Issue 4 - 2nd October 2015


Issue 4 - 2nd October 2015
Issue 4: 2nd October 2015
When students enter their GCSEs in Year 10, we
encourage all parents to attend a series of four information evenings spread over Year 10 and 11 to help
them support their children in their studies. The topics
covered include effective revision methods, time management, course content, key milestones, practical assessment, on-line resources for families and use of incentives. These events are incredibly popular and we
were delighted that the majority of Year 11 families
came along to the third evening of four, last Thursday.
This week we held the first evening for Year 10 parents, which we hope they will find of use.
Sandringham School hosts and runs the Alban Federation, which is the second lar gest teacher tr aining
awarding body in Hertfordshire, after the University of
Herts. Each year we admit a large number of adults,
either straight from University with their degrees, or
people who are changing careers, and place them in a
host school for the year to enable them to complete
their training and gain Qualified Teacher Status. All
applications are done through UCAS (the University
Admission System) and this opens in late October, for
courses starting in September 2016. If you are interested in becoming a teacher and would like to find out
more about how to apply and what is involved, we are
holding an Open Morning on Saturday 10th October in
the Sixth Form Centre at Sandringham. It runs from
9.00am to midday and you are more than welcome to
come along and talk to someone in person, and meet
current trainees and course tutors. Equally, if you
know of anyone who is keen to train to teach, this
might be a very useful event for them to attend.
As you will know, next week we hold our Open
Evening and Open Mornings for families considering
admission to Sandringham for September 2016. A
large number of students have volunteered to help out
on the evening and I am sure we will be extremely popular, as always. Please check the changes in times below on Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning to accommodate the Open Evening event.
Lastly, I would like to thank Ms Oakes and the Alban Teaching School Alliance team for delivering a
first-class education conference last Saturday. The
school was packed with teachers from across the area
who were inspired by some outstanding keynote speakers and individual workshops. Well done everyone.
Alan Gray
Sandringham School Academy Trust
Registered in England No. 07523557
The weekly newsletter of
Sandringham School
Mon 5 Oct
Mon 5 Oct
Tues 6 Oct
Thurs 8 Oct
12-16 Oct
Tues 13 Oct
Wed 14 Oct
14 Oct-21 Oct
Thurs 15 Oct
Thurs 15 Oct
Fri 16 Oct
17-19 Oct
Mon 19 Oct
Thurs 22 Oct
22/23 Oct
26-30 Oct
Fri 30 Oct
Weds 4 Nov
Weds 11 Nov
Fri 20 Nov
Sat 5 Dec
Students finish school at 12.10
Open Evening - 5.45 - 8.45pm
Late start for students - 10.30am arrival
Yr 12/13 Textiles trip to Knit and Stitch Show
Drawing Week
Year 11 Drama trip, Woman in Black, leave at break
St Peter’s concert - lunchtime
Yr 9/10 Spanish Exchange Trip
Sixth Form photos - 9.45am
Supporting Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing, 6.30pm
Fo$S Autumn Ball - arrive 6.45pm for 7.45pm
Silver DofE practice to the South Downs, Yr 11
Yr 7 Last House Standing
House Arts Competition, SandPit, 7pm
Yr 13 A2 Biology Trip
Half-term break
Fo$S Family Cinema, SandPit - 10.30
Parents’ eSafety Info Evening, 6.30pm, Main Hall
Fo$S meeting/AGM, 7.15pm in the SandPit
Fo$S Quiz Night, 7.30pm until late, SandPit
Fo$S Christmas Extravaganza, 11 - 3pm
Thinking about a career in teaching?
Sandringham School works alongside the Alban Federation
for teacher training. Places are available for September
2016 programmes and are open to all graduates in the following subjects; Art, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Design Technology, Drama, Economics, English, Geography, History, Mathematics, Media Studies, Modern Foreign Languages, Music, Physical Education, Physics and
Religious Studies. There is an opportunity to find out more
at a recruitment fair taking place at Sandringham School on
Saturday 10th October 2015 from 9.30am – 12.00pm.
If you are interested in attending, please contact
or the Alban Federation
Year 9 Battlefields Trip
We have a small number of places left on the Year 9 Somme
Battlefields trip which is taking place on 20th November.
Please see letter number 19 on the school website for further
details. Please make your payment via Parentpay at the website and complete the reply slip and return it to the red box at the back of the hall. If you are paying
by cheque, then please make the cheque payable to Sandringham School.
Open Evening timings
On Monday 5th October school will finish at 12.10pm. Break
service will be available as usual. Students can be supervised
until 3.00pm.
On Tuesday 6th October students should arrive on campus
from 10.30am in time for registration at 11.00am. Senior staff
will be on the campus from the normal start time, should students wish to arrive before 10.30am.
Headteacher’s Commendations
Callum Bennett 7D English
Zak Mohammedbhai 7D S4LL & English
Dylan Catterfeld 7E Science
Elisa Piovano 7E English
Joe Hartington 7EE English
Charlotte Musselle 7EE Community
Brendan Donegan 8B Design and Technology
Khalid Alrahabi 8D History
Alexander Clarke 8D Drama
Lily Coldstream 8D Drama
Emilio Merlo 8D Computer Science
Thomas Mileham 8D Drama
Jessica Simmons 8D Computer Science
Samuel Vosper 8E English
Jacob Hartley 8S Computer Science
John Kenner 8S Computer Science
Neve Phillips 9B English
Christopher Williams 9B English
Tiffany Williams 9B English
Oliver Kellert 9D English
Emma Skerry 9D PE
Tomal Choudhury 9E English
Jake Miller 9E English
Jack Peacock 9E Pastoral
Danny Tocher 9E English
Amy Topp 9E PE
Rosie Ayres 9V Music
Claire Bottoms 9V Music
Callum Hayes 9V Music
Callan Deradour 10B English
Joseph Caswell 10D RS
Sophie Kenworthy 10D Science & RS
Jessica Leigh 10D Pastoral
Daniel Wright 10D English
Matthew Chipperfield 10DA RS
Benjamin Wyatt 10DA English
Issy James 10E English & RS
Shamiso Jonson 10E RS
Alexander Townsend 10E English
Leah Cooke 10K PE
Eleanor Field 10K Pastoral
Egor Lastin 10K Pastoral
Benjamin Lowenthal 10K Pastoral
Holly Reynolds 10K Pastoral
Ethan Sinfield 10K Pastoral & Science
Fiona Snelling 10K Pastoral
Christopher Staples 10K Pastoral
Samuel Stewart 10K Pastoral
Dean Collins 10S RS
Charlotte Houlden 10S English
Marta Romero Martinez 10S PE
Maya Reid 10V History
Liam Gauthier 11B English
Thomas Weaver 11D English
Matthew Dyrda 11E English
Matthew Pirrie 11E Chemistry
Zach Bukomieritsch 11V English
Rebecca McShane 11V English
Word of the Week
D is for… derive (verb)
To obtain something from (a specified source):
She derived great pleasure from reading poetry.
Sandringham has subscribed to a national service called
‘ParentInfo’. This provides high quality information to
parents and carers about their children's wellbeing and
The service ranges across a wide range of subject matter,
from difficult topics about relationships and the internet
or body image and peer pressure to broader parenting
topics like ‘how much sleep do teenagers need?’
In line with CEOP’s Thinkuknow programme, some of
the content covers internet safety, but it all starts from the
assumption that young people make little distinction between their online and offline lives and the issues for parents are often the same. The aim is to help parents help
their children to be discriminating, web-literate and resilient.
We will also be hosting a Parents’ eSafety Information
evening on Wednesday 4th November at 6.30pm in the
main hall. This will be a short presentation on keeping
your children safe online followed by time for Q&A.
Fergal Moane
Assistant Headteacher
Winners of the Learning Quotes competition
I would like to congratulate the following winners of the
Learning Quote Competition:
Lottie Melvin - 7B - ‘My device makes work inside and
outside the classroom a lot easier. It helps me organise
my home learning and communicate with teachers outside of school via my school email. It also makes research easier.’
Samuel Ralph - 8K - ‘I am proud of Sandringham because we are a community devoted to learning and helping others learn.’
Taylor McCarthy - 8K - ‘I'm happy at Sandringham because no one is left out because we're part of a family.’
Jack Peacock – 9E - ‘English as it allows us to express
ourselves, our emotions and our ideas through words, a
medium through which we can divulge everything that
we are thinking about, and everything that we possibly
The winners have been awarded with a £10 gift token
and a PD commendation.
Thanks to all students who took part, selected quotes are
being put all around the school.
Richard Found
Deputy Headteacher
Be ahead of the game!
Check out Sam Learning:
The UK’s number 1 exam practice and revision site
that everyone’s talking about.
Supporting Young People’s Emotional
Wellbeing: An Information Evening - Thursday
15th October - 7.00pm
This evening will be delivered by professionals from the
Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust and they
will present information and practical suggestions based
on a psychological perspective of adolescence and the
developmental tasks and challenges that young people
can experience. Our aim is to facilitate a conversation
about young people’s emotional wellbeing that is supportive, non-judgemental, and practical - after all, we all
need to be able to tolerate and manage some difficult
feelings in order to learn and to work.
We know that increasing numbers of young people are
experiencing mental health difficulties - and that many
child and adolescent mental health services have decreasing capacity to meet this demand. This evening will provide information on how and when to ask for professional support, and where to turn for this support when it is
needed. Should you wish to attend this event, please
complete the reply slip on the letter sent via ParentMail
this week (also on the school website) or for further information please contact Amanda Johnson.
Amanda Johnson
Pastoral Manager
Year 13 ELD Oxbridge Day
This year’s Year 13 Oxbridge and
Medics candidates spent their first
ELD day this year working on their
application. Throughout the day, Mr
Baker, Miss Creaby and Mr Young
ran workshops for the students to
support them across all areas of their
applications. This included:
Entry exams
Personal statements
Colleges and courses
Students worked extremely diligently throughout the day
and made fantastic progress with their applications. Students are now finalising their applications and we have
extremely high hopes that a good number of candidates
will be successful with their application. If you would like
to find out more about applications to competitive universities please feel free to contact Mr Young at for further information.
Martin Young
Director of Learning: Business and Economics
Year 10 Dragons ELD Day
For Year 10 this year, their first ELD
day was focused on developing their
The German Exchange was a great success last week.
understanding of enterprise. SanThe twenty two German students spent the weekend with dringham warmly welcomed the
Sandringham students and their families doing a variety
CragRats team to deliver an engagof wonderful activities such as seeing Wicked, attending ing and active enterprise day, whererugby world cup matches, going climbing and to the cin- by students developed and showema to name but a few.
cased their communication, manageOn Monday, the German group had a day out in London ment and creative skills. The day
in glorious sunshine and visited the Tower of London
began with a briefing from the Craand the London Eye. In the evening, we had a pizza par- gRats team to all of Year 10. The
ty to say our farewells before the group left for Luton
brief: to design, promote and pitch a
Airport on Tuesday.
business idea to The Dragons for a
Watch out for letters for next year’s exchange if you are
chance to earn their investment in
in Years 8 and 9. The German group has already identi- return for a percentage stake in the
fied twenty students who wish to participate next time.
students’ company. Students
Anne Lyons worked hard in teams throughout the
Director of Learning: MFL day to generate ideas, solve problems and formulate a financially viable business idea. After students had
decided on their idea, created an advert and calculated their
financials, students pitched in semi-final heats to win a
place in the final to pitch to The Dragons. The grand finale
of the day culminated in four of the semi-final heat winners
pitching their business idea to four Dragons. The students
presented incredibly well and certainly made an enormous
impression on the Dragons. The winning idea of the day
was a digital property security lock, which worked using
fingerprint recognition. The pitch was fantastic and played
a ‘key’ role in the Dragon’s decision. Well done to all students involved and in particular the below students who
won awards from The Dragons on the day for demonstrating outstanding enterprise skills!
Eleanor Field
Fiona Snelling
German Exchange
Holly Reynolds
Ben Lowenthal
Chris Staples
Jessica Leigh
Egor Lastin
Ethan Sinfield
Sam Stewart
Martin Young
Director of Learning: Business and Economics
Fo$S News and Diary Dates
PE News
Tues 6th Oct Wed 7th Oct -
Yr 9 Football v Freman College (H)
Senior Girls Football v Grange School (H)
Yr 8 Netball v STAGS (A)
1st XV v Simon Balle (A)
1st XI v Nicholas Breakspear (A)
Yr 11 Football v St. Edmunds (H)
Yr 7 Netball v Beaumont (H)
Yr 11 Girls Football v Simon Balle (H)
Y9 Girls Football v Hertswood (H)
Yr 7-10 Football v Hemel Hempstead School
Family Cinema – Friday 30th
October, 10.30am
£3 (adult) and £2 (child)
FREE children’s drink with every
child’s ticket.
If you’re stuck for ideas during
Thurs 8 Oct half term, Fo$S will be bringing
Fri 9th Oct “The Dog Who Saved Halloween”
to the SandPit Theatre on Friday
30th October. Tickets on
sale NOW 01727 799565
A big congratulations to last year’s Yr 8 Girls football
Zeus and the Bannisters have moved into a new house,
team who were awarded as Secondary Team of the Year at just in time for Halloween! Everything seems to be going
the St. Albans Sports Awards. This is a great achievement well until they notice strange lights and sounds coming
and demonstrates all of their hard work last year. The
from their neighbour’s house. After the family get
school was also nominated and won a recognition award as trapped in the spooky house, only Zeus is left to save Hal‘School of the Year’ for all of the provision for sport and
Committee Meeting/AGM - Wednesday 11th NovemFootball v Sir John Lawes School
ber, 7.15pm - Staffroom
Well done to the boys who were involved in football on
Saturday v Sir John Lawes. The Yr 7s playing their first
Fo$S meetings are a great way of meeting other parents
game lost 3-0, the Yr 8s won 3-2, Yr 9s won 2-1 and the
of the school whilst having your say about where the
Yr 10s lost 3-0.
monies raised, through our fundraising events, are allocated within the school. Everyone is welcome, so please
The Yr 7 boys then played their County Cup 1st round
join us at our next committee meeting on Wednesday
game v Roundwood Park on Monday wining 3-2. Also on 11th November.
Monday, the Yr 7 and Yr 11 girls played Roundwood with
the Yr 11s winning and Yr 7s losing in close games.
Quiz Night - Friday 20th November, 7.30pm until late
On Tuesday, the Yr 11 girls played Barking Abbey School Put together a winning team, or join with others on the
in the National Cup beating them 5-1 to get into the 2nd
night, for a fun-packed evening including food and a well
round draw, with Maya Yapp scoring 3.
-stocked bar! Tickets will cost £10 (inc-food) or £5 (nonfood) and will go on sale via the SandPit Theatre soon.
For more news, fixtures and results don’t forget to follow
us @SandringhamPE on Twitter and at
Christmas Extravaganza - Saturday 5th December,
11am-3pm (FREE entry)
Andy Cracknell
Director of Learning: PE
01727 895929
Absence Email: (Available 24 hour s)
Please report A LL absences before 9:15am
on the first day of absence. This should be
followed up by a letter on return.
Rich Davis, Assistant Headteacher
Featuring new indoor Christmas Market Shopping Stalls,
Café serving hot chocolate and gingerbread men, mulled
wine and mince pies and lots, lots more …
Including fun zone activities for all ages; board game
challenges / bottle and chocolate tombolas / giant wooden
games / inflatables and entertainment / pottery painting /
prize draw raffle and lots, lots more …
Tracy Downing
Chair of Fo$S
Job Vacancies
Please see the school website
for further details of
our current vacancies:
SandPit News
The ‘Little Diggers’ Scheme
This Autumn, The SandPit Theatre is launching the
exciting ‘Little Diggers’ scheme; a programme of
entertainment for young children. The scheme begins
with two exciting new shows this October half term
and a film screening (details overleaf), providing an
exciting new way to engage children aged 3-7 with
the arts. Come and join us this October!
Sandringham’s Autumn term in the SandPit
House Arts Competition
Thursday 22nd October - 7pm
Adults £3 Concessions £2
Sandringham School are pleased to
present their House Arts Competition for its spectacular second year.
A celebration of drama, music and dance across all
year groups with the theme of Magic and Illusion, the
evening is sure to be a highlight of the house competition.
Autumn Concert
Monday 9th November - 7pm
Adults £5 Concessions £3
Sandringham School's Music Faculty perform a concert featuring
ensemble and instrumental groups,
all their choirs and of course the
famous jazz band and sinfonia orchestra. Come
along and enjoy this evening full of musical talent.
House Maths Competition
Tuesday 24th November
Each house takes on creative
numerical challenges to be
crowned the House Maths champions for 2015. Come and support
your house in a fun and popular
house event!
House Choreography
Monday 30th November 2015
Students battle with original dance
pieces for house points, and the
chance to perform in
Sandringham's annual dance
International Evening
Thursday 3rd December - 7pm
Adults £3 Concessions £2
Plays, songs and sketches performed
in French, Spanish and German by the
students of Sandringham School.
Come and celebrate language learning and international
global citizenship.
A2 Devised Drama Performance
Wednesday 9th December - 6pm
Suggested Donation £2
Using their given stimulus, A2 students create thought-provoking pieces
of theatre. Come and support our students as they showcase not only their
performing talents but their creative and unique concepts as well.
Rachael Peacock
Theatre Manager
Drama News
Annie – The Whole School Show
Our first rehearsal commenced with a sing through of the
show and it sounded fabulous! With family favourites
such as ‘A Hard Knock Life’, ‘Easy Street’ and
‘Tomorrow’, we are already in love with the music from
this show and can’t wait to hear more!!
Don’t forget to get in early for your tickets - these are
available from the SandPit Theatre Box office and from
the website.
Music Tour
Music tour letters have been handed out and the replies
have been coming in thick and fast! If you're hoping to
come on the trip this year, please bring in your reply slip
early to avoid disappointment at it is first come, first
For more up-to-date news and opportunities, follow us
Amy Stothard
Director of Learning: Music
Young Actors Company
What a smashing start to the year, with over 45 budding
actors attending the Young Actors Company. Our primary school tour will kick off at the end of November, and
the whole company are eagerly awaiting the announcement of the play…so…what will be it? #staytuned
Dance Clubs and Velocity 2016
ABRSM exams
Thank you to everyone who has returned their slips for
ABRSM exams. We will let you know once the exam
times have come through.
Follow the Dance Faculty on Twitter at
All dance clubs are back in full swing in preparation for
Velocity 2016, the annual dance showcase in February.
Tickets will be going on sale around October half term.
Please come along, even if you haven’t before, bring a
friend and if you have any questions please speak to Miss
Meeking or Miss Hebb in the Dance office. Please note
the new day of the boys dance club is now on a Tuesday
Extra-Curricular Drama
Just a reminder about the other exciting clubs we have
Tuxedo Dance Company (audition only) = 5.30-7.00
running in the Drama Faculty:
Boys Dance, Limitless = lunchtime 1.20-1.55
Wed - 1.25pm - Physical Theatre Club with Mrs Birkett
SYCD (audition only) = 5.00-6.30
Thurs - 1.25pm - The Biz
Thurs - 3.15pm - Centre Stage for Year 8 and 9
KS3 Dance, Striding Out = 3.15-4.15
Thurs - 3.15pm - Young Actors Club
Fri - 1.25pm - Coursework Clinic and Support
KS4+5 Dance = 3.15-4.15
TripleEdge Dance Company (KS3 only, audition only) =
And remember, you can run your very own club if you
like! Come along and chat to us in the Drama Office for 3.15-4.30
more information.
Young Performers (KS2) = 3.50-4.30
Company Auditions
House Performing Arts
Well done to all those that took part in one of the three
It’s not too late to get involved with House Performing
company auditions over the last two weeks. We were so
Arts. If you are/would like to be involved in the Drama
delighted to see many of you enjoying the auditions and
section of this fantastic event, or perhaps you need a bit
there were some extremely hard decisions to make. Conof inspiration, pop along and see your drama teacher for
gratulations go to the following students who are now
ideas and help!
either full members, apprentices or training with one of
Carly Griggs the three companies.
Director of Learning: Drama TripleEdge
Ellie Pitchforth
Erin Bridle
Grace Hill
Music News
Theo Kerr
The term is now in full swing with students busy prepar- Guy Strelling
ing their entries for House Arts and Last House Standing. Lily Hurp
Sophie Mair
If you want to be involved in any of these but are unsure
how to join in, speak to any of the staff in the Music Fac- Tuxedo
Daisy Charnock
Maiya Taffe
Congratulations to Charlie Woodhouse on his successful Leah Mukubvu
Sophie Mair
audition for Junior Guildhall. This is an amazing
achievement, well done!
Jasmine Yeo
Isabelle Aldridge
St Peter's Concert
Abi Carter-Downing
Soloists and small ensembles will be performing in St
Rose Upton-Creed
Peter's on October 14th as part of their lunchtime recital
Tessa Brockway
series so please do come and support.
Clare Meeking
Director of Learning: Dance