October 2006 - Newport Mesa Unified School District


October 2006 - Newport Mesa Unified School District
October 2006
Volume 2, Issue 2
PTSA Announcement
Thank you to the parents and
students who have joined our PTSA. We
appreciate your support. Thank you to
our members who included a donation
with their membership. Our PTSA would
not be here without your help. If you and
your student haven’t joined yet, please
take the time to fill out an envelope and
join today. We have more envelopes in
the office, if you need one.
Our second potluck of the year
will be on Thursday, October 26, at 6:307:30. This is our cultural potluck. We
would like you to bring a dish that reflects
your heritage. Please join us at the Stu(Bree Russell)
made arrangements with Mr. Harper
Please mark these dates on
your calendar. Note the change to the
deadline for Reflections.
ASB is planning a “students only”
Nov. 14-Reflections Deadline
Halloween party immediately following
Nov. 15-College Night 7:00
the potluck at 7:30 p.m. Parents are not
Jan. 30-PTSA Meeting 6:30
invited to attend. The party is a student
Please feel free to contact me
only event and they really don’t want us
with any questions you may have about
there. However, the Halloween party
our PTSA events. My email is
needs two couples to be chaperones.
If you are interested, please con- JRuss86965@aol.com or home phone
tact Mr. Harper. Otherwise, please do not 949-718-9218. Thank you again for your
help and support.
plan to stay after 7:30 unless you have
The Movie Master Madnes’s Films to Watch With the Lights On
Halloween, one of my favorite times
of year, for the decorations and electrified excitement of the candy coursing
through millions of kids’ bloodstreams
and of course the terrifyingly dramatic
Who doesn’t love getting snug under a blanket in the middle of the night
and staying up watching some of the
most horrifying films, one right after the
other. So, to help you make that tough
decision of what film to watch, I have
compiled, surprise surprise, a list for
you faithful readers:
Evil Dead (1981): One of the scariest
and most tremendous films I’ve ever
seen. So B.A. it’s insane.
2. Scream Trilogy (1996-2000): These
are just classic.
The Shining (1980): More than a horror film. It’s amazing in every way as
well as chilling.
dent Center on the OCC campus. There
is free parking in Lot B. All family members are encouraged to wear costumes,
especially if they are related to family
Halloween (1978): One of the most
atmospheric horror
films. The music and
setting just sets everything up to be terrifying.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
(1956): Even though it’s fifty years
old it still gives me chills.
10. Psycho (1960): One of Alfred
Hitchcock’s best. Everything about
this film is brilliant.
A Nightmare on
Elm Street (1984):
Freddy Krueger at his
11. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
(1920): The first horror film ever
and it’s still to this day eerie.
Braindead (DeadAlive) (1992): Peter
Jackson’s early work
is so phenomenal,
then Lord of the Rings
happened and it’s all
big-budget and special effects.
Suspiria (1977): I can’t think of any
words to describe this astonishingly
unique piece of cinematic history.
Night of the Living Dead (1968): The
ultimate zombie film.
12. Rosemary’s Baby (1968): A film
where everyone seems to be in on
it. No one to trust. Incredible.
13. Carnival of Souls (1962): This is
such an remarkable and sadly
lesser-known film. It is crazy and creepy
and everything you’d ever want in a
horror film.
14. The Wicker Man (1971): The most
awesomely righteous film. Period.
The Blob (1958): AH! Beware of the
blob. Classic.
Page 2
House has been so far successful for all students. It has been a smooth
ride for HOUSE representatives and
Our latest HOUSE, 9/8/06, we
had a lot of topics to cover. For the first
half of HOUSE, our ASB representatives
made announcements, such as up coming events like our School Wide Yard
Sale, and our next field trip to the Discovery Center on September 29.
We have been asking for suggestions from the whole student body for
ideas for new fundraisers and our upcoming field trips.
This is not only ASB putting together ideas for our school but we as a
team are trying to get the whole student
body involved. ASB HOUSE representatives are trying their best to get all students comfortable with one another and
to be able to share their thoughts and
feelings in HOUSE. HOUSE reps. are planning a great year for students to enjoy
themselves and one another.
Gillian Taugher
-Layout Editor
Food On Campus!
We all know that food is an
essential part of our lives. Teenage
lives revolve around food.
Food for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and three or four snacks in between. We eat when we're happy, when
we know life sucks, when we're depressed, when we're bored, and especially when we're trying to kill time.
However, being on a college
campus every day does have its advantages, and I don't just mean classes or
the sweet schedule.
No, our campus accommodates over 28,000 students each semester, and so of course they make sure
there's amazing food to go all around.
Starting with the Taco Bell and
Pizza Hut to the coffee
stand for coffee and mochas, we've got it all.
From the Student
Center's cafeteria to even
the hot dog stand, students can purchase and
eat something new every
Justine Nguyen says her favorite
beverage to drink at OCC is the extremely delicious and too strangely addicting, Kona Mochas at the coffee stand.
Anna Jordan knows her favorite
campus food item is the double decker
taco at Taco Bell and Gillian
Tougher loves the noodles on
You can choose to eat
healthy food items on campus
such as the cafeteria salads as
well as foods on days you just
have a hearty appetite.
Whatever it may be, you'll never
be hungry with the variety of food we
have on campus. Just ask the students!
Jessica Jesudasen
-Staff Writer
What Should I Be For Halloween?
Can’t decide
on what to be for Halloween?
That can easily be fixed. Some
people think they are too old to
participate in the fun of getting
dressed up for Halloween, but
they will definitely miss out.
Halloween is the one
night of the whole year that people can
be whatever they want.
Deciding on a costume can be
hard sometimes; there are so
many costumes to choose
from. Super heroes, fairies,
witches, and Disney characters are a few favorite costumes to wear each year.
There is also always
the choice of being very creative and
make your own costume. Who says you
can’t be a dishwasher or a box of Cheerios made from a cardboard box. Another
idea for a creative costume would be to
still use cardboard boxes and make your
favorite car.
If the price of a costume is holding you back from you getting one stores
such as Salvation Army, Goodwill, and
maybe even the 99 cents store are the
most awesome places to find things for a
costume for an affordable price.
Laura Crosby
-Staff Writer
Page 3
Victims of the Month
Caitriona McTague is the second victim of this month. Her birthday
is on April 25th. She attended Newport
Harbor High School before coming
Our boy for this month
is Axel Kaiser Remmel. He was born on
October 14th, 1989.
Before coming to OCMC he
went to Costa Mesa High School. He has
a little brother named Kenny who is 7
years old. His mother owns Weinerschnitzel franchises.
She has two younger brothers
named Graham and Eamon. She’s currently looking for a job.
He likes the game Guitar Hero
and he likes playing actual guitar. He
also likes going to shows.
He listens to Led Zeppelin, all
classic rock and glam. He has two dogs
and he hangs out with Mike and Stacy.
He likes the colors red, blue, and black
well, at least that’s what he liked in 10th
grade according to a friend. He dislikes
hateful people and he quotes songs often. He loves the Grateful Dead and Jimi
She loves Jimi Hendrix. She
also enjoys listening to Bob Dylan and
Cat Stevens. Her favorite food is the BLT
salads from Wendy’s. Her favorite color
is purple and she loves rainbows.
Caitriona McTague is shown
above, smiling… as usual!
In a recent interview with Caitriona’s friend Gina, I came across a
terrible tragedy, “Caitriona has been a
good mother to a walking stick.
He wants to join the peace
corp. Music is his life, according to people who know him. He adores Spongebob. He has been misquoted as being a
Unfortunately, for Stick Man, as
time went by he began losing his limbs
one by one, and Caitriona finally put
him to his death.” Caitriona cared
about the twiggy insect like a child.
He has a good sense of humor
and is known to be sarcastic. In 8th
grade he was the shortest one in class,
and has “grown into himself”.
Bree Russell says of her dear
friend, “Oh Axel, what is there to say
about that kid? In simple terms, he is
absolutely amazing. And we’re in love!”
Obviously, Axel Remmel is quite the
ladies’ man.
She’s 100% Irish and should
have been around in the 60’s. She’s into
peace and love and she’s against war.
She used to wear a mouth guard to bed.
Her catch phrase is “that’s insane.”
Who else would love an armless and leaf eating bug? A true, caring
person like Caitriona McTague would.
Axel Remmel is stoked on life!
Who wouldn’t be?
Rachel Konves
-Staff Writer
In each newsletter two seniors (one girl and one boy) will be chosen as Victims of the
Month. The people who know them will be questioned to find out facts about each victim. The
victims won’t know that they’ve been written about until they see themselves in the newsletter.
Page 4
Word Bites from the Big Cheese
Dear Readers,
We are really off and running
now with only weeks until the end of 1st
Quarter. Hard to believe, isn’t it?
The fantastic newsletter you
are reading is produced by students in
Mrs. Riley’s Yearbook/Journalism class.
It provides a colorful and creative way
for students to develop school to work,
and high school to college skills, as
well as personal satisfaction of having
done a job well in collaboration with
Here is an image of our school from
others. We also endeavor to make this
Google Earth
publication informative and interesting
to our diverse readers including students, families, NMUSD and OCC staff
and administrators, and community
supporters. We appreciate feedback to
make it ever better.
Seniors applying to universities should be in process by now. Mr. D
has been counseling with students
about their future plans and providing
direction, not to mention the many transcripts and reference letters he sends
on behalf of your students. His quarterly bulletin from the previous newsletter is on our website.
We are often asked by parents,
family members and community, “What can
I do to help?” So, I’d like to share a few
One of the best ways to “help” is
actually to attend our family events, such as
the Family Culture potluck coming up at the
end of October, and meet other parents and
talk with staff in a social setting. We are
actually fairly interesting people, once you
get to know us. If you responded on the
PTSA Interest Survey at opening, I hope
you’ll be contacted per your indicated area
of interest.
Another need is financial donations
to PTSA and ASB, for their projects and services, as well as to our school for students to
go to the Middle College National Consortium Student Leadership Conference. In the
past we have had local businesses and community service groups “sponsor” students.
Of course, all donations to each of our
groups are tax deductible.
One thing we’d like to get is an
awning above the door to the office area. It
would help keep the sun from beating in
and, yes, the rain (when it comes) from
dripping off the eves onto the heads of of-
fice visitors. Being from Seattle, I am
cognizant of such things- I miss the rain.
Do you know any business
contacts who might donate items/
money in exchange for free ad space in
the Newsletter, Yearbook, and Website? We will provide a letter of appreciation for tax purposes. In the future,
please see our “Wish List” in the newsletter.
If you, or your company, have
the capability of purchasing such items,
contact Dawn Jack our Office Manager
for details. And certainly, if you have
something to offer we haven’t mentioned, please feel free to contact me
personally. As an example, last year a
parent provided all the paper we
needed for our copy machine. What a
wonderful gift! -----So, give us a call.
Finally, let us know how we
can help you. Best wishes for a continued successful year.
Bob Nanney
Teens must find New Venue?
Hogue Barmichaels, as most of
you know, is located in Newport Beach
and is a popular restaurant, bar, music
venue for young upcoming artists and
the host of OC platinum, an all age club,
on Monday nights.
According to the Department of
Alcoholic Beverage Control, hosting OC
platinum is a violation of Hogues’ strict
license, which states that outside promoters using the space to run a separate
event is prohibited. OC Platinum spokesman Scott Leotti says, “[he] knew of the
rule, but found [his] own way around it.”
This case was brought to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control
through numerous police
calls by local residents
who were distressed by
the sight of teens in such
risqué and skimpy clothing.
Since the move
of OC platinum last Tuesday, owners believe it was time for a change anyhow,
“We were looking for a new location anyways because Newport was just too
small,” Leotti said. OC platinum is popular
in Orange County and attracts a good
700 teens each evening.
The club has managed
to relocate its events to the
Boogie in Anaheim. Along with
the rest of the club’s bad luck,
Boogie had its license pulled
due to lack of insurance. Despite all the setbacks, don’t be
surprised if OC platinum pops back up
in Newport Beach.
Madie Santoyo
-Staff Writer
Page 5
October 2006
PTSA General meeting @ 6:30
(parents are
Axel Remmel’s
Laura Meatzie’s
Seminar- Student
2nd quarter
Brett Harmon’s
Rejine Torres’s
Family Potluck and Halloween party
starts @ 6:30
No school
November 1st
Staff Development Day
Page 6
Staff Section
Editor in Chief-
Gina Krotee
Student Story Layout EditorStudent Story Editor-
Gillian Taugher
Amaryn Brierley
Entertainment Layout EditorEntertainment EditorNews Layout EditorNews Editor-
Cody Sauer
Carmela Mendoza
Alexis Powers
Grammar EditorPhotographer-
Gina Krotee
Anna Jordan
Rachael Knoves & Ferran Nicolls
Staff Writers- Amaryn Brierley, Laura Crosby, Craig Desbrow, Chelsey Holland, Jessica Jesudasen, Iko
Kagasoff, Rachael Knoves, Lauren Mariorenzi, Janelle Murata, Nghi Nguyen, Nicole Nostrat, Alexis Powers,
Bree Russel, Mailynn Santoyo, Elizabeth Schmidt, Sandie Serrano, Camille Smith, and Rejine Torres
New College Counselor On Board!
reer Planning.
Taking a course like Career
Planning is a great opportunity to make
decisions about your future.
Ms. McCarthy advises students
to see a counselor once a semester. She’ll be available at OCMCHS on
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:3012:30.
OCMCHS welcomes a new college counselor, Mary Ann McCarthy.
She’s been a counselor and teacher at
Orange Coast College for 7 years. She
teaches Counseling 102 Becoming A Master Student as well as Counseling 120 Ca-
She is here to help choose the
right college courses for the students’
career and to help design their educational plan. If anyone would like to talk to
her, they could set up an appointment,
see her during break, or ask permission
from their teacher to speak with her during class time.
Ms. McCarthy is a liaison on
behalf of the students between high
school and college.
When asked why students
should choose to talk to her instead of
Mr. diDonato, her response was, “I am
very familiar with the service on campus
and I know the professors pretty well.
I have access to various assessments that I can administer and interpret
for students to help them with their
choice of majors and careers.” She
loves to work with students and really
loves her job. Some advice from Ms.
McCarthy is to start thinking of classes
you might want to take in the spring.
High school students should
have a direction to what college they
want to attend and to research a college
that will suit them. Good luck everyone!
Regine Torres
-Staff Writer
Page 7
Meet the Sudent Section!
Gillian Taugher- Layout Editor
She wears red lipstick and likes to paint. Gillian’s favorite food is
Rigatoni D from Maggiano’s and her favorite part of newsletter is scolding
people for not being on task.
Laura Crosby- Writer
Laura has always wanted to go skydiving. Her favorite animal is a cat
and she would love to become a Lifeguard one day.
Amaryn Brierly- Grammar Editor/Writer
She has over 20 pairs of shoes. Her favorite food is pizza and Amaryn
enjoys writing on topics she’s interested in.
Rejine Torres- Writer
She’s dyed her hair over 50 times. Rejine enjoys photography and
solving complicated math problems.
Rachel Konves- Writer/ Photographer
Rachel likes the little gummy bears from Häagen-Dazs. She is afraid
of heights and hates being late for school.
Jessica Jesudasen- Writer
Jessica enjoys babysitting her 4 younger siblings (JUST KIDDING!)
and likes the shorter schedule at the Middle College.
Lauren Mariorenzi- Calendar
She would like to go to school to eventually become interior designer. Lauren really likes eating and hates cats.
Ferran Nicolls- Writer/ Photographer
Ferran’s favorite animal is a whale, but she loves all different kinds
too. Her favorite teacher is Dr. Z and she’s obsessed with Harry Potter!
Page 8
The Black Dahlia
Dear Abby
scenes and side stories regarding the
characters’ personal issues that didn’t
relate. After hearing some opinions, it
was obvious that the only truly interesting parts of the movie were when it was
about the actual murder and investigation about Elizabeth Short, which included some screen-tests of her
(Kirshner) trying to impress people in
the industry. All of the commercials and
advertisements put out for the movie
were very misleading, and in the end,
disappointing. The audience isn’t interested in the bets on boxing matches
that Hartnett has with Eckhart, they want
to get to the chase about the actual history of the Black Dahlia.
Dear Abby,
So I have this friend. Lets just
call her Diane. Last night she came over
to my house with a hat on. It was kind of
hot so I asked her if she was getting
warm with that thing on her head. She
pulled it off and yelled, SURPRISE! All 22
inches of her beautiful hair were
chopped off! She had a boys crew cut
and was actually excited about it! She
asked me if I liked it and I didnt want to
hurt her feelings so I said I did! I feel so
guilty lying to her. What should I do?
Desperate Friend of Diane
Dear Desperate Friend of Diane,
This seems to be the most difficult question I have ever had to answer.
It looks as though you have created an
eternal bog of stench for yourself. Let me
be frank, D.F. of Diane-you are a liar! All
you can do now is graciously accept my
advice. Listen carefully, blotto: There is
nothing you can do to restore her 22
inches of lovely locks. DO NOT ATTEMPT
are forced to keep to your promise that
you love her repulsive crew cut. You
must now retaliate to her threatening new
look-grow your hair out as long as hers
was. If your hair looks the way her old
one did she will be a victim of her new
haircut. She will miss her long hair seeing how much better yours is. This jealousy of your new-do will eventually force
her to want her long hair back to its normal length. Be patient, desperate friend.
If you take my advice, she will grow out
her hair once again. :D
After much anticipation and eagerness, The Black Dahlia is finally in
theatres. Like many people, I had assumed that it was about the actual murder of Elizabeth Short, a struggling
young actress who was trying to break
into Hollywood, but had been brutally
murdered in January 1947, and since
then, her murder has remained the most
notorious unsolved murder in California’s history.
Unfortunately, the movie was
based on the book by James Ellroy, and
was more about the chase for the murderer by two LAPD cops than the murder
itself. The movie stars Josh Harnett, Scarlett Johansson, Hilary Swank, Aaron Eckhart, and Mia Kirshner as the Black
The actual film was a disappointment. It contained a fair share of sex
There are continuous introductions of new characters that are mysteriously connected to the murder, and it
just makes you do a double take of what
was happening. In the actual case, it
was obviously never solved, but in the
film they portray a very unbelievable
and ridiculous story that is based off of a
real event.
I asked Bree Russell, who is
very knowledgeable on films, along
with Anna Jordan what they thought of
the movie. “I think it’s one of those movies that you have to see ten times to get
it and for it to be a good movie,” Anna
told me. “For someone who doesn’t
know the history, it would probably be
a better movie.” “Considering the people involved, I expected something with
depth and meaning, but all I got was
two hours wasted,” said Bree.
So unless you feel like spending your money on something that won’t
be worth your while, The Black Dahlia is
definitely a movie worth missing.
Camille Smith
-Staff Writer
Page 9
College Classes In Session!
Now that college classes have
started many of our students are experiencing a dramatic shift in their
schedules and responsibilities.
For most students college
classes typically take a long time to get
use to. Unlike junior high and high
school you’re on your own in college.
Your teachers aren’t going tot
ell you how many missing assignments
you have or that you need to make up a
In most college classes, you
are lucky to be able to make up a test at
all. Becky Lau, a senior, is taking Spanish 180 and her teacher won’t let her
students make up any tests unless they are
sick. Sometimes, in college classes the
teacher doesn’t even know who you are.
Class size can range from 40 to
over 300 students. Instead of having a test
every two weeks like students normally
have in high school, you have three tests the
entire semester including your final.
Students are required to at least
take three units but are allowed to take up
to six units at the college first semester.
Second semester students can take
up to twelve units as long as you have maintained good grades in all of your high
school classes.
take eleven units next semester. In order to take eleven units at the college
you must have at least a 3.5 GPA at the
middle college and have had already
taken 6 units at the college the previous
semester with all A’s.
As well as doing al the required stuff each student is observed
on an individual basis as well.
Juniors don’t forget to take
counseling 100 and 102 by the end of
this year. Good luck with your college
classes! .
Amaryn Brierley
-Staff Writer
Antje Gabler, a junior, is hoping to
Don’t forget to
pre-order your
Page 10
Hunted Crocodile Hunter
Steve Irwin (a.k.a. The CrocoDue to growing up always being
dile Hunter) has long been known
around animals, Steve has always
as an active zoologist, who probeen fascinated about dangerous
motes the conservation of the encreatures; he even wrestled his first
vironment. The leader of the Wildcrocodile at the age of 9. He spent
life Warriors Steve has benefited
his life around animals and was on a
the environmental community
show about crocodiles in 1991. Algreatly. Steve is the son of Bob
though Steve is usually prepared to
Irwin, founder of the Australian
face any animal, he was caught off
Steve Irwin hold- guard on September 4 as he was
ing a crocodile! filming the “Oceans Deadliest”.
A buried stingray came up from
the sand and pierced Steve directly in the
heart, killing him almost instantly.
Although Steve died while doing
what he loved, it is extremely tragic to
know he had a wife and two young children at home. Australia has lost a national
figure that will never be forgotten.
Craig Desbrow
-Staff Writer
AIDS Deaths Skyrocket in South Africa
Recent studies have shown that death from HIV since the 1990’s. The
death tolls in South Africa have
death toll also has risen due to
risen significantly in the past
AIDS-related diseases. The
seven years. South Africa’s
South African government also
government’s statistics office
stated that other causes of the
has shown that in women (ages
increase in deaths are due to
20 to 39 ) the death rates have
lack of nutrition and other disMortality Rate
more than tripled. For men
eases such as tuberculosis and
ages 30 to 44 the death rate has more
than doubled from 1994 to 2004.
Further more, the South African
Of these deaths women in their
20’s and 30’s have had an increase in
government also said that HIV infection
has said that “the percentage of pregnant
woman who are HIV-positive had risen
from 1 percent in 1990 to 17 percent in
1997 and to 30 percent by 2004.”
Other shocking statistics:
It’s estimated that more than 5.5
million South Africans are infected with
HIV, in a country that is home to 47.4 million people. On average, more than 900
people die of the disease in South Africa
each day.
Alexis Powers
-Grammar Editor
Mountain Collapsed in Mexico
A mountainside collapsed in
eastern Mexico, slamming into a tractor
trailer, a pickup and several public
buses. The landslide occurred on a
highway between Mexico City and the
city of Tuxpan. The tattered dirt-caked
carcasses of the vehicles were scattered in a mud field on the edge of a
Officials said the dead
included a woman, whose backpack
contained several baby bottles, which
prompted rescue workers to search for
an infant among the wreckage.
wounded. It is still not
bers of one family including a
clear on what caused the
man, his wife, and three children,
landslide but Lopez Avala
ages 5 to 9 were killed after an
said workers had been
avalanche of mud and rocks burusing heavy machinery
ied them in their home.
Car Stuck in Mudslide
on the site recently to
Five other children, ages
remove gravel, which
5 months to 7 years, were killed in four
weakened the hillside that collapsed.
other homes, said a spokeswomen. Also,
Heavy rains have pounded that part of the authorities didn't know how many people
country in recent weeks as well.
were in the homes and rescue crews were
Heavy rains triggered another
still digging through the mud in search of
landslide that killed 10 people, mostly chil- other possible victims.
dren, and injured three others in the reLopez Avala reported that 4
mote, Indian village of Chalchihuitillo, 450
Sandie Serrano
people died and at least 11 others were miles northwest of Mexico City. Five mem-Staff Writer
Page 11
Itunes: Selling Movies Too?
Itunes, many people in the U.S.
There have been several Hollyuse this program for downloading
wood sources from the prominent Hollysongs legally. You cannot help but walk wood studios stating that they have spodown the street and see people listen- ken with Itunes about selling their films.
ing to the music on their
Speculators have been trying
Ipods. It has become a
to find out if Ipod will add full
craze for teenagers and
length featured films. Talk of
adults. Not many people
this has been going around for
depend on buying commonths.
pact discs anymore beAn interesting fact is
cause they are available
that Apple CEO man Steve Jobs
to purchase on Itunes.
became a board member and
Itunes in Ipods
Recently, there
the most ambiguous stockholder
have been rumors about the Apple
for the Walt Disney Company this year
Company and how it might make a
and was carried out by its pursuit of Pixar
movie downloading service. These ru- Animation Studio Incorporated.
mors spun from the invitations made by
The first movie they sold was
the Apple Inc. inviting the media to “It’s Disney’s “High School Musical” for a
price of $9.99. If Apple did start to sell
full-length videos it would be a reasonable
price. It would be great for the Apple companies but probably not very good for the
movie stores and theaters.
However, all these rumors do not
mean anything until the Apple Company
states whether they are going to have a license for selling movies on Itunes. Many
studios already have sold their films
through many online services such as:
Movielink, CinemaNow, and Guba. Meanwhile, Apple will continue to move forward
and make its products available to sell to
the many consumers the
company already has.
Elizabeth Schmidt
-Staff Writer
Keeping Our Kids Off the Streets
If you haven’t noticed our
youth is in serious danger to drugs and
gangs. It’s important to take the time to
speak to your children and let them
know that they have someone that they
can count on. Gang violence has increased in Orange County, but most
importantly it has increase in the city
we call home, Costa Mesa. There has
been three gang related deaths in the
past 3 months. There have been drivebys and gang injuries.
can call home.
There is also a
program called CAGE
(Computer Assisted
Gang Enforcement)
which was designed to
assist in the identification documentation,
investigation, and apprehension prosecution of gang members
involved in criminal activity. This system
has the following modules: gang tracking,
There are a lot of programs
gang methods of operations, gang activity,
that are offered to Costa Mesa children, gang member certification, complaint trackso they can be kept off of the streets
ing, intelligence management, case reportand guided in the right direction. For
ing, case management, threat tracking, link
example, the Save Our Youth Program analysis, evidence tracking, link charting,
“SOY” offers music/dance programs,
and scanned drawings.
scholarships, and homework aid for
A lot of schools are doing what is in
hundreds of teenagers. Not only does their power to protect their students. For
this help our kids stay off the streets,
example, some schools have uniforms,
but also have a second place that they
which is a great policy because that way the
students won’t be targeted by gang
members because of the way that
they dress. Students are encouraged to wear clothes that are in
good taste, that promote positive
self-esteem, and that are appropriate for a school setting.
Project No Gangs strategic
plan calls for approaching drug
and gang awareness and prevention issues from four angles: community awareness, youth and education, workplace,
and general public. The point is that
there are a lot of programs out there to
help your kids stay out of trouble, and
from falling in the wrong foot steps.
Don’t let this happen to your child and
help make Costa Mesa the safe and good
home we deserve, one child at a time.
Carmela Mendoza
-Layout Editor
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Costa Mesa, CA 92626
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