American College of Surgeons Oncology Group Z11 Update
American College of Surgeons Oncology Group Z11 Update
American College of Surgeons Oncology Group Z11 Update Dennis R. Holmes, M.D. Breast Cancer Surgeon Medical Director Los Angeles Center for Women’s Health Susan Boyle Britain’s Got Talent I Dreamed A Dream American College of Surgeons Oncology Group (ACOSOG) Z11 Update February 8, 2011 Lymph Node Study Shakes Pillar of Breast Cancer Care • “…for Node + women who meet certain criteria, taking out cancer nodes has no advantage.” …impact 40,000 women a year in the U.S. ACOSOG Z0011 165 Investigators / 115 Institutions Guiliano A et al. JAMA. 2011;305(6):569-575. Z11 Take Home Message • ALND was unnecessary in women with 1 or 2 positive sentinel nodes if they were initially clinically node negative, and if they planned to be treated with lumpectomy and Whole Breast Radiotherapy Axillary Stage Key Prognostic Factor • Axillary Metastasis – Presence – Extent • Influences – Extent of surgery – Chemotherapy – Radiation therapy Complete Axillary Lymph Node Dissection Axillary LN Dissection Halsted Radical Mastectomy Courtesy M. Silverstein Level I, II, III ALND (All Patients) I II III Pectoralis Minor Level I, II ALND (All Patients) I II Pectoralis Minor Sentinel Node (Clinically Node - Only) I Pectoralis Minor Tracers: 1. Blue Dye 2. Blue Dye 3. Radioactive Level I, II ALND (Clinically or Sentinel Node Positive) I II Pectoralis Minor ACOSOG Z11 Central Questions Do BCT Candidates with positive sentinel nodes require ALND? Does omitting ALND after a positive sentinel node biopsy diminish patient survival? NSABP B-04 Trial Does Axillary Node Dissection Effect Overall Survival in Mastectomy Pts? Initiated in 1971 Operable Breast Cancer Clinically Node-Negative Radical Mastectomy I,Ii,III ALND Total Mastectomy Clinically Node-Positive Total Mastectomy + Irradiation Radical Mastectomy Total Mastectomy + Irradiation No Systemic Therapy N Engl J Med 2002;347:567-575 NSABP B-04 Overall Survival—Clinically Negative Nodes 100 80 % 60 RM 362 259 TMR 352 274 TM 365 259 40 20 0 P=NS 0 5 10 15 20 25 Years N Engl J Med 2002;347:567-575 Radical Surgery Unnecessary ALND Sentinel node biopsy And Breast Radiotherapy ACOSOG Z0011 165 Investigators / 115 Institutions Guiliano A et al. JAMA. 2011;305(6):569-575. Z0011 Study Design Schema N=856 5/99 – 12/04 Patient and Tumor Characteristics Intent-to-treat SLND ALND n = 420 n = 436 Median age Clinical T1 ER+ PR+ LVI present 56 (24-92) 68% 83% 68% 41% 54 (25-90) 71% 83% 70% 36% P = N.S. Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria Eligibility • Clinical T1, T2, N0 breast cancer • H&E-detected metastases in SN (AJCC 5th edition), N1 • Lumpectomy with whole breast irradiation| • Adjuvant systemic therapy by choice Ineligibility • Third field (nodal), irradiation – Matted node – Extracapsular extension – 3 or more involved nodes • Metastases in SN detected by IHC only, N0 Adjuvant Systemic Therapy ALND SLND Chemotherapy 57.9% 58.0% Hormonal therapy 46.4% 46.6% Either/Both 96.0% 97.0% P = N.S. Median Number of Lymph Nodes Removed # of Positive Lymph Nodes Intent-to-Treat Analysis Residual Axillary Nodal Disease 21% of pts. had additional positive nodes ALND ~21% of pts. expected to have residual positive nodes SN only ACOSOG Z11 What is the significance of retained axillary disease in the SN-only group? Would it lead to increased axillary recurrences? Would it decrease overall survival (1° endpoint) and disease free survival (2° endpoint)? Locoregional Recurrences Median Fu: 6.3 years Intent-to-Treat Recurrence ALND (420 pts) SLND (436 pts) Local (Breast) 15 (3.6%) 8 (1.8%) 2 (0.5%) 4 (0.9%) Regional (*) Total Locoregional 17 (4.1%) 12 (2.8%) P = 0.11 *Regional (Axillary, Supraclav, Subclav, Internal Mammary) Tangent Fields used to Treat the Preserved Breast . . . Breast Fields Also Treat The Low Axilla Three clips at SLND site Wire showing palpable breast borders Tumor bed Axillary Failure Is Uncommon after AxRT 5-Year Survival Outcomes ACOSOG Z11 DFS (Secondary) OS (Primary) ALND 82.2% 91.8% SN 83.9% 92.5% p = 0.14 p = 0.25 ACOSOG Z11’s Conclusion SNB alone provides excellent locoregional control, comparable to SNB with completion ALND, in patients with T1 or T2 breast cancers with 1-2 +SN treated by whole breast radiotherapy and adjuvant systemic therapy. ACOSOG Z11 Surgical Morbidity Lucci A et al. J Clin Oncol. 2007 Aug 20;25(24):3657-63 Implications Implications Systemic Therapy Systemic Rx decisions are based on tumor features – Receptor status – Oncotype DX/Mammaprint – Adjuvant Online! – Not number of nodes Implications Systemic & Radiotherapy • Residual positive nodes remaining in the axilla after SNB are adequately treated with systemic therapy and axillary radiation. Implications Preoperative Axillary US Implications • Z11 results cannot be extrapolated to patients – Treated with mastectomy; – with 3 or more positive, ECE, matted nodes; – with grossly positive nodes; – having partial breast radiation – Neoadjuvant chemotherapy/endocrine tx Implications Reduced Morbidity Chronic Pain (5-10%) Lymphedema (10-15%) Axillary Web (30-50%) Improved QOL Improved QOL ACOSOG 11 Summary • Z11 contributes to a paradigm shift • Reduces extent of Axillary Surgery • Reduces morbidity of axillary surgery • Improve patient QOL • Without compromising DFS and OS reducing the morbidity of axillary staging! ⌃
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