July - Bromeliad Society/Houston
Bromeliad Society Vol 48 No 7 July, 2015 June 2015 ABCs Picnic Hockley, Texas MEETING DATE: Tuesday, July 21, 7:00 p.m. PROGRAM SPEAKER: Odean Head PROGRAM TITLE: SEEDLING: TBA Orthophytum gurkenii Supplied by Jimmy Woolsey. In bright light, O. gurkenii forms a dark brown, banded, stiff-leaved rosette. At antithesis, it blooms with an erect stalk on which pups will form. It grows well in a mix like Jungle Growth with 13-13-13 Nutricote and plenty of light and water. Above picture by Michael Andreas courtesy of fcbs.org; the plant pictured was entered by Allyn Pearlman at 1998 WBC in Houston. Some cultural information provided by Sam Chism. MEETING AGENDA: Greetings/Call to Order/Member Plant Sale Show and Tell Meeting Short Break/Refreshments/Buy Plants, Raffle Tickets Program Adjourn AUGUST PROGRAM: NEXT BOARD MEETING: TBA Thurs., 7/23, 7:00 p.m. DEADLINE FOR AUGUST BULLETIN: 7/25/15 *** The regular membership meeting will be held at the Moody Park Community Center on Fulton street from 7:00 PM until 9:30 PM. *** The board meeting will be held in room #3 of the Metropolitan Multi-Service Center on West Gray starting promptly at 7:00 PM. Bromelia ‘Que Sera’ in the Lee’s greenhouse “Life is a series of natural and spontaneous chang- es,” says the philosopher. “Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow.” The ABC’s of Bromeliads on June 20 was relocated from Beaumont to Hockley in the northwest area of Harris County. We thank Frank and Cherie Lee for stepping up when change had to take place. The Lees played host and hostess to around 25 members of the society by providing a beautiful home and grounds. The food was great, the conversation lively, and the presentation done by Chris Nguyen was inspiring. We thank Chris for demonstrating that we can salvage Dyckia pups when we divide the plant (well almost always). We send a big, “Thank you” to everyone who attended and brought food. Needless to say, we appreciate the Lee’s generous offer of shelter in the face of change. I think I can say with certainty that a good time was had by all. (Text by Linda Whipkey – photos by David Whipkey) A President’s Page h! Summer has arrived. I can tell because the talking head on the TV weather segment gives the same forecast day after day “High 95°, Low 78°, with a 10% chance of rain.” Not good for people. Not good for plants. Most plants don’t like hot humid weather. The sun’s rays are most intense in the summer. The rate of photosynthesis maxes out at about 75° to 85° F. At about 93°, it stops. No photosynthesis, no food. It is that simple. I forget how hot and humid it is. I overwater, over fertilize and give them too much light. They don’t like excess, so they let me know by dying. Enough about my plants, I must say I enjoyed the ABCs last month. Chris did a great program on working with Dyckias, and he did it without gloves. I picked up some great tips. Thanks Chris for sharing your secrets. Our regular meeting will be at the Moody Park Community center from 7:00—9:30 PM. Please note the earlier time. We will be having a Board meeting July 23rd at 7:00 PM. The meeting will be at the MultiService Center on West Gray. Anyone who would like to add something to the agenda, please email it to me ASAP. Hope to see you at the meeting. Bring your July seedlings from previous years to the meeting for Show and Tell, including Dyckia dawsonii (2014) pictured at left, courtesy of the fcbs.org website. Seedlings from July of previous years are Cryptanthus ‘Starlight’ (2013); Neoregelia ampullacea X plutonis (2012); Billbergia ‘Hallelujah’ (2011); Vriesea fosteriana ‘Rubra’, (2010); Neoregelia ‘Scarlet Charlotte’ (2009); Neoregelia ‘Oeser’s 100’ (2008); Alcanterea imperialis (2007). See pictures in the 2013 July Bulletin. 2 Meet our July Speaker: Odean Head Odean Head is a familiar name to BS/H members, as he has been an active member for 40 years. He joined BS/H in 1974 together with his wife, Betty, who also was an ardent fan of bromeliads. Odean has served as President, Vice President, Treasurer and Director. He served as Co-Chairman of the BSI World Conference in 1998 when the Bromeliad Society/Houston hosted the event. Odean also served as a Director and President of the BSI. For his many years of service, the BS/H Board of Directors voted to present Odean with the first Outstanding Lifetime Achievement Award in 2014. Throughout the years, Odean accumulated and maintained an outstanding collection of bromeliads which he has always been willing to show and share. Because of his special love for Neoregelias, he has created many Neo hybrids and registered 46 of them. Odean has been a BSI Accredited Judge for many years. Judging bromeliad shows is a natural for Odean, as it is a wonderful way to meet new people and see how bromeliads are grown all over the country. Our society was fortunate to have published Odean’s informative ‘Cultural Tips’ articles in our bulletin for many years. He has also had articles published in the BSI Journal and bulletins of other societies throughout the world. Another of Odean’s major contributions is the programs he has presented to BS/H, other bromeliad societies, plant groups and garden clubs. These programs have resulted in the recruitment of many new members to BS/ H. More 2015 BS/H Show Winners Clockwise from upper left: Best in Div. I, Section A, Dyckia marnier-lapostollei X platyphylla, entered by Gene Powers; Best in Division II, Section A, Tillandsia streptophylla, John Schmidt; Best in Div. I, Section B, Dyckia ‘Brittle Star’ F2, Cherie Lee; Best in Div. IV Section A, Neophytum ‘Galactic Warrior’, David Whipkey 3 2015 BS/H Show Winners (continued) Top row left to right: Winner of Judges Challenge, Tillandsia ehlersiana, Margo Racca; Best in VIII Sec. A, Dyckcohnia ‘July’, Carole Richtmyer; Best in Div. III Sec. D, Billbergia ‘Cold Fusion’, Cherie Lee Middle row left to right: Members Choice, Quesnelia marmorata ‘Rafael Riveira’, Cherie Lee; Best in Div. III Section C, Araeococcus flagellifolius, Gene Powers; the Lindsey Stowe Cryptanthus Sweepstakes winner represented by “Popping up all over” with Cryptanthus ‘Thriller’, Allyn Pearlman Bottom row left to right: Best in Div. III Sec. A, Neoregelia marmorata X ‘Avalon’, John Edmonson; Best in Div. V Sec. C, Tillandsia concolor, Rick Richtmyer 4 Lots blooming now in President Whipkey’s garden... Top row from left: Tillandsia streptophylla, Aechmea fasciata variegata; bottom row from left: Canistrum seideliana; a bird’s nest among the broms; Tillandsia ‘Red Fountain’; Orthophytum conquistensis Pictures by David Whipkey The River Ridge Bromeliad Society presents the 37th ANNUAL SOUTHWEST BROMELIAD GUILD SHOW 14th INTERNATIONAL CRYPTANTHUS SOCIETY SHOW “Bromeliads in the Louisiana Swamp” The Crown Plaza New Orleans Airport 2829 Williams Blvd., Kenner La., 70062 October 9th 10th and 11th 2015 The Southwest Bromeliad Guild, the River Ridge Bromeliad Society and the Cryptanthus Society invite you to join us in The Swamp for a weekend of fun at “Bromeliads in The Louisiana Swamp” The BSI Standard Bromeliad Show, Bromeliad Market (Sale), Southwest Guild Fall Meeting, and the Southwest Bromeliad Guild Auction, as well as the Banquet, will be held at the Crown Plaza New Orleans Airport Hotel. The Crown Plaza Hotel room rate is $115.00/day + tax (1-King or 2 Double beds) for October 8th to October 11th. Please register before September 8, 2015 to guarantee the room rate. Reserve your room at: https://resweb.passkey.com/go/Southwestbromeliadguild (Use code BGZ) The Plant Sale will include General Guild Member Sales and Commercial Booths. The Sale will be open on Friday evening, October 9th, to the registrants only. Rare plants for the Guild Auction will be appreciated. REGISTRATION: The $65.00 per person fee includes the right to enter exhibits in the Show, sell in the General Guild Member Sales or the Commercial Sales, the Banquet, and the Southwest Guild Auction. Please reserve early. No reservations will be accepted after October 8th or when the Banquet Room capacity is reached, if this comes earlier. If you haven’t yet received a registration form, please contact Bryan Windham, your Southwest Guild representative or someone on the BS/H Board of Directors (See page 7 of this bulletin). 5 July Birthdays The Houston Orchid Society, Inc. www.houstonorchidsociety.org Regular meeting first Thursday of month at 7:30 PM First Christian Church 1601 Sunset Blvd Next meeting will be August 6, 2015 Dave Schneider Doug Trahan Maylon Lemar Adams Allyn Pearlman Joan Beaubouef Mary Cinotto Texas Gulf Coast Fern Society www.tgcfernsoc.org Regular meeting third Sunday of month at 2:00 PM Judson Robinson Jr. Community Center 2020 Hermann Drive Next meeting will be July 19, 2015 7/01 7/04 7/07 7/12 7/16 7/25 Meeting Refreshments Judges Symposium and Election, August 29, 2015 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Mercer Arboretum Back to the N-Zs again to step up and bring some special refreshments to the July meeting. We know the food will be great, as always, and coffee and punch will be furnished by the club. Southwest Bromeliad Guild and International Cryptanthus Shows, October 9-11, Kenner, LA Member News: Dates to Remember BS/H Holiday Party, December 5, Salt Grass Steak House BSI World Bromeliad Conference, June 1319, 2016, Houston, TX David Whipkey will be presenting a program on bromeliads at the Tomball College and Community Library during the libraries “Laua @ the Library!” celebration on August 8, 2015 at 10:30 AM. David’s presentation, “Knowing and Growing Your Bromeliads” will cover basic bromeliad identification and culture. Jimbo’s Nursery 15019 8th St., Santa Fe,TX 77517, 409-925-6933 www.Jimbosnurserytx.com;email: Jimbos3@earthlink.net We have a large selection of Aechmea, Billbergia, Cryptanthus, Dyckia, Neoregelia, and Tillandsia. Please compare our prices and our quality. 6 AFFILIATED WITH THE BROMELIAD SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL BROMELIAD SOCIETY/HOUSTON INC. MEMBER OF SOUTHWEST BROMELIAD GUILD AFFILIATED WITH THE CRYPTANTHUS SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL About the Bromeliad Society/Houston This corporation is organized exclusively for purely public charity and strictly educational purposes. Specific goals of the Society shall be to: Increase knowledge of bromeliads through interchange and dissemination of information. Use such funds as are available for the purpose of research and/or equipment in institutions of higher learning within the State of Texas. Officers and Chairmen David Whipkey 21503 Cypress-Rosehill Road Tomball, TX 77377 281-255-6154 dawhip49@hotmail.com Vice President Wray Page Secretary Charlien Rose Treasurer Allyn Pearlman Past President Gene Powers Board of Directors Term Expires 12/31/15 12/31/16 12/31/17 Gordon Stowe Don Green Jan Garver Vickey Gurka Steve Reynolds Rick Richtmyer President There are two classes of membership: I. Individual Family $20.00 per year $30.00 per year All memberships begin with January of the current year. Visit our website at www.bromeliadsocietyhouston.org for more information. ______________________________________________ The Bulletin is published monthly and is mailed or emailed to members of the BS/H, Inc. prior to monthly meetings. Articles and any other information pertinent to bromeliads are solicited. Articles may be reprinted with proper acknowledgment given to author and publication. A Yearbook is published annually based on the membership roll at the end of the regular February meeting of each year and distributed to members of the BS/H, Inc. Please address any correspondence regarding this publication to: Carole Richtmyer 18814 Cypress Mountain Drive Spring, TX 77388 planobrom@aol.com Standing Committees 1. Publicity Allyn Pearlman Bulletin Editor Carole Richtmyer 2. Plant Sales Chairman Allyn Pearlman Members: Phil Speer, Lynn Friedman, Ken Gardner 3. Programs Chairman Wray Page Standing Committees Ex-Officio Members: David Whipkey/Gene Powers II. Committees of the Board 1. Annual Show Charlien Rose 2. Bromeliad Culture Open Members Chris Nguyen 3. Holiday Party Allyn Pearlman 4. Garden Tours John Schmidt 5. Historian David Whipkey Vice Chairman Jimmy Woolsey 6. Hospitality Coordinator Verna Powers Members: Daryl Page 7. Librarian Ruby H. Adams 8. Membership Allyn Pearlman 9. Raffle Plants Cherie and Frank Lee, Wray Page 10. Seedlings Provided by Jimmy Woolsey 11. Show & Tell Rick Richtmyer assisted by Chris Nguyen, Wray Page, Gary Gallick, and Lynn Friedman 12. Members and Visitors Registrar Ken Gardner, Noreen Tolman, Midge Gorman 13. Courtesy Midge Gorman 14. Webmaster Joy Reynolds Representatives Southwest Bromeliad Guild Charlien Rose, Ray Johnson Bromeliad Society International Gene Powers Vol 48 No 7 July, 2015 Bromeliad Society Carole Richtmyer 18814 Cypress Mountain Drive Spring, TX 77388 FIRST CLASS
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