The Scuttlebut - Minnesota Waters
The Scuttlebut - Minnesota Waters
Spring 2016 THE SCUTTLEBUT Center Lakes Association SPRING 2016 ING 2013 NEWSLETTER Chisago Lakes Lake Improvement District Protecting and restoring the surface water resources of the Chisago Lakes Chain of Lakes Watershed The Chisago Lakes Lake Improvement District (LID) was the first LID established in Minnesota and is the largest. The LID was formed in 1976 in response to high water in area lakes and the flooding of shoreland homes. As a result, the LID installed a system of channels and weirs designed to drain excess water during times of high water. Since its inception, the LID’s role has expanded to much more than lake water levels. In 2015, the Chisago County Board approved expansion and adjustment of the LID boundary to match the Chisago Lakes Chain of Lakes Watershed boundary. Chisago Lakes LID Fast Facts: Contains the communities of Center City, Chisago City, Lindstrom, Shafer, and Chisago Lakes and Lent Townships. Approximately 14,000 people live in the LID. There are 19 lakes in the LID, combined there are over 7,000 acres of surface water. The LID is about 10 miles long and 9.3 miles wide. Chisago, or Ki Chi Saga to the Native Americans, means fair and lovely waters. SPRING MEETING Saturday, June 11, 2016 9:30 am Swedish Village Inn Center City, MN Business meeting at 9:30 am followed by speaker Our speaker this year will be a representative of the Chisago Lakes Lake Improvement District (LID) The LID strives to protect and restore area lakes and streams by engaging in programs to: Maintain ditch and weir system Encourage sound land use practices Preserve protect and enhance water quality Promote environmental education, awareness and stewardship Promote reduction of aquatic invasive species Protect, encourage and restore native shoreline Restore, improve and maintain navigation channels Support safe and balanced recreational use For more information about the Chisago Lakes LID visit : Spring 2016 ISSUE #5 Chisago Lakes Chain of Lakes Watershed A watershed is like a funnel – collecting all water within the drainage area and channeling it into a stream, river or lake. Even if your home is not next to a lake, river or wetland, you still live in a watershed and the rain and snowmelt from your property flows to area lakes and rivers. In the Chisago Lakes Chain of Lakes Watershed, runoff water drains through many streams into the lakes. The water eventually flows from the Watershed into the Sunrise River, then flows north to the St. Croix River. What we do in the Chisago Lakes area has an effect on the Sunrise and St. Croix Rivers. Runoff Pollution In cities and farms, water flows over streets, sidewalks, and fields into streams, ditches, and storm drains. As the water flows, it picks up trash or pollutants and carries them, untreated, directly to the nearest lake or river. This is runoff pollution. Everyone who lives in the Chisago Lakes Chain of Lakes Watershed can have a positive or negative effect on water quality. It is our responsibility to ensure that runoff from our properties is as clean as possible. Over time, many lakes and streams within the Watershed have become degraded. Degradation of our waters is harmful to fish habitat and negatively impacts recreational value by making swimming and boating less desirable. Impaired Waters North & South Center, Linn, Little, Ogren, Pioneer, School, and Wallmark Lakes are impaired, meaning these lakes do not meet water quality standards established by the State of Minnesota for lakes in this area. Rev. 2-2016 Sediment, fertilizers, and pesticides can run directly off of agricultural land. Leaves, grass clippings, and debris from streets and lawns often go directly into storm sewers untreated. The LID Board of Directors is composed of 5 members representing specific areas of the LID (see map) and 2 at large Directors: Area 1: Mike Mergens, Vice Chair Area 2: Jill Behnke Area 3: Orris Erlandson Area 4: Joyce Anastasi, Chair Area 5: Monica Kinny At Large Director: Steve Paquay At Large Director: Gary Schumacher The LID Board administers an annual budget and provides policy recommendations to the Chisago County Board of Commissioners. Spring 2016 Center Lakes Association Annual Membership Application o New Member o Renewal Member o Associate Member ISSUE #5 Website E-Mail Facebook Mailing address Center Lakes Association P.O. Box 568 Lindstrom MN, 55045 Annual Dues $25.00 Please print legibly Name Address Center Lakes Association Objectives City _______________ State ______ Zip Maintain and improve the water quality of South and North Center Lakes Promote and educate lakeshore owners and users responsible use of the lakes Bring about a spirit of cooperation among the lakeshore owners and surronding commmunitites Telephone Cell Email I PREFER TO RECEIVE THE CLA NEWSLETTER BY; please circle one US MAIL (non-computer user only). E-MAIL Remove from list Center Lakes Association expects members to volunteer. MY LAKE SHORE PROERTY IS ON o SOUTH CENTER LAKE o NORTH CENTER LAKE Please Renew Your Annual Membership! Please check one o I am a full-time resident o Seasonal o Snowbird *Free will donations of any denomination are accepted for the Aquatic Invasive Species Fund. Donations are not in place of membership. o Please contact me I am interested in volunteer opportunities. Mail to: CLA, PO Box 568 Lindstrom, MN 55045 Referral Name_________________________ Cell or land line#_________________________ This page authorized to be reprinted or photocopied for membership referral contest. Nkm2014 Delete text and place photo here. Your Membership Dues: Help fund aquatic invasive species control. Provide educational opportunities to lakeshore owners and the community Are due each spring, and last for 1 year Don’t know if you already paid your dues? Just email us at to check on your membership status. News and Events Are you interested in helping to monitor for Aquatic Invasive Species? Please email us at or call Nancy Mergens at 651-213-6650 or Lorene Gray at 651-492-3387, we are improving our volunteer process and need your help! Center City Parks Department is looking for volunteers to complete a number of projects. This year the goal is to redo the lakeshore area on the south side of North Center Lake (near Swensons). Please call Lynne Karwand at 651-257-8724, Jill Behnke at 651-329-3105 or City Hall at 651-257-5284 for more information. Planning to slow run off from your property, improve your lakeshore, or install a rain garden this year? Don’t forget to check with Chisago County Soil & Water Conservation Department at 651-674-2333 or to see if there is funding or planning services available to help you with your project.