Children Today 2013 Annual Report


Children Today 2013 Annual Report
 2013 Annual Report Dear Friends, 2013 was a remarkable year for Children Today; one that resulted in exci ng changes for the organiza on. The biggest news was the purchase of our very own property which will consolidate our two Play House programs into one new, state of the art facility! Those close to Children Today know that owning our own space has been our biggest dream and lo iest ambi on. A er years of planning, our dream is finally coming true! Read more about our new Eco House later in this report. Another equally important change was the expansion of our scope of services beyond families experiencing homelessness to include those involved in the child welfare system. The fact is that children who have been homeless and those who have been abused or neglected share Masy Bunnell Board President similar responses to trauma. In many cases, they have been through both types of ordeals. This expansion allows us to partner with the Department of Child & Family Services to offer cri cal consistency for children who might otherwise be wholly uprooted from everything and everyone they know. And, because they share many of the same trauma c experiences, these children can benefit from the type of support and interven ons we provide. In the next few pages, you’ll learn more about a cornerstone of our service strategy, which is helping children learn to regulate their bodies and behavior when they are feeling anxious or overwhelmed. None of these big changes could have been possible without the ac ve involvement of our incredible supporters who came out in full force in 2013 to help Children Today move forward with these ambi ons plans. Thank you all! Because of you, we feel enveloped by and embedded in this dynamic and generous community. Because of you, we can offer the same type of care and support to the children and families we serve. Dora Jacildo Execu ve Director Who Do We Serve? The vast majority of the families we serve have extremely low incomes. In 2013, only four households earned higher than the federal poverty guideline, which ranges from $11,490 a year for a family of one, to $27,570 for a family of five. Once you’re done trying to fathom how a family of five earning $27,571 a year is not “poor”, picture trying to survive on less than half that income. That is the reality for most of our families. The diagram on the right plots the incomes of every household served in 35
2013. Those categorized as a family of 15
one were children who were placed in 5
foster care. Family of 1 $11,490
Family of 2 $15,510
Family of 3 $19,530
Family of 4 $23,550
0-50% of Poverty Line
51-75% of Poverty Line
76-100% of Poverty Line
101+% of Poverty Line
Family of 5 $27,570
Along with low income and other risk Single Mother
Dual Parent
Single Father
Foster Care
factors, family composi on can also be an indicator of whether households may need our services. Perhaps not surprisingly, single parents are the highest represented heads of household. This pie chart breaks down the percentage of families served by head of household. Nearly threequarters are led by single mothers. Family Support Children Today’s Play House programs are designed to meet the needs of children who have experienced significant trauma. With the capacity to care for 64 infants, toddlers, and preschoolers daily, we address the unique circumstances of each child to promote social and emoonal development, which is the basis of all learning. But beyond what one might find in quality, mainstream child development facili es, our programs are dis nguished by an added level of advocacy. We leverage rela onships with a comprehensive network of partners and supporters to ensure that families get the resources they need to move forward. 
Basic Needs. We provide families with food, clothing, shoes, diapers, and hygiene products to ensure they can u lize their own resources on housing and financial stability. When families are ready to move in to their own place, we coordinate dona ons of furniture and household goods to help them make their new house into a home. 
Early Interven ons. Many of the children we care for have developmental delays or behavioral challenges. Through regular assessments and careful observa on, teachers can help families decide when to seek services for these issues. Program partners provide in-depth assessments and referrals to ensure children with special needs get the help they need. 
Mental Health Services. We partner with Children's Ins tute Inc., whose therapists ensure that children and families who need them, receive weekly, onsite mental health services. 
Coordina on of Services. We work with a comprehensive network of homeless and social service providers to create a safety net for some of the most vulnerable families in Long Beach who have few, if any other means of support. Working Towards Self‐Regula on Self-regula on is the ability to control one’s impulses, manage powerful emo ons, and maintain focus and a en on. In young children, it is a principal developmental goal, as a wealth of research confirms that self-regulated children fare be er in school, having gained important skills like planning, problem-solving, focused a en on, and adaptability in different social contexts. In infancy and early childhood, children rely on parents and caregivers to regulate their bodies and emo ons. When these caregivers provide consistency and rou nes, and understand and respond to their cues, children learn that their needs will be met and that their environment is safe. As they grow, children progress from relying on an adult to regulate their behavior to doing so independently. But, it is the cri cal structure provided in the earliest years of childhood that underpins and in many ways predicts how well a child will learn to self-regulate. It is perhaps not surprising that many of the children enrolled in our Play House programs struggle with self-regula on, having experienced trauma and great unpredictability from a young age. Therefore, a fundamental component of our mission to care for these vulnerable children is to help them regulate when they are anxious, fearful, or when they have an unsa sfied need. Teachers use many strategies to help children regain and maintain control. They pay close a en on to cues, learning to respond to each child’s signals. They offer consistency and predictability, helping children learn what to expect from them day in and day out. They provide structure and set limits so that all children in the classroom can feel safe. They show empathy and warmth so that children feel welcomed and accepted. And, they create a developmentally appropriate classroom environment and curriculum; one that balances the needs and interests of children as individuals with the goals for a harmonious space for all. A recent approach we’ve undertaken has been to introduce some Montessori concepts into our curriculum. They include using Montessori materials, which are dis nguished by being beau fully cra ed, designed to teach a single skill or concept (like dressing frames that help toddlers learn to bu on or zip), and which are self-correc ng; that is, if a child is working on a puzzle, they’ll know if they have completed the puzzle correctly because all of the pieces will fit. These materials are displayed on open shelves and children can choose what they want to work on. Once a teacher demonstrates how they are used, children can take these materials to their own designated areas, which are outlined by a tray or rug, and they can work on mastering the concepts behind the materials at their own pace. When they are done, children are responsible for cleaning up their area, and returning the materials to the proper shelves. When everyone is engaged in this way, the classroom is quiet and the children are a en ve and absorbed. The implementa on of these Montessori concepts yields some obvious benefits. Children learn prac cal life skills, learning is self-paced and intrinsically mo vated, and respect for the classroom environment and materials is reinforced. The self-correc ng materials themselves offer a highly desired predictability and consistency. However, it is the less obvious benefits that we’re most interested in. That is, the me children devote to working alone enables those who spend most of their day living communally in shelters, nego a ng for everything from what to eat, to when to go to bed, to where they can play, to what they can play with, to have a peaceful me and space to themselves where there is no need or incen ve to share or nego ate with others. This protected me helps them learn to concentrate, develop a sense order and coordina on, and strengthens their ability to be successful independently. This also drama cally changes the tone of the classroom and allows children to be much more engaged when it is me for them to play and interact with each other. Eco House Ever since Children Today began offering services in 2000, we have dreamed of owning our own facility and building it into a beau ful and serene space; a specially designed haven to soothe and comfort the children and families we care for. In 2013, we took a giant leap towards fulfilling this dream when we closed escrow on a new building that will be the future site of all our opera ons. This new space is big enough to allow us to merge both of our Play House programs, and will eventually enable us to expand our service capacity. Now in the planning and pre-construc on stages, our new Eco House is slated to open in 2015. It will be a LEED cer fied building, earning that designa on by using environmentally responsible resources and prac ces in the design, construc on, opera on, and maintenance of the facility. Children Today has hired Studio One Eleven as lead architects for the project, with Howard CDM as project managers and Perkowitz + Ruth handling our LEED cer fica on. Eco House will be located at the site of the former Oakwood Academy at Long Beach Blvd. and Spring Street. We’ll be pu ng together a capital campaign and asking for your support as we finish the last leg of this 15-year journey, and finally make our dream come true. We’ve already benefi ed from the kindness of Supervisor Don Knabe and the LA County Community Development Commission who provided a grant to help us purchase the building, and Sonnocco Real Estate Group, who helped us close the deal, and then donated their commission. Of course, we could never have come this far without the unmatched generosity and vision of our anchor donor and project leader, Marsha Naify of the Marshall Founda on. When this building opens, it will be because she ushered it through from concep on to comple on. Thank you Marsha. Studio One Eleven’s rendering of the external facade of Eco House. Beau ful, don’t you think? Dona ons in 2013 To all the donors who contributed so generously in 2013, we extend our hear elt thanks. $100,000+ County of Los Angeles Community Development Commission The Eisner Founda on The Marshall Founda on $75,000 ‐ $99,999 The Windsong Trust $50,000 ‐ $74,999 Long Beach Community Ac on Partnership $25,000 ‐ $49,999 The Earl B. & Loraine H. Miller Founda on The Ralph M. Parsons Founda on Sonnocco Real Estate Group John & Kathy Wavell Wavell-Huber Wood Products $10,000 ‐ $24,999 The Cherese Mari Laulhere Founda on The Crail-Johnson Founda on The Dwight Stuart Youth Fund Free Conferencing Corpora on Insomniac The Josephine S. Gumbiner Founda on L.A. Restaurant Management TABC, Inc. The Union Pacific Founda on Variety - The Children's Charity $1,000 ‐ $2,499 Andy & Shannon Abdul-Wahab Ability Tri-Modal Aesthe c Laser Care $5,000 ‐ $9,999 The Bess J. Hodges Founda on Hudson Metal Corpora on The Bob & Nancy Foster Kaiser Permanente Charitable Founda on The Louis C. Mirabile Trust David & Rose Black Kathy Malaske-Samu Carolyn & Rod Carey The DeLong Family Charitable $2,500 ‐ $4,999 Fund Theresa Bixby Steven & Pilar Dobbs Bunnell Family Desmond D'Sa Alex & Nancy Cherin Damon Dunn Chun Family Tom & Carol Dutcher Commi ee of 300 ECHO of Northrop Grumman County of Los Angeles Board Lori & Tom Gish of Supervisors Marcio & Camila Goncalves Downtown Long Beach Associates HDR Engineering David & Su Erickson Hoy Family The Gores Group Tina Johnson Har-Bro Rena Jordan Insperity Services Legend's Sports Bar Interna onal City Bank Long Beach Rotary The John Porter Trust Bill & Carmen Lorbeer Bonnie Lowenthal Greg & Chris ne Lorenze Howard & Cynthia Mar n Alan Lowenthal for State Senate The Mildred & Marian Kiger Alan & Debbie Lowenthal Founda on Josh & Erika Lowenthal Margie & Jon Masterson Molina Healthcare, Inc. Kelly Noonan Millennium Mari me, Inc. Perkowitz & Ruth Architects Don & Linda Miller Port of Long Beach Molina Healthcare Susann Sullivan Marie Morales New York Life Giving Campaign Orange County's United Way Stan Pepek Pamela & Kenneth Petersen Rich Development Company Kurt Schneiter Sempra Employee Giving Network Senn Delaney Marie & Jean Suits Travis Taylor Debbie Vince Wells Fargo Founda on Westerly School $500 ‐ $999 Bill Allen Chimene & Robby Armstrong Dan & Noel Bacche Tom & Donna Benne BP America Taisha Brooks Browning Automo ve Group Julie Cabererid David Cherin Dianne Donaldson White Kerry & Jackson Driscoll Cherie D'Sa Tom & Debbie Fallon Ma hew Faulkner Diana & Jim Fisk Flo Design Studio Fourteen K Rhonda Gilyard Nancy Hendrickson Lars & Michelle Hertzog Invest in Others Charitable Founda on Henry Jordan Yasmin Kevyan Neil Kinney Joseph LaPine The Long Beach Community Founda on David & Rick McGlamery- McGilton Steven & Julie McMahon Bryan Meckleborg Behroz & Ferra Moatezedi Josephine Molina Moms Club of Lakewood Al Moro Naples Rib Co. Josh Nelson No More Poverty, Inc. Ma hew Ode e Oujaba Produc ons JoAnne Rich John & Sharon Riley Chris Rodenhizer Mike & Mary Ellen Roide Ken & Shelly Schofield Shelton Construc on Mary Sophiea Richard & Marty Sparkman Telejunc ons Mary Thoits Kelly & Jayne Tien Carole Tokudomi US Bank Tina & James Vince Anthony Wi er Jon & Michelle Worden Chris & Helen Yeung $250‐$499 All Yellow Taxi, Inc. Jan & Bob Arboit Jennifer Arrache Ryan & Karen Autrey Be er Home Exteriors Bixby Knolls Chris an Women's Fellowship Barbara Blackwell Carolyn Brinkman Johnna Anderson Bryant Paul & Dana Buchanan Michelle Byrnes CCSU Children's Obesity Fund Jude & Coreen Correa Gary & Dawna DeLong Brian Donaldson Steve & Lori Doty Ben Espi a Erik Fallis Sheri Feldman Jim Forsen Bruce Frost Frumkes Family Raymond Fujii Ida Garcia Vince Giuseffi Marilyn Grant David & Stacie Hancock John Hancock Tom & Lynn Hermstad Chris ne Houston Isthmus Corpora on Lance & Julie Jackson Eric & Staci Keller Kelley Roberts Enterprises, Inc. Megan Kerr Neil Kinney Knabe Family Rachel & Andrew Korkos Robyn Liskey Bruce MacRae Ken Miller David & Dina Moatezedi Gary & Brooke Moore Heather Morris Fritz & Jody Nakasuji Nicholas & Laura Neuhausel Miles Nevin Noelle & Keith Polmanteer Kris n & Mark Powers Fari & Natalie Rezai Robert Rice Allison Riley Ripoll Family John Rydell Timothy Sailor Raquel Sanchez Marisa & James Semense Simmons Family Jean Bixby Smith John Soukup Susan & Vernon Southerland Elizabeth Steen Stremicks Heritage Foods Jeff & Megan Tagliaferri Ryan & Kendra Temple Sean & Kelley Tenney Jason & Janice Toppen Becky & Paul Tyo Barry & Erin Vince Ive e & Larry Walker Janet & Larry Wa John Wells John & Mary Ann Woodward Yellin Family Eric S. Yuan $1 ‐ $249 Lawrence Abend Adelino Acosta Adams Family Kat Adibi Robert & Sigrid Adler Vianka Adupe Amy Ahearn Camille Ahuero Rob Aitro Akers Family Mark & Jackie Alamo Greg Alexander Dennis Alimena Kristen Allmeyer Allstate Sheila Amaral Paul Amoah Laurie Anastasio Clay Anderson Minor & Linda Anderson Ashly Angle James Ansite Holli Applegate Alycia Araya Ed Arboit Steven Arce Argomaniz Family Harlan & Susan Arita Merri & Randy Armstrong Steve and Marcia Armstrong Jamie & Stacey Ashley Ashworth Family Juana Aviles Olubunmi Awowole Jane Ayres Geoff & Brandi Babb Nicole Baca Larry Bakerjian Bakker Family Robert Ballin Melody Bandley Paula Banks Marisol Barajas Yasaman Barfatani Mark Barron Rachel Barron Beach Classic Hat Alyxzander Bear Megan Beare Susan Bell Robin & Dan Bellamy Stephen Bello Belmont Athle c Club Rachel Bender Rebeka Benne Aldo Beppu Michael Bergkvist Laurie & Rob Berry Dawn Berube Amanda & Eddie Be encourt Robert & Donna Be s Andrew Bishop Kim Bishop Bre Bixby Grant & Heidi Bixby Ron Black Lee Bladow Janyce Blair Blanco Family Crystal Blaylock Bloeser Family Carl & Kelsey Blum Dorian Bolick Teresa Bolton Christopher Bonney Ben Borton Bourbeau Family Lena Boxton BP Founda on Melissa Bradley Sean Braithwaite Denise Brandenburg Evan Anderson Braude Kayce Brawley Brief Family Bill Brightenburg Aida Broadhurst Linda Brown Browning Family Hugh & Debby Bruck Brunner Family Trent Bryson Todd M. Buchner Paul & Tracy Buckley Erik Bueno Damon Buerhaus Alberto Builles William Buke Ann Burke Tom Burns Insurance Services Jeanne e & Dan Cake Kalani Caldwell Angel Camacho Grace Cameron Tim & Jennifer Cameron Kathryn Campbell Kaycea Campbell Vladimir Campos Rachel Canlas Cantrell Family Chris Capre Elba Carrillo Sharde Carrington Ryan & Natalie Carroll Cars 4 Causes John Cascell Kim Caskey Mirella Castaneda Mark Cawel Cerritos College Child Development Club Tom Chambers Natalie Chan Chang Ohana Mari Chang Suny Lay Chang Eric & Joanie Chapman Kwang Chen Angelica Chiang Marvin Chiang Megan Chiorello Mary & Randy Cilva Circle of Atonement Claridy Clan Margaret Clark Heather Cleckler Gib Coates Jane Cobb Bill & Linda Coben Mary Coburn Larissa Coe Crystal Collier Teri Collins Ca a Confor ni David & Susan Cooper Vincent Cortes Jonathan & Irene Cortez John Costa Jeffrey Cozart Kenneeth Craig Jeff Ctvrtlik Jeanne e Culbertson CustomInk, LLC Lisa Dang Kimberly Daniels Howard Daschbach Blaine Davis Todd & Brooke Davis De La Cruz Family Julie Dean Kayte Deioma Alejandro Delgadillo Elvia Delgadillo Dene Family Rob Dennis Derrick Family Mary Dessert Sean Deveraux Ze Di Billia Diaz Michelle Diaz Dale Dillon Michael DiMarzo Paul Diniakos Melana diPiazza Sco & Kendra Dixon Belen Dizon Melissa D'Morias Nina Dooley Arlene Dorius Laura Doud John & Jan Doyle Angela Driscoll Lynne & Mike Driscoll Chris & Josie Drury Rich & Kristen D'Sa Tedi D'Sa Richard Dudash Cheryl Dufault Nash Duggins Dvonch Family Jana Echevarria Misty Eckert-Spriggs Lisa & Sean Ellison James Emslie Harvey Englander Hiroko Erickson Albert Espinoza ETA Adver sing Suzanne E er Craig & Susan Evanco Mark & Maria Evans Everson Family Dan & Stephanie Farano Faris Family Kambiz Farnaam Norman Fassler-Katz Fidelity Hearing Center Erin Field Fierro Family James Fikes Fillipow Family Charles Finkel Gerry & Kathy Fishkin Kathleen Fitzgerald Flores Family Jason Foa Charles Foley Forman Family Jeff Forney Cameron Forrester-Wood Liston Foster Erin & Russ Fox Adriene Fox Chris & Kris ne Frapwell Marilyn & Larry Frapwell Suzanne Fraser Deanna Freed Mary Lee Freeman Rich Freiert David & Ellen Friedman Colin Frost Ann Fry Fusco Family G3 Crea ve, Inc. Jennifer Gachui Gallagher Family Sabha Ganai Robert Garcia Joen Garnica Rita Ga o Geenen-Dubey Family Paul & Patricia Geenen Geer Family January Geisert Judy Gesicki Jason & Niki Gewirtz Don & Donna Gibbs Tom Gibson Martha Gibson Robbie Gillbreath Edward Gilman Rita Ginns Mary Jo Ginty Giurgiu Family Johnathan Glasgow Deb Gluskin Sheila Go Linda Kay Goddard Joe & Theresa Godsil Mark & Jennifer Golison Whitney Gomes Megan Gomez Teresa Gomez Vince & Tracey Gomez Xavier Gonzales Laura Gonzalez Michael Gonzalez Gayle Goodrich Ryan & Kelly Gordon Erik Graham Todd Graham Jessica Granoff Katalin Grant Amy Grat Dion Gray Jeff Green Shannon Green Jean & Jerry Green Malcolm Greene Sarah Grimstead Gaily & Marty Grossman Grunburg Family Denise Guesno Peter Guillen Debbie Gu errez Jill Gu errez Jane Haass Habers Family Andrew Haggerty Kileigh Hahn Louis & Diana Halper Hamilton Pacific Hammond Family Pauline Hanna Ma hew Hanson Michael & Deborah Harding Misty Harper James Hart Sco Harstein Wendy & Mike Harvey Dus n & Connie Harwell Debbie Hathaway Vince Havel Mick Haven White Family Hayes Family John & Lynn Heard The Heard Family Kathleen Heffer Jack & Ellie Hennessee Rebecca Hernandez John & Maria Hilton Doug & Freda O o Renee Hirsch Aidan Hobbs Robert Hodge Alexander Hoggan Jeff Holoubek Hether Holter Doug & Anne Honey Honey Family Brad Hooper Ryan & Summer Hoover Hory Family Howard Family Derrick Hsu Charles Huang Dora Huerta Simona Humphries Dave & Nancy Huston Marilynn Hu Bruno Ibanez IE Soles David Ingalsbe Brian Irvin Kayleen Ishigaki Wayne & Kim Ishimine Barry Israel Susan Jacobs Diane Jacobus J.C. Financial Planning & Invesments Jeff & Roberta Jeanne e Robert Jeanne e Thomas Jelenic Mike & Diane Jensen Ana & Pedro Jimenez Jeffrey Johnson Rusty Johnsrud Shannon & Larry Johnston Darian Jones Andy & Elizabeth Jones Doug & Beth Jones Robin Jones Gwen Jordan Jordan Family Fred Johring JP Morgan Chase Kian Kaeni Kaiser Family Stephanie Kaufman Kawamura Family Lee Kecik Kristen & Tom Keller Nancy Kellison Eric Kempke Sean Kennally Sylvia Kerns Michael Kerry Jamshed Khan Kiepke Family T.K. Kimura Kevin & Tracy King King Family Lote Kinney Neil Kinney Susan & Ma Kirk Stephanie Kirsch Hythum Kiswani Kelli & Stephen Odom Peter Knapp Koenig Family Ernie Kohagura Jeff Kornmann Beata Kozak Myra Kremen Terry Krieger Pat Honey & Ken Krueger Terrence Krueger Joey Kulkin Chris Kyaw John Lacey Stephen Lacy Pete & Traci Lagasse Elizabeth Lambert Olgalucia Landeros Ashley Landers Melissa Lane Hal & Sally Lane James Lang Vic La Rosa Larsen Family Rick & Debby Larsen Mark & Leigh La mer Whitney La mer Law Offices of John Lee Yana Lazarus Trung & Mylam Le Hung Le Juanita Lee Gail LeGros Elzbieta Leitner Michael Lester & Marissa Pinching David Leta Lewis Family Jocelyn Lewis Michael Lewis Zhihua Li Liberty Co. Branch of NAACP Chris and Natasha Liebeck Amy Lin Ed Lin & Chris ne Wang Jim & Nancy Linden Lingle Family Monika Lingle James & Kathrine Lingle Mike LLewellyn Diane Logan Long Beach Blast Joanne Longo Ron & Bunny Lopez Stacie & Brooklyn Lopez Lisset Lopez Teckla Lowedermilk Danny Lowenthal Clem Luczon Mary Jo Luithle Mindy & John Lyons Amanda Macy Penny Madden Paul Magana Victor & Suemy Magana Philip & Janice Maidel Chris & Lisa Mais Edward Manfre TIm Mann Sarah & Ron Mann Mar n Manzano Alma Marcial Mike Marino Alice Markle Nella Marov Maria Elena Marquez Leah Marsh Doug & Toni Mar n Jimmy Mar n Erin Mar n Lorraine Mar nez Kathy Massenet Robert Massman Sierra Ma hews Felix & Pat Mazzocco Mike & Gina Mazzocco Pamela Mazzocco William Mazzocco Kevin McCarthy Susan McCarthy Samantha McCarthy-Lurie Todd McCarty Hayden McComas Jeff McConnell Pat & Heidi McConnell McCullough Family Mitzi McDougall Cathie McGinnis Charlie & Pilar Mc Grail Lisa Tran McKee Holly McLeod Kelly McLeod Jon McMullen Mathew Medoza Amanda Meek Lani Merlina Cynthia Metzger Meyer Family Lilli & Michael Johnson Stephen Michels John Mikhael Miller Family Kristen Miller Carolyn Misajon Waleed Mohammad Nicole Monk Michelle Montano Cheryl Montuya Jackie Mooneyham Sco & Pa y Moore Mauricio Mora Ka e Morris Elaine & Doug Morris Gregory Morse Jayne Morse RaeAnn Mosley Moustafa Family Terri Mullin Renee Mundon Aubrie Munson New Metropolitan Faith Mark Murrin Sheila Murrin Kimberly Mynar E.D. Luce Packaging Lyle Nalli Michele Nanna Ambuj & Shama Nayar Karen Nelms Nelson Family Brandy Nemergut Jane Netherton Ian Nevarez Becky Nevin Mimi Newton Andy Nickerson Daisy Nishino Greg Nordbak Michael & Vicki Oates Shawn Oatey Alex Oberjuerge Pa Oblath Eugene & Luzdivina Ocampo O'Connor Family Megan O'Connor Clara & Richard Ofield Kathy & Wade Okada Tamaki & Taka Andrey Okunev Cynthia Olaya Raymond Olsen Sarah Olsen Adam & Lisa Omel Beverly O'Neil Kim Onisko John Ortega Edgar Or z Andrew Osler Michelle O'Toole O Family M.J. O o Ouyang Family John & Teresa Pabigian Mike & Nancy Page Pai Family Crystal Parker John Parkin Annalisa Parra Pa ent & Family Care Partners Landon Pa erson Linda & Jerry Pa on Sandi Peck Corey Pendleton Edgar Perez David Perram Laurie Petersen Mark & Kathleen Phair Huu Phan Tom Phenix & Armen Aharonian Alex Phillips Michael Phipps Norma Pierson Pilates Joe David Pleiss Ellen & Chris Pook Jorge Por llo John & Chris Posen Po s Family Preceptor Beta Beta Linda Priest Prince Family John Prosser Elizabeth Proven Chris an Radu Laurie Rael Shaila Saint Jennifer Rainey Praveen Ramanathan Lisa Ramelow Mary Rameson Patricia Ramirez Pat Randolph D. & R. Rawlings Kris Kahl & Michael Ray Michael Recupero Gerald Reed Reynolds Family John Rich Steve Richardson David Rima Elisa Rios Diane Ripley Jessica Ripoll Diana Risco Scarle Riske Ri er Family Elayna Roberts Elia Rocha Lilia Rocha Melissa & Sagi Rochman Chris Rodriguez Maria Rodriguez Marjorie Rodriguez Michele Roeder Don & Cindi Rogan Erica Rogan Chris ana Rojas Brina Romero Cathy Rooney Eric Rose Celeste & Eugene Rothstein John Royce & Kent Lockart Amy Royle Julie Ruhlin Margaret Rumsfeld Jimmy Rushing Laura & Glenn Russell Kevin Russell Kevin & Alicia Ryan Dave Ryan Vanessa Salazar Kevin Salter Regina Salvucci Sander Family Clay Sandidge Mitch Sandlin Reggie Santos Nicole Sardo Patricia Sargeant Sheldon Sarmiento Michele Sartell Sharon Schlesinger Schlom Family Tami Schroeder A.J. Schulte Ellen Schwartz Henry Scoble Jamie Scotland Bonnie Sco Scully Family Tyler & Ava Seedorf Sees Family Jus ne Segovia Hillari & Devin Selby Julia & Chad Smith Jeremy Selga Marlene Semense Tom & Margaret Senske Jeane e Shapen Jeremy Shapiro Josh Shaub Lisa Shaw Sheldon Family Shannon Shima Jennifer Short Richard Simmons Joan Sivalon Breanna Skarbo Stacey Slevcove Ma & Sharon Sloan Anne & Ma Smith Dennis & Leslie Smith Smith Family Randy Smith Tammy Smith Randy & Alicia Snow Snyder Family Ralph & Beverly Spicer Sudeep Srivastava Dukesherer-Stanley Family Mike & Tracy Stark Susan Steel Dennis Steen Steffen Family Carmen Steinbrenner Nicole Stephan Richie Stephens Tiasha Stevenson Greg Stewart Tom Stout Nora Straight Mayra Suarez Katherine Sue Jim & Vicky Sullos Super Family Pete & Natalie Sverkos Stephanie Sweeny Connie Sziebl Sohrob Taheri Chris ne Tavis Sabria Tejani Nasir Tejani Niki Tennant Thompson Family Violet Thompson Do Tien Aurora Timbol Anna Titus Nereyda Tojin Fabiola Torres Gary Townsend Trachy Family Transue Family Rick & Sarah Trice Tula Trigonis Evgeny Tsypnyatov Tim Tubman Leslie Turpin Deborah Calistro-Tussing Gena Tyldsley Tyler Management, Inc. Ken Unger United Way of San Diego County Dominic Urbano Lisa Valaika Iraiz Valdivia Sarah Van Der Burch Greg Van Dyke Mike & Liza Van Dyke Sandy VandenBerge Amy Vanderpool Ana B. Varela Mauro Varela Mary Kathryn Vaughn Sheri Vevanco Marisela Villalobos Abbey Vince Andrew & Julie Vince Barbara Wagner Mark Wagoner John & Sue Walker Brandon Wallace Mike Wallace Jan & Brian Walsh Shelly Walshe Walter Family Russell & Diana Walters Devon Walton Brad Ward Michael Ward Russell Warnick Gail Wasil Kim & Jeff Wa en Kevin Wa er Jane Weblemoe Andrew Weiss Kevin Welsh Eva Wells Mary Wells Ma Wells Tim Wells Stefanie Wheeler Whelan Family Jamie White Sean White Michele Willberg Al & Kim Williams Kelly Williams Jeff Williams Jim Williamson Greg Wiltrout Jeff & Tina Winterburn Chris na Wi er Pat Wong Jessica Wood Beth Wood Yates Family Danie Yeh Tabitha Yim Anne Yoon Susie Young Kimberly Young Jennifer Zahgkuni John Zahn Monica Zavala Bill & Barbara Zeckhausen Liliya Zherebnenko Tracey Zinberg Robert Zwolak Major In‐Kind Supporters Coca-Cola Refreshments g3 Crea ve Gelson’s Hubert’s Lemonade Layer Cake Wines Long Beach City College Long Beach Conven on & Visitor’s Bureau Pacific Wine & Spirits Pilates X RGS Prin ng RMD Group Savor SMG Spaghe ni Taylor’s Cigar Lounge Tribe Zico Children Today has made every effort to include all donors who contributed in 2013. We apologize if your name was omi ed or misspelled. We will con nue to be as thorough as possible. 2013 Financial Informa on FY ending December 31 Statement of Ac vi es Statement of Financial Posi on Support & Revenue Assets Government grants $ 422,849 Current Assets Noncurrent Liabili es Contribu ons 778,498 Cash & cash equivalents Change in valua on of pledges receivable 555,486 Accounts receivable 145,771 Pledges receivable 182,490 Net Assets 1,032,508 Unrestricted Special events $ 704,247 Note payable, net of current por on Less: cost of direct benefit to donors (92,968) Total Current Assets Net special events 206,922 Interest 514 Change in value of beneficial interest 8,515 Net assets released from restric ons - Total Support & Revenue 1,972,784 Board designated for endowment Property & Equipment 1,588,288 Board designated for Eco House 731,770 35,000 22,276 Undesignated 1,591,607 Other Assets 1,648,883 Beneficial interest in assets held by others 57,758 Temporarily restricted 230,311 Total Assets Expenses Total Liabili es & Net Assets Liabili es & Net Assets Current Liabili es 151,911 Accounts payable $ 12,029 94,558 Accrued liabili es 33,968 1,056,054 Deferred revenue 6,160 Program services Suppor ng services Management & general Fundraising Total Expenses 809,585 $ 2,678,554 Total Net Assets 1,879,194 $ 2,678,554 Change in Net Assets 916,730 Note payable, current por on 15,433 Beginning Net Assets 962,464 Total Current Liabili es 67,590 Ending Net Assets $ 1,879,194 Children Today is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organiza on. The financial informa on listed here is taken from audited financial statements. Copies of audited statements are available upon request. Children Today Staff Administra on Play House West Dora Jacildo Marisela Villalobos Execu ve Director Program Director Elia Rocha Laura Gonzalez Grants & Contracts Manager Floater Sarah Read Cheryl Ichikawa‐Kaya Accountant Toddler Teacher Rachel Moore Play House North Preschool Teacher Gina Guffy Annastacia Pa on Program Director Infant Teacher Jan Vianka Adupe Zoraida Quinto Toddler Teacher Cook Amalia Campagna Laura Reyna Preschool Teacher Lead Teacher Melissa Jansen Rachel Solis Toddler Teacher Infant Teacher Alexis Vazquez Melissa Walz Lead Teacher Toddler Teacher Staff at Holiday Cheer Teacher Melissa and friends Board of Directors & Advisors Masy Bunnell—President Josh Lowenthal Total Network Solu ons Free Conferencing Corp. Alex Cherin—Vice President Phillip Mazzocco Englander, Knabe & Allen Sonnocco Investments Chris ne Lorenze —Vice President Michael Miller Senn-Delaney Interna onal City Bank Marisa Semense—Secretary Heather Morris L.B. Community Ac on Partnership Communica ons Consultant Michael Chun—Treasurer Marsha Naify Cer fied Public Accountant The Marshall Founda on Chimene Armstrong Miles Nevin Community Liaison Cal. State Student Associa on Nancy Cherin Westerly School Advisors Jude Correa Gary DeLong TABC, Toyota RTP Group Erin Earlywine‐Vince Mike DuRee Tryfit Long Beach Fire Department Ma Knabe Robert Garcia Englander, Knabe & Allen Mayor, Long Beach Bonnie Lowenthal Cory Kristoff Cal. State Assembly, 70th District The Swig Company 5th Annual Run/Walk 16th Annual Holiday Cheer Children Today’s Board of Directors host two major fundraisers every year, which account for a significant por on of the agency’s opera ng budget. 2013 was par cularly successful for both our Run/Walk and Holiday Cheer events. Children Today Non‐profit ID: #95‐4635295 PO Box 16004 Our Mission Long Beach, CA 90806 The mission of Children Today is to foster long-term stability and success in children and families who are facing homelessness or who are involved in the child welfare system. We do this by providing trauma-informed child development and family support services. P: (562) 432-1224 F: (562) 984-1242 E: Play House North Our Vision 1900 East South Street Our vision is that all children under age six, who have experienced homelessness or abuse and neglect, will have a safe, nurturing place to spend their days playing, learning and growing, while their parents take steps toward stability. Long Beach, CA 90805 P: (562) 423-2018 Play House West 525 East 7th Street Long Beach, CA 90813 P: (562) 951-1992 To learn more, visit our website: