Sharing a Secret Image in Binary Images with Verification - JIH-MSP


Sharing a Secret Image in Binary Images with Verification - JIH-MSP
Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing
ISSN 2073-4212
Ubiquitous International
Volume 2, Number 1, January 2011
Sharing a Secret Image in Binary Images with
Zhi-hui Wang
School of Software
Dalian University of Technology
Dalian, Liaoning, China.
Chin-Chen Chang, Huynh Ngoc Tu
Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science
Feng Chia University
Taichung 40724, Taiwan, R.O.C.;
Ming-Chu Li
School of Software
Dalian University of Technology
Dalian, Liaoning, China.
Received January 2010; revised July 2010
Abstract. Conventional visual cryptography methods divide a secret digital image into
n pieces and distribute them to n participants. This paper proposes a novel approach
to visual cryptography for binary images that includes the capabilities of watermarking
and verification. The proposed method allows an n×n watermark image to be embedded
into an n×n secret image to construct two shadows and then to be used to verify the
accuracy of the reconstructed image. Checking to determine the reliability of all shadows
before they are used to recover the secret image prevents a participant from incidentally or
deliberately providing invalid data. Moreover, our proposed method has low computation
requirements, so it is suitable for real-time applications.
Keywords: watermarking, visual cryptography, torus automorphism, authentication
1. Introduction. Visual cryptography (VC), also called visual secret sharing (VSS), is
a technique in which a secret is encrypted into several share images and then decrypted
later using a human visual system to stack all the share images [1]. In 1995, Naor and
Shamir [2] were the first to propose a (t, n) visual cryptography technique that involves
dividing an image into n different shares. The secret image could be reconstructed if at
least t shares were stacked, where n ≥ t. If fewer shares were available, the secret could
not be decrypted [3]. Many VC methods have been proposed in the past few years; some
have been designed to allow only a particular sub-group of defined participants to decode
the secret [4], but some have been designed for any sub-group of k participants, and these
are the most popular [5, 7]. Among them, the (2, n) schemes and the (n, n) schemes get
more attention.
Sharing a Secret Image in Binary Images with Verification
One of the challenges in the development of VC was limiting the computational costs
required in order to extract the secret. If light computational costs are involved in a
VC-based application, VC will obtain more functionality and security. Therefore, VCbased applications [12, 13] have been proposed that require only light computation to
disclose the secret in the decoding phase. In [12], Lukac and Plataniotis proposed bitlevel-based image secret-sharing wherein a gray or color image is decomposed into several
binary bit-planes. Each bit-plane is treated as a binary secret image that is processed
using VC encryption to form two share images. After that, two gray or color-share images
are generated by composing all the binary share images through stacking these bit-planes.
Therefore, a good reconstruction is achieved by performing decryption by means of simple
Boolean operation in the decomposed bit-planes.
Tsai et al. proposed an image-sharing scheme [13] that combined image-hiding and VC.
In this scheme, secrets are divided into multiple parts that are hidden in the bit-planes of
a set of cover images to form stego-images. The aim of this scheme is to prevent anyone
who processes only one stego-image from gaining information about the secret.
As VC and VC-based applications continue to be studied extensively, the cheating
problem-stacking fake and genuine shares together to reveal the secret-that exists in VC
has been highlighted, and preventing cheating has become an important issue [8, 9, 10].
Horng et al. [8] proposed two methods to prevent cheating in VC. One method was an
intuitive extension from the t-out-of-n scheme to the t-out-of-(n + M ), where the extra
M transparencies must be kept secret by the dealer. The method makes it harder for
the cheater to predict the structure of other transparences. The second method was
an authentication method that works by generating several shares, called authentication
shares [11], that authenticate the integrity of shares prior to stacking them. Cheating is
detected when the fake share is stacked with the specified authentication share. Still, both
methods have drawbacks: the cheating simulation results of the (t, n+L) scheme show that
cheating prevention does not work well, and the second method, which requires the use of
authentication shares, entails substantial additional costs to maintain the authentication
shares. Hu and Tzeng [9] also claimed that there is a way to cheat in the methods
proposed by Horng et al. [8] and proposed a genetic transformation from traditional VC
schemes to cheat-preventing VC schemes. However, the assumption of Hu and Tzeng’s
scheme, that a (2, 2) VC also suffers the cheating problem, is not always true because one
share-holder does not know the disclosed secret prior to stacking the two shares, so the
cheating results in nonsense.
Tsai et al. [10] improved Horng et al.’s authentication-based scheme [8] using a genetic
algorithm that adopted multiple, distinct secret images so that each set of share pairs
reveals a different secret image.
However, the cheating problem prevention schemes do not determine whether cheating attacks have happened. Instead, the participants face the recovered vague secret.
Moreover, the existing cheating-prevention schemes [8, 9, 10] inherited the drawbacks of
traditional VC, that is, alignment difficulties and extra cost of managing shares. To solve
this problem, Zhao et al. [15] and Chang et al. [16] separately proposed verifiable secretsharing schemes. However, most verifiable secret-sharing schemes allow participants to
verify only their received shadows instead of the reconstructed secret image [15]. In 2007,
Wang et al. [ 14] proposed two VSS schemes, one a probabilistic (2, n) scheme for binary
images and the other an (n, n) scheme for binary and grayscale images, in which Boolean
AND and XOR operations are used. However, for the (2, n) scheme, a secret image cannot
be exactly reconstructed and directly extended to a (k, n) scheme.
There are four general criteria for evaluating secret sharing techniques: security, accuracy, computational complexity, and shadow size, also called pixel expansion. Designing
Z.H. Wang, C.C. Chang, H.N. Tu and M.C. Li
a scheme that meets all four criteria is the goal of many scholars. In particular, a VC
scheme must satisfy the security criterion and reconstruct the secret image accurately. In
this paper, we propose a new visual secret-sharing method for binary images that allows
participants to verify the reconstructed secret image. To enhance participants’ reliability
in the image, a binary watermark image of the same size as the secret image is first embedded into generated shadows during the share construction procedure. This watermark
helps participants identify whether the collected shadows were damaged. The sums and
modular operation are used to generate a shadow set and a reconstructed secret image
so that the scheme maintains a low computation cost, and a torus automorphism [17] is
used to enhance its security. Experimental results show that our scheme satisfies the four
basic criteria of a VSS scheme-security, accuracy, computational complexity and the size
of shadow-and allows participants to verify their reconstructed secret images.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 briefly describes Wang et al.’s
method. Then a detailed description of our proposed scheme is given in Section 3. Section
4 illustrates the experimental results for our proposed scheme and provides an analysis of
performance on binary images. Finally, our conclusions are summarized in Section 5.
2. Preliminary. To enhance the security of the proposed scheme, after generating two
shadows, we exploit a transformation named torus automorphism to permute them to
be random images, sized HW. Therefore, herein, the torus automorphism is briefly introduced. The detailed of the torus automorphism is represented as below. Suppose that we
have an image O sized N, the Arnold’s cat map permute the pixel
[ located
[at the position
(x, y) to the new position (x′ ,y ′ ) by the following formula:
z z+1
[ ]
mod N where mod is the modulo operation and 0| ≤ x, y, x′ , y ′ | ≤ N − 1. It can be
seen that the new position (x′ ,y ′ ) is determined if the parameter z is known. Therefore,
the parameter z can be kept by participants as a secret key. After some iterations of the
transformation, the image O becomes a random image R. However, if we rotate further
iterations of the transformation, the image R will be returned to the original image O.
3. The proposed scheme. The proposed scheme uses a watermark image to verify
the reconstructed secret image so that a defined participant does not need to execute
shadow verification during both the shares reconstruction phase and the revealing phase.
Our scheme can be divided into two procedures: (1) the shares construction procedures,
and (2) the revealing and verifying procedures. First, during the shares construction
procedure, the dealer generates two shadows, called SA and SB, from the secret image I
and a binary watermark L. Second, the dealer applies a torus automorphism to permute
two generated shadows. During the revealing and verifying procedure, participants repermute two collected shadows and later reconstruct a secret image I ′ and an extract
watermark L′ . A flowchart of our proposed scheme is shown in Figure 1, and detailed
descriptions of two procedures are given in the following subsections.
3.1. Share construction procedure. The shares construction procedure consists
five steps, as illustrated in the flowchart in Figure 2.
Shares construction algorithm
Input : An H×W original secret image I = (Iij ), where i = 0, 1, · · · , H - 1 and j =
1, · · · , W - 1, an H × W watermark image L = (Lij ), where i = 0, 1, · · · , H - 1 and j
0, 1, · · · , W - 1.
Output:Two H × W noise-like shadow images S A =(SijA ) and S B =(SijB ) , where i =
1, · · · , H -1 and j = 0, 1, · · · , W - 1.
Sharing a Secret Image in Binary Images with Verification
Figure 1. Flowchart of the proposed scheme
Figure 2. Flowchart of the share construction procedure
Step 1: Set i = 0 and j = 0, which means that the first pixels of both the secret image I
and the watermark image L are considered. Read pixel Iij from the secret image I and
read watermark pixel Lij from the watermark image L.
Step 2: Obtain pixel of shadow SA by computing
SijA = ⌊((Iij × 2 + Lij + 1)mod4)/2⌋
Step 3: Find the value for pixel of shadow SB , using the formula:
SijB = (Iij × 2 + Lij + 1)mod2
Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until all pixels are processed. The outputs of this algorithm are two
noise-like shadows, S A and S B .
Step 4: After constructing two shadows, apply a torus automorphism to permute the
position of pixels in these shadows. The purpose of this step is to enhance the security of
our method.
The example given here demonstrates the proposed shares construction phase.
Z.H. Wang, C.C. Chang, H.N. Tu and M.C. Li
Example 3.1. Assume that we have a 2×2 secret image I and a 2×2 watermark image
L, as shown in Figures 3 and 4.
First, let us consider the first pixel of the secret image and the watermark image as I1,1
and L1,1 , respectively. The first pixel of shadow SA is obtained by formula (3):S1,1
⌊((I1,1 × 2 + L1,1 + 1)mod4)/2⌋=1. The first pixel of shadow S is computed by formula
(4): S1,1
= (I1,1 × 2 + L1,1 + 1)mod2=0. Similarly, we generate all the pixels of the two
shadows, as shown in Figures 5 and 6.
After two shadows are generated, we permute two shadows using torus automorphism.
When this step is finished, these permuted shadows will be kept private by two defined
Figure 3. Original Secret Image I
Figure 4. Watermark Image L
Figure 5. Shadow Image S A
Figure 6. Shadow Image S B
3.2. Revealing and verifying procedure. The proposed revealing and verifying procedure allows the defined participants to extract the embedded watermark and reconstruct
the secret image from the two collected shadows, S A and S B . The image quality of the
reconstructed secret image is the same as that of the original secret image and has no
distortion. Moreover, the procedure helps legitimate participants verify the reconstructed
secret image I ′ based on the extracted watermark L′ . Figure 7 is a flowchart of our proposed revealing and verifying procedure.
Revealing algorithm
Step 1: Apply the torus automorphism algorithm to shadows S A and S B to obtain the
original shadows, S A and S B .
Sharing a Secret Image in Binary Images with Verification
Figure 7. Flowchart of the share construction procedure
Step 2: Read the pixel SijA of shadow S A and the pixel SijB of shadow S B .
Step 3: Reconstruct the pixel of the reconstructed secret image using the formula:
Iij′ = ⌊((SijA × 2 + SijB + 3)mod4)/2⌋
Step 4: Obtain the pixel L′ij using the formula:
L′ij = (SijA × 2 + SijB + 3)mod2
Step 5: Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all the pixels of two shadows are processed.
Step 6: Determine any difference between the original watermark and the reconstructed
watermark. The extracted watermark can be verified by using mean square error (M SE).
If the MSE value is equal to 0, the extracted watermark is the same as the hidden one
and there has been no cheating by any participant. Otherwise, the receiver can ask the
dealer to distribute all the shadows again.
The following example is given to demonstrate the revealing phase more clearly. Assume
that, after applying torus automorphism to the collected shadows, we receive two 2×2
shadow images as shown in Figures 8 and 9.
Figure 8. Shadow Image S A
Figure 9. Shadow Image S B
The first pixel of the reconstructed secret image is computed by using formula (5):
+ 3)mod4)/2⌋=0. The first pixel of shadow S B is computed by
× 2 + S1,1
I1,1 = ⌊((S1,1
Z.H. Wang, C.C. Chang, H.N. Tu and M.C. Li
using formula (4): L′1,1 = (S1,1
× 2 + S1,1
+ 3)mod2=1. Similarly, we generate all the pixels
of the reconstructed image and the extracted watermark image as shown in Figures 10
and 11.
Figure 10. Reconstructed Secret Image I
Figure 11. Extracted Watermark Image L
It is clear that the reconstructed secret image I ′ and the extracted watermark L′ shown
in Figures 10 and 11 are exactly like those shown in Figures 3 and 4, so our proposed
scheme can generate the same secret image I and watermark image L, without any distortion, when no cheating occurs on either shadow S A or shadow S B .
4. Experimental results. In this paper, we propose a (2, 2) secret-sharing scheme that
satisfies the four general criteria of security, accuracy, computational complexity and
shadow size, but that also archives the reversibility of the extracted secret image. To
demonstrate how the scheme successfully achieves these objectives, this section produces
a set of experimental results. Experimental results and discussions about the four general
criteria are presented in subsections 4.1, 4.2 4.3 and 4.4. To illustrate the features of our
proposed scheme, the comparisons between our scheme, Wang et al.’s scheme [30] and
Lukac and Plataniotis’ scheme are presented in subsection 4.5.
To illustrate our scheme, we used a set of test images shown in Figure 12. The set
contains six 512512 binary images: “Lena,” “Peppers,” “Baboon,” “F16,” “GoldHill,”
and “Boat.” In the test sets, “Lena,” “Peppers” and “Baboon” serve as the secret image,
while “Boat,” “GoldHill” and “F16” serve as the watermarks that are used to verify the
reconstructed secret images.
4.1. Security analysis. To guarantee that our scheme satisfies the security criterion in
that it avoids leaking any information about the original secret image, torus automorphism
is used to relocate the constructed shadows after they have been generated. The sets of
shadows generated by our scheme are shown in Figures 13.
4.2. Accuracy. In our experiments, the peak signal-to-noise ratio (P SN R) defined in
Equation (7) is used to evaluate the quality of the reconstructed binary images. In general,
a higher P SN R means that the quality of the reconstructed image is better. Basically,
P SN R value should range from 30dB to 40dB if a scheme offers good visual quality.
where MSE is the mean square error between the original image and reconstructed image.
For an original grayscale image with a size of H×W, the corresponding M SE is defined
in Equation (8).
P SN R = 10 × log10
Sharing a Secret Image in Binary Images with Verification
Figure 12. Six binary test images
Figure 13. Shadow images generated by our proposed scheme
W ∑
(Qxy − Q′xy )
W × H x=1 y=1
Z.H. Wang, C.C. Chang, H.N. Tu and M.C. Li
where Qxy and Q′xy are the pixel values at position (x, y) of the original secret image and
the reconstructed secret image, respectively.
Our proposed scheme can reconstruct the secret image with no distortion. Therefore,
the expected M SE value is equal to 0. To determine the accuracy of our proposed scheme,
three original secret images and their reconstructed secret images are shown in Figure 14.
Figure 14. Quality of reconstructed images with binary test images
4.3. Computational complexity. According to the descriptions of our proposed scheme,
the computational cost depends on only two operations: the sums operation and torus
automorphism. Clearly, the complexity of the sums operation is very low and has very
little effect on the computational complexity of our scheme. The experimental results,
including the execution time of our scheme, are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Computational complexity of our scheme with binary images
Binary images
Sharing a Secret Image in Binary Images with Verification
4.4. Pixel expansion. During the share construction process, our proposed scheme generates two shadows that have the same size of the original secret image. As formulas (3)
and (4) show, each pixel Lij and Iij located at the ith row and the jth column of the
watermark image and the secret image, respectively, is used to generate the (i, j) pixel of
shadows. Thus, our proposed scheme does not cause a pixel expansion problem. Table 2
shows the correlation between the original image size and the shadow size.
Table 2. Correlation between original image size and its shadow size
Size of the original image
Size of the shadow S A
Size of the shadow S B
Binary images
4.5. Evaluation of verifying. The mean square error (M SE) in Equations (7) and (8)
is used to identify whether cheating has occurred by comparing the content of an original
watermark with that of an extracted one. If the M SE value is equal to zero, there is
no difference between the two watermarks. If the M SE value is not equal to zero, the
reconstructed secret image I ′ is unreliable.
Figure 15 shows the extracted watermarks, the reconstructed secret images and their
verification results. In this scenario, one shadow is partially damaged; the corresponding
M SE of the extracted watermark is not equal to “0” for “Peppers” and “Baboon” because
the shadow S A of “Peppers” and the shadow S B of “Baboon” are damaged. The two
shadows of “Lena” in Figure 15(a) are unchanged.
4.6. Comparisons. To demonstrate the features of our proposed scheme, this subsection
compares our scheme with Wang et al.’s scheme [30] and Lukac and Plataniotis’s scheme
[25] in terms of number of shadows, the style of the secret image, shadow size, computational complexity, MSE value, and verifying ability. - Number of shadows: Both our
proposed scheme and Wang et al.’s scheme can be used to generate two shadows during
shares construction phase while Lukac and Plataniotis’ scheme can generate n (n > 2)
- Style of secret image: Style of secret image is used to specify that the secret image
is binary, grayscale or color image. In this term, the binary images can be used in our
scheme and Wang et al.’s scheme. In, Lukac and Plataniotis’s scheme, binary image is
also adopted to generate shadows. However, their scheme can be extended for grayscale
images and color images. - Shadow size: This criterion is considered to determine whether
pixel expansion problem occurs. Even for binary, grayscale or color images, Lukac and
Plataniotis’s scheme generates a set of shadows whose size is twice bigger than that of
the original secret image. On the contrary, the size of shadows generated by our scheme
and Wang et al.’s scheme is equal to the original secret one.
- Verifying ability: We take this criterion to evaluate whether the scheme can be applied
to verify the reconstructed image. It is clear that only our scheme can verify the reconstructed images to make sure that the collected shadows are valid; while Wang et al.’s
scheme and Lukac and Plataniotis’s scheme cannot verify the image after reconstructing.
- Computational complexity: Wang et al.’s scheme uses Boolean operations, AND and
XOR. All of them are low complex operations. However, in the construction phase, it
needs more time to generate (n + 1) random matrices and then compute n intermediate
matrices before constructing shadows. In Lukac and Plataniotis’s scheme, the halftoning
Z.H. Wang, C.C. Chang, H.N. Tu and M.C. Li
Figure 15. Quality of reconstructed images when one shadow is partially damaged
and inverse halftoning steps are required during encryption and decryption phases, respectively. Our proposed scheme only uses the basic operations and after that employs
torus automorphism to reorganize the shadows. Thus, the computational cost is very low.
In other words, the computational complexity of our scheme is lower than others.
- MSE value: MSE is used to evaluate the different between extracted watermark and
the original watermark. If the MSE is equal to zero, it is said that the extracted watermark
is exactly recovered, and the reconstructed secret image can be trusted. Otherwise, the
extracted watermark is unreliable. In our scheme, both the extracted watermark and the
secret image are the same as the original ones. Lukac and Plataniotis’s scheme also can
reconstruct the original secret image completely. In contrast, the reconstructed secret
image with Wang et al. is not the same as the original one.
- Style of shadow: This term is discussed to determine that the shadows are noise-like
or meaningful shadows. In this criterion, all of the shadows generated by our scheme,
Wang et al.’s scheme and Lukac and Plataniotis’s scheme are noise-like shadows.
The abridgment of these criteria is shown in Table 3.
5. Conclusions. The paper proposes a visual secret-sharing scheme for binary images.
Our proposed scheme satisfies the four general criteria required for visual secret sharing
systems and also offers verifiability not available in previous visual secret-sharing scheme.
Moreover, the computational complexity of our proposed scheme is very low, so it is
suitable for real-time applications.
Sharing a Secret Image in Binary Images with Verification
Table 3. Comparison between our scheme, Wang et al.’s scheme and
Lukac and Plataniotis’ scheme
Number of
shadows (n)
Style of
secret image
Shadow size
MSE value
Style of
et Lukac and Proposed
n ¿= 2
n >= 2
or color
M SE > 0
M SE = 0
M SE = 0
Acknowledgment. The authors also gratefully acknowledge the helpful comments and
suggestions of the reviewers, which have improved the presentation.
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