State Administrator for the Central Clothing Distribution Program: Mailing Address: FOR COMPLETION BY STATE Telephone: E-mail: Points of Contact for Specific Questions: SUBJECT POC PHONE E-MAIL 2.0 SYSTEM SUMMARY 2.1 OVERVIEW The ARNG central clothing distribution system is designed to provide consistent and responsive military clothing support to ARNG enlisted soldiers by allowing units to order directly from the distribution facility and delivering orders directly to the unit via commercial carrier. The ordering system is Internet-based. Units without an Internet capability can submit orders and check an order status via facsimile, telephone, or US Mail. 2.2 SYSTEM ENVIRONMENT Use of the Internet ordering capability requires a Pentium 1 processor or higher, IBM- compatible computer, and Netscape version 3.0 or higher or Microsoft Internet Explorer version 14 5.0 or higher. AOL users should be aware that AOL provides its customers with an AOL web browser. This browser may not be compatible with making orders but you may use AOL for logging onto the Internet and select either Internet Explorer or Netscape browser from your computer if so equipped. Users are strongly encouraged to perform a one-time check to ensure their browser is adequate. The check is as follows: • Log onto the site. • Follow the ordering instructions in this handbook (Section 4.3) until the Common Items Screen is displayed. • On that screen, highlight a size other than the size on the top line of the pull-down size box. Watch whether the NSN changes when you highlight the other size. • If the NSN does change, your browser is adequate. If not, the browser must be upgraded before using the Internet for ordering from CCDF. • Browser issues/problems should be referred to your DOIM. 15 3.0 ACCESS TO THE SYSTEM 3.1 REGISTRATION Before a unit can receive support from CCDF three actions must be completed. • CCDF must be provided with contact and shipping address information for the unit. When a unit first transitions to this support, the State Administrator manages the process. • Ordering access is controlled. This requires each individual be registered and authorized to submit orders through CCDF. State Administrators manage this process. Normally, the individual authorized to order for a unit will be the fulltime supply sergeant. An alternate authorized individual may be registered for a unit as well, this allows ordering to continue in the absence of the supply sergeant. It is the unit’s responsibility to initiate any required changes by forwarding their request to their State Administrator. A template for the Request for Access form is provided in Appendix A. • Please contact the State Administrator to terminate an individual’s access to CCDF. • The State Administrator is solely responsible for inputting the Ordering Authority (OA) information, ceiling against which the unit/DODAAC can order, into the CCDF system. The OA is the dollar amount an unit is authorized to spend with CCDF during the fiscal year. CCDF cannot adjust unit-ordering authority. 3.2 CONFIRMATION OF REGISTRATION State Administrators will notify new users when they are granted access to CCDF. The State Administrator will give new users a user identification (User ID) and password for accessing the CCDF website. If a user’s password is lost or forgotten, please contact the State Administrator to have the password reset. 16 3.3 CHANGES TO DODAAC REGISTRATION DATA Changes to a DODAAC’s shipping address or any other DODAAC registration data must be sent to the State Administrator. Requests sent directly to CCDF will not be honored. This is a fraud-prevention requirement. 17 4.0 INTERNET ORDERING PROCESS 4.1 INTRODUCTION Use of the Internet is the preferred method of accessing and ordering from CCDF. The CCDF Internet site may be accessed through government-provided or personal Internet accounts. Procedures used to order via fax, telephone, or US Mail are addressed in Section 5. 4.2 LOGGING IN Bring your Internet browser up on your computer. In the address line, type or (If you are accessing on a commercial connection) and press Enter. The initial screen is displayed in Figure 4-2-1. Figure 4-2-1. NGMMC Entry Screen 18 PROBLEMS CONNECTING? If you are on a military network (RCAS) and are unable to connect using the address, please contact the .mil help desk at DSN 327-9614, Ext. 3 or 1-800-821-3097, Ext. 3. (Help desk hours are 0600-1800 M-F and 0800-1800 Sat and Sun.) Let the help desk know that they should refer to their ticket as a “CCDF Problem”. Click on the button. The screen in figure 4-2-2 will be displayed after selecting the CCDF button. Figure 4-2-2. CCDF User Login Screen Enter your User ID and Password. (Both are unique to individual users. To have website access, your unit must be registered and each authorized individual must have applied for and received a user ID and password. Please do not forget that passwords are case sensitive) If a password is lost or forgotten, contact the State Administrator who can solve the problem. Click the button. The Main Menu screen is displayed (Figure 4-2-3). 19 Figure 4-2-3. CCDF Main Menu Screen This screen provides you with eight options: • Place an individual order for military clothing. • Place an order for military clothing in bulk quantity. • Check the status of a previously placed order. • Research information for pending, shipped, and received orders. • Generate reports, and Turn-in Clothing. • Get the name, e-mail address, and phone number of a State Administrator. • State Admin section. • Clothing turn-in Home Page. 20 4.3 ORDERING 4.3.1 FOR AN INDIVIDUAL At the Main Menu (Figure 4-2-3), click on and the Personal Clothing Request Screen, shown in figure 4-3-1, begins the order process. Figure 4-3-1. Personal Clothing Request Screen Complete the fields as follows. • DODAAC – The dropdown menu lists all the DODAACs for which you are authorized to order. Select the appropriate dodaac for which you are placing an order. Once a DODAAC is selected, you may review the dodaac financial history for the current fiscal year by clicking on the Figure 4-3-2 is displayed. 21 button. The screen shown in Figure 4-3-2. Ordering Authority Information Screen – Current FY OA – The current amount your state has allocated for purchasing required military clothing from CCDF. − State Adjustments – Used by the State Administrators. Used to adjust unit OA amounts based on state needs or requirements. − CCDF Adjustments – Used by CCDF to adjust unit OA based on cancellation of unshipped orders or post credit for returned/unused items. – Orders – This is the FEDLOG value of all Condition Code A items ordered from CCDF by the DODAAC during the current FY. – Available Balance – This is the total amount remaining available to your DODAAC for the current Fiscal Year (Available Balance = FY0A - Orders + Adjustments + Returns.) • GENDER – The default is . If ordering for a female soldier, select . • LAST NAME – Enter the last name of the soldier requiring clothing. • FIRST NAME – Enter the first name of the soldier requiring clothing • MIDDLE INITIAL – If none, leave blank. • SSAN – Enter the 9 digit Social Security number, WITHOUT dashes. • GRADE – Select pay grade (E.g., E-6) from drop-down menu. 22 • URGENCY – Select the urgency of your order as follows: - Emergency Ground – Order must be delivered within 3-6 business days. This order will be shipped the business day after the customer submits it. Delivery time will be the UPS ground standard for the state. For example, PA will receive the order 3 business days after they submit it, FL 4 business days, NV 5 business days, etc. - Emergency Air – Order must be delivered within three business days after it is submitted. This order will reach any customer within 3 business days after the customer submits it. This option is VERY EXPENSIVE. Emergency Air service is not available to OCONUS customers. − Routine – Order must be delivered within 10 business days after it is submitted. − Deferred – Order can take longer than 10 days but must be delivered by a specified Required Delivery Date (RDD). Note: If this option is selected, also enter the Julian RDD in the box. Deferred orders allow multiple orders to be consolidated by CCDF and save shipping dollars. • CATEGORY – Select • TRANS TYPE – Select the appropriate transaction type from the dropdown menu. If . the order is a supplemental issue for a soldier about to enter AGR status or initial issue please select . If the soldier is turning in a serviceable or an unserviceable FWT used item and ordering a replacement, select . If the order is an item that does not replace a similar existing item, select [Supplemental]. If the order is for a Prior Service Initial Issue, select Service Initial Issue, select select ; Non-Prior ; equipping a soldier for a Service school, . Each of these last three types of issue will receive service equivalent to Routine Urgency (10 business days). The difference between this and normal Routine Urgency is that these three transaction types will be guaranteed ten business days service, even when surges of orders are resulting in late delivery of other routine urgency shipments. In the rare instances when faster service is required, select either Emergency Ground or Emergency Air Urgency. 23 STATE POLICY ON ISSUES TO NON-PRIOR SERVICE ENLISTEES See Appendix D When all information has been entered, choose the first page with items you desire to order and click that button. It is recommended that, if you wish to order recycled items, you move to that page first. Like New Free Items Screen The Like New Free Items Screen (Figure 4-3-1-2-A) lists all items that are currently available in (Like-new) condition. The only sizes that are listed in the Like New Free Items Screen are those currently in stock in recycled condition. (Not all sizes are available in (Likenew) condition at any point in time – it depends on what has been turned in). Select a quantity and size. Notice that the unit price is zero. Recycled items are provided as free issue. Also note that the NSN has FSC of “9999”, this is used by CCDF’s system to distinguish used items from new items. Ensure that appropriate Insignia, Shoulder, Sleeve are ordered on the Common Items and/or Male&Female pages. If shoulder sleeve insignia for the left shoulder is ordered, it is sewn free. When the ordering of Like New Free items has been completed, select the appropriate button to proceed to the next screen required for your order. If the recycled items are the last button. items you are ordering, select the Figure 4-3-1-2-A. Like New Free Items Screen 24 Due to system limitations, it is not possible to ensure that all sizes listed on the recycled items screen are actually in stock. The stockage position is updated weekly. If an item selected is out of stock, the Order Summary Screen, viewed near the end of the ordering process (Figure 43-1-2-B), will indicate the out of stock item and you will have the option of going back and ordering an unused item or of waiting and reordering the recycled item later. Figure 4-3-1-2-B. Order Summary Screen Like New Free Out-of-Stock 25 Common Items Screen The Personal Clothing Request Common Items Screen is shown in Figure 4-3-1-3-A. Figure 4-3-1-3-A. Personal Clothing Request (Common) Screen For each item desired, use the dropdown menus to select the quantity and size required. To choose a size, you must click on the size so that it is highlighted in blue! The program automatically selects the correct National Stock Number (NSN), calculates the total price, and populates those fields. If a size is not selected, the item may appear on the order with a Federal Supply Class (FSC) of “0000”. You will not receive it. If a recycled item is stocked by CCDF, it is listed on the page entitled “Recycled Items”. CCDF is not authorized to provide: • Special order personal clothing. Individuals who cannot be fit with standard sizes of military clothing must have these clothing items special-ordered. Special order requests are submitted by the unit through the USPFO or DOL to DSCP and are not filled by CCDF. Special order procedures are described in Section 5.6 of this Handbook. 26 • Non-NSN personal clothing (including loose nametapes, embroidered US Army tapes and nameplates). • Maternity Green uniform components. • Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment (OCIE) including Maternity Camouflage Uniforms. • Nametapes, other than those affixed to uniforms issued by CCDF, cannot be ordered separately from CCDF. State policy on obtaining nametapes for uniforms in soldiers’ possession is found in Appendix D. If in accordance with State policy, maternity green uniform components, nameplates, nametapes, and US Army tapes can be obtained from the Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) if charged to an IMPAC VISA or personal credit card. AAFES provides free shipping. Orders may be placed as follows: • By telephone (800-527-2345) • By Fax (214-583-5006) • By Internet ( See Appendix E for the Internet ordering procedure. Note that the Internet ordering screen does not allow for ordering nametapes for more than one last name on a single order. Distinctive Unit Insignia (DUI), sometime referred to as unit crests, will not be stocked by CCDF unless (1) it possesses a standard NSN and (2) a state has requested that it be stocked. Personal clothing assigned a standard NSN but not listed on the CCDF Internet ordering screens may be ordered by fax (CCDF Form 3078) or phone. STATE POLICY ON OBTAINING SPECIAL ORDER ITEMS, NAMETAPES AND DISTINCTIVE UNIT INSIGNIA (CRESTS) See Appendix D 27 When you have ordered all of the common items needed by the soldier, go the next appropriate ordering screen or, if finished, click on the button at the bottom of the screen. Make sure you select any required organization shoulder patches (Insignia, shoulder, sleeve) or sewn-on tabs (E.g. special forces). If tabs are ordered, they will be sewn on at no additional charge, the same as the organizational patch. If ordering the Special Forces patch, ensure that an airborne tab is also ordered. State Tabs are not stocked or issued. However, if the soldier is entitled to one or more state tabs, select the appropriate number of state tabs on the Accessories page. State tabs will not be provided, but CCDF sewing personnel will sew the Insignia, Shoulder, Sleeve (Unit patch) lower to accommodate later (Local) affixing of the tab. UNIT PATCHES Subdued insignia, shoulder, sleeve (Unit Patch) for wear on the left sleeve is found on the Common Items Screen. Full color insignia, soldier, sleeve for wear on the left sleeve is found on the Male and Female Item screens. Former wartime service unit insignia, shoulder, sleeve for wear on the right sleeve is found on the Accessories Screen. Sewing for shoulder sleeve insignia and tabs worn on the left sleeve is provided and is free (While combat unit patches worn on the right sleeve can be requisitioned, sewing is not provided at this time). Male/Female Screens Based on the gender selection you select on the Personal Clothing Request Form Screen, a listing of authorized male-specific or female-specific items is displayed (Figure 4-3-1-4-A). 28 Figure 4-3-1-4-A. Men’s and Women’s Clothing Screens 29 Use the dropdown menus to select the quantities and sizes required. The program automatically selects the correct NSN, calculates the total price, and populates those fields. When all common items needed for the soldier are ordered, go the next appropriate button at the bottom of the screen. ordering screen or, if finished, click on the Make sure you order any organization shoulder patch (Insignia, shoulder, sleeve) or sewn-on tabs (E.g., special forces). Sewing is provided free of charge. Accessories Screen The Accessories screen is shown at figure 4-3-1-5-A. Items available include various types of insignia. This form can also be used to order sewn-on tabs (E.g., special forces). If state tabs are needed, see paragraph Figure 4-3-1-5-A. Accessories Screen Use the dropdown menus to select the quantities and sizes required. The program automatically selects the correct NSN, calculates the total price, and populates those fields. When all accessories needed for the soldier are ordered, go the next appropriate ordering button at the bottom of the screen. screen or, if finished, click on the 30 Ribbons and Attachments Screen The Ribbons and Attachments screen is shown in figure 4-3-6-1-A. Use the dropdown menus to select the quantities and types required. The program automatically selects the correct NSN, calculates the total price, and populates those fields. Figure 4-3-6-1-A Ribbons and Attachments Screen When all awards needed for the soldier are ordered, go the next appropriate ordering screen or, if finished, click on the button at the bottom of the screen. Order Summary Screen Clicking the button displays a screen that summarizes the items ordered and their total price (Figure 4-3-1-7-A). Check carefully to ensure that you are ordering the correct items and sizes. Should you need to add or change items for the current order, click the button and you will return to the common form ordering page. If you fail to select a size for any item, a pop up window appears reminding you to select a size. 31 Figure 4-3-1-7-A. Order Summary Screen Purchase Confirmation Screen Click on to display a Purchase Confirmation screen (Figure 4-3-1-8- A). Clicking on transmits your order to CCDF. From that point on, the only way to change, correct or cancel your order is to telephone CCDF’s customer service. Figure 4-3-1-8-A. Purchase Confirmation Screen The purpose of this screen is to ensure that the CCDF database contains the correct shipping address for the DODAAC. If the shipping address is incorrect, immediately contact 32 CCDF’s customer service at DSN 745-3988 or, if lacking DSN access, toll free at 888-255-1131 or (859) 293-3988. If the cost of your order exceeds your remaining OA, or would exceed the state’s ordering limit (Even if your unit did not exceed its limit), a warning screen (Figure 4-3-1-8-A) will be displayed. The State Administrator must be contacted to increase the OA allotment before the order can be processed. Figure 4-3-1-8-A. Insufficient OA Screen STATE POLICY ON OBTAINING AN INCREASE IN ORDERING AUTHORITY See Appendix D Receipt Screen If you desire to obtain a receipt (CCDF Form 3) for your order (Figure 4-3-1-9-A), click on the Purchase Confirmation Screen. Use the “File” “Print” function in your Internet browser to print the receipt. 33 Figure 4-3-1-9-A. Receipt Screen. Urgency Codes found on CCDF Form 3 are as follows: CODE 1 4 2 3 URGENCY Emergency Air Emergency Ground Routine Deferred Options Upon Completing the Ordering Process CCDF’s automated system creates a document register entry for each order. (See paragraph 5.2.2.) Upon completion of an order, the receipt screen presents three options: • Confirmation Page (Returns to the Confirmation screen). • Shop for Another Soldier (Returns to the Personal Clothing Request screen). • Exit the Ordering Screen (Returns to the Login screen). 34 If, after completing the order, you discover a mistake, call CCDF’s customer service immediately. The mistake can be fixed if it is reported before the order is shipped. System-imposed Limitations on Internet Ordering In some circumstances, two or more sizes of the same item cannot be ordered on a single document unless one is new and the other is recycled. Solution: Use multiple fax orders (See paragraph 5.2) or multiple Internet orders. In addition, two or more decoration or insignia sets may also not be available for order on a single document. Solution: Use multiple fax orders (See paragraph 5.2) or multiple Internet orders. 4.3.2 BULK ORDERS Definition A bulk order is a single requisition for one or more NSNs for either (1) immediate issue to two or more soldiers or (2) for authorized stockage at the unit level to meet anticipated future demands. General The CCDF ordering system will accept bulk orders from any DODAAC/unit authorized to order from CCDF. Paragraph 15-2b of AR 700-84 specifically allows unit stockage of up to five sets of rank insignia per enlisted grade and 25 insignia, organization, shoulder and specifically prohibits the ordering of socks for stockage at unit level. State policy on bulk orders is addressed in Appendix D. Recycled items may not be ordered in bulk. No more than 25 Insignia, shoulder sleeve and no more than ten of any other one item/NSN may be ordered on a single bulk order. If a larger quantity is requested, it will be reduced to 25 or ten by CCDF before the order is processed and no backorder will be created for the difference between the ordered and the issued quantities. STATE POLICY ON 35 BULK ORDERING See Appendix D Bulk Ordering Procedure At the Main Menu screen (Figure 4-2-3), click on . The Personal Clothing Request Form, configured for a bulk order, is displayed (Figure 43-2-3-A). Figure 4-3-2-3-A. Bulk Clothing Request Screen Enter the information requested. • DODAAC – Select from the drop-down box. • SUPPLY SGT LAST NAME – Self-explanatory. • SUPPLY SGT FIRST NAME – Self-explanatory. 36 • MIDDLE INITIAL – If none, leave blank • URGENCY – Refers to speed of delivery. When you have completed the form, click . The Personal Clothing Request (Common) screen is displayed (Figure 4-3-1-3-A). If this is needed for your bulk order, complete it as described in paragraph However, instead of selecting a quantity from the drop-down menu, enter it in the quantity field. To choose a size, you must click on the size so that it is highlighted in blue. When finished with the Common Personal Clothing Request screen, select the next required ordering screen, or the button if the order is complete. will display a summary of your order. Check carefully to ensure that you are ordering the correct items and sizes. The remainder of the process is the same as that described in paragraphs through Ordering Like New Free Items Recycled items may not be ordered in bulk. System-imposed Limitations on Bulk Ordering No more than 25 Insignia, shoulder, sleeve and no more than ten of any other one item/NSN may be ordered on a single bulk order. Two or more sizes of the same item cannot be ordered on a single document. Multiple types of decoration sets and ribbon attachments are not available for order on a single Internet order. Solution: Use multiple fax orders (See paragraph 5.2) or multiple Internet orders. Two or more ranks of the same type (I.e., pin-on) rank insignia, multiple branch insignia, multiple miscellaneous insignia, and multiple qualification badges cannot be ordered on a single Internet order. Solution: Use multiple fax orders (See paragraph 5.2) or multiple Internet orders. 37 4.3.3 ORDER FOLLOW UP Shortly after an order is submitted via Internet, fax or telephone, the order will appear on the Order Status screen (See Chapter 6) and in the Pending Order Document Register (Figure, 60-B). Units are invited to monitor order status using the Document Register or Order Status Screen. 4.4 ON-LINE DOCUMENT REGISTER 4.4.1 General CCDF maintains a suite of three on-line document registers that automatically posts unit orders; backorders created, and order status. Unit involvement is limited to a requirement to acknowledge receipt. The requirement to maintain a separate document register at unit level is terminated. The document registers are accessed from the main menu by clicking the document register button. The Document Register home page (Figure 4-4-1-A) is displayed. A brief description of each register is provided; select the appropriate register. Figure 4-4-1-A. Document Register Home Page 38 4.4.2 Pending Orders Register The Pending Orders Register (Figure 4-4-2-A) lists orders received by CCDF and that are in the process of being filled. Pending Orders are defined as, “Orders that are in the process of being assembled and packaged but have not shipped.” Please note the status column in Figure 4-4-2-A. The figure shows three orders and each of these orders has “Processing” listed for the status. “Processing,” indicates an order has been submitted, received, and is currently being assembled and packaged for shipment. If an order has been submitted to CCDF and is later deleted by the customer, it will have “Deleted.” listed in the status column. An order will remain on the Pending Orders Register until it is shipped or cancelled by the customer. In addition, when an order is shipped from CCDF it automatically migrates from the Pending Orders Register to the Shipped Orders Register. Figure 4-4-2-A. Pending Orders Register 39 4.4.3 Shipped Orders Register The Shipped Orders Register (Figure 4-4-3-A) displays document register entries for orders CCDF has shipped and have not been received by the ordering unit. When units receive shipments, unit supply sergeants must access and update their document register to acknowledge these shipments as being received. Updating the Shipped Orders Register is of the utmost importance! Updating the Shipped Orders Register is extremely easy and is accomplished by clicking on the button for the appropriate order listing. The Shipped Orders Register also has a text field in which supply sergeants can enter notes or comments relating to the order at hand. After marking an order as being received, the order listing automatically migrates to the Received Orders Register. Orders that were shipped with no backordered items in pending status will have an ‘X’ suffix located at the end of the document number. If you see an order that has shipped but not yet received, please select the tracking number link for the order at hand. The tracking number link will take you to United Parcel Service (UPS) website and list the shipping history and current location of your shipment. Figure 4-4-3-A. Shipped Orders Register 40 4.4.4 Received Orders Register Documents acknowledged as received by supply personnel (Figure 4-4-3-A) migrate to the Received Orders Register (Figure 4-4-4-A) and remain displayed on that register for 30 days following receipt. Concurrently, the document record is posted to the Unit Order History File and may be accessed by using the Unit Order History Report function (Figure 6-3-7-A). Thirty days after the receipt date, the document entry is automatically removed from the Received Orders Register, but the transaction information remains accessible by using the Unit Order History Report function. Figure 4-4-4-A. Received Orders Register 4.4.5 Turn-in Register The Turn-in Register lists clothing turn-ins made to CCDF and that have been processed using CCDF’s automated turn-in process. Turn-ins using the optional manual documentation process are not documented in the turn-in register. Appendix C (Paragraph C.D.2.4) provides a detailed description of the Turn-in Register. The user can display either all turn-ins for the DODAAC (Figure C-D-6) or all turn-ins for a specific soldier, identified by SSAN (Figure C-D8). 41 5.0 ALTERNATIVE ORDERING PROCESSES 5.1 GENERAL While the Internet is the preferred ordering medium, units lacking Internet access can order by facsimile, e-mail, telephone, or US Mail. DSN and toll free numbers are available for facsimile or telephone ordering (Section 1.6.1). ORDERING BY INTERNET IS THE FASTEST WAY TO GET AN ORDER INTO THE CCDF SYSTEM! Units ordering by fax, e-mail, phone, or mail must be registered with CCDF (1) their DODAAC and (2) the person(s) authorized to order. Units also must have received an OA from the state (Section 3.1). 5.1.1 Catalogs Given the assumption that units placing facsimile and telephone orders do not have access to the Internet, they will need access to a catalog to determine prices and the correct NSN for each item ordered. Please contact customer service if you are unable to access the online catalog (Section 1.6.1). CCDF Stocked Items The CCDF Web Site provides a downloadable catalog of items stocked by CCDF. This electronic catalog includes: Article name, size, NSN, gender, unit of issue (UI), and unit price. To access the catalog, follow these steps: • Access the NGMMC’s opening web page at or • Click • Click . . 42 • To view the catalog, click “Detailed Catalog0175.xls”. To download the catalog, click “Detailed Catalog0175.xls” while pressing the “Control” key. Users may use their Internet browser’s file print function should they decide to print the catalog. AAFES Customers requiring a catalog may request a free Army Military Clothing Catalog from AAFES at 800-527-2345 (The AAFES catalog does not list NSNs). Since officers, warrant officers, and AGR personnel are not served by CCDF, units may wish to have an AAFES catalog available for their use. Guardsmen can also order from AAFES via the Internet (Appendix E). The AAFES Web Site includes an interactive online military clothing catalog. 5.2 ORDERING BY FACSIMILE (FAX) 5.2.1 GENERAL Ordering by facsimile is an option that should be used only by units lacking Internet capabilities. It is the preferred method of ordering for those units without Internet access. A fax order uses the (Reproducible) order form (CCDF Form 3078 at figure 5-2-1-A ). CCDF customers ordering by fax must have valid User Ids and passwords. Telephone numbers that may be used to contact CCDF for fax orders are as follows: DSN 745-3670 Toll Free (888) 356-2443 CML (859) 293-3670 If you have DSN access, please use that rather than the toll free number. 43 Figure 5-2-1-A. CCDF Mail or Fax Request Form CCDF Form 3078) 5.2.2 ORDERING New (Unused) Uniforms CCDF Form 3078 is found in Appendix B of this handbook and is available for download from the “KY LOC News” Section of the CCDF website. Complete Form 3078 Fax Request Form as follows (As an alternative, CCDF Form 3078 template is provided in Appendix A of the electronic version of this handbook. This template can be used to fill out and print a copy of the order form, which can then be faxed or attached to an e-mail) If the fax order form is incomplete, CCDF may reject the order. Orders that exceed available OA will be cancelled and the submitter will be notified. 44 • DODAAC – Self-explanatory • DOC # – Insert a document date and serial from your clothing document register. The format is Julian date + 4 digit serial. The CCDF system does not use the document numbering system previously used to order clothing (first 4 letters of individual’s name + last four of SSN). Ensure that the document number serial does not duplicate a number assigned to other documents by ULLS-G or ULLS-S4. Units should create the document numbers for FAXED documents by using the numeral 9 in the second position of the serial field. This will result in a document number looking similar to the following: W7MBBC00350900. This allows CCDF to discretely track faxed documents within its system. If CCDF receives a faxed document without a “9” in the second position of the serial, CCDF will alter the number by changing whatever character is in the second position of the serial to a “9” before entering it in their system. • GRADE - Enter pay grade (E.g., E-6). • GENDER – Check “M” (Male) or “F” (Female). • LAST NAME – Self-explanatory. • FIRST NAME – Self-explanatory. • MIDDLE INITIAL – If none, leave blank. • SSAN – Enter the soldier’s 9-digit Social Security number. • URGENCY – Select the urgency of your order (See paragraph 4.3.1). • TRANSACTION TYPE – Select the type of transaction (See paragraph 4.3.1). • QTY – Enter the quantity requested. • SIZE – Enter the size for those items available in multiple sizes. 45 • NSN – Enter the NSN of the item you are requesting (Refer to a catalog). (If you enter the size using a typewriter or computer, you may omit the NSN. NSN is used to verify size and/or nomenclature when it is difficult to read due to poor handwriting or fax quality). • REQUESTOR INFORMATION: – User’s Fax Number – Enter the area code and phone number of the unit’s fax. – Requestor’s Name – Print the name of the person submitting this request. – User ID – Enter the CCDF User ID assigned to the person preparing the requisition (This is the same ID used to gain access to the CCDF’s Internet website). – Telephone #: Enter the unit’s telephone number. – E-mail – Print the e-mail address of the person who should be contacted if there are problems with the order. − Signature – The individual identified by the User ID must sign here. • INSIGNIA, SHOULDER, SLEEVE INFORMATION – Print the name of the unit’s patch and the NSN for the colored and subdued varieties (If patches are being ordered). Recycled Uniforms Complete CCDF Form 3078-2 (Fax or Mail Request Form) as follows. (As an alternative, CCDF Form 3078-2 template is provided in Appendix A of the electronic version of this handbook. This template can be used to fill out and print a copy of the order form, which can then be faxed or an electronic copy can be attached to an e-mail). • DODAAC – Self-explanatory • DOC # – Insert a document date and serial (See paragraph 46 Figure 5-2-2-2-A. CCDF Form 3078-2 • GRADE – Enter pay grade (E.g., E-6). • GENDER – Check Male or Female. • LAST NAME – Self-explanatory. • FIRST NAME – Self-explanatory. • MIDDLE INITIAL – If none, leave blank. 47 • SSN – Enter the soldier’s 9-digit Social Security number. • URGENCY – Select the urgency of your order (See paragraph • TRANSACTION TYPE – Select the type of transaction (See paragraph • QUANTITY – Enter the quantity requested. • SIZE – Enter the size for those items available in multiple sizes. • NSN – Enter the NSN of the item you are requesting (Refer to a catalog). (If you enter the size using a typewriter or computer, you may omit the NSN. NSN is used by CCDF to verify size and/or nomenclature when it is difficult to read due to poor handwriting or fax quality.) • REQUESTOR INFORMATION: – User’s Fax Number – Enter the area code and phone number of the unit’s fax. – Requestor’s Name – Print the name of the person submitting this request. – User ID – Enter the CCDF User ID assigned to the person preparing the requisition (This is the same ID used to gain access to the CCDF’s Internet website). – Requestor’s Telephone Number – Enter the unit’s telephone number. – Requestor’s E-mail – Print the e-mail address of the person who should be contacted if there are any problems with the order. − Requestor’s Signature – The individual identified by the User ID must sign here. • INSIGNIA, SHOULDER, SLEEVE INFORMATION – Print the name of the unit’s patch and the NSN for the colored and subdued varieties (If patches are being ordered). 48 5.2.3 Resolution of Errors on Faxed Orders ORDERING ERROR CCDF ACTION Header information is unreadable or missing. Processing of order will be suspended and the unit will be notified by e-mail, fax or phone. The size for an item that is issued by size is not readable, is missing, or the size entered does not exist. The item will be deleted from the order. The unit will not be made aware of the deletion until it receives the order marked “Issue Complete” on the CCDF Form 3078-1. Unit patches are ordered without unit patch information being legibly entered at the bottom of the form. Patches will be deleted from the order and the garment will be shipped without patches. The unit will not be made aware of the deletion until it receives the order, marked “Issue Complete” on the CCDF Form 3078-1. UserID or Requestor Signature is omitted or UserID is illegible. The order will be cancelled and the unit will be notified by fax, email or telephone. The dollar value of the items ordered exceeds the OA available to the unit or to the state. The order will be cancelled and the unit will be notified by fax, email or surface mail. Unit must take action specified in Appendix D (3) of the User Handbook and resubmit using a different document number when OA is available. Recycled garments are ordered with CCDF Form 3078-2 and the sizes ordered are not available when the order is processed. The item will be deleted from the order. The unit will not be made aware of the deletion until it receives the order marked “Issue Complete” on the CCDF Form 3078-1. If none of the items on the order are available, the entire order will be cancelled and the unit will be notified by fax, e-mail or telephone. Figure 5-2-3-A. Resolution of Errors on Faxed Orders 5.3 ORDERING BY ELECTRONIC MAIL (E-MAIL) Ordering by e-mail is an option that should be used only by those lacking Internet browsing capabilities. CCDF customers ordering by e-mail must have completed the actions described in section 3.1. That is, the DODAAC and individual authorized to place orders must be registered with CCDF and the unit must have OA allocated by the state. To submit an e-mail order, make a copy of CCDF Form 3078 or 3078-2 templates provided in Appendix A of the electronic version of this User Handbook. The CCDF Form 3078 template can also be downloaded from (If you have not been provided with the electronic version of this Handbook and do not have Internet access to download it, contact your State Administrator who can e-mail you the electronic version of the template. Then follow the instructions in Appendix A). Fill out the template, to include NSNs. Once the order is complete, save it as a Microsoft Word document, and then 49 attach the Word document to an e-mail addressed to In the e-mail’s subject line, enter “E-Mail Order”. Errors in e-mailed orders will be resolved as described in Figure 5-2-3-A. 5.4 ORDERING TELEPHONE Ordering by telephone is an option that should be used only by those lacking Internet and fax capabilities. CCDF customers ordering by telephone must have completed the actions described in section 3.1. That is, the DODAAC and individual authorized to place orders must be registered with CCDF and the unit must have OA allocated by the State Administrator. Telephone orders should be documented on CCDF Form 3078 or 3078-2 (See Appendix B). Either of these forms may serve as a worksheet and as the document supporting the entry on the document register. Telephone numbers that may be used to order from CCDF are: DSN: 745-3988/4171 Toll Free: (888) 255-1131 (This is NOT a fax number.) Commercial: (859) 293-3988/4171 If you have DSN access, please use that rather than the toll free number. 5.5 ORDERING US MAIL Ordering by US Mail is an option that should be used only by those lacking Internet, fax, e-mail and telephone capabilities. It is the slowest ordering medium. CCDF customers ordering by US Mail must have completed actions described in section 3.1. That is, the DODAAC and individual authorized to place orders must be registered with CCDF and the unit must have OA allocated by the state. Do not use mail order for items having an urgency of “Emergency.” Use Internet, e-mail, telephone or fax for these requirements. Mail orders will be processed as “Routine” or “Deferred” urgency. With routine urgency, items will be delivered within 10 days of the date your order is received by CCDF. 50 Mail orders should use the (Reproducible) CCDF Form 3078 or 3078-2 in Appendix B. (As an alternative, the CCDF Form 3078 or 3078-2 template provided in Appendix A of the electronic version of this handbook can be used to fill out and print a copy of the order form, which can then be mailed). Mail the order to: Bluegrass Station KY LOC, Building 6 5751 Briar Hill Road Lexington, KY 40516-9721 Errors in mailed orders will be resolved as described in Figure 5-2-3-A. 5.6 SPECIAL ORDER CLOTHING 5.6.1 General Soldiers who cannot be fitted with standard clothing items (Those sizes assigned an NSN) must be provided specially made clothing, which is ordered from Defense Supply Center Philadelphia (DSCP). DSCP has established an Internet-based ordering process for special measure clothing. If your state authorizes use of this process, Appendix D of this Handbook, please follow the procedures described therein. Remember that correctly fitting clothing is absolutely dependant on precise measurements. Do not attempt to shortcut any procedures in the measuring process. The process used and appropriate Internet links to the instructions and forms you need, are provided below. 5.6.2 Instructions The first step in the measuring process is to read the instructions. There are separate instructions for men’s clothing and for women’s clothing. Use the appropriate Internet link below: Women: Shoes: • Men: The instructions contained in the links above use great detail in describing how to obtain precise measurements for a soldier’s body. Before beginning to measure, scan to near the end of 51 the instructions, where it tells which of the multiple measurements are required for a specific garment (Not all measurements need to be taken for any one type of garment). 5.6.3 Recording Measurements and Other Data Measurements and other required data should be recorded in an electronic form, which will subsequently be forwarded as your State Administrator specifies. Again, there are separate Electronic Order Forms (EOFs) for men and for women: Women: Shoes: Men: The following sections on the electronic order form should be left blank and are to be completed by the State Administrator or other USPFO/DOL personnel: • Ordering Officer • Other Information 5.6.4 Submitting the Order Upon completion, the EOF should be submitted as directed in Appendix D. It can be printed and sent in hard copy or, more preferably, sent as an e-mail attachment. STATE POLICY ON SUBMITTING SPECIAL ORDERS See Appendix D 52 6.0 CHECKING ORDER STATUS 6.1 GENERAL Order status may be accessed from the CCDF website by clicking the button in the Main Menu screen. After clicking the Order Status button, the following screen will appear (Figure 6-1-A). Figure 6-1-A. Order Status Screen Once arriving at the Order Status page (Figure 6-1-A), select the dodaac drop-down box, and choose the appropriate dodaac and then select the “Get Order Status” button. This will return document number(s) for the dodaac you selected in the dodaac drop-down box, shown in figure 6-1-B. 53 Figure 6-1-B. Order Status Report The order in which document numbers and number of documents are displayed in the screen at any given time may be adjusted to accommodate user preferences. Select the “Sort By:” and “Show” drop-down menus to change the sort order and number of document numbers to be displayed. After making these selections, click the button and your selection will be displayed according to drop-down menu choices. Clicking on a document number will display all the individual clothing items by NSN associated with that particular document number. Backorder is a term used to describe an item that a unit orders but CCDF does not have in stock at that particular moment in time. A backorder is created automatically by the CCDF system and the system assigns the suffix “B” to the end of the document number. Both the original document number and the document number with a “B” suffix will appear on the report. If none of the items ordered are on hand, the CCDF system will convert the entire order to a backorder. In this case, the order status report will contain a single entry consisting of the original document number without a “B” suffix appearing on the report. If there is a further backorder, another “B” is added, resulting in a document number with a “BB” suffix. 54 Most order shipments will be made via UPS. Very light packages shipped to OCONUS customers will be sent via the United States Postal Service (USPS). Packages with a low monetary value may be sent via USPS without deliver confirmation service. The “Tracking Number”, Figure 6-1-B, will be the UPS shipping number or USPS delivery confirmation number and either tracking numbers may be used to trace/confirm delivery of shipments. Click on the appropriate tracking number listed in the order status screen to trace/confirm delivery of a shipment. Packages shipped by USPS without delivery confirmation service will be indicated as “FIRST CLASS” on the order status screen. Another option for tracking a UPS shipment is calling (800) 742-5877 and selecting the track package option through Voice Recognition Services. The automated ”Click the tracking number” feature from the order status page is a timesavings tool. Selecting this link will take you directly to the UPS website where you will find the following information about your package: Date of Shipment, Time of Shipment, Current Location, Quantity of Packages, and Name of individual signing for the package. Please refer to Figure 6-0-C for an example of the UPS tracking information made available. Figure 6-1-C. UPS Track by Tracking Number 55 If you need additional information about your shipment, select the , link, as shown in Figure 6-1-C, and detailed information about your package’s shipment will be listed in the format shown below in Figure 6-1-D. The “View Package Progress” link contains information that is extremely helpful in determining if a shipment has been received or identifying the current location of a shipment not yet received. Figure 6-1-D. UPS View Package Progress 56 6.2 ACCESSING ONLINE REPORTS To access online reports, click on the button located in the CCDF main menu screen (Figure 6-2-A). Eight reports are available online and these reports are designed to aid customers in by providing many different types of information concerning orders made through CCDF. Figure 6-2-A. CCDF Main Menu 57 6.3 ONLINE REPORTS The Clothing Report Engine screen (Figure 6-3-A) will appear after selecting the Reports button from the CCDF main menu. Select one of the eight report options from the Report Name drop-down menu. Figure 6-3-A. Clothing Report Engine To the right of the Report Name drop-down menu, you will see another drop-down menu labeled Report Format. The Report Format drop-down menu allows users to select from one of three formatting options used in generating reports. The first report format option is pdf (.pdf format/portable document format), your computer must have Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or higher to view reports generated in the pdf format. Adobe Acrobat Reader is free of charge and may be downloaded at The second report format option is Excel (.xls format), your computer must have Microsoft Excel 97 or higher to view results of any report generated in the Excel format. 58 The last format option available in the Report Format drop-down is Text (.txt format). You may use any basic text editor to view reports generated in the text format. The most common programs used for viewing or formatting a text document is Notepad and Wordpad. Define the time period to be covered for the report using the Start Date and the End Date drop-down menus (Note: You must select the year in Start date and End Date drop-down menus before selecting the day of the month). Select the State or DODAAC drop-down menu. The State drop-down menu will generate report information for your state and the dodaac selection will return information for the dodaac you select (The DODAACs appearing on the drop-down menu are those that the user’s LOGIN ID allows them to access). When all the report option fields are complete, click the Run Report button. Note: the Soldier Demand History and Soldier Order History reports are accessed slightly differently. You must enter the soldier’s SSN rather than selecting parameters from the State or DODAAC drop-down menus. 59 6.3.1 BULK ORDER REPORT The Bulk Order report will generate a list of items that have been bulk ordered through CCDF. The Bulk Order report allows users to generate reports specific to state or dodaac. Please refer to (Figure 6-3-1-A) for an example of a Bulk Order report. The Bulk Order report provides the dodaac, document number, NSN, nomenclature, quantity, and extended price. The report also generates total price for items relating to a single document number. Figure 6-3-1-A. Bulk Order Report 60 6.3.2 Emergency Urgent Report This report (Figure 6-3-2-A) displays the urgency value used for order shipments. In addition, this report also lists dollar values with respect to the appropriate document number. This report is extremely helpful in viewing and monitoring urgency values assigned to shipments. Frequent use of emergency (Air or ground) urgency by a unit indicates a broken process or a lack of prior planning at the unit level. One such example may include late notification of school training and this unnecessary imposes higher shipping costs on the supply system. Figure 6-3-2-A. Emergency Urgency Report 61 6.3.3 Soldier Demand History Report The Soldier Demand History report (Figure 6-3-3-A) displays items issued to a specific soldier. This report allows you to enter an individual soldier’s SSAN and the report will return NSN, nomenclature, quantity, and size of all items issued to the specified soldier. The report also gives you a total dollar amount of all issues made to an individual soldier as well. Figure 6-3-3-A. Soldier Demand History Report 62 6.3.4 Soldier Order History Report The Soldier Order History report is very similar to the Soldier Demand report (Figure 63-4-A). This report displays a list of clothing items issued to an individual soldier for a specified period of time. Soldier Order History returns document numbers, date entered, first name, last name, SSAN, NSN, article and total quantity. Figure 6-3-4-A. Soldier Order History Report 63 6.3.5 State Demand Report This report (Figure 6-3-5-A) displays a history of items ordered by a state for a specific date range. The report returns PGC, nomenclature, quantity, and extended sales totals for each PGC code. In addition, this report also returns a total sales amount, which is comprised of PGC extended sales totals. This report will most generally be large in size and may require a substantial amount of time for the results to be returned. Figure 6-3-5-A. State Demand Report 64 6.3.5 Unit Demand History Report This report generates items that a specific dodaac has ordered (Figure 6-3-5-A) for the time period you choose. The Unit Demand report returns the PGC, nomenclature, and quantity of items issued. Figure 6-3-6-A. Unit Demand History Report 65 6.3.7 Unit Order History Report This report displays a history of items ordered by a dodaac for the date range you input (Figure 6-3-7-A). The Unit Order History report returns the state, document number, last name, first name, middle initial, SSAN, total cost, ship date, received date, and any remarks a supply sergeant may have input concerning the shipment. Please note if a supply sergeant does not enter information for a shipment when received, the report will return “remarks” as a default. Figure 6-3-7-A. Unit Order History Report 66 6.2.8 Unit Order History – Detailed Report The Unit Order History – Detailed report (Figure 6-3-8-A) is similar to the Unit Order History report (Figure 6-3-7-A). The major difference between these two reports is that orders are detailed by individual item in the Unit Order History – Detailed report. Command Supply Discipline Teams desiring a list of all items issued to a unit during a specified period, arrayed by soldier, will likely select this report. Figure 6-3-8-A. Unit History – Detailed 67 6.4 MANIPULATING THE DATA Reports cannot be manipulated online. However, it is fairly easy to manipulate data if the report has been saved to your computer and the report was generated using the Microsoft Excel formatting option. After saving the report locally, open the Excel spreadsheet, and follow the directions below for data manipulation: • Highlight all the data in the worksheet including column titles. • Select Data from the standard toolbar and the option Sort will appear. • After selecting Sort, a window will appear in your screen and the name of this window is “Sort”. Select the “Sort by” drop-down menu and make your selection by column and select okay. Your data will now be sorted according to the selection(s) made in the Sort window. Using the Sort option to manipulate data will maintain row-level integrity for the information. Data manipulation is not available with the .pdf and .txt formats. Although, you can search for specific text or numbers that you want view with these two formats. To search for specific text, select Edit from the standard toolbar and then choose the Find option. After choosing the Find option, a window appears and you will enter the specific text or numbers that you want the program to search for. You may also use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + F” to search for specific text or numbers. 68 7.0 BILLING 7.1 GENERAL States are billed monthly for issues made to their units. The billing period begins on the 16th of any month through the 15th of the following month. There is one exception to this billing cycle. October 1st is always the first day of the new Fiscal Year. Since the new Fiscal Year does not begin on the 16th of October, CCDF will have a short billing period to accommodate this fact. The short billing period will cover the days of October 1st to October 15th. Since the location where receipt records are maintained is the DODAAC/unit, USPFOs/DOLs must involve the unit in validating and reconciling billing information. The USPFO/DOL will receive a List of Issues Report (Figure 7-1-A) for each DODAAC, listing the document numbers of orders shipped the previous billing cycle, the cost of each order, and the total charges by that DODAAC for the month. As stated above, the billing cycle runs from the 16th of any month to the 15th of the following month. Figure 7-1-A. List Of Issues Report 69 7.2 AUTOMATED VALIDATION 7.2.1 By E-Mail USPFOs/DOLs having e-mail connectivity with units will normally validate bills using a software program called “List of Issues Report Manager (LIRMan).” This program sends an email message similar to that shown in (Figure 7-2-1-A) to the designated DODAAC point of contact (POC). The e-mail lists all the monthly orders that CCDF has reported as being shipped for concerned DODAAC(s). Figure 7-2-1-A. List of Issues Validation E-mail The e-mail requests that units annotate the message one of three ways: • “Y” – if the shipment was received and the dollar amount on the shipment’s CCDF Form 1348-1 matches the dollar amount on the bill. • “N” – if the shipment was not received. [Prior to responding with a “N”, it is a good idea to check the CCDF site’s “Shipping Status” screen and track the shipment using the carrier’s tracking number (see Chapter 6). There have been instances of someone else at the armory/installation having signed for and storing “missing” shipments. If 70 the UPS tracking number indicates that the shipment was delivered, the system will also identify the name of the person who signed for the shipment.] • With the dollar amount on the shipment’s CCDF Form 3078-1 (I.e.; “121.15”), if the amount on that form does not match the amount shown as “Order Cost”. To respond to the e-mail message: • First – Click the • Second – Make an entry in each set of brackets in the “Received?” column (see button. Do not click the button. above). • Third – Click the button. IMPORTANT NOTE: Before using the reply function on your e-mail, please take the following steps to check/change a setting in your computer’s Microsoft Outlook e-mail program: a. Go to your Outlook mailbox. b. Choose TOOLS c. Choose OPTIONS d. Choose the READING tab (at top) e. Clear the box that says, “Mark my Comments With” (Make sure that the box does not have a check mark in it.) f. Click APPLY g. Click OK 7.2.2 By Surface Mail USPFOs/DOLs lacking e-mail connectivity with one or more DODAACs may choose to validate a billing by printing the form generated by LIRMan and faxing or mailing it to the DODAAC’s POC. Upon receipt, the POC should annotate the form as explained in section 7.2 and fax or mail it back to the USPFO/DOL POC. 71 STATE POLICY ON BILLING RECONCILIATION See Appendix D 72 9.0 CLOTHING TURN-INS AND RECYCLING 9.1 CLOTHING TURN-IN PROCEDURES 9.1.1 General Return of specified garments types to CCDF is mandatory. For other types, States may concurrently operate internal redistribution programs that comply with NGB procedures, relative to which garments may be internally redistributed. If your state is operating such a program, it will be described in Appendix D. Recoverable garments turned in by the soldier that can potentially be cost-effectively recycled through CCDF are shipped by the unit directly to CCDF or forwarded by the unit to the USPFO/DOL for transshipment to CCDF. Recoverable garments and all footwear that are not returned to CCDF or recycled in-state are marked to prevent reintroduction into the supply system and returned to the soldier. Supply personnel must follow the processes shown in the flow charts in Tab A to Appendix C to process soldier turn-ins. There are three flow charts, each applying to a different situation: • Turn-in of an Unserviceable item, for replacement. • Turn-in of a Serviceable item, for replacement. • Turn-in of a complete issue by a soldier leaving the Army (Soldier is not transferring to ING, USAR or entering active duty). 9.1.2 Unserviceable Turn-ins 32 USC 710(f) requires that a Fair Wear and Tear (FWT) determination for all unserviceable uniforms be made by an Active or Army National Guard of the United States (ARNGUS) Officer. Any ARNGUS officer with a federal commission can perform this task. Unserviceable uniforms turned-in by soldiers normally have the FWT determination made at unit level. Uniforms classified as non-FWT require initiation of an adjustment document IAW AR 735-5. 73 CCDF Form 3161 or 3161-M is used to document soldier turn-ins and, where all or part of the turn-in is unserviceable, the FWT determination by an Active or ARNGUS officer. See Tab A of Appendix C for a flow chart depicting all steps used in processing unserviceable garments. 9.1.3 Serviceable Turn-ins General In the case of the turn-in of serviceable uniforms, units are encouraged to allow an informal one-for-one exchange of those components with unserviceable uniform components of other soldiers. Recycling serviceable uniform components at the unit level is a cost-effective way of maximizing the value of those items. Units are not, however, authorized to retain a shelf stock of turn-ins for later exchange. This encouragement of informal exchange does not authorize free issue of clothing. The process authorized is a one-for-one swap. The chart at Tab C to Appendix C specifies the disposition of serviceable clothing. See Tab A of Appendix C for a flow chart depicting all steps used in processing serviceable garments. Unused Clothing Clothing and footwear returned by soldiers in unused condition will be reutilized. The chart at Tab C to Appendix C specifies the disposition of unused clothing. The following items, if returned by soldiers in unused condition, may be retained as shelf stock at unit level for later reissue to another soldier: • Belt, black. • Buckle, brass or black. • Cap, camouflage. • Cap, garrison. • Cap, knit blue wool. 74 • Drawers, man’s. • Inserts, glove. • Neck tab, woman’s. • Necktie. • Socks. • Trunks, general purpose (PFU) or black (IPFU). • T-shirt, athlete’s (PFU) or Gray (IPFU). • Undershirt, men, brown. 9.1.4 Documenting Turn-ins General Turn-ins of recoverable items and footwear will generate an audit trail. CCDF Form 3161 or 3161M (Manual) is used to provide that audit trail. Generally, soldiers will hold garments to be exchanged until the replacement garments arrive and then accomplish the physical exchange at that time. Entries will be made in numbered columns of the soldier’s DA Form 4886 to record turnins that do not occur at the same time a new garment is issued. When issues and turn-ins are not concurrent, each supply action will be reflected in a new column by adjusting the issued quantity to reflect the issue or the turn-in. The last filled and signed column will always reflect the total quantities in the hands of the soldier. Turn-ins of the following types of items will be documented using CCDF Form 3161 available on the CCDF web site or CCDF Form 3161M found at Tab E to Appendix C. When completed, the form will be printed, signed and placed in the soldier’s clothing record, pending review by the next CSDP team. Items documented: • Recoverable clothing. 75 • Footwear. • Other Non-recoverable items if in new, unused condition. To provide continuing visibility of each exchange with concurrent issue and turn-in, entries will be made on the soldier’s DA Form 4886 as follows: • Insert, in pencil, in the available blank space in the “PERSONAL CLOTHING ITEMS” column for the affected item, the Julian date of the exchange and, in parentheses, the quantity exchanged. [Example: “0067(1)” would denote an exchange of one item on 7 March 2000]. See figure 9-1. Figure 9-1. DA Form 4886 76 • Maintain a maximum of three exchange notations for each type of item. When a fourth exchange takes place, erase the oldest notation and replace it with the new one. Turn-ins to the CCDF Tab C to Appendix C specifies clothing that must be returned to CCDF. CCDF will provide a manual or automated receipt for items returned to CCDF. A copy of the receipt may be filed in the clothing record. States may elect (1) to have units package CCDF turn-ins and return them to a central warehouse for consolidation and shipping to the CCDF or (2) to allow units to ship directly to CCDF, using a US Postal Service Return label provided by the CCDF web site. The process of reporting and shipping returns to CCDF and getting a receipt when the items are received by CCDF is described in Tab D to Appendix C. Items a Soldier May Retain Recoverable items and all footwear that the soldier presents for exchange or turn-in and is allowed to retain will be marked to prevent reintroduction into the supply system. The marking will consist of the letter “X”, approximately two inches wide, made with a prescribed indelible marker. The location to apply the marking on each type of article is specified in Tab F to Appendix C. CCDF Form 3161 or 3161M will be used to document turn-ins, to include items marked and returned to the soldier. Items Retained in the Unit for Later Issue Non-recoverable items returned by a soldier that are unused and to be retained at the unit as shelf stock for later issue to another soldier (See paragraph are documented on CCDF Form 3161 or 3161M. STATE POLICY ON CLOTHING TURN-INS See Appendix D 77 9.2 CLOTHING RECYCLING CCDF customers have the option of requesting recycled uniform components in lieu of new components. Recycled uniforms issued by CCDF will be limited to those a soldier can wear with pride and will be indistinguishable in serviceability from those worn by his/her fellow soldiers. The condition of recycled uniforms issued by CCDF will significantly exceed the Classification Code B serviceability standards of TM 10-8400-201-23. In most cases, recycled uniform components will be near new. All uniforms issued by CCDF, whether new or recycled, will be issued (If appropriate) with patches and nametapes affixed. Items of clothing available in recycled condition, to include the specific sizes available, are listed on a “Recycled Items” page of the Individual Clothing Order Form on the CCDF’s web site. Recycled uniform components are issued as FREE ISSUE. STATE POLICY ON THE USE OF RECYCLED CLOTHING See Appendix D 78 APPENDICES: A. Form Templates B. Facsimile and Mail Order Forms C. Processing Uniform Turn-ins and Recycling D. State Policies E. Ordering From the AAFES Web Site F. Altering and Fitting Army Uniforms: A Handbook for Tailors APPENDIX A FORM TEMPLATES 79 Request For Access CCDF Form (Figure A-1. CCDF Form 2*) (Figure A-2. CCDF Form 3078**) CCDF Form CCDF Form (Figure A-3. CCDF Form 3078-2**) (Figure A-4. CCDF Form 3161 M) * Form may be used to register as an authorized user. See paragraph 3.1. ** Form is used to order via e-mail, fax or mail. See paragraphs 5.2 through 5.5. These documentscan be used to submit requests via electronic mail. To utilize a document, double-click on an icon above. It will open in Microsoft Word. A pop- up menu will appear prompting if you to enable or disable macros. ALWAYS select Enable Macros. This action allows you to type into the fields displayed in the forms. Since you will want to use and reuse this form, save the document above as a template. Once the document has been opened, this can be achieved by proceeding with the following steps: Go to your File drop menu and select Save Copy As. Rename this document. At the bottom of the pop-up menu, select the drop menu to the right of Save as type. Change the Word Document to Word Template (*.dot), then select Save. This action will automatically save the new template to your templates folder (C:\ Program Files \ Microsoft Office \ Templates). Then, when you need to use a template, simply go to your File drop menu in Microsoft Word and select New. Select the template you need to use to submit your request and click OK. The form you have chosen will be blank and ready to fill in as needed. The form you will have opened is a document form of the template you selected (a “.doc” copy) that you can name and save as a MS Word document. The template can be reused to create an infinite number of documents. 80 APPENDIX B FACSIMILE AND MAIL ORDER FORMS Tab A CCDF Form 3078 (New Garments) Tab B CCDF Form 3078-2 (Recycled Garments) 81 TAB A CCDF FORM 3078 (NEW GARMENTS) 82 CCDF Mail or FAX Request – NEW Items ONLY CCDF Form 3078 (24 Mar 00) FAX# DSN 745-3670 or 1-888-356-2443 PRINT LEGIBLY! DO NOT USE THIS FORM IF YOU CAN ORDER BY INTERNET! DODAAC: ____________ DOC #(Date-Serial):__________-____________ GRADE: ______SEX: M ___ F ____ Last Name: _____________________ First: ______________ MI: __ SSAN: _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ TRANSACTION TYPE: ___Exchange___Replacement ___PS Enlistment ___NPS Enlistment ___School Requirement ___Supplemental URGENCY: __ Routine 10 Days __ Emergency Ground 3-6 Days __ Emergency Air 3 Days __ Deferred (RDD________________) NOTE: You are encouraged to refer to a catalog to determine the sizes available. If you order a size that does not exist, that item will be cancelled. If you fail to specify the size you want, the item will be cancelled. Items with preprinted NSNs come in only one size. COMMON ITEMS: Qty Size XXX Article Bag,Duffel Belt,Trousers Boots,Combat Buckle,Black Cap,Camo, Temp Cap,Hot Weather Coat,Camo Pt-EHW Coat,Camo Pat-Temp Ins, Shoulder, Sleeve Subdued (U Patch) Coat, Cold Weather Glove-Inserts, Cold Gloves, M&W-Lthr Flx Gloves, M&W Dress Sock, Liner or Dress Socks Cush Sole Blk Trousers,Camo-EHW Trousers,Camo-Temp Undershirt, Man’s Jacket IPFU Pants IPFU Trunks, Blk IPFU T-Shirt LS IPFU T-Shirt SS IPFU MALE NSN 8465-01-117-8699 8440-01-204-2610 Qty 8315-00-300-0327 XXX (See bottom of form) Size Articles Insignia, Rank,Subdued Article Buckle-Brass Cap,Garrison Coat,All-Weather Coat,Man’s AG489 Ins, Shld Slv Col (U Patch) Drawers,Men’s Necktie Shirt,Man’s, Long Sleeve Shirt,Man’s-Short Sleeve NSN 8315-00-275-4513 (see bottom of form) 8440-01-171-7571 Shoes,Man’s Socks,Man’s Str Blk Trousers,Man’s AG489 FEMALE Qty Size XXX ACCESSORIES Qty Size NSN Article NSN Belt,Waist,Woman’s Buckle-Brass Cap, Garrison Coat,All-Weather Coat, Woman’s AG489 Ins, Shld Slv Col (U Patch) Handbag,Woman’s NeckTab,Woman’s Sh Shirt, Woman’s, Long Slv Shirt, Woman’s-SS Shoes,Woman’s Skirt, Woman’s AG489 Slacks, Woman’s AG489 User’s Fax Number ( 8445-01-075-0015 8315-01-075-1818 (see bottom of form) 8445-01-349-2708 8445-01-396-8105 ) REQUESTOR NAME: _______________________________ USERID: __________________ TELEPHONE #: ( ) ______________ EMAIL: ___________________________________ REQUESTOR SIGNATURE: ________________________________________ FILL IN INSIGNIA, SHOULDER, SLEEVE (UNIT PATCH) INFORMATION: Unit Patch Designation (i.e., 45 Inf Bde; or CA STARC) __________________________ Subdued Patch NSN 8455-___________________ Full Color NSN 8455-_______________ 83 TAB B CCDF FORM 3078-2 (RECYCLED GARMENTS) 84 CCDF Form 3078-2 (10 Apr 00) CCDF Mail or FAX Request FAX# DSN 745-3670 or 1-888-356-2443 DO NOT USE THIS FORM IF YOU CAN ORDER BY INTERNET! USE THIS CCDF FORM 3078-2 TO ORDER RECYCLED UNIFORM ITEMS ONLY! DODAAC: ____________ Male ____ DOC #: (Date-Serial)_______________ GRADE: _______ Female ____ Last Name: _____________________ First: ________________ MI: ____ SSAN:___________________ TRANSACTION TYPE: ___Exchange ___Replacement ___PS Enlistment ___NPS Enlistment ___School Requirement ___Supplemental URGENCY: __ Routine 10 Days __ Emergency Ground 3-6 Days __ Emergency Air 3 Days __ Deferred (RDD________________) NOTES 1. If you have the ability to order via Internet, do not use this form. Order via Internet. If you order by Internet, you are able to determine the sizes available at the time you order. Using this faxed order, you will not know whether the size you want is available until you receive the order or a cancellation, typically 10 business days after you order. 2. You are encouraged to refer to a catalog to determine the standard garment sizes that may be available. 3. If you order a size that does not exist, or that is not in stock in recycled condition, that item will be automatically cancelled. 4. If you fail to specify the size you want, the item will be cancelled. 5. Bulk orders for recycled items are not accepted. Each order must be for a single soldier. QUANTITY SIZE ARTICLE NSN Coat, Camouflage, BDU, Temperate 8415Coat, Camouflage, BDU, EHW 8415Coat, Cold Weather (Field Jacket) 8415Coat, All Weather (female) 8410Coat, All Weather (male) 8405Coat, Man’s, AG 489 8405Coat, Woman’s, AG 489 8410Jacket, IPFU 8415Pants, IPFU 8415Trousers, Camouflage, BDU, Temperate 8415Trousers, Camouflage, BDU, EHW 8415Below Insignia, Shoulder, Sleeve (Colored) * See Below Below Insignia, Shoulder, Sleeve (Subdued) * See Below * These items are new and billed at FEDLOG price. They may be ordered on this form only if ordered with the same number of Coats requiring patches. FILL IN THIS SHOULDER SLEEVE INSIGNIA (UNIT PATCH) REFERENCE INFORMATION: Unit Patch Designation (i.e., 45 Inf Bde; or CA STARC) __________________________ Subdued Patch NSN 8455-___________________ Full Color NSN 8455-_________________________ **************************************************************************************** USER FAX NUMBER_______________________________________ USER ID: ___________________ REQUESTOR’S NAME______________________________ REQUESTOR’S E-MAIL: ___________________________ REQUESTOR’S TELEPHONE # __________________________ REQUESTOR’S SIGNATURE ______________________________ 85 APPENDIX C PROCESSING UNIFORM TURN-INS AND RECYCLING TAB A: PROCESS FLOW CHARTS TAB B: DOCUMENTING FWT DETERMINATION FOR UNSERVICEABLE ITEMS TAB C: TURN-INS TAB D: CCDF TURN-IN PROCESS #1: PROCESS DESCRIPTION #2: CCDF TURN IN DOCUMENT (MANUAL) CCDF FORM 3161 TAB E: CCDF FORM 3161M TAB F: MARKING ITEMS RETAINED BY SOLDIER 86 TAB A PROCESS FLOW CHARTS 87 RECYCLING UNIFORMS - OBJECTIVE PROCESS WITH STATE RECYCLING/DIVERSION PROGRAM Turn-in Unserviceable for Replacement. Soldier present garment to Supply Personnel. ORDER REPLACEMENT GARMENT. Soldier retains garment pending arrival of replacement garment. NEW GARMENT ARRIVES. Supply personnel ender Header and Qty information on CCDF Form 3161/3161-M. Are both CCDF-Recyclable and Unserviceable items being turned in? Yes No Make or print 1 copy. If CCDF Form 3161-M, fill out 1 copy. FWT determination by Officer (at time of exchange). NOTE - Make 2 additional copies after signatures and FWT certification completed. 88 Officer complete certificate on CCDF Form 3161/3161-M. Yes FWT? No Provide soldier with receipt. Retain garment in holding area. Initiate Cash Collection, S/C or Report of Survey. Yes Report of Survey? No When relased by surveying officer-. When S/C signed by soldier or payment received -. Mark Garment. Soldier and supply personnel sign certificates on CCDF Form 3161/3161-M. Place one copy of compeleted CCDF 3161/3161-M in clothing record. 89 If CCDF Form 3161, print 2 copies Yes Is transaction a one-for-one exchange? No Give soldier new garment. Record turn-in on soldier's DA Form 4886. Annotate exchange on soldier's DA Form 4886. Place one copy of CCDF Form 3161 or 3161M in clothing record. Return garment to soldier. 90 RECYCLING UNIFORMS - OBJECTIVE PROCESS WITHOUT STATE RECYCLING/DIVERSION PROGRAM Turn-in Serviceable for Replacement. Soldier present garment to Supply Personnel to validate need. ORDER REPLACEMENT GARMENT(S). Soldier retain garment pending arrival of replacement item. Exchange replaced item for replacement item. Complete, print and sign copy/copies of CCDF Form 3161 or 3161M. Yes Is garment one of lines recycled by CCDF? No Turn-in to CCDF using specified procedure. Mark Garment. Place CCDF Form 3161 or 3161M in clothing record. Return garment to soldier. 91 RECYCLING UNIFORMS - OBJECTIVE PROCESS WITHOUT STATE RECYCLING/DIVERSION PROGRAM Adjust Clothing Record - Soldier Leaving Army. Soldier present entire recoverable clothing issue + footwear to Supply Personnel. Initiate Cash Collection, S/C or Report of Survey for shortages. Yes Is soldier retiring w/20 yrs service? No No Soldier retains all uniform items. Is garment one of lines recycled by CCDF? Yes Mark Garment. Turn-in to CCDF using specified procedure. Complete, print and sign copy/copies of CCDF Form 3161 or 3161M and place in clothing record. Post turn-in of items withdrawn from soldier to the clothing record. Return garment to soldier. File clothing record in MPRJ. 92 RECYCLING UNIFORMS - OBJECTIVE PROCESS WITH STATE RECYCLING/DIVERSION PROGRAM Turn-in Unserviceable for Replacement. Soldier present garment to Supply Personnel. ORDER REPLACEMENT GARMENT. Soldier retains garment pending arrival of replacement garment. NEW GARMENT ARRIVES. Supply personnel ender Header and Qty information on CCDF Form 3161/3161-M. Are both CCDF-Recyclable and Unserviceable items being turned in? Yes No Make or print 1 copy. If CCDF Form 3161-M, fill out 1 copy. FWT determination by Officer (at time of exchange). NOTE - Make 2 additional copies after signatures and FWT certification completed. 93 Officer complete certificate on CCDF Form 3161/3161-M. Yes FWT? No Provide soldier with receipt. Retain garment in holding area. Initiate Cash Collection, S/C or Report of Survey. Yes Report of Survey? No When relased by surveying officer-. When S/C signed by soldier or payment received -. Mark Garment. Soldier and supply personnel sign certificates on CCDF Form 3161/3161-M. Place one copy of compeleted CCDF Form 3161/3161-M in clothing record. 94 If CCDF Form 3161, print 1 copy. Yes Is transaction a one-for-one exchange? No Give soldier new garment. Record T/I on soldier's DA Form 4886. Annotate exchange on soldier's DA Form 4886. Place one copy of CCDF Form 3161 or 3161M in clothing record. Is garment designated for state/command operated recycling program? Yes No Return garment to soldier. 95 Disposition per state/command SOP. RECYCLING UNIFORMS - OBJECTIVE PROCESS WITH STATE RECYCLING/DIVERSION PROGRAM Turn-in Serviceable for Replacement. Soldier present garment to Supply Personnel to validate need. ORDER REPLACEMENT GARMENT(S). Soldier retain garment pending arrival of replacement item. Exchange replaced item for replacement item. Is garment designated for state/command operated recycling program? No Mark Garment. No Is garment one of lines recycled by CCDF? Yes Return garment to soldier. Turn-in to CCDF using specified procedure. Complete, print and sign copy/copies of CCDF Form 3161 or 3161M. Place CCDF Form 3161 or 3161M in clothing record. 96 Yes Disposition per state/command SOP. RECYCLING UNIFORMS - OBJECTIVE PROCESS WITH STATE RECYCLING/DIVERSION PROGRAM Adjust Clothing Record - Soldier Leaving Army. Soldier present entire recoverable clothing issue + footwear to Supply Personnel. Initiate Cash Collection, S/C or Report of Survey for shortages. Is soldier retiring w/20 yrs service? Yes Soldier retains all uniform items. No Identify garments designated for state/command operated recycling program: Garments designated for state/command recycling Garments not designated for state/command recycling program Make disposition of garment(s) per state/command SOP. Is garment one of lines recycled by CCDF? No Mark Garment. Yes Complete, print and sign copy/copies of CCDF Form 3161 or 3161M and place in clothing record. Turn-in to CCDF using specified procedure. Post turn-in of items withdrawn from soldier to the clothing record. File clothing record in MPRJ. 97 Return garment to soldier. TAB B DOCUMENTING FWT DETERMINATION FOR UNSERVICEABLE ITEMS 98 BLOCK DA Form 2402 BLOCK Use: Single Unserviceable Item DA Form 3161 Use: Multiple Unserviceable Items 1 Soldier’s Rank and Name 2 Soldier’s Rank and Name 3 Unit Designation 1 Unit Designation 6 Garment Nomenclature (size not required) 12 c Garment Nomenclature (size not required) “Last Item” on line after last item listed 12 “UNSVC” 12 f “UNSVC” 13 Julian date received by Supply Personnel 15 14 Supply Personnel Signature 18 “FWT Yes” or “FWT No” 19 Initials of Certifying Officer 12 b “FWT Yes” or “FWT No” and Initials of Certifying Officer 12 d Unit of Issue 12g Quantity Blocks not listed are left unfilled. Blocks not listed are left unfilled. Note: Julian date received and Supply Personnel Signature DISPOSITION IF USED AS HAND RECEIPT DA FORM 2402 DA FORM 3161 Soldier Copy 1 Soldier Attach to property. File in soldier’s clothing record after Blocks 18-19 are completed. Copy 2 Attach to property. File in soldier’s clothing record after Block 12b is completed. Destroy after blocks 18 + 19 are completed. Copy 3 + 4 Not Applicable DISPOSITION IF USED SOLELY TO DOCUMENT FWT “NO” DA FORM 2402 DA FORM 3161 Soldier Copy 1 Soldier Attach to property. Attach to adjustment document when document is complete. Copy 2 Attach to property. Attach to adjustment document when document is complete. Destroy after blocks 18 + 19 are completed. Copy 3 + 4 Not Applicable Figure C-B-1. DA Forms 2402 and 3161 Preparation Instructions 99 Figure C-B-2. DA Form 2402 Figure C-B-3. DA Form 3161 100 TAB C DISPOSITION OF TURN-INS 101 WHICH ITEMS ARE RETURNED TO THE CCDF? (20 Yr Retirees Excepted) Article Bag, Duffel Belt Man’s or Woman’s Boots, Combat Buckle, Black or Brass Cap, Camo (All types) Cap, Garrison Cap, Knit, Blue Wool Coat, All Weather, Male & Female (65/35) Coat, All Weather, Male & Female (others) Coat, Camo EHW Coat, Camo HW (old) Coat, Camo Temperate Coat, Cold Weather Coat, Man’s AG 489 Coat, Woman’s AG 489 Drawers, Man’s Glove Inserts, Cold Gloves M&W Leather Flexor & Dress Handbag, Woman’s Jacket, IPFU Neck Tab, Woman’s Necktie Pants, IPFU Shirt, Mans Long Sleeve or Short Sleeve Shirt, Woman’s Long Sleeve or Short Sleeve Shoes, Man’s or Woman’s Skirt, Woman’s AG 489 Slacks, Woman’s AG 489 Socks, All Types Sweat Pants Sweat Shirts Trousers, Camo EHW Trousers, Camo, HW (old) Trousers, Camo Temperate Trousers, Man’s AG 489 Trunks Gen Purpose (PFU) or Black (IPFU) T-Shirt Athletes(PFU) or Gray (IPFU) Undershirt Man’s Brown Uniform Components, AG 344 Return All Return only if new X Return if undamaged and minimal fading Never Return See State Policy * X X X X X X X NA X X X X X X X NA NA X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X NOTES: 1. Items with nomenclature in italics are NEVER returned to the CCDF. 2. Items with nomenclature in bold are ALWAYS returned to the CCDF. The following items, if NEW, should be held in the supply room for later issue to soldiers who might require them (see Belt, black; Buckle, brass or black; Cap, camouflage; Cap, garrison; Cap, knit blue wool; Drawers, man’s; Inserts, glove; Neck Tab, woman’s; Necktie; Trunks, general purpose or black; T-shirt, athlete’s or gray; Undershirt, man’s (brown). * See Appendix D 102 TAB D CCDF TURN-IN PROCESS 103 C.D.1 GENERAL The purposes of this section are to describe the processes a unit uses to document soldier turn-ins and to return specified items to CCDF for recycling and/or credit. Tab C to this appendix lists the specific items that must be returned CCDF. The principles behind Tab C are that all items the ARNG can cost-effectively reuse are returned for recycling, with the following exceptions: • New, unused items are not returned if the cost of return, restocking and reissuing would exceed the FEDLOG value of the item. • Used, serviceable items are not returned if the cost of return, processing and reissue would exceed 50 percent of their FEDLOG value. Units receive no dollar credit for used items that are returned, but participating by returning garments allows them to draw recycled items, with patches and tapes attached, as free issue (except for the cost of the patch). Units receive credit of approximately 80 percent of FEDLOG prices for new, unused clothing that is returned to the CCDF (but only if listed in Tab C as returnable). C.D.2 DOCUMENTING THE TURN-IN C.D.2.1 Overview The system is designed to document the turn-in of all items returned by a single soldier, whether they are to be returned to CCDF or not, on a single turn-in form. After filling in the on-line version or manual version of the form (CCDF Forms 3161 or 3161M), the unit can print a copy to document for placement in the soldier’s clothing as a record of the turn-in. Those units with Internet access must use the automated turn-in process (and CCDF Form 3161) located on the CCDF web site. The automated process is the most cost-effective way of administering turn-ins and provides the user with several features not available to those using the manual turn-in process. C.D.2.2 Automated Turn-in process C.D.2.2.1 General The automated turn-in process is accessed from CCDF’s web site. From the main menu, click the CCDF button and enter your User ID and password on the following screen. Click the [Turn-in] button. The screen in Figure C-D-1 will appear. 104 Figure C-D-1. Clothing Turn-in Home Page Screen This page provides access to three processes. • Soldier Turn-in – This process allows the documentation of a turn-in from a single soldier. To begin the process, enter the soldier’s SSAN and click the • button. DODAAC Turn-in History – This process allows the review of all individual AUTOMATED turn-ins from a DODAAC. To begin the process, enter the unit’s DODAAC and click the button. • Soldier Turn-in History - This process allows the review of all AUTOMATED turn-ins from a single soldier, identified by SSAN. To begin the process, enter the soldier’s SSAN and click the button. 105 C.D.2.2.2 Soldier Turn-in Having clicked the button, the form at Figure C-D-2 will appear. 106 Figure C-D-2. Soldier Turn-in Form Screen 107 Select the unit’s DODAAC, enter the soldier’s name and select the reason for turn-in from the drop-down menu. Enter the condition and quantity of each item turned-in the appropriate condition column(s). The sum of the five condition columns will equal the number in the total column. After you have entered all the items, click the "CONTINUE" button. That will send you to a confirmation page (Figure C-D-3). You can print a copy to document the turn-in for the soldier’s clothing record. Note that items cannot be classified as being in a particular condition if that condition field is omitted from the form. For example, sweat pants cannot be classified as “Used-Recyclable”, because used sweat pants are never recycled. Thus, there is no blank in the “Used – Recyclable” column for sweat pants. Also note the difference between “USED – RECYCLABLE” AND “USED – SERVICEABLE”: • USED – RECYCLABLE: The item is used, serviceable, and qualifies for recycling due to its like-new condition or because all serviceable items of that type are mandated for recycling. • USED – SERVICEABLE: The item is used and serviceable but not in the like new condition required for it to be recycled. 108 Figure C-D-3. Clothing Turn-in Confirmation Screen Enter an email address that you check regularly if you would like to receive a message when your turn-in has been processed by the CCDF. The message you receive will contain the confirmation of what we actually received along with any comments or changes. If you leave this address blank, no notice will be sent but you will still be able to check the status of the turn–in using the history function on the Clothing Turn-in Home Page. If the turn-in information displayed on this page is correct, click to print a copy for signature and placement in the soldier’s clothing record. If you need to make changes, click . You will be returned to the previous form, and be able to make changes. Once the 109 list is correct and you have printed a copy, click . The next screen to appear will be the “FINAL INSTRUCTIONS” page, Figure C-D-4. Figure C-D-4. Final Instructions Screen This page lists only the items that will be returned to CCDF. Click the “Print Turn-in Document” to print a copy of the document below to sign and enclose with your turn-in. If you need another copy for your suspense file, click the “Print Turn-in Document” button again. If you will be returning the items by mail, click “Print USPS Label” to print a USPS return label (figure C-D-5). 110 INSERT FIGURE C-D-5 HERE Then, Click either “New Turn-in” to prepare a turn-in for another soldier or “Return to Main Menu” to return to the CCDF Main Menu or exit the web site. YOUR ELECTRONIC TURN-IN IS NOT COMPLETE UNTIL YOU CLICK ONE OF THOSE BUTTONS. Clicking either button enters a mirror copy of the turn-in document in the CCDF database and prepares CCDF to receive the turn-in. When the turn-in is received by CCDF, the items will be classified. Thus, when you check the history, after the turn-in has been processed by CCDF, you may find that some of the items returned as “New, Unused” failed to meet that standard and were reclassified to “Used – Serviceable.” C.D.2.3 Manual Turn-in Process Units not having Internet access may process turn-ins manually. [NOTE: Manually processed turn-ins will not generate a history file in CCDF’s automated system.] To process a turn-in manually, complete CCDF Form 3161M (figure C-D-6). The form is provided in Tab E. All blanks in the header must be filled, with the exception of the one marked “For CCDF Use Only”. Note that the turn-in document serial must begin with the letter “T”, followed by three digits. 111 Figure C-D-6. CCDF Form 3161M Fill in quantities and then make two or three additional copies of the document. TWO copies must be sent with the turn-in; one maybe given to the soldier and one copy, with the certifications on the second page signed, must be placed in the soldier’s clothing record. Upon receipt of the shipment by the CCDF, one copy of your document will be stamped “RECEIVED BY CCDF” and dated. It will be returned to you via your CCD State Administrator. For shipping instructions, see paragraph C.D.2.5. When the turn-in is received by CCDF, the items will be classified. Thus, when you receive your hard-copy receipt, you may find that some of the items returned as “New - Unused” failed to meet that standard and were reclassified to “Used – Serviceable.” 112 C.D.2.4 History and Receipt Generation Processes C.D.2.4.1 For a DODAAC The history of AUTOMATED turn-ins by a soldier or DODAAC can be reviewed. Begin at the Clothing Turn-in Home Page (Figure C-D-1) To track the turn-ins from a DODAAC, select the DODAAC from the drop-down menu and click . A DODAAC Turn-in History screen will appear (Figure C-D-7). Figure C-D-7. DODAAC Turn-in History Screen A date appearing in the column means that CCDF has completed in processing that turn-in. “Pending” means that in processing has not yet been completed. Clicking the document number will display the detail of the turn-in (Figure C-D-8). 113 Figure C-D-8. Turn-In Detail Screen C.D.2.4.2 For a Soldier Tracking turn-ins by a specific soldier is similar to tracking turn-ins for a DODAAC. From the Clothing Turn-in Home Page, insert the soldier’s SSAN and click history will appear (Figure C-D-9). 114 . The soldier’s turn-in Figure C-D-9. Soldier’s Turn-In History Screen Clicking on a document number will display the turn-in in detail (Figure C-D-10). Figure C-D-10. Turn-In Detail Screen 115 C.D.2.5 Shipping to CCDF C.D.2.5.1 General Shipments of turn-ins to CCDF will be at no expense to the unit. There are two options for returns. Each state will select the option that best fits that state’s infrastructure. Units will package turn– ins so that all of the items on a single turn-in are in a single container (Box, bag, etc.) or secured with string, with one or two copies of the turn-in document (One copy for AUTOMATED turn-ins and two copies for MANUAL turn-ins) in the package, on top of the items being returned. C.D.2.5.2 State Route Truck States which operate scheduled distribution runs by government-owed trucks may choose to have turn-ins from units consolidated at a single site and shipped from there to CCDF by Less-ThanTruckload (LTL) common carrier. In this case, unit turn-ins are not opened or processed at the consolidation point. Units may package turn-ins in any suitable container, to include duffel bags. C.D.2.5.3 United States Postal Service (USPS) Merchandise Return Service Units in states not choosing to consolidate shipments will return garments to CCDF by using the USPS Merchandise Return Service. Turn-ins must be packed to withstand handling by the USPS. Units are strongly encouraged to pack multiple soldier turn-ins in a single carton. If necessary, accumulate turn-ins for up to 45 days with the goal of a package weighing at least 20 lbs. The postage cost per pound is much less for a heavy box than it is for a light box. For example, a 5 lb box shipped from California to CCDF costs the ARNG $1.29 per pound; a 40 lb box costs 82 cents per pound and a 70 lb box costs only 53 cents per pound. Segregate soldier turn-ins and their accompanying turn-in paperwork within a single carton by rolling and securing them with string, or by packing each in a paper bag, or another segregating method. Units using CCDF’s automated turn-in system are provided with the capability of printing a (Postage paid) pre-addressed Merchandise Return Label. The unit fills out the return address (Its mailing address) on the label, then securely affixes it to the shipping container and presents the parcel to their carrier or any post office. The parcel is transported via 4th Class Mail (Parcel Post). Units using the manual turn-in process MUST obtain the Merchandise Return Label by e-mail request to their State Administrator. The unit can copy the copy provided by the State Administrator for use with succeeding shipments. 116 TAB E CCDF FORM 3161M (MANUAL TURN-IN FORM) 117 DO NOT USE THIS FORM IF YOU CAN ACCESS THE INTERNET-BASED TURN-IN FORM. CCDF REQUEST FOR TURN-IN Manual Form STATE: __ CCDF Form 3161M SEND TO: NGMMC – CCDF RECYCLE SUBMITTED BY: ______________________________ DATE SHIPPED: _ _/_ _ _/_ _ DODAAC: DOCUMENT DATE & SERIAL: W_ _ _ _ _ ____-T___ SOLDIER SSAN: _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ SOLDIER NAME: ____________________________________ LAST NAME /FIRST NAME /MI UNIT PGC DATE RECEIVED: (For CCDF Use ONLY ) Article Return to CCDF Do Not Return to CCDF Total New 01695 01703 02253 02252 02162 02198 02111 02110 01730 02621 02622 17632 01895 02113 01834 21039 Coat, Camo Pat- Temp Trousers, Camo-Temp Coat, Camo EHW Trousers, Camo EHW Coat, Mans AG 489 Coat, Woman’s AG 489 Coat, All Weather Male [belted] Coat, All Weather Female [belted] Coat, Cold Weather Jacket, IPFU Pants, IPFU Bag, Duffel Belt, Black Boots, Combat Buckle, Black Buckle, Brass Cap, Camouflage Cap, Garrison Coat, All Weather [unbelted] Coat, Camo, HW (old) Drawers, Men’s Gloves M&W leather flexor Gloves, M&W Dress Handbag, Woman’s Insert, Glove 118 Used PGC Article Return to CCDF Do Not Return to CCDF Total New 02120 01672 02282 02281 02303 02429 02311 02280 01946 01845 02195 Used Neck Tab Necktie Shirt, Man’s Long Sleeve Shirt, Man’s Short Sleeve Shirt, Woman’s Long Sleeve Shirt, Woman’s Short Sleeve Shoes, Men’s Shoes, Woman’s Skirt, Woman’s AG 489 Slacks, Woman’s AG 489 Sweat Pants Sweat Shirt Trousers, Camo HW (old) Trousers, Men’s AG 489 Trunks, General Purpose (PFU) Trunks, Black (IPFU) T-Shirt, Athlete’s (PFU) T-Shirt, LS, (IPFU) T-Shirt, SS, (IPFU) Undershirt, Man’s Brown SEND TWO COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT WITH YOUR SHIPMENT TO THE CCDF. I certify that the items listed in the Used Serviceable (not Recyclable) and Used Unserviceable columns above were marked as prescribed in the CCD User Handbook to prevent reintroduction into the supply system and returned to the soldier. ____________________________________________ Supply Personnel Signature I certify that the items listed in the Used Serviceable (not Recyclable) and Used Unserviceable columns were marked and returned to me. I understand that I am no longer accountable for those items. ____________________________________________ Soldier’s Signature DISTRIBUTION: Soldier’s Clothing Record (1) Soldier (1) CCDF (if any items are T/I to CCDF) (2) FAIR WEAR AND TEAR CERTIFICATE I have personally inspected each clothing item identified above as “Unserviceable” and (Check ONE): All are unserviceable due to fair wear and tear. 119 All except the item(s) with the quantity circled above are unserviceable due to fair wear and tear. Initials or signature of Commissioned Officer: 120 121 TAB F MARKING ITEMS RETAINED BY SOLDIER 122 WHERE TO MARK ITEMS THAT ARE RETAINED BY THE SOLDIER Article Location to Mark Bag, Duffel Boots, Combat Cap, Camouflage (All types) Cap, Garrison Coat, All Weather, Male & Female (belted 65/35 poly/cotton) Coat, All Weather, Male & Female (unbelted & belted 50/50 poly/cotton) Coat, Camo EHW Coat, Camo Temp Coat, Cold Weather Coat, Man’s AG 489 Coat, Woman’s AG 489 Gloves M&W Leather Flexor & Dress Handbag, Woman’s Jacket, IPFU Necktie Pants, IPFU Shirt, Man’s Long Sleeve Shirt, Man’s Short Sleeve Shirt, Woman’s Long Sleeve Shirt, Woman’s Short Sleeve Shoes, Man’s & Woman’s Skirt, Woman’s Slacks, Woman’s AG 489 Sweat Pants Sweat Shirts Trousers, Camo EHW Trousers, Camo Temp Trousers, Man’s AG Trunks, Gen Purpose & Black (PFU/IPFU) T-Shirt, Athletes & Gray (PFU/IPFU) Undershirt, Man’s Brown Outside, on bottom of bag Inside, near top of each boot Inside top of cap Inside cap NEVER MARK – RETURN ALL TO THE CCDF Inside, near label area Inside, near label area Inside, near label area Inside, near label area NEVER MARK – RETURN ALL TO THE CCDF NEVER MARK – RETURN ALL TO THE CCDF Inside each glove Inside flap Inside, at back of jacket, approx ½ inch from bottom of jacket On the back of the widest part of the tie Inside waistband Tip of shirttail Tip of shirttail Tip of shirttail Tip of shirttail Inside each shoe on side Inside waistband Inside waistband Inside waistband Inside, at back of shirt, approx ½ inch from bottom of shirt Inside waistband Inside waistband Inside waistband Inside waistband Inside, at back of shirt, approx ½ inch from bottom of shirt Inside, at back of shirt, approx ½ inch from bottom of shirt NOTES: Marking must be done only with special ink that is resistant to laundry and dry cleaning. Commonly available markers (including ones marked “permanent”) are not laundry/dry cleaning resistant. One specific (orange) ink pen is prescribed for marking clothing. It is the only acceptable marker. The ink is solvent-based and the cap should be on when not in use. To use the marker, shake it, remove the plastic cap (exposing a metal tube with a small ball point), invert the bottle and squeeze it gently as you draw the “X”. Replace the cap when finished. Clothing is marked with an “X” approximately two inches in diameter, applied at the location specified above. 123 APPENDIX D STATE POLICIES 124 D.1 Issues to Non-prior service enlistees D.2 OBTAINING SPECIAL ORDER ITEMS, NAMETAPES AND DISTINCTIVE UNIT INSIGNIA (UNIT CRESTs) D.3 OBTAINING ORDERING AUTHORITY INCREASE D.4 BULK ORDERING D.5 ALTERATIONS D.6 BILLING RECONCILATION D.7 CLOTHING TURN-INS 125 D.8 USE OF RECYCLED CLOTHING D.9 IN-STATE RECYCLING OF UNIFORMS 126 APPENDIX E ORDERING FROM THE AAFES WEB SITE 127 E.1 INTRODUCTION An excellent source of military clothing to support the needs of soldiers not entitled to support from CCDF is the web site operated by the Army and Air Force Exchange Service. AAFES stocks a large selection of military clothing, which is sold at FEDLOG price. Shipping is free and purchases may be charged to a major credit card or AAFES Deferred Payment Plan (DPP) card. All Guardsmen are eligible to purchase from AAFES. The basic steps are: • Access the web site. • Select the clothing items you wish to order, including quantities and sizes. • Provide shipping and billing information. • Enter the order. E.2 ACCESSING THE WEB SITE To access the AAFES website, type into the address bar on the Internet browser. This website is password-protected and for authorized customer use only. Instructions for log-on for new users is provided on the log-in screen. This screen is accessed by clicking on the shopper log-in link on the screen. 128 Figure E-2. Log-On Instructions Your nine-digit SSN (without dashes) is your user name. Your birthdate, typed in as a four-digit year (19__), two digit month and two digit date combination, is your password. Once this information is inserted, press the button. The Online Shopping page will appear once clearance is acquired. The login process checks your SSAN against the Defense Eligibility & Enrollment Reporting System (DEERS) database. Logon failure is normally due to incorrect entry of SSAN and Date of Birth (DOB), problems with DEERS validation or not having a secure browser. E.3 SELECTING ITEMS Once the password is accepted, the on-line shopping screen will appear. The on-line shopping screen is a main menu where one can select the category of the item that he/she is shopping for, and select the item from that menu. 129 To shop for Army Military Clothing, Select the Army Military Clothing/Accs link and click once on it. Then complete your shopping. 130 APPENDIX F ALTERING AND FITTING ARMY UNIFORMS A HANDBOOK FOR TAILORS The purpose of this appendix is to provide tailors who alter military uniforms with the information they need to ensure that their alterations result in uniforms that meet Army standards for fit. The appendix consists of two excerpts from Technical Manual 10-227, Fitting of Army Uniforms and Footwear. One excerpt describes proper fit of male uniforms and the other describes proper fit of female uniforms. This primarily applies to alterations of the Army Green uniform. Alterations of Battle Dress uniforms are not authorized. It is recommended that a copy of this appendix be provided to each tailor who alters military uniforms. 131 TAB A MALE UNIFORM 132 MALE UNIFORM FITTING INFORMATION IS PROVIDED FOR THE THREE COMPONENTS OF THE MALE UNIFORM WHICH MAY REQUIRE ALTERATION: • Army Green Shade 489 Coat • Army Green Shade 489 Trousers • Black All-Weather Coat (Authorized alterations limited to sleeve and hem length) Trousers. • Crotch. Check to see that the crotch of the trouser has sufficient ease to allow enough comfort for the soldier. The properly fitted crotch in a trouser will exhibit no vertical breaks, display no drooping or appear to have a tight binding effect to the wearer. • Length. The trousers must hang straight from the seat so the bottom of the front crease of the trousers will reach the top of the instep and be cut on a diagonal line to reach a point approximately midway between the top of the heel and the top of the standard shoe in the back. The trousers may have a slight break in the front. 133 Figure F-1. Fit of Men's Uniform Coat and Trousers. 1. Coat fits easily over chest and shoulders. 2. Sleeves fall 1 inch below bottom of wrist bone, covering the shirtsleeve. 3. Bottom edge of coat extends below crotch (Approximately to the tip of the thumb). 4. Shirt collar shows at least 1/4-inch to 1/2-inch above coat collar at the center back of the coat. 5. The trousers may have a slight break in the front. 6. The bottom of the front crease of the trousers will reach the top of the instep and be cut on a diagonal. 7. Back edge of the trousers will fall approximately midway between the top of the heel and the top of the standard shoe in the back. 134 Figure F-2. Fit of Men'sShirt and Trousers. 1. Collar fits snugly but not uncomfortably. 2. Fits easily over back and chest allowing free use of the arms. 3. Sleeves fall to lower part of the wrist bone. 4. Rise should fit without looseness or constriction. 5. Crotch must have slight ease. 6. Seat must be an easy fit; no wrinkles below back waist. 7. Waist must have about 1/2-inch of ease. 8. Waistband bottom is at top hipbone, plus or minus 1/2-inch. 9. Waist measure must be taken over shirt snug, not tight. 10. Trousers crease must hang straight, not twisted. The trousers may have a slight break in the front. 135 • Rise. Make sure the bottom of the trouser waistband is at the top of the hipbone, plus or minus 1/2-inch, and the trousers are well up into the crotch. A short rise may cause tightness and discomfort and a long rise may cause trousers to be baggy in the seat and crotch. • Seat. The trousers must fit easily around the seat without wrinkles below the back waist. They must be full enough around the hips to prevent the side pockets from spreading and to allow for comfort in normal movements, such as sitting, climbing stairs and walking. When deciding which of two sizes is more suitable, select the trousers that provide the best fit around the seat, even though an alteration at the waist may be required. • Waist. The trousers must be fitted with about a 1/2-inch of ease, fitting easily around the natural waist without bulging. Coat. Completely button coat and inspect for proper concept of fit by checking the following: • Collar. The shirt collar must show about 1/4 to 1/2 inch above the coat collar at the center back of the coat. The coat collar should fit close around the neck without gapping or overlapping. • Back, Shoulders, and Chest. The coat must fit easily over the chest and shoulders, giving a slight draped effect in the front and back. Four to seven inches of looseness should be equally distributed around circumference of the waist to provide comfort when moving. • Hips. Coat fronts should be smooth and even at the bottom edges. The bottom edges in the front of the coat will protrude and the back vent will spread if the coat is too snug at the waist and hips. • Lengths. The bottom edge of the coat must extend below the crotch but not less than 1 inch. Have the individual stand erect with his arms at his side and bend his fingers at the knuckle, forming a semi-fist and keeping his thumbs straight. The bottom edge 136 of the coat should fall into the pocket made by bending his fingers, approximately to the tip of his thumb. • Sleeves. The sleeves of the coat should fall about 1 -inch below the bottom of the wrist bone, covering the sleeves of the shirt. All Weather Coat. To ensure proper concept of fit, attach liner and completely button the coat (Fig. F-3), checking the points: • Collar. The collar of the coat should fit close at the neck without gapping or overlapping. The back of the collar should cover the collars of all subgarments. • Back, Shoulders, and Chest. The coat, with liner attached, must fit easily and comfortably over the shoulders and chest to allow free use of the arms without pulling or giving discomfort to the wearer. • Hips. The coat must hang freely from the shoulders without waist suppression or tightness around the hips. • Length. The coat should fall approximately 1-1/2 inches below the mid-point of the knee. • Sleeves. The coat sleeves must be 1/2-inch longer than the green coat and cover the sleeves of all subgarments. • Belt. The belt shall be at natural waistline. 137 Figure F-3. Proper Fit of Men's All Weather Coat. 1. Sleeves cover all subgarment sleeves by 1/2 inch. 2. Length falls about 1- 1/2 inches below the midpoint of the knee. 3. Back of collar covers all subgarment collars without gapping. 4. Coat hangs freely without waist suppression. 5. Coat must fit easily and comfortably over the shoulders and chest, allowing free use of arms. 6. Belt at natural waistline. 138 TAB B FEMALE UNIFORM 139 FEMALE UNIFORM FITTING INFORMATION IS PROVIDED FOR THE FOUR COMPONENTS OF THE FEMALE UNIFORM WHICH MAY REQUIRE ALTERATION: • Army Green Shade 489 Coat • Army Green Shade 489 Skirt • Army Green Shade 489 Slacks • Black All-Weather Coat (Authorized alterations limited to sleeve and hem length) Skirt Alterations. • Hips, Waist and Waistband. Seams and waistband may be altered to hip and waist size, as long as the skirt balance is maintained. • Length. The skirt length may be altered to desired length by adjusting the skirt hem the finished hem should be uniform and 2- ½ to 3 inches wide. Slacks Alterations. • Waist and Waistband. The waistband and darts may be altered as long as the slack balance is maintained. The two-piece waistband has a center back outlet, which can be opened and allows the slacks to be taken in or let out without having to remove the waistband. • Length. Measure and mark both slack legs individually. No more than a two- inch turn up is permissible. The front crease of the slacks will reach the top of the instep and be cut on a diagonal line to reach a point approximately midway between the top 140 of the heel and the top of the oxford shoe in the back. The slacks may have a slight break in the front. • Hip and Seat. Let out or take in at the back outlet to adjust hip and seat sides. The side seams may be adjusted to hip size. Side seams must be centered at the sides and hang straight to the bottom. Note that if the seat needs to be altered, the crotch of the slacks must also be altered. • Crotch and Thighs. The crotch and thigh seams have an outlet. The outlet may be used to let out or take in the crotch and thigh areas to improve fit while maintaining the balance of the slacks. Coat Alterations. • Hemline. The coat hemline may be shortened no more than 1 inch. Shortening is authorized only when the coat is out of proportion to the individual' s height. For example, if a short woman requires a regular length to fit her back waist length, the coat will require shortening so the length is correctly proportioned for her height. • Backwaist Length. The waistline may be raised or lowered by adjusting the side-back seams. • Bust. The front bust seam may be taken in and front side body seams let out or taken in. • Waist. Waist may be tapered or let out at side-front and side-back seams. • Hip. Side-back seams may be adjusted to hip size, as long as the balance is maintained. • Shoulders. The coat shoulders may be raised or lowered by adding or removing shoulder pads. 141 • Sleeves. The sleeves may be adjusted to reach a point 1 inch below the bottom of the wrist bone. The sleeves of the green shirt should not show below the coat sleeves. • Collar. In cases of long or short necks, raising or lowering the collar improves fit and appearance. This alteration consists of ripping out the seams on under and top collar, repositioning the collar or the back of the coat for the desired length, resewing the collar and pressing. The collar must not be raised or lowered over 1.4 inch. • Button Alignment. The position of the buttons on the front of the coat may be adjusted no more than 1/4-inch to improve the front closure, as long as the row of buttons is straight from the top to bottom when buttoned, and the coat balance is maintained. All Weather Coat Alterations. • Hemline. The all weather coat hemline may be adjusted to about 1 inch longer than the skirt worn under it but not more than three inches below the midpoint of the knee (Fig. F-6). • Sleeves. The coat may be shortened or lengthened so sleeves will be about 1 inch longer than the sleeves of the Army Green 489 uniform coat. When shortening the sleeves, measure and mark each sleeve individually. The sleeves of the liner can only be shortened. • Button Alignment. The position of the buttons on the front of the all weather coat may be adjusted no more than 1/4-inch to improve the front closure as long as the row of buttons is straight from the top to bottom when buttoned, and the coat balance is maintained. 142 FINAL CHECK FOR PROPER CONCEPT OF FIT The uniform is designed to fit the figure easily with smooth tailored lines. Skirt. The skirt viewed from the front and back should continue the slender lines of the coat, tapered slightly at the sides. • Waist and Hips. The skirt should fit snugly at the waist and smoothly over the hips so that it does not drape in folds. The center of the skirt waistband should be at the natural waistline. • Length. The skirt length is determined by the individual's height, but must fall somewhere between 1 inch above and 2 inches below the mid-point of the knee (Fig. F-4). 143 Figure F-4. Fit of Women’s Uniform Shirt and Skirt 144 Figure F-5. Fit of Women’s Uniform Shirt and Slacks 145 Slacks. • Hips and Waist. The slacks must fit snugly at the waist and should have approximately two-inches of ease over the hips. This shall be determined by pinching 1/2-inch excess cloth on the double on each side. The center of the waistband should be at the natural waistline (Fig. F-5). Side pockets must lay flat without bulging. • Length. The bottom of the slacks will reach the top of the instep in the front, and reach a point approximately midway between the top of the heel and the top of the oxford shoe in the back. When wearing the optional pump, this figure may vary slightly depending on heel height (Fig. F-5). • Crotch. The crotch of the slacks should not bind fit with a slight ease and allow for squatting and bending. Coat. The coat has been designed to look equally well over both slacks and skirt, hence the longer than average length. Completely button the coat before checking the following: • Back and Shoulders. The coat should fit smoothly across the back and shoulders (Fig.F-6). • Bust. The coat should fit across the bust without strain (Fig. F-6). • Hips and Waist. The coat should fit easily over the hips and conform to the waistline curve without blousing. The bottom button of the coat should fall approximately 1 inch below the natural waistline. The coat front, below the waist, must overlap without pulling or gapping so the front of the coat will present a straight line from the top button to the coat hem. The back vent must also overlap without pulling or gapping (Fig. F-6). 146 • Length. The coat is designed so that if the coat size is correct in other areas, the coat length, with few exceptions, will be correctly proportioned (Fig. F-6). • Sleeves. The sleeves of the coat should fall about 1 inch below the bottom of the wrist bones (Fig. F-6). The sleeves of the green shirt should not show beneath the coat sleeves. 147 Figure F-6. Fit of Women’s Uniform Coat and Slacks/Coat and Skirt 148 All Weather Coat. To ensure proper concept of fit, attach liner and completely button the coat. Check the following points: • Collar. When buttoned, the all weather coat collar must fit close at the neck without gapping or overlapping. The collar must cover the collar of all sub garments (Fig. F7). • Back, Shoulders and Bust. The all weather coat must fit comfortably over the shoulders and bust and lie smoothly across the back. When properly fitted, the all weather coat will allow free use of the arms without pulling or giving discomfort to the wearer (Fig. F-7). • Hips and Waist. The all weather coat must hang freely from the shoulders without waist suppression or tightness around the hips (Fig. F-7). • Length. The all weather coat should fall approximately 1-1/2 inches below the midpoint of the knee and must cover the skirt worn under it (Fig. F-7). • Sleeves. The all weather coat sleeves must be 1/2-inch longer than and cover the sleeves of all subgarments (Fig. F-7). 149 Figure F-7. Fit of Women’s All Weather Coat 150 INDEX AAFES Detailed Ordering Procedure, 114 Ordering, 35, 114–22 , 92 Abbreviations, 7 Alterations, 53 , 132 Female Uniforms, 131–42 , 125 Male Uniforms, 124–30 AR 700-84 User Handbook takes precedence over, 6 Awards Ordering Multiple, 30 Backorders, 46, 47 Billing Automated Validation, 54 General, 54 Browser Check, 11 Requirement, 11 Bulk Ordering Definition, 30 , 32 , 32 Cancelling an Order After Submitting, 30, 32 Catalogs AAFES, 35 CCDF Stocked Items, 34 CCDF Access, 12 Catalogs, 34 Mailing Address, 9 Points of Contact, 10 Shipping Address, 9 Telephone Numbers, 9 Certificate For Items Soldiers Retain, 106 Supply Sergeant's, 106 Changing An Order After Submitting, 30, 32 Before Submitting, 27, 32 , 87 Documenting, 87–89 Follow-up Order Status, 46 Forms CCDF Form 2, 12, 67 , 32 CCDF Form 3078, 37, 67, 71, 72 CCDF Form 3078-1, 52 DA Form 2064, 52 DA Form 2402, 89 DA Form 3161, 89 DA Form 4886, 53 E-mail and Fax Template, 67 Fax and Mail Order Form, 68 Receipt Form (Internet Order), 29, 32 Templates, 66 Glossary, 87–108 Handbook for Tailors, 123–42 , 123 Internet Ordering Logging In, 14 Issue Priority Designator, 35 Item Availability Items CCDF Will Not Provide, 21 Marking Items Retained By Soldier, 109 Maternity Uniforms Maternity Greens, 22 Nameplates, 22 Order Cancelling After Submitting, 30, 32 Changing After Submitting, 30, 32 Changing Before Submitting, 27, 32 Follow-up, 32 Ordering Authority Adjustments, 18, 31 Available Balance, 18 Checking a DODAAC, 17 Current FY OA, 17 Orders, 18, 31 Returns, 18, 31 Ordering-Alternatives E-mail, 42 Facsimile, 36 General, 34 Telephone, 42, 43 U.S. Mail, 43 Ordering-Bulk General, 30 Procedure, 31 Ordering-Individual Accessories Screen, 26 , 62 , 62 , 62 , 32 Codes Urgency-CCDF Form 3, 29 Urgency-Doc Register, 35 , 23 Disposition of Turn-ins, 91 Document Registers All Clothing Orders sent to the CCDF, 35 151 Common Items Screen, 20 Male/Female Screens, 25 Order Summary Screen, 27 Personal Clothing Request Screen, 16 Purchase Confirmation Screen, 27 Receipt Screen, 29 Passwords, 12 Points of Contact Central Clothing Distribution Facility, 9 State, 10 Priority, 35 Receiving Acknowledgement of Receipt, 50 General, 50 Inspection, 50, 52 Size Discrepancies, 52 Recycled Items Availability, 24 Characteristics, 23 Condition, 62 Free Issue, 62 Ordering, 32 Registration DODAAC, 12 Individual, 12 Terminating, 12 Reinvention Center, 6 Reports List of Issues, 54 Request For Access (template), 67 How to request, 63 Soldier Demand History, 64, 65 Unit Order History, 63, 64 Shipment Discrepancy, 52 Shipment Status Checking, 46 Shipping Address, 28 Bulk Ordering, 111 Clothing Turn-Ins, 112 In-State Recycling/Reuse of Uniforms, 112 Insufficient OA, 111 Issues To Non-Prior Service Enlistees, 111 Recycled Clothing, 112 Special Order Items, 111 Suggestions For Changes, 8 Table Urgency to Priority Conversion, 29 Urgency to Priority Designator Conversion, 35 Tabs Federal, 24 State, 24 Terms, 7, 69, 71, 74, 90, 93, 104, 107, 108 Tracking UPS shipments, 47 USPS shipments, 48 Transaction Types, 19 Turn-in Procedures Disposition - By Item, 91 Documentation, 59 Documenting FWT Determination, 87 General, 57 Items Retained In Unit, 61 Iitems Soldier Allowed To Retain, 61 Marking, 57 Marking Items Retained By Soldier, 109 Serviceable Items, 58, 78 Soldier Leaving Army, 83, 85 Unserviceable Items, 57, 75 Unused Clothing, 58 Unit Crests, 22 Unit Patches, 23 Urgency, 18 Codes-CCDF Form 3, 29 Codes-Doc Register, 35 Deferred, 19, 31, 39 , 39 Emergency Ground, 18, 31, 39 Emergency Air, 19, 31, 39 Routine, 19, 31, 39 Urgency to Priority Conversion, 35 User Identification, 12 , 52 Special Order Clothing, 44 State Policy Alterations, 111 Billing Reconciliation, 111 152