TRS - UCLA Payroll Services
TRS - UCLA Payroll Services
Welcome to the UCLA Time Reporting System (TRS) Presentation. This presentation is for individuals who have been designated as a Departmental Time Administrator in TRS for their department. 1 2 TRS was designed by UCI and approved for use by the Office of the President. Some benefits of TRS: • Eliminates paper timesheet • Improves payroll accuracy • Easier for employee to record work and leave time (vacation, sick, jury duty, etc.) • Easier for supervisor to review and approve timesheet data • Automatically computes additional work time based upon UC time and attendance rules, such as overtime, shift differential and holiday pay • Includes time and attendance policies for CX, EX, HX, NX, RX, SX, and TX bargaining agreements • Time reported in TRS is uploaded onto the roster, saving PTR Preparers time • Users can use any internet accessible devise to login (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.) • Users can access TRS anywhere, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 3 Appointments and Distributions • TRS interfaces and uploads EDB appointment data nightly. New hires or appointment and distribution changes/updates that affect TRS will appear in TRS the next business day. • Employees who have multiple appointments with the DOS code REG, will have a timesheet for each appointment. • TRS splits and allocates timesheet hours based upon the distribution percentages as indicated in EDB. Example: Donald Duck has 1 appointment (appt 10) and 3 distributions ‐ 11 – X‐ XXXXXX – AA – XXXXX – X =.5000 12 – X‐ XXXXXX – BB – XXXXX – X =.3000 11 – X‐ XXXXXX – CC – XXXXX – X =.2000 • Only establish one work study distribution with the WSP code. PPS will automatically stop splitting earnings once the student has reached their WSP limit for the school year. • TRS employees with by‐agreement DOS codes (SAS, BYA, etc.) or *ERIT should be established as a separate appointment and distribution with the Time Code of R (Exception). *Refer to the TRS Job Aid 101 – ERIT for Employees for more details. 4 • Using the UC Time and Attendance policy, TRS will compute the total hours for non‐ exempt employees to the nearest quarter of the hour. • TRS is not a leave accrual system. Accruals are managed in PPS, based upon UC Leave Accrual policy. TRS only collects and reports usage data. • TRS does not track work study funding. To review the amount/balance of the WS award a student may have, please refer to the IFNW screen. 5 Wave II, April 2012 TRS criteria Non‐represented titles (99): • MO, Exempt, Exception Paid (R) • BW, Non‐Exempt, Positive Paid (Z) Wave III, July 2012 TRS Criteria The following groups are scheduled to come into TRS on July 30th: • Represented titles CX, EX, HX, NX, RX, SX, and TX • Wave II monthly, non‐exempt employees who did not come into TRS in April (converted to BW NE Z) • Employees who have an Appt Type 5 (Academic) will be excluded from TRS. • Employees who have a combination non‐academic appointment with an Appt Type 5 appointment will be brought into TRS 6 7 There are 4 identified user roles in the Time Reporting System (TRS) 1. Employee – must complete a timesheet for all time worked. They have the option to save, edit or submit a timesheet 2. Supervisor/Time Approver (Primary and Backup) – charged to review, submit, return, or edit timesheets 3. Departmental Time Administrator (DTA) – responsibilities include: assigning a primary and backup supervisors for all job assignments. Submit time to the IDTC roster via TRS. Lastly they have the responsibility of returning a timesheet (as applicable) back to a supervisor/time approver for correction or changes 4. Central Time Reporting Office (Central Payroll Office) – responsible for training, troubleshooting and controlling access to TRS 8 9 There are several ways to access the Time Reporting System (TRS) link and information. Go to and select one of the following: 1. TRS Resources page 2. Quick Links – links directly to the TRS logon page 10 3. On the left navigation, select “Web Applications”. On the Web Applications page, scroll to Employee Web Applications, select the Time Reporting System “GO” button to link directly to the TRS logon page. 11 The Time Reporting System Resources page. To access the resource page, select the TRS graphic icon from the main Payroll Services page. The TRS Resources page offers you helpful information regarding TRS such as: • TRS logon page • On‐demand demos of TRS • TRS deadline calendars • General information on TRS 12 An additional PPS Schedule has been created to include the TRS deadline dates and time. The DTA should refer to the TRS PPS Schedule which can be found on the TRS Resources page. It is extremely important that TRS users be aware of the deadlines to ensure that employees are paid in a timely manner. It is also suggested that the DTA be familiar with the supervisors timesheet deadline dates and times. The TRS Supervisors Schedule is also available on the TRS Resources page. 13 • UCLA Employees ‐ Login using the UCLA logon (aka BOL) and password. See Getting a UCLA Logon ID at for information on how to create a login or reset your UCLA password. • UCOP Employees – Login using the Single Sign On logon (same logon to access Outlook) and password. 14 Once on the TRS main page select the “Departmental Time Administrator (DTA)” link. 15 Upon first logging on to TRS, the DTA may be prompted to select a department. In Current department is field click on the drop‐down list and select a department to view. The drop‐down list will only display the department code(s) the DTA is authorized to process timesheets for. Note: These materials are arranged in the order the DTA may access employees records. 16 The 3 main tabs for the DTA are: 1. Review/Submit Payroll 2. Manage Employee 3. Generate Reports Note: The DTA may also have two additional tabs: • Manage My Time – the DTA’s own timesheet • Manage My Staff – the DTA may have this tab if he/she is also assigned as a “Primary or Backup Supervisor” 17 DTA Tabs Manage Employee tabs is where the DTA can ‐ • Assign supervisors • Set up the employee’s overtime compensation election • View the employee’s timesheet profile (i.e. non‐exempt, title code name, work week, etc.) • Assign a job nickname to the employee’s timesheet Review/Submit Payroll tab is where the DTA can ‐ • Submit monthly or bi‐weekly timesheet data to the PPS IDTC Time Input Roster or as LX transaction • View Manual Transactions that are special and may require an EDLR transaction • Search Timesheets –where the DTA can search for timesheets and their status Generate Reports tab is where the DTA can generate ‐ • DTA Payroll Report – a report can run an Excel or PDF report to reconcile against the PPP5302 • Employee Assignment Report – a report that lists active employees supervisor assignment • Work Schedule Report – a report that lists employees who have a set work schedule 18 Manage Employee Tab Under the Manage Employee tab are two sub tabs • Search Employee Profile – (default view) to view the employee’s current profile. The profile includes the employee’s currently assigned primary and backup supervisors. • Search/Replace Supervisor – use this tab to search for and/or replace a supervisor from a group of employees. 19 Assigning a Primary and Backup Supervisor One of the main duties of the DTA is to assign each employee a Primary and Backup Supervisor. To assign supervisor(s) go to the “Manage Employee” tab then to the “Search Employee Profile” sub tab 20 Search Employee Profile Under the Search Employee Profile the DTA can access the employee’s profile to: • Assign supervisors • Enter the employee’s overtime compensation election • Add a job nickname • Update Work Schedule To access an Employee’s Profile: 1. Select the “Manage Employee” tab to locate an *employee. To include inactive employees and assignments in the search, uncheck “Employees with Active Assignments Only” 2. Verify that you are viewing the correct department 3. Can locate an employee based on one of the four search criteria fields •Employee ID – enter the employee’s UID number •Employee First Name – first name as it appears in the Payroll Personnel System. Ex. Dixie •Employee Last Name – last name as it appears in the Payroll Personnel System. Ex. Land •Or combination of first name last name/last name first name. Ex. Dixie Land or Land Dixie 21 Search Employee Profile ‐ Global Search A global search (displays all employees in the department) can be performed by leaving the search fields blank and clicking “Search”. If a global search is performed select the employee by selecting their UID or the view employee *icon in the action field. *A list of icons is provided with this presentation. 22 Search Employee Profile – Sections TRS will display 3 sections once an employee is selected: • General – displays the employee’s general appointment data (IAPP). See slide 24 for more details. • Assignments – displays the employee’s supervisors assignments. See slides 28‐30 for more details. • Work Schedule – displays the work schedule for employees who require a unique work schedule such as 9/80 or 4/40 work week schedule. See slides 36‐44 for more details. 23 Search Employee Profile – General The General section has 4 sub sections: General Information • Employee First Name – as indicated in PPS • Employee Last Name – as indicated in PPS • Department Name ‐ name for currently selected department • Campus ID – employee 12 ID number. Employee UID with 3 leading zeroes. System derived • Employee ID – employee UID Current Policy – indicates the employee’s current timesheet policy • Week Start – the date the timesheet work week begins per collective bargaining agreement • Overtime – indicates if overtime will be calculated on a daily (per collective bargaining agreement) or weekly basis • Premium Holidays‐ based upon Personnel Policy, displays which holidays will be paid at a premium rate if worked • Effective – the begin and end date (if any) of the employee’s policy profile Timesheet Profile – displays basic appointment data (IAPP) • Current Pay Cycle – Monthly or Biweekly (TRS can generate only one pay cycle profile per employee) • Time Code – Exception (R) or Positive (Z) • FLSA – if title is Exempt or Non Exempt • Effective – the begin and end date (if any) of the employee’s policy profile Overtime Compensation – where the DTA enters the employee’s overtime election. See slides 25‐ 26 for more details. 24 Assigning Overtime Compensation ‐ It is the DTA’s responsibility to indicate in TRS whether the employee has elected to receive overtime as a payment or as *compensation time accrued (CTA). TRS will also maintain a history of the employee’s overtime election (if any). Overtime Compensation section: 1. Compensation Type ‐ Payment (default view) – all overtime hours worked will be paid to the employee (OTS/OTP) 2. Effective – The begin and end date (if any) of the overtime compensation as selected by the DTA *Per Personnel policy, a non‐exempt employee can make this election once a year. See Personnel policy for more details. 25 Assigning Overtime Compensation ‐ It is the DTA’s responsibility to indicate in TRS whether the employee has elected to receive overtime as a payment or as *compensation time accrued (CTA). TRS maintains a history of the employee’s overtime election, if any. Overtime Compensation section: 1. Compensation Type ‐ Payment (default view) – all overtime hours worked will be paid to the employee (OTS/OTP) 2. Effective – The begin and end date (if any) of the overtime compensation as selected by the DTA *Per Personnel policy, a non‐exempt employee can make this election once a year. See Personnel policy or the appropriate Labor Contract for more details. 26 To change the employee’s Overtime Compensation election: • Select the View/Add/Edit icon • A drop down box will show the History and the Effective date of the overtime election • To Edit the current overtime election select the “Edit” icon for the current timesheet. The current timesheet will include the last overtime compensation election begin date and until – Now. Example: 03/01/12 – Now. • If the employee has created and/or submitted a timesheet within this period an error message will appear. The DTA must use the “Add” function • To Add to a future election select the “Add” icon • A pop‐up box will appear. Change the selection to the desired type and tab to the next box and enter the begin and end date (if any) of the election 27 Under the “Assignments” section, the DTA can: • Add or Edit Primary and Back‐up Supervisors • Add a job assignment nickname Assignments: 1. Assignment Name – Appointment Department Name/Title Code Name/Job Assignment Nickname, if applicable 2. Appointment – appointment number for the profile 3. Start Date – appointment start date 4. End Date – appointment end date 5. Primary Supervisor Name – displays currently assigned primary supervisor’s name. If none is assigned will display “Assign” 6. Backup Supervisor Name – displays currently assigned backup supervisor’s name. If none is assigned will display “Assign” 28 Assigning Supervisors To assign supervisor click on the “Assign Supervisor” icon: 1. When the DTA selects the Supervisor assignment icon the system will generate a pop‐up window 2. The DTA can locate a Supervisor by entering their Employee ID (UID) or Name (first and last or last and first) then click “search” 3. Results will be displayed for the DTA to select from. Click on the “Use this User” icon in the Action field to assign a Primary Supervisor 4. Follow these same steps to assign a Back‐up Supervisor DTAs can be assigned either as Primary or Backup Supervisor with approval from the department head Important: All Employees must have a Primary and Back‐up Supervisor assigned before they can submit their timesheet 29 Take a moment to review the information selected and click on “Save Supervisor Assignment” to save to TRS. 30 Editing Supervisor’s Assignment The DTA can edit (change) or delete supervisors as needed. To Edit supervisor: 1. Go to the Assignment section on the Employee’s Profile 2. Select the “Edit Supervisor” icon 3. The system will generate a pop‐up window 4. Locate a Supervisor by entering their Employee ID (UID) or Name (first and last or last and first) then click “search” 5. Results will be displayed for the DTA to select from. Click on the “Use this User” icon in the Action field to assign the supervisor Note: Removing supervisors will remove both the Primary and Backup Supervisor. 31 Deleting Supervisor’s Assignment The DTA can delete supervisors as needed. To Delete supervisors: 1. The DTA can delete supervisors per job assignment (appointment number). Note: Removing supervisors will remove both the Primary and Backup Supervisor for that assignment 2. Select the “Remove Supervisor” icon 3. The system will generate a pop‐up window, confirming the request to delete all supervisors for the assignment 4. Select “Remove All Supervisors” to delete the supervisors or “Cancel” to cancel the transaction 32 Adding a Job Assignment (Nickname) If requested by the supervisor the DTA can add a job nickname to the appointment timesheet to be used in conjunction with the title code. This is helpful if an employee works on multiple assignments. Adding a job nickname may assist the employee and the supervisor with allocating time to the proper job assignment. 1. To add a job assignment nickname go to “Manage Employee” and find the employee under the Search Employee Profile → Assignments. 2. Under the Assignment Name column, select the “Update Timesheet Identifier” icon. A pop‐up window will appear. 33 Update Timesheet Identifier To add a job nickname: 1. Enter job identifier name in the “Timesheet Identifier” field. The job nickname can be up to 15 characters only. 2. Save the update. 3. The job nickname will appear immediately on the employee’s timesheet for the employee, supervisor and DTA to view. 34 35 Search Employee Profile ‐ Work Schedule The TRS Work Schedule can track the days of the week an employee is scheduled to work and the number of scheduled work hours for each day. TRS supports the following work schedules only: • • • • 9/80 Alternate Work Schedule 4/40 Alternate Work Schedule Fixed Schedule ‐ EX represented employees only Variable Schedule – EX represented employees only To establish a work schedule select “Add New Work Schedule”. 36 Work Schedule Selection After selecting “Add New Work Schedule” a pop‐up box will be available for the DTA to select the appropriate schedule the employee works on. For Alternate Work Schedule* employees, the DTA must update the “Employee Profile” with the appropriate Alternate Work Schedule (AWS) to ensure that the work hours are calculated properly. Note: Retroactive changes to a work schedule cannot be made once timesheets for the affected pay period have been submitted. * Refer to Personnel Policy for details regarding Alternate Work Schedules. 37 Work Schedule – 4/40 Set‐Up Employees designated to work a 4/40 AWS, normally works 10 hours per day, 4 days a week. To add a 4/40 Work Schedule: 1. Begin Effective Date – click inside the field and select the begin date of the 4/40 schedule. 2. End Effective Date – click inside the field and select the end date the 4/40 schedule. Leave blank if indefinite. 3. Select the days of the week the employee is scheduled to work. (Default view Monday – Thursday, 10 hours per day, Friday – Off). Note: Weekly Schedule must equal 40 hours. 4. Select “Add This Schedule” to add the changes, or “Cancel” to start over or to remove the entries. 5. A summary of the newly added schedule information will be displayed. The DTA can edit or delete the schedule, prior to timesheets being submitted for the time period affected. 6. The work schedule days and hours will display on the employee’s timesheet. Important: It’s crucial that 4/40 employees enter their time according to the 4/40 timesheet layout in order to ensure that work hours are calculated properly (overtime may be computed). 38 EX Employees The *EX bargaining agreement states that employees who work more than 8 hours in a day are entitled to daily overtime. In order for TRS to properly calculate daily overtime, each EX employee profile must include a work schedule. TRS utilizes two DOS codes in addition to OTS and OTP for EX employees: • OTH – Overtime Half. Indicates the half portion (1/2) of the overtime hours. This DOS code is used for daily overtime hours. OTH is paid to employees who work less than 40 hours in a work week but have more than 8 working hours in one day. • ODH – Overtime Double. Indicates the double time portion (2x) of the overtime for hours. This DOS code is used for daily overtime hours. ODH is paid to employees who work less than 40 hours in a work week but have more than 12 working hours in one day. * Please refer the Personnel Policy for full details on EX overtime policy. Service Unit (SX) employees are scheduled to change to daily overtime in October 2012. 39 Work Schedule – 9/80 Set‐Up Employees designated to work a 9/80 AWS, normally work 44 hours in the Week 1 and 36 hours in Week 2. 9/80 schedules must follow a two week cycle and the 2nd week must be completed prior to the 9/80 end date. To add a 9/80 Work Schedule: 1. Begin Effective Date – click inside the field and select the begin date of the 9/80 schedule. 2. End Effective Date – click inside the field and select the end date the 9/80 schedule. Leave blank if indefinite. 3. Week 1 – enter the working hours for each work day. (Default view Monday – Thursday, 9 hours per day, Friday – 8 hours). Note: Week 1 must total 44 hours. 4. Week 2 – enter the working hours for each work day. (Default view Monday – Thursday 9 hours per day, Friday off). The employee’s day off must entered in the 2nd week. Note: Week 2 must equal 36 hours. 5. Select “Add This Schedule” to add the changes, or “Cancel” to start over or to remove the entries. 6. A summary of the newly added schedule information will be displayed. The DTA can edit or delete the schedule, prior to timesheets being submitted for the time period affected. 7. The work schedule days and hours will display on the employee’s timesheet. Important: It’s crucial that 9/80 employees enter their time according to the 9/80 timesheet layout in order to ensure that work hours are calculated properly. Overtime may be computed in error if time is not entered according to the work schedule. 40 Work Schedule – 4/40 Set‐Up Employees designated to work a 4/40 AWS, normally works 10 hours per day, 4 days a week. To add a 4/40 Work Schedule: 1. Begin Effective Date – click inside the field and select the begin date of the 4/40 schedule. 2. End Effective Date – click inside the field and select the end date the 4/40 schedule. Leave blank if indefinite. 3. Select the days of the week the employee is scheduled to work. (Default view Monday – Thursday, 10 hours per day, Friday – Off). Note: Weekly Schedule must equal 40 hours. 4. Select “Add This Schedule” to add the changes, or “Cancel” to start over or to remove the entries. 5. A summary of the newly added schedule information will be displayed. The DTA can edit or delete the schedule, prior to timesheets being submitted for the time period affected. 6. The work schedule days and hours will display on the employee’s timesheet. 41 Work Schedule ‐ Fixed Schedule If the employee works a fixed schedule each pay period, select the Fixed Schedule option. Note: EX employees only. Fixed Schedule: 1. Begin Effective Date ‐ click inside the field and select the begin date of the schedule. 2. End Effective Date ‐ click inside the field and select the end date of the schedule. Leave blank if indefinite. 3. Select days the employee normally work. (Default view is Monday‐ Friday). 4. Scheduled Hours/Day – from the drop down list, select the number of hours the employee normally works each work day (0‐18) and if any, the corresponding minutes – 00, 15, 30, 45. (Default view is 8 hours and 00 minutes). Cannot exceed 40 hours per week. 5. Select “Add This Schedule” to add the changes, or “Cancel” to start over or to remove the entries. 6. A summary of the newly added schedule information will be displayed. The DTA can edit or delete the schedule, prior to timesheets being submitted for the time period affected. 7. The work schedule days and hours will display on the employee’s timesheet. 42 Work Schedule ‐ Variable Schedule If the employee works various days and hours in a pay period, select the Variable Schedule option. Note: EX employees only. Variable Scheduled ‐ 1. Begin Effective Date ‐ click inside the field and select the begin date of the schedule. 2. End Effective Date ‐ click inside the field and select the end date of the schedule. Leave blank if indefinite. 3. Select days the employee normally work. 4. From the drop down list, select the number of hours the employee normally work each work day (0‐18) and if any the corresponding minutes – 00, 15, 30, 45. (Default view is 0 hours and 00 minutes). Cannot exceed 40 hour per week. 5. Select “Add This Schedule” to add the changes, or “Cancel” to start over or to remove the entries. 6. A summary of the newly added schedule information will be displayed. The DTA can edit or delete the schedule, prior to timesheets being submitted for the time period affected. 7. The work schedule days and hours will appear on the employee’s timesheet. 43 If a work schedule is updated to an employee’s profile the work schedule details will appear under the employee’s timesheet calendar view. The employee, supervisor and DTA will be able to see the work schedule view on the timesheet. See slide for 36 for the various TRS work schedules. 44 Review/Submit Timesheet Tab The DTA can review and submit timesheets to PPS by selecting the “Review/Submit Payroll” Tab. The Review/Submit Timesheet tab is divided into four sections: • View Current Bi‐Weekly – Bi‐Weekly Timesheets • View Current Monthly – Monthly Timesheets • View Manual Transactions – Timesheets that may require manual processing. • Search Timesheets – Locate a Timesheet(s) using the search fields as appropriate *Once on the “Review/Submit Payroll” Tab, TRS will automatically default to “View Current Monthly” The screen will display the hours worked as it will be loaded by the TRS system onto the IDTC Roster. 45 View Current Monthly or Bi‐Weekly Timesheets TRS will automatically default to the “Supervisor Approved” section displaying all timesheets to be reviewed Screen displays the data as follows: o View Current Monthly tab ‐ displays Exempt employees, then Non‐Exempt employees, if any. o View Current Biweekly tab ‐ displays Non‐Exempt employees The DTA should review the information provided and perform one of the following actions: • Return – Return a timesheet to a Supervisor providing detailed comments • EDLR – select this box if an EDLR/EDAP will be processed to report the hours worked. By selecting the EDLR function, the DTA indicates that the hours reported for the selected pay period will NOT be processed by TRS. • Check Box – Check mark the timesheets that have been reviewed and click “Submit to PPS”. See the next slide for more details. 46 To submit the timesheet(s) data indicated to the PPS IDTC roster, do the following: 1. Select the timesheets by marking the check box 2. To select and submit all timesheets displayed, mark the check box in the column heading 3. Select “Submit to PPS” Note: Timesheet submission is only available from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm during the roster submission period. 47 Final Submit to Payroll TRS will ask for confirmation of submission to Payroll. Proceed by selecting the “Final Submit to Payroll” link to send the information to PPS. Time will be uploaded to the IDTC roster. For record keeping and auditing purposes users may choose to export the information by using the PDF/Excel options and saving the report. Saving or printing the roster file must be completed prior to selecting “Final Submit to PPS”. 48 PPS Submission – Monthly Timesheets TRS reports monthly timesheet data one month in arrears; that is, monthly employees already received their regular earnings for the above pay period. TRS will process timesheets for monthly employees as follows: • If the employee does not report any exception time (i.e. vacation usage, sick usage) the timesheet status code will be set to “COMPLETED” when the timesheet is submitted to PPS. • If the employee reports exception time, the timesheet status code will be set to “SUBMITTED_TO_PPS(LX)” when the timesheet is submitted to PPS. TRS will process EDLR (LX) transactions in PPS to report the exception time. The LX transactions will process in the current month’s pay compute. Important: TRS does not process EDLR (RX) transactions. Any timesheet adjustment that require an RX transaction (reversal or reduction) must be done manually by the DTA/PTR Preparer in PPS. 49 Timesheet Status Codes The DTA can track the status of an employee’s timesheet once the employee has created and entered time (initiated) on it. The timesheet status code can be found in several areas of TRS: • Timesheet (top left corner) • Review Past Timesheets tab • Timesheet Workflow • Timesheet Roster Timesheet Status Codes: • COMPLETED – TRS processed the timesheet successfully without errors. • NONE – the employee has not saved or submitted the timesheet to the supervisor. • PPS ERROR – one or more of the entries submitted to TRS failed with an error response. • RECALLED BY EMPLOYEE – the employee has requested that the timesheet be returned • RETURNED BY SUPERVISOR – the supervisor has returned the timesheet back to the employee to edit. • SAVED – the employee entered time and saved the timesheet. • SUBMITTED TO SUPERVISOR – the employee submitted the timesheet to the supervisor for approval. • SUBMITTED TO DTA – the supervisor has approved the timesheet and submitted it to the DTA. • SUBMITTED TO PPS – the DTA has reviewed the timesheet and submitted it to the IDTC roster for processing. • SUBMITTED TO PPS (LX) – the DTA processed the timesheet data via the web EDLR (LX) transaction. 50 Open Timesheets The Open Timesheets sub tab displays a list of active employees for that pay period. • Action – Timesheets that have been at least saved or submitted to the supervisor/DTA, will have the View Timesheet icon listed. If the timesheet has been submitted the Workflow icon is displayed. • Job ID – N/A • Name – The employee’s name as indicated in PPS. Sortable column. • Emp ID – The employee’s UID. Sortable column. • Timesheet Hrs – Total hours for submitted timesheet, if any. • Timesheet Status – The status of the timesheet. Sortable column. See slide 52 for a list of status codes. • Primary Supervisor – The assigned primary supervisor as per the employee’s profile. Sortable column. • Backup Supervisor – The assigned backup supervisor as per the employee’s profile. Sortable column. Click on the column name to sort into ascending or descending order. To view open timesheets select the Review/Submit Payroll tab then the pay cycle (current monthly or biweekly) you wish to view. To view timesheets and their status code select “Open Timesheets”. *Note: TRS will default to the “Supervisor Approved” view of the Review/Submit Payroll sub tab. 51 The View Manual Transactions tab (VMT) can display up to 9 sections for review: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. PPS Update Error Records Biweekly Past Approved Timesheets Monthly Past Approved Timesheets Early Biweekly Timesheets Early Monthly Timesheets B1 Holiday Adjustments Adjustments to Multiple Assignments Adjustments to Completed Timesheets Distribution Missing or Shift Differential Due The DTA must take some type of action on transactions on the VMT roster in order for the transactions to clear. Note: A section(s) will only appear if timesheets meets the criteria. 52 VMT ‐ PPS Update Errors This section contains entries that failed to be automatically updated to the IDTC roster during the submission process. Entries could fail due to various reasons such as the employee having an invalid time reporting code, employee being separated, inactive or on leave without pay. Refer to tracking (Workflow) feature under the Action column to view the exact error message. Because each transaction is processed per employee/distribution, for any timesheets with multiple distributions, one or more distributions could fail while other distributions are updated successfully. Therefore only the distributions that failed are displayed in this section. Due to the payroll error, timesheets in this section cannot be returned. Perform one of the following actions: EDLR ‐ To indicate that a manual transaction will be processed in PPS. See slide 63 for more details. Submit to PPS – To have TRS process a web EDLR (LX) if applicable. See slide 62 for more details. 53 VMT ‐ Bi‐weekly & Monthly Past Approved Timesheets This section contains approved timesheets that were not submitted to PPS by the DTA roster deadline for the identified pay period entry period. Perform one of the following actions: Return – Send the timesheet back to the Supervisor for editing. EDLR ‐ To indicate that a manual transaction will be processed in PPS. See slide 63 for more details. Submit to PPS – To have TRS process a web EDLR (LX) if applicable. See slide 62 for more details. Create – To create an Excel or PDF report of the timesheet(s) click in the check box . To select all the timesheets in the section, click on the check box in the column title. 54 VMT – Early Biweekly/Monthly Timesheets TRS can now process early submitted timesheets from the employee and the supervisor. Early submitted timesheets are usually for employees separating prior to the pay period end date. Example: A monthly employee is separating on 06/22/12. The employee can create and submit the 06/01/12 – 06/30/12 timesheet on the 16h for the final work days of 06/01‐06/22. Once approved by the supervisor the timesheet will appear on the VMT. To process the timesheet: • Print the timesheet. • Select the “EDLR” icon, then “Final Pay”. • Submit the transaction to TRS. The timesheet data will remove from the VMT. • Go into PPS and process a separating check request in EDAP or EDLR. See slide 63 for more details regarding the EDLR icon. 55 VMT ‐ B1 Holiday Adjustments This section contains accrued B1 holiday time. Records displayed here reflect required correction to entries that were submitted electronically to PPS. B1 Holiday Adjustments: The Biweekly holiday is calculated based on a quadri‐weekly payroll cycle. Employees appointed at less than 50% will not accrue holiday hours on the B1 holiday until the B2 timesheet has been submitted. The resulting earned holiday hours are applied against the B1 pay period. If the employee does not have a B1 timesheet at the time the B2 timesheet is approved, the B1 holiday is not calculated. This section will lists employees who have earned holiday time based upon the combined B1 and B2 timesheets. Perform one of the following actions: Return – Send the timesheet back to the Supervisor for editing. EDLR ‐ To indicate that a manual transaction will be processed in PPS. See slide 63 for more details. Submit to PPS – To have TRS process a web EDLR (LX) if applicable. See slide 62 for more details. 56 VMT ‐ Adjustments to Multiple Assignments For employees with multiple assignments, adjustments entries could be generated if the approval of additional assignments on the same timesheet creates required changes to a timesheet already submit to PPS (roster) or when a prior completed timesheet has been adjusted. Perform one of the following actions: Return – Send the timesheet back to the Supervisor for editing. EDLR ‐ To indicate that a manual transaction will be processed in PPS. See slide 63 for more details. Submit to PPS – To have TRS process a web EDLR (LX) if applicable. See slide 62 for more details. 57 VMT‐ Adjustments to Completed Timesheets This section will display timesheets that were unlocked and released back to the supervisor for adjustments. When unlocked timesheets are adjusted and re‐approved, prior completed timesheets may or might not generate correcting entries when re‐submitted. All prior completed timesheets are listed in this section once re‐approved. Perform one of the following actions: *EDLR ‐ To indicate that a manual transaction will be processed in PPS. See slide 63 for more details. Submit to PPS – To have TRS process a web EDLR (LX) if applicable. See slide 62 for more details. *Note: If the adjusting entries are negative, an EDLR (RX) must be processed by the DTA in PPS. 58 VMT ‐ Distribution Missing or Shift Differential Due 1. This section contains approved timesheets where the employee reported shift differential hours but does not have a shift differential distribution established in EDB. AND/OR 1. This section may include approved timesheets were the employee’s EDB distribution data has been deleted, typed over, or if their TRS profile has been removed from TRS. Perform one of the following actions: Return – Send the timesheet back to the Supervisor for editing. EDLR ‐ To indicate that a manual transaction will be processed in PPS. See slide 63 for more details. N/A* ‐ Timesheet must be submitted to PPS before SDF hours can be processed. Once processed can select EDLR function. 59 VMT – Submit to PPS In addition to submitting timesheet data to the PPS roster, the DTA can also submit EDLR (LX) transitions to the Transaction Holding File (THF), saving considerable time. On the View Manual Transaction page, the DTA can choose to submit the displayed transaction as a PPS_LX, if applicable. Issues to keep in mind when submitting to PPS_LX): • TRS will generate a web‐based EDLR (LX) transaction. Submitted transactions can be viewed on the IDTL screen since its a web file. See slide 64 for more details. • The DTA must verify the date the transaction will appear on the web‐based THF. PPS_LX transactions are scheduled to be processed on the employee’s next pay day. A pop‐up box will display the PPS submission date. • If the transaction must be processed prior to the TRS submission date, the DTA should select the EDLR function and manually process the transaction in PPS. 60 EDLR Function There are occasions when the DTA may not want a timesheet to be processed directly to the IDTC Roster, but prefer another method of processing the timesheet data. For example: • An employee is separating prior to the pay day and a separation rush check is needed. • A timesheet was submitted late and the DTA prefers to process a rush check instead of submitting the timesheet for the employee’s next available pay day. When an *EDLR (or EDAP) transaction is processed on a timesheet, the DTA should record the transaction in TRS: 1. Click on the EDLR button. 2. A pop‐up window will appear. If an EDLR transaction is to be completed, select “EDLR Yes”. If the transaction is for a final paycheck, select “Final Pay”. 3. Enter the date the EDLR transaction will be entered into PPS. 4. Enter any comments. 5. Select Submit. 6. The transaction will remove from the PPS Roster or VMT. 7. Go into PPS and process the EDLR or EDAP transaction. 8. If “EDLR No” is selected, comments must be entered as to why the timesheet will not be processed in PPS. Select Submit. TRS will remove the transaction from the VMT. *Important: The DTA/PTR Preparer must process the EDLR/EDAP in PPS when the “EDLR Yes” or “Final Pay” function is selected. 61 Web Service – IDTL All timesheet data submitted to PPS via TRS can be viewed immediately in the Transaction Holding File, IDTL screen. Transactions include: • Work hours • Leave hours • PPS(LX) transactions The DTA can view the scheduled transactions by going to PPS: 1. In the “Next Function” enter “EDAT”, select “Enter” 2. Once on the Depts. Adj Trans screen, enter the following: a. Next Function – IDTL b. ID or Name – Enter the employee's UID or name c. Seq. No – Leave blank d. Pay Cycle – the pay cycle the transactions are scheduled for (i.e. B1, B2, MO) e. Pay End – the pay period end date of the transactions (ex. 070712) For complete details on the IDTL screen, see Section D11 ‐Transaction List in the PTR Manual. 62 In order to search for a timesheet – select “Search Timesheets”. 63 This section allows the DTA to search for timesheets based upon one or more of the following criteria: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Employee ID – employee’s UID Employee name – First name last name or last name, first name Begin Date ‐ Pay period begin date End Date ‐ Pay period end date Department Code – six digit FS number, must add two zeros at the end. Example: 3525 becomes 352500. Tracking (Work Flow) Status – select from one of the available status codes listed in the dropdown menu (see slide 52 for a list of status codes) Timesheet Identifier ‐ Job assignment (job nickname if assigned) Job IDs – N/A Pay Schedule – enter if biweekly or monthly 64 Releasing a Prior Completed Timesheet Sometimes a DTA may be notified that a timesheet that was previously completed in TRS is incorrect or requires an adjustment. The employee will not be able to re‐create a new timesheet that has already been completed. The DTA must unlock and release the timesheet back to the supervisor, who must return it back to the employee to add the adjusting entries. How to unlock and release a completed timesheet: 1. Under Search Timesheets find the employee. See slides 66 for details on how to search timesheets. 2. Find the pay period for the timesheet that must be released. 3. Click on the Lock icon (Release timesheet). A Comment window will appear. Comments are required when a timesheet is unlocked and released back to the supervisor for adjustments. 4. Select “Release Timesheet”. The timesheet is sent back to the supervisor. 5. The Supervisor must review and return the timesheet back to the employee. 6. The employee makes the necessary adjustment(s) to the timesheet and re‐submits it to the supervisor. 7. The supervisor reviews, approves and submits the timesheet back to the DTA. 8. The DTA should review “View Manual Transactions”. Re‐submitted timesheet will appear in the Adjustments to Completed Timesheets and/or the Adjustment to Multiple Assignments section based upon the type of adjustment(s) that was made. See slide 59 and 60 for more details. 65 Search Timesheets – Weekly Hours Estimator To assist DTAs with the hours TRS has computed and will report to PPS a “Weekly Hours Estimator” feature has been added. The estimator breaksdown the details of the hours per each week in the pay period. It displays the DOS Codes and leave (if any) reported for that timesheet. See Weekly Hours Estimator handout for more details. 66 Timesheet Workflow The DTA can select the workflow icon to see details of the timesheet. The Timesheet Workflow lists information such as the date and time stamp from the date the employee submitted the timesheet to the date and time the timesheet was submitted to PPS. The following information is displayed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Name/ Employee ID Number Pay Period/Title/Job Assignment/Job nick name, if any Status Code – location of timesheet Completed by – individual that performed the action on the timesheet Completion date – the date and time the action was performed Comments – all comments will be listed for review Total turnaround time – the total time it took to process the timesheet from the date and time the employee submitted the timesheet to his/her supervisor to the date and time it was COMPLETED. This field will only be displayed if the timesheet has reached the COMPLETED status 67 Generate Reports TRS offers the DTA three reports that can be generated and exported to Excel or PDF. There are three sub tabs under Generate Reports: 1. DTA Payroll Report – a report that shows all timesheets submitted by the DTA. 2. Employee Assignment Report – a report that shows employee (supervisors) assignment. 3. Work Schedule Report – a report that shows the various work schedules entered in TRS. 68 DTA Payroll Report The DTA may generate this report to see the status of timesheets submitted by the DTA. The DTA can generate a report based upon one or more of the following fields: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Employee ID – enter the employee’s UID Employee Name – enter first name last name or last name first name format Period End Date – to see all timesheets with the entered pay period end date Department Code ‐ six digit FS number, need to add two zeros at the end Example: 3525 becomes 352500. Tracking Status – the final status in TRS of the submitted timesheet by the DTA ‐ • SUBMITTED_TO_PPS – time submitted to PPS, awaiting pay compute. • SUBMITTED_TO_PPS(LX) – time submitted to PPS as an EDLR transaction (coded as such in TRS) • PPS_ERROR – timesheet could not be processed due to error. See slide 55 for more details • COMPLETED – timesheet was successfully submitted to PPS (via IDTC roster or LX transaction) Pay schedule – select if searching for biweekly or monthly timesheets Report Type – chose if the report should be generated in the Excel or PDF format Select “View Report”. A printable report id displayed which can be used to reconcile against the PPP5302. * The DTA must indicate a “Tracking Status” when generating this report. 69 Employee Assignment Report This report is to search for assignment of supervisors to employees. One use is to see if all employees have been assigned a primary and backup supervisor. The DTA can generate a report based upon one or more of the following fields are: 1. Employee ID* – employee UID 2. Employee name – First name last name or last name, first name 3. Primary Supervisor Name ‐ enter supervisor's name, first name last name or last name, first name 4. Backup Supervisor Name ‐ enter supervisor's name, first name last name or last name, first name 5. Department Code – six digit FS number, need to add two zeros at the end Example: 3525 becomes 352500. 6. Timesheet Identifier ‐ Job assignment (job nickname if assigned) * Can perform a blanket search by leaving all fields blank and selecting “Generate Report”. 70 Work Schedule Report The DTA may generate this report to see the various assigned work schedules entered in TRS. The DTA can generate a report based upon one or more of the following fields: 1. Employee ID – enter the employee’s UID 2. Employee Name – enter first name last name or last name first name format 3. Department Code ‐ six digit FS number, need to add two zeros at the end. Example: 3525 becomes 352500. 4. Active Schedule only – check this box, to include history work schedule data 5. Schedule Type – select from the list: All, Fixed Schedule, Variable Schedule, 9/80 Alternate Schedule, 4/40 Alternate Schedule 6. Select ‘Search” to run the report 7. Can choose view the report in the Excel (XLS) or PDF format See slides 36‐44 for more details on the various work schedules. 71 Email Notifications When certain transactions occur, TRS will generate email notifications to alert the DTA that special attention may be required: • Notification of Adjustment Entries Affecting TRS Timesheet ‐ the employee has multiple appointments or when retroactive changes are made to an unlocked and released prior completed timesheet. This notice is sent to all DTAs (even in various departments) for the employee. • Notification of Blocked TRS entry to EDB update – When a retroactive appointment change in PPS (IAPP) applies to a past appointment end date and any hours entered on an already created timesheet beyond this date are removed by the TRS profile loading process. • Notification of Timesheet Approval passed DTA Deadline – when a supervisor submits an approved timesheet past the DTA deadline date and time. This notice is usually generated when a supervisor approves a timesheet from a prior pay period. TRS emails are generated from: UC Time Reporting System [TRS@IT.UCLA.EDU]. Please ensure that these notices are not setup as spam or junk mail. 72 It is the department’s responsibility to train eligible new employees and supervisors on TRS. To accommodate all employees and supervisors who may be unable to attend the instructor‐led training sessions, departmental personnel can refer to the TRS Resources page for: • PDF documents of the Employee and Supervisors training • TRS Submission Deadline schedules • Additional TRS information Newly assigned DTAs must attend a instructor‐led class. Please contact the TRS Help Desk if a new DTA requires training. 73 Questions or issues regarding TRS may be resolved by referring to the TRS Resources page or by contacting the TRS Help Desk: By email ‐ include in the subject heading “TRS” By phone – (310) 794‐8708 74
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