MARCH makes me think of daffodils, St. Patrick`s Day and
MARCH makes me think of daffodils, St. Patrick`s Day and
SEW WHAT’S NEW March 2012 Page 1 March 2012 MARCH makes me think of daffodils, St. Patrick’s Day and shamrocks, lions and lambs, and quilts in lovely pastel colors. March also brings the annual blossoms of desert wildflowers in Anza Borrego. The month also reveals exploding displays of magenta and hot pink ice plant along the freeways. They almost appear to be neon in the sunlight! Today we are having a “winter” storm, so it does appear that March is coming in like a lion. If it goes out like a lamb, I’ll look forward to balmy breezes and sunny days. I want to give a special THANK YOU to Kathy Greene for managing last month’s meeting. I’m sure everyone had a marvelous time. I heard the quilts that were displayed were absolutely gorgeous. I was sorry to miss the presentation. Today is the 4-week anniversary of my knee surgery and I plan on being at the March meeting. I’m still having a difficult time, so will need a “runner” for the microphone, but I’m looking forward to seeing you all again. For the Ostrich Challenge, let’s do our reveal at the May meeting. Here’s our schedule so far: 1) An orphan block with 2) A border of TRIANGLES, 3) A second border of WAVES or CURVES, 4) A row of STRIPES, 5) A plain border AND/OR a border of squares, and 6) A round of appliqué (any kind, any amount). 7) For #7, make a border that incorporates a motif, a shape, or a fabric from the center block. Feel free to interpret this however you desire. 8) I’m going to give you #8 now – a plain border – just in case you want to combine #7 and #8 in some creative way. Now you’ll have a couple months to complete your Ostrich Challenge! Have fun! See you soon! Darlene Piché ( SEW WHAT’S NEW Page 2 March 2012 Programs March 10, 2012 Speaker - Karen Brow “Feature A Creature” Karen Brow’s lecture for our March meeting will showcase a number of unique designs for us focusing on her appliqué work. Her background certainly qualifies her for success in drawing/designing unusual visuals given that she worked as a professional graphic designer and cartoon illustrator before channeling her energies into quilting and coming up with unusual patterns. You may have seen some of her work in "Quilts With Style" and "American Quilt Retailer" magazines or perhaps you recognize her name from her line of fabrics as featured on the cover of "The Quilter Magazine." She has designed for McCall’s patterns, and her designs are found regularly in Keepsake Quilting, Hancock’s of Paducah and Nancy’s Notions. Her love of animals and sense of humor dominate her lecture. This will be a fun meeting! APRIL 2012 - DIANE STEELE “ROUND ROBINS, BLOCK EXCHANGES AND CHALLENGES” Dianne Steele has been quilting for 15 years, and for the last 10, her quilting quest has become an all-consuming passion. She is known to some family members as the “The Rabid Quilter”. She feels closest to traditional quilts and has used those techniques giving her a good base to expand her quilting to what she calls ‘artsy’ endeavors. Her presentation will show how her participation with friends in both large and small guilds has influenced and resulted in lots of shared quilts. Many of these are through working with friends on round-robins, block exchanges and challenges. She believes quilting with friends and taking challenges have helped all concerned to get out of their comfort zone. Her passion is to excite quilters to grow in quilting knowledge and expertise when testing different techniques, patterns and color-ways. Village Store The Village Store returns in March with lots of goodies for ridiculous prices. Have you started your spring cleaning and found lots of "what was I thinking" items in your sewing space. Please bring your unwanted items in March to help our fund raising. SEW WHAT’S NEW Page 3 March 2012 Fabric Exchange For the fat quarter exchange, please use good quality fabric. A fat quarter measures 18” x 22”. If you want, you can buy ½ yd of fabric and cut it down the fold. Be sure that the fold is right on center. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either Janet or Deb. Mar- your choice May- flowers April- yellow and blue June- beach and summertime Enjoy! Janet Beyea and Deb McManus Library Just a friendly reminder to bring your borrowed books back. And, if anyone did any major cleaning and has any magazines to donate, that would be great. The magazine sales are our source of income to add new books to the library. I look forward to seeing everyone soon! Kim Stevenson Village Quilters Program Schedule (NOTE: Some Programs are Subject to Change) September 2011 through June 2012 March 10, 2012 Karen Brow—Java House Quilts April 14, 2012 May 12, 2012 June 9, 2012 Diane Steele Cathie Hoover Summer Pot Luck “Feature a Creature” “Group Quilts: Block exchanges, Round Robins and Challenges” "The Color Red" SEW WHAT’S NEW Page 4 March 2012 Upcoming Events Local Upcoming Events: February 3 April 22 Visions Art Museum “Art Meets Science”: An invitational exhibition of art quilts from Studio Art Quilt Associates AND “Magical Mystery Tour: en homage”: Canyon Quilters Guild’s tribute to the Beetles in a collection of whimsical quilts March 2 - 3 Desert Guilds 2012 Quilt Show: Desert Splendor, 10:00 am to 4:00 PM, At the Palm Springs Pavilion, 401 S Pavilion Way, Palm Springs, CA. March 3-11 San Diego Cruisin’ Quilters Shop Hop March 12 Friendship’s Guild Meeting (Monday, 7:00 pm): Maggie Ball, March 19 Canyon’s Guild Meeting (Monday, 7:00 pm): Jan Steffen, Plan Ahead for: April 9 Friendship’s Guild Meeting (Monday, 7:00 pm): Maggie Ball, April 16 Canyon’s Guild Meeting (Monday, 7:00 pm): Mary Tabar, SEW WHAT’S NEW Page 5 March 2012 Sit-N-Sews The following dates are for our Sit-N-Sew gatherings. These are "bring your own project" meetings and are held at Amidon Quiltworks from 10:00 till 2:00. March: Wednesday the 7th Thursday the 22nd Please support our advertisers. Tell them you saw their ad in the VQ newsletter! Classifieds and Websites Classifieds: Sell, give away or get items from your fellow guild members. All items must be related to quilting and will be published just one time. Perhaps you have a sewing machine you would like to sell; or you’re looking for a special ruler or book. Websites: Share sites that you find yourself visiting over and over again. Submit classifieds (with your contact information) and favorite websites to Rene Robinette at SEW WHAT’S NEW Page 6 March Reminders Wear your NAME BADGE!!! Park on Meanley Drive and participate in a raffle! Please return any library books you’ve borrowed – and any old magazines or books you’d like to donate Bring QUILTS to share! Bring any donations for the Village Store March 2012 SEW WHAT’S NEW Page 7 March 2012 Block of the Month March!!! My favorite month….being Irish and all. I hope you all enjoy the month….be sure to wear your green, eat your cabbage and corned beef, pull out your green and white fabrics, and stitch up an Irish chain block or quilt. Last month’s BOM – Friendship stars and pinwheels – was provided by Gail Tauscher and won by Deb McManus. That was 18 blocks to make a nice size quilt top! We can hardly wait to see what Deb does with them. Hope Campbell provided the next set of kits, 23 black & white log cabin blocks. She said that the winner will take all; so, with the sample block, that will give the winner 24 blocks! Keep your fingers crossed, as this will make a striking quilt. To finish up the guild year, these ladies will be bringing the next set of kits: March – Mary Lewis April – Sharon Ainsworth May – Lynn Caughey 30’s fabrics Next year the BOM table will be hosted by Lynelle Hallock and Jill Elhart. Doris and I have had a blast hosting this part of the guild. What is BOM, or Block of the Month? There are 8 months in the VQ year where individuals can sign up to create kits containing materials for one or two squares for any quilt design they choose. The kits contain their fabric choice (cut to size) and instructions to complete the square(s). There are usually a minimum of 20 kits representing 20 squares but it’s up to the individual if they would like to make more than one square per kit. Typically there is 1 square per kit if it’s going to be winner takes all, or 2 squares per kit if the provider wants to get ½ back and the winner gets the other half. VQ members then have an opportunity to purchase these kits for $2. Members are expected to complete their kit’s square(s) and return them to the VQ BOM counter at the next meeting. When the finished kits are returned, a winner‘s name is drawn from those who completed their kits – and just like that, the winner could win a whole quilt top for the amazing price of just $2!!! If that isn’t a bargain, I don’t know what is! We’ll see you at the meeting, and remember if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. Karen Kluwin Doris Hargrove 858-487-3378 SEW WHAT’S NEW Page 8 March 2012 Membership New Members Carolyn Rhodes D.J. Lavoie Shannon Pasek March Birthdays Jill Elhard Suzy Marshall March 24 March 30 VQ is an organization of people who like and appreciate quilting. Our membership is made up of new quilters, old quilters and people who just appreciate the fabric arts. If you are new to quilting and thought quilt guilds were only for experienced quilters, please think again. Our meetings offer an opportunity to learn from each other and to be challenged to try new things. Each meeting provides opportunities to hear from talented guests in the quilting industry and identifies ways you can support your community through the making and giving of quilts to the needy. Meetings are usually held on the second Saturday, September through June. Join the guild for $35, renew your membership for $30 or come as a guest for $5. Golden Girl Quilters (70 and over) pay $25 as new, $20 on renewal. We look forward to seeing you. To find out information about other Quilt Guilds go to SEW WHAT’S NEW Page 9 February Treasurer’s Report March 2012 SEW WHAT’S NEW Page 10 March 2012 Hospitality Hospitality would like to thank the following ladies for offering to bring goodies to our March meeting: Sandra Walker Kathy Greene Barb Maietta Remaining Newsletter Due Dates Submit articles for the 2011/2012 VQ Newsletters to by the following dates: March 31 for April newsletter May 26 for June newsletter April 28 for May newsletter SEW WHAT’S NEW Page 11 March 2012 Ways and Means Thanks to all who are taking blocks home to make for potholders and table runners. You are the best Village Quilters. Thank you Thank you. Our committee would really appreciate your looking in your stash for a little Christmas fabric to share. Scraps, anything you could part with would be really appreciated. Thanks for all you do to help ways and means. Annie and her elves Anna Mitchell, Special Projects/Philanthropy A big thank you to everyone who made it possible to donate 3 beautiful quilts to Hidden Valley and 5 preemie blankies to Kaiser hospital. Margaret Cording made a bag full of the most adorable baby caps!! Anwill Konig, {} SEW WHAT’S NEW Page 12 March 2012 2011-2012 Steering Committee President Darlene Piche Secretary Diane Troncale Treasurer Hope Campbell Membership Nicole Towner Margaret Cording Newsletter Rene’ Robinette Publicity Jeffree Itrich Block of the Month Karen Kluwin Doris Hargrove Ways & Means Annie Mitchell Mary Lewis Lynnell Hallock Village Store Janet Beyea Librarian Kim and Jessica Stevenson Hospitality Kristy Barkley Brigid Hom-Schnapp 858.566.3152 Darlene Piche’s 7:00pm 858.566.3886 858.487.5651 858.444.6303 619.291.8032 858.414.3136 858.487.3378 March 13 April 17 May 15 June 12 Please note that monthly guild meetings are generally the second Saturday of the month at 10 am (doors open at 9:30). Please post this notice on your refrigerator as a reminder of meeting date changes or check our website for the latest meeting information. Meeting are held at the Scripps Ranch Library, 10301 Scripps Lake Dr, San Diego, CA 92131 10:00 am to 12:00 Noon 858.566.7133 858.271.6924 858.578.6351 858.695.8441 619.980.0297 858.676.0118 858.578 7014 760.510.8222 858.653.0398 Speaker Liaison Kim Stevenson 619.980.0297 Speaker Lunch /Transportation Liaison Kathy Greene 858.549.9801 Jeffree Itrich 619.291.8032 Retreat Betty Molnar Kathy Greene March 10 April 14 May 12 June 9 858.692.4281 858.578.7526 Historian Diane DeWeese 858.538.0324 Special Projects/Philanthropy Anwill Konig 858.673.1184 Fabric Exchange Janet Beyea 858.695.8441 Deb McManus 858.695.0656 Programs Kapi Kizer Contracts Suzy Marshall IMPORTANT DATES FOR 2011-2012 Guild Meetings (Saturday): Board Mtgs (Tuesdays) 760.213.8523 858.549.9801 Website Manager Nicole Towner 858.692.4281 Guild membership is more satisfying when you are an active participant… volunteer today! It pays to advertise... What’s new with you? Sew What’s New is read monthly by members of Village Quilters and other San Diego Quilt Guilds as well as guests, shop owners and their customers from all over. Don’t let another issue go by without having your business featured herein. Advertising rates for 2011/2012 are: Monthly Yearly Business card $10.00 $ 90.00 1/4 page $20.00 $180.00 1/2 page $30.00 $270.00 Full page $55.00 $495.00 Send camera-ready art or disk to Editor, Rene Robinette, 10543 Sunset Drive, San Diego CA 92131, Checks should be made payable to Village Quilters. SEW WHAT’S NEW Page 13 March 2012 Bring to meeting or mail to: Village Quilters Attn: Membership P.O. Box 501495 San Diego, CA 92150-1495 VILLAGE QUILTERS GUILD MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION/RENEWAL We request that all renewing members complete this section so that we can keep the roster current. The purpose of Village Quilters Guild is to promote the appreciation of quilts, encourage quilt making and collecting, further the growth of quilt education, support community charities, and provide a social structure whereby quilt lovers can share ideas and friendship. REGISTRATION INFORMATION Date: _________________________________, 20_________ Name:____________________________________________ Birthday (MM/DD): __________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________ State: _________ Zip: _______________ Email address: ___________________________________(if no email newsletter will be mailed) Home Phone: (______) _______________________ Other Phone: (______) _____________________ Membership runs from July through June (no official meetings in July and August; only sit and sews) _____ New Member $35.00 - includes guild pin ($25.00 after February 1) _____ Returning Member $30.00 ______ New Golden Girl Quilter (70+ years) $25 ______ Returning Golden Girl Quilter (70+ years) $20 For Guild records: Amount Paid: $ ________________ ____ Check (No. ___________) _____ Cash TOPICS AND SPEAKERS Please list the topics or speakers you would like to see presented at Guild meetings: _________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ OPPORTUNITIES Village Quilters is great because members participate and volunteer their time. Check any committees that might be of interest to you. Ways and Means Library Historian Special Projects Hospitality Mailings Membership Block of the Month Newsletter Fabric Exchange Programs (Speakers/Workshops) Publicity Quilt Retreat Program Liaison Village Quilters PO Box 501495 San Diego, CA 92150-1495 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED The objective of our organization is to promote the appreciation of quilts, to encourage quilt making and collecting, to further the growth of quilt education, to support community charities and to provide a social structure whereby quilt lovers can share ideas and friendship. The guild usually meets on the second Saturday of the month at 10 a.m. at the Scripps Miramar Ranch Library, 10301 Scripps Lake Drive, San Diego, CA. However, occasionally, at the request of the Library, our meetings are on the third Saturday. Please check our website for up-to-date meeting information: Annual membership is $35 for new members; $30 for returning members, $25 for new Golden Girl (70+ years) members; $20 for returning Golden Girl (70+ years) members. Guest donation is $5 per meeting. Guild pins are available for $5. Sew What’s New is published monthly by Village Quilters for members and neighboring guilds. The deadline for submission of articles varies and is noted in the newsletter. Members are encouraged to submit articles on tips or techniques, commentaries on quilt shows or quilt shops visited, or reviews of new books. Submissions may be sent by U.S. mail to the editor, Rene Robinette, 10543 Sunset Ridge Drive, San Diego, CA 92131, or by e-mail to Please put “VQ Newsletter (month)” in the subject line of your e-mail. Village Quilters reserves the right to edit articles for space. The information presented herein is for the education and benefit of our members.
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