shopko - Matthews Real Estate Investment Services
shopko - Matthews Real Estate Investment Services
SHOPKO 699 S GREEN BAY ROAD, NEENAH, WI 54956 OFFERING MEMORANDUM ™ C O N FID EN T I A L I T Y & DI SCL A IMER STATEMEN T T his Of f er ing M e m o r a n du m co n t a i n s s e l e c t i nform ati on pertai ni ng to the busi ness and affai rs of Shopko located at 699 S Green Bay Road, Neenah, WI 54956 ( “ P r o p e rt y ” ) . It h a s be e n p r e p a red by Matthews Retai l Advi sors . Thi s O fferi ng Mem oran d u m may n ot b e all-in clu s ive or con t ain all o f t he inf o r ma t i o n a p r o s p e ct i v e p u r ch a s er m ay desi re. The i nform ati on c ontai ned i n thi s O fferin g M emoran d u m is con fid en t ial an d fu rn is h ed s o le ly f o r t he p u r p o s e o f a r e v i e w by a p rospec ti ve purc haser of the Property. It i s not to be used for an y ot h er pu rpos e or mad e availab le t o a ny o t he r p e r s o n w i t h o u t t h e w r i t t e n co n sent of Sel l er or Matthews Retai l Advi sors . The m aterial is b as ed in part u pon in format ion s u pplied b y t he Selle r an d i n p a r t u p o n f i n a n ci a l i nform ati on obtai ned from sourc es i t deem s rel i abl e. Own er, n or t h eir officers , employees , or agen t s ma kes a ny r e p r e s e n t a t i o n o r w a r r a n t y, e xpress or i m pl i ed, as to the ac c urac y or c om pl etwene s s of t h is Offerin g M emoran d u m or an y of it s c o nt e nt s a nd n o l e g a l l i a bi l i t y i s a s s u m e d or shal l be i m pl i ed wi th respec t thereto. Prospec ti ve pu rch as ers s h ou ld make t h eir own project ion s a nd f o r m t he ir o w n co n cl u s i o n s w i t h o u t rel i anc e upon the m ateri al c ontai ned herei n and c ondu ct t h eir own d u e d iligen ce. B y a c kno w le dg i n g y o u r r e ce i p t o f t h i s O fferi ng Mem orandum for the Property, you agree: 1. T he Of f e r i n g M e m o r a n du m a n d i t s c ontents are c onfi denti al ; 2. Yo u w il l h o l d i t a n d t r e a t i t i n t h e s tri c test of c onfi denc e; and 3. Yo u w ill n o t , di r e ct l y o r i n di r e ct l y, di sc l ose or perm i t anyone el se to di sc l ose thi s O fferi n g M emoran d u m or it s con t en t s in an y fas h ion o r ma nn e r de t r i m e n t a l t o t h e i n t e rest of the Sel l er. Ow ne r a nd Mat t h e w s Re t a i l A dv i s o r s e x pressl y reserve the ri ght, at thei r sol e di sc reti on, to reject an y an d all expres s ion s of in t eres t or o f f er s t o p ur ch a s e t h e P r o p e r t y a n d t o t erm i nate di sc ussi ons wi th any person or enti ty revi ewin g t h is Offerin g M emoran d u m or makin g an o f f er t o p ur c h a s e t h e P r o p e r t y u n l e s s a nd unti l a wri tten agreem ent for the purc hase and sal e of t h e Propert y h as b een fu lly execu t ed an d d e liv er e d . I f y o u w ish no t t o p u r s u e n e g o t i a t i o n s l e adi ng to the ac qui si ti on of the Property or i n the future you d is con t in u e s u ch n egot iat ion s , t h en you a g r ee t o p ur g e a l l m a t e r i a l s r e l a t i n g t o t hi s Property i nc l udi ng thi s O fferi ng Mem orandum . A p r o sp ec t iv e p u r ch a s e r ’s s o l e a n d e xcl usi ve ri ghts wi th respec t to thi s prospec ti ve transac ti on , t h e Propert y, or in format ion provid ed h erein o r in c o nne c t i o n w i t h t h e s a l e o f t h e P r o perty shal l be l i m i ted to those expressl y provi ded i n an execu t ed Pu rch as e Agreemen t an d s h all b e s ub je c t t o t he t e r m s t h e r e o f. In n o e v e n t shal l a prospec ti ve purc haser have any other c l ai m s again s t Seller or M at t h ews Ret ail Ad vis ors or a ny o f t heir a ff i l i a t e s o r a n y o f t h e i r r e s p ec ti ve offi c ers, Di rec tors, sharehol ders, owners, em ployees , or agen t s for an y d amages , liab ilit y, or c a us es o f a c t i o n r e l a t i n g t o t h i s s o l i ci t a t i on proc ess or the m arketi ng or sal e of the Property. T his Of f er ing M e m o r a n du m s h a l l n o t be deem ed to represent the state of affai rs of the Prope rt y or con s t it u t e an in d icat ion t h at t h ere h as b e en no c ha nge i n t h e s t a t e o f a f f a i r s o f the Property si nc e the date thi s O fferi ng Mem orandum. SHOPKO 699 S GREEN BAY ROAD NEENAH, WI 54956 TABLE O F CO NT ENTS 04. Executive Summary 06. Lease Abstract 07. Property Overview 14. Tenant Overview 15. Area Overview 17. Demographics ™ Kyle Matthews, CCIM Chairman & CEO Lindsay Tsumpes AVP & Director Beau Beach Broker of Record License No. 01469842 O 310.919.5757 M 310.622.3161 License No. 01954256 O 310.579.9691 M 310.880.8418 License No. 55685-90 E XECUTIVE S UMMARY Investment Highlights 4 I Shopko • Absolute NNN lease – zero landlord responsibilities • More than fifteen (15) years remaining on lease term, providing long term passive income and security • Guaranteed by Specialty Retail Shops Holding Corp. (“SRSHC”) • Annual contractual rent increases provide a strong hedge against inflation • Healthy rent to sales ratio of 5.05% • Strategically located just off of Interstate 41, the Property benefits from highway visibility that sees 76,000 cars per day • Traffic count of 28,000 cars per day along W Winneconne Ave. • Shadow anchored by Dollar Tree and grocery store Festival Foods – a daily needs tenant increases consumer draw and traffic to the shopping center • Average household income of over $70,000 within a 3-mile radius • Growing community with positive population growth over the last 10 years • In a retail corridor with strong neighboring tenants in the trade area: Wal-Mart Supercenter, CVS, Kohl’s, Anytime Fitness, Walgreens, Mcdonalds, and more Executive Summary SHOPKO 699 S Green Bay Road Neenah, WI 54956 List Price........................................................................................... $9,990,000 CAP Rate - Current������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7.35% Gross Leasable Area��������������������������������������������������������������������± 94,225 SF Lot Size ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ± 7.90 Acres Year Built/Reno��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1989/2003 Annualized Operating Data Current Monthly Rent Annual Rent Rent/SF $61,250 $735,000 $7.80 *Annual rent increase: Lesser of 1.25 x CPI or 1.95% every January 1st Tenant Summary Tenant Trade Name Shopko Stores Operating Co., LLC Type of Ownership Fee Simple Lease Guarantor Specialty Retail Shops Holding Corp. ("SRSHC") Lease Type NNN Landlord Responsibility None Lease Dated Upon execution at closing Rent Commencement Date 5/19/2016 Lease Expiration Date 12/31/2031 Term Remaining on Lease 15.5 Years Increases Options Lesser of 1.25 x CPI or 1.95% every January 1st Two (2) Ten (10) Year Matthews Retail Advisors | 5 Lease Abstract - Shopko Tenant: Shopko Stores Operating Co. LLC Guarantor: Specialty Retail Shops Holding Corp. ("SRSHC") Address: 699 S Green Bay Road Neenah, WI 54956 Size: ±94,225 SF Rent Commencement: 05/19/2016 Lease Expiration: 12/31/2031 Renewal Options: 2 (Two) 10 (Ten) year options Required Advance Notice of Exercise Options: One Hundred Twenty (120) days prior to the end of the Initial Term of this Lease Current Rent: $735,000 Rent Increases: The lesser of 1.25 x CPI or 1.95% annually every January 1 Net Lease: This Lease is a triple net lease and all costs, expenses, and obligations relating to the Premises shall be paid by Tenant Real Estate Taxes: Tenant agrees to pay real estate taxes and assessments levied or assessed against the Property during the Term Insurance: Tenant shall maintain all-risk insurance for the building for 100% of its reasonable replacement value. Tenant shall also maintain general liability coverage of no less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurance and Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) in aggregate. See Lease for other insurance policies. Utilities: Tenant to contract and pay all utilites Tenant Assignment and Subletting: Tenant shall have the right to assign the Lease, or to sublet the whole or any part of the Premises provided the Landlord's consent Right of First Refusal: None 6 | Shopko Matthews Retail Advisors | 7 P ROPERTY O VERVIEW 8 | Shopko Physical Description Property Name Property Address Assessor’s Parcel Number Zoning Shopko 699 S Green Bay Road Neenah, WI 54956 07-0616-0100 I1 - Planned Business Center Site Description Number of Stories Year Built/Reno One 1989/2003 Gross Leasable Area (GLA) ± 94,225 SF Lot Size ± 7.90 Acres Type of Ownership Parking Fee Simple ± 600 Surface Spaces Parking Ratio 6.37 : 1,000 SF Landscaping Professional Topography Generally Level Construction Foundation Concrete Slab Framing Metal Exterior Painted CMU Parking Surface Roof Asphalt Flat Matthews Retail Advisors | 9 Aerial 10 | Shopko Regional Map Matthews Retail Advisors | 11 Tenant Map 12 | Shopko Bird’s Eye e± v A ne PD 2 V 0 0 0 8, on ec n n i W 13 | Shopko Matthews Retail Advisors | 13 T ENANT O VERVIEW 14 | Shopko Property Name Property Type Parent Company Trade Name Ownership No. of Locations No. of Employees (All) Headquartered Web Site Year Founded Shopko Department Sun Capital Partners, Inc. Private ± 320 ± 23,000 Green Bay. WI 1961 Shopko Stores focuses on a select product range across US small and rural areas. The company operates more than 320 stores, including about 135 Shopko discount stores and about 180 Shopko Hometown shops (formerly Pamida stores) in more than 20 states across the Midwest, Mountain, and Pacific Northwest regions. The company also sells goods online. Shopko offers a large selection of many retail categories; it pushes popular, high-margin categories such as casual apparel, health and beauty aids, and housewares. Most Shopko stores have optical centers and pharmacies. The company is owned by Sun Capital Partners. Matthews Retail Advisors | 15 A REA O VERVIEW Neenah, WI Neenah is a city in Winnebago County, Wisconsin. It is situated on the banks of Lake Winnebago, Little Lake Butte des Morts, and the Fox River. Neenah is sometimes referred to as a twin city of the City of Menasha with which it shares Doty Island. Neenah is part of the Fox Cities metropolitan area which is the fastest growing urban center in Wisconsin. Neenah offers something special for everyone and has plenty of historic charm and natural beauty. The Fox Valley metro area’s business climate has earned it the ranking of third best market for business development among all small metropolitan areas in the nation. There are plenty of attractions in Neenah and something for everyone. Bergstrom-Mahler Museum of Glass is a regional art museum with glass-focused programming. The museum has four permanent glass collections: the world’s most representative collection of antique and contemporary glass paperweights, a stunning collection of Germanic drinking vessels dating from 1573, a collection of Victorian-Era glass baskets and an ever-growing collection of contemporary glass. Riverside Park Pavilion is another major attraction that hosts two performances each year by the Riverside Players, a community theatre group. Riverside Players “Theatre in the Park” began back in 1955. It is an almost twenty acre city park offering playground equipment, shoreline, shelter, paved trails, and a fishing deck. Top Employers # Employer 1 Kimberly-Clark 2 Plexus Corporation 3 Theda Clark Medical Center 4 Neenah Foundry 5 Alta Resources Corporation 6 Neenah Joint School District 7 Bemis Company, Inc. 8 Neenah Paper 9 Menasha Corporation 10 Alcan Packaging 16 | Shopko Fox Cities The Fox Cities of Northeastern Wisconsin are the cities, towns and villages along the Fox River as it flows from Lake Winnebago northward into Green Bay. A center of papermaking and printing, the area is one of the 50 top manufacturing regions in the nation. Companies such as Kimberly-Clark and Pierce Manufacturing were founded more than 100 years ago and remain the region’s largest employers today. In the Fox Cities area there are plenty of cultural activities, dining and nightlife in downtown Appleton. The Charles A. Grignon Mansion known to countless travelers is known as “The Mansions in the Woods”. It is a National and State Historic Site that is a proud reminder of the state’s beginnings. The house currently serves as a museum and was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1972. The EAA AirVenture Museum is one of the most extensive aviation attractions in the world, a year-round destination for the entire family. There is a collection of more than 250 historic airplances. The Fox City area has great shopping and is home to the Fox River Mall. The Fox River Mall is a super regional shopping center of 1.2 million square feet making it the largest shopping mall in Wisconsin. The Fox River Mall features more than 140 retailers including Macy’s, Scheels, Pottery Barn, Ann Taylor, Build-A-Bear and many more of the nation’s top brands. The mall has over 16 million visitors each year and is a must-stop shopping destination. The Fox Cities offer an exciting array of venues-from Earth’s core to the cosmos and everything in between. Getting out in nature is easy at the many inviting parks and unique nature centers. Appleton Memorial Park Gardens features many gardens including a native rose garden, serenity butterfly garden, native wildflower garden, fragrance garden, Veterans memorial garden and a water feature. You can stroll through the themed gardens which have been designed to offer changing patterns of natural beauty throughout the year. Most of the plants featured are native to Wisconsin. Matthews Retail Advisors | 17 Demographics Population 1-Mile 3-Mile 5-Mile 2021 Projection 8,006 39,299 65,168 2016 Estimate 7,917 38,510 63,842 2010 Census 7,840 37,537 62,267 2000 Census 8,124 35,687 58,146 Growth 2016 - 2021 1.12% 2.05% 2.08% Growth 2010 - 2016 0.98% 2.59% 2.53% Growth 2000 - 2010 -3.50% 5.18% 7.09% Households 1-Mile 3-Mile 5-Mile 2021 Projection 3,722 16,989 28,160 2016 Estimate 3,616 16,454 27,323 2010 Census 3,459 15,680 26,170 2000 Census 3,438 14,363 23,319 Growth 2016 - 2021 2.92% 3.25% 3.06% Growth 2010 - 2016 4.54% 4.94% 4.41% Growth 2000 - 2010 0.63% 9.17% 12.23% Income 1-Mile 3-Mile 5-Mile Income < $15,000 10.79% 10.97% 9.82% Income $15,000 - $24,999 11.87% 10.90% 10.24% Income $25,000 - $34,999 12.31% 10.48% 10.98% Income $35,000 - $49,999 21.00% 15.39% 15.18% Income $50,000 - $74,999 22.18% 20.75% 21.44% Income $75,000 - $99,999 11.39% 12.12% 12.68% Income $100,000 - $124,999 6.02% 8.24% 8.78% Income $125,000 - $149,999 2.15% 3.77% 4.05% Income $150,000 - $199,999 1.17% 3.08% 2.95% Income $200,000 - $249,999 0.46% 1.44% 1.35% Income $250,000 - $499,999 0.55% 2.14% 1.93% 0.12% 0.74% 0.59% 2016 Est. Average Household Income $54,842 $70,247 $70,097 2016 Est. Median Household Income $45,738 $52,732 $54,402 Income $500,000+ 18 | Shopko Matthews Retail Advisors | 19 ™ Kyle Matthews, CCIM Chairman & CEO Lindsay Tsumpes AVP & Director Beau Beach Broker of Record License No. 01469842 O 310.919.5757 M 310.622.3161 License No. 01954256 O 310.579.9691 M 310.880.8418 License No. 55685-90