Altus Insite


Altus Insite
Altus InSite
Altus InSite
Altus InSite is a rich database with the most complete and up-to-date
information on available office and industrial space in the GTA, as well as a
limited number of available retail spaces.
Toronto Real Estate Board Members can access the commercial listings
contained in the Altus InSite database on a pay-per-use basis. Once registered,
users can:
purchase detailed reports that include asking rates, additional rents, and
full contact information
print reports
access advanced filtering options when searching.
Access to additional search and reporting tools is available by subscription.
Accessing Altus InSite
To access the pay-per-use features of Altus InSite, you must first be logged in
to TorontoMLS/New Stratus. You can then access Altus InSite from either the
home page or the Commercial Resource Centre.
From the Home Page
At the TorontoMLS/New Stratus home page:
1. Click the More Resources slider on the right-hand side of the screen.
Altus InSite
Altus InSite
2. Click the Altus InSite link to view TREB’s Altus InSite page.
3. First-time users must click the link to register for pay-per-use access. After
you have registered, you can access the database by clicking the link for
registered users.
First-time users click
Registered users click
NOTE: If you have any questions regarding pay-per-use access to Altus InSite or the
registration process, click the FAQ link. If you still have questions, contact the TREB
Help Desk at 416-443-8100.
From the Commercial Resource Centre
At the TorontoMLS/New Stratus home page:
1. Click the Commercial Division Information to access the Commercial
Resource Centre.
Altus InSite
Altus InSite
2. Click the Altus InSite logo to view TREB’s Altus InSite page.
3. First-time users must click the link to register for pay-per-use access. After
you have registered, you can access the database by clicking the link for
registered users.
Registering for pay-per-use access
The first time you use Altus InSite, you will need to click the link for first-time
users. This will take you to the registration form. After this first time, click the
link for registered users to advance to the login page.
1. Fill in the registration form completely. All fields are required except for
the Title field. The information entered will be used to create your personal
information banner that appears at the top of your reports.
2. In the email field, enter your Trebnet email address. This is the email
address given to you when you first became a Member of TREB. You will
be able to change this email address once your registration is completed.
TIP: If you forget either your Trebnet email address or the password to this account,
you can call the TREB Help Desk at 416-443-8111.
3. When the form is completed, click Register Now. You will receive a
verification email in your Trebnet email Inbox.
4. Login to your Trebnet email to locate the message from Altus InSite.
Altus InSite
TIP: To read your Trebnet email, you can use any web-based email reader. Two
examples are: or
5. Open the message from Altus InSite. Click the link in the message to
activate your account. Upon verification, your account is activated and you
are transferred to the Altus InSite web page.
Click link to complete
activation of your
Logging in to Altus InSite
Each time you access the Altus InSite database, you should login so that you
are able to purchase reports, if needed. You are not charged for searching the
site, only for purchasing reports.
1. Click Login at the top of the Altus InSite home page.
Altus InSite
2. Enter your Username and Password created when you registered.
3. Click Login.
TIP: If you forget your Password, click the Forgot Your Password tool. Your login
details will be sent to your email address.
Modifying your Profile (Changing your Email Address)
After you login to Altus InSite, you are able to modify your personal profile.
You may also change your email address.
To modify your profile:
1. Click your name at the top left of the Altus InSite home page. A data form
with your information appears.
Confirm Password
Change Email
Update My Profile
2. Change any information desired, including your preferred email address.
Altus InSite
3. Click the check box to receive the Quarterly Research Report newsletter, if
NOTE: TREB Members can receive a summary of the Quarterly Research Report,
not the report itself. Full reports are available to those who subscribe to Altus InSite.
4. When all changes are made, enter your password in the Confirm Password
5. Finally, click Update My Profile. The changes are effective after you
logout of the database.
Searching the Database
After logging in to Altus InSite, you will see the home page, the Find screen.
Altus InSite
To search for listings:
1. Select the type of space you require: Office, Industrial or Retail.
2. Next, select the type(s) of property you want to search for these spaces.
3. Enter a search location.
4. Enter the required area in square feet.
5. Click Find Space to locate matching results. The Property Search
Summary appears.
Working with the Search Results
The Property Search Summary lists all results sorted by municipality, leasing
district and address.
If you selected more than one type of property for your spaces, they will be
organized under three tabs according to property type: office, industrial or
retail. By default, office displays. The tabs indicate how many buildings
contain spaces to match your criteria.
From the Property Search Summary you can:
Altus InSite
Select spaces to include in your report.
Refine your search criteria.
You can also use the information at the search results without purchasing
a report. Many buildings have additional information that can be
accessed by the links within the section for that building.
Some buildings have multiple photos, detailed site information and
property features. To view these features, click on the File Library links
and any other links present in the search results.
In order to have access to additional information, such as leasing details, you
will need to purchase a report. The steps for completing the purchase are
contained in the following sections.
Altus InSite
Selecting Spaces
As you scroll through the Property Search Summary, you will notice that some
buildings contain only one available space while others contain two or more
spaces. Each building and each space has a check box to be used to select the
desired spaces. Click into the check box to select the buildings or spaces that
you want to include in your report.
Reports cost $24.00 for a set of 1-8 buildings. You can include as many spaces
as you want from the 8 buildings. If you exceed 8 buildings, you will be
charged an additional $24.00 for each set of 1-8.
Refine Search
Spaces in cart
Select building
File Library
Select space
After you select all desired spaces, click Add Selections to Cart. You can see
how many spaces you have selected by the indicator below the tabs.
Altus InSite
Once you have found the spaces you require, you are ready to checkout. To
learn about the checkout process, see “Checking Out” below. However, if there
are too many results in your summary, you may want to refine your search
criteria first.
Refining Search Criteria
At the initial Find screen, your location options are limited. By refining your
criteria, you will have the chance to narrow your location to individual leasing
districts rather then entire municipalities. You may also want to adjust some of
your other criteria.
NOTE: The advanced filters for refining your search are only available when you
login to Altus InSite for pay-per-use access.
To modify your criteria:
1. Click Refine Search to access additional search filters.
2. You may now select specific Leasing Districts within the specified
3. Modify your Property types and size requirements, if desired.
4. Click Refine Results.
An updated Property Search Summary appears. If there are now too few
results, click the browser back button to return to your previous results.
Continue adding selections to your cart. When satisfied with your selections,
you are ready to checkout.
Checking Out
To purchase a report, there are several steps and several opportunities to cancel
your report before payment.
1. First, you will need to save the report. Click into the Save Report As field
and type a name.
2. Next, review the report to ensure that you have the desired buildings and
spaces included.
a. Click the check boxes for any space or building to be excluded. Then
click Delete Spaces from Survey.
Altus InSite
b. Click Checkout to proceed to the payment process.
NOTE: At any time before the final payment is completed, you can use the browser
back button to return to a previous page to select additional buildings or spaces to
include in your report, or to start the search over again. If you want to empty your cart
of previously selected spaces, you will need to logout and login again. The contents of
the cart is tied to your login session.
3. The next screen displays a generic representation of a report. Click
Proceed to Confirmation to review the data quality for the spaces you
have chosen. This review will indicate any data that may be missing from
the report. If there is missing data from a space and you no longer want that
space in your report, you can click the Delete button in the right-hand
column to exclude the space.
a. Verify the charges. There are no refunds after a purchase is
completed. You will be charged $24.00 plus HST for each set of 1-8
buildings. Any number of spaces can be selected within those
b. You may return to the selection process by clicking Return to
Survey Selection Process.
c. To continue with the payment process, click Confirm Charge and
Altus InSite
Delete space
Data quality
Verify charges
Return to Survey
Selection Process
Confirm Charge
and Proceed
4. Click Proceed to Payment Now to complete your transaction in a secure
payment gateway.
NOTE: You will have 15 minutes to complete your credit card information. If you time
out 3 times, you will need to start the entire process again, with a different credit card.
5. Fill in the payment form.
Altus InSite
6. Agree to the Terms of Use at the bottom of the form. You cannot proceed
without agreeing.
7. This is the last chance to back out of the transaction. Click Proceed to
8. At the confirmation message, click Generate Report to access your report.
A thank you message will appear.
9. At the Thank You screen, click View Your Report.
You have completed the purchase and may view your report now, or at any
time during the next 90 days.
Viewing your Report
There are two views for reports.
Altus InSite
Enhanced View
This view appears by default after your purchase is complete. Your personal
information banner appears at the top along with the name of the report. The
Enhanced View displays all spaces in one long continuous page. You can print
this page using the browser’s print button.
Enhanced View
Full Page View
Full Page View
Full Page View displays one building per page. It also includes more
information than is found on the Enhanced View report. For example, Full
Page View shows the rental rates for the available spaces. This report can also
be printed using the browser print button.
You can switch between views by clicking the corresponding links at the top of
the report.
Altus InSite
Enhanced View
Full Page View
Viewing Reports at Any Time
Reports are available for 90 days after purchase.
To view reports:
1. Click My Reports at the top of any Altus InSite page. A list of your
purchased reports appears.
Altus InSite
My Reports
2. Click on the name of the report you want to view. The report opens in
Enhanced View.
Now, you can print the report or switch to Full Page View and print. To print,
in either view, click on the browser print button.
Browser (IE 9) print
Now that you know how to search in Altus InSite, you may want to explore
some of the other features of this database.
Additional Features in Altus InSite
There are many wonderful resources in the Altus InSite website that require
subscription. The following sections provide information on the features that
are accessible to all users without subscription.
To view a list of features, click the About menu at the top of any Altus InSite
page. The Who We Are page opens with a right side menu containing links to
the various features.
Altus InSite
The Definitions menu provides links to terms and definitions used in the
Terms: Explanations of terms organized under tabs for Available and Vacant
Indicators, Property Types, and New Supply.
Office: Office Market Definitions are organized under tabs for Market
Segmentation, Available and Unavailable Definitions, and Available and
Vacant Calculations.
Industrial: Industrial Market Definitions are organized under tabs for Market
Segmentation, Industrial Building Type, and Industrial Property type.
The example below illustrates the Industrial Market Definitions under the
Market Segmentation tab.
Altus InSite
Under each page of definitions there is a link to download the information to a
PDF document.
LEED Green Buildings: Read an overview of the LEED Green Building
certification process. Here, you will find a link to the Canada Green Building
Council where additional information can be found.
BOMA BESt Buildings Program: The four levels of the BOMA BESt
(Building Environmental Standards) certification are explained.
Maps and Boundaries
The Maps and Boundaries menu provides access to office and industrial
district maps, 3-D images of downtown Toronto districts and an awesome
Flyover video of downtown Toronto.
Click on the Office link under Maps and Boundaries to access map options for
the City of Toronto.
Altus InSite
Select City
View 3-D maps
View Flyover video
Illustrated below, is one of the several 3-D maps for available office space in
downtown Toronto. Available spaces are colour-coded to indicate space
available directly from the landlord, or those by sub-lease.
Altus InSite
Space Calculator
The Office Space Calculator link is under Tenant Resources on the menu. This
easy-to-use tool will help you determine exactly how much space your client
will require based on the number of spaces they need. Simply enter a number
for each type of space, for example Standard Office, and the tool will let you
know the number of square feet needed.
Altus InSite
There are a number of other resources, such as research and statistical reports,
found in Altus InSite. These require a subscription. To learn about the
subscription options available, click Subscription Options on the right side
menu of the About page. If you have any questions about subscriptions,
contact Altus InSite by email at