FAAP Newsletter - Filipino American Association of Pittsburgh, Inc.


FAAP Newsletter - Filipino American Association of Pittsburgh, Inc.
The official newsletter of the Filipino American Association of Pittsburgh, Inc. (FAAP)
From the President’s Desk >>>
Dear fellow FAAP members, supporters and friends,
I am delighted to
see 2016 off to a good
start with variety of
programs and enriching
activities for members
and non-members alike.
In the first half of the
year, we have already
accomplished a lot: Cultural Committee’s
newly established dance troupe structure
and production process have been proven
successful through six amazing productions;
we have purchased new costumes from the
Philippines to add to this school year’s
repertoire; the Education Committee, along
with the Federal Executive Board of
Pittsburgh, awarded three FilipinoAmericans Outstanding Asian American
Student Awards in the greater Pittsburgh;
the Charity Committee visited our partner
organization in the Philippines, Mary Queen
of Peace an orphanage in Naga City and Ang
Komunidad, to monitor the Haiyan
rebuilding project in Leyte; local volunteers
participated in “Greening Day,” in
partnership with the Western Pennsylvania
Conservancy; the Membership Committee
held the “Freedom Concert”; and the
Youth Committee enlarged its reached
thru several fun-filled activities. We are
planning even more activities and
fundraisers for the rest of the year.
Additionally, Pittsburgh’s FilipinoAmerican community has reached two
important milestones: the successful
kickoff of PNR Task Force’s Fund Raising
campaign for the Philippine Nationality
Room, and the completion of the
Philippine Center Feasibility Study.
The above accomplishments would
not have been possible without the
commitment, dedication, cooperation and
leadership of the committee chairs,
volunteers and the officers.
As President, I would like the
leadership to focus on addressing
membership needs, volunteer
engagement, board development, seeking
grants for the Haiyan Rebuilding Program,
supporting the efforts of the PNR Task
Force, and the searching for prospective
Philippine Center.
The greatest value one receives from
membership with the FAAP is intrinsic.
There are numerous opportunities within
the organization to get involved and learn
more about our heritage. I encourage you
to share your skills, talents and energy. Get
to know our different committees. Reach
out to our board members and officers and
find out how you can get involved. We
could use your help with the McKeesport's
International Village, the Pittsburgh Folk
Festival, and the Christmas Party.
I would like to thank our executive
officers, the board of directors, and our
committee members and volunteers for
sharing their time, talent and energy in
making all of our events a success. I would
also like to thank all our donors and
supporters for your generosity and for
believing in us and what we do.
In closing, I would like to encourage
you to take the initiative to learn more
about our heritage, and to be involved as
we continue to strengthen Pittsburgh’s
vibrant Filipino community.
I look forward to seeing you at the
Annual Picnic and General Assembly on
July 24 at Schenley Park.
Becky Quemado
A Musical Celebration of the 118th
anniversary of Philippine Independence
This past June 12, 2016 marked the
Philippines’ 118th year of Independence
from the colonial rule of Spain. It was
only fitting that the University of the
Philippines Concert Chorus (UPCC),
as well as renowned Philippine
comedienne, Ms. Nanette Inventor,
celebrated its Freedom through two
things Filipinos love to do: sing and
As the UPCC opened their
performance with the Philippine
National Anthem followed by the
American National Anthem, one could
immediately feel the electricity in the
air. The Synod Hall in Pittsburgh, with
its impeccable acoustics, amplified the
by Anna Mamuric-Glinoga
perfectly pitched voices of the
performers that not only filled all
Filipinos with pride, and sometimes
sentimentality in hearing their beloved
Filipino songs, but elated all other
audiences present. It was truly a
musical night to remember!
But don’t forget Ms. Nanette Inventor!
Known for her performance in the 80’s
as the favorite Doña Buding on
Penthouse Live!, Ms. Inventor tickled
every funny bone with her well known
quick wit and, sometimes, irreverent
sense of humor. She impressively
delivered all of her “You know that you
are a Filipino if…” jokes in English
without losing the Filipino comicality.
Moreover, she continued to amaze the
audience with her wonderful vocal
skills. Did you know that she once was
a member of the UPCC?
As the curtain closed with the song,
“Bayan Ko”, one could not help but
feel proud of being called a Pinoy. We
thank all members of the UPCC and
Ms. Inventor for a breathtaking
performance, and we look forward to
more performances in Pittsburgh by
more Filipino artists.
Mabuhay ang Pilipinas !
Organizing the Concert: Perspectives
by Malou Harper
The planning and execution of the
concert involved a lot of problem
solving, hard work, coordination, and
cooperation among committee
members. We had our share of ups and
downs, yet the end result well
exceeded our expectations. What
underlies the success?
In going about our business, you
wouldn't hear "That's not my
responsibility," but instead "Okay, I'll
take care of that." There are times when
someone stepped up and did the work
without being told. If one person was
assigned a task, others offered helpful
advice. Whenever a last minute
problem had surfaced, someone
jumped in to fulfill what needed to be
done: provide essential audio
equipment, finalize the program book,
get flowers and arrange them into
beautiful bouquets for the performers,
sweep the auditorium floor, clean the
restrooms, or buy and replace the
stage light bulbs that
burned out an hour
before curtain call. The
board members
worked hard to bolster
ticket sales and
audience attendance, and pitched in to
provide meals to the performers.
It didn't matter that a task was
inadvertently missed in the early
planning stage, the venue provider
came up short of expectations, or
countless little issues came up
unexpectedly. The willingness of our
members to give time, talent, and
treasure far outweigh all shortcomings.
After the event, an observant member
remarked, “That was Bayanihan spirit
at its best - no fault-finding, no creditgrabbing. Just team effort, plain and
simple.” Indeed, whenever we exercise
the Bayanihan trait inherent in our
Filipino blood, we are empowered and,
thus, ensure the success of our
Bayanihan spirit at its best
Success is evident from the
performers’ viewpoint as well. Our
hosts and volunteers have seen and
felt how very pleased our guests were
with the beauty of our city, with the
warm and welcoming hospitality they
were accorded (I would like to think
that Ms. Inventor had taken notes to
add to her future scripts to
demonstrate the Pittsburgh brand of
Filipino hospitality), and with how well
their performance was received. In
fact, several FAAP members have
already asked the guests to return for
another performance and the latter
are so excited to do so.
Thank you fellow committee members
for a job well done!
Cultural • Evelyn Abola
March 26, 2016: The Filipino
Students Association (FSA) of
the University of Pittsburgh held
its annual Barrio Fiesta,
featuring our dance troupe (DT)
and some FSA members
performing several Filipino folk
dances. A fashion show, highlighting
different Filipino costumes, included
our very young tots in Ifugao costumes
to the delight of the audience • April
22: At the annual Art All Night in
Lawrenceville, the DT performance of
Subli, La Jota Moncadeña, Dinagyang
and Tinikling drew raves from the
crowd • May 21: The performances at
Kennywood’s Asian American Day
went on despite the rain, under a roof
instead of on an open stage • May 28:
The DT drove to Weirton, WV to
perform at the despedida (farewell)
party for Fr. Manny Gelido • June 12:
In celebration of the Philippine
Independence Day, the DT performed
at a mini-concert in Greensburg, PA
featuring the University of the
Philippines Concert Chorus (UPCC)
and Ms. Nanette Inventor. The main
concert was held the day before in
Pittsburgh. See page 2 • July 9: The
FAAP marched just behind NFL
legend, Franco Harris, down Liberty
Ave. in downtown Pittsburgh in
celebration of Pittsburgh's 200th
birthday. Later on, our Dinagyang
dancers performed at Market Square.
We invite and encourage everyone to be
part of our dance troupe, learn our native
dances, and appreciate the values of our
culture in dance form.
We also invite everyone to monthly pot
luck gatherings on designated Sunday
DT practice dates. Come enjoy the food,
exchange pleasantries, watch the
progress of our dancers, enjoy being
among Filipinos, feed your nostalgia and
feel like you are back home. Come as
early as 2pm or arrive closer to 5pm
when we start the dinner. Dates: Aug 7,
Sep 18, Oct 9, and Nov 20.
Education • Beth Villegas
Congratulations to Emma Rosela
Balaan (Highest Honor), Calvin
Chmura (1st Honor) and Devon
Dewey Garcia (2nd Honor, not on
photo) for being the recipients of
Outstanding Asian American
Student of the Year Award!
Upcoming DT Performances
July 24: FAAP’ Annual Picnic
August 16-18: McKeesport ’s
International Village
Sept 3 to 4: Pittsburgh Folk Festival
Sept 11: FAAP Fall Classic
Sept 18: International Day of Peace
Nov 5: FAAP Induction Ball
Dec 17: FAAP Christmas Party
Simplicio Maramba Scholarship
Award. The FAAP honors each year
outstanding senior high school students who are active members of the
association. The FAAP considers for
this award students who advance
recognition of the Filipino people
through excellent academic achievements, outstanding extra-curricular
activities and participation in various
programs of the FAAP. Deadline for
the application is September 20, 2016.
The awards will be presented at the
60th Induction Ball. To apply, go to
The award is sponsored by the Asian
American Heritage Committee (AAHC)
of the Federal Executive Board of
Pittsburgh. The FAAP's Education
Committee Chair is the designated
official representative of the FilipinoAmerican community to the AAHC.
Charity • Cora Bakth
Special ‘Thank You’ to everyone who
braved the rain on May 14th to help
plant and beautify Western PA
Conservancy Garden at the corner of
Beechwood Blvd. and Hazelwood Ave.
in Squirrel Hill. • The updated Charity
Program Operational Framework has
been approved by the board on April 9.
To view the framework, please go to
Tambayan.FAAP/files • Don’t miss the
summary report on FAAP activities in
response to Typhoon Haiyan on page
8. Thanks to Jun and Cynthia Calejesan
for the report and for visiting our
program beneficiaries and coordinating
with our partner organization in the
Philippines • The Charity Committee
and the YFAP are seeking volunteers to
pack and restock items at the Squirrel
Hill Community Food Bank on August
7 at 9 to 10:30 am. Kids 7 years old and
above can come with parents or
A Year in Review
by Alisa Quemado
YFAP President 2015-2016
When I took the position
of the YFAP president, it
was my goal to forge
relationships between
young Filipinos and their
families, and reach out to
unfamiliar faces of all
cultural backgrounds. To
do so, I devised a plan to hold YFAP
events more frequently than in the
past. It was my hope that seeing each
other more often would allow our
youth to get to know one another
better, form stronger relationships,
and bond over Filipino culture. Over
the course of the past year, the YFAP
was able to successfully organize
several events and, ultimately, achieve
what I set out to do last summer.
At the beginning of the school year, I
brought my team together to discuss
our game plan. At the table was Leryll
Arboleda, Geli Stefan, Gabrielle
Young, and our advisor, Junriz Delos
Santos. We brainstormed ideas about
possible events, fundraising,
and even volunteer
opportunities. While we had
many great thoughts, only some
came to pass. The very first was
revamping the YFAP Facebook
page, through which we
updated pictures and extended
our reach. Looking back, this step to
broaden our contacts was likely the
best thing we could have done to invite
others into our community.
Through Facebook, the YFAP posted
information concerning its bake sale at
the FAAP Fall Classic and Christmas
Party, an outing to Simmons Farm,
Christmas caroling, the Valentine’s
Day party, ice skating, a day at the
Pittsburgh Zoo, and a Pirates game
and tailgate party. Although adversity
presented itself by means of the
weather (at almost every event), we
never let it get in the way of our
fundraising, enjoyment, and
merrymaking. Sure the PPG ice rink
variety of foods, and danced the night
away, with or without their valentine.
February 13, 2016 was a perfect night for a
Snow Ball as an unforeseen blanket of
snow covered the streets of Pittsburgh.
When the clock struck 6 o’clock, the Union
Project was transformed into a glittery
white and blue wonderland: a dance floor
laid awaiting, tables, chairs and balloons
were placed accordingly, and focal lights
adorned the Great Hall. It was the night of
the annual YFAP Valentine’s Day Party,
this year befittingly dubbed “The Snow
Ball.” And despite the relentless blizzard,
nearly 100 gorgeously dressed guests
walked through the doors, enjoyed a
The evening was hosted by an
entertaining duo, Junriz Delos Santos
and Majo Bucao-Walker. As our
emcees they got singles and couples,
kids and adults, friends and families all
on their feet engaging in fun games and
raffle baskets. But the highlight of the
night was certainly the Snowball
Superlatives. Chosen by the party goers
themselves, the Best Dressed and
Cutest Couple were given lovely
bouquets and handcrafted sashes. Mark
and Irna Knapp’s reign as Valentine
royalty came to an end as they
personally presented the coveted
crown of Snow Ball King and Queen to
Scott and Irene Segler. To wrap up the
awards ceremony, winners swayed to
the beat of Ed Sheeran’s hit, “Thinking
may as well have been a small pond,
and maybe we were almost snowed
out of going to the Snow Ball. But I am
so proud to say that the YFAP literally
pushed through rain, snow and hot
spells, and still had a great year
making new friends and good
Thank you so much to everyone who
contributed their time, money, talent,
and effort to making the Young
Filipino Americans of Pittsburgh as
vibrant and active as it was this past
year! Maraming, maraming salamat po,
and cheers to an unforgettable
Out Loud.” But not to keep everyone
else waiting! Soon enough the familiar
tune of “Todo Todo Todo” echoed
throughout the hall, and it drew
everyone to the dance floor. Thanks to
DJ Christian Roylo, who graciously
offered his talent and services, all our
guests were off their chairs dancing,
jumping and zumbaing for the rest of
the night!
The Snow Ball was a glittering success!
Our Filipino community saw to pass
yet another outstanding Valentine’s
Day Party, but it could not have been
done without the contributions of
many helping hands. Music, lights,
food, set up and clean up – the YFAP
would like to thank those who
volunteered their time and talents to
help make the Snow Ball truly
by Alisa Q & Majo B-W
The Heart of FAAP
by Majo Bucao-Walker
Membership Committee Chair
The FAAP is a
working body. It is
made up of
different parts
that have their
own unique
importance and
function. One
cannot say that
one organ — a committee or an event —
is more important than the other. Do
you think that the brain is more
important than your stomach? Can you
honestly say that you can think straight
when you’re hungry? If there is one
organ that I can liken the Membership
Committee to, it will definitely be the
The Membership Committee has had its
share of ups and downs this year. We
have consolidated the database into a
solid program secured by a select few.
We made great strides in attracting new
recruits. The University of Philippines
Concert Chorus (UPCC) with Ms.
Nanette Inventor were invited to
perform, and many members, some of
them new, volunteered their services
and own resources. The event was
Let’s welcome the following new FAAP
members: Shagrila & Hany Alforque,
Steven & Nancy Bacsain, Asa Dobson,
Bruno & Perla Fontasini, Jenielyn
Forsythe, Gary & Belen Gallucci, Clint &
Leni Hickman, Daisy Jade, Lorly
Kensinger, Donald & Lilibeth Kozak, Bill
& Grace Lagleva, Bea Mansman, Don
Michael Mendoza, Craig & Liza Nedley,
Johnny & Cora Owens, Sara Peji, Michael
& Ma. Socorro Rovers, Christian &
Danielle Roylo, Scott & Irene Segler,
Eustalia Siliman, Jason Burns & Malou
Smith, David & Rose Suchevich,
Wenifrida Tamsula, Michael & Fe Turner,
Eric & Arlyn Weisband, Les & Lelanie
Williams, May Win, and lastly, Rodney &
Vivian Worley. A total of 46 persons in
28 membership groups.
“Great people do things before they're ready. They do things before they know they
can do it. Doing what you're afraid of, getting out of your comfort zone, taking risks like
that- that's what life is. You might be really good. You might find out something about
yourself that's really special and if you're not good, who cares? You tried something.
Now you know something about yourself.” — Amy Poehler
deemed a great success! There are no
words to describe my gratitude and joy
for the people who made the Freedom
Concert event possible. Without all of
you, dear members, the FAAP will be
lifeless. The members who contribute
their time and resources are the lifeblood and the inspiration of the
organization. You are the heart of
The Membership Committee is trying
to come up with other activities that
will encourage fellowship and
solidarity within the community. For
the next few months, we are looking
forward to hosting the Philippine
Consular Outreach at Homeville Christian
Church, having a Filipino Movie Night
(suggestions for the venue and date are
open), and working on new creative
designs for the FAAP T-shirts (artworks
and models are wanted). These are just
some of the areas where volunteers are
highly needed. There will be a sign-up
sheet for volunteers at our Annual Picnic.
Please stop by the Membership desk. We
are also encouraging parents to let their
children join the FAAP Dance Troupe and
the Young Filipino-Americans in
Pittsburgh. There are many other
avenues to be involved. Don’t just be a
spectator… be the show!
Philippine Investment
by Jason Chan
On October 19, 2015, the FAAP
welcomed representatives from the
Philippine Investment Roadshow to
Pittsburgh. The Philippines is one of
the world’s fastest-growing
economies, and the delegation made
presentations to highlight positive
economic developments and
investment opportunities.
Distinguished guests included: Jose
Cuisia Jr., Philippine Ambassador to
the US; Mario De Leon Jr., Philippine
Consul General NY; and Dr. Bernardo
Villegas, Professor and Director of
Research at the University of Asia and
the Pacific. The delegation made a
courtesy call to City of Pittsburgh
Mayor William Peduto. The
investment presentation, held at the
Allegheny Conference Auditorium,
was attended by various local
corporate leaders and Filipino
Americans in the area.
After the presentation, the delegation
enjoyed dinner with members of the
FAAP Board. Ambassador Cuisia and
Dr. Villegas spoke to the FAAP
members to highlight the immense
amount of economic potential
available in the Philippines, the healthy
relationship between the Philippines
and the US, ways Filipino-Americans
can get involved with economic
opportunities in the Philippines. The
conference in Pittsburgh was made
possible with the cooperation of the
Philippine Consulate General in New
York, Philippine Trade and Investment
Center in New York, the Allegheny
Conference on Community
Development led by Executive Vice
President Bill Flanagan, and the
Filipino American Association of
Pittsburgh. There is a plan to have
another Philippine Investment
Roadshow in the future.
Board of Directors Nominees
Prepared by Irna de Leon-Knapp
Nominations & Elections Committee
The FAAP Election Day will occur at the annual picnic on July 24, 2016. Polls open from 3 to 4pm. The following nine candidates
have been approved by the current Board of Directors to run for election. To be eligible to vote, you must be at least 18 years old
and you must become an FAAP member or renew your membership by June 30, 2016. Questions can be directed to the
Nominations & Elections Committee chairperson, Irna de Leon-Knapp at irnadeleon@yahoo.com.
has been a member
of the SPNP/ FAAP
for the past 43
years. She is
responsible for
putting together
the yearly cultural display at the
Pittsburgh Folk Festival events. She
currently serves on the Board and is
the Cultural Committee chairperson,
and is interested in continuing this
role. She encourages Filipinos in the
area to get involved in promoting and
sustaining the Filipino Culture.
Evelyn is a recently retired
Anesthesiologist. She is married to
Jaime Abola and has three adult sons.
She is passionate about anything
BJMNO has been a
member of the
SPNP /FAAP since
the 80's. She was
past President and
Officer of the
SPNP, and has also been on the FAAP
Board since 2011. She is the current
chairperson of the Charity
Committee, and would like to
continue serving as such to help make
an impact to our members as well as
our Pittsburgh community and in the
Philippines. Cora envisions a long,
vibrant and strong organization that
can withstand internal and external
challenges. Cora is a nurse, is married
to Sham Bakth, and has two adult
children. She is grateful to the SPNP/
FAAP for giving her children the
opportunity to be exposed to the
Filipino culture and folk dances.
JPGKQL DDEIR SJGNIR is a nine- year
FAAP member. He has been on the Board
since 2015 and is the Youth Committee
chairperson, providing guidance to the
YFAP youth group. He is also active in the
Dance Troupe. Junriz would like to
continue these roles.
He envisions FAAP to
become more active in
the community, its
members more united
in achieving its goals
and more results
oriented. Junriz
earned a BS & PhD in
Chemistry from UP-Diliman & Carnegie
Mellon University, respectively. He
currently works as a scientist at Sharp
Edge Labs. He enjoys dancing, playing
racket sports and pinching bubble wrap.
MQSOJDE MDGTILJ first joined the
FAAP as a teen and credits his Tita Melody
(Board member) to inspiring his
involvement. He served as an officer in
the YFAP youth group and was also a
Dance Troupe member. After high
school, he attended and
graduated from
American University
(AU) in Washington DC,
where he currently
resides. He often
comes home to
Pittsburgh to attend
and participate in FAAP events and
activities; he was even the emcee for the
2015 Induction/Anniversary Ball. He
works in Enrollment Marketing at AU and
is the Executive Artistic Director of his
own production company, La-Ti-Do DC/
NYC. He would like to help the
administrative side of FAAP in
organizational behavior, events
responsibility and a potential new
internship program.
BDSMF QPDUJTI has been a
member of the FAAP since 2005.
Since 2008, she has served in various
aspects of the FAAP. They include
Youth/YFAP, Christmas Party,
Education, Cultural committees and
the Dance Troupe. She currently
serves on the Board and is the current
FAAP President, and would like to
continue to serve as a Board to help
achieve its many projects. Becky is a
social worker and teacher by training.
Her passions include community
organizing and
organizational and
development, event
planning, standing up
for the rights of
children, cooking, baking and cake
decorating. With her husband Rodel
Quemado , their days are full and busy
as they are raise four children.
FJGGF SVJGIR has been a
member of the FAAP for 14 years and
has served on the FAAP Board for 8
years. Her involvement includes being
the chairperson of the Christmas
Parties, Picnics, Kalayaan/
Independence Day Celebrations,
Membership and Induction/
Anniversary Ball committees. She
would like to help
preserve and the
Filipino heritage to
our members and the
general public
through cultural,
charitable and
educational activities.
She would like to articulate the Filipino
values in the minds and hearts of our
continued on next page >>>
Board of Directors Nominees (continued from previous page)
youth. Fanny would like to work to
promote team work and true
Bayanihan spirit. Fanny is the mother
of Anna Spanos and has an accounting
degree from Notre Dame University of
Dadiangas in General Santos,
technologies currently being
developed and would like to use his
technology awareness to help guide
the FAAP. He would also like to share
what he's learned from his own study
of the Philippine culture and history.
along with his wife
Lany and two sons,
have been FAAP
members since 2007.
He envisions the
FAAP as an
organization that
unites and embraces all Fil-Ams in
Pittsburgh, sustains what is best in
Filipino culture and heritage, and
keeps the Filipino spirit alive. He finds
the Philippine Nationality Room and
Philippine Center to be excellent
projects for promoting the Filipino
culture and heritage. Isabelo was born
in Manila, immigrated to the US and
raised in Pittsburgh. He received BS &
MS degrees in Mechanical Engineering
from Carnegie Mellon University. He
works at Westinghouse Electric Co.
Isabelo is aware of many new
has been a member
of SPNP/FAAP for
~30 years. She
currently serves on
the Board as the
chairperson of the
Education Committee, and is involved
in the Induction/Anniversary Ball and
Charity committees. She would like to
continue her involvement in these
committees, especially in developing
outreach programs. Beth envisions
the unification of the Filipino
community to make a positive impact,
to increase awareness and
stewardship, and to allow everyone to
share their time and talents to the
FAAP. Beth is married to Awel Villegas
and is the proud Lola of seven
grandchildren. She works for Cigna as
a Transplant Case Manager.
According to our Bylaws, the regular affairs of the Association
is managed by its Board of Directors, which consist of 17
members, 15 of which are elected into office by the voting
members. The immediate past president and the YFAP
president are the two other members of the board. The term
of office is two years, beginning January 1. There is no limit to
the number of terms that a Director may serve.
The Nominating/Election Committee conducts all elections
held by the members as well as by the Directors. The
committee is composed of the previous past five FAAP
presidents, a Board of Director as Chairperson, and one
voting member. To prepare for the annual elections of
Directors, the committee prepares a slate of qualified
LJGQ MDJKR has been
an FAAP member since
2011. She is currently
involved in the Induction
Ball Committee. She is
passionate about
helping the people of
the Philippines and would like to be
involved in the Charity Committee. Lani
spearheaded a fund raising campaign last
year to build a playground for a rural
elementary school in the Bicol region,
which was completed this February. Lani
would also like to help in spreading the
word on the good work that the FAAP is
doing for the Philippines’ charities and for
the advancement of the Philippine
Culture within Pittsburgh and
surrounding areas. She is excited to take
part in the fruition of our very own
Philippine Center, which will be a haven
for our children to learn and be exposed
to our culture and traditions. She has a
BS in Information and Computer
Technology from the University of
Pittsburgh. She is a VP Manager Call
Center Technology at PNC. Lani is
originally from the Bicol region and
currently lives in Valencia with her
husband Timothy and their four children.
candidates following a selection process which includes open
nominations from the general membership, screening, and
interview. Such slate is then presented for approval by the
Board prior to presentation to the general membership for
election. Nominations from the floor at the Annual
Membership meeting are prohibited. Nomination as Director
requires membership for at least one year, as well as having
served on a committee in the Association.
Each year, the voting membership elects 7 or 8 nominees to
fill vacancies. This year there will be additional election to
approve Lani Mears & Beth Villegas to complete the terms of
vacated positions.
The FAAP envisions a dynamic and vibrant Filipino American community that is recognized and valued as
an integral part of America's ethnic diversity.
Our mission is to preserve, promote and perpetuate the Filipino heritage among our members and the
general public through cultural, charitable and educational activities.
A Summary Account
by Jun & Cynthia Calejesan
Typhoon Haiyan Fund Distribution
$15k - Immediate relief to families in
Leyte with close relatives in Pgh
Restoration projects by partner non-profit
organizations in the Philippines:
In November 2013, while the world’s
attention was riveted to the monster
typhoon’s path of destruction, the FAAP
leadership team focused on what we
could do to help our kababayan.
Recognizing the great distance between
Pittsburgh and the Philippines, we
quickly decided that the best way to help
would be through monetary donations.
Led by its Charity Committee, the FAAP
scheduled a number of fundraising efforts
which included direct solicitations
through the mail and internet, the YFAP
sales of Haiyan wristbands, individual
solicitations by FAAP members within
their workplaces and circle of friends, a
benefit dinner at the Homeville Christian
Church, and an evening of camaraderie
hosted by CMU graduate students. What
caught everyone by surprise was the very
generous grant from the Nimick
Forbesway Foundation, which boosted
the FAAP Typhoon Haiyan Fund to a
grand total of $70,000!
Entrusted with such substantial amount,
the FAAP leadership felt the importance
of creating the most impact. After
careful consideration, we decided to
distribute $15k for immediate relief of
those directly affected by the disaster
and who have close family ties in
Pittsburgh. Charity begins at home after
all! And, the majority of the funds ($55k)
were designated to support restoration
projects designed to help the victims get
back on their feet as quickly as possible.
To identify Philippine charity
organizations with whom we could work
on a long-term basis for the restoration
projects, as well as have first-hand
glimpse of the horrific devastation,
several members of the Charity
Committee visited the affected areas in
February of 2014.
Fast forward to April 2015. A follow-up
visit by two Charity Committee
members provided a most gratifying
look-see at what has happened since
2013. There has been a dramatic facelift
of the streets and worst-hit towns in
Leyte. These included Tacloban, Palo,
Tanauan and Ormoc. Gone are the
debris on the streets, commercial and
residential areas. Ravaged mountain
tops, stripped of lush coconut groves,
are recovering nicely. Areas that became
the default burial grounds for many of
the victims – including highway
crossings and church grounds – have
been transformed into poignant
memorials inscribed with their names.
Many damaged schools and dwellings
have been relocated away from the
coastal areas. Nevertheless, it was
obvious that the road to recovery would
take many years.
Going forward, the FAAP has committed
the remaining $19k from the Typhoon
Haiyan Fund in support of the two
programs proposed by Ang Komunidad.
The two-year programs are designed to
establish sustainable livelihood projects
for the fishermen of Barangay Bislig,
Tanauan and the farmers in Barangay
Cacao, Kananga. The projects are
ambitious and high-impact. They
involve equipment (irrigation pumps,
rice mill, large fishing boats); structures
to store equipment, materials and
produce; and training. While these
$10k - Ang Komunidad
$10k - Burublig para ha Tanauan
$10k - Alay Buhay
$4k - Habitat for Humanity, Philippines
$2k - Mary, Queen of Heaven
Missionaries in Cebu
The funds were used to provide
immediate relief to families, including
repair and rebuilding of their homes •
repair structures; procure shelter repair
kits; build new shelters • buy supplies and
materials for Day Care centers and
schools • procure boats, along with the
engines, and fishing materials • purchase
sewing machines and pedicabs for
livelihood • provide cash and goods to set
up sari-sari (convenience) stores and pigraising businesses • donate seed fund for
seaweed farming • provide materials for
organic farming • organize and train
fishermen and farmers in order to
establish sustainable livelihood projects.
The beneficiaries reside in towns of Leyte
that sustained the most damage
(Tacloban, Palo, Tanauan, Kananga,
Ormoc and Baybay), as well as in other
provinces , such as Antique, Samar, Iloilo
and Cebu.
projects require more than the
remaining balance in the Typhoon
Haiyan Fund, the FAAP plans to help
Ang Komunidad raise the funds needed
to cover the cost of these projects.
It is a tribute to the people of Leyte
that they have not allowed themselves
to sink into despair but instead
continue to pull themselves up by the
bootstraps. Smiles from the tricycle
drivers, the boatmen, the farmers, and
the children are never in short supply.
Hope springs eternal.
Ang Komunidad para sa Ikauunlad ng Tao
FAAP Fund Raising Committee
The Community for Human Development
Primary Task: Lead the fundraising
effort of the entire organization
The title of this article is at once a movement as well as the name of an organization.
This article is about the organization which we shall call Ang Komunidad for short .
Operating Principles:
(1) While the committee takes the
lead role in fundraising, every
FAAP member plays a part in the
(2) Our current sources of revenues
are derived from the following
• Membership Dues
• Sport & Recreation (Fall Classic)
• Pittsburgh Folk Festival
• McKeesport Int’l Festival
• Dance Troupe Recitals or Major
Soon after super typhoon Haiyan hit
the Philippines in November 2013, the
FAAP leadership team decided to take
the opportunity to identify at least one
Philippine charitable organization
involved in livelihood restoration that
we could work with on a long-term
basis. To this end, criteria for selection
were drawn up: the charitable
organization must be able to (1)
maintain financial and other records
that show the use of the grant money
and stated purpose; (2) provide the
FAAP with such information for the
purpose of evaluating how the funds
were used; and (3) allow periodic visits
by members or representatives of the
FAAP to review the effectiveness of
the grant.
by Jun Calejesan
facilities and equipment, (4) bringing in
outside expertise, as well as (4) having
regular follow up visits. The objective is to
make sure that the livelihood projects are
sustainable. The FAAP has endorsed the
proposal and considers it ambitious but
worthwhile. While the remaining Haiyan
• Induction Ball
• Grants
• Donations
funds could only support 25% of the
program cost, the FAAP did promise to
try its best to raise the balance required.
Two and a half years after Haiyan, the
FAAP is happy to report that we have
not only succeeded in channeling most
of the Haiyan funds to livelihood
projects, but have also found in Ang
Komunidad, an organization that we
can work with on a long-term basis.
The FAAP now receives quarterly
updates, financial reports, and pictures
showing the progress of the projects
we support. Last year, Ang Komunidad
proposed a two-year livelihood
improvement program for two groups
of beneficiaries: (1) farmers in the
village of Cacao in the town of
Kananga, Leyte, and (2) fishermen in
the village of Bislig in the town of
Tanauan, Leyte. The approach of the
program consists of (1) organizing, (2)
training, (3) introducing strategic
But what else do we know about Ang
Komunidad? The internet will tell you that
the organization, based in Manila, was
born as part of the global human
development movement promoting nonviolence. More recently, the organization
led a convoy of about 12 transport
vehicles carrying food and relief materials
from Manila all the way to Tacloban to
help with the victims of typhoon Haiyan.
Cynthia and I had the fortune of meeting
8 of 12 members and officers of the
organization, and had the pleasure of
travelling with two of them during one of
their periodic follow up visits in Leyte.
They are all professional people with
estimated age range of 40s to 60s who all
work as volunteers. Their expertise and/or
work background include organizing,
project management, training, organic
farming, and food product distribution.
It’s my opinion that the FAAP is indeed
lucky to have found a local partner in Ang
Except for grants and donations, all of
these sources are ongoing cultural,
charitable and membership activities
rather than fundraising, and each is
under an assigned committee. Even
while the Fundraising Committee will
provide its input – so far as fundraising
is concerned – each respective
committee will continue to have
responsibility for the activity.
In the case of grants and donations for
FAAP’s primary mission (culture,
charity and education), the Fundraising
Committee will have sole responsibility.
Komunidad. What it is doing in Leyte is
exactly what the FAAP Charity
Committee should and would probably be
doing if it were based in the Philippines.
On September 2015, we announced
through our Facebook page and main
website that several Filipino
organizations throughout Pittsburgh
have agreed to restart work on the
University of Pittsburgh’s Philippine
Nationality Room. A design by Filipino
architect Poppi Laudico was approved
by the University and is expected to be
completed by 2017.
This agreement was put together
carefully after almost three years of
discussion led by Fr. Manny Gelido. It
was formally signed by representatives
Sports & Recreation Committee
Please sign-up for the following
upcoming activities:
Ticzon Cup Volleyball Tournament
July 24 at the FAAP Annual Picnic
Contact: Mark Knapp
Andy Warhol Museum
Ai Weiwei Exhibition
July 30. Free 1-hour guided tour.
20 spots available.
Contact Jason 201-323-5029 to register
Asian Pacific Heritage Day at PNC
Park - Pirates vs San Diego Padres
Thursday, August 11 at 12:25pm.
20 tickets available for $36.00/ticket
includes 100-level seat, $5.00
concessions credit and Jung Ho Kang
bobble-head. Contact Jason for tickets
FAAP Fall Classic (5k/10k Run, 5k Walk)
September 11 at 9am
Harmar Pavalion, North Park
Run or walk in the beautiful trails of
North Park. Benefits the Queen of
Peace Orphanage in the Philippines.
To register, please go to
Contact: Mark Knapp, Race Director,
by Jaime Abola
of the FAAP (Jaime Abola
and Jun Calejesan), the
Performing Arts of Greater
Pittsburgh (PAPAGP), and
the Philippine American
Medical Society of Western
Pennsylvania (PAMS), and
witnessed by Fr. Manny
Gelido. The agreement
outlined the nature of the
PNR Task Force responsible
for the project: its internal
operations and the decisionmaking procedures (which
require unanimous
consensus), and the logistics of
fundraising events. Warren Bulseco was
appointed the Architect of Record, Jun
Calejesan was appointed Project
Director, and Fr. Manny Gelido was
appointed Task Force Chair. The
agreement also stipulated that all official
communications between the Task Force
and University of Pittsburgh be conducted
through Fr. Manny Gelido. The FAAP and
other organizations have given all of their
current Philippine Nationality Room funds
and documents to the Task Force.
In the many meetings held by the Task
Force, the most difficult issue involved
addressing the history of the project. One
of the reasons given by the University
when it terminated the project was that
the FAAP had violated rules governing the
University’s Nationality rooms. The FAAP,
of course, denies this and also insists that
it was the FAAP that initiated and raised
funds for the project. After much
deliberation, the following account was
The section agreed to was as follows:
“The PNR project was conceived and
initiated by the Samahang Pilipino ng
Pittsburgh, now the Filipino American
Association of Pittsburgh (FAAP). The FAAP
commissioned the design and contract of
the PNR project, and raised approximately
$282,000 towards the project. The PNR
project was formally approved by the
University of Pittsburgh on September 19,
2000. On June 8, 2012, the University of
Pittsburgh citing the failure to resolve: (1)
differences between the University and the
FAAP emanating from the FAAP’s position
that it had been in compliance with the
Nationality Rooms and Intercultural
Exchange Program rules, and (2)
differences within the Filipino community,
and desiring not to be involved in
reconciling such differences terminated the
The Task Force held its first fundraising
event early this year, gaining
approximately $30,000 in donations and
pledges. Another fundraiser was held in
May, and a benefit concert is scheduled
for July 16, 2016 to be held at the Alumni
Hall at the University of Pittsburgh. Jun
Calejesan has been meeting with
Architect Bulseco in order to obtain the
architectural blueprints needed to send
out bids for the construction of the room.
Donations for the room may be made to
the University of Pittsburgh or FAAP,
with indications that the funds be
designated for the Philippine Nationality
Room. Online donations to the FAAP for
the PNR project may also be made on
our website at www.thefaap.org/
donations. When donating to the FAAP,
please indicate if you want to be
identified as the donor when we donate
the money to the University, otherwise
the donation will be made in the FAAP’s
name. Your donation is tax-deductible as
per IRS regulations, and you will receive
acknowledgement as required by law.
2016 Calendar of Events
Editor • Layout • Graphics
For details on each of these events, please go to
Rodel Quemado
For the electronic newsletter, simply click any of events below
Sun Jan 31
YFAP Ice Skating
Sat Feb 13
The Snow Ball - YFAP Valentine’s Party
Sat Mar 12
St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Sat Mar 26
Pitt FSA Presents Barrio: Kaibigan *
Sat Apr 23
Art All Night: Lawrenceville *
Evelyn Abola • Jaime Abola
Jun Calejesan • Cynthia Calejesan
Jason Chan • Malou Harper
Anna Mamuric-Glinoga • Irna de Leon-Knapp
Alisa Quemado • Rebecca Quemado
Majo Bucao-Walker
Assistant Editors
Joshua Manuel • Alisa Quemado
Sat May 14
FAAP Greening Day
Fri May 20
Asian American Heritage Luncheon
Sat May 21
Asian Heritage Day at Kennywood *
Dave Shively
Rodel & Becky Quemado
Sat May 28
Despedida for Fr. Manny Gelido *
Sun May 29
YFAP Day at the Zoo
Sat Jun 11
Freedom Concert : UPCC with Ms. Nanette Inventor
Sun Jun 12
UPCC Mini-Concert at Greensburg *
Tue Jun 21
YFAP Pirates Game and Tailgate
Sat Jul 9
Pittsburgh Bicentennial Parade *
Sat Jul 16
Shine with the Nightingales - PNR Fundraising Concert
Sun Jul 24
Annual Summer Picnic, General Meeting & Election *
Sat Jul 30
Andy Warhol : Ai Weiwei Tour
Thu Aug 11
Asian Pacific Heritage Day at PNC Park
Aug 16-18
McKeesport’s International Village *
Sat Aug 20
Philippine Consular Outreach
Sep 3-4
Pittsburgh Folk Festival *
Sun Sep 11
9th FAAP Fall Classic *
Sun Sep 18
International Day of Peace *
Sat Nov 5
60th Induction Ball *
Sat Dec 17
Annual Christmas Party *
We welcome input or contribution from
our readers. Please send an email to
communica ons@theFAAP.org
Letters, comments, and articles will be edited
for accuracy, clarity, and length and should be in
keeping with the FAAP’s mission. All
submissions should be assigned with the full
name of the sender. Please provide your contact
information for verification purposes.
Due to space constraints, we are unable to print
items that are non-FAAP related or of a personal
nature. These items will be considered for
publication in the FAAP Balita.
© 2016 Filipino American Association
of Pittsburgh, Inc.
* FAAP Dance Troupe performances
60th Induction Ball on November 5, 2016 at
the Grand Ballroom, Sheraton Pittsburgh Airport Hotel,
1160 Thorn Run Road, Coraopolis PA, 15108. Reservation
announcements will be sent in August. Seats are limited
so be sure to make your reservations early.
The Filipinas newsletter is a quarterly
publication of the FAAP, which keeps members
informed on FAAP's year round activities,
governance and events. It aims to promote the
Filipino culture, foster a sense of unity among
its members and cultivate the goodwill of the
communities in the Greater Pittsburgh and
Tri-State areas.
Website: www.theFAAP.org
Sunday July 24 - Annual Picnic
Saturday, August 20 - Philippine Consular Outreach
Free to FAAP members
Adults $10 • 5-12 years old $5
Passport • Legalization • Dual Citizenship
11 am-1 pm Games • 1-3 pm Lunch • 3-4pm Meeting/Election
If you have questions or need help in processing the
requirements, please see Majo at the Annual Picnic
Please bring a gallon of water or drinks, and dessert to share •
Please bring lounge chairs, picnic mats or blankets
Contact: Joji Smith 412-595-7645
Open to all Filipinos residing in PA, OH & WV
Contacts: Majo 412-425-0413 Fanny 412-327-5586
1502 Kelly Rd
Glenshaw, PA 15116
Balay Inatô Pension
Puerto Princesa City
Tel. No.: 048-433-8595
Reservations: 1 month in advance
Contact:Teodora Schipper
Ka Inatô Restaurant
Eric John Gaite Yayen
San Jose, Puerto Princesa City
Tel. No.: 048-434-1721
Haim Chicken
Inatô Restaurant
John Christian Yayen
294 Manalo Extension Street
Puerto Princesa City 5300
Tel. No.: 048-433-2261