Willow Leaf NOV 2014
Willow Leaf NOV 2014
Willow Leaf November 2014 Upcoming Events Birthdays Elders Bill Fukes—Nov. 3rd Scott Bartlett—Nov. 7th Mona Langille—Nov. 9th Ruth Pye—Nov. 15th Walter Miller—Nov. 19th Peggy Hill—Nov. 25th Staff Cathy Rafters—Nov. 4th Candy Allison—Nov. 4th Lynn Carruthers—Nov. 5th Colleen Mattatall—Nov. 9th Laurie Treen—Nov. 12th Betty Matheson—Nov. 13th Lori Ann MacNutt—Nov. 13th Karen Congdon—Nov . 16th Chris Bezanson—Nov. 19th Enid Clark—Nov. 21st Mary Beth Sutherland—Nov. 24th Brittany Chapman-Veno—Nov. 30th CHRISTMAS TEA & BAZAAR We will be holding our Annual Tea and Bazaar on Nov. 28th from 2-4pm. If you are interested in a table please contact someone in the recreation department. Willow Lodge also will be putting in a table and look for donations of baked goods and crafts. Lest We Forget Nov. 1st Annual Christmas Sale—CG Fulton Pharmacy—9am—6pm, Oct. 31st—SENIORS ONLY (60 years & older) 9am—7pm Pie & Cake Sale Sedgwick Presbyterian—St. Andrews Hall 9am—Noon. Nov. 1 & 2 Ed Sealey—Sunrise Baptist church Saturday 7pm, Sunday 11am & 6pm Nov. 2nd Relay for Life Dinner Malagash Hall, 4-6pm Dinner: Beef Stew, Apple Crisp, tea & coffee. Adults ($10) & under 12 ($5), preschool free. All proceeds to Canadian Cancer Society—Sponsored by the Guardian Angels Relay for Life Team Warwick Mountain Rec. Club Open Mic—2-5pm local talent, freewill donation. Door Prizes 50/50 draw. Funds for building maintenance. Nov. 5th Story Time Sign up @ Tata Library Ages 3-5. Nov. 7th—9th Tata Center—30 Days to a Novel w/ Stephanie Domet call 902-6572231 Nov. 9th Musical Jam Session, St. John’s Hall River John @ 7pm. Admission $5.00 Nov. 9th continued World of Song in honour of Remembrance Day on Nov. 11rh West New Annan Heritage House—3pm Freewill offering for local legion November 11th Remembrance Day Parade 10:30am—Tata Legion Nov. 12th Ladies Night—Tata Home Ctr. Tickets $10 proceeds for Tata Fire Dept. Nov. 14th Chili / Soup Luncheon, Sharon United Church 11:30am—1:00pm Chili or Homemade Beef Soup, Dessert, Tea & coffee. Take out available—902-657-2699 Nov. 15th Titans Supper Fundraiser for Minor Hockey. Take Outs Available Adults ($12) Child ($8) Nov. 16th Breakfast/Brunch 10am—1pm, Tata Legion Nov. 22nd 3rd Annual—One Month Until Christmas Craft Sale North Shore Rec. Ctr. 9am—1pm Nov. 28th Christmas Tea & Bazaar Willow Lodge 2-4pm Nov. 30th Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary—Annual Tea & Craft Sale 10am—3pm Willow Lodge News October 2014 will be a month that we will reflect on for years to come with the loss of two soldiers not on a battle ground but on our own Canadian soil. How very sad, words cannot express how our nation feels. At this time we also think about the 3 RCMP officers that we lost earlier this year as the trial for the man accused comes to an end. Through all of this we not only learn to love more and to reach out to those in need. Maybe that is the true message in all these senseless acts. Our 5 LPN students are returning in November for a few weeks as they work towards completing their hours of training required to graduate in the spring of 2015. Once again the Alzheimer’s Memory Walk was a great success; I wanted to specially acknowledge Dot Bell and Bev Mingo for having the most sponsor monies, great job ladies. Hard to believe that Christmas craft markets have started. The Tea and Bazaar here at Willow Lodge will be Nov. 28th. I would welcome anyone who wishes to have a table to contact me at 902-6573101 / 902-957-0662 or by email shelley.lefresne@willowlodge.ca. It will be our regular fair of Specialty Desserts which are to die for.. Our fundraiser last year to help Movember raise awareness of men’s health issues as well as money for research got off to a slow start until Adrian MacCallum threw his hat into the ring offering to get a Mohawk if we raised 500.00, the race was on. This year the anti has been upped to $1,000.00 and Adrian will get a mullet and a new recruit David Black, he will get a Mohawk. John Sellers and Eric McDonald are also on the team as well as Scott. Greta Tratt has kick started this campaign with a very generous donation towards Adrian’s campaign as she says “we are lucky to have an award winning Fireman on staff, who knows the building, knows the elders and knows the staff. Thanks Greta!!! Our goats will be leaving us this winter. We will be sad to see them go but Doug has found a good home for them. They are a lot of care. Barney will be boarded out for the winter returning in the spring. As Halloween approaches staff member Bev Turple is busy getting ready for Halloween and has invited the people here to come for the festivities. The bus is coming from Truro and they will head to River John for some Halloween fun. There are treat bags and hot chocolate, decorations and fireworks, thanks Bev what a treat. Staff News*** More than ever I am glad that we supported the ALS Society with the Ice Bucket Challenge. Ron Hupman, husband of Brenda Laurie’s sister Angie was recently diagnosed with this disease. We are hoping that a cure is in the works and that Ron is a success story. Thinking of you Angie and Ron. Laurie Treen’s Granddaughter Kerri Veno who is attending St FX. University will be heading to Boston in February where she will participate in the Harvard National United Nations Model. This is a mock conference where the participants are giving roles for the various occupations within the Model Parliament. What a great experience. Carol Tattrie is celebrating the arrival of Granddaughter born in Truro on October. This is Carol’s 5th Grandchild. CCA Randi Munro was heart broken this week to lose Marbles her cat. When she first got her she would bring her to Willow Lodge when she was working. Marbles fit right in. She had leukemia and was quite sick and had to be put down. But never fear some kind soul deposited a new kitten for her in the front yard. Ummm, or was it so kind. Just for laughs Time to share a funny story told by Patsy Waugh. Robert was down on hands and knees one day (only one day) doing some scrubbing and some how the discussion turned to how much elbow grease was being used. Which brought to mind this story Patsy remembered about her Grandmother. Patsy was 12 years old at the time, helping her grandmother clean when her grandmother asked her for some elbow grease. She said she went looking in the cupboard and her Grandmother asked her “what she was looking for” Patsy replied “Elbow Grease.” Her Grandmother just gave her the look. Patsy said that they were never spoiled by her Grandmother and were expected to help out. Willow Leaf Page 2 Elder News*** Dean Hilchie had a busy month for visitors. Her friend Barb (Cox) Dalrymple of Mill Lake formerly of Sterling Brook was to visit. As well as her Nieces Janice Langley from Fall River and Bonnie Bownes from Faro in the Yukon time. Bonnie reported that they had already had their first blizzard of the season on October 1st. Guess we can count our blessings. Elder Bill Fukes’ wife Nancy recently attended the Aberdeen School of Nursing Dinner, where she was presented with her 50 year Gold Cap pin along with 29 of her class mates. George Carter has acquired two new Gerbils after losing the last of his previous gerbils this past month. They have no name as yet, maybe in the future. The cats seem pretty interested. Henry James’s daughter Sara Bonnyman recently received an award for Colchester County Exporter of the year. She ships her pots all over the world. One of the most popular items that she has shipped to places like Afghanistan is the “Moss Skuttle “Yes, Dr. Moss, a man who likes a good shave designed this skuttle. I hear that he is doing well and eventually hopes to be back to work full time. Yvonne E’don celebrated her 98th birthday with her three daughters and spouses. Her brother came to visit from the French shore the day before. It is always nice when daughters come home, Nonie Ritcey enjoyed an extended visit from her daughter Carol and son in law Tim Herbert of Oakville, Ontario in mid October. During the visit, a family dinner took place at her daughter, Janet and son in law, Terry Hallett's cottage at Cape John. Nonie also had unexpected visitors one afternoon. Her nephew Ken Cox and his wife Donna, from Beaverbank were staying at Cambra Sands, Malagash for a few days and dropped in. Richard Sweeny had lots of calls on his birthday as well as special guests from England to visit earlier in the month. Community News*** involvement in the girl guides. There were twelve members of the guild present they came from Pugwash, Debert, Elmsdale and Truro. Congratulations Kay. I see signs in the Stedman’s window that say 25% off selling out sale. That will leave a big hole in our community as Pam and Doug Turnbull have been there for 40 years. Hard to believe, just another sign of my age. I can remember going in the store when the Whites were running the store. I wanted to say Happy Birthday to John Ross who just turned 50 in October. Family and friends gathered at his home to help him celebrate. There were a lot of laughs and stories being exchanged. A house has sold in Tatamagouche, Don Christian’s on Main Street. Rumor has it that Cara Carruthers and partner are the new owners. The new Bed and Breakfast on the corner of Pine and Main Street has finally opened its door for business. It looks very nice from the outside. Our community has suffered our own losses this month. Our Barber and friend Harold Church passed away unexpectedly. We will miss his visits and hair cuts. Our thoughts and prayers go out to wife Bonnie and daughters Nichol and Cindy Two other people we have lost are Vince Sellers and Mabel MacLanders, some of us here at Willow Lodge would have worked with them at the hospital. Vince was the father –in-law of Nita Sellers who spent some time here at Willow Lodge as a private care giver for one of our elders. Our thoughts and prayers are with these families as well. The first Village supper was held at the Tatamagouche Fire hall on October 22nd and was a great success with 96 people being served. It was a community effort with support from Dorja Denma Ling at The Falls who provided wonderful roasted vegetables, Tatamagouche Center who made cornbread for us and Brenda Halverson who made the apple crisps. Then there are all the people who volunteered as well as the Odd Fellows. Our next meal is planned for the 26th of November all are welcome. The Trefoil group which is the adult senior guiders held their October meeting in the board room of Willow Lodge. This was a special occasion as Kay Mattatall was given an award celebrating 55 years of Willow Leaf Page 3 Back When: 20 years ago-Peggy Halverson’s son Darren was married this month. -Rev. MacLeod of the presbyter in church has moved to Cape Breton. Halloween Costume Party Fun Right: Cutest Costume Winner Below: Best Costume Winner Remember to get your ticket...Winnie The Pooh Crib Quilt 46” X 55” Made by Winnie Colpitts Tickets $2.00 or 3 for $5.00 Proceeds to purchase a fire pit for the Lodge Draw Date: November 28th Tickets available at front desk Thanks for your support Left: Special Visitor—Helen enjoys holding a Gecko that a volunteer student brought in. Lynwood House was the winner of Best Neighbourhood Representation More fun Halloween Party Photos Above: Scariest Costume Winner Left: Most Creative Costume Winner 17th Annual Tree of Love Campaign Thank you everyone for your support over the past 16 years making donations for Christmas bulbs in memory or honour of someone special in their lives. Your gifts are truly appreciated. Lighting of the Tree will take place on Friday, December 12th at 2:30pm in Lynwood House. We will have a candle lighting ceremony and reading of the names followed by Lighting of Tree of Love. If you would like to make a donation to purchase a bulb, detach the gift form below and mail or deliver to Willow Lodge along with your donation. Willow Lodge P.O. Box 249, Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0. For further information contact us at Willow Lodge – 657-3101 Tree Bulb Gift Range Name: Silver $ Gold $ 10.00 Green $ 15.00 Postal Code: Red $ 20.00 In Memory of Violet $ 30.00 Blue $ 50.00 Tree Top $250.00 Send Card to: 5.00 Address: Tel #: In Honour of Name: Address: Province: Postal Code: Charitable Income Tax Receipts Available. Willow Leaf Page 5