9M 07 - Macroconsult
9M 07 - Macroconsult
Santander Conference Acapulco JAN 08 Consolidated Summary FALABELLA SNAPSHOT Chile based integrated retailer involved in the department store business, home improvement, supermarket and financial services. Key information and indicators (Dec-07) • Operations in Chile, Perú, Argentina and Colombia • 63 Department Sores, 84 Homecenters, 29 Super/Hypermarkets • 1,208,824 m2 Selling space • 4.7 million active credit card accounts CMR • 53,000 employees Falabella Financials USD MM$ (1) Revenues EBITDA Net Income Market Cap.(2) LTM Sep07 Falabella 5.528 726 429 11.642 (1) Real Ch$ @ Sep30, 2007, converted @ year-end exhange rate 496.89 Ch$/US$ (2) Stock Price 31/Dec/2007: Falabella Ch$ 2,420, D&S Ch$ 260.02 G Y|Y 17,0% 24,1% 10,6% HISTORY OF FALABELLA -Falabella initiates US$MM 2,500 investment plan 2008-2011 Salvatore Falabella opens the first large tailor shop in Chile -Mall Plaza initiates Peru operations 1889 Alberto Solari joins the Company. 1937 Incorporation of home products. Falabella becomes a department store. 1958 1980 Falabella initiates development of shopping centers with the opening of Mall Plaza Vespucio Falabella creates CMR, its own credit card D&S merger agreement Falabella acquires supermarket chain San Francisco in Chile 2006 2004 Falabella enters the Colombian market: -Increases stake in Sodimac. -Launches CMR credit card. 2005 Entrance to the Hypermarket industry in Peru with its first Tottus 2002 2003 Falabella merger with Sodimac Alliances with ENTEL and Copec are created for the use of CMR card. 1990 2001 2000 1993 First opening in Argentina, city of Mendoza. 2007 Announcement of Falabella – -Sodimac announces entrance to Argentina Creation of Travel Agency and Insurance brokerage. 1995 Joint venture agreement with The Home Depot 1999 First department store in Buenos 1997 Falabella enters Perú by acquiring department store Saga 100% of The Home Depot Chile is purchased 1996 Falabella IPO in the Chilean stock exchange 1998 Aires is opened . 20% of FASA drugstore is purchased Falabella Bank is created. CORPORATE STRUCTURE AS OF DECEMBER 2007 Real RealEstate Estate Chile Falabella Stores 39 Sales Area 206,710 M2 Argentina Falabella Stores 7 Sales Area 42,295 M2 Perú Saga Falabella Stores 14 Sales Area 80.189 M2 Colombia Falabella Stores 3 Sales Area 29,268 M2 Chile Sodimac + Imperial Stores 55+7 Sales Area 489,414 M2 Chile San Fco - Tottus Stores 21 Sales Area 85,810 M2 Perú Sodimac Stores 7 Sales Area 54,073 M2 Perú Tottus Stores 8 Sales Area 61,619 M2 Colombia Sodimac Stores 15 Sales Area 159,446 M2 (49% ownership) CMR Credit Card N° of Active Accounts Chile 2.7 mm Argentina 565 m Perú > 1 mm Colombia 308 m Travel Agency Branches +34 N°Pass. 200.000/year Mall Plaza Chile: 8 malls Lease Ar. +590,093 M2 Perú: 1 mall Lease Ar. 78,255 M2 Sociedad de Rentas 54 stores Lease Ar. 359.000 M2 Insurance Brokerage N°Accounts +4MM Bank ROE 2006 34,6% Market Share Cons.Credit 5,2% N° Sav.Acc. 575.000 Other Industrial Mavesa 100% own. Italmod 50% own. FASA 20% own. MAIN EVENTS 2007 Æ ANNOUNCEMENT OF FALABELLA – D&S MERGER AGREEMENT Æ OPENING OF 32 STORES DURING 2007. (16 IN 4Q07) Æ Æ ACQUISITION OF CONTROLLING STAKE IN MALL PLAZA MALL PLAZA BEGINS INTERNATIONAL EXPANSION THROUGH THE CONSTRUCTION OF FIRST MALL IN PERU Æ ACQUISITION OF 60% OF INVERSIONES IMPERIAL (7 STORES) Æ BANCO FALABELLA INAUGURATED IN PERU Æ CAPITAL INCREASE FOR STOCK OPTIONS Æ NYSE LISTING PROCESS OTHER RECENT EVENTS Æ MMUS$ 1.600 INVESMENT PLAN FOR 2008-2011 (+ MMUS$ 900 IN MALL PLAZA) CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT 9M 2007 (MMUS$) 9M 2007 Revenues COGS (less) GROSS MARGIN SG&A (less) OPERATING INCOME Depreciation + Amortization (less) EBITDA 4.000 (2.821) 1.179 (760) 419 (90) 509 NON - OPERATING INCOME % Revenues 9M 2006 % Revenues Var. 07/06 -70,5% 29,5% -19,0% 10,5% -2,2% 12,7% 3.415 (2.439) 976 (651) 325 (73) 398 -71,4% 28,6% -19,1% 9,5% -2,1% 11,7% 17,1% 15,7% 20,8% 16,8% 29,0% 22,6% 27,8% (66) -1,6% (19) -0,6% 246,4% PROFIT BEFORE TAX & EXT. ITEMS INCOME TAX MINORITY INTEREST PROFIT (LOSS) bef amort of NG NET PROFIT (LOSS) 353 (63) (22) 268 268 8,8% 9,0% 6,7% 306 (45) (4) 257 257 7,5% 15,6% 39,3% 481,8% 4,4% 4,4% Adjusted EBITDA 552 13,8% 463 13,6% 19,3% REVENUES (MMUS$) 6.000 17,1% CAGR = 25,8% 4.788 5.000 3.497 4.000 4.000 3.415 3.000 2.000 4.145 1.913 2.371 2002 2003 1.000 0 2004 2005 2006 9M 06 9M 07 NET INCOME (MMUS$) 8,2% 157 2002 8,6% 205 2003 7,3% 254 2004 8,2% 338 2005 8,5% 7,5% 6,7% 257 268 407 2006 9M 06 9M 07 OPERATING INCOME 9M 2007 9M 07 Chile; 83,1% Peru; 15,9% Total 9M 07= MMUS$419 Argentina; 1,0% CONSOLIDATED INDICATORS EDITDA US$MM & % Revenue 14,0% 12,9% 11,7% 409 268 2002 12,1% 501 11,8% 11,7% 567 12,7% 509 398 307 2003 2004 2005 2006 9M 06 9M 07 Liabilities / Equity (%) ROE: Net Inc / Equity (%) 14,1% 11,2% 2002 2003 13,0% 2004 14,7% 2005 15,9% 2006 13,9% 9M 06 13,4% 9M 07 130,6% 107,2% 2002 92,9% 2003 107,4% 99,3% 2004 2005 108,9% 2006 9M 07 FALABELLA STOCK EVOLUTION Market Cap. US$MM 11,642 Stock Price (Ch$) 2,420 US$MM 8,393 US$MM 6,574 1,870 US$MM 5,783 US$MM 4,214 1,350 1,410 Dec-04 Dec-05 1,048 Dec-03 Dec-06 Dec-07 CAGR: 23.3% *Converted at each period’s year-end exchange rate BUSINESS UNITS FALABELLA Department Stores · Revenues (MMUS$) 1,412 Var: 6.9% 1,321 Chile 390 321 Perú 237 196 Argentina Colombia Var: 21.4% Var: 20.5% 47 0 LTM Sep06 LTM Sep07 FALABELLA · Department Stores* Chile • • • • New stores 2007: 4 Total stores: 39 (206,710 M2) Openings 2008: 3 Openings 2008-2011: 14 (*) Projected information subject to changes International • • • • New stores 2007: 6 Total stores: 24 (151,752 M2) • 14 Peru, 7 Argentina, 3 Colombia Openings 2008: 5 Openings 2008-2011: 23 SODIMAC Home Improvement · Revenues (MMUS$) 1,776 Chile 1,527 478 Colombia Perú Var: 43.3% 334 102 64 Var: 58.7% LTM Sep06 LTM Sep07 Var: 16.3% SODIMAC · Home Improvement* Chile • • • • • New stores 2007: 4 Addition of 7 Imperial Stores Total stores: 62 (489,414 M2) Openings 2008: 4 Openings 2008-2011: 31 (*) Projected information subject to changes International • • • • New stores 2007: 9 Total stores: 22(213,519 M2) • 7 Peru, 15 Colombia Openings 2008: 16 Openings 2008-2011: 55 TOTTUS – SN FCO Supermarkets · Revenues (MMUS$) 462 Chile 341 187 Perú 157 LTM Sep06 Var: 19.0% LTM Sep07 Var: 35.4% TOTTUS – SAN FRANCISCO · Supermarkets* Chile • • New stores 2007: 5 Total stores: 21 (85,810 M2) (*) Projected information subject to changes Peru • • • • New stores 2007: 4 Total stores : 8 (61,619 M2) Openings 2008: 9 Openings 2008-2011: 31 OTHER RETAIL OPERATING INDICATORS Same Store Sales (Real %) Department Stores - Chile Home Improvement - Chile Supermarkets - Chile Department Stores - Perú Hypermarkets - Peru Home Improvement - Peru Department Stores - Argentina Sales Area Growth (%) Department Stores - Chile Home Improvement - Chile Hypermarkets - Chile Department Stores - Perú Hypermarkets - Perú Home Improvement - Peru Department Stores - Argentina Department Stores - Colombia Home Improvement - Colombia 9M 2007 3,1% 6,4% -0,1% 10,4% 1,1% 10,0% 9,8% Sep-07 Sep-06 Sales Area (m2) 202.500 484.033 80.853 67.781 30.335 38.757 39.817 18.865 143.207 Sales Area (m2) 183.622 409.421 53.369 59.890 30.335 26.971 39.817 106.535 Growth % 10,3% 18,2% 51,5% 13,2% 0% 43,7% 0% 34,4% Financial Retail · Indicators Total Gross Loans Composition (Sep07) Total Gross Loans (MMUS$) 2,742 2,454 Banco Falabella Chile 36% 2,046 CMR Chile 47% 1,542 1,177 877 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 CMR Perú CMR Colombia 12% 3% CMR Argentina 2% 9M 07 Total Active Accounts per Country (MM) 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.6 1.8 2002 0.3 0.7 0.8 2.0 2.3 2003 Chile 2004 Peru 0.5 0.6 0.9 1.0 1.1 2.6 2.6 2.7 2006 9M 07 2005 Argentina Colombia Financial Retail · Efficiency 60% 50% Operating Ratio as of September 2007 (Expenses/Gross Margin) 49,0% 40% 30,7% 34,3% 30% 19,3% 20% 10% 0% Financial System Falabella Bank Falabella Bank Chile Peru Chile Provision as of September 2007 (%) CMR Chile 6,4% 4,6% Financial System Chile 4,2% Falabella Bank Perú Falabella Bank Chile 4,5% CMR Chile MALL PLAZA* Chile • • • • Existing Malls 2007: 8 Total Leasing Space: 560,093 M2 Openings 2008: 2 Projects 2008-2011: 7 (*) Projected information subject to changes • • • • Peru New Malls 2007 • Mall Plaza Trujillo Total Leasing Space: 78,255 M2 Openings 2008: 1 Projects 2008-2011: 5 Growth Growth Plan Plan INVESTMENT PLAN (US$ MM)* 804 Malls Stores 845 304 361 484 601 183 107 377 325 442 82 541 418 243 2007 2008 NEXT 4 YEARS: 2009 2010 2011 OVER US$MM 1,600 IN STORES PLUS US$MM 900 IN MALLS (*) Information subject to changes. Includes Sodimac Colombia Also, during 2007, US$MM 140 was invested in the acquisition of additional shares of Mall Plaza and a 60% equity stake in Imperial. INVESTMENT IN STORES (US$ MM)* 541 442 418 377 243 2007 2008 2009 2010 OVER US$MM 1,600 IN NEXT 4 YEARS (*) Information subject to changes. Includes Sodimac Colombia 2011 STORE OPENINGS * Total N°Stores 1761 212 256 44 36 141 294 38 29 28 2007 2008 323 2009 2010 2011 147 NET STORE OPENINGS IN NEXT 4 YEARS (1) Includes 7 Imperial Stores acquired in May 2007. (*) Information subject to changes. Includes Sodimac Colombia 323 SELLING SPACE* 1,006,000 [M2 360 ] 284 261 210 203 2007 2008 2009 2010 SELLING SPACE X 2 IN NEXT 4 YEARS (*) Information subject to changes. Includes Sodimac Colombia 2,324,000 [M2] 2011 STORE SUMMARY · 2007 – 2011** N° of Stores 2007 TOTAL N° of Stores 2011* TOTAL Falabella 63 Falabella 100 Sodimac 84 Sodimac 178 Tottus 29 Tottus*** 45 TOTAL 176 (*) N° of stores 2011 = N° of stores 2007 + Openings – Closing of stores (**) Information subject to changes. Includes Sodimac Colombia. (***) Does not include investment plan to be developed with D&S. TOTAL 323 LEADING REGIONAL EXPANSION COLOMBIA Falabella Sodimac Financial Retail PERU Falabella Sodimac Tottus Financial Retail Inmobiliario CHILE Falabella Sodimac Tottus Financial Retail Real State ARGENTINA Falabella Financial Retail Sodimac CONTACT INFORMATION Juan Guillermo Espinosa (jespinosa@falabella.cl) Tomás Gazmuri (tgazmuri@falabella.cl) Phone: 56-2-380 2007 Fax: 56-2-380 2008 DISCLAIMER This presentation contains forward-looking statements, including statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company and its management. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantee of future performance and involve a number of risks and uncertainties including, but not limited to, the risks detailed in the company’s financial statements, and the fact that actual results could differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements.