May 2006 - Virginia Beach
May 2006 - Virginia Beach
the Baycliff Bugle May 2006 Editor Pam Gallagher ( ) FROM YOUR PRESIDENT Dear Baycliff Friends and Neighbors, On Saturday, May 6th, thirty plus homes participated in this year’s successful Baycliff Community Yard Sale. Sincerest thank to Chairman Anna Slade for the outstanding job she did organizing this popular event! Not only does our yard sale provide residents an effective opportunity to dispose of no longer needed items while earning extra cash, it offers the neighborhood and larger community some fabulous buys and a wonderful opportunity to socialize. Thank you to each and every one of you whose participation made our yard sale a resounding success! On Tuesday, May 16th, 7:00 p.m. in the Alanton Elementary School Cafetorium, we will vote on increasing our annual civic league dues and boat ramp fees, elect the 2006 -2007 civic league officers, and also approve our 2006-2007 operating budget. Our dues are being increased to $50.00 and the cost of a boat ramp key to $35.00 annually. This nominal increase is long overdue and necessary due to inflation and rising costs of community operating expenses and maintenance. A copy of the proposed budget is included in this newsletter for your review. Please come to this important civic league meeting and vote! If you are unable to attend, please take a moment to complete and return the absentee ballot in this Bugle . Please mark your calendar for our 3rd Annual Dolphin Watch Cruise on Sunday, June 11th. This popular event sold out last June, and signing up promptly guarantees your family seats aboard. We can take 120 passengers so please reserve your spots today! Donna and Gene Feuerhahn, Owners of Dockside Inn and Lynnhaven Seafood Marina, have again generously offered this privately chartered cruise to us at special pricing. We are so grateful! Read more about our relaxing and funfilled Dolphin Cruise in the flyer included in the following pages. It has been a pleasure and honor to serve you as President these past two years. I have been blessed with outstanding support from a wonderful Executive Board. I sincerely thank my capable and dedicated officers and committee chairs, as well as all the many Baycliff residents who have so generously donated their time to benefit us all. I thank you all for supporting your Baycliff Civic League and working with us to keep Baycliff one of the best places in Virginia Beach to live! I wish you and your family a beautiful spring and a relaxing summer! Sincerely, Christine Westendorf President, Baycliff Civic League In This Issue: Baycliff Traffic Safety Report PRESIDENT’S LETTER TRAFFIC SAFETY REPORT BAYCLIFF DIRECTORY/ ABSENTEE BALLOT/SLATE OF BAYCLIFF CIVIC LEAGUE OFFICERS PROPOSED BAYCLIFF CIVIC LEAGUE BUDGET NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH BAYCLIFF DOLPHIN WATCH AND SUNSET CRUISE FLYER CIVIC LEAGUE MEMBERSHIP/DUES FORM OFFICERS & Greetings from the TSC (Traffic Safety Committee). It is nice to experience the warmer weather of spring finally arriving with the pleasant evening air promoting a “walk about” or a “bike about” our neighborhood streets. No accidents to report for all of calendar year 2006 to-date. Let’s establish an ‘06 goal of ZERO accidents on Baycliff streets. As you will recall, the city reinstituted the Traffic Calming Program in Baycliff. Thought you might be interested in some statistics generated as a result of their enforcement efforts. The city provided the following data: Enforcement date 3 Mar 06 --- hours of monitoring 7 – 9 a.m. Two tickets were written to non-residents for 37 mph. CHAIRSNEIGHBOR NOTES/SCHOOL NEWS /RELAY FOR LIFE/READING CLUB / ALANTON-BAYCLIFF GARDEN CLUB REPORT VIRGINIA BEACH’S NEW 311 SERVICE “SCOOP THE POOP” Enforcement date 17 Mar 06 -- same hours -- three tickets written -- all to non-residents and all for 38 mph in a 25 mph zone. For comparison, the city average is 1.3 tickets written per hour per officer so the two events in Baycliff were just under the city average. The city will be scheduling enforcement activity approximately every three days until 1 July…so drive carefully please. NEWS RELEASE ON RABID Thanks again for your support and safe driving on our RACCOONS/CLEAN THE BAY DAY/RIISING TAX ASSESSMENT EXAMPLES/FREE CLASSIFIEDS/BRIEFS streets. Have great and safe summer season. G. Cox – Chair TSC Every Tuesday is Baycliff Community Day at… Join us for Weekday & Game- Day specials! Party Platters for Any Occasion! Featuring 20 Varieties of Jumbo Wings and Fingers; Angus Beef & Buffalo Burgers; Signature Sandwiches & Salads, & Much More! 507 Hilltop Plaza Virginia Beach, VA 23454 (Next to North Carolina Company) 757-422-WING (9464) / Baycliff Residents: Come into Buffalo Beach any Tuesday & receive 10% off your Food Order (excludes daily specials; 1 discount per customer per visit) Buffalo Beach is a Smoke-Free Sports Grill ! HELLO NEIGHBOR! We are beginning to update resident information in preparation for the NEW 2007 BAYCLIFF RESIDENT DIRECTORY. WE NEED TO HEAR FROM EVERYONE, even if you have no changes! Your prompt cooperation will help this edition of the directory be accurate and up-to-date. This is important to Baycliff's participation in Neighborhood Watch as well as the Virginia Beach 911 system. We also encourage you to include your e-mail address for our Baycliffwatch system which is used to quickly distribute neighborhood information (community announcements, civic league news, crime and emergency warnings). Your e-mail address will not be listed in the directory. To learn more about the Baycliffwatch System, please go to our community Website at If you are moving, please notify us and give this form to the NEW RESIDENT. THANK YOU! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2007 BAYCLIFF RESIDENT DIRECTORY INFORMATION Please return to Christine Westendorf, 2028 Sunset Point or you may telephone your information in by calling her at 481-5589. Thanks! FIRST & LAST NAME of Man of the House:________________________________________ Occupation:_______________________ Place of Employment:_______________________ FIRST & LAST NAME of Lady of the House:________________________________________ Occupation:_______________________ Place of Employment:_______________________ STREET ADDRESS:____________________ Telephone Number:______________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS (BAYCLIFFWATCH): ___________________________________________ CHILDREN IN THE HOME AGE ON 12 -31- 2006 Birth date for Infants Name:_________________________ Age:___________ Name:_________________________ Age:___________ Name:_________________________ Age:___________ Name:_________________________ Age:___________ SCHOOL / OCCUPATION _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS IN HOME Name:_________________________ Relationship:__________________________________ Name:_________________________ Relationship:__________________________________ SPECIAL INTERESTS OR HOBBIES:______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ The Baycliff Resident Directory includes a special Services Section. Residents who provide tutoring, music lessons, vacation pet care, or other special services such as yard work are invited to list their services. In addition, encourage your teen to include his/her name on our BABYSITTER LIST. This is list is very helpful to parents. BABYSITTERS________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SPECIAL SERVICES AVAILABLE TO BAYCLIFF RESIDENTS:_________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Directions: Deliver this completed, original (photocopies may only be made for spouse/additional adults per residence; duplicates will not be counted) absentee ballot to Recording Secretary, Susanne Dye, at 1901 Windjammer Court, BY noon on Tuesday, May 16 th. If your household needs additional absentee ballots, contact Susanne Dye at 321-3995. ITEM 1: Vote on the Proposed Slate of 2006-2007 Baycliff Civic League Officers (Fill in one circle to cast your vote): I ACCEPT the slate ITEM 2: I REJECT the slate ? Vote on increasing Annual Civic League Dues to $50.00: I ACCEPT this increase ITEM 3: ? ? I REJECT this increase ? Vote on increasing Annual Boat Ramp Fee to $35.00: I ACCEPT this increase ? I REJECT this increase ? ITEM 4: Vote on the Proposed 2006-2007 Baycliff Civic League Budget (Fill in one circle to cast your vote ): I ACCEPT the Proposed Budget ? I REJECT the Proposed Budget ? Your name & signature__________________________/___________________ Your address: ________________________ Phone Number: ______________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2006-2007 Baycliff Civic League Slate of Officers President Bill Westendorf 2028 Sunset Point 481-5589 1st Vice-President Christie Woytowitz 2013 Seafarer Cove 481-1110 2nd Vice-President Claire Polley 1320 Baycliff Drive 481-0106 1505 Baycliff Court 496-9977 Recording Secretary Paula McGowan Corresponding Sec. Christine Westendorf 2028 Sunset Point 481-5589 Treasurer 481-0469 Bob Swink 2004 Echo Cove BAYCLIFF CIVIC LEAGUE PROPOSED BUDGET FOR 2006-2007 ITEM Dues - 240 @$50.00 Boat Ramp Keys - 50@$35.00 Donations & Misc. Income Yard Sale - 40@$15.00 Dolphin Cruise Advertising (Bugle & Directory) INCOME $12,000.00 $1,750.00 $1,500.00 $600.00 $500.00 $4,050.00 Community Liability Insurance Legal fees VBCCO & Garden Club Dues Grass Mowing Mulch & Weed Control Landscape Plantings Electricity (entry lights & sprinklers) Baycliff Bugle Newsletter 2007 Directory Clerical Supplies & Postage Boat Ramp Keys & Lock Fall Festival Santa Visit Adult Holiday Party Luminaries Yard Sale Advertising & Maps Egg Hunt Dolphin Cruise VBCCO Award Dinner Donations Emergency / Contingency Fund $250.00 $500.00 $50.00 $5,000.00 $750.00 $500.00 $600.00 $3,000.00 $2,500.00 $650.00 $200.00 $700.00 $300.00 $100.00 $400.00 $120.00 $400.00 $500.00 $200.00 $200.00 $1,750.00 $20,400.00 Projected Surplus for Improvements Fund EXPENSE $18,670.00 $1,730.00 Our Neighborhood Watch Program is a cooperative effort of the Virginia Beach Crime Prevention Steering Committee, the Police Department, and the residents of Baycliff. For more information, please contact Claire Polley, Baycliff Neighborhood Watch Coordinator, telephone number 481-0106, e- mail: BAYCLIFF DOLPHIN WATCH & SUNSET CRUISE SPONSORED BY YOUR BAYCLIFF CIVIC LEAGUE A Special Boat Tour Chartered Just for Us! Sunday, June 11th, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Rain Date: Monday, June 12th, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Leaves from Dockside Inn, 3311 Shore Drive ONLY $5.00 PER PERSON… DON’T MISS THIS! A true bargain, Regular Cost: $16.00 per adult, $8.00 per child! SPECIAL 15% DINING DISCOUNT AT DOCKSIDE RESTAURANT OFFERED PRE AND POST CRUISE Our Sincerest Thanks to Baycliff’s Gene & Donna Feuerhahn! You are encouraged to bring your own cooler chests and iced drinks. Wine and beer are fine. ACT QUICKLY… THIS WAS A SELL OUT LAST YEAR! ADVANCE RESERVATIONS REQUIRED MAXIMUM 120 PASSENGERS! PLEASE CALL CHRISTINE WESTENDORF TODAY AT 481-5589 TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT ABOARD! SEND YOUR CHECK (PAYABLE TO BAYCLIFF CIVIC LEAGUE) TO TREASURER BOB SWINK, 2004 ECHO COVE. 2006 Baycliff Civic League Membership Dues Have you paid your 2006 dues? 2006 Baycliff Civic League Membership Dues ___________ Enclosed is $35.00 for Civic League Membership ___________ Enclosed is $50.00 contribution for the Community Improvement Fund ___________ Enclosed is $20.00 for Yacht Club Membership and Boat Ramp Key (for boat ramp keys, please pay $35.00 dues, plus $20 boat ramp key fee) ___________ Enclosed is a DONATION toward: (Landscaping, Egg Hunt or use wherever needed) MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION: The Civic League Membership Year is January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2006. Please make checks payable to Baycliff Civic League. Mail to Bob Swink, Treasurer, 2004 Echo Cove. THANK YOU FOR MAKING BAYCLIFF SUCH AN OUTSTANDING NEIGHBORHOOD!! SINCERE THANKS TO OUR COMMUNITY LEADERS! 2005-2006 BAYCLIFF CIVIC LEAGUE OFFICERS President First Vice-President Second Vice-President Second Vice-President Recording Secretary Corr. Secretary Treasurer Christine Westendorf Paul Rist Christie Woytowitz Weaver Wrenn Susanne Dye Sharon Haring Bob Swink 2028 Sunset Point 1999 East Road 2013 Seafarer Cove 2001 Echo Cove 1901 Windjammer Court 1561 Bay Point Drive 2004 Echo Cove 481-5589 481-7559 481-1110 481-7638 321-3995 481-5508 481-0469 2005-2006 COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Advertising Bingo & Pizza Night Bingo & Pizza Night Boundaries Lori Moore Paul Rist Christie Woytowitz Jim Cecelic Covenants & Restrictions James (Ted) Land Dolphin Cruise Christine Westendorf Fall Festival Sandi Barea Fall Festival Kelly Christianson Holiday Party Doris & Weaver Wrenn Holiday Luminaria Christine Westendorf Hospitality Rosalie Haight Landscaping Jack Donahue Landscaping Barbara Hancock Landscaping Rocks Kim Cox Neighborhood Watch Claire Polley Newsletter Pam Gallagher Power Outages Anne Mitchell Safety & Improvement Mark Schalow Santa Visit Pam Gallagher Santa Visit Susannah Uroskie Spring Egghunt Melissa Hickey Spring Egghunt Jill Frazier Tax Relief Curt Karvala Traffic Safety George Cox VBCCO Representative James (Ted) Land Webmaster Bill Westendorf Yacht Club Jim Cecelic Yacht Club Weaver Wrenn Yard Sale Anna Koufos-Slade 1597 Bay Point Drive 1999 East Road 2013 Seafarer Cove 2005 Inland Cove 1905 Crestview Landing 2028 Sunset Point 2008 Bay Breeze Circle 1352 Baycliff Drive 2001 Echo Cove 2028 Sunset Point 1605 Bay Point Drive 1340 Baycliff Drive 1532 Seafarer Lane 1512 Hidden Cove 1320 Baycliff Drive 2009 Seafarer Cove 2009 Sunset Court 2008 Echo Cove 2009 Seafarer Cove 2004 Seafarer Cove 2016 Bay Breeze Cove 1500 Baycliff Lane 1529 Seafarer Lane 2016 Sunset Point 1905 Crestview Landing 2028 Sunset Point 2005 Inland Cove 2001 Echo Cove 1536 Bay Point Drive 496-7573 481-7559 481-1110 481-5465 481-2989 481-5589 412-4997 412-2067 481-7638 481-5589 481-2559 481-4743 481-2817 412-0665 481-0106 496-2500 481-0561 481-1682 496-2500 233-9201 496-0429 481-0088 481-1930 481-7971 481-2989 481-5589 481-5465 481-7638 496-4858 Neighbor Notes New Osprey Platform Many thanks to the North Landing Electric Company for installing a new osprey tower in Baycliff (the company also recently installed two other towers at Bayville, and Lynnhaven Elementary). A new osprey nest currently rests safely on top! The Baycliff community sends its love and support and best Get Well wishes to Faye Johnson (wife of Dave Johnson)! Faye has been quite ill and in Intensive Care for many months. We also extend our best Feel Better Soon wishes to Ruth DeLong, who is recovering from a fall. Ruth is the mother of Jan Wahl, and the wife of Ed DeLong, who served as our Baycliff Santa for many years. In addition, we wish Paula Hirst a very speedy recovery from her recent eye surgery! We also send heartfelt well-wishes to former Baycliff resident Jim Watt, who is recovering from surgery. Ryan Johnson would like to thank everyone who made suggestions and helped him find an appropriate Eagle Project for the neighborhood. Every idea would have worked well for the final project. But in the end, Ryan has chosen to construct a plywood sign at the front of the neighborhood reminding drivers to follow the speed limit. Construction should begin by mid-summer, after extensive paper work is filled out with the Boy Scout of America and Ryan receives project approval. Neighbor Notes IN THE NEWS Best wishes to Baycliff resident, Ann Nichols whose passion and honed talents for fly fishing have led her to open Crab Creek Outfitters, a saltwater fly and light-tackle shop located near the Lesner Bridge on Shore Drive. As one of the very few females in the world to own a tackle shop, Nichols, mother of four and wife to Charlie, a longshoreman was featured in a wonderful article about her newest enterprise in the March 28, 2006 issue of the Virginian-Pilot newspaper!! Congratulations, Ann---we wish you nothing but continued success! A NOTE OF GRATITUDE F OR BAYCLIFF’S CIVIC LEAGUE LEADERS Baycliff residents sincerely thank our 2005-2006 Civic League Officers who volunteered countless hours of their time for the betterment of our neighborhood. We especially wish to thank Civic League President Christine Westendorf for her assiduous devotion to Baycliff and a special salute for a job well doneto those board members who are retiring from their positions. Baycliff is a better place because of YOU and your dedication and efforts are most appreciated! President, Christine Westendorf (retiring) First Vice-President, Paul Rist (retiring) Second Vice-President, Christie Woytowitz (retiring) Second Vice-President, Weaver Wrenn (retiring) Recording Secretary, Susanne Dye (retiring) Corresponding Secretary, Sharon Haring (retiring) Treasurer, Bob Swink THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! Neighbor Notes THANKING OUR GOOD NEIGHBORS, JIM CECELIC and BOB SWINK!! Recently, a very large tree fell at the boat ramp and was blocking the ramp! Jim Cecelic has spent many long hours cutting up the tree with a chain saw and moving it out of the way. Also, Bob Swink recently spent several hours spraying weed killer at the boat ramp parking lot. We are indeed fortunate to have Jim and Bob as our Baycliff neighbors. THANK YOU BOTH FOR YOUR VOLUNTEER EFFORTS!! Summer is nearly here… Windows • Siding • Trim Ask about our new THICK INSULATING ENERGY SAVING FOAM BACKED SIDING 2251 W. Great Neck Rd Va Beach, VA 23451 Remember to drive 25 mph through Baycliff and be sure to WATCH FOR CHILDREN PLAYING! Sign-up for E-Watch! The Baycliff Civic League began an e-mail Neighborhood Watch to promote safety, awareness, and communication between the residents of Baycliff. To join, go to, click on the Baycliff E-Watch Crime Dog and click on “Join E-Watch”. E-watch maintains a distribution list which contains the e-mail address of everyone who signs up to be part of the E-Watch system. Anyone can post a message to the EWatch system by clicking on the link near the top of this page or by sending their e-mail message to Every message posted to the system will immediately be distributed by e-mail to ev eryone who has registered to be part of EWatch. Remember to contact Bill, Webmaster, at whenever you change servers or get new e-mail addresses so he can update the system. School News “THANK YOU ,” TO OUR SUPPORTERS FROM, THE BATTLING BEACH BUNCH RELAY FOR LIFE TEAMS The Battling Beach Bunch Relay for Life Teams have raised over $18,300.00 for the American Cancer Society since this past fall with business sponsorships, multiple car washes, Silver Diner fundraiser (wait persons, percentage of dinner sales), gift baskets for sale, holiday wreath sale, gourmet lollipop sale at First Colonial High School, and luminaria, etc. The 24 youth have worked very hard and the community has generously supported their efforts. WE SINCERELY THANK EACH AND EVERY ONE WHO HAS HELPED WIN THE WAR AGAINST CANCER AND SUPPORTED THE BATTLING BEACH BUNCH RELAY FOR LIFE TEAMS. Let’s continue to work together toward a cancer free future in the very near future! School News KELLY MC LAUGHLIN AND BLYTHE WESTENDORF SELECTED AS MEMBERS OF THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 2006 FIRST COLONIAL HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENT TEAM! This is the 46th year that The Virginian-Pilot has sponsored the scholastic achievement and recognition program for local area schools. This program is designed to salute the best and brightest students and has awarded over $200,000 in scholarships to deserving students from Hampton Roads, the Eastern Shore, and northeastern North Carolina. It is with great pride that we announce that two Baycliff young women have been selected one of eighteen members of 2006 First Colonial High School Scholastic Team. Baycliff Congratuates Senior Kelly McLaughlin and Junior Blythe Westendorf! Baycliff Reading Club Update The Baycliff Reading Club has had a busy agenda as of late. We had our annual retreat at Southern Shores at the beautiful oceanfront home of avid readers, Cindi and Eddie Russell, in April, where we discussed the book Bel Canto, by Ann Patchett. Also in April, five of our members attended the Noted Authors Dinner night, which was a fundraiser for the Virginia Beach Symphony. There we listened to Sheri Reynolds, Stephen Coonts and Edmund Morris talk about their experiences as writers. Our upcoming list of books reflects a wide range of interests. We attempt to mix old and new, challenging and light, fiction and a little non-fiction. Meetings are at the Westendorf home at 7:00 P.M. on the second Tuesday of each month. Upcoming Reading List: May 9 James Patterson Month Read any of his books and we will discuss his writing in general June 13 Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons, by Lorna Landvik (come have some Bon Bons) July 11 John Adams, by David McCullough (patriotic choice for July) August 8 The Water is Wide, by Pat Conroy September Clara, by Janice Galloway (about the life of Clara Schumann) If you are interested in joining our group, please contact Mary Daddio at 228-1175. Alanton-Baycliff Garden Club Report The final Alanton-Bycliff Garden Club meeting of the year is a luncheon and flower arrangement “competition” at the Wisteria, 11:30 AM May 11th. But this is by no means the end of our activities before summer arrives… On Thursday, May 25 th we’ll be cleaning up the front entrance of Baycliff. PLEASE JOIN US beginning at 9:00 AM (or whenever you can come). Bring gloves and tools for weeding, pruning shrubs, and preparing our beds for new flowers which will be planted around Memorial Day, with mulching to follow. Please contact Barbara Hancock at #481-2817, if you can pitch in some of your much needed time to assist. The Alanton-Baycliff Garden Club and Baycliff Civic League are splitting the costs of lightly mulching the front entry beds (two in the traffic circle, two at the entry, and one at bulletin board) and purchasing annual flowers (red and white geraniums with blue flower accent) for the entry. City of Virginia Beach Launches a 24/7 “311” Information Service On Saturday, April 22, 2006, the Virginia Beach Public Information Office launched a city-wide 311 telephone information service. Citizens calling from within Virginia Beach city limits can simply dial 3-11 to reach a Public Information Specialist - 24 hours a day, seven days a week - who can assist callers with City information, services, news and events. The new 311 service is currently available to customers of Cavalier Telephone and Cox Communications, and the service will be available to Verizon customers in a few weeks. Other company subscribers, cell phone users, VoIP users (i.e. Vonage or similar service provider), and those calling from outside the city limits can dial (757) 385-3111 to reach the Public Information Office. Calls placed to 311 from within Virginia Beach city limits are free. Applicable long distance or cellular charges may apply when calling (757) 385-3111. In addition to being a simple, easyto-remember, single point of contact for citizens and visitors, 311 has the potential to alleviate many of the non-emergency calls that are placed to the city’s 911 Emergency Communications Center (ECC) each day. Currently, the ECC receives an average of 40,000 nonemergency calls per month. These calls cause 911 call takers and dispatchers to deviate from their primary function of assisting callers with emergencies and public safety situations. One of the goals of 311 is to provide a non-emergency alternative resource to assist citizens with general city information and services on a 24/7 basis, ensuring that 911 personnel are more accessible for callers with emergencies and public safety issues. Non-emergency questions or requests for city services can be directed to the new 311 information line. Dial 3-1-1 for: Dial 9-1-1 for: City Information Emergencies City Services Fires City News Reporting City Events Accidents Reporting Crimes in Progress Reporting Suspicious People or Events Citizens can also contact the Public Information Office via the Online Assistance feature on (24/7), via email at (24/7), or in person Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Building 22 of the Municipal Center (2400 Courthouse Drive). Scoop the Poop (A message from the SPCA) After learning that up to one-third of the fecal coliform pollution in the Lynnhaven River is dog waste, the Virginia Beach SPCA launched a Scoop the Poop campaign to remind dog owners to clean up after their pets, and in particular, pick up dog waste in your own yard BEFORE it rains, to prevent run-off into storm drains. Pet waste washes off streets and lawns and runs into storm drains and into the river. Poop not only pollutes the river but it also spreads disease and pollutes neighborhoods, parks, schoolyards, beaches and friendships. We at the SPCA love all animals, but we don't love their poop. Sadly, too many people allow their animals to defecate in our neighborhoods, yards and parks, and do not pick up the waste and dispose of it properly. We talk about responsible animal care to our adopters, and the city has posted signs, but those efforts have not been far reaching enough. The Poop Pollutes campaign will be widespread, broadly supported and eyecatching. We are looking forward to the widest possible distribution of Poop Pollutes posters. We hope to create a corps of volunteers, maybe even our junior volunteer corps, to wear Poop Pollutes t -shirts around town. We hope you and your organization will become a partner in the effort to teach the people of Virginia Beach that Poop Pollutes. POOP POLLUTES... The land... Pet waste contains bacteria and parasites. Diseases that can be spread from pet waste include -? Campylobacteriosis (a bacterial infection causing diarrhea in humans) ? Salmonellosis (the most common bacterial infection transmitted to humans from animals -- symptoms include fever, muscle aches, headache, vomiting, and diarrhea) ? Toxocarisis (roundworms transmitted from animals to humans. Symptoms include vision loss, rash, fever, or cough). The water... Pet waste degrades water quality leading to cloudy, green water from accelerated algae and weed growth, objectionable odors, and dead fish and other organisms. Up to one fourth of the fecal coliform in the polluted Lynnhaven River is from pet waste. Pet waste left in yards as far away as Green Run eventually reaches the city's historic waterway. The air... In addition to odors, flies and other pest insects can also increase when pet waste is disposed of improperly, becoming a nuisance and adding another vector for disease transmission. Communities...Finally, pet waste pollutes friendships. Poop Pollutes Neighborhoods. Friendships. The Beach. Parks and school yards. Lakes and streams. Broad Bay. Even the Lynnhaven River. Scoop the Poop. NMA has the best for any project: NO Closing Costs 6.75 apr* FIXED Rate Home Equity Loan You are eligible to join! Most loans close within three weeks. 4920 Haygood Road, Virginia Beach Contact Cynthia Horton: 757-497-4500, # 3008 *Average Percentage Rate. Rates subject to change on this 10-year term loan if based on 90% of city assessment. RABID RACCOONS FOUND IN THE GREAT NECK AREA From the City Manager’s Office (May 3, 2006 News Release) On May 1, a Virginia Beach resident witnessed a fight between her dog and a raccoon on Shorehaven Drive in the Great Neck area of the city. The Virginia Beach Bureau of Animal Control was called to the scene where they collected the raccoon. Interaction with raccoons should be avoided. If you have had any unreported exposure to stray or wild animals in this area within the past few weeks, contact the Virginia Beach Department of Public Health immediately. If your pets have had any unreported exposure to stray or wild animals in this area, contact the Virginia Beach Bureau of Animal Control. Five rabid animals, all raccoons, have been identified in Virginia Beach this calendar year. The Health Department strongly advises that Virginia Beach residents and visitors take the following steps to prevent families and pets from being exposed to rabies. 1. ELIMINATE OUTDOOR FOOD SOURCES AROUND THE HOME: A. Do not feed stray dogs or cats, or any wild animal. B. Garbage containers should be securely sealed with lids. C. After feeding pets, bring leftover food inside or dispose of it properly. D. Bird food should be placed in a bird feeder inaccessible to wild animals. E. Food stored in outbuildings ( barns, open garages) should be inaccessible to animals. 2. AVOID CONTACT BETWEEN YOURSELF (OR YOUR PETS) AND WILD ANIMALS OR STRAY DOGS AND CATS. A. Report any stray animals to the Virginia Beach Bureau of Animal Control. If contact occurs between any wild animal and you or your pet, call Animal Control at 4274444. If contact occurs between you or your family and any wild animal, call the Virginia Beach Department of Public Health at 5182646. Specimens of the raccoon were submitted to the Norfolk Department of Public Health – Bureau of Laboratories on May 2. Later that day, the Virginia Beach Department of Public Health was notified that the animal tested positive for rabies. The dog involved in the attack is currently vaccinated for rabies and has received a booster vaccination. No rabies transmissions to other animals or humans are known at this time. On April 14, 2006, a resident witnessed a raccoon attack a dog on Adam Keeling Road in the Keelingwood area. The raccoon was lethargic, disoriented, and indifferent to human exposure — all signs of rabies. Animal control collected the raccoon and submitted specimens to the Norfolk Department of Public Health k Bureau of Laboratories on April 17, 2006. On April 18, 2006, the Virginia Beach Department of Public Health was notified that this animal also tested positive for rabies. (Rabid raccoon, continued) It is imperative that you and your pets receive medical treatment as soon as possible. Call your veterinarian to examine your pet for wounds and administer a booster rabies shot. B. Trapping and removal of raccoons is not recommended; however, IT may be necessary for sick or injured animals. C. Keep dogs and cats confined to your property. Animals that are allowed to roam are more prone to come in contact with wild animals such as raccoons and foxes. VACCINATE ALL PETS AGAINST RABIES, IT’S THE LAW! (Code of the City of Virginia Beach, Chapter 5 Animals and Fowl, Article 5 Rabies Control- Section 5-87 Vaccination or Inoculation of Dogs or Cats). 3. Virginia Beach needs your help cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay and our local waterways! Clean the Bay Day Saturday, June 10th, 9 a.m. - 12 Noon. Boats are needed to get to hard-to-reach places; and folks of all backgrounds can pick up the litter on shore. As always, Individuals, families, and Civic Leagues are welcome. Come on and grab your hat, sunscreen, and your best buddies, and join us! See what a few determined people from each of our communities can do in three hours! Clean Community Commission is sponsoring an after event picnic at Bayville Farms Park from 1 to 3 PM. For more Information or to register in Virginia Beach, contact Virginia Beach Clean Community Commission @ 385-4104 or email: Sincerely, Dan Baxter Chairman Virginia Beach Clean Community Commission Public School Calendar May 18 May 29 June 13, 14 June 15, 16 June 16 June 19 June 23 Progress Reports Issued Memorial Day ( Holiday - schools closed) Adjusted Dismissal (High School students only) Adjusted Dismissal (All students) Last Day for Students – End of Fourth Grading Period Staff Day (Records/School Closeout) Report Cards Mailed to All Students FY 04/05 NEIGHBORHOOD FY 04/05 SUBNEIGHBORHOOD FY 04/05 DISTRICT FY 04/05 PERCENT FY 05/06 PERCENT FY 06/07 PERCENT Total 3 yrs BAYCLIFF LYNNHAVEN 23.8978 21.8212 10.961 56.68 ALANTON LYNNHAVEN 18.4389 23.062 18.4053 59.9062 29.8565 24.5817 64.33006 SYLVAN LAKE SLEEPY HOL-SANDEE LYNNHAVEN ALANTON LINKHORN SHORES LYNNHAVEN 22.6869 19.8847 8.96493 51.53653 MIDDLE PLANTATION LYNNHAVEN 4.46507 26.1712 17.2364 47.87267 BROAD BAY POINT GREENS LYNNHAVEN 19.1326 10.1394 24.6721 53.9441 RESERVE LYNNHAVEN 12.9586 17.8222 8.71612 39.49692 WIMBLEDON ON THE BAY BISHOPSGATE MIDDLE PLANTATION CHURCH POINT LYNNHAVEN LYNNHAVEN LYNNHAVEN BAYSIDE 9.1209 10.1213 2.35821 9.63015 13.8459 13.9056 34.1241 11.6647 11.9504 17.1417 5.19286 20.6508 34.9172 41.1686 41.67517 41.94565 LYNNHAVEN 9.48046 17.5748 47.4502 74.50546 BRIGHTON ON THE BAY PHASE 6 CHILDREN'S CLOTHING NEEDED FOR NICARAGUAN ORPHANAGE! Have your kids outgrown their clothes? Please consider donating your gently used summer clothing to an orphanage in Nicaragua! Items should be clean and free of holes, tears and permanent stains. The children are ages 3 to 18 years. We need: shirts, shorts, dresses, skirts, pants, pajamas and swimsuits in all sizes, 2T to adult sizes (for teens). Clothing donations should be dropped off at the Westendorf's home, 2028 Sunset Point. Blythe Westendorf is going on a summer mission trip to Nicaragua, sponsored by Spring Branch Community Church, and she and other high school youth will fill duffle bags with collected clothing and bring them to the orphanage where they are working. To arrange a drop off or if you have any questions, please call 481-5589 or Blythe's cell phone 630-1996. Thank you so very, very much! J Bugle Briefs Upcoming Meetings and Events (Dates to Remember) • ** Remember to pay your annual Baycliff Civic League Dues!** May 9 Baycliff Reading Club meeting Reminders: Virginia Beach has scheduled selective police enforcement in Baycliff running through the end of June. • May 11 Flower Show Luncheon Installation of new Alanton-Baycliff Garden Club officers at The Anchor Inn • May 14 • May 16 Baycliff Civic League meeting in the Alant on Elementary School Cafetorium at 7:00 p.m.. Vote on increasing our annual civic league dues and boat ramp fees, elect the 2006 -2007 civic league officers, and also to approve our 2006-2007 operating budget • May 29 Memorial Day (Have a Happy and Safe Memorial Day Weekend!!) SCHOOLS CLOSED • June 11 3rd Annual Dolphin Watch Cruise (act quickly to reserve your tickets!) • June 13 • June 13, 14 Adjusted Dismissal ( Public High School students only) Send your completed form to: • June 15, 16 Students • June 16 Last Day of Public School for Students Christine Westendorf, 2028 Sunset Point. Questions? Call Christine at 481-5589. • June 23 Report Cards Mailed • July 4 HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! Baycliff Reading Club meeting Adjusted Dismissal ALL Public School Celebrate Independence Day!! The information contained in this newsletter was provided to the Editor and/or Civic League by third parties, and is published "as is," and the Editor makes no warranties and assumes no liabilities for the accuracy of the information contained in the Newsletter. The opinions expressed in this Newsletter are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Editor or of the Civic League. Neither the Editor nor the Civic League, nor any Advertiser in this Newsletter are responsible or liable for any opinions, errors or omissions contained in the Newsletter. Be sure to update your resident information (even if you have no changes) for the NEW 2007 BAYCLIFF RESIDENT DIRECTORY. HAVE A WONDERFUL SUMMER, BAYCLIFF!