June Newsletter 2012 - Geological Society of Australia


June Newsletter 2012 - Geological Society of Australia
The Queensland Geologist
The Newsletter of the Geological Society of Australia Inc. Queensland Division
Volume 112 #3 – June 2012
Upcoming Events
GSAQ Annual Report
2012 EKKA: call for volunteers, student scholarships also available
Australia's Heritage Strategy
Call for nominations for Dorothy Hill and N.C. Stevens Medals
New members
GSA Publications
GSAQ committee list
GSAQ committee nomination form (2012-2013)
Audited Treasurers Report for 2011
GSAQ Presentation and AGM
Proposed changes to the governance of the Geological Society of Australia
Federal Committee.
Laurie Hutton (Vice President of the Federal Committee of the GSA and
also Chair of the Queensland Division of the GSA)
Wednesday 6th of June
The Theodore Club, 333 Adelaide St, Brisbane (meet in the bar on the 1st floor;
the talk is on the 13th floor)
5:15 pm for food. AGM at 6pm 9approx 10 minutes) followed by presentation
Free - includes finger food
As some of you are aware, GSA must change its governance arrangements. At the 2010 Council
meeting the current Executive was requested to identify an alternative model and report back.
The need for change arises because our current Rules do not comply with many of the
mandatory requirements of the Associations Incorporation Act 1991 (the Act). Most
importantly, they do not provide for the election and functioning of a Governing Council. This
topic is important to all GSA members but will also be interesting to other societies who may
face similar pressures over the coming years.
JCU Earth and Environmental Science Seminars
Where & when:
Fridays at 4pm, Room 124, Building 34, JCU, Townsville
Dates, Presenter, & Topic:
Wednesday 6th June Rob Holm
Title to be announced
The Queensland Geologist
GSA Queensland Annual Report 2011/2012
The 2011/2012 year was busy for many committee members, but the Geological Society of
Australia – Queensland Division strived to bring high quality talks to our usual meetings. Student
medal presentations were also organised to reward students for high achievements in geological
courses. This year we once again set up a booth at the EKKA, jointly with AIG.
Talks hosted by our Society covered a variety of subjects including a presentation on asteroid
impacts and their affects on crustal evolution by Andrew Glikson; Rare Earth Elements by Adrian
Day, and Mark Berry gave a talk on "Geological knowledge management in the Australian minerals
industry – Changes and challenges”. Laurie Hutton arranged the Student Medal Night held at UQ.
After the medals were handed out, Benjamin Cohen gave a talk on spending two months aboard an
IODP expedition to the Louisville Seamounts in the southwest Pacific.
This year’s EKKA once again proved to be a huge success in providing information about rocks,
geology and mining to the public. Over 81,000 people attended the EKKA over the 10 days of this
event. The public holidays and weekends were the busiest days but even on the quieter days
volunteers on the booth reported a consistent flow of people through the booth from mid-morning
onwards. Having large specimens that can be handled is a major drawcard for luring people into our
booth. Other features in the booth were posters on geological topics, a glass cabinet with small,
valuable and fragile minerals, fossils and gemstones, a darkened cabinet displaying minerals that
fluoresce under UV light, free pamphlets on a variety of topics, and the Rocks and Landscapes
books for sale. For the kids that showed a genuine interest in rocks and fossils we had some agates
from Agate Creek to give away, to the delight of the recipients. Thanks to Prue Kobiolke and Cath
Ranford of Renison Consolidated Mines for collecting the agates and delivering them to Brisbane.
Also this year the GSA-Qld and AIG began to plan for a jointly presented medal for Exploration
Geologists of note and it was decided to call it the John Campbell Miles Medal. Plans are now
underway to strike the mould and make a batch of medals.
Unfortunately no nominations were submitted for the Neville Stevens or Dorothy Hill Medals and
thus none were awarded this year.
Dr Laurie Hutton
Chairman GSA-Qld
O’Malleys Irish Pub –
Basement Level of the Wintergarden in the Queen Street Mall, Brisbane CBD
5.30pm on every Wednesday evening if your work/spouse/budget/health allows!
Volume 112 No. 3 – June 2012
Call for expression of interest for volunteers: 2012 EKKA 9th to 18th of August
Over the past four years over 50,000 people per year browsed through the National Science Pavilion
at the EKKA - of which the GSAQ-AIG stand was a part. We are confident that many more people
will return again this year. Due to the unique exposure to the public from all over Queensland and
even interstate - especially primary and secondary students - the GSAQ and AIG committees have
agreed that the value of maintaining a presence in the “Education” Pavilion of the EKKA is of high
priority. The RNA has confirmed that the same pavilion used last year has been allocated to
science-related booths and displays, workshops and activities. We may find some familiar groups
there (e.g., CSIRO, UQ, QUT, Young Scientists of Australia, Kronosaurus Corner, and Red Cross),
and may also see new educational groups. This year the RNA is organizing a primary educational
trail through the area, to which we may want to contribute some information or activities.
In light of the 34th IGC occurring at the same time as the EKKA, with potential volunteers engaged
in attending the conference, it will be very important for GSAQ and AIG to get significant numbers
of volunteers for the booth (since we will be required to occupy the booth at all times) as well as
fresh ideas for the display. So if you would like to volunteer, or know someone who does, please
contact us at the EKKA subcommittee ASAP.
Volunteers will have one pass to the EKKA for the day they nominate to work on the booth. GSAQ
members, please let Friedrich von Gnielinski (friedrich.vongnielinski@deedi.qld.gov.au) know if
you are available or can provide input to the new subcommittee. You can nominate preferred times
and these will be incorporated into the roster wherever possible. GSAQ and AIG will need to
occupy the booth from about 8:30am to 7pm every day, with the actual booth time from 9:00am to
6:30pm. Since full days are a long haul for most we have split the shifts into morning and afternoon
shifts. We only have a limited number of passes though (less than last year), so it would be best to
have at least one person cover each full day shift if possible. The RNA has also given approval to
have the GSAQ booklets sold at the stand again this year. There will be a cash receipt book with the
money tin and a stock of booklets in a side cupboard.
GSAQ and AIG-Q offer Earth Science students a "Sponsorship for providing Earth Science
promotion at the EKKA" for 2012
This year GSAQ and AIG are offering sponsorship to all students that assist at the EKKA, but this
will be tied with some conditions:
All student volunteer members MUST be members of GSA or new pending applications
must be received prior to the start of the EKKA. The main reason for this is that all
scholarship awardees need to be covered by volunteer insurance while working on EKKA
grounds, and only members are covered.
Students agree to be available at the stand for one (or multiple thereof) day(s) at the stand.
This equates to approximately 6 hours per day.
Earth Science students have the opportunity to assist at the Earth Sciences Booth at the EKKA
either for one, two or three days, granting them a scholarship for $120, $240, or $360 respectively.
The sponsorship amount is fixed as the equivalent of 6 hours at $20 per hour. All students
participating with this scholarship will also receive day passes for the days they are at the booth.
The payment is a one-off tax-free sponsorship, payable after the event is concluded.
Friedrich von Gnielinski
EKKA co-ordinator
The Queensland Geologist
Have your say on Australia’s Heritage Strategy
The Australian Government is seeking public input to help develop a new strategy for the
identification, management and celebration of Australia’s heritage. The new strategy will cover
natural, Indigenous and historic heritage and set the direction for heritage policies and programs at
all levels of government for the next 10 years.
Public consultation is a critical step in the development of the strategy and comment is invited from
the community about how we can best recognise, manage and celebrate our heritage. The feedback
received in response to the public consultation paper now available will help inform the
development of the Australian Heritage Strategy.
For information on how to make a submission and to download the public consultation paper visit
Media releases from the Department and the Australian Heritage are available at
Submissions will be accepted up until 15 June 2012.
Call for nominations: GSAQ Dorothy Hill and N.C. Stevens Medals
The Dorothy Hill medal is awarded for contributions to the advance of geological knowledge in Queensland
through publication of original research. The N.C. Stevens medal recognizes contributions to the geological
community and/or promotion of public awareness of Earth Sciences in Queensland.
A written justification that will form the basis for a citation must accompany each nomination and should be
forwarded to our secretary. Nominations for the Dorothy Hill Medal should preferably include a
comprehensive list of publications by the nominee. Nominations will remain current for a period of five
Details of the guidelines are available on the Queensland Division’s website at:
New Members
Matshelwa (Mat) MAFU
Paulus DIRKS
Kirtsy-Lee LAMB
Angela MacKINNON
Stuart ELLAR
Ordinary Member
Ordinary Member
Ordinary Member
Ordinary Member
Student Member
Graduate Member
Graduate Member
Student Member
Ordinary Member
Graduate Member
Graduate Member
Student Member
Volume 112 No. 3 – June 2012
GSAQ Publications
Rocks and Landscapes of the Gold Coast Hinterland by Warwick Willmott
The GSA Queensland Division has now released a brand
new version of its booklet ‘Rocks and Landscapes of the
Gold Coast Hinterland’ which has been popular with a
range of people for 24 years, but has been out of print for
some time.
This new third edition is in full colour and is considerably
expanded (88pp), with a chapter on Acid Sulfate Soils,
more on the Tertiary volcanoes, landslide problems, and
additional excursion descriptions. We hope it will be useful
for a new generation of geologists, students, engineers, and
The price for this book is still an unbelievable $11 plus $3
postage. You can send your orders to Warwick Willmott, at
(07) 3379 6485, willmott@powerup.com.au, or GSA
Divisional Booksales, C/- W Willmott 179 Victoria Ave
Chelmer QLD 4068.
Rocks, Landscapes & Resources of the Wet Tropics by Bernd Lottermoser et al.
This book explains how the Wet Tropics region has formed
over many millions of years, and the results of this
geological history. It describes the relatively young
volcanic activity on the Atherton Tableland, how the
landscapes and scenery have developed, and how and
where mineral deposits formed. It includes chapters on the
development and habitats of the Great Barrier Reef, the
region’s soil types and erosion potential, and its water
The authors are from the School of Earth and
Environmental Sciences of James Cook University in
Townsville and Cairns, and are distinguished in their
respective fields.
The cost is $11 + $3 postage and handling.
The Queensland Geologist
Queensland Division Executive Committee 2011-2012
Chairman, Education Subcommittee & Awards Convenor
Dr Laurie Hutton
3035 3212
3211 3920
Prof. Gregg Webb
3365 2181
3365 1277
A/Secretary & Webmaster
Dr Paul Blake
3035 5211
3211 3920
Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Video Library, & EKKA Subcommittee chair
Mr Friedrich von Gnielinski
3035 5222
3211 3920
Newsletter Editor
Dr Benjamin Cohen
3346 7599
GSA Publications
Mr Warwick Willmott
3379 6485
AIG Representatives
Mr Doug Young
Mr Mark Berry
3236 4188
3230 9028
3365 1277
Central Queensland Regional Representative
Mr Andrew Williams
4952 5255
4952 5455
Committee Members
Prof. Sue Golding
Dr Peter Jell
Mr Ian Withnall
Dr Lloyd Hamilton
3365 1159
3035 5221
3035 5210
3365 1277
3211 3920
3211 3920
General correspondence should be addressed to our secretary:
Dr Paul Blake, GPO Box 1820, Brisbane Qld 4001.
For subscription and address changes please contact the GSA's main office:
Sue Fletcher, Executive Director, GSA, Suite 61, 104 Bathurst Street, Sydney NSW 2000.
Phone: (02) 9290 2194 Fax: (02) 9290 2198 EMAIL: info@gsa.org.au
Advertising and Sponsorship Rates:
Our newsletter is circulated to about 500 members across Queensland, as well as being posted on our
web page. It represents an ideal opportunity to advertise your company and services.
width x height
Full page
17.2 x 24.1 cm
Half page
17.2 x 11.9 cm or 8.4 x 24.1 cm
Quarter Page
17.2 x 5.8 cm or 8.4 x 11.9 cm
Business card
8.4 x 5.8 cm
Pamphlets and Flyers (as inserts)
1 issue
~ $100
12 months (5 issues)
Volume 112 No. 3 – June 2012
Geological Society of Australia Inc, Queensland Division
Nominations for Executive Committee for 2012/2013 are now being accepted.
I, .......................................................................................................................(full name)
agree to accept nomination for the position of (please circle one):
Executive Committee
Honorary Secretary
Honorary Treasurer
Membership Secretary
Newsletter Editor
Committee Member (no limit to numbers)
Regional Representatives
Central Queensland
Northern Queensland
Northwestern Queensland
Nominated by:
Seconded by:
Please mail or fax your nominations today.
Paul Blake
Acting Honorary Secretary
C/- Geological Survey of Queensland
Level 11/ 119 Charlotte Street
Brisbane QLD 4000
Ph. (07) 30355211
Fax (07) 32113920
Further expressions of interest can be sent via e-mail to: Paul.Blake@deedi.qld.gov.au
The Queensland Geologist
Audited GSAQ Hon. Treasurers Report for 2011
Arrangements of how GSAQ operates their accounts have changed to conform to the Australian
Tax offices regulations. In the past GSAQ has independently run their own account, sold books
using a GSAQ ABN and submitted financial books to an independent auditor. As of January 2012
the Queensland Division has aligned to the operating procedures of the Federal GSA. The GSAQ
ABN was terminated and the GSAQ has adopted a quarterly financial reporting system to the
Federal Business Manager. Book sales are now using the Federal ABN, which includes GST
To conclude with the previous system of operations, an audit of the calendar activities for 2011 was
prepared and is published in this newsletter on the subsequent pages. Future audits will be carried
out through the Federal office audit processes only, using the divisional quarterly reports.
Friedrich von Gnielinski (Hon-Treasurer)