4th Wall-latest issue


4th Wall-latest issue
T H U RS D AY, A pr i l 1 4 t h, 2 0 1 6 : VO L UME T H I RT Y - O NE : NU MB E R 3 2
“...we have not stopped praying for you...”
Tuesday, April 19th
Parent Prayer-8:30am, Prayer Room
2nd Grade Iowa Testing
Homework Happenings-6:15pm, upstairs
at the Bricks
Parent Meetings
6th Grade Trip Chaperone Meeting6:30pm, Fellowship Hall rooms ABCD
6th Grade Parent Meeting-7:30pm, Fellowship Hall rooms ABCD
7th Grade Trip Chaperone Meeting–
6:30pm, Fellowship Hall rooms EF
7th Grade Parent Meeting-7:30pm, Fellowship Hall rooms EF
8th Grade Parent Meeting-6:30pm, Fellowship Hall rooms GH
8th Grade Trip Chaperone MeetingFellowship Hall rooms GH
Wednesday, April 20t h
2nd Grade Iowa Testing
Thursday, April 21st
Colossians 1:9-14
By Mary Hubbard, Middle School Principal
A group of moms in middle school is nearing a three year study of Paul
Tripp’s book, Age of Opportunity. Wow! Has this been a rich study, mainly
because of the faithfulness of some committed moms who have desired to
go deep, wide, and broad in studying God’s Word! Together we have
and prayers for our
children and families
which have been genuine and raw. Tears
have flowed as we
have struggled with
letting go of the control of the hearts of
our children, while at
the same time being
convicted and determined to shepherd
their hearts! How I have loved and looked forward to Thursday mornings!
2nd Grade Iowa Testing
Saturday, April 23rd
Dad’s Prayer-7:30am, Midtown
Room Dad Training-8:30am Midtown
Tuesday, April 26th
Parent Prayer-8:30am, Prayer Room
Thursday, April 28t h
Final Bake Sale of the Year! All items
Spring Play-1 & 4pm, the Pavilion
Friday, April 29t h
Spring Play-4pm, the Pavilion
As we begin to look to the summer, Tripp has advised us to pray Scripture
over our children and given us some nuggets to examine where they are in
light of growing into spiritual maturity. This morning we examined praying
this Scripture, personalizing it while inserting the names of our children
from Colossians 1: 9-14:
For this reason, since the day we heard about you (since you were
born!), we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill
you with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and
understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way; bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened
with all power according to His glorious might so that you may have
great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Fa(continued on page 2)
ther, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. For He has
rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loved, in whom
we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
I would encourage us as parents to regularly pray God’s Word
back to Him. Can you imagine the transformation that might take
place in the hearts and lives of us and our children? Tripp then
goes on to say there are “six characteristics which form Paul’s
prayer for maturity: sensitivity to God’s revealed will, functional
godliness, progressive spiritual growth, perseverance, an appreciation of God’s grace, and kingdom awareness.” As we seek to
pray for our children, as they begin to “own their faith”, may calluses be formed on our knees! I’m reminded of an old church musical my children were a part of years ago about Nehemiah. One
of the lines in a song they sang was, “you get tall when you fall on
your knees!” May our hearts be attuned to the heart of God, and may we remember that God is able to do more
than we could ask or think through our hearts as parents and our children. We desire to see in them “acceptance
of responsibility, applied biblical convictions, approachable, teachable, seeking spirits, accurate self-assessment
and proper perspective on things.” As we diligently take our role of parent as teacher, I pray we will love our
spouses and children well, be authentic in modeling Christ, and continue our call to train our children in the nurture and discipline of our Lord. What a privilege we have been given!
Do You Have An Announcement? Submit by e-mail to Martha Mahony at mmahony@perimeter.org. Deadline
each week: Tuesday by 4 pm. Announcements can run for 2-3 weeks.
Join Us for the School Play!
Come bring a picnic lunch or dinner and enjoy carnival games and concessions before or after the performances!
Face Painting, Balloon Animals, Games, Cotton Candy and more! Tickets are $5 each whether ordering through
Renweb or purchasing at the door. Click here to order tickets.
Homework Happening for Parent Meetings on April 19th
Sign ups are underway for the April 19th parent meetings.
Please click April19 to register for the April 19th meetings. Registration closes on Friday, 4/15 at noon.
Adventure Program Enrollment for 2016-2017
Adventure Program enrollment for the 2016-2017 school year is now open. Registration will close in May so plan
ahead and submit those applications now! Our program has filled up prior to close of registration for the past several years due to limited space. For more information contact lthompson@perimeter.org.
Library Information
Living Book submissions are due Monday, May 2nd. Please make sure you turn in both the list of titles read and
the form. Once all lists are in, I will begin contacting parents about the award. Please let me know if you have not
heard from me by close of day, Friday, May 6th.
Both the Elementary and Middle School libraries close Friday, May 13th. All books and fines are due by this date.
If anyone is interested in helping with the library inventory, please contact me at bbeach@perimeter.org. We need
help Monday, May 16th getting the books in order and at times throughout the week reconciling lists. Thanks!
A Living Books Re-Sale!
Here is your chance to let go of Living Books or acquire new Living Books!
The Library is planning to have a Living Books Re-sale on Honors Day, Wednesday, May 25th. We are now accepting donations of gently used book titles from the school’s Living Book Lists.
Please place your donations in the plastic bins located outside either the Elementary or Middle School Library. Proceeds will go toward raising funds for the Libraries.
Middle School Ted Talk
Matt Luchenbill from 4/11—TedTalk
Meals for the Mellot Family
Anita Mellot (PCS parent) was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis about 7 years ago. This is an incurable inflammatory degenerative disease (which affects her eyes, joints and organs), and they have discovered that she
is allergic to all four of the treatments that are available. She has had good and bad times over the past 7 years,
but has recently seen a steady decline. In February she spent 3 weeks at a pain clinic at the Mayo learning how
to manage the symptoms of her disease and control her pain through exercise, physical therapy, and lifestyle
management. With her return home, she has had much difficulty preparing meals for the family and handling all
the day to day things that are required as a mom of two daughters. We would like to come alongside the Mellott
family and support them with two meals a week until school is out, then we will reevaluate their needs. If anyone
is led to help in this manner please use the care calendar to sign up. Thank you for your consideration and support of this family. Please contact Laura Davis with any questions. lauradavis924@gmail.com Thanks!
Calendar ID: 91534
Security code: 5530
The Varner Family’s Adoption
Please click Adoption to see Quan’s story, the boy Jay Varner (8th grade PCS Bible teacher) & family are in process of adopting from China, and ways you might be able to assist the family.
The Blair Family’s Adoption
Kimberly Blair’s (PCS 5th Grade teacher) family is also in process of adopting 2 boys from China. Please click
BlairAdoption to read their story and ways you might be able to assist.
Suzette Reeves’ Caringbridge Site
Please visit her Caringbridge site at http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/suzettereeves for updates on her condition.
PCS First Lego League
Do you have a rising 6th, 7th, or 8th grader with a passion for computers, robotics, the environment, or science in
general? We are hoping to start a First Lego League after school club next year here at PCS. The team will meet
after school approximately twice a week from mid-August through early December. We are also looking for
parents to serve as either a coach or a mentor. The coach would work closely with the team and attend most
meetings. No technical experience required. Mentors would serve on occasion as needed to help educate the
team in their area of expertise. Please contact Chris Magill everreforming@gmail.com with your questions, interest, etc…
Teacher Openings for 2016-2017
We are currently accepting applications for half day teachers in kindergarten, pre-first and first grades for the
2016-2017 school year. Qualified candidates should follow the instructions on our website for completing the application process.
Perimeter School Covenant Fund
We are at 96%! Help us Reach 100% Participation by Pledging your Gift to the Covenant Fund
3 Ways to Give:
1. By FACTS: CLICK HERE and fill out the Covenant Fund Webform. You can make
your pledge today and pay at a later date.
2. By CHECK: Mail a check to 9500 Medlock Bridge Road, Johns Creek, GA 30097
or drop off at either school office
3. By TEXT:
1) Text $ amount AND Perimeter School to 458-88. (Ex. 25 Perimeter School)
2) Click the follow-up link. (Link will expire after 1 hour)
3) Fill out payment info. Note: Please include Perimeter School in the text or the funds
will go to Perimeter Church.
Ongoing Fundraisers
Perimeter School can now participate in the Kroger Community Rewards Program. Please click on KrogerRewards for information and to sign up.
Ingles Tools for Schools—use your Ingles Advantage Card when you make purchases at Ingles to help our
school. Ingles will give back to our school a portion of those sales. Click Here to link your Ingles Card to Perimeter school online.
Click “Sign Up Online Now”. Find your local school by school name search, click on the number for the appropriate school (#10346). Type your information in, as well as your Ingles Advantage card number. Remember to include the smaller digit on the right-hand side.
Office Depot 5% Back to School Program—Make a qualifying purchase at Office Depot and present our
school’s 5% Program ID #70025545, when you shop online or at an Office Depot Store. Office Depot with give
our school 5% of total purchases from our parents. They will also credit prior purchases during this calendar year,
if you forgot to give them our ID number at the time of purchase, just bring in your receipt for credit.
Publix – key fobs available in both school offices; 3% of purchase goes to PCS and can be used by anyone in
Georgia (great opportunity for relatives, friends, etc. to support PCS).
Box Tops 4 Education - Please save your box tops to support our library and watch for info in the 4th Wall during the year for details on when to submit them to the school offices. For more info on products and sweepstakes,
go to www.boxtops4education.com.
Target - Target will donate 1% of your total purchases to our school when you use your Target REDcard Visa,
debit or credit card. To register your card with Perimeter School log on http://www.target.com/redcard/manage
Once on the site, click on the “Rewards and Benefits” tab on the left side of the page. Scroll down to “Take charge
of Education.” Click “Enroll” here, and follow the directions to link your Target REDcard to Perimeter School. Our
School ID is 24778 to easily link your card.
Do You Have News?
If you have an announcement that would be appropriate for
this section, e-mail the information to: mmahony@perimeter.org. Deadline each week:
Tuesday by 4 pm. Announcements can run for 2-3 weeks.
Uniforms Needed for Refugee Children
Our nonprofit partner, World Relief, is looking for uniforms for kindergarten through 3rd grade refugee children they
are helping to settle in Clarkston. The students can wear khaki, navy blue or black pants, shorts, skirts, or jumpers
and light blue, dark green, yellow or white collared shirts (can have logo on them). If you have any that you would
like to donate, you can put them in the bins located in the school offices.
Promise686 Adoption and Foster Care Info Coffee
Sunday, April 17-10:45am, room A3234
This informational coffee offers you the opportunity to explore both foster care and adoption. You will learn about
Georgia's foster care crisis and how you can be part of the solution! We will discuss adoption and adoption resources. Parents who have adopted, fostered, or volunteered will share from their personal experiences. https://
May 6th : Leadercast “Architect of Tomorrow”
One of our generous parents is offering a 20% discount to all Perimeter School families to attend Leadercast on
May 6th. The theme is visionary leadership and what it means to be an architect of tomorrow. Guest speakers include Andy Stanley, Steve Wozniak, Nick Saban and more! For more information click on Leadercast. Click here
to register and use the promo code PCS to register.
Smiley for Kylie T-shirts
If you would like a Smiley for Kylie t-shirt, a new shipment is in which includes smalls and medium sizes. Contact
Mark@smileyforkylie.com for more info.
Volunteer Help Needed at Duluth Hands of Christ
Mary Roberts, the Director of the Duluth hands of Christ Food Pantry has asked me to solicit a Perimeter member
to help organize volunteers during the month of August 2016. Different churches volunteer workers throughout the
year, and Perimeter is assigned the month of August. I organized volunteers for several years while teaching at
Perimeter School, and found that many of the volunteers were school moms. Other volunteers were other church
members wanting to serve.
If you are interested in organizing these volunteers, please let me know. I am willing to talk more with you about
this subject and am willing to discuss further details with anyone who is interested. My email is Laiblen@bellsouth.net, and my cell is 678-446-8244. Thank you, Norm Laible.
National League of Junior Cotillions
The Alpharetta/Johns Creek Chapter is currently accepting pre-registrations from 6th, 7th grade students for Year 1
and 8th grade students for Year 2 for the 2016-2017 Cotillion Season. Classes begin in September, meeting one
Sunday a month. Our national program includes five instructional classes covering manners, etiquette and basic
ballroom dance and two formal balls. Year 2 class adds a Five-Course Instructional Dinner. Please contact Director, Melinda Belock, melinda.belock@gmail.com or our website is www.nljc.com Alpharetta Johns Creek Chapter.
We encourage you to register now to avoid wait lists.