ingross levante
ingross levante
Special magazine | april 2013 - € 5,80 informa 2013 INGROSS LEVANTE COMPANY PROFILE SUMMARY informa Migro Informa april 2013 Special Ingross Levante - 2° Edition 6 Ingross Levante S.p.A. chains Italy under Quality and Convenience 8 Terlizzi cash and carry 10 Modugno cash and carry 12 Massafra cash and carry 14 Lecce cash and carry 16 Frosinone cash and carry 18 Tortona cash and carry 20 Livorno cash and carry 22 Pescara cash and carry Our history began three generations ago. The Ingross Levante represents the history of the whole Amato’s Family. Everything started from a small familiar shop set up in Molfetta in 1938 and then with the first Migro Cash & Carry opened in Terlizzi in 1985. Today we count 18 warehouses and 3 Cedicash platforms. 24 Molfetta cash and carry 25 Ancona cash and carry 26 CediCash: the convenience is just a click away 27 Migro branded products: quality at a fair price 28 Bliz 29 Emporio Amato in Molfetta and Terlizzi 30 What you can find in our stores 31 Cultural and social activities 3 phone fax e-mail addresses TERLIZZI (BA) S.S.98 Zona industriale, via Mariotto 51 080 3515665 080 3514935 MODUGNO (BA) S.S.96 km. 118,400 080 5322222 080 5371520 MASSAFRA (TA) S.S.7 Appia km.636 099 8804622 099 8808170 FROSINONE Via le lame 5 - Zona Asi 0775 880002 0775 292566 CORIGLIANO D’OTRANTO (LE) S.S.16 Maglie-Lecce km.975,300 0836 660516 0836 660928 TORTONA (AL) S.S.211 Tortona-Novi Ligure km 11 0131 860561 0131 872905 COLLESALVETTI (LI) Via Milano Snc 0586 972902 0586 963552 PESCARA Via Raiale 295 085 4308524 085 4315437 MOLFETTA (BA) Via dei Pescatori - Zona Asi 080 3370001 080 3370003 ASPIO TERME - CAMERANO (AN) S.S. 16 Adriatica km 310 080 7109195 080 7109196 Sales Office - MOLFETTA (BA) Via Pansini Legnami - Zona Asi 080 3515014 080 3511115 080 3515693 080 3514655 phone fax e-mail addresses MASSAFRA (TA) S.S.7 Appia km.632,300 099 8807135 099 8806475 CORIGLIANO D’OTRANTO (LE) S.S.16 Maglie-Lecce km.975,300 0836 660529 0836 660828 FROSINONE Via le lame 13 - Zona Asi 0775 292883 0775 898453 MODUGNO (BA) S.S.96 km. 118,400 080 5322275 080 5368204 MOLFETTA (BA) Via dei Pescatori 13 - Zona Asi 080 33 70 358 080 338 20 60 phone TERLIZZI (BA) C.da Pozzo san Giorgio - S.S.98 Zona Ind. MOLFETTA (BA) Via dei Pescatori 3 - Zona Asi fax e-mail addresses 080 3518829 080 3515798 080 338 58 29 080 337 04 94 phone fax e-mail addresses MOLFETTA (BA) Via Pansini Legnami - Zona Asi 080 3350888 080 3350555 CORIGLIANO D’OTRANTO (LE) LECCE2 – S.S.16 Maglie-Lecce km.975,300 0836 660763 0836 660763 CORIGLIANO D’OTRANTO (LE) LECCE3 – S.S.16 Maglie-Lecce km.975,300 0836 600706 0836 660835 SA.SPA. CATANIA Blocco Giancata s.n. - Zona Ind. 334 9964325 phone MOLFETTA (BA) Via dei Pescatori 3 - Zona Asi 080 337 57 32 fax 080 337 57 32 e-mail address EDITORIAL Migro Informa april 2013 A strong base for a future growth Benedetta Maffia - Michele de Sanctis F Ingross Levante does not simply sell products but it gives a great value to the work and to its customers. orgive us if we talk about our company, for once. During the last 4 years of Migro Informa publications, we gave voice to all of you: customers, suppliers, factory agents. We are aware that this is the best way to explain how our daily work is characterised (especially by purchasing and selling activities). We go far beyond a simple black and white spreadsheet full of numbers. We want to give a concrete meaning to everything we do. We want to tell real stories, you will never read in normal magazines: some of our customers coming from different parts of Italy and Europe choose to be independent and prefer to make their purchases in our Cash and Carries Migro, just to take advantage of our competitive prices. We all are aware that the world around us is constantly changing, so we need to be prepared to face the new challenges. Sustainability, planet resources consuming, right choice of energy sources and raw materials savings are not abstract concepts but should be part of us, especially as far as our purchasing activities is concerned. Most of companies know exactly what we are talking about. It is fundamental to invest resources and give importance to the internal research. Our aim is to give a real value to every single product we have without focusing only on its price. We want to start from here. In our Cash and Carries Migro, in our Bliz, in our new Emporio Amato we do not simply sell products you can find everywhere. We give value to our work, we respect our customers, we offer them everyday quality products at a very competitive price. These are the reasons why we want to show you the reality all the people working for us. We will show you the faces of whom are across our warehouses passage moving pallets and whom fill the trolley. We will also tell you the history of every single warehouse. You will find a portrait of a constantly growing company. In 1993, we started with the first Cash & Carry of our own properties which hired on only 12 people and had a social capital of 3 million euros; nowadays our turnover amounts to 190 millions euros with 21 warehouses, many of which are of our own property and we get work to 357 employers. We want to describe the reality of a strong company which continuously looks into the future. 5 6 SPECIAL INGROSS LEVANTE Migro Informa april 2013 Ingross Levante S.p.A. chains Italy under Quality and Convenience I n 1924, Mr. Oronzo Amato managed a small ironmongery in Molfetta, in the nearest of Bari. Later, during the 50’s, Ilario Amato gave his name to the well-known Emporio Amato, the first supermarket completely far from the small shop vision, but either already projected to the contemporary distribution market. Later, this activity was carried out by his son Renzo Amato, who founded the Ingross Levante Spa, a company operating in the field of the large distribution of food and no-food products both in Italy and abroad. The last 2 decades knew the big development of this company today characterised by 9 Cash and Carries bringing the MIGRO’s logo, 5 BLITZ warehouses, working with self-service wholesale method, 3 logistic CediCash platforms and 2 big warehouses with EMPORIO AMATO’s logo. The very first wholesale’s warehouse was set up in 1985 in Terlizzi (Bari), and then, step by step, we focused our energies in opening in 1993 our first Cash and Carry with 12 employers up to 28 years old. Our reality started to increase, so we opened another Cash & Carry in Modugno (Bari) which was very appreciated by the local customers. The company made huge investments by expanding the surface of this structure from 3000 to 9000 square meters. Later, in October 1998, we decided to focus our attention on Massafra (Taranto); there we set up another Cash & Carry which attracted clients from both Jonian and Adriatic areas. Before expanding ourselves outside Puglia boundaries, we inaugurated in 2000 a warehouse in Salento, precisely in Corigliano D’Otranto (Lecce). Today, thanks to the great results achieved, we have in Corigliano a Cash and Carry and also two logistic platforms. Through the “Cedi” service, we want to link the Cash and Carry convenience to the fast and rapid time of delivery of goods in every part of Italy and directly at home. We give work to 106 employers and we mostly rely on young people in order to reduce the unemployment rate. Halfway between Lazio and Abruzzo, in the nearest of the capital, Rome, we set up another warehouse in Frosinone, in 2000. Two years later, we moved to the extreme North of Italy, establishing a new Cash and Carry in Tortona and touching off the attention of the press which continually wrote about both our brand and our state-of- SPECIAL INGROSS LEVANTE Migro Informa april 2013 the-art technology made of Infrared systems for electronic labels. This cash and carry is located in a strategic position around the industrial triangle (Milan-GenoaTurin). Many foreign clients, from the nearest countries, come here to make their purchases. In 2003, we opened our cash and carry in Collesalvetti (LivornoTuscany) giving work to 213 persons. Between 2005 and 2006 the rising selling volumes and the big selection of goods (about 85.000 references), forced us to increase the surface of Corigliano Cash and Carry up to 20.000 square meters. The year 2010 could be considered a unique year for our company history because we set up three new warehouses. We also brought our brand in Sicily, establishing a new warehouse and meeting the needs of Sicilian customers always penalised by a bad communication channel with the rest of the country. In September 2010, the company focused its attention on a city in the middle of Italy: Pescara. Finally, Ingross Levante opened in Dicember 2010, the biggest Cash and Carry in Italy (in Molfetta), celebrated by all newspapers and magazines. Nowadays Ingross Levante has got 284 employers working in all warehouses and in the headquarter also located in Molfetta. Here, in a constantly rising industrial area, we built up in 2012 the Emporio Amato’s warehouse, a retail point of sale near the Bliz warehouse instead focused on the wholesale market. The 2013 was inaugurated with a new opening: the cash and carry in Ancona.What does chain together all Migro’s structures? Factory Mission never disappointed among years. Our keywords are: “Respect of independent trade freedom”, with no franchising request, great and daily attention to every single product and their competitive prices, more and more appreciated by our customers 7 8 SPECIAL INGROSS LEVANTE Migro Informa april 2013 Terlizzi cash and carry O ur Cash and Carry in Terlizzi is more than a simple Cash. This cash is considered as the most important of our structures, the mother of them. Years ago, we made the right choice and our experience in the field of the large distribution started from here, even if one thought that this sector had no possibilities of development. The Cash was inaugurated in 1993. Nowadays, it counts about 7.000 square meters of surface and offers a wide range of products (about 18.000 dif- ferent references) at very competitive prices. Our customers can count on the availability of our staff who become a point of reference for them. The cash cannot be considered a normal warehouse instead the core of our company activity. Opening year Area References Cash - desks 1993 7.000 smq 18.000 7 SPECIAL INGROSS LEVANTE Migro Informa april 2013 Ingross Levante Headquarter T he Ingross Levante Headquarter, with its 60 units working full-time and constantly trained into the company, operates by respecting several internal management procedures. The Ceo supervision is well integrated with a devolution of jobs and a responsability policy, in a short and functional organization chart based on job divisions and specialized functions. Warehouses, all working in complete autonomy, follow the inputs and execute their tasks coming from the central administrative centre in Molfetta. Moreover, all purchasing activities and goods transfers are realised throughout a transferring system completely automated and a frequent headquarter-warehouses dialogue. This is what we call “dynamism” and “homogeneity”, two concepts totally rooted into our way of work. 9 10 SPECIAL INGROSS LEVANTE Migro Informa april 2013 Modugno cash and carry T he 2010 is considered as the revival year for our company, once again in Bari hinterland. Indeed, Modugno cash and carry, the very first structure of Ingross Levante, gets back to be the key structure with its triple spaces, a renewed assortment and an up-dated management system. Here, the first warehouse logistic software was successfully implemented together with a radiofrequency system which makes faster all goods movements inside the structure. The main aim is to ensure the precision and the punctuality of every logistic flow. Later, this systems was also introduced in the others warehouses. The first who took advantage of this system were our customers. Moreover, rapidity and simplification of important activities such as the preparation of goods can be now considered as one of our strengths. Thanks to this great success, the company continues to make huge investments in our region, focusing especially Opening year Area References Cash - desks 1997 9.000 sqm 18.000 9 on the size of its structures. At the beginning for example, this Cash had a surface of only 3000 square meters. Now, the building covers an area of 9000 square meters in which more than 18.000 references are well placed in their respective aisles according to their commodity sector. Customers can make their daily purchases in total tranquillity. In addition, thanks to the introduction of the 9 cashdesks waiting times are totally reduced. Migro Informa april 2013 SPECIAL INGROSS LEVANTE 11 12 SPECIAL INGROSS LEVANTE Migro Informa april 2013 Massafra cash and carry I n October 1998 a new Migro Cash & Carry was implemented in Taranto and it became a new wholesale area despite of the traditional wholesale local activity. Our new way of work captured the customers. In fact, once again, Migro’s offers attracted a huge number of customers not only in our region but also in the nearest areas (from Jonian cities to Brindisi and Matera areas) above all thanks to our wide range of products (over than 18.000 references) and the well-known “every day low price policy”, even if it was not so easy to reach this target. At the end of the 90’s, we set up Opening year Area References Cash - desks 1998 4.500 sqm 18.000 7 the third structure outside our region, by riding over several difficulties linked for example to the distance factor and, at the same time, we implemented new transmission systems modes (still unknown in that period). We even collaborated with CSM, the software house IBM that gave us the possibility to create the first state-of-theart systems. In 2011 we made some restyling interventions: new surfacing and space rearrangement with the aim to improve goods assortment. Migro Informa april 2013 SPECIAL INGROSS LEVANTE 13 14 SPECIAL INGROSS LEVANTE Migro Informa april 2013 Frosinone cash and carry W e should remind the 2000 as an important year for Ingross Levante, marked out by two new openings, one of those outside Apulia territory: the new Cash and Carry in Frosinone. With the coming of the new century began the company’s expansion into new realities in Italy, starting from Frosinone. Located in the middle of an industrial area, the structure covers a surface of 4.500 square meters and offers more than 18.000 references. Soon this Migro Cash & Carry became the main point in that area, supplying Latina areas and the nearest coastal towns. Nobody is able to compete with Opening year Area References Cash - desks 2000 4.500 sqm 18.000 7 Migro’s know how in the market and its continuous evolution. Despite of hilliness territory, clients come from the whole Frosinone’s highland. Since the cash offers a wide range of products, it can answer as best as it can to the needs of people, who do not want to waste their time in travelling. Shortly, we can say that the this Cash has grown by supplying the need of the territory and by adapting to it: it has became an important point of reference with its good health. SPECIAL INGROSS LEVANTE Migro Informa april 2013 Radio Italia Channel: music in store “Radio Italia” channel is not only the Italian well-known radio, instead it is an internal radio channel which broadcasts both varied music genres and also personalized communications (as the daily promotions we can offer or the suppliers messages) in all Migro stores, in a very quite way without annoying both the employers and the customers. Radio Italia Channel is principally focused on our Migro customers target. The main aim is to create a relaxing internal atmosphere. All Migro’s warehouses are equipped with speakers and reproduce the signal streamed from the Headquarter in Molfetta. The using of Web and specified software made possible the development of this channel. 15 16 SPECIAL INGROSS LEVANTE Migro Informa april 2013 Lecce cash and carry H alfway between Lecce and Otranto, on the 16th highway, you will find our Migro’s platform. In Corigliano d’Otranto, the very heart of Salento, there is a structure born to be an efficient distribution centre for the whole Italy. In addition to the Cash and Carry, there are also the “Bliz” (also known as “bazar shop”) reserved to Vat owners, and two distribution platforms, the first full of food and no-food items and the other characterised by Bazar products and imported goods. Everything started in May 2000, when the “CediCash” distribution platform in Corigliano d’Otranto inaugurated. The ambitious and far-seeing project was the widespread throughout Italy of Migro’s convenience, especially focusing on the idea of on-line Cash and Carry: the very first e-commerce platform in Italy. Moreover, during the same year, the fifth Cash and Carry of Ingross Levante history opened with the aim to meet the requests of the local and touristic area, made of those of the most beautiful Southern towns such as Calimera, Carpignano Salentino, Castrignano dei Greci, Corigliano d’Otranto, Cutrofiano, Martano and so on. Very soon, this Cash and Carry gained the attention of traders. Among the 97 towns, there is a network of businesses working especially during the summertime. They try to resist to the violent eruption of hypermarkets, by serving the population and make possible the development of tourism activity. This is one of the reasons why, the establishment of the Migro Cash and Carry gained immediately the attention of local traders. Our Cash and Carry is easily accessible thanks to its sales area of 6,500 square meters in which you can find more than 18,000 references. Within the cash, there are also fresh products, placed in their appropriate cold storages. Opening year Area References Cash - desks 2000 6.500 sqm 20.000 8 SPECIAL INGROSS LEVANTE Migro Informa april 2013 Food safety T he HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) is an auto control system that each operator working in food distribution should implement in order to value risks and dangers and to prevent any sanitary and hygienic problem. Our Migro Cash and Carries respect all control procedures provided by law. This certification comes from Dr. Vincenzo Anelli of the Eurotec, a society specialised in food safety and development of quality systems. Our staff knows exactly what we are talking about. Everything is recorded and since Migro is a wholesale distributor, there is no food manipulation and all risk margins are reduced. All Cash & Carries use new systems with the aim to fully respect the Regulation (EC n.178/2002) in regards to food traceability. 17 18 SPECIAL INGROSS LEVANTE Migro Informa april 2013 Tortona cash and carry I t is the most Northern Cash&Carry of Ingross Levante. When it was inaugurated in May 2002, the press celebrated it as a rare example of a company which is constantly expanding even far away from the South of Italy. Migro Cash and Carry in Tortona is located in a logistics center not so far from Rivalta Scrivia Interporto, and it is considered a good operative reality in the core of the northwestern industrial triangle (Milan/Genoa/Turin); an important multifunctional area which operates in a modern in- dustrial scenario and projected to a complete internationalization of services. Located in a strategic position, everyone coming from different parts of Northern Italy and also from foreign countries (such as Switzerland, France, Germany and so on) can make their purchases in our Cash at very competitive prices. The building covers a 9,500 square meters surface and its wide corridors, characterized by 10 meters high shelves, are full of products (more than 40,000 references) constantly monitored with a forefront electronic product labe- Opening year Area References Cash - desks 2002 9.500 sqm 40.000 8 ling system. It is possible to activate up to 8 cash-desks. There is also the bazaar area which is daily enriched with new products. Migro Informa april 2013 SPECIAL INGROSS LEVANTE Migro and exhibitions Trade fairs are still considered as the only tool that allows all visitors to see a huge number of offers with their own eyes, by giving at the same time the exhibitors, the opportunity to secure a wide number of potential new customers; this is made by proving to be kind and available in every moment as anyone can do. Each year the Ingross Levante selects the most important national and international events with the aim to show its Migro’s brand and the Cedicash service. We can mention Cibus - the International Food Exhibition in Parma, Macef – the International Home Showing in Milan, the Tradexpo where one can find out the last tendencies and the novelties of the market, and also check the new consuming tendencies in Paris, Goodies XXI, the exhibition of special items and promotional goods held in Dusseldorf. These are the main events Ingross Levante joined in recent years. 19 20 SPECIAL INGROSS LEVANTE Migro Informa april 2013 Livorno cash and carry T he Migro Cash & Carry in Collesalvetti is located in the core of an industrial and commercial property between Tuscany land and Livorno coasts. Geographically halfway between Livorno and Pisa, the Cash is easily accessible from the motorway. Moreover, thanks to its strategic position, it can meet the needs of an area of more than 100 km. This is the reason why it is frequently chosen by some of the most important retailers in Grosseto, Corsica, and Elba Island. This cash was set up in 2003 and covers an area of 12,500 square meters. The central corridor makes possible a concrete vision of the big size of the building without getting lost. The organization of the lanes is rationally divided between food, no-food products (about 40.000 references) and a bazaar area full of articles from school supplies to furnishings materials and so on. There is also a wide refrigerator area used for preservation of all fresh products. The billing system is composed by 8 cash-desks. Over the years, the relationship with customers and the successful association “quality/price”, makes this cash a good point of reference for both retailers and traders in Tuscany. Opening year Area References Cash - desks 2003 12.500 sqm 40.000 8 Migro Informa april 2013 SPECIAL INGROSS LEVANTE 21 22 SPECIAL INGROSS LEVANTE Migro Informa april 2013 Pescara cash and carry A t the end of August 2010, Pescara Cash and Carry started its sales activities making happy many retailers who work in one of the most beautiful Italian areas between the sea and the mountains. Hotels, restaurants and nightclubs together with the local supermarkets, started to supply from our Cash which proposed very good and competitive prices. Of course, everything is made without any kind of restriction. This wholesale store is very easy to reach and it does not pass by unnoticed. It is located in a strategic position along the highway Chieti-Pescara, also known as an “equipped axis” that links Pescara harbor to the airport, but also to the industrial area of Val Pescara and to the highway. Thanks to its central location, this cash creates strong links between all nearest areas and the various villages of the backcountry up to L’Aquila (Abruzzo). The store covers a surface of 6,000 square meters and offers more than 40.000 products including food, no-food and extra-food articles. Pescara Cash and Carry is a model of modernity and efficiency. It is managed with a logistics software which, together with the radio frequency system, speeds up and optimizes all phases of the goods movements within the structure, ensuring also on time services and accuracy in all logistic flows. Opening year Area References Cash - desks 2010 6.000 sqm 40.000 7 Migro Informa april 2013 SPECIAL INGROSS LEVANTE 23 24 SPECIAL INGROSS LEVANTE Migro Informa april 2013 Molfetta cash and carry T wenty five years later the opening of the first store in Terlizzi, the establishment of a new Cash and Carry in Molfetta in January 2011, marked an important milestone for the company. This event can be considered as a real and authentic revolution, especially in setting up new delivery systems for retailers, supermarkets and wholesalers all over Apulia territory. This Cash covers a surface of 15,000 square meters (more or less the surface of 2 football fields) Being located in the industrial area of Molfetta in the nearest of one of the most important amusement parks and other important commercial areas, it is quite impossible not to see it from the county road. In our Cash you can find more than 40,000 products including food, no-food items and seasonal extra-food articles. The Cash also disposes of a large cold room in which customers can find cold cuts, cheese and all fresh and frozen products. The Cash Molfetta is a model Opening year Area References Cash - desks 2011 15.000 mq 40.000 10 of modernity and efficiency, managed with a warehouse logistics software, totally integrated with the use of a radio frequency system. This software has been implemented in order to speed up and optimize all phases of the movement of goods within the structure, by ensuring at the same punctuality and precision in every logistic flow. In addition, as in all our Cash and Carries, the system is integrated with the electronic labels avoiding any kind of price errors. SPECIAL INGROSS LEVANTE Migro Informa april 2013 Ancona cash and carry Opening year Area References Cash - desks A new city and a new region for the newest opening of the 2013. Let’s find out our Migro Cash and Carry in Ancona, a Cash that every people working in the field of the independent commerce is appreciating since few weeks. Within its 9000 square meters, one can find more than 20.000 references. Retailers, wholesalers, restaurateurs, hotel managers, barman are finding out the advantages to supply with Migro. The Cash is located in a strategic position, 2013 9.000 mq 20.000 7 not so far from Ancona South motorway, in the nearest of the harbor, the core of the Italian commerce and tourism. Even the cruise ships stop over there. Nowadays, we count 21 structures in the whole territory. People who try the convenience and the big assortment of our products do not move to the competitor. We do not ask any affiliation. Our sector sails in dangerous waters and in spite of this, Migro offers an important job opportunity for Marche’s people and retailers who can take advantage of the company politics based on the saving of money and customer satisfaction. 25 26 SPECIAL INGROSS LEVANTE Migro Informa april 2013 I CediCash: the convenience is just a click away t is possible to spread the Migro’s convenience throughout Italy with a real online Cash and Carry. Twelve years ago this was a bet for Ingross Levante, but later it became reality thanks to 2 outposts and 2 modern distribution platforms: the historic platform of Corigliano d’Otranto and its doubled spaces used to make possible a faster preparation of food, no-food and extra food references, and the one in Catania, inaugurated in April 2010. Since 2000, Migro CediCash has been growing up to become much more than a simple online Cash and Carry. For all our customers, CediCash has become a reliable partner which offers the opportunity to order over than 30,000 references at the best prices and receive them directly and comfortably in their own store within 48 hours. Through the online method, customers can check in real time the availability of the goods and the value of the supply before directly interacting with the Migro’s sales department. From the South to the North of Italy, customers are not restricted with clauses or obligations, as in the traditional distribution centers. Indeed, one of the strengths of Migro commercial policy is the abolition of any restriction. Customers can make their purchases whenever they want by choosing quickly and easily the needed products through the on-line catalogue, which is constantly updated with promotions and our best opportunities. Migro Informa april 2013 SPECIAL INGROSS LEVANTE Migro branded products: quality at a fair price T he premium label of Migro branded products was born to meet the needs of customers who asked for a quality product at competitive prices. This label works side by side with the historic label Amato, which has its own identity. The first lines launched were the red ones, including peeled tomatoes and tomato sauces, olive oils and oilseeds, pulses and flours. This assortment has been growing over the years. In fact, we established in several occasions strong relationships with our suppliers, who now trust us and sell us more than 80 different references. Over the years many customers appreciated our way of work without remain disappointed. Migro uses only high quality raw materials. This is the reason why we carry on market researches and we select companies that could guarantee the very best for us and our clients. An important saving factor is the cutting of the transport costs: Migro operates with local companies with high value productions or also with transport companies which can easily deliver goods all over the country. Another important factor is the wide variety of assortment and formats we can offer. If we look at our rice, for example, we can offer five different varieties of it in 10 different packages. The packaging, considered as the last important element of our products, is carefully designed in every single detail. To browse the on line catalog visit: http://www. 27 28 SPECIAL INGROSS LEVANTE Migro Informa april 2013 Massafra Lecce Frosinone Modugno Molfetta T he BLIZ stores are selfservice wholesale stores addressed to all VAT ow- ners. BLIZ assortment offers more than 25.000 extra-food products, and it is an important part of the company commercial policy. It has been designed with the aim to gain and consolidate more market shares (in complementary segments). Its offer is not directed exclusively to sellers who make their purchases in Migro Cash and Carries. Bliz stores sell personal care and household products, sport equipments, school supplies, but also hardware, accessories for parties, toys, underwear, ceramics, home, office, garden and restaurant items. You can also find the same items in Tortona, Livorno and Frosinone Migro Cash and Carries. SPECIAL INGROSS LEVANTE Migro Informa april 2013 in Molfetta and Terlizzi I n the ancient times, the empòria were the seaside resorts of the Mediterranean area destined to all goods selling activities. Today the name “Emporio” refers to a big store which sells all kind of goods. It is exactly what Ingross Levante offers to the territory of Bari, with its two retail stores: the first in Terlizzi inaugurated in 2008 and the second opened in 2012. The sign “Emporio Amato” returns to the origins and it is also considered as a tribute to the historical figure of Amato family. The store in Molfetta covers a surface of 40,000 square meters and offers about 80,000 different articles: from personal care and household products, to sport equipments, school supplies, gardening items and hardware, accessories for parties, toys, underwear, ceramics, home, office and restaurant furniture. The Ingross Levante wants to promote the local production, even if in our stores you can also find imported goods. The warehouse in Molfetta is a structure built according to the modern standards of earthquake-proof constructions and with a ventilation and natural lighting system implemented with the aim to optimize energy consumption and save operating costs up to 15% if compared to similar sales structures already existing. 29 30 SPECIAL INGROSS LEVANTE Migro Informa april 2013 What you can find in our stores Ingross What you can find in our stores Ingross Levante chooses only the best products, selected with care and experience. Over than 85.000 items among food and no food stuffs: A Abrasive detergents Alcoholic drinks Aluminum rolls and films Ambiental and WC deodorants Armchair – carpets and moquette cleaners B Backed ham Bags Bags Powder detergents Balls Baskets Bath showers – shower gels Beach items Beers Bicarbonate of soda Biscuits Bitter liqueurs Bleach Bolognese sauce and pesto Brandy – spirits Breads and focaccia breads Breadstick Brochures Brooms – brushes – dust scoops Butter and margarine C Candy fruits Ceramic detergents chamomille tea Champagne Cheese and diary products Cheese and pecorino romano cheese Chewing gum Chips and crackers Chocolate eggs Chocolates Christmas articles Christmas baskets Christmas boxes Cleaning & Hygiene accessories Cleaning and sanitizing Clothes peg – strings Cloths and spoges Coal and lighter Cocoa Cognac and brandy Cold cuts Condensed milk powder Condoms Corn-flakes Corned beef Cosmetics Cotton buds Cotton wool Crackers D Deodorants Descalers Detergents boxes – big boxes – bags – washing machines Detergents boxes – delicate garments Detergents for dishwashing machine Dietetics Disinfectant and hydrogen peroxide Distilled Distilled liqueurs Dried salt cod Dry fruits Dry liqueurs Dry mushrooms Dry vegetables E Early childhood biscuits Early childhood foods Easter cakes Effervescent Eggs pasta Electrical devices Events sweets F Floor liquid detergents Floor coths – mocho – refill Floor wax Foodstuffs Freeze-dried coffee and decaf coffee Fresh eggs Fresh snacks Frozen foods Fruit juices Fruits vodka Fruity liqueurs Furnishing Furnishing cleaners G Gloves – hot water bags Grape spirits H Haberdashery Hair curler – pins Hair removers Hair spray and hair gel Ham Hardware store and gardening tools Home video Honey Household appliances Household items I Icecreams Insecticides Intimate cleansers J Jams Jewels L Labels and price labels Laundry soaps Lights and candles Liqueur extract Liqueurs Liquid detergents Liquid detergents delicate garments Liquid soaps M Margarine Marsala wines Mayonnaise Metal cleaners Methylated spirits e acetone Milk cream Mineral water Mortadella ham N Nappies O Office stuff Olive oil Olives Oven cleaners P Packaging Panettone cakes Paper napkins Paper towels Pastas Patisserie Personal care Pet foods Pickles – pickles in oil Picnic stuff Pizzas Plants articles Plastic bags Plastic households Playing cards Pop corns - peanuts - snacks Powder cheese and sliced parmiggiano reggiano Powder detergents for kitchenware Powders for water and drinks Preserved fishes Preserved vegetables Provolone cheese Pure alcohol Purfums - eau de toilettes - after shaving R Razorblades and razors Recurring event boxes Rice Ruscks S Salmon Salt Salt capers – vinegar capers Sanitary Sanitary towels Sausages Seed oil Semolina Semolina pasta Shampoo – balsam – hair colours Shaving foam and shaving gel foam Shoes and accessories cleaners Snacks Snacks – patisserie – cakes Soft drinks Softners and starches Sparkling wines Special cleaners Special pasta Spieces and yeasts Spread chocolates Stain remover Stationery Stock cube Sugars Suntan cream – suntan lotions Sweet liqueurs Sweeteners Sweets Sweets and sugared almond Syrup fruits Syrups T Talcum powder and early childhood creams Tea drink beveranges Tights Toilette papers Tomato paste Toothpaste and toothbrush Toothpick- straws Torrone sweets Tortellini-ravioli pasta Toys-games- jigsaw puzzle Tunas V Vermounth Vinegars W Wafer – savoiardi Whisky Whole wheat pasta Windows cleaners Wines Wipe clean house Wurstel Y Yogurt SPECIAL INGROSS LEVANTE Migro Informa april 2013 informs Cultural and Social activities la Città s.r.l. T he “social sensitivity” of a company goes far beyond its name, organization, values of employment. The sensitivity, deep-rooted into the territory, is a part of the managers, as the CEO of Ingross levante, Renzo Amato, who has been constantly very active in offering his own contribution to the country. The company has been always attracted by publishing activities; in fact, in few years, our Administrator has been involved in the promotion of a series of events and seminars addressed to everyone interested in the cultural field. Thanks to his contribution, in 2009, there was the opportunity to guest in Bari the independent economist Eugenio Benetazzo, who talked in his first publication “Duri e Puri” in 2006 Macro editions, about the arrival of the crisis. After this event, a good partnership with our company was born with the aim to organize others events in the near future. Always with the aim to develop even better this sensitivity, it was introduced the “Agorà award”, entrusted by a cultural association and given to people personally involved in various fields of knowledge, who gave their own contribution in spread the culture, the knowledge and the freedom, always considered rights for everyone. This is an award given to “normal men” who have distinguished for their extraordinary works. We are talking about those heroes who devoted their lives in talking about legality, research, art, science, and so on. The first winner was the attorney general of Bari, Anto- via Patrioti Molfettesi, 7 - 70056 Molfetta (Ba) Managing Editor Benedetta Maffia Chief Editor Michele de Sanctis With the collaboration: Massimiliano Sassoli Editing Forme Comunicazione Visiva di Michelangelo Manente Print Incentive Promomedia s.r.l. - Bari nio Laudati, while the last one was the writer Valerio Meattini. Through the contribution of Valente Music Foundation, the Ingross levante brought the brand Migro to important events in Molfetta. Moreover, Ingross Levante is also active in the field of sport events, such as the Jogging Circuit Corripuglia in 2012. During those events, winners gained vouchers to be used in buying Migro products. The same coupons were given to ecclesiastical entities and associations involved into the care of the needies. The last activity called “Non restiamo a guardare”, was sponsored by local associations in the aftermath of the earthquake in Emilia Romagna. The main aim was to restore “normality” in those places where the earthquake destroyed everything, even the unique school in the country, considered as the vital center of social life and training of children. The Ingross made its best and it will continue to promote these sociocultural initiatives without asking anything return. REGISTRATION TO THE COURT TRANI N° 8/08 DEL 29/07/08 ENROLLMENT AT R.O.C. 11645 © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED All reproduction or adaptation rights, as well as the translation rights are reserved for all countries. Any partial or total reproduction, in any form, even for internal or educational use, unless clearly authorized by the publisher, it is prohibited by law. The publisher is not responsible for the advertisers use of trademarks and slogans and for possible errors in this publication; texts and pictures are purely indicative. The publisher guarantees the confidentiality of the datas and the possibility to ask for rectification or cancellation by writing to: La Città srl - via Boccardi, 1/C - 70056 Molfetta (Ba) All readers of Migro Informa are invited to write to us at: C.P. 151 - 70056 Molfetta (Ba) Tel. 080 33 50 888 - Fax 080 33 50 555 E-mail: Our magazine is open to everyone who wants to work for free in compliance with the Article nr.21 of the Italian Constitution, which provides that “everyone has the right to express his/her own thoughts through speech, writings or any other mean of communication, and therefore this free collaboration may not be considered as an employment relationship or freelance collaboration. The banks we work with: ITALY BCC di San Marzano di San Giuseppe - filiale di Massafra (Ta) IBAN: IT15 L088 1778 9500 0900 0000 356 - Codice BIC: ICRAITRRMP0 Legal head office: Via Patrioti Molfettesi, 7 - C.P. 151 70056 Molfetta (Ba) - Italia Headquarter Via Pansini Legnami ZN ASI lotto B7/S - 70056 Molfetta (Ba) Tel. +39 080 33 50 888 - Fax +39 080 33 50 555 P.IVA 04435890720 - Cap. Soc. € 2.000.000,00 int. vers. C.C.I.A.A. 315814 (BA) - Iscr. Trib. Trani N° 11893 del 17/4/1993 Cod. Mecc. import/export Ba 036324 BANCA MONTE DEI PASCHI DI SIENA - filiale di Modugno (Ba) IBAN: IT 11 L 01030 41542 000001111389 - Codice BIC: PASCITM1BAU BANCAPULIA filiale di Ruvo di Puglia (Ba) IBAN: IT 39 V 05787 41650 042572000550 - Codice BIC: APULIT31 GREECE PIREAUS BANK filiale di Atene Grecia IBAN: GR 94 017201 10005 011020740965 - Codice BIC: PIRBGRAA ALBANIA VENETO BANK Filiale di Tirana 1 IBAN: AL 7820 4110 1700 0000 0000 0217 54 - Codice SWIFT: ITSVALTR RAIFFEISEN BANK Filiale di Tirana IBAN: AL 7320 2111 0900 0000 0000 6284 09 Codice SWIFT: SGSBALTXXXX 31