Principal`s Message - Noelani Elementary School
Principal`s Message - Noelani Elementary School
NOELANI SCHOOL PARENT BULLETIN ! February 14, 2013 Artist: Aaron Au Principal’s Message Dear Parents and Friends, Thank you to all of the parents and family members for supporting our annual JOG-a-thon. This PTA fundraising event is a fun way to educate students about the importance of health and fitness for school-aged children while raising monies to support Noelani’s physical education program. Last week Friday was a great day – all of the students and faculty had fun running in the sun! A special thank you to Mrs. Kau (Rayna & Charissa’s mom) and Mrs. Lum (our PE teacher) for spearheading the event! On Wednesday, February 20, our 4th grade students will depart for their annual Big Island Trip. The Big Island trip is the culminating activity to the fourth graders’ study of Hawaiian History. During the three-day trip, the students will experience the history and wonder about the early life of the Hawaiians. Their visit will include the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Lyman Museum, Pu’uhonua O Honaunau (the City of Refuge) and Imiloa Astronomy Center. Please visit Mrs. Brummel’s (A5), Mr. Fukushima’s (A6), and/or Mr. Lam’s (A12) website to follow their travels and adventures. March 1 is the deadline for submitting Geographic Exceptions (GE). If you have moved and are not currently living in our geographic area, it is important that you submit a GE by the deadline in order to participate in the lottery and possibly have your child remain at Noelani. If you submit a GE after the deadline, you will be placed last on the waitlist. Our 5th grade students are also anxiously awaiting their annual North Shore over-night excursion to Kualoa Ranch & District Park and the Turtle Bay resort. It is a fun field trip for students learning about different environmental issues and career opportunities. The students depart on Thursday, March 14 and return on Friday, March 15. Finally, I would like to remind you that it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure the safety of our students at all times. We humbly ask all of the adults to adhere to the following school procedures: • Visitor procedures: During school hours, all parents/visitors should report to the office to signin and receive a Visitor pass/badge before proceeding to any classroom. • ID tags/badge: All employees, adults and visitors should wear and be easily identified by the use a School ID badge. • Before school supervision: There is no formal supervision of students before school. Students should wait in the cafeteria or at areas designated by teachers until the bell rings. • After school supervision: For students not enrolled in an after school program, parents should make arrangements for students to wait at designated areas for pick-up. All students should be picked up within a reasonable time. Students should not be loitering around school or playing on the playground equipment without parent supervision. • Report strangers/strange behaviors: Please inform your children that they should report any suspicious people or behaviors to an adult immediately. Do not approach them. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation. Your child’s safety and welfare is of utmost importance to us. Sincerely, Rochelle Mahoe, Ph.D. Principal 2013 School Quality Survey (SQS) for Parents All grade 4 and 5 parents should have received a School Quality Survey earlier this month (via their child). Please take the time to complete the survey and mail it to the DOE using the enclosed envelope. The information collected is used to provide the school (and state) with feedback as to how we are doing as a school. Thank you in advance for your participation. The surveys must be postmarked by February 28. GEOGRAPHIC EXCEPTIONS Current returning students on GE’s, do not need to renew their GE for 2013-2014. Incoming students and presently enrolled students who have moved out of the Noelani School district, but wish to remain at Noelani, must apply for the Geographic Exception. Noelani students who are applying to another public school and those who are applying for middle school can submit their forms to our school office. Incoming Kindergartners and new students to the DOE must submit their forms to their home school. We will accept application forms from Jan. 1 thru March 1, 2013. Siblings of students presently enrolled at Noelani on a Geographic Exception must submit their GE forms by March 1st to be considered Priority 2. Any forms after March 1st will be placed on a Priority 4 list. Application forms are available at any public school. Submit the completed application with a selfaddressed stamped envelope. Multiple applications to various schools are suggested in the event the school enrollment may be filled to capacity. The chance lottery at Noelani will be during the first week in April. KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Registration begins in February for all kindergartners. If you know of anyone living in our district who has a child who will be 5 years old by Dec. 31, 2013, please notify them of the registration period. To register, you will need to bring in these documents: Form 14 (health card) with a current TB test, birth certificate, and 2 current utility bills to verify your address. You may call our school office at 988-1858 for more information or visit our school website at ! FROM THE PTA: Noelani Jogathon Thank you Noelani Ohana for making Jogathon 2013 a success! This event would not have been possible without the following hard-working volunteers that did everything from soliciting donations for prizes to cheering on our student athletes as they took a step towards a healthier lifestyle. Christine Anzai Valerica Dinu Bertram Jung Katina Marx Daita Serghi Fay Atebara Misuk Do Boochun Jung Doug McCulloch Doran Smith Lisa Au Phil Doerr Eva Jung Kaleen Miyasato Kimberly Soares Bob Benham Brian Dote Cara Kakuda Darci Murakawa Linda Suzuki Maricel Blackwell John Dye Ray Kakuda Bert Nakamura Cheryl Takabayashi Amanda Blodgett Joyce Eshima Aren Kaneshiro Lee Ann Oishi Kimi Takazawa Jackie Breeden Jennifer Farm Theros Wendy Kawabata Shigemi Okada Ty Tengan Patrick Breeden Chris Folan Ehito Kimura Lon Okimoto Jaimie Tom Virginie Ching Kimberly Funasaki Ross Kinsler Ivy Terakawa Mike Toyama Ray Chiu Lisa Furuta Ed Korybski Sara Oshiro Remy Toyama Robin Chock Ken Goodman Bert Nakamura Anna Pang Norris Uehara Lydia Cox Jayson Harper Sherilyn Kimura Jin Park Lorrie Unruh Travis Cox Todd Hedges Richard Langford Barbra Pleadwell Sandra Valla Hildre Crookes Harry Hui Dongmei Li Christine Quemuel Kathleen Vickers Yumiko Ishida Yong Li Maribela Ruano Jane Wang Chenoa Diehm- Celine Israel Jose Israel Desiree Loperfido Inessa Love Hiroko Sakurai Sylvia Wang Jean Zheng Morris Neculai Dinu Jose Israel Nicolle Israel Inessa Love Jelena Maricic Lola Salimova Lisa Sapp Jean Zheng Herrera We’d like to recognize our dedicated committee chairs – Kimi Takazawa, Lisa Furuta, Sandra Valla, Shigemi Okada, Inessa Love, and Maurice Matsuzaki – and thank them for their generous donation of time, energy, and creativity in heading up the bulletin board, warm-up raffle, incentive prize, and logistics committees. We would also like to give a sincere thanks to Jenni Matheson for being the guest speaker at our kick-off ceremony. Special thanks to the Noelani PTA Board, faculty, administration, cafeteria, and custodial staff for your support, participation, and patience!! We’d also like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to those who willingly filled in where help was needed whom may not be listed here. Due to everyone’s hard work in collecting sponsorship donations, the funds raised this year went to retaining Mrs. Lum’s excellent physical education services; purchasing an automatic ice machine, which supports school events year-round, and replacement physical education items. Mahalo, Michelle Kau, Jogathon 2013 Chair LOST AND FOUND Please check the lost and found area in the cafeteria for your child’s belongings. At the end of each quarter, we will be donating the items to a non-profit agency. Book of the Month Mossy by Jan Brett Life at Lilypad Pond for Mossy the turtle seems perfect. Everyday brought a surprise as a garden of curlicue moss, spring wild?lowers, and wild strawberries begin to grow on Mossy’s back. She even meets another turtle, Scoot, the handsomest turtle she’d ever seen. Then Dr. Carolina spots Mossy and decides that Mossy would make an extraordinary exhibit at the museum as a garden-‐growing turtle. Soon Dr. Carolina’s niece, Tory, notices that Mossy is no longer happy. They have an idea to keep the amazing wonder of Mossy on exhibit and still return her home to Scoot and misty, moisty Lilypad Pond. Calendar of Events FEB. MARCH 11-14 15 18 20-22 22 Gr. 3 HSA Testing Gr. PK Au’s Garden Restaurant Gr. 4 & 5 HTY Play President’s Day Holiday - no school Gr. 4 Big Island Trip JPO Bowling 6 7 13 14-15 15 18-22 25 26 29 Gr. 2 Roosevelt High Gr. 1 UH Magoon Labs Gr. 2 Kewalo Tide Pools Gr. 5 Turtle Bay 3rd Quarter ends Spring Break HSTA & UPW DLWOP - no school Prince Kuhio Holiday - no school Good Friday Holiday - no school APRIL 4 5 8-12 13 15-19 22-26 22 23 23-25 26 30 Gr. 1 UH Magoon Labs Report cards distribution Gr. 5 HSA Testing Beautification Day 8-11am Gr. 4 HSA Testing Gr. 3 HSA Testing Gr. 4 (A6) Ka Papa Lo’i O Kanewai Gr. 4 (A5 & A12) Ka Papa Lo’i O Kanewai Gr. 2 Terra Nova Testing JPO Field Day Gr. 1 UH Magoon Labs MAY 3 17 21 23 24 May Fair Gr. 3-5 Ice Palace Gr. 5 Banquet Awards Assembly - 8:30am Gr. 5 Graduation - 8:45am Last day for students - full day
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