Stop Press! Child Sexual Abuse Newsletter
Stop Press! Child Sexual Abuse Newsletter
Stop! Press Issue 16 - July 2011 Together we can prevent child sexual abuse The quarterly Stop it Now! UK and Ireland activity update Taking prevention into Europe St op i t N ow ! U K a n d I r e la n d is w el l k n o w n f o r i t s b el i e f t h a t a l l a d u l ts a r e r e s p o n s i b l e f o r p r ot e c t in g c h i l d re n f r o m s e x u a l a b u s e – a b el i e f w h i c h i s i n c r e a s i n g l y b ei n g e m b r a c e d a c r o s s E u r o p e. Director of Stop it Now! UK and Ireland said: “The aim of the campaign and the Helpline is to equip adults to protect children from sexual abuse and we are delighted that other countries are looking to adopt a similar ethos and incorporate some of our work in their own nations. “In Holland, De Waag is looking at starting a Helpline and in Poland the Nobody’s Children Foundation is aiming to incorporate prevention messages in its campaigning and marketing work. This prevention agenda is essential if we are to effectively tackle child sexual abuse.” Marina Yannakoudakis, MEP for London, is hosting a briefing in September, in Brussels, called ‘Information Helplines as part of Child Protection Services‘ in which the Stop it Now! UK and Ireland campaign and Helpline will be showcased to members of the European Parliament and other European organisations. Editor’s Note W e l c o m e t o t h e J u l y e d i t i o n o f S t o p ! P r e s s . A s y o u’ l l r e a d w e’ r e s ti l l w o r k i n g h a r d a c r o s s t h e U K a n d E u r o p e! I w a s d e l i g h t ed to r ec e n t l y v i s i t D e W a a g i n A m s t e r d a m t o h el p t h e m p l a n a S t o p i t N o w ! H el p l i n e a n d c a m p a i g n f o r H o l l a n d a n d I a m eq u a l l y ex c i t e d a b o u t t h e f o r t h c o m i n g E u ro p e a n P a r l i a m e n t b r i ef i n g o n h o w H el p l i n es f o rm p a r t t h e c h i l d p ro t ec t i o n a g en d a ( o p p o s i t e) . T h e S t o p i t N o w ! H e l p li n e Over the last few months representatives from a number Our Helpline has been assisting people prevent of European countries have child sexual abuse since June 2002 and call volume visited Stop it Now! – including continues to rise despite limited publicity due to Holland, Finland, Poland and funding constraints. To date, we have helped Switzerland – all of whom are 10,600 people each protect at least one child. keen to take the prevention Callers include adults worried about their own agenda forward in their own thoughts and behaviour, adults concerned about countries. the behaviour of another adult, and adults The Stop it Now! campaign concerned about a child or young person. Each acts on the principle that caller is given information and support by trained children can be protected from operators who explore the options available, abuse if adults are aware of how including referral to our own follow-up service or abusers operate and are another agency. One or more protective actions confident about what to do if that the caller will take are also agreed. In many they are worried that abuse may cases callers are not in contact with child be occurring. protection or criminal justice agencies, mostly for There is a growing fear of repercussions. Our Helpline demonstrates understanding that children are that people can and do take action to prevent child more likely to be abused by sexual abuse when they have a safe place to talk people they know, and that and when given sound information. We would be abusers are not the ‘monsters’ thrilled to see this model adopted across Europe. portrayed by the media, but Look out for in-depth features on our caller groups familiar and trusted adults, in the next edition of Stop! Press. which can make disclosure more Fu n d i n g difficult. For some children On pages 4 and 5 you will read about while they want the . . . . . e v e i two groups of people who have recently l abuse to stop, they What we be raised money for us. We cannot thank also want the abuser gage in Our Vision them enough! In this tough economic all adults en ciety where to get help. Some so a s w ith ip of sh is on on ti si la vi re ur climate, and with government spending ve O ecti abusers and potential ring and prot ren and ild ch re he respectful, ca on the decrease, we will undoubtedly find w ; young people abusers feel guilty xual abuse or se children and om fr ourselves relying more and more on this ee grow up fr about their thoughts young people kind of generosity. If you would like to and actions, but exploitation. support our work, by donating directly struggle to manage w ith and ng gi Our Mission ga en or holding a fundraising event, we would use by their behaviour. For ild sexual ab it ies and un m m co d To prevent ch love to hear from you (see page 5). an ults, families these reasons it is t. ou supporting ad ng ki I hope you find the content of this arch and spea critical that there is a erning through rese ults w ith conc ad h it w newsletter interesting reading - even ng r place for people to talk engagi w ith thei This includes r, as well as ou vi ha exciting. We do! be ve ti or ts about it – and the Stop , protec sexual though ompt positive pr to d s, an nd y ie fr B es t w i s h e s , it Now! Helpline sibilit families and es of respon to promote liv d an provides this place. s on ti D o n a l d F i n d l a t er , D i r e c t o r ac y. it gr te in Donald Findlater, M O R E O N T H E HE L P L I N E A N D C A MP A I G N ww w.s top itno w. org. uk working to protect children Commit to Prevent! wraps up – but the work continues in Wales St op i t N ow ! W a le s i s s e n d i n g h u g e t h a n ks t o ev e r yo n e w h o s u p p o r t ed i t s A s s e m b l y E l ec t i o n 2 0 1 1 c a m p a i g n , C o m m i t to P r ev e n t ! . L a u n c h e d i n J u l y 2 0 1 0 , t h e c a m p a ig n a im e d to p u t p r e v e n ti n g c h i l d s e xu a l a bu s e o n t h e po li t ic a l a g e n d a a n d en s u re a c o n t i n u e d c o m m i t m en t f r o m th e F o u r t h A s s em b l y b ey o n d Ma y 2 0 1 1 . Gr e at s up p o r t The campaign encouraged members of the public to get involved and over 1500 public signatures were collected. In addition, 43 Assembly Candidates signed up online, including Gwenda Thomas AM, Deputy Minister for Children and Social Services. National Manager, Rebecca Morgan said: “I was overwhelmed by the support of the Welsh public and delighted that 43 Assembly Candidates signed our online petition; 18 of whom are now elected Assembly Members. 1500 Public Signatures 43 Assembly Candidate Signatures “Through our presence at the National Eisteddfod in August 2010, and through our direct engagement with the public, we saw clear evidence of how passionate and powerful the public’s commitment to this issue is. A large volume of people are affected by child sexual abuse, and there is such relief when people feel able to talk openly about this.” M o v i n g f o rw a r d - A c t t o Pr e v e n t ! Stop it Now! Wales has vowed that this work will continue and is preparing to embark on a new campaign – Act to P rev ent!. This drive will aim to build on the work done so far to ensure that the prevention of child sexual abuse is, and remains, a strategic priority for the Welsh Government and the National Assembly for Wales. Check out over the coming weeks to find out more. Reaching out to prisoners in Scotland A n e w p r o g ra m m e d es i g n e d t o g i v e p ri s o n e rs i n S c o t l a n d i n f o rm a t i o n a b o u t c h i l d s e x u a l a b u s e, i t ’s p r ev e n t i o n a n d w h e re h e l p c a n b e f o u n d i s b ei n g p i l o t e d i n A d d ie w e ll P r is on b y S t op it N o w ! Sc o t la n d . Ta lk ab OUT it ! The ‘Talk abOUT it!’ project involves making information about sexual abuse available to prisoners preparing for release through a targeted booklet; hosting information on the internal prison information kiosk and within the Visitor Centre; and placing posters throughout the prison. Information includes details on the possible effects of sexual abuse, obstacles that can deter people from talking about it, the importance of support for families and T h e d e l i v e r y o f a c c u r a t e, p r o p o r t i o n a t e a n d t a r g e te d i n f o r m a t i o n o n c h i l d s e x u a l a b u s e to S c o t t i s h p r i s o n e r s h a s t h e f o l l o w i n g a d v a n ta g e s : • Providing general awareness and educational information leads to better general prevention and reporting from the community (since most prisoners will, eventually, rejoin the general public). • Providing targeted information better enables (some) prisoners to disclose their childhood experiences and receive requisite services. • Providing targeted information better enables (some) prisoners to identify potentially harmful behaviour and therefore to seek early help for themselves or for others who may already be (or become) likely to abuse. • Providing public health information reinforces the prison environment as an opportunity for learning, rehabilitation and responsible citizenship. children, how abuse can be prevented and an extensive list of sources of help available. Ge t t i n g h e l p National Manager, Martin Henry said: “There are agencies which provide support and advice to those affected by child sexual abuse, including men who have been in the criminal justice system who may have suffered child sexual abuse or have current issues of concern. “It is vital to ensure that those who need these resources know about them and are helped to access them.” It is hoped the programme will increase the pro-social behaviour and quality of life for prisoners and ex-prisoners who have experienced child sexual abuse, resulting in communities 0808 1000 900 | | and families becoming more stable. “We’ve been working on this project for some time and are really pleased to see it coming together,” added Martin. “We are also looking at strengthening this relationship with Addiewell Prison and are considering providing short presentations to prisoners during their induction.” The pilot will be evaluated by the end of the year and reported on in future editions of Stop! Press. Stop Press! | Issue 16 2 Parents Protect! prevention messages spanning England, Wales and The Parents soon to be Scotland! Protect! prog ramm minu te public edu e is a 90cation sessio carers and o n fo r parents, ther adults to After receiving Department for Education funding, Parents raise awaren child sexual ess of abuse and pro Protect! sessions are being rolled out across the country by Stop it vide positive messages ab out what they Now! England. In the last three months 96 parents have received can do to pro children. tect the session. Stop! staff are working with Children’s Centres and The session fo cuses on d other organisations to train their staff as well as the parents they ispelling com myths about mon child sex off work with. Feedback has been extremely positive and Stop! enders while same time ar at the ming parents England is keen to hear from others who would like to see this and carers w sound inform ith at ion that w programme offered in their area. ill help them their youngst k eep ers safe. It al A d u l t L e a r n e r s w e e k in W a l e s so offers a b understandin et ter g of how con victed sex off are managed Preventing child sexual abuse was high on the agenda during enders by the police , probat ion an other statuto Adult Learners Week in Wales (16th-20th May). National d ry and volun tary bo dies o release into Manager, Rebecca Morgan joined forces with the organiser, n the commun ity. Cardiff County Council, to deliver 5 Parents Protect! sessions to The presenta tions are sup parents, carers and professionals. Those in the audience ported by a website; ww w.parentspro included a number of primary school staff who will take the an minute e-lear d a 30 ning prog ram learning back into their workplace. me (hosted o site) which p n the arents and ca rers can work A n d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e x p a n d i ng i n t o S c o t l a n d ! through in th eir own time. Parents Protect! is set to expand into Scotland in the coming T o fi n d o u t m o r e , o r a rr a n yo u , c o nt a c t g e a se s si o n months as Stop it Now! Scotland takes the programme o u r C e n t ra l A n ea r d m i n i st r a t o r o f fi c e @ s t o p i t forward. Parents Protect! resources will be combined with on no w. org. uk o r 0 1 52 7 59 8 existing Keeping Children Safe material (National Community 18 4 . Disclosure Scheme) and police officers will be trained to deliver the programme in communities across the country. It is hoped that following this initial delivery continued funding will be secured so that the programme can be rolled out to others including; social housing providers, nursery staff, child and family centre staff, faith communities, youth workers and others. We welcome Willie Manson to the Stop it Now! Scotland team, where he has taken up the post of Project Officer. He’ll be leading on the roll-out of Parents Protect! and can be reached on or 0131 556 3535. R o ll i n g o u t a c r o s s E n g l a n d “ www.parents pr Frontline practitioner training Stop it Now! England is organising 30 local, low-cost, multi-agency training days during 2011-2013, as part of the Department for Education’s drive to improve frontline practice with regard to safeguarding. These events can accommodate up to 110 multi-agency representatives and typically cost around £60 per head, depending on location and venue costs. Four specialist topics are covered during the day, which increase the delegate’s understanding of child sexual abuse and its prevention. Training content can be tailored to suit the needs of the particular audience and is delivered by experienced Lucy Faithfull Foundation practitioners. Topics covered recently include females who sexually abuse; internet offending and recognising harmful sexual behaviour in young people. In the past we have partnered with a range of oganisations to deliver these events, including Police, LSCBs and Early Years Services. If you would like to see an event in your area, whether or not you would like to help organise or host it, we would like to hear from you. Ti m e t a b l e of e v e n t s December 8 - East of England September 19 - West Midlands December 14 - South East September 23 - North West January 11 - South West October 13 - East of England January 13 - London October 20 - Hampshire February 2 - Yorkshire & Humber November 10 - East Midlands February 9 - North West November 18- Yorkshire & Humber March 1 - North East 0808 1000 900 | | ” P r e v i o us at t e n d e es s ai d : • Informative and relevant to my role • Will use new knowledge in future work • Should be compulsory for all who work with children • Valuable and educational, well presented • An eye opener to the facts and myths of sexual abuse F IN D O U T M OR E : 01527 598184 Stop Press! | Issue 16 3 Linking with domestic abuse agencies S t o p i t N o w ! W a l es h a s t e a m e d u p w i t h o r g a n i s a ti o n s w o r k i n g w i t h d o m e s t i c a b u s e t o s p r ea d c h i l d s e x u a l a b u s e p re v e n t io n m e s s a g e s . National Manager, Rebecca Morgan is working with the charity Hafan Cymru, in Brecon, and Amman Valley Women’s Aid to deliver the sexual abuse prevention course, Parents Protect Plus!. The course looks at various aspects of prevention including abuser behaviour, the barriers to identifying abuse and the positive preventative actions we can all take to help keep children safe. Spanning 5weeks, it is a longer course than the 90-minute Parents Protect! session. Po s i t i v e o u t c o m e s Rachel Munday, Project Co-ordinator for Brecon, at Hafan Cymru said: “I believe that the Service Users with Hafan Cymru in Brecon benefited greatly from having the programme. For some it was the trigger to decide to deal with their own historic issues. The whole group found it a powerful experience and felt that they had gained from it.” Amman Valley Women’s Aid spotted details of the Parents Protect! resources on Stop it Now! Wales’ twitter feed. Following a 90-minute session they asked for the longer 5week course. Rebecca says it helps to have more time when working with particular groups: “This group of mothers were extremely engaged with issues that the original Our research tells us that a large proportion of the public don’t have the confidence to act on concerns or know where to go for advice and information when it comes to child sexual abuse. Using expertise and knowledge from the Lucy Faithfull Foundation and NOMS Cymru, Stop it Now! Wales developed Parents Protect Plus! to address that gap and help develop the awareness and understanding of parents and carers. The course is made up of one two-hour session per week, for five weeks and is suitable for parents, carers, grandparents and guardians of children and young people under the age of 18. Parents Protect! session raised and wanted the opportunity to discuss in greater depth some of the key questions and information around how to keep their children safe. This longer course allows those taking part to go away and think about what we have discussed before coming back a week later, giving them the opportunity to ask questions or clarify things.” As a result of this work with Amman Valley, Rebecca is delighted to have already received interest for Parents Protect! and Parents Protect Plus! from Womens Aid groups in Cardiff, Llanelli, Abergavenny, Aberystwyth and Port Talbot. R eb ec ca is s t i ll loo kin g t o d e l i ve r Pa r e n t s Pr o t e c t ! s e s s i o ns a n d c a n t r a i n o t h e r s t o d e l i v e r t he s e s s i o ns a l s o . F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , p l e a se c o n t a c t r m o r g a n @ s t o p i t n o w .o r g . u k o r 0 7 98 9 3 78 2 2 0. Running for Circles (as opposed to in them!) T h r e e d ed i c a te d C i r c l es o f S u p p o rt a n d A c c o u n t a b i l i t y v o l un t e e r s re c e n t l y t oo k p a r t in a 5 K ra c e t o ra is e m o n e y f or t h e L u c y F a i t h f u l l F o un d a t i o n w h ic h m a n a g e s ‘ C i rc l e s ’ a c r os s t h e U K . ‘Circles’ involve groups of volunteers working with an ex-offender (known as the Core Member), to help him or her to re-settle into the community, and in doing so, reduce the risk of reoffending. Clare Parsons, Simon Quinn and Rachel Cowe have been Circles volunteers in London for some time and collectively decided they wanted to raise money for the Foundation. Clare said: “We wanted this run to promote and support the work of the Foundation, especially its work running Circles of Support and Accountability. We think it’s a fantastic charity doing some very innovative work to protect children and we are proud to have been involved with Circles over the past year.” She added that the idea for the run itself came about over coffee: “While chatting we realised that a couple of the members of our Circle were keen runners while the rest of us had never ever run before. Somehow we agreed to challenge ourselves to a 5k run! So, we started training with our Core Member in L-R; Clare Parsons, Simon Quinn, Rachel Cowe preparation.” Ten weeks So far the team has later they all took part in raised over £800 – and the Battersea Park 5K run donations can still be made – and all four made it by visiting across the finish line. http://uk.virginmoneygivin “We weren’t the fastest teams on the day but we web/fundraiser/showFund all managed to make it to raiserPage.action?userUrl= the end! It was July the 4th circle5k&faId=114919&is so we celebrated with a Team=true. well deserved American The Lucy Faithfull themed meal afterwards,” Foundation and Stop it said Clare. “Now, we’re Now! UK and Ireland sends trying to figure out what great thanks to the our next Circle challenge runners for their efforts will be...!” and their donation!! 0808 1000 900 | | Stop Press! | Issue 16 4 ‘THE INDOOR BUSK’ – A Charity Gig for LFF and Stop it Now! S h a ri n g g r e a t m u s i c a n d r a i s i n g m o n e y f o r a g o o d c a u s e . T h a t w a s t h e d r i v i n g f o r c e b e h i n d t h e re c e n t ch arity g ig , ‘Th e I ndoo r Bu sk’ . Org a ni sed by th ree Lo ndon ba sed studen ts wh o h a ve a n un dyi ng pa ssion f or m u s i c , t h e e v e n t s a w a v a r i e t y o f m u si c a l a c t s p e r f o r m f o r a c a p t i v e a u d i e n c e a t t h e B r a d y A r t s C e n t r e , W h i te c h a p e l – w i t h a l l p r o c e e d s b e i n g d o n a t e d t o t h e L u c y F a i t h f u l l F o u n d a t i o n a n d S t o p i t N o w ! U K a n d I r e l a nd . Jannat Rob, one of three organisers, said there were many reasons why they decided that their event should contribute towards a charitable cause: “Although we all live in stable environments, we are not hidden from the many dangers that surround us today. The concept of combining our passion for music with an attempt to help others, felt incredibly appealing and satisfying for us. We searched through numerous charities and finally, collectively knuckled down to ‘The Lucy Faithfull Foundation’ as the charity we wanted to donate to, simply because we believe that their work is utterly remarkable.” Despite Jannat and her team (Soomaiya Syeda and Shenade Reid) saying there were ‘a few hiccups’ on the night, the audience would never have known; the team’s obvious good communication coupled with their ability to think on their feet allowed them to resolve difficulties quickly, resulting in their first gig being hailed a success! “Organising this event has allowed us to build our skills for the future, and has sharpened our knowledge of what is required of us to make an event a success,” said Soomaiya. “The organising, performances and general experience has been unforgettable.” Shenade added that they couldn’t have done it alone: “We never would have been successful in our endeavours if it wasn’t for Community Music and The Brady Centre. We are incredibly grateful that they gave us this opportunity and cannot thank them enough for all the help they provided throughout this journey. We would most definitely love to hold another charity concert in the future, as this was such a pleasurable and satisfying experience.” Acts who performed on the night were: ‘Jan’, ‘Ben Bezzina’, ‘Rebecca Need-Menear’, ‘Mammoth Sound’, ‘Sleepless Beauty’ and ‘Weisen’. Check out for additional pictures from the event. Get Connected Check us out on Facebook and Twitter by using the links below or searching for us! T w i t t e r: Donald Findlater:!/StopItNowUK Stop Scotland!:!/StopItNowScot Stop Wales!:!/StopItNowWales F ac e b o o k : To fi nd o ut why a he dg eho g has made a s t a r r i n g a p p e a r a n c e i n th i s e d i t i o n . .. . . . .c h e c k ou t ou r O c t ob e r i s s u e ! !! Fundraising As you will see from the couple of stories featured in this edition of Stop! Press, we have recently received some inspiring and welcome support from those wishing to raise funds for us. With the current economic climate as challenging as it is, and an expected reduction in government funding - we are more in need of public donations now than ever before. If you have an idea on how you could help, whether it be to organise a fundraising event or donate a one-off payment, please do get in touch with Deborah Denis! 01372 847169 0808 1000 900 | | Stop Press! | Issue 16 5